Kyrgios wears “F— Donald Trump” shirt following win over Nadal

Nick Kyrgios may have made another enemy on Monday. But he may have made more than a few friends, as well.

Following his 4-3 2-4 4-3 4-3 4-3 Fast4 format win over Rafael Nadal in Sydney, Kyrgios wore a shirt depicting United States President-elect Donald Trump in devil horns with the statement “F— Donald Trump” written below.

“I didn’t think the level was going to be that high, but I don’t think Rafa knows any other way than to go out there and give 100 percent,” the controversial Australian commented. “We weren’t taking it easy at all, so I’m going to take great confidence from that.”

But it was his wardrobe while making those comments that was the story.

Asked why he was wearing the shirt, Kyrgios said the reason was self-explanatory.

92 Comments on Kyrgios wears “F— Donald Trump” shirt following win over Nadal

  1. I want to make something clear am not providing all these fact’s & truth to convince you guys anymore, I know that these ship has sailed, but my hope is that whoever comes across this article now or in future gets sound truth and is not deceived by some of they comments you guys have made.
    Am sure you have heard of they saying they blind leading the blind, you know what happens next- THEY ALL FALL INTO A DITCH. With all due respect to Hawkstradamus, nativenewyorker & Mary you all are blinded by unrighteous hate.
    Here are 11 of many explosive Clinton cash facts mainstream media confirm are accurate- Media’s like the new York times, the new yorker, Washington post, wall street journal, Reuters, CBS news, ABC news, politico, fox news, Blomberg, even the dishonest CNN and so many more have all confirmed how corrupt they Clinton’s are & yet you guys continue to deceive yourselves that’s your prerogative.
    Even the FBI started investigating the Clinton’s foundation last year because of both the book & movie called Clinton cash & that investigation is still ongoing.
    As of yesterday morning fox news and other networks were reporting that the Clinton’s have started the process of closing their foundation. You can deny the truth all you want, you can even cover your eyes it will make difference the truth will never change. To be honest with you I didn’t vist this site to argue or debate, I visited because I love tennis and to compare my picks with Ricky’s & others that post their predictions. I don’t want to create enemies but friends so if you still disagree with me that’s fine, let’s agree to disagree.
    I hope we can be friends,

    • “With all due respect to Hawkstradamus, nativenewyorker & Mary you all are blinded by unrighteous hate.”

      Self project much (like a certain Orange Hitler)?

      Yes I hope we can be friends too. That would be nice. Leave your swastikas at home OK(KK)?

    • Stanley,

      I don’t need you to lecture me or talk about hate! I heard too many times from people like you st Trump rallies to – Lock her up! Or to execute her or hang her! That is the kind of thing that happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. Hitler took power by lying to his people and also the world about what they were going to the Jews in Germany. Propaganda and lies supplied by Joseph Goebbels. They deceived the people and made the Jews scapegoats. The whole world knows what they did It is important that we speak out when we see neo-Fascism in America.

      We will not be silent and we will not be threatened or intimidated by you or any Trump supporters! You need to know that if you know anything.

      There is so much stuff out there about Trump’s fake foundation and his dirty business dealings that I could write pages about it. But people like you will never hear it because you are following Trump with blinders on.

      I will not dignify the trash you are posting about the Clintons. It’s fascist rhetoric, conspiracy theories and paranoia thrown together in a toxic mix.

      We are not going to allow minorities in this country to be persecuted. We are not going to give up our precious freedoms.

      The DOJ has already rejected that Clinton cash nonsense as not credible. But there is credible intelligence that is very damaging about Trump’s ties to the Russians.

      The truth always comes out in the end. Trump and his crew of far right wing nuts will not succeed in destroying this country.

        • Hawkeye,

          You too! No swastikas allowed!

          This is the first inauguration that I will not watch!

          There will be protests and the voices of the people will be heard!

          This as we watch the GOP repeal Obamacare and take away health insurance for 20 million people!

          Shame, shame, shame!

          • I won’t be watching either nny. Nobody should watch. Media should realize that twitter isn’t news. Twitter should take #Orange Hitler’s account away.

            A sad contrast to the inauguration eight years ago.

  2. This guy is one scary #Orange authoritarian…

    “Being a great president has to do with a lot of things, but one of them is being a great cheerleader for the country,” Trump said. “And we’re going to show the people as we build up our military, we’re going to display our military.

    “That military may come marching down Pennsylvania Avenue. That military may be flying over New York City and Washington, D.C., for parades. I mean, we’re going to be showing our military.”


  3. All you Americans who workship Clintons family and call mr Trump fascist….
    Your biggest problem is that You are absolutely not interested in civilian victims of US foreign policy. Deep inside all of you only cares about jobs in America, wages,taxes,and so on.Clinton attacked Libya, Serbia, Yemen… and tens of thousands of civilians were killed there by US army.Like as I said before, You dont give a s… about that.
    But we do. For us are Bill and Hillary nazis,fascists and war criminals. Mr Trump has not killed anyone and call him a fascist is perverse and miserable,in the style of dr Goebbels and his Volkisher Beobachter.
    Shame on You.

    • “Your biggest problem is that You are absolutely not interested in civilian victims of US foreign policy. Deep inside all of you only cares about jobs in America, wages,taxes,and so on.

      You’re confused. That’s #Orange Nazi’s claimed propaganda MO.

      He doesn’t claim to care about civilian victims of US foreign policy. #Orange claims (aka lies) to “care about jobs in America, wages,taxes,and so on.”

      Whitelight likes to self project for the New Fascist Regime.

      • nats how you think @Orange has shown any indication of being any better other than a naive give-him-a-chance or anything-is-better-than-Clinton’s-Wife is beyond me based on his behavior to date.

        On the contrary, everything points to him doubling down on the worst foreign policy including both Bush’s and anything Clinton did in history.

        • Hawkeye,

          You are being big fat too reasonable! This is all about hating America! It’s convenient to say that we only care about Wall Street! That makes it easier to hate us by dehumanizing us!

        • Unlike Clintons, Trump killed or had killed no one to date! Trump did not ruin other people’s lives by dropping bombs on their heads killing innocent civilians calling them “collateral damage” as Bill Clinton did: he did not laugh at Muammar Gaddafi sodomizing death as Hillary did…Trump speaks about joining forces with Russia to fight terrorism unlike Hillary and Obama who only made the cold war worse and ignored refugee crisis in Europe hiding behind benign issues like climate change! Pathetic!

          Here is little something to educate you:

          • Your first mistake is believing anything out of Trump’s mouth and assuming he’d be better and not worse.

            Russia doesn’t fight terrorism. It supports a Syrian authoritarian dictator who bombs and gases his own people – several of whom I’ve had the privilege to meet who have escaped to Canada. It invades Ukraine killing others in the process.

            BTW, Trump can’t be believed on anything he says. Two years ago he said that Russia was the biggest threat to the US.

            Educate yourself first.

          • @ hawks 6:29 pm,
            you seem to act as you know everything better than the rest of us, but you don’t! Since you seem to trust CNN (IMO mostly tendentious war instigators who make money from war crisis around the world and who are passionate and biased Clinton’s supporters who hate Trump so much that they keep selling more and more lies and look desperate in doing so…that’s the main reason why he shut them up at the first press conference…he rightly got a round of applause by other present press representatives for doing so…)I would like to offer you to read something on Syria…I am really intrigued by your lack of knowledge on the subject and your buying on the fake propaganda…this piece published by your favorite CNN might help you…even them had to tell the truth at some point…
            Syrian army on the ISIS front line: Russian intervention called a ‘blessing’

            “Finally we reach a fork in the road — to the left lies Aleppo, to the right Raqqa, the self-declared capital of ISIS. In this barren place, we receive an escort to a large military base, where artillery cannons are firing intermittently. We’re taken to see the commanding general.
            The general did not want to appear on camera and did not allow us to use his name, but he spoke openly about the Syrian army’s operations here — combating ISIS but also al Qaeda’s wing in Syria, al Nusra Front.
            “The Russian intervention has been a blessing,” he said.
            “They have helped us a great deal and in two ways — first of all there are the airstrikes themselves. But they also give us aerial intelligence, which allows us to conduct pre-emptive strikes as well…”
            …”America? Are they doing anything?” he asked. “I have not seen them make a contribution yet. On the contrary, they are the ones who made ISIS strong.”
            To emphasize his point, he showed a photo of a U.S. Humvee, which he said ISIS had used in an assault on one of his bases…”

          • No nats CNN is not much better than FOX news. Both are infotainment that pander to their audience. It does not mean that everything both networks say is 100% false.

            I believe the Syrian refugees I have met and spoken to in person first hand.

            I know enough to know I don’t know everything but I know Trump and his chosen team are largely sociopaths. They would have to be.

          • Yes the Syrian army led by Asaad that chemically attacks and bombs it’s own people burying live children in rubble, call Russian intervention a blessing. Big surprise there.

            Your point being?

          • @hawks 8:44pm,
            You seem to forget the major factor of Syrian war which is fighting ISIS! Are you at all aware of the threat they place and the damage they made…you certainly do not serm to…you share the ex president Obama preference to ignore the issue…Turkey goes through hell with frequent terrorist attacks, and innocent people are being killed..,civilians in France, Germany, Belgum are killed in terrorist attacks. All those countries accepted and hosted refugees…are you telling me that focusing on climate change is more important? Russians currently leading negotiations for peace in an attempt to find solution for Syria is much more appreciated in the world than your climate change nonsense…

            BTW, beautiful performances for tomorrow’s Trump inauguration at Lincoln Memorial… thousands of people, Americans, who love their country are there to show their support! You should watch it! The whole world does! I bet you will die of jealousy and envy…?

          • nats that’s patently incorrect – that is not the main reason for the Syrian war but an excuse of Asaad and Putin.

            It is civil war between civilian uprising and authoritarian Asaad regime.

            You think Asaad dictatorship killing civilians with help from Russia is a blessing and how to end terrorism in Europe. I disagree.

            I believe that climate change will eclipse any suffering seen to date if left ignored for short term greed. And your #Orange thinks it is a Chinese hoax despite universal science based evidence and needs to be addressed. I don’t fall into a trap of rating causes of threats to mankind. I leave that to you.

            Russians are leading no negitiations to peace. Just more Putin crap propaganda.


            In your last paragraph, disappointing that you find all of this funny and are treating me like I am a troll. Thought you were better than trolling me like this saying I am jealous and envious and acting like I know more than everybody when I have been clear with you not joking how serious this is. This is not a joking matter for me. I have been respectful with you without any personal statements on you but you cannot do the same.

            I hear that Trump is having problems filling seats and that hotel bookings are way down. A dark day for humanity. One of the smallest electoral wins in US history.

            We are going around in circles and we have zero common ground if you cannot see the threat posed by Trump who sides with Brexit and Putin while looking to destabilize relations with China and the rest of Europe.

            That you are a fan of Putin and Trump and treat me with disdain when I try to have a respectful discussion with you tells me I am wasting my time. We have insufficient common ground and ideology to have a rational discussion. I don’t insult you personally but you do.

          • @hawks 11:55pm,
            Are you kidding? You are the one selling jokes and can’t take one? I could have known better! Sorry, no more jokes with you!
            Your judgments are twisted: you justify US killings and say it was for the “right cause”, but not Russian? Sorry, we differ in views to begin with and any debate is pointless! I am not fun of those two and will never be! I am just being realistic unlike you.,,

          • I WILL joke about Trump and to those I view as trolling.

            Jokes yes. But no, not one aimed at you personally because I had too much respect for you to do that. For that matter, I still won’t.

            Again you claim to be the realistic one knowing better than me (my judgements are twisted of course) yet you projected that onto me earlier as knowing better than everyone. I did not judge you.

            You justify Syrian and Russian killings and again you project justifying killings onto me. But yours must be the realistic and justified killings of course. My mistake (on more counts than one).

          • Hawks,
            1. you can be cruel with your own jokes and I condemned your behavior in the past for doing so. I do not know how you get to decide who is the troll and whom you could insullt? The way you treated Stanley just because he is a Trump supporter is not funny at all, at least not to me! So, there we differ!
            2. In the States people generally make jokes about Canadians, and their supposed jealousy of Americans! I thought joking in that way you would not find insulting, but I was wrong, so I apologize! I have close cousins living in Toronto and they judge me as being too “americanized” the feature they dislike as Canadian citizens..,so I guess I crossed the line with yet another Canadian but did not mean to insult you in any sense.,,however, if you found it offensive a bit I’d say it was for the right cause and for you to taste some of your own medicine (Stanley, augusta, Mary-until the moment she trashed Trump and became your comrade-could all tell about it.,
            3. Don’t insult my intelligence by lecturing me of Syrian war! I know how and why it started. My sister dated Syrian for 8 years and he had to go back to Syria to join the army as a doctor. US arming opposition to fight Assad contributed to creating ISIS. Russia only got involved when ISIS grew strong snd became the major threat for Europe and Asia..
            4. I do not look that far in the future like you do, to be concerned about global warming when I am already exasperated by the presence..,we have terrorist attacks, refugee crisis, economic downturn in Europe.,,climate change can wait for its turn…
            5. Trump may turn to be just another failing US president, he still won’t be worse than Clintons! I still think he will make US economy blossom! Let us adress this subject in one year time and see who of us was wrong.,,until then, let’s try to agree to disagree!
            BTW, Melania Trump comes from the same country as I, and she speaks four languages including Serbian! She is loved in the Balkans.,,

          • “if you found it offensive a bit I’d say it was for the right cause and for you to taste some of your own medicine”

            I was happy to see and accept your apology but you contradict yourself.

            I give back to those mentioned what they dole out to others and of whom I have little respect for based on how they treat others.

            I don’t lecture you on Syrian war (transparent straw man attempt) but simply state the context of which you neglected with ISIS view as major cause.

            Climate change is already here and unreversible catastrophe is not so far in the future as you might expect. It is likely too late already.

            I disagree wirh you on Trump will be better than Clinton presidency and believe that any temporary benefits under Trump’s protectionism will be short lived (if at all) and there will be too much cost. I believe his presidency will be worst in history let alone Clinton. There may be no election in four years. That is a real possibility when authoritarian rule take over. Laws are only as good as those willing to enforce them.

            I have always agreed to disagree. Those are your opinions and mine are mine. I never said otherwise.

            Yeah, agree to disagree. Sure. Done debating this with you.

        • Hawkeye,

          I have been reading the latest discussion and think that you have finally come to the same realization that I have when it comes to natashao’s political views. In the end it will come down to insults because that is what is left when you cannot make a coherent argument.

          The idea that she would celebrate Trump shutting down the CNN reporter and think it’s a good thing, shows that she does not understand how a democracy works! Our Constitution provides freedom of the press, not some of the press, or only the press who says what Trump wants them to say. The fact that she embraces this classic fascist technique for shutting down criticism and dissent and different opinions, shows an ignorance of how a free society works.

          Trump will have a lot more tough questions that he won’t like from the press. They must keep asking such questions and not be intimidated!

          You have tried to convey your point of view, sometimes with facts and links and other times with some humor. But you are not going to be heard. Anyone who could possibly think that Putin is right or good or decent in any way, is living in an alternate universe. Russia has State sponsored TV, no free speech or elections and a thug for a dictator who is not above murdering his enemies.

          Come to think of it, that is what Trump not so subtlety tried to convey to his supporters at campaign rallies. Scary and a lot like Putin!

          You and I do not agree about everythIng. But on the important things, we do agree. Take heart! There are going to be demonstrations with people who see Trump for who he really is. Thank goodness that America is still free and people can express their dissatisfaction and dissent!

          Remember – we are in the majority! We just had an election that said so!

          Thanks for making the case so well and for being so decent about it!

          This is why it’s hard to talk about politics. You find out things about people’s views that change everything. It’s been a wake up call, if nothing else.

          • So that is how Clinton’s blind worshippers call selling lies and false propaganda: freedom of press! It makes you as bad as Puttin…you support deceiving statements of your journalists as long as it disapproves and trushes Trump and his family! So sad!

            America has exemplary voting system which defines election of a president! Electoral College Sustem decides and Trump won the election under the said system! The popular vote doesn’t change that fact! You should respect the system even when it does not suit you!

            Insulting and badmouthing on the tennis forum someone who doesn’t share your political views does not feel right thing to do.,,but then again, this behavior comes from the Hillary’s book, so no surprise there..,

    • Whitelight,

      I don’t have to defend myself against your faux outrage!

      Trump’s is best buddies with Putin! You like up him? You think he is a decent human being instead of a former KGB thug who murders his own opposition! He is a dictator and a war criminal! Yet Trump thinks he’s the greatest!

      You know, people like you are probably my glad that we were attacked on 9/11! That is the cowardly mentality that you display!

      Throwback around lies about the Clint Bs does not a coherent argument make!

      You hate my country, pure and simple! Just be honest about it and stop pretending! I am so sick of people blaming America as though we are responsible for all the ills of the world.

      Your comments and lies and lecturing do. Or mean a thing to me because you are just someone with hate in your heart!

      The shame is all on you’

      • Autocorrect and my own outrage about these despicable accusations garbled my last post. But suffice t say that conspiracy theories and lies about the Clintons will not be enough to hide the truth!

        As I said, someone like you would be cheering when we were attacked on 9/11! That is the mentality here and it is disgusting!

        I feel sorry for those of you whose hearts are so filled with hatred.

        • Your obvious inability to accept different opinion while going that far to accuse a poster like whitelight, who was just expressing the view which differs from yours, to be “glad that you are attacked on 9/11” is beyond comprehension…I am stunned and utterly disappointed at your rhetoric! You insulted all of us with your shameless post! Obviously you are still filled with so much acrimony and anger over lost elections, that you can not think clearly…

          • You are the one filled with hatred. But I have tried but to attack you personally.

            Stop presuming to tell me what I can or cannot accept it how I think or feel!

            You dare to criticize me after the truly despicable things you have said about the Clintons and Obama. Your simplistic view of the world reveals ignorance.

            I don’t think you care about all the people we lost on 9/11. There is too much hatred and anger in your heart. Not that I need you to care. I could not have been prouder of my country and the brave rescuers who ran toward danger. My family was there and lived through it all. I think God that they survived.

            I am really deeply offended by your attitude and harsh judgment of me.

            You should be reminded that my country fight Big in WWII is a big part of the reason why your people do not have to salute the swastika.

            But you cannot be bothered with that. Your insults directed at me are merely a reflection of who you are.

          • not true! I never insulted you! I only expressed different opinion. I love American people. I lived there and spend there two months every year. I admire the hardworking people who achieve tremendous results in America! However I strongly disapprove your attitude and your insulting comments and accusations…it is so unlike Americans I know and have high respect for…

  4. Those who are bombing all over the world and kill children and women, are fascists and war criminals.
    You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.
    Byt Its not so interesting,Its much more important if stock prices on Wall Street rose.

    • Trump would only triple down on that. Supporting a Russian regime with their own set of human rights atrocities and invading Ukraine where they have no right to be.

      Yes and Trump and Wall Street have opposite agendas LOL picking ex-Goldman Sachs partner to head Finance. Get real.

      Trump would shower you with a “Golden” medal for that self-projection on his behalf.

      Hilarious delusion from GoldenLight.

      • Hawkeye,

        You are fighting the good fight and I respect your efforts. Considering that someone did not want to get into politics, now I see that such is not the case.

        Whitelight trashes Americans for only caring about Wall Street! And then they wonder why I say that they would not care about those who died on 9/11? To just say that Americans are only about stock prices really reduces us to bring less than human. That is the most wretched kind of generalization and distortion of who we are.

        Those people who died on 9/11 worked on Wall Streeet. That is why Bin Laden attacked the twin towers. As a symbol of our capitalist system. So I guess those innocent people only cared about stock prices!

        I find that kind of talk so insulting and reprehensible. It was hate that motivated Bin Laden to commit that heinous act. But I have to read someone reducing my fellow Americans to greedy people who only care about Wall Street and stock prices!

        If Whitelight ever bothered to talk to their families, then just maybe he might get a clue as to who they really were! But better to reduce them to some stereotype to fit with one’s hatred of America and its people.


    You reacted in this way because You know that I speak the truth.It is a known thing in psychiatry. The truth hurts.
    Go to Google and type in Iraq+ depleted uranium. Look att those horrible, gruesome photos. It was not aliens who did that, it was not Vladimir Putin who did that. Your country and your army has done this horrific barbarism and warcrime.
    And no, I dont hate America, I love to watch NBA, to read N.Chomsky, to listen L. Cohen…
    But I HATE liars and murderers.
    Wake Up Native and see the truth in the eyes.

    • Then you must hate Trump.

      He must have lied when he said two years ago that Russia was America’s biggest threat.

      Seems a warm shower changed his views since.

      As for Putin, Trump’s BFF…

      Putin and Assad could face justice for war crimes in Syria

      ““Russia and the regime owe the world more than an explanation about why they keep hitting hospitals, medical facilities, children, women,” Kerry said. “These are acts that beg for an appropriate investigation of war crimes.”

      There is clear and abundant evidence the Assad regime and the Russian government are committing crimes that include, but are not limited to, deliberate attacks on civilians, collective punishment, starvation as a tool of war, torture, murder, inhumane treatment of prisoners and the use of chemical weapons on the battlefield.”

      Here are Syrian rescuers pulling toddlers buried in building rubble…

      Sickening that you would support Trump and his friendliness with Putin.

        • GOLDEN, Trump will trump them all.

          Trump and Bannon (an admitted Leninist) have already said that they want to destroy the state and I suspect you agree.

          • Hawk
            I wroted your nick in a correct way. You are not able to do that, to show your respekt for the opposite opinion and other tenngrand members.
            Its just sad.

          • And I don’t respect your opposite opinion.

            Only respect your right to have one – which Putin and Trump obviously do not.

            Trump would not allow CNN to question him at his so-called press conference so he is trying to shut down their opinions and only allow opinions of those media outlets that will not stand up to him but tow the line.

            Like Putin.

          • YouTube and CNN ” explained” why Russia is ” invading” Ukraine :):):)
            Thanks for the laugh my friend, I was close to urinate in my boxer shorts:)
            Btw, I am living in Sweden.

          • Careful. Trump might get excited if he reads your post.

            I guess you were also laughing at the video I posted on Syrian children being rescued from building rubble caused by Asaad bombing his own people.

            If what you argue and what it represents wasn’t so sad, I would be laughing too.

      • Hawkeye,

        Bless you for posting that link. I tried to make the point about Putin killing civilians in Syria a few days ago, but posting the facts is even better.

        You are doing a great job telling the truth about Trump’s suspicious alliance with the likes of Putin.

        It’s becoming obvious even to our own intelligence people that there is something disturbing and profoundly corrupt about Trump defending someone like Putin.

        Thanks again for telling it like it is.

        • Your welcome nny but the GOP controls everything and are showing no signs of a majority to stand up to him. Most of the GOP is no better sadly even if he was impeached.

        • Posting the facts :):):)
          It must be joke of the century. There were more truth in Volkisher beobachter, Der angriff and Das reich when they lied about Nazi foreign policy than in CNN, W-post,CBS… when they lie about US foreign policy.
          More and more people in US began to realize that. Unfortunately, not You.

          • You’re still afraid to tell me where you are from Whitelies like Trump afraid to show his tax returns.

            LOL, I’ve seen the more and more so called ‘enlightened’ people (a minority btw, 3M less than Clinton and just 25% of eligible voters) that voted for Trump of which you speak.

            They can barely read and put two sentences together let alone be concerned with foreign policy.

            Here are some of those foreign policy ‘experts’ who believe that 3,000,000 illegals voted.


            Speaking of illegals, that’s what Trump called the Syrian refugees that were ACCEPTED by Germany. Blatant racism.

            Have a look at that video I posted on rescuing children from rubble caused by Assad attacks on its own citizens, some of who I’ve met and spoke with, and get back to me please.

  6. Am sorry to have not commented for a while now i have been extremely busy, but i must say it is refreshing to read some the sensible comments made by whitelight & natasha2013 & your names are cool. Pls don’t get me wrong if i disagree with you guys on some topics i won’t hide it. I just have some questions for all of you do think that jack sock can defeat jo-wilfred tsonga? And what about P. Carreno vs K. Edmund, i would appreciate it if i can get an answer in less than an hour.

  7. Hawk
    I have nothing against to talk about video and russian bombing of Alepo and warcrime in Ukraine,but You dont play a fair game. You will talk only about that but absolutely not about Iraq, Libya, Serbia, Afghanistan, Yemen… and US warcrimes in all these countries.
    So will not go.

    • I completely agree with Iraq was wrong from the start.

      Afghanistan brought down Taliban and lead to death of Bin Laden. It was not for no reason like Iraq.

      With Trump it sounds like you are saying two wrongs make it right.

      Trump is already showing by his actions and behaviour that he will only make things much much worse both domestically and internationally.

      I am a socialist by nature. I believe in European model of social programs protecting the most unfortunate in society. I believe in immigration to help others improve their lives.

      I don’t believe in greedy Trump tea party approach only taking care of the one percent and stripping government to its core and his hate for almost everybody.

      You don’t need to listen to me. Just read his hate speak on twitter. It feels like a nightmare to me.

      I am not a Hillary Clinton fan. I would have much preferred Bernie Sanders.

      Trump is not an answer to any improvements.

      • @ hawks 10:37 PM,
        finally, you and I get to agree on something! I was also supportive of Bernie Sanders but his reasoning was overshadowed by powerful sponsors who financed Clinton’s campaign and he was unable to win the people over with his great ideas and solutions because it involved criticizing Hillary who was media’s favorite…sadly the media intentionally turned it all around and went after Sanders…

        • I agree with you nats.

          Sanders was short changed.

          He would have had a better chance against Trump because the voters were looking for a real change and shake up.

          Trump will be that but in the wrong direction.

          Hillary was still infinitely my choice compared to what Trump truly represents.

      • More baloney about Hillary winning the Democratic Party nomination. There are no conspiracies here! Bernie Sanders was not a Democrat. He is an independent. Hillary was the obvious choice for the party. Sanders is too far to the left and out of the mainstream. I do happen to agree with him in done areas Hillary embraced much of his positions for the party platform.

        The states run their primaries, so again no sinister conspiracies here. The people voted in the Democratic primaries and Hillary got more votes. Not that complicated! This country has never elected anyone from the far right or the far left.

        Now that is sour grapes about Sanders! The hypocrisy is so thick here you can choke on it!

        Hillary Clinton tried to enact health insurance in the 90’s. Bill and Hillary Clinton were rewarded for their efforts by losing control of the Congress to Newt Gingrich and the Contract with America.

        Hillary Clinton helped children get health insurance coverage. She has devoted herself to children’s causes throughout her public life.

        It’s interesting how someone will accuse me of being a sore loser and then start making up stories about how Hillary won the nomination through some kind of secret plotting! LOL!

        The people actually did elect Hillary by more than 2 million votes! Trump has the dubious distinction of having lost the popular vote by the largest margin ever!

        Trump has no moral compass, no principles or scruples. I just pray he doesn’t start a nuclear war!

        Oh and for the record, I did not support the war in Iraq. But Bush lied about the WMD’s in Iraq. But the war in Afghanistan was necessary to go after the Taliban and Bin Laden. Bush is responsible for destabilizing Iraq and the power vacuum left in the absence is Saddam Hussein paved the way for Al Qaeda and ISIS.

  8. Thanks whitelight, your right Kyle Edmund is the favorite to win Pablo carreno- busta, I was disappointed with Pablo against peter polansky he almost lost but I have a problem with underdogs I like siding with them sometimes, so this time I picked Pablo carrreno to win his odd is at 2.06 while Edmund at 1.63 but I also placed another bet over 38.5 at 1.82 in case he doesn’t win the reason why I did that is because I don’t think Edmund or Pablo can win in straight sets I could be wrong but let’s hope am not.
    On jack sock vs jo-wilfied Tsonga I went with j.sock to win at 2.21, Tsonga is at 1.50 his the favorite but I think j. Sock wins, I also placed a different bet over 10.5 in the first set at 2.11 wish me luck.
    I would be responding very soon to some the comments that have been made I know that Mary, Nativenewyorker & Hawkeye63 miss me already miss too.

  9. Guys I would be responding with more details tomorrow on some of the comments you have made, am not sure I can do that now. I would just touch on some comments-
    1) Hillary Clinton’s nomination was not fair everyone knows that, it even lead to the firing of the Democratic national committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz after wikileaks exposed how corrupt Hillary & the DNC are. Hillary Clinton also deleted more than 30,000 emails after she has been subpoenaed by Congress that is an admission of guilt she lied & said what she deleted was wedding plans & yoga schedules come on now, she also used an app called bleachbit to make sure it’s not recoverable you can believe what you want that’s your prerogative. You talked about her helping children I don’t doubt that but if you do your research or watch the movie Clinton cash in full you would find out that most of the money that goes into that foundation is not used in helping people but it is used for their benefit, that’s why the FBI is investigating their foundation & if you have been following the news you would notice that the are firing employees & have started the process of shutting down these are facts. Read these article and do a little bit of research & you will find out how the Clinton’s in rich themselves just like they did in Haiti (1) (2) (3)
    (2) Hawkeye63 have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth, have become a Nazi because I provide facts that you can’t refute. Now I don’t take your comments seriously so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you were joking. There is a saying in the bible in 1Corinthians 14:20 it says Brethren, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature. Don’t be quick to call someone a rascist or Nazi, you did they same thing to senator Jeff sessions, to me & now to Donald trump.
    And pls don’t attribute the crimes of Vladimir Putin to his account just because he wants to work with Russia in destroying Isis & other terrorist group doesn’t make him a bad person.
    When it comes to immigration he has said countless of times that he is not against people coming into the USA only that they should come in legally and if the region that they are coming from is a terrorist hot bed then there should be a proper verification system put in place so that terrorist don’t exploit the system, look at what is happening in Germany women being raped by the hundreds and innocent lives lost at the hands of wicked people. I would elaborate more on the refugee crisis later,I have to go now.

  10. I offer the hand of friendship & i get slapped in the face 4rm different Δs, i tell you the truth with facts that can’t be refuted & i am called a little goose stepping nazi & a hazardous waste wow wow bravo. Even beautiful mary is suggesting that i am unemployed & should be exported 2 china. A wise man once said do not be deceived evil communications corrupts good manners- 1 corinthians 15:33.
    Right now i feel like taking some of u 2 the back of the gym & teach some manners & as for they ”ladies” a little spanking would suffïce. Maybe it’s time i reconsider being a part of this discussion, very soon someone might suggest that i work 4 the KGB.
    I hope u enjoy the inauguration, i know i would.

  11. PCB beat Edmund…so much for following the Whitelight !

    Seems contradictory that a seriously bible quoting zealot is also a gambler. Not buying any of it.

    • The Bible quoting is what is so incredibly offensive to me. Using the Bible to hate is other people and insult them is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

      That is not what Jesus would have done!

  12. Jeff Sessions is garbage: a racist and a white supremacist. Look up his history. Jesus would not approve. In fact if you think about WWJD, none of Trump’s cabinet would be approved including Trump himself. None of them pass the eye of a needle test…they are all big bloated Camel’s.

    Drain the swamp of Trump and his corrupt crony wall street billionaire cabinet and start over!! Clear the Temple of this filth.

    • rc,

      Right on girl! You go! Trump has only made the swamp even dirtier! His cabinet is a rogue’s gallery of billionaires and incompetents!

      They said that Trump is already the most unpopular new President! People are not happy with his picks!

      Trump has not divested himself of his company. Having his sons run it is not the answer! We don’t know to whom crooked Trump owes money. Without his tax returns we won’t know. But the potential for conflicts of interest is serious and a real threat.

      At least there will be a record number of people protesting this fascist government!

      Power to the people!

      • Nny

        It’s ghastly – really too much to bear to have this obvious bully and well-known crook with his twisted amoral, conscienceless, appointees about to take control. And it’s particularly galling that naive Trump enthusiasts see him as a savior — quoting the bible — praising Trump’s character??? How absurd! We’ve hit some embarrassing low’s in this country…in every single presidency, I won’t argue that, but what we are about to go into is truly the depths of the s*** pile. These people think he cares a flock about humanity? Really?

        We are about to see an explosion of private detention centers … thousands of people being held indefinitely for committing no crime and without legal representation. Their crime? Being poor and displaced due to war or dire economic circumstances. So what? Not our fault? BS. It is our fault – learn some US history. I agree it’s hard to find the truth in history but our hands have been in every place on the planet and in everyone’s pockets globally and we are accountable — WWJD now?

        Minimum wage? No one to advocate for minimum wage — a wage to support those on the lowest tier. None of these greedy bloated camels will vote to raise the minimum wage. Obama tried, and failed. Obama was never going to succeed, the Republican Majority saw to that! It’s slavery all over again. Are they so blind? Poverty begets poverty. And don’t even get me started on the dang pipelines and fracking, as if we haven’t lied to and destroyed the hopes of Native Americans without a second thought – they bring destruction any any cost to all. Making America great again? Amazing BS.

        Privatizing prisons is one of the biggest atrocities in the past decades – a throwback to medieval times. Privatizing healthcare under the Reagan administration was beginning of the end of real affordable healthcare for the people. Privatization of education is the death of affordable education for all. Ironic that these Clinton haters think that Trump is anti-Wall street… Do they read the printed information on the background of these criminals about to take over the administration?

        • You sum it up extremely well rc. It’s an endless list of close-minded racism, misogyny, greed and exclusion. Hateful lies from a bunch of hypocritical bible-thumping sociopaths led by an orange buffoon man-child controlled by a Leninist Bannon and by Putin.

          If this was a movie, you wouldn’t be able to suspend your disbelief at the stupidity of it all.

          • Hawkie,

            Sorry but I’m barely scratching the surface — not even close to a summary. Not even close to the disgusting truth behind this reality TV bully buffoon, his vile administration, and his kool-aid drinking loyal following.

            And it’s right out of Orwell’s 1984. Or Atwood’s Oryx and Crake; the misogyny and oppression is as described in A Handmaid’s Tale. Queue 2+2=5 and Reckoner by Radiohead.

            Bannon is from the gutter – a creature central to the farce and deceit – pure and simple. Breitbart is Fox news on steroids – most of it BS and the rest half-truths. And Breitbart is a primary orifice from which the BS flows – #BNN #BSNewsNetwork

            But I wouldn’t silence it — freedom of the press and freedom of speech is sacred. And though the Orange machine is going to try to silence us it must be made plain that Trump seeks to destroy his critics, shouting us down and literally sending a corporate and privatized militia to shut us up. Good-bye corrupt but relatively tolerable plutocracy, hello oligarchy with its appointed dictator, gestapo thug patrol, and razor wire encampments for the poor and disenfranchised.

            It’s near-sighted idiocy to see only the Clinton or Obama presidencies a scapegoat for the ills in the Middle East and the Balkans. Every presidency, Democrat or Republican, since the beginning of the US of America is guilty of crimes against the planet and humanity. Blaming one or the other political party is beyond naive. Corruption and indecency is rife and has no allegiance to political party. Republicans become Democrats…Lincoln was a Republican but wait a century and the names and inclinations change. Look at the platforms to decide, not the names – I am a social liberal and the Democratic party to which I belong had become barely recognizable and close to being one I reject – bought out by Wall Street – an unfortunate fact.

            Perhaps this farcical new presidency will in time be seen as a step to bring us back together, not because of its success, but because of its outrageous failure and glaring departure from decency and respect for humanity — and moreover — for the health and care of the planet and the future.

          • Jesus preach it rc! Agree 100% with every word. So well stated.

            Yes it is impossible to do more than scratch the surface because the hateful stupidity is an endless chasm.

            Stupid stupid ugly people.

            Sanders would have been revolution in the right direction – instead it is exactly the opposite.

            That said comparing Clinton (either of them) and Trump is false equivalency to the extreme.

  13. Most people if not all thought N. Djokovic would defeat denis istomin including d. Istomin as well, and to critize whitelight 4 picking K. Edmund is just silly, i appreciate his responds unlike most of u. Just look at ricky’s record in the aus. open 72-23, he has made more than 20 wrong predictions that does’t mean he is good at what he does, i respect his daily picks & the info he provides in his articles if not i won’t be here.

  14. I would be responding very soon to some of the unscriptural & outrageous statements u guys keep making but in the meantime i would like 2 know ur predictions-
    (1) A. Zverev vs R. Nadal.
    (2) Pablo carreno vs denis istomin.
    Pls everyone contribute this time i need to know your picks in less than an hour & pls don’t be bias okay, i love you all i know it’s hard to believe but i sincerely do that’s why i keep correcting u when u make mistakes. A true friend does that.

    • Anyone who uses the Bible and preaches hate in the name of Jesus does not understand the meaning of God and religion and spirituality.

      Condescending to others and presuming to tell us what to say, how to act or what to think is both arrogant and presumptuous.

      People who are truly spiritual and understand Jesus and his teachings, live it every day and express it in good deeds and respect for others!

      Something that Trump and his Godless followers will never understand.

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