It was announced over the weekend that Stan Wawrinka and his wife, Ilham Vuiloud, have separated. Wawrinka made a Facebook post on Sunday before a French magazine published a statement by Vuiloud.
“We have enjoyed ten fulfilling years, with all the ups and downs that every couple experiences, but sometimes life is more challenging than one would hope”, Stan Wawrinka explains.
“Ilham and I were both blessed to create a family when our wonderful daughter Alexia was born in 2010. We have always tried to live our lives as a team and as a family, despite the challenges we have faced due to the demands of my career. To my great regret this isn’t possible anymore.”
“Ilham will always be the mother of my daughter and a person that I have a lot of love and respect for. We will always remain as a family. Now my priority is to do everything to protect Alexia during these challenging times.”
“I hope that the fans and the media will understand that I’ve always been very protective of my private life and wish to continue to do so not giving any further information about the situation.”
“Non, Stan ne perd pas ses matches en raison de sa séparation, soi-disant douloureuse, car cette dernière a eu lieu il y a déjà cinq mois après son retour triomphant de coupe Davis. Selon ses propres termes, nous n’étions déjà plus au même niveau, lui et moi.
Sa décision de quitter, pour la deuxième fois, sa famille ne l’a pas empêché de gagner le tournoi de Chennai et d’avoir, jusqu’à il y a peu, de très bon résultats.
Non, les voyages et les tournois ne sont pas à l’origine de notre séparation. D’ailleurs, d’autres joueurs, et mieux classés que lui, gèrent très bien leur vie de famille.
Son instabilité et le désir de retrouver sa liberté – sur tous les plans – sont à l’origine de notre séparation.
Et je dois admettre que les mensonges à répétition et les trahisons sentimentales ont fini par détruire toute la confiance que j’avais en lui.
J’étais totalement opposée à la publication d’un communiqué qui m’oblige à rétablir la vérité et qui sort, comme par hasard, au moment où ses résultats sont moins bons. Comme pour les justifier.
Tactique médiatique ou pas de sa part, je ne désirais pas étaler ma vie privée dans les journaux une nouvelle fois et je souhaitais, par dessus tout, préserver notre fille de tout tapage médiatique. N’aurait-il pas été plus indiqué qu’il s’abstienne de toute communication et tout simplement qu’il ne prive pas sa fille d’une vie de famille ?
Mais ce qui m’est plus intolérable est que notre séparation soit utilisée pour justifier des résultats sportifs et servir l’image d’un père pourtant insensible à la souffrance de sa fille affectée par les circonstances de notre séparation.
En un mot, j’ai la conviction que ce communiqué ne sert qu’à préserver l’image du joueur Wawrinka.
Mon avocat, Me David Bitton, est prié de transmettre cette mise au point aux principaux organes de presse utilisés pour le communiqué.”
[tweet https://twitter.com/Renestance/status/590232168917499904]
“to regain his freedom”…wawa must be hit by the superior complex of his tennis fame…poor creature obviously likes being on the market rather than creating an image of a family man..he already lost his tennis form…now he loses the family too…such a shame…
One word describes Wawa to a t: narcissist.
Wow! This is pretty hard to believe. Stan comes off as a real dick. Even worse than Federer.
You are convincing no one here. I’ve read your posts on other threads. You were a Federer fan and have abandoned him. Maybe you should look in a mirror.
Even though its his personal life but aren’t Sports stars seen as role models too? I mean after reading this who would like to cheer for such a mean person (Wawrinka)?
Probably shouldnt judge him on something we really know nothing about
Thank you! I agree!
“repeated lies and breach of faith”
” a man who is insensitive to his child”
Of course his wife will bad-mouth him. We need an unbiased source to report on it.
We do?
An unbiased source?
Federer is ranked abvove Wawrinka and has 4 kids.
yeah we probably dont know enough abiut this incident but its difficult to cheer for mean people. 1 example from WTA I mean After what Bouchard did to Dulgheru not many would root for Bouchard even though she is better looking than most and was a start last year.
i meant was a star last year
Why would she lure and mirka call him cry baby if he wasn’t cheating on her.
Stan is an idiot.
April 23, 2015 at 12:27 am,
___Why would …mirka call him cry baby if he wasn’t cheating on her.___
Someone here is capable of constructing more IMAGINARY stories than those to whom it’s their bread and butter!
Mrs. Fed couldn’t keep her mouth shut DURING his husband’s match, interfered with play and made a rude/arrogant remark.
I’m wondering WHY someone is constantly constructing ridiculous IMAGINARY stories in order to defend her rudeness/arrogance.
Eye to eye
^^^^ gussiebot roboposts Type (c) judging actual human posters
As usual, regurgitated with no original thought to contribute to the discussion.
Players conduct on the court more often or not reflects their behaviour off the court. It appears that Stan the Lack of Family Man is no exception.
Nothing new on both counts.
I took issue with Stan’s behavior in the 2014 AO final when Rafa was injured and had to go off court for treatment. Now that was something to get mad about! As for his personal life, that’s none of his business. Obviously, things were not going well in his marriage. However, it takes two people to make a marriage and two people to break it. I am not saying that Stan has been a class act, but that doesn’t mean that his wife is a saint and bears no responsibility.
Sorry, I meant to say that it’s none of MY business!
apart from his personal life Stan strikes me as a person who really does not deserve my support…he was way over the line in that AO final and was disrespectful to Rafa…this is where he lost me…no way that I could cheer for him ever again…
and BTW, not that I care about his personal life but the article is here and we are commenting on it…that is all…
Agree with nats.
Since winning the AO, Stan’s selfish and childish behaviour on and off the court has become more obvious.
Kudos to Mirka for calling out his poor behaviour at the WTF just prior to the cry baby leaving his wife and child for the second time.
April 23, 2015 at 12:25 pm,
___Kudos to Mirka for calling out his poor behaviour___
OMG! Kudos (???) to Mirka who was not capable to keep her mouth shut DURING his husband’s match, interfered with play and made a rude/arrogant remark after SHE was called out for HER (!!!) poor behaviour ?! Kudos from someone here? Nothing new!
^^^^ https://tenngrand.com/2015/04/20/wawrinka-and-wife-make-statements-regarding-separation/comment-page-1/#comment-190590
One regurgitated post deserves another.
gussie-bot robo posts contain no original thought about tennis or Rafa. The only original thought (if you can call it that) is to attack human posters.
April 23, 2015 at 12:21 pm
___As usual, regurgitated with no original thought to contribute to the discussion.___
Yep, it can be a non-original thought that it’s ridiculous to construct imaginary stories in order to defend Mrs. Fed’s rude/arrogant behaviour during his husband’s match.
Gussi-bot robo reply. The only original thought you have here is criticism of other (real) posters 95% of which is simply reposted.
Zero original thoughts on Rafa or tennis.
Sometimes people are also forced into getting married by the people around them (I’ve seen it happen and it’s tough to overcome that level of emotional blackmail). While I think splitting up subsequently is a bad idea if you already have a child (unless a case of domestic violence or extra-marital affair or the like), people generally need to be more open to the idea of live-in relationships or at least, not forcing a marriage when a person isn’t ready for it. I don’t claim to know anything about Stan’s life but I will not say that splitting up with his wife makes him a bad person either.
The ATP running the salacious inside story on their official site was unforgivable.
Stan quite rightly insisted it was taken down and for heads to role.
His frequently peevish, boorish behaviour is tiresome and has alienated many tennis fans including myself. I guess it stems from years of being patronised and put down by his countryman, by the press, and the tennis community at large.
^^That was a new low for RG. I may not be a fan of Stan (moment when he converted match point against Djokovic in the recent RG final excepted) but no one deserves to be treated the way RG treated him, plastering salacious gossip about his private life on their website like that. I hope they fired the site manager.
ed251137 says:
June 9, 2015 at 5:18 am
—I guess it stems from years of being patronised and put down by his countryman, by the press, and the tennis community at large.—
..and by Arrogant Mom.(See my post on April 23, 2015 at 6:47 am.)
I repeat that she couldn’t keep her mouth shut during the Fed-Waw match at the WTF and called Waw ‘crybaby’ after he complained about that.
(“Pleure bébé” = “crybaby” in French )