Non-tennis forum

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45 Comments on Non-tennis forum

  1. Nny,

    Never mind me. My earlier wishy washiness is embarrassing! I’ve spent my day off studying what started off as confusing and conflicting information on too many fronts a week ago.

    I value your opinions, wisdom and advice on the matter of all things but in my mind after reading the transcripts in writing of the questions both Cohen and Steele ask be considered and their points of view – I feel clear. We are being lied to by the power players – same as usual. Follow the money. Look who benefits from the present propaganda. It’s a bi-partisan lie – there are still more progressives who are ready to face the truth but I doubt democrats in general are. Definitely Tillerson, right-wing Republicans, and the corporate class in power is the most heavily invested in perpetual war as usual. It’s why I was done with the Clintons and Obama. I’m done with the democrats other than those who can represent and speak the truth. Military technology — I’m sick of it. Was sick of hearing about drone attacks and atrocities during Obama’s admin. As if the hydrogen bombs haven’t been enough since 1950 to sink every land mass on the planet and render earth uninhabitable for tens of centuries to come.

    The thing is, I was just deciding which issue was most pressing a week ago — healthcare for all, single-payer, is the answer. There’s no other option. Then there’s Jeff Sessions and his agenda – I can’t/won’t start.

    This continual escalation, perpetuation of war and the profiteering of Raytheon and the other military/industrial players at the expense of humanity and the planet – it’s absurd that I was even considering falling for the same old lies. I’m solidly on the side of Lavrov and Putin when it comes specifically to the chemical attack in Syria (not that I support the Russian Oligarchy, bigots and nationalists). We are in another situation deja vu Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, Latin America, South America, Africa, Palestine…the list is long. I can’t think about Puerto Rico or the Barrier Reef without getting sick. It all makes me sick…

    Rant over. Action is required. Sorry. I feel bad bringing my angst into tennisgrand.

    Vamos Rafa in MC. Hoping to glimpse his best clay tennis once again.

    • You can talk about injustices etc because you live in the US. You should try living in those countries you have admiration for and you will realize that compared to the wrongs they do, we are much better off. But you really have to live there to understand what I am saying. You take for granted all the good things you have here. It is only when you live in Russia or Saudi Arabia or say, Syria that you will you realize the value of the things you take for granted. This reminds me of a story of a man who had one cow. Everyday he used to pray to God to give him a second cow. One day his one cow went missing. Then he prayed to God to return his cow and promised to be grateful for having one cow.

      • I don’t admire Putin and his repressive dictatorship. Saudi Arabia ? HA! I wouldn’t last a day there lol…

        My fight here is for Democracy but not the direction it’s been going and currently is headed.

        • Well, I’d contend that it’s no longer a true democracy, and soon it may no longer even be that.

          rc, what do you think are the immediate goals of Russia and the US for military action in Syria?

          I think they are both supporting the Assad regime.

          • Hawkeye, I agree. They are both supporting Assad.

            Trump and his inner circle will lie about it spin it any way they can through Sinclair broadcasting, which is Fox News, only bigger. There has turned up in my satellite channel list a new news program called One America, which is a glimpse of what I would call Trump TV.

            Democracy Now and the Intercept is where I find daily reports of daily bombings and operations in Yemen, Iraq, and Syria. In fact this morning’s Democracy Now was interviewing Jeremy Schiller and Glen Greenwald…

            We still have a democracy but it is under attack from outside (elements in Russia) and from within – the GOP.

            We have to fight for our freedoms and fight resist Trump who is dangerously in love with Authoritarian regimes like I’m Egypt, Phillipines, Saudia Arabia,…in fact Trump leaked the news of our submarines position to Duarte…and admires his war on drugs…read the Intercept. It’s completely crazy.

            Also the Trumpcare/tax cuts for the rich budget hopefully gets squashed in the Senate…23 million people will lose healthcare…and on and on…no more meals on wheels for the elderly…gosh I could go on…it’s unreal.

          • Jeremy Scahill. NOT Schiller
            Jeremy Scahill is fighting the fight to get the reports made public that anti democracy elements want squashed.

          • Yeah, I’m on top of most of what is going on since Trump took office. And it is incredible what is happening to social programs.

            With the electoral college continuing to be further abused, it is a questionable democracy and I think its 50/50 whether there will even be an election in 2018. Even if there is, I can see GOP getting in with even far less of the popular vote than 2016.

            I read that InfoWars received WH press credentials yesterday.

            Never thought I’d see this in my life time in North America. Naive thinking.

          • Not yet, Hawks, but i wa to! I”m pretty busy.
            Did you see what haopened to a Guardian reporter who was trying to ask a GOP congessman a question about the budget? Throttled and body-slammed it the ground in Bozeman, Montana.

            I’m not surprised Alex Jones/Info Wars has WH press credentials.
            There are attacks on our Democracy nonstop since Trump took office, day one.

          • All Bannon orchestrated IMO.

            Yeah, I heard. Between NYT The Daily podcast and Twitter, I’m pretty up to speed as soon as anything happens. Talk about shock and awe – it’s never ending (by design).

  2. Nny!…Hey,how r u today?Hope it muuuuuuuucccchhhhhh better than we last chat…and’s my usual wishes 4 i sent 2 pic at once because i don’t know when i can send u internet was crashed in my area…and i want to wish u good luck for our Rafa as well..oh!btw..make sure u fill the Bracket okay?LOVE U FROM AFAR Nny!!!Woooohoooo!!VAMOS RAFA!!

  3. This loss hits me hard. I loved Michele Scarponi. Can’t imagine what it must be like for his wife and kids, close friends, and teammates. Everyone loved him. These tragedies happen in cycling but this man was someone you always looked for in a race because he makes the race more fun and interesting…he radiated joy and passion. Rest peacefully dear Scarpa. Gone too soon.

  4. Is there anyone else who is as pissed off as I am with the ITF live-streaming site? This is an expensive annual subscription but gave coverage of all DC matches for 12 months. In January I received an email to say they were upgrading the site plus the usual platitudes promising improvements and offering a free trial subscription when it is launched i.e. undoubtedly the precursor to a price hike 🙁

    Since then nothing. Have written to them twice asking for news – both emails have been ignored and so far the promised reimbursement of the unused subscription has not materialised.

    • Just available for Davis Cup though the Davis Cup web site, no?

      I’m not aware of any official streaming subscription for slam tennis, is there?

      • In short, no. When I go to their site there is no mention of how to subscribe. I lost all my history post the power surge which burnt out my computer (and yes I have now invested in a surge protector) so cant backtrack to my original ITF account details.

        re: the Slams. The ITF do not provide any coverage. I use Eurosport Player which gives total coverage of all courts with TV facilities.

  5. Prpgress report

    Have finally elicited a response from the ITF (after a very sharp message from me about their inefficiency and discourtesy) who tell me the new site is still under construction but cannot give a date when this will be. i guess the revised DC format has put a spanner in the works.

    • Oh Al!U got it bad!!Hehehe…that’s okay,go to work first and then when u come home,relax and think about it some more okay sis?

    • Okay Al!U take care of yourself when you’re at work k?Don’t nightdreamin’ bout certain someone u hear?It’s dangerous to do that at workplace!hahaha…be safe sis!Hugs and kisses from afar!!Wooo!

  6. Help needed. I managed to add a new photo for my avatar which appeared above once but only once. Have no idea how I got there and it has since disappeared. Can somebody tell me in baby language what I have to do!!!!!!!.

      • I’ve tried that but still cant get to ‘How to change my Avatar’

        |It’s doing my head in having managed to do it successfullly on May 1st 🙁

        Anyway thanks for trying. I’ll email Ricky

  7. Hey Ricky!From the words up there from elisabethiv3..i take it’s a porn something??Why u let those junk appeared in this forum?I know this is non tennis forum..but is it suitable for this site?I’m sure other poster’s will agree with me…

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