Non-tennis forum

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51 Comments on Non-tennis forum

  1. RC Yeah not too bad for a lady of her years, getting a little bit smaller and frailer, and doesnt remember what day it is, which is to be expected, but she does well still walks about short distances though, shes a lovely lady, and a pleasure to care for ๐Ÿ˜‰ ….

  2. Tignor from Sept. 10, 2011…

    “But this exemplary tennis player and competitor was at his best, in his mix of emotion and perspective, when he was talking about something that had nothing to do with sports. Nadal mentioned 9/11 in his post-match remarks on court, and he was asked about it in the interview room. He said that he had been to the Trade Center four months before the attacks on a visit with his family, and that the image of the smoking towers was โ€œfreshโ€ for him then.

    โ€œThatโ€™s a hard day for all the people in New York tomorrow,โ€ Nadal said, โ€œall the people in America. But I think for all the people around the world, too, no? I am not an exception.โ€”

  3. reading the latest swing state polls with horror. trump is up 5 in ohio, 4 in florida…several races where the dems were up by big margins are now very tight. hillary has dropped so heavily in the polls in crucial swing states in the last fortnight that i am starting to think that the loathsome fascist is going to win.

      • more than worrying rc!!! the thought of don the con with his fat fingers on the nuclear button fills me with terror.
        i don’t think hillary is the right person to be fighting against him. she has none of the charisma and oratatorial skills of barack (i love obama) or her husband.

    • Panic is not an option. The polls are unpredictable now and one has to take into account who is being sampled. The race may be tightening, but there are certain electoral college realities that make this a tough climb for Trump. Also, there are other polls that indicate Hillary is ahead. She has had a tough week with her illness and not disclosing it right away. But trump cannot win without Ohio. Hillary can.

      There is more info coming out about trump that is very damaging. The NY attorney general is investigating his foundation donating money to the campaign of Pam Bondi in Florida. She subsequently dropped the investigation into Trump University. Newsweek also has a story about Trump’s companies and ties to foreign leaders and criminals. So there is damaging info coming out on him finally.

      Obama was in Pennsylvania yesterday campaigning for Hilary and he hit trump hard with a great speech.

      Hillary has had a tough week or two with the media going after her, but now trump us going to feel the heat.

      The debates are coming up. Hillary has to get healthy and be ready for it.

      I don’t think that any of these polls mean that trump will win. In fact, it’s better for democrats to think the race is tight so they make sure to come out and vote.

      I think Hillary is going to bounce back stronger than ever and the latest revelations about trump are going to hurt him.

      • yeah i read all that nny. but i was reading paul krugman’s column and he was saying that he was feeling that this was deja vu as with bush and mondale and then bush and kerry. that the media is coming up with such a distorted picture that the scandals trump is mired in (and there are so many) are not sticking to him as they should.
        the basket of deplorables comment was pretty disastrous. they’d been running on a better together ticket so laying into half his support fractured the whole dem conference message. maybe she made the mistake because she was ill…

        • After all of the nasty things that trump has said, you are trying to tell me that one comment from Hillary is going to lose her the election? That is absurd!

          This double standard is getting to be out of control.

          Look you can believe what you want to believe and who you want to believe. If the stuff about trump is not going to stick abd only bad stuff will stick to Hillary, then there is no hope because that would be a double standard and fundamentally unfair.

          I not surprised about the tightening of the polls. The media went after Hillary for the last two weeks about anything and everything. Then she did not disclose the pneumonia. The deplorables comment was not good, but it is true that there are white supremacists supporting trump and also nights snd racists.

          There is only one way that trump can win and that is by dirty tricks. If he doesn’t win Pennsylvania, then he will lose. He still has a very tough road to a win.

          I am staying positive and will do what I can for the campaign.

          • I meant to say that there are bigots and racists supporting Trump.

            I have to remain positive. I also don’t think that Paul Krugnsn is the last word when it comes to the election. It’s important to keep things in perspective and not get out of control.

            Trump winning us too horrible a prospect to even contemplate, especially with what us coming out about his financial dealings. This is also someone who has not released his tax returns, which has not happened in 40 years. That can only mean he has something to hide. Despite that, there are journalists who are digging and finding more damaging things and bringing them to light. I need to have faith that the American people are not going to elect someone who is dishonest and lies every time he opens his mouth.

            No one said it would be easy.

      • i was very opposed to iraq rc – were you? it was incomprehensible that they didn’t give hans blick the time he was asking for…
        #no WMD

        • Especially disturbing at the end of the video clip is Rudi Giuliani giggling about it the blank check for war still in place, “of course we do, hhehehe” Giuliani is a huge Trump supporter.

          About iraq, yeah, that was BS. I marched in Portland and Seattle — what else could I do? We were being manipulated. There was no weapons of mass destruction there…tragedy and death breeding tragedy and death endlessly. no one wins. We turned into the terrorists.

          • guiliani, christie and co are all quislings. guiliani was at pains after 9/11 not to blame muslim citizens. now he comes up with any old racist garbage to support trump. he’s sold his soul to the devil. there should be a day of reckoning for these people and what they are trying to do.
            i marched against iraq as well, although i hate demos…was so obvious that in removing saddam they were going to bring about something way way worse…public opinion in britain was firmly opposed to the war but no-one listened to us.

  4. Here’s some encouragement amy, (sorta)…

    The ‘not since 1948’ part helped me a little today.
    “But the fundamental difference between two candidates usually gets baked in pretty solidly. The last time a candidate with Clinton’s consistent lead this late lost was 1948. Of course, it’s still possible for something big to change that makes Trump win. But it’s important to understand the difference between headlines like “Trump Cuts Clinton Lead In Half” and saying Trump is going to win.”

    But I’m not a Hillary fan — it’s just that I prefer Hillary to Donald and far prefer the Democratic party to the Republican — because of social the platforms. I’m still bummed about Bernie not getting nominated. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren was my ticket.

    • I am actively working for Hillary’s campaign and the tightening of the polls did not come as a surprise. Ohio and Florida are two key swing states that will go down to the wire. That’s the way it was in 2012. I live in Florida and things are heating up with voter registration and canvassing. Hillary has inherited much of Obama’s ground game and there is a concerted effort to get out the vote in Florida. That will determine who wins those states and it will again go down to the wire as it did in 2012.

      I cautioned a fellow Democrat a few weeks ago when he said that the race was over and Hillary would win in an electoral college landslide. I told him that it was premature to even go there. I said that we cannot take anything for granted.

      All Trump has to do is continue to lie and divide Americans with fear. He will continue to refuse to release his tax returns. Hillary is running on the issues with real policies. Trump has smoke and mirrors.

      I am proud to be volunteering for Hillary’s campaign. I saw Obama’s rally in Pennsylvania and it was wonderful to hear him give a full throated endorsement of her and also take down Trump. He also went after the media for the narrative that they have been promoting lately. He was brilliant.

      If anyone wants to know what Hillary is made of, all they need to do is go watch the 11 hours of testimony she gave at the Congressional hearings last year. I was never more proud of her than I was watching her take on the republicans and come out triumphant. I never doubted that she would. She is tough and will stay in the fight.

      Hillary was my choice eight years ago. After the primary I did support Obama. But now Hillary is my choice again. I am with her all the way and will work with the other great volunteers to make sure that she wins Florida.

      I knew this would be a battle. But I believe that Hillary will be our next President and save us from the horror of a Trump presidency.

      • Kudos to you Nny!! I’m registered in Oregon. Oregon will vote Democratic because of the liberal populous counties in the Portland metro area — but my other home state, Idaho, is radically red. Well I’m not sure what the feeling is in the mostly Mormon Eastern Idaho counties. I’ve worked home health jobs in Idaho Falls/Rexburg area and can’t imagine the LDS bishops are thrilled about Trump but I think their “prophet” in Salt Lake City, Utah, is endorsing Trump. Boise is less Mormon and simply militant hate-Hillary / pro-Trump. Gad-Zukes!! To approach the subject of politics is to invite a loud Sermon about the Great Trump. Thank goodness for the electoral college! Idaho gets only 4 electoral votes ๐Ÿ˜€

        • thanx for that rc. i’ve read some similar articles. but who knows!! what the fascist nut case said last night about her giving up her bodyguards so that people could take experimental pot shots at her will make him drop in the polls (you would hope!!) and also energise the people who don’t like hillary (there are a lot of those) but don’t want this maniac threatening the republic (also a lot). hillary has lost a huge amount of support among the millenials who voted in large numbers for obama and they should come back on side with comments like that and, perhaps even more importantly, the fact that bernie and elizabeth warren are going out on the stump to campaign for her. also obama and michelle will get people on board with their amazing passionate rhetoric.

        • rc,

          At least you live in a very liberal state. It’s a big change being in Florida after relocating g from California. There is a lot of corruption in this state.

          It has come out that Trump made an illegal donation to the campaign of Pam Bondi, when she was running for attorney general. Trump had to pay a fine to the IRS. Then she dropped the investigation into Trump university! What a coincidence!

          I appreciated your link referencing the 1948 election. That happened before I was born, but my parents talked about it all the time. Dewey had a big lead and got complacent and Harry Truman wouldn’t quit and kept on fighting. It’s still considered one of the biggest upsets in our history. There is an iconic picture of Harry Truman holding a newspaper with the headline – Dewey Beats Truman! They were so sure about the result that they printed the paper’s edition before the results came in!

          Democrats cannot be complacent or take anything for granted. I do think that the way trump handled the birther issue yesterday will fire up African Americans. Also, trump said last night that they should take away the guns from the Secret Service agents guarding Hillary. Why? Because according to Trump she hates guns and wants to get rid of them.

          This is what Hillary is up against. Lies and distortions from Trump. He us sending out a dangerous message with code words and phrases, not do subtlely hinting at violence and taking the law into your own hands! Scary!

          Did you see the interview Bernie Sanders gave yesterday? About how he didn’t want his children and grandchildren to live in a country with Trump as President? Go Bernie! He will be campaigning for Hillary this week!

          I am working for the campaign later today. It makes me feel better to be doing something g, no matter how small!

          • You live in a very important battleground state, Nny! If I lived there I’d sign up to volunteer too! California has pockets of counties (thinking of around Redding and in the Sierra-Nevada foothills, like Sonora) that are pretty frightening. Sometimes I worry about California going Trump –it’s such an important state to win too; but then I remember LA and San Francisco. Washington State votes Democratic like Oregon – thanks to the dense liberal population in counties around Seattle and the Puget Sound area. Once you cross the Cascades in Oregon and Washington many counties are sparsely populated and Republican with some very Libertarian pockets – like Idaho, maybe worse. I’ve lived mostly in Portland but do traveling RN assignments in and around all four states. I’d go back to East Idaho sooner than a couple of places in the deep woods of California or Southern Oregon!

            It’s interesting. Boise, Idaho is growing fast. You’d think it would be getting more diverse – but it remains as it is – Republican, Obama and Hillary hating territory, mostly white males and females. And they are sure that Donald Trump is the answer: he’s charming, he’s genius, he’s honest, successful ? and he’ll be good for the economy.

  5. On a lighter note:
    It’s a full moon in Pisces tonight.

    When the Moon is in Pisces ?

    Moon Pisces: We are not inclined to want to face reality while the Moon is in dreamy, impressionable Pisces. It can be a wistful, sensitive, intuitive, and compassionate time. We are especially imaginative, and our intuition reigns under this influence. Boundaries and walls come down, as Pisces energy merges and blends. Itโ€™s a time when details are overlooked and feelings defy description.

    The Moon in Pisces generally favors the following activities: Imaginative undertakings, mystical or spiritual pursuits, inner development, music and drama, going on a retreat, activities involving water. โ˜ฎ ? ? ?

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