Nick Kyrgios may have made another enemy on Monday. But he may have made more than a few friends, as well.
Following his 4-3 2-4 4-3 4-3 4-3 Fast4 format win over Rafael Nadal in Sydney, Kyrgios wore a shirt depicting United States President-elect Donald Trump in devil horns with the statement “F— Donald Trump” written below.
“I didn’t think the level was going to be that high, but I don’t think Rafa knows any other way than to go out there and give 100 percent,” the controversial Australian commented. “We weren’t taking it easy at all, so I’m going to take great confidence from that.”
But it was his wardrobe while making those comments that was the story.
Nick Kyrgios rocking the anti-Trump fashions after an exhibition in Sydney tonight. pic.twitter.com/7gytWZ8Oeu
— Ben Rothenberg (@BenRothenberg) January 9, 2017
Asked why he was wearing the shirt, Kyrgios said the reason was self-explanatory.
I already posted this and discussed it:
To summarize:
Way to go Nick!!!
I add to My post AT 9:30 PM…
And here…
Nick has gained some fans I suspect.
Youve now gone up in my estimations, well done NK, now with all that talent you have, knuckle down and do it on a tennis court, so much potential there, which would be a shame to waste, although dont change too much, having some personality is also good too ….
What’s so brave about saying f— Trump if you arec an Australian?
Mary, I ask you a favour for a small truce to answer a simple yes or no question which I will understand if you decline.
Are you Truth?
I can think of something that’s either brave or stupid depending on how you look at it.
He could be declined a work visa to play any US tournament given Orange’s vindictive nature.
Besides, who mentioned anything about it being brave?
I just want to know where I can buy one.
Nick has many flaws in his young body and i often got irritated with some of it,but his bravery and his sensitivity in this issue made my heart softened a little…JOM NICK!!
Right on Andy Mira, NK might not by perfect, but this is obviously something he feels very strongly about, and cares very much about too, funny how one thing or one incident can changes ones perception of a person, in a good or bad way, in this case in a good way, NK getting it right
Hey alison…yeah,i actually still not lost hope in him,knowing he’s just a boy who still wet behind the ears..of course there’s a lot of mistake he’s bound to do until he reach that stage where he will start thinking..”i’m not going to do this and that anymore..it’s enough”..I just hope he will come to that phase sooner rather than later..Time is very precious in sport…
Yep, I fear Nick will squander his chances because he can’t seem to commit to either tennis or basketball, or you name it.
Hey rc…awak apa khabar hari ini?Heh heh!…Jawab le…
I have had issues with Nik in the past. No need to revisit it again because everyone is familiar with the controversies that have surrounded him.
I don’t know if it takes any courage or guts to wear that T-shirt. He is not a citizen of the U.S. In this instance I obviously share his feelings. However, it’s going to take more than wearing a disapproving T-shirt to take on Trump’s agenda.
Those of us in this country who have been both offended and appalled by Ttump’s rhetoric and agenda, will have to raise our voices and make sure that we are heard. We will need the help of a watchful press and media to hold him to account.
It’s probably the rare time that I agree with Nik. But I hope that he can use his talent well and do his best in sport.
He’s just wearing a trendy shirt … saying F Trump is the new Yolo
What are you talking about folks? You dont like the new American president? Who cares, this is not a forum about politicks,its about tennis.
There are a lot tennis players who dont like Obama and mrs ( and ms) Clinton. So,what would You say if they put -f… Obama or f… Clinton on their shirts?
then tell Kyrgios it’s not about politics when he goes to his next press conference and ask him to wear a different shirt
Exactly. Kyrgios made it about tennis and the site owner asks the readers to discuss.
To tell him??? That boy is a lost cause,I am talking about all of You who support his action. Imagine Novak or Juzjnyj wearing the shirt with text – F… Obama?
Sport belongs to sport, this is very, very wrong.
ok, that’s a fair opinion. But your opinion is that Kyrgios is wrong. It makes no sense to say we are wrong for discussing it because…well…you are discussing it also!
I don’t see what’s wrong with discussing this. If you think it’s wrong then you get to say so. Nik is making a political statement and he has a right to do that.
Bringing up hypotheticals as to how we would feel us a tennis player wore a shirt that disparaged Obama or Clinton or anyone else, us beside the point. A tennis player can wear a shirt protesting any political figure. I would not agree with them if it was derogatory about Obama or Clinton, but that does not mean that they don’t have the right to e press their feelings.
I have heard we enough of “lock her up”, or “execute her” regarding Hilary Clinton by Trump supporters, to last a lifetime.
No, nothing wrong with it.
No different than Kapernick taking a knee.
It’s called freedom of speech – something that Orange wants to limit.
Nick, it is to late now. The campaign is over. Madonna was more gutsy then you. She also made a promise. Would you do the same, Nick?
Madonna broke her promise and left expectant Hillary voters with hanging chads.
Are You kidding me? Tennis players( and all other sportsmen) has NO right to put politic in the sport, it is a forbidden act. Imagine DC final USA- Russia and all russian players with t-shirts F… Obama and all Usa players with t-shirts F… Putin ???
Funny but horrible at the same time.
If You and Kirgy dont like mr Trump , fine, but tennis courts and tennis forums are wrong place for expressing yours political opinions.
Except that’s apples and oranges.
For one thing, it was one guy representing himself, after (not during) the match.
Not a whole team representing their country during the match.
Again, it’s up to the site owner what is open for discussion, not a Trump-wanna-be speech control freak.
Besides, it was just locker room talk.
Speaking of Russia and Davis Cup, Russia should be banned from Davis Cup under a Putin-led Russia illegally occupying Ukraine.
Whitelight sounds familiar, Hawks. Maybe it’s because he does make one point on which I do agree on but; it’s not up to me or him to decide what is or isn’t posted here.
I don’t agree that Nick Kyrgios is a lost cause! He needs to decide what he wants and stick to it…imo. I don’t care what he wears. Novak may do a lot of things I cringe at lately but he would never wear a shirt like that! lol…
Some people do get carried away
No but Nole is no stranger to making what some would say controversial political stances (opposing US Clinton stance) on Kosovo so not so different, just his methods.
Nick was just more, how can I put it… concise.
Bravo, Nole ??
“Like” and then moves it to Novak’s page.
Just wish for an self edit option on this account. Grammar!Typos! I give up.
wrong thread, as well
Hey if you want to make it political, you better believe I don’t like Trump! But you don’t get to tell us what we can or cannot say here! That is up to the person who runs this site.
This is called a discussion. It’s an exchange of ideas about certain topics. In this instance, the topic is Nik wearing a t-shirt dissing Trump!
He is not representing his country in any capacity. He is merely expressing his opinion about Trump in the form of wearing a piece of clothing!
You seem to want to censor someone’s right to have their opinion. Being a professional athlete does not mean that you aren’t allowed to express your political opinions!
Does that mean that other tennis players have the right to wear T shirts with text f… Obama or f… USA or f… NATO?
I mean, to express their political opinions?
Perhaps not? Of course not,sport belongs to sport and everything else is madness.
You ask a question and then answer it for them.
Yup. Sounds like Trump supporter to me.
There are many of those who support mr Trump.Because of that he won and your Hillary lost. Life is so unfair,isn it?
Hahahaha, I nailed it. Wasn’t rocket science.
I’m not even American. Not my mess.
Too bad Donald doesn’t live by the Golden Rule. Apparently he has his own Golden Rule LOL.
I am not American, either. I am from Russia, You know, and we ” love” this man deeply :):)
Russia should be banned for illegally occupation of Ukraine ? And Usa and England should be, of course, celebrated for their ” legal” occupation of Iraqis oil and the whole country?
Funny things can be read on this ” tennis site “.
wrong thread, bro
Hawksteadamus ever said that.
Please read more carefully.
Ricky probably regrets posting this in hindsight.
lol…you and Hawkstradamus. Are you in the bracket challenge? I can’t tell — doesn’t look like it but you might be
What bracket challenge?
this one?
I’m all alone in this one.
I think that I was pretty clear about the right of a tennis player to scores their political opinion in the form of wearing a t-shirt. I did not in any way specify that a tennis player cannot wear a t-shirt dissing Obama, Hillary Clinton or whoever.
Trump supporters have not been shy about yelling out – “lock her up”, “hang her”, “execute her” and the like. That is something that you will not see someone like me ever saying. I do not believe in political prosecutions of any political figure in this country, merely because one does not like his positions or beliefs. We are not a banana republic or despotic country that has ever supported or sanctioned political jailing or prosecuting opponents. However, Trump had no problem specifically promising to put Hillary Clinton in jail during one of their debates, despite the fact that the FBI had already found no criminal intent on her part.
If you want to go there with your comments, then I have no trouble providing a response.
I think you are overreacting because it’s about Trump. His supporters seem to be quite thin skinned when it comes to any attacks or criticism of him. Yet they have no problem with chanting – lock her up – even though there are no legal grounds to do so.
That is my last word on this subject.
You are right, Ricky. Delate all this no tennis nonsense.
Tennis is represented by players from different races, colours, creeds, and watched by people from different races, colours and creeds, so why shouldnt we discuss something or someone we feel so strongly about, right or wrong NK probably went the wrong way about this in some peoples oppinions, but its obviously something he feels strongly about, and so do alot of other people ….
For those of you here saying Kyrgios should have commented or worn the shirt earlier, and it’s “too late” to be protesting now, you are wrong.
It is NEVER too late or inappropriate to protest against an utter buffoon who’s ascendency to the highest post in the nation is only surpassed in ridiculousness by the fact there are people who actually voted for him alive in the USA.
Good thing I’m not American because you guys have totally embarrassed yourselves by electing this complete moron, and I am really sad for those Americans who have some education and working minds that now live under his rule.
Even those of us who knew he was beyond incorrigible did not think he’d continue to be utterly so once he actually won and realized the importance and power of the post. But he’s an idiot, and as idiots always do he has continued to show his true idiotic colours and hasn’t changed or matured. Thus protesting however you prefer is just as important now as it was prior to his win.
The guru nailed it. Well said. Shamon!
Donald trump is not a perfect man but he is a man who truly truly Love’s his country and is sickened just like millions of Americans and billions all across they world are by some of the destructive, demonic, ungodly & wicked policies, laws and foolish decisions leaders so called make. He wants to make America great again for all Americans and that’s just not a slogan he means it, and if you are an American you should be proud because he is not a puppet like Hillary Clinton and most of the politians in Washington whose primary goals are wealth and power, he has only one special interest and that is the American people not globalist, lobbyist or corrupt leaders.
I know that he would be a great President & my prayers for him is that GOD would guide him & give him the wisdom to govern in righteousness. Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people- proverbs 14:34. This is a man who has raised incredible children that are successful, smart, law abiding citizens, responsible & contributors to society and nick kyrgios & those who share his views would learn a lot from them. And to those who say F Donald trump, I say GOD bless Donald trump. His not even president yet and his already saving thousands of jobs, watch & see as he makes American great again to the glory of GOD.
Donald Trump cares about Donald Trump and has created a fascist regime of greed and intolerance thanks to the minority that voted for him. He is a Putin “Golden” puppet.
Good luck with that.
How has he created a fascist regime of greed and intolerance you ignorant liar. They minorities that voted for him are Americans who want a prosperous country were law and order reigns, were the economy is booming and want supreme court justices who are moral and who would uphold the constitution of the united States of American etc. I would advice you to do a proper research maybe then you can learn a thing or two about his policies and plans for this great country, but don’t worry I won’t get my hopes up because people like you don’t stick to facts but spew your garbage were you go
I would “advise” YOU to learn how to write in coherent sentences, go back to school, and PLEASE stop typing comments on this message board as I fear the more you write (or attempt to write, which you obviously have difficulty doing) you are only digging yourself a deeper grave in which to throw your naivety and dare I say it…stupidity.
There is NOTHING wrong with the things you are wishing Trump could do for you…but you have no hope in getting them from HIM. In fact, you are just regurgitating his Trump’ed up self-promoting campaign fluff. You fell for it my friend…hook, whine, and stinker. lol.
My friend, I don’t even need to reply to your post as you’ve perfectly provided a crystallized view into the delusional, “Trumped-up”, completely hoodwinked inner workings of “most” Trump supporters brains. I will only say “most” as I feel there has got to be a person or three in your USA who voted for Trump purely out of some sort of educated, yet self promotional stance, and at least I can say THAT person voted with their brain lol.
Thank you for your post…it’s a perfect account of the problem with this victory.
preach it guru!
f*** trump!!
Not minorities LOL.
Minority of voters.
Maybe you could educate me.
Name two of his “policies”?
And something more than build a wall, ban Muslims and reduce taxes for the richest 1%, grabbing women and being a yesman to Putin, making fun of physically challenged, hiring a nazi sympathizer as senior advisor, choosing Sessions as AG, a noted racist.
The policies are endless.
Every other president elect has been transparent and made tax returns public.
Orange ? promised the same.
But he lied and hasn’t delivered prior to becoming president and never will.
What is he hiding pray tell?
…denying climate change
I thought that Meryl Streep’s speech at the Golden Globes was brilliant! She didn’t even mention Trump’s name! She spoke from the heart and it was inspiring to hear someone get to the heart of it when it comes to demeaning people and misusing power. She reminded us of our humanity and innate decency. It is more important than ever that we continue to speak out against any attempts to curb our freedoms.
It’s already a nightmare with Trump having serious conflicts of interest and not divesting himself of his business. His failure to release his tax returns means that he is hiding something of significance. His continuing to defend the likes of Putin is an embarrassment and a disgrace. Senator Rubio talked about Putin’s crimes and got it on the record.
There really are no polite words in the English language to describe this absolute travesty.
I am sorry but I can’t keep doing this you keep making outrageous statements.
1) Am an athlete I love sports and I play different sports one of my favorite sport is football/soccer there are rules in every sport and on September the 10th 2016 Barcelona lost to alaves 2-1 at home barca had more ball possessions 68%-32%, barca had more shots 15, alaves 5 in total, barca had more passes completed more corner kicks but still lost the game. I didn’t see them complaining to referee or to the officials they understood that whoever scores the highest goals wins.
On January 7 2017 golden state warriors lost to Memphis grizzlies at home 119-128, golden state had more 3’s but still lost in overtime they didn’t complain that they had more dribbles & shot more 3’s they understood that the team that scores the highest points wins.
On January 12 2017 a few hours ago dalila jakupovic lost to ons jabeur 6-2/6-7/5-7 in the women’s Australia open qualification she didn’t complain that she won more games 17 vs 16 she understood that if you win more sets you win the match. All this teams & players have something income the won through hard work & lost with dignity. And Hawkeye63 you have something in common with Hillary clinton both of you have no dignity & you lack understanding. She is a sore loser just like most of her supporter’s are sore losers not all.
On November 8 2016 Donald trump defeated Hillary Clinton in a historic landslide victory. It takes 270 electoral college to become the President of the united States of America, he won 306 ec and she had 232 ec. Let me educate you a little bit, for more than 200yrs the USA has elected more than 40 President’s and all have been elected through the electoral college, Donald trump will become the 45th President of the USA, and I wish him the best am a black man and I support Donald trump am not an American but I love this country because it was founded on Christian principle’s & because it is a country were through hard work & GOD’s grace you would make it.
I could name more than 2 policies, I could name more than 5 policies but they problem is it would make no difference to you. Donald trump can find the cure of cancer, solve all the problems in the world and you would still hate him because your anger & hatred is not a righteous anger, but it is a hatred rooted in ignorance.
You talked about Jeff sessions the next attorney general, you called him a racist very funny for someone who doesn’t know the man you very quick to label as a racist you are very foolish. Every charge that has been leveled at this man has been debunked & refuted. I would advise you to go and watch his testimony b4 Congress on January 10 2017 & some of the testimonies of many African Americans defending him on January 11 2017 is all on YouTube it’s a little bit long but it is worth it, because you might learn to appreciate some of the sacrifice’s he has made for his country & his state Alabama.
How exactly was it a “landslide victory”?
Enlighten me.
Here is your “landslide” which is in line with the rest of your “facts”…
But in a historical context, Trump’s Electoral College performance is decidedly below-average. So it’s a bit Orwellian to call it a “landslide” or a “blowout.” There have been 54 presidential elections since the ratification of the 12th Amendment in 1804. (Before that, presidential electors cast two votes each, making it hard to compare them to present-day elections.) Of those 54 cases, Trump’s share of the electoral vote — assuming there are no faithless electors or results overturned by recounts — ranks 44th.
You seem to have conveniently forgotten that Trump threatened to contest the election results should he not win! Remember! How the system was rigged, but only if Hillary won? Remember? So please spare me the lecture about being sore losers!
If the results were reversed and Trump lost the electoral college and won the popular vote, you know full well that he wouls not have conceded! You and other Trump supporters would be screaming for Hillary’s head and impeaching her and probably rioting in the streets. How many Trump supporters threatened violence if they did not get the result they wanted?
You do not respect this country and it’s freedoms! You are supporting a man who is part of a neo-Fascist movement that advocates the use of force and violence to get one’s way.
This is a man who has lied, hidden his tax forms and cozied up to a tyrant who has had his own enemies in his country murdered.
Trump’s has built a business on stiffing people who worked for him, a phony university that ripped off innocent people of their life savings! He has bankrupted casinos and left the shareholders to take the loss.
Do not tell me about this country as a Christian country. We are a country of many faiths and freedom of religion.
You do not get to lecture others about what this country is all about! There was interference from the Russians that tipped the balance of the election and our intelligence agencies have confirmed that.
If you want to follow a despot blindly, do not expect others to do the same!
Well said Nativenewyorker! Unfortunately Stanley is simply what your unfortunate country is made up of…pretty much from coast to coast, minus the edges lol. He sounds like a great guy who’s company I’d enjoy as he seems really loyal and passionate about his beliefs, and I appreciate that. BUT, he’s been drinking the Trump soda about “Uh-merica’s gonna be great!” and “jobs for your dog and you!” and of course the coup de grace “kept those damn American job stealing immigrants and others OUT of our pockets”.
A naive viewpoint for sure, but how do you get a naive person to see they are naive? You can’t…because they are naive! lol
Among other things, how is Kyrgios qualified to comment on politics?
Perhaps he plans to run for USA presidency, if it will not work with tennis or basketball. Who knows? He might have his chances…
If we’re talking about qualifications, Trump is not qualified to sit in the emergency row of an airplane.
He is qualified because he has a mind and can think. Just because he is a tennis player dies not mean he cannot form his own opinions.
Nick is foolish and ignorant about much less sophisticated things than politics! Him wearing t-shirt derogatory of a legitimate president of USA who won the elections fair and square is just another item on the list of Nick’s stupidities. Democrats should learn to live with the fact that they lost the elections and shouls stop winning about it! We do not want to read the endless complaints of those who have hard time accepting and for that matter RESPECTING the will of American people who voted and elected Trump!
And Kyrgios should focus on tennis instead! He has no influence on youngsters in his own country, why would then his view mean anything to American people? This idiotic move makes no news in Europe and that’s the way it should be!
I stay out of discussions on politics here and I totally agree that it should be avoided on any sport forums!
Let us enjoy tennis here…
Vamos Rafa!
Corr “should stop whining about it”..
We are taking about this because Ricky posted a topic thread about it. Since he runs this site it is his decision.
If anyone does not wish to participate, then that is their decision. But do not presume to tell the rest of us that we speak our minds. One may supper Nik or not in this instance. But there is a basic freedom in America regarding the first amendment right to free speech granted in our Constitutuon.
There are serious questions about undue influence being brought to bear in this election. The highest levels of intelligence in this country have concluded that the Russians interfered in our election. In America we get to question, demonstrate and protest,
There are many people who are going to fight against Trymp and his regressive agenda. Our voices will be heard, that is our right. No one gets to stifle dissent. Men fought and died in our military to protect that right.
not true…many of you keep torturing us with your crybaby attitude about losing elections on other threads as well…where did you see us from Europe complain about our elections or US interfering in them…or small countries suddenly do not matter? If you dig deeper you would find different opinions on US presidents and would be surprised to hear how many are embittered by Obama and Bill Clinton (the worst president ever as far as we are concerned!)And preaching of a Hollywood actress?! especially considering Hollywood’s own hypocrisy on the same subject is simply ridiculous…
Lastly, the way you all “2017 election losers” speak about Trump undermines the great and to most of us ideal US legislation system, constitutionality, common law, administrative procedures, ethics…the system does not allow autocratic leadership and Trump like any other past president will be subjected to laws and regulations…
I was provoked to comment, otherwise I would just ignore it…So my opinion remains: all of you who have such urge to fight for democracy by trashing your legitimate president should try to be considerate of us who are gracious for being able to simply enjoy tennis talk on our favorite tennis forum…
“the system does not allow autocratic leadership and Trump like any other past president will be subjected to laws and regulations…”
Under democracy up until Jan. 15th, that was correct.
That’s all about to change. Everything is GOP controlled now (House, Senate) and Orange (or should I say, Bannon/Putin who controls said puppet) is surrounding himself with a team of like-minded individuals. There is no one to stop them.
Trump says (Feb 2014):
“You know what solves it?” he said of America’s sorry state. “When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell and everything is a disaster. Then you’ll have a [chuckles], you know, you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be when we were great.”
Steve Bannon, Orange’s selected Senior White House Advisor, says:
“Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”
I really do not need lectures Friday anyone here on how to conduct myself as an American citizen! We have a Constitutuon and certain inalienable rights in our country. Dissent being one of them.
You don’t get to speak for people in other countries. Americans are not alone in their well grounded concerns regarding Trump’s lies, misogyny, hatespeak and recklessness. His disrespect for minorities, women and the disabled is cause for real concern.
There are laws in place that will hopefully ensure that Trump cannot try to usurp power or trample the precious freedoms in this country. Constitutional scholars and legal experts are also warning of a potential Constitutional crisis with Trump. If he violates the Constitution, then he could be impeached, I grateful for the protections provided by our government. We do not have censorship in this country, therefore we can express our disagreement with a new President.
Your opinion about Clinton tells me all I need to know. He gave us full employment and got us out of a bad recession, created 20 million new jobs, paid down the deficit and left office with a surplus. I was able to get a good job thanks to him. Anyone who lived in America in the 90’s knows that we all had a much better life thanks to Clinton. All we had to do was watch Bush come in and send our economy over a cliff, the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. Obama stepped in and got us out of it.
Ricky posted this topic and invited us to discuss it. If it offends your sensibilities, then you do not have to participate. There are other topic threads related to tennis and you are certainly free to post there.
Please do not insult me by telling me what I can or cannot say about a new president. Things may be different where you live, but in America we can speak our minds. Thank goodness for that!
I don’t know who exactly is going to impeach him nny and besides, the problem goes further than Orange.
Pence, Sessions et. al. are all of the same stripe. They’re just not as crude.
Kyrgios was expressing his opinion and no one is harmed. Live and let live. Golden rule. No not Trump’s Golden rule, the other one.
I get what you are saying. But if Trump goes too far, the GOP may not have a choice. I do not for one minute think that the danger is not very real. New-fascism in America
Is not to be taken lightly. But the print news media has been working hard to call out Trump for his conflicts of interest. There is an Inspector Genersl who is investigating that letter from Director Comey. Even the intelligence agencies have done serious evidence about Trump and the Russians. I don’t think Nixon thought he would get caught. But the truth has a funny way of coming out. Trump is too corrupt to get away with all of it. There are commentators on cable news tv who are already talking about the possibility of treason on his part. His buddying up to Putin has raised suspicions in our own intelligence community. Trump will not release his tax forms because it would show the money he is getting from the Russians. He is also carrying huge debts to various banks and financial institutions. Journalists will keep digging and digging.
I know who and what the GOP is. I do not doubt the threat to this country. But we do have free speech and a free press and that is what we will need to try and survive this.
Believe me, I am outraged and heartsick over what has happened to my country. It is a terrible time. I know what Trump and the people behind him represent. But I also have faith in our system of government and the protections that we have. We are going to be tested, but I think that if the dirt on Trump comes to light, it will make Watergate look like a garden party.
@ NNY 7:59 pm,
“There are laws in place that will hopefully ensure that Trump cannot try to usurp power or trample the precious freedoms in this country”…exactly! Thanks for recognizing what I said…
And regarding Clinton, I will just name a few of his disastrous foreign policies, quote:
“The Clinton administration intervened massively across the former Soviet satellite states of Eastern Europe, with direct interventions in the Balkans through NATO,and the notorious “shock doctrine” of neoliberal economic reforms in exchange for IMF loans: cutting wages and corporate taxes, increasing working hours and slashing social programs. Bringing the Baltic states and Eastern Bloc countries into military arrangements associated with NATO, and establishing a major military garrison in the Balkans, Bill Clinton set the stage for the clash on Russia’s border in Ukraine overseen by Obama, which could last for decades and undermine the process of integrating Russia into the industrialized world”…enough said…
hopefully, Trump will be smarter than this…
Trump and smart don’t belong in the same sentence.
Trump and shower however…
Wow, did not expect nats to be a Trump supporter. Anyway, I am curious. nats, from where did you get the quote about Clinton’s foreign policy?
Thank you for posting all you have today – it’s really appreciated! …also know I’m 100% with you!
I certainly agree that Kyrgios’s wearing of that t-shirt does NOT render him any less of an arrogant schmuck, and really is pointless when it’s worn by a person of his ilk. However, as it slanders Trump, and Trump MUST be slandered whenever and wherever he can be until he crawls back between his daughter’s, err sorry I mean back to his tower.
Again, those of us who are NOT unfortunate American’s, and I say “unfortunate” as that is exactly how the rest of the entire world views you guys currently, can only lend our support on forum’s and public broadcasts of any type to say “he needs to go” until he’s gone. What a glorious day that will be!
NK might not be qualified on such things as politics, but hes still a human being, with emotions and feelings, and strong beliefs, Meryl Streep might put her point across more inteligently, so her and Kyrigios are as different as chalk and cheese, but one thing they have in common is both obviously care deeply about the world we live in ….
It’s called freedom of speech.
Rational/logical arguments will not have any impact on Stanley.
Yeah NK knows all about freedom of speech!
Mary (AT 2:53 PM),
Yeah, especially on the tennis courts!
Ricky Dimon @Dimonator Jan 10
the only speech of Trump’s that will be better than that is his own farewell speech. That’s gonna be epic. A truly epic day for America.
Ben Rothenberg
Ben Rothenberg – @BenRothenberg
“Not the style I appreciate, the way I express myself. I’m not an arrogant type.” -Nadal on Trump, by @Rafael_Plaza:
I have been busy all day taking care of some businesses so that’s why I have not been able to comment recently, but even when I had some few minutes to spare I was discouraged by some of the dishonest & baseless statements nativenewyorker & Hawkeye63 have made. Let’s be honest with ourselves the truth is you don’t care about the truth, I could take every false statements that you have made and point you to the fact’s backed up with reliable sources in a few hours but it would make no difference to you, i would just be wasting precious time that could be used to do something productive. In my first comment I stated that Donald trump is not a perfect man but that he is a man who truly loves his country and wants to make it great again, when compared to hillary clinton Donald trump is a saint.
There is nothing wrong in trying to verify the accuracy of an election remember hillary clinton & Jill Stein requested for a recount & it turned out that he gained more votes in Wisconsin, the FBI and they intelligence community have said that they Russians did not hack the election but simply released some of the corrupt & evil works of Hillary Clinton, Democratic party & the corrupt & dishonest liberal media through wikileaks . Conservative are not liberals they are peaceful & responsible people, I am reminded by some verses in the Bible and some of them are figurative & shouldn’t be taking literally(1) He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself, and he who rebukes a wicked man/woman only harms himself. Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you, rebuke a wise man/woman he or she would love you- proverbs 9:7-8. (2) Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he/she will despise you- proverbs 23:9. (3) Do not give what is holy to dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you in pieces- Matthew 7:6. (4) As snow in summer and rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool. Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight. A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey and a rod for the fools back. Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him- proverbs 26:1-4. And with that I say GOD bless Donald trump, I know that he is not a perfect man no one is but I also know that he has a good plan for this country & that he would do more for they American people in 4yrs than Obama & Hillary would do if they had 50yrs to govern. If you want to find out just how corrupt the Clinton’s are I recommend this two movies (1) Clinton cash. (2) Hillary’s America. Produced by honest & reliable people you can watch it on YouTube the also have books if you like to read.
Stanley my friend, you DO realize that most of the world is NOT Christian…right? So do you really think your climbing Mount Vesuvius (lol, I don’t know it’s a mountain and sounded good!) with your staff and fire and brimstone is connecting with NON Christian readers on here such as myself? How about atheist readers?
No Stanley, your not. You are (again I refer you back to my earlier comments about “grave” and “naivety”) just making yourself sound like a stereotypical Trump zealot, and I don’t wish that for you.
Stanley , you must be getting your info from fake sources. Even Trump has conceded that Russia hacked.
You do not have any facts, just beliefs.. Pathetic..
What has made America great is Science, not religion…..
Diagnosis by Uncle Ted Nugent: ?
Know the signs, spot the symptoms, and save a life.
Do You Know Someone Suffering From Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder (TURD)?
TURD is a pattern of pathologically dissociative and psychotic behavior, first observed in the late hours of November 8th 2016, and increasing in severity with passing time.
Sufferers of TURD often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of childlike rage, rioting and uncontrollable crying.
People with TURD are characterized by a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to Make America Great Again.
TURD Is caused by the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America. For many, both in America and worldwide, this was a shocking and unexpected outcome; their preferred news sources having failed to inform them that the alternative candidate was a criminal parasite in such ill health she got chucked into the back of a van like a kidnap victim.
Research is ongoing, but TURD appears to correlate closely with the following environmental and behavioral factors:
Membership in the Democratic Party
Identifying as a feminist
Currently enrolled in college, and/or possession of a Liberal Arts college degree
Living in a densely populated metropolitan area
Massive student debt
Spotty or non-existent work history
Patients with TURD are very resistant to treatment, and dangerous in large groups. Any possibility of treatment requires that they be separated from their hive-mind support apparatus; they cannot begin the process of accepting reality in the presence of encouragement towards delusion and irrationality. Separation may require the assistance of law enforcement.
If you have a friend or loved one suffering from TURD, urge them to seek treatment. Together we can beat this scourge and save a lot of people.
Mary got it RIGHT:
Mary JANUARY 12, 2017 AT 2:51 PM
Rational/logical arguments will not have any impact on Stanley.
What a colossal waste of time to even read him/her.
I don’t blame Stanley and others like him. People vote with their hearts, not their heads. Blue collar workers cannot be expected to analyze complex problems.
I see where you are coming from Mary and you have a point but I would have hoped that they could see in their heart that Trump has no heart – that he’s just been so hateful and self serving – being racist and misogynist and bullying every minority. Not to mention the very real problem of climate change.
It is very sad and disturbing ,the right-wing non-inclusive political environment not only in the US, but in Europe as well.
I’ve never been more worried for the world as a whole, not just the US.
@ mary,
Enjoy! ?
Who said Clinton was perfect. Far from it. That article is correct. What does that have to do with Nick’s shirt?
That is a distortion of Clinton’s record. It’s easy to do when you ignore all of the good things he did. Clinton had to deal with Neet Gingrich and the Contract with America. He did not have the luxury of governing as a liberal because of the political realities back then. Clintin did something very important in moving the Democratic Party back to the center in American politics after years when the party could not win the Presidency.
By the way, Bernie Sanders voted for Clinton’s crime bill back then! So what does that mean? Welfare reform was part of Clinton governing slightly right of center. While I do not agree with everything he did, overall his efforts to get us out of a tough recession, creating 20 million new jobs and full employment and paying down the deficit and leaving the country with a surplus, are significant accomplushments that cannot be ignored. Also, what gets forgotten is how Clinton tried to enact health care reform with the help of Hillary. It cost him politically and that was part of the GOP taking over Congress in the 1994 mid term elections.
His record speaks for itself and those who wish to distort it for their own purposes cannot ignore the fact that Americans were better off in the 90’s.
Then Bush got elected and the whole economy went to hell. An illegal war in Iraq wheee there were never WMD’s, and huge tax cuts for the richest 2% and rolling back regulations for Wall Street and voila! A Great Recession!
Talk about how Bush wrecked the economy, instead of trashing what Clinton did!
Obama got us out of it and now Trump will destroy the economy again, all while making sure to enrich himself. Betraying one’s country by allying with a war criminal like Putin really tells you how low this country has sunk.
Bang on nny. You nailed it. Great knowledge and perspective.
Sorry nats, that is not a credible source. We do not even know who wrote it except that it must have ben written by some Trump supporter. Lots of fake stories were going viral on Facebook.
But people believe what they want to so I guess you are swallowing all the anti Clinton stories.
What we do know is that during Clinton’s time, there was huge economic growth and job creation. During Bush’s time there was recession and Iraq war. Whoever wrote that article has even tried to blame Clinton for the 2008 market crash! Just like the pro-life guys claimed Hillary was responsible for abortions in the US which law was passed in 1973. Next soome loony will claim Clinton was responsible for crucifixion of Christ! And nats will quote that guy! Hilarious!!!
This is probably the only time I will say this, but I am in complete agreement with you! Thank you for pointing out that this source is not credible. Anyone can say things that distort or flatly misrepresent facts.
Thanks for attempting to correct the record!
Thank you native. I have been admiring your brave fight. Difficult times lie ahead but with people like you standing up for what’s right, I am not afraid of what the future holds.
+1 to both of you: Mary and Nny. You both do good work and give me hope.
Thanks! I think it’s important to keep standing up for my beliefs. These are difficult times and things are going to probably get worse in this country. But I see things that give me some hope.
I know there will be marches and protests after the inauguration and the Senate will be investigating the ties with the Trump campaign and the Russians. The Inspector General will investigate Director Comey’s conduct.
I have no illusions about the challenges presented to us in the next four years. We are going to have to stay strong and make our voices heard. Now more than ever.
Spot on Mary. Most of what is on that article I believe is pretty accurate but it’s just taken out of context and not balanced for all the good Clinton did as nny has explained so well.
It’s the expensive price that Clinton had to pay. Hillary recognidlzed it. He couldn’t jave been elected without it and he regrets some of those choices that had to be made but he did a lot of good and the net benefit of his presidency is far beyond what any GOP president has achieved in my lifetime.
As Mary says, fight the good fight nny!
Also that site is known as a left leaning site on general so I don’t think there’s much love lost there with Orange ?.
Left leaning probably means communist. No wonder the article attacks Clinton i.e. supports Trump who will probably be a Russian lackey.
No as in Democratic – nothing wrong with that.
One look at their main page will show you there is no love for Orange there.
Whoever wrote the article is definitely anti Clinton. I do not agree that the facts are accurate. I give just one glaring distortion and misrepresentation-he/she blames Clinton for 2008! That is so ridiculous. It is like a gross misapplication of the chaos theory, where to give an absurd example, you can blame someone for walking on grass when he was 5 for the Tsunami in say Japan 50 years later! The thing is you can blame anyone for anything they did if you do not like them.
Again, to me, the article is unbalanced.
However, I agree that he was part of much of the deregulation of banks and Wall Street that eventually did help facilitate the banking crisis and sub-prime mortgage housing bubble fiasco that brought down the stock market and economy.
Yes in my view he made some very wrong choices but overall he was better than ANY GOP president in my lifetime.
(I want to thank Ricky for being lenient.)
I do not agree with you hawkeye but I do not want to debate a political or economic issue in a tennis forum. So let us agree to disagree.
What happened to the comments on this article, the last time i checked the were more than 90 comments made and now just 2 comments are here.
Stanley you need to click on the link for page one, above where you post comments, we are on page 2 now ….
Thanks alison hodge, i found the link.
One more to never forget…
Stunning, Hawkie…
It’s hard to fathom how Trump supporter’s remain so willfully blind.
Here’s how sadly…
i never said I am a Trump supporter, but I am strongly against Hillary and nothing you say or write will bring back what her husbant destroyed! He dropped bombs on my country and made the whole mess with interference in the Balkans. This is not the place to go further on it..,
FYI, the above article is 100% accurate! Certainly Clinton must have done many good things for your country, but the article is focused on MISTAKES he had made! His foreign policy was wrong in many ways!
Frankly, I do not expect Trump to do any better when the foreign policy is concerned! But at least he was honest about things Obama and Hillary did or did not do! And do not tell me he was lying because I know and see things from a different perspective than you..,Americans usually do not even know where the Balkan is on the map let alone understand the political situation and bad decisions made by US interference…and majority of them do not even care!
However, American people elected Trump for president and they must have had strong reasons for it! While I actually could see it coming it came as a shock to Democrats who were so certain of the victory that they still have difficulties accepting the reality It is funny for us in Europe to watch Obama embarrass himself with sanctions over Russia for their alleged interference in elections and with other lame excuses for lost elections! Even if Russia did hack your system it only speaks about your inability to secure your data and your urgent need to improve it! Russia is not the reason why you lost the elections you all know it!
Finally, I honestly do not think Trump will destroy your economy! I being economists myself carefully follow his proposed economic policy measures and I agree with most of it! I believe business should be encouraged to increase employment, I also agree illegal immigration must be stoped, I agree that your veterans must be better taken care of, and I agree US should try to improve relations with Russia joining forces to fight terrorism…Trump won the elections and for the sake of the people who made him a president I believe he should be given a chance..
I understand your views on his foreign policy completely.
But have you not seen who Trump has picked for his team nats???
And did you read my previous comment?
They want to destroy the country and Trump is both unstable and being controlled.
No, Hillary is far from perfect I completely agree but Trump and the GOP represents facism pure and simple.
Speaking of facism (and also reason why laws are only as good as the people with the power to enforce them doing so (which I doubt they will)…
“The real irony here is that Chaffetz is supposed to be heading a committee that roots out corruption in government. Rather than lift a finger to investigate Trump’s business interests or his purported links to Russian espionage or his involvement in the scam Trump University or the bribery scandal involving former Florida attorney general and soon-to-be White House employee Pam Bondi, Chaffetz is using his power to intimidate a public official for offering a reasonable comment based on publicly available evidence that Chaffetz himself is free to look at, if he had a moment’s interest in actually rooting out government corruption.”
“Trump isn’t even in office yet, and already he and his supporters in Congress are making moves to silence dissent through intimidation. Any hope that he was simply going to be a terrible president who still leaves our democracy mostly intact, like George W. Bush, is flying out the window.
As the last institution standing that has any real power to resist Trump’s authoritarian agenda, the media must not give in to these scare tactics. Journalists need to stand up for each other and for anyone, including federal officials, who uses their right to express dissent or criticism of the Trump administration. It’s a cliché, but one that matters now: Stand together or we fall separately.”
Thanks for your input, hawks! i very much appreciate it!
We all have our views and they may be very different, especially when coming from quite different cultures. I could debate forever as I did in my high school times when studying in the States! But this is not the place to do it!
I am so looking forward to watching AO hoping for Rafa to come up strong and fit! Tennis is what matters now. Politics can wait… ?
Anyone who ignores Bysh and blamed Clinton and Obama for the ills of the world is biased and indulging in blatant propaganda.
No one here gets to lecture me or any other American when it comes to the disastrous collapse of our economy in 2008! It’s too bad that people have short memories or just choose to have amnesia regarding the collapse of the housing mortgage industry and the havoc it wreaked on people who lost their homes. We were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month! The deregulation was completed under Bush and it led directly to the excesses and illegal financing that caused the crash of our economy. Then the American taxpayers were told that they would foot the bill to bail out the criminals who created this mess! It was outrageous and the executives of those Wsll Street firms should have been prosecuted and thrown in jail! I thank God for Obama who had the thankless task of trying to get us out of this mess! Now Trump is poised to implement the same fiscal policies that got us into that mess! Trump is a liar and a cheat Nd a crook of the highest order. He had a fake foundation in which he used other people’s money to pay his own business expenses. He gave an illegal contribution to Pam Bondi’s campaign for Attorney General in Florida and in return, she backed off of investigating Trump University! He was fined for this illegal act. Trump also discriminated against African Americans and would not allow them in his buildings. He was fined by the Federsl government for this more than once. He bankrupted Atlantic City casinos, stiffing contractors and refusing to pay them. Some went bankrupt. He let the shareholders get stuck holding the bag for the losses while he used those losses to get out of paying federal income tax.
Trump has refused to release his tax returns. Therefore, we do not know where he is getting his loans and how much he owes. If you will not release tax forms that presidential candidates have done for over 40 years then common sense says you have something to hide.
Trump will enact a regressive agenda that will not bring jobs to the middle class who need them. He has misled the American people with divide and conquer tactics, hatred and fear. It is no coincidence that hate crimes in this country have increased alarmingly.
This is a man who advocated violence. He has thrown in with a man who is a war criminal for invading the Ukraine and killed innocent civilians in Syria. Putin has also managed to make his enemies disappear via poisoning and other mysterious deaths.
I worked for Hillary’s campaign and took nothing for granted! The knew that Trump would use every dirty trick in the book. Now U. S. Intelligence agencies have concluded with high confidence that Russia hacked into the Democratic Party with the intent to influence the election for Trump.
It was not the fault of the DNC because Putin ordered the hacks! That is interference from a foreign government into our democratic process! Russia has a long history of doing this to influence elections in other countries.
Trump is leading a new-fascist movement in this country. If anyone from another country thinks they know anything more than myself and other American citizens about what is going on, then I will be happy to stand up and refute any lies, fake news, misinformation and distortions. I will not let anyone get away with trashing me and my beliefs! The truth always comes out! Trump will not succeed.
I understand your blind support of Hillary but please, try to see further than your nose!
1. Putin killed inocent people? Last time I checked he got involved in Syria to help Assad fight against Islamic State, something Obama could not do because he financed ISIL in the first place! Obama and Hillary wouldn’t care less about millions of refugees fleeing to Europe and the terrorist attacs all over Europe! One of the main reasons for Brexit was exactly the refugee crisis and war on terrorism!
2. You don’t have to tell me about civilians being killed! Ask your Clinton about it! I lived the horror myself! Novak spoke about him practising in the empty swimming pool during NATO attacks on Serbia! Do you happen to know how many innocent people were killed thanks to your “great” president? “Invading” is the perfect word to describe US past foreign policies and let’s not even go there..,I can only hope Trump will be batter than that but must admit hawks managed to shake my expectations in that regard.,.
3. Speaking of interference in elections: US has always interfered in other countries ellections, spying and financing those who were their political puppets. So nothing new there! Alleged hacking did not make Hillary lose: it’s her own inability to win the elections when most of the media were behind her, the establishment, the businesses and wealthy sponsors, the immigrants were cheering her usual story on democrasy and multicultural America! She spent on the campaign 18 mill more than Trump and still managed to lose! Guess what, common people voted against her! That speaks volume!
This was the reason why I shouldn’t have engaged into talks on politics because I knew it would grow into an endless debate! I will therefore stop here! I respect your opinion as much ad I respect any political opposition, but please try to respect mine!
Let’s focus on tennis from now on…
Yes, this is why we should not talk about politics! I won’t continue to do so, but feel the need to set the record straight. I do not done never will, support anyone blindly. I have had some issues with both Bill and Hillary Clinton., as well as Obama. But l support them in far more issues than I disagree. I decided to participate in this election even though I am not a kid anymore, because I felt it was important enough and the stakes were that high. So I did what I could and took nothing for granted and lost a lot of sleep.
You seem to blame Obama for creating the problem in Syria. You attack NATO as though it is the U.S. alone who is acting. You clearly have issues with my country and those who have governed it. For myself, I have had my fill of conspiracy theories regarding the Clintons. It is like a cottage industry. I know that they have done good things that helped people in this country and even abroad. One can disagree with some of what they have done, but it is not just black or white. Things are talked about in simplistic terms at times mes.
Whatever my government did that you referenced as interference in other. Ounttyes, does not make what Russia did right in any way. Trying to influence or subvert a country’s democratic process by hacking into one political party to disseminate damaging information, is not okay!
A dictator who has made his enemies disappear and turn up poisoned or dead by other means, is not someone to be trusted. Trump’s relationship with this man is deeply disturbing to me. The things that have been uncovered about his business dealings, his refusal to release his tax forms, his refusal to divest himself of his business and put It into a true blind trust, is quite concerning to me.
I worry about Trump’s temperament and his ability to handle the responsibilities of being President. I worry about his rhetoric and lack of respect for people. He should be a uniter, bringing together a divided nation.
I am not the one spouting threats of violence because my candidate did not win. I heard the threats of riots or violent acts from Trump supporters if he did not win. I know that Trump said he would not accept the election results if he did not win. He said the system was rigged.
You know full well that if the election results were reversed and Hillary won the electoral college but lost the popular vote by over 2 million votes, there would be hell to pay with riots and mayhem and Trump refusing to concede.
I am worried about some of the people associated with Trump. People like Steve Bannon who is part of the far right lunatic fringe. I worry when I see who Trump is appointing to his cabinet.
Right now the GOP is in the process of repealing Obamacare. That means that 20 to 30 million people will not have health insurance. People will die. This is serious. The GOP has had years to decide what kind of health insurance to enact as a replacement. They have nothing. The party of “no” has no answers. That concerns me.
I accepted the result of the election. I am not engaging in violence or threats. But that does not mean that I can just close my eyes and act like it’s all okay. Because for me it’s not.
You are entitled to your political beliefs. We will not agree. So we can agree to disagree respectfully.
Now it’s on to tennis…,
If you sincerely want to find out just how corrupt hillary & bill clinton are then you must watch or download this 2 movies on youtube-(1) clinton cash by peter schweizer-https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7LYRUOd_QoM&itct=CBYQpDAYACITCLHr3bW0w9ECFRv2fgodlvkAllIMY2xpbnRvbiBjYXNo&gl=US&hl=en&client=mv-google (2) Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party by Dinesh D’Souza. You would learn that this woman is dangerous & a criminal.
OMG I watched the first 20 minutes. Nothing but rhetoric (as suspected). The most substantial part was the dramatic music track.
And you want to compare that to Orange and Team Fascism?
Seriously, get a grip.
That book and film have been discredited by none other than the DOJ!
This is the kind of far right wing lunatic fringe conspiracy theories out there!
Fake news! It is a disgrace that we have someone actually referencing this trash!
Diagnosis by Uncle Ted Nugent:
Know the signs, spot the symptoms, and save a life.
Do You Know Someone Suffering From Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder (TURD)?
TURD is a pattern of pathologically dissociative and psychotic behavior, first observed in the late hours of November 8th 2016, and increasing in severity with passing time.
Sufferers of TURD often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of childlike rage, rioting and uncontrollable crying.
People with TURD are characterized by a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to Make America Great Again.
TURD Is caused by the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America. For many, both in America and worldwide, this was a shocking and unexpected outcome; their preferred news sources having failed to inform them that the alternative candidate was a criminal parasite in such ill health she got chucked into the back of a van like a kidnap victim.
Research is ongoing, but TURD appears to correlate closely with the following environmental and behavioral factors:
Membership in the Democratic Party
Identifying as a feminist
Currently enrolled in college, and/or possession of a Liberal Arts college degree
Living in a densely populated metropolitan area
Massive student debt
Spotty or non-existent work history
Patients with TURD are very resistant to treatment, and dangerous in large groups. Any possibility of treatment requires that they be separated from their hive-mind support apparatus; they cannot begin the process of accepting reality in the presence of encouragement towards delusion and irrationality. Separation may require the assistance of law enforcement.
If you have a friend or loved one suffering from TURD, urge them to seek treatment. Together we can beat this scourge.
I stopped reading after “Ted Nugent”.
In the inimitable words of John McEnroe, you cannot be serious.
Have fun in your new 1930’s Germany Inspired Authoritarian Theme Park. Good-bye elections!
This person uses insults of the worst kind to make a point. It’s just more of the Trump hate speak, lies, distortions, insults and nothing if substance.
The infamous Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels said that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes accepted as truth!
This stuff if right out of the Nazi playbook! But we have seen it already and will not be fooled again!
hey nats I do not want to prolong the debate but you made glaringly incorrect arguments.
“American people elected Trump for president ”
FACT: Only Americans were allowed to vote in the election and the majority of them voted for Hillary.
“Guess what, common people voted against her! That speaks volume!”
FACT: The system allows only for voting for a candidate, not against a candidate.
Common people voted for both Hillary and Trump and the majority voted for Hillary.
I do not know whether you live in USA or Serbia but if you live in the USA you must know, Trump won because of the Electoral College. Hillary won the common people’s vote.
I want to make something clear am not providing all these fact’s & truth to convince you guys anymore, I know that these ship has sailed, but my hope is that whoever comes across this article now or in future gets sound truth and is not deceived by some of they comments you guys have made.
Am sure you have heard of they saying they blind leading the blind, you know what happens next- THEY ALL FALL INTO A DITCH. With all due respect to Hawkstradamus, nativenewyorker & Mary you all are blinded by unrighteous hate.
Here are 11 of many explosive Clinton cash facts mainstream media confirm are accurate-http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/04/26/11-explosive-clinton-cash-facts-mainstream-media-confirm-are-accurate/. Media’s like the new York times, the new yorker, Washington post, wall street journal, Reuters, CBS news, ABC news, politico, fox news, Blomberg, even the dishonest CNN and so many more have all confirmed how corrupt they Clinton’s are & yet you guys continue to deceive yourselves that’s your prerogative.
Even the FBI started investigating the Clinton’s foundation last year because of both the book & movie called Clinton cash & that investigation is still ongoing.
As of yesterday morning fox news and other networks were reporting that the Clinton’s have started the process of closing their foundation. You can deny the truth all you want, you can even cover your eyes it will make difference the truth will never change. To be honest with you I didn’t vist this site to argue or debate, I visited because I love tennis and to compare my picks with Ricky’s & others that post their predictions. I don’t want to create enemies but friends so if you still disagree with me that’s fine, let’s agree to disagree.
I hope we can be friends,
“With all due respect to Hawkstradamus, nativenewyorker & Mary you all are blinded by unrighteous hate.”
Self project much (like a certain Orange Hitler)?
Yes I hope we can be friends too. That would be nice. Leave your swastikas at home OK(KK)?
Here is the link http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/04/26/11-explosive-clinton-cash-facts-mainstream-media-confirm-are-accurate/
Breitbart is the new Pravda.
Seriously man you are a lost cause.
For my newest bestest pal Stanley…
I don’t need you to lecture me or talk about hate! I heard too many times from people like you st Trump rallies to – Lock her up! Or to execute her or hang her! That is the kind of thing that happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. Hitler took power by lying to his people and also the world about what they were going to the Jews in Germany. Propaganda and lies supplied by Joseph Goebbels. They deceived the people and made the Jews scapegoats. The whole world knows what they did It is important that we speak out when we see neo-Fascism in America.
We will not be silent and we will not be threatened or intimidated by you or any Trump supporters! You need to know that if you know anything.
There is so much stuff out there about Trump’s fake foundation and his dirty business dealings that I could write pages about it. But people like you will never hear it because you are following Trump with blinders on.
I will not dignify the trash you are posting about the Clintons. It’s fascist rhetoric, conspiracy theories and paranoia thrown together in a toxic mix.
We are not going to allow minorities in this country to be persecuted. We are not going to give up our precious freedoms.
The DOJ has already rejected that Clinton cash nonsense as not credible. But there is credible intelligence that is very damaging about Trump’s ties to the Russians.
The truth always comes out in the end. Trump and his crew of far right wing nuts will not succeed in destroying this country.
Preach it nny.
You too! No swastikas allowed!
This is the first inauguration that I will not watch!
There will be protests and the voices of the people will be heard!
This as we watch the GOP repeal Obamacare and take away health insurance for 20 million people!
Shame, shame, shame!
I won’t be watching either nny. Nobody should watch. Media should realize that twitter isn’t news. Twitter should take #Orange Hitler’s account away.
A sad contrast to the inauguration eight years ago.
This guy is one scary #Orange authoritarian…
“Being a great president has to do with a lot of things, but one of them is being a great cheerleader for the country,” Trump said. “And we’re going to show the people as we build up our military, we’re going to display our military.
“That military may come marching down Pennsylvania Avenue. That military may be flying over New York City and Washington, D.C., for parades. I mean, we’re going to be showing our military.”
Trump sounds like a dictator. What is this nonsense about displaying our military? Are we going too see goose stepping the way they did in 1930’s Germany?
It is a sad day for this country. I will be sorry to see Obama go. With him will go the last big is sanity.
The founding fathers put protections in place for despots, but I don’t think they could have envisioned someone like Trump.
Autocorrect again! With Obama will go the last bit of sanity!
Great story on This American Life (podcast) about the mentality that got him there (you already probably know this nny as you are closer to it) but still a great (but frustrating) listen…
It’s from Jan 2016 BTW, long before he won the nomination.
All you Americans who workship Clintons family and call mr Trump fascist….
Your biggest problem is that You are absolutely not interested in civilian victims of US foreign policy. Deep inside all of you only cares about jobs in America, wages,taxes,and so on.Clinton attacked Libya, Serbia, Yemen… and tens of thousands of civilians were killed there by US army.Like as I said before, You dont give a s… about that.
But we do. For us are Bill and Hillary nazis,fascists and war criminals. Mr Trump has not killed anyone and call him a fascist is perverse and miserable,in the style of dr Goebbels and his Volkisher Beobachter.
Shame on You.
“Your biggest problem is that You are absolutely not interested in civilian victims of US foreign policy. Deep inside all of you only cares about jobs in America, wages,taxes,and so on.
You’re confused. That’s #Orange Nazi’s claimed propaganda MO.
He doesn’t claim to care about civilian victims of US foreign policy. #Orange claims (aka lies) to “care about jobs in America, wages,taxes,and so on.”
Whitelight likes to self project for the New Fascist Regime.
@ whitelight 3:45 pm,
I admire your words of wisdom and your courage to speak up for us who feel the same! Thank you!
nats how you think @Orange has shown any indication of being any better other than a naive give-him-a-chance or anything-is-better-than-Clinton’s-Wife is beyond me based on his behavior to date.
On the contrary, everything points to him doubling down on the worst foreign policy including both Bush’s and anything Clinton did in history.
You are being big fat too reasonable! This is all about hating America! It’s convenient to say that we only care about Wall Street! That makes it easier to hate us by dehumanizing us!
Unlike Clintons, Trump killed or had killed no one to date! Trump did not ruin other people’s lives by dropping bombs on their heads killing innocent civilians calling them “collateral damage” as Bill Clinton did: he did not laugh at Muammar Gaddafi sodomizing death as Hillary did…Trump speaks about joining forces with Russia to fight terrorism unlike Hillary and Obama who only made the cold war worse and ignored refugee crisis in Europe hiding behind benign issues like climate change! Pathetic!
Here is little something to educate you:
Your first mistake is believing anything out of Trump’s mouth and assuming he’d be better and not worse.
Russia doesn’t fight terrorism. It supports a Syrian authoritarian dictator who bombs and gases his own people – several of whom I’ve had the privilege to meet who have escaped to Canada. It invades Ukraine killing others in the process.
BTW, Trump can’t be believed on anything he says. Two years ago he said that Russia was the biggest threat to the US.
Educate yourself first.
And Trump has already acted to support Russia.
@ hawks 6:29 pm,
you seem to act as you know everything better than the rest of us, but you don’t! Since you seem to trust CNN (IMO mostly tendentious war instigators who make money from war crisis around the world and who are passionate and biased Clinton’s supporters who hate Trump so much that they keep selling more and more lies and look desperate in doing so…that’s the main reason why he shut them up at the first press conference…he rightly got a round of applause by other present press representatives for doing so…)I would like to offer you to read something on Syria…I am really intrigued by your lack of knowledge on the subject and your buying on the fake propaganda…this piece published by your favorite CNN might help you…even them had to tell the truth at some point…
Syrian army on the ISIS front line: Russian intervention called a ‘blessing’
“Finally we reach a fork in the road — to the left lies Aleppo, to the right Raqqa, the self-declared capital of ISIS. In this barren place, we receive an escort to a large military base, where artillery cannons are firing intermittently. We’re taken to see the commanding general.
The general did not want to appear on camera and did not allow us to use his name, but he spoke openly about the Syrian army’s operations here — combating ISIS but also al Qaeda’s wing in Syria, al Nusra Front.
“The Russian intervention has been a blessing,” he said.
“They have helped us a great deal and in two ways — first of all there are the airstrikes themselves. But they also give us aerial intelligence, which allows us to conduct pre-emptive strikes as well…”
…”America? Are they doing anything?” he asked. “I have not seen them make a contribution yet. On the contrary, they are the ones who made ISIS strong.”
To emphasize his point, he showed a photo of a U.S. Humvee, which he said ISIS had used in an assault on one of his bases…”
No nats CNN is not much better than FOX news. Both are infotainment that pander to their audience. It does not mean that everything both networks say is 100% false.
I believe the Syrian refugees I have met and spoken to in person first hand.
I know enough to know I don’t know everything but I know Trump and his chosen team are largely sociopaths. They would have to be.
Yes the Syrian army led by Asaad that chemically attacks and bombs it’s own people burying live children in rubble, call Russian intervention a blessing. Big surprise there.
Your point being?
@hawks 8:44pm,
You seem to forget the major factor of Syrian war which is fighting ISIS! Are you at all aware of the threat they place and the damage they made…you certainly do not serm to…you share the ex president Obama preference to ignore the issue…Turkey goes through hell with frequent terrorist attacks, and innocent people are being killed..,civilians in France, Germany, Belgum are killed in terrorist attacks. All those countries accepted and hosted refugees…are you telling me that focusing on climate change is more important? Russians currently leading negotiations for peace in an attempt to find solution for Syria is much more appreciated in the world than your climate change nonsense…
BTW, beautiful performances for tomorrow’s Trump inauguration at Lincoln Memorial… thousands of people, Americans, who love their country are there to show their support! You should watch it! The whole world does! I bet you will die of jealousy and envy…?
nats that’s patently incorrect – that is not the main reason for the Syrian war but an excuse of Asaad and Putin.
It is civil war between civilian uprising and authoritarian Asaad regime.
You think Asaad dictatorship killing civilians with help from Russia is a blessing and how to end terrorism in Europe. I disagree.
I believe that climate change will eclipse any suffering seen to date if left ignored for short term greed. And your #Orange thinks it is a Chinese hoax despite universal science based evidence and needs to be addressed. I don’t fall into a trap of rating causes of threats to mankind. I leave that to you.
Russians are leading no negitiations to peace. Just more Putin crap propaganda.
In your last paragraph, disappointing that you find all of this funny and are treating me like I am a troll. Thought you were better than trolling me like this saying I am jealous and envious and acting like I know more than everybody when I have been clear with you not joking how serious this is. This is not a joking matter for me. I have been respectful with you without any personal statements on you but you cannot do the same.
I hear that Trump is having problems filling seats and that hotel bookings are way down. A dark day for humanity. One of the smallest electoral wins in US history.
We are going around in circles and we have zero common ground if you cannot see the threat posed by Trump who sides with Brexit and Putin while looking to destabilize relations with China and the rest of Europe.
That you are a fan of Putin and Trump and treat me with disdain when I try to have a respectful discussion with you tells me I am wasting my time. We have insufficient common ground and ideology to have a rational discussion. I don’t insult you personally but you do.
@hawks 11:55pm,
Are you kidding? You are the one selling jokes and can’t take one? I could have known better! Sorry, no more jokes with you!
Your judgments are twisted: you justify US killings and say it was for the “right cause”, but not Russian? Sorry, we differ in views to begin with and any debate is pointless! I am not fun of those two and will never be! I am just being realistic unlike you.,,
I WILL joke about Trump and to those I view as trolling.
Jokes yes. But no, not one aimed at you personally because I had too much respect for you to do that. For that matter, I still won’t.
Again you claim to be the realistic one knowing better than me (my judgements are twisted of course) yet you projected that onto me earlier as knowing better than everyone. I did not judge you.
You justify Syrian and Russian killings and again you project justifying killings onto me. But yours must be the realistic and justified killings of course. My mistake (on more counts than one).
1. you can be cruel with your own jokes and I condemned your behavior in the past for doing so. I do not know how you get to decide who is the troll and whom you could insullt? The way you treated Stanley just because he is a Trump supporter is not funny at all, at least not to me! So, there we differ!
2. In the States people generally make jokes about Canadians, and their supposed jealousy of Americans! I thought joking in that way you would not find insulting, but I was wrong, so I apologize! I have close cousins living in Toronto and they judge me as being too “americanized” the feature they dislike as Canadian citizens..,so I guess I crossed the line with yet another Canadian but did not mean to insult you in any sense.,,however, if you found it offensive a bit I’d say it was for the right cause and for you to taste some of your own medicine (Stanley, augusta, Mary-until the moment she trashed Trump and became your comrade-could all tell about it.,
3. Don’t insult my intelligence by lecturing me of Syrian war! I know how and why it started. My sister dated Syrian for 8 years and he had to go back to Syria to join the army as a doctor. US arming opposition to fight Assad contributed to creating ISIS. Russia only got involved when ISIS grew strong snd became the major threat for Europe and Asia..
4. I do not look that far in the future like you do, to be concerned about global warming when I am already exasperated by the presence..,we have terrorist attacks, refugee crisis, economic downturn in Europe.,,climate change can wait for its turn…
5. Trump may turn to be just another failing US president, he still won’t be worse than Clintons! I still think he will make US economy blossom! Let us adress this subject in one year time and see who of us was wrong.,,until then, let’s try to agree to disagree!
BTW, Melania Trump comes from the same country as I, and she speaks four languages including Serbian! She is loved in the Balkans.,,
“if you found it offensive a bit I’d say it was for the right cause and for you to taste some of your own medicine”
I was happy to see and accept your apology but you contradict yourself.
I give back to those mentioned what they dole out to others and of whom I have little respect for based on how they treat others.
I don’t lecture you on Syrian war (transparent straw man attempt) but simply state the context of which you neglected with ISIS view as major cause.
Climate change is already here and unreversible catastrophe is not so far in the future as you might expect. It is likely too late already.
I disagree wirh you on Trump will be better than Clinton presidency and believe that any temporary benefits under Trump’s protectionism will be short lived (if at all) and there will be too much cost. I believe his presidency will be worst in history let alone Clinton. There may be no election in four years. That is a real possibility when authoritarian rule take over. Laws are only as good as those willing to enforce them.
I have always agreed to disagree. Those are your opinions and mine are mine. I never said otherwise.
Yeah, agree to disagree. Sure. Done debating this with you.
Thanks to You too Natasha. Keep it up.
I have been reading the latest discussion and think that you have finally come to the same realization that I have when it comes to natashao’s political views. In the end it will come down to insults because that is what is left when you cannot make a coherent argument.
The idea that she would celebrate Trump shutting down the CNN reporter and think it’s a good thing, shows that she does not understand how a democracy works! Our Constitution provides freedom of the press, not some of the press, or only the press who says what Trump wants them to say. The fact that she embraces this classic fascist technique for shutting down criticism and dissent and different opinions, shows an ignorance of how a free society works.
Trump will have a lot more tough questions that he won’t like from the press. They must keep asking such questions and not be intimidated!
You have tried to convey your point of view, sometimes with facts and links and other times with some humor. But you are not going to be heard. Anyone who could possibly think that Putin is right or good or decent in any way, is living in an alternate universe. Russia has State sponsored TV, no free speech or elections and a thug for a dictator who is not above murdering his enemies.
Come to think of it, that is what Trump not so subtlety tried to convey to his supporters at campaign rallies. Scary and a lot like Putin!
You and I do not agree about everythIng. But on the important things, we do agree. Take heart! There are going to be demonstrations with people who see Trump for who he really is. Thank goodness that America is still free and people can express their dissatisfaction and dissent!
Remember – we are in the majority! We just had an election that said so!
Thanks for making the case so well and for being so decent about it!
This is why it’s hard to talk about politics. You find out things about people’s views that change everything. It’s been a wake up call, if nothing else.
So that is how Clinton’s blind worshippers call selling lies and false propaganda: freedom of press! It makes you as bad as Puttin…you support deceiving statements of your journalists as long as it disapproves and trushes Trump and his family! So sad!
America has exemplary voting system which defines election of a president! Electoral College Sustem decides and Trump won the election under the said system! The popular vote doesn’t change that fact! You should respect the system even when it does not suit you!
Insulting and badmouthing on the tennis forum someone who doesn’t share your political views does not feel right thing to do.,,but then again, this behavior comes from the Hillary’s book, so no surprise there..,
I don’t have to defend myself against your faux outrage!
Trump’s is best buddies with Putin! You like up him? You think he is a decent human being instead of a former KGB thug who murders his own opposition! He is a dictator and a war criminal! Yet Trump thinks he’s the greatest!
You know, people like you are probably my glad that we were attacked on 9/11! That is the cowardly mentality that you display!
Throwback around lies about the Clint Bs does not a coherent argument make!
You hate my country, pure and simple! Just be honest about it and stop pretending! I am so sick of people blaming America as though we are responsible for all the ills of the world.
Your comments and lies and lecturing do. Or mean a thing to me because you are just someone with hate in your heart!
The shame is all on you’
Autocorrect and my own outrage about these despicable accusations garbled my last post. But suffice t say that conspiracy theories and lies about the Clintons will not be enough to hide the truth!
As I said, someone like you would be cheering when we were attacked on 9/11! That is the mentality here and it is disgusting!
I feel sorry for those of you whose hearts are so filled with hatred.
Your obvious inability to accept different opinion while going that far to accuse a poster like whitelight, who was just expressing the view which differs from yours, to be “glad that you are attacked on 9/11” is beyond comprehension…I am stunned and utterly disappointed at your rhetoric! You insulted all of us with your shameless post! Obviously you are still filled with so much acrimony and anger over lost elections, that you can not think clearly…
You are the one filled with hatred. But I have tried but to attack you personally.
Stop presuming to tell me what I can or cannot accept it how I think or feel!
You dare to criticize me after the truly despicable things you have said about the Clintons and Obama. Your simplistic view of the world reveals ignorance.
I don’t think you care about all the people we lost on 9/11. There is too much hatred and anger in your heart. Not that I need you to care. I could not have been prouder of my country and the brave rescuers who ran toward danger. My family was there and lived through it all. I think God that they survived.
I am really deeply offended by your attitude and harsh judgment of me.
You should be reminded that my country fight Big in WWII is a big part of the reason why your people do not have to salute the swastika.
But you cannot be bothered with that. Your insults directed at me are merely a reflection of who you are.
not true! I never insulted you! I only expressed different opinion. I love American people. I lived there and spend there two months every year. I admire the hardworking people who achieve tremendous results in America! However I strongly disapprove your attitude and your insulting comments and accusations…it is so unlike Americans I know and have high respect for…
Those who are bombing all over the world and kill children and women, are fascists and war criminals.
You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.
Byt Its not so interesting,Its much more important if stock prices on Wall Street rose.
@ whitelight, 4:07pm,
well said!
Trump would only triple down on that. Supporting a Russian regime with their own set of human rights atrocities and invading Ukraine where they have no right to be.
Yes and Trump and Wall Street have opposite agendas LOL picking ex-Goldman Sachs partner to head Finance. Get real.
Trump would shower you with a “Golden” medal for that self-projection on his behalf.
Hilarious delusion from GoldenLight.
You are fighting the good fight and I respect your efforts. Considering that someone did not want to get into politics, now I see that such is not the case.
Whitelight trashes Americans for only caring about Wall Street! And then they wonder why I say that they would not care about those who died on 9/11? To just say that Americans are only about stock prices really reduces us to bring less than human. That is the most wretched kind of generalization and distortion of who we are.
Those people who died on 9/11 worked on Wall Streeet. That is why Bin Laden attacked the twin towers. As a symbol of our capitalist system. So I guess those innocent people only cared about stock prices!
I find that kind of talk so insulting and reprehensible. It was hate that motivated Bin Laden to commit that heinous act. But I have to read someone reducing my fellow Americans to greedy people who only care about Wall Street and stock prices!
If Whitelight ever bothered to talk to their families, then just maybe he might get a clue as to who they really were! But better to reduce them to some stereotype to fit with one’s hatred of America and its people.
You reacted in this way because You know that I speak the truth.It is a known thing in psychiatry. The truth hurts.
Go to Google and type in Iraq+ depleted uranium. Look att those horrible, gruesome photos. It was not aliens who did that, it was not Vladimir Putin who did that. Your country and your army has done this horrific barbarism and warcrime.
And no, I dont hate America, I love to watch NBA, to read N.Chomsky, to listen L. Cohen…
But I HATE liars and murderers.
Wake Up Native and see the truth in the eyes.
Then you must hate Trump.
He must have lied when he said two years ago that Russia was America’s biggest threat.
Seems a warm shower changed his views since.
As for Putin, Trump’s BFF…
Putin and Assad could face justice for war crimes in Syria
““Russia and the regime owe the world more than an explanation about why they keep hitting hospitals, medical facilities, children, women,” Kerry said. “These are acts that beg for an appropriate investigation of war crimes.”
There is clear and abundant evidence the Assad regime and the Russian government are committing crimes that include, but are not limited to, deliberate attacks on civilians, collective punishment, starvation as a tool of war, torture, murder, inhumane treatment of prisoners and the use of chemical weapons on the battlefield.”
Here are Syrian rescuers pulling toddlers buried in building rubble…
Sickening that you would support Trump and his friendliness with Putin.
War crimes? Ok but Bush, Rumsfeld,Clintons, Blair and Obama first and Asad and Putin after them.
GOLDEN, Trump will trump them all.
Trump and Bannon (an admitted Leninist) have already said that they want to destroy the state and I suspect you agree.
I wroted your nick in a correct way. You are not able to do that, to show your respekt for the opposite opinion and other tenngrand members.
Its just sad.
And I don’t respect your opposite opinion.
Only respect your right to have one – which Putin and Trump obviously do not.
Trump would not allow CNN to question him at his so-called press conference so he is trying to shut down their opinions and only allow opinions of those media outlets that will not stand up to him but tow the line.
Like Putin.
It was a little joke among friends (where are you from BTW – I am from Canada).
As natashao said, please educate yourself…
Why Russia is invading Ukraine, explained in 2 minutes
Your friends Putin and Trump have a lot in common. Trump will no doubt follow his lead.
YouTube and CNN ” explained” why Russia is ” invading” Ukraine :):):)
Thanks for the laugh my friend, I was close to urinate in my boxer shorts:)
Btw, I am living in Sweden.
Careful. Trump might get excited if he reads your post.
I guess you were also laughing at the video I posted on Syrian children being rescued from building rubble caused by Asaad bombing his own people.
If what you argue and what it represents wasn’t so sad, I would be laughing too.
Perhaps you are a supporter of this Swedish party like Donald Trump.
Bless you for posting that link. I tried to make the point about Putin killing civilians in Syria a few days ago, but posting the facts is even better.
You are doing a great job telling the truth about Trump’s suspicious alliance with the likes of Putin.
It’s becoming obvious even to our own intelligence people that there is something disturbing and profoundly corrupt about Trump defending someone like Putin.
Thanks again for telling it like it is.
Your welcome nny but the GOP controls everything and are showing no signs of a majority to stand up to him. Most of the GOP is no better sadly even if he was impeached.
I agree with you. The GOP is no better. I don’t see them impeaching Trump.
Posting the facts :):):)
It must be joke of the century. There were more truth in Volkisher beobachter, Der angriff and Das reich when they lied about Nazi foreign policy than in CNN, W-post,CBS… when they lie about US foreign policy.
More and more people in US began to realize that. Unfortunately, not You.
You’re still afraid to tell me where you are from Whitelies like Trump afraid to show his tax returns.
LOL, I’ve seen the more and more so called ‘enlightened’ people (a minority btw, 3M less than Clinton and just 25% of eligible voters) that voted for Trump of which you speak.
They can barely read and put two sentences together let alone be concerned with foreign policy.
Here are some of those foreign policy ‘experts’ who believe that 3,000,000 illegals voted.
Speaking of illegals, that’s what Trump called the Syrian refugees that were ACCEPTED by Germany. Blatant racism.
Have a look at that video I posted on rescuing children from rubble caused by Assad attacks on its own citizens, some of who I’ve met and spoke with, and get back to me please.
And for murderers you must hate Putin. Over 3000 dead in Ukraine invasion.
““The Russians did their pre-planned move to distract attention in Syria, and the world bought it.”
Am sorry to have not commented for a while now i have been extremely busy, but i must say it is refreshing to read some the sensible comments made by whitelight & natasha2013 & your names are cool. Pls don’t get me wrong if i disagree with you guys on some topics i won’t hide it. I just have some questions for all of you do think that jack sock can defeat jo-wilfred tsonga? And what about P. Carreno vs K. Edmund, i would appreciate it if i can get an answer in less than an hour.
My money is on Edmund.
I have nothing against to talk about video and russian bombing of Alepo and warcrime in Ukraine,but You dont play a fair game. You will talk only about that but absolutely not about Iraq, Libya, Serbia, Afghanistan, Yemen… and US warcrimes in all these countries.
So will not go.
I completely agree with Iraq was wrong from the start.
Afghanistan brought down Taliban and lead to death of Bin Laden. It was not for no reason like Iraq.
With Trump it sounds like you are saying two wrongs make it right.
Trump is already showing by his actions and behaviour that he will only make things much much worse both domestically and internationally.
I am a socialist by nature. I believe in European model of social programs protecting the most unfortunate in society. I believe in immigration to help others improve their lives.
I don’t believe in greedy Trump tea party approach only taking care of the one percent and stripping government to its core and his hate for almost everybody.
You don’t need to listen to me. Just read his hate speak on twitter. It feels like a nightmare to me.
I am not a Hillary Clinton fan. I would have much preferred Bernie Sanders.
Trump is not an answer to any improvements.
@ hawks 10:37 PM,
finally, you and I get to agree on something! I was also supportive of Bernie Sanders but his reasoning was overshadowed by powerful sponsors who financed Clinton’s campaign and he was unable to win the people over with his great ideas and solutions because it involved criticizing Hillary who was media’s favorite…sadly the media intentionally turned it all around and went after Sanders…
I agree with you nats.
Sanders was short changed.
He would have had a better chance against Trump because the voters were looking for a real change and shake up.
Trump will be that but in the wrong direction.
Hillary was still infinitely my choice compared to what Trump truly represents.
In addition ethnic cleansing by Bosnian Serbs was an atrocity that required a response by the UN.
It had to end.
More baloney about Hillary winning the Democratic Party nomination. There are no conspiracies here! Bernie Sanders was not a Democrat. He is an independent. Hillary was the obvious choice for the party. Sanders is too far to the left and out of the mainstream. I do happen to agree with him in done areas Hillary embraced much of his positions for the party platform.
The states run their primaries, so again no sinister conspiracies here. The people voted in the Democratic primaries and Hillary got more votes. Not that complicated! This country has never elected anyone from the far right or the far left.
Now that is sour grapes about Sanders! The hypocrisy is so thick here you can choke on it!
Hillary Clinton tried to enact health insurance in the 90’s. Bill and Hillary Clinton were rewarded for their efforts by losing control of the Congress to Newt Gingrich and the Contract with America.
Hillary Clinton helped children get health insurance coverage. She has devoted herself to children’s causes throughout her public life.
It’s interesting how someone will accuse me of being a sore loser and then start making up stories about how Hillary won the nomination through some kind of secret plotting! LOL!
The people actually did elect Hillary by more than 2 million votes! Trump has the dubious distinction of having lost the popular vote by the largest margin ever!
Trump has no moral compass, no principles or scruples. I just pray he doesn’t start a nuclear war!
Oh and for the record, I did not support the war in Iraq. But Bush lied about the WMD’s in Iraq. But the war in Afghanistan was necessary to go after the Taliban and Bin Laden. Bush is responsible for destabilizing Iraq and the power vacuum left in the absence is Saddam Hussein paved the way for Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Thanks whitelight, your right Kyle Edmund is the favorite to win Pablo carreno- busta, I was disappointed with Pablo against peter polansky he almost lost but I have a problem with underdogs I like siding with them sometimes, so this time I picked Pablo carrreno to win his odd is at 2.06 while Edmund at 1.63 but I also placed another bet over 38.5 at 1.82 in case he doesn’t win the reason why I did that is because I don’t think Edmund or Pablo can win in straight sets I could be wrong but let’s hope am not.
On jack sock vs jo-wilfied Tsonga I went with j.sock to win at 2.21, Tsonga is at 1.50 his the favorite but I think j. Sock wins, I also placed a different bet over 10.5 in the first set at 2.11 wish me luck.
I would be responding very soon to some the comments that have been made I know that Mary, Nativenewyorker & Hawkeye63 miss me already miss too.
Guys I would be responding with more details tomorrow on some of the comments you have made, am not sure I can do that now. I would just touch on some comments-
1) Hillary Clinton’s nomination was not fair everyone knows that, it even lead to the firing of the Democratic national committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz after wikileaks exposed how corrupt Hillary & the DNC are. Hillary Clinton also deleted more than 30,000 emails after she has been subpoenaed by Congress that is an admission of guilt she lied & said what she deleted was wedding plans & yoga schedules come on now, she also used an app called bleachbit to make sure it’s not recoverable you can believe what you want that’s your prerogative. You talked about her helping children I don’t doubt that but if you do your research or watch the movie Clinton cash in full you would find out that most of the money that goes into that foundation is not used in helping people but it is used for their benefit, that’s why the FBI is investigating their foundation & if you have been following the news you would notice that the are firing employees & have started the process of shutting down these are facts. Read these article and do a little bit of research & you will find out how the Clinton’s in rich themselves just like they did in Haiti (1) http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437883/hillarys-america-secret-history-democratic-party-dinesh-dsouza-clinton-foundation (2) http://mobile.wnd.com/2016/10/haitians-fear-clintons-will-scam-them-again/ (3) http://mobile.wnd.com/2016/09/former-haitian-lawmaker-denounces-clinton-foundation-graft/
(2) Hawkeye63 have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth, have become a Nazi because I provide facts that you can’t refute. Now I don’t take your comments seriously so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you were joking. There is a saying in the bible in 1Corinthians 14:20 it says Brethren, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature. Don’t be quick to call someone a rascist or Nazi, you did they same thing to senator Jeff sessions, to me & now to Donald trump.
And pls don’t attribute the crimes of Vladimir Putin to his account just because he wants to work with Russia in destroying Isis & other terrorist group doesn’t make him a bad person.
When it comes to immigration he has said countless of times that he is not against people coming into the USA only that they should come in legally and if the region that they are coming from is a terrorist hot bed then there should be a proper verification system put in place so that terrorist don’t exploit the system, look at what is happening in Germany women being raped by the hundreds and innocent lives lost at the hands of wicked people. I would elaborate more on the refugee crisis later,I have to go now.
Yes that’s why.
Now run along Stanley like a nice little goose stepping Nazi.
Poor Stanley, he is obviously unemployed.
Why is my comment awaiting moderation?
maybe a word limit. It was like 7 pages long.
Fake news filter probably.
Trump can make America great again by exporting Stanley to China.
I hear they accept hazardous waste.
I offer the hand of friendship & i get slapped in the face 4rm different Δs, i tell you the truth with facts that can’t be refuted & i am called a little goose stepping nazi & a hazardous waste wow wow bravo. Even beautiful mary is suggesting that i am unemployed & should be exported 2 china. A wise man once said do not be deceived evil communications corrupts good manners- 1 corinthians 15:33.
Right now i feel like taking some of u 2 the back of the gym & teach some manners & as for they ”ladies” a little spanking would suffïce. Maybe it’s time i reconsider being a part of this discussion, very soon someone might suggest that i work 4 the KGB.
I hope u enjoy the inauguration, i know i would.
Speaking of spanking, I’m sure you will.
PCB beat Edmund…so much for following the Whitelight !
Seems contradictory that a seriously bible quoting zealot is also a gambler. Not buying any of it.
The Bible quoting is what is so incredibly offensive to me. Using the Bible to hate is other people and insult them is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
That is not what Jesus would have done!
Jeff Sessions is garbage: a racist and a white supremacist. Look up his history. Jesus would not approve. In fact if you think about WWJD, none of Trump’s cabinet would be approved including Trump himself. None of them pass the eye of a needle test…they are all big bloated Camel’s.
Drain the swamp of Trump and his corrupt crony wall street billionaire cabinet and start over!! Clear the Temple of this filth.
Right on girl! You go! Trump has only made the swamp even dirtier! His cabinet is a rogue’s gallery of billionaires and incompetents!
They said that Trump is already the most unpopular new President! People are not happy with his picks!
Trump has not divested himself of his company. Having his sons run it is not the answer! We don’t know to whom crooked Trump owes money. Without his tax returns we won’t know. But the potential for conflicts of interest is serious and a real threat.
At least there will be a record number of people protesting this fascist government!
Power to the people!
It’s ghastly – really too much to bear to have this obvious bully and well-known crook with his twisted amoral, conscienceless, appointees about to take control. And it’s particularly galling that naive Trump enthusiasts see him as a savior — quoting the bible — praising Trump’s character??? How absurd! We’ve hit some embarrassing low’s in this country…in every single presidency, I won’t argue that, but what we are about to go into is truly the depths of the s*** pile. These people think he cares a flock about humanity? Really?
We are about to see an explosion of private detention centers … thousands of people being held indefinitely for committing no crime and without legal representation. Their crime? Being poor and displaced due to war or dire economic circumstances. So what? Not our fault? BS. It is our fault – learn some US history. I agree it’s hard to find the truth in history but our hands have been in every place on the planet and in everyone’s pockets globally and we are accountable — WWJD now?
Minimum wage? No one to advocate for minimum wage — a wage to support those on the lowest tier. None of these greedy bloated camels will vote to raise the minimum wage. Obama tried, and failed. Obama was never going to succeed, the Republican Majority saw to that! It’s slavery all over again. Are they so blind? Poverty begets poverty. And don’t even get me started on the dang pipelines and fracking, as if we haven’t lied to and destroyed the hopes of Native Americans without a second thought – they bring destruction any any cost to all. Making America great again? Amazing BS.
Privatizing prisons is one of the biggest atrocities in the past decades – a throwback to medieval times. Privatizing healthcare under the Reagan administration was beginning of the end of real affordable healthcare for the people. Privatization of education is the death of affordable education for all. Ironic that these Clinton haters think that Trump is anti-Wall street… Do they read the printed information on the background of these criminals about to take over the administration?
You sum it up extremely well rc. It’s an endless list of close-minded racism, misogyny, greed and exclusion. Hateful lies from a bunch of hypocritical bible-thumping sociopaths led by an orange buffoon man-child controlled by a Leninist Bannon and by Putin.
If this was a movie, you wouldn’t be able to suspend your disbelief at the stupidity of it all.
Sorry but I’m barely scratching the surface — not even close to a summary. Not even close to the disgusting truth behind this reality TV bully buffoon, his vile administration, and his kool-aid drinking loyal following.
And it’s right out of Orwell’s 1984. Or Atwood’s Oryx and Crake; the misogyny and oppression is as described in A Handmaid’s Tale. Queue 2+2=5 and Reckoner by Radiohead.
Bannon is from the gutter – a creature central to the farce and deceit – pure and simple. Breitbart is Fox news on steroids – most of it BS and the rest half-truths. And Breitbart is a primary orifice from which the BS flows – #BNN #BSNewsNetwork
But I wouldn’t silence it — freedom of the press and freedom of speech is sacred. And though the Orange machine is going to try to silence us it must be made plain that Trump seeks to destroy his critics, shouting us down and literally sending a corporate and privatized militia to shut us up. Good-bye corrupt but relatively tolerable plutocracy, hello oligarchy with its appointed dictator, gestapo thug patrol, and razor wire encampments for the poor and disenfranchised.
It’s near-sighted idiocy to see only the Clinton or Obama presidencies a scapegoat for the ills in the Middle East and the Balkans. Every presidency, Democrat or Republican, since the beginning of the US of America is guilty of crimes against the planet and humanity. Blaming one or the other political party is beyond naive. Corruption and indecency is rife and has no allegiance to political party. Republicans become Democrats…Lincoln was a Republican but wait a century and the names and inclinations change. Look at the platforms to decide, not the names – I am a social liberal and the Democratic party to which I belong had become barely recognizable and close to being one I reject – bought out by Wall Street – an unfortunate fact.
Perhaps this farcical new presidency will in time be seen as a step to bring us back together, not because of its success, but because of its outrageous failure and glaring departure from decency and respect for humanity — and moreover — for the health and care of the planet and the future.
Jesus preach it rc! Agree 100% with every word. So well stated.
Yes it is impossible to do more than scratch the surface because the hateful stupidity is an endless chasm.
Stupid stupid ugly people.
Sanders would have been revolution in the right direction – instead it is exactly the opposite.
That said comparing Clinton (either of them) and Trump is false equivalency to the extreme.
Most people if not all thought N. Djokovic would defeat denis istomin including d. Istomin as well, and to critize whitelight 4 picking K. Edmund is just silly, i appreciate his responds unlike most of u. Just look at ricky’s record in the aus. open 72-23, he has made more than 20 wrong predictions that does’t mean he is good at what he does, i respect his daily picks & the info he provides in his articles if not i won’t be here.
Absolutely right. I don’t appreciate Whitelight. Why should I? Who is he? Someone you know, stanley?
I would be responding very soon to some of the unscriptural & outrageous statements u guys keep making but in the meantime i would like 2 know ur predictions-
(1) A. Zverev vs R. Nadal.
(2) Pablo carreno vs denis istomin.
Pls everyone contribute this time i need to know your picks in less than an hour & pls don’t be bias okay, i love you all i know it’s hard to believe but i sincerely do that’s why i keep correcting u when u make mistakes. A true friend does that.
Anyone who uses the Bible and preaches hate in the name of Jesus does not understand the meaning of God and religion and spirituality.
Condescending to others and presuming to tell us what to say, how to act or what to think is both arrogant and presumptuous.
People who are truly spiritual and understand Jesus and his teachings, live it every day and express it in good deeds and respect for others!
Something that Trump and his Godless followers will never understand.
In my earlier comment i meant to say- that doesn’t mean he is not good at what he does.
My picks …though I make no claims of being an expert, my money would be on…
Nadal but not real sure about it.
PCB…Istomin will be toast.
Aw Dave, I mean stanley…..I love you too, if you are Dave – despite your political views. And btw, I have the same arguments with my Trump supporting long-time boyfriend and lover. We don’t talk about it. I can’t believe his ignorance and he can’t believe mine. It’s a wait and see position we take – my predictions vs his. I’ve loved him too long to hate him based on political differences. He’s a die-hard Hillary Clinton hater – which doesn’t really bother me, since I stopped trusting at least a decade ago; even though she was the least offensive and I voted for Hillary, given the choice of voting Republican or Democrat. My man was and is Bernie Sanders.
Please am still waiting 4 your picks, i love you guys okay. Let’s put our disaggrements aside and work 2gether here, you have less than 30 minutes.
Evidently you are not asking me — because I gave you my picks already.
I’m going with the bookies this time and my own guessing that Rafa will prevail over Sascha Zverev. Rafa has too many tricks in his big bag of GS bo5 experience.
PCB is an ever so slight favorite. I’d go with that and with the thought that Istomin will be toast mentally, if not physically after defeating Novak.
Thanks ratcliff, i would have said i owe you dinner but am afraid your boyfriend/lover would misunderstand so accept my gratitude. His a smart guy i can tell so it won’t hurt if u listened to him more often, i would let u know what i decide.
How charming you are stanley. But oh so politically BLIND as is my BF, sadly. Cheers!
If you visit this site, you should know that the place generally to check serious daily picks, if pressed for time, is here: https://tenngrand.com/daily-picks/
Rafa may not up to best standard but he’s strong, healthy, and fit. I daresay he looks like he’s ready to run marathons. He should out-smart Sascha, even if Sascha blows him off the court in one of the sets. It might take all five sets, or at least four, is my guess. It’s a must-see match though, either way. Don’t take my word for any serious tennis gambling/ betting. I’m pretty confident about Rafa over A. Zverev and Monfils. But Not so confident about Milos.
I am a lot more nervous for Rafa playing Zverev. On espn they showed highlights of Rafa playing him at last year’s IW. That was some match! Zverev won the first set in a TB and then Rafa won the second set 6-0. It was a match that Zverev clearly thought he should have won, but Rafa prevailed in 3 sets. Zverev was crushed by that loss, so I expect him to come out determined to get the win. He’s a year older and even better. He’s young, he’s hungry and has the game to get it done.
I am hoping that Rafa can reach down and find something special, because I think he’s going to need it. Baggy did not give Rafa that much of a match. This will be Rafa’s first test and he’s not at his best yet.
I will hope for Rafa to get this win, because I think it would help him. The more he wins, the better.
I am going to be a bundle of nerves!
(1) A. Zverev vs R. Nadal I picked over 10.5 games in the first set at 2.43.
(2) Pablo carreno vs Denis istomin I picked D. Istomin to win at 2.75. I know he is not the favorite but i was impressed by his win against Novak djokovic, he should be extra motivated against Pablo.
I know were the daily picks are I just like to consider and compare different predictions with my, besides A. Zverev & Denis istomin games starts tomorrow so Ricky hasn’t posted his picks.
Pictures say 1000 words…
BuzzFeed News @BuzzFeedNews 1h1 hour ago
People noticed that crowds were a lot smaller for Trump’s inaugural concert than Obama’s
Hahaha, this seems really important to you! Reminds me of your insisting on “empty” seats at Rafa’s matches just to contradict augusta and nadline.,,
I really give up! You can have all the fun! Cheers!
So you keep saying.
Hawkeye i know you say foolish things but i didn’t know you are childish also, how old are you?
Buzzfeed is fake news. (1) http://nypost.com/2017/01/10/buzzfeeds-trump-report-takes-fake-news-to-a-new-level/ (2) http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/01/fake-news-buzzfeed-cnn-fall-trump-piss-story-4chan-prank/ (3) http://www.breitbart.com/radio/2017/01/12/bolton-friends-experienced-diplomacy-military-intelligence-laughed-at-buzzfeeds-trump-dossier/
My BFF Stanley is spanking again like he mentioned yesterday.
Goose step back into line now Dave.
Don’t ignore my question how old are you? And take the time to read the links i sent u, you would learn that buzzfeed is not a reliable source of news. A true friend corrects you when your wrong.
Said the breitbart news goose stepper self projecting.
Hilariously sad.
Keep spanking Dave.
Stanley dear you won’t get the better of hawkeye.
We are immune Mary but it’s fun deconstructing deplorables.
Here’s a riddle for Stanley fans:
Our bible thumping Stanley goes to the jungles of Africa, harangues the natives, the birds and the beasts and converts all of them to Christianity. One day, a hungry African Lion pounces on our Stan. Our hero reminds the lion that he ( the lion) is now a Christian. Lion looks abashed, lets go of Stan….
Then what happens?
Mary is back, what’s up? I haven’t heard from you all day, i must confess i have missed u. The last we spoke you suggested that Donald trump export me to china, what part of china would you like me to go to, i have been studying mandarin all day.
Based on what I’ve read, Stanley should learn to write better English before adding a second language.
You are getting waaaaay ahead of yourself.
Stanley, you can’t go wrong with mandarin. It is the official language. Also I think Southwest china is where most of the hazrdous waste is produced and mandarin is the local language.
Stanley is off the chart.
Yes though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me- psalm 23:4. Like shadrach, meshach and abed-nego our GOD would deliver us from all evil & even if he doesn’t we know we would spend eternity with him- daniel 3:16-30.
Speaks volumes.
I speak 4 languages is not hard to learn another.
Are you like 12 or 16yrs old, pls how old are you?
Hint: not as old as your 140-character tweeting hate Orange Nazi?
I’m guessing drivel, BS and speaking in tongues are the other three.
Do you believe in evolution Stanley?
Mary are you dating hawkeye my goodness, that’s the worst mistake any woman can make.
The sure sign of a republican.
No sense of humour no matter how hard they try.
Stick to your spanking Stanley. You are obviously well practised.
Stanley you are turning out to be not so boring after all!
Mary please do your research south west china is a beautiful place, that’s were the billionaires of china go to relax are you calling me a billionaire am offended.
Hawkeye so you are like 65-69yrs old, i apologise 4 disrespecting you.
Am sorry sir.
Evolution hmm, pls don’t get me started i wrote a book on evolution.
Psalm 14:1-The fool has said in his/her heart,there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works,there is none that does good. For you to ask me such a question shows how foolish & deeply decieved you are.
Stanley’s admitted gambling while quoting scripture speaks volumes. There is a term for that beginning with hy…
His lack of reading comprehension is only exceeded by his inability to write anything original.
ooh Stanley did you write the Book of Genesis?
No i did not, i wrote a book on evolution.
Mary were are you 4rm.
Stanley’s book reads like the files of blank pages at Orange’s last “press conference “.
My comments have been awaiting moderation for hours now, is not 7 pages long.
Why is my comments awaiting moderation?
It’s a big mystery Stanley.
Ricky why did you remove my comments? What exactly was with wrong them that would make you put it under moderation for hours & then remove it.
I was simply debunking evolution, and it wasn’t 7 pages long.
Oh stanley you’re so predictable.
Maybe because he has a life to lead and can’t be hear 24/7/365.
Tell me stanley, what are your views on a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until their country’s representatives can figure out what is going on?
^^here 24/7/365
I am a muslim and would love to visit the US. Will Trump allow me in? lolll
Maybe Stanley can provide some scripture to answer your question VR.
You may not love to visit anyway in the not too distant future.
Wow, what a crowd. Hawkeye can you see it, i know your watching inauguaration you can’t lie about it.
Do you hear it haters, america is nation founded on christian principles & righteousness.
GOD bless Donald J. Trump.
GOD bless the United states of America.
And may GOD bless Stanley.
1. The Divided States of America
2. You forgot Heil, mein Führer!
Someone seriously needs a copy of the Constitution! This is NOT a Christian country! This is a country that provides freedom of religion for everyone.
We are a Jewish country, a Hindu country, a Muslim country! All faiths are welcome in America!
I remember when that gold star father Mr. Khan offered to give Donald Trump a pocket copy of the Constitution!
Let’s chip in and get Stanley a pocket copy of the Constitution so he can become familiar with what this country stands for!
Free interpretation offered to make it even easier to understand!
If you are a radical islamic terrosist that believes in killing innocent christians,jews & different faiths like the quaran teaches The Qur’an says: “Fight and slay the pagans [Christians] wherever ye find them and seize them,confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush” (Surah 9:5) Quran say’s: “not to make friends with Jews and Christians”( 5:51), fight them”until they pay the Jizya (a penalty tax for the non-Muslims living under Islamic rules) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued”( 9:29).”kill the disbelievers wherever we find them”( 2:191), “murder them and treat them harshly” ( 9:123),”fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem”( 9:5 then his going to destroy u and am going to help him do it.
But if you seek peace then you are welcome to enjoy true democracy unlike saudi arabia, iran, pakistan & many islamic countries that demonic & wicked.
But @Orange is not proposing a ban on radical Islamic terrorists (how would they be identified?).
He said all Muslims as I said in my question so either you disagree with your Führer already or you have reading comprehension problems as I’ve identified earlier.
(I suspect it’s the latter.)
The fact that someone like vr even has to ask if Trump would let him in this country because he’s Muslim, tells you all you need to know.
Why should any Muslim have to even think that they are not welcome here!
No one wants radical Islamic terrorists in this country! But how indeed do you identify them? The whole idea is stupid! Just like everything Trump spouts!
Like Stanley!
For nats and “Stanley”, let’s say make America great again but really mean China ??. Wow on Day 1 just 15 minutes in That didn’t take very long…LOLOLOLOL
Trump Breaks First Presidential Promise In Record Time: Hats At Inaugural Were Made In China
By Jason Easley on Fri, Jan 20th, 2017 at 2:04 pm
During his inaugural address, President Donald Trump pledged that his administration will be guided by the rule buy American, but the Trump’s own hats worn at the inauguration were made in China.
Oops! Trump is SO busted! Another lie from crooked Trump!
@hawks 10:34 pm,
Hope you don’t think economy changes overnight? You must be smarter than that! It will take a while for Trump to reverse all the wrong things Obama administration did including bringing jobs back to America. Economy does not work that way! Your are being ridiculous with these hats, is that all you have on Trump? Hahahaha..,what’s next? Trump ate Chinese food! LOL…
It”s a Presidential Sale!
Matea Gold
Matea Gold – Verified account @mateagold
White House website promotes Melania Trump’s modeling and jewelry line http://wpo.st/6n3T2
RT @DanJGross: Crowd count is in:
Trump 2017: 250,000
Obama 2013: 1,000,000
Obama 2009: 1,800,000
Nativenewyorker your comments are what is stupid.
And as for Hawkeye you are an old monkey who believes in myth of evolution.
LOL! That’s all you’ve got Stanley? This after I offered to help educate you out of your obvious ignorance of our Constitution? Get, that’s the thanks I get for even offering to chip in and get you a pocket Constitution of your very own!
Oh and the stupidity is all yours!
It took Stanley 2 hours to come up with that zinger.
His IQ qualifies him to be an @Orange advisor.
Hawkeye you need help.
(1) http://thetruthwins.com/archives/44-reasons-why-evolution-is-just-a-fairy-tale-for-adults
(2) https://biblescienceforum.com/2013/12/17/8-reasons-why-evolution-is-foolish/
(3) http://scottwoodward.org/evolution_foolish.html
(4) http://www.thepathoftruth.com/falsehood-exposed/evolution/theories-of-evolution.htm
(5) https://answersingenesis.org/theory-of-evolution/top-ten-myths-about-evolution/
I have sent several comments but the keep awaiting moderation, how long will it take before you post them.
Hawkeye you need help.
(1) thetruthwins.com/archives/44-reasons-why-evolution-is-just-a-fairy-tale-for-adults
(2) biblescienceforum.com/2013/12/17/8-reasons-why-evolution-is-foolish/
(3) scottwoodward.org/evolution_foolish.html
(4) thepathoftruth.com/falsehood-exposed/evolution/theories-of-evolution.htm
(5) answersingenesis.org/theory-of-evolution/top-ten-myths-about-evolution/
(6) The only world Stanley has ever “rocked” is his own.
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare of freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!
O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!
O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for halcyon skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the enameled plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till souls wax fair as earth and air
And music-hearted sea!
O beautiful for pilgrims feet,
Whose stem impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till paths be wrought through
wilds of thought
By pilgrim foot and knee!
O beautiful for glory-tale
Of liberating strife
When once and twice,
for man’s avail
Men lavished precious life!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!
O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till nobler men keep once again
Thy whiter jubilee!
Mary I asked you yesterday whether you were dating Hawkeye, I didn’t get a response so I guess you are ashamed of him.
I would be honoured to take you out sometime, I promise you, you would have a blast & I would rock your world.
You are a moron!
You missed history class and you want me to educate you on how America was founded, i won’t do that. You can believe your liar’s all you want.
You are a lost cause!
Looks like Stanley is blowing a head gasket!
When you cannot a coherent argument make, then you resort to childish insults!
Stanley is also getting a bit too personal here. This is a public forum. Stanley needs to remember that.
Maybe he confuses the Bible with the Constitution!
“Stanley” has been licking toads again.
Nativenewyorker i am sorry for calling u a moron, the moment i posted it, i regretted it.
It’s unlike me, please accept my sincere apology okay.
Donald trump is an amazing dancer, nativenewyorker would you take my hand.
I hope you are a woman, are you a man or woman or are you little girl?
Where are you from?
Stanley is your typical @Orange follower too.
He sounds drunk tonight.
Ratcliff my darling, i don’t drink.
But am drunk with joy, donald trump is officially the president of the USA.
It’s time to make america safe, strong & great again.
GOD bless the U.S.A.
Ratcliff you keep changing your pics, how can i upload my own picture. Do i have to register to do that.
I see that some members here are in a state of deep depression. This depression is proportional to their hipocrisy. A man who did not kill anyone is now ” Nazi” and ” fascist” but Bush, Clinton and Obama who bombed hospitals, passenger trains, a pharmaceutical factory, and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians are ” good guys”.
Dr Joseph Goebbels would have been proud of such people. Go to hypnosis to see if You were nazi in your past life.
Strawman argument.
Anyone who believes in Trump and Putin are experts in hypocrisy and self projection.
GoldenLight your #Orange saviour called the media Nazis so you must think Trump is a hypocrite.
Fascists like to have it both ways.
Nice one whitelight, am glad your back.
Trump and all his billionaire advisors must have done much worse things to amass their riches. Have you seen “The founder” movie?
Like all religious zealots you pick and choose what you want to believe.
So you do not believe Mark: 10:25
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Yes there are two Orange hypocrites to be sure.
Stanley brags about his gambling but spews scripture ad nauseam.
Tell me Stanley and Whitelight, do you agree on a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until their country’s representatives can figure out what is going on?
Yes or No.
Simple question.
The US and the World disagrees with the minority of voters that voted Orange Hitler…
Wow. Those “coastal elites” really turned out for the #WomensMarch
The Women’s March in DC had a larger crowd than the relatively small inauguration of the illegitimate president…
Whitelight apparently doesn’t bother to read what Trump says! He is the one who accused our own intelligence agencies of being like Nazi Germany! So is it okay for him to project his own fascism into others? The CIA Director was so outraged by that comment, he felt the need to give a strong response of his own, reminding Trump of the wall of honor in memory of those who died in defense of their country! He also reminded Trump of the families who lost those dedicated people having to hear lying Trump accuse their dead lived ones of being Nazis!
So before you go trashing others for using the word “Nazi”, just know who used the word! Your own Fuhrer! Hypocrisy much?
Know the facts before you spout off in ignorance! Also, since when does someone posting here with an obvious axe to grind about America, get to diagnose anyone here with depression? Look in the mirror at yourself first and desk with your irrational hatred of America and it’s Presidents! Anger and hostility are also signs of mental illness! Get help for your issues before you go projecting them on others!
Check out the demonstrations today in America and all over the world against Trump! In France they had signs saying – we hate Trump!
Deal with that!
I will respond 2morrow, am a little bit tired and besides the game will start in a few hours.
Hawkeye i will explain to you how ignorant you are of the bible, gambling, radical islam and whatever foolish question you might come up with next.
See you tomorrow old monkey.
Drunk more like it. You’re an idiot..
I dont give a s… what Trump or anyone else says, I only care about what they are doing. And Bush, Clinton and Obama have done things that are not far to the nazi Germany. Depleted uranium bombing of Iraq and Serbia, children born with terrible deformities and doubled cancer death rates . The bombing of hospitals and schools and drone strikes… Guantanamo. Helping Saudi Arabia to make warcrimes in Yemen…
These are facts.But You are not interested in facts because americans are not killed.
In 1939 when the German soldiers killed and burnt Jews and Poles,German civilians were sunnng, swimming and enjoyed life.
Like many of American just now. Fortunately there are those Americans who understand that,N. Chomsky or Nicolas Davies,e.g.
Trump will more than double down.
Good luck with that.
Don’t you presume to tell me about the Holocaust! My father was part of the American soldiers who liberated the concentration camps at Bergen Belsen abs Dachau. He got to see the final solution up close and personal! He was trained to interrogate the Nazis who were captured. He also had to take pictures of the atrocities for the Nuremberg trials. He lived with the horror of what he saw,
Trump loves to talk about General Patton. My father marched with Patton and admired him. I can tell you that Patton would have kicked Trump’s cowardly ass out of his army! Trump does not have a courageous bone in his body, he is a bully and a wimp.
If my father were alive today and saw what was happening and was able, he would get out the German Luger that he got from a Nazi prisoner and do what he could to stop neo-fascism in this country! He did not fight in WWII and help defeat the Nazis to let it happen in his country.
You know nothing of what my father experienced and saw and lived through. But because of him and so many other American soldiers, they defeated the scourge of Hitler and Nazism. If not for them, you would be saying – Heil Hitler and saluting a swastika.
You know nothing except to trash America with your hate and lies. We have seen that kind of hatred on 9/11. Bin Laden wanted to strike at the heart of our financial system and he killed 3000 innocent people. But we will not be destroyed or brought down by hate.
I promise you that the people have spoken today in this country and all over the world to protest Trump and his corrupt fascist agenda, we will not allow him to succeed us taking sway our rights and freedoms. We will not let him persecute minorities.
We are united and we will prevail, you know nothing about Americans. You are a sorry soul and I refuse to dignify any more of your wretched comments.
Slowly you become pathetic,my friend.Yes USA was fighting against Hitler byt it was not America who lost 20 million people in the war, it was SSSR. It is a historical fact and your demagogy cant change the truth.If not for Red Army I would be saying Heil Hitler now.
Respekt to your father and I am sure he would be deeply ashamed of Bush, Clinton and co and their killings of innocent children and women all around the world.
But he would be ashamed of You too because of your support to such massmurderers. You didnt say by any word that depleted uranium bombing is a war crime and that those responsible deserved Long prison term. Never.
Shame on You. You embarrass the entire American people.
Its just sad.
native, no point in arguing with irrationals. Whitelight is obviously an admirer of Stalin who killed millions.
Yes, you are correct. It is not possible to argue or reason with blind hatred. It’s sad to see someone have nothing better to do than spew out such toxic crap!
Someone needs to get a life and an education!
Stalin killed millions, yes. Just like USA in Hiroshima,Vietnam,Iraq,Lybia..You justify your crimes by crimes of others???
CNN and other USA media have brainwashed you and you live in a parallel reallity, that is a lie.
Well done whitelight you are a smart man or a smart woman i don’t know who you are but you are definitely a wise person unlike some of the irrational, self-deceived snowflakes here.
Hawkeye/old monkey i will be educating you in a few hours, so bring out your pen and pencils or should i say crayons & pls don’t forget your lunchbox okay that’s boy.
And if you don’t know why i call hawkeye an old monkey, it’s becos he said he’s btw the age of 65-69yrs old & that he believes in the myth of evolution.
Snowflakes in case you don’t know who a snowflake is, a snowflake is- An overly sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ from their own. These people can often be seen congregating in “safe zones” on college campuses just like you guys except 4 hawkeye who probably didn’t go to school.
I can tutor u if you would like me to, it’s free of charge just on one condition you would have to say I LOVE DONALD J. TRUMP.
Looks like Whitelight and Stanley are anti American.
YES! You got that right for sure! This is the kind of hate that brought about the attack on 9/11!
These two are here to stir up trouble and try to rile up Americans with their garbled gibberish, half-truths, propaganda and misinformation!
Classes would begin from 7am-12pm every weekday, i hope we can start ASAP your life depends on it, your life depends on it please don’t take this lightly.
Your bestie,
GOD forbid i love the united states of america. My beautiful mary pls don’t say that again sweetie, you going to make cry.
Anti American? I am anti American in the same way as Sophie School and Oscar Schindler were anti Germans.
Those Americans who support criminals and killers among their politicians and generals are anti American.
Thanks Stanley.
The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
— George Orwell, 1984
Oh that is great! I have been thinking that it’s going to be like George Orwell’s 1984!
Great quote!
Here is the voice that speaks to me, heart and soul, about the condition of the world. What voice speaks to you is up to you to decide, of course. What I add, that is not addressed in this clip, is that the separation of church and state is sacred as is freedom of speech and freedom of press. But first this:
Mary let me make something clear to you I don’t pick & choose what I want to believe, I believe the Bible the whole Bible from Genesis to revelation.
You quoted in one of your comments mark 10:25- it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Let me explain something to you the Bible is not against rich people, money or those who want who want to make money look at the lives of Abraham, Solomon, Joseph etc this men were rich but they put their faith in God. The Bible encourages people to work hard and not to be lazy. 2 thessalonians 3:10 it reads for even when we were with you we commanded you this if anyone will not work neither shall he/she eat. Now before someone twist what that verse is saying like many love to do this does not apply to people with disabilities and can’t work or people who are searching for a job but can’t find one. If you read the the next verses it explains it more clearly but to be honest with you, you would have to read the entire book of 2 thessalonians to understand what Paul is saying it only has 3 chapters in less than 10 minutes you would be done. In 2 thessalonians 3 :11-12- it says for we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.
In 1 Timothy 6:17-21 the Bible instructs those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth,which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God,who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds,and to be generous and willing to share.19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.20 Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge,21 which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith.Grace be with you all.
To be continued I don’t want it to be 7 pages long.
Mary let me make something clear to you I don’t pick & choose what I want to believe, I believe the Bible the whole Bible from Genesis to revelation.
You quoted in one of your comments mark 10:25- it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Let me explain something to you the Bible is not against rich people, money or those who want who want to make money look at the lives of Abraham, Solomon, Joseph etc this men were rich but they put their faith in God. The Bible encourages people to work hard and not to be lazy. 2 thessalonians 3:10 it reads for even when we were with you we commanded you this if anyone will not work neither shall he/she eat. Now before someone twist what that verse is saying like many love to do this does not apply to people with disabilities and can’t work or people who are searching for a job but can’t find one. If you read the the next verses it explains it more clearly but to be honest with you, you would have to read the entire book of 2 thessalonians to understand what Paul is saying it only has 3 chapters in less than 10 minutes you would be done. In 2 thessalonians 3 :11-12- it says for we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.
In 1 Timothy 6:17-21 the Bible instructs those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth,which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God,who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds,and to be generous and willing to share.19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold ofthe life that is truly life.20 Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge,21 which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith.Grace be with you all.
To be continued I don’t want it to be 7 pages long.
More about Donald Trump as president: remember none of these men, democrat or republican elected POTUS, had a resume that included war criminal and serial killer of innocents when taking the office. But in most cases, if not all, these mere mortals do succumb to the temptation to justify acts of war, commit crimes of humanity and implement policies destructive at home and abroad. Donald Trump is a selfish, immoral man — nothing more than a clever con artist. His character certainly does not bode well as someone good for world peace! He is not a representative for the people — his cabinet picks are aggressive actions that erased any hope of moving toward a more just and healthy society. #notmypresident
Continuation of my earlier comment.
Now getting back to our original verse Mark 10:25, if you read the verses before it Mark 10:24 & other verses as well you would understand what JESUS is saying, he said it is hard for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God! They keyword there is TRUST IN RICHES in other words their faith is not in God but in their wealth, just like the scripture say’s the LOVE of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
Another point that should be brought out is that JESUS is not saying that if you are poor you automatically go to heaven as some interpret. In Matthew 5:3 it reads blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The keyword there is POOR IN SPIRIT which simply means those who cast themselves on God’s grace & personally acknowledge their spiritual bankruptcy before God. Just like the tax collector did in the temple, beating his chest and saying “God be merciful to me, a sinner” ( Luke 18:9-14). It is an honest confession that we are sinful and utterly without moral virtues needed to please God. It is the opposite of arrogance in it’s deepest form.
So whether you man or woman, rich or poor, young or old, if you ask God to forgive you for your sins, have mercy on you & put your trust in JESUS CHRIST & his sacrifice on the cross for you he would and you would inherit eternal life, it’s just as simple as that.
In John 3:16-17 it read’s for God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
I encourage everyone who do not know JESUS CHRIST as their lord & saviour to give your life to CHRIST I promise you, you won’t regret now or in the future.
Love you guy’s,
Martina Navratilova @Martina 2h2 hours ago
The propaganda coming out of trump, Spicer, Conway et al is textbook communist BS we got growing up. The similarity is quite chilling…
They had a Russian journalist on tv the other night and she has wriiten about Putin and his propaganda tactics. She also said that what Trump and his people are doing is exactly the same.
Kellyanne Conway has been blasted for using the term “alternate news” to explain what Trump and his people are saying. That has gotten a strong response from the press.
They are trying to back off because they are getting so much blowback.
There is even more coming out about investigations into ties with Trump and the Russians. It is quite disturbing.
This was brilliant! Love it! The sad thing is, that it’s so embarrassing for Americans. Yo have someone like Trump as President, alienating the world with his ignorant comments and views.
He is a national disgrace.
How’d they get Orange Nazi to do that for them???
CBS Confirms Trump Brought His Own Studio Audience To Clap For Him At CIA Speech
Wow! I didn’t hear that! But there was talk that it was Trump’s people applauding him! But the CIA people!
The Director of the CIA, Brennan, blasted Trump again!
Lies, lies and more lies!
NOT the CIA people, I meant to say!
“I think sometimes we can disagree with the facts” – S. Spicer
Poll: Trump’s opening weekend gets lowest approval of modern era
So much for DarkLight’s claim Trump isn’t killing anyone…
Repealing the Affordable Care Act will kill more than 43,000 people annually
Right on! It’s about time someone said it! That is what I have been trying to point out here! Why is no one talking about this?
People WILL die because of the repeal of Obamacare! Then we can add murderer to Trump’s accomplishments!
Dan gets it…
Dan Rather
Yesterday at 8:33am ·
These are not normal times. These are extraordinary times. And extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.
When you have a spokesperson for the president of the United States wrap up a lie in the Orwellian phrase “alternative facts”…
When you have a press secretary in his first appearance before the White House reporters threaten, bully, lie, and then walk out of the briefing room without the cajones to answer a single question…
When you have a President stand before the stars of the fallen CIA agents and boast about the size of his crowds (lies) and how great his authoritarian inaugural speech was….
These are not normal times.
The press has never seen anything like this before. The public has never seen anything like this before. And the political leaders of both parties have never seen anything like this before.
What can we do? We can all step up and say simply and without equivocation. “A lie, is a lie, is a lie!” And if someone won’t say it, those of us who know that there is such a thing as the truth must do whatever is in our power to diminish the liar’s malignant reach into our society.
There is one group of people who can do a lot – very quickly. And that is Republicans in Congress. Without their support, Donald Trump’s presidency will falter. So here is what I think everyone in the press must do. If you are interviewing a Paul Ryan, a Mitch McConnell, or any other GOP elected official, the first question must be “what will you do to combat the lying from the White House?” If they dodge and weave, keep with the follow ups. And if they refuse to give a satisfactory answer, end the interview.
Facts and the truth are not partisan. They are the bedrock of our democracy. And you are either with them, with us, with our Constitution, our history, and the future of our nation, or you are against it. Everyone must answer that question.
You guy’s have so much hatred for Donald trump, a man who wants to fix the broken system’s in the USA & make America great again.
And he has already started, companies that were planing to leave the country and resell their products back to the USA are no longer leaving because he is going to put a border tax on their products(up to 35%), he wants to reduce taxes for all Americans & businesses, he also wants to reduce extreme regulations on businesses so that investments and employment can grow, so that businesses both small & big can flourish and also those who want to start a business are not choked by foolish regulations.
A few hours ago he cancelled TPP a trade deal that would have destroyed manufacturing and jobs in the USA by the millions in the long run, please give him some credit okay.
And Hawkstradamus you lied there is nothing affordable about obamacare there are many states in the USA that have seen their healthcare increase Arizona 116%, Oklahoma 76%, Tennessee 44 to 62%, Minnesota 50 to 67%, Illinois 44%, Alabama 36%, Nebraska 35%, Pennsylvania 33% and so many more.
You also lied again Donald trump doesn’t just want to repeal obamacare, he wants to also replace it with a better plan that’s affordable & competitive which would give the American people more choices.
Now concerning the crowd in the inauguration, you guys have to understand that most people who voted for D. Trump are hardworking Americans who have to go to work on Monday, the are not like liberals that are lazy and besides more than 30 million people watched inauguration at home just like I did, 11 million more than 4yrs ago. When my favorite team is playing most times I watch them online with my smartphone, we live in a modern world people.
Brigitte Gabriel the founder of two non-profit political organizations, the American Congress For Truth and ACT! for America.
Her story and books are amazing, I hope you enjoy this two videos were she gives a brief history of Islam & and answers a question from a muslim American. (1) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1_lCrccZG3o (2) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=guXBTgAxhIw
If you want to download the videos from YouTube you can use some of this websites-
(1) http://www.wapspot.mobi
(2) http://www.wapistan.info
(3) http://www.wantyoutube.com
If you want to download the videos from YouTube you can use some of this websites-
(1) wapspot.mobi
(2) wapistan.info
(3) wantyoutube.com
If you want to download the videos from YouTube you can use some of this websites-
(1) wapspot.mobi
(2) wapistan.info
(3) wantyoutube.com
Opps I sent it twice, let me know your thoughts when you do watch it.
I forgot to add this video, even though it’s a little bit long it is worth watching- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PFO1AtjoUoo&itct=CA4QpDAYASITCKeNmqzM2tECFWgvfgodyqMPbjIHcmVsYXRlZEiMicaB4Knw8oIB&gl=NG&hl=en&client=mv-google
RT @MMFlint: Nutjob leader of the free world who claimed Obama was born in African jungle says Hillary’s 3M more votes were because Dems rigged election.
Im with Navratilova and kyrgios.
Fcuk Donald Trump.
Martina gets it…
Orange nazi is a serial killer…
RT @Martina: Silence on Abortion Equals Death-less education is a death sentence 4 many women and children. Another awful policy https://t.co/vuCFS5wQs0
Hawkstradamus please correct me if i am wrong, do you support the murdering of innocent children in womb.
Tell me Stanley and Whitelight, do you agree on a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until their country’s representatives can figure out what is going on?
Yes or No.
Simple question.
Tell me Stanley and Whitelight, do you agree on a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until their country’s representatives can figure out what is going on?
Yes or No.
Simple question.
The true, correct story of what happened at Donald Trump’s inauguration
The crowd was magnificent and huge, bigger than any crowd had ever been before! It stretched all the way to the moon. The Pope, who was there, confirmed it.
“Thanks for being here, Pope,” Donald Trump told him.
“Are you kidding? You’re my best friend,” the Pope said. “I wouldn’t miss your big day for anything!” He gave Donald Trump a big high-five.
Read more about the most amazingly yuuuuge and wonderful event in history, believe me.
Martina Navratilova @Martina 3m3 minutes ago
Journalists Covering Inauguration Protests Face ‘Felony Riot’ Charges -just the beginning. Pay attention people!
Martina Navratilova @Martina 2m2 minutes ago
‘1984’ Sales Spike After Kellyanne Conway’s Orwellian Interview -as I have been saying… 1984-a must readhttps://twitter.com/Martina/status/824063743390650369
Yes i believe that there should be an extreme verification of people coming from countries or regions were terrorism is rampant or promoted.
I don’t let people whom I don’t know come into my house without knowing who they are or what their objectives are, even those that I know have to knock sometimes, that’s common sense.
Having a proper verification system, or temporarily banning a country were terrorism is high until a proper vetting system is introduced is not a bad thing but good thing, the USA houses more than 300 million people and other countries as well, and they lives of this people deserve to protected.
Just as the lives of innocent, defenceless, precious little boys & little girls lives need to be protected in the womb. Know one has the right to murder an innocent baby not even mother.
Here is my questions-
(1) Do you support abortion( they murdering of innocent children)?
(2) How do you justify it?
You didn’t answer my question.
Tell me Stanley, do you agree on a TOTAL AND COMPLETE SHUTDOWN of MUSLIMS entering the United States until their country’s representatives can figure out what is going on?
YES or NO.
Simple question. Simple answer. Either you agree with the statement or you don’t.
Yes i believe that there should be an extreme verification of people coming from countries or regions were terrorism is rampant or promoted.
I don’t let people whom I don’t know come into my house without knowing who they are or what their objectives are, even those that I know have to knock sometimes, that’s common sense.
Having a proper verification system, or temporarily banning a country were terrorism is high until a proper vetting system is introduced is not a bad thing but a good thing, the USA houses more than 300 million people and other countries as well, and they lives of this people deserves to be protected.
Just as the lives of innocent, defenceless, precious little boys & little girls lives need to be protected in the womb. No one has the right to murder an innocent baby not even they mother.
Here are my questions for you-
(1) Do you support abortion( they murdering of innocent children)?
(2) How do you justify it if you do?
Carole Bouchard @carole_bouchard 7m7 minutes ago
Carole Bouchard Retweeted CNN Breaking News
Trying to trigger a civil war and a global war in his first year of mandate, just look.
Trump says he’ll send in feds if Chicago doesn’t fix ‘horrible carnage going on’
Carole Bouchard
Carole Bouchard Retweeted Claudia Koerner
Is he trying to make Merica live in a Truman Show reboot ?? Are people gonna stop that madness at some point ?!
Claudia KoernerVerified account
The EPA has been told by the Trump administration to take down its page on climate change, @reuters reports http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-epa-climatechange-idUSKBN15906G?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter …
CNN- Clinton news network.
Uh, duh, from fake news himself in all his orangeness…
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 1h1 hour ago
If Chicago doesn’t fix the horrible “carnage” going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!
Yes I have answered your question don’t dodge my.
No you didn’t.
You didn’t answer my question.
Tell me Stanley, do you agree on a TOTAL AND COMPLETE SHUTDOWN of MUSLIMS entering the United States until their country’s representatives can figure out what is going on?
Do you agree with this statement? YES or NO.
Simple question. Simple answer. Either you agree with the statement or you don’t.
I don’t believe that muslims who seek peace & don’t believe in the demonic teaching of Islam should be banned.
But radical Islamic muslims should be destroyed completely.
So do you agree on a TOTAL AND COMPLETE SHUTDOWN of MUSLIMS entering the United States until their country’s representatives can figure out what is going on?
Simple question. Simple answer. Either you agree with the statement or you don’t.
Do you agree with this statement? YES or NO
By the way, your question is so easily answered as soon as you answer mine.
Until their country representatives can figure out what is going on.
What exactly is going?
You hopefully.
Fascism, racism, fake news, oppression, misogyny, Putin led blackmailing just to name a few.
Are you a moron? Just a simple question.
In your question you said until their country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.
Am asking u what exactly is going on.
Not as moronic as you Stanley. A monkey is less moronic than you.
Stop dodging Stanley.
Who the f__k knows what orange thinks is going on. Ask him or look it up yourself. Not even orange know what he’s thinking.
I can’t wait to answer your question creepy stanley.
Then your question is baseless.
I have done the best I could despite your lack of understanding.
You don’t even know what you are asking me, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Answer my question now or am done talking 2 u.
I was asking if you agreed yes or no with what orange nazi proposed:
“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on. ”
Go find out what he means yourself if you know how (which I doubt).
Not that difficult (unless your dumber than a monkey).
And by the way who is orange?
And pls don’t use the f-word when talking to me.
Then don’t be a f__k__g N_z_.
You know your comments are always childish and foolish, like every evolutionist professing to be wise the became fools.
There is still hope 4 for you, I could tell that you’re ashamed of your support for abortion, that’s a good thing repent & don’t let the blood of innocent children be on your head or you will pay the price for all eternity.
Stanley is ashamed to answer my question.
I’ll tell you when you’re out.
Check and mate.
You don’t even understand your question.
Don’t ever in your life starting 4rm today use the word checkmate ever.
Your not worthy to do that.
More self projecting.
Look it up yourself.
I do. Sorry you can’t figure out how to use google (or are afraid to).
Have you guy’s watched the videos i posted, if you have what are your thoughts?
The trump effect- (1) http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2017/01/25/president-trumps-early-policy-follow-through-propels-dow-to-20k.html (2) http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/01/25/dow-jones-industrial-average-breaks-20000-first-time/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social
Meet the new Nazis, same as the old Nazis.
Martina gets it…
Martina Navratilova @Martina 18m18 minutes ago
Anne Frank Center: Trump ‘Is Driving Our Nation Off A Moral Cliff’/ yup. And it’s a big drop!
Anne Frank Center: Trump ‘Is Driving Our Nation Off A Moral Cliff’
The “demonization” of Muslims and Mexicans recalls Jews’ treatment during the Holocaust, the center’s leader says.
Martina Navratilova Retweeted
James Martin, SJ @JamesMartinSJ 7h7 hours ago
New Video: Pres Trump’s plan to build a wall and slash the number of refugees entering the US is against the Gospel.
Go to twitter and type a$$hole in the search bar (but use s not $).
Twitter nailed it!
he’s not kidding, folks
you can do the same with “racist” and “bigot”
Listen to me folks. I am from Sweden.During the past year, a large number of migrants from islamic countries came here. Some of them are normal people but there are many who are not.
They do not want to accept the laws and customs of Swedish and because of that the crime rate jumped dramatically.
I cant take my doughter to the public pool anymore because groups of young migrants from Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria… sexuelly harrased young girls.The swedish newspaper wroted about it.
The rate of street theft is increased very much. In the town of Malmo where half the population is mostly from arabic countries, gunfire shooting is everyday occurence. These Arabs is atacking Jews in the streets and draw nazi symbols on Jewish houses.
The largest politicaly party in Sweden now is SD ( Swedish democrats) who has a lot of similarities with mr Trump.
You who is communists are free to continue to live in a world of illusions.
But we others is saying-No, Its enough-.
Whitelight speaks the new alternate facts now imported from Russia into the US by Bannon and Orange Hitler (and fascist parts of Europe) otherwise known as BS hate speak….
Sweden, the story goes, used to be very peaceful, very safe, very blond. Then it started letting in darker-skinned people. Soon there were news reports of attacks on Swedes. Now, Sweden records the highest incidence of rape in the world.
The Sweden story has become absolutely viral. You’ve probably read a version in a Facebook post, or heard it in a speech or debate. It is the argument-ender of the intolerant: To make the case against refugees, or immigration, or “Islam,” you recount a couple of stories about refugee-camp horrors, some random anecdotes of sex crimes involving brown people in various countries, and then drop the Sweden story.
Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.
And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.”
Thank you for refuting that truly toxic argument presented by Whitelight.
It really is hideous and offensive, but from a Trump supporter, not surprising.
He’s an obvious racist and bigot nny.
It’s my privilege and I thank Ricky for allowing me to voice my objection to this sudden and rampant fascist presence throughout the first world.
We need to stand up and refuse to allow it to be normalized and accepted.
It’s disgusting.
How did this devolve into a Donald Trump rant? It’s about another Australian who is a clown and nobody respects or cares what he thinks
Jimmy Carter Is Correct That the U.S. Is No Longer a Democracy
President Trump’s War on Women Begins
I wish Trump could see them: a mother of three in Cameroon dying after her birth attendant sat on her stomach to hasten delivery; a woman in Niger collapsing from a common complication called eclampsia; a 15-year-old girl in Chad whose family dealt with her labor complications by taking her to a healer who diagnosed sorcery and burned her arm as she lay in a coma.
With this new order, Trump will inadvertently cause more of these horrific scenes. Maybe “war on women” sounds hyperbolic, but not if gasping, dying women are seared in your memory.
Imraan Siddiqi @imraansiddiqi 12h12 hours ago
Remember when I said “fascism is only a heartbeat away?”
Update: It’s here.
President Donald Trump to publish weekly list of crimes committed by immigrants
In an executive order titled “Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements”, Mr Trump signed into law many of the pledges he made during his election campaign. These include building a wall along the US-Mexico border, deporting illegal immigrants, establishing new immigration detention centres and hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents.
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders 11h11 hours ago
97% of scientists agree climate change is real and that it’s caused by human activity. Denying science is no longer an option. #climatefacts
998 replies 22,345 retweets 49,864 likes
Reply 998 Retweet 22K
Like 50K
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders 11h11 hours ago
16 of the 17 warmest years on record have occurred since 2001. That’s not an alternative fact. That is the truth. #climatefacts
Donald trump is a racist, fascist & bigot because he wants to protect they American people from radical Islamic Muslims & illegal immigrants that rape, rob & kill innocent Americans & innocent people.
He is a racist, fascist & bigot because he wants to make America great again, fix the broken system’s in the USA, renegotiate trade deals that will help hardworking Americans and businesses.
He is a racist, fascist & bigot because he values the human life created in the image of Almighty GOD & wants to abolish the murdering of innocent children in womb by the millions at they hands of evil men and women.
In case you don’t know he has signed an executive order reinstating the ban on funding and promoting of abortion overseas http://nation.foxnews.com/2017/01/23/trump-signs-executive-order-reinstating-ban-funding-and-promoting-abortion-overseas .
And next week Thursday he is going to appoint a supreme court justice that is pro-life and will uphold the constitution of USA.
Donald trump is not a racist, fascist or a bigot he is a patriot, an American who loves his country & wants to make it great again, he is also a father who has raised amazing children that are responsible, hardworking & smart.
And may GOD bless him for the work that he has done & the work that he will do, and give the wisdom to govern in righteousness.
I won’t be shocked by what I would find if search for the word moron on twitter, because I know a lot of morons on these site.
One of the things I would encourage you to do is to not responded to every silly, unreasonable, foolish statements made by some people here, believe me I have tried to present the truth with irrefutable fact’s but to no avail, so from one wise man to another plzzzzz don’t waste your time trying to tell them the truth they are immune to the truth, just enjoy the articles on tennis if you love tennis and once in a while drop by and make a comment.
You would think that as someone who lives in Sweden they would listen to the truth you present, no they won’t because it doesn’t fit their narrative.
Am a black man my first job after I graduated from the university was that I taught English, economics and biology to senior students who were seeking to enter the university for almost 2yrs even though I studied industrial chemistry.
I was 22yrs old then and now am between 26-28yrs old, the reason why I give all this information is because more than 70% of my students were muslims and I loved them and I taught them everything I knew to make sure they excelled and they did, more than 80% of those students are in the university studying medicine, different kinds of engineering etc. I even provided finances for some of them when they needed help, even though am working in a different field now and the distance btw me & them is huge I try to stay in touch with them through social media.
My point is this just as I taught this students they also taught me a lot about islam & sharia law and I tell you, what this students had to go through especially the women would make a grown man sob like a baby, it’s mind boggling whether it’s rape or honour killing etc no one should experience that.
So when I read or hear people who know nothing about islam or who try to defend the wicked, disgusting actions of radical Islam it break’s my heart and all I can say is shame on those who call evil-good, and good-evil.
I would be posting some links related to this subject soon.
Donald trump has said countless of times that he is not against people from different countries coming into the USA, only that the come in the right way(legally).
He has also said that he is not against a woman having an abortion if her life is in danger.
The problem is most(more than 95%) of the abortion that takes place in the USA done by planned parenthood has nothing to do with they woman’s life being in danger.
Planned parenthood does not only help this women murder their innocent child and in some cases twins & triplet but the sale this babies body parts to the highest bidder.
Here are the links – (1) https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/europes-muslim-rape-epidemic-cologne-is-every-day/ (2) http://fjordman.blogspot.com/2005/02/muslim-rape-epidemic-in-sweden-and.html?m=1 (3) http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/01/02/political-correctness-protects-muslim-rape-culture/ (4) http://freedomoutpost.com/say-it-with-me-now-abortion-is-murder/ (5) This is about Muhammad- http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/sina/ayesha.htm
I would be posting more later.
They links I posted are still awaiting moderation.
It is repugnant to me to have to read this false misinformation about Planned Parenthood! Outrageous and unfounded and completely made up!
This is an organization that has helped women who cannot afford it, to get proper care for their health needs. This lunacy about abortion has no connection to reality!
It is sickening to read anything that would suggest that women should not be in control of their own bodies! Anybody heard of Roe v Wade?
I did not initially respond because I was so outraged at reading this propaganda about abortion. It is appalling. But I can promise this – there is NO way that women will ever be forced into having illegal abortions and dying from them as happened in the past!
As long as women carry babies, they will get to make decisions about their bodies! Not the state!
There is nothing more to say because abortion is constitutionally protected in this country!
You and NATIVE are really hopeless case. You know better than me what,s going on in Sweden? In my own country? It is tragikomic stuff.You calling me a rasist just because I speak the truth that you dont like and which is not “politicaly correct”? Its a neoliberal madness, my friends. Clint Eastwood described in a best way such people like you- pussy generation,but pussy only in domestic politics. You support when USA army is bombing and killing civillians all around the world, so You are Nazi too.
Nazi pussy, this is the best description for such people like you-.
You speak nazi pussy (only concerned for yourself and not others) anecdotal hate BS.
Self projecting is the tool of a fascist. Describes you to the core.
Thank you. I found the use of that kind of language personally offensive and degrading. It has no place on a public forum, but not surprising coming from a Trump supporter who is merely promoting his hatred, bigotry and misogyny.
Part ONE — Interview with Noam Chomsky
On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump managed to pull the biggest upset in US politics by tapping successfully into the anger of white voters and appealing to the lowest inclinations of people in a manner that would have probably impressed Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels himself.
But what exactly does Trump’s victory mean, and what can one expect from this megalomaniac when he takes over the reins of power on January 20, 2017? What is Trump’s political ideology, if any, and is “Trumpism” a movement? Will US foreign policy be any different under a Trump administration?
Some years ago, public intellectual Noam Chomsky warned that the political climate in the US was ripe for the rise of an authoritarian figure. Now, he shares his thoughts on the aftermath of this election, the moribund state of the US political system and why Trump is a real threat to the world and the planet in general.
Question to Noam Chomsky:
C.J. Polychroniou for Truthout: Noam, the unthinkable has happened: In contrast to all forecasts, Donald Trump scored a decisive victory over Hillary Clinton, and the man that Michael Moore described as a “wretched, ignorant, dangerous part-time clown and full-time sociopath” will be the next president of the United States. In your view, what were the deciding factors that led American voters to produce the biggest upset in the history of US politics?
Noam Chomsky: Before turning to this question, I think it is important to spend a few moments pondering just what happened on November 8, a date that might turn out to be one of the most important in human history, depending on how we react.
No exaggeration.
The most important news of November 8 was barely noted, a fact of some significance in itself.
On November 8, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) delivered a report at the international conference on climate change in Morocco (COP22) which was called in order to carry forward the Paris agreement of COP21. The WMO reported that the past five years were the hottest on record. It reported rising sea levels, soon to increase as a result of the unexpectedly rapid melting of polar ice, most ominously the huge Antarctic glaciers. Already, Arctic sea ice over the past five years is 28 percent below the average of the previous 29 years, not only raising sea levels, but also reducing the cooling effect of polar ice reflection of solar rays, thereby accelerating the grim effects of global warming. The WMO reported further that temperatures are approaching dangerously close to the goal established by COP21, along with other dire reports and forecasts.
Another event took place on November 8, which also may turn out to be of unusual historical significance for reasons that, once again, were barely noted.
On November 8, the most powerful country in world history, which will set its stamp on what comes next, had an election. The outcome placed total control of the government — executive, Congress, the Supreme Court — in the hands of the Republican Party, which has become the most dangerous organization in world history.
Apart from the last phrase, all of this is uncontroversial. The last phrase may seem outlandish, even outrageous. But is it? The facts suggest otherwise. The Party is dedicated to racing as rapidly as possible to destruction of organized human life. There is no historical precedent for such a stand.
Is this an exaggeration? Consider what we have just been witnessing.
During the Republican primaries, every candidate denied that what is happening is happening — with the exception of the sensible moderates, like Jeb Bush, who said it’s all uncertain, but we don’t have to do anything because we’re producing more natural gas, thanks to fracking. Or John Kasich, who agreed that global warming is taking place, but added that “we are going to burn [coal] in Ohio and we are not going to apologize for it.”
The winning candidate, now the president-elect, calls for rapid increase in use of fossil fuels, including coal; dismantling of regulations; rejection of help to developing countries that are seeking to move to sustainable energy; and in general, racing to the cliff as fast as possible.
Trump has already taken steps to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by placing in charge of the EPA transition a notorious (and proud) climate change denier, Myron Ebell. Trump’s top adviser on energy, billionaire oil executive Harold Hamm, announced his expectations, which were predictable: dismantling regulations, tax cuts for the industry (and the wealthy and corporate sector generally), more fossil fuel production, lifting Obama’s temporary block on the Dakota Access pipeline. The market reacted quickly. Shares in energy corporations boomed, including the world’s largest coal miner, Peabody Energy, which had filed for bankruptcy, but after Trump’s victory, registered a 50 percent gain.
The effects of Republican denialism had already been felt. There had been hopes that the COP21 Paris agreement would lead to a verifiable treaty, but any such thoughts were abandoned because the Republican Congress would not accept any binding commitments, so what emerged was a voluntary agreement, evidently much weaker.
Effects may soon become even more vividly apparent than they already are. In Bangladesh alone, tens of millions are expected to have to flee from low-lying plains in coming years because of sea level rise and more severe weather, creating a migrant crisis that will make today’s pale in significance. With considerable justice, Bangladesh’s leading climate scientist says that “These migrants should have the right to move to the countries from which all these greenhouse gases are coming. Millions should be able to go to the United States.” And to the other rich countries that have grown wealthy while bringing about a new geological era, the Anthropocene, marked by radical human transformation of the environment. These catastrophic consequences can only increase, not just in Bangladesh, but in all of South Asia as temperatures, already intolerable for the poor, inexorably rise and the Himalayan glaciers melt, threatening the entire water supply. Already in India, some 300 million people are reported to lack adequate drinking water. And the effects will reach far beyond.
It is hard to find words to capture the fact that humans are facing the most important question in their history — whether organized human life will survive in anything like the form we know — and are answering it by accelerating the race to disaster.
Similar observations hold for the other huge issue concerning human survival: the threat of nuclear destruction, which has been looming over our heads for 70 years and is now increasing.
It is no less difficult to find words to capture the utterly astonishing fact that in all of the massive coverage of the electoral extravaganza, none of this receives more than passing mention. At least I am at a loss to find appropriate words.
Turning finally to the question raised, to be precise, it appears that Clinton received a slight majority of the vote. The apparent decisive victory has to do with curious features of American politics: among other factors, the Electoral College residue of the founding of the country as an alliance of separate states; the winner-take-all system in each state; the arrangement of congressional districts (sometimes by gerrymandering) to provide greater weight to rural votes (in past elections, and probably this one too, Democrats have had a comfortable margin of victory in the popular vote for the House, but hold a minority of seats); the very high rate of abstention (usually close to half in presidential elections, this one included). Of some significance for the future is the fact that in the age 18-25 range, Clinton won handily, and Sanders had an even higher level of support. How much this matters depends on what kind of future humanity will face.
According to current information, Trump broke all records in the support he received from white voters, working class and lower middle class, particularly in the $50,000 to $90,000 income range, rural and suburban, primarily those without college education. These groups share the anger throughout the West at the centrist establishment, revealed as well in the unanticipated Brexit vote and the collapse of centrist parties in continental Europe. [Many of] the angry and disaffected are victims of the neoliberal policies of the past generation, the policies described in congressional testimony by Fed chair Alan Greenspan — “St. Alan,” as he was called reverentially by the economics profession and other admirers until the miraculous economy he was supervising crashed in 2007-2008, threatening to bring the whole world economy down with it. As Greenspan explained during his glory days, his successes in economic management were based substantially on “growing worker insecurity.” Intimidated working people would not ask for higher wages, benefits and security, but would be satisfied with the stagnating wages and reduced benefits that signal a healthy economy by neoliberal standards.
Working people, who have been the subjects of these experiments in economic theory, are not particularly happy about the outcome. They are not, for example, overjoyed at the fact that in 2007, at the peak of the neoliberal miracle, real wages for nonsupervisory workers were lower than they had been years earlier, or that real wages for male workers are about at 1960s levels while spectacular gains have gone to the pockets of a very few at the top, disproportionately a fraction of 1%. Not the result of market forces, achievement or merit, but rather of definite policy decisions, matters reviewed carefully by economist Dean Baker in recently published work.
The fate of the minimum wage illustrates what has been happening. Through the periods of high and egalitarian growth in the ’50s and ’60s, the minimum wage — which sets a floor for other wages — tracked productivity. That ended with the onset of neoliberal doctrine. Since then, the minimum wage has stagnated (in real value). Had it continued as before, it would probably be close to $20 per hour. Today, it is considered a political revolution to raise it to $15.
With all the talk of near-full employment today, labor force participation remains below the earlier norm. And for working people, there is a great difference between a steady job in manufacturing with union wages and benefits, as in earlier years, and a temporary job with little security in some service profession. Apart from wages, benefits and security, there is a loss of dignity, of hope for the future, of a sense that this is a world in which I belong and play a worthwhile role.
The impact is captured well in Arlie Hochschild’s sensitive and illuminating portrayal of a Trump stronghold in Louisiana, where she lived and worked for many years. She uses the image of a line in which residents are standing, expecting to move forward steadily as they work hard and keep to all the conventional values. But their position in the line has stalled. Ahead of them, they see people leaping forward, but that does not cause much distress, because it is “the American way” for (alleged) merit to be rewarded. What does cause real distress is what is happening behind them. They believe that “undeserving people” who do not “follow the rules” are being moved in front of them by federal government programs they erroneously see as designed to benefit African-Americans, immigrants and others they often regard with contempt. All of this is exacerbated by [Ronald] Reagan’s racist fabrications about “welfare queens” (by implication Black) stealing white people’s hard-earned money and other fantasies.
Sometimes failure to explain, itself a form of contempt, plays a role in fostering hatred of government. I once met a house painter in Boston who had turned bitterly against the “evil” government after a Washington bureaucrat who knew nothing about painting organized a meeting of painting contractors to inform them that they could no longer use lead paint — “the only kind that works” — as they all knew, but the suit didn’t understand. That destroyed his small business, compelling him to paint houses on his own with substandard stuff forced on him by government elites.
Sometimes there are also some real reasons for these attitudes toward government bureaucracies. Hochschild describes a man whose family and friends are suffering bitterly from the lethal effects of chemical pollution but who despises the government and the “liberal elites,” because for him, the EPA means some ignorant guy who tells him he can’t fish, but does nothing about the chemical plants.
These are just samples of the real lives of Trump supporters, who are led to believe that Trump will do something to remedy their plight, though the merest look at his fiscal and other proposals demonstrates the opposite — posing a task for activists who hope to fend off the worst and to advance desperately needed changes.
Exit polls reveal that the passionate support for Trump was inspired primarily by the belief that he represented change, while Clinton was perceived as the candidate who would perpetuate their distress. The “change” that Trump is likely to bring will be harmful or worse, but it is understandable that the consequences are not clear to isolated people in an atomized society lacking the kinds of associations (like unions) that can educate and organize. That is a crucial difference between today’s despair and the generally hopeful attitudes of many working people under much greater economic duress during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
There are other factors in Trump’s success. Comparative studies show that doctrines of white supremacy have had an even more powerful grip on American culture than in South Africa, and it’s no secret that the white population is declining. In a decade or two, whites are projected to be a minority of the work force, and not too much later, a minority of the population. The traditional conservative culture is also perceived as under attack by the successes of identity politics, regarded as the province of elites who have only contempt for the ”hard-working, patriotic, church-going [white] Americans with real family values” who see their familiar country as disappearing before their eyes.
One of the difficulties in raising public concern over the very severe threats of global warming is that 40 percent of the US population does not see why it is a problem, since Christ is returning in a few decades. About the same percentage believe that the world was created a few thousand years ago. If science conflicts with the Bible, so much the worse for science. It would be hard to find an analogue in other societies.
The Democratic Party abandoned any real concern for working people by the 1970s, and they have therefore been drawn to the ranks of their bitter class enemies, who at least pretend to speak their language — Reagan’s folksy style of making little jokes while eating jelly beans, George W. Bush’s carefully cultivated image of a regular guy you could meet in a bar who loved to cut brush on the ranch in 100-degree heat and his probably faked mispronunciations (it’s unlikely that he talked like that at Yale), and now Trump, who gives voice to people with legitimate grievances — people who have lost not just jobs, but also a sense of personal self-worth — and who rails against the government that they perceive as having undermined their lives (not without reason).
One of the great achievements of the doctrinal system has been to divert anger from the corporate sector to the government that implements the programs that the corporate sector designs, such as the highly protectionist corporate/investor rights agreements that are uniformly mis-described as “free trade agreements” in the media and commentary. With all its flaws, the government is, to some extent, under popular influence and control, unlike the corporate sector. It is highly advantageous for the business world to foster hatred for pointy-headed government bureaucrats and to drive out of people’s minds the subversive idea that the government might become an instrument of popular will, a government of, by and for the people.
Part TWO Interview with Noam Chomsky
Is Trump representing a new movement in American politics, or was the outcome of this election primarily a rejection of Hillary Clinton by voters who hate the Clintons and are fed-up with “politics as usual?”
It’s by no means new. Both political parties have moved to the right during the neoliberal period. Today’s New Democrats are pretty much what used to be called “moderate Republicans.” The “political revolution” that Bernie Sanders called for, rightly, would not have greatly surprised Dwight Eisenhower. The Republicans have moved so far toward a dedication to the wealthy and the corporate sector that they cannot hope to get votes on their actual programs, and have turned to mobilizing sectors of the population that have always been there, but not as an organized coalitional political force: evangelicals, nativists, racists and the victims of the forms of globalization designed to set working people around the world in competition with one another while protecting the privileged and undermining the legal and other measures that provided working people with some protection, and with ways to influence decision-making in the closely linked public and private sectors, notably with effective labor unions.
The consequences have been evident in recent Republican primaries. Every candidate that has emerged from the base — such as [Michele] Bachmann, [Herman] Cain or [Rick] Santorum — has been so extreme that the Republican establishment had to use its ample resources to beat them down. The difference in 2016 is that the establishment failed, much to its chagrin, as we have seen.
Deservedly or not, Clinton represented the policies that were feared and hated, while Trump was seen as the symbol of “change” — change of what kind requires a careful look at his actual proposals, something largely missing in what reached the public. The campaign itself was remarkable in its avoidance of issues, and media commentary generally complied, keeping to the concept that true “objectivity” means reporting accurately what is “within the beltway,” but not venturing beyond.
Trump said following the outcome of the election that he “will represent all Americans.” How is he going to do that when the nation is so divided and he has already expressed deep hatred for many groups in the United States, including women and minorities? Do you see any resemblance between Brexit and Donald Trump’s victory?
There are definite similarities to Brexit, and also to the rise of the ultranationalist far-right parties in Europe — whose leaders were quick to congratulate Trump on his victory, perceiving him as one of their own: [Nigel] Farage, [Marine] Le Pen, [Viktor] Orban and others like them. And these developments are quite frightening. A look at the polls in Austria and Germany — Austria and Germany — cannot fail to evoke unpleasant memories for those familiar with the 1930s, even more so for those who watched directly, as I did as a child. I can still recall listening to Hitler’s speeches, not understanding the words, though the tone and audience reaction were chilling enough. The first article that I remember writing was in February 1939, after the fall of Barcelona, on the seemingly inexorable spread of the fascist plague. And by strange coincidence, it was from Barcelona that my wife and I watched the results of the 2016 US presidential election unfold.
As to how Trump will handle what he has brought forth — not created, but brought forth — we cannot say. Perhaps his most striking characteristic is unpredictability. A lot will depend on the reactions of those appalled by his performance and the visions he has projected, such as they are.
Trump has no identifiable political ideology guiding his stance on economic, social and political issues, yet there are clear authoritarian tendencies in his behavior. Therefore, do you find any validity behind the claims that Trump may represent the emergence of “fascism with a friendly face?” in the United States?
For many years, I have been writing and speaking about the danger of the rise of an honest and charismatic ideologue in the United States, someone who could exploit the fear and anger that has long been boiling in much of the society, and who could direct it away from the actual agents of malaise to vulnerable targets. That could indeed lead to what sociologist Bertram Gross called “friendly fascism” in a perceptive study 35 years ago. But that requires an honest ideologue, a Hitler type, not someone whose only detectable ideology is Me. The dangers, however, have been real for many years, perhaps even more so in the light of the forces that Trump has unleashed.
With the Republicans in the White House, but also controlling both houses and the future shape of the Supreme Court, what will the US look like for at least the next four years?
A good deal depends on his appointments and circle of advisers. Early indications are unattractive, to put it mildly.
The Supreme Court will be in the hands of reactionaries for many years, with predictable consequences. If Trump follows through on his Paul Ryan-style fiscal programs, there will be huge benefits for the very rich — estimated by the Tax Policy Center as a tax cut of over 14 percent for the top 0.1 percent and a substantial cut more generally at the upper end of the income scale, but with virtually no tax relief for others, who will also face major new burdens. The respected economics correspondent of the Financial Times, Martin Wolf, writes that, “The tax proposals would shower huge benefits on already rich Americans such as Mr Trump,” while leaving others in the lurch, including, of course, his constituency. The immediate reaction of the business world reveals that Big Pharma, Wall Street, the military industry, energy industries and other such wonderful institutions expect a very bright future.
One positive development might be the infrastructure program that Trump has promised while (along with much reporting and commentary) concealing the fact that it is essentially the Obama stimulus program that would have been of great benefit to the economy and to the society generally, but was killed by the Republican Congress on the pretext that it would explode the deficit. While that charge was spurious at the time, given the very low interest rates, it holds in spades for Trump’s program, now accompanied by radical tax cuts for the rich and corporate sector and increased Pentagon spending.
There is, however, an escape, provided by Dick Cheney when he explained to Bush’s Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill that “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter” — meaning deficits that we Republicans create in order to gain popular support, leaving it to someone else, preferably Democrats, to somehow clean up the mess. The technique might work, for a while at least.
There are also many questions about foreign policy consequences, mostly unanswered.
Question to Chomsky:
There is mutual admiration between Trump and Putin. How likely is it therefore that we may see a new era in US-Russia relations?
One hopeful prospect is that there might be reduction of the very dangerous and mounting tensions at the Russian border: note “the Russian border,” not the Mexican border. Thereby lies a tale that we cannot go into here. It is also possible that Europe might distance itself from Trump’s America, as already suggested by [German] Chancellor [Angela] Merkel and other European leaders — and from the British voice of American power, after Brexit. That might possibly lead to European efforts to defuse the tensions, and perhaps even efforts to move towards something like Mikhail Gorbachev’s vision of an integrated Eurasian security system without military alliances, rejected by the US in favor of NATO expansion, a vision revived recently by Putin, whether seriously or not, we do not know, since the gesture was dismissed.
Question to Chomsky:
Is US foreign policy under a Trump administration likely to be more or less militaristic than what we have seen under the Obama administration, or even the George W. Bush administration?
I don’t think one can answer with any confidence. Trump is too unpredictable. There are too many open questions. What we can say is that popular mobilization and activism, properly organized and conducted, can make a large difference.
And we should bear in mind that the stakes are very large.
Interviewer: C.J. POLYCHRONIOU
C.J. Polychroniou is a political economist/political scientist who has taught and worked in universities and research centers in Europe and the United States. His main research interests are in European economic integration, globalization, the political economy of the United States and the deconstruction of neoliberalism’s politico-economic project. He is a regular contributor to Truthout as well as a member of Truthout’s Public Intellectual Project. He has published several books and his articles have appeared in a variety of journals, magazines, newspapers and popular news websites. Many of his publications have been translated into several foreign languages, including Croatian, French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish.
-One hopeful prospect is that there might be reduction of the very dangereus and mounting tensions at the Russian border: Note,the Russian border, not the Mexican border-.
A clever man this Chomsky.
So, who is the aggresor here? How would Americans react if Russia started arming Mexico and sent weapons to the USA border?
You have become so arrogant that you lose all sense of reality.
Maybe mr Trump will help You To wake up.
Putin has had expansionary designs for many years. The shore of the Ukraine is important to him, as is the possibility of a strong foothold in the middle East. He has been testing the waters at border in the Baltics and it is quite likely he will invade there when he will sense that no one will stop him. Russia currently is no more an ally of the US than she was during the cold war. And is not about to become an ally. Is is plain to see that Putin very much welcomes having Trump at the helm of the us, the latter being a naive uninformed man-child (not to mention some version of a sociopath and an extreme narcissist) who does not read or is able to listen closely to layered and subtle arguments and information, and for whom there are no moral impediments to the use of various kind of violence including bullying at all kinds of levels. The old saying seems to apply again: the US plays poker while Russia (then the USSR) plays chess. The one plays mostly tactically for the shorter term, the other shrewdly and strategically for the long game.
In Russia the level of distortion of the facts (propaganda) in the media and elsewhere is about as high as it was during the USSR decades. Many people really believe in Putin.
In the 30s there were large portions of the populations in Russia, Italy and Germany who thought that Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler, respectively, were good leaders who had their interests in mind and would bring about the changes they promised. Many saw them for what they were, including sociopaths, many did not. Some of the post-war generation even today are pro what Hitler, for one, stood for. Similarly many of the people who have a very positive view of Trump will sooner or later wake up from the distorted view, the illusion, while others will not for the rest of their lives. Already the number of people worried about what Trump’s presidency will do to Americans, other nations and the ecology is increasing, and surely includes now people who have voted for him, and people who did not bother voting, and people from other countries who initially believed in him being something entirely different than what he is.
History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes (with itself).
Probably only preaching to the converted with this, alas.
People who still have an overly positive view of Trump, his morals, his actions, his abilities, and this administration live under a deep illusion. The question is for each such individual, will the blinkers fall from their eyes, and if so when? For many it will simply be a matter of time.
OrangeLight like hitler woke up the Germans.
Dumb as a bag of nails.
Or a bag of racists more like it.
-Many people really believe in Putin-
Of course. He stopped the disintegration of Russia.He renewed Russian army and improve the Russian economy. This is obviously a mortal sin in the eyes of most Americans.
Sorry folks but overwhelming majority of Russians loves him and they dont give a damn about your opinions.
Because they know very well the Golden rule- Russia is in deep shit if Americans praise their president.
WhiteLies thinks the ends justify the means.
Means being oppression, authoritarianism, racism, misogyny and hate.
WhiteLies should move to the US. Sounds like he qualifies…
RT @AndyRichter: It’s official; we have completely forgotten World War II https://t.co/qMNn53fZmO
Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees
“If you think that fertilized eggs are people and refugee kids aren’t, you’re going to have to stop pretending that your concerns are religious.”
Fascists love hypocrisy.
Bravo got that! It’s about time someone said it! Fertilized eggs are people! That is how absurd it is to tasks about the unborn and not care about the children who are living!
i’m always zoned in when opponents give me short balls in the middle of the court every point. i’m not usually when they hit heavy topspin high to my backhand.
Mr Putin is a great leader and You can only cry a river
As for the Muslim refugees, Mr Trump is just doing what ALL islamic countries have done a long time before. There is not a single one islamic country in the world who would accept to receive 100 000 Christian refugees, not to mentions the millions.
No one.
Here are the links i tried post but the were kept under moderation for long, I have removed the https:// so that the can go through please take the time to read them (1) muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/europes-muslim-rape-epidemic-cologne-is-every-day/ (2) fjordman.blogspot.com/2005/02/muslim-rape-epidemic-in-sweden-and.html?m=1 (3) breitbart.com/big-government/2016/01/02/political-correctness-protects-muslim-rape-culture/ (4) freedomoutpost.com/say-it-with-me-now-abortion-is-murder/ (5) This is about Muhammad- faithfreedom.org/Articles/sina/ayesha.htm
I would be posting more later.
Am serious disappointed in you whenever I present the truth, you attack it instead of doing your research.
You said in one of your comments that it is repugnant to you to have to read false misinformation about planned parenthood, you said it was outrageous, unfounded and completely made up.
The truth is all major network’s in the USA reported on the evil works of planned parenthood.
And if you still don’t believe me SEARCH FOR CENTRE FOR MEDICAL PROGRESS IN YOUTUBE you will find dozens of videos showing the evil works of planned parenthood. I encourage anyone who wants to know the truth about this barbaric organization called planned parenthood to search for centre for medical progress in YouTube the undercover investigator DAVID DALEIDEN exposed how planned parenthood murders innocent children & sells their body parts.
To be honest with you I couldn’t watch all the videos because this organization is so evil that the are willing to murder innocent, defenceless, precious children created in the image of Almighty GOD.
The undercover investigator David daleiden was arrested for exposing the wicked actions of planned parenthood, think about that he was arrested, but those who murdered innocent children & sold their body parts were not arrested, they were not even fired from their jobs.
But thank GOD all charges against him(David daleiden) has been dismissed.
While you search for centre for medical progress on YouTube also search for 180 it’s an interview about Americans who supported abortion but after they were told the truth about abortion they changed their minds that why the movie is called 180.
David daleiden also conducted interviews with different media organizations like fox news, cnn and other networks as well, you can watch his interviews with Sean hannity, bill o Reilly etc.
You also asked whether anyone has heard about Roe v wade. I have heard about Roe v wade but for you think that they supreme court has they right to condemn an innocent, defenceless child to death that’s just disgusting & wicked.
The supreme court does not decide what is moral or immoral, GOD does and he said in his word(The Bible) thou shall not murder( Exodus 20:13), if you think it’s OK to murder an innocent child because the supreme court said so SHAME ON YOU!
Here are some laws practiced by some countries approved by their governments & supreme courts.
(1) In Dubai if a married woman is raped she put in prison & fined for having sex outside marriage, hurray we should celebrate. telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/16/british-tourist-gang-raped-in-dubai-faces-jail-for-having-sex-ou/
(2) Honour killing in many Islamic countries honour killing is practiced, if a muslim man or woman decides to convert to Christianity or decides become an atheist, they family members or their neighbours have the backing of the law to murder that individual, isn’t that just beautiful.
(3) In North Korea, if you commit a crime and try and escape your hideous prison camp, leaving your family behind, your entire bloodline for three generations – grandparents, parents, and children – are punished, what an amazing place to visit. unilad.co.uk/news/the-weird-and-terrifying-laws-of-north-korea/
I hope you know am being sarcastic, none of this laws including the murdering of precious little children is okay, the are all evil.
I know you might think that I hate you, I don’t I love you that’s why am willing to take the time to tell you the truth.
A true friend tells you the truth, even if it hurts or damages a friendship, a true friend tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.
I would be writing on other comments later, I have been so busy I have not had the time to watch the NBA or the Australian open semifinals, I hope Roger federer wins, if he doesn’t am not sure he is going to win a grand slam again.
See you guys later.
I am sending the links one by one because if I send more than one links my comments are placed under moderation & most times the are never released.
Here is another link I forgot to add- (1)http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/02/03/video-shows-planned-parenthood-accounting-tricks-to-hide-profits-from-baby-parts-sales/
(2) http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2016/12/30/nick-cannon-planned-parenthood-founded-exterminate-negro-race/
Other so-called “news” headlines brought to ypu by Bannon-run Breitbart BS…
‘The solution to online ‘harassment’ is simple: Women should log off’
‘Bill Kristol: Republican spoiler, renegade Jew’
‘Trannies whine about hilarious Bruce Jenner billboard’
‘Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy’
‘Suck it up buttercups: Dangerous Faggot Tour returns to colleges in September’
‘Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage’
‘ “Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer?” ‘
‘Gay rights have made us dumber, it’s time to get back in the closet’
‘Science proves it: Fat-shaming works’
“There’s no hiring bias against women in tech, they just suck at interviews”
Please you have to watch this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q_jpz_AnUQ
Abby Johnson was interviewed 2 days ago 27 January 2017 by Tucker Carlson.
Abby Johnson worked at planned parenthood in Bryan, Texas as a clinic director for 8yrs she resigned after watching an abortion on ultrasound.
She said that in September 2009, she was called in to assist in an ultrasound-guided abortion at 13 weeks gestation. She said she was disconcerted to see how similar the ultrasound image looked to her own daughter’s. Johnson, who previously believed fetuses could not feel anything while being aborted, says she saw the fetus squirming and twisting to avoid the vacuum tube used for the abortion.
“For the briefest moment,” she wrote in her memoir, Unplanned, “the baby looked as if it were being wrung like a dishcloth, twirled and squeezed. And then it crumpled and began disappearing into the cannula before my eyes. The last thing I saw was the tiny, perfectly formed backbone sucked into the tube, and then it was gone.”
Johnson continued working at the clinic for 9 more days, but soon met with Shawn Carney, leader of the local anti-abortion group Coalition for Life, with whom she was well-acquainted after his years of activism against Planned Parenthood. She told him she could no longer continue assisting women in getting abortions. She resigned on October 6, 2009.
Johnson said after her resignation that her bosses had pressured her to increase profits by performing more and more abortions at the clinic.Johnson estimated the clinic profited $350 on every abortion.
The interview is just 4 minutes long is one of many interviews she done. I hope you watch or download it.
Trump is not using Twitter to distract you from his agenda. Bannon & co. are using Trump to distract you from theirs.
Christopher Hayes @chrislhayes 4h4 hours ago
Trump folks keep citing Andrew Jackson as a model and he did, famously, straight up defy a SCOTUS ruling so he could commit ethnic cleansing
Reza Aslan @rezaaslan 20h20 hours ago
Reminder: 81% of White Evangelicals voted for a man who can’t name a single Bible verse & stands against everything Jesus ever said or did.
Martina gets it…
Martina Navratilova @Martina 3h3 hours ago
Is it possible that trump is stoking the hatred of America so that there is a bigger likelihood of an attack followed by maybe martial law?
I’m frightened of Trump, Hawkstradamus. And I started to like Kyrgios a bit more…
And the importance ot tennis pales in comparison to what else is going on right now…
Tennis is much needed escapism for me but it’s getting harder to ignore such evil hatred.
Hawk, escapism is fine. Whether it’s tennis or something else. And a Rafa win would’ve made for some first class escapism for me.
But Steve Bannon’s constantly increasing influence is the real shattering news today.
I lived in the US for 5 years, my second son was born in New York and has a US passport. I’m shocked about the development in a country I truly love.
I have close relatives living in the US and I know they don’t support him.
Be afraid of Trump and more afraid of Steve Bannon, the real Nazi designer.
I know
Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau 23h23 hours ago
To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada
I am so ashamed of what is happening in my country with Trump’s order to stop Muslims from immigrating. I know they went to court and got a stay, but this portends bad things. It is vile and despicable.
What is even more concerning, are the attacks on the media. A free press is a hallmark of this country. Fascists always go after the media, so that they can control the dissemination of news and produce their own propaganda. That is the first step towards tyranny.
Steve Bannon is the power behind the scenes manipulating and directing the attacks on the media. He is the real danger. Another Joseph Goebbels in the making.
Compared to what is happening in my country, tennis is the least of my worries.
You’d have to be sick to support those Nazi’s (like two posters on this thread)…
Martina Navratilova Retweeted
Julie Ferguson @DearBubbie 11h11 hours ago
@Martina @HuffPostPol It’s in the playbooks of Nazi Germany. First get rid of the media. Then supporters (Gannon, Breitbart..) bring in own.
All true, NNY.But you don’t need to be ashamed. Trump isn’t even the president of the majority of American citizens. But we all need to speak up against evil – and I’m not using this word lightly.
Kyrgios might not have been brave or anything. He might just have wanted to be a brat. But then again, it might’ve been important for him. I give him the benefit of doubt. And I happen to share his opinion.
Thank you! I agree about not using the term “evil” lightly! Just like I do not use terms “Nazi” and “fascism” lightly.
People are protesting across the country even as we are talking. They must continue to exercise their first amendment rights. But the media must step up to counter newspeak or ” alternative facts” put out by the likes of Bannon. He already told the media to shut up and listen! He is poised to be the new Minister of Propaganda!
All you need to do is read some of the wretched drivel posted on this topic thread to see what it means to follow Trump blindly without thinking and just parrot what he says over and over.
NNY, I was very dismayed by this drivel and tried to stay out of this thread. But then Hawk made a few comments and I felt that I should support his and your views.

Clint Eastwood Rips ‘Pussy Generation,’ Says He’ll Vote For Donald Trump
“Everybody’s getting tired of political correctness.”
Aug 04, 2016 | Updated Aug 05, 2016

Ed Mazza Overnight Editor, The Huffington Post

Clint Eastwood is calling out the “pussy generation” for being too politically correct, and says anyone offended by Donald Trump’s history of racist remarks should “just fucking get over it.”
In an interview with Esquire magazine, the Academy Award winner said Trump was “onto something” because “he’s just saying what’s on his mind.”
“And sometimes it’s not so good,” Eastwood said. “And sometimes it’s … I mean, I can understand where he’s coming from, but I don’t always agree with it.”
Eastwood explained:

“You know, he’s a racist now because he’s talked about this judge. And yeah, it’s a dumb thing to say. I mean, to predicate your opinion on the fact that the guy was born to Mexican parents or something. He’s said a lot of dumb things. So have all of them. Both sides. But everybody—the press and everybody’s going, ‘Oh, well, that’s racist,’ and they’re making a big hoodoo out of it. Just fucking get over it. It’s a sad time in history.”
Eastwood also spoke out against political correctness:
“(S)ecretly everybody’s getting tired of political correctness, kissing up. That’s the kiss-ass generation we’re in right now. We’re really in a pussy generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells. We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist.
Spoken like a privileged 1% white male looking out for No. 1.
(Other than the 1% part, sounds just like Stanley and WhiteLies (who are afraid of losing the advantages over others less fortunate only because of the luck of where they were born).
James Woods
I never anticipated that one of the great joys of the #Trump #election would be the #LiberalMeltdown. God, this is sinfully delicious fun!
8:59 PM – 13 Nov 2016
President Donald J. Trump Statement Regarding Recent Executive Order Concerning Extreme Vetting
“America is a proud nation of immigrants and we will continue to show compassion to those fleeing oppression, but we will do so while protecting our own citizens and border. America has always been the land of the free and home of the brave.
We will keep it free and keep it safe, as the media knows, but refuses to say. My policy is similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months. The seven countries named in the Executive Order are the same countries previously identified by the Obama administration as sources of terror. To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting.
This is not about religion – this is about terror and keeping our country safe. There are over 40 different countries worldwide that are majority Muslim that are not affected by this order. We will again be issuing visas to all countries once we are sure we have reviewed and implemented the most secure policies over the next 90 days.
I have tremendous feeling for the people involved in this horrific humanitarian crisis in Syria. My first priority will always be to protect and serve our country, but as President I will find ways to help all those who are suffering.”
^^^^Say one thing, do the opposite, lie about the past and self project.
All this people that are protesting where were they-
(1) When barrack obama pulled out American soldiers from iraq without a better plan, which opened the door for Isis & other terrorist group to kill yazidi’s & thousands of Goldy Christians.
Where were they-
(2) When planned parenthood was & is slaughtering precious, defenceless, innocent children in the womb and selling their body parts. GOD have mercy.
Where were they-
(3) When Hillary clinton was robbing they people of haiti, deleting more than 30,000 emails were she conducted her criminal activities & lied about being shot by a sniper in Bosnia etc.
Where were they-
(4) When they incompetent former president barrack obama but a 6 month ban on Iraqi refugees in 2011 over terrorism fears.
1) Guess who likes Fuhrer Donny’s travel ban actions?
“Jihadist groups hail Trump’s travel ban as a victory”
2) Look up the definition of the word “child” in an actual dictionary and get back to me – you’re welcome.
3) If she deleted the emails, how do you know what’s in them? Cite a credible source (Hint: not Breitbarf).
4) Yet another of endless fascist lies (see below).
Against the reality of President Trump 2017 simply following an almost identical refugee pause process as President Obama in 2011, the media are twisting like pretzels to reconcile how Trump is bad, but Obama is good.
♦ President Obama puts six month ban on Iraqi refugees in 2011 and media…. crickets.
♦ President Trump puts 120 day suspension on Syrian refugees 2017… media explodes.
♦ Obama selects 7 countries for enhanced visa security policy and media… crickets.
♦ Trump uses Obama law, same Obama DHS policy, and same 7 countries; for a 90-day visa suspension and media explodes.
Barrack Obama- the corrupt media ???
President Donald J. Trump- the corrupt media ???
^^^^More ‘alternate fact’ based false-equivalency self-projecting propaganda from the Orange Furher and his blind minority of followers such as Simple Stanley…
” In light of the response from Obama administration officials that there never was a point when Iraqi resettlement was stopped or banned, we are updating this ruling to THREE PINOCCHIOS. Iraqi refugee processing was slowed, in response to a specific threat, but it was not halted. The Trump White House, meanwhile, has failed to provide any evidence for its statement.”
So “President Obama puts six month ban on Iraqi refugees in 2011 and media” is just another fascist lie.
Fuhrer Donny: “I noticed Chuck Schumer yesterday with fake tears” over immigration ban/refugees; “I’m gonna ask him who is his acting coach”
The Nazis murdered Sen. Schumer’s great-grandmother, and most of her children.
Trump’s father was arrested at a Ku Klux Klan rally.
The blatant lies and propaganda about abortion and Planned Parenthood are what concern me the most. It is not even “alternate facts”! It is a deliberate falsehood! There is no film showing body parts or any of this sick nonsense! That was debunked long ago and only a desperate and deliberately ignorant person would persist in propagating this fake garbage!
Women in America are NOT going back to the days of illegal abortions from which too many died! The state does NOT control our bodies! It’s interesting that Trump and the GOP want no regulations on Wall Street and big business, yet they want to control women’s bodies!
Hypocrisy much?
It is sad when someone follows Trump so blindly that they ignore his lies and distortions and just hateful agenda.
The world is justifiably outraged by what they are seeing! Trump is promoting hatred for this country and aiding and abetting the terrorists with his noxious policies!
Trump wants to be the next Hitler with his sidekick Bannon along as the new Joseph Goebbels!
They want us to say Heil Trump! That will never happen because the people will rise up in protest!
Power to the people! Defeat Orange Hitler!
The Fuhrer has slipped and admitted it’s a ban. What an idiot.
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the “bad” would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad “dudes” out there!
Check out this table….
ZERO Americans killed by citizens from countries banned.
Over 3,000 Americans killed from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Lebanon – none of which are banned but all of which Donny Hitler has business ties.
“…and now an attempt to ban selected groups of Muslims (including interpreters who served with our forces in Iraq and those with green cards, though not those from countries with Trump hotels, or from really indispensable states like Saudi Arabia), he has lived down to expectations.”
President Trump first pitched a ban on Muslims more than a year ago, proposing it in the wake of the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif., in December 2015. He revived the idea after the Orlando club massacre last summer. And when Trump announced Friday that he was suspending travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, his order mentioned the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks three times.
No one involved in those attacks was born in the countries Trump’s order included. Even as Trump’s aides tried to defend the ban amid its chaotic rollout over the weekend, they continued pointing to some of those attacks, including some carried out by people born in the United States.
For those privileged to be born fortunate…
Suspect in Quebec Mosque Attack Quickly Depicted as a Moroccan Muslim. He’s a White Nationalist. And the liars at Fox News would have you believe their lie.
Suspect in Quebec mosque terror attack was of Moroccan origin, reports show http://fxn.ws/2k9is8W
10:31 AM – 30 Jan 2017
The suspect is neither Moroccan nor Muslim. The Moroccan individual, Mohamed el Khadir, was actually one of the worshipers at the mosque and called 911 to summon the police, and played no role whatsoever in the shooting.
The actual shooting suspect is 27-year-old Alexandre Bissonnette, a white French Canadian who is, by all appearances, a rabid anti-immigrant nationalist. A leader of a local immigration rights groups, François Deschamps, told a local paper he recognized his photo as an anti-immigrant far-right “troll” who has been hostile to the group online. And Bisonnette’s Facebook page – now taken down but still archived – lists among its “likes” the far right French nationalist Marine Le Pen, Islam critics Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, the Israeli Defense Forces, and Donald J. Trump (he also “likes” the liberal Canadian Party NDP along with more neutral “likes” such as Tom Hanks, the Sopranos and Katy Perry).
In addition to Fox News lies there’s BS News Network — Where White Supremacists get their new.
America’s Deportation Agents Love Trump’s Ban and Rely on Breitbart for Their News
Impeachment or Impairment — the Inevitability of Trump’s Removal
After just one week:
Yeah I read that but I’m not convinced that it will inevitable happen.
Besides Fuhrer Donny is just a distraction while Bannon is the true architect of destruction.
I don’t know if it’s going to happen. I certainly think that Trump is mentally ill. That diagnosis of malignant narcissism rings true as described. I didn’t know that a President could be removed due to impairment.
But I don’t know that the GOP will impeach him, no matter how bad it gets. I actually think that our intelligence agencies may know that Trump is guilty of treason with his relationship with Putin. I think that Putin may well have compromising information on Trump. I think that money changed hands and that’s why Trump cannot reveal his tax returns. Trump had already violated the Emoluments clause and refusing to divest himself of his business is a clear conflict of interest.
In one week look at the utter debacle of Trump! It’s only going to get worse.
Hawkstradamus i would say you should be ashamed of yourself but you have no shame.
Your source is the Washington post a fake news paper that was crowned the biggest liar of 2015 & came 2nd in 2016- http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/12/biggest_liar_of_2015_the_washington_post_and_its_pinocchios.html
No wonder you are easily deceived, you attack Donald trump a man who wants to protect they American people from Islamic terrorist and keep America safe.
But when it comes to barbaric organizations like planned parenthood and others that murder innocent children you support & defend them, you are WORSE THAN AN ANIMAL my dog has more love in his heart than you do, in fact saying you are worse than an animal is an insult to wild animals, you are a DEMONIC MORON, A BLIND FOOL that won’t open his eyes to truth no matter what.
More than 300 babies are aborted every day in Canada that’s more than 100,000 every year my goodness 100,000 babies.
More than 58 MILLION babies have been murdered in the USA since roe v. wade.
For someone who is quick to call anyone that disagrees with him a Nazi you support organizations that have murdered more people than Adolf Hitler. What does that say about you, you are worse than Hitler and that includes you NATIVENEWYORKER your father would be proud.
You MORON’S call little babies fertilized eggs to ease your conscience am not even sure you have a conscience, you can call them DONUTS if you like but that doesn’t change the fact that the blood of innocent children are in your hands & the hands of planned parenthood and other organizations as well.
One day your time would come and you would stand before a HOLY and JUST GOD and his judgements are righteous.
They one who created them from the beginning doesn’t agree with you, in the book of Psalms 127:3 it Say’s- Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.
Psalms 139:13-18- For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with You.
And this is what he said to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:5- Before I formed you in the belly I knew you; and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet unto the nations.
GOD has a plan and purpose for every child please don’t murder them or support those who do.
Wow, Simple Stanley, didn’t you just recently say you loved me?
Nativenewyorker I thought I was dealing with decent human being who was ignorant of the fact’s concerning planned parenthood so i compiled resources to show you how EVIL planned parenthood is, only to find out that am dealing with a DISGUSTING SADIST who loves to see little babies murdered in the womb & is not ashamed of her support for those who murder this precious little one’s.
In a few days I would be done commenting on these article & my prayer for you is that GOD would open your eyes so that you can see.
(1). http://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/cmp/investigative-footage/
(2). http://www.lifenews.com/2015/10/27/11th-video-catches-planned-parenthood-abortion-doc-selling-aborted-babies-heads/
Planned Parenthood #Guilty of Selling Baby Body Parts for Profit One Year Later #PPSellsBabyParts
Top Planned Parenthood Exec: Baby Parts Sales “A Valid Exchange,” Can Make “A Fair Amount of Income”
Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts
Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods
The home page of centre for medical progress
Some media coverage
Simple Stanley is batshit cray cray.
We already knew that!
180 movie I hope you watch it-
I hope you have a 180 just like many others have.
In a few days I would be done commenting on these article.
I have planted a seed, someone else would water it, but GOD gives the increase.
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
I’ll leave forgiveness up to Simple Stanley’s God.
All I see is a cowardly hypocrite.
Well said! Jesus was NOT about hate! He preached love and tolerance. Which has nothing to do with Stanley’s posts quoting the Bible while spewing hatred, bigotry and misogyny!
Please watch this video and share…
“I don’t know what I have to do. We ran away from Iran to this country because they do something like this but we didn’t know that we gonna have the same situation here. I’m a US citizen for about 15, 20 years and my brother didn’t do nothing wrong in no place in the world.”
ATTN: @attn 17h17 hours ago
Members of the UK Parliament just condemned President Trump.
White House claims five-year-old boy detained in US airport for hours ‘could have posed a security threat’
The little boy is reportedly a US citizen who lives with his mother in Maryland
Maggie Gyllenhaal @mgyllenhaal 2h2 hours ago
Retweeted Amir
I have shivers. Sick. Broken.
Yes, this is a refugee family in handcuffs, in America, for being muslim. That little girl? Handcuffed.
History will judge us very harshly.
The Daily Show @TheDailyShow 13m13 minutes ago
.@NealBrennan explains why Trump is the ultimate snowflake. http://on.cc.com/2jxGeK0
A shorter piece, also worth reading
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 35% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -6 (see trends).
Regular updates are posted Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update).
Forty-seven percent (47%) of voters think the country is headed in the right direction, the highest level of optimism in over 12 years of regular surveying.
The president’s political opponents continue to protest his temporary bans on refugees and visas for residents from countries that are known terrorist havens. However, most voters continue to support the bans until the federal government can do a better job of keeping out individuals who are terrorist threats.
So, there are many ” Nazi” in USA, Isn it?
No different than Hitler in his early days. He was very popular.
That’s the point of the article WhiteLies.
That said, other polls have him just below 50% approval after less than two weeks compared to the last five presidents who went 1.5-3 years before reaching that status.
Nazi Germany all over again.
Your ilk are white cowards WhiteLies.
For WhiteLies, actually 51% disapproval according to latest gallup, but more importantly heading in the right direction from 45% disapproval. Still a sad state that populism pulls the wool over so many unquestioning sheep eyes.
Disapproval rating is skyrocketing just a few days after The Fuhrer took office.
Poor WhiteLies, propoganda alt-truth might work on the poorly educated (remember Fuhrer Donny said he LOVES the poorly educated – no wonder), but it falls apart with even a small amount of critical thinking.
Some actual perspective and context for WhiteLies…
President Donald Trump’s disapproval ratings spiked over the weekend, making him the first president to receive the highest disapproval ratings within the least amount of time, according to a recent Gallup survey.
The presidential approval study, which has been conducted by Gallup since the Truman administration, concluded that more than half the nation was dissatisfied with Trump only eight days into his term, AOL News reported Sunday. The survey revealed that Trump had a 42 percent approval rating with a 51 percent disapproval rating when it came to his presidential “performance” thus far. Another president that came close to the ranking was former President Bill Clinton, who received a disapproval rating of about 50 percent 152 days into his first presidential term.
President Donald Trump has become unpopular in record time.
Presently more Americans disapprove of Trump’s presidency than approve of it, by a margin of 45 percent to 48 percent, according to a new Gallup survey that the Los Angeles Times reported on Sunday. It only took Trump 8 days to reach this point. By contrast, it took Ronald Reagan 727 days, George H. W. Bush 1336 days, Bill Clinton 573 days, George W. Bush 1205 days, and Barack Obama 936 days to receive a majority disapproval rating from Gallup during their administrations.
Ricky Gervais @rickygervais Jan 30
Haha. Actual facts are proving to be really annoying to angry racists.
Hawkstradamus is calling for a total and complete shutdown of While Male Christians entering Canada until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.
Simple truth is Canada’s mass shooters are usually white and Canadian-born: Neil Macdonald
Aside: For Simple Stanley
Here’s what is “going on” (even though it isn’t).
Now, on another topic, what did John McEnroe ask the umpire?
This is a real Nazism.
But You U.S. naziliberals dont give a s… about that.For you is greater the crime when some Iraqi man has been detained att the U.S.airport than when thousands of Iraqi children were born without eyes,hands and feet and died from cancer.
Mr Hitler, Goebbels, Göring and Ribentrop would be proud of you.
You make me puke.
WhiteLies, WTF do two invasions during Bush Sr and Jr have to do with Trump?
What a crappy strawman argument you posted. Neither invasion should have happened into Iraq. And you put words in my mouth about war crimes that happened there?
That has little if nothing to do with the world threat of having a fascist unstable dictator in bed with Russia.
This will be much worse. Germany all over again, possibly worse.
Get on the page man. If this is all about some hate on for Clintons, then you have your priorities f__ked.
And Trump/Bannon model themselves after Goebells. Stop your obvious self projecting by proxy.
You ARE puke. White conservative coward.
For WhiteLies….
A third likely Republican led war into the middle east…
With His Power Unchecked, Michael Flynn Could Lead Trump Into War With Iran
Flynn, who recently consolidated national security power, sees Iran as the U.S.’s number one enemy.
And now Putin continues his dirty work agenda with France…
Andrew S. Weiss @andrewsweiss 6h6 hours ago
Right on cue: Wikileaks (aka Kremlin info ops proxy) wades into French presidential election on behalf of Putin favorite Marine Le Pen
Fascist WhiteLies will be happy.
DEMONIC MORON(Hawkstradamus) you said in your previous comment #whatwouldjesusdo what do you mean by that? You also quoted Luke 23:24 I didn’t know you quoted Bible I hope you don’t just quote it but you read it as well. The verse that you posted(Luke 23:24) is a wrong verse Luke 23:34 is the correct verse my question is this what point were you trying to make?
And i hope you are not trying to use that verse to suggest that Jesus would support or condone your DEMONIC, EVIL views because if you do, that’s BLASPHEMY against they HOLY SPIRIT.
You called me a cowardly hypocrite well if your definition of cowardly hypocrite is someone who is against the murdering of precious, defenceless babies & someone who is willing to tell you the truth no matter what, then am a PROUD COWARDLY HYPOCRITE.
You also said in one of your comments didn’t I just recently say that I loved you, you also suggested that i #checkyourmeds.
(1) Just because I tell you the truth doesn’t mean I hate you, it’s the complete opposite and believe me i don’t have to do these, I am working on a project right now & I have a lot on my hands but I still take the time to correct most of the false & evil statements you have made, that’s LOVE not HATE.
(2) About the meds- Am a young man that’s extremely fit I don’t do drugs of any kind, am offended that you asked me that, i demand an apology ASAP.
DISGUSTING SADIST(Nativenewyorker) you said Jesus was not about hate! He preached love and tolerance.
Your right, every message that Jesus preached was about love, even when he preached against sin & warned people about hell & the consequence’s of living life without putting their trust in him(Jesus) for salvation was all done out of love.
The Bible say’s that Jesus is the personification of LOVE(1 John 4:8) and in John 15:13-15 it read’s- 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
14 You are my friends, if you do whatsoever I command you.
15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knows not what his lord does: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known to you.
Concerning hate and tolerance, I hope you are not implying that GOD tolerates sin or doesn’t hate sin. No one abhors sin more than GOD does, He forgives sin, He abhors sin and He died for the sin of the world, for my sins & yours, He doesn’t tolerate or condone sin.
Here are some of the sins that GOD hates not all but some in Proverbs 6:16-17 this is what it say’s- 16 These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
Did you notice the one I put in capital letters
In the book of Psalm 51:17 it say’s- The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
God is rich in mercy & grace willing to forgive anyone who sincerely seeks him for forgiveness.
God said in Isaiah 1:18- though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
For those who have had an abortion, remember that the sin of abortion is no less forgivable than any other sin. Through faith in Christ, all sins can be forgiven (John 3:16; Romans 8:1; Colossians 1:14). A woman who has had an abortion, a man who has encouraged an abortion, or even a doctor who has performed one—can all be forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ.
You might be wondering how can someone say they love me and yet call me a DEMONIC MORON & a DISGUSTING SADIST well let me explain something to you.
JESUS called they corrupt, evil religious leaders who were deceiving they people of Israel vipers & snakes, this corrupt men not only deceived they people but they murdered the Prophets of GOD, despite God’s patience & mercy they didn’t repent and JESUS said in Matthew 23:33- You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
Paul the apostle a humble teacher and disciple of GOD called some men false apostle and servants of satan because they were preaching a DIFFERENT Jesus to they people in 2 Corinthians 11:4 &13-15 he said- (4) For if someone comes and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.
(13) For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. (14) And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (15) Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
He also called them fool’s for denying the plans that GOD has planned for his children in (1 Corinthians 15:36).
John the Baptist one of they greatest prophet that ever lived called they Pharisees and Sadducees generation of vipers, because they wanted they forgiveness of GOD but didn’t want to repent from their sins in Matthew 3:7-8 it read’s- (7) But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? (8) Produce fruit that is consistent with repentance!
I could name many prophets & disciples of JESUS CHRIST that rebuked those who practiced EVIL & those who supported them.
Do you call a thief= a sentry or a jurist.
Do you call a rapist= a victim.
Do you call a murderer or those who support the murdering of innocent children=decent human beings, no you don’t.
There is no amount of offensive names that would be enough to describe those who support the murdering of precious babies in the womb.
JESUS, Paul, John and so many others didn’t call this people what they did because they hated them, they loved this people and wanted to see them saved.
I don’t call you what I do because I enjoy it, my prayer for you is that you would have a change in heart & stop supporting the EVIL that you do.
LOL, Ricky Gervais was right!
Ricky Gervais @rickygervais Jan 30
Haha. Actual facts are proving to be really annoying to angry racists.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.
For WhitesLie, actually 51% disapproval according to latest gallup, but more importantly heading in the right direction from 45% disapproval. Still a sad state that populism pulls the wool over so many unquestioning sheep eyes.
Disapproval rating is skyrocketing just a few days after The Fuhrer took office.
Nothing we didn’t know was coming prior to inauguration but now playing out (see article below)… including a man in the oval office who reacts to (biased) news on tv but is not into reading newspapers for anything not about himself, books, or seek broadly for advice among long standing professionals in a broad range of government departments.
Perhaps he is a genius who can come up with all the right decisions all by himself, in a moment, and based on a few minutes of watching tv outlets such as Fox?
Second half of the article:
The President’s isolation runs deeper than that. As the confusion around the immigration ban made clear, the vast government he oversees has little input on his actions. In an interview this week, Trump said that he reads the Times, the New York Post, and the Washington Post each day, but he seems to scan them as an actor does, for reviews of his own performance. His campaign made clear that he was not interested in the findings of scientists, social scientists, or the American government. Trump’s transition has alienated him from the American public. Gallup found on Friday that fifty per cent of Americans disapproved of Trump’s performance, the highest disapproval rating on record for any American President this early in his term.
In normal times, an Administration this isolated and divorced from public opinion would seem to be fatally weak. The argument made by the President’s first week is that these conditions, combined with the general assent of a Republican-controlled Congress, might in fact create the opposite situation, freeing him to do whatever he wants.
At times this past week, the theatre of the Administration has seemed to be as large as the Oval Office; at others, it has seemed smaller still, about the size of the President’s own head. “If Chicago doesn’t fix the horrible ‘carnage’ going on . . . I will send in the Feds!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday evening. In fact, a large team from the Department of Justice had recently been in Chicago, where it delivered an indictment of the excesses of the Chicago Police Department, connecting them to the collapse of trust between residents and officers, which in turn enabled a rise in crime.
But that report hadn’t prompted the President’s tweet. What had? It turned out that Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News show had just aired a segment on crime in Chicago. The President had seen something that moved him on a news program, and then he had reacted. The tweet was one of the least significant Presidential gestures of the past week. But it served as prelude for some of the darker ones. At times, the only figure in the room may be Trump himself, with the blue glow of his television screen.
Brian Blessed weighed in, hes a complete and utter moron, and a charmless idiot, well said lol ….
I will pose another question.
What’s the last dictatorship that ended with an election?
Call it what it is, a coup.
GOP gonna be there for a loooooooong time. Orange or no orange.
Better get used to it.
WhiteLies better stick to FoxNews, Breitbart and Pravda for his “alternative facts”…
James Surowiecki Retweeted NYTCo Communications
This is pretty extraordinary. NYT now has the biggest readership of any US paper. And doubling subscriptions in a yr is outrageous.James Surowiecki added,
NYTCo Communications
.@nytimes subscribers just passed 3MM, doubling in ‘16. Thanks to all #factsmatter #presson http://bit.ly/2kZSVOX
For WhiteLies…
This is a real Nazism.
“Steve Bannon: ‘We’re going to war in the South China Sea … no doubt’
The United States and China will fight a war within the next 10 years over islands in the South China Sea, and “there’s no doubt about that”. At the same time, the US will be in another “major” war in the Middle East.
Those are the views – nine months ago at least – of one of the most powerful men in Donald Trump’s administration, Steve Bannon, the former head of far-right news website Breitbart who is now chief strategist at the White House.”
But WhiteLies dont give a s… about casualties in the Middle East.For you is greater the crime when emails are lost.
Mr Hitler, Goebbels, Göring and Ribentrop would be proud of you.
What a hypocrite.
Il Small Hands is now fascist even by WhiteLies own definition of killing people…
Trump approved Yemen raid five days after inauguration
The Pentagon has said a US Navy Seal, chief petty officer William Owens, and 14 militants were killed in the raid in al Bayda province. Medics at the scene said about 30 people, including 10 women and children, were killed. Three US special forces were wounded.
On a related note…
Beau WillimonVerified account
1. Do not forget Ukraine. Only days into Trump’s presidency Russian-backed separatists scaled up attacks. Not a coincidence.
Questions mount over botched Yemen raid approved by Trump
US military officials say Trump approved counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence or ground support
Alison hodge i have no doubt that you are an amazing woman, but no one really cares about what brian blessed thinks or say’s, he made that comment on october 2016.
And they american people rejected hollywood, the dishonest liberal media & the corrupt democratic party.
Because they were concerned about the future of their children, grandchildren & country. And they elected a man(Donald Trump) who they trust & know would make america prosperous again, safe again & great again.
And if u are an american you should be proud & i hope u give him a chance okay! Because i know he would do more for they american people than they incompetent barrack obama or CROOKED hillary could do in their lifetime.
Careful Alison, Simple Stanley is a known flip-flopper.
“Answer my question! The question, Jerk!
Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.
Americans are far more optimistic about their economic future since Trump’s election as president.
WhiteLies knows it’s trending in the opposite direction than what he lies…
Fastest “president” to reach less than 50% approval.
WhiteLies pretends to care about middle east atrocities but remains quiet about Bannon talking war already with Middle East.
Do not be deceived by fascism and WhiteLies.
Only 43% approval rating according to gallop and dropping like a fascist stone.
Stanley everyone has a right to a voice no matter who they are, whether thats Brian Blessed, Ashley Judd, Meryl Streep, Nick Kyrigios, they are all entitled to an opinion, OK some are not the most bright or articulate, but the one thing they have in common is caring about the world we live in, and many of DTs policies leave alot to be desired, you seem quite blinded about whats going on in the world https://youtu.be/9FnO3igOkOk
“OK some are not the most bright or articulate,”
Simple Stanley for example.
(WhiteLies also.)
Stanley And im from GB and i only thank goodness i dont live in America at this time, as i really feel for the people, and all my friends on TG and TX having that man in charge ….
Fuhrer Donny kills more people in first two weeks of office….
‘Without Sufficient Intelligence,’ Trump Raid Kills Yemeni Children, US Service Member http://ow.ly/I2Xe308CxjJ
Don’t believe WhiteLies lies…
Majority disapproves of Fuhrer Donny after just one week and disapproval on the rise since…
Yeah and to think people like Stanley actually want a man like that governing their country, a racist bigot, and the worst kind, as they dont even know they are one
Fuhrer Donny’s Death Toll climbs (and it’s just Week 2)…
U.S. Military Probing More Possible Civilian Deaths In Yemen Raid
he U.S. military said on Wednesday it was looking into whether more civilians were killed in a raid on al Qaeda in Yemen on the weekend, in the first operation authorized by President Donald Trump as commander in chief.
U.S. Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens was killed in the raid on a branch of al Qaeda, also known as AQAP, in al Bayda province, which the Pentagon said also killed 14 militants. However, medics at the scene said about 30 people, including 10 women and children, were killed.
U.S. Central Command said in a statement that an investigating team had “concluded regrettably that civilian non-combatants were likely killed” during Sunday’s raid. It said children may have been among the casualties.
The fascist lies and misinformation continue and the sheep followers will believe (including Simple Stanley and WhiteLies)…
It may only take 3.5% of the population to topple a dictator – with civil resistance
Historical studies suggest that it takes 3.5% of a population engaged in sustained nonviolent resistance to topple brutal dictatorships. If that can be true in Chile under Gen Pinochet and Serbia under Milosevic, a few million Americans could prevent their elected government from adopting inhumane, unfair, destructive or oppressive policies – should such drastic measures ever be needed.
For WhiteLies education…
A short list of topics to study up on regarding Putin:
–Moscow apt. bombings
–Nord-Ost theatre seige
–Beslan school seige
Vladimir Putin, war criminal
The Russian leader has a long record of inhumanity.
Russia’s ruthless bombing of Syria’s civilian population and targets has been termed criminal by various Western leaders and human rights organizations, prompting U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power to ask her Russian counterpart: “Is there no act of barbarism against civilians, no execution of a child, that gets under your skin? That just creeps you out a little bit? Is there nothing you will not lie about or justify?”
–Beslan school seige
United States has been particularly reluctant to sign treaties addressing the “laws of war”. It has refused to sign The Declaration on the Prohibition of the Use of Thermo-Nuclear Weapons (1961); The Resolution on the Non-Use of Force in International Relations and Permanent Ban on the Use of Nuclear Weapons (1972); The Resolution on the Definition of Aggression (1974); Protocols Additional to the 1949 Geneva Convention (1977); and the Declaration on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons(1989).1
Equally disturbing was the U.S. refusal to sign the Convention on Rights of the Child, introduced into the United Nations General assembly on November 20, 1989 and subsequently ratified by 191 countries.
The first use of atomic weapons against human beings occurred on August 6-9 1945, when the United States incinerated the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, killing an estimated 110,000 Japanese citizens and injuring another 130,000. By 1950 another 230,000 died from injuries and radiation. Earlier in 1945 two fire bombing raids on Tokyo killed 140,000 citizens and injured a million more.
Since World War II the US has bombed twenty-three nations. [2001 figures] Author William Blum notes:
…and WhiteLies would have you believe that Fuhrer Donny is the answer….
Like throwing kerosene on the fire…
Alison I hope we can have a cordial conversation, I think you misunderstood my earlier comment I didn’t say he(brian blessed) and others you mentioned didn’t have the right to voice their concerns even though I disagree with them & you as well.
I simply said they American people rejected their worldviews and elected Donald trump as the president of the USA, the Republicans have the majority in the house, in the Senate, in the legislative chambers and they have 33 governors out of the 50 States in the USA.
The American people spoke loud and clear during the election and Donald trump was partly responsible for the majority they do have.
Am a black man who supports Donald J. Trump because I believe he loves his country and he will fix the broken system’s & disastrous deals that are affecting the American people, the economy etc.
I would like to ask you some questions-
(1) Could you name some of Donald trump’s policies that you disagree with?
(2) Why do you think Donald trump is a racist bigot and the worst kind? You also included me so.
(3) Why do you think am a racist bigot as well?
Simple Stanley is as white as Wonder Bread.
(1) All of them
(2) Because you like him
(3) See (2)
“Answer my question! The question, Jerk!
Oooh, that kissy_Nazi emoticon is really creepy again Simple Stanley.
Simple question and I think I have already answered it in my previous comments.
Stop being childish and grow up.
You first.
No, it was a simple Yes or No question.
I was asking if you agreed yes or no with what The New Fuhrer proposed:
“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on. ”
Do you agree Yes or No?
I don’t know who they new fuhrer is and I don’t know what he proposed.
Click the link dumbass.
Typical fascist simple Stanley expects others to answer questions when he won’t do the same.
Hypocrisy is a sign of fascism.
The question you have asked is a simple question that I have already answered and can still answer, but you would have to show the president of the USA(Donald trump) some respect and show me some respect.
For someone that is so irresponsible as yourself you should learn to respect others, especially those doing amazing work for their country and family.
Stop throwing temper tantrums are you child.
I don’t respect fascists like you simple Stanley who expects others to answer his questions when avoiding others.
Liberal logic calling someone a fascist because they tell you the truth and condemn the barbaric, demonic views you support.
If that’s the definition of fascism please sign me up. http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/12/liberal_logic_.html
You don’t have to answer my question am not a crybaby like you. I have already answered your question and I can still answer it again you just have to show the president of the USA (Donald trump) some respect & show me some respect. You don’t have any manners and that’s a pity.
Only fascists expect answers and avoid others Simple Stanley.
Fascists and Nazis deserve no respect.
Nazi Germany all over again. What does Stanley think about this?
RT @MatthewNussbaum: Whoa — State Dept drafted Holocaust statement that mentioned Jews, but Trump White House blocked its release: https://t.co/g0Uh2NxuWN
You are a very dishonest moron and you have no dignity, no matter the abundance of evidence that show that Donald trump loves and respect the Jewish people you still come up with foolish statements meant to portray him negatively.
Sean Spicer Donald trump press secretary Destroys Fake News ‘Reporters’ On The NSC & Holocaust- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oAWHW2jrhK8
Spicer Shoots Down Race Baiter on Trump’s Holocaust Statement- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gTRUb1b8ZbA
I have been patient with you for a while now, the next time you this again I would stop answering your questions and live you to your stupor.
Sean Spicer said The Fuhrer and himself never used the word Ban when they are on video using that term.
The Republicsn Nazi Party removed the reference of Jews killed in the Holocaust from the original statement. The beginning of Holocaust denial.
“On Thursday, we learned not just that the White House didn’t acknowledge the 6 million Jews who died in this genocide, but that they scrapped an original version of the statement which did recognize these victims.”
Simple Stanley and Nazi GOP fascism practise revisionism.
Simple Stanley doesn’t know what the Holocaust was and Republican Nazi Party pretends not to.
The Trump Administration’s Flirtation With Holocaust Denial
The White House statement on Holocaust Remembrance day did not mention Jews or antisemitism.
There were indeed millions of innocent people whom the Nazis killed in many horrific ways, some in the course of the war and some because the Germans perceived them—however deluded their perception—to pose a threat to their rule. They suffered terribly. But that was not the Holocaust.
Stanley i didnt say you were a racist bigot, i said he was a racist bigot, as for his policies, i disagree with all of them im afraid sorry, but peace to you ….
And BTW Im of my mixed Ancestory, mostly Viking, but part Saxon too, and my hubbies decendants were jewish, i have a mixture of cultures in my family ….
Important voice to follow: Jeremy Scahill
At The Intercept, we believe in holding those in power accountable, and our mission couldn’t be more urgent right now. With Donald Trump and his cronies consolidating power, we’ve launched a weekly podcast: Intercepted. Every week, I will bring on guests and colleagues to discuss the most pressing stories—those unfolding in public and the ones hidden in the shadows.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-six percent (46%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 41% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 38% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of +3. (see trends).
Regular updates are posted Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update).
Most voters think the president agrees with them and will put America first on the world stage unlike his predecessor.
A survey last May found that 60% of voters agreed with candidate Trump that the United States has not been putting its own interests ahead of others and should reverse course when it comes to foreign policy.
Despite continuing protests and legal challenges, voters by a 52% to 43% margin favor Trump”s temporary refugee ban. Fifty-six percent (56%) favor the temporary block on visas prohibiting residents of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen from entering the United States until the government approves its ability to screen for likely terrorists.
While Democrats plot to delay or stop the new president’s Cabinet choices and his first nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, voters strongly believe all his selections deserve a final vote by the full Senate
WhiteLies likes to cherry pick and omit the rapidly dropping approval rating from Rasmussen Reports and Gallop, a classic fascist method…
More reputable gallup shows Fuhrer Approval Rating at just 43% and trending down.
Also same from Fox (an extreme right-wing media source) which compares both gallup and Rasmussen Reports.
Polls show weakening support for Donald Trump
As Donald Trump’s second week as President comes to a close, data from a number of polls show either weakening support for Trump, or rising disapproval of Trump’s job performance.
Rasmussen Reports
According to Rasmussen Reports’ Daily Presidential Tracking Poll that was released on Thursday, a total of 53% of people surveyed said they approve of Trump’s job performance, which is down from 59% on January 26.
In particular, numbers from the Rasmussen Reports poll show 40% of people surveyed said they “strongly approve” of Trump’s job performance, which is down from 44% on January 26.
In addition, numbers show 40% of people surveyed said they “strongly disapprove” of Trump’s job performance, which is up from 31% on January 26.
Figures from the Gallup Daily Trump Job Approval Poll show 52% of people surveyed said they disapprove of Trump’s performance, compared to 43% of people surveyed who said they approve.
Results from a Gallup poll released on January 15 show 46% of people surveyed saying they approve of Trump’s performance, with 45% saying they disapprove.
Trump’s Cabal of Religious Extremists, Privitization Advocates, and Racists
For Simple Stanley and WhiteLies…
The Daily Show @TheDailyShow 18m18 minutes ago
Ladies and gentlemen, the leader of the free world. #TheFirst100Tweets
Another question for Simple Stanley…
A definition of “children” according to The New Fuhrer…
I add to my post AT 4:59 PM…
The Orange Fuhrer could learn a thing or two from George W. Bush who had wise words shortly after 9/11 and its aftermath…
“Thank you all very much for your hospitality. We’ve just had a ― wide-ranging discussions on the matter at hand. Like the good folks standing with me, the American people were appalled and outraged at last Tuesday’s attacks. And so were Muslims all across the world.
Both Americans and Muslim friends and citizens, tax-paying citizens, and Muslims in nations were just appalled and could not believe what we saw on our TV screens.
These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it’s important for my fellow Americans to understand that.
The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.
The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That’s not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don’t represent peace. They represent evil and war.
When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that’s made brothers and sisters out of every race ― out of every race.
America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.
Women who cover their heads in this country must feel comfortable going outside their homes. Moms who wear cover must be not intimidated in America. That’s not the America I know. That’s not the America I value.
I’ve been told that some fear to leave; some don’t want to go shopping for their families; some don’t want to go about their ordinary daily routines because, by wearing cover, they’re afraid they’ll be intimidated. That should not and that will not stand in America.
Those who feel like they can intimidate our fellow citizens to take out their anger don’t represent the best of America, they represent the worst of humankind, and they should be ashamed of that kind of behavior.
This is a great country. It’s a great country because we share the same values of respect and dignity and human worth. And it is my honor to be meeting with leaders who feel just the same way I do. They’re outraged, they’re sad. They love America just as much as I do.
I want to thank you all for giving me a chance to come by. And may God bless us all.”
I would respond later.
…and Mate.
Simple Stanley says:
“I have been patient with you for a while now, the next time you this again I would stop answering your questions and live you to your stupor.
No, I’ll let you know when you will stop.
A wise man who doesn’t think his place of birth makes him better than others less fortunate…
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson 8m8 minutes ago
Try as i have, try as I might, I will never understand those who care not for others, nor their plight
Members of a Muslim rape gang shouted “Allahu akbar” in court yesterday as they were jailed for raping girls aged 11 and 13…
But would you have posted that if they were white Christians? Breitbart certainly wouldn’t.
And that my little Nazi is what makes you and your ilk racist.
The Stanford Rape Case Illustrates the Toxicity of White Male Privilege
Brock Allen Turner got a lenient sentence for a heinous crime because he’s a poster boy for everything America loves.
A 2014 study of college campus rape statistics by the BJS found that 63% of reported rapes against females aged 18 to 24 are done by white males, 19% are done by black males and 10% are done by another race and 8% are unknown. The study used data from 1995-2013, and show that rape in college are independent of race.[19] The National Violence Against Women Survey found that 34% of American Indian female respondents had experienced attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. The rapist was more likely to be a non-Native than a Native.[20]
70% of rape cases in Sweden are committed by citizens and 30% by immigrants which makes sense because immigrants make up about 30% of Swedish population.
But fascists like to cherry pick their information and use anecdotal information (big word for Simple Stanley) that fits their racist views and filter out anything that challenges them.
Just another day of Fuhrer Donny…
Yemen: Jeremy Scahill & Advocates Question “Success” of Trump Raid That Killed 24 Civilians
Pardiss Kebriaei is senior staff attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights. She represents current and former Guantánamo detainees.
Baraa Shiban
Yemen project coordinator and caseworker with Reprieve.
Jeremy Scahill
co-founder of The Intercept and host of the new weekly podcast, Intercepted.
Center for Constitutional Rights
Questions are mounting about the first covert counterterrorism operation approved by President Donald Trump. Authorities say it was a success. The Pentagon now acknowledges that civilians were killed Sunday when members of the Navy’s SEAL Team 6 joined with commandos from the United Arab Emirates to raid a Yemeni village where members of al-Qaeda were said to live. But human rights groups say up to 24 civilians were killed, including a newborn baby and an American 8-year-old girl, Nawar al-Awlaki, the daughter of the U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in Yemen by a U.S. drone strike in 2011. The U.S. suffered one fatality: William “Ryan” Owens, a veteran member of SEAL Team 6. We get response from Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of The Intercept, who has extensively covered Yemen; Pardiss Kebriaei, staff attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights; and Baraa Shiban, the Yemen project coordinator and caseworker with Reprieve.
AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, as we turn now to Yemen and growing questions about the first covert counterterrorism operation approved by President Donald Trump. The Pentagon now acknowledges civilians were killed Sunday when members of the Navy’s SEAL Team 6 joined with commandos from the United Arab Emirates to raid a Yemeni village where members of al-Qaeda were said to live. Initially, the Pentagon said there were no civilian casualties, but according to the British human rights group Reprieve, up to 24 civilians died.
The dead included a newborn baby and an American 8-year-old girl, Nawar al-Awlaki, the daughter of the U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in Yemen by a U.S. drone strike in 2011. She’s the second child of Anwar al-Awlaki to be killed by the United States in Yemen, after her brother, 16-year-old American citizen Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, was killed in a U.S. drone strike in 2011. The U.S. suffered one fatality: William “Ryan” Owens, a veteran member of SEAL Team 6. Several other Navy SEALs were injured in a fierce firefight. Over a dozen members of al-Qaeda reportedly died, as well. And the U.S. lost a $75 million MV-22 Osprey aircraft, which crashed during landing.
Plans for the raid began months ago under President Obama. Reuters reports some U.S. military officials say Trump approved the mission without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations. Another official told The New York Times, quote, “Almost everything went wrong.” But as recently as Thursday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer claimed the raid a success.
PRESS SECRETARY SEAN SPICER: This was a very, very well-thought-out and executed effort.
REPORTER: Where was the president the night of the raid? How did he learn about Chief Owens’s death? And do you still stand by your characterization that it was successful?
PRESS SECRETARY SEAN SPICER: The president was here in the residence. He was kept in touch with his national security staff. Secretary Mattis and others had kept him updated on both the raid and the death of Chief Owens, as well as the four other individuals that were injured. So, he was kept apprised of the situation throughout the evening. And again, I think—I would go back to what I said yesterday. It’s hard to ever call something a complete success when you have the loss of life or people injured. But I think when you look at the totality of what was gained to prevent the future loss of life here in America and against our people and our institutions, and probably throughout the world, in terms of what some of these individuals could have done, I think it is—it is—it is a successful operation by—by all standards.
AMY GOODMAN: All this comes as thousands of Yemeni Americans and their supporters rallied Thursday in Brooklyn to protest Trump’s executive order banning entry to travelers from Yemen and six other Muslim-majority nations.
For more, we’re joined by three guests. In London, Baraa Shiban is Yemen project coordinator for Reprieve. He has spoken with residents of the village of Yakla that was raided. Here in New York, Pardiss Kebriaei, senior staff attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, represents current and former Guantánamo prisoners. And joining us via Democracy Now! video stream, Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of The Intercept, host of the new weekly podcast, Intercepted. He’s the author of The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government’s Secret Drone Warfare Program. His most recent article, “Former Senior FBI Counterterrorism Agent Slams Trump on Torture and Muslim Ban.”
We welcome you all to Democracy Now! Jeremy, let us start with you. You’ve been to Yemen several times. You know the Awlaki family. Can you talk about what you understand took place?
JEREMY SCAHILL: Well, first of all, let’s begin with what we understand about how Trump signed off on this covert mission. We understand that in addition to some of his—some military officials, and of course conferring with General James Mattis, that Trump made the decision to greenlight this Navy SEAL raid over dinner with people like Steve Bannon, his white supremacist top adviser, and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law, who has absolutely no experience with these kinds of activities.
And what’s interesting, before we get to the details of the raid, is that Sean Spicer and the Trump administration tried to imply that the Obama administration and that President Obama himself had greenlit this operation before leaving office and that they were just waiting for a moonless night so that they could have the cover of darkness to go in. But a former senior official in the Obama administration, Colin Kahl, is saying that that’s false and that the president—the former president, Obama, had not actually signed off on this specific raid, but that they had signed off on some of the parameters that the Department of Defense was going to operate under if this raid went ahead, and that the Obama administration viewed this potential raid as an escalation of the U.S. war in Yemen, and that they wanted to defer to the incoming administration, the Trump administration.
Now, let’s take that with a grain of salt. The Obama administration mercilessly pounded Yemen with bombs since December of 2009, when they launched a cluster bomb attack that killed three dozen women and children in the village of al-Majalah, then repeatedly drone struck Yemen, and then, more recently, provided the Saudis with cluster bombs and other munitions, aircraft, to engage in their total destruction, scorched-earth campaign inside of Yemen, and also refueling the planes that the Saudis have been using to pummel Yemen. While Samantha Power, Obama’s ambassador to the United Nations, was condemning the excesses of the Saudis in Yemen, the United States was, of course, continuing to support the Saudi campaign there.
Now, as it relates to this specific raid, we understand that the official story is that the Navy SEALs were being sent in to target senior al-Qaeda people, that they were going to snatch phones and computers and access this valuable intel. And, in fact, we have to remember that, almost always, the initial official responses—and it can go on for days and weeks or months—is either full of half-truths or outright lies. The initial statement on this was that it was this epically successful raid, that no civilians were killed. Yes, a Navy SEAL was killed in a gun battle, but it was worth it to protect the United States and our security, because they obtained all this valuable intel.
Now, in answering that question, we’re also going to address how it was that this 8-year-old girl, Nawar al-Awlaki, was in this compound at the same time. Who was Nawar al-Awlaki? Well, she was the 8-year-old daughter of Anwar al-Awlaki from his third wife, so she was the half-brother [sic] of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, the 16-year-old American citizen—
AMY GOODMAN: Half-sister.
JEREMY SCAHILL: —who was—sorry, the half-sister of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, the 16-year-old American citizen who was killed in a drone strike as he had dinner with his teenage cousin and others in October of 2011. Awlaki had four wives, and this was his third wife. That marriage was a tribally arranged marriage between Anwar al-Awlaki and an influential tribal family, the Dhahab family.
Why do I bring up this minutiae that seems like it would be irrelevant? Well, among the people that were killed in this Navy SEAL raid were two brothers, and they were Anwar al-Awlaki’s brother-in-laws, who had helped Anwar al-Awlaki escape the first known attempted assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki back in 2011. And they did so by creating a dust circle in the desert with a number of vehicles and then spread out in different directions while Awlaki was in one of the vehicles, and Awlaki escaped. But so, you know, these guys had been on the U.S. radar for some time, but the idea that they were senior figures within al-Qaeda is just a joke, and a sick one at that, to anyone who actually knows about the inner workings and the structure of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. And so, this was—I understand, from my sources on the ground in Yemen, who know the tribal structure well, is that these were low-level foot soldiers, basically, for al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. And let’s remember that AQAP has long since been incapable of organizing any kind of a threat to the United States or U.S. interests, and their primary war right now, ironically, is against the same forces that the Trump administration claims are Iranian proxies—the al-Houthi militias and leaders inside of Yemen. That’s the—those are people that al-Qaeda is fighting against, while the U.S. supports the Saudis to bomb them, al-Qaeda also fighting against the southern forces in Yemen. And so, you know, their primary goal right now is not global jihad; it’s against the Houthis, against the southern forces in Yemen.
Finally, Amy, you know, the U.S. claims—and there was an NBC report that came out last night—that someone had tipped off al-Qaeda people to the fact that this U.S. raid was imminent. Now, I find that a little bit hard to believe that someone is leaking U.S. intelligence to al-Qaeda, although, under this Trump administration, there seems to be a lot of leaks happening. But what they ended up doing was, basically, just destroying the structures where these people were housed. And so, Nawar al-Awlaki, this 8-year-old girl, was there because her mother had returned to her village and to her family after Anwar al-Awlaki was killed. They had been living in Sana’a. So they were there living in their local village. And my understanding from the al-Awlaki family is that Nawar al-Awlaki was—the 8-year-old girl was shot in the neck, but that she could have been potentially saved and that she was left to bleed out.
And, you know, Trump did say, and General Michael Flynn, his national security adviser, they both said, in kind of a despicably celebratory way, that the families of terrorists are fair game and can be killed. And it’s not that Obama’s administration didn’t kill children and women. It’s that they would—they would sort of say, “Oops, we didn’t mean to kill civilians.” They didn’t really explain why they killed Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, but at—the Obama administration gave the veneer of some remorse about this. Trump’s people say that, by all standards, this is a success. It’s never a success when you have 8-year-old kids and infants being killed, or when you have, you know, Navy SEALs being sent on missions that are not really about the defense of the United States.
AMY GOODMAN: Jeremy, it’s been widely reported that Nawar was an American citizen. Was she?
JEREMY SCAHILL: Well, I don’t think that anyone ever took her to a consulate to get a passport. And the law on this, you know, I would defer to Pardiss Kebriaei on this. She was born to an American citizen father. Her mother was not an American citizen, as far as I know. I’m almost 100 percent certain that’s true. She had one parent who was an American citizen. I don’t think Anwar al-Awlaki would have been able to walk into a consulate to get his daughter American citizenship. But, you know, I think that’s a question for the lawyer. She definitely had at least one parent who was an American citizen.
AMY GOODMAN: And Ryan Owens, the Navy SEAL who was killed—you have a lot of context within Navy SEAL Team 6—the significance of this?
JEREMY SCAHILL: Well, you know, these are considered to be the highest-end soldiers, the guys who are sent in to do the—you know, go take down high-value targets. They led the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad. But, you know, the SEALs are definitely in Camp Trump. You know, there are these pictures that have emerged lately of U.S. military vehicles down near Louisville with—current U.S. military vehicles driving around with Trump signs, Trump flags from the back of the vehicles. And, you know, Trump often would tout the Navy SEALs on the campaign trail more than other military units within the U.S. military. And part of that has to do with the kind of Christian crusader, religious supremacist mentality that permeates that community.
For people who really want to understand the dark side of this, you know, revered force, I recommend reading my colleague Matthew Cole’s excellent series at TheIntercept.com. And, of course, he’s been on this show, as well. But these are the most expensive soldiers in the U.S. arsenal. And it appears that Trump used them for a mission or authorized them for a mission against some very low-level al-Qaeda people whose primary goal right now is fighting against the same people the U.S. claims to be bombing in Yemen. It’s really sick.
AMY GOODMAN: I want to bring Baraa Shiban into this, of Reprieve. Baraa, you’ve been speaking with residents of the village of Yakla that was raided. Tell us what you’ve learned.
BARAA SHIBAN: Thank you very much. What we know happened is in—almost midnight, the Navy SEAL Team 6 landed in a nearby location. And I’m not sure when they said it was a compound. There was nothing such thing. I know the place myself. I’ve been there myself. When a former drone strike happened in 2013, with a group of—I went with a group of reporters and other human rights workers to investigate that drone strike. It’s a small—it’s a small village. You cannot even claim that it’s a—it’s al-Qaeda headquarter or al-Qaeda base. It’s a small village with very limited services. And the people back then were normal villagers. They were just farmers who were working during the day in their farms. So, what we know happened is they landed, and then they didn’t just raid the house of Abdul Raouf al-Dhahab, as the Trump administration seems to claim. Actually, they raided the whole village. And if you’re in the middle of the night and you raid a village, obviously, there are going to be some gun—some gunfire.
And now, I think Jeremy explained the link with Nawar al-Awlaki, but Nawar was not the only child who was killed in this raid. There are 10 children who were killed, six women and eight other villagers. And then we can claim that maybe Abdul Raouf al-Dhahab and his brother were militants or, we could say, combatants. If we exclude them, we are left with two dozen civilians who were killed in this raid. I’m not sure what was the aim of this, of an operation at this scale, especially that Abdul Raouf al-Dhahab is not a senior member of al-Qaeda. His main link towards al-Qaeda was through his elder brothers, Nabil and Tariq al-Dhabab. And I wouldn’t imagine that al-Qaeda would trust Abdul Raouf with such valuable information as the Trump administration or like Sean Spicer seems to be suggesting in his press release.
AMY GOODMAN: And what is it that was expressed most by the people you spoke to in this village, Baraa?
BARAA SHIBAN: At the first time when—and let me go back a little bit. Like in December 2013, people were outraged at the moment and very upset. But, actually, back then, the Yemeni government apologized to those villagers and gave them compensation and promised them that’s not going to happen—that’s not going to happen again. Today, when I spoke to the people, people feel that they have been—they are actually targeted. It’s not a mistake, as the Obama administration claimed, not—or what the Yemeni government has been saying. They feel they have been targeted. This village was hit twice—once, a drone strike on a wedding party, and this time it’s a raid. And no one understands what was the aim of the raid, especially when they see their women and children were being killed.
The one person I spoke to, he said, “We were very terrified.” He had to close his door and told everyone in his family not to leave the house until they realized what’s happening out there. He said, two hours later—and can you imagine, in a small village, really, two hours of constant shooting? He said, “We went out,” and then he—the literal words he used: “bodies everywhere—women, children, everything.” Now, interestingly enough, also, the groom who survived the drone strike on his wedding in December 2013 was killed, along with his son and daughter, in this raid. I’m not sure how can they explain—how can they explain this? I know the area myself. The house that they claim was al-Qaeda base, that’s a two-room story house, very small. There is nothing I would say is much big of a value. If I would claim that Abdul Raouf was the target of the raid—maybe they were trying to get him, to arrest him and get him alive—how can you explain the death of two dozen civilians just to get one person?
AMY GOODMAN: Pardiss Kebriaei, you’re a senior staff attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights. Yemen’s foreign minister, Abdulmalik al-Mekhlafi, condemned the raid in a Twitter post as “extrajudicial killings.” What’s your understanding about the legality of what just happened? And your thoughts on how soon into Trump’s presidency this happened?
PARDISS KEBRIAEI: I think the strike or the raid was of questionable legality. There are clearly questions about the legality, about the intelligence, about the process, about the impact, that need to be asked and answered. There have been calls for a briefing on the Hill by members of Congress. There have been calls by other human rights groups for an investigation. There must be an investigation and an explanation of what happened on legal, political and human and security levels. So it’s hard right now to, you know, sort of come to a conclusion about exactly what happened, because the government needs to say more, the administration needs to say more. There needs to be accountability now, given that this was the first raid in Yemen by the Trump administration and given that there are clear signs that this is an administration that wants to escalate the use of raids, the use of drones, the use of war making in Yemen and elsewhere. So there needs to be accountability and a check right now, before we go further.
I would also say, as Jeremy pointed out, there needed to be accountability before. This is—these are authorities that were claimed by the Obama administration, that were continued from the Bush administration and claimed by the Obama administration, a program of killing through drones, through raids, that has been going on for years. And accountability is important not just when you have a constitutional—not just when you have a president like Trump, but, you know, when you have a constitutional law professor like President Obama, as well. And accountability did not really happen, did not happen meaningfully under the former administration, you know, politically, publicly or through the courts. I mean, we’re seeing now, for example, through—with the Muslim ban, how essential the role of the courts is in checking sweeping, ostensibly unlawful, executive power. There were attempts at judicial accountability in the past under the Obama administration with the drone program, and the courts failed to exercise judicial scrutiny at that point. So, it’s critical.
AMY GOODMAN: I’m curious, Baraa Shiban, are you affected by the Muslim ban? You, we are speaking to right now, in London.
BARAA SHIBAN: I think that’s a really good question. Me, myself, right now, I can’t go to visit my Reprieve colleagues in the U.S. That’s effectively what the Muslim ban has done. Not only that, actually, but we in Reprieve have invited before relatives of drone strike victims to the United States, and we have arranged for the meetings to meet and talk to congressmen and senators inside the U.S., so they can talk to each other, basically. We brought Faisal bin Ali Jaber, who is a relative of a drone victim, who was able to sit and meet with congressmen. And, effectively, what we were trying to do in Reprieve is just encourage that dialogue to happen. People need to talk to each other. They need to hear those voices. And, effectively, what the Trump administration has done with this ban is shut down that door of dialogue, to say, “We don’t want to talk to anyone. We’re going to deal with everyone outside the U.S. as aliens, and that’s it.” I’m not sure how this is going to help the security of the United States, when you’re willing not to talk to people anymore. But basically–basically, this is what it’s been doing. And it’s not just me, but actually the thousands of Yemeni people who have their relatives maybe outside at the moment of the ban, now they can’t go back into the country.
AMY GOODMAN: Finally, Jeremy Scahill, Stephen Bannon was with President Trump when he okayed the raid, apparently. Can you talk about the significance of this?
JEREMY SCAHILL: Well, Stephen Bannon and Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and first lady—as she appears to be now—Ivanka Trump’s husband. Look, the fact is that Steve Bannon is a dangerous, extreme right-wing ideologue. Yes, he is a—you know, a former member of the United States Navy, but his life’s work is promoting fearmongering against immigrants and promoting what I think can rightly be called a white supremacist agenda. And let’s be clear here: Donald Trump’s administration will lie about aerial photos from his inauguration and what they show. You think they’re going to tell the truth about the details of a covert raid in Yemen that killed women and children and got a U.S. Navy SEAL killed? Let’s look at their actual response in the bigger picture.
We learned yesterday that Gina Haspel is going to be the deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency. She was one of the people that ran a CIA black site where prisoners were mercilessly tortured, waterboarded, etc. And she, we understand, was the agent who led the destruction of the CIA torture tapes at the direction of the main torture ringleader, Jose Rodriguez, at the Central Intelligence Agency. That is the person who now is going to be the number two at Donald Trump’s CIA. And Susan Rice, Obama’s ambassador to the U.N., and all these other Democrats are up in arms because a Republican was bragging about her being, you know, the first woman to be named to such a high position, and that, in fact, Obama had also named a woman to a high position in the CIA. The objection is not the black site, not the torture, not the destruction of tapes, but that there was gender equality somehow under Obama, and now Trump has picked this woman. I mean, that’s the state where we’re at now in our discussion about these policies. The fact is that Trump’s administration: Islamophobes, billionaires, bigots and torture lovers.
AMY GOODMAN: I want to thank you all for being with us, Jeremy Scahill of The Intercept, Baraa Shiban of Reprieve in London and Pardiss Kebriaei of the Center for Constitutional Rights. You can go to our website to hear some of the voices from more then a thousand small grocery store owners and workers across New York who went on strike Thursday in the latest protest against President’s Trump immigration order.
Hey Simple Stanley and WhiteLies, both Breitbart fans, simple question. Who do you most identify with?
Milo Yiannopoulos, Senior Breitbart Editor or Richard Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, and Washington Summit Publishers, an independent publishing firm?
I’m guessing both…
Have a read and watch the video. Meet the new Nazis, same as the old Nazis…
Breitbart editor starts scholarship for just white men
-70% of rape cases in Sweden are committed by citizens and 30% by immigrants which makes sense because immigrants make up about 30% of Swedish population-
Ha,ha,ha. You are a real comedian Amigo. The Swedish Police DO NOT keep records on the ethnicity of rapists.They want to hide how huge number of rapist are coming from the foreign countries,political reasons,You know.
You are a pathetic liar, funny stuff.
Wrong they only stopped a few years ago. These stats were from 2012. Moron.
You sure you live in Sweden? Seems I know more about your country than you. Where were you originally born. You’re obviously a privileged white male.
Tell me WhiteLies, do you agree with the views of the two people in the video?
Correction 1996.
The percentage of immigrants hasn’t changed at roughly 30%.
And here is the other article to debunk racist WhiteLies…
How Anti-Immigration Activists Misuse Rape Statistics
This article will show that according to crime victim surveys, the actual rate of sex crimes has been more or less unchanged in Sweden between 2005 and 2014, despite the fact that immigration has increased during the same time period. Instead, the increasing rates of reported rapes are influenced by expansion of the legal rape definition, an increase in the tendency to report rapes, police efforts to classify each individual rape as a separate crime and their tendency to classify any sex crime that could potentially be rape as rape. It will also demonstrate that reported rates between countries such as Sweden and Denmark cannot be naively compared to do the large difference in legal rape definition and police registration methods.
In other words, racist white cowards like WhiteLies have no evidence to justify their transparent lies by his own admission other than a few cherry picked anecdotes like Snowflake Stanley.
You are not just a liar but also a primitive person who uses personal insults in debate. I feel sorry for You.
Who cares about statistics 21 years old? Not me, not Swedish girls and women.Crime rate in Sweden 2016 was much higher than 1996.
Self projecting again.
No. you are wrong. Click the link and read for yourself. If you can WhiteLies.
You are backtracking and admit yourself you have no evidence other than selected anecdotes to suport your racism.
Pathetic white privileged racist coward.
RT @teamtrace: No data supports Trump’s persistent claims that immigrants are responsible for an outsized share of crime. https://t.co/tewMFqtQBN
“But no data has ever supported Trump’s persistent claims that immigrants are responsible for an outsized share of crime. The research that has focused on immigrants and crime has actually concluded that immigrants are less likely to engage in criminal activity — and their presence may even make communities safer. Studies show that immigration has no effect on crime rates and that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, or be incarcerated, than the general population. In fact, violent crime actually declines in areas where foreign-born communities have grown.”
Swedish policeman from town of Örebro.
I’m so fucking tired. What I will write here below, is not politically correct. But I don’t care. What I’m going to promote you all taxpayers is prohibited to peddle for us state employees. That tends to drive in a non-career and non-individual pay. Even though it’s true. I don’t care about all of this, will soon still retire after 47 years in this activity. I will now and every week to explain in detail what for employing me as investigators / investigator on coarse mcu police in örebro. It’s not going to be good with the opinion or other leftist kriminologers perception in the general debate.
Our pensioners is on its knees, the school’s a mess, healthcare is an inferno, the police have totalhavererat etc etc. We all know why but no one dare or wants to peddle the reason, due to the fact that Sweden always lived on the myth of prudes ultimate society who have osinnliga resources to be at the forefront when it comes to be the only politically correct option in a dysfunctional world that beats Knot on their own by destructive behavior in different name of.
Here we go; this I’ve handled Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, off of, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, Rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment.
Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again Christopher… what is it true. Yes a Swedish name snuck on the outskirts of a drug crime, Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again.
Countries representing the weekly all crimes: Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects, we can’t be sure because they don’t have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they’re lying about your nationality and identity.
Now we’re talking just örebro municipality. And these crimes occupies our utredningsförmåga to 100 %.
So it looks here and has been like for the past 10-15 year
Anecdotal BS. Crime rate hasn’t changed.
Fear-based racism and hate. Nothing new from fascist WhiteBread.
I noticed some useless comments made by the only ignorant moron(hawkstramoron/hawkstradamus) on this site.
The fact that you would try to compare Christianity with islam doesn’t just show how foolish you are but it also shows how deceived, blind, immoral and to be honest with you flat out stupid.
The word of GOD(The Bible) condemns every form of sexual immorality or perversion, the quran encourages rape & other perversions.
Christian’s look to Jesus Christ as their role model and Jesus lived a righteous, sinless and Holy life.
Muslims look to muhammad their prophet as their role model and he was a murderer, a child molester, a rapist, a pedophile, a false prophet, a demonic deranged moron etc.
If a Christian commit any form of immorality and tries to justify it, God will judge them according to their wicked & evil ways if don’t repent & ask him for mercy.
The quran encourages many perversions, it encourages muslims to murder Jews, Christians and different faiths including atheists, it also encourages muslims to kill other muslims who convert to Christianity or other faiths.
Do you know the rewards that are promised to muslims who commit this evil acts- (1) They are promised a river of alcohol in their stupid paradise(HELL).
(2) They are promised 72 virgins to rape everyday etc.
How foolish can you be, how demented are you, sometimes I want to stop correcting you and leave you to your stupor but out of love I persist so that you don’t go to waste.
I would be posting some links related to my comments later.
You’re quite deranged Simple Stanley. How did your environment twist you so? It’s not instinct. It’s bad behaviour. Where were you raised?
Hey Simple Stanley, you’re a Breitbart fan, simple question. Who do you most identify with?
Milo Yiannopoulos, Senior Breitbart Editor or Richard Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, and Washington Summit Publishers, an independent publishing firm?
I’m guessing both…
Have a read and watch the video. Meet the new Nazis, same as the old Nazis…
Jill Stein has filed for a recount for the Atlanta falcons playoff loss.
New England Patriots are they super bowl champions.
You have a man crush on Brady, don’t you Simple Stanley.
It’s ok. Don’t repress your true feelings.
New england patriots pulled one of the greatest upsets in Super Bowl history despite millions of illegal points.
15 intel agencies agree. Russians hacked the #SuperBowl. Atlanta had 99% of winning. Putin has Krafts 3rd ring.
Atlanta falcons had 99% chance of winning the #superbowl in the 3rd quarter, per ESPN. That’s about the same Clinton’s chances heading into the election.
Atlanta falcons had more possesions, and had more plays, but the New England Patriots won the #superbowl 34-28, they are illegitimate champions right? CUCKOO
Crooked killary had more popular votes but the patriot Donald J. Trump won the #Election 306-232 EC, his an illegitimate president right? FOOLISH
Donald J. Trump
@ realDonaldTrump 9h
What an amazing comeback and win by the Patriots. Tom Brady, Bob Kraft and Coach B are total winners. Wow!
Liberal tears are delicious.
Are you ok Simple Stanley?
More murders brought to you by Putin and his new orange bitch….
Trump is sworn in, rockets fall on Ukraine
COULD IT have been just a coincidence that Russian-backed forces in Ukraine launched their biggest offensive in months the day after Vladimir Putin spoke by phone with President Trump? Somehow, we doubt it. Rather, the volleys of Grad rockets and heavy artillery that have been raining down on Ukrainian army positions since Sunday look a lot like a test of whether the new president will yield to pressure from Moscow.
LOL, The Orange Fuhrer doesn’t even know what he is signing! What a puppet. Bannon and Putin must be holding hands up the Orange Fuhrer’s poop shoot.
Trump and Staff Rethink Tactics After Stumbles
Mr. Bannon remains the president’s dominant adviser, despite Mr. Trump’s anger that he was not fully briefed on details of the executive order he signed giving his chief strategist a seat on the National Security Council, a greater source of frustration to the president than the fallout from the travel ban.
Orange Fuhrer approval rating, already a record low for any president two weeks in continuing to nose dive now down to 42% which is still ridiculously high for those that claim to live by the golden rule (not to be confused with Drumpf’s “Golden” rule).
Tell me Simple Stanley and WhiteBread, what are your views on Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer Donny’s hero…
This is brilliant and history is repeating…
LA Review of Books @LAReviewofBooks Feb 5
Ron Rosenbaum, world-class expert on the rise of Hitler, refused to write about Trump for months. Until now: http://ow.ly/LfBn308GXcJ
Against Normalization: The Lesson of the “Munich Post”
By Ron Rosenbaum
“Bullock, then nearing 80, told me how students of Hitler were often misled to focus on his vicious anti-Semitism. In fact, Bullock had initially argued, it was likely he had believed in nothing and just used the Jew-hatred to advance his cause with the nitwit thug segment of the German people. Just as Trump appealed to his nitwit thug racist, anti-Semite followers. Hitler was a “mountebank,” Bullock exclaimed, a con man who played the Jewish card, using it to whip up rowdy enthusiasm and give the impression of a movement. This is the comparison I’d been seeking.”
“Cut to the current election. We had heard allegations that Trump kept Hitler’s speeches by his bedside, but somehow we normalized that. We didn’t take him seriously because of all the outrageous, clownish acts and gaffes we thought would cause him to drop out of the race. Except these gaffes were designed to distract. This was his secret strategy, the essence of his success — you can’t take a stand against Trump because you don’t know where Trump is standing. You can’t find him guilty of evil, you can’t find him at all. And the tactics worked. Trump was not taken seriously, which allowed him to slip by the normal standards for an American candidate. The mountebank won. Again.”
“And I remembered the Munich Post, defending Weimar Germany. I reflected on how fragile democratic institutions could be in the face of organized hatred. Hitler had been tricky about his plans until he got the position and the power to enact them. Trump had been tricky, neither accepting nor rejecting the endorsement of KKK leader David Duke. David Duke! The KKK! In this century! He claimed he didn’t know who he was. He couldn’t be disqualified because of someone he didn’t know. That’s where we all went wrong, thinking he was stupid and outrageous, not canny and savvy and able to play the media like Paganini. The election demonstrated the weakness of a weak democracy, where basic liberties could be abolished by demagoguery and voter suppression.”
“Tell me Simple Stanley and WhiteBread, what are your views on Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer Donny’s hero…”
Madman who has a lot of similarities with the family Bush and Bill and Hillary Clinton. And You look like dr Goebbels.
Then the majority must look like that to you.
GB HoC Speaker vows to stop him from speaking.
It is you and the fascist government that look like Goebbels. But self projecting is a widely used tool of fascism. Goebbels coined it and you practice it. So transparent.
Read my link above and compare it to this:
Kellyanne Conway’s ‘Bowling Green massacre’ wasn’t a slip of the tongue. She’s said it before.
Fascism at it’s finest WikiLies.
“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”
– Joseph Goebbels
Bradd Jaffy @BraddJaffy 46m46 minutes ago
Trump just named 9/11, Boston, Orlando and San Bernardino to justify his travel ban. None of those attackers were from countries in the ban.
See video of Trump’s alternate facts…
Hi RC Hope you are well, i will e.mail you when i get a minute ;-)….
#It is you and the fascist government that look like Goebbels. But self projecting is a widely used tool of fascism. Goebbels coined it and you practice it. So transparent.#
Then you and I have different definition of Fascism and Nazism.
In my eyes Nazis and Fascists are those who threw nuclear and depleted uranium bombs on civillians and killed millions, who bombed 21 states after WW2,who use to starting wars to steal oil, who provoke coups and revolutions all around the world, who is having such a concentration camp like Guantanamo…
Mr Trump is as innocent as a baby compared to those Nazi criminals.
Pretty bad when you have to compare A president to Nazis for relative innocence.
He’s fast tracking his fascism. Give him time. He’ll do much worse.
He’s a lot less innocent than Hitler was at this point in his leadership.
Read the link and educate yourself WhiteLies.
I promised to post some links related to my previous comments i can’t to that right now, I will do that later.
This links contain information’s that would go to greater lengths than I did.
What previous comment?
Whether you put a hashtag that say’s never my president or not, it won’t change the fact that Donald J. Trump is the President of the USA.
And he would make America great again for you, for all Americans and for those who love this country.
Thank you mr Putin that You stopped this new-Nazis animals…
ISIS, translated into English as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant or Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, is the latest head of the fundamentalist Jihadi hydra CREATED by the United States and gulf monarchies. ISIS is making huge territorial gains as the Iraqi army collapses in its wake. The history of American and Saudi collusion to destabilize that region is a long and sad tale. For many years these partners in crime have left a trail of death and devastation in Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria as well as in Iraq.
Very few Americans remember that millions of people around the world foresaw the calamity and acted to try and prevent it. Not only were there huge protests in many nations but there was serious discussion of the extent of American criminality. The World Tribunal on Iraq held a series of meetings from November 2003 through June 2005 in New York, London, Rome, Lisbon, Stockholm, Mumbai, Tunis, Hiroshima, Beirut and other cities. The culminating session in Istanbul produced a Declaration of the Jury of Conscience which spelled out in stark detail the violations of the United Nations Charter and the Nuremburg Principles. The tribunal spared no one, condemning the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom for acts of aggression and the United Nations Security Council for its inaction. One of the tribunal’s charges is particularly prescient:
“Engaging in policies to wage permanent war on sovereign nations. Syria and Iran have already been declared as potential targets. In declaring a ‘global war on terror,’ the US government has given itself the exclusive right to use aggressive military force against any target of its choosing. Ethnic and religious hostilities are being fueled in different parts of the world.
This is what WhiteLies supports…Russia defending this Syrian so called government regime. Just another Hitler wanna be….
Up to 13,000 secretly hanged in Syrian jail, says Amnesty
As many as 13,000 opponents of Bashar al-Assad were secretly hanged in one of Syria’s most infamous prisons in the first five years of the country’s civil war as part of an extermination policy ordered by the highest levels of the Syrian government, according to Amnesty International.
Many thousands more people held in Saydnaya prison died through torture and starvation, Amnesty said, and the bodies were dumped in two mass graves on the outskirts of Damascus between midnight and dawn most Tuesday mornings for at least five years.
Just trying to establish some common ground (as if that’s possible).
Simple Stanley, do you believe in evolution?
WhiteLies, what are your views on Hitler? Good or bad. Why?
Simple Stanley, do you believe in evolution?
WTF Just Happened? Trump’s Chaotic First Weeks in Office
America has weathered the opening blitz of the Trump presidency with our republic intact, but our collective sanity rattled. The new administration has bombarded Americans with nonsense – from “alternative facts” about inauguration crowd size, to conspiracy theories about voter fraud, to a made-up “Bowling Green Massacre,” to Trump’s off-the-wall praise of long-dead abolitionist Frederick Douglass as someone “who has done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice.” Adding to the psychological shock-and-awe, the administration has leaked a horrifying host of draft executive orders – to trash the UN, reopen CIA “black site” prisons and permit rampant LGBTQ discrimination – that may never become official policy
Cut through the noise, and the new administration’s true actions are less overwhelming – but no less harrowing. Trump has pursued a substantive agenda, with dark consequences for Earth’s climate, America’s alliances, the Affordable Care Act, undocumented immigrants and refugees, middle-class home buyers and investors, and the veterans who fill the federal workforce.
Here’s a recap of what the Trump administration has actually put in motion in its first weeks in office.
Without presenting a plan for its replacement, Congressional Republicans have taken the first legislative steps to repeal Obamacare. President Trump jump-started the tear-down with an executive order that weakens the health care law, blunting its enforcement mechanisms. The order instructs federal administrators to “exercise all authority and discretion” to “waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay” any “cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden” under the law. Trump then shut down advertising and outreach programs that would have encouraged Americans to sign up for coverage before the January 31st deadline. The former chief marketing officer of Healthcare.gov estimates Trump’s move prevented 500,000 Americans from finding coverage for 2017.
2. Undermined women’s health across the globe
With an executive order, Trump reinstated and expanded the global gag rule (a.k.a. the “Mexico City Policy”), which bars groups that perform – or even discuss – abortion from receiving U.S. foreign aid. The last time the gag rule was in effect (under George W. Bush), one study found, “shipments of U.S.-donated condoms and contraceptives completely ceased to 16 developing countries,” while family planning groups in another 16 nations, most of them in Africa, “lost access to condoms and contraceptives as a result of their refusal to accept the Gag Rule restrictions.”
3. Empowered Big Oil
Consistent with its view that the federal Climate Action Plan is “harmful and unnecessary,” the Trump administration used executive orders to put two infamous oil pipeline projects back on the fast track, threatening to unlock megatons of new carbon pollution.
The Keystone XL pipeline would open the Gulf Coast as a global export market for Canada’s filthy tar-sands crude – increasing producer profit and spurring production. Trump’s executive order invites pipeline owner Trans Canada to renew its application for the pipeline, blocked by the Obama administration after years of protest. A second Trump order calls for “expedited” review and approval of the Dakota Access Pipeline that would transport crude from the shale fields of North Dakota to refineries in the Midwest. It has been blocked by an unprecedented protest by Native American “water protectors” at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, where the pipeline would cross treaty lands and endanger tribal water resources. Neither order immediately renews pipeline construction. But the latter has already renewed clashes between law enforcement and DAPL protesters.
Trump’s nominee to lead the state department, former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, was confirmed by the Senate on a 56-43 vote, backed by Democrats Mark Warner of Virginia, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Joe Manchin of West Virginia as well as Independent Angus King of Maine. “They own this guy,” says 350.org founder Bill McKibben of Tillerson’s Senate supporters. “They own his policy. They own his corporate past. They own his ties to Russia. It’s all part of the big deal.”
The GOP-run House and Senate have also done Big Oil a good turn, passing legislation to kill an anti-corruption rule by the Obama-era Securities and Exchange Commission. It required oil firms to disclose their payments to foreign governments. This will be one of the first bills signed by President Trump (accompanied by another rule repeal that will let coal companies dump mining waste into streams).
4. Targeted immigrants and banned refugees
Nowhere has Trump been busier than on the subject of immigration and border security.
Acting on a top campaign promise, Trump issued an executive order calling for “the immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border.” The order relies on existing legislation under which construction to be paid for by U.S. taxpayers – not Mexico.
Perhaps the most sweeping of Trump’s new executive orders has placed as many as 11 million undocumented immigrants in the crosshairs for priority deportation. Going far beyond criminal undocumented immigrants like gang members, the Trump order targets all “removable aliens” who have been “convicted of any criminal offense” or “charged with any criminal offense” or – and this is where it gets broad – those who have “committed acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense.”
Since entering the country without papers is a “chargeable criminal offense” – as are other common status violations like securing a job without authorization or driving a car without a license – virtually anyone in the country without status is now vulnerable. In the words of a prominent immigration attorney, the order is “a blueprint for mass deportation … crafted by the most extreme anti-immigrant zealots in Trump’s orbit.”
Trump used the same order to threaten to strip sanctuary cities – jurisdictions that forbid their law enforcement officers from enforcing immigration law – of federal funding. Trump accused sanctuary jurisdictions of causing “immeasurable harm to the American people and to the very fabric of our Republic.”
The impact of Trump’s order targeting undocumented immigrants has yet to be fully felt. And it was immediately overshadowed by the chaos created by Trump’s second executive order on immigration – suspending refugee settlement in the United States for 120 days (thereafter prioritizing religious minorities in their home countries, and largely excluding Muslims). The order additionally suspended immigration from seven majority-Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Although the order – “PROTECTING THE NATION FROM FOREIGN TERRORIST ENTRY” – invokes 9/11 as a justification, it does nothing to restrict immigration from the homelands of the 9/11 attackers.
The order created chaos at the nation’s international airports. Vetted visa holders, and even permanent U.S. residents with green cards, were denied entry upon arrival. Mass protests and lawsuits filed by the ACLU and others secured entry of most of those detained – including heroes who risked their lives serving U.S. troops in Iraq. And the administration walked back its ban on green card holders, issuing a new order clarifying that Trump’s order “do not apply to such individuals.”
But the chaos created by the order is ongoing. According to court declarations by an attorney for the U.S. government, as many as 100,000 visas held by citizens of the banned countries were provisionally revoked. White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters he does not know whether the administration has designs to deport those visa holders already in the country.
Now, following a lawsuit by the state of Washington, and a decision by a federal judge appointed by George W. Bush, key provisions of the executive order have been blocked, subject to a temporary restraining order.
The executive branch has reassured democracy-watchers by complying with the order. But Trump has taken to Twitter, blasting the judicial branch for placing the country “in peril.”
5. Tore down financial guardrails and targeted the middle class
During the campaign, Trump blasted Hillary Clinton as a Wall Street stooge. As president, he’s now eagerly advancing Wall Street’s agenda.
Trump has begun the process of dismantling the legal protections designed to prevent a repeat of the 2008 financial collapse. One Trump order takes aim at the Dodd-Frank regulations on Wall Street. The order is short on specifics, but stands as a declaration of war on the post-crash financial regulatory regime.
Despite having run as a populist, Trump signed two orders that will cost the middle class. The first blocks a rate cut on the mortgage-insurance premiums paid by buyers with smaller incomes, lower credit scores and/or modest down payments. Trump’s order will cost the typical buyer of a $200,000 home nearly $500 a year. A second order instructs the Labor Department to repeal a requirement that financial advisers work to maximize the profits of their clients – freeing them instead to pad their own commissions at the expense of grandma’s 401(k).
6. Froze and intimidated the federal workforce
Trump issued a hiring freeze across the federal government – exempting some positions at the VA only after public outcry. The action remains a stick in the eye for America’s veterans, who comprise 30 percent of the federal workforce and nearly a third of new hires. The Trump administration also gagged several science-based agencies – elevating rogue tweets of climate data from the @BadlandsNPS account into an act of bold resistance.
7. Erased Jews from a Holocaust remembrance statement
The Trump administration marked Holocaust Remembrance Day by failing to mention the six million Jews who were exterminated. (The administration reportedly rejected a proposed statement by the State Department’s Special Envoy on Holocaust Issues honoring Hitler’s Jewish victims.) The erasure was defended by the president’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and lauded by white nationalist leader Richard Spencer, the man who coined the term “alt-right.” Spencer defended the White House for “its ‘de-Judification’ of the Holocaust.”
8. Bungled special ops
In his first act as commander-in-chief, Trump launched an ill-advised raid on a terrorist compound in Yemen that cost America dearly – and reportedly killed more than a dozen civilians. The raid encountered a far more fortified resistance than anticipated; according to reports, the firefight killed a Navy Seal, wounded three other U.S. special forces, killed an 8-year-old American living on the premises – among as many as 10 women and children killed – and forced the military to destroy a $75 million Osprey aircraft damaged in the operation. Trump did not watch the raid from the situation room, preferring updates delivered to the White House residence.
9. Weakened national security
In a power grab that Trump himself was reportedly not fully briefed on, the president signed an executive order that demoted the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the armed forces and the Director of National Intelligence from permanent seats at the National Security Council that advises the president on matters of war and peace. The same order elevated Trump political adviser Steve Bannon, former executive of the alt-right platform Breitbart, to a permanent chair.
The move was blasted by House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, who pulled no punches in declaring, “What is making America less safe is to have a white supremacist named to the National Security Council as a permanent member, while the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Director of National Intelligence are told: ‘Don’t call us, we’ll call you.'”
10. Strained relations with allies and emboldened Russia
Trump’s diplomatic rollout with allies has been a rocky mess. The president’s loose Twitter rantings led Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to cancel a meeting with Trump, who then reportedly threatened, on a phone call with Peña Nieto, to send U.S. troops into Mexico to deal with that country’s “bad hombres.” Trump followed that diplomatic gesture with a tumultuous 25-minute call with the conservative prime minister of Australia – one of the United States’ staunchest allies.
Trump had a more cordial call with Vladimir Putin of Russia – a call that has been followed quickly by renewed hostilities from Russian-backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine. When pressed by Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly as to why Trump respects Putin – a “killer,” in O’Reilly’s words – Trump deflected: “There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What – do you think our country’s so innocent?”
11. Ceded economic influence to Asia
The Trans Pacific Partnership was already dead. But Trump pounded a final nail in the coffin with an executive order withdrawing the U.S. not only from the free trade agreement, but from the negotiating structure entirely – meaning that Trump will not negotiate a better deal. The move cedes influence in Asia to America’s top trade rival, China.
If there’s a silver lining from Trump’s dangerous opening act, it’s that it has been widely unpopular.
Not only have millions of Americans taken to the streets and airports in protest, but a majority of Americans already disapprove of the president, whose favorable rating is mired in the low 40s. (No honeymoon. Sad!)
Trump himself has become increasingly toxic. Corporate actors like Apple, Lyft, Microsoft and Twitter have joined friend-of-the-court briefs to block the president’s immigration ban. Harley Davidson canceled a planned Trump visit to a plant. The CEO of Uber fled Trump’s economic council. The CEO of Disney turned down an invitation to the White House. Nordstrom discontinued selling Ivanka Trump’s clothing line. And it was impossible not to view the pro-diversity, pro-immigrant, anti-wall ads during the Super Bowl as an extended subtweet of @RealDonaldTrump.
So chin up, America. Not only does political gravity still exist – your resistance is making it stronger.
Keep calling your Congressmen and Senators, people!
How Trump Has Taken Away Our Homes
Contributing Op-Ed Writer
We wrote this together because we have a few things in common. Some are obvious: Both of us came to the United States as teenagers fleeing Communist regimes; both of us are queer. We are also both moved alternately to tears and to rage by the actions of the new American president. One thing that we share is less obvious: This anger and despair make both of us feel as if we are losing our home.
Masha once spent an evening in Berlin with a sociologist and a philosopher trying to define “home.” The three discussants had, among them, lived in more than half a dozen countries and counted themselves native in at least two languages each. Facts like country of birth, length of stay or mother tongue were not applicable. Other descriptors emerged: a sense of safety, a sense of familiarity, a sense of inhabiting space with certainty, a sense, indeed, of the certainty of that space — the opposite feeling of having the rug pulled out from under your feet.
President Trump has introduced fear into our households. Both of us are married to women who are not American citizens (both are Russians who carry green cards), and both of us are raising children some of whom are United States citizens and some not. Most Americans do not realize that a hierarchy of immigrant security exists. Permanent green-card holders are more secure than provisional ones; political asylum or refugee status can be canceled with the stroke of a pen; asylum applicants are the most vulnerable — thousands of people are in the country legally, awaiting an interview or a decision on their application, but their right to remain here can be snatched away for any reason. Many of these people would face violence or even death if they were forced to return to their countries. In this hierarchy, our partners and children are safer than most, but a sense of insecurity has still seeped into our homes — making them feel less like home.
Martina came to America at 18, still a high school student. She was already a world-class tennis player, though. A few months earlier, the Czechoslovak authorities had denied her permission to travel to the U.S. Open. They later reversed that decision, but the experience of powerlessness was enough to make her seek political asylum when she got to New York. The prospect of the authorities controlling her ability to compete was more frightening than the prospect of living in a strange country, far from her parents, whom she could not be certain of ever seeing again. She knew that America was the land of freedom.
Masha knew this growing up, too. Her parents brought her to the United States when she was 14. She had never been to this country, but leaving everything she had known behind and moving to America seemed like a homecoming. Masha came from a family of writers: the freedom to write and read was the singular attraction of coming to America. For Martina, freedom of speech also figured strongly in the imagined freedom of the United States. She liked to tell jokes, and she wasn’t always great at judging her audience, so it would be good not to face political repercussions for ill-timed humor. Also, Martina had a secret that could never be disclosed in Czechoslovakia: She liked women.
As it turned out, freedom of speech in America had limitations. Immigration policies carried over from the early 20th century and enshrined in the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act dictated that “sexual deviants” be deported for reasons of “psychopathic personality.” The Immigration and Naturalization Service, which had deported dozens of people a year in the 1950s and 1960s, had stopped actively hunting down homosexuals, but an openly gay or bisexual person could still not be granted citizenship. Martina decided to keep quiet about her sexuality until she had her citizenship. She got that in 1981, but at that point the Women’s Tennis Association asked her not to come out. The women’s sport had been rocked by scandal, and sponsors were threatening to pull out. She waited (though some journalists did not).
In the end, this was the promise that had brought us here: not that we would find home immediately but that we would have the freedom to make our home here. The process necessarily included the freedom to work to change America so that it would include us and accept us, and others like us, and still others who were unlike us and who brought more change with them. This is the promise that brought more than 42 million Americans — more than 13 percent of the population — here from other countries. This is the promise now being yanked back by Mr. Trump’s suspension of the refugee program, by the ban on admitting people from seven predominantly Muslim countries, by the wall on the border with Mexico, by the xenophobic rhetoric emanating from the White House, by the idea that “America first” somehow means that everyone who is not born American is therefore excluded.
The people hit hardest by Mr. Trump’s policies are the people in need of immediate refuge. But in the slightly longer run, it is tens of millions of others who have grown up, or are growing up, with the idea that somewhere, there is a land of the free that could be their home, too. Most of them would never come to the United States, but they were made safer by its tradition of welcoming immigrants — an ideal that, though it was never honored to the fullest extent possible, remained until now central to America.
One in four people in the United States is an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. A majority of people in the country are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants. If they — if we — do not continue to stand up against Mr. Trump, we will lose our home, too, even as we stay in our houses.
Masha Gessen, a contributing opinion writer, is the author of “The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin,” among other books. Martina Navratilova is a tennis player, author, and human rights activist.
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It’s worth noting that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals will be hearing arguments at 6:00 on today regarding the immigration ban. The state attorney general got a stay from the Washington Federal Court. The DOJ has appealed the decision to the 9th Circuit of Appeals, which has played initially refused to lift the stay.
This is important because state attorneys general have the power to sue the federal government. It is one way to fight back against the regressive, noxious agenda of Trump.
Trump cannot fire a federal judge who is appointed for life. This judge was appointed by President Bush. Immigrants have been reunited with their families now that the van has been lifted. Trump’s despicable comments about the judge reveal his contempt for the Democratic process and separation of powers in our government.
This is the way that we can try to get justIce and stop the fascist agenda if Trump. The judge did say that there is no evidence of any terrorist attacks from the seven countries that were on the banned list.
Trump is continuing with his fascist propaganda in the tradition of Hitler and the Nazis in trying to use fear and divisiveness against the people of this country. Trump is now blaming the judge for any terrorist attacks that may happen because he lifted the ban.
Trump is attacking the media and trying to use alternative facts and outright lies and propaganda. This is also similar to Hitler and the Nazis.
The fight against criminal Trump will continue and hopefully his relationship with Putin will be exposed and he will be exposed for the traitor that he is.
Power to the people!
Philip Roth Calls Trump an Ignorant Con Man With ‘Vocabulary of 77 Words’
January 23, 2017
Novelist Philip Roth has lashed out at President Trump as an ignorant “con man” who could do untold damage to the country.
The retired “Portnoy’s Complaint” author told the New Yorker that Trump makes other polarizing Republicans like Richard Nixon and George W. Bush look angelic by comparison.
“Trump is ignorant of government, of history, of science, of philosophy, of art, incapable of expressing or recognizing subtlety or nuance, destitute of all decency,” Roth told the magazine in a string of emails. He “wield(s) a vocabulary of seventy-seven words that is better called Jerkish than English.”
The emails from the 83-year-old Roth came in response to uncanny parallels between the Trump’s win and his famous 2004 alternate history novel “The Plot Against America”, in which Charles Lindbergh takes over as president.
Roth insisted he never dreamt of the novel as being a warning about the rise of a Trump-like figure to the pinnacle of power.
“It isn’t Trump as a character, a human type—the real-estate type, the callow and callous killer capitalist—that outstrips the imagination,” he said “It is Trump as President of the United States.”
This is great.
# Russia defending this Syrian so called government regime. Just another Hitler wanna be#
This is not more “so called government” than Saudi Arabian government who together with USA created ISIS.
Compared to Clinton and Bush,mr Putin is a small gentle girl who sells flowers on the street.
#WhiteLight, what are your views on Hitler? Good or bad. Why?#
Extremely bad. Because.
1) He was madman and greatest mass murderer in history.
2) Private reasons.In my past life I was a Polish Jew during WW2.
You don’t know anything about being a Jew! It’s an insult to have to read nonsense about you being a Jew in a past life!
You don’t know fascism when you see it and you don’t know anti-semitism either!
Ignorance is what Trump trafficks in lies, misinformation, divide and conquer tactics, demogoguery, hatred, bigotry and misogyny!
But Trump will be defeated in the end. The Democratic institutions of this country that were put in place by the Founding Fathers will triumph in the end.
Trump the wannabe dictator will not succeed in destroying this country!
Power to the people!
one more post like this and you are banned for life
Orange disapproval continues to rise.
Needs to be much higher but going in the right direction.
Hey you got that right! LOL!
All you have is a foul mouth to spew out your hatred for this country and Americans! You turn a blind eye to Putin and his crimes and just keep repeating the same garbage over and over again. You see what you wish to see!
There is no reincarnation! So you were a Jew in another life? Please give me a break! Like your Fuhrer Donny boy, you could care less about the Holocaust of the rise of anti-semitism in this country!
You are just a hater! Pure and simple!
WhiteLies conveniently ignores the lives lost including young girl in Yemen strike approved by Orange. Responsible for deaths in just his second week. At this rate, he will kill more than any leader and WhiteLies would have you believe that Orange is not fascist.
White. Lies. Indeed.
And WhireLies speaks of hypocrisy pocricy and inhumanity yet would exclude refugees fleeing for their lives from entering US and Sweden.
Hypocrisy indeed. Now if only WhiteLies could spell it as well as he exemplifies it. Same as Orange.
Could you please delete this last post from Whitelies for profanity and inappropriate language?
This individual does not seem to understand what it means to post on a public forum.
WhiteLies has no one to share life with.
Such disrespect for women.
Explains his excessive projected anger.
Hopefully you will have friends other than fascism in a future life.
Such anger from WhiteLies when challenged with facts.
WhiteLies excels at hypocrisy like Orange, Bannon and all fascists.
Maybe in a future life, he will also be able to spell it. Like Orange, he obviously doesn’t read books.
Congratulations! You succeeded in deleting my comments that called you what you truly are, I know you are immature, unreasonable, irrational etc. But I didn’t know you were BABY, a BIG FAT BABY with a BIG MOUTH, you run to your MUMMY and you complain to him.
But you are so quick to call decent, honorable, hardworking people- Nazi, racist, fascist etc, you even use the F-word to address us sometimes but do you see me or whitelight complain about it NO we don’t because we know you are a M_R_N lol! And we know that your comments are baseless, childish, foolish & false and we treat it accordingly like adults do.
You support the murdering of INNOCENT! DEFENCELESS! PRECIOUS! babies and they blood of those children are in your hands and in the hands of those organizations(planned parenthood) who murder them.
No matter how many comments that gets deleted it won’t change the fact that ABORTION IS MURDER.
You can call them fertilized eggs, donuts or whatever filthy thing that help’s you sleep at night, but GOD calls them his creation & HE has a good and perfect will for them if they would accept it when they come of age.
One day you will stand b4 a HOLY and JUST GOD and in his presence no evil will be justified.
My prayer for you is that one day you would repent hopefully sooner rather than later, because GOD is merciful & gracious there is no sin too big that he can’t forgive, there is no sinner too lost that he can’t find, he said in his word Revelation 3:20- Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if ANYONE hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him/her, and dine with him/her, and he/she with me.
HE is knocking at the door of your heart would you open the door today.
What you did today was irresponsible you deleted my comments without telling me why you deleted them, well I guess your boss right well done.
You deleted my comments without checking the previous comments because if you had, you would have deleted more than 90% of his comments & some of the comments of others as well.
He calls decent people Nazis, racist, fascist and he even uses the F-word to address us sometimes, but we don’t cry about it because we know that he is IMMATURE etc.
Do you call a thief= a sentry or a jurist.
Do you call a rapist= a victim.
Do you call a murderer or those who support the murdering of innocent children=decent human beings, no you don’t.
What you did today was not just irresponsible, it was hypocritical and it shows a lack of leadership and fairness.
Am not writing these to convince you to delete their comments am not bothered about it and I don’t think others are, what am bothered about is you making judgments without a proper & full review.
that post had to be deleted regardless of what came before it. there is no excuse.
(1) if a man say’s murdering an innocent baby in the womb is EVIL, WICKED, DEMONIC etc and those who support these BARBARIC organizations that have murdered hundreds of millions of defenceless babies are worse than Adolf hitler their comments are deleted.
But if you support the murdering of babies you are a hero who is fighting for a woman’s healthcare & right to murder a defenceless child.
a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
“his wife’s just had a baby”
synonyms: infant, newborn, child, tot, little one; More
My last post on this topic.
Americans like to talk about Putins crimes. They like to talk about Ghadafis, Hitlers and Asads crimes, but they hate to talk about Bushs, Clintons, Obamas and Tony Blairs crimes.
Many even deny these crimes. Its like a disease.Its like a blindness.
Those Americans who did not give a shit for thousands civillians killed in Yemen only 2 months ago now are crying a river for 10 civillians killed couple days ago.
Its really difficult and incurable disease.These poor souls are lost case.
I leave You with your president, mr.Trump. You will have a great fun with him
WhiteLies likes to talk about immigrant crime but WhiteLies hate to talk about proportional native crime.
WhiteLies even deny these crimes. Its like a disease.Its like a blindness.
WhiteLies who did not give a shit for thousands of refugees who fled their country and Syrian families killed in Syria by their own government now is crying a river about immigrants in his country when natives commit same crimes per capita.
The hypocrisy is astounding.
If some scientists say that man made global warming is real anyone who disagrees should be put in prison. But when 100% of scientists say that human life begins at conception it has nothing to do with abortion.
Simple Stanley Strawman argument.
Wikileaks revealing secrets about Hillary is evil. Hillary putting highly classified data on an insecure server is fine.
Just like Orange does today.
Simple Stanley is a hypocrite. Nothing new.
(4). Exposing Hillary’s secrets is a foreign coup. The NYT’s revealing highly classified anti-terror programs is heroic.
(5). WikiLeaks is a source for truth justice and the American way if it’s exposing critical national security programs that have nothing to do with domestic surveillance. WikiLeaks is an agent of fascism if it reveals anything that Hillary wants hidden.
(6). Electoral college electors ignoring how the people voted in their state is true democracy.
Fidel Castro, who wore military attire and got his power through a military campaign he led, is a beacon of freedom and truth. Retired American generals are unfit to serve in government.
Do you believe in evolution Simple Stanley?
Simple Stanley doesn’t know the meaning of logic. Fascists rarely do.
A year ago, Francis criticized candidate Donald Trump for wanting to build a wall along the border with Mexico, saying, “A person who thinks only about building walls … and not building bridges is not Christian.”
Preach it Frank.
Conan O’Brien @ConanOBrien 2h2 hours ago
Every time Trump signs something, I think of how that pen he’s using once dreamed of a better life: writing poetry, scratching butts, etc.
have you seen these ?
Very good.
I’m going to have nightmares now.
Just came across this thread. Made my way through the first two pages of comments, but couldn’t be bothered to get through all of it. Still, I learnt a lot. Who knew that Hawkeye was a Bernie Sanders-supporting socialist hailing from up north, who was capable of making reasonable arguments free of sarcasm and personal invective toward those with whom he disagrees? (even if only when arguing with Natashao) Maybe we have more in common than I thought (I’m from Minnesota). At any rate, let me add my two cents. I think there may be more agreement to this argument than meets the eye, at least once personal attacks and other irrelevancies are stripped away. Summarizing in two main points:
1. Natashao and Whitelight are absolutely right to call attention to the morally horrific nature of US foreign policy. I take their main point to be this: Why the moral outrage against Donald Trump, given that his predecessors (as of his inauguration and even today) are guilty of far worse crimes by any objective moral measure? It reeks of hypocrisy. The basis of their claim is rock solid. In the postwar period, the United States is responsible for the deaths of *far* more innocent civilians of other countries than is any other state -please note the qualification; Stalin and Chairman Mao are excluded- and it’s not even close. The worst case is in Indochina, where the figure runs into the millions; but it also runs into the millions in the middle east since the 1st Gulf War (1991) -here I am including not just deaths caused directly by war, but the millions of Iraqi children who died due to the draconian “oil for food” programme of the 1990s, and other similar deaths of which Madeleine Albright once infamously said, “we think the price is worth it”. Any self-respecting patriotic American aware of this record should hang his head in shame: it is blood on all of our hands.
The bombing in Kosovo, to which Natashao (and Djokovic) has called attention is one sorry chapter in that history. It was an absolutely preventable event, but Bill Clinton was determined to go to war and did not negotiate with Milosevic in good faith (one of the conditions at the Rambouillet talks that preceded the bombing in March 1999 was that NATO troops were to have full and unfettered access to all of Serbia!)
It should go without saying that pointing out facts such as these does not mean endorsing Milosevic or Saddam Hussein or Putin, or any other authoritarian leader. But it should be obvious, from even a cursory study of recent history, that the US has never had (and does not currently have) any problem with such leaders. Witness the current leadership in countries throughout the middle east, notably Saudi Arabia. In recent decades it has been happy to deal with leaders that butchered their own people by the thousands, notably in Central America (El Salvador and Guatemala come to mind; the latter case with respect to which I believe Bill Clinton actually apologized). Moreover, the claim that Russia interfered in the election is laughable -not because it is necessarily false, but because the type of interference is so mild compared with absolutely standard US operating procedure in countries throughout the world for many decades. When the US doesn’t like the outcome of an election, it simply organizes or backs a military coup. Some notable examples: Iran (1953); Congo (1960); Chile (1973). More recently, Obama turned a blind eye when the democratically elected leader (Morsi) in Egypt was deposed in a coup, and Egypt now enjoys the military dictatorship it did for decades. Ok, enough on this side of the coin.
2. The other side is much easier. Donald Trump is a danger to society and a menace to the world. So much was obvious before he took office, but he has surrounded himself with a few very dangerous people. As Hawkeye has pointed out, his climate change denial could spell the end of us all; and of course having his finger on the nuclear button could bring about that result much more quickly. He may not have yet killed as many innocent civilians in Yemen as Obama and Hillary, but he is off to a rip-roaring start, and there is no reason to think he won’t surpass them (if he can stay in office; I’m picking him to be out by year’s end). Basically, everything about the guy is terrifying. On top of it all, he seems to be a truly odious human being. All of this is so obvious that a 20-yr old tennis player who himself has not infrequently shown signs of being brain dead can see it.
Ending with a question: I am curious as to why Ricky thought Nick’s t-shirt was worth discussing in the first place?
Just a follow up. Does anyone know of any evidence that Russia’s alleged tampering in the US election was anything more than making it clear the extent to which the DNC was in the bag for Hillary? Basically, any evidence that Russia was trying to publicize nothing more nor less than what Bernie Sanders had been saying for the past year? Again, maybe it’s true, but it’s such small potatoes it’s hard to take it seriously. Given all the good reasons to criticize Trump and even to get him impeached, it’s strikes me as exceedingly odd to focus on the Russian influence, which is comparatively minor. I guess it’s a bit like getting Al Capone on tax evasion.