Non-tennis forum

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58 Comments on Non-tennis forum

  1. Madrid schooling Bayern in their back-yard, Rafa must be ecstatic!! No way Bayern can score 4 and win. Hope Bayern are humiliated, they fire Guardiola and ManU sign him…………..

    • Now you know why I’ve been cranky of late, of my three pillars of sports-leisure strength; ManU, Barca and Rafa, only Rafa still has a season to rescue *pleads with the tennis Gods*, the other two’s seasons are down the proverbial toilet!

    • That’s because everything revolves around Rafa. Rafa being a Real Madrid fan would have been watching the match last night so his fans would take an interest in it, even I watched the match cheering for Real Madrid. ๐Ÿ˜€

      • “……………….even I watched the match cheering for Real Madrid. :D”

        No-one’s perfect……… ๐Ÿ˜€

        Just so we are clear: I watched, cheering for Rafa knowing he was happy, was not cheering for Madrid at all.

  2. I am a casual Chelsea fan and they might meet Real Madrid in the final, I think it would mean much more to Rafa is Real Madrid won than it would mean to me if Chelsea won so I’ll be hoping for Real Madrid win โ—

    I hope my son-in-law doesn’t see this. He’d be wondering where my loyalties lie.

    • @nadline28, knowing Jose’s tactical nous, I think it is safe to say Chelsea will be in the final, in which case I suggest the following course of action for you: you wear a Chelsea shirt in the first half (for Jose to “park the bus” in that half) and wear a Madrid shirt in the second half, for Madrid to launch their potent counter-attacks, and win!

      • Real Madrid are chasing their 10th CL trophy or La Decima as they say in Madrid. I hope their run provides the impetus Rafa needs to snap out of his AO 2014 induced funk and realize he has time to achieve achieve his own landmarks. Madrid have waited so long for this……………

        Vamos Rafa!

  3. Unbelievable. It will be a Madrid vs Madrid final……………….

    @nadline, your “little” problem is solved……………

    • yup…that is really something, fate maybe? ๐Ÿ™‚ I really expected Chelsea to win…well, AM deserved the win after all…they were better, they were playing with their hearts…that’s how those Spaniards are… ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Bravo for both teams!

      Vamos Real Madrid!

      • ^^me too, I had Mourinho winning this 1-0 or on penalties. AM ripped Chelsea apart. I hope this winning Madrid aura is transmitted to the new honorary citizen of Madrid (Rafael Nadal Parera).

  4. The French tradition is to present Lily-of-the-Valley to friends today. Sadly they have not flowered in my garden this year or I would send you all a sprig.

  5. Gussie: I finally fathomed out the problem with Livescoretracker. I was using an old bookmark which was the reason I couldn’t get past the Bet 365 link. After persevering for ages (including ignoring the instruction to download another plug-in) I managed to bring up the Munich tourney. Also discovered the Portugese matches are on Eurosport 2 which I can access so am now a happy bunny.

    Once again, thanks for your efforts on my behalf.

    • ed,
      Congratulations for solving your problems!
      I don’t know anything about these ‘bookmark’ and ‘download another plug-in’. I have used Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, different versions of Windows and changed computers. I have never changed/adjusted any settings to watch Livescoretracker’s live stream. I found its homepage on Google and clicked. Actually, I never download software offered by websites.

      • I sometimes have problems I think because I have always been a MacGirll and many sites are geared more to PCs. Well that’s my excuse.

  6. RT @normansweden: “Nice 10k morning run in the park is the best way to clear the brain”

    Agree. Swear my runs addle my brains though!

    • @ed251137, I do take self-flagellation seriously! ๐Ÿ˜€

      No, seriously, running is a way of life for me, always has been. Distance running, not sprints. Painful and can sometimes seem pointless but the “afters” overwhelming sense of serenity, joy and strength makes up for it all.

      When Rafa said/says when he is on court playing, he has to suffer and enjoy the suffering, he articulated better than I can/could the way running makes me feel. I have always been “sporty” and there are thousands of sporty people out there but nobody, nobody, had ever articulated that feeling the way Rafa did, at least none that I knew of. That made him special to me. Not his records, his FH or whatever. I see him on court, suffering, probing, struggling to find a way and overcoming: I relate.

      Yesterday it was especially difficult, not the distance (It was only 21 kms) but the conditions: 30 degrees celcius with narry a cloud for cover at the finish line, 50% humidity, brutal! I was in recovery mode all afternoon with sleeping making up the most of that so did not get to watch Rafa play, only got up late to check the score, smile and hit the sack again!

      Our boy did us proud again.

      Vamos Rafa!

      • A serious achievement just to finish in those conditions.

        Now I know why you tackled Mount Kilimanjaro! My highs always came from sailing โ€“ the more dangerous the conditions the more exhilarated I became. Force 9-10 and 30 foot waves was my idea of heaven. Just surviving was an achievement.

        NB: Note the past tense ๐Ÿ™

      • Since I smashed up my pelvis in the car accident I have very poor balance: I would be a liability on a boat in anything more than a light breeze these days. I think I’m on the ‘at risk’ register at our local A&E the number of times i have fetched up there by ambulance in the past two years.

      • ritb,

        This post of yours @May 12, 2014 at 7:51 am made my day. The most worthwhile thing I’ve read here in a long time. (Not putting down any of the other posts, just saying this one is one of a few of its kind.)

        I am currently reading the insightful, level-headed and very funny book American Shaolin and you remind me of the suffering that young american was willing to undergo training in earnest at the Shaolin temple.

        I hope you are no longer in pain today.

      • chloro says May 14, 2014 at 5:26 pm

        Thanks @chloro. Glad to hear you “got” what I was trying to say. English is not my first language so I am especially gratified that “my message” got through the first time. No, I am not in pain today, although with age, the recovery process takes longer but I know what to do to get back on my 2 pins!

        I am making a note and will look for that book you are reading on Amazon.

        Onwards and upwards!

        Vamos Rafa!

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