A purely unbiased and dedicated writer. Ricky previews EVERY SINGLE tournament on the ATP tour. Not only tournaments, but majority of matches in every one of those tournaments ! And on top of that, he is a great writer too !
I concur, vamosrafa. It is no small effort for Ricky to maintain and write for this site and it’s greatly appreciated. By the way, I read your introduction and I welcome a young man’s point of view. The other thing I love about sites like this is that we are from all over the world sharing a common interest.
Justice for Gary Lineker!
Bravo Ian Wright and Alan Shearer for their solidarity!
F%ck off fascist Suella. If anyone should be locked up it’s her.
Gary is right. This language is straight out of Nazi Germany.
Suggest they all deport themselves to the last century so they ca n Sieg Heil with their Nazi buddies.
I was so naive about the way the internet worked when I joined up I came up with a moniker I could be sure of remembering. It was only when I saw it on the screen for the first time did I realise it gave my age away. I’m too old now to change it
But the ‘ed’ bit still fools people
Nativenewyorker sometimes referred to as NNY. I am a female member of this forum.
I am a devout Rafa fan. After Borg, the second great tennis love of my life. I grew up watching tennis, some of the greatest ever like Rod Laver, Ken Rosewall, Roy Emerson, John Newcombe, Pancho Gonzales and on into the next generation of Jimmy Connors, Bjorn Borg, John McEnroe, Ivan Lendl, Mats Wilander, Stefan Edberg and up through Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras.
I love to talk all things tennis. Anytime, anywhere.
My name is Nadline alias clayqueen. I am an undiluted Rafan and I have an Excalibur Rapid Rebuttal Unit designed to fight off any unjustified (IMO), negativity directed at Rafa.
I’m Jpacnw, which is just my first initial, followed by the abbreviation for Pacific Northwest which is where I’ve lived most of my life, although born in Southern California. I, too, am a long time tennis fan and have been watching it since Laver’s heyday. After Sampras retired and Agassi’s career was in its twilight, I started to lose some of my interest in watching and then along came Rafa. Rafa’s ascendancy also coincided with the emergence of the Tennis Channel, international streaming, endless Youtube tennis videos and numerous other mediums that have enabled me to indulge my adoration of this fine young man. I’m a sports fan in general, particularly American football, but tennis is my favorite sport and Rafa is by far and away my favorite athlete.
As you can see from my user name, I was born in New York. Brooklyn to be exact. But in 1980 I moved out to L.A. with my then husband. So I am now a Southern Californian!
I did lose interest in tennis once Fed came along and started dominating. There was no competition anymore. Those who knew me were shocked when I stopped watching. But people started telling me about a young Spanish player named Nadal. They urged me to start watching tennis again to see him play. So I did just that and tuned in to the 2007 Wimbledon. The moment I saw him play, I got the same feeling that I did when I watched Borg. It was exhilarating. I had long since given up ever finding that special favorite again. I looked at Rafa as the new, advance, modern version of Borg. I initially thought that he was older, about 24 or 25. So imagine my surprise when I realized that he had just turned 21! He had a maturity about him and a confidence that belied his years.
I watched every single match he played. That Wimbledon was tough, with rain delays forcing Rafa to play on consecutive days. But the real revelation was in the final, when I watched him go toe to toe with Fed. I had not seen anyone push Fed like that. I thought that for a good part of the final, Rafa outplayed Fed. But I would find myself shedding a few tears for him when he lost in the fifth set. Later Rafa fans would find out how Rafa broke down crying in the locker room. But Uncle Toni would not let Rafa wallow in self-pity.
I was not surprised to see Rafa come out at the 2008 Wimbledon playing some of his best grass court tennis. I knew from seeing his first few matches that he would get to the final. By this time, I was back watching tennis again so I had seen Rafa beat Fed so impressively at RG. He was going for the channel slam and I knew he was going to get it.
It’s been a wild and crazy ride ever since, but I would not trade one minute of it. My family tries to be understanding about my Rafa obsession, but they do get on me for being too emotionally involved. They don’t like seeing my stay up and do all nighters and then take Rafa’s losses so hard. When I had some health problems, that’s when they urged me to take it a bit easier. No one in my family is a tennis fan, so they don’t know anything about the sport. My father started watching tennis in the last few years of his life. But he died in February 2008 and missed Rafa’s greatest triumph.
I was so devastated by my father’s death and the only thing that seemed to help was the joy from watching Rafa. That is what helped me get over it. The joy and the passion Rafa brings to tennis is just unbelievable.
NNY7: I, too, feel privileged to be his fan. I was aware of Rafa early on in his career, mostly because of his victory over Roger in Miami, which was their first meeting although I didn’t see that match until much later. The first match I actually watched with Rafa was the 2004 Davis Cup match against Roddick, which Rafa won. (That entire match, by the way, is available on Youtube). Not yet being an avid Rafa fan, I naturally was rooting for Roddick and the US team. By the end of the match, I didn’t care that it was Davis Cup and not only wanted Rafa to win, but knew that he would be my favorite from then on.
I will always regret that I stopped watching tennis, because I missed the rise of Rafa. If I had seen him sooner, I would have known immediately that he was headed for greatness.
Fortunately, I have been able to watch many of his earlier matches. The tennis channel has broadcast some of them and there is youtube. I did see the 2004 Miami match with Fed. It was just thrilling to see a very young Rafa go out there without any fear of Fed and beat him. I have seen a few of his clay court matches that were prior to 2007 when I started watching. I also saw a few of his earlier RG finals. It was so obvious that he was something special.
I am going to look for that 2004 Davis Cup match with Rafa and Roddick. I am surprised that I never saw it, because at that time I was still watching tennis. I think that I stopped in 2005, so it was two years in which I did not watch any tennis.
ah, just read your post addressed to me ,NNY thank you so much ! and the same goes for you ! you are one of the best tennis fans I have come across !!! really enjoy sharing stuff with you
NNY, wow ! you have found so much inspiration in rafa His wins gave you support in the darkest of times ! I wish the same happens for you for the next years !
It was great to read your posts…I am always looking forward to hearing your views as you are one of the most experienced and insightful viewers here. You have watched so many eras ! Amazing
You are so kind. This is the kind of thing that I was unable to say on TT. Even before it got so bad with the trolls, I didn’t feel comfortable because I knew that there were some who didn’t like Rafa or his fans and would make fun of what I said. I have written about this on vb, where I felt safe sharing it. But now with this new thread and being around good people on a site that has good moderation, I finally felt that I could share some of these things.
It is possible to be inspired during dark times by your favorite tennis player or any sportsman. My father would have loved to see Rafa finally break through and beat Fed at the 2008 Wimbledon, getting the channel slam and the #1 ranking. He became quite the tennis fan in the last years of his life.
Without luckystar here, you have really been the person that I can chat with when it comes to analyzing the matches. You have a great deal of knowledge and insight into the technical aspects of the sport. You are also just an all around good and decent person. You can appreciate the other top players in the sport, along with being a Rafa fan. That is the quality I appreciate most from you.
No I haven’t had the chance to see that match. What was interesting in that article, is that I did watch the Billie Jean King/Bobby Riggs match. I remember all of the hoopla leading up to that match. As I have said, I was still watching tennis at that time. I didn’t stop watching until 2005. It’s so strange that I watching that match and missed this one.
What is this? Some group therapy session where we go round introducing ourselves? Okay then, Hi, my name is @rafaisthebest, a Rafaholic who is quite happy off the wagon thank you very much. I haven’t had a sip of G&T since the US Open. Got ice on the ready, waiting for Rafa to wrap up YE#1 and then……………………….party!!!!!
Well, RITB, We can party here, should Rafa clinch the No 1 deal eventually, and we can have group therapy on other occasions. I will reveil my best caipirinha recipes, then.
Sorry, but I checked the article again and realized that they were comparing the number of people who watched the 1973 match with King and Riggs to this Davis Cup match in 2004. I thought to myself, how could they have happened at the same time?
NNY7: I have a lot of DVD’s of old Rafa matches which I periodically rewatch, but I don’t have a DVD of the 2004 Davis Cup match so I went ahead and watched the Youtube posting of it the other day because I hadn’t seen the entire match since watching it nearly 9 years ago. I was amused by Roddick’s pre-match comment that he didn’t like being in the role of the guy who would “kill Bambi.” (Roddick had handily beaten the 18 year old Rafa a few months before at the US Open). Little did Andy know that Bambi would become the hunter and he would become the prey. I’d also forgotten that Cliff Drysdale and Mal Washington were the commentators for the match, mostly gushing over Roddick’s “fighting spirit” and “outstanding play” even as Rafa was beating him.
RT @delpotrojuan: “I feel very grateful for being in the list with Federer, Nadal and Ferrer for the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship award.”
Djokovic is touted as being the best “loser” on Tour i.e. most gracious when he loses, so why isn’t he in the running for the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award?
^^^^^Because most people see through the ‘faux’ graciousness when he loses and judge him by the tasteless celebrations when he wins – the very antithesis of good sportsmanship.
Thankfully in recent months he has toned down the triumphalism.
Well, gracious loser doesn’t cut it, if you aren’t a gracious winner also. Especially, if you win as often as the Djoker. But, if you want to win that award, you cannot insult the spectators, not even in Serbian.
Andy Murray has been awarded the OBE. I’m sure he’d be happy with that because a Knighthood at this stage would have been out of place. I’m sure he will get it one day, but for now he doesn’t need that handle whilst he is still competing.
I’m sure he will be heartedly relieved. Imagine the locker room barracking if he’d been knighted. And how would he be introduced on court – here comes SuuurrrrrAndy Murray? And what a dilemma for those umpires who still use the courtesy title of Mister when issuing a warning. SurrAndy Murray has received a penalty for racket abuse doesn’t sound quite right
Far better it is not awarded until he retires from tennis.
Cheers nadline and COMPLETELY agree re Andy. Can see him enjoying being a knight as much as Wiggo does!
Way to go Andy
Revealed my “real” name on another site….when I started posting for the very first time.
Would never do that again, but like you said, too late to change now
I have been a tennis fan for a very loooooooooooooog time. My favourite before Rafa was McEnroe…..John, I also liked Edberg. I used to defend McEnroe to the death when he was criticized for his behaviour on court because I could see his point that he just wanted the calls to be correct. He didn’t suffer fools gladly.
Their style of play appeals to me. They all have their own individual style and no one plays like them. For grace and elegance, no one comes close to Edberg, Fed is simply not in the same room as Edberg as far as that is concerned. It’s strange that Edberg was never given that label when he was playing.
Rafa is just so watchable. His style, his passion, his intelligence on court is rivaled by no other. I have an ulterior motive for wanting Rafa to win everything; simply because I’m very happy when he wins and miserable when he doesn’t.
After the McEnroe, Edberg era, no one appealed to me. I couldn’t even be bothered to follow the tournaments religiously. Fed’s dominance was boring because till this day, I fail to see his talent shining through. He strikes me as an instinctive player who takes his chances and hopes for the best. The fact that he seemed to win too easily didn’t make him watchable, his matches just looked liked no contests and were boring.
Since I discovered Rafa, my life has revolved around tennis. I don’t know what will happen after Rafa retires. I can’t see another Rafa coming along.
Watch the tennis in 40 years. Liking the Connors, young Boris, Pete, Rafealo, Milos, Popsicle, Andrew of the Murrays, Stanford (No. 1 Swiss now), sometime Gulbis even too.
Tennis weak era boring 2002-07 so sometime watch but Nadal save tennis like nadline say.
Still like watch Federer better now with better tennis after 2007 but many Roger fan too crazy GOAT troll so I start post on interwebs (tennistalk, now tennis-x) have fun with them. They not happy of me.
(shhh, is secret, GOAT not possible. Please not to tell anyone I think this.)
I am 23 year old guy…vamosrafa/Hasan Murad (the name under which I have been previewing and recapping some matches here on the Grand Stand since the USO final to assist the brilliant writer here, Ricky Dimon ! )
My passion for tennis and eternal support/love for rafa began in 2005 when he was destroying the field in the European clay court season ! Since then, I have watched EVERY SINGLE Rafa match either live on tv or in the form of highlights/repeat broadcast..
I love writing, talking and playing tennis ! totally love it.. Ricky was kind enough to allow me to write a handful of match previews under my screen name ‘vamosrafa’ on Tennistalk and now I am looking to contribute more to the Grand Stand and the tennis community
Nothing stops me from watching rafa play , be itO level exams, A level exams, University exams, job interviews ! haha…
I love the sport in general. I also admire Andy Murray a lot ! Of course I have utmost respect for the great Roger Federer for his legacy and hiscontributions to tennis … djokovic’s inspiring rise to the top has also been very very impressive in my eyes….admire it !
It was only when you were outed on Grandstand I discovered I’ve been chatting for all these years with a guy
Usually if one gets somebody’s gender wrong that person eventually fesses up but you played your cards close to your chest. I admit I myself was slow to own up to being a woman and let people think for a long time that ‘ed’ was a bloke.
Your love and knowledge of tennis shines through in all your writing.
hahahha…always love your posts ed and yup , I am a guy
Ed is perhaps the most experienced viewer on the Grand Stand. Like NNY, she has seen so many eras and past greats . I think we are lucky to have posters like ed ! you add so much to the tennis community !
and thank you sooo much for the praise ! The biggest source of my knowledge is arguably you guys, please keep up all the good discussions. I am just trying to improve and learn from RIcky as well and of course enjoy what I do
P.s, for the info of others, Ed absolutely loves the commentators : Jason goodall and Robbie Koenig
I derive a huge amount of pleasure from exhanging views with other tennis fans and particularly enjoy the good natured banter with like-minded people who have become like friends over the years,
re: your last para
Never quite sure if Defamation of Character is libellous or slanderous when disseminated via the internet. Whatever, I will be claiming damages
For about a day I kept getting that same RECENT COMMENTS There are …
and just now the recent comments are working fine again… perhaps you fixed it after hawkeye’s post?
Agree. Would work in two ways. Firstly it would stop tournament threads getting cluttered with general conversations and chit chat. Secondly, much easier to keep track when interesting discussions are underway. At the moment they stop abruptly when the tournament finishes and the thread is no longer active.
I seriously love your website.. Pleasant colors & theme.
Did you create this web site yourself? Please reply back as I’m hoping to create my
own website and would like to know where you got this from or
what the theme is called. Thanks!
The thing I find difficult is tracking back to a thread which is not active.
I usually manage to find it eventually by patiently clicking through the list of categories but it is a hit or miss process. A complete Archive page like the section on TT would solve this.
Deucy: Your mention of product placement on the Nadal thread reminded me of an obvious bit of business last night. During the last changeover just before he served for the match Ferrer rummaged around in his bag, pulled out a carton of Minavit vitamin powder, shook it about, added it to his bottle of water, then carefully stood the carton on the bench beside him – all the while making sure the brand name was clearly visible.
I laughed to myself because I wondered if he had nearly forgotten to do it or whether he had bee instructed to wait until he was sure he was about to win.
I was half expecting the commentator to announce “He would NEVER have been able to win this match without MINAVIT”
ok I added an archives widget on the right side, near the bottom. If you know approximately in what month a desired article was written, it should be able to be found.
Yes, there was a rather extensive search function, by date, words, forum, etc. If such a search function were enabled for this site, it would be subject to the limitations of the WordPress programming.
Ed at Nov 12 2:21 pm: I also noticed the wink and grin after the final. Of course, now I’ve started to pay attention to every single post match handshake
Because of the handshake discussion that was started on the QF Preview Fed/Delpo Novak/Stan thread, I paid strict attention to Rafa’s handshake at the end of the match with David, since Rafa lost the match. Rafa not only looked the chair umpire square in the eye, he gave him a cute wink, which I’ve seen him do before. Hopefully my own mild OCD won’t compel me to start keeping a tally of end of match handshakes.
All Indians and cricket fans here, Are you following sachin tendulkar’s last match?? My all-time favourite !! The little master is making me emotional now, will miss his him
@duecy and tj600 , undoubtedly ! This makes me wonder how sad I will be when Rafa retires! I think I will be sad when federer retires…ahh, why do all good things come to an end haha..
@Ricky, he is playing his last test series . Today marked the beginning of his last career test match… Long Live Little master !
“A recent study by The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital (TOSH), which was supported by USANA, just might hold the key to help you bounce back faster. The study revealed that increased levels of vitamin D pre-workout decreased skeletal muscular weakness after an intense bout of exercise. In other words, taking vitamin D before you exercise can help you recover more quickly afterwards, making it the perfect supplement to pair with your workout.”
I too would like to add my thanks for your unstinting efforts in creating this splendid site. In a few short months Grandstand has gone from strength to strength and is a haven for tennis addicts wanting to interact with others who share their passion.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all American chums wherever you may be.
Nelson Mandela showed the world how to come back from true hardship and adversity, after twenty seven years in prison. He did not give in to bitterness. Rather he made the most of his freedom. He lived his life to the fullest.
This man was an inspiration to me throughout his life. A man of uncommon courage, class, grace, dignity and wisdom.
I am just thankful that there was a Nelson Mandela. Now he has gone to his rest and we are all the poorer for it.
A tennis quizz! I think this is such a good idea Tenngrand should have one of its own. What say you Ricky? Posters can suggest 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes (eg, 1st prize could be the winning poster’s favourite player as wallpaper to Tenngrand for a limited time period).
Here is the Tennis Canada quizz, posters, name your scores (no cheating of course!):
From Tennistopic, in Spanish: A chart showing who 28 “experts” think will win the 4 Grand Slams, who will end up as # 1 at the end of 2014, which Country will win Davis Cup, and which player will make a surprise entry into the top 10. You don’t need to know Spanish to read the chart. http://www.tennistopic.com/rod-laver-arena/historias/las-predicciones-de-2014/
Not a big deal for a lot of you who live closer to ATP tournaments, but I got my tickets to the Power Series tournament Feb 27th, in Portland. Agassi, Johnny Mac, Courier, and Blake are playing: 2 semis and one final, all one set apiece. I’m looking forward to it.
To Ricky and everyone who comes here and makes this such a great place to talk all things tennis and more, here’s wishing you all a very Happy New Year!
” What are the perks of having a media accreditation in covering tennis tournaments? Do you get free seating/tickets or whatnot? Or do you also get other perks as well? Thank you!
— Nathan, Philippines
• Perks? Where to begin?! The stock option plan. The use of the corporate jet. The on-site masseuse. The driver on call. All the instant coffee you can drink and Saltines you can eat.
Seriously. most tournaments do a fine — and appreciated — job making the working conditions as pleasant as possible. There’s usually a media seating section in the stands. (Though I wouldn’t term this a perk — it can essential to the job.) There’s usually transportation from hotels to the venue. There’s often a food allowance. Again, if you’re getting into sports media for the perks — and the thinking you’re getting the equivalent of free tickets — you’re in trouble. ”
So @nadline, did you get free nosh in Abu Dhabi? Tell all!
are the main-page articles (the recent ones at the top in the middle under the tabs) showing up for people who are not logged into wordpress? They are showing up for me only when I am logged in, but not when I am not.
I think I must have joined up for this site through wordpress so I’m not having any problems but as i don’t know how to log out there’s no way of testing your theory.
An Ethiopean Airlines co-pilot hi-jacked his own plane this morning and headed for Switzerland instead of Rome. He entered Swiss air space escorted by Italian fighter jets because the Swiss Airforce couldn’t be deployed as the incident occurred outside normal office hours. So, anyone intending to invade Switzerland here’s a tip: best do so outside normal office hours!
“The Swiss aviation office has set up a crisis-management group, said spokesman Urs Holderegger. Two Eurofighter aircraft of Italian origin escorted the aircraft to the airport. Swiss fighter jets weren’t deployed as the incident occurred outside normal office hours, the Swiss Air Force said.”
Now I know why Fed couldn’t be bothered to turn up for national service…..
“sensitive Federazzi soul” I love it!!! Except they are soulless (and humourless while we’re at it).
Great post just now over on TX ritb. They have the extra filters on and not letting anything in from me.
Translated Age Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
^^^ beat me to it.
Preach it nadalista. Channel your inner TA.
The moderators are the saddest trolls on here.
Vamos Rafa!!!!
Allez punchbag!!!
Hilarious! Shammon and pfft to boot.
April 15th, 2014 at 3:47 pm
Translated Age Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Problem is Ben, you get to discuss it free of redaction whereas the Rafans have to be nice or be moderated.
How many Rafans are unmoderated here?
I can only think of one.
How many non-Rafans are moderated?
pfft. end of.
(And I know you have xray eyes Benny)
The only way to get on as a Rafan on the dysfunctional tennis blog is to be a Happy Chic alias Alison who is prepared to join the mob sometimes and diss Rafa. Which is OK is you don’t mind selling your birthright for a pat on the back by a Fedfan.
Tennis-X is a microcosm of the worst part of religious Federer Fandomania.
Go onto Youtube and listen to the animal like roar when Rafa lost to Soderling, Rosol, Stan and Darcis. Compare this to when Federer loses to Stakhovsky or Soderling. No comparison.
Lol nadline, Andy is waaaaaaayyy in front of everyone else. But the only players I really don’t like, like you, are these too tall serve bots. And yes, am including Berd in there, most unfairly I know
^^I hear Sean Randall has banned any talk of possible silent bans (re Djokovic) and yet Ben Pronin single handedly kept a thread running with such innuendo and outright doping accusations against Rafa during Rafa’s extended lay-off…..
And yet they mock TT, which had a strict and consistent policy against unfounded doping allegations, and never wavered regardless of player. Are we to believe Sean Randall has discovered morality?
snowdevil said that he is ts38 from TT. A Roddick fan. Contador did post on tt back in the day, but got into trouble. I can’t confirm if she was banned, but after that she moved over to tennis-x. I was told her user name on TT. People who weren’t on TT back in 2009 wouldn’t even remember it.
David Moyes has been sacked, thank you Lord! No point asking what the heck ManU were thinking when they hired him in the first place. Now, get a good Manager! This is ManU we’re talking about, not some Mickey Mouse club…………….
If you have asked for notifications of replies to your comments (by clicking on the box underneath the place where you type in comments) you should have a small symbol to the left of your screen name. Click on that and ‘voila’ you can see a list of all responses together with a note of how long ago. When you click on a response it takes you to the actual point on the thread.
it has just occurred to me that possibly this system only works if you sign in with a WordPress account. Something I only did a couple of weeks ago when I wanted to change my avatar. Could explain why I’ve only just noticed the symbol in the Grandstand bar.
Hawkeye: . I originally ticked ‘Notify me about ‘new posts’ when I signed up to Tenngrand and have been getting emails ever since but ONLY when there is a new thread. Recently I opened a WordPress a/c which is when I ticked the ‘follow ups by email’ box. However I am not being inundated with an email each time somebody responds to a comment of mine but I can now see any replies by clicking in the Grandstand bar.
On WordPress, ‘a new post’ means a new article posted by the owner of the blog (= by Ricky on The Grandstand ).
If you tick ‘Notify me of follow-up comments via email’ box, you’ll get an e-mail each time somebody writes a comment (not only responses to your comment).
When you’re an old dog it’s hard to learn new tricks
Think I’ll just stick with what I’m doing now. Cant cope with anymore emails dropping into my mail-box everyday.
Madrid schooling Bayern in their back-yard, Rafa must be ecstatic!! No way Bayern can score 4 and win. Hope Bayern are humiliated, they fire Guardiola and ManU sign him…………..
Barca victories make Uncle Toni happy – he is a Barca fan. But, Barca was eliminated in QFs of the UEFA Champions League. Real Madrid reached the final yesterday.
Now you know why I’ve been cranky of late, of my three pillars of sports-leisure strength; ManU, Barca and Rafa, only Rafa still has a season to rescue *pleads with the tennis Gods*, the other two’s seasons are down the proverbial toilet!
That’s because everything revolves around Rafa. Rafa being a Real Madrid fan would have been watching the match last night so his fans would take an interest in it, even I watched the match cheering for Real Madrid.
I am a casual Chelsea fan and they might meet Real Madrid in the final, I think it would mean much more to Rafa is Real Madrid won than it would mean to me if Chelsea won so I’ll be hoping for Real Madrid win
I hope my son-in-law doesn’t see this. He’d be wondering where my loyalties lie.
@nadline28, knowing Jose’s tactical nous, I think it is safe to say Chelsea will be in the final, in which case I suggest the following course of action for you: you wear a Chelsea shirt in the first half (for Jose to “park the bus” in that half) and wear a Madrid shirt in the second half, for Madrid to launch their potent counter-attacks, and win!
Real Madrid are chasing their 10th CL trophy or La Decima as they say in Madrid. I hope their run provides the impetus Rafa needs to snap out of his AO 2014 induced funk and realize he has time to achieve achieve his own landmarks. Madrid have waited so long for this……………
yup…that is really something, fate maybe? I really expected Chelsea to win…well, AM deserved the win after all…they were better, they were playing with their hearts…that’s how those Spaniards are…
^^me too, I had Mourinho winning this 1-0 or on penalties. AM ripped Chelsea apart. I hope this winning Madrid aura is transmitted to the new honorary citizen of Madrid (Rafael Nadal Parera).
The French tradition is to present Lily-of-the-Valley to friends today. Sadly they have not flowered in my garden this year or I would send you all a sprig.
Gussie: I finally fathomed out the problem with Livescoretracker. I was using an old bookmark which was the reason I couldn’t get past the Bet 365 link. After persevering for ages (including ignoring the instruction to download another plug-in) I managed to bring up the Munich tourney. Also discovered the Portugese matches are on Eurosport 2 which I can access so am now a happy bunny.
Congratulations for solving your problems!
I don’t know anything about these ‘bookmark’ and ‘download another plug-in’. I have used Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, different versions of Windows and changed computers. I have never changed/adjusted any settings to watch Livescoretracker’s live stream. I found its homepage on Google and clicked. Actually, I never download software offered by websites.
No, seriously, running is a way of life for me, always has been. Distance running, not sprints. Painful and can sometimes seem pointless but the “afters” overwhelming sense of serenity, joy and strength makes up for it all.
When Rafa said/says when he is on court playing, he has to suffer and enjoy the suffering, he articulated better than I can/could the way running makes me feel. I have always been “sporty” and there are thousands of sporty people out there but nobody, nobody, had ever articulated that feeling the way Rafa did, at least none that I knew of. That made him special to me. Not his records, his FH or whatever. I see him on court, suffering, probing, struggling to find a way and overcoming: I relate.
Yesterday it was especially difficult, not the distance (It was only 21 kms) but the conditions: 30 degrees celcius with narry a cloud for cover at the finish line, 50% humidity, brutal! I was in recovery mode all afternoon with sleeping making up the most of that so did not get to watch Rafa play, only got up late to check the score, smile and hit the sack again!
A serious achievement just to finish in those conditions.
Now I know why you tackled Mount Kilimanjaro! My highs always came from sailing – the more dangerous the conditions the more exhilarated I became. Force 9-10 and 30 foot waves was my idea of heaven. Just surviving was an achievement.
Since I smashed up my pelvis in the car accident I have very poor balance: I would be a liability on a boat in anything more than a light breeze these days. I think I’m on the ‘at risk’ register at our local A&E the number of times i have fetched up there by ambulance in the past two years.
This post of yours @May 12, 2014 at 7:51 am made my day. The most worthwhile thing I’ve read here in a long time. (Not putting down any of the other posts, just saying this one is one of a few of its kind.)
I am currently reading the insightful, level-headed and very funny book American Shaolin and you remind me of the suffering that young american was willing to undergo training in earnest at the Shaolin temple.
Thanks @chloro. Glad to hear you “got” what I was trying to say. English is not my first language so I am especially gratified that “my message” got through the first time. No, I am not in pain today, although with age, the recovery process takes longer but I know what to do to get back on my 2 pins!
I am making a note and will look for that book you are reading on Amazon.
I can understand deucey staying on tennis-x. She’s been there a long time and has good friends, people she likes. She’s not a target as a Rafa fan would be. I have to respect her choice, but I will always miss her terribly. Just a special person and it was a joy to be able to chat with her over the years on TT.
Not just Fed and Rafa not in the Top 50, Serena and Sharpie as well are missing. And who they got up there, Sloane Stephens, Bouchard and Wozniacki, wtf??
Criteria primarily based on value for money among other things where potential hasn’t already been maximized and therefore is less subject to being overvalued.
Fed and Rafa both command a high price I’m assuming and may no longer be considered “good value”.
I think that they represent significant upside in terms of future value for reasons not just tied to their tennis results which just goes to support their place on this list as defined.
Anna Kournikova is a prime example where actual results on a court have zero relevance.
She made $75M in the last 12 months.
“In 2011 it looked like the tennis player’s spectacular career was winding down. Suddenly, she was back on top. People With Money reports on Sunday (May 18) that Kournikova is the highest-paid tennis player in the world, pulling in an astonishing $75 million between April 2013 and April 2014, a nearly $40 million lead over her closest competition.”
Mediamass is a satirical/false info website. All of their stories are false. I wish they’d decide to actually be a funny satirical site instead of just making stuff up and calling it satire. Too many of their stories get picked up by other outlets and published on the internet. Here’s an article about them. http://wafflesatnoon.com/mediamass-fake-news/
OK, so, Anna Kournikova had career earnings of $3M but her endorsement earnings of $10M average that peaked at $12-14M. Her net worth is estimated at $50M.
^^^^^it’s a strange old world we live in………imagine what Sharipova will earn when she stops playing. It will make her total prize money look like pocket money.
“Rory McIlroy and Caroline Wozniacki have called off their engagement. The golfer decided to call of the wedding after sending out their wedding invitations this weekend.
In a statement he says: ‘There is no right way to end a relationship that has been so important to two people. The wedding invitations issued at the weekend made me realise that I wasn’t ready for all that marriage entails. I wish Caroline all the happiness she deserves and thank her for the great times we’ve had. I will not be saying anything more about our relationship in any setting.”
Is it me, or does Rory come off as a total tosser??
Indeed, Caroline! You are not alone, stay strong girl!!
RT @CaroWozniacki: “It’s a hard time for me right now.Thanks for all the sweet messages!Happy I support Liverpool right now because I know I’ll never walk alone”
“………here are the 100 most obsessed-over people on the web.” (I have cherry-picked tennis players and their rank in the list, with popularity score in brackets):
18. Roger Federer (30.32)
31. Rafael Nadal (28.18)
43. Serena Williams (26.68)
61. Novak Djokovic (24.55)
72. Maria Sharapova (23.86)
89. Andy Murray (22.78)
I’ve heard Marion Bartoli commentating and taking part in ‘talking heads’ slots. IMO she is doing a great job. What’s more she is extremely fluent with only a hint of an accent, has an impressive grasp of idiomatic English, and an infectious sense of humour. She can’t stop cracking up with laughter when she is alongside Mark Petchey.
Elena Baltacha passed away recently and yet her twitter account is still active. Her staff appear to be using it to handle communication for the recent charity events in her honour. Why can’t they open a new account in her Foundation’s name instead of using her account? It’s creepy.
Tignor at his best!! It’s the process, not just the result “stupid”…….
Tignor has articulated, better than I could, why I love Rafa’s game more than say, Izzy’s. With Rafa, it’s the point construction (the process) rather than the aces (point, result). In this way, Rafa’s game is very much like football (soccer, to some). Football is about the process, the build-up and if it ends up in a goal, fine. But it is also okay if there is no goal in the end, the process is satiating enough. It’s a thinking man’s (and woman’s) sport. So is Rafa’s game.
Choice quote:
“Sometimes it can be pretty great, apparently. After years of listening to soccer announcers and analysts coo over a “lovely ball” or a “brilliant run” or a “perfect cross,” I’ve begun to appreciate these aspects of the game, even when they don’t lead to a score—which is to say, 99 percent of the time. Soccer forces you to pay attention to its process, rather than just its results, because it’s almost all process, and very little result.
This is obviously a skill that can be useful in tennis. A dull match can be made interesting when you pay close attention to the players’ shot selection, their mid-match adjustments, the way they vary, or don’t vary, their service directions or return positions.
For those of us who didn’t grow up with soccer, and have struggled to comprehend and enjoy it as adults, the best lesson it offers is this: There’s more to sports than meets the eye, or the scoreboard.”
I think in every sports there is too much of process involved not just soccer. Soccer is still easier to understand and interpret.
But people hardly want to understand these processes. Too much of brainstorming for layman who just want to have some entertainment.
I hope he sticks around the tennis world. He did not kill anybody. He made a mistake, everybody makes mistakes. He is funny, which makes up, in spades, for his mistake. I still rate him higher than Bodo.
Here’s Rothenberg’s article about the Harman issue. The plagiarism has been extensive. Still, there’s a tone about Rothenberg’s piece that I find unsettling. I came away with the feeling that he enjoyed writing it.
I fear he will not recover from this. According to reports The Times were aware of the plagiary accusations but turned a blind eye. Now it is out in the public arena I guess they will be forced to terminate his contract. I can’t imagine why with his talent and reputation he resorted to passing off other journalists work in this way. Silly man.
^^definitely silly, stupid, no excuses. I am sure we have all been guilty of silliness and stupidity at times in our lives. I hope he finds his way out of this self-inflicted jam………….
Neil Harman has probably been doing this all his life and has probably built his career on stealing from other people.
What will Murray do if he gets terminated by the Times as he is Andy’s chief organ grinder. All is not lost though as the Middle East are always ready to grab any cast off journalist from the west with both arms irrespective of whatever baggage they have. Look at Richard Keys and Andy Gray now after being given the boot because of their sexist comments on SKY Sports. They’ve probably quadrupled their earnings.
I have often wondered if Neil Harman had much grasp on tennis judging by his interpretation of the value of some wins and losses. His take that Andy’s early round rolling over of his ‘opponents’ at Wimbledon 2014 being a precursor for him to take the title left me wondering if he really knew what he was talking about.
Harman was no different than 98% of tennis media in terms of playing up a player when his opposition (or lack thereof) simply made him look good.
However, proof showing that this plagiarism had gone on for years is simply inexcusable (and that’s just what’s been uncovered, likely much more) and the Times should let him go IMO.
RITB: Altough my favourites are all out of the TdF the mountain stages have been pretty dramatic to watch. Nibaldi looks to have wrapped up the 2014 race short of a catastrophe but the other podium places are still up for grabs.
@ed251137, since Bertie crashed out I haven’t followed the TdF tbh. I’m sure Nibali is a nice kind of guy and will be a deserved winner but it assumed the feel of a procession once Bertie, Froome, Andy Schleck went out.
Only like processions when they are tennis-based…………and it’s Rafa in charge!
Hey @ed251137, are you following the Vuelta? I am following it with added gusto this year because:
1. Team MTN-Qhubeka, Africa’s first ever cycling team to participate in a grand tour is on the roster. In fact, they just led out the team time trial.
2. Bertie is there, so is Vroom-Froome.
3. It will be a welcome distraction from a Rafa-less US Open.
The attendance at the USA/Slovakia DC tie, Querrey vs Klizan, is just pitiful. It’s not like it’s in a small city…it’s Chicago. Maybe the attendance will pick up when the Bryans play.
^^True, and area residents have a lot of other sporting options. Still, I saw several posts on the internet where people said that it wasn’t promoted well at all. I have no way of knowing how accurate that is and maybe it wouldn’t make a difference anyway, given the state of American men’s tennis.
The weather in Chicago is awful, about 8 degrees. That probably explains it and the venue is a fair distance away from the city center. I wanted to go but common sense prevailed
Blooming hell, been trying to pretend today is just another ordinary day but every website with my personal details won’t cooperate, flooding my inbox with birthday greetings!
Okay then, Happy birthday to me! Now, let’s move on…………
Spain. The Balearic Islands aren’t part of the referendum. Neither is Valencia. It applies just to the Catalonia region. I hope Rafa has his PR answers ready for the inevitable questions that are to come. Ferrer, being from Valencia, will probably also be subjected to questions on the issue.
I just came across a video you should all watch and came to post it here… by coincidence it is also about Trolls.
Shane Koyczan, a Canadian Spoken Word Poet, wrote a piece on trolls. It has animated with music in an amazing way. Check it out. EVERYONE should see this 5 minute video.
To wit, asked what he regarded as the lowest depth of misery, Proust responded, “To be separated from Mama” ( Christopher Hitchens, Hitch-22: A Memoir )
I demur. Got to be being forced to read posts/blogs from posters/writers one purports to dislike. That’s what trolls do. I say forced because why else would they put themselves through the torment?
“Internet is often used by people who have no other means of making friends.
Don’t worry. Online threats are often idle and used for intimidation. Anyone can hide behind a computer screen-if somebody anonymous is making violent threats, for example-they would’ve carried them through by now if they were going to happen. If threats get more violent after ignoring them, the ‘stalker’ is basically having a tantrum because they’re losing control over you. If they get aggressive because you disagree with them, they don’t have the intelligence to argue fairly. It never hurts to be aware, but most internet stalkers are pathetic individuals who hide behind a computer screen to feel powerful.”
Rafa’s favorite football/soccer team FC Real Madrid defeated again FC Basel (Fed’s birth town)
The played their second group-stage match of the UEFA Champions League.
I’ve never really followed test cricket and my knowledge of the game is restricted to the days when I lolled in a deckchair watching the boyfriend of the day playing on the village green. So i was puzzled to find myself disproportionately upset by the news of the death of Phillip Hughes.
Paul Hayward’s eloquent obituary in The Daily Telegraph goes a long way to helping me understand why.
I have never watched cricket and know nothing about the game, but I was also quite upset by the death of this young man. I think when someone so young dies in this way, due to some freak accident in a sport, it just tears at your heart. A young man with his whole life ahead of him, someone who was loved and respected by all who knew him. It’s a tragedy.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. This video cracks me up..every…single…time I watch it. Andy and Novak are hilarious. http://youtu.be/cvRd4DjcNyw
Are you watching the TdeF? It makes a welcome change from fretting about Rafa’s woes.
The French hooligans lining the roadside of the mountain climbs make the RG spectators look almost civilised.
Hey @ed251137, yes am watching TdeF. To paraphrase Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now: “The horror…………the horror”. Froomie has this in the bag, no? I was hoping for a Contador fairy tale, Giro/TdeF double in the same season. Not to be, Team Sky are beasts. Who the hell taught the British bike riding anyway???
Seems like Grigor is blaming his gf and his coach for his lack of progress.
“I wish her much happiness and success in life and in tennis. Now I’m concentrated entirely on the game and I’m sure the results will soon be seen… This is the summer of the new beginning for me.”
Meanwhile, it’s been a summer of splits for Grigor, who also parted with his coach Roger Rasheed while he fails to meet his potential as a grand slam champion.
it’s astonishingly offensive hawkeye and i really struggle to understand why ricky has allowed it.
making capital out of acts of murder and torture in an act of high self-moralisation is just beyond the pale…..never mind the offense of the juxtaposition of reports of murder in the name of islam against a christian text….
i reckon even sean randall would censor that one….
ps am really ill today (have been since early thursday so am glad you see it the same way as i do…am running a high fever so hard to trust my own reactions….)
my heart was in my mouth and my has BP rocketed…………I was planning to be on the Champs Elysees tomorrow but my dog has just had major surgery and can’t be left.
Nothing to worry about @ed251137. Froome’s got this in the bag. Give your pooch a hug. Tell him/her has to make up for you missing out on the CE tomorrow!
Hope you’re right………Richie is heroic today but if Froomie gets isolated (or worse) his margin is perilously small. Agree Nibali hasn’t got much left in the tank.
no….but maybe we should persuade vamosrafa and go over there…..
wish chloro was around as i am sure he would have something to say about all this…he hasn’t been here for ages….
thanx hawekye!! i am taking a lot of antibiotics which should kill the infection in the end…but the antibiotics themselves are very strong and make one feel awful..
nny, thanks so much!! i am faithfully taking the pills and rattle like a pill box!!
i have a big problem which has just started up with my broadband and so have to go onto the openzone to get internet access….i’m not going to be able to watch rafa playing in hamburg as a result (am just too sick to go on the phone and wait hours to try and sort it out) so i really hope that you and vamosrafa can blog the matches. you can be my eye and ears!! take care…..
ps am really not expecting much from rafa to be honest…better not to raise one’s hopes until there is some clear reason to do so…..
I have to find a way to watch it! I need to check out the guide on the tennis channel to see if they are televising it. With the smaller tournaments, sometimes they don’t carry the early rounds. If not, then I may have to go for tennistv and maybe pay the $9.99 for 24 hours. I don’t like to do that, though.
I am sure that vamosrafa will be here live blogging. Reading his thoughts is almost as good as watching. Notice that I said almost!
Did you see the draw yet? His first opponent is going to be Verdasco, who’s no slouch on clay. He’s got Jerzy in his part of the draw, Cuevas I think, too. I don’t remember.
The most important thing for you is to take the antibiotics and finish them! You need to take care of your health first and foremost.
I am sending good wishes to try and cheer you up
nny, thanks so much again…let’s hope that tennis channel covers it….but they don’t seem wildly reliable!
at least we can rely on vamosrafa! as you say, his live-blogging is brilliant….. we will have to make sure he keeps his nose to the grindstone on our behalf…..!
don’t worry i will finish the course of antibiotics and get more if i need them…
thanks so much for your good wishes!
ps i haven’t really taken in the draw yet….nando is tricky first round given his confidence issues…let’s hope that he (nando) overindulged at feli’s wedding and huffs and puffs round the court….!
Good news! I checked the tennis channel program listings for tomorrow and they will be broadcasting Hamburg starting with the early rounds!
I will try to do some live blogging and hopefully vamosrafa will also be here tomorrow.
nny, thanks very much for that. good news indeed! i expect vamosrafa will be here soon as you say…let’s hope so…
i wish i didn’t feel quite so gloomy about his prospects. i just read the comments on the other thread…if people are right and he looks lacking in confidence and not able to really compete then i don’t see why he’s playing….there’s no point just going out to be beaten.
He just doesn’t look happy right now. Despite his problems, Rafa did say that he wants to qualify for the WTF at year end. He lost points when he got knocked out in Wimbledon so early. I guess he feels the need to try and get some extra points in this tournament with lesser competition. But it’s not going to help him for the North American hardcourt season.
It’s just strange that he has not said anything about the upcoming hardcourt season. Nothing about the USO.
I wish that I didn’t feel so gloomy either, but we’ve had precious little to be happy about. The look on Rafa’s face is just different these days. This has all taken quite a toll on him.
I hope that you are feeling better.
nny, no have been worse i’m afraid and had to call doctors again!! have to take things very very easy now.
whatever is going on with rafa it doesn’t look like it is suddenly going to fix itself. personally i couldn’t care less about the wtf and given that post uso is always rafa’s worst time of year even when he is playing really well as far as i am concerned he might just as well take time out and try and fix things rather than go out during the autumn and just get beaten. (that is assuming things stay the same). as you say, there is no mention of the hard court season and i feel very glum about it given that rafa has been to the final of the uso all of the last 3 times he has played and won twice!
i just wish they would make changes…..because if rafa is looking as tense and unhappy as almost everyone is saying then they have to act. i have been feeling for a while now that rafa just isn’t prepared any longer to make the decisions that an elite sportsman has to take and that he’s actually prepared to sacrifice his own career (for the moment at least) rather than rock the boat.
sorry, this is glum thinking which is influenced in part by being ill and running a fever but that’s what it feels like and has done for a while…..
ps i hope j-mac gives toni the benefit of his straight-talking at the event in august…..may not get through to him now but could later on….
ps think he has every chance of losing to nando tomorrow….(that is going by the reports of many here on the rafa thread that he looks tense and worn-down…..) ed said he looked resigned…well if so then i can’t see much changing….might get worse if anything….
I am sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling better. I hope that the doctor was able to help you. I think rest is very important.
I have to say that I feel much the same as you. It’s as though you are reading my mind with your thoughts. I really don’t care about WTF at all. But that is the only goal that Rafa has mentioned, being in the top 8 and qualifying to play in the year end tournament. Nothing about the USO at all.
I also agree that post USO has not been Rafa’s strong suit. The fall hard court season has never been kind to Rafa. So you may have a point about Rafa just taking the rest of the year off after the USO to try and work things out.
I think Rafa can lose to just about anyone these days. I have said that Verdasco is not an ideal first match opponent. He’s a former top ten player who is good on clay. Normally I would feel that Rafa’s draw is doable. Ferrer and Simon have dropped out, so that makes things easier. But I simply do not know what to expect.
He’s playing tomorrow and I will be watching, but I just can’t get too excited. Over on Vamosbrigade, they had an interesting discussion about Rafa choosing to play in Hamburg. I didn’t even realize that if you are out of the top eight, then you have to play the first match at tournaments. You no longer get a bye to the second round. So they were discussing the various scenarios in which Rafa could manage to be in the top eight for the Roger’s Cup in Montreal.
They said that if Rafa wins Hamburg and then one of the players ahead of him drops out of Montreal, he would be in the top eight there. But that’s a big “if”.
I feel bad about what’s going on with Rafa and I am not sick the way you are. Don’t worry too much about him. Just get yourself well!
nny, sorry didn’t see this earlier. am a bit too shattered to reply now….not sure that being around for rafa’s match was the greatest idea as it knocked me out…i think you are right that one should prioritise health for now….
thanx for all the great feed-back!!!
Rafa won’t be playing until Thursday, so you have an extra day to get some more rest. It sounds like you have been really, really sick. It’s true that watching Rafa can drain the emotions. But he got the win and that’s a good thing!
Just try to take care of yourself and get well. Hopefully you will be feeling better on Thursday!
Take care!
nny, thanx so much for all your support and kindness.
i am hoping to be around for rafa’s match tomorrow but am not sure i am going to be able to manage it as i felt a LOT worse after yesterday! so if i am not around you’ll know why…vesely should be ok..but this is rafa still not being rafa so who knows?!
hope to see you tomorrow…….!
I wlll be here live blogging for sure! You need to do what’s best for your health. You can always check in later to see the result without the stress of watching.
Vesely should not be a problem for Rafa. But I can’t take anything for granted these days. His draw is quite doable. If Rafa can just keep the nerves under control, then he has a good shot to win this title.
Amy: Several days since I’ve seen you posting. Do hope it’s because you haven’t got the energy right now and not because you have taken a turn for the worse.
Margot Says:
Only trolls endlessly regurgitate the past. I got into awful trouble on there for criticising Uncle T so, in the end, it was hard work and not fun any more and I stopped posting a couple of years ago.
I guess that ‘got into awful trouble’ means that it was awful to get to know that Rafa comes from a wealthy family and his parents would have found other possibilities to train him if they had wanted someone else to be his coach.
I do not see the reason why deucey would endlessly repeat why she left tenngrand…she must be missing us really badly…
and to be honest I also did not like her comment about Uncle T…I never reacted to that comment (I think!) since I really liked her posting here and we had some fun commenting…however, why bring it up all the time (after two years!), saying that she used to post here and left due to this and that, why not just let it go…
again, she must miss the tenngrand gang… cause we are the best!!!
Another poster on T-X who posted on TT/TG brought up that they used to chat and she just replied. One time..
She gets along famously on T-X and I’ve never seen her picked on or insulted there so I think she is happy she moved on overall but no doubt there are of course some posters who she misses.
I will respond here instead of violating site rules by posting non-related content on Rafa’s page…
augusta08 says:
November 4, 2015 at 12:40 am
November 4, 2015 at 12:31 am
—May I respectfully remind you that this has nothing to do with Rafa and the following site rule:
VI. No profanity.—
May I ask where is this PROFANITY? (I don’t know profanities in the English language.)
Mary says:
November 4, 2015 at 12:42 am
Was it you, hawkeye? I haven’t visited that site for a while. If you could point me in the right direction, I will look it up.
No the poster’s moniker was obviously Rafa-centric and female. I now prefer to use an objective moniker, relatively speaking, so it is not obvious from my name who is my favourite player.
augusta’s dig at me being banned from tennis-warehouse (a decidedly Federazzi site from which I am proud to have been banned) reminds me of a story.
A bunch of them went ballistic when I said in my opinion that Rafa was the GOAT. What drove them nuts was when I refused to defend my stance because GOAT was just an opinion and listing my reasons would be wasted because they’ve all been discussed ad nauseam and wouldn’t convince anybody who thought Fed was GOAT.
They hated it. A bunch threatened to report me to be banned because I refused to state my reasons. It was hilarious! To me anyways.
Could have been the reason I was banned.
I like the GOAT debate if only to plant the implication that GOAT is subjective opinion – what a difficult concept. You wouldn’t believe how many federazzi will disagree with you. They truly believe it is a fact. It’s hilarious!!!
Again a very kind compliment, thank you very much.
But another point I would respectfully like to raise here is that the well written site rules are only strong as you say f they are enforced with fairness and consistency for all, no?
on this appalling day i want to say vive la france!!
i really hope that this doesn’t mean that le pen will win a shedload of votes in the forthcoming elections but am sure she will…
still in shock after seeing the news today…utterly barbaric…
Yes! I agree with you about what happened in Paris. I was watching it all last night. Of course the world will join in supporting France. What a tragedy with so many lives lost. A truly horrific event.
I know that ed lives in France, but I am not sure where. I hope that she is okay.
I saw the news bulletin quite by chance just before midnight while changing channels. I knew my son-in-law was at the Stade de France for the football and that my daughter and grand-daughter were at a concert but had no idea which theatre. Neither of them had their phones switched on.
It was 2.00am before I made contact. The longest two hours of my life.
Thank goodness you posted! I was thinking of you and your family after watching the horror for hours.
I remember what it was like on 9/11 when I couldn’t get in touch with my family in New York for a few nerve wracking hours. I am relieved that your family is okay!
I am sure this has been a terrible experience for you. I just wasn’t sure if you lived in the city of Paris or somewhere else.
Lucky, sorry I can see now my last sentence didn’t make it clear. They are now with me here in Honfleur. Even though they live in a quiet area a couple of kilometres from where it happend they wanted to get away from Paris for the remainder of the weekend.
My 15 year old grand daughter is badly shaken because the Bataclan is a favourite haunt and she is trying to get news in case any of her school friends were there last night.
Targeting a club full of teenagers and young people was a particularly shocking act in a night of barbaric violence.
NNY: Thanks for your message. The horror of 9/11 was on a scale impossible to comprehend. I think we all felt at the time the world was never going to be the same again.
I think the terrorists were aiming for maximum horror so targeting a club full of teenagers and young people made perfect sense. In Pakistan, a couple of years ago they targeted school children.
Good to know you and yours are fine. Better eat at home and watch netflix movies or TV shows and sports channels.
Ed, so glad you and your family are OK. It’s tragic that normal people cannot go about their normal business without fear of being blown up or shot. It could happen anywhere to anyone.
ed, just to say that i am so relieved you and your family are ok.
i was wondering about you last night as i know you live in france…terrible times…
paris has evidently become a prime target now which is a grim grim thought….
the city of love and culture turned into this….
Not posting here to call you out, hawkeye. Think I already said this, but I’ve read you enough to know where we disagree. It’s only tennis. Not a big deal. I’m not here to try and change your opinion.
Aaron Rodgers’ Condemnation Of Anti-Muslim Remarks Shows Real Leadership
“For right or wrong, millions of kids across the country look up to Rodgers for his ability to throw touchdown passes and scramble in the pocket. But his decision to speak out against bigotry, especially in the wake of a tough defeat, is truly worth lauding. The thrill attached to every great play Rodgers makes as a quarterback is fleeting, whereas the impact of his words Sunday are indelible.”
amy DECEMBER 15, 2015 AT 7:32 PM
hey hawks how are you?! are you in quarantine again?
chloro and i talk loads through email but not much about tennis…
just emailed him about how frightened i am getting over the rise of trump. chloro said he read a joke that day that trump was the comments section made human….
Ah, I thought you were discussing tennis in a mature manner. Part of me thinks that Trump is intentionally trying to make the Republican Party look bad.
In 1988, Oprah Asked Donald Trump If He’d Ever Run For President. Here’s How He Replied.
Where’s hawkeye? He used to patrol ( troll??) this site 24/7. Maybe he has become amy’s E-lister? But he will be bored there. He bashes Rafa, no one is annoyed. So no fun. He praises Rafa, amy will ban him. Better Ricky than amy.
Ricky and all tenngranders:
Happy Holidays!!!!!
Let us hope the new year brings many smiles to us in our personal lives and also in our “tennis” lives as Rafa fans!!!!!
I have a question. It seems to me when the women play, they will break each other’s game 4-5 times in a set. The men, you see a lot more tie-breaks. If there is a break, it’s one game. Why the difference?
In general, Vicky, imo, it comes down to confidence and consistency when serving. Not even close to a high level, but I have played tennis for years and related to Elena Dimentieva’s problem when she played: no weapon for a 1st serve with a painfully slow, completely vulnerable 2nd serve. For me, a big part was the ball toss too, like Ana Ivanovic’s toss, mine is all over the place. Being extremely right-handed I’m guessing doesn’t help – can’t seem to control where the toss goes no matter how much I practice, it’s embarrassing.
Agnieszka Radwanska has improved her serve – her placement, spin, etc… but she will never be a power server like Serena or Petra Kvitova. What makes Aga special is her creative shot selection – she’s a magician on court. Simona Halep and Camila Giorgi compensate for lack of a serve weapon with athleticism, although each of them are capable of serving well, it’s often a weakness on crucial points; very frustrating as a fan.
Thank you! I am learning the game and appreciate all the input. You guys are seem like pros….just think of me as the rookie! I am positive I’ll come up with off-the-wall questions in the future!
great shakespeare actor as well benny..
brilliant as valmont in the theatre version of les liasons dangereuses…better than malkovich hamming it up in the film..
didn’t he play valmont in the theatre version of liasons dangereuses?? think so…i never saw it but i reckon he would have done a better job than malkovich’s ham-it-up performance in the film…
Agreed. Nothing better for the Dems than Trump to win the nomination. Even better if Sarah is invited to the party.
Doubt that the Republicans will allow it to happen but you never know.
Vamos Bernie!!!
I like Hillary but I’m starting to think Bernie has a better chance to beat the Republicans. (Also he seems to be less “bought”.)
don’t know anything about bernie hawks…
you think he stands a better chance?
i like hillary and would love to see ‘merica have a woman president
don’t you think that the feelgood factor attached to clinton’s period in office where they ended up with a budget surplus would help?
as a brit i am not very interested in british politics but get very worked up about the us elections (for obvious reasons, as the repercussions are so much greater in terms of global politics)
i stayed up all night the fateful night bush was elected…
the republicans have a big problem to do with the hispanic vote…trump isn’t going to help with that..
just looked up bernie..his views are quite left wing by us standards…hillary is more of a centrist..
by a very strange coincidence i realise that i have met his brother who lives in england…is a green party activist..
that’s what i was thinking…they’re made for each other…
Trump is trying to win Iowa. That’s why he got Sarah Palin to endorse him. That’s why he is going after Ted Cruz for not being born in the U.S. and also attacking him for having some supposedly shady money dealings.
oh so you think he’s going to get it??!
the thought of that is just too awful…
Trump is not getting the nomination.
At first, awful. And freaking unbelievable depressing. After months of the hype, I settled into it. All I feel at the moment is a mixture of apathy and amusement.
Sanders is my man but agree with Nny, it’s unlikely he’d get elected. I lost my trust in Hillary after she voted yes on the Iraq war in 2003. Both Dems and Reps, sound bad to me…except Bernie.
yes ratcliff he may be great..but he is an old-fashioned european style social democrat. america won’t go for that! so i am going for hillary because although flawed she still has good points and she can beat the republicans. i was very opposed to the iraq war as well, but some decent people made a mistake and voted for it…
i hate the donald! here in gb we find it very difficult to understand what america sees in him…
he is a demagogue and very dangerous IMO
sorry rc i see i was repeating some of what you already said…i shouldn’t post here while trying to do other things!
I am for Hillary. I am not about tilting at windmills or going on some idealistic crusade. I am being pragmatic and realistic. Sanders cannot get elected and handing the White House to the Republicans would be disastrous.
I don’t care about Hillary voting for the war in Iraq. A lot of people did because the Bush administration lied about the facts. There was tremendous pressure to respond after 9/11.
Hillary apologized and it’s old news. We have more important things to worry about now. Hillary can win.
I understand what you are saying, Nny. You are more pragmatic and a better Bracket picker! My whole life – I’m an idealist. I’m considering what you say, even before you said it. Never have voted anything but Democratic. Right now I cannot see much point.
The answer is more tennis! Get me a fiddle while Rome burns.
My “fiscally” conservative – socially liberal, Greek-American boyfriend and his friends are all Marco Rubio, for whatever reason.
You make sense, Nny.
It’s quite possible that I’ll come around – let me dream a bit longer
Gulbis-Halys 3-3 in the 1st set.
Dream on girl! You go! Stick to what you believe!
Do you happen to know when/if we are going to see any of these tennis matches?
Gulbis-Halys is on TC right now, Nny!
it’s good. Halys just saved a set point, he’s serving from behind 4-5 first set.
and another set point for Gulbis on Halys’ serve.
Every vote counts! Remember 2000! I am not trying to tell anyone what to do. Voting is sacred and personal. I am just giving my perspective. I was idealistic back in the day, but still with a strong pragmatic streak.
I believe that Trump made a huge tactical mistake in trying to go for an outright victory in Iowa. It was never going to happen, but his hubris and arrogance got the better of him. He should have tried to lower expectations and talk about being happy with even a second place finish. But he said flat out that he wanted to win Iowa and through everything but the kitchen sink at Cruz. It didn’t work and now Trump looks a bit foolish.
I think this shows that Trump doesn’t have the best political instincts and that his overblown ego can get him in trouble. He is the one who raised expectations for Iowa and that was a mistake.
There were polls showing Trump leading in Iowa. They were wrong. Maybe now people will be a bit cautious before just buying into the hype. I also don’t think Trump’s lead in New Hampshire is as big as the polls would indicate.
Now Trump has to worry about Rubio. This is getting interesting and more fun to watch what happens with the Republicans. One lesson learned is that you haven’t won anything until the people vote!
i see that donny is dealing with defeat with his usual grace and dignity.
i do like his subtle nuanced distinction between a legal steal and an illegal one. what a wordsmith.
Somehow, I am not surprised! Trying to say that Cruz stole the election in Iowa illegally! I guess reality is hard for Trump to take! He believed the stupid polls, which happened to be wrong. Now he’s having a hissy fit because he can’t face the fact that he lost!
Trump has proven that his political instincts are non-existent. He complains that everyone is saying Rubio won because he came in third. That’s because Rubio was not expected to win or even to do that well. So since he exceeded expectations, that’s essentially like a win.
Trump was expected to win, but he came in second and almost was overtaken by Rubio. He is the one who set the bar high with his expectations. He is the one who kept saying that he would win. He even said that he didn’t need to campaign anymore, because it was all a done deal.
But a funny thing happened. The people voted and Trump lost! Democracy in action!
As I said earlier, Bernie Sanders is polling better than Clinton against Republican candidates and would therefore have a better chance of defeating the Republicans.
No. Polls for the general election don’t mean much now. This country will never elect anyone too far to the left or the right.
How about the polls leading up to iowa? Oops! Wrong! How about the polls leading up to the 2012 election? Wrong! They said it would be a nailbiter. Nope!
Hahahah I just went on second Serb blog. I randomly go on there but I like to see the top 20 under 20 lists. I saw an ATP predictions list with a bunch of bloggers including you. And a guy named Dave gertler or something predicted Mannarino beats Djoker on grass and muller wins multiple grass titles. Had to comment about that. Just outrageously good. ???
Was wondering the same, ed. It has not been a week that he’s gone missing. He was here last weekend when all of us were having difficulty with the website posting = getting that error message. It’s not the same without you, Hawstradamus ??
Was in my kitchen making coffee and heard Tennis Channel quoting our Ricky! But I didn’t get there in time to see which tweet it was…
Actually hope it was this tweet ?
Ricky Dimon @Dimonator 2h2 hours ago
I thought pro tennis had surpassed the Republican Party in reality television value, but…Cruz sex scandal? It may be competitive now.
I heard Mary Carillo’s voice say “Ricky Dimon”, and she was cracking up…by the time I finished what I was doing and ran to see, all I caught was the briefest glimpse of the tweet they were showing and saw your name, Ricky. Anyway – I’m curious –
It was during the Kerber/Strycova match. They will replay the broadcast tonight – have it set to record – and verify which tweet ? just joking about it being the Ted Cruz one…might have been tho
Impressive fight from Fritz the 1st set but Ferrer wore him out as usual and 2nd set was a blow out – 6-1 Ferrer.
It wasn’t on the Kerber match recording. I remember the Kerber match was coming on …but Mary Carrillo made mention of the tweet at the end of the TC live talk show, right before the match started at 9 am – which wasn’t part of my recording. I’m not hallucinating — honestly wouldn’t make this up! Rats. Wanted to have it.
Martina Navratilova @Martina 2h2 hours ago
The other day my 10 year old girl asked me-“Why do some boys and men think it’s ok to say bad things about women?” The answer took some time
That was beautiful! You brought tears to my eyes. I have been listening to Prince’s music a lot since he died. That’s how I want to remember him, by what he did best.
A true genius. We will not see anyone like him again.
About his composition Passacaglia, which was introduced to me by my piano teacher in the 9th grade, because of my obsession with Rachmaninoff and Bach. She was attempting to teach me how to interpret and keep counter-melodies distinct while playing through all kinds of variations. (Not that I could manage Passacaglia!):
“Quite a number of Godowsky’s original works were considerably difficult to perform; the Passacaglia (which consists of 44 variations, cadenza and fugue on the opening theme of Franz Schubert’s “Unfinished” Symphony) was declared to be unplayable even by Vladimir Horowitz, who claimed it would require six hands to perform.”
a propos of nothing:
please please will all sane americans posting and reading here get out and lobby for hillary??
am not looking forward to nuclear armageddon if old fascist chops wins.
I am going to be volunteering for hillary’s campaign. My only concern is Sanders going on about a contested convention. The Democratic Party has to unite to defeat Trump!
There is no other option but to pull out all the stops to make sure that fascist Trump is not elected president!
good for you nny!!
the democrats have to unite as quickly as possible and focus on fascist donny. it’s not about idealism but pragmatism. politics isn’t just about voting for who you want but keeping bad people out.
i would campaign for hillary if i could!
i hope bernie will do the decent thing and rally his supporters around hillary.
This Wimbledon Life Size Cutout pack contains 4 of tennis’s biggest stars: Andy Murray, Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal. Specification Lifesize – 183cm x 50cm approx… http://www.vipcutouts.com/packs/product/1757-wimbledon-pack
Oh, glad you liked, amy. Don’t interrupt the sorrow from the hissing of summer lawns and pretty much the whole album is what I had been revisiting this spring.
Today on a bike ride I had: I care because you do by Aphex Twins – looping ‘Alberto Balsam’. Incredible sounds for the route. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihyQf8mww3o
thanks rc!! genius lyrics which i know pretty much by heart along with most of the hissing of summer lawns and court and spark…
do you like blood on the tracks by bd?? more genius…..
I was plunged into such deep depression after the Brexit result was confirmed I couldn’t even raise the energy to check the tennis results let alone take any interest in the Wimby draw
The prospects for ex-pats like myself living in France and my sister in Spain are worrying and the thought that the buffoon Boris Johnson looks set to be the next Prime Minister is cause for even greater concern.
Marina Hyde sums up the situation eloquently in The Guardian
I’m only now trying to understand Brexit fully, ed. My attention has been on the sickening political situation with it’s implications here and the lack of options – it’s futility that I feel the most if I dig deep. But I’m catching on as I read and learn more. Boris Johnson is eerily, vaguely comically your version of Donald Trump? Anyway, the news is shocking at the moment and I’m struggling to absorb what just happened and what the hell will happen next.
It does make Wimbledon seem insignificant. But I’ll take a break and try to clear the nausea I feel – try to find a cool, dark place to listen to some music and then tackle the bracket puzzles for distraction.
Heartfelt sympathy to you from Oregon. Margot is also understandably very upset.
The twitter cartoon managed to make me giggle for a few minutes but the thought two of the most influential nations on the world stage could conceivably be governed by Boris and Donald makes the blood run cold. Let’s hope Brexit serves as a salutary reminder to America before it’s too late.
I share your sentiments as an American across the pond. I was quite horrified to see the result. The reckless disregard for the impact on not only the UK economy, but the global economy, was especially troubling. Sometimes one should think carefully before casting a protest vote.
The stick market tumbled mightily in the US. It’s scary and disturbing. I am also concerned about what voters were told and not told about the consequences of this vote. I don’t think the Prime Minuster should have ever given the voters this referendum. It’s too important to trust to voting emotionally. Now some people wish they could change their vote. Too late!
I really don’t like how cable news in the states is trying to draw a parallel between this vote and our presidential election. I don’t think American voters will make the same mistake if drinking the kool aid and buying the crazy from Trump.
I don’t like the guy who will be the next UK Prime Minister.
This was a colossal mistake made by people who did not take a breath and think seriously about the consequences of this vote.
NNY: My last comment was not up when you posted the above. I hope for America’s sake, and the rest of the world, the voters will come to their senses in time.
I just read a good article on CNN.com about the key differences between our presidential election and a popular referendum. I think some in cable news are comparing apples to oranges.
We have the electoral college and while many consider it antiquated, it does serve a purpose. It favors the Democratic Party and also makes sure that it’s not just about the popular vote. We are electing a president and not just voting yes or no on one issue. Real questions have been raised about trump’s fitness to be president.
While immigration is an issue that trump has used to fire up a portion of the electorate, there are other equally important issues to be considered.
I believe that Trump is the most dangerous person ever to run for president of the US. He is appealing to the basest instincts of people. He seems to be using some of the tactics of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazt propaganda minister, as well as a little of Senator Joseph McCarthy’s baiting and defaming tactics that were used in the 1950’s when he was looking for imaginary communists in our government.
I take the threat of Trump as president very seriously. But things are now coming out about his dirty business practices and unpreparedness to be president.
I hope that Americans do keep this disastrous result in the UK in mind as we proceed through our election process. We cannot afford to be manipulated and lied to by someone like Trump.
With so much gloom and despondency over Brexit the following sequence makes a welcome change to the usual scenes of football hooligans. The Irish fans, pissed as newts, are seen serenading their way around the major venues:
Have taken a break from wall to wall tennis and been watching the Tour de France. Sad to see Cavendish leave early to prepare for the OGs and Froome came close to losing the Maillot Jaune when he took a nasty fall descending a lethal downhill stretch in the pouring rain this afternoon.
tinhathawkeye has developed straw man argument to a fine art. By the way, why do you and vr insist on calling me ritb?
I feel flattered so that’s not good (for you). ritb has already been driven off. Whom are you going to hound and harass?
I have a brilliant suggestion. You can allege I am native. I will be unhappy. So that’s good ( for you). You can harass native and run her off this site. Then she can return with a new moniker. When she left NY , she called herself NNY. Recently she left LA so she can call herself LA Native. Short, perfect with a touch of the foreign! And we can all celebrate the Return of the Native!
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”
– John Lennon
One more thing me and Rafa have in common (besides OCD according to someone here). Haha!
ok this thread seems to have moved from the rafa page….a good thing too as it didn’t belong there…
vr if you come on site do look on the rafa page as i left birthday greetings for both you and hawks there..
so just to say that i hope you both have a great birthday and that the year to come brings you all good things…
and thanks to vr and hawks for being such great posters here…seems fitting you both have the same birthday
hi amy, from a post of yours on Rafa’s page I read the big new: VR’s and Hawk’s bd’s, and couldn’t resist, thanks.
And I agree with you about VR and Hawks: both expert tennis minds and it’s a cool cosmic coincidence for them to share the same birthday! Let’s see what gives from an internet search:
Tuesday 08/23/2016
No one has ever seen a giraffe swimming. This would be a time to celebrate life on planet Earth, and you would do so if only you weren’t obsessed with work every second of the day. Even though you’ll have some additional pressure in days to come, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t find time to read about giraffes with your morning coffee.
Don’t underestimate your emotional states at the moment. The important thing to do is find balance of reason and emotion, instead of constantly choosing sides.
Strengths: Loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical
Weaknesses: Shyness, worry, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play
Virgo likes: Animals, healthy food, books, nature, cleanliness
Virgo dislikes: Rudeness, asking for help, taking center stage
The Virgo Man
Virgos are always paying attention to smallest details and their deep sense of humanity makes them one of the most careful signs of the zodiac. Their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is left to chance. Virgos are often tender but also very careful.
RC’s Translation: OCD
Virgo is an Earth sign, which prefers conservative and organized things, and those dependent on them. People born under the Virgo sign have very organized life, and even if they are very messy, their goals and dreams are put on strictly defined points in their mind.
RC’s Translation: Single-minded, stubborn, lol…
Since Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo, this sign has a well-developed sense of speech and writing, as well as all other forms of communication. Many Virgos may choose to pursue a career as a writer or journalist.
RC’s Translation: VR and Hawkstradamus ?
Virgo is often misunderstood, because of the symbolism of the name of this sign. Virgo experiences everything for the first time.
RC’s Translation: huh? ?
Virgos want to serve and please others, so they often choose to work as caregivers.?
ha! i did think the golden duo’s bday was on monday as was the day after cinci final last year. remember vr saying it was his birthday on that sunday ie day of the final….
oh hahahaha hawks! brilliant!
wink wink..
nudge nudge..
how the deuce did you figure it out?!
btw while we are on this bizarre subject – who the hell is scoretracker?
scoretracker was the fedfan equivalent of a lovechild between “Mar(ITB)y” and augusta from a galaxy far, far away.
(To be compared to deucey can only be considered to be a complement – never a single nasty word from her mouth. She was a great and friendly poster like you, VR, rc and all but a couple of self-proclaimed rafan posters here.)
i know who deucey is hawks as i read tennis-x where i know she posts as margot. most posters on here refer to her as margot so it wasn’t exactly difficult to work out who she was. i agree that it is very odd to troll someone by saying they are margot…although according to mary she led a ‘lynch-mob’ of trolls on tennistalk ie you, nny, chloro!!!
apparently scoretracker was a special victim of your’s. (real loony-toons stuff…)
Yup, real bat shite crazy stuff amy.
Hawkeye knows amy is deuce. deuce brazenly pretends that hawkeye is pretending he thinks she is deuce. and she will pretend that he knows. hawkeye decides to accept new troll storyline.
So it is now hawkeye pretends that amy pretends that hawkeye pretends….so on
Hilarious! hawkeye and deuce serving up a troll FRACTAL. Only devious cunning troll brains can create designs within designs ( all evil, of course)
Two guys vr and hawkeye revved up by a deuce! Hilarious!!!
Anyone can go look in the archives for TT and see for themselves who said what. There was one person who did call out another poster for supposedly being a Murray fan pretending to be a Rafa fan. The exact same garbage that is being regurgitated and recycled here by someone posting under another user name. Oh and it wasn’t RITB! Just check it out and you will see that it’s the same nonsensical conspiracy theories thrown around here yet one more time.
Deucey/Margot never pretended to be anyone other than a Murray fan and she was the nicest poster on TT. Her posts are there in the archives for everyone to see.
It’s the person who is making all these bizarre accusations who should be under scrutiny. Why keep accusing others of pretending to be a fan of Rafa? Maybe it’s the one throwing around the accusations who is really pretending! Think about it!
Scoretracker was the most notorious troll in TT. I cannot imagine anyone defending someone who disrupted that site with epic length essays ranting and raving incoherently all the time.
oh hahahahaha i hadn’t seen this mary classic at 4.10 am…
have you seen it hawks?…
this is getting comic
Nativenewyorker (AT 4:15),
If I may ask why don’t you react when hawk and vr are spreading a nonsensical conspiracy theory that RITB (who hasn’t written on GS for months) is now writing under another user name on GS. Hawk and vr have been making these bizarre accusations for months.
amy, I only respond to Mar(itb)y’s posts when they show a fraction of creativity which is rare.
Mary and RITB’s writing style and views are identical. It is obvious who she is on Tennis-X (senorita) the odd time she posts there for the same reasons. She only stopped posting as RITB when it was pointed out that both would suddenly appear and disappear together.
She is more than aware that amy and deuce are not the same but she thinks that she is being cute by doing so to make a point.
If it didn’t bother her so much, she wouldn’t spend so much energy on it LOL. She probably feels bad about abandoning her moniker RafaIsTheBest. He still is in my mind because of what he has achieved and how he defines success.
And nny is right that deuce was bullied away by a tinfoil heavy pot and kettle social media regurgitator whose only opinions are on other posters and has never expressed a single opinion of her own on tennis.
AT 7:24 PM says: “And nny is right that deuce was bullied away …”
[augusta08 AUGUST 12, 2016 AT 9:03 AM]
She seems to make the same “significant contributions” also on other site(s).
An example of he contribution on Grandstand:
deucy APRIL 20, 2014 AT 8:38 AM says:
“…I can’t stand Uncle T. I think he is a bully…”
h ttp://tenngrand.com/2014/04/18/monte-carlo-sf-previews-and-picks-djokovic-vs-federer-wawrinka-vs-ferrer/comment-page-4/#comment-23268
I typed the same her sentence in Google Search and found this:
Margot Says:
“…Re: Uncle Toni. I think he is a bully…”
March 22nd, 2015 at 2:09 pm
h ttp://www.tennis-x.com/xblog/2015-03-21/18811.php#comment-589707
She is probably doing well in environments that are hostile towards Rafa and uncle Toni. https://tenngrand.com/2016/08/10/olympics-r3-previews-predictions-nadal-vs-simon-murray-vs-fognini/comment-page-1/#comment-135667
mine too rc…am aries so get on with other fire signs…
are there any toons about people born under leo? can’t think of any – if any exist you will know!
deucey was on tenngrand. She did not enjoy being deucey as none of her fellow Muzzfans except ed were here who was also a part time Rafa fan ( the horror of it! eek as deuce would say). So she left to return as amy.
deuce was on tennistalk and she was a 100% troll and part of the lynch mob style attacks on scoretracker.
Two guys vr and hawkeye revved up by a deuce!!!!
Imma Libra. Aries and Libra are romantically a good match ?
amy what does it matter whether I am ritb or holdserve? Both are Rafa fans. but definitely amy dear you shouldn’t be posting under false pretenses. I know you are deuce. I do not want to go into tedious detail because that is not my style. Also vulgarity and viciousness have never been there in my posts. I rely on wit.
oh amy am I giving you an inferiority complex because of my erudition? Ha ha. Poor you. You were out of your depth when I talked of fractals . It must have hurt. As for native, I never expected her to tax her brain with fractals any more than I would expect her to understand theory of relativity. But I guess she doesn’t know that she doesn’t know so embarrasses herself by making remarks like this did not make sense to me, did it make sense to others. I am sure there are plenty of things which make no sense to you native but make a lot of sense to others.
ah, fractals. I remember that.
Most likely holdserv after all then.
(Doubt RITB would remember that reference as a divergence – so massive apologies to RITB – I doubt that she would forgive me but I would still put it out there.)
No worries rc. Your heart was in the right place which is all that counts.
? this emoji should be my new Avatar.
But thanks, Hawkie.
Does the post @ 4:10 make any sense to anyone? The accusations and conspiracy theories are getting stranger every day! An overactive imagination perhaps?
But there is a familiar refrain to these accusations. Hmmm. Just check out the archives on TT and all will be revealed!
Some seem to forget that there is a past history that can be accessed. These exact same accusations about pretending to be a Rafa fan while really being a Murray fan, were posted regularly on TT.
a word to the wise. the poster 2016 who attacked me viciously for no reason in december used exactly the same language, style of expression, fake learning/erudition that are mary’s trademark. i clicked on the avatar for 2016 as i had found out by chance that if you do so you can sometimes see the information tree behind the user name. the real original name attached to 2016’s avatar was holdserve19.
so it is not supposition but fact that someone who used to post here ie holdserve19 has been posting here under a different name. does beg a number of questions no?
What do you mean by ‘2016’ avatar?
Do you mean Mary was holdserve???
Mary doesn’t write like holdserv though.
She writes like RITB (except much trollier).
there was a poster who came on with the name 2016 in december. 3 people – myself, you and nny thought that he/she was mary because he/she wrote exactly like her. i clicked on the gravatar for 2016 and it gave the name holdserve19. i told this to nny who said that holdserve had a grudge against her so that would explain a lot.
you did write that you thought 2016 was mary if you remember? and 2016 is holdserve – that’s a fact.
obviously it is hard for me to comment on a lot of this because i have only been on site since last may (approx)
maybe holdserve just mysteriously sounded like mary for those posts but it’s a big coincidence.
Well maybe there are similarities after all.
to be a bit clearer. if you click on a gravatar you can see details of the name changes and holdserve19 had ‘become’ 2016…all the details were there..
yeah I understand that for sure amy.
Leo is large hearted, noble…..
In the cyber universe, there is a 13th birth sign called Troll. That’s undoubtedly your sign.
Mary Goodman says, trolls are fearsome creatures, hunt in groups and can sense each other across several incarnations.
deuce says happy birthday to the birthday “deuce” guys! Hilarious. #credit to hawkeye
A Muzz fan registering herself as Rafa fan means her intentions were malafide ab initio. A troll citizen by birth! Eligible to be President of Troll Nation!!!
btw i think that 2016 ie holdserve appeared in the article which went something like 10 questions for the atp for next year – obviously that isn’t the exact title but summat like that. there were a couple of pieces by ricky in december on what was going to happen next year in the slams and rankings. she appeared in one of those as 2016.
it could of course be the case that holdserve and mary just sounded very similar at that point and are not the same person.
when i get a chance i will find the posts but am too tired now..
also hawks i have to say that i don’t think mary is ritb. i don’t see their writing style as similar and they have a different temperament – ritb has a dreadful temper but she is hotblooded and blows up which is a totally different mindset from a troll who is manipulative and systematic.
also i noticed that ritb and mary aren’t even posting on the same time-scale!
also mary has a lot of ‘tells’ in her posts. ie she tries to show off a lot that she is erudite and full of learning. that’s not ritb. also she constantly goes on about how logical she is and so on..again quite unlike ritb.
i’m not saying i am right but that’s my opinion (which could of course be wrong)
I am in agreement with Amy. I didn’t think it was RITB because she was never that hostile and intensely angry. Also, her language wasn’t as intemperate and vulgar.
I remember when Ed was on the receiving end of the accusations that she was really a Murray fan pretending to be a Rafa fan. That went on for a long time on TT. Checking the archives is helpful. Reading the comments sometimes can be very enlightening.
The truth is that no one can ever know for sure who someone is. But when a person admits that they used to post on TT, then we know that there were only so many female Rafa fans who posted on that site on a regular basis. There was no “Mary” on TT posting as a Rafa fan. It is a process of elimination.
What I do know is that this person is very mean-spirited and vindictive and makes a point of trying to put people down to build herself up. Always trying to one up others with vulgar insults.
All I know is that there was only one person who made it their business to go after another poster with the exact same accusation of being a closet Murray fan while pretending to be a Rafa fan. It’s the exact same accusation which is now being thrown at Amy, who we all know is not deucey.
Since you are all convinced I am holdserve why don’t you write an apology to ritb and get her back? vr was particularly vicious in his attacks on her.
and native how do you know amy is not deuce?? Who is this “we all” who know?
The trolls are busy trying to figure out who I am but they are picking only Rafa fans. so what difference does it make ? I am a rafa fan.
However amy is not a Rafa fan. amy is obviously lying when she says she has been on the internet for just one year. Anyone with common sense can see how unlikely it is that an old person like amy, living in UK, knowing a lot about tennis never got on the internet till last year and then suddenly starts reading every post on tenngrand and tennis-x. But I guess common sense is in short supply among trolls.
Thanks for this. I have been watching the coverage of this terrible earthquake in Italy and it’s been heartbreaking. Having living in southern California for a number of years in the past, I am well acquainted with what it’s like to live through an earthquake!
The old buildings and structures in those towns just collapsed all over the place and it’s so hard to see.
^Hubby and i were on our way back from Yorkshire driving to Coventry, and while driving back he said i have a horrible feeling that something bad has happened, said he felt that all the way home, then we watched the sky news urgh just awfull^ ….
Being on the West Coast I was just waking up. Turned on CNN and they said a ‘small plane’ had hit the North Tower. The scene unfolding paralyzed me – but somehow got to work and got my little boy to school. It was hard to focus on anything. Most of our patients at the cancer center cancelled and we nursed sat around in shock.
RC I Dont actually have kids, but its sad to think what sort of of world we bring them into these days :-(….
On a happier note we have an old lady at our care home whom was 104 yesterday ;-)…
RC Yeah not too bad for a lady of her years, getting a little bit smaller and frailer, and doesnt remember what day it is, which is to be expected, but she does well still walks about short distances though, shes a lovely lady, and a pleasure to care for ….
“But this exemplary tennis player and competitor was at his best, in his mix of emotion and perspective, when he was talking about something that had nothing to do with sports. Nadal mentioned 9/11 in his post-match remarks on court, and he was asked about it in the interview room. He said that he had been to the Trade Center four months before the attacks on a visit with his family, and that the image of the smoking towers was “fresh” for him then.
“That’s a hard day for all the people in New York tomorrow,” Nadal said, “all the people in America. But I think for all the people around the world, too, no? I am not an exception.””
reading the latest swing state polls with horror. trump is up 5 in ohio, 4 in florida…several races where the dems were up by big margins are now very tight. hillary has dropped so heavily in the polls in crucial swing states in the last fortnight that i am starting to think that the loathsome fascist is going to win.
more than worrying rc!!! the thought of don the con with his fat fingers on the nuclear button fills me with terror.
i don’t think hillary is the right person to be fighting against him. she has none of the charisma and oratatorial skills of barack (i love obama) or her husband.
Panic is not an option. The polls are unpredictable now and one has to take into account who is being sampled. The race may be tightening, but there are certain electoral college realities that make this a tough climb for Trump. Also, there are other polls that indicate Hillary is ahead. She has had a tough week with her illness and not disclosing it right away. But trump cannot win without Ohio. Hillary can.
There is more info coming out about trump that is very damaging. The NY attorney general is investigating his foundation donating money to the campaign of Pam Bondi in Florida. She subsequently dropped the investigation into Trump University. Newsweek also has a story about Trump’s companies and ties to foreign leaders and criminals. So there is damaging info coming out on him finally.
Obama was in Pennsylvania yesterday campaigning for Hilary and he hit trump hard with a great speech.
Hillary has had a tough week or two with the media going after her, but now trump us going to feel the heat.
The debates are coming up. Hillary has to get healthy and be ready for it.
I don’t think that any of these polls mean that trump will win. In fact, it’s better for democrats to think the race is tight so they make sure to come out and vote.
I think Hillary is going to bounce back stronger than ever and the latest revelations about trump are going to hurt him.
yeah i read all that nny. but i was reading paul krugman’s column and he was saying that he was feeling that this was deja vu as with bush and mondale and then bush and kerry. that the media is coming up with such a distorted picture that the scandals trump is mired in (and there are so many) are not sticking to him as they should.
the basket of deplorables comment was pretty disastrous. they’d been running on a better together ticket so laying into half his support fractured the whole dem conference message. maybe she made the mistake because she was ill…
After all of the nasty things that trump has said, you are trying to tell me that one comment from Hillary is going to lose her the election? That is absurd!
This double standard is getting to be out of control.
Look you can believe what you want to believe and who you want to believe. If the stuff about trump is not going to stick abd only bad stuff will stick to Hillary, then there is no hope because that would be a double standard and fundamentally unfair.
I not surprised about the tightening of the polls. The media went after Hillary for the last two weeks about anything and everything. Then she did not disclose the pneumonia. The deplorables comment was not good, but it is true that there are white supremacists supporting trump and also nights snd racists.
There is only one way that trump can win and that is by dirty tricks. If he doesn’t win Pennsylvania, then he will lose. He still has a very tough road to a win.
I am staying positive and will do what I can for the campaign.
excuse me? i didn’t say any of that. i said the media was operating on double standards and using anything it could.
What is the problem with my response to you. Are you taking offense? There is no reason to do so.
I meant to say that there are bigots and racists supporting Trump.
I have to remain positive. I also don’t think that Paul Krugnsn is the last word when it comes to the election. It’s important to keep things in perspective and not get out of control.
Trump winning us too horrible a prospect to even contemplate, especially with what us coming out about his financial dealings. This is also someone who has not released his tax returns, which has not happened in 40 years. That can only mean he has something to hide. Despite that, there are journalists who are digging and finding more damaging things and bringing them to light. I need to have faith that the American people are not going to elect someone who is dishonest and lies every time he opens his mouth.
Especially disturbing at the end of the video clip is Rudi Giuliani giggling about it the blank check for war still in place, “of course we do, hhehehe” Giuliani is a huge Trump supporter.
About iraq, yeah, that was BS. I marched in Portland and Seattle — what else could I do? We were being manipulated. There was no weapons of mass destruction there…tragedy and death breeding tragedy and death endlessly. no one wins. We turned into the terrorists.
guiliani, christie and co are all quislings. guiliani was at pains after 9/11 not to blame muslim citizens. now he comes up with any old racist garbage to support trump. he’s sold his soul to the devil. there should be a day of reckoning for these people and what they are trying to do.
i marched against iraq as well, although i hate demos…was so obvious that in removing saddam they were going to bring about something way way worse…public opinion in britain was firmly opposed to the war but no-one listened to us.
The ‘not since 1948’ part helped me a little today.
“But the fundamental difference between two candidates usually gets baked in pretty solidly. The last time a candidate with Clinton’s consistent lead this late lost was 1948. Of course, it’s still possible for something big to change that makes Trump win. But it’s important to understand the difference between headlines like “Trump Cuts Clinton Lead In Half” and saying Trump is going to win.”
But I’m not a Hillary fan — it’s just that I prefer Hillary to Donald and far prefer the Democratic party to the Republican — because of social the platforms. I’m still bummed about Bernie not getting nominated. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren was my ticket.
I am actively working for Hillary’s campaign and the tightening of the polls did not come as a surprise. Ohio and Florida are two key swing states that will go down to the wire. That’s the way it was in 2012. I live in Florida and things are heating up with voter registration and canvassing. Hillary has inherited much of Obama’s ground game and there is a concerted effort to get out the vote in Florida. That will determine who wins those states and it will again go down to the wire as it did in 2012.
I cautioned a fellow Democrat a few weeks ago when he said that the race was over and Hillary would win in an electoral college landslide. I told him that it was premature to even go there. I said that we cannot take anything for granted.
All Trump has to do is continue to lie and divide Americans with fear. He will continue to refuse to release his tax returns. Hillary is running on the issues with real policies. Trump has smoke and mirrors.
I am proud to be volunteering for Hillary’s campaign. I saw Obama’s rally in Pennsylvania and it was wonderful to hear him give a full throated endorsement of her and also take down Trump. He also went after the media for the narrative that they have been promoting lately. He was brilliant.
If anyone wants to know what Hillary is made of, all they need to do is go watch the 11 hours of testimony she gave at the Congressional hearings last year. I was never more proud of her than I was watching her take on the republicans and come out triumphant. I never doubted that she would. She is tough and will stay in the fight.
Hillary was my choice eight years ago. After the primary I did support Obama. But now Hillary is my choice again. I am with her all the way and will work with the other great volunteers to make sure that she wins Florida.
I knew this would be a battle. But I believe that Hillary will be our next President and save us from the horror of a Trump presidency.
Kudos to you Nny!! I’m registered in Oregon. Oregon will vote Democratic because of the liberal populous counties in the Portland metro area — but my other home state, Idaho, is radically red. Well I’m not sure what the feeling is in the mostly Mormon Eastern Idaho counties. I’ve worked home health jobs in Idaho Falls/Rexburg area and can’t imagine the LDS bishops are thrilled about Trump but I think their “prophet” in Salt Lake City, Utah, is endorsing Trump. Boise is less Mormon and simply militant hate-Hillary / pro-Trump. Gad-Zukes!! To approach the subject of politics is to invite a loud Sermon about the Great Trump. Thank goodness for the electoral college! Idaho gets only 4 electoral votes
thanx for that rc. i’ve read some similar articles. but who knows!! what the fascist nut case said last night about her giving up her bodyguards so that people could take experimental pot shots at her will make him drop in the polls (you would hope!!) and also energise the people who don’t like hillary (there are a lot of those) but don’t want this maniac threatening the republic (also a lot). hillary has lost a huge amount of support among the millenials who voted in large numbers for obama and they should come back on side with comments like that and, perhaps even more importantly, the fact that bernie and elizabeth warren are going out on the stump to campaign for her. also obama and michelle will get people on board with their amazing passionate rhetoric.
At least you live in a very liberal state. It’s a big change being in Florida after relocating g from California. There is a lot of corruption in this state.
It has come out that Trump made an illegal donation to the campaign of Pam Bondi, when she was running for attorney general. Trump had to pay a fine to the IRS. Then she dropped the investigation into Trump university! What a coincidence!
I appreciated your link referencing the 1948 election. That happened before I was born, but my parents talked about it all the time. Dewey had a big lead and got complacent and Harry Truman wouldn’t quit and kept on fighting. It’s still considered one of the biggest upsets in our history. There is an iconic picture of Harry Truman holding a newspaper with the headline – Dewey Beats Truman! They were so sure about the result that they printed the paper’s edition before the results came in!
Democrats cannot be complacent or take anything for granted. I do think that the way trump handled the birther issue yesterday will fire up African Americans. Also, trump said last night that they should take away the guns from the Secret Service agents guarding Hillary. Why? Because according to Trump she hates guns and wants to get rid of them.
This is what Hillary is up against. Lies and distortions from Trump. He us sending out a dangerous message with code words and phrases, not do subtlely hinting at violence and taking the law into your own hands! Scary!
Did you see the interview Bernie Sanders gave yesterday? About how he didn’t want his children and grandchildren to live in a country with Trump as President? Go Bernie! He will be campaigning for Hillary this week!
I am working for the campaign later today. It makes me feel better to be doing something g, no matter how small!
You live in a very important battleground state, Nny! If I lived there I’d sign up to volunteer too! California has pockets of counties (thinking of around Redding and in the Sierra-Nevada foothills, like Sonora) that are pretty frightening. Sometimes I worry about California going Trump –it’s such an important state to win too; but then I remember LA and San Francisco. Washington State votes Democratic like Oregon – thanks to the dense liberal population in counties around Seattle and the Puget Sound area. Once you cross the Cascades in Oregon and Washington many counties are sparsely populated and Republican with some very Libertarian pockets – like Idaho, maybe worse. I’ve lived mostly in Portland but do traveling RN assignments in and around all four states. I’d go back to East Idaho sooner than a couple of places in the deep woods of California or Southern Oregon!
It’s interesting. Boise, Idaho is growing fast. You’d think it would be getting more diverse – but it remains as it is – Republican, Obama and Hillary hating territory, mostly white males and females. And they are sure that Donald Trump is the answer: he’s charming, he’s genius, he’s honest, successful ? and he’ll be good for the economy.
On a lighter note:
It’s a full moon in Pisces tonight.
When the Moon is in Pisces ?
Moon Pisces: We are not inclined to want to face reality while the Moon is in dreamy, impressionable Pisces. It can be a wistful, sensitive, intuitive, and compassionate time. We are especially imaginative, and our intuition reigns under this influence. Boundaries and walls come down, as Pisces energy merges and blends. It’s a time when details are overlooked and feelings defy description.
The Moon in Pisces generally favors the following activities: Imaginative undertakings, mystical or spiritual pursuits, inner development, music and drama, going on a retreat, activities involving water. ? ? ? https://cafeastrology.com/whenthemoonisin.html
Gee thanks, hawks. It’s true, skeezer from tx has the same bday as me. Alison’s is December 7. Will need a steamy Poldark scene or something Hugh Jackman. She likes Bangles – Abba.
Your dad is a Libra?
Went to find this song, since it somehow got in my head. And after all these years — (the lyrics are in the comment section) and the chant is: “That’s my soul up there” right?
had no idea…not what I’ve been singing hahaha
Podcast definitely worth a listen (as almost always with NPR’s TAL)…
599: Seriously?
OCT 21, 2016
Watching lies become the truth in this year’s election. And a few people who try to bridge the gap between the way the two sides see the facts.
OMG that NPR podcast and Salon article, worse yet, the comment section below the Salon article. Sickening. No words. ? Is this the best we can be? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI8TCA3fJcs
Then the last one from me today, I promise. His name I forget – his hit song(s?), I forget. But thanks to the internet, I have this song, “November” seriously. Au revoir, October… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QW4WXr_NLc
can’t even articulate anything that i feel it’s so bad.
brexit was bad but this is a million times worse.
one of the worst days of my life.
i honestly don’t know how a country like america could vote in a fascist moron who is a danger to the whole world.
sorry i should have said deepest commies to all our american friends here. rc, nny, benny, anyone else i may have forgotten as i’m not sure of their nationality and of course ricky. are you going to be emigrating to canada ricky? the bbc has reported that the canada immigration site has gone down it has so many hits on it!
sorry again for not saying this before. was kind of in shock tbh…still am….
almost everyone here in europe is thinking of you all as nearly all of us hate trump…
Thanks amy. I’m still in shock. Mortified and depressed that this could happen. No words right now. Just hearing that con artist and liar speaks makes my skin crawl. Maybe it won’t be as bad as I dread but right now I do wish there was a way for me to move to Canada. Just not feeling very well at all.
terribly sorry rc. i feel the same and i am not even american. it must be hell on earth for you.
i haven’t watched one minute of the election coverage as i literally cannot watch that shit. my whole nervous system just goes into spasm.
ever since comey rigged the election that friday i have been feeling ill and very anxious. but we have to be strong and resist what is going on. it’s the only way.
love and support from me and loads of horrified brits who stand with you. xxx
I haven’t been able to come on here to express my thoughts about this truly horrific and shameful election result. I know his dirty it was, since I was involved in working for hillary’s campaign in Florida.
We are watching a new-fascist movement that has taken over our government. I do not have polite words to express what I feeling now. This is a tragedy for this country and the worst thing I have seen in my lifetime.
Last night I thought to myself that I was grateful that my parents were not alive to see this shameful result. It wound have broken their hearts.
I hope that those abroad will pray for this country. I am thinking of the Supreme Court and what thiscoukc mean for that body.
I am ashamed of my country and those who voted for a man who spewed out such hateful rhetoric and lies. The people who voted for this despicable con artist will live to regret it when they realize that they have been conned.
I appreciate very much the words of sympathy and support from those here who live abroad. I am personally just devastated right now.
I am sorry for all the typos in my post above. I am exhausted from lack of sleep and still quite emotional. But even with the auto correct garbling, I think my feelings and emotions were very clear.
am terribly sorry nny. can’t even express what i feel i am so devestated and it is a thousand times worse for you.
comey threw this election and made america look like a banana republic.
i know that this must be awful for you but at least you can look yourself in the mirror and know you fought fascism which is what it is. it is shameful beyond belief that people aren’t calling it for what it is. so kudos to you.
thinking of you and love xxxx
Thanks so much for your kind words. I tried and so did a litchi f other people who volunteered for Hillary’s campaign. Many people understood the danger that Trump represented. He is a disgrace to humanity and for all his whining about a rigged system, with the Russians hacking into the Democratic Party and then Wikileaks dumping them the emails every day and then Comey writing that letter and then the revelation by Giuliani that they knew about it weeks in advance, it was clear that her was dirty stuff going on behind the scenes.
I am sick over it. Just heartsick. Trump was backed by these alt-right wing extremists who wanted to take over the country. Trump told people what they wanted to hear. All lies.
It’s truly a sad day. When I think of Trump threatening not to accept the outcome and not concede, it just makes me mad all over again.
As an American, I am truly disgusted and ashamed of those people who embraced a vile madman like Trump. Now the Republicans will dismantle all of the progress under Obama.
They say that we get the government that we deserve. For those who voted in anger for a lying despot, now they will reap what they have sown.
Thanks again for your wonderful words. It renews my faith in humanity.
? This is how I feel today.
just wish i could do more nny. the misogyny and violence heaped on hillary just beggars belief. the fbi was out to get her and i don’t believe that they investigated trump and his zillion criminal connections properly if at all, nor do i think they really bothered to look into his bizarre connections with putin. i don’t do conspiracy theories but i really do think that putin has many levers he can hold over him.
assange is a loathsome toad who i hate as much as trump. he’s hand in glove with putin and roger stone and company.
i mean seriously, what would you find if you hacked trump and his associates?! it would be mind-boggling in its level of corruption. there was just no level playing field.
am too shattered to write any sense but thinking of you and sending love again as i know this is awful beyond words for you to have to go through…xxxxxx
ps we have to stay strong and all fight this together.
NNY I just popped back here to say how sorry I am about this result. I know you were campaigning tirelessly for Hillary. It’s just awful. Huge hugs.
And hugs and commiserations to you too Ratcliff. Apparently the Canadian immigration site crashed with so many enquiries.
And, while I’m here, giving Amy a wave and a hug too.
You just put it into words so well! You really get what was going on. What they did to Hillary was just sickening.
I am with you in not being a conspiracy theorist, but the connection between Trump and Putin seems pretty clear. We also ejected someone who refused to reveal his taxes. Why? Because he is hiding something! The sense is that Trump has gotten money from Putin and is beholden to him. He also wanted to hide the fact that he has not paid federal income taxes for like 18 years!
Adds he needs to be extradited to face outstanding rape charges. He is a bottom feeder! He had some petty grudge against Hillary and decided to dump all those hacked emails. God only knows what we would have found if the Republican Party had their emails hacked!
The FBI was out to get Hillary. The standing policy is not to interfere with an election be revealing information that could top the scales. It’s frightening.
As you said, the misogyny and violent rhetorical was appalling. The disrespect for women was just so offensive.
They elected someone who set up
a fake university and cheated people, who did not pay contractors for work they did on his buildings, who refused to allow black people to live in his buildings, who bankrupted casinos and left the stockholders to deal with the mess.
There are going to be serious consequences for this country.
We have survived so much in the history of this country. But I don’t know how we will survive Trump.
Again, thanks for your words of support and encouragement. It helps.
I was referencing Assange, but it came out with auto correct as Adds! So I just wanted to clarify that I was talking about Assange, who is the lowest form of humanity!
hope you are feeling a bit better today nny?? am still feeling dreadful myself i have to say and scarcely capable of constructing a sentence through lack of sleep! just hope you are finding a way in yourself through all this…am struggling myself and it’s far worse for you…
Thanks so much for your words. You speak the truth! I cannot believe that people could be that ignorant! It’s scary!
I will get through this, but right now I am quite devastated.
Im from GB, but i really feel for the Americans right now, a sad day, sorry to RC as i cant begin to imagine how yourself and the rest of the Americans on the forum must be feeling
I’m glad checks and balances exists. That way trump might be prevented from doing anything extreme. I think the way he presented himself is awful and he really is just plain awful but I don’t think and I hope that congress makes sure trump behaves from now on. I don’t know if he really believed he was gonna win and now that he did he needs to stop being a buffoon. He’s said some awful things but hopefully for the next four years he’s just kind of there and doesn’t do anything crazy which I think will be the way it goes because congress will be able to prevent that. He’ll still say some horrible things because that’s who he is but hopefully not to an extreme extent.
The problem with the idea of checks and balances, is that tge House of Representatives and the Senate are controlled by Republicans. So there is no check on Trump. I think expecting the Republicans to check Trump if he goes too far, is not realistic. Now if the Democrats controlled one or both houses of Congress, that would be different.
We will have to hope that the Democrats will be the loyal opposition and conscience. But I am especially concerned about Republicans controlling both the Presidency and Congress. That is a scary prospect to me.
This Native Newyorker is proud to say that in NY tonight they are out in the streets demonstrating against Trump! They shut down 5th Avenue and are outside Trump Tower! Also protests in Philadelphia and Oakland, Ca.
“Also, let me be clear: Businessman Donald Trump was a bigot. Candidate Donald Trump was a bigot. Republican nominee Donald Trump was a bigot. And I can only assume that President Donald Trump will be a bigot.
It is absolutely possible that America didn’t elect him in spite of that, but because of it. Consider that for a second. Think about what that means. This is America right now: throwing its lot in with a man who named an alt-right sympathizer as his campaign chief.
How can I make sense of the fact that the president appeared in pornos?
How can I make sense of the fact that the man who will appoint the next attorney general has himself boasted of assaulting women? What will this president’s vaunted “law and order” program for “inner cities” look like in an age where minority communities are already leery of police aggression?
How do I make sense of the fact that a man who attacked a federal judge for his “Mexican heritage” will be the man who will nominate the next Supreme Court justice and scores of federal judges?
I can’t make it make sense because it doesn’t. I must sit with the absurdity of it.”
That said, it is impossible for me to fall in line behind an unrepentant bigot. It will be impossible for me to view this man participating in the pageantry and protocols of the presidency and not be reminded of how he is a demonstrated demagogue who is also a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and a bully.
That is not a person worthy of applause. That is a person who must be placed under unrelenting pressure. Power must be challenged, constantly. That begins today.”
I haven’t been focusing on tennis lately. I have been too involved with the election. There will be a time when I will once again b watch tennis. But now this is more important,
I don’t know how we are going to survive a monster like Trump.
one of the things that is most shocking to me is the numbers of college educated voters who voted for trump. it’s true that the only white group who voted as a majority for clinton were college educated women but college educated men voted for him in large numbers and the totals together are just ridiculous.
people keep talking about the similarites with brexit, which are overblown imo, but one massive difference is that university educated people regardless of race, gender, class and age voted overwhelmingly against brexit. does college educated in the states mean what university educated does here??
i find it utterly incomprehensible that so many people who were well educated would vote with their eyes open for a fascist moron. what for? for tax cuts? you offset tax cuts against someone who has the nuclear codes and will destroy the enviroment, who will set off race riots and on and on….that is so mean and small and craven and nakedly greedy that i can’t get my head around it.
shame on them. they are worse than people who voted for fascism in weimar. in weimar people were in utter poverty and desperate.
also, those in weimar didn’t have the luxury of history that we have where we know the outcome of their mistakes. am sure these americans who voted for trump like to think they are the good guys still but they absolutely are not.
talking of cnn did you see the much aired extract from the wonderful van jones talking about a white lash?? very moving and upsetting.
i really don’t know how to react to all this. a lot of people are trying to normalise it but i think it is fasicsm and that we shouldn’t do so. very very upset.
i still reckon that comey and the fbi leaks in the last week threw the result. nate silver analysed the numbers and said that if only 1 person in a 100 switched their vote to the dems they would have won in florida, wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania.
what happened in the last week was easily enough to lose 1 in a 100 dem votes probably more. especially as there were a lot of undecided voters and those broke overwhelmingly for trump ie they made their minds up at the last minute against a background of endless negative reports for hillary.
people can analyse all they want about cultural shifts or whatever but those are the bare facts. ie they would have won albeit narrowly and none of this discussion would be going on.
trump’s victory is going to entrench racist politics in the gop. but less people voted for him than either mccain or romney. it was the drop off in the dem vote that was the real factor.
and not enough is being written about how the republicans used voter suppression tactics of taking people off the register or cutting early polling sites in dem areas. in one dem area in north carolina they cut them from 27 to 1. people in poor areas had to wait 3/4 hours to vote. again, there is your missing one in a hundred which swung things.
i honestly think most of the republican party is evil.
I just read online that the Russians have now admitted that they were in contact with the Trump campaign all along! So now the truth comes out! We know now that this election was rigged with help from the Russians! Cute that it came out today!
Also, I was well aware of the voter suppression tactics used by the Repubicans to drop minorities from voting. These are Republican controlled states. They did go to court to get the thousands of black voters who were purged from the voting rolls reinstated. They did win and the judge ordered them to reinstate those voters. But the question is how many of those people were able to vote in time. It is true that they did close polling places in North Carolina. They have done it in Ohio, too.
It’s an old fascist tactic to accuse your opponent of the very thing you are doing. That is what trump did in saying that the election was rigged. Yes and the Republicans rigged it!
People were demonstrating all night long in cities like Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington and Chicago.
Hillary win the popular vote! So it’s not like Brexit at all! The electoral college is where she lost. Does anyone think fir a minute that trump would have conceded the election if he won the popular vote?
I finally believe that the FBI threw this election. Guiliani even saud that they knew about it for weeks. He said on FOX news that they had a few things up their sleeve.
You are right that this is worse than the Weimar vote. Those people were suffering with a world wide depression. What is the excuse for the morons who voted for Trump?
This is fascism in America! Now we know that we don’t t even have free elections in America. The whole idea was to rig this election with the help of the FBI.
I am also disgusted with the women who voted for Trump. College educated? Really?
The figures from Nate Silver tell the story because the truth is that the election was close. it’s not like Trump got a mandate even with the rigging,
I am so ashamed of the Americans who gave in to their worst impulses and voted for this abominable man.
Detroit Pistons’ Stan Van Gundy goes off on Trump: ‘Brazenly racist’
“We have just thrown a good part of our population under the bus, and I have problems with thinking that this is where we are as a country. It’s tough on (the team), we noticed it coming in. Everybody was a little quiet, and I thought, ‘Well, maybe the game the other night.’ And so we talked about that, but then Aron Baynes said, ‘I don’t think that’s why everybody’s quiet. It’s last night.’
“It’s just, we have said — and my daughters, the three of them — our society has said, ‘No, we think you should be second-class citizens. We want you to be second-class citizens. And we embrace a guy who is openly misogynistic as our leader.’ I don’t know how we get past that.
“We just elected an openly, brazen misogynist leader and we should keep our mouths shut and realize that we need to be learning maybe from the rest of the world, because we don’t got anything to teach anybody.
“It’s embarrassing. I have been ashamed of a lot of things that have happened in this country, but I can’t say I’ve ever been ashamed of our country until today. Until today. We all have to find our way to move forward, but that was — and I’m not even trying to make a political statement. To me, that’s beyond politics.
“You don’t get to come out and talk about people like that, and then lead our country and have millions of Americans embrace you. I’m having a hard time being with people. I’m going to walk into this arena tonight and realize that — especially in this state — most of these people voted for the guy. Like, (expletive), I don’t have any respect for that. I don’t.
“And then you read how he was embraced by conservative Christians. Evangelical Christians. I’m not a religious guy, but what the hell Bible are they reading? I’m dead serious. What Bible are you reading? And you’re supposed to be — it’s different. There are a lot of different groups we can be upset at. But you’re Christians. You’re supposed to be — at least you pride yourself on being the moral compass of our society. And you said, ‘Yeah, the guy can talk about women like that. I’m fine with that.’ He can disparage every ethnic group, and I’m fine with that.
“Look, I don’t get it. And I’m having a hard time taking it. I’m just glad that the people I’m with here — and I’ll include you guys, too — that I like. Because I’m going to have a hard time. I will say, one point of pride, I live in Oakland County, Michigan, and I was surprised, but Oakland County voted for Clinton. At least I can look around say, ‘We weren’t the ones putting that guy in office.’
“It’s incredible. I don’t know how you go about it, if you’re a person of color today or a Latino. Because white society just said to you, again — not like we haven’t forever — but again, and emphatically, that I don’t think you deserve equality. We don’t think you deserve respect. And the same with women. That’s what we say today, as a country. We should be ashamed for what we stand for as the United States today.
“That’s it for me. I don’t have anything to say about the game tonight.”
NNY: Just wanted to let you know have been thinking about you this past few weeks. Knew you were very active in helping with Clinton’s campaign. I remember after Brexit saying to you hoped it would serve as a lesson and America wouldn’t make the same mistake
Well they did and now America, and the rest of the world, have to live with it. Here in France there is a similar scenario looming. We are faced with the very real prospect of a National Front (i.e Fascist) President in the form of Marine le Pen who will almost certainly get an increased share of the vote because Trump has proved the establishment can be brought down. Mind you unlike the States there is no credible alternative candidate against her. She and Donald Duck will get on like a house on fire!!!!!!
Thanks for your words of support. I am having a very difficult time dealing with this. It’s not like I haven’t lived through a lot in my lifetime. I am not a youngster! LOL! But I honestly have never experienced anything as bad as this.
I know that I did my part to help Hillary and stop this madman from getting elected. On election night I was texting with a friend I made while working for Hillary. We were trying to comfort each other all night as it got worse and worse. Neither of us was able to go to sleep.
Talking with people helps, because I am still struggling to grasp what has happened. Also, the wonderful words of comfort and support from people in here like Amy and Hawkeye and now you has helped enormously.
I was so proud watching the people all over America demonstrating and protesting last night. Even in my former home of Los Angeles, they stopped traffic on the freeway in protest. That is what this country is all about.
We must stay strong and fight back against Trump. We have to believe that the Democrats will be a loyal opposition.
I almost lost it when Hillary made her. Her concession speech. I am proud that I worked for her and would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
I am aware of the upcoming election in France. I have been following the news in that. These are indeed scary times with right wing neo-fascist movements.
The people behind Trump are right wing extremists of the worst kind. Dangerous people with a reactionary agenda.
I fear for what may happen to this country. I am so ashamed of the ignorant people who voted for this wretched man.
The violent rhetoric, the threats and innuendo and hatespeak from Trump, has been sickening. The racism, bigotry and misogyny have all been appalling.
I am more ashamed and embarrassed than ever in my entire lifetime.
Right now on tv they are showing a protest in San Francisco by college students. I think n this is only the beginning.
Thank you so much for thinking of me! Your words mean so much.
Well, we are not having any protests here in Florida! Don’t worry! I am not going to do anything like that!
I am just glad to see Americans excercising their freedom! It’s important!
Now it’s starting to settle in and there is the realization that we will see some changes that are not in the best interests of the people. The Supreme Court could be influenced for a generation with Trump now being able to appoint someone to replace Scalia. We have to hope that the older justices will hang in there another four years.
The consequences of this election will be far reaching.
NNY: I’ve tried to log on using my real name, but this site won’t let me so I’m trying this old nom de plume.
I just wanted to send you huge hugs and sympathy. I know how hard you worked for Hilary. This result is terrible, a sexist, homophobic, racist in the White House, it just beggars belief.
Keep strong my dear.
And hugs to Ratcliffe too, indeed all Americans who are hurting right now.
amazing song by an amazing lyricist. rip cohen. utter genius.
what a terrible year this is turning out to be.
why are out great artists dying when we need them most??
My older brother introduced me to his music in the late 80’s. His music and poetry resonates in me. And Cohen will always remind me of the wonderful, influential, soul, my late brother.
We should keep in mind that Hillary won the popular vote. That is important. It’s not like Trump won this big mandate. He told people what they wanted to hear, played on their fears and used divide and conquer tactics.
I actually think that I will retire from politics after this debacle. I am just so disgusted over what happened. But then I heard Elizabeth Warren last night on tv and she said we have to volunteer and stay involved and fight. I just don’t know if I am up to it anymore.
I heard on tv that there are protests in Palm Beach County here in Florida. But I have no intention of going anywhere near it. No way am I getting involved in that.
Thanks for the encouragement! But things are going to be very bad in this country and there is no way to get around that.
I’m mostly retired from being shot at with rubber bullets and tear-gased. But I haven’t been involved enough. I was far too overconfident that Hillary would make it. After this depression lifts a little more I’m determined to get involved. Trump’s nominating Giuliani, Ryan, Christie, Gingrich, all kinds of scary and repulsive minds. Plus they will have both House and Senate AND they are determined to control the Supreme Court Bench. I’m not sure why Obama couldn’t push through a decent nominee — there’s been plenty of time for it. We’ll have a Supreme Court dominated by Bush and Trump nominees – lord.
Obama couldn’t push through his Supreme Court nominee because the Republucan controlled Senate and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stonewalled. They made it clear that they would not consider his nominee until after the election. Do their obstructionism paid off. There was nothing Obama could have done. That’s why the opportunity for the Democrats to get control of the Senate was considered so important. If Hillary won, then she would need a Democratic controlled Senate to approve her nominee. But neither of those things happened.
I did get involved in the campaign because I thought it was important to stop Trump and the spread of neo-fascism in this country. Now there are already disturbing reports of acts of violence and vandalism directed at minorities. White supremacist groups who have operated on the fringes are feeling emboldened by Trump’s victory.
I was going to just withdraw from any activism, but I do not want to make any decisions right now when I am still emotional and trying to process this election, I am too old to get involved in demonstrations and protests. Goodness knows I did enough of that when I was younger with the Vietnam war.
But I am listening to Michael Moore and Elizabeth Warren. They are urging people to get involved in volunteering for organizations. They mentioned Planned Parenthood. I would be willing to volunteer to help that organization. People do need to get involved in communities, especially young people.
We have to stay in the fight in whatever way possible. I think the Trump and the Republicans will do enormous damage to the progress that has been made in the last eight years.
The people who do foolishly voted for Trump and believed his lies, will soon find out that they have been played for suckers.
At this time, I just can’t get that excited about tennis. I am anxious to see Rafa back in action and look forward to the new year, but for now I am very worried for this country.
Planned Parenthood is one of the many vital social services and organizations that we risk losing. And that’s a great idea. Yes, I listen to Democracy Now with Amy Goodman. Also follow Elizabeth Warren and of course, Bernie, David Packman, Free speech TV, ect. Other passions are climate change, ending addiction to fossil fuels, no fracking, no pipeline in North Dakota – no Keystone pipeline, give us a healthcare system all of us can afford and is more accessible, humanitarian than the pritvatized greed and profit focused. There’s just a lot…I could go on and on…
There’s a strong urge in me to pack my car and drive to North Dakota for the protest there right now…
Thanks for reminding me what happened to Obama’s chance at making a Supreme Court nomination. Dang it. My initial urge was to flee the country altogether but going somewhere safe to hide and tuning out, isn’t me, Nny.
Sean Randall has a history of being pro-Trump Orange and there are too many Trump supporters there whom I don’t have anything to say to about tennis and definitely don’t want to engage them when they want to ridicule climate change. Bah, it’s not worth the time.
Right on! We need people like you here to continue the fight!
After reading about the analysis and stats from the election results, I am actually encouraged. It is disturbing to realize that people who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012, voted for Trump in this election. it is equally disturbing that 53% of white women voted for Trump! Also, we did not get the turnout that we had in 2008 and 2012. Democrats are going to have to get off their butts when big issues are at stake in elections, including mid-term elections.
The margin of victory in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania was razor thin. One problem was the people who voted for Obama crossing over to vote for Trump and Hillary underperforming with lower turnout in those states. Trump did not do as well as Romney in 2012 in Wisconsin, but Hillary did even worse. These states should have been a lock again for Democrats. But it’s not like Trump won them by big margins. It’s like he tapped into some great majority of working class voters who gave him a mandate.
We have to remember that this was still a close election. Hillary won the popular vote! So Democrats should not panic or feel desperate or like we have to reinvent the wheel. Trump used fear and divisiveness, hatred and bigotry to win this election. He also had help from Putin and the Russians in hacking into the DNC and Podesta’s emails and then Wikileaks dumping them in October. The Trump campaign was also getting leaks and info from the NY FBI office about the emails found on Anthony Weiner’s computer. Rudy Guiliani said flat out on FOX news that they knew about it and even expected the news to come out sooner. He also said in a interview – we’ve got a few things up our sleeve!
Trump made his own rules, never revealed his taxes, lied and used every dirty tactic in the book to manage to get this victory. But those people who bought his lies will soon realize that they were conned. He will not bring back jobs. He will not make their lives better.
The Republicans successfully obstructed and refused to even hold hearings on Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court. It’s what they do. It stinks, but we have to keep the faith and stay in the fight. We can cone out of this stronger and work to take back this country.
You could get involved with a climate change organization or any other cause that you believe in. Democrats also need to work on the grass roots level to elect progressive people at the state and local level.
To you from Margot: she sends her commiserations and hugs
“I tried to log on to tenngrand to give NNY and yourself indeed big commiserations and hugs, but I couldn’t so have them now and please pass them onto NNY.
ooooo =hugs ” Margot, Tennis-x.
The clip below shows Trump on climate change. Hoping he will flip his opinion once he becomes more informed…if he’ll listen. Meanwhile, not willing to wait and see — here’s where I’ll protest — my Pacific North Westerner, Native American, tree hugging spirit compels me to do something. Obama didn’t have the moxie to do enough; Hillary: I was banking would and could accomplish more, but that boat has sailed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XNiwBpGX-A
I don’t go near tennis-x, so if you could just let Margot know that I got her message from you! Tell her thanks so much! It’s much needed right now.
I think that I am okay, and then it hits me all over again. Bad news about climate change I just read online. They are saying that Trump will scrap the landmark Paris climate change deal. He’s trying to find a way to pull out of it.
God help us all.
Will do. But I only post there on the WTA threads. I can’t stand that place either!
Sometimes I feel energized and ready to fight (yesterday) other days, like today, I wake up in tears.
i really feel for you guys. my consciousness has been completely invaded by this for a long time now – so much so i can hardly work. and i am not even american so it is far worse for you.
but i also feel very angry with my fellow brits going complacently about their business and not doing anything. we should all be out on the streets standing together against fascism.
oh and tennis -x really stinks. went and had a look and the racism and misogyny on display there was just disgusting.
incredible ignorance on display.
Thanks, amy. Big virtual hugs to you. I’m in bad shape at the moment. It all hit me this weekend — and I dread, truly dread this Trump cabinet/administration – with wacko Pence for VP, full Republican majority in House and Senate…Supreme Court in their pocket. It’s a nightmare.
i know what’s going on rc. have been reading the american press obsessively for months. it’s an utter utter horror story.
was saying to a friend on friday that i actually kind of wish i was in america and able to actually do something. feel terribly impotent and shackled. he agreed and we are going to try and do things here writing to mps and so on.
big virtual hugs to you as well. you and nny have my love and support xxx
Maybe I’m feeling a little more energetic today. Watching Fed Cup helps. Karolina and Kiki giving their all out there is a nice distraction
Zukes! pleas delete on of the above posts — 1000 kisses, Ricky! thanks
Sorry about that. This is what I was trying to post as my last one this morning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46cSksKVzzs
Thanks, Nadline. I looked forever for the live version of Hallelujah from 1985. and then had a hard time watching this Fed Cup thriller between Kiki and Karolina AND posting a dang link right – sorry. Ricky can you please delete 2 of those 3 links to 1000 kisses deep? Great song but not even my favorite. Like him singing it.
This Match is never going to end….well, it will be sad to see one of them, Kiki or Karolina, lose!
I don’t know if anyone saw it, but SNL opened its show last night with Kate McKinnon singing “Hallelujah”. Then after she was done, she looked in the camera and said – “I’m not giving up and neither should you!”
What a great way to start that show after what happened!
I love your passion! We are going to have to stay strong in this country. Even as Hillary’s popular vote total continues to increase. She is now ahead by almost 2,000,000 votes!
The young people in this country are going to have to wake up and realize that they must be active and involved. Their lives will be affected the most. They cannot take legal abortion for granted. For minorities, they cannot afford to take voting rights for granted. People must be involved and get out and vote!
Women have to vote for their own interests. Young people have to stop voting for third party candidates!
Democrats are not united right now. I also have to say as a liberal, If we move too far to the left then we will cede the center to the Republicans. That is not the answer. I am a bit concerned about comments from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders about working with Trump. Do they really think that it’s going to be possible to do the truth someone like Trump who ran such a hateful campaign? He is surrounded by some lunatic right wing fringe people in his inner circle. We are seeing graffiti with swastikas in parts of the country!
Anyone who thinks we can work with someone like Trump is living in a fool’s paradise!
I really appreciate the support from people like you on the other side of the pond!
I feel good for a while and then reality hits me again. I am heartsick over this and fear for this country.
i sincerely hope that bernie and warren are not going to work with him. the gop obstructed obama at every turn and trump refused to admit his legitimacy.
you can’t work with fascists. michael moore has it right that people must fight them at every opportunity.
it is very disturbing that fascist farage has been over to see trump and that breitbart bannon has invited marine le pen over to meet them. that looks like they are aiming for a kind of international fascist alliance. no doubt allied with putin.
so we have to fight. there is way way too much normalisation of all this here and we have to do something about it.
i am very upset and know it is far worse for you and rc. hugs.xxx
I wasn’t too thrilled to see that guy Farage come to this country to meet with Trump. People like Steve Bannon are really on the very fringes of the right wing. They come up with all these conspiracy theories about the Clintons and whoever. This guy Roger Stone who was working with the Trump campaign early on, is another nutcase. Trump has done dangerous people around him in his inner circle who have an agenda.
I hope that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders temper their comments about working with Trump. There is no reason to think that he will back off of his stated agenda. The GOP certainly is not going to back off!
The people demonstrating in the streets across America are making their voices heard. They are not about trying to work with Trump.
This is a neo-Fascist movement that is spreading across countries and it has to be stopped. We know what happened in 1930’s Germany. We cannot let history repeat itself.
My father was with the American troops who liberated the concentration camps of Dachau and Bergen-Belsen. He was in counter intelligence and interrogated the Nazi prisoners of war. He learned to speak German fluently. He also photographed the atrocities in the concentration camps to be used as evidence in the Nuremberg trials. He saw fascism up close and personal and never forgot it.
My mother told my sister and I when we little never to ask our father about the war. When we were a few years older and could understand, then she told us about it. But my father never spoke about it when we were growing up.
When we were much older and adults, there were times when he would talk about what he saw, but it was very hard for him. Sometimes he would just stop and not continue. He told us as much as he could, but there were some things he just could not bring himself to talk about. It was horrific to hear the details and watch how painful it was for my father to relive it. But one time ge told me that he wanted me to remember and tell others so that it would never happen again.
My father would be devastated to see swastikas on graffiti in this country and the rise of fascism. I am grateful that he is not alive to see this.
I could not be more proud of my former state of residence! Although originally from New York, I spent a good deal of my adult life in Los Angeles. I am not surprised at this statement. California is one of the most progressive states in this country. It is living proof the Democratic economic and social policies do work!
Bravo to California!
I needed this, because I read online that Trump is going to deport 2 to 3 million immigrants. There have been many disturbing incidents of threats and even physical violence against minorities. Racist threats texted to university students.
Trump is going to a point right winger Steve Bannon as his Chief Strategist. It’s getting worse every day.
We are going to be tested as never before in the coming days. I hope that we have the strength to meet this grave challenge.
“If you were surprised by the outcome of the U.S. presidential election, you might want to brace yourself for the cartwheels of change about to roll across Europe.”
The saddest thing about that link above regarding the upcoming elections in Europe and the very real possibility of right wing groups coming to power, is that America was once regarded as living proof that freedom
and democracy were still strong.
Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves.
For the record, I just wanna say anyone that voted Trump or didn’t bother to try to vote (that was eligible) is an idiot and a big part of the problem. WTF were you thinking??? Now I see how Nazi Germany happened…
Steve ‘Turn on the Hate’ Bannon, in the White House
Anyone holding out hope that Donald Trump would govern as a uniter — that the racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and nativism of his campaign were just poses to pick up votes — should think again.
In an ominous sign of what the Trump presidency will actually look like, the president-elect on Sunday appointed Stephen Bannon as his chief White House strategist and senior counselor, an enormously influential post.
Many if not most Americans had never heard of Mr. Bannon before this weekend, and for good reason: He has kept a low profile, even after taking over Mr. Trump’s campaign in August. Before that, he worked as the executive chairman of the Breitbart News Network, parent company of the far-right website Breitbart News, which under Mr. Bannon became what the Southern Poverty Law Center has called a “white ethno-nationalist propaganda mill.”
Mr. Bannon himself seems fine with that description, telling Mother Jones last summer that Breitbart was now “the platform for the alt-right,” a loosely organized group of mostly young men who believe in white supremacy; oppose immigration, feminism and multiculturalism; and delight in harassing Jews, Muslims and other vulnerable groups by spewing shocking insults on social media.
Reiner went on to call the president-elect a “moron,” singling out reporter Leslie Stahl for providing a platform to Trump while simultaneously lobbing softball questions to him.
“That man is in the White House now, and the press normalized him,” Reiner said. “They normalized him for a long, long time. And that’s a disgrace.”
I think that the cable tv news media has normalized Trump. They have been the classic enablers. They wanted the ratings and broadcast Trump’s maniacal ranting and raving at rallies. They did not bother to hold him to account for his many falsehoods, exaggerations and flat out lies. They did not pound away every day about his refusal to reveal his tax returns.
With the likes of Bannon as Chief Strategist, there will be nothing normal in this administration!
It’s like the lunatics are running the asylum. It’s not pretty!
Thanks for those links. I think that the print media did do a good job of digging for important information about Trump. But the cable tv news media has truly been an embarrassment.
The media better get ready to be kept in the dark. Trump is not going to give them access. There will be more attempts to limit the press by the Trump administration.
This is only the beginning. The biggest reveal is the appointment of Bannon. He is a man with repugnant views and who is dangerous. There has been a lot of outrage, but I really don’t know why anyone is surprised.
Scary times ahead, especially about “opening up” libel laws against the media…
@TheDailyShow 3m3 minutes ago
Trevor calls out the similarities between Donald Trump and the corrupt President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma. http://on.cc.com/2fE6PED
So much for draining the swamp! Trump’s administration IS the swamp!
Bernie Sanders said that Trump is already going back on his promises by getting lobbyists and insiders connected with the Koch brothers in positions of power.
I still cannot believe that people bought Trump’s lies! Putting one of the one percent in charge is simply insanity!
Whatever lies Trump told everyone, they just followed along like sheep!
It’s evident that those who supported Trump didn’t care what he said, promised, or intended to hold him to a standard of anything! He’ll do what’s best for himself…that’s Trump — because of course what’s best for himself is best for the world. He’ll appoint a cast of characters to suit his perverse and twisted needs. Can’t really expect anything else from this… guy. Expect the unexpected – he’s too thin skinned anyway. If someone close to him slips up or Trump changes his mind about something – poof! they’ll be gone – Henry the VIII style.
Hahahha…the sketch from SNL. I’m gonna go grab a xanax from the bedroom…what a night to forget!
Trevor nailed it in the CC episode….http://on.cc.com/2fE6PED
And some would falsely equate THIS to an e-mail server….
One of the president-elect’s most concerning campaign suggestions could soon become a terrifying reality.
hen asked how it would differ from the forced registration of Jewish people, Trump’s response similarly came up short. “You tell me,” he repeatedly told reporters. But now, as Trump prepares to take over the White House, the president-elect is assembling a team of immigration hardliners and extremists who can—and want to—turn the billionaire’s most terrifying ideas into reality.
Even at this early stage, we are likely catching a glimpse of what life will be like under President Trump. With the president-elect already showing signs of waning interest in the job, it is safe to say that advisers like Kobach—who, according to New York, is rumored to be a top contender for attorney general—will play an expanded role in policymaking and have unrivaled influence over the executive branch. And Kobach is already putting his mind to work on proposals to keep the future president happy. Confronted with the possibility that Congress could hamper Trump’s plans for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, Kobach has devised a strategy to circumvent Capitol Hill, employing an executive order to direct funds from the Department of Homeland Security’s budget to pay for its construction. Checks and balances, after all, are no match for a good loophole.
I have nightmares of what is to come. Will the Trump administration ultimately make immigrants wear yellow stars the way they did in Nazi Germany with the Jews?
Seeing graffiti like – Heil Trump – is not reassuring!
The GOP is talking about privatizing Medicare! They will get rid of Obamacare.
Then we have Trump going out for dinner in New York the other night with video of him telling the other wealthy patrons – tax cuts, tax cuts! Music to their ears! Tax cuts for the rich!
As has been said, there is no fixing stupid! The people who voted for him so recklessly, will also bear the brunt of it. That’s what happens when you elect someone who won’t release his tax returns!
Don’t believe his tax returns would have made any difference slowing this hate train nny.
The 47% that were healthy and capable of voting and didn’t bother plus the 24% that voted Orange Hitler are too stupid to understand actual facts. They are either basically too ignorant, selfish, full of hate or all of the above.
“I am embarrassed by the reaction of the Irish government to what has happened in America. I can’t believe the reaction from An Taoiseach and from the government.”
“I don’t use the term fascist lightly. What else would you call someone who threatens to imprison his political opponents. What else would you call somebody who threatens to not allow people of a certain political faith into their country. What would you say, or what would you call somebody who was threatening to report 10 million people.”
“I am appalled that a member of this house – a female member of this house – went on social media to congratulate this man.”
“When are we going to have the moral courage to speak in terms other than economy all the time and to realize what is happening.”
WATCH: Senator launches stinging attack at government’s reaction to ‘monster’ and ‘fascist’ Trump
Comment written well before #OrangeFuhrer announced his candidacy…
“We want to believe an entire society cannot be kept in the dark about a secret so horrific.
None of this is meant to deny the collective guilt of the German people for the Holocaust. The entire German nation accepts the blame for what happened in their name, because they knowingly elected a leader who had hatred as part of his agenda and allowed themselves to swear allegiance to a single person. They accept that German persons committed these actions. But it is not something the German people by and large gave implicit and knowing consent to, rather a tacit and largely ill-informed failure to act to the contrary that allowed this evil the fertile soil in which to grow.
There are lessons here for today if we care to or dare to look. If we choose to believe it cannot happen here, that we are sophisticated enough to recognize the truth and the propaganda, we fool ourselves. We are always as close as one election cycle from electing the sorts of persons who would take actions as radically contrary to our spiritual beliefs as the full extent of the Holocaust was to the majority of Germans in their time. If we do not truly understand the propaganda machine, how it operated to keep Germans patriotic and motivated to continue a hopeless war to the bitter end, then we are putting ourselves in a position to be victimized by that exact mechanism. We believe such a unified and controlled message impossible to achieve, yet growing percentages of our populations are split into ideological camps who accept only the spoon-fed version of events: WMD, homeland security, torture, mass surveillance, some mysterious “them” who are against a monolithic “us” and if you don’t agree then you are stupid at best and a traitor most likely, a danger to society, perhaps we should re-write or laws on euthanasia… These are current day to day headlines, eerily similar to what happened in Hitler’s Germany.”
I wrote a post last week about my father’s experience during WWII. He would eventually tell me about how he and his fellow American soldiers marched to the concentration camps and how re could smell the stench of burning flesh. The Nazis knew the Allies were coming and started killing even more people. They also tried to destroy evidence of their war crimes. I will never forget the look in my father’s eyes as he spoke about it. I realized that he was looking off in the distance because he was reliving it. I have never seen a look like that in his eyes.
What he and the other soldiers saw when they liberated the concentration camps, was something that they never could have been prepared to see. Some soldiers were so outraged that they executed Nazi officers on the spot. My father did not do that.
However, there were German towns near the concentration camps and they could smell the carnage. They knew what was going on. One story my father told me was how his commanding officer had his men go to the nearest town and round up the citizens and march them to the concentration camp. They made them walk through and forced them to look at the atrocities. My father only told me this story once and it took him 40 years to tell it. I did see a documentary a few years ago and it was just as my father said .
The German people did know what was going on. Those concentration camps were not in the middle of nowhere where. There were towns nearby.
My father had to stay behind with the occupation forces for about a year. He came himself be with a deep hatred for the German people. I know that all of them did not know, but many did.
I remember another story my father told me about how they were in this village and his commanding officer went to a house and wanted to get breakfast. My father had learned to speak fluent German and he ordered this woman to make him breakfast. Then his commander was going to eat it and my father stopped him. Then he pointed his gun at the woman and told her to eat it first. he did not trust her. So he wanted to make sure that she would not poison his commander. That is he felt about the German people. He would never set foot in Germany again after he was finally sent home. Rightly or wrongly, his experiences left him with a deep contempt for the German people.
Of course, he despised Hitler and his fellow Nazis. He never forgot.
This is something that I would not normally discuss. It’s intensely private and emotional for me. My father’s experiences in WWII really affected my life. I could see what it had done to him. How hard it was on the rare occasions when he would even talk about what he had seen.
I know that if my father was alive, what is happening in this country would have made him sick. He always worried about fascism coming back in Germany. But I don’t think he ever thought it would come here.
I am with you in being concerned for the world. This neo-fascism seems to be spreading. Each day seems to bring a new horror in this country. The rise in hate crimes and the graffiti with swastikas and racist words. It’s quite scary.
There seems to be so much fear now in this country. It’s painful to see. The election of Sessions to be the next Attorney General is sending shock waves. What a cast of characters!
I thought Bannon was the worst, but I fear there is more to come. All I know is that this country has always stood for something in this world. People should remember the words on the Statue of Liberty. Weren’t we a country who once welcomed the tired, the poor, those yearning to be free? Aren’t those the words there? So what happened?
Just when I think I might be okay, it just hits me all over again. I want to cry, but I can’t.
I appreciate your sentiments and the things you have posted, along with others. It helps to know that there are people who care and who see what is happening and are not okay with it.
You’ll like us – Just think Hawaii will be part of Canada and other new provinces California, Cascadia, New England and Great Lakes We want Parlimentary Democracy and Trudeau. We’ll build a wall to keep out the Orange Fuhrer. We come in peace. Oh Canada! New hockey teams…
Great Lakes, the new name of the Canadian Province of Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois. Maybe not all of Illinois. Chicago and and lakefront property tho. Also might need to carve up part of Minnesota, too. And Washington, and Oregon would be sliced off East of the Cascades in each case.
Kei’s mind is elswhere…not sure he can pay attention long enough to win this match.
I think most of population of Nevada (Las Vegas and Reno) wants to come along too. And on that Daily Kos blog, the there were some Coloradans making a case to come along.
Thanks for your kind words. I struggled over whether to post about my father’s experience during the war. It is intensely personal for me. I am grateful that my father was able to tell me about the atrocities that he saw and documented. I was always aware of how painful it was for him to relive those memories. I remember the time when hex was finally ready to talk about what he photographed and documented, the actual horrors that he saw. How the people were told that they would be taking a shower and they were all herded into these chambers and gassed to death. He told me im detail how they died. The Zyklon B gas that made them die an agonizing death. He would talk about it as if he still could not believe that it happened. I could see the look in his eyes, the horror as he spoke about men, women and even children herded into those chambers like animals. Then he slowly and in a very low voice, he described in detail the atrocities. I can’t recount them here. It was so horrifying to hear it and I can’t bring myself to write it down here.
After my father has told me what he saw, he looked off in the distance and just said – I’ve seen too much, in the saddest voice I ever heard. He kept repeating it over and over. Then I walked into another room and broke down and cried,
He wanted me to know so that I would remember and tell people. He did not want it to ever happen again.
I am not saying that this will happen in our country. But Trump getting elected and the rhetoric from him and those close to him is classic fascism. There is simply no getting around it.
I am trying to stay strong and ready myself fir the battles that lie ahead. This is a dark time for us. We must NOT normalize Trump and his words of hatred, bigotry and misogyny!
just to echo what rc said nny. i read back a long way through the comments on this thread and saw you had left a post for me on the same subject. am really sorry that i haven’t read it before as i haven’t been on site for a while and only commented on the match yesterday while not reading here.
it’s immensely generous of you to let us hear these personal stories to do with your father and i am very moved by them. thanks so much!
a light in this awful darkness….xxxx
i am half english half czech. one of my czech relatives was murdered by the nazis for trying to help someone who was jewish and who was being herded up like cattle by the gestapo.
Thanks again for your wonderful words. I have been thinking about my father a lot since the election. In some ways, I feel that I should share his experiences, because that was part of his reason for deciding to share what he saw. He wanted people to never forget.
My maternal grandmother’s family had to get out of Russia before the revolution. She vine from Kiev. They were being persecuted and it was getting dangerous. She had a big family, with eight brothers and sisters. One brother decided to stay behind in Russia with his family. He was a pianist. When I was little, I remember hearing my grandmother talking about trying to find him. They didn’t know if he survived the war. Finally she did find out that he and his family were killed. It was devastating for her. My mother told me years later about what happened. It was Babi Yar, an infamous massacre of people in the Ukraine. The Nazis just rounded them up and killed them all, men, women and children. My grandmother couldn’t talk about it.
The Nazis killed 34,000 people there. They rounded them up and brought them to these ravines and shot them and then they would fall into the ravine and pile up on each other.
I tried once to watch a YouTube video of it, but I was overcome and had to stop. Somehow there was secret footage that was taken and smuggled out. It was just too much.
I am grateful that my grandparents got out of Russia before it was too late.
nny, i am pretty sure i have seen the footage from babi yar…there was an incredible documentary series here on the war a while ago and there was footage from just about everywhere. it was utterly gut-wrenching. i will never cease to be amazed at man’s inhumanity to man.
thank you so much again for sharing these memories…as i said before they are very moving and a source of strength.
#we shall overcome
thinking of you in these dark times xx
Ancestors on my mom’s side came over from England and France; were early American settlers, some of whom apparently lived with native Americans and survived traumatic times on the East Coast, moved to the wild west of Kansas, then Montana, Idaho, and Oregon. They were sailors, cooks, bartenders, shopkeepers, minors, saloon ladies, railroad workers, teachers, WW1 vets, WW2 vets who came back from the trenches “shell-shocked” and addicted (I relate most to the story about a thrill-seeking, adventurous great, great aunt from Billings, Montana). Many of them ended up in Rehab, but some (both parents) were smart enough to get college degrees, two brothers, one sister, an uncle who has a doctorate in Art History, a cousin who teaches sociology at Washington State University. All my life I’ve felt moved and connected to the stories of the Nez Perce Indians. No doubt in some part, I’m a descendant of Chief Joseph and carry DNA which instructs me to treasure and protect the planet, fight the white man’s oppression, perpetual need for war, and definitions of justice in society
Dad’s side is completely different – the stories are from the Volga river, fiddler on the roof sorts of peasants, farmers, musicians, philosophers and immigrants from Russia – Saratov Oblast. That side of the family got the heck out of Russia in hopes of a better life in the early 1900’s. They owned land, farms and settled in the Palouse country of Washington state. My favorite nephew has moved to Maui – but most of us prefer bad weather and remain in Idaho, Portland, Bend, or Seattle.
You dance real slow
You wreck it down
You walk away, then you
Turn around
What did that old blonde
Gal say?
That is the part…
You throw away
I want that beggars eyes
A winning horse
A tidy Mexican divorce
St. Mary’s prayers
Houdini’s Hands
And a Barman who always
Will you lose the flowers
Hold on to the vase
Will you wipe all those teardrops
Away from your face
I can’t help thinking
As I close the door
I have done all of this
Many times before
Well the bone must go
The wish can stay
The kiss don’t know
What the lips will say
Forget I’ve hurt you
Put stones in your bed
And remember to never
Mind instead
Well all of your letters
Burned up in the fire
Time is just memory
Mixed with Desire
That’s not the road it is
Only the map…I say
Gone just like matches
From a closed down cabaret
In a Portuguese Saloon
A fly is a circling around
The room
You’ll soon forget the
Tune that you play
‘Cause that is the part
You throw away
Oh, that is the part
You throw away
Baba Yar -So sorry you had relatives there. I’ve heard of it — maybe have seen a documentary. It’s too hard to look at those scenes. For me – they are all family. I’ve started but never made it through Schindler’s List. I could barely make it through, Life is Beautiful!
Don’t wanna be an American idiot
Don’t want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind-f*** America
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn’t meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We’re not the ones who’re meant to follow
For that’s enough to argue
Well maybe I’m the fa**ot America
I’m not a part of a redneck agenda
Now everybody do the propaganda
And sing along to the age of paranoia
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn’t meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We’re not the ones who’re meant to follow
For that’s enough to argue
Green Day
More from GSH. The truth will get even harder and harder to find. Know yourself, know the voice of your conscience when you hear it, and remember when to stand up. These times are NOT normal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGaRtqrlGy8
Here is Donald’s what is in Donald’s mind when advised NO, you can’t do that, it’s not constitutional or it represents a conflict of interest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HZHlygbd4I
Yes and constitutional legal experts are reminding us that this is why Nixon faced impeachment and conviction and had to resign!
Trump’s comment about not wanting to prosecute Hillary Clinton also has legal scholars seeing red! It’s not within the President’s purview to decide if anyone gets prosecuted! That is up to the Department of Justice and the FBI!
Someone needs to give Trump a copy of the Constitution or maybe read it to him!
One can only hope that he will ultimately overreach and be impeached!
It gets worse every single day. There was that meeting between the msm top dogs and news anchors in which there was a prearrangement made for the meeting to be strictly off the record only. Our supposED (prime press) kissing the ring of King Trump agreeing to meet off the record – Sheesh. Okay, I calmed down and got over it. After all, I haven’t trusted mainstream media since probably late 2001, post 9/11.
But you can listen to msm and filter it through the BS meter and find certain reliable programs that are not backed by big corporations or invaded by fake news. It’s all about using your common sense with a healthy amount of skepticism. I’ve come to trust Democracy Now and more recently, the Intercept. However, nothing is forever, at any point, any of these places can get diluted or their writers thrown off by an offer that can’t be refused. Amy Goodman has been golden for decades, though. Is NPR still trustworthy? maybe in some part? When Quicken Loans and Payday outlets are backing the program I’m listening to, I listen knowing there’s a percent of truth, depending on what was left out. PBS I treat the same way. I don’t trust any of the ring-kissers that were at that off the record meeting with Trump. It just feels too much like we are headed for a one party dictatorship when all the checks and balances disappear and there’s a press corps that is owned by the Tyrant.
But I defaulted to optimism yesterday, I can still read, and revisit an old source, as in get a newspaper maybe with a higher corporate standard in journalism than TV. My plan was going to the NYT for more news, thinking they are better than NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN …NEVER considered Fox news, other than for a laugh.
PS. I do think it’s amusing how Trump has flopped on many of his campaign promises. Now if he would just go the next steps and APPOINT BERNIE SANDERS as the real president. The ultimate bait and switch…but in a good way
Did you hear that Jill Stein raised $2.5 million dollars for a recount in the three rust belt states that cost Hillary the election? They haven’t even called Michigan yet.
The last I heard Hillary was ahead by1.7 million in the popular vote! That is insane!
I think that the cable news media is an absolute disgrace! They enabled Trump, didn’t push the issue of him not releasing his tax forms, tried to normalize his bigotry and misogyny. I have given up on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC or CBS. It’ s a farce. The cable networks are owned by big corporations.
The news is so dumbed down these days that it’s more like entertainment. I do think that the print media did a much better job of trying to expose Trump’s corruption and misdeeds.
Trump will use his position as President to enrich himself snd bankrupt the country.
Yes….I’m following that count. Deja Vu – and way worse than Bush v Gore ? I’ve stopped having an appetite in the past few weeks but immersing myself in a music world much of the time for the anxiety.
Wishing you a happy and peaceful ? day.
Somehow missed the news that Bob Dylan won a Nobel Prize in October. There’s something happy! Mind boggling the extent of his poetic genius. I think his earliest work is (maybe) his best Dylan unplugged
i love bob rc. my favourite album is blood on the tracks – one of my fave albums by anyone.
love bob, joni, leonard cohen…all amazing lyricists…
Oh goody, amy! nice to read you – and to hear you like Bob. I’ve been doing music marathons – trying to calm down. All the music I’ve posted (recently) is for shoring up some positive energy to fight on.
Nina Simone…you know I had heard Sinnerman before but was not sure which artist did it. Anything pre-70’s, I have either been informed by my older siblings about or was taught by a piano teacher. I was a Leonard Cohen and Joni fan actually before being a Bob Dylan one.
And Randy Newman has been doing some rather funny stuff – new stuff since October – almost posted one.
Tonight was listening to old Aretha Franklin and such music — suddenly this one pops up recommended especially for me. And I aint never heard it before … holy smokin’ hallelujah… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH3Fx41Jpl4
gosh rc that is quite spooky!…i have never downloaded any music onto the site and was thinking i would download some nina simone who i adore. the first track i thought of was sinnerman! it’s an amazing piece of music..am quite surprised you hadn’t heard it before…i know you have huge musical knowledge….
for some reason i was thinking beforehand that that track was kind of appropriate for the times we are in..don’t know why exactly but it has something to do with resistance…
Well, I’m thinking I mistook the voice for a male one. Now, had I looked the piece up online before, hahaha, it’s quite obvious her voice is female!
Since the invention of Youtube – wow, the access to classic videos like Tambourine Man and stuff even earlier! I didn’t realize how much I love really love Dylon unplugged. Like Waits, Cohen, Mitchell, his lyrics stand alone. Other music like that new artist Natalie Mering, it’s more about the sound of her voice and the arrangement than the lyrical content but she’s so young – I’ll give her time.
going to check out some of the early unplugged dylan on youtube rc. don’t know that stuff so well as i should. a week ago i came across some amazing footage of him and joan baez singing to huge crowds in 1963 in washington. wonder what that was for? would it have been about vietnam?
come on bob come out for the fascist moron’s inaugration and let the people come out on the streets in huge numbers and drown him out…
I am old enough to remember those great concerts. The Vietnam War songs and protests wound come later in the 60’s. these were all about civil rights. That movement attracted many great artists.
This all brings back wonderful memories. Dylan was a genius. I also remember the great Joan Baez. Magnificent voice! She and Bob Dylan were a couple, but had a bad breakup.
I also turn to music to help me get through tough times like this. I have done it all my life. I think we are go to be tested as never before in this country. The hate groups have cone out of the depths to spread their toxic propaganda. The alarming rise in hate crimes already is cause for real concern. They seem to be energized by the election of Trump.
I watched a documentary on cable tv last night that was about Hitler’s rise to power. There is so much more detail in these newer documentaries. It’s really unnerving to see some of the similarities between then and now. They showed how Hitler and Goebbels went after the Socialist Democratic Party which was the Communists. It was the news and the Communists who were their targets. The Nazis needed to get rid of the Communists to gain absolute power. Hitler did not have an easy time if it coming to power. But when he did, then he had the Communists killed and put in the first concentration camps.
We must normalize Trump! We must be vigilant!
Sorry, I meant to say it was the Jews and the Communists who were Hitler’s targets! Not News!
The challenges of typing on my iPhone!
ah thanks for that nny. wouldn’t it be wonderful to see dylan and others turn out for inaugration day in washington with massive crowds all singing and chanting in unison. if they had loudspeakers they could drown out the words of the odious fascist. that would really be something!
ps i left a reply for you further up the thread…
amy, I’d never heard this before….and I’m going to post this version because the lyrics are right on the screen, and it’s not in Bob’s raspy, nasally voice of the 70’s onward; also it’s not him plaintively wailing in a clear voice of what I now love from the 60’s …but I’m also going to post the 1963 version knowing you love the poetry. And remember, yes, he wrote this before Kennedy was assassinated and before the Vietnam War got ramp’d up by Lyndon Johnson. He was drawing on WW2! Made me cry, simply because he’s writing about his dreams, what?…40, 50 years in advance of where we are now. Stunning and exquisite.
This is dear to me, posting the unplugged first and I just want to take his face in my hands and kiss him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ex-m-eEKsg
Sad to have to say this but you have to be careful when searching his lyrics. There’s a lot of people that seek to twist his words and frame him (and his writing) in a very sinister light. I guess that’s not surprising, tho. And remember he did win a Nobel Peace Prize in October, barely a month ago. #jealousyiseverywhere
A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, where have you been, my darling young one?
I’ve stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
I’ve walked and I’ve crawled on six crooked highways
I’ve stepped in the middle of seven sad forests
I’ve been out in front of a dozen dead oceans
I’ve been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, and it’s a hard
And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, what did you see, my darling young one?
I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it
I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it
I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin’
I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleedin’
I saw a white ladder all covered with water
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son?
And what did you hear, my darling young one?
I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warnin’
Heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world
Heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazin’
Heard ten thousand whisperin’ and nobody listenin’
Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin’
Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter
Heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
Oh, who did you meet, my blue-eyed son?
Who did you meet, my darling young one?
I met a young child beside a dead pony
I met a white man who walked a black dog
I met a young woman whose body was burning
I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow
I met one man who was wounded in love
I met another man who was wounded with hatred
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
Oh, what’ll you do now, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, what’ll you do now, my darling young one?
I’m a-goin’ back out ’fore the rain starts a-fallin’
I’ll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest
Where the people are many and their hands are all empty
Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters
Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison
Where the executioner’s face is always well hidden
Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten
Where black is the color, where none is the number
And I’ll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it
And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it
Then I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin’
But I’ll know my song well before I start singin’
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
Thanks so much for posting it! God bless dear Margot!
I think that I am okay and then it hits me all over again. Then the sadness and grief overwhelms me. I am just hoping that the founding fathers did their work well and there will be enough protections in place to deal with the likes of Trump. He is what they feared most.
I hope we can overcome, because it’s going to be a very hard time ahead of us.
Trump’s lies have a purpose. They are an assault on democracy.
But the president-elect should not be underestimated. His victories in both the Republican primary and the general election were stunning upsets, and he is now set to alter the course of world history. If he does not fully understand what he is doing, his advisers certainly do.
Steve Bannon, former head of the white nationalist outlet Breitbart News, is Trump’s Karl Rove. He knows. In a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Bannon suggested that the key elements in his strategy are dissimulation and “darkness.”
“Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power,” he said. “It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”
That’s how Bannon ran the Trump campaign, and it appears to be how he’s running the transition team. Since the election, Trump has baited the press with a flurry of potential cabinet picks, instigated a bizarre fight with the cast of a Broadway musical, and concealed his true policy priorities behind a thicket of conflicting reports.
It’s working. The media’s coverage of the Trump transition is blurry and confused. Stories that should be real scandals — such as Trump’s apparent efforts to manipulate international diplomacy for personal financial gain — get lost in the shuffle.
Thanks for posting this. The media is like putty in the hands of Trump. They are not smart enough or aware enough to even realize how tget are being manipulated.
I think the Democrats have called for an investigation into Trump’s conflicts of interest. There should be enough on him to get him impeached.
Capitulation nation: Steve Bannon’s media rehabilitation shows the press is surrendering without a fight
Bannon is being dangerously normalized by The Boston Globe and New York Times, who call this probing journalism
On the other hand, there is an almost institutional phobia to attaching words like “racist” or “white supremacist” to a person in Bannon’s position. Do that and you might be shamed by conservatives and even liberals who want you to “empathize” with the people who voted for Trump, not all of whom, you are told, are racists. This may be true, but they were certainly willing to tolerate a heck of a lot of racism when they cast their votes.
In terms of the media’s recent profiling Bannon and seeking to understand him, this means not digging too deeply into the website he has run, in his own words, as a “platform for the alt-right” for the last few years. It means referring to Bannon’s white ethno-nationalism, reflected in Breitbart’s content, as a “dark, populist worldview.” It means digging up a cast of Bannon’s friends and loved ones to tell the reader, Why, there isn’t a racist bone in the man’s body!
This is what I was afraid of. This normalization of Bannon by the stupid and cowardly media. Trump can manipulate the media so easily. What good is a free press if it doesn’t do its job?
Trump tweets out that people should lose their citizenship for flag burning! Someone doesn’t know about the First Amendment! Maybe someone can give Trump the Cliff’s Notes version of the Constitution! That might be a start!
It’s beyond embarrassing for the President-elect to be showing his ignorance of our Constitution to the world!
Maybe Trump’s tweets are meant to distract us from the fact that, far from draining the swamp as promised, Trump is bringing in the very Wall Street criminals who took the economy over a cliff in 2008 with their reckless and illegal financial activities!
It’s like a cast of nightmarish characters! Scary!
Yep. What a mess. Trump doesn’t give a flying **** what the constitution says and has no intention of familiarizing himself with such a thing. Greed has no heart, soul, conscience or depth. And prepare yourselves to witness sucking up like never before in his billionaires club cabinet. #cronies #dopeinthefroglegsoup $$$$$
Glen Gould is #1 for me. Born in Toronto 1932. Prepare to be amazed when the adagio starts at 2:25 and you can hear him hum, as GG does The allegro parts are nice, but nothing compares to the four minutes of heavenly adagio. A continuous loop of it works well in my case. Gould is simply the best on the piano keys when it’s Baroque. Transcribed and arranged by – J.S. Bach for harpsichord, Concerto No. 3, for keyboard solo, D minor (BVW 974). Composed by a little known Venetian, Alessandro Marcello, 1717. https://www.glenngould.com/biography/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnJhq7_Er8o
Taking a wild guess that the Negotiator gave Mike Pence complete freedom to chose whomever he wanted on Education and HHS cabinet posts. But this Treasury pick is a Bannon/Trump Wall Street Crony, deluxe proportions. #BillionaireCabinetClub
Yes, Mnuchin is especially galling! The guy has a sordid and vile history of contributing to the disaster that caused the 2008 economic collapse! This is an in-your-face pick that lets us know exactly what to expect from Trump.
I still cannot believe that people were stupid enough not to see through this con job! The wealthiest one or two percent will now have free reign to run the country.
When they destroy the middle class once and for all, then what will this fools who bought his lies, think?
This country is going to be unrecognizable. Everything Trump promised was a total lie. He fanned the flames of discontent and got people to not it!
The other picks you mentioned are equally appalling. Everything I feared if he was elected is coming true.
The Republicans want to privatize Medicare. How is that going to sit with the people who voted for him? I don’t know what the Democrats can do now that they are in the minority.
Then there is the question of Trump divesting himself of his company to avoid a conflict of interest. Yeah, like he is really going to do it. Trump should face impeachment st some point, but I don’t think the GOP would have the guts or decency to do it!
Not a day goes by that I don’t spend as much time as possible reading and try to interpret my daily nightmare.
Really there’s no way of knowing what Trump will do exactly but I think it’s cleat that whatever he does is going to be in his own best interest and 100% for the glorification of himself.
Did you see the latest fiasco with Trump insulting China by taking that call from the Taiwanese leader? That didn’t take long!
Then there was Trump paying off Carrier to save done jobs with tax subsidies to the tune of about 7 million dollars! Trump throws a bone to some people and saves their jobs, while setting a dangerous precedent for companies to make demands on the government for concessions to keep some jobs in this country!
I don’t trust the far right to not be anti-Semitic. They may be going after Muslins now, but they will go after the Jews at some point.
Trump has unleashed these fascist elements and they will get louder and stronger. Any time Trump gets in trouble, he will hold a rally and get his supporters in a frenzy.
It’s called cult of personality and it’s a key to fascism. These people follow Trump and believe whatever he says without question. It’s really scary.
thanks for the kind thought alison. it’s very much appreciated…
just popped in here to express my joy that the green candidate won the austrian presidency and smashed the far right!! massive win in europe….apparently the far right party said that fascist farage’s support worked against them! hahaha….so pleased to see europe fight back! huge day in the fight against fascism…
Alison……HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You share the same bday with Noam Chomsky too, as well as JKath…only goes to show anyone can be born on the same day
Gosh, you also share the same bday as the day Pearl Harbor was bombed – eek!
Happy Birthday song seemed so redundant and so I found an this beautiful old song for Hippy Chick from the “Blue” Album. Hope you enjoy it, and hope you have a wonderful Sagittarius 2017! Love, E. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq2jhs19_V8
trump is insane. the gop is a party of craven greedy appeasers who will collectively sell their souls as long as they can privatise medicare and cut taxes for the rich. but trump’s russian connections which are almost certainly treasonous are going to bring him down. sooner or later european security agencies or their proxies are going to start leaking security info which the trump fbi and co won’t look at themselves. trump isn’t going to be able to hide when that happens. he’s not going to last 4 years.
The US Environmental Protection Agency just became the United States Anti-Environmental Protection Agency. The US EPA has been a joke for years but now it’s time to call it what it is, The Non-Environmental Protection Agency.
“Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the US Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club. “He is a climate science denier who, as attorney general for the state of Oklahoma, regularly conspired with the fossil fuel industry to attack EPA regulations. Nothing less than our children’s health is at stake.
Many thanks for the link RC, lovely song, lovely voice, refreshing to listen to someone sing, rather than shout like the majority of female singers do these days, or get swamped by big stage productions, thanks also for the birthday greetings, had a lovely quiet and relaxing chilling day, and ive been off work this week, its been lovely ….
Ronald Klain @RonaldKlain 3h3 hours ago
Donald Trump gave his Foundation’s largest donor a CABINET spot yesterday. Did you see blaring headlines? Imagine if HRC had done that??
Hahahha, President-Elect Donald J Troll continues…
Donald Trump To Choose Fast-Food CEO To Be His Labor Secretary
The man who’s helmed Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. could become the nation’s top workplace watchdog. Best of luck, Fight for $15.
so trump is attacking the union boss of the pennyslvania steelworkers now?! the same pennsylvania steelworks he defrauded by building with chinese steel no less…i thought they were issuing a federal suit against him for illegally using chinese steel? am sure they said that some time ago after eichenwald broke the story…
who would have thought 2016 would give us the totalitarian twit of twitter…
Thank-you alison The Extreme number brings back fond memories from my big hair days! And the second link (impressive link skills, btw ?) I wasn’t familiar with the song but the voice made me look up why — he’s from Passenger with James Blunt and this one. very nice lyrics in both: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBumgq5yVrA
Spain is going to change the timezone.
¤¤ Spain leaves Franco in past as it seeks to move clocks back an hour.
Spain was originally in the Greenwich Mean Time zone – along with Britain and Portugal, with which it is geographically in line – but Franco shifted Spain’s clocks one hour ahead to be in line with Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany.
The People’s party of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and the smaller Ciudadanos party agreed on the reform in August. ¤¤
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/13/spain-leaves-franco-in-past-as-it-seeks-to-move-clocks-back-an-hour
Erik Satie – French composer late 1900’s, rumored to be inspired by his interest in Gnosticism and scenes from a 17th Century translation of Virgil’s Aeneid, Satie invented a new style of composition for his time, and called it Gnossienne. Here is his Gnossiennes, no. 1, 2, and 3. No. 3 is my favorite. His minimalist style and sound especially in no. 1 is recognizable to most — not sure no. 2 and 3 are. He wrote much more than Gnossienes. I’ve been in love with him a long time. Enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUAF3abGY2M
Ed Sheeran has an amazing voice, and hes very big here in Britain, seems like a nice guy too, quite down to earth, and without the ego that some famous people have ….
I am thinking of doing the same thing. I emailed Ricky and he doesn’t know why my posts are coming up in moderation. I haven’t even been posting recently.
I just changed my password. Maybe I will try a new username in WordPress.
did our gravatar/wordPress accounts expire? It seemed to happen to both of us at the same time. I begin getting paranoid lol…ruskies hacking ?? Somebody hates me…
I don’t know! Ricky said that there was a problem with the site and maybe when he fixed it, another problem was created.
Can your WordPress account expire? I changed my password. But I didn’t create another account yet.
This happened to me before. My posts started showing up in moderation and I emailed Ricky. I wasn’t put in moderation. So then he made a change to my user name. If you notice, now it reads “On Nativenewyorker” instead of just “Nativenewyorker”.
All I know is that it wasn’t easy. Finally it works and I’m not sure how much had to do with Ricky or me lol…odd that it happened to both of us at the same time. And now I’m ratcliff10 not plain ol’ ratcliff ?
Oh this song made me cry! I feel like I lost a big piece of my youth with the death of George Michael! That incredible voice! I want to just listen to his music. That is how I want to remember him. He was immensely talented. But the music will live on. He is gone from us too soon.
Cheers — is it Andi Mira or Mira Andi?
And here’s what I’m listening to: Alt-J
Their lyrics most of the time are to be ignored or at least not taken seriously – a bit like radiohead that way, imo. Mostly I listen to them for the sound of it – never minding their words or any possible meaning to them. #hypnoblend #musicalhigh
Something Good…(it sounds like a happy lullaby to me) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKWTBDV__Rw&t=32s
I posted Wake Me Up Before You Go Go, first to show George Michael’s incredible vocals and also just for the sheer joy of this video. When he first started out and he was loving the moment.
I know that this song wasn’t considered more than just fluff at the time, but I always loved it. I loved the energy and the uplifting feeling. But most of all it showed that this guy had real talent and a voice for the ages.
We know that he went on to develop into a true R&B artist with a passion for his music and creativity and genius. But this was how it started and the enthusiasm is just infectious.
George Michael said that coming out as gay did not make his life easier. I have been reading about some of what he went through, the deaths of his Mother and significant other only a few years apart, that sent him spiraling into depression and drugs. The backlash when he came out and his own discomfort with fame.
I also didn’t know that he almost died of pneumonia while on tour in 2011. He had health problems, some accidents and things were tough for him.
That’s why I think it’s so appropriate to just post the youtube videos and remember the man’s music. That is the legacy that he left us.
I never saw this one. George Michael singing the great Freddie Mercury’s signature song, Somebody to Love. It takes something to be able to sing Freddie Mercury, but George Michael did for sure!
This is a worthy tribute to a dying Freddie, by a man who had the voice to do justice to this great song.
Yes, another great video. I almost posted that one myself!
This really takes me back to the 80’s and the height of disco. When I could dance and look good going it!
George Michael left us too soon at only 53, but we will always have the music and the memories. I tried to follow his career throughout the years. I know he had his troubles, but his incomparable talent shines through in all these videos. I had almost forgotten just how brilliant he was as a singer. That voice! He made it look easy!
Here’s my favorite song that George Micheal ever sang…..he did a great job – put his entire soul in it for reasons of his own at the time…of course Stevie Wonder did this song on a seriously great album recorded right after Nixon was impeached called, The Fullingness’ First Finale. Leave it to me to adore the darkest of pieces.
wow rc! haven’t heard that song before. that gave me gooseflesh – george’s voice was unbelievable in it, so raw and exposed. frigging unbelievable stuff and thank you for posting it..
rc i just listened to this!! but thanks for the kind thought. great minds think alike hey?? i have just been looking up the album you mention. must give it a listen.
why are our great artists dying this year when we most need them…? remember cohen: there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in….
thanks rc…
Yes…I worry about Chomsky, Atwood, and Bernie…may they live long.
From that now rather obscure album…I’m listening to the whole thing because I never have. I remember some songs. But I don’t remember this song I’ll post. It’s my duty to dig up and dust some of this off.
On a different note. We have to keep loving in the time of Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuy6QSVPsus
thanks loads rc. not sure i can take listening to something else which is so beautiful. i cried bucketfulls over that last song.
yes we have to keep loving when it’s hardest. that will be how we fight. that’s also how people make their greatest art.
by atwood i presume you mean margaret atwood? i read a ton of novels by her summer before last…i have the blind assassin next to me right now to reread for the 3rd time.
Oh gosh, really? Kidding me. Blind Assassin is on my bedside table lol, right now….was going to reread it because I’m too lazy to order a new book and there’s so many I want…..last time I read Blind Assassin was long enough ago that it will do exactly fine for what I want right now. But my car is frozen and covered with snow and better go see if it will start before I have to go to work tomorrow!
I read Handmaid’s Tale again last week — had to order it used. Every time I have a copy, I end up giving it away.
You probably read her trilogy — Oryx and Crake was my favorite….I’m a little twisted. I have yet to read her two most recent ones.
there’s a cohincidence rc! great novel and so detailed and precise and lyrical you can read it countless times and find new things in it. i don’t know oryx and crake so will aim to read it soon. have you read alias grace? that’s another amazing novel although very dark at the same time…..
I think that artists give us a tremendous gift. They help us get through difficult times. I am still struggling mightily to see the light amidst the darkness right now. I do not want to become bitter and angry, because then Trump and his supporters will win.
Listening to George Michael reminded me of what is beautiful in life and what speaks to me and nourishes my soul – music! It’s been my passion ever since I can remember, I felt joy again as I took a trip down memory lane listening to his music yesterday after I heard about his death.
Stevie Wonder is a true genius who thankfully, is still with us. Love has to triumph in this world. We have to stay strong even in the face of something terrible.
Thanks so much for your kind words, I not surprised that you would understand.
I am just trying to cope in the best way I can with the reality of everything post-election in the states. I have expressed my feelings and vented at length. But I do think it is important to keep the faith, stay true to one’s beliefs and keep love and hope alive.
think i do understand nny. i was thinking the other day of auden’s poem written at the beginning of the second world war – ‘we must love one another or die’. great poem. meant to write more but am too shattered having just spend over an hour on the dell help line. an experience which is not to be recommended. xxxxx
Oooh, BTDT Amy.
Got fed up and told them to replace my new laptop after hours of frustration.
Should have done that from the start.
Still, Dell is one of the few that actually have call in support.
kind of insane with frustration hawks. on there over an hour yesterday and over an hour today. don’t know what to do!!
does btdt mean been there done that?
the laptop is still under warranty.
Been there done that.
All else fails, ship it back for repair/replacement.
They are usually pretty fast. Probably 2 week turnaround.
Problem is that they may want to blame software (e.g. virus, malware, etc.).
Warranty only covers hardware.
i dont think they can blame me if the problem was there from day 1. i should have complained before really. don’t want to be without my computer for 2 weeks!
I had to send mine back for a refund and went with a different model.
My wireless card kept randomly disconnecting. Bad design from what I read.
one of the many problems i have is that all of a sudden it will stop working ie freeze and i will restart it and it has a red cross over the wifi signal. this is clearly nothing normally to do with my wifi and i looked it up and it says that windows 10 has this problem in that it randomly switches off wireless network adaptor. is that similar to your problem? also it keeps also jamming and when you restart coming up with the age old ‘your ac adapter is not connected’ when it is. you can’t run dellsupport to diagnose as that jams in the same place every time as well. really does my head in.
any advice gratefully received!!
Not quite. It wouldn’t lock up. Just the wireless card would lose the wifi connection which is a common problem for certain wireless cards used by Dell.
If it’s less than 6-8 weeks old, I’d send it back and insist on a refund.
ok thanks for the advice hawks. it’s later than that now so can’t ask for a refund. my own stupid fault for not complaining straightaway as the problems have been there since day 1. wish i’d talked to you sooner and acted!! SIGH. dell are driving me insane atm.
amy dec 26th 7:39 pm “actually that summed up something about this entire year. incredible.”
It was indeed an incredible year for you as Murray won Wimbledon, Olympics and WTF AND made that amazing run to the year end #1 .
I hope 2017 brings cheer to Rafa fans and makes it an incredible year for us.
I was just reading about the problem you are having and I am having the exact same problem with Wifi going out and losing the internet connection with that little red mark. It just started happening in the last week. Is it Windows 10?
Sound and music, listening or playing an instrument can be very powerful, can’t it. The pure sound of Tibetan metal bowls, undiluted with background sounds or chanting, is good medicine for me. This is what I’m talking about. To many it might drive them nuts – I don’t know. I shared this with alison on tx, eons ago.
PS I’m not Buddhist or any religion and the video isn’t what I’m going for – my eyes are closed. It’s to feel a calm from the sound of singing metal bowls.
And I keep playing Alberto Balsam, by Aphex Twin, for a reason I haven’t figured out. I don’t even especially like anything else from Aphex Twin. Just this — is useful. Maybe it’s the scissors or the dragging sound of the chair, who knows. It just works to reset my thoughts in general: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihyQf8mww3o
I know we have done our tribute videos to George Michael, but I was going through his songs on iTunes and found a gem of a song. I checked it out on youtube. It’s a cover of an old Isley Brothers song they did on a 1973 album.
When you find a gem like this, it makes you want to tear up all over again at the loss of such a great talent. I like George Michael’s version better than the Isley Brothers.
George Michael had an insane falsetto! Just beautiful!
RT @robreiner: No press access,no ethics committee. Most powerful country on earth being governed by tweets of a mentally unstable liar. Goodbye Democracy
trump already working on plans to gut the security agencies. is anyone going to stop him?!
he’s asked for lists of people who favour climate change, civil rights, women issues….what next?
#kleptocracy and kakistocray
I Like this song, and thought it was quite appropriate under the circumstances, although i am a fan of Muse, and of dirty rockers though ;-)https://youtu.be/w8KQmps-Sog
Yes…spot on alison. That’s a good pick. Works well with my dystopian reading list for 2017 and what’s outside my window: talking about some ‘minor’ flooding after a 30 year historical snowstorm last week. Thank goodness I moved my car to the 6th floor of a parking garage downtown. Given a choice I’d rather shovel snow than worry about the car floating away! Congrats to me for some quick thinking.
Love that episode….Jimmy…classic ?
You know who is famous for referring to himself in the third person and tho it’s not hilarious at the moment (nothing hilarious about him being POTUS) he’s always touting himself that way.
RC OMG Please make sure you stay safe, thankfully no snow here in Norfolk although 4 inches is forecast eek, pretty mild here for the time of year, which can be a bad sign sometimes, and living by the seaside i do panic when it rains too much in case we get flooding, pleased you liked the song BTW ….
I’m okay. It’s still rough out there…right now there’s a lot of snow melting fast and the city isn’t good a snow removal or equipped to clear streets like say Buffalo, NY. But yeah we got hammered. And It was beautiful when the snow was soft and fluffy…now it’s all kinds of bad. Roofs collapsing, street level flooding, homes and buildings plumbing breaking and water damage inside buildings. It was a big deal. It’s not over …a cold front is moving in and all the piles and pools of slush are gonna turn to blocks of ICE! Again… It’s wonderful in the mountains though. Skiing hasn’t been this good in years
Inauguration day. Home from work and I’m not even interested in tennis. Radwanska is out, Simona is gone, Nole gone. My picks are all losing. What else? I guess this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-g2X8NVVK4
Thanks for posting that! It’s been in cable tv news all day!
Trump had his press guy come out to accuse the media of lying about the size of the crowd st his inauguration. Then they challenged the size of the women’s protest in D.C. today!
Someone is feeling threatened and quite out of sorts today! LOL!
In France they were demonstrating with signs that said – we hate Trump!
Glad you enjoyed it. My thoughts are with you way over there in Florida! Yesterday I watched the DC march then went out in a cold wind and icy rain – over 5,000 people, which is a great turn-out for the capital city of Red State, Idaho. I was very surprised and inspired! It’s wonderful. Today I’m nursing a sore throat and a fever but I’m much encouraged to keep fighting on. #notmypresident
I was thinking of you! It was a magical day all across the country. No violence! Great speeches at the women’s march in DC! Inspirational!
I think that sometimes good can come out if something bad. The challenge now is to keep this movement going! We have to turn it into action that combat trump’s fascist and regressive agenda. People are getting involved and finding their voices.
Trump is going after the media. This us a classic fascist tactic used to try to ” gaslight” people into believing only what the government wants them to think. It’s George Orwell’s 1984!
The media must follow get back against trump’s attacks and hold him accountable for his lies. Today they showed pictures that prove that trump’s crowd was far smaller than Ibsna’s inauguration crowd in 2012.
Think about an idiot president who has nothing better to do than argue about having a bigger crowd! This is the man who has the nuclear codes!
Also, I read today that Trump will never release his tax returns! Another lie! He. Sn’t release them because they will prove that he is getting money from the Russians.
Intelligence experts already believe that Trump had been recruited by Putin. That would make Trump a traitor on top of everything else!
Yes indeed well said … We stand in solidarity on all issues and matters and will not rest. We must hold this phony deceitful POTUS and his cabinet of Wayward Wall Street billionaires accountable — and we keep moving forward stronger together #PowertothePeople!
During the Goffin vs Thiem match I paused everything and closed my eyes and connected to you and all my internet sisters (plus a few select internet brothers) in strength and peace for 15 minutes listening to this powerful ? energy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36Y_ztEW1NE
One more…I think this is my favorite on the brilliant album Solitude Standing, by Suzanne Vega ?
The Trump administration’s attempt to muzzle environmental messages on social media WILL FAIL!
“In the wake of the Badlands National Park Service’s Twitter account having its pro-science tweets deleted (after the Department of the Interior had ordered all Park Service social media accounts to go quiet), “rogue” Twitter accounts have begun to sprout up for the NPS, and now for EPA, USDA and NASA. It’s unclear who’s behind these accounts, but their strong defense of established climate science quickly won them a big following.
The AltUSNatParkService Twitter account (@AltNatParkSer) was launched on Tuesday, announcing that it has been “activated in time of war and censorship to ensure fact-based education.” As of Thursday morning, they have 980,000 followers — more than double the number of followers on the main National Park Service account (381,000).
The account introduced itself with defiant messages: “Mr Trump, you may have taken us down officially. But with scientific evidence & the Internet our message will get out,” and “Respect goes out to our brothers and sisters at the @BadlandsNPS. When they silence you, we will speak for you.”
That actually happened here in Canada about 10 years ago under our Stephen Harper Conservative government cracking down on sharing government scientific research. Happy he’s now gone and that has been reversed.
That is frightening. I don’t know what is going to happen to this country. With a fascist, narcissistic, lying President in charge, God only knows how bad it will get,
Trump wants to use torture again. He is such a monster, vile, inhumane abd a total disgrace.
Give me your hungry, your tired your poor I’ll piss on ’em
that’s what the Statue of Bigotry says
Your poor huddled masses, let’s club ’em to death
and get it over with and just dump ’em on the boulevard
Johnny’s in America
Johnny looks up at the stars
Johnny combs his hair down
And Johnny wants pussy in cars
Johnny’s in America,
uh-uh-uh uh, uh, uh-uh uh-uh-uh
Johnny’s in America
I’m afraid of Americans
I’m afraid of the world
I’m afraid I can’t help it
I’m afraid I can’t
I’m afraid of Americans
I’m afraid of the world
I’m afraid I can’t help it
I’m afraid I can’t
I’m afraid of Americans
Yeah, I’m afraid of Americans
I’m afraid of the words
I’m afraid I can’t help it
I’m afraid I can’t
I’m afraid of Americans
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
I’ll lay down the tracks
Sandbag and hide
January has April’s showers
And two and two always makes five
It’s the devil’s way now
There is no way out
You can scream and you can shout
It is too late now
You have not been
Payin’ attention
Payin’ attention
Payin’ attention
Payin’ attention (x4)
I try to sing along
But the music’s all wrong
‘Cause I’m not
‘Cause I’m not
I swat ’em like flies but like flies the buggers keep coming back and NOT
But I’m not
All hail to the thief
All hail to the thief
Snowman melting from the inside
Falcon spirals to the ground
(This could be the biggest sky)
So bloody red, tomorrow’s clouds
A little piece of you
The little peace in me
Will die (This could be a miracle)
For this is not America
RT @BenFolds: Please #noDevos! Can’t we can find another billionaire who won’t gut our public schools 4 profit?@SenatorCollins @lisamurkowski @SenSchumer
Fear, fear, she’s the mother of violence
Making me tense to watch the way she breed
Fear, she’s the mother of violence
You know self-defense is all you need
It’s getting hard to breathe
It’s getting so hard to believe
To believe in anything at all
Thanks Hawkie…I’ve needed a morning with Peter Gabriel!
Peter Gabriel – Wallflower Lyrics
Six by six, from wall to wall
Shutters on the windows, no light at all
Damp on the floor you got damp in the bed
They’re trying to get you crazy get you out of your head
They feed you scraps and they feed you lies
To lower your defenses, no compromise
There’s nothing you can do, the day can be long
You mind is working overtime, your body’s not too strong
Hold on, hold on, hold on,
Hold on, hold on, hold on
They put you in a box so you can’t get heard
Let your spirit stay unbroken, may you not be deterred
Hold on, you have gambled with your own life
You faced the night alone
While the builders of the cages
Sleep with bullets, bars and stone
They do not see the road to freedom
That you build with flesh and bone
They take you out the light burns your eyes
To the talking room it’s not surprise
Loaded questions from clean white coats
Their eyes are all as hidden as their Hippocratic Oath
They tell you how to behave, behave as their guest
You want to resist them, you do your best
They take you to your limits, they take you beyond
For all that they are doing there’s no way to respond
Hold on, hold on
They put you in a box so you can’t get heard
Let your spirit stay unbroken, may you not be deterred
Hold on, you have gambled with your own life
You face the night alone
While the builders of the cages
Sleep with bullets, bars and stone
They do not see the road to freedom
That you build with flesh and bone
Though you may disappear, you’re not forgotten here
And I will say to you, I will do what I can do
You may disappear, you’re not forgotten here
And I will say you you, I will do what I can do
And I will do what I can do
I will do what I can do
Oops I posted the wrong scene. This one’s better. It’s especially nice since she’s proposing to him. You might recognize Jenna from Dr. Who, and Tom from The Game. Chemistry is everything !! lol, sorry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3Vlc-vdsFM
yet I’m still afraid this morning…but thanks to Hawks for posting the lyrics to this David Bowie song because now I know he’s singing about johnny’s in America and not Germans in America….lol
I just wanted to say that my comment the other day was too harsh. You and I do share common ground with our political views and that is more important than tenns.
I think that I just should have laughed it off and taken it all in fun. You were right this time and I have been right in the past and it’s all okay!
So I wanted you to know that I appreciate what you do in confronting those who support neo-fascism and Trump. It is important to speak out.
I regret that comment and think it was ill advised. So it’s my turn to apologize.
You are more than welcome! What you described is exactly how I realized it was meant – bragging rights! I did get it and realized that I just overreacted and took it completely wrong! It’s like when rc tells me not to freak out if I do poorly in the bracket challenges! She’s got her priorities straight!
I felt that I needed to make it right. It was bothering me.
Thanks for responding so graciously!
Not at all, nny. You would (did) do the same for me.
Hawkie and Nny — we are solid
Have to admit I dropped the ball during AO Bracket time. I’m very distracted compared to other tennis seasons. Very sorry. Hawkstradamus that was nothing short of incredible — you picking Federer to win – freaking unbelievable. What a schmuck is me for razzing you.
And Nny, I hope you will continue in the bracket games…I never did check who won. But there’s always a next time
I realize Fed Cup is this coming weekend but my time isn’t focused on tennis right now. USA plays Germany in Maui…that could be interesting.
It hard standing alone rc picking a dark horse like Fatty Fed, but I managed.
hahaha He WAS fat right after or during off season; but by the time of AO…..woosh, Nike! Rail thin.
Hi RC hope your well ,Jenna Coleman has certainly come a long way since her days in our British soap opera Emmerdale, never saw Victoria and Albert dont think we had it over here, thanks for the link though ….
The chemistry between Jenna and Tom is good. Whoever cast them together certainly nailed it! And I love Rufus Sewell as Lord Melbourne. But I’ve only seen the first 3 episodes which are probably the best. Soon she’ll have 9 babies, they’ll be terrible parents and the gorgeous Albert will die young…uhg. My favorite queen of course is QE the first
I’d be very surprised if it wasn’t broadcast in GB! those Youtube clips don’t do it justice. The series link: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/shows/victoria/
And I love the old guy playing a Lord that says, he even walks like a papist.. lol
I have always been fascinated with Queen Victoria. I remember a movie called “Mrs. Brown” with Judi Dench. It showed the aftermath of the death of Prince Albert and the Queen’s struggle to move on. In that movie, this man is hired to be her helper and companion, but the people around the Queen dislike him. I don’t know how historically accurate that movie was.
I’m not familiar with that movie but by the accounts I’ve read her life after Albert’s death was difficult. The British Royals I’ve studied most are Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. And I like Anne Boleyn.
Apparently Queen Victoria and Albert were truly in love with each other and possibly it was an obsession …or more specifically Victoria put Albert first over her children and everything else in the extreme. She spent her best years balancing being Queen and the wife of a high maintenance, flashy German Prince. She also was pregnant practically the entire time while Albert was alive. And it’s written that Victoria didn’t like babies — literally thought of them as frog-like. Also the word is that Victoria and Albert were both conscious of the need to improve on their own lonely childhoods but fought too much and in general were too preoccupied to make the best parents. Perhaps if they would have stopped at 2 or 3 children that would have helped but they went on to have 9. Of course there was no contraception around or used in the day. At least one or more of their children had a blood disorder: porphyria or hemophilia, because people were still marrying a first cousins at the time. Albert died at age 42… a loss from which Victoria never recovered. In general I get the idea that Albert was the better parent…so big loss for the kids too.
Overall, from what I’ve read, Albert accomplished much while alive and credit to Victoria for all her efforts in supporting him. Sounds like it was an exhaustive effort she put into fighting to gain Albert what she felt he deserved, as in title and respect, from the realm (because the German thing) and thus she had a very difficult time adjusting to the complete emptiness in life without him. I feel bad for her — too much of her life feels like tragedy and sadness. Maybe there’s a better book on the topic!?
I don’t know if that movie was based on fact or fiction. Was there really a Mr. Brown who came into Victoria’s life to help her with the grief after Prince Albert’s death? I don’t know, but it made for a very interesting story.
I did read that Victoria and Albert were a true love match. Not one of those arranged marriages that were so commonplace. I remember reading about her having nine children! And being Queen, too! She was devastated by Albert’s death at such a young age. I also read about how Victoria wanted to have Albert named as King. But Parliament wouldn’t go it. Because he was German.
The current royal family are direct descendants of Victoria.
I am also fascinated by Queen Elizabeth I. I have read a great deal about her and watched any number of movies about her. The daughter of Anne Boleyn becoming Queen of England. It was miraculous that she survived at all. I have also been interested in Anne Boleyn.
After reading this and giving Victoria some more thought, for what it’s worth….
…I’m inclined to believe she did have an intimate relationship with the handsome servant. She was likely much too sexual in her early forties to not find comfort in that Scottish guy. And they had plenty of time at Balmoral together; plus. there was those Doctor’s notes
Anyway I feel happier about her story believing that at least as long as Brown lived, (she outlived him too), she had some relief from missing Albert. It doesn’t seem to me that she took much happiness in her children and being a mother. She liked having a man.
RC Yeah sorry my bad, we did get it here, i just never saw it, it clashed with Poldark, and after the first series i just stuck with it, shouldve watched Victoria instead in hindsight, its just hubby gets a bit peeved when i hog the TV too much, and i also love Rufus Sewell, and the chemisty and acting is amazing ….
Good to see you by the way, im taking an indefinete break from posting on TX, im bored rigid with it all to be honest lol ….
Yes, thank you for knowing the name of that actor! I just couldn’t remember his name! I was very impressed with his performance in that movie, playing opposite the great Judi Dench.
And he ages like a fine wine. Not that I ever watched the movie or read the book, but I had the soundtrack he created for the Last Temptation of Christ on for a decade during late 80’s and 90’s and keep going back to it. It’s particularly a good meditation in these times…makes me float on over to the Middle East https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h961F-vatKM
One more. When I would cycle to work I’d have this on my walkman …..it was during the first Bush War in Iraq; I detested the killing and it was televised like some kind of great event. I had the first track through the the eighth on looping ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHOTGt0amOQ&index=3&list=PLABB8AC317556BDA2
About time. Should also add Fox News, Breitbart and the White House Press Secretary, Scary Spice(R).
Wikipedia bans Daily Mail as ‘unreliable’ source
Online encyclopaedia editors rule out publisher as a reference citing ‘reputation for poor fact checking and sensationalism’
White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is known to have cultivated ties with far-right parties in Europe, like the National Front in France. He also seems to have forged an alliance with Vatican hard-liners who oppose Pope Francis’ less rigid approach to church doctrine. The New York Times reported this week on Bannon’s connections at the Vatican.
Before becoming White House chief strategist, Bannon — who is Catholic — was the executive chairman of Breitbart News, which he called a “platform for the alt-right.” That’s a movement associated with white nationalism.
During a visit to Rome a few years ago, Bannon struck up a friendship with the American Cardinal Raymond Burke, a traditionalist who has emerged as one of Pope Francis’ most vocal critics.
Bannon hired Thomas Williams, an American former priest, as Breitbart’s Rome correspondent. Williams belonged to the conservative Legion of Christ, which was roiled by scandal when it was revealed its founder had been a pedophile.
Williams recently told his own story on an Italian TV talk show: In 2003, he fathered a child, but he kept it secret until he was outed by a news report. He then left the priesthood and married the child’s mother — who is the daughter of the former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, Mary Ann Glendon.
In July 2014, Bannon addressed a conference that was held inside the Vatican but was sponsored by a conservative Catholic group. Speaking via Skype, Bannon painted an almost apocalyptic vision of the state of the Western world.
“We’re at the very beginning stages of a very brutal and bloody conflict, of which, if the people in this room, the people in the church, do not bind together and really form what I feel is an aspect of the church militant, to really be able to not just stand with our beliefs, but to fight for our beliefs against this new barbarity that’s starting.”
A barbarity, Bannon added, that would completely eradicate “everything we’ve been bequeathed over the last 2,000, 2,500 years,” and which he clearly spelled out a few minutes later: “We are in an outright war against jihadist Islamic fascism. And this war is, I think, metastasizing far quicker than governments can handle it.”
This is language that Pope Francis has never used. The pope has repeatedly urged European countries to welcome migrants — who are, in the majority, Muslim — and he has championed the rights of the poor.
A year ago, Francis criticized candidate Donald Trump for wanting to build a wall along the border with Mexico, saying, “A person who thinks only about building walls … and not building bridges is not Christian.”
But that’s not Bannon’s worldview. While most Breitbart reports on the pope have been neutral, headlines about the pope when Bannon was in charge included:
“Seven Ways Pope Francis Slapped Conservatives in the United States”
“A Vatican Expert: Pope Francis a ‘Friend of Islam’ ”
“Pope Francis Slams Capitalism, Death Penalty, Immigration Law; No Real Mention of Abortion, Gay Marriage”
“Pope Francis Threatens Legacy of Pope John Paul II, Ronald Reagan”
While Breitbart and Bannon seem to be making common cause with Roman Catholics who are on the outs with this pope, these Vatican hard-liners are not very powerful.
Nevertheless, Pope Francis’ supporters inside the Vatican worry that following Trump’s election victory, the pope is a little more isolated — a lonely progressive on the global stage. They say this has emboldened his critics both within and outside the Vatican, who have become more vocal.
For example, just last week, mysterious anti-Francis posters cropped up around Rome. The photo showed the pope looking uncharacteristically very grouchy, and the unidentified author — using a Roman street dialect — accused him of acting in an authoritarian manner and showing lack of mercy, despite the fact that Francis has made “Mercy” the unofficial slogan of his papacy.
Francis has not reacted. But in a surprising move, on Sunday, he issued the very first papal blessing for the Super Bowl. It was a video message in his native Spanish — not in Italian, which he usually uses for official messages — in which he said such a sporting event “shows that it’s possible to build a culture of encounter and a world of peace.”
The Italian media labeled the message “anti-Trump.”
“Can you tell me where my country lies?”
said the unifaun to his true love’s eyes.
“It lies with me!” cried the Queen of Maybe
– for her merchandise, he traded in his prize.
“Paper late!” cried a voice in the crowd.
“Old man dies!” The note he left was signed ‘Old Father Thames’
– it seems he’s drowned;
selling england by the pound.
The live version is the best. Look at Phil…hahaha the look on his face…just a baby. Thanks for finding these…
I AM Britannia!
Just going to check out and watch it again.
The news I was going to post can wait…freaking unbelievable what the world is up to. Feverish pitch regarding US APPEALS COURT VS TRUMP in SF.
LESS THAN A MONTH into the new administration and not even a presidential bath robe can protect President Trump’s orange from becoming the new anti-black. This week on Intercepted we sit down with intrepid investigative reporter Allan Nairn, who breaks down Trump’s relationship with the CIA, the president’s murderous affection for Vladimir Putin, and the killer assembly of establishment neocons and right-wing conspiracists running the U.S. war machine. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Princeton professor and author of “From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation,” dismantles Obama’s problematic legacy, offers strategic advice for resisting Trump, and shares her scorecard on Nazi punching. The Intercept’s own distinguished alt-historian, Jon Schwarz, offers a (morbid) lesson on the origins of presidential executive orders. And singer-songwriter Kimya Dawson of The Moldy Peaches performs a powerful song about racism and the police state.
More executive orders. Maybe you’ve seen and heard it alreday but just in case; the real terrorists in America that you seldom if ever hear on corporate news.
“The subtext was clear: Look, children — he will destroy the country. He’s blatantly siding with the bad guys: Fidel, Putin, the white supremacists or the guerrilla. Besides, he’s clearly not that smart. He’s threatening to destroy the economy, too. He clearly has no respect for democracy. For the intelligentsia. We, who work hard and know how to do business. We, who’ve researched this, thought about this, grasped this. In history, in economics, in diplomacy, in accounting. Now, learn this word. Repeat after me: fascism.”
I’m waiting to see if it actually happens. Given the connections to Trump…I highly doubt he gets convicted of anything. More likely gets a deal from the great Negotiator and author of the Art of the Deal.
I just heard an interview on cable news about Muslims raising money for the graves that were desecrated. It’s inspiring to realize that there are people who care enough to reach out and help. We need this generosity of spirit now more than ever,
Trump has stoked the fires of hatred in this country and it is no coincidence that these despicable acts have increased alarmingly in America.
It is wonderful rc and Nny…just like u and me…i’m a Muslim but i love u guys like i love my own flesh and blood…How can anyone cannot love another human being,let alone treat them like a piece of trash is beyond me..
Nice to chat with you again! I haven’t been posting that much.
It just broke my heart to see what was done to those graves! A man was interviewed because he came to see if the graves of his family members were desecrated. His family was okay, but he said that some of the graves that were trashed were veterans of WWI. He was crying and so distraught that anyone could do something like this.
Hate is a terrible thing! But when you see the worst of people, it can bring out the best in people and that gives me hope!
Nny…Yeah,like u i’m also don’t watch much tennis lately..there’s no attraction somehow…all the big names didn’t start playing until the next monday or tuesday…and Nny..have u seen Rafa’s likely opponent that augusta posted the other day?Oh my God Nny…almost all of them are big server..Milos,Alex[oh no!not again!!],Dr Ivo,John Isner,Sam Queery,Jack sock,Nick Kyrgios[oh no again!!]DelPo…i can’t wait to see who’s rafa will get in his quarter…
Btw..Oppss!sorry..got carried away Nny…it’s supposed to be non tennis forum!he he…Nny…just in case we’re not going to chat anymore for tonite…here’s for u…in opposed to what happened,we have to keep showing our love to each other..love didn’t know what colour of our skin,what races we are or what language we spoke…
Nny!!!…I MISSED U!!!…In honesty,i cannot wait for rafa to start play because i have a reason to interact with u!Hehe…How are u btw Nny?All good?…I hope so!..
Nny..If that happen to my family’s grave..i’m also will be very upsets and sad…We cannot messing around with grave…no matter who’s they’re belong to…it’s disrespectful…but,i guess maybe that’s the main reason why it’s been desecrated in the first place…to create an uncomfortable situation…But,i believe when there’s a hate,there’s also someone out there who’s readily to fight that hate with LOVE…And usually,love always win Nny!..VAMOS!!!
Mira Andi,
Yes, I am looking forward to seeing Rafa play again! We will have lots to chat about! I don’t watch as much tennis with the smaller tournaments, unless there are players I want to see.
But I will watch Rafa anywhere, any place, any time!
I am doing well! Thanks for asking!
I will tell you that when I saw those graves destroyed, so many of them, I had tears in my eyes. I would never want anyone to do that to my relatives who have passed on.
We can like forward to seeing lots of Rafa and enjoying it!
I am a little exhausted today so I will respond to your comments with much details tomorrow or next.
But just to be clear as someone who majored in a science department when I was in school, I also taught different science subjects after I graduated for a while.
I know for a fact that true science not false theories is against everything you say you support whether it is abortion( which is the murdering of an innocent baby), homosexuality, transgender etc.
All these things are against science and common sense, the are wrong, unnatural but more importantly immoral, ungodly and to be blunt some of them are pure EVIL and WICKED to the highest order.
Am not against a woman having an abortion if her life is at stake because now her life is on the line, the truth is more than 90% of abortion that takes place has nothing to do with the woman’s life being at risk.
Am also not saying that those who have committed this act’s can’t be forgiven, they can all be forgiven because GOD is merciful and would forgive anyone who humbly repents.
Llike I said am a little bit exhausted today so tomorrow or next I would talk more about it.
This is what book of Romans chapter 1 verse 16-32 has to say:
The Just Live by Faith
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,[a] for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”[b]
God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality,[c] wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving,[d] unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
Not interested Stanley….none of it. And I won’t waste my time reading your posts. Don’t expect a response to anything in your sermons. Religion and Politics …….I’m not about to discuss with you. We have nothing in common except if you have a sincere interest in tennis.
Hey Stanley…ermm..which one i’m going to say first?…Err..yeah..
1]This is also my last comment to u Stanley…i know you’re the least favourable person here[sorry about that Stanley]…and i read everything what u wrote here…and i know u don’t like/hate Islam and many other things that totally the opposite from my beloved and dear poster’s here stand for…still i choose to respond to u when u ask me a question a while ago and automatically offered a friendship branch to me…by right,i should hate or dislike u at least because of your stand especially when u hate/dislike Islam..what u wrote about Prophet Muhammad in your earlier post really really hurts me…i believe to live in peace in this world is to respect and loving each other..no matter what their stands,their religion,their race,their colour…Prophet Muhammad before he died,he already gave a multiple of advice to his followers[a sacred words,we have to abide them no matter what]…one of them was that to live in peace in this world,to respect and to love not only among us Muslims but with ALL human being in this world regardless of their religion,race,colour or principles…there’s one time when one of his neighbour died,and he’s a jew….and Prophet Muhammad attended his funeral and gave him his last respect…so,with that been said…that is why i responded to u in the first place…i choose to receive/accept your friendship brunch because to me,you’re just another human being whom i should befriended since you’re the one who say HELLO first…to make u an enemy will only make me opposed to what Prophet Muhammad told us to do…and broken a bond between human being is a very very big sin in Islam…i could ignore u but i don’t want to,not only because of my religion but because of my brought up too…i’m a very soft,gentle and very humble human being..and i can’t ignore when someone spoke to me…it’s not in my nature to do that…
To me,if someone got a different stand or principles from us and it’s normal,just take a look at us..there’s a white people,there’s black,there’s brown[like me] and we’re also love/like a different things in life…to fight about this,to me is not a solution..we’re only going to hurt each other in the end …and what next?Can we solve the real problem by fighting?I leave u to answer that Stanley…Like i said up there stanley,this is the last time we’re going to chat with each other..and i’m just going to say..NICE MEETING U STANLEY..i believe there’s a 2 side in every each of us..there’s a bad and there’s a good side..and i also believe that you’re a good brother,son,uncle,nephew,grandson,friend to your loved one..and this side that i choose to befriended…i also can’t treat u differently because who am i to judge u when i’m also got an ugliness,weakness,flaws in me…as a human being,we’re all got them…no one is perfect except GOD and to Muslims[Prophet Muhammad,he’s not make one single sin or fault in his life]..and to u maybe your jesus,right?
So,Stanley..i wish u all the best and hope you’re going to have a very successful,healthy and happy life okay?…so,Goodbye Stanley…VAMOS!!
The Bible teaches that GOD loves the sinner but hates the sin because the wages of sin is death( separation from GOD for all eternity).
In John 3:15-21 it says: 15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21 But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”
GOD loves the THEIF but hates stealing.
GOD loves the ADULTERER but hates adultery.
GOD loves the HOMOSEXUAL but hates the unnatural, wicked perversion of homosexuality.
GOD loves that woman that have aborted her baby and that man/woman that has supported it but hates the murdering of defenceless, innocent children.
GOD loves the TRANSGENDER but hates the willful deception of transgenderism.
All this sins GOD hates and more but loves the the sinner, JESUS died for my sins and yours freely and we can receive Forgiveness, Mercy and Grace if we put our trust in him.
It is not loving to allow a person to remain stuck in sin. It is not hateful to tell a person he or she is in sin. In fact, the exact opposites are true. Sin leads to death (James 1:15), and we love the sinner by speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). We hate the sin by refusing to condone, ignore, or excuse it.
Am not your enemy, am not an intruder or a disrupter, am a friend that is willing to tell you the truth no matter what.
No one should support or practice any form of EVIL, but even when we do because no one is perfect we should recognize it for what it is and repent from it.
GOD is always willing to forgive those who come to him in humble repentance seeking for forgiveness and mercy.
RIGHT would always be RIGHT and WRONG would always be WRONG.
Men/women can put in laws or change laws but Godly morals will never change.
A thousand years from now, a billion years from now RIGHT will always be RIGHT because Godly morals transcends time.
JESUS said:
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven( Matthew 5:10-16).
I am not as generous as Mira Andi. I despise Stanley’s endless ranting and throwing the Bible in our faces. I despise him calling those of us murderers. who believe with all our hearts in a woman’s right to choose. It’s vile and beyond insulting for anyone to throw around that kind of language. Too many women have died in the past because of illegal abortions. There is NO way that this country will ever go back to those days.
Taking the words back f the Bible literally and not taking into account anything else is ignorance personified. From what I have read about Jesus, he was a man of love and generosity is spirit. Stanley’s words are not ones of love or generosity. He condemns others in the harshest of words. He speaks as though he is speaking for God, but the God I believe in is not one of hatred, fear, anger and revenge. There is no compassion in his words.
America is a nation that is ruled by the Constitution. A nation of laws. Not a nation that is ruled by religion or the Bible.
Stanley is preaching hatred and divisiveness.i cannot abide that. He keeps quoting the Bible over and over again compulsively without thinking about who Jesus really was and what he believed in.
Not everyone has to agree with or live by the Bible. I was brought up by my parents to think for myself and challenge those who presumed to know everything or speak for others.
So it is with the likes of Stanley, the ultimate hypocrite.
Well said, Nny! Thank you. You write what I cannot at the moment… I couldn’t even Know where to begin with Stanley. Less exasperated than I was yesterday tho.
Thank you. It’s something I have wanted to say for a while now. But I needed to wait until so could do do without emotion. I needed to say it calmly and also to find polite words in the English language to express it.
The accusations about abortion have offended me to tge very marrow of my being. Women have the right under the Constitution, the law of this country, to have reproductive freedom and control of their bodies.
It’s interesting that the Republicans are all about the free market and no regulations when it comes to business and finance. Laissez-faire is the order of the day. But when it comes to women’s bodies and their right to be free from interference from the state, the Republicans are not okay with that. They want to make it harder for women to get abortions, want to defund Planned Parenthood, which does so much more than just abortions when it comes to providing reproduction health services for women who might not be able to afford it.
If you have ever heard about a woman who died of an illegal abortion, you would never forget it. I had a friend years ago who told me how her mother died if an illegal abortion when she was only 12 years old. Even decades later, she broke down talking about it. That should never happen to any woman!
Thank goodness we are not a theocracy and are a nation of laws. People cannot impose their religious beliefs on others.
I waited until I could say it the way I wanted to say it.
Thank you for gettIng it!
I (DO) get it and we stand together
Conan O’BrienVerified account @ConanOBrien 27 minutes ago
Weird moment during German Chancellor Merkel’s WH visit when Steve Bannon sat at her feet and begged for stories about “the good old days.”
Aw man. Such a legend… Definitely one of my favorites of the original rock n roll guys. Now Chuck, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Johnny Cash, and all those guys are just waiting for Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis to join them at the party… R.I.P. Chuck
Mira Andi,
Sorry I can’t post from my laptop or my phone on facebook for weeks. Both devices need fixing. Please forgive me. You, Alison, and Okie are on my mind and I love all of you dearly. cheers, Elizabeth.
Oh,really?I thought you’re already on my list of ex friend who came into my life for 2,3 months then disappeared…i am in the middle of accepting the fact rc…although it hurts like crazy!!
Mira Andi, I’ve tried to get on Facebook and feel terrible. I can’t even access my email from this laptop. Whatever the virus is, it’s affected java script and I even have a hard time making picks for the brackets! On my phone, I can see my email but cant send.
I Love you…and miss you. Alison too. There’s 78 messages I can’t read.
Okay rc…i understand now…although u could have told me earlier..it could save a lot of heartache for me!One moment we clicked like crazy and one moment,u just disappeared without a words..as if nothing happened..i’ve never cried this much since i turned grown women!And now,i’m make a fool of myself in front of our dear posters!Stupid me!!..I better stop now..
Oh dear. Please don’t cry. I feel terrible but it takes me forever to make a post even on this website. I have to re-load and keep reloading the page…and the reloading doesn’t work on Facebook…it’s too busy a or something. I don’t know who and how both my devices went on the fritz…and I’ve had no time or $$ to get them fixed I don’t have internet on my phone right now — you need to trust me, MA. All is well between us. Okay? Gosh…you must be angry by now with me too…and alison, I imagine. It’s up to 98 messages I can’t access – I can log on but I can’t view my own messages.
I understand your situation now rc…i’m not angry with u..never that!..but hurt,yes…that’s what happen when we cared so much about someone…but u know me deep down rc,i would never hurt for long especially for someone whom i love dearly….i wish i could help u with your devices,but..yeah…
Nny!….I’m really really glad you’re feel better now…much more so because of my silly little messages!hehe…but,that silly messages are reflecting my feelings Nny..and u have to come here EVERYDAY to look for it okay?Because i will give u something everyday until u tell me otherwise okay?U mean so much to me Nny!…Oh yeah Nny…go to rafa’s pages..i gave u something that i’m sure will make u feel soooooooo much better!
You are so precious to me! Thanks for the good wishes! It means a lot during this difficult time.
I hope and and rc are okay now. I read the exchange and know that you too are such good friends. I have had problems with my computer and email in the past and couldn’t do anything!
I know that you are a sensitive person with a good heart. But I know that rc says what she means. You hang in there and she will get it all fixed and catch up on those emails!
If course, you are stuck with me! There’s no getting rid of me!
Hey Nny!!How u doin?Okay?..err..i mean as okay as a sick person can be?…U should take it easy on everything and get plenty of rest okay?
About rc…i miss her like crazy Nny!…At first,i didn’t know that she’s also have trouble with her email…i thought she’s only got trouble with her FB…but,u know me Nny..i’m not going to make a fuss with a small things like this…i trust her with all my being,just like i trust u…i’m just missing my friend so so much at the moment!But thank God!..i’ve got u as well Nny!…and actually,i’m pity u Nny!..coz you’re the one who have to stuck with a super crazy women like me!hehehe….Hope your soul and mind still intact after we chat Nny!hehehe…Oh,i have a special biscuits for u Nny!…http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mFk5ouuR2qw/TswRMPdlDxI/AAAAAAAAAIU/ZeKggA_4Q6c/s1600/IMG_4193.jpg
Thanks for the messages as always! You know I wasn’t posting about Rafa and Fed’s match. That was the first clue that something was wrong. I was in the hospital so I never saw it! I asked someone for the score and when I heard it, then I was glad that I didn’t see it!
I would never not be here for Rafa! I am doing better. The worst is behind me!
Btw Nny…i’m really really glad you’re doing better everyday Nny!Hope u would always be safe and healthy from now on!…Oh,i don’t mind to be stuck with u Nny!Hopefully forever!hehehe…
Nny..yeah,i was wondering at that time why u haven’t posting?You’re always here,before and after the match..but,in a way i also very glad u didn’t watch that match Nny…just take a look at the score,and u know why..hopefully rafa will find a solution to Rog’s question soon…i wish very much that he will find it!
rc…laptop still make u crazy?Hey,try to download ccleaner to clean your laptop…after that try download free anti malware…you’re nothing to lose now since your laptop already affected by virus right?
Thanks MA…I appreciate your ideas. But I don’t have time to mess with it myself.
If we(you and me!) can be patient I have my eye on the solution but it will take my next two paychecks…it will be worth the wait.
Yes, this damn thing makes me crazy! But I was able to make some bad picks for my brackets Love you dearly! So happy when you are back posting …WTA thread is a lonely place without you. I have to be up at work early tomorrow.
Downloaded this song yesterday, i think its very powerful, and has a strong message, especially with everything thats going on in the world ATM …. https://youtu.be/PVjiKRfKpPI
MA ive had alot on my mind lately, and havent been interested in following or watching tennis, something happened to me a few weeks ago when posting on FB, i couldnt believe it, and i still cant, even in my wildest imagination, i wouldnt know where to start
Yes we want to hear more Ali!! Something good…a positive story from facebook would be great! Did you get money? Win a Lottery? Find a long lost relative?
Hi RC well i made contact with my two nephews and my niece in Yorkshire on FB that i havent seen in years, also Rafa sent me a friend request which i accepted, but i sent him a message purely about tennis, so far no reply though, but thats not all of it i said i enjoyed a certain British pop stars music on FB, and he sent me a friend request and we had a long chat, he also sent me an e.mail, i kid you not ….
Wow…Incredible! Rafa…that’s better than Hugh Jackman isn’t it!!! Happy for you Nice to hear such good news. What I’d wish for you now is for him to send you tickets to see him play…sit in his player box next to Xixsca… you and Mr. Willow invited out on the Beethoven Yacht for relaxing…during Monte Carlo!
RC HA HA not yet, but he has replied to a few things ive posted about him though, but im also a huge fan of the guy that did friend me for a while, although he aint everyones cup of tea, i dont know if you ever remember me saying on TX that Nole reminded me of a certain British male solo artist, not in looks but in manerisms
Awww Nny!!…My heart and my head got 10th times bigger to hear u said that!!hahaha…But,that’s my main goal…to cheer u up and automatically lift your spirit up as well…YAY!!…Oopss!Of coz to see rafa play today only add up to that,yes?
Thanks Al!hehe…How r u sis?Based from your words,i think you’re walking on the moon at the mo!Hehe…and i don’t blame u!Very happy to see you’re happy sis!
rc…hahahaha….i’m so so so so so so sorry about kicking your arse sis!I can’t help it!!..Everytime i look at your arse,i would imagine it’s TB’s arse,so i had to kick it!!Hehehe…
RC i said i liked his music, and he friended me on FB, we had a private conversation, he asked me for my e.mail address and sent a lovely message to me, be still my beating heart
U.S. Investigating Mosul Strikes Said to Have Killed Up to 200 Civilians
Another Iraqi special forces officer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject, said that there had been a noticeable relaxing of the coalition’s rules of engagement since President Trump took office.
If confirmed, the series of airstrikes would rank among the highest civilian death tolls in an American air mission since the United States went to war in Iraq in 2003. And the reports of civilian deaths in Mosul came immediately after two recent incidents in Syria, where the coalition is also battling the Islamic State from the air, in which activists and local residents said dozens of civilians had been killed.
Taken together, the surge of reported civilian deaths raised questions about whether once-strict rules of engagement meant to minimize civilian casualties were being relaxed under the Trump administration, which has vowed to fight the Islamic State more aggressively.
That’s really cool Mira Andi. And who knows…maybe she will wear a necklace with my nickname on the next tournament. Okay a bracelet or anklet is okay too.
Hehe…Thanks ToMMo!Hey,wears a bracelet is okay buuuuut…anklet?..nah!!We don’t want her tripped and fall on her beautiful face,do we?But,earlet,noselet are okay too!!
Mira Andi, Nny, Alison, Hawks — all Tenngrand friends:
Had to make a decision, a big one and there was no doubt which was the right one. There’s too many breath-taking issues going on daily and it didn’t slow. It’s impossible for me to keep up with tennis while working with the local political action team – it an all-consuming effort. Anti-war, health care, and the environment are life-long top priorities and I’ve never felt more compelled.
I love you all and Vamos Rafa too – there’s never been a more generous and humble example in sports, imo! I’ll check in now and then, please take care of yourselves – miss you — but I’ll be back.
Meanwhile, I highly recommend reading anything by Annie Jacobsen, particularly the first few chapters of The Pentagon’s Brain, and Noam Chomsky’s latest book, Requiem for the American Dream: The Ten Principles of Concentration of Wealth and Power (or any of his writings).
These are inspiring times, cheers, love, and peaceful resistance, Elizabeth.
Nny My Queen!!…Hahahaha!…Swear!no agenda except to see u smile and happy even just for 2 sec!…And you’re you’re you’re welcomeeeeee Nny!!…and thank u for your genuine affection,your precious and generous gratitude[and makes me ‘fall in love’ with u more and more!!hahaha…
Nny!…I will always do my best to make u feel better and happy!You’re one of the most important figure in my virtual life atm,so your happiness also very important to me….
I want to be at my best for MC and Rafa! I need to give Rafa all of my support! You and I will be live blogging as we watch him!
I am feeling a lot better now than I was for Miami! I need to be sure to conserve my energy and try not to get involved in pointless discussions that go nowhere!
I wish that I could find the words to truly let you know how much your encouragement and little messages mean to me! I have a lot to be thankful and grateful for now!
Your precious words of caring and love and. concern have helped me more than you will ever know!
Hey back My Queen!!…If u keep take care of yourself properly and rest enough as required,there is no reason for u to not be at your best when Rafa starts his campaign in MC in a weeks time Nny…Insyaallah,i’ll be here for u Nny!!Can’t wait to get crazy with u soon!!!Wooohoooo!!
Also,i’m really really glad to know that you’re feeling much better now…keep doing it okay?Oh!Rafa once again sent me a message via an old pigeon last nite…he said “Mira,keep Nny entertained by your never ending craziness…i want her to get better and better everyday,so she can enjoy watching me play at MC soon!..Remember!Doing what i told u or your backside will be at stake!I just polish my Nike footwear for just the occassion!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA!!…”There Nny!!..Man!I can’t believe Rafa was so scary at times!!!…Stupid jokes for the day Nny!!Hehehehe….
Oh,btw…don’t worry Nny…i already know how u feel…believe me i know..what u wrote all this time already makes my heart feel sooooo BIG…Honestly,what i’m doing is came from my heart…I’m not expcting some compliment or praise from u….i just want to make u happy and forget what u have been through…i know,it’s not much but to make u feel less stress and better even for a minute,it’s already worth the try for me Nny…So,VAMOS Nny!!
Hey Ali…yeah,both songs were very good!I used to listen to it on radio when i still younger…Thanks for the vid sis…there’s no better way to remind myself that i’m wayyyyyy older than 15 years ago by listening to this songs Al!!..hahaha…
Hey Nny!!…Boy,how glad i am you’re here at last!Hehe…I’ve waited all day long just to say HI to u!!Anyway,how are u feeling today Nny?Hope much much better than yesterday!
And thank u for liking my pictures Nny!…To tell the truth..to search and pick the right Good Morning or anything are my favourites activity everyday Nny…i am too very fascinated with all the beautiful pic and quotes and to choose the right one for u….urgh!..it’s enjoyable to do that….oh,u just wait the recovery quotes that i’ve already picked for u for tommorow Nny!…It’s awesome!!
Oh,btw i am lucky too to have u here Nny!You’re one of the most friendly,loving,warm,nice and kind person i’ve ever met…and i’m really reallt glad that we have this chemistry betwween us Nny!Thank u for being my friend!…
You will always have me as your friend! Always! You go out of your way to show kindness and that’s not something you see a lot of on these forums.
You don’t need to even care about what happened to me, but you do! You are real and genuine and reach out to people. That is a gift!
I will never forget how you reached out to me in my time of need. I have support in my life, but it’s a lovely surprise to see it here.
I know what is important and what is not. You realize that you should notcket the little things get to you because there are much more important things in life.
So if Rafa loses a final, then I am disappointed for a bit and then I realize – it was a tennis match! Not life and death!
I am much stronger now and able to fo more things. I feel a great deal of appreciation for the little things that I used to take for granted.
Nny!…Awww,million thank u for your sweet and nice words up there!!It’s AWESOME!!…But,think nothing of it Nny…we’re friends and like i said before,u,rc,Ali and amy mean so much to me…so,what i did is nothing..it’s natural to do that when it’s borne from the deep affection/love….
Btw Nny,i’m really glad that you’re start to see the real thing about Rafa losses..That’s what i’m trying to pumped u up everytime Rafa lose..it’s not the end of the world…and what??IT’S JUST A TENNIS MATCH!!..That’s okay,if Rafa suffer another lost in the future..then we both will soothe each other okay?..
Oh Ricky!!You’re mean!!U approved my old post AFTER i posted a new one??Now,i look like an idiot for giving Nny the same pic twice??..Urgh!!!..Btw,why u took so long to approve my old post?I posted 11 hours ago!!
Nny!…Actually i already replied to your post last nite,but got moderated by Ricky due to 4 pic that i gave it to u all at once haha…but i also not sure whether Ricky will release my post or not,so i give it 2 of my pic and quotes okay?
Also Nny…Thank u thank u thank u for your precious words up there..it’s AWESOME!!!…It’s irony actually,someone used to wrote on TX that she finds my over sweet/kind personality was very irritating!In other words,she don’t like me much because of the very personality that almost make u cry in your last post!…But that’s okay as long as i can make u happy…it’s enough for me Nny…Oh btw,,how u feel today?
Oh I see what happened! I think you can only post so many links in one comment! But Ricky was so kind to approve it!
It’s okay! I saw it twice! I could never find your posts irritating at all! They are a breath of fresh air! That’s why it’s so great that Ricky lets us have this non-tennis forum!
That chicken soup looks so good! I have had a lot of help in the past few weeks. But I am doing so well that the nurse who has been coming to check on me twice a week will have her last visit this Thursday!
I told you it was working! I will see the doctor in about a week. I am sorry about not going into details here, but it just wasn’t comfortable going into medical details.
I told you that this has changed how I look at things. A tennis match is a tennis match! Not the end of the world! It’s important to appreciate the little pleasures in life. Don’t take life for granted!
Hey Nny!!..From your words,it seems that everything are very positive atm..and i hope the positivity keep coming to u in the coming weeks..millions YAY! for that..and thank God as well…
And yeah,i agree some people including u start to look at things differently after having some unforgetful event in their lives…i have my share too Nny…when i was pregnant with my last child 10 years ago,i had to do an emergency c-sec when my child was 8 months old in my womb due to the high BP that shot up to 140 that fateful day…and my child almost drowned and when Doc get her out much later,she’s already blue and the Doc said,if we’re late just a few minutes,she could be dead…as for me,i’ve also walking on a thin rope after the surgery when my BP got crazy and shot to the highest no of 190…very scary Nny!…But thank God!..i’m still here today and still crazy!hahaha…
And it’s okay for me if u not going into detail about your’s…honestly,i’m a little scared to hear your story Nny..so,it’s better if u keep a secret about that okay?
Thats lovely MA, cheered me up no end as im not feeling all that great, with a stinking cold ….
I was moved by your experience with giving birth to your child. We all get tested in this life. I am glad that it all turned out okay! I not the exception in having a health crisis. But I am trying to take positives out of it.
I know if I lose perspective should Rafa lose again, that you will be there to remind me that it’s not the end of the world.
There Nny!…Oh btw,thank u for your sympathy ma’am!…Yeah,u’re right…every each one of us has our own shares in this life..the difference is that,what kind of test we’ve got…easy,hard,painful,long term,short term…it’s all up to God..we just have to accept it with open heart…
Re.Rafa…Yeah Nny!…When the time comes,we get through it together okay?Insyaallah,i’ll be here for u…VAMOS RAFA AND Nny!!…Woooohoooo!!!
RC Nice to see you here, i dont think Steve-O takes too kindly to posters that disagree with him, or say anything wrong about Federer, god forbid lol ….
I don’t know what to say about Tennis-x, Alison …you are more brave than me! Haven’t read it over there but I’d think the Fed Fans should be dishing it left and right; Fed Fans have to take it too — plenty of anti-feds there, I should think.
RC I Dont post so much on the tennis forums anymore, especially that one, much prefer blogging here when i do, havent been watching as much tennis lately, had my mind on other things, spent most of my time on FB lately chatting to friends ….
Okay…went over and had a look. Ali, he/she is just lashing out and you were available. Whoever that guy is …seems he’s probably going on on the wrong forum with all the “Orewellian” reference.
Wow.wwwwwow. Strange isn’t it?? Yesterday I heard Babylon on a radio station while in my car. Then last night I started listening to the whole album, White Ladder (what other one is there ?? )
Of course I was catching up on tennis and when I do, my bracket and internet tennis friends come to mind. So…It must be ESP with us. That happened to me with amy here some time ago and a Margaret Atwood book.
Golly, it’s all random, right? Or is it. What’s the chances of both of us tuning into a David Gray CD from 1999-2000? For me, all music is divided by pre- September 9/11 and post… post 9/11 music conjures up a happier, more innocent time in life, I think. Cheers, Alison my thoughts are with you!
ESP might be more known as “remote viewing” now? Some people have been shown to be quite good at it. Obviously not me, tho!!! I’d be a whole lot better at predicting if I was good at it!!
Okay…one more from White Ladder – Babylon. Pre 9/11. To an easier time.
let go in our hearts, let go in our heads… or maybe I’ve got the lyrics wrong again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTMws6srlt0
“This is a low-flying panic attack”….gosh I’m such a Radioheadie — 2.5 decades later — I still go back to something from Thom Yorke at the end of the day ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI2oS2hoL0k
Way back in 2003, happily for me, Radiohead came out with Hail to the Thief.
What Wiki says about it:
The album was self-produced by the band and…. Songwriter Thom Yorke wrote many of the album’s lyrics in response to the War on Terror and the resurgence of right-wing politics in the Western part of the world at the turn of the millennium, and said that the album expresses “frustration and powerlessness and anger, and the huge gap between the people that put themselves in control and the people that allegedly voted for them”, alluding to the controversy surrounding the 2000 United States presidential election.
At 23:36 Thom says, “That’s how they get you. When people stop participating in democracy, that’s when fascism occurs; and that’s when idiots get in charge.”
Deja vu, 2017. The country is still at it! But Thom and Johnny make angst sound ethereal in this unplugged in Paris 2003 version ?
I know, I’m OTT posting the entire performance just skip to No Surprises. It’s so killer at 27:58 minutes in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWZdi4Atr-U
Hail to the Thief has been cued up in my car for the commute to work since January. Agree with you about Hail to the Thief often overlooked and underrated. Over time maybe that will change. It feels like the most enduring of his work lately.
Moon-shaped pool only had two tracks that I revisit: Burn the Witch always makes me smile, then there’s Daydreamer, which hits eerily deep and still scares me a little when I listen and watch the video. Probably it’s starting to grow on me – that’s how it works. He’s on the same page as I am politically and possibly as freaked-out. The impact on coral reefs and so on…ice caps melting…
RC I Loved this Radiohead song, it turns out that guitar rift was an accident, and the group like it so much, that they left it in https://youtu.be/XFkzRNyygfk
Creep was the first I’d heard of them. And back then there wasn’t youtube – so… I didn’t purchase my own CD until Kid A came out and by that time it had taken a boyfriend having them on day and night, listening to them over and over, until discovering the addiction was mine In 1993-4…I was into a lot of music that was NOT Radiohead – it was rarely at steady at a good running and work-out tempo. When Hail to the Thief (2003) came out it grew on me fast – every track. As mentioned, the bond was about a mutual political perception at the time. I had to track back and realize how much I loved much of their earlier music too. The 2007 CD, In Rainbows, had too many teenie-bop tracks, however… enough of my favorites are mixed in that I keep it around: Weird Fishes Arpeggio, Faust Arp, Jigsaw Falling (posted that one to you a couple years ago on tennis-x) and Reckoner. I have to skip the bits connected to the soundtrack of Twilight, lol.
I consider Pablo Honey and The Bends to be way more pop but it’s all fantastic IMHO and way above 99% of everything else put to some form of polymer or ones and zeros.
You’re probably using a slightly different e-mail address.
I had that problem once when I entered a different e-mail on a new device when I thought it was the sams.
Yes…certainly it was the email with that gravatar!
Sometimes it’s a browser problem tho….I thank-you for the helpful tip which I’ll pass along to the geek who I’ll pay to fix things. Technology has gone beyond me, it’s infinitely boring I can’t do it myself. How these devices work isn’t – I used to try to keep up…my dream is to survive off grid. Sometimes I pray for a solar flare or a EMP that sends everything back to hunter gatherer time.
Poor Shawn Spicer and his latest press conference ? Spicy might not be around much longer…I’ll miss him when he goes – for his foot in mouth clangers he’s ended up being the only bright spot in the Trump adm.
This time I think Spicey really stepped in it. You can’t mess with the Holocaust. My father could have told Spicey about how the smell of burning flesh became stronger as he and the other American soldiers got closer to the concentration camp. He had to take pictures of the atrocities for the Nuremberg trials.
It’s mind boggling that Spicey or anyone for that matter, could say something that ignorant and stupid. The whole point with Hitler and the Nazis was to find a way to kill the Jews more efficiently. That’s how they came up with Zyklon B gas and the ovens. They created a way to kill people on a mass scale. The world has never seen anything like it before or since.
Sometimes I wonder what goes through the mind of someone who makes such an idiotic comment.
It’s not getting any easier to stomach reality and making the adjustment is a full-time struggle. I’m going to a town hall meeting tonight with like-minded Idahoans vs right-wing con men. That’s all I can do. Keep trying.
The march in support of Science is coming up soon too, I think…that’s an important one around here! Geez…
Yes, I am feeling much better and am recovering well. Thanks for asking!
I don’t think that Spicey is the worst of the Trump administration. He just put his big foot in his mouth and made an incredibly insensitive comment about the Holocaust. At least he has apologized for it, which is more than can be said for Trump and his endless hateful, misogynistic comments. You have to be a decent human being to apologize and he doesn’t qualify.
It never gets easier watching this all play out. Now we are supposed to believe that Trump grew a conscience when he saw pictures of those dead babies gassed by Assad. So he sends some missiles and thinks he’s done something. He has no core beliefs or principles. He just does what he thinks will make him look strong or be more popular.
The worst of the Trump administration is Steve Bannon. That man is toxic with a truly hateful and bigoted agenda. He is dangerous. I would like to see him out, but I don’t think Trump will do it. The other cancer in the Trump presidency is Kushner, Trump’s moron of a son-in law. This guy is not qualified to be in the position that Trump has put him in. No experience on the world stage dealing with foreign countries and international relations. He knows how to make money, honestly or dishonestly. I don’t recall anyone voting for Kushner or Ivanka. But they are greedy and corrupt, just like Trump.
Hang in there and keep fighting the good fight! We must take back our country! People need to get out in record numbers for the midterm elections in 2018!
Thanks, you too — hang in there. I watched Trump’s press conference…he really is all over the map – there’s no telling which way he flips on any given day. And yet, even though I realize that fact about him, it was still remarkable to hear him announce that the United Nations is no longer obsolete. Because he’s in the mood and says so… LOL…remember what he said about the UN before he was elected and had so many Trump supporters (Bannon types) super excited about promising to put an end to the UN hahahaha
But his complete flip on the UN does nothing to calm my fears about him being in charge of the H-bombs and carrying around the nuclear code brief case. It is nice for the moment that he’s declared his support for our allies.
But…at the same time he makes a point of saying the Pacific Fleet is heading toward North Korea for gods sake.
He’s so shallow…we all know he is! This is a big reality TV show starring himself – his ratings are what matter the most.
Okay…I’m outta here for now!
My chrome browser is down and infected with the Zeus virus so this post will need to be approved
First I hope you are continuing to feel better and stronger! And if you are, I’m asking for your opinion (I think you are more moderate than myself). Certainly I respect your knowledge and opinion and I think we are close to being on the same page and I appreciate your viewpoints and history.
It’s this morning’s episode of Democracy Now which featured in part, Stephen Cohen, New York University; and Jonathan Steele, former Moscow correspondent for the Guardian. Have you heard this side of the Syrian chemical weapons story and if you have, what do you think and feel about this? Frankly, it terrifies me — not knowing where the truth falls on all sides — and feeling acutely aware of what is at stake. To me all parties are in part lying and also telling some truth. And I tend to in part believe the Russians at this point, having been mislead too many times by my own government! Back in 2003, I came to have no doubt in my mind that the Bush Administration was lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the need to go to war was a gross mistake on every level. But I am naturally Anti-War…in fact, any time our administration insists on regime changes around the world I have to think it’s a disaster in the making and join a march in protest. (especially since the Idaho Republicans cancelled the town hall at the last minute last night – they can’t even be bothered – ****!) https://www.democracynow.org/shows/2017/4/13
Never mind me. My earlier wishy washiness is embarrassing! I’ve spent my day off studying what started off as confusing and conflicting information on too many fronts a week ago.
I value your opinions, wisdom and advice on the matter of all things but in my mind after reading the transcripts in writing of the questions both Cohen and Steele ask be considered and their points of view – I feel clear. We are being lied to by the power players – same as usual. Follow the money. Look who benefits from the present propaganda. It’s a bi-partisan lie – there are still more progressives who are ready to face the truth but I doubt democrats in general are. Definitely Tillerson, right-wing Republicans, and the corporate class in power is the most heavily invested in perpetual war as usual. It’s why I was done with the Clintons and Obama. I’m done with the democrats other than those who can represent and speak the truth. Military technology — I’m sick of it. Was sick of hearing about drone attacks and atrocities during Obama’s admin. As if the hydrogen bombs haven’t been enough since 1950 to sink every land mass on the planet and render earth uninhabitable for tens of centuries to come.
The thing is, I was just deciding which issue was most pressing a week ago — healthcare for all, single-payer, is the answer. There’s no other option. Then there’s Jeff Sessions and his agenda – I can’t/won’t start.
This continual escalation, perpetuation of war and the profiteering of Raytheon and the other military/industrial players at the expense of humanity and the planet – it’s absurd that I was even considering falling for the same old lies. I’m solidly on the side of Lavrov and Putin when it comes specifically to the chemical attack in Syria (not that I support the Russian Oligarchy, bigots and nationalists). We are in another situation deja vu Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, Latin America, South America, Africa, Palestine…the list is long. I can’t think about Puerto Rico or the Barrier Reef without getting sick. It all makes me sick…
Rant over. Action is required. Sorry. I feel bad bringing my angst into tennisgrand.
Vamos Rafa in MC. Hoping to glimpse his best clay tennis once again.
You can talk about injustices etc because you live in the US. You should try living in those countries you have admiration for and you will realize that compared to the wrongs they do, we are much better off. But you really have to live there to understand what I am saying. You take for granted all the good things you have here. It is only when you live in Russia or Saudi Arabia or say, Syria that you will you realize the value of the things you take for granted. This reminds me of a story of a man who had one cow. Everyday he used to pray to God to give him a second cow. One day his one cow went missing. Then he prayed to God to return his cow and promised to be grateful for having one cow.
Trump and his inner circle will lie about it spin it any way they can through Sinclair broadcasting, which is Fox News, only bigger. There has turned up in my satellite channel list a new news program called One America, which is a glimpse of what I would call Trump TV.
Democracy Now and the Intercept is where I find daily reports of daily bombings and operations in Yemen, Iraq, and Syria. In fact this morning’s Democracy Now was interviewing Jeremy Schiller and Glen Greenwald…
We still have a democracy but it is under attack from outside (elements in Russia) and from within – the GOP.
We have to fight for our freedoms and fight resist Trump who is dangerously in love with Authoritarian regimes like I’m Egypt, Phillipines, Saudia Arabia,…in fact Trump leaked the news of our submarines position to Duarte…and admires his war on drugs…read the Intercept. It’s completely crazy.
Also the Trumpcare/tax cuts for the rich budget hopefully gets squashed in the Senate…23 million people will lose healthcare…and on and on…no more meals on wheels for the elderly…gosh I could go on…it’s unreal.
Jeremy Scahill. NOT Schiller
Jeremy Scahill is fighting the fight to get the reports made public that anti democracy elements want squashed.
Yeah, I’m on top of most of what is going on since Trump took office. And it is incredible what is happening to social programs.
With the electoral college continuing to be further abused, it is a questionable democracy and I think its 50/50 whether there will even be an election in 2018. Even if there is, I can see GOP getting in with even far less of the popular vote than 2016.
I read that InfoWars received WH press credentials yesterday.
Never thought I’d see this in my life time in North America. Naive thinking.
Not yet, Hawks, but i wa to! I”m pretty busy.
Did you see what haopened to a Guardian reporter who was trying to ask a GOP congessman a question about the budget? Throttled and body-slammed it the ground in Bozeman, Montana.
I’m not surprised Alex Jones/Info Wars has WH press credentials.
There are attacks on our Democracy nonstop since Trump took office, day one.
All Bannon orchestrated IMO.
Yeah, I heard. Between NYT The Daily podcast and Twitter, I’m pretty up to speed as soon as anything happens. Talk about shock and awe – it’s never ending (by design).
Nny!…Hey,how r u today?Hope it muuuuuuuucccchhhhhh better than we last chat…and Nny..here’s my usual wishes 4 u..today i sent 2 pic at once because i don’t know when i can send u another..my internet was crashed in my area…and i want to wish u good luck for our Rafa as well..oh!btw..make sure u fill the Bracket okay?LOVE U FROM AFAR Nny!!!Woooohoooo!!VAMOS RAFA!!
This loss hits me hard. I loved Michele Scarponi. Can’t imagine what it must be like for his wife and kids, close friends, and teammates. Everyone loved him. These tragedies happen in cycling but this man was someone you always looked for in a race because he makes the race more fun and interesting…he radiated joy and passion. Rest peacefully dear Scarpa. Gone too soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt0aTHUKHb8
Is there anyone else who is as pissed off as I am with the ITF live-streaming site? This is an expensive annual subscription but gave coverage of all DC matches for 12 months. In January I received an email to say they were upgrading the site plus the usual platitudes promising improvements and offering a free trial subscription when it is launched i.e. undoubtedly the precursor to a price hike
Since then nothing. Have written to them twice asking for news – both emails have been ignored and so far the promised reimbursement of the unused subscription has not materialised.
In short, no. When I go to their site there is no mention of how to subscribe. I lost all my history post the power surge which burnt out my computer (and yes I have now invested in a surge protector) so cant backtrack to my original ITF account details.
re: the Slams. The ITF do not provide any coverage. I use Eurosport Player which gives total coverage of all courts with TV facilities.
Have finally elicited a response from the ITF (after a very sharp message from me about their inefficiency and discourtesy) who tell me the new site is still under construction but cannot give a date when this will be. i guess the revised DC format has put a spanner in the works.
Mira Andi my favorite film star, my new monikor has his initials on TX, not accepted the friendship request as yet though, i havent the nerve right now ….
Okay Al!U take care of yourself when you’re at work k?Don’t nightdreamin’ bout certain someone u hear?It’s dangerous to do that at workplace!hahaha…be safe sis!Hugs and kisses from afar!!Wooo!
Help needed. I managed to add a new photo for my avatar which appeared above once but only once. Have no idea how I got there and it has since disappeared. Can somebody tell me in baby language what I have to do!!!!!!!.
I haven’t changed my avatar, but I think you have to Log In the WordPress.com (the same username & password you use on the Grandstand) to change your avatar:
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Hey Ricky!From the words up there from elisabethiv3..i take it’s a porn something??Why u let those junk appeared in this forum?I know this is non tennis forum..but is it suitable for this site?I’m sure other poster’s will agree with me…
Thanks Hawkeye. Cant recall the name of the site either and as you know I lost all my data when my computer burnt out following a power surge. Will try tennis abstract.
The callous, cowardly terrorist attack in the UK which killed and maimed concert goers on Monday night – many of them teeny-boppers – has left the nation in shock. You don’t need to be a parent to imagine what it is like for the parents who lost a child in the carnage or are still searching. The youngest was an 8yr girl.
Not obvious how an attack in which the attacker is fully prepared to die is “cowardly”. Callous, terrorist, evil, to be morally condemned in no uncertain terms? Absolutely.
What then should we say about the US-led attacks that have killed far more innocent civilians, and far more children, in recent months -in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and elsewhere? Many of those attacks really are cowardly, most obviously, those carried out by drones.
What does it take for us Westerners to imagine what it must be like to be the parent of one of the hundreds of those Middle-Eastern children killed just in March by US and UK bombers?
@Joe….Thank u thank u thank u for your words and sympathy for those innocent victims in the middle east that was killed like their lives not worth a cent…U don’t know how much your words have moved me..and even more so because you’re a Westerner…Thank u for being a great human being Joe!
The attacks you reference in your link in March however, are horrific and shouldn’t have occurred IMO and I question their intent given the current regime and Trump’s prior positive comments on Assad.
I don’t trust the Trump government motives there now. I believe he’s aligned with Russia which is supporting the Assad regime.
I hadn’t realized that you were referring to recent months so your point is taken.
Wrong how? Most of the western attacks are clearly unlawful as well (e.g. Trump’s recent missile attack). There is no legal basis for the US involved in Syria, either directly or by proxy. Being engaged in an unlawful and unjust war does not morally excuse killing thousands of innocent people, to put it mildly.
My point is simply this. Those hundreds of children killed by US/UK bombs in March in the middle east are no less innocent than that 8 year old killed in Manchester. Yet, while the latter death merits headlines around the world, cause for reflection, and so forth; the former, much more numerous deaths pass us by, their number increasing each day, their lives, as Mira puts it, not worth a cent.
What about Isis and other terrorist groups who use civilians and deliberately put them in harms way? Is that just fine and dandy with you?
No one is saying that the lives of some children are led important or less valuable. But civilians have been used by corrupt regimes and terrorist groups and put in places where they become casualties.
Please save your moral outrage because in armed conflict civilians have been tragically killed throughout history.
You want moral outrage? Think about what happened in WWII! There are too many examples of atrocities against innocent civilians to even list. Then there were the concentration camps!
War is hell! No one ever said it wasn’t!
But if you can’t make the distinction between the arbitrary targeting of civilians just for the sake of it, anywhere, any time, then you are not gettIng it at all.
Sorry, NNY, but although some civilian casualties may be due to people deliberately being put in harms way, the vast majority are not. It’s convenient to believe from a western point of view, but it’s not true, not even close.
Hawk, I made no claim to moral equivalence. Plenty of acts short of terrorism are morally wrong and worthy of condemnation, particularly when we are the perpetrators.
In Oct. 2015 the US air force bombed a MSF (Doctors Without Borders) hospital in Kunduz, killing more innocent people than were killed in Manchester. They knew the coordinates of the hospital, which was lit up. MSF called immediately to tell the US military that they were bombing the hospital; the bombing continued for over an hour.
You can draw your own conclusions about how ‘accidental’ the attack was. There are many other cases.
So what is your point, Joe? The only point you seem to be making is that the terrorist strikes are a just return for the atrocities committed by the US/UK. Also you seem to think Islamic terrorism is courageous and US strikes are cowardly. In the US, you can talk of human rights and criticize US. You should stay in a Middle East country. Let us know thereafter what are your thoughts about US.
Don’t get me wrong Joe – I disagree with a lot of what the US has done in the past, especially Iraq War for example.
You equated Manchester bombing directly targeted on civilian children to “MOST of the Western attacks” including US involvement in Syria, which are not directed at civilians.
That is a false equivalency and a gross over simplification.
Mary, my initial point was simply that as we think about the victims of the Manchester attack, we spare a thought for the many more innocent victims of US led attacks in recent months.
I said nothing about the relationship between the Manchester attack and US-led bombing in the middle east. But since you bring it up, I do think, with many others, that there is a relationship. To be absolutely clear, I think we need to carefully distinguish *explanation* -why these attacks are happening- from *justification*. To give a possible explanation for why a terrorist attack occurred is in no way to justify it, and I explicitly condemned the Manchester attack in no uncertain terms, as I do all terrorist attacks on innocent people.
At least since 9/11 the concept of “blowback” has been fairly mainstream in the west. US actions in the middle east have killed a lot of innocents and made a lot of others very angry; and they continue to do so. It is not a stretch to say that those US-led actions are a significant part (obviously not the whole part) of the explanation for some terrorist attacks on westerners.
As I said in one of my earlier posts, the sympathizers like you are taking for granted the good things that US gives them and looking at the bad things and siding with the terrorists. You really should live in the Middle East to have a proper perspective.
US is not perfect because obviously it is run by humans who have faults. But it has a system based on great principles and slowly but surely many injustices have been addressed and will continue to be addressed. What is the system that the Middle East or the terrorists have which is tending to a better world. They practice medieval beliefs and use modern tools and weapons.
Though a war is bad, it cannot be equated with terrorism. Many idealists are attracted by the cause of the terrorists but wherever the terrorists have succeeeded in seizing power, they have proved to be even more venal and corrrupt than the establishment they had overturned.
Absolutely agree, Joe. Well said.
Joe’s 10:04 pm post is what i’m referring to.
What injustices will Trump continue to address Mary?
Did I say anything about Trump?
You said continue. You must have meant 4-8 years from now which would mean that you have a broader definition of ‘continue’ than I do. My mistake.
What’s you opinion on Trump Mary? Any positives? Negatives?
You argument is disturbing in a few ways. You casually dismiss the well known practice of putting innocent civilians in places that have berm targeted for bombing. Like – no biggie! Are you kidding with that? I. Sn’t take you seriously when you are blind to selective atrocities, yet can condemn civilian killings in war. It’s the ultimate cowardice and absence of morality to ignore the practice of deliberately putting civilians in harm’s way.
You had nothing to say about WWII. Are you just ignoring the deaths of so many innocent civilians? Concentration camps? No biggie to you either?
You are making a very simplistic argument and ignoring the very real differences between acts of war and random acts of terror and violence perpetrated on innocent civilians.
What about 9/11? Was that okay because we have made mistakes asa country? Just take some planes and crash them into the twin towers and kill 3000 innocent people? Are you outraged Bout that? Or did they deserve to die in your simplistic morality?
You miss the point Joe. In the minds of the terrorists obviously they think it is payback for the wickedness of the West. What is disturbing is that you seem to agree with them and actually have admiration for their courage in blowing themselves up rather than using a drone which you apparently think is cowardly.
NNY, it’s an empirical question how many western caused civilian deaths (“collateral damage”) are due to innocent people being put in harms way. I claim that it is comparatively rare, which is the view of the major human rights organizations such as Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, and others. Even the US does not generally claim that the civilians it kills have deliberately been put in harms way, although of course it does happen sometimes.
I have been very careful not to justify any terrorist attacks, including 9/11. I condemn all such attacks.
Not sure why you bring up WWII. Nothing I said depends on anything that happened in that war.
Mary, I said nothing about terrorist attacks being courageous and don’t believe them to be. But if either type of attack is cowardly, yes, I would think it would be the one conducted from a safe distance rather than the one carried out by a person prepared to die for his cause.
Again, if “payback” is understood as part of an explanation, not a justification, then I -along with many others, including analysts who work for the US government, think that western actions in the Mideast have some role to play in explaining why terrorists target westerners.
Children and adolescents were directly and intentionally targeted in Manchester.
There have been successful movements like the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Reformation…against unjust orders but they were led by leaders with a vision of greater power for the people. What is the world order these religious terrorists want to bring to replace the “evil” systems of the “wicked” west?
I said nothing about grand visions. Obviously, I don’t support medieval minded leaders such as ISIS, but it is naïve in the extreme to think that that is why the US and its allies are fighting.
Again you are confusing terrorism with war. The point is, there is no justification whatever for terrorism which targets innocent people. The us and its allies are fighting a war for the same reason wars have been fought down the ages. For power and money. As a side benefit, wars have resulted in great improvement in technology including computers. War is a systematic and organized effort where the forces of one or more countries fight against another group. There is strategy, there is negotiation, there is a method. But in case of terrorism, it is just an act of evil. I strongly recommend rc and you go and stay in one of those countries you admire and then I would like to hear your views about how disillusioned you are with what is happening in the US.
Once you concede that wars are fought for power and money (a realistic assumption), you have nothing left to defend US-led actions. Innocent people in those middle east countries are not there to be used as means to profit, greed, or technological advances. Each of them has a life like you and I do, and it is evil to take it from them for purposes of power and money.
Even if there is a moral difference between war and terrorism, wars kill a lot more innocent people than do acts of terrorism.
Not sure why you keep telling me to go and live in the Mideast. Not everyone who lives there shares your views, even in pro-western countries such as Israel:
You don’t have to share my views. I wanted you to have a better perspective.
Are you talking to me? or Joe?
You want me to have a better perspective? A better perspective, from what I’ve read of yours, is unlikely to come to me from you!
Somebody who thinks she knows everything is unlikely to benefit from anyone, not just me. They say ignorance is bliss and so you seek bliss by wallowing in your ignorance.
But for the record, I was talking to Joe.
The gratuitous advice you gave me about trolling, why don’t you take it for yourself?
Did I say anything about admiring them? NO!
But neither do I admire normalizing perpetual war. War for greed and profit is not something I support!!!
The thing is, war is normal. War is always for power and money. If the Middle East were more powerful, they would be bombing us. So we should be happy we are more powerful. You should study history and economics to understand why wars are inevitable. Do you know why the great civilizations of the past collapsed and others rose?
When Karl Marx proposed his new order, it was perfect but in practice, any system which does not account for human greed and venality is not perfect.
Who got personal and assumed much? It is you. Shall I give you an example? You got personal with me and called me a troll and attacked me. You had no business to do it as you did not know about amy’s history and you were not involved. Secondly you claimed her situation on tenngrand was like yours on tennis-x. you knew you were not lakie. Did you know amy was not margot? You assumed much, my dear. But I refrained from responding to you. Now you have gone too far attacking me again. You are obviously ignorant of history. I won’t call you naive. Just ignorant.
I am very very sorry and sympathy for the victims and their family in Manchester attack…and not only in Manchester but other places as well…i can’t imagine someone have the heart to do such a terrifying action based just on their hatred and anger…How could some people look at other people and just want to kill them?…and not to love them?I don’t understand….
Even though i’m very very mad and angry for what they did because it will give a false perception to other’s about Islam…Islam is all about peacefulness and have a great bonding between religions no matter who they are…and what they did is certainly wrong…Prophet Muhammad already stated that “If anyone[Muslims]who hurt/kill an innocent non muslim,then i will be their enemy when the Doomsday come”…And clearly this attacker’s did not think about Prophet Muhammad’s words when they did this…
But,then again..i understand their anger and frustrations that certainly were born from seeing their Arab region get destroyed one by one by US and Israel since forever…Palestine,Iraq,Lubnan,Afghanistan and the list keep on growing…in one way i want to blame both Bush[Senior and junior] for starting this fiasco because IMO,this continuos attacking and killing is born from the first moment iraq was bombed in 1990…and it just chained reaction from that moment…if only both Bush at that time not thinking with their kneecap and with $$$ in their mind…this horror would not happen today…
But,the attacker’s also to be blamed for allowing themselves to get blinded by their anger and hatred..it’s certainly solves nothing…only destruction and pain to those who involved…and sadly,we’re going to witness much more of this in the future i believe….and that is the tragedy to the human kind..*Big,big heavy and very sad sigh*
Yeah hawks…It was like we’re sitting on a time bomb…always watching and alert which part of the world is going to blow next..and how many innocent people will get killed this time….and it will happen hawks…i can feel it…
Thanks MA. I haven’t told you how much I appreciate reading you here lately. You are a breath of fresh air! And I love checking your picks every week on TDC.
I do what I can – on my days off I email and call congressmen and senators – have to keep at it. It’s the most important work that I can do right now as a human.
Oh really rc??woohohohoho!!…it’s good to hear from u rc!..Miss u like crazy!!
Speaking of TDC….Urgh!!…i’m bad!!hahaha….but u,always awesome rc!!…It’s not fair!..how come you’re the only one who get the chance to kick my @ss??Hahaha…i bet,this week as well!!Hehehe..
Btw..i admire u very very much rc!…Your strength and determination to make it right..even tho’ it seems the mountains hardly but u keep pushing and trying…hope u will succeed in the end rc!!
Listen rc!!..U hear that??..I LOVE U MORE!!..always take care of yourself k?
I don’t remember hearing that song before, thanks.
Hey, don’t you have a holiday coming up? Summer Solstice celebration? I can’t wait until the days start getting shorter – seriously – I’ll be celebrating that.
This all began because Joe Smith took me to task for calling the Manchester bombing a cowardly act on the part of the perpetrator implying he was brave because he was prepared to die in the process.
He and his Libyan born family originally fled from Libya to escape the Gaddafi regime and took refuge in Manchester where he attended school and university. It is hard to comprehend how he could choose to cause such havoc in the city in which he had been brought up and quite possibly cause the death of people he knew.
I supported your sentiments and still do. This is the problem with Trump’s attempt to ban Muslims freedom entering our country. What about home grown terrorists? That’s what happened with the attack in San Bernarino.
It has almost unfathomable that this person could have perpetrated this act in his own country.
I support ed too. I have no sympathy for terrorists and can never equate terrorism with war or justify terrorism by claiming it is the result of wars waged by the west. The poor sods who blow themselves up are not courageous, just idiots who are used as drones by cynical exploiters who are at least as venal as those they claim to protest against. But I guess people like Joe and rc want to project themselves as better human beings.
I will not ever see war as “normal”. Terrorist attacks are not normal. Trump’s budget is not normal…it is as usual, mostly to fund more war make money -billions trading and dealing in weapons.
Most humans on the planet are nothing compared to waging war, acessing fossil fuel, using every inch of real estate on the planet for exploitation,greed, power, and it’s not to proteCT freedom for the people, it’s not power to the people, it’s about keeping the Rich, Rich and endowment of a few with autocratic power.
The people who go on protesting about all the bad things without bothering to understand why they happen and what is the sustainable alternative are just disruptive.
Ed, no one can answer why this happened but very respectfully, the following element exposed in this interview might have something to do with it….
I just have to get this off my chest. This is going to be a rant, but there are some things that need to be addressed.
First, no country is perfect or ideal or always does the right thing. We were wrong to invade Iraq. It was an illegal war, fought under a fake pretense, i.e. the presence of WMD’s and blaming Iraq for 9/11. It is a stain on the U.S. when you remove a dictator who may have done evil things, it creates a vacuum. In that vacuum, Al Qaeda and Isis took control. It’s a mess that we created.
However, to use a misguided war as justification for the barbarism of these terrorist groups, is to go down a slippery slope. These groups behave like they did in the Middle Ages, cutting off people’s heads and making the lives of those who live under their control a living breathing nightmare.
These groups hate Western civilization. They hate civilization period. They are primitI’ve, barbaric and without any moral compass. Before we condemn the U.S., we should remember that. We have a Constitution, a republic with guaranteed freedoms that most countries can only dream about. Many take these freedoms for granted. We can work to make our country better. We can protest peacefully and vote in elections and speak our mind. Do the people living under the rule of Al Qaeda and Isis have those rights? Are they free?
The U.S. may be flawed and may have made mistakes, but where else would those of you who criticize this country want to live? You have the capacity to enact change. But all I am reading is blanket denunciations of this country. Generalizations about Obama, Clinton and our policies. Everyone is corrupt, everywhere is tainted. What country do you like? What western democracies are without flaws or mistakes in their history?
If you think for one minute that Al Qaeda and Isis are actually doing these terrorist acts in protest of what the U.S. has done, then you are giving them far more credit than they deserve. They came into existence to create violence, chaos, anarchy, fear and repression. That is their agenda and they need no justification for it.
You trash this country, yet provide no solutions or remedies. Just attack and condemn in self-righteous terms. Anyone can do that. But you don’t give constructive solutions.
We are a capitalist country. That is the foundation of our financial and economic system. We need regulations to ensure that greed does not get out of control. We are not a socialist country and never will be. We have adopted some socialist programs. But we need to make our system the best it can be with laws regulating it so that the middle class and poor do not get shafted. We need to elect people with decency and integrity to help make this country a better place to live.
Now we are facing a real threat with a fascist president who presents a serious threat. The time for active participation is now. But justifying the actions of rogue terrorist groups by gratuitously trashing this country accomplishes nothing.
” We have a Constitution, a republic with guaranteed freedoms that most countries can only dream about. ”
HAD a Constitution. On paper only.
Not worth the paper it’s written on if The People don’t uphold it. Here is what the most active people (enough to keep GOP in control of the USA) believe today…
We are on the same page on this one, Hawks thanks for your words. The Constitution is under attack. And we fight to keep our freedoms.
The good news is that Trump’s anti-Muslim travel ban has again been struck down.
Next, the Senate needs to stop the millionaire Trumpanomic budget plan from passing.
Then we need a thorough independent investigation into Russian interfering with the election and Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. If Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice, which I believe he is…
Impeach him!
NNY: It is important to distinguish how the US treats its own citizens vs how it treats citizens of other countries. The US treats its own citizens comparatively well, it is true, much better than many other countries, though certainly not all. The US Constitution embodies ideals that I only wish the US government would live up to.
However, how the US treats citizens of other countries is a very different matter. As I said elsewhere (on the Kyrgios wears Trump t-shirt comments page), since the end of WWII the US is responsible for the deaths of far more innocent civilians of other countries than is any other country. It’s not even close (though please note, Stalin and Mao’s larger atrocities are not being compared, being committed mostly against their own citizens). In Vietnam (1960-75) and in Iraq (1991-present) alone, the US is responsible for the deaths of some 5-6 million innocent people. Think about that. Like me, you’re an American whose life extends back to that time. That is blood on our hands. And no great Constitution, no high-minded domestic ideals, no capitalist ethos, gives any of us the right to take the lives of innocent people who aren’t so lucky to be born Americans.
The US is an empire, the greatest empire the world has ever known. It has over 1000 military bases worldwide and it exercises vast control through its financial, trade, and military policy, over the lives of billions of people who have no say in how it acts. It is up to us Americans to hold the US government to account, both domestically and in its foreign policy. We should not acquiesce in its crimes, and we should do what we can to make it better. That is more difficult now than ever, to put it mildly.
Finally, what do I want? First and foremost, I would like the US to start respecting the rule of law, where that means the US Constitution, the UN Charter, the Geneva Conventions, and other relevant laws governing war. That would be a great step.
I think you should seek out your own Utopia. We cannot change the past. I get why you dismiss WWII do conveniently, since that was Hitler and the Nazis trying to sxrenubareca race of people! Talk about blood on their hands! That is what a totalitarian government looks like. No Constitution, no Bill of Rights, no free press, no freedom of speech,
I love the way you casually dismiss Stalin and Mao! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! All the better to stigmatize the U.S. Stalin was planning to go after the Jews in his country, but fortunately he died before he could do it! I but just skip right over them because they only killed their own people!
I really am baffled by your ability to block out facts that you do not wish to see. Do you think we did a good thing in defeating Hitler? Or is that no big deal that you? Liberating the concentration camps. Who cares! Then you would have seen what my father saw. I can tell you after having to take pictures and document the atrocities, my father would have had a hard time comparing that to anything, let alone what the U.S. has done. But I guess you had to be there!
Our Constitution is alive and well! Look at the federal circuit court that struck down Trump’s Muslim travel ban. Maybe you should read their decision so that you can realize what it means to have an independent judiciary!
We have freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and a free press. We have the right to vote, but unfortunately too many of our citizens prefer to vote for third party candidates or just sit it out.
If you want change, then you have to get up off your ass and do something about it! Not just whine and complain and list the bad things this country has done.
I meant to say that Hitler was trying to exterminate a race if people! Auto correct garbled it!
NNY and Mary: Both of you seem to have missed my point about distinguishing how the US treats its own citizens from how it treats others. Can you both appreciate that it’s possible to treat both well? That’s what I (and many others) want. We don’t hate the US; we want to make it better. Don’t you?
I did not minimize WWII, Hitler’s crimes, or any of that, but and still don’t see how it’s relevant to today. I made some claims about what has happened since that time, because I want to emphasize that it’s hypocrisy to criticize others’ crimes (e.g. the Manchester bomber) but whitewash our own. You two seem to have a hard time understanding that basic principle.
Here’s today’s story confirming a recent atrocity perpetrated by the US, which it (predictably) blames on ISIS. Again, these sorts of incidents have been happening since 2003 (the 2004 assault on Mosul was horrific) -long before ISIS came into being.
Ohh, US should never have entered ww2 but let more Pearl Harbors happen because rc says wars are bad and rc is very wise and knows everything.
Au contraire, madam high horse, Mary — I am but an ignorant, uneducated peasant hahaha
Lol rc!!..hehehe..
So if you are an uneducated peasant who knows nothing, you should behave like one instead of pretending to be a know all and making a fool of yourself.
This may seem strange but I don’t feel like changing anything for you.
I never said I wanted you to change anything for me. But it does seem strange that you prefer to make a fool of yourself by pretending to be a know all.
You do like telling me I’m know all and a fool.
I’m sure you can think of more insults too. You are very brilliant at it.
Thank you! Don’t forget, you started it.
Oh sure. I started it. Whatever you say.
nny, my thoughts exactly but you expressed them much better than I could. I really feel upset with these hypocrites who are constantly finding fault with the US yet there is nowhere else in the world where they could enjoy the privileges they have and that they take for granted. It is so easy to find fault but I have faith in the concept of democracy on which this country is based. It is not perfect in practice, far from it, but the country has made progress in the last 200 years toward that ideal and will continue to do so. It is up to us to take constructive steps, not just be disruptive by condemning everyone and everything in the system as evil. It is so easy to find fault. Not so easy to find solutions.
I am surprised to read your thoughts. Unfortunately, you and I usually do not share on anything. However, I did read what you wrote previously and it did resonate with me.
I just felt like I was going to burst if I didn’t say what I felt. I had not planned to get into th S discussion again. But I had to set wake ftp my heart.
It’s a copout to say that there is no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans! Then one can say they are all no good and what Is the sense of working for change abd participating in the political process. Then people have an excuse not to vote. It’s also not true. There is a difference.
If Hillary was elected, we would not have had a Muslim travel ban. There would be no Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. We would not have the repeal of Obamacare. We would not be even talking about building some stupid wall on the border with Mexico. We would not have a potential tax break for the richest two percent in the country, we would not have a president who was threatening to lock up journalists. I could go on an on, but things would have been very different if Hillary was elected.
People need to take responsibility and get involved in the political process. I am sick and tired of those who talk about what is wrong with this country, while not lifting a finger to work for change. Get busy on the grassroots level in the states to get people elected who share your views. Do something!
How about getting out and voting in the 2018 midterm elections to get control of the House back in Democratic hands?
Too many auto correct mistakes in my last post. I did mean to say that you and I don’t usually agree on anything.
Thank you nny for voicing your thoughts. Although we think differently on many other things and have clashed several times, it looks like we share the same political views.
Yes, I criticize policies and practices that I believe are unconstitutional, protest injustices almost every weekend, Call, leave voicemails and send emails to state senators, even if the are all Republican, and it’s likely an act of futility. I do what I can and give what I can. Also I pay my taxes and I have a right to protest the trillion dollar defense spending. Also protest the arms sale to Saudi Arabia.
I do not take this country for granted….sheesh! Just the opposite. If I see the Constitution at risk from a potential dictator surrounded by racists (Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon) and con men – I have to make noise
Good for you, Ratcliff! I have done that too; even when it feels like you’re spinning your wheels, it’s important.
Long ago I was a staffer on the campaign that elected the late Paul Wellstone to the US Senate. He had been a teacher of mine and no one gave him a chance, but he won and represented Minnesota for two terms. He did a lot of good there, even though I used to argue with him about US support for Israel and other issues.
We all should do what we can.
Very good, Joe
I remember Paul Wellstone. And I was proud to campaign for Ron Wyden back in the day, when I lived in Portland. Also worked going door to door in N.E Portland to get people out to vote.
Ah, door knocking. Even though I sometimes encountered people (and dogs) I would have rather avoided, I always found it easier than calling people over the phone.
You may disagree with me if you wish, but she made my argument. No need to get do defensive. Even at my stage in life, I got involved in Hillary’s campaign. But I was involved at a young age in politics and have some strong opinions about it.
For the record, I do not support wars for profit! You don’t have a monopoly on the moral high ground here. I spoke about the Iraq war and how I felt about it and the devastation wrought by it. Do I don’t need lectures from anyone because I lived through the Vietnam war in college and protested in demonstrations in college. I remember Kent State, too.
I did not direct my comments at you, so chill out! I have heard you speak about your activism. So good for you!
I have had enough of the criticism about what this country has done in the past. We can oml change things going forward. I have worked in politics for a good particularly of my adult life. So I have not relied on talk, but have backed it up with action.
That’s where I am coming from.
I made my argument! Sorry, but too many autocorrect typos in my last post. But I think my message is clear.
I have no clue why you come after me now. None of my comments were directed at you.
Did I ever say I had the monopoly on th moral high ground?
Really, I’ve always thought the high ground was for Mary, naturally.
Oh guys!!{Nny& rc]..I love u both dearly!..but u guys sounds a little strange now..please stay calm!Take a deep breath…remember,this is just politics we’re talking about…that’s okay if we have a different view with each other okay?
Don’t worry MA.
NNY and I are actually on the same side or thereabouts politically and we definitely agree that Novak isn’t back – we need to see more.♡
Okay rc!!
And I have not been critical of Ww2. I’m sure I would have wanted to join the army for that one.
But NOT Vietnam and not perpetual war for profit and greed, not my tax money to feed this out of control military industrial monster
I have really had my fill of your cheap and petty attacks on me. You cannot make an argument, so you reach for the convenient straw man nonsense. You are a broken record. But you say nothing that is in any way meaningful. Just self-righteous piety.
I am now done with this discussion for good. I stand by what I said.
As far as the truly despicable and vile comment about bringing WWII into this discussion, I truly have the utmost contempt and utter lack of respect for anyone who would trash the mention of WWII. I am immensely proud of my father’s sacrifice and what it took out of him, as well as all the other brave American soldiers who courageously fought to defeat Hitler and the Nazis, the ultimate evil. Memorial Day is this weekend and I salute those who died and those where fought and lived to come home. True heroes.
That’s a straw man argument. Which is a cheap and petty attack on Joe’s argument. You could not make an argument, so you reach for the convenient straw man nonsense.
(The rest of your reply was personally insulting.)
I have no problem with hawkeye saying bad things about US because he lives in Canada. Obviously he resents the power of the US. Not nice to be next to a powerful neighbor who could swat you like a fly.
The current US government is too busy swatting it’s 99% of its own citizens like a fly to worry too much about Canada.
No, I don’t resent its power – just when it is abused.
My grandfather fought along side with the US in WWI and my cousin fought along side with the US in Afghanistan. They fought for what they believed in representing Canada and I am proud of them for that. My cousin was killed by an IED fighting the Taliban. My aunt married a US soldier stationed in Canada during WWII (he truly was a great man who I was privileged to know) and I have American relatives in the US who I love very much (they feel the same way about where the US is headed as I do).
I love the US and the democracy it once represented. I travel there often for business and pleasure. But that doesn’t mean I blindly support everything that they do today and throughout history.
The US is Canada’s greatest trading partner by far. Although Trump is threatening to destroy NAFTA.
So you really don’t know sweet fuck all about me Mary.
My old Mac Book laptop has some treasures on it. This laptop is a relic.
Anyway I found some music that I must have been given by a cycling news Brazilian friend. It’s so beautiful. I no longer have the translation though. peace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh6rYXcV3HE
Actually the first version of Sinha I posted @3:42 am, May 27,
is the most excellent, if you need something nice stuck in your mind to drown out other stuff.
Much is written and translated of his music. Construction, is covered very well and I think I can get a glimpse of how spectacular the work is. He’s a bit like a Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan combined and the added Brazilian rhythms make his work even more addicting, imo – the complexity and depth is mesmerizing. It sticks with me and I can’t get enough. If there’s someone out there that know his works, I be thrilled to understand more.
Sadly, I can’t find an English translation of Sinha…a very bad French one was the closest I can find.
But I did find a better music video depicting of the roots of Sinha, I think:
Yeah!Agree ed!!…also Ricky,don’t forget a thread concerning a food as well….sometimes i wanna give Nny and rc a virtual coffee for breakfast and i have to do it on tennis forum!!..duh!!
Hillary ClintonVerified account
Hillary Clinton Retweeted Donald J. Trump
People in covfefe houses shouldn’t throw covfefe.
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
Crooked Hillary Clinton now blames everybody but herself, refuses to say she was a terrible candidate. Hits Facebook & even Dems & DNC.
RT @MicahZenko: 59% of all acknowledged Iraq/Syria civilians killed by US-led coalition in 34-month war occurred in past 3 months…since Trump took office.
Sorry RC i have just see your post, i have a camp coming up in 3 weeks time to celebrate Summer Solstice, which im so excited about, meeting all my friends again, ive never heard that song before, but i will have to listen to it on my tablet, for some reason i the volumn is now not working on this laptop, the song i downloaded called Saltwater by Julian Lennon is quite sad, but its quite pertinent because of what we are doing to the planet sadly, cheers XX ….
I liked it – Saltwater, that is. Sad is me, Alison. Very sad and trying times. I don’t walk around sad but underneath, it’s hard not to be. Tennis doesn’t offer a lot of diversion lately. Too bad I’m not more of a Rafa fan, right?
Isn’t the next solstice on June 21st? That would be so much fun – camping with you and your friends. Well if the Boise River ever eases off being so close to flood stage, I’ll get out and float the river. It’s too dangerous atm.
RC So sorry i dont mean to bring anybody down, im looking forward to having a break to celebrate solstice, even though it will be at a slightly later date, because something happened to me earlier in the year that messed with my head, and is still doing so to a certain extent, so i really need a break, you would love it, camping really takes all the stress away for me, but we are always with friends when we camp, when you do make sure you stay safe ….
Been a Rafa fan is indeed quite nice at the moment RC, i will enjoy it for however long it lasts, tomorrow could be someone elses turn, although i can understand fans of other players getting irritated with the OTT euphoria ….
You or any song you post couldn’t possibly bring me down. It’s lovely to chat with you. I’m still waiting for a long-promised laptop to arrive — when it does, I’ll venture back onto facebook and say hello there to you and AM. I don’t like facebook but there are some local people that are pressing me to get on it.
No, no when I camp or float the river, I never go alone. That would be quite frightening. There are too many crazies, not to mention bears. I used to have an unpleasant, recurring dream/nightmare of being attacked/killed by a bear. But I think these days the humans are far more dangerous and desperate.
Yes, I’m genuinely happy for the Rafa fans about his La Decima and renewed otherworldly form and health. He is too lovable not to like — he gets more loveable as he ages too, imo. A re-emergence of Novak is not what I crave exactly either. I think I’d be inspired by a new GS winner in the ATP – just can’t imagine who and how they would pull it off.
Anyway, I’ve been listening to Shawn Colvin lately. Talk about sad and depressing lyrics — but I’ve always thought that sad descriptive lyrics and hypnotic melodies are the most interesting. Colvin writes about bad relationships and unfortunate break-ups very beautifully. But this one is about a disaster dream, I think… I have those too – so I relate to it and it’s haunting but somehow comforting when you hear her sing the words…well imo. LOL… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud5E1twISZU
Before I start writing, I want to make something clear am not writing these to hurt anyone, am simply trying to tell the truth as you might have noticed it’s been weeks since I came to this site or commented on this particular page but I noticed some comments here that I believe are wrong.
Love is faithful, honest, kind etc but more importantly love is truthful, I would rather have 1 friend and speak the truth than to have a billion friends and lie.
Blaming Israel or the United States of American for the rise of terrorism or for encouraging terrorism is a false statement, Islamic terrorists are EVIL people who believe in a SATANIC ideology thought by false teacher’s.
Israel is great Nation not a perfect nation and there is no country in the middle east that can be compared to them.
The freedom and religious liberty that Israel offers are broad and diverse for example as a Christian I can’t practice my faith in many muslim countries for e.g Iran, Saudi Arabia etc without losing my life or locked up in prison for life because I love JESUS CHRIST, even muslim majority countries that allow Christianity to be practiced persecute Christians daily by the thousands for their faith, the throw them in prison for blasphemy because the believe that JESUS CHRIST is Lord and Saviour.
But in Israel muslims and other religion’s are not murdered for their believes and is Israel is a Jewish State.
She offers religious liberty to all muslims, muslims can build their mosques, Christian can build churches, but this would never happen in many muslim countries.
A Jew cannot go to a muslim country and practice his/her faith without instant death, they can’t build synagogues that would never happen.
Islamic terrorism is an EVIL ideology inspired by the quran not by Israel or USA, here are some verses in the quran written by the muslim prophet muhammed-
1) quran (8:12)- I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve( Christian, Jews & other faiths). Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.
(2) quran (9:29)- Fight those who believe not in allah nor the last day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by allah and his messenger nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until the pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued. “PEOPLE OF THE BOOK” refers to Christians and Jews. According to this verse they are to be violently subjugated, with the sole justification being their religious status.
(3) quran (9:30)- And the Jews say Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say the Messiah is the son of allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before, may allah destroy them, how they are turned away.
(4) quran (9:38-39)- O ye who believe! What is the matter with you, that when ye are asked to go forth in cause of allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the hereafter. Unless you go forth, he will punish you with a grievious penalty and put others in your place.
This is a warning to those who refuse to murder Christians & Jews, that they will be punished with hell.
There are hundreds of verses like this and worse, i can’t post them all, all I ask is that you examine the things that I have posted and do your own research.
It’s important to note that this are not my words, I didn’t twist any verse they are the words of muhammed & allah.
So why did I post these, I did because people need to know the truth, when a terrorist murders an innocent person there motivation is found in the quran the words of muhammed & allah.
A few years ago a friend showed me a video of a Christian who was beheaded by an islamic terrorist he quoted some of this verses and justified his EVIL, WICKED, BARBARIC, INHUMANE actions.
But JESUS said love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Be you therefore perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
Stanley…With all due respect..if u want to find the truth about Islam,i strongly suggest u go to the nearest Mosque and find an IMAM there..i can assure u he will answer all your questions,curiosity or doubt about Islam..u can debate,argue or u can give your opinion,thought whether bad or good about Islam or Al-Quran with him…An IMAM is the person who have a deep knowledge in Islam and he’s the perfect person for u to meet…
I feel really sad because now we’re Muslim in the middle of having the Holy month of Ramadhan…i will be very grateful to u if u’re respect that stanley…in fact we have to respect other’s who have a different believe and faith than us without the need to degrade or demean them or their faith…Thank u..
Joe…Thank u so so so much for your kind and precious words…i really really appreciate it joe…and the same goes to u and your family okay?Even though u’re maybe not celebrate something atm but i wish every happiness in the world for u and your family joe..Thank u once again!
Mary…Thank u very much for your advice…and don’t worry i’m not going to respond to Stanley anymore…as a Muslim i have a responsibility towards my religion and to show stanley a right path if he ever wants to know the truth about islam…whether he wants to do it or not..it’s up to him…but,no more words from me…and thank u once again Mary!!Really really appreciate your advice!…
From what I can tell from a tennis forum MA, you are a lovely human being and the world would be a much better place if there were more people like you.
Mira Andi, not sure if I wished you and your family a happy, safe and healthy Ramadhan. Like Joe, I don’t know what the proper words are to wish you well on Ramadhan but you know I deeply respect you for your faith, intelligence and your kind, thoughtful, soul. I echo what Hawk says: the world needs more Mira Andi’s. I love you dearly MA. I’m happy the Rafa came through and won La Decima. Hope you are still smiling and feeling joy.
Hawks and rc!!!…Oh God,u guys!!..U make me cry with your beautiful words u know!!U guys are mean!!Hahaha…Oh God!I can’t believe it!!..THANK U,THANK U AND THANK U for your wonderful and precious words Hawks and rc!!…I love u more rc!and u too Hawks!!
But,i don’t think i’m that ‘perfect’ guys…No!..Don’t put me too high guys..i’m only human being with an ugliness and flaws still scattered in my body…still learning how to be a better person everyday…and that’s it for life lesson for today pupils!hehehe…
Oh rc!!…Thank u so much for the wishes!!…Urgh rc!!..if you’re near me,i will hug and kiss u till u passed out!!hahaha…
Nobody is perfect. You’ve admitted what you do to cows and your couch on occasion. hahaha
But whatever you are doing — it’s helping you to remain going in the most loving direction. Please accept our love for you. And thanks…I got the hugs all the way here from Malaysia and back to you!
Hahahaha!…Funny rc!!…and i’ve accepted your love longtime ago rc!…U R AWESOME!!
Ratcliff, MA, Hawkeye, Joe Smith, NNY,ed, Mary and who else contributed his/her opinion here … thanks. We might not be all on the same page all the time, but on the whole you guys discussed questions which are more important than the Goat debate.
As to Stanley, well, it’s hard to shun someone. But there are indeed good reasons for that which go beyond the question if Trump should get impeached or not…
Littlefoot!…Welcome to non tennis!..sometimes it felt good to talk something other than tennis…sometimes we need to’get away’ from GOAT debate and as such…i wish we can talk about something light and full of joy here such as about food or football or Meryl Streep..but so far no one bring this subject up!hehehe..
And the ghost story might be interesting too!!hehe..
It’s far easier to condemn those who expose the EVIL/WICKED teachings of Islam as if the have a problem with muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different.
After I graduated from the university I taught English, economics and biology to senior students who were seeking to enter the university for almost 2yrs even though I studied industrial chemistry.
I was 22yrs old then and now am between 26-28yrs old, the reason why I give all this information is because more than 70% of my students were muslims and I loved them and I taught them everything I knew to make sure they excelled and some of them did, more than 80% of those students are in the university studying medicine, different kinds of engineering etc. I even provided finances for some of them when they needed help, even though am working in a different field now and the distance btw me & them is far, I try to stay in touch with them through social media.
My point is this just as I taught this students they also taught me a lot about islam & sharia law and I tell you, what this students had to go through especially the women would make a grown man sob like a baby, it’s mind boggling whether it’s rape or honour killing etc no one should experience this EVIL.
So when I read or hear people who know nothing about islam or who try to defend the wicked, disgusting actions of radical Islam it break’s my heart and all I can say is shame on those who call evil-good, and good-evil.
It’s important to note that not all muslims murder innocent people, some of them are peaceful and are victims of terrorism by the hands of Isis and other terrorists group’s because the reject this EVIL/WICKED teachings.
It’s also important to note that as a Christian if I reject the teachings of JESUS CHRIST am not a Christian.
And if a muslim rejects the teachings of Muhammed they are not muslims.
You can’t have it both ways you can’t condemn islamic terrorism without condemning the teachings/verses in the quran.
Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with GOD.
If you want to find out the truth about any religion go to their book and if you have questions ask a muslim, buddhist, Hindu etc.
But more importantly do your own research don’t take my word for it just do your own research diligently.
If you want to know about Christianity read their Book the BIBLE and if you have questions ask a Christian but more importantly do your research diligently.
I would encourage you to watch the videos of Brigitte Gabriel on YouTube she is a smart woman who understands Islam but more importantly read the quran.
Andi Mira i admit im not very knowledgeable when it comes to all things potical, i find it all too heavy for my understanding, but i agree with Joe Smith in hoping you and your family are all well and happy ….
Hey Al!…Yeah..actually i’m not interested to debate with anyone about this kind of thing either..for me,debating about religion is a very dangerous thing..very sensitive subject..maybe in our excitement to say what we have in mind,we hurt someone with our view…and i would rather hurt myself than hurt my dear rafans here whom i respect and adore so much…all we have to do is respect each other…what happened in this world atm is because the lack of respect and love in their heart..if they have even one tiny cell of that two factor’s in their body…trust me Al,we can solve many things…end of rant!hahaha…
Oh,btw..thank u for your thoughts and kind words Al!It touched me deeply u guys!!Urgh!!…Don’t worry Al..we’re live in peaceful and happiness here..even though not as grand as u guys hahaha..but alhamdullillah..everything’s perfect!
I Always believe that people should be left alone to choose their own path, christian, muslim, hindu, Sheek, catholic whatever, im of pagan faith, which is very much misunderstood, like many of the religions are, people believing we sacrifice animals, children, drink chickens blood, when actually its nothing of the kind, we celebrate the changing of the seasons with rituals, and eat, drink and celebrate, and actually sing folk songs, and actually have alot of fun in doing so, i believe we should be left alone to live the way we want to, not be judged because it doesnt fit into everybodys ideal beliefs, race, colour, religion, we are all the same, end of rant ….
Paganism sounds right up my alley, Ali. But it does get a bad rap. I do my best imitation – it’s natural to celebrating the solstice’s and feel relief especially for me when the autumnal equinox gets close. When do you burn the wicker man? I want to do that and visit Stonehenge on a celebration someday
Hey rc!!..u like it??Oh great!!..So,u used to listen to his songs?I’m not familiar with his other songs..except for this album..u know,when i 6,7,8 years old..when the sunset come and we’re about to break our fasting..my late mom always turn on our battered radio and this song along with many Ron Goodwin’s from Music From An Arabian night would come out and played beautifully through the sunset…
Now,my mom was long gone…everytime i listen to this song..all of a sudden i missed my mom very much rc!!
Oh btw…one of those singing prayers?U mean like the one that i gave it to u on FB rc?
Yeah, I was looking on youtube for one — but you don’t have to post one here if you think it’s not right. I’ll be back on FB…someday…
Yeah…Arabian Nights, my late mom had albums of his music from the movies. I used to dance around the living room to it – not even sure if I was in grade school yet. Goodwin did a wide variety of music. I grew up with mostly classical music playing but my mom loved musicals too. I didn’t like all of her music tho! She’d play Gilbert and Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore a lot. Here’s my version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHLuGlm7Q30
Hiya back rc!!…Hey!i just want to ask u,is it okay to post something very Islamic like that here?I mean maybe it will creates an uncomfortable feeling for some…but,u beat me to it!!hahaha…that’s okay rc!…when we’re be able to chat on FB again,i will give it to u k?
rc..your mom play Gilbert and Sullivan’s a lot?Oh poor u!!hahaha…
Actually, I like HMS pinafore now…it’s brilliant! the lyrics are spot on. I appreciate much that I did not about what my mom and dad were interested in and the music they played now. Both parents gone. You never know what you got until it’s gone, as they say.
Yeah rc!…we usually don’t appreciate much what we’ve got..until we lost them..[deep sigh]…
Hey rc…u know Sascha lost right?He’s start to dip now..Let’s see how he’s doing at wimby…somehow i feel his form will lay low for a while…i’m not going to pick him to go deep at wimby….You’re already make your pick rc?
Hey rc!…The tune is not bad at all!…This is far more interesting than counting a sheep if i can’t sleep at nite!!Hahaha…
Didn’t really like how Sascha played today. Mueller is in exceptional for on grass but Sascha didn’t try — he didn’t come out fighting after he lost the first set TB.
All I have done is watch tennis — play music — and my brackets are filled out! Except Mallorca, which I may not do. I recall now: the bracket was posted late and the there were too many changes. It was the first year for Mallorca last year – maybe it’s more organized this year but I’m having my doubts. If I was in Mallorca — well, I just be kicking it Lots of distractions there.
RC LOL Up my alley, Ali, evidentally some have been known to dance naked, but i havent been brave enough, but on each of the sabbats we go to we do burn a wicker man, nobody and nothing is in it though, other than prayer ties with wishes and offerings for the coming season, we also have a labyrinth that we walk through, all symbolic about letting go of the old and bringing in the new, to cleanse yourself, some bang soiux drums, some play flutes, ive never been to Stonehenge but its on my bucket list to go at some point, although i did visit Avebury stones which was on a smaller scale, we also had our hand fasting around a stone circle in Oxfordshire ….
Andi Mira your welcome, i really hate prejudice, both myself and my husband have mixed ancestories in our families, and mixed cultures, i nearly blew a gasket on TX when i saw Cilic having his picture taken with a neo nazi pop star, put me right of the guy when at one time i actually did like him, after that i lost all respect for him, i had the backing of most posters im pleased to say, only 1 or 2 that didnt agree with me ….
Yeah Al!…i remembered u got slammed by poster’s on TX because of that..but credit to u Al for still stay strong even when u got kick,punch and smack down by some…i gotta admit,i’m not that strong..nowadays feel really ‘scared’ when blogging there..
I wanted to come here and say how truly sorry I am that you had to read those hateful things from Stanley. Prejudice and ignorance are indeed the bane of humanity. But I hope the loving words of those here can ease any pain or hurt you are feeling.
You reached out to me during one of the most difficult times of my life recently. I will never forget your kindness and caring words. You lifted up my spirits when I was discouraged during my recovery. Your cheerful messages were something I looked forward to every day. I had good care, but your special wishes helped me more than you will ever know. I can never repay you for what you have given me.
I hope that you are doing well in your observance of Ramadan. You are a true embodiment of what it means to be a Muslim and a human being with spirit and a warm and loving heart.
I count my blessings for having been so fortunate to meet you in this forum in cyber space.
Nny!!…Oh my God!!…Thank u so so so much for your words!!…God!U make me cry too u know!!…What is it with u guys?..torture a women like this??Hahahaha….
Nny…First of all i wanna say what i did to u when you’re in tough moment a while ago was borne from my own desire and need…when i learned that you’re sick,i want to go to your bedside sooo bad..but i can’t..so,i was thinking..if i can’t go to her,what can i do to make her feel better in this tough moment?And that’s when the idea to send those beautiful and very meaningful messages blink brightly in my head…and u know what?I even told u in one of my messages that if u want to reach out to me on personal matter just ask Ricky for my email or ask rc…she knows my email too…at that time,i was thinking,been in tough moment like that,sometimes we need to unload what we feels on the inside..sometimes we can’t do that with our closest..but we can do it easily with strangers…and i’m here for u Nny..always..whenever u need me,just ask for me okay?I mean it Nny…
About Stanley,thank u once again Nny for your support and words..u don’t know how much it mean to me…also,when i read his words…i don’t feel angry at all..none!..all i felt was that..what if my dear poster’s read them and they believe what he wrote?because it’s not true!…Islam is all about loving,respect and make nice to each other without thinking about the colours of our skin or races…and i just hope that God will shine a light in stanley’s heart one day…
Oh btw…Nny..u have no idea how happy i am to meet u,rc,Hawks and other great poster’s here..u also have no idea to be able to chat with u everyday makes my life so so happy..so happy Nny!So,thank u so so much for giving me this happiness…when i said i love u..i really really mean it Nny!SWEAR!!..hahahaha…wooohoooo!!
End of rant!hahahaha…
Hi back Eugene!…I knew it!!Hahaha…You’re one of the most nicest poster’s here Eugene and i like u very much!It’s a shame u rarely came here cause i like interacting with u…Hope to see u more here Eugene!I mean it!..
You are so sweet MA. I deeply appreciate your kind words. Will definitely keep posting when time allows. I am happy to share the same opinion about you. Take care MA
Hahaha…Thank u so much for your wonderful words Eugene!…U take care too okay?..no matter in what u do…and i mean it Eugene!!
Overhead on the Twitterverse:
“Arguing with a Trump supporter is like playing checkers with a pigeon, no matter how good you are the bird shits on the board and struts around like it won anyway.”
Best thing would be to ban all religions. Religions are in fact civil and criminal law evolved to govern societies. To ensure people obeyed them, they were supposed to be laid down by God and the ruler was the representative of God. The ruler therefore wore jewels and spectacular clothes and maybe a mask too and made his public appearances amidst much pomp and grandeur to fill the people with awe and fear. Now that we have temporal laws and the ruling body derives its legitimacy from the will of the people, religions can safely be retired. But the religious leaders do not want to lose power.
We can continue to have God to be a kind of catch all to field all the questions to which we do not have the answers. So if we don’t know something, we can say, “God knows.”
mira, just came on here to comment on the finsbury park mosque attack and say that that amazing imam did you and your faith proud.
sadiq khan who is the mayor of london is also one of my favourite politicians and another who represents the best of your faith and the best of british tolerance.
hope you’re well hon….
love from me to you….
amy!!…Oh my God!..you’re here!!…Only yesterday i was thinking of u!!…I miss u so so much amy!!…How r u?Hope u r well and happy with your loved ones okay?
And thank u thank u thank u for your wonderful words amy!…As a Muslim your words and understanding and deep respect and tolerance that you’ve got in u moved me tremendously amy!…And i was right,you’re a very beautiful human being inside out amy!
About sadiq khan…Yeah,i heard a lot of good things about him amy….no wonder he was chosen by the people of London to be their Mayor..I guess,if you’re honest about what you’re doing,u will be love and like by many people no matter what their faith and believe..right amy?Anyway,thank u for coming here today amy!…I really really miss u!!….I love u much much more amy!!…
hey mira dear!!! sorry i meant to come here when rafa won and send you a massive hug and loads of kisses but i just couldn’t stand being around the troll when i was so happy.
i was live blogging with a close and dear friend of mind from this site who hardly ever posts here called chloro. maybe one day i will get the chance to introduce you to each other!
i really really admire and cherish sadiq khan who came from a poor background and fought his way up to represent the poor and disadvantaged. he is very popular in britain and i was actually hoping he would lead the labour party.
that imam is a wonderful man and brought many to tears. i guess you know of jk rowling?? the one who wrote harry potter?she was in tears today talking about his amazing strengh and humanity.
i would never ever judge anyone because of their faith mira. there are great people and bad people of every religion and creed…you, sadiq khan and that wonderful imam represent the best of islam….
big hug and kiss mira…..xxxx
Oh My God amy!!…Thank u so so much for your amazing words!..although,i don’t think i can be put on the same level with Sadiq and that wonderful imam amy…i’m only a very plain and ordinary human being…nothing special about me!..while they’re both already proved that they’re in a different league than me…in every aspect amy…Btw…thank u once again for your words amy!…YOU’RE AWESOME!!!
Oh JK rowling crying??Oh wow!!.I can’t believe it amy!!!…I have to find the news about it!!…I admire Jk a lot,because this is not the 1st time she showed how beautiful her soul’s are…she’s not afraid to let the world know how she feels about Trump too..
About chloro…amy!i would love to get to know chloro!..Please introduce me to her/him amy!!…I’m sure she/he a great human being too!…and i understand you’re reluctant to come here often amy!…I just wish mary would not be so hard on u…I hope u be patient and strong when dealing with Mary okay?There’s so many here who adores u still amy…i will always waiting for your return amy!!…
Poor amy troll must have been miserable because her hated Rafa won and worse still UT whom she called selfish and evil got recognition. Must have been the saddest day for amytroll.
What puzzles me is this troll insists on coming back here as amy after having been exposed. Totally shameless!
Mary what is this bee you have in your bonnet about Amy and her being a Rafa hater, when actually shes a Rafa fan, no disrespect but it sounds ridiculous, and your now coming across as being a bully ….
That’s ok, Alison, if telling the truth makes me a bully I am fine with it. According to the fake profile amy projected she is a fan of Rafa with Djok being her second fave. She is supposed to hate Muzz and she never made a single post about Muzz until Muzz claimed players who played more than 5 hours must be doping. Everybody here thought he meant Djok and amy was seething. Ultimately unable to control herself she made a post asking who else has played 5+ hours and answered it herself.Rafa….. That’s when I realized that she had studiously avoided posting about Muzz till then. She has made fan like posts about Delpo but never about Rafa or Djok.
I don’t have to convince you. It came as a big surprise to me I think a year after she started posting here when I realized with a shock that she was Margot. I always knew though that she was a fake because she claimed she had never been on the internet, not even followed any site till 2015. Why would a Rafa fan from London stay away from the internet during Rafa’s best years? Also why does she diligently follow tennis-x but not post there? Obviously because she is already there. So after I realized she was Margot, I verified her past posts and they bore out my suspicion. Also amy-deuce..Amadeuce… Mozart….genius….amy thought her trolling userid was sheer genius.
Anyway I won’t waste further time in trying to convince you. People are not amenable to reason so nothing will convince you unless it strikes you.
So freaking what if Amy is Deuce or Margot. I don’t think so but both are posters are ones I love talking tennis with and interacting with and they are not a dang bully like you, Mary. I love reading all of them — very good writers. Brilliant if they are all one and the same and no less readable!
How many sock puppets do you have, Mary? Should we honestly go there? I’m very certain you’ve been on Tennis-x and likely still are. Your characters are the most pesky Trolls I have ever read.
You are an equal to Von and Truth, how many? I don’t really care to know.
Also you have given me many laughs because what you come up with is unbelievable. Definitely a tortured genius, yourself; but not a nice one or a fair one. Get over yourself.
Many of us change our poster id’s. So what is your problem with it?
Your argument accusing Amy, just sounds hypocritical and silly.
I know you are very intelligent but that doesn’t mean your internet characters are loveable — they are not meant to be. Go away and comeback as a nicer character is my suggestion.
I have no problem with amy being Margot, I have a problem with her pretending to be a Rafa fan when Margot is actually a Rafa hater. amy bashed Rafa and attacked Rafa fans.
I am not von or Truth. But these accusations fit your propensity to attack viciously based on just your Assumptions.
You are free to like amy but you have no right to challenge my assertion that amy is Margot and call me names without doing your research on amy’s posts from 2015.
Do that and come back rc-troll. Otherwise shut up.
I’ll do nothing of the sort. There’s no time in my day for your kind of ‘research’.
Get a life Mary-troll. And you shutting would be great.
And I said you are an equal to Von and Truth. Did not say you are them. You sound similar.
Margot is not a Rafa hater. You are nuts.
Well I wasn’t following tx but as deuce on tennistalk she asserted that she hated Rafa. What gives you the right to keep on attacking me? How is this your business? Why do you keep poking your nose into things you know nothing about and calling me names?
As for me sounding similar to von or truth, can you produce evidence of the “sameness” other than your opinion ? Please produce similarities between them and Mary. Finding their similarities with any other poster would not be acceptable as you will then have to prove the other poster’s similarity with Mary. Simply saying x, y or z is me without any basis is typical opf you, rc-troll
Move past your torment, Mary. No one cares or is making a stink about the topic but you. and there’s no way I will give you any respect…you keep harassing me and attacking me. Since I have been posting here 90 percent of my experience reading you has been attacking someone. So you calling anyone a troll is an irony of all ironies…who can take you seriously? you have no clue what you sound like.
You are such a hypocrite, Mary-troll.
To add it is possible to actually be a fan of more than one player ….
amy profile is supposed to dislike Muzz so you have obviously got hold of the wrong of the stick. You think I am accusing her of not being a Rafa fan becaise she is a fan of Muzz? You couldn’t be more wrong.
I myself am a fan of Rafa first and Muzz second so you don’t have to enlighten me about the possibility of being a fan of more than one player. Most of the Rafa fans are fans of Muzz also.
Since you are a hippie, I presume you value justice and truth. So here are two thoughts for you to ponder over. Have you wondered about the coincidence that amy instantly made friends with Margot’s friends from tx when they came over and also she instantly made friends with deucey’s friends from this site when she first came here?. They are also her only friends.
Second thought. Don’t you think you should research amy’s posts from 2015 before having the right to dispute my assertion? If you do not have the patience to do that, go ahead and like her but do not attack me and call me names as you do not even know what amy had done based on which I have cocluded amy is Margot. In other words steer clear of this till you do your research.
I want to make it clear I do not have any problems with people using different user names or having multiple heroes/idols.I have a problem with amy because she pretended to be a Rafa fan and attacked and hounded loyal Rafans and split this site. She also spent all her time bashing Rafa.
You not only attack Amy but you attack me as well. So I’m not going to steer clear of you until you cease your complaining about her and me. Nor am I going to do the research that you hold so dearly and strongly … like an old and sour grudge.
rc, I did not call you a hippie. The post was meant for Alison.I don’t think you value truth or justice. You operate on ASSUMPTIONS.
You wouldn’t know the difference between fact and fiction as all that matters is your ASSUMPTION.
And you are wrong about assumptions. But I do like to speculate a lot.
Speculation is not truth or the assumption of truth. There is a fine difference between assumption and speculation.
Oh NO. You are the Supreme KNOW it ALL. I’m a lowly know it all compared to you.
Lets have a poll on it. I’m sure you’d win.
Well at least you admitted you have no use for research and intend to attack me without any basis. You were the one who first poked her nose into the Amy affair and called me names. So that’s how you got involved but it was your initiative. I did not involve you or Alison. Both of you are poking your noses into something you know nothing about and yet you call me names. You shamelessly assert your right to harass me without doing any research. What a pathetic and vicious person you are. And actually reveling in your ignorance!
#rcTroll-Is Proud of her contempt for facts.
No I didn’t admit that I have no use for research…LOL
I have no use for the research you suggest/ order me to do!!
Hypocrite Mary
So how do you know amy is not margot or that i am similar to von or truth? No rresearch. Pathetic!
I suppose that makes you eligible to be chief troll but I do think you might have competition from amy whose specialty is viciousness. So it all boils down to what the trolls value most, Ignorance or viciousness. Though on second thoughts I think you will be the winner because you are vicious as well!
#Good luck on Election Day!
Golly, Thus saith Lord Mary Troll
You assert a RIGHT to harass me? Based on your trolling and an old sour grudge? hahahahha
Lighten up
You are famous for telling stories and putting words in posters mouths that they never said….
You assume so much…and don’t see the irony of how silly you sound!!!
You already make clear what you value most and that is holding on to an old useless SOUR grudge like it will be your last breath.
I think you will win the prize for Ms Silly Universe. Not only do you sound silly, you are silly and proud of it!
I know I do not sound silly because all I did was to request you and Alison to stay away and that if you wanted to participate, you should do your research. No sane person will call that silly. However your insistence on attacking me based only on your ignorance and flaunting your contempt for data, that my dear PROVES you are silly and pathetic.
thats enough
That’s delusional but unsurprising coming from you.
You claim proof…there is no proof only your assumption.
No all you do is attack and troll, that’s all. And sometimes think about Rafa. But here you are famous for meanness and vicious attacking under some stupid, phony, hypocritical pretext.
Guys!…It sadden me to no end to see u guys fighting like this…i love all of u..even Mary who always brutal towards amy and now rc…Can’t we just put aside our difference in opinion and start respect each other?we live in a world full of hatred…just take a look at our surrounding…there’s killing everywhere..and it’s start with something like this…u attack me and i’m attack u back…back and forth,back and forth..and then what?Somehow,somewhere,someone got to stop this….C’mon!let’s show to the people out there that we’re much different and much better from them…Mary,i’m asking u please…just let it go this amy thing…it’s just a small matter compared to other things that happen in the world atm…the loss of humanity,poverty,poor kids in the 3rd world who fight for a mouthful of foods…and here we are fighting with each other because we don’t have enough respect towards the other…It doesn’t matter whether amy is Margot or vice versa…both r great great human being and i love both of them…if we’re eager to find a negative in people..then we only can see that…but if we want to look at the positive things in people,then all we can see is the beauty and good things about them…Respect,tolerance are very very important…if we have that,then we can live happily no matter what our differences are….
hahahaha , as if that’s the last word. Really? You will NEVER stop being mean. It’s bred in the bone for a Queen of MEAN – Mary.
All I know in this ‘sffair’ is that I can’t allow you to blacken Amy or Margot. And any attempts that I read here to do do will be not go without a response in kind.
Mary i am a Hippy you got that right, its about the only thing you did though, BTW this is an open forum, there is no staying away posters are free to come and go as they please adding to any discussion ….
good god! i left a message for mira to do iwth the finsbury park mosque and came back today to find this!
the only person initiating this and trolling people constantly is mary. if anyone should go it’s her. when i came here yesterday i read some of the wta thread and she was attacking and harassing rc for absolutely no reason.
rc, alison and mira are all class and never attack anyone.
i do know margot from talking wiht her on tourneytopia and i find the insults levelled about her from when hse was a regular poster here by mary utterly grotesque.
mira i came to leave you another message but i’ll come back another time to talk….take care…
amy!…Sorry,i’m late to arrive and give a reply to u….Yeah,since things got out of control,we better talk next time k?But,thank u thank u thank u for thinking of me and come here amy..even though u knew Mary will find a reason to insult u once again…I wish we can talk via email or something..so,it can save a lot of things…U take care of yourself too amy..in whatever u do okay?I mean it!…Much love from a far away land amy!…
Thanks Amy hope to see you here again soon, to be honest im not here much myself either, but talk about throwing a stone on a wasps nest though eh lol ….
There was a man who mistakenly fell into a pool he couldn’t swim so he was drowning, a woman saw him struggling for his life so she jumped into the pool to save his life, she wasn’t wearing a bikini or any swim wear she was fully clothed she wasn’t even planing to swim that day.
When she rescued the man out of the pool, she called for the medic and after he had received medical attention and was stable she asked him why he entered the swimming pool when he couldn’t swim, he told her that he mistakenly fell into the pool.
After he had thanked her with all of his heart for saving his life, he stood up and was about leave and she stopped him and asked him whether he wanted to learn how to swim, he said yes enthusiastically!
After weeks of training the man got better at swimming, he wasn’t a pro or a master yet but he wasn’t going to drown any day soon.
Swimming became one of this man’s favorite activities, so every weekend when his less busy he tries to swim for some few hours.
On a Sunday afternoon as he was swimming he remembered that N. Djokovic would be playing R. Nadal in the finals at Wimbledon and he wanted to see how Novak was going to destroy nadal, so he got out of the pool dried himself & wore his clothes, as he was about to leave he noticed something strange in the second pool as he got closer he saw a young woman drowning, so he jumped into the water and saved her life.
If you were there that day would you say that this man is an ignorant & a hateful person? Or would you say he is a loving person?
Would you consider his actions to be foolish or brave?
The difference between what that man did & what am doing is that what am doing is far more important.
The word of GOD(The bible) tells us that- we should not be deceived, God can’t be mocked, for whatsoever a man/woman sows that he/she would also reap it(Galatians 6:7).
A farmer reaps the same as he has sown, if he plants wheat, wheat comes up. If he plants apple seeds, during harvest time he would harvest apple fruits not a different fruit or plant.
When we believe in a lie or in a false teaching it would lead us to a bad place & destroy our lives.
But when we believe in the TRUTH it would leads us to the right path & bless our lives.
JESUS said I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the father except through me.( John 14:6)
The word of GOD would say- “For the wages of sin is death(eternal death), but the gift of God is eternal life through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.
Millions of Christians & innocent people who seek peace have lost their lives because the love JESUS CHRIST & because the have rejected the EVIL teachings of Islam. This evil Islamic terrorists are inspired to kill, behead, cut off body parts because muhammed & allah has encouraged them to do it.( quran 8:12, quran 9:5, quran 9:38-39 etc)
Some of you have said that I am ignorant, hateful & spouting nonsense.
Please I beg you to be specific, point out the ignorant, hateful & nonsense thing that I have said.
Exposing the truth about the EVIL teaching’s of islam is not an attack on a person or a hateful thing but a revelation on the danger’s & motivation of islam and it’s devout follower’s(terrorists).
When allah & muhammed commands that Christians, jews, atheist & other faiths be beheaded is that Stanley’s words or muhammed’s words?
When allah tells his follower’s to kill those who are not muslims or else he would punish them is that Stanley’s words or allah’s.(muslims who don’t practice such teaching’s are also in danger)
Have I become your enemy because I choose to tell you the truth.
I believe this website would be a blessing to anyone searching for the truth. http://www.muslimjourneytohope.com/
I learnt an important lesson in my first year in the university.
Before we conducted an experiment in the lab my professor would show us how it’s done and also show us the result he arrived at.
One day he asked us to experiment a particular substance, he gave us the materials and instruments to do this research, he also showed us the result he arrived at but what we didn’t know was that the result he gave us was false.
Some didn’t do the experiment (they were waiting for other peoples results to copy), some didn’t know how to do it.
Some of us did the experiment but came to a different conclusion, so we did the research again but still came to a result different from what we were given.
Some didn’t want to fail so the changed their results to match the professor’s, others were afraid to correct the professor you have to understand this was our first year & he(they professor) had decades of experience when it came to this topic, so they adjusted their findings to match his, everyone then submitted their experiments.
A few days later he summoned the whole class and failed everyone except for one person, I won’t tell you who he is.
Everyone was devastated, so those who got the result right the first time went to his office to submit their previous experiment but he rejected it, he told them & everyone that we should be confident in our results provided that we have extensively & carefully don’t our research.
Truth should not just be consumed it needs to be carefully reviewed and that’s why I have encouraged everyone here to do their own research, check out the things that I have said carefully and see whether the are true or false.
A WISE person hungers for the truth and checks it out because they don’t want to but deceived but a FOOL rejects the truth without even considering it and remains deceived forever.
When you love someone your faithful, kind and honest with them, you also make time for them.
I have showed you guys nothing but true love, I have tried to be honest, kind and despite my busy schedules I make time for you because I truly love you.
I have a wonderful life and I believe you have an amazing life as well.
I don’t have to do what am doing, in fact if I said nothing or if I said the opposite of what I have said some of you would appalled & thank me, but that would be dishonest and that won’t be love but hate.
Terrorism can be politically motivated, religiously motivated etc and all forms of terrorism should be condemned strongly and exposed.
It’s important to note that not all muslims murder innocent people, some of them are peaceful and are victims of terrorism by the hands of Isis and other terrorists group’s because the intentionally or unintentionally reject this EVIL/WICKED teachings of Islam.
It’s also important to note that as a Christian if I reject the teachings of JESUS CHRIST am not a Christian.
And if a muslim rejects the teachings of Muhammed they are not muslims.
You can’t have it both ways you can’t condemn islamic terrorism without condemning the teachings/verses in the quran that promote it.
A devout muslim is someone who obeys all the teachings of islam instructed by allah & muhammad and hundreds of this verses/teachings promote EVIL & TERRORISM.
As someone who has read the quran and studied teachings of islam I know without a doubt that islamic terrorism is inspired by the teachings of muhammad which you would find in the quran( muslims holy book).
I just want to say that I love you guys, I truly do but I love you enough to share the truth with you.
I have a lot to say but I would stop here, this might be my last comment addressing this particular topic, as the old saying goes- A WORD IS ENOUGH FOR THE WISE!
Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear, I have done the best that I can, hopefully you would come to the knowledge of the TRUTH.
stanley, there are several muslims on this site who pay particular attention to their faith right now as it is their holy month of ramadhan. out of sheer courtesy, if nothing else, it really would be great if you put a lid on all this. your ranting on here is, in any case, entirely inappropriate and unnecessary.
amy!!…you’re my hero!!…Thank u for your sweet/kind words amy!!…Really really appreciate it…i’m fine amy,thank u for asking…but,feels like something unsettle today and i’m not happy when i’m thinking of rc,hurting somewhere…i don’t like when someone i cared hurting and in anger….same with what u have been through a while ago…but,i also understand rc need to be alone atm…i wish i could reach her via FB or email..but,she’s unavailable on both count..
Oh!….don’t worry amy!i won’t respond/read stanley’s post…it’s too ‘heavy’ and ‘colourful’ for me…Btw amy..how r u today?Okay?I’m really really glad u decide want to come here more often..even for rc’s sake…oh!…check this out amy!..
i’m fine thanks mira. just very tired as we are in the middle of a heatwave here. hottest temperatures in june in 40 years! and we brits are hopeless with the heat as we never see any sun! so i don’t sleep at night…
yeah i feel bad about rc mira and that’s why i’m here today but i think she probably just wants to be alone and of course i respect that.
oh btw mira, mary doesn’t have the power to cause me pain!!! if you don’t like or respect someone they don’t have any power over you…i just get sick with the toxicity she carries around her. i’ve actually probably got far more upset and angry about other people being bullied here. but the only person mary embarrasses and humiliates with her lies and trolling is herself. a child could see through her…
talk soon hon…..xxxx
Hey amy!!….sorry,a little bit late to reply..went to bed early last nite…yeah amy…heatwave are everywhere!I guess the earth are getting older and older and this is how they showed to us that they’re maybe in a late stage…although i hope,i manage to see my grandchildren grow up one day!hahaha…Byw..u don’t sleep at nite amy?..Oh!..i’m so sorry to hear that…it must be tough to endure this heat because u guys not used to it right?I hope,u will be patient with this condition amy…it’snot going to last…oh,and drink a lot of water amy!..i don’t want u to dehydrate in this condition k?
About Mary…that’s alright amy…i hope you’re stay strong with everything that she may throw at u okay?It’s going to be hard…but remember…hate cannot defeat love and kindness…They’re only make us stronger…C’mon amy & rc!!…U can do it!!
We are good. Thanks amy and Mira Andi. I let it go already. It was amazingly easy, thanks to you!
But it’s hard for me to stay out of it once an attack starts. I’ll try harder.
I’ve got my alarm set early to get up and watch Thursday matches. I work on Friday and have a busy day Saturday but Sunday will for picking Eastbourne brackets and whatever else there is. Halep and Novak will be playing in Eastbourne! Yay.
rc!!….YAYYYYY!!!…Oh.i’m very very happy you’re here again rc!!…And i’m also fully understand your burst of rage rc…believe me,i understand…but,if i am allowed to give u just one tiny words for inspiration?…
Just keep it cool…Acting like me…because once u gave away your control,it’s hard to get it back..don’t let other’s control us rc…don’t give them the power…keep it cool,that doesn’t mean we’re afraid rc..No!..it’s also a method to fight..but in a cool way..and certainly not with hurtful words…In the past,Mary also took a dig at me,but i took it with a laugh and just sent her a picture of a women blow her a kiss…I believe,fire if we fight with fire..it’s going to be a monster fireball…but,if we fight it with a cold water,it will turn to ash immediately rc…But of coz it’s your choice to pick which one rc….You’re a warrior…and i’m not..hehe..u may see things diffrently..other way,i will always with u rc!…No matter what the circumstances r…Love u rc!!!Wooohooo!!
Oh rc!…Can u check your email?I wrote one or 2 things there…U don’t have to reply if u don’t want to…Just read it okay?
how are you today mira?? am utterly exhausted today with lack of sleep but very happy to see rc back here…
it’s hard for me to be here because i have commitments elsewhere but i would like it if you could leave me a message on non tennis forum if mary comes back and starts hating on rc. just let me know mira please what thread it’s on and what day and that way i can see straightaway and go over and sat something….
take care mira dear….xx
amy!!…I’m fine amy!!Thank u for asking!!…U can’t sleep amy?Because of a heat?I’m sorry to hear that but amy,i read that heatwave is going to end soon..so,u can sleep much better after this k?
About rc and Mary….U got it Boss!!…I’ll try my best to be rc’s bodyguard…
Btw…so happy you’re here amy!!..even for a while!Hehehe….Hugs and kisses from me amy!!..Try to sleep better tonite okay?
I would like to ask you a question, please be honest with me, when you get this.
Do you think that I hate you?
Hey Stanley…to answer your question…ermm…no!…i don’t think u hate me…and i don’t hate u either…HATE is an alien word in my life stanley…in fact i don’t have an ability to hate anyone…i don’t know how…but,i do think that you’re misunderstood about Islam…and i mean it when i ask u to find an Imam,to answer any question about Islam…He’s the right person for u to meet Stanley…
And i’m not going to discuss anything about Islam or any religion here Stanley…even though this is a forum that we’re free to talk about anything other than tennis,but as i said before…every each one of us should respect the other’s believe and faith…tolerance,respect,understanding and a little bit love in our heart are very very important Stanley…especially when the world that we live in atm are slowly dying…suffocating by the lack of humanity and those ingredients that i already stated up there…
Oh!btw Stanley…all Muslims in the world is going to celebrate Eidul Fitr Al Mubarak in 3 days time..and even though u don’t celebrate it,i just want to wish u every happiness in the world,always healthy and always success in everything u do okay?
You might not believe me when I say that I truly, truly you love you that is with a Godly love.
I want to say that no one loves you in this site they way that I do, but I don’t want to get into an argument.
It was really hard for me to share the things that I shared in my previous comments, plzzz believe me I knew what the consequence might be, but I felt that if I didn’t I would be deceiving you & others.
Whether you choose to believe me or not that’s your prerogative, my hope is that our friendship or whatever is left of it would not be completely destroyed.
You and I have not spoken directly for a long time and I hope it doesn’t last for long, do you remember when I said to you ” that I would love to know you better ” believe me I still want to and I hope that our disagreements do not annihilate that.
I shared the truth with you & with others because I love you guys, I still do & I will always love you no matter what.
Will miss the first week of W this year, as Mr Willow and i are going on a small road trip, although i am looking forward to it, and i really need the break with everything thats happened to me this year, i will really miss chats with RC and AM and many of the other posters here ….
Hey Al!!…hey..i know it’s about Summer Solstice right?..but you’re also can do a 2+1 as well since you’ve just celebrate your wedding anniversary…I hope you’re going to enjoy your trip with hubby to the fullest Al!…Luckily for me,i won’t miss Wimby as i have already at home that time[THANK U GOD!!]…but,i will miss blogging with my dear poster’s here for the next 4,5 days..and will miss TDL as well!!…Urgh!!..stress!!
Miss you too MA already…Is it an end of Ramadhan holy days? You won’t be in the TDC? What? Okay…have fun love to your family and you of course know I love you. My email is all going to my old computer, which is dead. Hope to recover it soon!
Will be happy when you all get back safe and sound.
rc!!…yeah,Ramadhan will end on saturday and on sunday,we will celebrate Eidul Fitr and there’ll be an eatig fiesta too,with a lottt of delicious food..including a soft bread dipped in chicken curry!!…That’s why i suddenly have the urge to send u a pack of ready made chicken curry rc…i felt very guilty for enjoying this food but u can’t…and u love it too…don’t worry rc!..Insyaallah i will try send u one in the fall kay?
U can’t access your email rc?That means u still not read the email that i sent to u earlier?That’s okay rc!…Read it when u can okay?It’s not important but i would love for u to read it..because u maybe will get an inspiration from it…
Btw thank u for your precious words rc…i’m going to miss u like crazy!..and Nny too!!…Hey rc!!
AM Yeah summer solstice, and a belated celebration of our wedding anniversary, i also need a break from the stress of work and other things and people, i will seeing you blogging while your not here, but i look forward to catching up with you soon, ill miss RC, Amy and NNY too
Hey back Al!…If u have the time,please upload on FB your activity on your Summer Solstice,if there is a so called ‘Naked Dance’ more the better!Especially if the dancer’s is u!!….Ohohohohohohohohoho!!!…
Yeah rc baby!!…i’m so stressed you’re keep kicking my lovely @ss in TDL,and i’m sulking now and want to go faraway to heal this wound!…Hahahahahahahaha!!….just joking rc!!…
We’re Muslims all around the world is about to celebrate Eidul Fitr Al Mubarak on sunday…so,tomorrow i wanna go back home for a week..and can’t access internet for 4 or 5 days…can’t participate in TDL for Eastbourne and of coz can’t blogging here…urgh!!stress!!…there’s no internet at my mother in laws house…sooooo boring!!..so,there’s going to be a lotttt of staring contest between me and a cow i’m sure!…they stare at me and i stared back at them…i kick their @sses for staring at me and they will kick mine for kicking their’s!…Sooooo boring!..but i will be home as soon as wimby start rc!!…Thank u God for that!…I will miss blogging with u and Nny and amy that’s for sure…
LOLOLOl…coughing and laughing. I’d love to see you in a staring contest with a cow….hahahahahaahaa ah Mira Andi….
I grew up with farm animals around — not cows but horses and goats…I love goats. Bunnies, pet birds, cats, dogs a donkey…Actually I love animals I just don’t want them in the house with me!!
Will you be here in time for Wimby Bracket? anyway…please try to relax and stay safe. mmmwah! Insyallah…of course.
Hheheheheh…Thank u baby!Thank u once again for your wonderful words!!…Yeah..insyaallah,i’ll be home on saturday nite and i will pick my Bracket straight away…U pray for my safety on the road k?There’ll be a lot of cars..just imagine almost 1 million cars were about to enter my state in 3 days time!urgh!..Tomorrow,i predict i will be on the road for 11 or 12 hours straight…urgh!!Stress!!
Btw,i lurveeee animal as well and don’t want them in my house but they’re get in anyway!!..I don’t know why rc!…Thank God it’s only a cat!..I guess they’re also can’t resist my charm too like u and Nny and amy!!…hehehehe…Aaaaooooo!!!…
Why Is the U.S. Killing So Many Civilians in Syria and Iraq?
Two weeks ago, the American military finally acknowledged what nongovernmental monitoring groups had claimed for months: The United States-led coalition fighting the Islamic State since August 2014 has been killing Iraqi and Syrian civilians at astounding rates in the four months since President Trump assumed office.
Also risking war with Russia by shooting down Syrian planes. We should all hope that Russia doesn’t make good on its pledge to target American planes in Syria.
“Why Is the U.S. Killing So Many Civilians in Syria and Iraq?”…………and Yemen?
Could be Trump’s attempt at being Jeffersonesque? “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” …..??
Honestly, can Trump tell the difference between patriots, tyrants and civilians? I doubt very much.
The new York times is FAKE NEWS!
The always twist the truth and feed to those who are consumed by STUPIDITY!
If you do your research instead of consuming garbage, you would know that President Donald J. Trump has done more for the Syrian people in a short time that barrack obama did in years.
Under barrack obama’s watch hundreds of thousands of people died at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists and bashir al-assad( president of Syria).
I won’t take the time to explain further even though I have a lot to say on this issue, I believe it would make no difference to those whose judgments are blinded by HATE & IGNORANCE example ( HAWKTARD).
Hey Mira Andi! I miss you and hope your having a good time in the boonies with no internet
My computer could be here as soon as tomorrow. Special delivery from Mr. Ratcliff.
In celebration of the event, I have this work of art playing — sorry, I know I’ve posted it before, (deep somewhere in the non-tennis pages somewhere), because Thom Yorke’s lyrics are addictive and pleasantly distracting:
Not familiar with than song RC, although i think this laptop has seen better days as the volumn isnt working, saw Radiohead at Glastonbury festival last weekend, and they were brilliant ….
What? Oh, o sorry. I thought it was beautiful. With all that’s going on — tells a story with the prayer. Acceptance. But I apologize if it depressed you. I’m so sorry, MA. My taste is rather dark, I admit. I won’t post music to you again. All my radiohead music, even much of the classical music I love most is dark. Post some other that you like, okay? That way I understand. Thanks, MA.
rc!!…What??Hey hey hey!wait!wait!wait!wait!….please,please..don’t apologize yet sweetie!listen to me first..u know, i can’t access internet at all when i was in my mother in laws house..there’s a stupid people who steal a main cable and sell it for drugs..
And i can posted a few comments when i was in my sister’s house..but the connection also very poor..for the same reason..but i can’t see the video at all rc…just manage to read and write a comments,that’s all…that’s why i’m asking u a question up there..in hope u can explain to me the connection what was in the video and me…it’s nothing to do with your taste in music sweetie!..no!…i’m very honoured and will always happy to accept anything from u rc!…u knew that!…so,keep posting a link to me okay?Even it’s about your beloved goat!…i lurvveeee to watch it!!
rc!…i feel sooo guilty for making u so defensive in your comment…i’m so sorry!I didn’t meant to rc!..U know me..i’m always enthusiastic about everything!!…Sorry once again rc!
rc!!….Now,i have the opportunity to see the video!….and it’s AWESOME!!…and after i googled what is all about.i suddenly have the urge to cry so bad rc!…i wanna cry because God made u,amy,Hawks,Nny, Sting and many more people out there a very rare breed with pure heart and a very beautiful soul…u guys treat us with equality despite been born and raised in a country that have everything,can do anything they want to..and i’m so touched that u guys still not ‘contaminated’ by it…Thank u so so much for being a great human being guys!…I’m honoured to be your friend…
Btw rc…this is the 2nd time i heard a song that was related to Arab culture in it…have u already hear this rc?
rc…U would never ever upset me in any way…even if u do,i will forgive u in a blink of an eye…i love u more rc!!
Good evening, MA! Looks like I need to see if I can help AMY get into Tourneytopia. But wanted to post this song – for it’s lyrics — to you first.
Another favorite song from “Brand New Day”
A Thousand Years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn7eWTsj9wU
rc!!…Another great song from Sting!…and great lyrics too!!…Thank u mucho for give this song rc!!…It’s awesome!
“On and on the mysteries unwind themselves
Eternities still unsaid
Till u love me”…
Woohohohoho!….I love u rc!!
This two songs are amazing, i hope watch it or download it-
If you have a youtube app on your phone/tablet you can download it directly but if you don’t use this site http://www.youtubeinmp4.com/
just copy the URL and paste it.
Cnn( CORRUPT/clinton news network) are a complete joke, calling them FAKE news is an understatement, this people are sick.
Three cnn employees(FAKE journalists) including the executive editor in charge of a new ivestigative unit have resigned amid the network’s VERRRRRRY FAKE news scandal in which it was forced to retract a hit piece on President Donald Trump and his associates.
Even dishonest media outlets like the new york times, washington post, msnbc, nbc, huffington post etc reported on it, all this networks and more are FAKE news & the are extremely deceptive in their reporting.
There might be someone that stumbles upon the non-tennis forum here and will read that TRUMP PROPAGANDA BS you are posting. But most of us won’t. We like freedom of the press and value journalists that speak TRUTH to POWER.
Trump is attempting to set up his own private media that is very that is modeled after what’s fed to the public in any oppressive dictatorship and is edited to only make himself look good. In other words — Trumps own FAKE NEWS.
I fight tooth and claw against Trump approved, run, and owned media and the further descent into autocratic controls with Trump’s propaganda!
Thanks for saying it! This is the first step on the road to dictatorship. Trump is trying to establish a state owned snd run propaganda machine just like the Nazis had. That was one of the first things they did in securing power. Get control of all media and feed the people propaganda. Goebbels was in charge as propaganda minister. They were able to control the people by controlling what information they got.
The hallmark of freedom is a vital and free press. Trump seems to think that he should be immune from criticism. The truth is that he is a thin-skinned bully. He can’t take criticism, as Harry Truman so famously said, if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen! Let Trump resign and go back to his fake real estate business where he can continue to lie,cheat and steal.
Reading Stanley’s fake news is disturbing. Why anyone would want to willingly fly give up the precious freedoms we have in this country, I have no idea. But it’s sad and shocking.
We are not going to allow Trump this become a fascist dictator! We need to support our freedom of the press!
I’ m a Contador groupie too! Shame he’s lost his edge but I still tune in just to watch him in the mountains. He can’t hang with the likes of Quintana and Froome anymore but he still has a great tactical brain. I expect a vintage Contador move somewhere in the Pyrenees or along a windy flat.
Fingers crossed we see Vintage Contador and picks the right move. I don’t know much about his team this year, tho. In fact I’ve not been following this year- since I have no way of watching most races. At least NBC showed the Tour of Calif uhg…Dauphine, yay. And now the network is covering TDF. Stage 2 was a borefest. More rain, crashes. Kittel sprint win. Bah. I wait for the Mountains.
I’m annoyed with Sky because their team is so freaking Superior.
Tomorrow isn’t entirely flat – it’s hills. Hope to see Sagan, Phil Gil, and GVA contesting the stage.
Sunday, stage 9 should be good. The first truly brutal day – perhaps the hardest of the TdF!
Well, the last week is a different level of brutal because, it’s the LAST week
Although team Sky is so dominant that it sucks the joy out of TdF in general. I always hope for an adventurous young rider like Lilian Calmejean of France to climb away to a solo victory!
Warren Barguil Ag2r is a cutie and he’s got a slim lead on the peloton going up Mont du Chat. I’d like it if he and Bargiul could stay ahead. Cheering for Ag2r
Contador is still in the race but in pain after the uphill crash with Quintana. I think Nairo fell over on him. Dang it. Froome and his supernatural gills going for it all on his own. Bummer. Somebody stop him!
The descent after the top of Mont du Chat has taken poor little Richie post out of the race — looks like he’s in a neck brace already. So there’s another major rival for Froome out.
Porte, not post.
Romain Bardet is a demon descender and caught his teammate, Warren Barguil, but unlike Elbows Froome is not a dangerous descender.
allez Romain Bardet and Ag2r.
They may as well stop the race and give Froomie the jersey! Who’s gonna challenge him now? All he has to do is stay upright and he’s got it.
What a Tour!
Froome is a horrible descender he’s all over the road with his elbows out and doesn’t hesitate to block someone or swerve off his line to prevent them from passing. He thinks he’s good like Salvodelli or Nibali but he’s a hazard. Romain Bardet is a true descender like Salvodelli was.
But it’s tough, Romain has 3 km to go and it’s on the flats…i’m afraid Froome and co will catch him. Dang it! I can’t stand the Sky train. And Jakob Fuglesang is a big engine on the flats. Although I wouldn’t mind Jakob’s teammate Fabio Aru can out-sprint Froome.
Actually, RITB, it was a good sprint finish. Froome cannot out-sprint Aru, or Barguil, or especially Rigoberto Uran. But it was Bargiul and Romain Bardet who animated the race today. The French can celebrate – sort of…
Although I don’t know how anyone will take the jersey from Froome and stop Sky. Even without Geraint Thomas Sky has bought themselves the TDF wins with their team being so strong.
about 30 minutes commercial free climbing, descending and sprinting made the stage watchable. But poor Thomas and especially Porte, casualties on the day.
Had switched my allegiance to Nairo Quintana now that Bertie’s clearly toast but even Nairo is out of contention now……
Damn Sky………
grrrr….damn Sky.
GC situation right now
1°) Christopher Froome
2°) Fabio Aru (+18″)
3°) Romain Bardet (+51″)
4°) Rigoberto Uran (+55″)
5°) Jakob Fuglsang (+01’37”)
6°) Daniel Martin (+01’44”)
7°) Simon Yates (+02’02”)
8°) Nairo Quintana (+02’13”)
9°) Mikel Landa (+03’06”)
10°) George Bennett (+03’53”)
Contador distanced, Porte out.
If someone stumbles upon what i have said i hope that they carefully & honestly seek out the TRUTH because when they do they would find out the TRUTH and the TRUTH would set them free from deception, in fact i encourage everyone & anyone who wants to know the TRUTH to search carefully for it because they would find it.
You said you like freedom of the press and value journalists that speak truth to power, you truly are a funny woman, i can’t stop laughing.
Here we have a dishonest network cnn( CORRUPT/clinton news network) telling lies and you are defending them that’s a shame!
Cnn( CORRUPT/clinton news network) is not speaking the truth 2 power but lying, the are FAKE news and other networks i listed in my previous comments and more, there are some good networks that do their best to be fair and balanced they are not perfect but they do their best to report the truth and i applaud them because we need them now more than ever.
Freedom of the press- The president of USA Donald J. Trump has given the media more access than what most of his predecessors have, including dishonest mainstream media.
You my lady do not know what you are talking about and i encourage you to careful examine what you watch and read b4 spout ur nonsense!
It’s easy to say that someone is lying without providing evidence for it, i have provided multiple evidences, were are yours?
No way would take a word you say on politics, history, philosophy, Ethics or religion seriously!. The only posts I might once in awhile read are your tennis only posts. ahahahhahaha
Stanley is parroting the Trump propaganda just as he is supposed to do. No thinking for himself or questioning the endless lies that Trump has been caught in too many yet mes to count.
Trump is a man without any moral compass or principles or core beliefs. The only thing he believes in is himself. He is a weak, insecure bully who relies on thuggish intimidation tactics to try and get his way.
The use of the phrase – “Clinton news” – is a dead giveaway to the true agenda. Because the Clintons have nothing to do with CNN. But like the blind, unquestioning foot soldier that he is, Stanley just repeats the garbage that he is being fed by Trump and company. No ability to critically think or evaluate the credibility or trustworthiness of any thing Trump says.
It is more important now than ever before got all Americans to support the real media and make sure that they continue to unmask Trump for the fake, lying fraud that he is.
Thanks for telling Stanley. I don’t have the patience nor can I abide a Trump Troll for a second: a brainwashed, deluded and willfully ignorant about the history of Trump, the art of the Deal, Millions in unpaid taxes, he is a Con man and a famous pathological liar and philanderer, amongst many other things…also — the only freedom of the press he allows it that which is parroted by YES-Sir, sycophant followers.
You are the blind one who doesn’t respect freedom of the press. Where do you get the idea that you have a monopoly on the truth? Who died and made you God?
You don’t get to tell the rest of us what the truth is! Just like lying Trump, who wouldn’t know the truth if it stood up and hit him in the face!
Your arrogance is quite appalling. You follow Trump with this fervor and unquestioning loyalty that is frightening. You don’t even acknowledge his lies. He lies all the time. He lies every time he opens his mouth. We know that hecus trying to co-opt the free press so that he can control the media. That’s the first order of business for any tyrannical government. We have to stand up and fight back!
You do not value or appreciate the freedoms that our soldiers have fought and died for. You want to throw them away because you have gone on the Trump bandwagon. Anything he says to you is gospel. Unlike news organizations, who have the integrity to admit when they make honest mistakes. Trump doubles down on his lies. That makes h dishonest, unprincipled and amoral.
You need to stop defending someone who has showed that he has no loyalty to his own country! He is buddying up to a thug and a murderer in Putin. He has killed those who oppose him. He has hacked our election system for his own nefarious purposes. It is outrageous to see Trump cozying up with a dictator!
Even cnn( CORRUPT/clinton news network) had to admit on air, online and also in person that their stories were false because their lies were debunked by honest & professional journalist, they have shamefully apologized to President Donald J. Trump’s adviser( Anthony Scaramucci) because the were caught in their deception, they haven’t apologized to everyone that they hurt with their lies.
Three of their employees have resigned and more in the future, because dishonesty should have no place in journalism i.e. Cnn is fake news.
Cnn’s brian stelter who hosts reliable sources( unreliable sources) has also admitted that the network( cnn) he works for did put out fake news.
Haris the head of the cnn investigative unit has resigned( scapegoat) because of fake news.
If you( ratcliff) can disprove what i have i said( which you can’t, because the are true) both now & in my previous comments point it out and i promise i would apologize for it.
Instead of blabbing your nonsense that are inaccurate and false, why don’t you carefully examine the evidence b4 you rush and type your baloneys.
Saying not my president is foolishness & it won’t change a thing, Donald J. Trump is the 45th president of the United States of America whether you like it or not period.
And if you say he is not your president then you are not an American, your judgement is blinded by HATE! and DECEPTION and i feel sorry 4 u, i mean it because deception is powerful & destructive don’t let it ruin your life.
You said you were ignoring me, what do i care that’s your business, i don’t play those childish games.
By the way if you are trying to ignore me SUCK AT IT and need some lessons.
I just want you to know that i won’t ignore you that’s not how i roll becos i care about you and like you as a friend even though you might not consider me as your friend that’s okay, am a BIG BOY!
I do not agree with President Donald J. Trump on everything he say’s or does but this i know, he is a GOOD man who loves his country(USA) and wants 2 make it great( economically, domestically, security wise, foreign etc).
I like you as friend and i reeeeallly mean it and if you want to engage in honest, sincere & cordial dialogue am your guy but if you don’t that’s fine.
I hope you enjoy the tournament( wimbledon) 2morrow and i wish you the best with your picks.
I would be very careful about accusing anyone who says that Trump is not their president, as not being an American. Dissent is what this country was founded on. In fact, our Founding Fathers were considered to be traitors to King George III of England. Whyvid it that the pathetic followers of Trump forget the revolution that created this great country? We rebelled against the tyranny of the King of England and fought and won our freedom,
Just as we will triumph over the tyranny and demagoguery of Trump. He will be impeached for his crimes and then this country can recover and from this nightmare and have someone as president who is not a national and international embarrassment.
You are more than welcome! I take great offense when someone crosses a line and starts in with that garbage about not be big a real American! I have NO patience for that because it’s exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. The people had to swear absolute allegiance to Hitler. They had to buy his book, Mein Kampf. It was required reading while other great literature books were burned.
That is NOT going to happen in America! Not while I have breath in my body!
You keep on standing up and speaking your piece and I will have your back all the way. You are being a true American in the most heartfelt and real way. You have every right to refuse to acknowledge this monstrosity as someone not fit to be president!
Even our closest allies have recoiled in disgust over Trump’s divisive rhetoric. He has shamed this country in front of the world.
The chickens will come home to roost. They will get him in the end. All of his crimes will catch up with him.
Keep on speaking your truth, just as the Founding Fathers did a few hundred years ago. If they had lost the war, then they could have been tried for treason by the English. We have to remember how this country was formed. Out of rebellion over oppression.
We must keep on fighting for our freedoms and for our rights. In due time if all goes as it should, this evil man will have to answer for all that he has done.
Ahahahhahaha are the words of unteachable LIBTARDS when presented with the fact/truth.
Keep riding the waves STUPIDITY and IGNORANCE, i will just sit back and watch you in anguish because like you.
My lady were are your evidences, don’t just spout rubbish and call it fact.
I would be very careful to accuse someone for a crime he did not commit.
More than 60 million patriotic Americans voted for him, he won 29 states out 50 states, he won 306 electoral college more than 270 needed to become president, his party(republican party) has the majority in the house of representative, the majority in the senate,there are 33 republican governors in USA there is a reason for that the true American people have rejected your foolish, perverted and immoral ideologies.
He would be impeached for his crimes, what crimes?
You are an embarrassment to the human race.
You are quick to insult someone who wants to fix the broken system’s in the USA, reduce unnecessary regulations that hurt business, reduce unemployment(which his already doing) especially for american’s who want to work and make this country better & great,
RC, you and I share a lot of the same tastes in music it seems. I love Kid A, almost as much as OK computer. I would say the same as you said about Kid A, as about this incredible performance by Martha Argerich:
Yes Joe, we do! I love this Rach concerto. Nice. Gorgeous version, too happy to listen to it. We definitely have similar tastes in music and politics. And tennis – we like talking about tennis.
i overreacted a while ago, am sorry! I shouldn’t have used some of the words i used.
I am not the only one who said things that were rude, you guys did the same but my apology is not dependent on yours, so i just want 2 say one more time am sorry!
Am not sorry for speaking the truth or my views politically etc but for my poor choice of words.
I will always speak the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH no matter what, because the opposite would be inhumane.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump held his final campaign rally at 1am on election day November 8th, 2016 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
At the end of his final speech candidate Trump said this –
Just imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people, under one God, saluting one American flag. I’m asking you to dream big because with your vote we are just hours away from the change you’ve been waiting for your entire life. So to every parent who dreams for their child and to every child who dreams for their future I say these words to you tonight. I am with you. I will fight for you and I will win for you. I promise.
To all Americans tonight in all of our cities and in all of our towns, I pledge to you one more time. Together we will make American wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America safe again and we will make America great again!
President Trump started off as aggressive as any President ever in working for the American people as he promised. Now as President Trump has surpassed his 100 days in office, here are some of his accomplishments and his resulting impact on the economy and world affairs in this very short period of time:
The US Stock Markets are at record highs and millions of Americans are benefitting in their retirement savings accounts.
* The DOW daily closing stock market average rose more than 15% since the election on November 8th. (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332 – on March 1st the DOW closed at 21,115).
* Since the Inauguration on January 20th the DOW rose 6.5%. (It was at 19,827 at January 20th and reached 21,115 on March 1st.)
* The DOW took just 66 days to climb from 19,000 to above 21,000, the fastest 2,000 point run ever. The DOW closed above 19,000 for the first time on November 22nd and closed above 21,000 on March 1st.
* The DOW closed above 20,000 on January 25th and the March 1st rally matched the fastest-ever 1,000point increase in the DOW at 24 days.
* The US Stock Market gained $2 trillionin wealth since Trump was elected!
* The S&P 500 broke $20 Trillionfor the first time in its history.
* In the history of the DOW, going back to January 1901, the DOW record for most continuous closing high trading days was set in January of 1987 when Ronald Reagan was President. The DOW set closing highs an amazing 12 times in a row that month. On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
President Trump decreased the US Debt in his first 100 days by $100 Billion. (President Obama increased the US debt in his first 100 days by more than $560 Billion.)
The US Manufacturing Index soared to a 33 year high in this period which were the best numbers since 1983 under President Reagan.
President Trump added 298,000 jobs in his first month alone (after President Obama said jobs were not coming back!).
Housing sales are red-hot. In 2011, houses for sale were on the market an average 84 days. This year, it’s just 45 days.
NATO announced Allied spending is up $10 Billion because of President Trump.
After being nominated by President Trump, Constitutionalist Judge Neil Gorsuch was confirmed and sworn in as Supreme Court Justice in early April, praise GOD for that.
The President has signed more than 60 executive orders, memoranda and proclamations as of July 3rd, including:
* Notifying Congress of a strike on Syria after it was reported that the country used gas on its citizens.
* Dismantling Obama’s climate change initiatives.
* Travel bans for individuals from a select number of countries embroiled in terrorist atrocities.
* Enforcing regulatory reform.
* Protecting Law enforcement.
* Mandating for every new regulation to eliminate two.
* Defeating ISIS.
* Rebuilding the military.
* Cutting funding for sanctuary cities.
* Approving pipelines.
* Reducing regulations on manufacturers.
* Placing a hiring freeze on federal employees.
* Exiting the US from the TPP.
In addition to all this, the President has met with many foreign leaders from across the globe including Xi from China, Abe from Japan, etc.
The President also pointed out numerous times that the MSM (Main Stream Media or FAKE news) reports only on a made up Russia conspiracy story and ignores these accomplishments. These actions are making the majority of Americans aware of the tremendous bias in the media in the US and abroad. This too is another major Trump accomplishment.
Winning, Winning, Winning!
God bless the president of the USA Donald J. Trump!
There are so many accomplishments the President of the United States of America Donald Trump has accomplished, i can’t post them all the are just too many but a little research would reveal them.
It’s also important to note that he has also made some mistakes as well, but my prayer and yours should be that he has a successful presidency, i pray that GOD(JESUS) gives him the strength and wisdom to help make America Great Again!
Radiohead – “Where I End And You Begin. (The Sky Is Falling In.)”
Live on From The Basement, 2008. Lyrics/transcript:
There’s a gap in between
There’s a gap where we meet
Where I end and you begin
And I’m sorry for us
The dinosaurs roam the earth
The sky turns green
Where I end and you begin
(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, get to heaven!)
I am up in the clouds
I am up in the clouds
And I can’t and I can’t come down
I can watch but not take part
Where I end and where you start
Where you, you left me alone
You left me alone
X will now mark the place
Like the parting of the waves
Like a house falling into the sea
Into the sea
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
There’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
And there’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
– Shall we do that again then?
– Do you really need to?
– I’m joking.
hahahha Oh yes. He’ll be so pleased to get a big slobbery kiss from her
Still have lots of work to do transferring personal stuff from both my old computers. And, the speakers for listening to music are terrible — I’m spoiled and must upgrade. Anyway, it’s virus free and super clean and fast!
rc!!…I would suggest for u to transfer only the most important thing and u will use it often..things that not very important but u love it as well just download it into the pendrive or hard disk and save it there..that way your new laptop will not get heavy with all that stuff…
Nny!….Yeah,i’ve noticed Hawks and Mary ‘disappeared’ from TG when i came back from holiday…i like and respect hawks very much..and Mary too..even tho i will admit i don’t like her keep repeating about amy thingy..but i respect her tennis opinion very much..both of them are very smart people..hope they are both well and happy no matter where they are…and will come back here as soon as they’re ready..
P/S…Hawks,after u’ve done thinking..u come back here u hear?Otherwise i have to send my cow to search for u!!..and she won’t greet u with Hello![coz she can’t speak,duh!]..but she will give u a slobbery kiss!!…U don’t want that,do u?..she with a bad mouth hygiene i mean…
I don’t want anyone here who is going to expouse conspiracy theories and nonsense about someone posing as two people! I am sick and tired of reading it! This has nothing to do with reality or tennis!
I am all for people coming here to talk about tennis and just leaving the paranoia out of it!
rc!….sorry late to reply to your msg…not feel very well the last 3,4 days…Hope everything’s okay with your personal lives…and hope Mr RC still alive and kicking after u dragged him into the river for your so called ‘Float’…as if u can’t ‘float’ with him in your bath tub at home!!Hehehe…
Thank-you sweet MA!. Left you a note on WTA page too. I’m gonna try and see if I can get on FB this week but today I’m on pain meds — so a little sleepy. Probably tomorrow tho. I’m taking the week off work. hehehe….
Listening to music helps — and trying to keep my right arm elevated and it’s not easy to type…but it’s improving everyday.
Rachmaninoff for a bruised and battered arm https://www..com/watcyoutubeh?v=ElYS7lyJ3O4
rc!!…U make me wanna go to your side so bad and taking care of u very badly atm!…U have to be careful u know!…If you’re sick,who’s going to take care of u??I wish we live nearby,so i can take care of u when you’re in needs like this…Now,the mother instinct in me feels so worry bout u….Yeah,hurry posted that injured arm on FB,so i can see it and lecture u even more!Urgh!!
The adagio in the 2nd movement is heavenly when played by Glenn Gould. Very good for healing an arm or a big fat foot blister like Marin Cilic had: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnJhq7_Er8o
eugene!..That is exactly the image that i have atm!lol!!
funny no? :)))
Err…eugene!..i’m scared to admit that…even though rc’s arm is injured..but her foot is still strong..and she still capable of kicking my @ss u naw!Brrr…i better get out of here!!
I think having a good laugh, listening to music she likes is very healing and can definitely help.
Hehehehe…yeah eugene!You’re absolutely right!!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Ratcliff
Happy birthday to you
How old are you now?
How old are you now?
How old are you Ratclifffffffffff?( Am really singing as am writing)
How old are you now?( Please answer the question).
hehehehe, I’m off the pain meds and can bend my arm at the elbow — the bruises are hideous but they turn all sorts of weird colors before the disappear. Doctor that checked me said about a week and I’d be on my river float again!!! Also back to work probably Monday. So I didn’t miss too much.
How are you doing?
Wish you were here!! We do float the river together fun!!
Oh!Thank u God!…Now,i’m not so worry rc!!…Still hurt?…Oh!about float the river..it’s sounds fun rc!!…Oh u have no idea how many times i’m fantasizing bout us can be together and do crazy things rc!!Hahaha….i think the Earth will tilt on it axis if we do meet one day rc!!That’s how crazy we are!!Hahaha…
Hehehe!….I knew you’re going to like it!..Guess what??Me too!!Woohoo!!…Hey j!…i want to share one more video…not sure whether you’re already seen this but…this one gave an impact to me because i’ve lost my mom because of a cancer about 5 years ago…tho’…the difference is that i’m not try to ‘fix’ my mom…
Yes I did watch the video. I’m sorry I’ll have to try it again. I was too distracted by Fix You lyrics that I may have missed something in the dance. My ears are bigger than my eyes!! hahahaha I’ll watch it again, darling.
No way Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin can compare to the otherworldly soul of Thom Yorke….just my opinion, being a radiohead groupie.
rc!!…Yeah!!!Your ears certainly is bigger than your eyes!!Hahahahaha!!….I was more fascinated with the all ‘sappy’ things that we can find in that routine…the message,the dance itself,the heartache to see how Travis and other’s wants to do their best for the loved ones..and Fix u song is an element which blended so beautifully with all that stuff…
I’m not a fan of Coldplay myself or their music..or Thom Yorke,so i don’t know the difference between them both…but i respect your opinion very very much rc….
Oh!..one more thing!..I’m very very glad your feet is smaller than your ears rc!…otherwise i maybe don’t have an @ss years ago due to the constant kicking u gave me in the Bracket!!Hahahahahahahahehehehehehehawhawhawhaw!!!
You think I’m a long eared bunny? hahahahaha
my feet are definitely bigger than my ears – but that’s all I will say on the subject of body parts!! cough, cough…..hhehhehehe
No, I don’t think I appreciate modern dance like you do. Sort of a weak area of mine, I admit. Not that I don’t entirely like it, though or could be persuaded to like it.
I don’t like Coldplay — you can say whatever you want about them! But Radiohead?! lol, how shocking you don’t like Thom Yorke and his genius band, Radiohead!
One or two more things. 1) I hope you life is good for you today and I love you – always on my mind, AM. 2) Hope you filled out the Nanching bracket and I hope you enjoy kicking my @SS all week.
On my way home….see ya soon …stopping in Malayasia for some chicken curry ( I wish, wish)
rc my baby!!…Hehehe…i miss u so so so so so much!!…and it lead me to read our old conversation on FB and i miss u even more!!Hahaha…oh,i’m a lost cause!!..oh!how’s your arm baby?Better now?…me?..Alhamdullillah..be able to wake up and inhale an air for another day…what more could we ask rc except THANK U GOD FOR THIS PRECIOUS GIFT!
Oh!…i still not fill the Nanching Bracket..at first i don’t want to[the field seems not that interesting]…but,i’ll do it for u rc!!…
Hey..i already calculated in my mind[very seriously] about my plan to send u ready made chicken curry that we talked about a while ago…but,i still need to discuss a few things with u on FB…i just wait for u to activate your ac and i will tell u what i have on my mind…
Btw….Hahaha..i will try to ‘love’ Radiohead rc!!….Sorry!…before i met u..Radiohead is a stranger to me..so,it will need time to develope the love and like their music rc!….Sorry okay?
rc!!….Here’s my daily doses of love and care for u today…
Thanks. Always thinking of you too. Mr Rat talked me into spending the rest of the week at his place. I’m being spoiled here– and made arrangements to be back next week no worries okay.
Hey, I’m watching the world championships competition going on in Budapest and the most beautiful divers are from Malaysia..not sure if they’ll win first place because the Chinese. Yes , the 27 yr old Beauty from Malaysia wins…look her up MA – she’s very cool.
I’ll check scores and post on Wta page. My picks for the week I see still suck!
Hey rc!!…so,you’re going to spend at Mr Rat’s place?Hehehehe….THAT is a very good news indeedy!!Hehehe…But…but..but…i’m still worried tho,..u know..we can’t know bout this hyperactive people…they even can make an enemy with a sinki pipe!…So,i hope u will take care of your other injuryless anatomy really really careful when you’re there k?
Bout diver from Malaysia?U mean Jun Hoong Cheong?…Hehehe..i have to go and read bout her…i didn’t even know she won rc!!Hehehe…Good for her!Btw rc…u know the biggest news that happened to me yesterday?Oh my God!!I still can’t believe it!!….It turned out that Squirrel is my fellow countryman rc!!!Wooohoooo!!…Hahaha…I’ve got the biggest shock in my life when i browsed his FB and there!…Not only that..but his family only lives just 40,45 minutes from my home!!…God is Almighty rc!!…I met him on TX of all places!!Hehehe….
I’m still didn’t check thoroughly about anyone’s pick,i have to check it now!…Your picks still suck?Oh!that’s alright sweetie!…i’m sure as soon as you regain your full fitness and healthy…you will once again can make a strong pick…sometimes, our mind can be distracted by the event that happened around us…To me,you’re still The Queen Of The Picker’s rc!!…Woohooo!….Love u!!!!
Suicide is the most selfish and one of the most wicked thing a human being can do.
No matter the problems we face( and some of us go through mountains of it), no matter how hard things might be, suicide should never ever be an option.
The storms of life don’t last forever, the never will, weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
They love for our loved ones should be more powerful and greater than the problems/depressions that leads to this kinds of actions.
I know his family & friends will miss him dearly, my best and my prayer’s to them.
Agree stanley!…But,sometimes as a human being,we can’t help from made a mistake…sometimes the mistakes that we made can be altered..and sometimes not…sometimes the path that we choose may lead us to a junction that will take us to a dead end and we can’t find a way back…But,for some who’s still been given a breath to breathe this wonderful air that God give to us…please,don’t lose hope…it might be rain today..but,it’s not going to last..the sunshine will peek from the dark cloud at the end…Stay Strong!
I always feel incredibly sad to hear about an artist committing suicide.we know that great talent can also come with a very sensitive soul. But my heart breaks to see this extraordinarily gifted man leave us this way and far too soon.
Life is a precious gift. I cannot imagine gettIng to such a dark place that one would take their own life. There must have been despair and a lot of pain. My thoughts are with his family and band members. They will struggle to deal with this loss.
It’s terrible that someone who could inspire us with his musical gift, could not find peace and happiness for himself in this life.
Nny!!…First of all..how r u Milady??Health is okay?Everything is perfect?…and I miss u too!…
Yeah!Agree with u Nny!…it’s always sad when we hear that someone gave up that easily in this life…there’s always a solution to every problem…the key is be patient…don’t give up too soon…Keep on fighting…
I am devastated when anyone takes their own life. It’s a terrible waste. Those who are left behind suffer greatly. They mourn the death of a loved one, but are left to ask – why?
I will not sit in judgment on someone who was suffering and in great pain. One would like to think that theee is always hope, even in life’s darkest moments. But sometimes the darkness is so deep and overwhelming that one cannot see the light or rays of hope.
I am just sad that a talented musician could not find his way out of the darkness. Life is always worth living.
Hey back Nny!…Yeah,once again very agree with u..we lost so many great talent in music and act due to the lost of hope in life…i wish we will not hear this kind of news again this year..
Btw…i’m happy to know that everything is okay in your life now Nny!…But one thing we lack atm Nny…RAFA!!…Urgh!I can’t wait to see his action in canada Nny!…Hope he can go deep,and will gain a lot of confidence from that…tho’ come USO,once again we rafans will nervously monitor his progress…but Master’s first!!…C’mon Rafa!!Woohoo!!
Hello Nny,
It’s extremely sad. And I don’t know what Bennington suffered – probably a lot of painful depression along with what I remember reading: that he fought addiction/ had a rough upbringing. I haven’t made a study of the band. Only bought their first album, Hybrid Theory, years ago. Their first album meant a lot to me at the time. I’m very sorry Chester felt he had to go. I’ve lost friend(s) and one family member to suicide — seen how deep the struggle can be, up close and personal. Cannot call what I’ve seen of it selfish, but I hear people use that word in connection to suicide a lot. Maybe in certain cases but not when it’s a lifelong struggle with mental health disease — it’s not selfish in the cases I know personally.
One of my Linkin Park favorites… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sgycukafqQ
I didn’t know that Chester battled depression and drug addiction and a rough childhood. He had his demons. That explains a lot.
I know the band, but was not that familiar with their music. I guess it was just too much for him.
I am sorry that you lost people to suicide. I can’t imagine how painful that must have been.
I think it’s wrong to sit in judgment on anyone who commits suicide. Depression and drug addiction can take someone to a very dark place. I grieve for the loss of a life. But we can’t know their suffering.
When I saw the news online, it just made me sad. Creative people can sometimes also suffer a lot.
It’s a tragedy. But hopefully it can remind us that life is worth living, that life is precious. One would wish anyone contemplating suicide would reach out, but so many times they keep it inside.
At least you helped me to know some of what this man was going through. I really feel for those close to him.
Thanks for your kindness, Nny.
You have such a good way with words. Really appreciate you!
rc!!….You’re not posting yesterday!…and i’m miss u like crazyyyyyyyyyy!!!….Hehehe…you’re welcome babe!…And yeah!..After i know you’re with Mr rc..i admit i am less worry bout u baby!…
Hey!…Take a look at the next page..you’re missing something that i posted 2 days ago for u…Oh!…I LOVE U…..MOREEEEEEEEEEE!!!WOOOHOOO!!
I’m running out the door (still at George’s) but I will post later when there’s time. I don’t agree that suicide is always a selfish act. It’s much more complex than that. Take each case individually — it’s more often deep hopelessness and the decision taken after years and years of suffering. Anyway, the Bach adagio – is straight from God, every note, imo. It will all be sorted – it’s not ours to judge. For Chester and Linkin Park: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2zix8yTY_Y
rc!!…Yeah,i agree with u too…but,i don’t want to dwell much on it…don’t even want to judge why they took this path…it’s not our’s to judge actually…when i said i agree with stanley up there..i meant i was agreeing with almost everything he said except for the 1st line in his post…everybody have their reason for doing it…for us the outsiders who don’t know a thing what’s going on in their life shouldn’t be too quick to make a judgement..we’re not the one who’s suffered after all…
Btw rc!!…running out the door???Oh God!!….”Please,please,please take care of my beloved rc and her nose and her injured arm…it seems she still didn’t learn from her clumsiness”…
Btw rc!!…Oh God!!…the music is sooooooooo soothing!!…i almost fell off of my chair!…Thank u for posting it rc!!
The Bible views suicide as equal to murder, which is what it is—self-murder. God is the only one who is to decide when and how a person should die. We should say with the psalmist, “My times are in your hands” ( Psalm 31:15).
God is the giver of life. He gives, and He takes away ( Job 1:21). Suicide, the taking of one’s own life, is ungodly because it rejects God’s gift of life. No man or woman should presume to take God’s authority upon themselves to end his or her own life.
Some people in Scripture felt deep despair in life. Solomon, in his pursuit of pleasure, reached the point where he “hated life” ( Ecclesiastes 2:17). Elijah was fearful and depressed and yearned for death ( 1 Kings 19:4). Jonah was so angry at God that he wished to die ( Jonah 4:8, if you read the whole story you would see that jonah was wrong and GOD was merciful). Even the apostle Paul and his missionary companions at one point “were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself” ( 2 Corinthians 1:8).
However, none of these men committed suicide. Solomon learned to “fear(respect) God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” ( Ecclesiastes 12:13). Elijah was comforted by an angel, allowed to rest, and given a new commission. Jonah received admonition and rebuke from God. Paul learned that, although the pressure he faced was beyond his ability to endure, the Lord can bear all things: “This happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead” ( 2 Corinthians 1:9).
So, according to the Bible, suicide is a sin. It is not the “greatest” sin—it is no worse than other evils. However, suicide definitely has a deep and lasting impact on those left behind. The painful scars left by a suicide do not heal easily. May God grant His grace to each one who is facing trials today ( Psalm 67:1). And may each of us take hope in the promise, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” ( Romans 10:13).
Parents are or should be role models to their child or children, they actions of a parent whether they are present or absent have a huge impact on their child’s or children’s life.
Am not married and i don’t have a child, hopefully one day i will meet my one and only true love, who knows she could be here.
When that day comes i will love my kids with ALL of my heart( and am not saying C. Bennington did not love his children) but one of the worse things that i could do to them is to abandon them or end my life, that’s selfish and wicked.
Children need their parents especially in the days we are living in, i can write a lot on this subject but am a little busy and i don’t want to rush this sensitive & serious topic.
No, I think you just make people uncomfortable with the religious stuff, Stanley. I have nothing against religion, but you should keep in mind that not everyone subscribes to the same religion as you. Obviously it’s a free country and this is the non-tennis forum, so post all the Bible stuff you want. Just don’t be surprised if some people don’t really know how to respond to it if they aren’t religious/Christian…
Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with GOD( JESUS CHRIST).
Most people think that it is a religion but true Christianity is GOD’s grace & mercy extended to sinners( like you, me & the entire world), all we have to do is receive it by faith i.e puting our trust in JESUS CHRIST.
GOD’s word( the bible) would say For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son( JESUS CHRIST died on the cross for the sin of the world), that whoever( it doesn’t matter who they are or what they have done, GOD is merciful) believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Kevin am a young man and i have spent most of my life outside the will of GOD, i know what it’s like not believe in God or have no faith but i also know the JOY, the MERCY and the GRACE of GOD that surpasses all understanding when you put your trust in JESUS, you become a new creation, every chain is broken.
I won’t trade what i have in jESUS for anything this world has to offer, my faith in JESUS CHRIST my LORD & my SAVIOUR is greater and more precious than all.
I would sincerely ask you to put your trust in JESUS, HE can forgive you and wash your sins as white as snow, you can have the assurance that when your time comes( we will die one day, me, you & all) you will spend eternity with a HOLY, JUST and MERCIFUL GOD.
In response to your previous post, when did I say that you should not say things about God or Jesus? I was just letting you why some people might not respond to it, since you asked if everyone was asleep. I specifically said post all you want on the non-tennis forum about spiritual matters, just don’t be surprised if some people don’t know how to engage in that conversation. So please don’t act like I said you should stop posting spiritual/religious things in order to “please me”…
I was raised and confirmed Catholic, Stanley. I am not an Athiest. I am not anti-religion or anti-spirituality. I actually consider myself to be on some sort of spiritual journey through life. What I am, at this point in my life, is Agnostic, meaning that I just don’t know whether there is a God or not. I am the type of person who really needs tangible evidence of things to throw my faith behind it. While I am just not sure if there is a God, I am absolutely 100% open to the possibility that there IS a God. While I don’t believe any human who claims to “know” there is a God, I also do not believe any person who claims to “know” that there is NOT a God. In fact, deep down, I would love for there to be some sort of all-knowing, all-loving deity, or dieties. However, I just have yet to see any tangible evidence that there is or isn’t a God, so I have to remain Agnostic until I experience some sort of evidence of the existence/non-existence of a God or Gods.
I understand that there are many people in the world who are able to have faith in something they have never seen, and I have much respect for those people. I have much respect for your faith, Stanley. Sometimes I even feel jealous of people like you who are able to have faith in something so deeply. Another aspect of religion/spirituality that is very difficult for me to grasp is the fact that there are many hundreds of different religions and theories of what God is, and all of them think that their version of God is the true real one and that all the others are wrong and crazy… So if only one can be right, how do we ever know which one is right?
So that’s where I stand in terms of my own beliefs. Just know that I totally respect your beliefs. I was originally just trying to answer your question of why people maybe weren’t responding to your bible post. That is all.
I guess my issue is that people are of different faiths and we are all entitled to believe in our faith. There are those who are agnostic and don’t believe in God.
For the record, I am Jewish. We do not recognize Jesus Christ. We also do not believe in Hell. I do believe in God.
I gave no problem with anyone talking about their faith. But proselytizing is something else. To try to impose one’s faith on others or presume that their faith is the only one, is when it becomes a problem for me.
There is no one religious faith in this world. When I read quotes from the Bible and comments referring to Jesus Christ as the only God or the Bible being the gospel, then I have a problem.
There is no one faith. There are many faiths and they all deserve to be respected.
Condemning anyone who commits suicide as evil or wicked, is wrong. That kind of judgmental attitude is just offensive to me. Nobody thinks suicide is a good idea. Life is precious. But for those who cannot find peace or relief and are sufferIng and can’t find a way out, they should not be condemned. Spirituality should be about compassion and forgiveness.
I am not going to get into anti-semitism. That’s another discussion. In the movie “Inherit the Wind”, Spencer Tracy plays Clarence Darrow and at one point in the Scopes trial he says – the Bible is a book, it’s s good book, but it’s not the only book.
I think that sums up my feelings.
You write like a nice person and i will love to talk to you more, you sound like me a few years ago and i understand some of the questions you have.
When i said “is everyone sleeping” i was just asking because i wanted to chat with someone, i couldn’t sleep and all my friends in the real world lol! were all asleep, please don’t misunderstand.
I lived my life without GOD for a long time and i know what that’s like, my faith in JESUS CHRIST is more real to me than the very stars that i see in the night, it’s more precious than everything i own, including my life.
Kevin salvation is not just an important subject, it’s the most important revelation because it deals with the eternal destination of a human being.
I was planning on writing more but i will stop here for now cos am exhausted, i didn’t sleep well yesterday and i woke up early today, i was with some friends and they have depleted all my energy.
I promise to post a comment related to this subject either on sunday, monday or on tuesday, i believe it might answer some of your questions and direct you towards the right path.
Agnosticism is an interesting concept, Kevin. As far as I know, it’s only applied to the case of belief in God. Otherwise, we generally default to the position that if there isn’t good evidence to believe something, we don’t believe it.
I don’t believe in God for the same reason I don’t believe there’s a purple elephant in my living room: I don’t have any good evidence to believe there is.
Do I *know* there’s no God? Well, no. Does that make me an agnostic? Well, am I agnostic about the purple elephant in my living room? I don’t think so. I think I just don’t believe there is one. And I think we should adopt the same attitude in both cases.
Joe Smith-
I am not sure what the technical definition of Agnosticism is, although I do hear people use the term in relation to other things. I certainly do from time to time! I agree with you that when it comes to whether or not there is a purple elephant in my room, I am definitely not agnostic about that because I can see that there is not an elephant in my room. Since “god” is generally believed to be something we cannot see, I therefore cannot prove that it’s NOT there. Most people who believe in god don’t claim to have ever seen a physical entity of some sort with their eyes. They are going on blind faith. That’s the part I struggle with… Now, if someone asked me if I believed that their was an INVISIBLE purple elephant in my room, I would be inclined to say no. But if we are being absolutely technical here, then obviously no one can prove for 100% sure that there is not an invisible elephant in the room haha. That’s where I’m not sure how the technicalities of this stuff work, like if I’m only 99.9999 percent sure that there’s not an invisible elephant in the room, does that make me agnostic about the invisible elephant in the room? As it pertains to god, I know that there are varying levels of agnosticism, generally referred to as “weak” or “strong” agnosticism. If I am not mistaken, a “strong” agnostic believes that it is not possible to ever know if there is a god, whereas a “weak” agnostic does not know if there is a god but is open to the possibility of being able to eventually know… I could very well have the two mixed around. Please feel free to correct me, somebody!
Yeah, Kevin, you’re right that we do use ‘agnostic’ in other contexts. But I wonder whether we do about matters of fact. I can’t think of any good examples off-hand.
At any rate, whether or not we can see God, I think we can begin to appreciate just how unusual “belief” in God is by considering comparable cases. Suppose I insisted that there is a purple elephant in my room; indeed, that it is THE PURPLE ELEPHANT which is God. Whether or not I claimed to be able to *see* him with my eyes, I claimed that I knew he was there, and that I had a special relationship with him, indeed, the most important relationship in my life.
What would you say? Well, if you didn’t think I was just pulling your leg, you would probably ask me *how* I knew TPE was there, *why* I believed it existed and was God, and so on. And, if I couldn’t answer in any way that appealed to one of our five senses, I imagine you’d begin to wonder about my sanity.
For an athiest like me, when people say they believe in God, my reaction is kind of like yours (and I imagine most others) to the purple elephant example. If belief in God is really a *belief* (rather than, e.g., a hope or a wish), then it’s not like any other belief I’m familiar with, one based on evidence that everyone else can access, at least in principle.
There’s a whole field of study around this, known as the psychology of religion. I’m no expert, but it’s a fascinating question why so many people believe in
a god of some sort. Maybe it’s really because God exists, but it’s much more likely that the answer has to do with widely shared human needs and other aspects of human psychology.
Being a Pagan i dont believe in god anyway, only that when you go you go onto the next level, i dont believe for one minute that anybody that goes down the suicide root does it lightly, and i dont think people should judge people that do take their own lives, nobody knows what emotional inner demons and turmoil a person is probably going through, debt, depression, loss of a loved one etc, all very well for people to play god and say things get better, but they dont always , im not saying its wrong or right, but sometimes people cant see a way out ….
Suicide is not the answer to whatever problems etc we face in life, it should never be an option.
There are those who steal, prostitute, kidnap etc because of poverty but that does not mean their actions are okay the are wrong, i can name many examples but i think you get my point.
Our problems should not lead us to make catastrophic decisions,especially suicide.
The problems we face in life does not give us the justification to do that which is bad/evil.
I don’t want to get personal but i know what it’s like to face giagnatic mountains/problems, you don’t know what to do, where to start, it feels like the world is against you, life just becomes bitter, bitter & bitter and you want to throw in the towel, but i thank GOD that i met a friend that sticks closer than a brother his name is JESUS CHRIST, i thank GOD for his LOVE and strength in my time of need.
If we trust him(JESUS), he will walk with us and lead us through every trial and tribulation, he will move those mountains that are immovable and break those chains that are unbreakable by man, JESUS loves us and he died for our sins, when we trust him we receive the gift of GOD which is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
I know that mental illness can lead to suicide and i sympathize with those who go through this and i hope that they get the help they need, GOD knows our heart and is JUST & MERCIFUL.
I also know that some drugs( both legal & illegal) have some side or nagative effects that lead to suicidal thoughts/tendecies, depression etc, some were banned a few years ago and you should ask a or your doctor for advice b4 you take any drug.
You should also do some research to learn more, i also read in an article that chester bennington had a problem with drugs, alcohol etc.
I liked one of their songs “Numb/Encore” a few years ago, i haven’t listened to it in yrs, he was a good vocalist.
A Psalm of David.
1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside still waters.
3 He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.( PSALMS 23)
To change to a more cheerful subject have just been watching Chris Froome powering his way to his fourth TdeF title (barring a catastrophe on the Champs Elysee) tomorrow.
The above is for RITB who I know is a fellow TDF fan.
living waters uploaded this videos and the have other videos/teachings that will help, if you have data and time it is worth watching, i encourage you and others to watch it or download it.
http://www.proofthatgodexists.org/ is an intresting website, it gives you access depending on what you click on, it has lots of resources.
http://www.sonlifetv.com/ SBN(sonlife broadcasting network) is a network that i respect a lot, they preach the word of GOD with love and with guidance of the Holy Spirit.
“Wonderful Merciful Savior”
Wonderful, merciful Savior
Precious Redeemer and friend
Who would have thought that a lamb could
Rescue the souls of men
Oh, You rescue the souls of men
Counselor, Comforter, Keeper
Spirit we long to embrace
You offer hope when our hearts have
Hopelessly lost the way
Oh, we hopelessly lost the way
You are the one that we praise
You are the one we adore
You give the healing and grace
Our hearts always hunger for
Oh, our hearts always hunger for
Almighty, infinite Father
Faithfully loving Your own
Here in our weakness You find us
Falling before Your throne
Oh, we’re falling before Your throne
You are the one that we praise
You are the one we adore
You give the healing and grace
Our hearts always hunger for
Oh, our hearts always hunger for.
In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest
drought and storm
What heights of love,
what depths of peace
When fears are stilled,
when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ Alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
‘Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave he rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
In Christ alone I place my trust
And find my glory in the power
of the cross
In every victory let it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope
In Christ alone I place my trust
And find my glory in the power
of the cross
In every victory let it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope
In Christ alone
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His Hand
’til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.
This song is the cry of my heart and the testimony of what JESUS CHRIST has done for me, my faith in JESUS CHRIST is not a blind faith.
CHRIST washed my sins away, saved my soul and made me whole.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.
It’s become so obvious now that Trump is determined to try to stop this investigation. His actions are evidence of consciousness of guilt. He already made some threats if Mueller should look into his finances. He has refused to reveal his tax returns. The only reason not to do so is because he has something to hide.
The whole Trump family are liars. Dishonest crooks! It’s a disgrace what this thuggish and boorish man is doing to this country.
His efforts to get Sessions to resign so that he can appoint another AG to stop the investigation, is pathetic. No loyalty to anyone! No class, no principles!
Trump is acting like a man with a lot to hide. Mueller needs to get to the bottom of this so that we can impeach Trump and clean out the dirty mess he has created.
100% agree.
It’s ******–up. It’s all wrong — how much longer can this go on? Couldn’t find the longer original version of this but this…in a loop is what I hear.
Now, after shaking off a bad reality, escaping to Weird Fishes and somewhere happier, like David Goffin did in second and third set tie breakers — first match in Gstaad vs Radu Albot
Weird Fishes – Arpeggi
In the deepest ocean
The bottom of the sea
Your eyes
They turn me
Why should I stay here?
Why should I stay?
I’d be crazy not to follow
Follow where you lead
Your eyes
They turn me
Turn me on to phantoms
I follow to the edge of the earth
And fall off
Everybody leaves
If they get the chance
And this is my chance
I get eaten by the worms
Weird fishes
Get towed by the worms
Weird fishes
Weird fishes
Weird fishes
I’ll hit the bottom
Hit the bottom and escape
I’ll hit the bottom
Hit the bottom and escape
An atheist is one that is sure in an absolute sense that no God exists. They do not arrive at their conclusion from evidence (which is not on their side) but from a hope. Which often relates to not wanting to be responsible to a greater authority because they do not like what the authority has to say about them and how they need to live. An agnostic is one who accepts the fact that he has not (yet) found proof of God. A dishonest agnostic says, “I don’t know and I don’t want to know.” An honest agnostic says, “I don’t know but I want to know.” One cannot be an “atheist” if they are being honest with their pursuit of the facts and science.
Atheists do not use the mind or logic to arrive at their conclusion, they use didactic reasoning that eliminates certain facts and evidence to stack the deck in their favor to satisfy their own ego’s pride of being right?
What they do is like someone building a two story house and after the first story they stop building to state there is no second story. They purposely forfeit there pursuit of where facts lead because it will change their conclusion. They are willing to believe the record of history in nearly everything else except when it supports the Bible; then they ignore it, unwilling to continue their pursuit of knowledge of the “Holy One. This proves the sinful condition of man and his severed relationship to his maker.
If you ask most christians, true christians who have been born again or you ask me why i believe in God or why do i trust in JESUS CHRIST, my first answer won’t point you to creation even though creation testifies that there is creator but i will point you to what my Lord & my Saviour Jesus Christ has done for me and for billions(in the past and in the present) who have put their trust in Him.
I was once bound by sin and i called upon the lord and his Amazing Grace & Love not only washed my sins or saved my soul but He gave me victory over those things that defeated me.
The word of God(The bible) would say- Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he/she is a new creation old things have passed away, behold all things have become new(2 corinthians 5:17).
My faith in God is not a blind faith, i have heard, i have seen and i have experienced the wonderful works of God in my life and all i can say is Hallelujah.
Well, Stanley, you’ve got me wrong as an atheist on several counts.
First, I’m not “sure in an absolute sense that no God exists.” As I said, I don’t think there’s a God for the same reason that I don’t think there’s a purple elephant in my living room: I don’t think the evidence supports either one. But I recognize that I could be wrong -about both things. Do you recognize the possibility that there is no God?
Second, I have sometimes wished/hoped that there is a just and merciful God. I just don’t see any evidence that there is one, and lots of evidence that there’s isn’t (e.g. millions dying every year from poverty that is basically preventable, the Holocaust, Bambi dying painfully in a forest fire before humans existed, etc.). As far as I can tell, if God exists, s/he doesn’t care much about human or animal suffering.
Third, to repeat: my atheism is definitely based on what I think is the best evidence, logic, etc. I accept that your religious belief is based on what you think is the best evidence too, though obviously I think you’re wrong. So we disagree; that’s ok.
I’ve known a lot of born again Christians in my life, some before and after they became born-again. They’ve all said the same thing to me: you’re too arrogant to believe. I find that offensive. I’d urge you not to make the same mistake, and to treat atheists with the respect they deserve (and that they should show to you).
There is a just and a Merciful God, my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ can change your life, all the questions you have or asked have answers, the all have answers.
I spent a lot of time posting all this comments, i have answered some of your questions and i might post some comments correcting or answering others, this is not a promise, i think i have done my best, all i can do is point you to the truth and to the One who can save your soul, whether you choose to believe in it or believe him that’s your prerogative, we are without an excuse.
The videos that i posted touched on many important subjects that i didn’t comment on i encourage you to watch them or download it, you won’t be wasting your time or data.
I missed this comment you made “They’ve all said the same thing to me: you’re too arrogant to believe”.
I apologize, but i plead with you to continue to seek the truth sincerely.
JESUS said “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
When you seek the truth with an honest and sincere heart you will find him(Jesus), he is not playing hide & seek he has revealed himself.
I hope to call you a child of Almighty God & my brother in the future.
I truly wish you the best, take care.
Creation is a part of God’s general revelation, it affirms certain facts about God. Nature testifies to God’s existence. Paul wrote to the church at Rome.
What may be known of God is manifest in them for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse ( Romans 1:19, 20).
The vastness of the universe gives testimony to God as Creator. The psalmist wrote.
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them ( Psalm 8:3, 4).
Nature Is Not Identical With God, it is important to realize that nature is not identical with God. When God reveals Himself through the physical world it means that he communicates things about Himself that humans would not otherwise know.
There are two main passages in Scripture that emphasize God’s general revelation in creation- Psalm 19:1-6 and Romans 1:18-21.
Psalm 19:1-6
The first six verses of Psalm 19 testify to the revelation of God through His creation:
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat ( Psalm 19:1-6).
The following truths are found in these verses.
1. God’s Glory Is Being Proclaimed
The heavens are a declaration to the fact of God’s glory. It is a sign to the entire human race that God does exist.
2. The Testimony Is Constant
This revelation about God’s power and majesty is constant, occurring “day after day” and “night after night.” Humans are constantly reminded of God’s existence.
3. This Revelation Is Nonverbal
This revelation about God does not consist of words-it is nonverbal revelation. The heavens, therefore, offer a silent continual testimony to God.
4. It Is Worldwide In Scope
The scope of this testimony is worldwide. All people, everywhere, have access to this form of God’s revelation. There are no geographic barriers.
5. There Is No Language Barrier
Since this is a non-verbal form of communication there is no language barrier. All people, in every language, are able to comprehend this form of God revealing Himself.
6. The Sun Gives Constant Testimony
The shining of the sun in the sky gives testimony to the existence and care of God. Like the sun, the existence of God is obvious to all. Nothing can hide from the sun; no one can hide from God.
The truths about God are there for all to see.
Romans 1:18-21
A second passage that speaks of God’s revelation through nature is Romans 1:18-21. Paul wrote.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of humanity who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that humans are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened ( Romans 1:18-21).
The following important truths about God’s general revelation can be learned from this passage.
1. The Testimony About God Is Clear
God has left a witness of Himself for everyone. No one has any excuse.
2. Conclusions Can Be Drawn About God And His Existence
Because of the clear testimony about God from nature, conclusions can and should be drawn about God’s existence.
3. The Testimony Is Constantly Witnessed By Everyone
As Psalm 19 affirms, this testimony is constantly being witnessed since the time God created the world.
4. General Revelation Holds People Accountable
Because of the witness of nature, people are held accountable to God for the knowledge that God has revealed to them.
5. This Type Of Revelation Is Limited In What It Can Do
Revelation from nature, or creation, is limited in what it tells us. Only certain aspects about God’s invisible qualities or nature are revealed. Specifically, “His eternal power and divine nature.”
From these two passages it is clear that everyone is aware of the existence of God through the testimony in creation.
Nature Is Limited As A Source Of Truth
Nature can give us only a partial perception of God. From nature we can discover the wisdom and power of God. However nature is limited as a source of truth about God. Human beings are only able to infer certain things about God from nature because there are no explicit statements about him.
The Bible testifies that “nature” or “creation” gives clear testimony to God’s existence. Everyone, everywhere, has this testimony. Natural revelation is more than sufficient to make humanity responsible and to show them they are “without excuse.” Consequently humans should attempt to find out who this Creator is and what He requires of them. Unfortunately, many people have corrupted the revelation of God in nature and have chosen to worship and serve the creation rather than the Creator. Instead of worshipping the Creator, they have turned creation into a god. For this, God has pronounced judgment upon them.
If you would like to know what Jesus Christ has done for you and you want to receive the gift of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ, then i believe this article would help you.
The bible is not just a book it is the word of Almight GOD.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man/woman of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work( 2 Timothy 3:16-17).
40 authors wrote the Bible over a period of 1,500 years. These Bible writers wrote as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Moses was the first person to write portions of Scripture while John, the disciple of Jesus, was the last. Other people who wrote the Bible include: David, Daniel, Peter, Paul, Jonah, Isaiah, Solomon, David etc.
Those who wrote the Bible lived at different times, some separated by hundreds of years. In many cases they were complete strangers to one another. Some Bible writers were businessmen or traders; others were shepherds, fishermen, soldiers, physicians, preachers, kings—human beings from all walks of life. They served under different governments and lived within contrasting cultures and systems of philosophy.
But here is the wonder of it all: When the 66 books of the Bible with their 1,189 chapters made up of 31,173 verses are brought together(KJV), we find perfect harmony in the message they convey. The Bible is not simply an anthology; there is a unity which binds the whole together.”
The Bible writers gave God’s messages by voice and pen while they lived, and when they died, their writings lived after them. These prophetic messages were then gathered together, under God’s leading, in the book we call the Bible.
Here are some of many reasons why i believe the the bible is the word of God.
First, I believe the Bible is the Word of God because of its scientific accuracy.The Truth of the Word of God tells us that God “hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7). How did Job know that the earth hung in space before the age of modern astronomy and space travel? The Holy Spirit told him. The scientists of Isaiah’s day didn’t know the topography of the earth, but Isaiah said, “It is [God] that sitteth upon the circle of the earth” (Isaiah 40:22). The word for “circle” here means a globe or sphere. How did Isaiah know that God sat(figuratively) upon the circle of the earth? By divine inspiration.
Secondly, the Bible is affirmed through historical accuracy. The true story about the handwriting on the wall that is found in the fifth chapter of Daniel? Belshazzar hosted a feast with a thousand of his lords and ladies. Suddenly, a gruesome hand appeared out of nowhere and began to write on a wall. The king was disturbed and asked for someone to interpret the writing. Daniel was found and gave the interpretation. After the interpretation, Then commanded Belshazzar, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, and put a chain of gold about his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom.” (Daniel 5:29). Basing their opinion on Babylonian records, the historians claim this never happened. According to the records, the last king of Babylon was not Belshazzar, but a man named Nabonidas. And so, they said, the Bible is in error. There wasn’t a record of a king named Belshazzar. Well, the spades of archeologists continued to do their work. In 1853, an inscription was found on a cornerstone of a temple built by Nabonidas, to the god Ur, which read: “May I, Nabonidas, king of Babylon, not sin against thee. And may reverence for thee dwell in the heart of Belshazzar, my first-born favorite son.” From other inscriptions, it was learned that Belshazzar and Nabonidas were co-regents. Nabonidas traveled while Belshazzar stayed home to run the kingdom. Now that we know that Belshazzar and Nabonidas were co-regents, it makes sense that Belshazzar would say that Daniel would be the third ruler. What a marvelous nugget of truth tucked away in the Word of God!
Third, from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible reads as one book.And there is incredible unity to the Bible. The Bible is one book, and yet it is made up of 66 books, was written by at least 40 different authors over a period of about 1500-1600 years, in 13 different countries and on three different continents. It was written in at least three different languages by people in all professions. The Bible forms one beautiful temple of truth that does not contradict itself theologically, morally, ethically, doctrinally, scientifically, historically, or in any other way.
Fourth, did you know the Bible is the only book in the world that has accurate prophecy?When you read the prophecies of the Bible, you simply have to stand back in awe. There are over 300 precise prophecies that deal with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament that are fulfilled in the New Testament. To say that these are fulfilled by chance is an astronomical impossibility.
Finally, the Bible is not a book of the month, but the Book of the ages.First Peter 1:25 says: “But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the Word which by the gospel is preached unto you.” No book has ever had as much opposition as the Bible. Men have laughed at it, scorned it, burned it, ridiculed it, and made laws against it. But the Word of God has survived. And it is applicable today as much as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow.
It’s so majestically deep that scholars could swim and never touch the bottom. Yet so wonderfully shallow that a little child could come and get a drink of water without fear of drowning. That is God’s precious, holy Word. The Word of God. Know it. Believe it. It is True.
There are some videos that i posted in my previous comments on page 28(this current page) the discussed some important sujects that i didn’t touch on, i encourage you to watch it or download it if you haven’t.
One could be forgiven for wondering if this is for religious comments! With Stanley spamming the non-tennis forum and proselytizing about Christianity, it’s overkill.
I’d say that politics take up most of the discussion on this page, but religion and god-talk has been brought in a little bit lately… It tends to be mostly Stanley sharing his ultra-conservative, Evangelical Christian right-wing views, and almost everyone else disagreeing with him. So in fairness to Stanley, it’s hasn’t been the best forum for conservative and/or Christian-right supporters… At least there is a separate non-tennis page so that this type of stuff doesn’t bleed into tennis-talk!
So many wars have been caused by religon, why cant people just let each other make their own choises, and choose their own personal beliefs, without judging each other ? ….
One could be forgiven for wondering if you know the difference between telling the truth and spamming, all i have done is tell the truth in love and with facts, if you choose to believe it wonderful, if you reject it that’s your prerogative.
The word of God and the word that i have spoken will be a witness unto you, God’s word(the bible) would say “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man/woman sows, he or she will reap in return”(Galatians 6:7).
You might not believe this but i like you and i have read so many of your comments were you defend and support that which is wrong, immoral & ungodly, you criticize that which is right, Holy & Godly, is not just hypocritical it’s EVIL.
The prophet jeremiah said about God & His Word- But if I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot(Jeremiah 20:9).
I would rather die than be silent about what God has done for me and for the world, i know who i was and i know who i am today and i thank God for everything, The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness( lamentations 3:22-23).
True Christianity is not a religion but a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST, there is this song that i like it’s an old song called closet religion and it sings- “I don’t have a closet religion
I can’t hide the God I serve
I got to let the world know
Where ever I go
I got to praise and serve the Lord
Oooh serve the Lord.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning,
new every morning:
great is your faithfulness, O Lord,
great is your faithfulness!
As someone who is Jewish, I don’t believe in much of what you say regarding religion. My beliefs are quite different from yours.
You don’t get to decide what is evil or wicked. That is your opinion. You are mischaracterizing what I say. Not surprising, though.
You don’t have the exclusive right to spirituality, right and wrong and morality.
As Spencer Tracy said playing the great defense lawyer Clarence Darrow in the movie “Inherit the Wind”, the Bible is a book, it’s a good book but it’s not the only book. He was defending a school teacher who was put on trial for teaching Darwin’s theory of the evolution of man instead of the Bible’s version of creation.
Your compulsive literal quoting from the Bible, reminds me that we must continue to guard against blind faith. I don’t want to go back to a time and a place where one could be put in trial for trying to educate children.
Wow! 9:20 am, I can’t sleep it’s late here.
Mira i have missed you! I heard WTA will launched a livestreaming service on the 31st of july, you can watch all the matches and highlights it costs 75 thousand dollars a year and 10 thousand dollars a month.
Would you pay for it?
Don’t mind me it costs 75 dollars a year and 10 dollars a month.
I value money and i like WTA but i won’t pay for it, there are some channels that show some WTA matches and highlights, the are enough for me.
The curry puff looks tantalizing.
Your cow is beautiful but i don’t think she likes me, she keeps shaking her head, she might bite me.
Mira are you married?
Yes i am Stanley…with 1 husband and 4 kids…
Yeah Stanley…i love tennis too especially men’s tennis but…i won’t pay just to watch tennis…not even for The Great Rafa Nadal…i’ve already content with what my TV have to offered so far…
About my cow…don’t mind her Stanley!…she’s always like that!…don’t know why??
I don’t know what’s wrong with me my heart is beginning to hurt, my eyes is teary, my head is confused.
I think i will sleep now, hopefully when i wake up this will be a dream.
Good night Mira.
Good nite Stanley!…Have a sweet dream k?
How can i have a sweet dream?
Hey back Stanley!…Can’t sleep?Oh!….sorry to hear that Stanley!..But hey!…try to eat your strawberry ice cream..maybe it will work!…
Bout new WTA service..yeah!ToMMo told us on WTA section..and i also read about it on TX…but,i guess i have to passed it…10 dollars maybe not much for u Stanley..but for me,it is much..and i prefer to spend that money on my kids education..or at least pocket money….
I can’t buy a strawberry ice cream at this time even if i can it will keep me awake, sugar makes me go gaga, so i have it just 2 or 3 times a month.
Are you not going to ask me why my heart, eyes and head are hurting?
Are you watching J. Socks match?
All those weeks of calling and emailing (I write to republicans and senators and representatives from my state but maybe more importantly the protesting and signing petitions every week to stop repeal and replace – save Medacaid expand medicare, don’t de-fund planned parenthood, resist, resist, resist paid off!-
The Gop bill to cup millions of disabled and needy people off medicaid failed. Our fight for universal healthcare for all must continue! But for now, anyway, WE WON! John McCain, and two other republican Senators voted no! Our voices were heard
That’s just one battle put to rest for now. There’s many more to come.
There are so many errors in what you have said not grammatical errors but factual errors.
Christians are the most persecuted people in the world there heads are beheaded DAILY for there faith, they are raped DAILY for there faith, they are burnt alive DAILY for there faith and all manner of EVIL are done to them DAILY for there love for Jesus Christ, more than 90,000 christians were murdered for their faith in JESUS CHRIST in 2016.
They are persecuted for there faith and believes both in the USA and around the world, in schools, in the work place etc everywhere they go laws are passed against them and their believes(which are moral & right), they are penalized and in most cases forced to support or practice that which is wrong & EVIL, more than 500 million christians were prevented from practicing their faith in 2016.
All i have done is tell you the truth in love and with facts you can say it’s spamming, you can call my faith blind but my faith is more real to me than you are, it’s more precious than Gold or silver, it’s more satisfying than the sweetest beverage or the most delicious meal.
David would say ” o taste and see and you would know that the LORD is good, blessed is the man/woman who trusts in him(GOD)” (psalm 34: 8).
Jesus said “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that i will give him/her will never be thirsty again.
The water that i will give him or her will become in him or her a well of water springing up to eternal life.”( John 4:13-14)
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the Power of GOD for salvation to everyone who believes, for in it the Righteousness & Love of Gpd is revealed.
God has dedicated a day in which he would judge the world(humanity) in righteousness and on that day justice will be served.
The word of God (the bible) would say- Beloved do not overlook this one fact, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward all, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
I don’t decide what is wicked or evil, God has and His decision is Holy, Just, Righteous & final, my faith is not blind, the bible is not just a book or a good book it is the word of Almighty God.
I can’t say most of my friends are jews, but some are and i know others in casual way, i have read some of the writings of jews and i know most of what the believe in.
When you say you are jewish, what do you mean?
Please am serious, plzzz explain?
I going to make one final response to uiuba d then that’s it. If you have to ask what it means to be Jewish, that tells me all I need to know
I don’t know where you get the gall to lecture me on what Christians have gone through. Talk about persecution! How about the Holocaust? You know, where Hitler implemented his final solution! The extermination of the Jews!
So don’t you dare lecture me about persecution! The world has never seen anything like it before or since. Estimates es of six million Jews killed!
My father got to see it up close and personal. He has to take photographs of the atrocities and interrogate Nazi prisoners of war. It was something he never forgot. Decades later when I was an adult, he told me about what he saw.
I am fed up with you ramming your faith down my throat and everyone else’s!
I have nothing more to say to you about religion or anything else!
Stanley, every Religion has people who have been persecuted, including Christians. However, saying they are the “most persecuted people in the world” is absolutely ludacris…
RC I Have alot of admiration for you, your tough and your not scared of fighting and standing up for what you believe in, that takes alot of guts these days
Thanks Alison! You are right I’m not afraid to write to Anyone and give them an earful! Thank goodness there are millions doing the same — fighting to keep our rights’ and doing all we can to keep this a democracy with all it’s checks and balances in place. The executive branch is trying to change things to get his way and get away with lies, lies, lies and undermine the constitution.
It’s so important for people to stand up and make their voices heard now! So much is at stake!
Trump is trying to make the DOJ his personal arm of government. He is threatening the separation of powers that is the foundation of our government.
Trump is trying to destroy our democracy. He is using fear and hatred to divide the people. If he tries to get rid of Sessions so that he can appoint a yes person to then impeachment proceedings must begin!
But I think that the Democrats will have to win back control of the House before it will happen. Trump is getting nervous because Mueller is getting too close. If he starts looking into Trump’s tax returns and finances, then it’s game over! And Trump knows it!
We need to get this corrupt, lying, dangerous man out of the White House!
I meant to say that if Trump fires Sessions so that he can appoint a “yes” man to get rid of Mueller, then we must start impeachment proceedings!
Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice in firing Comey to stop the FBI investigation. He is threatening to continue to fire those who are investigating him. It’s getting too close for comfort with Trump.
Trump’s actions can only be interpreted as those of someone who is guilty, knows it and is trying desperately to keep the truth from coming out!
This country deserves better than a man who is a traitor to this country!
Im only grateful i dont actually live in America, its bad enough having Teresa bloody May as Prime minister here in Britain, and shes a Thatcher clone ….
NNY I sympathise with what the Jews went through in WW2, my hubbies ancestors are Jewish, and i also have multi cultures in my family, religion and prejudice has caused more wars and conflict than you or i have had hot dinners, i just wish people would choose their own path or religion, and just let others do the same, without percequiting others that dont share the same beliefs ….
The persecution of the Jews started with the death of Jesus Christ. They were blamed for it. Through the centuries they were persecuted endlessly and it took a long tine for the Pope to correct the record. It’s a terrible story. But it’s my heritage.
One of the more extraordinary stories about my father, was when he was in basic training in the Deep South. That was a whole other kind of prejudice and anti-semitism. There was one night when some other redneck soldiers got drunk and roudy. They started going off about how the Jews killed Christ. Then they said let’s go kill some Jews. My father heard them in his barracks and called out to them. He said – hey, I’m Jewish. Come here! So they went after him. When they got to him. My father was sitting up. When they looked down my father was pointing his gun at them! He said – you want to kill me? They got out of there and didn’t bother him again. That was my Daddy! He didn’t back down or take any crap.
I am going to just not talk about religion anymore here. I think people should allow others to be spiritual in any way they wish.
I will stick to politics, which can still be just as intense. You are fortunate to not live in this country right now. Trump is taking us backwards in so many ways and he is such an embarrassment. Also a very dangerous man who has zero understanding of the Constitution. He is taking us diwn the road to a Constitutional crisis. Our freedoms are at stake. We have to continue to protest in any way possible. We stopped the repeal of Obamacare and now we have to make sure that this man is held accountable for his crimes and illegal acts. He needs to be impeached.
Whatever you have in England is nowhere near a bad as Trump!
“Whatever you have in England is nowhere near a bad as Trump!”
Oh my god, save us! He shouldn’t be the POTUS. What an embarrassment! He’s truly #not my president!!!!
Yes pink in a yoga swing swirling around is awesome – it looks like fun. Well, I re-injured my arm last week end and now it’s in a cast and I can’t work for a month. Now I really did myself in. I’m on pain meds again, at home and it’s hard to type!
I’m sorry to be gone so long! I’m okay. It’s just had run out of vacation pay and it will be a tight month. What’s new, hey?! How are YOU…
Fortunately I got the ATP Montreal bracket done but forgot completely about getting WTA one for Toronto — actually I thought I had done it but well I must have been out of it. Andyway, I’m watching tennis and SO FREAKING Happy that my Aga won her first to matches….in STYLE, too!
I’ll go see what’s happening on our brackets and post on the WTA page. Happy to talk to you! You’ve been kicking my poor tired arse! lol
rc!!….At last!!…i thought i wanna order US Marshall,FBI,CIA,Ranger etc to search for u,u know!!…U scared the h@#$ out of me when u didn’t participate in WTA Bracket rc!!….Urgh!!…Now,i’m very very veryyyyyy relieved to see your precious name here…Btw..Miss u!!..hehe..
Hey,..sorry to hear about your arm k?Really really sorry!!…but,how that happen again rc??U fell?..Oh!how i wish i could be there to take care of u rc!!…or help u in any way….be patient okay?And please please take care of yourself carefully…Why don’t u go to Mr rc’s place once again?I will not this worry!..
About Bracket…i am worry about u more than thinking about Brackets atm rc…But…so happy,u come here again..that’s for sure!
lol….you always make me smile MA. I probably will go back to mr. RC’s — but – it will be when it stops throbbing, like closer to to US Open time.
So danging myself for not getting a WTA bracket this week — But I was considering picking Wozzie…now I hope she loses to Aga next round. Also thought I had Venus going deep and Ostapenko —but she lost to Lepchenko ackkk! I’m trying to pay attention — but I’m lulu brains on pain meds atm.
I am honestly fed up, tired of waking up every damn day, logging onto my favourite newspaper and being confronted, no, ASSAULTED, by yet another Trump drama front page headline. Day after day……….
Fed up!
Can someone please create a special paper just for Trump news? So they can park all the Trump drama in there? And leave the normal papers to cover normal news, for us normal people to read? I just want to wake up to normal disasters, please God! Not this…………..thing.
Trump this, Trump that, Trump, Trump, Trump……………begone with ya!
The UN is in New York for crying out loud, a stone’s throw away, can’t they send Peace-Keepers to the White House or something? That’s what they do the world over, no?
yes….lawd have mercy. What an liar and con-man we have – and I thought 8 years of G-Dub was agony. I’d be happy to have him back compared to Trump……uhhhhhhgggggggg it’s terrible.
A lot of things were said by some of you a few days ago some were said out of maybe ignorance or willful ignorance, some were deceptive, hypocritical, wicked & false.
True Christianity is not a religion but a personal relationship with God, when I said Christians are they most persecuted people in the world I wasn’t implying that others do not suffer persecution, I was simply saying that Christians are the most persecuted and most times, if not all the time they are persecuted by EVIL men & women who have rejected the TRUTH and believed in a lie.
Kevin, you called that statement “ludacris”(ludicrous), it’s a shame because we live in a digital age and there has been no time in history were one can learn at the speed of light than now, when you search for the truth in the right place diligently, honestly & carefully you will find it.
Both religious and secular studies/findings have concluded and reported that Christianity is the most persecuted faith and this persecution didn’t start yesterday it started thousands of years ago & it’s still going on today, it’s not getting better but worse cos the hearts of evil men/women are only getting Colder.
When I say this, am not glad about it, this doesn’t bring joy to my heart , it breaks my heart and they hearts of true Christians knowing that tens of millions( of our brothers & sisters) have lost their lives in the past & tens of thousands( sometimes hundreds of thousands) are losing their lives yearly because they love & serve the Living God, they refuse to stop sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ(The words of eternal life) and they also refuse to renounce their faith even in the face of death.
Silence in the face of EVIL is itself EVIL, God will not hold us guitless, not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.
You(Kevin) are not staying silent, you are attacking the truth by making stupid statements and that’s wicked & sad.
I guarantee you, if you search for the truth honestly you will find it.
If I post more than two links my comments will not go through, the are other links I didn’t post you can check them out.
The number of Christians martyred in 2016 is likely more than 90,000, however, because studies were not able to include data from China and India two countries with large Christian populations, but with “underground” churches, so the numbers of persecuted and martyred Christians are hard to come by, much persecution takes place on a daily basis that never makes news.
You said “The persecution of the Jews started with the death of Jesus Christ”.
Nothing could be further from the truth than that DECEPTIVE statement, you suppress the truth in unrighteousness and you twist the facts to match your views, it’s not just deceptive, it’s blasphemous( whether you know this or not, what you are saying is that the word of God or God himself is lying).
What you are saying & doing is worse and it’s not different from those who deny or water down the holocaust http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/194186 (there is a video in this article it’s 3 and half minutes long)
You don’t have to be a student of history to know that before & after the death of Jesus Christ( Jesus also rose from the dead), he and his disciples & followers both Jews & gentiles were persecuted vigorously in the most inhumane manner by some jews, the romans and some gentiles who rejected the truth and worshipped the creation I instead of the creator, who is blessed forever.
The religious leaders of Israel at his(Jesus) time hated him and they demanded that he be crucified, the roman leaders & soldiers nailed him to a cross but the truth is this, despite their wicked hearts Jesus Christ laid down his life as a sacrifice for the sin of the world, he did not come to defend his life but to lay it down for the world.
Jesus would say “No one takes my life from me, but I lay it down willingly! I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment I have received from my Father ( John 10:18).
The Holy Spirit would reveal to the prophet Isaiah and he would say in Isaiah 53:6-12
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
I don’t think I will be exaggerating if I said that Christians have done more for Israel or the Jewish people than they(Christians) have received.
The prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu recognized the persecution that Christians face all over the world and he condemned the genocide of Christians in the middle east and around the world.
He(Netanyahu) said to the Christians in the USA & Africa “Israel and the Jewish people have no better friends in the world than Christians” he said there is none like them.
He also made this promise in Nazareth ” I promise you, we will support you and we will act harshly against anyone who will harass you”.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel who I disagree with on some topics declared that Christianity or Christians are the most persecuted people in the world, some other leaders recognize this and are speaking out against this Evil.
There are many Christian organization that do wonderful works in Israel and around the world, their works are recognized in Israel and around the world and they( Christian organization) have been given awards of gratitude and appreciation for their amazing love.
Here are some of the Christian organizations supported by hundreds of ministries and by tens of millions of Christians-
CUFI(Christians united for Israel), C4Israel.org International Christian embassy Jerusalem, CBN(Christian broadcasting network), operation exodus USA, Bridges of peace, CFI( Christian friends of Israel) etc.
This Christian organizations didn’t start yesterday the have been around for decades the provide care packages to those in need in Israel, the provide protective gear to Israeli soldiers, the have built new homes for destitute holocaust survivors, the assist families who have lost loved ones on terror attacks, they have helped thousands of jews return to Israel who were fleeing persecution in the middle east, Europe etc, this Christian ministries/organizations have helped Israel disabled veterans & children with special needs in Israel, they also fight against the BDS(Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement that seeks to cripple Israel’s economy and end the international support for Israel this movement is funded and supported by people, organizations & countries that hate Israel and the Jewish people.
This ministries/organizations do more than I can write in Israel & around the world, some Christians even lose their lives in the process of doing this.
While they do all of this and more that I didn’t mention, more importantly most of them share the good news or the gospel of Jesus Christ which has the power to save a sinner.
8 For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man/woman should boast.(Ephesians 2:8-9)
26 For you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For as many of you as have been baptized( this does not speak of water baptizing but the born again experience in Christ) into Christ have put on Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if you be Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.(Galatians 3:26-29)
Adolf hitler and the nazi army murdered more than 10 million people, this demonic man and his foolish armies systematically murdered an estimated 6 million Jews.
He(A. Hitler) said “the jews are undoubtedly a race but not human, they cannot be human in the sense of being an image of God.
Adolf Hitler hated the word of God(The Bible) & HIS commandments, he called the 10 commandments ” the curse of mount Sinai” he hated the word of God that exposed his demonic heart.
Adolf Hitler hated Christianity, he and the nazi army murdered many Christians, children with down syndrome etc, he called Christianity a disease and once said the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was Christianity, adding that it was an invention of the Jews.
He murdered & imprisoned Godly pastors and replaced them with his false teachers, he also replaced the cross with his own swastika, he tried to destroy the word of God(The Bible) by burning millions of bibles, he rewrote the ten commandments that God gave to Moses and printed hundreds of thousands of false teachings in other to twist the word of God.
What he(Adolf Hitler) didn’t know was that he was dealing with the word of God & God’s word endures forever.
According to God’s word people like A. Hitler would face the righteous judgment of God for all eternity.
When I point out that an action or a view is wrong some of you say that I am judging and that I shouldn’t judge.
When someone makes a righteous judgment is that wrong? That’s a rhetorical question, because without righteous judgment we can’t live.
We all make judgements the moment we get out of bed, some of us hundreds, some thousands in a day.
Jesus would say when you judge, judge righteously!( John 7:24), he condemned hypocritical judgments for example- A bank robber telling someone who picks pocket, not to steal.
Jesus would say “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s/sister’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother/sister, Let me remove the speck from your eye, and look a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s/sister’s eye.
On one hand you condemn Adolf Hitler and his reprobate armies and they deserve to be condemned, they are facing God’s Holy judgment and will face it for all eternity because they were not just worse than wild animals but they were doing the works of their father(satan).
On the other you(Nativenewyorker) & others support & defend organizations like planned parenthood and others like them that have murdered HUNDREDS(100’s) of millions of innocent babies in womb all over this world and they are still murdering this precious, defenceless little ones as I am writing right now.
More than 300 babies are murdered in the womb everyday in Canada and more than 58 million babies have been murdered in the USA since Roe V wade.
There is a HOLOCAUST taking place in the USA, Canada and around the world, it is sanctioned by the government, supported by millions of people in the name of “healthcare” or “woman’s right” and just as Adolf Hitler didn’t consider his enemies human, most of this people who support the murdering of innocent defenceless children do not consider this babies to have life in them.
Planned parenthood and other satanic inspired organizations like them do not just stop at murdering this babies, the also sell their body parts for money.
This is what Jesus said to those who hurt little children whether they are in the womb or not they are God’s creation(he is the giver of life) he said “it would be better for him/her to have a great millstone fastened around his or her neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea than to hurt one of these little ones.(Matthew 18:6, Luke 17:2)
Nativenewyorker you said you are Jewish and you believe in God but you defend & support those who break his commandments, the sixth(6th) commandment- ” you shall not murder ”
Here are some of the sins that GOD hates not all but some, In Proverbs 6:16-17 this is what it say’s-
16 These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
Did you notice the one I put in capital letters
In the book of Psalm 51:17 it say’s- The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
God is rich in mercy & grace willing to forgive anyone who sincerely seeks him for forgiveness.
God said in Isaiah 1:18- though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
For those who have had an abortion, remember that the sin of abortion is no less forgivable than any other sin. Through faith in Christ, all sins can be forgiven (John 3:16; Romans 8:1; Colossians 1:14). A woman who has had an abortion, a man who has encouraged an abortion, or even a doctor who has performed one can all be forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ.
Am not against a woman having an abortion if her life is at stake because now her life is on the line, the truth is more than 90% of abortion that takes place has nothing to do with the woman’s life being at risk.
Am also not saying that those who have committed this act’s can’t be forgiven, they can all be forgiven because GOD is merciful and would forgive anyone who humbly repents.
An undercover journalist found out and reported some of the Evil works of this demonic organization(planned parenthood)
If you want to find out more SEARCH FOR CENTRE FOR MEDICAL PROGRESS IN YOUTUBE you will find dozens of videos showing the evil works of planned parenthood. I encourage anyone who wants to know the truth about this evil organization called planned parenthood to search for centre for medical progress in YouTube the undercover investigator DAVID DALEIDEN exposed how planned parenthood murders innocent children & sells their body parts.
This organization is so evil that the are willing to murder innocent, defenceless, precious children created in the image of Almighty GOD because of money.
The undercover investigator David daleiden was arrested for exposing the wicked actions of planned parenthood, think about that he was arrested, but those who murdered innocent children & sold their body parts were not arrested, they were not even fired from their jobs.
But thank GOD all charges against him(David daleiden) has been dismissed in Texas but he still has an ongoing case in California, 14 of 15 felony charges have been dismissed.
While you search for centre for medical progress on YouTube also search for 180 it’s a video produced by a Jew who became a Christian.
David daleiden also conducted interviews with different media organizations like fox news, cnn and other networks as well, you can watch his interviews on YouTube.
Abby Johnson worked at planned parenthood in Bryan, Texas as a clinic director for 8yrs she resigned after watching an abortion on ultrasound.
She said that in September 2009, she was called in to assist in an ultrasound-guided abortion at 13 weeks gestation. She said she was disconcerted to see how similar the ultrasound image looked to her own daughter’s. Johnson, who previously believed fetuses could not feel anything while being aborted, says she saw the fetus squirming and twisting to avoid the vacuum tube used for the abortion.
“For the briefest moment,” she wrote in her memoir, Unplanned, “the baby looked as if it were being wrung like a dishcloth, twirled and squeezed. And then it crumpled and began disappearing into the cannula before my eyes. The last thing I saw was the tiny, perfectly formed backbone sucked into the tube, and then it was gone.”
Johnson continued working at the clinic for 9 more days, but soon met with Shawn Carney, leader of the local anti-abortion group Coalition for Life, with whom she was well-acquainted after his years of activism against Planned Parenthood. She told him she could no longer continue assisting women in getting abortions. She resigned on October 6, 2009.
Johnson said after her resignation that her bosses had pressured her to increase profits by performing more and more abortions at the clinic.Johnson estimated the clinic profited $350 on every abortion.
The interview is just 4 minutes long is one of many interviews she done. I hope you watch or download it.
The Holy Spirit would lead the prophet Isaiah to say “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight”(Isaiah 5:20-21).
RIGHT would always be RIGHT and WRONG would always be WRONG.
Men/women can put in laws or change laws but Godly morals will never change.
A thousand years from now, a billion years from now RIGHT will always be RIGHT because Godly morals transcends time.
Talks about the Holocaust, planned parenthood and so many important topics, they main producer of this video is a Jew who has put his trust in Jesus Christ.
He( Ray Comfort) has written many books(more than 70), he has written about his faith(Christianity), Adolf Hitler & other important subjects.
The video is called 180 because it changed the hearts of many, both those who were interviewed and those who watched it, it’s 33 minutes long and I believe it will bless you.
John Rosenstern is someone I respect a lot his Jewish and his parents survived the Holocaust, they were living in Germany before the came to USA.
John and his mother became Christians by putting their trust in Jesus Christ, his father later gave his life to Christ a couple of years before he died.
John Rosenstern is a successful businessman but more importantly he is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, he shares the word of God in prisons in the USA, churches & around the world.
His son Josh Rosenstern & daughter are Christians who I admire their faith in God.
John & Josh host a program called INSIGHT it airs on SBN(Sonlife broadcasting network) it’s a program filled with smart discussions & truths, it’s very interesting.
You can download the app(SBN) in the Apple store or on Google play.
There are other programs on SBN that are amazing but here are some of John’s articles- http://www.francesandfriends.com/jr.html
I know that I have written a lot, so I will stop here for now, I love you guys and I know you might not appreciate that statement but I do.
Love is not the unconditional acceptance of what is immoral or wrong, love is kind, patient, faithful, truthful etc.
I have been busy with some work for a number of days now & I might be busy next week, hopefully I won’t be to busy to come here.
When I was less busy I wrote down one or more comments a day but I didn’t want to post them cos one without the other won’t be complete.
If you ignore or reject everything that I have said, then please listen to this- God is a merciful God and when we come to him in humble repentance seeking for forgiveness & mercy he won’t cast us away.
When we put our trust in Christ Jesus & what he has done for us on the cross we receive the gift of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Jesus would say “I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through me(John 14:6).
“When I point out that an action or a view is wrong some of you say that I am judging and that I shouldn’t judge.
When someone makes a righteous judgment is that wrong?”
I wouldn’t say that it is wrong to make a “righteous” judgment, if by that you simply mean a “correct” or “true” judgment. But I suspect that you mean something different by “righteous” from what I do, something that merely assumes what I would deny (e.g. that the Bible is the word of God, by definition the truth, etc.)
I realize that you are primarily interested in converting others to Christianity because you sincerely want to save their souls. However, if you are actually interested in *engaging* with others (at least, me), then you have to convince me that you are open to the possibility that your world-view is completely wrong. (I am open to mine being wrong, but you would have to convince me, and you’ve got a long ways to go).
So I’ll ask you again: do you recognize the possiblity that you’re completely wrong about the things you post here: that Jesus Christ is not the son of God, indeed, that there is no God? If you answer: “No, I do not recognize that possibility,” then to me your mind is closed and I cannot have a rational conversation about these topics with you. (I suspect that many others feel the same, which is why you get so little response to all of your posts).
If, however, you can honestly answer: “Yes, I recognize that all my beliefs about God and Jesus (and Israel and Planned Parenthood and many other things) *could* be wrong, then you show me that you have an open mind and I will discuss any of these things with you, if you wish.
You need help. Seriously! I don’t need to read your pious, self-serving revisionist history! It galls me to see you daring to lie anecrrwrote the origins of anti-semitism! My people were cast out for centuries and wandered from country to country to find a home. It is absolutely correct that the Jews were blamed god the death of Christ! You even accused Jews of participating in the death of Jesus, along with others. So you are perpetuating this falsehood that has plagued my people for centuries. I am only sorry that my father is not still here to set you straight! Also my grandparents who had to leave Russia because of being persecuted. My great-grandfather on my father’s side was killed by the Russians in a pogrom. My grandparents had already emigrated to America and found out about his death. My grandfather wanted to go back and avenge his death, but with a wife and eight children he realized that he needed to stay in America.
I despise your ignorance and blatant disregard for historical facts. I am proud to be Jewish, proud of my people and their journey and survival. When my father’s fellow soldiers wanted to kill Jews because they killed Christ, my father recognized them for the anti-Semitic bigots that they were. That’s why he confronted them with his gun and dared them to kill him! He knew to stand up to prejudice and he had the courage and guts to fight for himself. He never backed down and never allowed anyone to attack him for being Jewish. Hitler and the Nazis may have killed over six million Jews, but we are still here and thriving! We have Israel. We have triumphed against extermination. We will never give up and stand proud and strong.
Your alternative facts and propaganda will never prevail.
Try hard not to read what Stanley posts here. Scroll, scroll, scroll….I know I post too much music when I’m binge on it. I’ve tried to cut back. I don’t want to be as annoying as Stanley and his preaching. It’s over the top. As if we haven’t all heard it before and rejected it long, long, ago.
It hits me where I live. I really have tried to ignore him. I know what he’s about. But I dislike the distortions and misrepresentations when it comes to my people.
It’s just too bad that this spamming has to go on here.,
That was so cool and on many levels interesting — I watched it last night and will likely watch it again. I was laughing and crying. Do the Hong Kongians really look down on Koreans? That girl is a beautiful Gangsta hero
Great idea! I am with you! That might just solve the problem’! Because the orange moron is the problem! This is what I was afraid of the most when he got elected – that there would be an international crisis and the orange moron would run off at the mouth and take us to the brink! Listening to him is enough to scare anyone! Daring North Korea, a regime that wanted to provoke him and give them an excuse to attack. They have been testing him and he just puts his foot in his big mouth. I cannot tell you how mortified I am watching this madman ramble on likens crazy man. He is so obviously unfit to be president’ it’s like a reality show to him.
He may bring the world to the brink of a nuclear war. I wish we had your system in the UK, where parliament can have a vote of no confidence and then there is new leadership. We need to get Trump out now. We can’t wait for impeachment!
Nny, yes it’s true that under the British system he would unquestionably face a vote of no confidence and would almost certainly be voted out of office. like you the thing that has always frightened me most about him is the nuclear aspect.
but hey just think of how his orange face will go with his orange jumpsuit when they put him in gaol where he belongs!!!
thinking of you…
Hawks!…Hey Bro!…The Bruno Mars song also for u k?…Hey!when u wanna come back here Hawks?I need your brotherly protection…rc is mean!…she’s always kick my a@# in the Bracket!…Kick her a@# back Hawks!..on my behalf!!
rc!!…I like this song very much rc!!….and lyrics too!!…hehe….and i MISS U VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!…Thank u thank u thank u for giving me this beautiful song rc!..Love u more!!
rc!…duh!!..every women adores Sascha now!…u,M,me,Nny…u again,M again,me again,Nny again…and the list go on rc!
Hey!wait a minute!…i think you’re wrong rc!…Big Al still has a big chance to overtake me if Sascha win today rc…and he’s picked Rog to win while i picked Rafa to win…and there goes my Bracket again rc!!…urgh!…
Yeah Handsome got the first set, barely…the Canuck kid is scary good at 18. Makes me think my ice cream will come back up if I get any more nervous LOL
I think sascha will win today rc!…judging from his body language…
About Shapo…yeah..he is scary rc!…but,let’s see whether he can be scary too outside of Canada…that remains to be seen..
Btw…u think our boy crazy rc when he choose to still play in Cincy next week?If so he will play 3 straight weeks right?Isn’t that overplayed rc??And it’s very interesting to see everyone’s choices how far they will pick him next week…and oh!…you’re also still has a chance to win if sascha have the gut to defeat Rog this time rc…
oh gosh Mira darling, I don’t know who to pick and there’s only a couple hours left to pick. Plus that I’m not all together mentally. My sleep cycle is all messed up.
But I’m going to work on it now! any hints you have I’d be happy to hear …. on the WTA forum, okay? Or maybe you are about to go to sleep. Well I don’t expect to pick Sascha or Fed to win. Maybe Rafa!
Disgusting scenes in Charlottesville.
Trump voters this is on you.
Yes I am watching the coverage on tv. It breaks my heart to see this horrific scene. The right of white supremacist groups and right wing fringe groups with their hate-filled rhetoric, is a sad thing to see.
You are right. This is all on Trump. This is what happens when you preach hatred and bigotry and divide people.
So, it looks like the man with unfettered access to the world’s biggest stockpile of nuclear weapons, Donald Trump, owes his presidency to Vladimir Putin and home-grown Nazis. And it’s Kim Jong whatsits we should all be afraid of??
What we are seeing is truly devastating for some us @ratcliff. I know for sure am not alone in this but I truly held the USA in high esteem and what we are seeing now is not only confusing but honestly terrifying. Some of us are involved in pushing for democratic and economic reforms in our countries and have benefitted a great deal from the moral support afforded us by the USA. We have always used the USA as a model for what we should strive towards. Not anymore. A word from the American Ambassador carried a lot of weight and we used this as leverage over our despots but now……………it’s a mess. Nobody hears from the American Ambassador anymore, understandably.
I personally feel let down. It’s like being in a long-term relationship only to discover your significant other is a rotten cheat. Aaaagh!
It hurts, it hurts deeply to feel separated from our allies. But forces are at work in the Whitehouse which are setting us up to be divided and conquered. And I fear what’s happening across the country and that it truly is the POTUS himself taking 3 days to condemn the KKK, White Nationalists, Neo Nazi’s and as a group what is now known collectively the alt right. Attempts are being made to normalize this movement and Trump has given them the green light. For a sitting POTUS to behave in the face of it, (the Neo-Nazi terror attack in Charlottesville), behave like he’s being forced to condemn them and gives them a wink and a nod while reading the teleprompter, it’s sickening. There is nothing to embrace in monuments to slavery and the civil war – but hate runs deep through generations in the confederate mentality and grudge that lost the civil war lives on. It’s never gone away. With Trump in the Whitehouse, and I no longer can blame Steve Bannon, Steven Miller, that really scary guy “Gorka”. Trump is infatuated with the alt righ himself or he would fire them! If this alt right movement wasn’t what he wanted they would be gone from his cabinet!! He’s too selfish not to want them. They make up the base of his supporters – he loves them no matter what, ghastly as it is to see.
All this just makes America weaker. Policies that underpin our democracy are being rewritten – team Trump is doing all it can without the house and Senate. All we have worked for over decades from healthcare to climate change to civil rights’ and supporting out allies, it is all being eroded while the media (rightly focuses on domestic alt right terror and Korea). He will do anything to remain in control, including start a war with North Korea to keep himself relevant stop the FBI criminal investigation into him. As that criminal investigation of Trump gets closer to the money trail, the mob-style corruption, lying, money-laundering, years of tax evasion, in sum, as the criminal activity of the Trump family and close associates, comes into light, he will do ANYTHING to stop it. Creating huge chaos one way or another is what the Trump train is speeding toward.
Godspeed our dogged free-press, the New York times, MSNBC and others that refuse to be intimidated and are true patriots of democracy. I’m a nobody but I can’t sit back — I have to speak out and get out to resist any way I can. Which seems impossible and dangerous in Idaho.
The GOP is dividing, Trump support is eroding. But it’s happening slowly. The majority party has too much greed and immorality – But I have to look for the the bright spots – those with a conscience have to be coming around or trying to to continue to run the country will not happen – Congress and Senate have to keep working but Trump makes it hard to focus with the criminal investigation into his ties to Russia and collusion in his election and threats being launched back and forth about bombing Guam, of all things…it’s a real threat too. Trump has done his part to escalate the situation with his fire and fury rhetoric.
It’s daunting. I feel betrayed. We’re sliding backwards and at a time we need to be united, we are as domestically divided as I’ve ever known and felt in this country. This is what enemies of America and of democracy have wanted. I don’t know if there is a way to stop the division — the hate from within. And if we can’t do something, well, others in the world will happily step in, in time.
Meanwhile…all I can do seems small, I’m not that smart but with help of others and our heads together, determined, we keep connected and organize. And it really is grassroots in Southern Idaho. But like Heather Heyer – we have to try. We have to keep calling and bugging our representatives and state senators and letting our voices be heard! And much of the time want to scream!!!!
RIP heather heyer heroine and fighter against racism..
as for that lousy rotten s*** in the white nationalist house go rot in hell where you belong you pathetic full of garbage f***er
Thanks, Mira Andi! it’s a perfect song. You make me cry but also give me strength and lift my spirit. I love you — you really do make a difference from thousands of miles away – I feel your love and strength.
RC!…I’m glad u liked this song!..I can’t do much from this distance…all i can do is give u my love and encouragement in anything u do…i feel our connection so strongly…so,keep believin’ that my spirit and love will always be with u k?Always take care of yourself when u go somewhere babe!…Promise me!
Yay!!….But….but…i’m worried now rc!…what’s going to happen to my backside today with the energy that you’ve got??Is it still there at the end of the day??Especially i picked this Fabbiano to win Cincy!!….and Tipsa to semi..and who is this Ramanathan??hah??..Urgh!!…i’m doomed!!…Be gentle with me rc!!
Mira! I looked for you yesterday on site but couldn’t find you
..sorry I didn’t get back to you on Sunday… I had a friend come round…
I just wanted to say that yes it is hard for me to come here often but if you need me I will try to do so..
In any case am still sending you love aand support…
Still on my phone which I hate posting on..!!!!
Hey amy!!…Miss u mucho!!!…oh!that’s alright amy!!…..that’s okay if u can’t come here more often…i understand you’re busy amy!…i can feel your love and support even from this distance..and i’m very happy everytime u come here…but,it’s not fair of me to demand something like that amy…u come when u have free time and not busy k?Me and rc and Nny will always welcome u with an open heart and love..okay?Love u!!
I just want you to know that if you need me mira I will come here more often… I should probably be around Thursday morning British time so if you can be there then we can have a good talk and plenty of laughs!! But don’t put yourself out if that’s not good for you mira!!! Sending you a hug and kiss
Mira I just left you a post which disappeared and I had to write my post to nny twice as well! So am trying to be quick! I will have several hours free on Thursday!
Okay amy!!….i’ll wait for u on Thursday that’s for sure….
People from USA…how and when can impeachment proceedings start ? this is more for my info. The President of the worlds most powerful democracy and the country whom everyone looked upto cannot be making a fool of itself day in and day out and its people cant do anything about it ?
What exactly do you mean rc when you say he owes it to putin n home grown nazis. I have heard about this but how can an outsider fix a countrys elections ? Does America have electronic voting or paper ballet voting ? If electronic yes it can be maybe if the machines are programmed to transfer votes but isn’t there a separate office in usa independent of the government to oversee elections ? And Hillary still won the popular vote so real smart fixing was done to fix only swing states ? Someone please tell me..curious to know…
The Republican Party controls both houses of Congress. They have the majority. If it was up to the Democratic Party, there would be impeachment articles already put up for a vote.
The only way I can see impeachment going forward is if the Democrats take control of the House in the 2018 mid-term elections.
There is a special prosecutor who is investigating Trump and his associates. Unfortunately it takes time to make a case for high crimes and misdemeanors, which is the standard stated in the Constitution.
It took a long time to get Nixon in the 1970’s. So it is not a speedy process. The founding fathers of this country wanted stability. They did not want the parliamentary system in Britain. In that case, there can be a vote of no confidence that would effectively dissolve the government. We don’t have that.
Also, we are dealing with a man who is a criminal, who has lied and cheated and built his business by ripping off people. He created a phony university that bilked people out of their life savings. He has gotten away with this all his life. His father was a racist who was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Trump refused to allow African Americans to live in his buildings, which got him sued by the federal government.
This is a man with no scruples, morals or principles. I can totally see him selling out his country to get Russia to help him win the election. It’s all about him getting what he wants.
He is trying to create a fascist government and dismantle our freedoms and liberties. On top of all of that, I think he is certifiably insane.
I just don’t know if this countr can be saved once we get him out. But if the Republicans had the integrity and guts and decency, then they would impeach him now.
And during elections he had made tall claims threatening to take Hillary to jail…no follow-up on that ? Aren’t his own party men not revolting against him ? It’s finally a party system not about a person. He is just the face.
No, the Republicans are not revolting against him. That’s the problem. They are afraid of angering his voters. Trump will exploit fear and hatred to divide this country. That is why we have a rise in hate crimes now. That is why the white supremacist groups are out there fomenting riots and disruption and violence.
Trump has already given intelligence to the Russians. He sold out to them for their help in manipulating the election. He colluded with s foreign government to get elected.
Not only is he evil, he is a traitor to his country. I don’t think we can take much more of this.
My heart breaks for the young woman who was killed in that protest. She was fighting for what she believed in. Hatred killed her. Intolerance and bigotry. Trump has been encouraging the lunatic fringe of racists and bigots for a while now. This is the sad result.
The reason Trump had fought do hard to not release his income tax returns, is because he is hiding something. I believe he was paid off by the Russians. He got money from them in exchange for selling out his country.
It’s not about fixing the voting. It was about hacking emails and info from the DNC and releasing it to take down Hillary Clinton. Why would the Russians only hack the Democratic National Committee? Why not the Republicans? Because they were colluding with Trump to influence the election.
Trump is dirty. There is nothing this man would not do for a buck. There is a reason why David Duke, a former Grabd Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, is supporting Trump. He knows a racist bigot when he sees one.
To answer your questions sanju, it is quite simple but it is not by directly hacking voting machines and changing votes.
It is by systematically bribing/blackmailing politicians, hacking computers to glean information (overblown e-mail scandal), creating false “news” stores on facebook, creating false accounts on social media to spread propaganda with a focus on key swing states to sway the vote by just a few percentage points required as that is all that it takes in a nation roughly split 50/50.
“In testimony before the Senate, Clapper described an unprecedented Russian effort to interfere in the U.S. electoral process. The operation involved hacking Democrats’ e-mails, publicizing the stolen contents through WikiLeaks, and manipulating social media to spread “fake news” and pro-Trump messages.”
And the GOP is free to impeach at any time but they won’t because there is no short-term perceived benefit for them to do so. It is a deeply flawed system. Remember, after all is said and done, including the recent event in Virginia, just 60% of Americans disapprove of Trump’s performance which is a sad statement. If/when the dust settles if/when there is another so-called election, it is not difficult to believe that this 60% couldn’t fall sufficiently for him to be reelected.
It is much more than just Trump and the GOP. It is a systemic problem within the country as a whole and it seriously impacts us all globally.
The world is controlled for all intents and purposes by sociopaths and the 1% billionaires.
Hitler. Trump.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, as Peter Townshend penned.
I have been thinking for a while now that we need to start protesting against the actors who are calling the shots behind the scenes ie murdoch who owns fox and
many right wing newspapers globally and the mercers who bankrolled trump and bannon and with Cambridge analytica had a big role in brexit.
It really is time that this small number of people with huge power and influence are brought into the spotlight and made to feel the heat…
Thank you for caring enough about our country to ask your questions! They are good ones!
I am just saying embarrassed and feel bad for America’s allies. They must feel so lost and abandoned because of Trump and his wretched rhetoric and hatespeak. He was s a disgrace and it is a shame that he can’t be arrested and locked up now for his crimes. But our Founding Father’s wanted stability in government. They never could have foreseen Americans being stupid enough to elect an evil monster like Trump. He will continue to die the seeds of hate and division in this country because it helps him.
Our system of government has survived for over two centuries, but it is being tested now as it has never been tested before. I hope that Mueller will get the evidence against Trump to get him impeached and kicked out. I just hope it will not be too late.
I was thinking of you a lot on Sunday nny and thinking that like me you were probably very upset and angry about Charlottesville
I hope you are okay… am thinking about you..
I am sick over what happened in Charlottesville. I cried last night listening to that girl’s mother. It broke my heart. I don’t know why good people have to die. This young woman Heather really cared passionately about decency and civil rights and freedom. Yet she was killed by blind bigotry and hatred. We have lost someone who wanted to do good and we are poorer for it.
These are tough times and I am trying to stay hopeful and strong. But I truly despise what that orange monster has done to this country. He spews out bile and filth and venom. He is really the scum of the earth.
Nny I knew you would be very upset. I am as well but it’s far harder for you.
My anger over all this frightens me sometimes
It’s not just the orange moron it’s the GOP and fox and the right wing hate jockeys which created the conditions within which this absurd ludicrous figure could come to power.
Ryan and Mcconnell have zero morals..
I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you..
If anyone on here is from the Charlottesville area of Virginia, I hope that you and your kin are ok. We will overcome the hatred and bigotry that continues to plague this country.
Hey amy!!…yay!!..u came!!..and thanks for your wonderful wishes amy!…yeah,i’m feeling a bit better than 3 days ago…thank u for your thoughts..i hope you’re okay too amy!…hey! this is for u…
amy!!…oh!…wanna go already?That’s okay…please come again amy!..can’t get enough chatting with u…Oh yeah!..i didn’t watch Rafa much this morning…a little bit busy!..u know,as a Madam President…there’s always something to do!hehe…
RN Fans: “Rafael Nadal, Garbiñe Muguruza and the tennis world pay tribute to Barcelona terror attack victims.
On Thursday afternoon, a van rammed into a crowd of people in Barcelona, killing 13 people and injuring at least 100, CNN reported. It’s the worst attack on Spanish soil since the 2004 Madrid bombings.”
I saw footage of the carnage on cable tv news last night and it was sickening. Women and children were there.
I don’t know when this insanity will end. People just living their lives and trying to enjoy doing normal things and then this. My heart breaks for those who were killed and injured and their families. My thoughts are with them.
My computer alarmed me! When I was on FB there was a loud noise and I got the alert that I had to call a number and pay money or all my data would be stolen. So I’m just scared but I’ll try going back but it’s scary — this is exactly what happened to my old computer when I was on FB before. Sad,
Oh really rc???Oh no!!….We’ve just connected on FB!!….Why this happening to u babe??Urgh!!…hey!…try to open another account…at the same time don’t shut the old one…there’s plenty of precious and memorable conversation between us in there…But,better bring your laptop to the expert first…try to delete that virus[if they can] and ask them to put anti Ransomware….if all not working,i guess we have to just connect here which is unsatisfying..if u know what i mean??
Yes, indeed we can’t be ourselves totally here — Not FAIR!! I miss FB already. So I’ll figure it out. Have to take it somewhere and get it checked. Why me? Why do I always collect a ransomware? That’s what I’ll ask the experts.
Yeah rc!!…To be able to chat/discuss tennis and acting /talking crazy with u on there was awesome feelings rc!!….i’m very very sad we can’t do that anymore…What’s more,i wanna be with u in a happy and bad times[if u know what i meant??]…But i’m not going to lose hope…i’ll be waiting for u k??Miss u there already!!!
Don’t lose hope — I will figure it out and we can continue our laughing attacks!! I love you MA! Must chat with my MA!
Yeah rc!!….I knew my stupidity will come handy someday!!!hehehehhawhawhaw!!….oh God rc!…I love u so much too!…urgh!..i’ve already plan in my mind to get crazy with u at USO!…I hope things will be okay at that time!…Please God!…Please help my rc!!
It’s a scam! Shut it down! It happened to me about a month ago! An alarm on my computer telling me to call a number my computer would be disabled. I made the mistake of calling them. Once you let them access your computer then they will put in a virus and try to steal your information. I got fooled by them. Then they demand money to fix the problem that they created. A friend told me to call my bank and they knew immediately that it was a scam. I gave those people my bank card number. The fraud department at my bank blocked access to my online banking. They said that these hackers will gain access to your financial info and they can get your money.
I had to call the Geek squad which services my computer to clean it out. Then the bank allowed me to have access to my online banking. They had me change my username and password. Then they had to block my bank card. I had to get a new one. Then you have to change the payment info everywhere. It was a mess!
I hope you did not call them! This is a well known hacking scam!
I’m sorry it happened to you! This is the 3rd time in 3 years — the first time was 2014 the most sophisticated ransom — And FBI page appeared with my picture on it and it said I was going to be arrested for pornography if I didn’t call them so I called like what?– they even had accessed my camera and took a picture of me sitting at my computer. It totally wrecked a Dell computer.
Now it seems the same as the one that screwed up my last computer but it’s completely low level ransomware compared to the 2014 one. It sounds like the same one you had. I called them and I knew right away I shouldn’t have. I shut it down. They didn’t get my info. But it was recent – early this year when I set up a FB account to chat with Mira and Alison.
So as I said this is my 3rd time — exactly like the last one — it occurred when I was on FB. But I dare not use the computer too much maybe it has something to do with my FB account – or not. Perhaps just coincidental that it alarmed both times while on facebook. I don’t want to ruin my computer. I don’t bank online or buy stuff online because of that 2014 virus. I am paranoid!!!
RC!!…I am so sorry u had to go through that horrible stuff!!…This so shocking for me!…God!…the horrible things bad people would do for money!!…Now,i know why you’re so reluctant to use FB or email…Just be strong!and be patient k?…
Nny!…I’m sorry to hear that it happened to u too!Hope everything’s okay now..
Thanks Mira for understanding. I really am traumatized by FB. So I need to find out if it’s somehow connected to an alias account like I have…I don’t know.
No problem babe!!…U never tell me the real reason why you’re so phobia about FB or email…i would understand it long ago if u telling me the truth…but,that’s okay!don’t worry..i knew u would do anything to stay connected with me & Al on FB…Besides…people usually can’t resist me after they taste my stupidity and idiocy’s!!..hehehehehawhawhaw!!…I love u babe!!
I wasn’t hiding information from you Mira, I just didn’t explain it very well before. Sorry. But I’m tempted to go on there right now — though I think it’s not a good idea. I miss our chats!
Hey that’s okay rc!…It’s certainly helping a great deal now i know what’s the real problem is…Tho” like u said it’s not fair coz we’re just clicked together and suddenly all the good things has to stop…But,that’s okay…if u want me…u just find me k?I’ll always here and on FB k?
Okay. But this is a temporary situation. I WILL Get my computer to a shop and maybe they and help. Be patient, okay?
Yeah rc!!…I will be patient and calm and at the same time practicing to kick your a#$ on WTA and you will kick mine on ATP!!hehehe…We’re two of a kind!!
Some piano jazz ? because vintage David Ferrer. I remember sitting 4 hours watching him practice at Indian Wells. He wore out both Rafa and someone I can’t remember now that practiced with him after Rafa left https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wEf5Zu_ulY
Thank you darling, MA. I know that song from Zamfir — an old Andean pan flute artist. But more from the soundtrack of Kill Bill. A little bit goes a long ways with me, Mira Andi.
I’m listening last night and this morning to this Greek style jazz ensemble feat. Stavros Lantsias.
Hey rc!!,,,Yeah,i’ve already answered u on FB…and yeah i’m better than a week or so ago rc tho my body still adjusting i guess…Hey,u have fun with your little vacation?…When i was a kid,i also very fortunate to see a full eclipse a couple of times…It was awesome right?Make us realized,no matter how powerful we thought we are but in the end we can’t even match the God’s power….God is Almighty!…Allahuakbar!
Joe smith i said i will respond to your comment soon but i couldn’t cos i was busy with a lot of things like work, sports and a very good friend of mine is getting married soon, so my days have been filled with joy & exhaustion.
This is the comment you posted-
“Stanley, you say this:
“When I point out that an action or a view is wrong some of you say that I am judging and that I shouldn’t judge.
When someone makes a righteous judgment is that wrong?”
I wouldn’t say that it is wrong to make a “righteous” judgment, if by that you simply mean a “correct” or “true” judgment. But I suspect that you mean something different by “righteous” from what I do, something that merely assumes what I would deny (e.g. that the Bible is the word of God, by definition the truth, etc.)
I realize that you are primarily interested in converting others to Christianity because you sincerely want to save their souls. However, if you are actually interested in *engaging* with others (at least, me), then you have to convince me that you are open to the possibility that your world-view is completely wrong. (I am open to mine being wrong, but you would have to convince me, and you’ve got a long ways to go).
So I’ll ask you again: do you recognize the possiblity that you’re completely wrong about the things you post here: that Jesus Christ is not the son of God, indeed, that there is no God? If you answer: “No, I do not recognize that possibility,” then to me your mind is closed and I cannot have a rational conversation about these topics with you. (I suspect that many others feel the same, which is why you get so little response to all of your posts).
If, however, you can honestly answer: “Yes, I recognize that all my beliefs about God and Jesus (and Israel and Planned Parenthood and many other things) *could* be wrong, then you show me that you have an open mind and I will discuss any of these things with you, if you wish”
God’s judgements are Holy and Righteous and it doesn’t matter what you think or i think, what you say or i say it won’t change a thing.
God’s Word and Righteous judgements would remain the same Holy and Just.
Joe smith you said “I realize that you are primarily interested in converting others to Christianity because you sincerely want to save their souls.”
That statement is not accurate, it is God who draws the sinner who has recognized that without the mercy of God there is no hope for them and all these is done through the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment(John 16:7-11)
Sin is the truth about man/woman, righteousness is the truth about God, judgment is the inevitable combination of these two truths.
The conviction of the Holy Spirit does not leave the sinner hopeless(guilty without redemption) but the Holy Spirit reveals to that sinner that while they have sinned against The Holy God, He has not left them without a way to obtain mercy and grace.
Jesus said I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No one comes to The Father except through Me(John 14:6).
For we have all sinned and have fallen short of God’s Glory and God’s Righteousness can only be received by trusting in Jesus Christ(Romans 3:22-23).
For the wages of sin is death(not physical death but spiritual death which simply means separation from God For eternity in hell) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ(Romans 6:23).
As a christian some of my primary interest is to be thankful, faithful, worship and draw close to The One(Jesus Christ) who saved my soul and made me whole.
When i can or When am given the opportunity am also interested in sharing the Amazing Love & sacrifice of Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world.
Not to do so won’t just be ungrateful but wicked.
As God He(Jesus) became man in other to die for the sin of the world(my sins, yours & the entire world), this gift of love is the greatest gift of all and it can only be received by the sinner putting their trust in Jesus Christ and His scarificial/finished work on the cross(death, burial & resurrection).
Like every gift one has the opportunity to reject it or receive it, Jesus said “Behold, i stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him/her and dine with him/her and he/she with me(Revelation 3:20).
This simply means we all have a choice to make, to reject or to receive God’s gift of salvation, He(Jesus) is standing and knocking at the door of your heart and the hearts of others as well, whether you open or close your heart it’s your prerogative but it’s my hope and prayer that you and so many more will sincerely seek God for His mercy, grace and put your trust in Jesus.
I cannot and no one can convert anyone to christianity, it’s the decision of the individual who hears/receives the voice i.e the gospel of Jesus Christ and it is God who draws that sincere sinner who is truly seeking for forgiveness and mercy.
Neither can i save a man or a woman’s soul, i can only point you and others to The Truth & The Saviour and His name is Jesus Christ.
His the only one who can save a persons soul and He has made a way for all.
It’s important that i add this- simply believing in the existence of God doesn’t save anyone, it is faith/trust in Jesus Christ & his sacrifice that saves.
The word of God(The Bible) points out that satan believes in God and trembles(james 2:19) but his faith is a DEAD faith which simply acknowledges the existence of God, this kind of faith doesn’t lead to salvation because it’s not Godly or real.
True faith is not a mental assent, true faith is anchored in Jesus Christ.
The word of God also points out that those who deny God’s word(The Bible) but more importantly those who reject Jesus Christ as Saviour will reap what the sow.
In Galatians 6:7 it say’s “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man/woman sows that he/she will also reap.
It’s an agricultural terminology that is used to show that the decision we make for or against Jesus Christ have eternal consequences.
In the book of Psalm 14:1 it say’s “The fool has said in his/her heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.”
That’s not name calling but a description of the moral and intellectual position of the unbeliever.
The hebrew word translated fool is “NABAL” is more moral than intellectual.
Jesus said “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than light, because their works were evil.
For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.
But whoever does the Truth comes to the light, that his/her deeds may be clearly seen that they have been done in God(John 3:19-21).”
God has not sent anyone to hell, people go there by there own volition i.e by rejecting the Truth.
The word of God is clear that God is not willing that any should perish or go to hell, but that all should come to repentance.
God has made a way for all to be saved, it’s a free gift that no one can earn, you only receive it by trusting in Jesus.
Ephesians 2:8-9 teaches that it is by God’s grace we are saved through faith and not by ourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
The scribes, the pharisees, the self-righteous hypocrites were puzzled and critical of Jesus for his friendly relationships with sinners, He not only loved them(sinners not their sins) but He shared the truth with them and finally He died for their sins.
They complained to his disciples about His relationship with sinners but Jesus answered and said to them “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
Jesus’s answer was both simple and profound. Jesus is the physician of the soul, and it makes sense for Him to be with those who are sick with sin.
Of course His critics were sick with sin also, but they refused to see themselves that way. They thought other people were sick with sin, not themselves.
There are many possible reasons why a sick person might refuse the services of a doctor.
1) Perhaps you don’t know that you are sick.
2) Perhaps you know you are sick, but you think you will get better on your own – you don’t know that you need to go the doctor.
3) Perhaps you know you are sick, and know you need a doctor, but do not know there is a doctor to help you.
4) Perhaps you know you are sick, and know you need a doctor, and know there is a doctor, but do not know the doctor can help you.
5) Perhaps you know you are sick, and know you need a doctor, and know there is a doctor, and know the doctor can help you, but do not know the doctor wants to help you.
6) Perhaps you know you are sick, and know you need a doctor, and know there is a doctor, and know the doctor can help you, and know the doctor wants to help you, but you know what the doctor will tell you to do and you just don’t want to do it.
Jesus is the perfect doctor to heal us of our sin.
He is always available.
He always makes a perfect diagnosis.
He provides a complete cure.
He even pays the bill.
Joe smith you also said this “However, if you are actually interested in *engaging* with others (at least, me), then you have to convince me that you are open to the possibility that your world-view is completely wrong. (I am open to mine being wrong, but you would have to convince me, and you’ve got a long ways to go).
So I’ll ask you again: do you recognize the possiblity that you’re completely wrong about the things you post here: that Jesus Christ is not the son of God, indeed, that there is no God? If you answer: “No, I do not recognize that possibility,” then to me your mind is closed and I cannot have a rational conversation about these topics with you. (I suspect that many others feel the same, which is why you get so little response to all of your posts).
If, however, you can honestly answer: “Yes, I recognize that all my beliefs about God and Jesus (and Israel and Planned Parenthood and many other things) *could* be wrong, then you show me that you have an open mind and I will discuss any of these things with you, if you wish.”
Am a man and am not open to the ideal that am a woman, my skin is light brown am a black man but am not open to the ideal that am white, my name is stanley and no one can convince me that my name is ratcliff.
By the way why is there a rat on a cliff? Please don’t jump but if you do i promise i will catch you, my sweeeeeet ratcliff am only joking don’t mind me OK, i love you & your name.
My faith & trust in Jesus Christ is not a game and it’s not negotiable because i can’t deny The Truth or the wonderful works that God has done in my life.
Am not a perfect person but i know who i was & how i lived before i put my trust in Christ, His been so good to me- Merciful, Gracious, Faithful and so much more.
The difference between you and i is that my Faith is anchored on a rock(figuratively speaking) that’s unshakeable and that rock is Jesus.
I know that when my time comes(death) i will dwell in the presence of the lord for all eternity.
Even before Jesus saved me, i knew that there was a God, i knew that creation did not pop out but testifies that there is a Creator and the laws of logic, the laws that govern the universe are not there by accident but for a reason.
Our body is also a testimony that there is a Creator whether you are a man or a woman.
I majored in the science department when i was in school and after i graduated from the university i taught different science subjects for a while(just to be clear am between the ages of 26-28 and i wasn’t a good teacher, i was OK), after that i worked with the united nations on a major project(i don’t have a favourable opinion of the UN but that would be a discussion for another day).
Having learned, studied & taught, when you examine the human body or any other body(you don’t have to be a scientist to do so, we live in a digital age and you can access vital info easily) the organs, the cells, DNA etc and their functions, it is amazing when you carefully study them even though according to God’s word we are living in an imperfect world, you can still see the blueprints of The Creator.
I have experienced and am still experiencing the amazing grace of God.
How can i deny Him?
How can i deny His Goodness and Mercies?
How can i be open to the possibility that everything He has done for me is wrong?
If i even entertain that thought that would be insanity, not denying The Truth does not make me close-minded but open, open to The Truth, open to sanity, open to rationality, thankful, honest, grateful to God etc.
This would never happen but it would be far easier for me to be open to the idea that am a woman(and am not), that am white, that my name is ratcliff than for me to deny who Jesus is and what He has done.
My believe in God is not a hope or a wish, i believe in God because i know with all of my heart that He exists, His Merciful, Kind, HOLY, Just and so much more than words can express, i would rather deny my own existence than deny His and both are not possible.
God will not withhold salvation from the one who calls upon Him truly seeking for forgiveness, mercy & grace but the only requirement is trusting in Jesus Christ as Lord & Saviour.
I took the time to write multiple comments answering many questions in page 28, i also provided many links/resources, videos that i believe will be of help.
If you have the time & data the are worth reading, watching and you will find more answers than questions in them.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek( this simply means the gospel of christ is for all).
For in it is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written. The just shall live by faith.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men/women, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it to them.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful ; but became futile in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator , who is blessed for ever. Amen.
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient ;
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
I close with this, Jesus is The way, The Truth and The Life. No one can receive eternal life except through him.
You lose nothing but gain everything when you trust in Jesus, God gives us His beauty for our ashes, His righteousness for our unrighteousness when we trust in Christ Jesus.
“God’s judgements are Holy and Righteous and it doesn’t matter what you think or i think, what you say or i say it won’t change a thing.”
I would agree with the statement if you insert an important word:
*Whether* there is a God and *whether* God’s judgements are Holy and Righteous, it doesn’t matter what you think or i think, what you say or i say it won’t change a thing.
That is true. God’ existence (or non-existence) is one thing; our believing that God exists (or not) is another. That’s part of what it means to say that anyone (like you) who believes that God exists could be wrong, and that anyone (like me) who doesn’t believe that God exists could be wrong.
One of us is right about God’s existence and one is wrong (given some other assumptions on which I think we agree). That’s the minimum that we both have to agree upon in order to have a fruitful discussion and debate about God’s existence. However, you seem to be unable to admit that you might be wrong, so I’m afraid I cannot continue the discussion.
However, I genuinely hope that your beliefs about God continue to serve you well in life.
There are so many things wrong with your comment but i have corrected you so many times and i know it’s enough.
I did not start this conversation with you to argue or to debate and i made that clear in my initial comments.
God/Truth is undisputable/undebatable because Truth does not change and can’t be refuted, debating or arguing about what is true/right is absurd and i have made that clear before.
Truth does not change because of unbelieve, Truth can’t be refuted with irrefutable facts, it can be denied, it can be rejected but when it’s rejected/denied it’s not done with factual reasons.
I don’t owe anything and i started this conversation with you out of Godly love and what you do with it is your Prerogative, your life, your decision not mine.
There is time to plant and time to harvest and at the end we all reap what we have sowed, but remember this, the choices we make in this life whether we trust in Jesus or reject Him as lord & Saviour have eternal results.
The word of God puts it this way “For the wages of sin is death(this is not a physical death or the nonexistence of the unbeliever) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ(Romans 6:23).
What that means is that you can be forgiven of all your sins & you can have eternal life when you put your trust in Christ, the opposite of this is also true because this is a gift it’s not by force we all have a choice.
When we stand before THE HOLY and MERCIFUL GOD there is no excuse(Romans 1:19) and there is no factual evidence that can refute the Truth today.
In John 14:6 Jesus said ” I am The Way, The Truth and The life. No one comes to the father except through me”.
No one can receive eternal life or have their sins forgiven except through Jesus Christ.
Well, Stanley, if there are so many things wrong with my statement, you should be able to say which ones. I would urge you to use fewer words, more precisely.
You’re right that you don’t owe me anything, and I don’t doubt that you write what you do out of a kind of love. However, if you wish to persuade me that you speak the truth you will get nowhere quoting scripture at me. I actually know a fair bit of it, but don’t think it has the significance that you think it has. That’s in large part what we disagree about.
I think the Bible is a book written by human beings like any other. Like many books it has some very valuable and uplifting messages. It also has some passages that are anything but that.
No one and no book has a monopoly on the truth. When you claim to know the truth about God without giving reasons -and quoting scripture does not count as giving reasons- you simply beg the question against someone (like me) who disagrees with you.
“Do not give what is HOLY to dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces(Matthew 7:6).
This is a figurative statement but a true statement made by Jesus Christ, Jesus is not saying that dogs or pigs are evil or bad.
Jesus is using dogs and pigs as representative of those who would ridicule, reject, and blaspheme the gospel once it is presented to them.
David said in Psalms 23:1-6
“The Lord is my Shepherd; i shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil; for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely God’s Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and i will dwell in the house of The Lord forever.
Glory to God!
David or others are not saying that they are a sheep, it is a figurative statement that contains precious jewels that is inspired by the Holy Spirit.
It’s not wise to expose the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have no other purpose than to trample it and return to their own ungodly ways/beliefs.
Repeatedly sharing the gospel with someone who continues to scoff at the word of God with foolish comments, ridicules Jesus Christ is like casting pearls before swine.
Throw a pearl to a swine and he will resent it, as if you threw a stone at him, Truth will be called a lie, God’s word & Godly wisdom will be treated just like swines treat precious things.
Jesus is not saying that we(christians) shouldn’t share the wonderful works of God or the gospel of everlasting life.
Jesus was in the midst of sinners, He loved them, ate with them, laughed with them but more importantly He loved them enough to share the Truth with them, died for their sins & the sin of the world.
All i can do is share the Truth with you and i have done that countlessly, i am not responsible for the choices you make when you hear it.
Pigs don’t appreciate pearls and some people don’t appreciate what Jesus Christ has done for them.
What do you lose? Nothing.
What do you gain? Everything.
God’s Beauty for your ashes.
God’s Righteousness for your unrighteousness.
God’s Grace & Mercy for your sins.
There’s no sense in preaching/sharing/explaining the value of pearls to swine.
“As a dog returns to it’s own vomit, so a FOOL repeats his folly”(Proverbs 26:11).
Again & again, round & round, over & over gain constantly repeating false/foolish statements.
God’s word & Godly counsel are Holy and a pearl that must not be cast before swine, they are ordinance of God, they are precious, a precious jewel as an earring of Gold and an ornament of fine gold, so is the wise reprover(Proverbs 25:12) and a wise reproof is like an excellent oil(Psalm 141:5) it is a tree of life(Proverbs 3:18) it’s living waters that spring up into everlasting life(John 4:13-14), and once it is sincerely received/thirsted all other thirsts are quenched, no more garbage, no more false/stupid/foolish/wicked ideologies and practice, just Godly Truths.
This might be my last comment to you concerning this subject for obvious reasons & reasons mentioned here, it breaks my heart because in a way you remind me of who i used to be and i have shared a lot with you, answered many of your questions & others as well out of Godly love.
I still have so much more to share but all i can do now is pray for you & others and hopefully sooner you will not only know but receive, experience & share the mercy, grace & wonderful works of God with others just like you or different from you because God is no respecter of persons, no matter who they are, what they have done(Glory to God), male or female, black or white, rich or poor, old or young, no matter how deep in sin they are, Jesus can reach them where they are, all it takes is humble repentance & sincerely trusting in Jesus Christ as your Lord & saviour.
Glory be to God.
A few comments, Stanley.
First, I do not trample the gospel. Rather, I analyse it, question it. That is something very different.
Second, and related, I am not ridiculing Christ. Again, I am asking questions about him; again, something very different.
Finally, I can assure you that I have thought about these questions a lot. You presume that my comments are false and foolish, but you give no reasons for thinking so, only scripture the value (and truth) of which is precisely what is in question.
Very funny!
Having questions is different than trampling and i have answered most of your questions that i think are sincere, some of your statements/comments are ridicules and are not worth the time because the are irrational and sometimes ungodly.
Please don’t misunderstand me, i don’t hate you, i hate deception whether it’s done ignorantly or wilfully.
When truth is attacked and a lie is believed it doesn’t just destroy the life/soul of the deceiver it wrecks they lives of others who believe in a lie,
jesus answered many questions and performed many supernatural works for a reason but his detractors always had one more question, the seeked after one more sign, when one question is answered they ignore the answer and ask another, when one Godly miracle is performed they ignore it or mock it and seek after another, they were not after truth and they were never satisfied when a question was answered.
This is what Jesus said to them “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah”(Matthew 12:39, verse 40-42 explains further).
Asking questions is not bad, asking multiple questions is good but doing it deceptively or in an ungodly manner is wrong.
How can you answer a question on quantum physics, when they one asking the question doesn’t believe that 1 plus 1 equals 2.
Jesus said “for everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened”(Matthew 7:8).
This is page 30, the current page is 31 please post your comments there.
So, Mayweather beats Mcgregor! The loser will still get by far the biggest pay cheque of his career lol
RC, MA, NNY , Amy if your reading, im going away soon for Autumn equinox, love you all and ill miss chatting to you while im gone, take care and ill speak to you all soon, love you ladies XX
Oh thank-you Joe! but…the picture is the great Champion (glamour shot), Petra Kvitova…she is lovely and she knocked out everyone’s pick, Garbine Muguruza. But it was quite glorious, very much in the same way Delpo’s win was. Hope you had a pleasant Labor Day Weekend. Cheers
Wow, I didn’t really think the picture was of you, but I never recognized Kvitova. I’ve always thought she was very pretty, but I’ve never seen her glammed up like that. And she did very well in knocking off Muguruza. Hope you had a good weekend too, RC. Keep sending the choice musical selections!
Yo My Queen RC!!…hehe..thank u thank u thank u for dedicated the pan flute part to me…but…as much as i want to hear it…i still cant!…U see,2 weeks ago,i tried to update my laptop’s driver[it’s very old,it said]…but,stupid me..before it’s done,i accidentally shut my laptop and halted the process..and after that,i can’t hear a thang from it!Urgh!!…I still can’t figure it out how to fix this…I will listen to it as soon as i can recover the sound devices k?But thank u once again for remember the ol’ me from Mars k?Love u more rc!!Wooohooo!!
I am very nervous about the hurricane. I don’t know what to expect because this will be my first hurricane. I am hoping that maybe we won’t get a direct hit.
Hi Mira no naked dancing, at least not from me lol, but a great weekend seeing old friends and making some new ones, its like coming home again, its just over too quickly sadly, anyway came back and Rafas still in with a shot, glad to see my friends here too Ratcliff, NNY, Amy etc , hope your all well, its good to be back, im feeling happy and refreshed, and ready to enjoy the remaining tennis
Hey Alison and mira!!
Hope you both had a good time while you were away and good to see you back!!
Hope you are feeling even better than before mira??
Look forward to talking with you both soon!! xxx
Hey back Al!!…I’m very glad to hear u & Cliff enjoyed yourself on your own ‘MTO’s'[hahaha!…just teasin’ u Al!]…Err!…still no naked dancing??hahaha!…aww!!…i can’t wait the day u will do that Al!…
Oh yeah!…Our Rafa still alive & kicking at USO AL…But..but..if he lost tonight,i will blame u for coming back too soon Al!!..hehehe…
Hey amy!!…Very glad to ‘see’ u here amy!!…Hope you’re okay & happy too!…Bout me…yeah!…i’m better than before amy!..thanks for asking k?READY FOR RAFA AMY???C’mon!…let’s VAMOSING together!!..Woohoo!!
I am hoping to be there for Rafa’s match mira…but I can’t actually watch it as my computer isn’t working again and so I have to rely on live scores on my phone!! Aargh!! So you and nny will have to tell me what is going on!! Feeling very very nervous about tonight although rc has assured me Rafa will win!she is the world’s greatest expert on rublev and his tortured facial expressions! but I am horribly nervous nonetheless..
Vamos Rafa!!!
Amy!…rc said Rafa will win?Ohohohoho!…yeah!..me too trust rc with my whole life amy!…but,nonetheless if Rafa lost i will not hesitate to kick her a@# amy!!..hahaha…
Oh!…I hope i can be use to u later amy!…not sure i’ll be able to watch rafa…he maybe start at 2;30 or 3 am my time…urgh!…actually i have had the opportunity to see his 1st match so far…other’s..not very lucky!But,i’m sure Nny will give her update every single minute amy!..U can rely on her k?Sorry,cant help u tonight amy!!…Big big hugs from the land of darkness[atm k?] just for u amy!!
Don’t worry if you can’t be there mira!! I will be thinking of you and vamossing loud enough for the 2 of us!! I may have to emit a barage of obscenities as well though!! I do hope rc is trustworthy where her beloved war and peace prince Andrei is concerned!! Big hugs mira!!
This is so cool. I have it adjusted to show the jet stream and winds aloft and what high pressure areas and low pressure areas might be directing the hurricanes – actually there’s three spots: one in the Gulf of Mexico (Katia), then, Irma, the big one — then Jose a smaller tropical depression or not well formed hurricane following Irma
The jet stream across the US is dipping so low into the gulf states that I can’t imagine Irma not being torn apart by the jet stream as it tries to go north west. Surely it will be broken up and floated on out to the Atlantic and mixed in with activity and blocked by high pressure in the North Atlantic
lol, that’s my amateur forecast. I’ll check back on it later ?
God rc!!….U should be working as a weather women presenter somewhere with this knowledge!..All i know about weather is…Okay!no need to take a shower much today coz it’s already cold!lol!!..
Did you see it? You can play with the map to see …..and play with all the controls? I don’t know much about it. But I can fin the high pressure and low pressure areas and go up to where the jetstream is. And I have not idea but that little hurricane did huge damamge to Barbados and the British Virgin Islands but I think by the time it gets to Florida it won’t be that organized…..fingers crossed for Nny!
I’m praying that Irma is going to weaken as it goes by Hispanola, Cuba, and will be in such disarray and downgraded by the time it gets to Maimi-land that what’s left of it is taken out and away from the East Coast.
We, here in Idaho, want you SAFE and relaxed
Irma has been least slowed down to moving west at 9 miles an hour. It’s being hung up and having trouble organizing itself along the North coast of Cuba.
The weather channel has been wrong about the Irma’s track ever since Irma got to N. Cuba. Really I don’t think they know when, how, or where it turns north. Irma is hanging on to features of N. Cuba and while it does, there will be eye-wall problems. Maneuvering off the N. Coast of Cuba is not something that Irma is in a hurry to do. I think it won’t make the turn North until weakening eye-wall (eye wall is not regrouping like it did after it left Hispanola) gets further West along the North coast, where it could be likely drawn into the warm, shallow gulf water. The outer bands are expanding outward in all directions but that doesn’t mean it’s a more powerful hurricane as far as wind speeds go. The outer bands are can be dangerous but nothing like the Catagory 5 Irma was when it hit Barbuda and St. Maartins. And the farther North and West Irma goes it will also meet with drier winds aloft –not good news for Irma.
As long as Irma creeps West the less potent the hurricane will be. I don’t know how they think it will move East at all. There’s very warm, shallow waters in the Gulf of Mexico, that could energize as it goes North but hugging tight to West Florida’s coast?? I don’t see it right now.
It might make landfall more near Tallahassee !!
My amateur map is in agreement with winds speeds, low pressures, sea temperatures, wave heights, how much precipitable water, there is, ect.
I’ve been keeping an eye on the pressure location of the EYE since yesterday…It has barely moved or changed. And that’s not what Irma was doing before it got to Cuba
Oh good one! If they are interested in science and the forces of nature around the planet ….it’s good. I loved studying weather and earthquakes when I was a kid.
rc, thank you for this. Very useful. I am attracted to weather and climate since I was a child. Actually back then I was dreaming about becoming a meteorologist
There are so many things wrong with your comment but i have corrected you so many times and i know it’s enough.
I did not start this conversation with you to argue or to debate and i made that clear in my initial comments.
God/Truth is undisputable/undebatable because Truth does not change and can’t be refuted, debating or arguing about what is true/right is absurd and i have made that clear before.
Truth does not change because of unbelieve, Truth can’t be refuted with irrefutable facts, it can be denied, it can be rejected but when it’s rejected/denied it’s not done with factual reasons.
I don’t owe anything and i started this conversation with you out of Godly love and what you do with it is your Prerogative, your life, your decision not mine.
There is time to plant and time to harvest and at the end we all reap what we have sowed, but remember this, the choices we make in this life whether we trust in Jesus or reject Him as lord & Saviour have eternal results.
The word of God puts it this way “For the wages of sin is death(this is not a physical death or the nonexistence of the unbeliever) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ(Romans 6:23).
What that means is that you can be forgiven of all your sins & you can have eternal life when you put your trust in Christ, the opposite of this is also true because this is a gift it’s not by force we all have a choice.
When we stand before THE HOLY and MERCIFUL GOD there is no excuse(Romans 1:19) and there is no factual evidence that can refute the Truth today.
In John 14:6 Jesus said ” I am The Way, The Truth and The life. No one comes to the father except through me”.
No one can receive eternal life or have their sins forgiven except through Jesus Christ.
Nny!….Hope everything is okay with u & your loved ones over there…If u have an opportunity,please let us know how’re u doing atm k?We’re all worried sick bout u!…Millions of thoughts with u from a far away land Nny!
I’m very worried about Nny. I think I remember her saying she wasn’t too far from where they have the Delray tournament. Gosh…even though the hurricane’s eye-wall path was on the West coast of Florida, opposite Delray, there literally is no where to escape some kind of danger and damages — wow thankfully it’s not the Catagory 5 it was for several days — Irma’s trek across N. Cuba damaged it to the point it couldn’t recover it’s double eye-wall, still it was a Cat 4 when it hit the Florida Keys but the monster Irma is so big, even as it unwinds down to a Cat 3, it covers a larger and larger area and the hazards are even more numerous.
As it moves north drier air and wind sheer will degrade it but it’s taking too much time for it to clear away.
Yeah, I’d really like to hear she’s okay about now!! Nny!
Oh God rc!!….This Irma is really HUGE!!….I’m shaken just to think of it consequences!…Want to know about Nny so bad!!….Really really wish she & her family r okay!!…
“Do not give what is HOLY to dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces(Matthew 7:6).
This is a figurative statement but a true statement made by Jesus Christ, Jesus is not saying that dogs or pigs are evil.
Jesus is using dogs and pigs as representative of those who would ridicule, reject, and blaspheme the gospel once it is presented to them.
David said in Psalms 23:1-6
“The Lord is my Shepherd; i shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil; for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely God’s Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and i will dwell in the house of The Lord forever.
Glory to God!
David or others are not saying that they are a sheep, it is a figurative statement that contains precious jewels that is inspired by the Holy Spirit.
It’s not wise to expose the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have no other purpose than to trample it and return to their own ungodly ways/beliefs.
Repeatedly sharing the gospel with someone who continues to scoff at the word of God with foolish comments, ridicules Jesus Christ is like casting pearls before swine.
Throw a pearl to a swine and he will resent it, as if you threw a stone at him, Truth will be called a lie, God’s word & Godly wisdom will be treated just like swines treat precious things.
Jesus is not saying that we(christians) shouldn’t share the wonderful works of God or the gospel of everlasting life.
Jesus was in the midst of sinners, He loved them, ate with them, laughed with them but more importantly He loved them enough to share the Truth with them, died for their sins & the sin of the world.
All i can do is share the Truth with you and i have done that countlessly, i am not responsible for the choices you make when you hear it.
Pigs don’t appreciate pearls and some people don’t appreciate what Jesus Christ has done for them.
What do you lose? Nothing.
What do you gain? Everything.
God’s Beauty for your ashes.
God’s Righteousness for your unrighteousness.
God’s Grace & Mercy for your sins.
There’s no sense in preaching/sharing/explaining the value of pearls to swine.
“As a dog returns to it’s own vomit, so a FOOL repeats his folly”(Proverbs 26:11).
Again & again, round & round, over & over gain constantly repeating false/foolish statements.
God’s word & Godly counsel are Holy and a pearl that must not be cast before swine, they are ordinance of God, they are precious, a precious jewel as an earring of Gold and an ornament of fine gold, so is the wise reprover(Proverbs 25:12) and a wise reproof is like an excellent oil(Psalm 141:5) it is a tree of life(Proverbs 3:18) it’s living waters that spring up into everlasting life(John 4:13-14), and once it is sincerely received/thirsted all other thirsts are quenched, no more garbage, no more false/stupid/foolish/wicked ideologies and practice, just Godly Truths.
This might be my last comment to you concerning this subject for obvious reasons & reasons mentioned here, it breaks my heart because in a way you remind me of who i used to be and i have shared a lot with you, answered many of your questions & others as well out of Godly love.
I still have so much more to share but all i can do now is pray for you & others and hopefully sooner you will not only know but receive, experience & share the mercy, grace & wonderful works of God with others just like you or different from you because God is no respecter of persons, no matter who they are, what they have done(Glory to God), male or female, black or white, rich or poor, old or young, no matter how deep in sin they are, Jesus can reach them where they are, all it takes is humble repentance & sincerely trusting in Jesus Christ as your Lord & saviour.
We don’t have hurricanes in Idaho! Some winters we get blizzards and the forest fires have made the air very smokey this summer. We could use some rain.
RC sorry my friend, i did reply to that post of yours on the Nadal /Anderson match, but i dont think i actually hit the submit button lol, anyway did watch the match, and im super happy, cheers me dears, wasnt ignoring you
Mira hon try not to worry too much!! I am pretty sure that nny lives in the palm beach area which is on the east coast.. The really serious damage occurred where the hurricane hit on the west coast…
How are you mira?!
amy!!…You’re here!!…describe your happiness from 1-10 now Rafa won his sweet 16th amy!…How r u btw amy?I cannot pretend that i am not worried about Nny amy…i know Irma mostly destroyed the west coast first but with ‘her’ magnitude,i think the east coast also received a fair share of it…
RC said the same thing amy…If not,why Nny was so quiet before,while & after Rafa’s match??She never did that before..she always blogging while Rafa is playing…I know maybe the power was out & maybe she can’t charge her phone…I don’t know…I just hope she’s safe & unhurt…that’s all amy!!
I am ecstatic about Rafa’s win mira!!please try not to worry about nny too much.. There are power shortages all over florida including in palm beach and that is probably why she wasn’t here
She told me where she lived in a private email while we were discussing the election! I think she said palm beach or in that area and I looked it up online and the damage there isn’t severe.
Please try not to worry mira!! Am sure nny will be back with us soon!!
Mira I am concerned that you are worrying too much and so not being able to fully enjoy Rafa’s win!! Please let that go for the moment and be reassured by what I have said! Also I know you weren’t feeling great not that long ago so please take care of yourself and get loads of sleep and so on!!
Official orders from amy!! Ok??!
amy!…I’m so sorry..i didn’t mean to dampened your mood about Rafa’s win…sorry to fellow Rafans as well..i didn’t think!..sorry guys!!
And amy…thank u for your words k?I really appreciate it…Oh!i forgot u & Nny connected by emails before!!…That means she’s okay??Oh Thank God!!I can’t wait to hear from Nny herself…
Sanju!…I really hope you are right!Hope she’s coming here soon,so we can know that she’s okay…
Mira there’s nothing to apologise for! I am just a bit worried about you that’s all! I haven’t emailed nny or heard from her in the last few days but I really do think she is ok!I was thinking of emailing her yesterday but I doubt there is any power still..
TBH mira I also noticed that in the couple of days before she went offline both me and you had left her posts to do with the hurricane which she hadn’t replied to even though she had been posting on those threads which made me think that maybe she didn’t want to talk about it for some reason and I didn’t want to invade her privacy!!
I looked up the area she lives in online and it’s not badly damaged so she should be back with us soon..
amy!…Don’t worry about me okay?I’m totally O.K.A.Y!…But thank u thank u thank u for your concern amy!!…It’s really touching deep inside my heart knowing someone cares that much about me!!hehe…
Bout Nny…Yeah!…u maybe right about invaded her privacy amy!…and i also noticed that she didn’t respond to our question about her latest condition at that time…that’s okay…she maybe didn’t noticed our comments and she used to say that she rarely came to Non tennis…and what’s more…i had to do everything i could to reach her here since i don’t have her email…i will feel very unsettled if i didn;t do what i did..u know..tried to reach her here repeatedly even tho that’ll look like i’m some kind of maniac..coz caring about someone whom i barely knew..just connecting here on virtual world…but,like i said amy..i had to do it…now,i feel relieved after i did my responsibility as a friend even tho still worried bout her but relief…yes!definitely amy!!
And…it’s not just me amy!…RC is worried like crazy too!!hahaha…so,i’m not the only one!!…we’re both pathetic!!hehehe…But thank u for your thoughts amy!!..really really appreciate it!!….LOVE U!!!!
Mira you do what you want! Go with your heart! But I did feel that she didn’t want to talk about things in the last couple of days or so before going offline..she didn’t answer a post from me while she was on site at the same time as me and I noticed she didn’t answer a similar post from you on the wta page even though she answered one only a couple of posts down so she must have seen it! So I started to think she didn’t want to talk about the whole thing which is fair enough!
I do worry about her mira.. that’s normal.. but I don’t want you to get things out of perspective.. I know you have had problems and I want you to sleep well and take good care of yourself!! Sometimes you have to put yourself first you know..
Love you and rc and nny…!!
Hey amy!!…i totally understand what you’re saying amy!…and i really really respect & appreciate your input on this matter…don’t worry,i won’t say anything regarding Nny anymore..like i said up there..i’ve done my job as a friend..and that’s it..no more burden on my shoulder about this matter…thank u once again amy!!…
Hey…rc got your email…can i have your permission to ask from her your email?I want to ask u about something amy…But if u reluctant to connect with me on personal level…that’s okay,i understand …Once again thank u for your advice amy!!…I definitely will listen to u on this…
I just saw the news that Miami is relatively not affected. I think she lives in Miami. She is not posting as there is no power in Florida. Also supposedly millions have been evacuated from Florida, so I am sure she is okay.
Today the United States of America remembers the innocent lives who lost their precious lives on 9/11 and the brave men & women who risked their lives in order to save innocent lives.
May God bless this brave Heroes!
May God bless the United States Of America!
If NNY gets a scratch on her body, i am going to deal with her, i mean it.
You better be fine my friend, i miss U! You might not believe it but i do miss U.
Rafans need to stop hacking this site, just because R. Federer is the best doesn’t mean you have the right to hack this website, delete Lovely articles & comments about Roger Federer or claim that R. Nadal won the 2017 US OPEN.
Everyone knows that Rafito didn’t win the 2017 US OPEN, so please stop hacking our site.
Stanley, have you lost your mind – or do I actually detect a considerable amount of subtle irony and self-mockery in your comnent about hackers?
That said, Ricky’s site has indeed been targeted by hackers lately who managed to substitute the homepage of “The Grandstand” with manga style figures who voiced some vaguely political comments on the Near East situation. Very annoying. But they didn’t strike me as Federer haters.
I am not even going to dignify that comment with a counter cos that statement is preposterous.
You have no sense of humor!
R. Nadal won the 2017 US OPEN, no article or comment was deleted(i am not completely sure), i was simply joking.
You don’t have to laugh or reply just mind your own….
Stanley, how is my comment preposterous?? I definitely considered the possibility that you were joking, and I’m glad you did in this instance.
But after reading a lot your comments I have to say that it’s often very hard to say whether you’re serious or joking and said so expressively. But my irony detector which is in general working just fine, doesn’t work well as far as your comments are concerned.
Maybe, you should joke more often
Peace It’s okay, and I’m sorry that I even considered you might be serious.
That said, “The Grandstand” has actually been hacked a couple of days ago, but not by Roger haters.
I know it was hacked a few days ago but i was struggling to access this site a few hours ago, i think it was hacked again or maybe my network.
I don’t think it’s my network cos i was doing some work online and had no problem.
Yes, I also have problems to access this site. A few hours ago I tried three different browsers without getting a connection. I also have a lot of trouble with my comments. Half of them get lost, and I can’t initiate an original comment. I can only post by using the “reply” button.
This site is definitely experiencing some difficulties atm.
Amy, Mira Andi, rc and all others who expressed their concern –
I am fine! I read your comments and was so frustrated that I could not respond! I was very touched by your support. It meant a lot.
You should all know that only the biggest hurricane ever could keep me away from live blogging with you during the USO final! The power went out about fifteen minutes before Rafa’s match. I was broken hearted not to see it. But I followed the score online as I tried to conserve my cell phone battery. My happiness was tempered by the ferocity of Hurricane Irma. Power was out until early Tuesday morning. It was pretty awful with the heat and humidity. We also had problems with loss of cell phone service. But when the power came in, the cable and internet did not.
I finally called my sister in New York abs asked her to email Ricky and let him know that I was okay.
Today the cable and internet came back on and I am finally able to post. I know that it was bad, but that the west coast took the worst of it. Also the Keys and Caribbean countries.
I just wanted to express my thanks to you for thinking of me. I am over the moon about Rafa’s great victory! So happy for humans so proud. I hope to see some YouTube video of the match if I can.
Congratulations Rafa on your 16th slam win! You deserve it!
I feel privileged to be a part of this tennis community.
Nny, I apologize for taking your email from the Tourneytopia page and emailing you without permission but I was so worried about you last Sunday — I was following ALL kinds of reports, not just the hurricane but what time the power might have gone out for you, ect. And just before USO Rafa match I was afraid you were in the dark!! Afraid you’d be suffering all kinds of horrors too. So relieved to hear from you!
So glad you didn’t get the hurricane ocean surge and ferocity of that the keys got! I fell bad especially for the US and Virgin Islands, Barbuda…Cuba, Puerto Rico.
I thought it was Amy who emailed me! Because she had my email. Under the circumstances, it’s fine! It was very frightening. I have never been in a hurricane. I knew from watching tv that the west coast would get the worst of it. But i also knew that it was so big that we would still get hit. I thought the world was coming to an end.
It was the longest day and a half of my life. By Monday afternoon one of my neighbors wanted me to go to the hospital because she was worried about me dealing with the heat. I also have asthma. But we opened up all the windows and there was a breeze.
I woke up early Tuesday morning because I was cold and then I woke wide up and realized the power was on! I started yelling and ran over to the neighbor and they helped me close the windows. It must have been on for a few hours because it had gotten cooler. That was the best moment! But no cable or internet. There was a big service outage.
I thought maybe Ricky might post and let you all know I was okay. As bad as it was, we were lucky. I finally got to see the damage on the west coast. I feel for them. But I also feel like I aged five years.
I want to see pictures of Rafa winning the USO. I couldn’t really celebrate. I saw everyone’s comments. I also read you guys trying to figure out where I live in Florida. Amy got it right. Palm Beach County. Lots of downed trees and damaged and twisted signs, debris everywhere and massive power outages. No traffic lights. Stores running on generators.
I’m just relieved that you survived it. There were tornadoes all over the east coast that Sunday night and Monday. I’m not as expressive as AM but I love you too! Don’t want anything bad to happen to you. And that was a close call! If Irma had not busted up going along the Cuban coast, the eye-wall was predicted to hit Miami and the East Coast. Phew…thank God. I can’t imagine riding out a Cat 3 or 4 hurricane, let alone a Cat 5 like hit US Virgin Islands.
The tornado watches scared the day lights out of me. I was watching the local ABC channel and they showed the towns and streets where the tornado could hit. It was like 5 or 10 minutes from where I live! I think I couldn’t breathe until the tornado watches passed.
No one could totally escape this hurricane. I knew the east coast caughtva break as the path of the hurricane shifted to the west. But I would not wish that on anyone.
I think we all feel lucky and grateful in this part of Florida. We were very fortunate.
Oh and you are eloquent in your own way! I feel exhausted and kind of drained, but happy that life is getting back to normal. Others are not so fortunate.
Nny!!….YAYYY!!!…I’m so glad you’re okay!!…YES!! RAFA WIN!!!WOOOHOOO!!…And all the sweeter coz now i know you’re fine Nny!!…I even felt really guilty for woohoo’ed & overjoyed the other day knowing that you’re in trouble over there Nny….But YAYYY once again for EVERYTHING….Welcome back Nny!!
Nny!!….YAYYYY!!It’s so grrrreeeaaattttt to hear from u again!!….hahahaha…Thank God!!…Yeah!!I missed chatting with u too Nny!!..and i got TONS of articles for u to read!!hehehe….I miss u Nny!!
Hey,when we could not reach u here & we’re so worried about u,i asked rc to sent u an email coz she have your email..and i dont..and she so afraid to send u one just in case u will get mad at her and i said..that’s okay rc!..Nny will not get mad at u[she didn’t know that u will kick her a@# & not mine if you’re get mad!hehe..don’t tell her k?]…this is urgent & we just wanna know her situation that’s all!…and thank u for not get angry with rc Nny!….Even if you’re angry,i’m willing to get some of it coz we did it out of concern & love Nny…that’s all…Hope this is the first & last time u got through that horrible experience Nny!….LOVE U TOO Nny!!Wooohooo!!….RAFA’S 16th?????Ohohohohohohoho!!….This is a present aka a cure pill for all your pain & uncomfortable situations that u have to endure Nny!!…VAMOS RAFA!!…Woohooo!!
Oh dear NNY, I’m glad that you’re safe and sound! We’re all worried about you! I’m sure Rafa’s sweet sixteenth slam would at least bring some happiness to you amidst all the unfortunate natural disasters. Take care!
Thanks so much for your kind words! It’s great to be back here posting! The worst is over and things are getting back to normal. There were some scary moments, but I survived my first hurricane!
Even though I couldn’t see the final, knowing that Rafa did it brought some happiness and joy at the very worst time of the hurricane.
Thanks so much for your kind words! It’s great to be back here posting! The worst is over and things are getting back to normal. There were some scary moments, but I survived my first hurricane!
Even though I couldn’t see the final, knowing that Rafa did it brought some happiness and joy at the very worst time of the hurricane.
I am glad you are back and safe!
I was the first person to read your 1st comment yesterday and i had so much to say, there were words of joy in mind & on my lips but my hands were paralyzed when i saw the word “Others” lol! I am a jealous guy and i know i will regret posting this comment in a few minutes but that’s OK, i can change my name if i can’t withstand the shame lol!
I have never experienced a hurricane b4 but i thought i experienced one while reading your comments, it was so vivid i started imagining things, you are a good writer and you make stories come alive in this case a real experience not just a story.
You went through a lot and i am overjoyed you are safe & healthy, don’t worry about the material things that were or might have been lost or damaged your life and healthy is more precious.
I am glad you are back and i wish you good health and prosperity!
Hey back Nny!!…How r u today??Still tired?That’s okay!…take a rest as much as u can…or watch Rafa win USO or any other tournament…I know only Rafa can bring u joy & happiness and forget all the things that just happened k?I can’t do much from a thousands miles away Nny..just a good thought for u and hoping that you will get up from this stronger than ever!!
Hey back Nny!!….Yeah!…we don’t know whether we are strong or not until we’ve been tested by nature,right?And this is the 2nd time that u’ve been tested in a span of months….Big big applaud to u for being a very very amazing,brave & strong human being after u passed that test brilliantly Nny!!…Yes!!…Vamos Nny!!
Praying for the Earthquake victims in Mexico City and for those displaced, homeless, and in need in the Caribbean and Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.
I thought it was just me but I guess the website crashed for everyone lol. Btw Ricky since this is non tennis page and u cover other sports, what are your thoughts on the Melo trade? This has gotta be one of the craziest, if not the craziest, NBA offseasons of all time.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!……YAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!…..TG IS BAAAACCCKKKK!!!!Take that Ricky!!….Hope you’re going deaf a little bit for made us suffered all week long!!….I never thought i’m this happy to see u Ricky!!….Ooppss!…..I mean TG!!..hehehe….Now,the suffering is over….Back to tennis!!….Wooooooohooooo!!….Btw..miss all the poster’s here & read your comments guys!!….And especially BIG BIG MISS to rc,Nny & amy!…..Hope u guys r okay…especially Nny….HELLO THERE NNY!!!…..MISS U!!
YAAAYYYY NNy!!….So so glad to be able to chat with u again!!Wooooohooooo!!….I’m also very very happy i could ‘pump’ u up with my little messages Nny….I don’t know any other way how to help u in your time of distress like this except with words…i think beautiful words and it’s meaning in that messages can describe my feelings much better than my own words…I’m glad u liked it Nny!!…
To change the subject – are any of you following the Boris Becker fiasco?
The guy is certifiably bonkers. He’s just signed up for the reality TV show ‘I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’ for a £50,000 fee. Only problem he’s in debt to the tune £54 million so it will be a mere drop in the ocean of his ever mounting debts.
“Having questions is different than trampling and i have answered most of your questions that i think are sincere, some of your statements/comments are ridicules and are not worth the time because the are irrational and sometimes ungodly.”
Let’s try to focus the discussion so that we can make some progress. Here are a few questions I invite you to answer, as concisely as you can.
1. What does it mean to say that what I say is “ungodly”? (You already know I don’t ‘believe in God, so I assume you’re saying something more than that).
2. Please provide one instance of where I have ridiculed God, Christ, your faith, or anything like that. Just one instance, directly quoting what I have said; that’s all I ask.
3. Please provide one instance where I have said or asked something that you believe is insincere. Again, direct quotation, please.
Joe i just saw your comment/questions, to be honest with you, i don’t have time for this because i am busy and there is no motivation to answer it because even if i answer it, it will make no difference.
The word of God( The Bible) say’s In the book of Psalm 14:1 “The fool has said in his/her heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.”
i explained a little bit of what that verse means here- https://tenngrand.com/non-tennis-forum/comment-page-30/#comment-278943
Your unbelieve doesn’t hinder the existence of God, in a way it kind of proves His existence.
I will answer your 3 questions when i have the time not because the are worth answering because it is a waste of time, the fact that you are asking me this kind of questions is a little bit silly because i have already answered lots of your questions and i have also exposed the foolishness in some of them.
You have asked me lots of questions and at one point i thought you were being sincere in your questions.
I haven’t counted this but i think i have posted more than 50 comments answering your questions and providing resources to back them in other to help U, this comments are not short comments but long and the are carefully crafted because i want you to get all the informations you need, sometimes i have to study and search carefully so that i don’t mislead you or others.
I have done my best 4 U Joe Smith and i am not sure i will do it again, the rest is up to you.
I have my own questions but sometimes i don’t ask them because your questions and comments tell me what to expect.
I don’t hate you, if i did i won’t have done or be doing what i am doing, it is Godly love for you and others that have motivated me to do what i have done, but there comes a time when it’s enough and i am almost there or there.
My prayer is that one day you will know the truth and i know the truth will set you free.
Stanley, you are most welcome to ask me any question about this topic. Of course, you have to care enough about what I believe to do it. Please do not presume anything in this regard (other than what I have already said explicitly, of course).
Joe Smith, can you give me some good reasons why i should answer your questions.
What’s the point?
What do i get? Lol!
I have answered tons of questions you have asked me and what has been the result?
I have all the answers to all your questions but if i am going to give an honest, accurate answer, i need to read some of your previous comments and to me that’s a waste of time.
Give me some good reasons to answer your questions and i will answer them when i have the time, i will be busy this week but if your reasons are good i will make time to respond.
As to “what you get” by answering my questions, I guess that’s up to you.
My view, which I hope others also have at least some of the time, is that respectful debate and disagreement is healthy and valuable in its own right. I like to know why others I disagree with think as they do, and I’d like to think they feel the same toward me.
Joe smith, your reasons are not good enough but i will answer your questions when i have the time.
After i have answered them this is it, i won’t answer any of your questions related to this topic because i have answered tons of questions you have asked but you are not seeking 4 answers. https://tenngrand.com/non-tennis-forum/comment-page-30/#comment-282752
The word of God( The Bible) teaches that as merciful, gracious, longsuffering as GOD is, there comes a time when He gives up on Reprobate’s, FOOLS who have intentionally blinded themselves with deception, perversion, sin etc.
They can’t even see the truth that is b4 their eyes on a daily basis, GOD is patient and doesn’t give up on people easily, man/woman might be impatient but God is kind and faithful to the end, we see the outward appearances but GOD sees the heart.
It is far easier to pull someone down that to pull someone up.
If someone doesn’t believe in gravity on earth and they jump 4rm a building or from a high place, will there unbelieve help or protect them?
I will answer your questions when i have the time but it is depressing to go back pages ago and read some of the nonsense posted there,
No worries, Stanley, whenever you get the time. I’m sure you’re a very busy man.
Personally i believe the world would be a better place, if we just all left each other alone, let each other choose their own religious beliefs, and their own sexual preferances, without passing judgement, we all came into the world with nothing, and we will all leave with nothing, its why i became a Pagan, we respect each other, and dont pass judgement, while also treading lightly on the earth, not taking any more than we need, my posts are very basic, and im not the most knowledgeable i will admit, but just thought id throw this out there, as long as you dont hurt each other, or bother anyone else, whats it matter what religion, or sexual preferance you have, PEACE XX
First of all Stanley,i want to say how sad & disappointed i am because clearly you’re a very smart man…but at the same time lack of respect towards other’s and their religion or belief…In this respect,i believe we have a very different views from each other Stanley…I don’t have a problem loving other people’s who have different religion & faith like Nny or RC or Hawks or Alison…I’m not as judgmental as u Stanley..
Many moons ago,i already asked u to go find an Imam or Muslim Scholar if u want to know or debate about Islam…coz from your words it seems there’s so many things that u still didn’t know about Islam…Even tho i am a Muslim but i think i am not that arrogant to claim i have enough knowledge to debate with u about Islam..especially here..a tennis site?The only person who can assuage your hunger about Islam is an Imam or Muslim Scholar..These guys studied Islam & Al Quran all their lives Stanley! They’re the only one who can answer all your questions,believe me!…I’m not smart enough to answer a very wise guy like u Stanley…I’m no match for u…So,please go find them okay?
About your insults towards Prophet Muhammad..as much as i am saddened & disappointed by your lack of respect towards him, Muslims & Islam in general… i’m not going to get mad at u or hurl an angry words towards u either Stanley…we’re Muslims already used to this kind of thing…U’re just one of the ‘Salman Rushdie’ or ‘Charlie Hebdo’ who let their unfair judgement clouded their wise mind…Hey!guess what Stanley??There’s plenty of the famous Non Muslim out there who still respect Prophet Muhammad for his Faith in Allah,In Islam,his low profile attitude,his love towards his follower’s and many other things that u can find in Mahatma Gandhi’s Biography about prophet Muhammad…
Other Non Muslims who write with deep respect about Him also Anne Marie Schimmel,Karen Amstrong,Deepak Chopra and the most phenomenal write up is from Michael H Hart who described Prophet Muhammad is THE MOST INFLUENTIAL SINGLE FIGURE IN HUMAN HISTORY….So…with those famous people’s with their amazing words about Prophet Muhammad…i don’t think i care much about your words here Stanley…I wish u a very happiness in the world Stanley…Have a very healthy physical & mind too…Have a good day okay??
Mira Andi great post, just wanted to add, i have friends of all cultures and religious beliefs, we have Muslims next door whom are great mates of our, i have catholic friends, Atheist friends, Jeahovas witness friends, mormon friends, gay friends, etc etc, but we all get on with each other and respect each other ….
Hey Al!…Thank u very much for your understanding sis!…Bu then, u are one of the great people that i am very fortunate to have met in this life…Thank u also for your friendship Al!…It means so much to me….
And yeah…i am like u too Al…have many friends with different religions & belief…and the key is…none other than respect what they did..respect their belief and respect their opinion…The result??Amazing! & superb friendship!!…That’s all that matter’s…
Yes there is Stanley, whats wrong and whats right morally is a matter of ones own perception, life isnt black or white, there are many grey areas too ….
I also have friends who believe differently but there is right & wrong.
There are things that are ungodly & wicked and there things that are Godly & good.
There absolutes and without them we can’t live, there are laws of logic, science etc that govern the universe and without them this universe can’t function.
This laws didn’t just appear from nowhere, a Creator established them and if study a little, you will appreciate the wonderful works of God, even though we are not living in a perfect world, there is so much to be thankful for.
God is Holy & Just
and His moral laws are good and profitable to all.
I have so much to say but my work is piling up, i need to go, i will respond to any reasonable comment when i have the time.
A couple changes: the computer cord to my new computer caught fire, so I will not be on Facebook until I get back from Portland. Yes, flying to Portland for the next few days and won’t be back until late Sunday.
The good news. I can use my phone for picking brackets but I can’t use my phone for FB.
Spending the next 4 days at Mr Ratcliff’s. Love you and miss you. ..will get back to you later from my computer on FB next week when I have a new electrical cord! Xxxooo
Stanley, this is what I’ve been trying to engage you on, but all you do is quote scripture to me. Instead, I want you to use your brain, to think for yourself, to provide reasons for what you believe. To Alison, you say:
“There [are] absolutes and without them we can’t live, there are laws of logic, science etc that govern the universe and without them this universe can’t function.
This laws didn’t just appear from nowhere, a Creator established them and if study a little, you will appreciate the wonderful works of God, even though we are not living in a perfect world, there is so much to be thankful for.”
I think there are moral absolutes as well; they are out there to be discovered, just like the laws of nature. But I don’t believe a Creator established any laws, scientific or moral, because I don’t believe in a Creator, in God. Can you understand that? Can you understand that it is possible to believe in moral absolutes without God? I can assure you that it is possible.
Here is the most important point, Stanley, and it applies to most of the non-tennis things you say on this site:
A claim isn’t made true or right by the fact that *you* say it is. It isn’t made true or right by the fact that the *Bible* says it is, either. (Claims aren’t made true or right by the fact that the Koran, or the Torah, or any holy book says so, either).
Truths that are important and not trivial are to be *discovered* not *proclaimed* by you or anyone else. And the only way to discover anything, to learn anything, is to use our reason. It is something we do together; that is how science has progressed. You don’t get to tell me (or anyone) what is morally right, and I don’t get to tell you (or anyone). If we can discover anything interesting, it is something we do together, through rational discussion.
Let’s take a concrete example. You think that homosexuality is morally wrong. I totally disagree, along, it seems, with many people on this site. Here’s one reason why I think the way I do (there are others): In general, consenting adults should be free to do what they want as long as it doesn’t harm others. It follows that consenting adults should be able to have any kind of sex with each other that they want as long as it doesn’t harm others.
Note what happens if you deny the general point. You open yourself up to those who would criticize things you like to do that harm no one (except perhaps yourself). Take your gambling as an example. Suppose someone says to you: “Stanley, gambling is a vice. It shows a weakness of character, wastes money that could be better spent elsewhere, and in general is a waste of your talents. Therefore, it’s wrong for you to gamble.”
I think you are well within your rights to say, in effect: eff-off! It’s no one else’s business what you do with your own hard-earned money, as long as you aren’t harming others, neglecting your children, etc. And that response follows from the general principle above, which also allows consenting adults to have sex with each other.
Ok, I’ve said more than enough. But I hope you can begin to get the point.
Joe, you are blind and you can’t see the truth that is before your eyes.
How do you know a Creator didn’t establish the laws that govern the universe?
Who established them?
Who created this world?
How did life begin?
Morality is not relative, you are crazy to compare someone investing in sports and Homosexuality that is just stupid, the more i discuss with you, the more foolish your comments are.
Homosexuality is unnatural & ungodly.
And it doesn’t matter whether you believe in God or disbelief it doesn’t change a thing.
I have had a hectic day, i have been busy working all day and i am not done.
I will try to post a comment or link when i am less busy tomorrow, next or whenever i can, i believe it would be helpful.
There are so much you don’t understand and i have tried to help you, i have answered lots of questions and posted uncountable comments but you are not seeking for truth, when i answer one question, you ignore the answer and ask another, i can answer all questions but no matter the answer it won’t be enough, it is exhausting to take your time and answer many questions but the same stupidity is repeated over & over again.
I am wasting my time with you and i will encourage you to go back and read some of my answers to your questions.
I answered many questions, posted many links & videos, did you watch them?
“How do you know a Creator didn’t establish the laws that govern the universe?”
Answer: I don’t know that a Creator didn’t establish such laws. Nor do I know whether anyone created the world, or how life began, or why there is something rather than nothing.
And guess what? Neither do you, and neither does anyone else. You may think you know such things, but you’re just making stuff up, like everyone else who claims to know such things.
There is a lot we would all like to know but don’t. In my opinion, humility is the proper attitude to take with respect to a lot of these questions -humility in the recognition of how little we understand about ourselves and our place in the universe.
As I said before, all we have is our rational capacities, our reason. We do the best we can to discover and understand the truth, but without any guarantees that we will succeed.
You say: homosexuality is unnatural and ungodly. I”ve already said I don’t know what “ungodly” means, so let’s stick with “unnatural.” Can we give some meaning to it, which will do the work you want it to do? Perhaps it means something like: not in accord with the proper function of sex, namely, procreation. Or: statistically very unusual or improbable. And things like that are morally wrong.
The problem is, neither of those meanings of “unnatural” is likely to help you. There are all kinds of sexual activity, including heterosexual activity, which doesn’t lead to procreation. Is it all unnatural and therefore immoral?
Likewise with the statistical definition. You’re an African-American, tennis-loving, Trump supporter. You can’t get much more unnatural than that -if we’re talking unnatural in the statistical sense.
Perhaps you have another sense of “unnatural” in mind. What, exactly, is it about the unnaturalness of homosexuality that makes it wrong? Give me a reason to agree with you, not a bit of scripture.
Joe, i don’t hate you but you are a morally depraved person, your comments are filthy with perversions.
You say, you don’t know who established the laws that govern the universe or whether there is a creator etc.
How can you say you know nothing and still claim to KNOW that i & others don’t know anything.
Your comments are self-contradictory.
This is some of the reasons why i stopped answering some of your questions because you don’t care about what is true, you are just wasting my time with baseless comments.
You say you don’t know what ungodly & unnatural is lol! Yes you do but you twist the meaning so that it can fit your perversion.
You came to me and i initially thought you were sincere about your questions so i did my best for you and i tried to point you towards the right path.
The word of God( The Bible) say’s In the book of Psalm 14:1 & other verses “The fool has said in his/her heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.”
it is foolish to think that nothing made everything, that there is no creator, life is unique & precious and it is impossible for anything other than God to produce life.
Creation is a testimony that there is a creator and i believe in God because of his mercy, love etc that i received and still receiving through trusting in Jesus Christ.
One of my eye is closed and the other open, i am not saying all that i need to say because i am exhausted.
Joe, i know that God exist and i know that Jesus is the creator, he has done so much for me that i cannot explain through speech.
You can know this saviour if you want to, you can have your sins forgiven, you can receive mercy & grace through Jesus Christ.
I don’t think i can continue this conversation again, i might add 2 or 3 comments because i need to tell you something.
Joe, you will find answers to your questions if you search 4 it sincerely & carefully but not this way.
Stanley i dont really care, theres nothing in my posts that ive said that i dont stand by, i will say what ive always said, Sheeks, Hindus, Muslims, Catholics, COE, Mormons, Muslims, Pagans, straight, gay, Jew, Black, whatever, we all came into the world with nothing, and we will all leave the world with nothing, so why cant we all just be happy and let each other be happy, and let us all live our lives, the way we choose, and im sure the world would be a better place, rather than spreading hatred and judging each other about whats considered right and wrong ?
Being black or white is not a moral issue, sin is against God’s nature & commandments.
They one who created us, created us for a reason/purpose and that’s not to live our lives in sin & immorality.
The wages of sin is eternal death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Alison, God gave us a free will and true liberty should lead to responsibility not perversion.
If we all decided what is right & wrong then everything is permissible, all form of wickedness & evil can be justified.
There is right & wrong, good & evil, there is a right way & wrong way and Jesus is THE RIGHT WAY.
Alison you are one of the people i like in this site, i like everyone, if you want to live your life your way and not according to God’s plan & purpose for you, guess what “You can” but at the end you must be ready to receive the fruits of your labor.
God’s will for you is good & you can know His plan & purpose for you by trusting in Jesus Christ, you can also reject His will for you, it is your choice, i hope & pray u make the right choice.
The decisions we make for or against God’s will for us has eternal consequences, heaven or hell, eternal life or eternal separation from God in hell.
Everyone that is in hell is not there because God put them there, they are there because the put themselves there, they rejected God’s way, His gift of salvation which is Jesus Christ.
I will talk to you later and i will be praying for you.
I Dont believe in heaven or hell, i believe we just go on to the next level is all, however i will find out for sure when it happens, if i go to hell at least ill be where its warm, as my flat and the British weather means its im always frozen, regarding hell we are already in hell now, how much worse could it be ?
I Always do take care, i actually lead an amazing life, with a great group of friends, that i have all over the place, where nobody judges each other, or apologizes for anything, and we are all happy with ouselves, and our lives ….
Well, Stanley, mixed in with your gratuitous and slightly hilarious insults, you have asked a genuinely interesting questions. Your words:
“You say, you don’t know who established the laws that govern the universe or whether there is a creator etc.
How can you say you know nothing and still claim to KNOW that i & others don’t know anything.
Your comments are self-contradictory.”
That is a very good question. Although it rests on a false presupposition (I never claimed to *know* that you and others don’t know anything about whether God exists, etc.), I can see how you might have thought I claimed that, and why you think what I said is self-contradictory.
Let’s distinguish *knowing* some claim from *having good evidence for* that claim. Then I can say both
1. I don’t *know* that God doesn’t exist; and yet
2. There is no good evidence that God exists, so it is rational to believe that there is no God.
Remember my comparison between God and purple elephants in my living room. In both cases (I claim), it’s rational to believe there isn’t one, because there is no good evidence that there is one. It’s possible I’m wrong, but it’s always possible that I (or anyone) could be wrong about anything.
Now, you will presumably say that there *is* good evidence that God exists; furthermore, that you have seen such evidence. Ok, go ahead, show it to me. Again, don’t quote scripture; give me a reason that I can see and understand.
You say: Joe Smith refuses to see the truth that is right in front of him. I say: if it was that easy, I would have seen it a long time ago. I’m no dummy. You seem to think I actively resist believing in God, but you’re wrong. There have been many times in my life that I wished I believed in God (I know many atheists who say the same thing). The reason I don’t believe isn’t because I don’t *want* to believe; it’s because I don’t think there is good *evidence* to believe. Can you understand that?
You say:
“Joe, i know that God exist and i know that Jesus is the creator, he has done so much for me that i cannot explain through speech.”
I don’t doubt the effect that a belief in JC as your personal savior has had on your life. But that doesn’t show that God exists. You can read and hear testimony from lots of people, of all different religions, about how their beliefs/relationships with God, whatever, have had a positive effect on their life. Listen to movie stars like Tom Cruise or John Travolta talk about what Scientology has done for them. It proves nothing. I’m sure if the average straight guy could convince himself that he looks like George Clooney, he would do better with the ladies. That doesn’t show that he looks like George Clooney.
Let me repeat: your saying that God exists doesn’t make it so. The Bible saying what it says (some of which is wise, some of which is stupid) doesn’t make it so. All of these claims are up for dispute. If you want to convince others that you are correct, you have to give *rational* arguments. Your efforts thus far leave much to be desired.
Thanks Joe Smith, its pretty simple for me Stanley, i just think people should be left alone, to lead their lives the way they choose, as long as they are not hurting anyone, thats all ….
Answer: I don’t know that a Creator didn’t establish such laws. Nor do I know whether anyone created the world, or how life began, or why there is something rather than nothing.
I have answered dozens of your questions with answers that can’t be refuted with facts, I will encourage you to go read them again there are important messages in all of them.
I once said this- it is not wise to answer a question on quantum physics, if they one asking the question does not believe 1+1=2.
I have helped you and by the grace of God I have pointed u in the right direction, whichever way you go is your prerogative.
Jesus Christ died for the sin of the world and we receive God’s free gift of salvation by trusting in Jesus Christ.
Without God’s grace & mercy no one can make it, His amazing grace is available for you and for all if you sincerely repent & trust in Him.
God is long-suffering toward us, not willing that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to repentance(2 Peter 3:9).
God will not force any to believe or trust in Him and neither will I, He gave us a freewill and true faith in Jesus Christ is not forced but freely given, we don’t lose anything( except for our sins, our blindness, unrighteous ways etc) by trusting in Jesus we again everything.
In Matthew 16:26 Jesus asked a rhetorical question, He said “What will it profit a man/woman if he/she gains the whole world and loses his/her own soul?
Or what will a man/woman give in exchange for his/her soul?”
Jesus preached more about hell than heaven and there is a reason why He did that, love is the reason, when you love someone, you will tell them the truth and warn them of any danger ahead, doing the opposite is pure hatred.
We will either spend eternity in heaven or hell and God has made a way for you, me & all, it is a free gift, it costs nothing.
This is it for me, i have spent a lot of time answering your questions, providing resources that will help you, I have done more than a enough.
I give God the glory and I thank Him for the opportunity He has given me.
A scientist told some children that there is no God because science has proved that anything you can’t see or touch does not exist. One of the children asked him how he knows God doesn’t exist and the scientist said he’s used his common sense pointing to his head.
Child: Can you see your sense?
Scientist: No
Child: Can you touch your sense?
Scientist: No
Child: Science has proved that anything you cannot see or touch does not exist, so you have no sense.
Nice it makes a lot of sense and I get your point, but there are some things we can’t see with our eyes that do exist.
We are saying the same thing, I rushed your comment.
Nadline: I take your point, and science hasn’t proved any such thing, of course.
But notice what happens when we abandon evidence, when we abandon reason, as a standard for what one should believe, for what is true. Then, it seems, anyone is permitted to believe anything.
In one sense that’s no problem, of course. But what if (as we hardly need to imagine), some people believe that women are inferior to men; blacks to whites; gays to straight people, and so forth. And they try to act on these beliefs, to make society to conform to them. When you ask them why, they reply: because that’s what my God teaches.
You ask them: where is your God? What reasons does He have for teaching these things, which seem wrong, which are so offensive to common sense? They say: “We just know they are true, and if you can’t see it, that’s your problem, you’re not trying hard enough. We know that women should be barefoot and pregnant; blacks should be slaves; and gay people should be killed. That’s what God teaches.”
I don’t know about you, but the only way I know how to answer such people and such claims is by using my common sense, my reason, which is basically the method of science.
Again, science can’t answer everything, nor can it illuminate many questions that interest us (think of how much more one learns about human nature from great literature, music, or film as compared to a psychology textbook). But we need its methods as a way to rationally criticize bigotry, prejudice, and hatred of all kinds.
For some weird reason every so often my screen name appears as ed251137man. Can anyone explain how or why this happens. And better still how I can stop it. I’ve been to my profile page and everything is correct there.
Oh!…U too Al??Oh God!…I thought i’m the only one who’s in the dark like this…I regret now not to ask for her closest friend’s email or get in touch via FB with her…U know Al?I’ve already sent her a snail mail a couple of days ago..but the mail will only arrive in 2 weeks!Urgh!!….I guess we have to be patient like she went AWOL last January?U remember?
In more depressing news, close US-ally Saudi Arabia has enforced a total blockade of ports in Yemen, which human rights organizations agree will make the cholera epidemic in Yemen -already the worst in history- even worse. At present, over 1 million people are suffering from cholera in Yemen.
Saudi Arabia’s illegal and immoral attack on Yemen’s civilian population, which has killed thousands of children since it began in 2014, has targeted homes, schools, hospitals, petrol stations, and open markets. It is carried out with US-supplied military aircraft and weapons, including cluster bombs, and in many cases with the direct assistance of US military personnel.
As we think of the 26 innocent victims of a madman in that Texas church, let’s spare a thought for the thousands of innocent Yemeni children killed by US-supplied weapons in US-approved attacks over the last few years.
Thanks for thoughts Joe!….As a fellow Muslim,i really feel ashamed of Saudi Arabia’s involvement once again in this conflict…in 1999,they’re the one who let’s George Bush Sr to launched an attack to Iraq & help destroyed one entire nation for the sake of more money?Revenge?Anger?
IMO..all Arab countries are brother’s & sister’s…if something happen that they’re not feel right,they should sit around the table & discuss how to end the conflict…they’re all wealthy…there’s nothing they can’t achieve if they want it…But,sadly it’s not happen that way….
I wanna share this wonderful song with my wonderful friends here…RC,Joe,Hawks,Eugene,Nny & other’s[who care to listen]…I know this songs especially for the Grenfell Tower’s victim..but the lyrics also suitable for the situations that we facing nowadays in this world lately…
AndiMira beautiful song with my heart throb pop star at the begining lol, i love this song too Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush https://youtu.be/VjEq-r2agqc
Thanks Hawkeye, but you didnt offend me at all, just a difference of opinion at times, be a boring old world if we agreed on everything, actually i do enjoy reading your posts, Merry christmas Hawkeye, and happy new year, looking forward to the new tennis season
Just visited my neighbor’s house for Christmas Eve. I love all the depictions of the blue-eyed Aryan Christ and the Virgin Mary. Because Semitic peasants in the Middle East really looked like that.
Hey hey hey!!…It’s 31st Dec already in my kingdom!…So,i would like to wish u guys a Happy New Year to ALL my amazing friends here especially my dear beloved friends RC,Nny,Amy,Alison,Hawks,Lucky,Joe,Eugene,Big Al,ToMMo,Gaviria & many more!…Sorry for the names that i missed…Hope we will have another chance to wish each other Happy New Year next year..Insyaallah!
I’m posting this here on the non-tennis threat because it has only marginally to do with tennis. How do you think the media and Sandgren handled the bruhaha re: Tennys’ (now erased) tweets? I became aware of this only a few hours ago. While I somewhat sympathize with Sandgren who is still young and has never before been exposed to public scrutiny, I was nevertheless disgusted by quite a few of his tweets, which are of course still in the public domain. I was especially appalled by his homophobic slurs and him comparing Hitler in a positive way to Karl Marx. Young people need to learn that you can never completely erase what you have put out on a public platform like twitter or facebook. I’m inclined to accept the deleting of all these tweets as way of distancing himself from these opinions. But he could’ve done a much better job than just blaming the media for putting him in a box. He could’ve specifically addressed some of his most hair raising tweets and said “Look, I was young and changed my mind”. Or he could’ve said:”Listen, you might not like my opinions, but I’m entitled to my point of view. It’s a free country”. Just deleting everything and then attacking the media has the whiff of getting the controversial stuff out of the way, because maybe he doesn’t want to lose potential sponsors. As it is, I highly doubt that Nike will call Tennys anytime soon or that he will receive many wild cards.
That said, he had a terrific run at the AO, and I wish him all the best for his further career. If he stays healthy he certanly has what it takes to stay in the top 100 or maybe even in the top 50.
I should add that of course athlets are entitled to privately believe or support whatever they want. It has nothing to do with their performance. But if you distribute your opinions on a public platform it isn’t private anymore, and it is legit to discuss it openly. Otherwise, why put it out on Twitter in the first place?
I will soon re-post my comments elsewhere because understandably most aren’t all that interested in Tennys’ dubious tweets right now. But I think it’s a matter of interest, because it throws a light on which athlets we are inclined to support and why. Sandgren’s run at the AO is entirely admireable and he earned his success the hard way. Players like him are the backbone of modern pro tennis. Success didn’t come easily and he had to work the unglamorous challenger scene for years without reaping the rewards. And tennis’ journeymen are totally underpaid IMO. I admire his stamina. But his opinions voiced in his now deleted tweets are a deal breaker for me. I could never root for him. To be perfectly clear: It’s not because he’s a Trump supporter (I think Trump is dangerous, but I have many American friends who voted for him – although many regret it now) or because he dislikes Serena Williams (I’m not exactly a fan ,and many tennis fans don’t like her for various non-racist reasons). It’s also not because Tennys followed a very dubious bunch of public figures. I also try to keep up with figures and opinions which I don’t share because I think it’s important to stay informed. But Tennys was a so-called multiplicator when he re-tweeted their dubious opinions. That’s much more than just following. He also expressed via Twitter many of his own opinions. And some of them are hair raising, ludicrous and plain disgusting. Deleting them and blaming the big bad media isn’t good enough for me. He’s of course entitled to his opinions but if he voices them publicly he also has to face the consequences. He’s also entitled to change his mind about certain things. He’s still young after all. We all have things in our past we aren’t exactly proud of. But none of his more recent tweets hint at a genuine change of heart. Deleting everything has the very bad taste of opportunism. It’s more likely that he wants to keep the cake and eat it, too – meaning: he probably hoped that by clearing his Twitter account he could make himself more palatable for future sponsors.
I will be following the development of this story with interest. That doesn’t mean I will root for Tennys anytime soon.
Where’s NNY? Does anyone know? Is she okay? And what happened to the other non-forum page? Did Ricky delete it? (it wouldn’t surprise me!)
Thanks for your love and wishes when I was gone. This weekend I will figure out how to get on FB — I promise! All I will say here is that I’ve missed everyone and missed tennis lots…happy to reconnect and I hope many of you got to watch this match last weekend:
POJD!!!! can’t wait for Acapulco and Indian Wells…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt306n155ek
Thanks for the reply Hawks…I wasn’t even able to watch AO or keep up while I was gone.
But yes….posting WTA mostly for me….probably done making daily picks but I’m really looking forward to Indian wells. I’m still a tennis addict at heart
Hi Joe! Yes, I remember that you are from Minnesota. And I’m from mostly Idaho and Oregon. But curling isn’t as big a deal here as where you are – I know it takes skill! Not that I can’t help but laugh at all the sweeping — strange sport. I love all the alpine and Nordic skiing, biathlon, snowboarding, luge, skeleton and think that Japanese skater is just magical the way he made it look so easy while all others are falling down, which makes me cringe and cover my eyes. It looks awkward, lonely and painful to be a singles figure skater!
Yes, curling is just about the weirdest sport out there. I’ve actually played it, and it is much harder than it looks, as you can imagine. But I think your laughter is pretty much the norm amongst those who’ve never seen it before.
I love watching the snowboarding too. I grew up skiing, but there were no snowboards back then. When I gave it a try for the first time, about 15 years ago, I literally couldn’t stand up for more than a few seconds. I tried for a couple hours, and then gave up and put my skis back on! But I wish I could do it, because it looks like such fun.
I’ve been watching – and sleeping through – a LOT of Winter Olympics. Got a bit of a crush on Aksel Lund Svendal. Alas, he’s pretty much at the end of his career. Was fascinated to discover there’s a very good (as in bronze medal!) Spanish male figure skater. I didn’t know Spain had ANY winter olympians. Also a Nigerian women’s bobsled team, to go with the Jamaican women’s bobsled team. For some weird reason I actually like biathlon. Curling, no, not so much! It’s a mixed bag, but so is summer olympics for me.
That Spanish skater was awesome too. I was simply mesmerized by the otherworldly performance of the Japanese guy. I completely missed the Sochi Olympics, so I’d never seen him before.
Watching Delpo right now – but I better check if the Alpine events are on. I follow World Cup winter skiing so I know many of the skiiers, male and female. Mikeala Schiffrin skiing Slalom is awesome and I’ve followed Marcel Hirscher, Ted Ligitey, Alexis Pinterault. Once every four years I get to marvel at the Dutch distance and speed skaters
I think, I have posted this picture of Rafa & Javier Fernández, a Spanish figure skater, who is a two-time World champion (2015 & 2016) and a six-time European champion (2013 – 2018):
Great pic, thanks! Javier seems to be a great guy, too. Does a lot of work with children and is well liked by other skaters. There was an amusing bit when the segment they did on him said that Spanish kids were “supposed” to play soccer and tennis – and showed a pic of 5 soccer players and – you guessed it – Rafa!
A few days ago Billy Graham died at the age of 99, this humble disciple of Jesus Christ was used by God to bring the good news of Jesus Christ which has the power to save anyone’s soul who puts their trust in Jesus Christ.
Billy Graham once said “Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God”
He truly has changed addresses, not just from earth to heaven but by only the grace of God from hell to heaven because through Jesus Christ all his sins were washed away because God is merciful, gracious, faithful and so much more.
When we ask God to forgive us of our sins, make Christ Jesus the Lord and Savior of our lives, God will forgive us, change our lives and make us his own.
They wages of our sins is death(eternal separation from God) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ(Romans 6:23).
If you ask God to forgive you of all your sins, He will, if you sincerely put your trust in Jesus Christ you will never look back in regret and for all eternity joy, gratitude etc will overflow in your heart.
As long as people are happy, following their own paths, and they dont hurt or interfere with anybody else, we should all just leave each other alone to get on with our own lives ….
Alison, one of the most powerful and popular verse in the word of God is John 3:16- “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that WHOEVER BELIEVES in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
That verse summaries the good news of Jesus Christ.
God gave us a freewill and He hasn’t and will not force anyone to trust in Him or believe in Him.
No one is forcing you to put your trust in Jesus Christ, I hope you do because Jesus died for your sins even before you existed He made a way for you and for the whole world to be saved, forgiven and made whole.
God’s gift of salvation is a gift, it can only be received by sincerely trusting in Christ Jesus completely, it can also be rejected as well.
I capitalized the word “WHOEVER BELIEVES” because the gospel of Christ is for all, the rich/the poor, the old/the young, male/female etc it’s for all sinners.
Sincere trust in God and true love for God can’t be forced, it has to come from the heart, from the heart of the sinner who has seen the depravity of their sins and the mercy and Amazing grace of God.
God doesn’t just love, He is love.
Jesus has made a way for all and whatever decision you make it is your prerogative, I hope you see the goodness/love of God which leads to repentance because the choices we make in Christ Jesus have eternal consequences.
God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance(2 Peter 3:9).
Stanley im not christian im Pagan, and i dont believe in heaven or hell, i believe we just all go onto the next vibrational level when we die, i just believe as i said above that we should all be left alone to choose our own religion and follow our own path, as long as we dont hurt or interfere with anyone else ….
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50 years ago today, the US Army massacred over 500 civilians in the Vietnamese village of My Lai. Over 200 were children; 50 were aged 3 or younger.
The My Lai massacre was not an anomaly: an investigator later found that there was “roughly one My Lai per month” during the Vietnam war (what the Vietnamese sensibly call the “American War”), which was a small fraction of the total number of innocents killed by American aerial bombing in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
Today let us remember those victims and the many more civilians who have been killed in subsequent wars – in Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East- at the hands of the American empire.
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Bit of a slow time, so I thought I’d share some great artists with a Minnesota connection. First, Judy Garland (born Grand Rapids), maybe the greatest triple threat of the 20th century. Two selections here, one from the beginning and other the end of her tragically short career:
To Nny…It’s been a year since that unforgetable day a year ago right Nny?So,i came here & want to wish u another year of free from illness/sickness..and hope u live happily ever after with your loved ones…
Hey hey hey My brave & strong warrior from Florida!!hehehe….How r u Milady??Okay?Hope everything is beautiful & wonderful for u Nny!…
You’re very much welcome Nny!…I came to Non tennis a while ago..and baamm!..it hit me that it’s already a year that incident happened!Wow!…i feel like it’s only 1 month ago!…
It also hit me…that i… missed u!Hahaha..And yeah!…let’s hope together that injury will leave Rafa for good..at least for this year..
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For me, she will always be the first voice of love, soul, joy, truth and power. Will never forget you, Aretha Franklin. And when I was very young and had yet to fall in love or put on make-up, in her sweet song she gave a girl hope.
I was in my early teens when I first heard Aretha Franklin. I was so lucky to grow up with great singers like her and Motown. What a time! There will never be anyone like her again. One of a kind. A voice for the ages. I am just sitting back and enjoying all of her songs over and over again.
RIP Aretha! You were the masterpiece, the original.
I first saw the news on the BBC with them showing Aretha singing at the inauguration of Obama and his shedding tears years later at her singing “You make me feel like a natural woman”. That damn well made me cry as well…when America actually had a real human being as President, admired by the whole world, not the inhumane racist moron who is there now.
The Britneys, Christinas, Riahannas, wouldnt be fit to lace RFs shoes, all big stage productions, and crotch flashing, refreshing to hear a singer these days days where its all about the voice, and the voice only, no auto tuning and synthasisers so boring, just a voice stripped bare , R.I.P Aretha you will be sorely missed
Very sorry to lose a decent Senator, John McCain. My favorite memory of him will be when he voted NO (with the Dems) to repeal and replace Obama care summer 2017. Rip, Senator John McCain.
He was at least ONE Republican Senator that stood against the bully in the Whitehouse and would not be bought, or bribed. And it makes me love and appreciate Senator McCain even more knowing he asked Barrack Obama to speak at his funeral. McCain also made sure the orange baby in a diaper currently posing as POTUS knew he was not welcome to attend.
Sad to see so many “friends” of McCain, like Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, reduced to a puppet of the orange POTUS – disgusting Trump Republicans. They should all be investigated for fraud, high crimes, and misdemeanors and made to resign. All of the Trump Republicans be gone!! Uhg…the greedy, gutless, lot of them make me sick.
#ImpeachTrump #nevermyPOTUS!
I should have come here sooner to express how grateful I am to Senator McCain for his service, his honor and integrity, dignity and being a true patriot.
If you know you are dying, I cannot think of a better thing to do than to make your vote count. McCain did that when he voted down the repeal of Obamacare. He helped so many people. He made a statement loud and clear.
His life had sacrifice and meaning. He lived his principles. He showed up that miserable, greedy, soulless clown in the White House for the fake he truly is.
John McCain left us a powerful message about working together United by a desire to be the best we can be, to make our country the best it can be.
Kamala Harris is sharp and fearless.
Kirstan Gillibrand is too.
Elizabeth Warren is the hardest working of all of them. I feel for her health – she’s literally wearing herself to the bone, campaigning in every race where a democrat is up against a trumpian.
Where are all my fellow trump hating friends??
Be nice to join in with some snowflake insane sniffing weasel descriptions of kavanaugh and the gop…he is an exact image of how rotten and corrupt they are afterall..
I just have to say that the whole fiasco with the hearing with Kavanaugh, made me literally sick to my stomach! Shameful! Now the Supreme Court will have a conservative majority for the foreseeable future.
Have not been watching/following tennis. I putting every minute into phone banking, helping Paulette Jordan (Democrat) running for Idaho Governor doing various stuff. Extremely pissed off about the Kavanaugh nomination– terribly disgusting and sickening. Finally watched a replay of Nole winning Shanghai and filled out the weekly brackets.
But my stomach turns when I wake up and often throughout the day that our country is under the Trump dictatorship. He would like to kill all dissenters – I’m sure he doesn’t give a dang about freedom of press. Each word that falls from those Trump Republicans, like Lindsey Graham, someone I used to kind of like for his work with John McCain, those slimy politicians are all tied to Russian money — all team Putin. I’m just livid that Trump is still not impeached and knowing the Trump party is taking control of every branch of the government.
All I can say is:
Nny and rc
I am terrified as to what will happen if the gop keep hold of the legislature.at the moment it is just an arm of the white nationalist house. The courts were the only check and balance left and now they are corrupted. It’s up to the people now but these elections aren’t going to be fair and I am just waiting for that shit assange to drop some hacked emails.But I still believe the people will prevail in the end.
Love you!!!
Ps all of this is coming our way post brexshit I am sure.
Is there a more corrupt political party anywhere in the democracies than the republicans? I exclude small fringe parties like the adf in Germany.
The GOP doesn’t stand for anything except the apparatus of power. It’s a party which is actively assaulting democracy and wants to turn America into an autocratic one party state.
Just terrifying and sickening…
All I know is that Trump Loyalists in the GOP act like they all have financial and political ties to Russia – they owe Russians oligarchs for helping them get elected and remain elected. Many of them seem completely impotent when it comes to speaking truth to power; speaking out against the assaults of the Trump regime on our Democracy. Like that coward, Democrat senator from West Virginia who voted yes on Kavanaugh – also Susan Collins, from Maine – yes on Kavanope. Kavanope is straight up a Trump pawn. My question is: are all the Supreme Court Justices Trump pawns now. I would think that RBG isn’t one but I don’t know.
How this ends, amy? All I know is that we are in the thick of it and there are liberals and progressives with money and power fighting on our side. But will it be enough? My little voice and contributions are so minor. It does feel hopeless – and if the midterm elections don’t put a dent in tipping the balance back to democrats, I don’t know how much more I can take. Every time I see the hairy grotesque face of John Bolton, I remember how much he wants a war with Iran. And we’d need the Saudi’s for help with that. And it’s terrifying. Makes Nixon and Watergate, even Bush’s lies look like peanuts. No one of the GOP Trump loyalists gives a shit about doing the right thing for justice, democracy, or the country. They just want more money to keep their seats in power and continue on like the world is going to hell anyway, so why not get on the Trump train.
Thank you amy.
This reality has been straight out of a Dystopian novel for since the day he was elected. But I don’t think most Trump rally cultists identify with such warnings in from history or in literature. And the core of his cult followers don’t care that Trump is basically a mob boss, con man – who never paid taxes, has no morals, raised by KKK parents, ect — so many people think that his blatantly racist, sexist, criminal behavior is COOL. LOL stupid people.
He’s under the thumb of Saudi money. He doesn’t really care that a Saudi citizen, writing for the Washington Post was killed at the Saudi Embassy. He’ll defend him – so what – the guy was writing bad stuff, lies about human rights’ violations ongoing in the Kingdom. Asked about Putin killing Russian dissenters abroad – he said he believes it but it’s their business – like it’s okay! Out and out doesn’t care. He encourages his cult followers at his cult rallies to fight Trump protesters and he’ll bail them out of jail. He incites hate and doesn’t have any interest in democracy.
Anyway, hope everyone is holding up. Feel terrible about the poor people that are suffering in the hurricane hit parts — that goes for Puerto Rico, too. Puerto Rico was absolutely devastated and still doesn’t have adequate help over a year later and Trump could give a shit. So anything he has to say in Florida – I don’t want to hear him speak his hypocrisy. The morning after Michael hit Mexico Beach, Fla. – Trump was his helicopter to attend a Trumpain cult rally in Pennsylvania.
Rc i just wrote you a long reply which has disappeared. These disappearing posts are very annoying! Will try again…
Rc i wrote you a long reply which has disappeared, then a short one which has disappeared so I will try another time. These disappearing posts are very annoying!
Rc i really feel for you and nny! I felt physically sick for the few days he was on British soil..I do realise what an utter nightmare it is for you.
I agree with everything you say…I read about America every day so I do know what is going on but the visceral sensation of being in America and living through it must be appalling.
Lots of love
Ps I am involved in a lot of anti trump politics here and we do know what you are going through…solidarity!!! I feel it is very important we try and fight together at a transnational level.
My country has a president who now stands with the most vile and corrupt dictators in the world. We don’t have Trump’s tax records, but they would most probably show that he is getting money from the Saudis and Putin. Trump had no moral compass. It’s all about money. He is not going to rock the boat with the Saudis with money at stake. He could care less about this Washington reporter. He is a monster. Now he is quoting this absurd nonsense about “rogue killers”! That comes straight from the propaganda from the Saudis. Then Trump stupidly says they are strongly denying bring involved in the murder of this man. What does he expect them to do – admit it? Trump is not only a moron, but s dumb ass!
We have to take over the House. The Senate is looking like a bridge too far and it was always going to be the tougher challenge. But the Democrats need a base of power in the government. Then they can start going after a Trump with hearings and get out all the ugly dirt on him.
Watching this country be destroyed by a piece of shit like Trump, breaks my heart. He belongs in prison.
I just saw your post. Happy Birthday! I need a hug! At least there are people here who are trying to fight the destruction of this country. These are dark times.
Why??!! I wrote several posts yesterday which were only about tennis and they have all disappeared. There was nothing remotely contentious in any of them.
no. you aren’t in moderation. I accidentally hit the spam link instead of the reply link on one of your posts and now the site thinks you are spam. I’ll try to fix it.
Rc and nny this is for both of you..
Try to Praise the Mutilated World
Try to praise the mutilated world.
Remember June’s long days,
and wild strawberries, drops of rose wine.
The nettles that methodically overgrow
the abandoned homesteads of exiles.
You must praise the mutilated world.
You watched the stylish yachts and ships;
one of them had a long trip ahead of it,
while salty oblivion awaited others.
You’ve seen the refugees going nowhere,
you’ve heard the executioners sing joyfully.
You should praise the mutilated world.
Remember the moments when we were together
in a white room and the curtain fluttered.
Return in thought to the concert where music flared.
You gathered acorns in the park in autumn,
and leaves eddied over the earth’s scars.
Praise the mutilated world
and the grey feather a thrush lost,
and the gentle light that strays and vanishes
and returns.
Thank-you sweet amy. I won’t give up. And it helps to find friends that share similar hopes. https://twitter.com/jeff072792
I don’t go on facebook. It’s too time-consuming. But I set up this twitter account originally to share with fellow Djokovic fans. But it turned out to be quite different – it’s for anyone who is a resister, is appalled by Trump and would like to connect this movement. The account is in the name of my son I lost 10 years ago. It’s now strictly a political account.
After midterms I may set up an account in my real name for tennis and social connecting.
Thanks rc! I have never had a Facebook or Twitter account because I have always been suspicious of social media.
Will be lovely to read you though…
Darling I am a bit worried about trolls following the link you gave…don’t want you to be harassed..is it wise to leave it do you think??
Thank you. That brought tears to my eyes. It’s been so hard to watch the country I live being destroyed by a maniacal crook, a compulsive liar, a fraud, a fake, a criminal and a con man.
Trump is the scum of the earth. He is like an abomination of a human being.
Ok that worked! However my reply to Rc from yesterday seems to have disappeared into the tenngrand gulag archipelago!
I have never had either a Twitter or Facebook account rc! Have always been very very suspicious of Facebook…But I read your account today and yesterday..so thanks hon…I hope you don’t get harassed by trolls and creeps leaving the link here..!
But I know you are a very strong person so am sure you can deal with them…
Horrified by the events in Brazil and that a revolting fascist jerk like Bolsonaro is going to be elected president. He will destroy democracy in the country, jail and kill his opponents and as he is funded by big mining corporations will lay waste to the Amazon.
Needless to say I am sure twitler will love him…
Appalled by the attack on a synagogue by a white supremacist but not surprised. on a daily basis twitler and the gop traffic in antisemitism including the ludicrous Nazi accusations against Soros which have no basis in reality. As for anyone who votes for this vile party and supports this vile man this is what you are: a bunch of stupid gullible vicious fascists.
It’s probably not necessary on this forum, but for the good of the country and the world I urge all Americans who oppose Trump and the Republicans to get out and vote tomorrow. If you are overseas, contact Democrats Abroad; you may still be able to vote. Fingers crossed…
Yeah Joe & amy!….I also very interested to know the outcome of the election tomorrow…Trump hate Islam & Muslim…so,i hope “Blue Wave” of Democrats will win!….
Orange Hitler is a symptom that shouldn’t be confused with the problem that after two years of bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, hate and fascism, only just 1 in 2 Americans disapprove of his performance according to Gallup.
Every American should read this article. (Warning: it is very difficult to get through). As the author Nick Kristof says, our tax dollars are going to starve children by the thousands. Trump has made it worse, but this war started under Obama. Because of Khashoggi’s murder, there is a real opportunity to stop the merciless Saudi bombing of Yemen. Even Republicans are talking about cutting off arms sales.
Hello everybody1
So I went completely OCD after my birthday on helping #resistance turn the house Blue. Which we did! And then I kept on twitter politics and calling for impeachment with fellow resisters non-stop until this disasterous #TrumpGovtShutdown has truly mangled so many government workers lives. I’m exhausted waiting for Mueller to bring forth what he’s got on Trump and get the MF nightmare over!
Suddenly I just turned it all off. And I can’t take it right now. I hate Trump and the GOP so much and that won’t stop until they are gone. I’ve been obsessing with liberals like myself on twitter.
So I turned off the madness and let myself watch AO for the past week. I didn’t get into the brackets but I miss being my Normal bracket loving, tennis addict self. All week-end I’m watching tennis and catching up. Didn’t even go to the women’s march today. This AO is GREAT! GREAT matches on both sides Male and Female coming up tonight! Woot ! Love and hugs to everybody ��
Honestly, I still feel like I’m living in a nightmare. And 2019 better be the year we get the Orange baby out of the Oval Office!
There is political turmoil in the UK, too, sorry to see. The world is falling apart – I hate waking up every day knowing that a treasonous criminal moron is still dividing us destroying world alliances. All about money and himself. I just can’t understand how he has a following
RC I can completely empathise with you my dear, ive said it before and can only repeat its bad enough living here in GB with Skeletors grandmother Teresa May, will be glad to get into April with the Brexit referendum over and done with, thank goodness i dont live in America, stay safe honey its a wicked world out there xx
Here’s my favorite newly elected, congresswoman, Millennial — speaking truth to power in NYC. She and many other women and me elected in Nov. 2018 give me hope.
I had to come on here to stand up for my hero – Nancy D’Allesandro Pelosi! Again Speaker if the House who is kicking Trump’s sorry butt right now! You go, Madame Speaker!
As an older woman, I just want to stand up and shout as I watch Nancy Pelosi taking it to Trump with his stupid, moronic wall! The Orange Menace thought he could have a little hissy fit when he didn’t get that he wanted, but Nancy has been putting him in his place! When she came out and said he should not have his State of the Union speech because of the shutdown and security concerns, I was cheering so hard I lost my voice! That’s how you deal with scum like Trump!
I was disappointed with some of the newly elected Democrats in the House who said they did not want Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. But she is showing how it’s done! She is not backing down to Trump and he has no idea how to handle it!
With time and experience maybe Ocasio-Cortez will become another Nancy Pelosi. But she has a lot to learn. The young women who have been elected to the House need to learn about legislating and their jobs and earn their place.
I am part of a generation of baby boomer women who had to endure being paid less for equal work, not having protection for pregnancy leave, no sexual harassment laws. We had to put up with a lot of crap. But it made us tough and we worked for change for the generations to come.
I am just so proud that a 78 year old woman, who is a mother and grandmother and climbed up the hard way, is showing what she is made of!
Take it to that lying piece of trash Trump and make his life miserable until we can get him out! I pray that those suffering during this ungodly shutdown, will find strength and courage and know that better days are ahead for all of us!
Hello Nny!
Respect: completely with you about House Majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Very proud of her.
AOC was being pressured to join the group that was opposing Nancy but she towed the line and agreed with Pelosi for Speaker in the vote, as did her friend, newly elected Rashida Tlaib.
I’m not pushing for AOC to shoot the moon running for leadership in the House yet. She is not experienced enough but I do love listening to her speak and she’s just what her NYC district need right now.
Also very proud we at least got the House back but we also need to run out the GOP corrupt Senators – speaking of Sen.Maj.Leader McConnell and the entire lot of those corrupt Trumplican Senators.
I’m with you, Nny. And I’ll support the Dem nominee whoever that may be. We simply all have to stick together and vote blue to save our democracy. Impeach Trump and Pence for conspiring with Putin and wealthy Oligarchs to meddle and mess with our elections – and then soon we can all say, President Nancy Pelosi! That’s my dream – while this nightmare continues.
Cheers, Nny. Hope you are doing well, despite living our daily pain – the criminals in the White House.
Petra Kvitova and Amanda Anisimova match starting now
Thank you so much for getting where I was coming from! So good to see you here and know you are fighting the good fight. I know that Ocasio-Cortez did stick with Nancy Pelosi. She has a lot of potential. But for me I have just been so proud of Pelosi for standing up and sticking it to Trump! I was very unhappy with some of the Democrats who wanted to go against Pelosi. We need her experience and toughness now.
Your girl will make her mark. She is the future and there are other women who got elected along with her who will do very well. I am glad to see women making their mark. It means that we fought hard and it was worth it, so that the next generations would have it better.
I love your passion! I hade not been following tennis while the midterm elections were happening. I was very caught up in it. I knew we had to get the House. It did my heart good to see the great wins for the Democrats.
I was terribly disappointed with Florida. We came so close to getting our first African-American governor. They don’t like to count votes in Florida. This is a corrupt state that is.controlled by the Republicans. I was especially upset to see Rick Scott beat Bill Nelson for the senate seat. That man is a corrupt criminal and has no business in public life. I also was disappointed with Georgia. The South is still racist and voter suppression is a huge problem.
My heart is breaking for those affected by Trump’s shutdown. No president in our history would ever do this to the American people. He is rotten and evil and a disgrace. The Democrats have to stand strong and not give in to this fascist criminal.
Hi darling rc! Good to see you back!
Feeling rubbish tbh!! Will write more tomorrow!
Hoping for a rafole final btw
The NYT times has published a very important piece by Michelle Alexander today, which focuses on progressives’ reluctance to criticize Israel’s occupation of Palestine. I hope everyone who counts herself as a liberal or progressive reads it.
Seriously Joe what are you talking about?? I am British and the Corbyn led left is appallingly anti-Semitic. If you were a Martian arriving for the First time on earth and you listened to the corbynista radical left you would be given to believe that the Israeli – Palestinian conflict was the only one preoccupying our attention while Myanmar, Syria, the Congo and so on simply did not exist. To see snippets of the Labour party conference is to be overwhelmed by wild emoting over Palestine and the waving of Palestinian flags( flag waving is against party rules). One woman got up and gave a speech which was so nakedly anti-Semitic it might have come out of Mein Kampf! The hysterical emoting over Palestine by the Corbyn left is vomit worthy and though I have voted Labour all my life I really don’t know if I can vote for such an anti-Semitic rabble. And I am not Jewish btw but I absolutely loathe anti-Semitism. Remember that many people in Nazi Germany didn’t view themselves as anti-Semitic!
God bless you for standing up against anti-semitism. I did not read the link because I suspected that it was anti-Semitic crap. But you know about the group behind this and debunked this forcefully.
I have spoken about how my father Had to father evidence for the Nuremberg trials. He was with the American soldiers who liberated the concentration camps. What he sawsrsyed with him the rest of his life. Only when I was grown and older did he ever talk about it. I remember how he struggled as he told me how they gassed women and children as they told them they were going to the shower. How they died an agonizing death from Zyklon B gas. He still had trouble talking about it decades later. He got to see what was left after the gassing. He saw it all.
I am disgusted with anyone who would dare to post this garbage. Anti-semitism is slice and well in the states, especially when we have a monstrous bigot like Trump.
God bless you for standing up against anti-semitism! I avoided reading this link because I had a sense that it was anti-Semitic crap. But you are in a position to know who is behind this in your country.
My father saw the horrors of the Holocaust up close and personal as he was with the American soldiers who liberated the concentration camps. When I was older he was able to tell me what he saw, but it was incredibly painful for him.
I thank you for fighting the good fight against the bigots and anti-semites who are still around. Joe Smith should be ashamed, but people like that seem to have no shame.
Thanks nny!! I thought you might like to know that after hearing the appallingly anti-Semitic speech given by the woman at the party conference I looked her up online, found her email and wrote to her telling her exactly what I thought of her. Jewish people in Britain are very frightened of a future under Corbyn and that absolutely sickens me. I really laid into that anti-Semitic woman in no uncertain terms. If more people actually spoke out and acted then maybe these things would change! Some people really damn well need to check their privilege!
Yes I count myself as a liberal and a progressive, also an agnostic. This article is good information on a sometimes confusing subject imo, by Rabbi Jill Jacobs.
PS nny and rc, you may have the moronic idiot twitler and the GOP but at least you have real opposition. We have disaster capitalism fighting disaster socialism and both are rabidly anti EU.
Jill Jacobs makes the same obvious point: criticism of Israel’s occupation is not anti-semitic in itself. The question we be should focusing on is whether that criticism is accurate, not insulting the character of people who make the criticism. The issues prominently include the one highlighted in Jacob’s piece: the plight of those living in Gaza, the world’s largest open air prison.
Liberal Jews should read the work of Normal Finkelstein, the son of Holocaust survivors. In his first book (“Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict”), he quotes his mother, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto as well as the Nazi death camps: “What crime did the Palestinians commit except to be born in Palestine?” He goes on to comment: “The great offense of the Palestinians is tha they refused to commit auto-dispossession: they balked at ‘clearing out’ for the Jews.”
Did you actually read the article, Amy and Ratcliff, or did you avoid it like NNY? One of the author’s main (and obvious) points is that criticism of Israel’s occupation is not anti-Semitic per se.
I should also call out the courageous Minnesota women in Congress, mentioned in the article, including Betty McCollum, who is trying to end US financial support for Israel’s shameful juvenile military detention system.
Yes, I did read your article, Joe. I just needed another one to help me understand if I’m being anti-semitic if I feel for the plight of the Palestines. I don’t feel anti-semitic. I’m just trying to sort it out. I am pro Israel but I don’t think Netanyahu is helping – I used to like him off and on and now I’ve come to not trust him. I understand how Israelis can feel frightened – they are surrounded by people who won’t accept their existence as a nation.
And I don’t understand the liberal connection to being antisemitic that Amy is talking about. Although I know I’m not on board with Louis Farrakhan – crazy man. He thinks white Jews or Ashkenazi Jews are Satanic – something like that. I’m pretty certain I’ve got Ashkenazi Jewish DNA from my father’s side of the family. There are extreme humans in all forms and colors with weird beliefs. Basically I as for humanitarian aid for who need it and I do include Palestinians in that but I can also see where living in a place like Isreal would be frightening. I’d want a bomb cellar. Maybe Farrakhan doesn’t mind Sephardic Jews? Generally, the same color as Greeks, Turks, Egyptians. It’s all very racist. Diversity makes us better – nationalism sucks. We should all have one purpose and that is love and caring for each other. It’s not right to want to build a border wall, for instance. Those people from Central American countries seeking a safer and better life — I’d take thousands of them and throw out the Trump Crime Family to make room! The world our planet our places to live is threatened by a climate crisis these greedy fools won’t even acknowledge. Many of them like Trump just don’t care and others of the GOP think there will be a “rapture” or Jesus will come and save them.
I have not read much on what Jeremy Corbyn but he sounds whacked like Farrakhan.
Ratcliff, I’m not sure why you feel like you need to read another article to understand if you’re being antisemitic. You seem like an intelligent and decent person. I’d be surprised if you have a racist or antisemitic bone in your body. Again, criticism of Israel’s policies is not itself antisemitic, however much some people try to slur others in that way.
Antisemitism is real of course but its worst effects are long in the past. Today, certainly in the US, anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, and homophobic attitudes are far more prevalent and destructive than antisemitism.
You mention Louis Farrakhan, who has pretty much zero to do with the Israeli occupation. Why focus on him? Why not focus on what Israel’s leaders say about, e.g. the Palestinians in Gaza. They talk of the need to “mow the grass” periodically, a blatantly racist slogan (human beings are grass?) which in practice means testing out the latest American weaponry on a defenceless people who are literally living under siege in an open air prison.
According to my brother (who sent away one of those DNA samples to be tested), I have a decent percentage of Ashkenazi blood as well. I don’t see how any of that matters in the 21st century. If you care about humanity, it should be obvious that a Jewish child is worth no more than a Palestinian child, or a Syrian child, or an Iranian child. Jewish children have suffered horribly in the past, but today their suffering is nothing compared to Palestinian children. That should be obvious to anyone who cares to look and learn. Liberal and progressives think of themselves as those kind of people, which is why Alexander’s piece is so valuable to read.
I haven’t been to this page in a very long time it feels like a thousand years has past.
I just read 2 or 3 comments in this page I won’t read the rest, honestly some of the comments i read are just too funny, complete nonsense.
Whether it’s about politics in the USA or Israel.
It just saddens me that they are people who are just blinded by stupidity and almost everything they say is just complete nonsense.
In the past I tried to reply to every comment in hope that I can convince or change the mind of someone who is just deceived or who supports pure evil.
I did all that in past out of true love and I was sincere, I didn’t want someone believing in an obvious lie.
Back then I barely new you guys and we haven’t discussed some of this topics or views before or in-depth so i had to say something, I had to aleast try because being silent when someone believes a lie or practices evil is not true love.
True love always speaks the truth no matter what, don’t misunderstand me I am not a know it all there are many things I don’t know, I am a student in this life, always willing to learn new things and I listen as well but there is right and wrong, truth and lies etc
I don’t give my ears to lies especially lies that are obviously false and I hate when people justify evil or call that which is good=evil and evil=good.
Some do it intentional to deceive others some simply do it because they are deceived.
Bottom line is this, please open your hearts don’t harden it by suppressing the truth, open yours ears and always check what is factual and what’s not, don’t let hatred consume, hate will always blind you from seeing what is right.
I sincerely wish you guys the very best and I hope one day maybe not today but someday you would appreciate all I have said to you in the past or now.
Joe you don’t know history, the history of Israel, you are obviously deceived and I can’t help you.
The facts don’t line up with the nonsense you believe.
If you really want to know the truth then you have to seek it yourself and believe me you will find it if sincerely search for it but I have a feeling you won’t seek for the truth or real facts.
Stupidity is a bliss and I sincerely feel sorry for you I honestly do.
Why is it hard for foolish people to learn?
Don’t mind me my old friend please seek for the truth and I promise you, you will find, believe me what you believe about Israel is a lie, you have been indoctrinated with lies.
Take care and I hope you find the truth, the real truth.
Joe, no i didn ‘t read it. But you don’t address any of the points i make above where criticism of Israel by the Corbyn left is used as a vehicle for the kind of rabid visceral antisemitism which has existed for centuries. Plus I point out that they are utterly obsessed with Israel while shamefully neglecting Syria, Myanmar, the Congo and so on. All of this refutes your starting point.
PS there are countless articles like the one you mention above written in Britain I don’t need to read another! it’s hardly a revolutionary argument!
There is very little if anything published like this in mainstream papers in the United States. One can read much more trenchant criticism in Israel itself, notably, Gideon Levy in Haaretz.
I was the one who posted first, so I might reasonably expect you (or others) to engage with the issue I raised, regarding the injustice of Israel’s occupation of Palestine.
I am an American and concerned, first and foremost, with what the United States does and supports. I posted an article by Nicholas Kristof a few weeks ago, about US support for Saudi Arabia’s merciless assault on Yemen, which is undoubtedly worse, morally speaking, than what Israel has done in Palestine.
Nevertheless, there is something uniquely problematic about Israel in this day and age. It practices a modern form of apartheid (which is what Jimmy Carter called it years ago), as is recognized by virtually the whole world, with very few exceptions. Notably, these include (apart from Jewish Israelis themselves), the United States. The latter’s financial and military support makes Israel’s racist occupation possible. Britain, not so much. It is very much a junior partner, as has been the case since 1945.
You make me sick! Literally! You know nothing about my people! You know nothing about how Jews have suffered for two thousand years. I have read the history of my people and know their suffering. Israel is surrounded by Arab countries! They have fought hard to survive! God knows the Jews need a country of their own! Six million had to due in WW II and out of that horror, the nation of Israel was born. They are surrounded by enemies.
Recently in this country, Jews worshipping were massacred by someone who kept shouting that he had to kill the Jews! So where does it stop?
I could say more, but am so utterly disgusted by you posting this link and trying to shamelessly stoke the fires of hatred and anti-semitism, that I cannot find polite words in the English language to express it.
Rc i feel for the plight of the Palestinians as I am sure does nny! There is nothing antisemitic in that!
There is no liberal connection to antisemitism here because Corbyn and his ilk despise liberalism!
Bibi is a corrupt disgrace imo with his support for Trump, Bolsonaro, Orban with his posters of Soros.
American Jews overwhelmingly vote Democrat just as British Jews have overwhelmingly until now voted Labour.
Got to go to bed now as about to drop dead!
Vamos Rafa for tonight!
This is a very happy day for me. Roger Stone was hauled out of his Florida home very early this morning in handcuffs. Slimy Nixon-loving, Trump-loving, money-grubbing Roger Stone – EPIC liar, naturally born con job. LOL I cannot stand what he represents. Go Mueller!
Yeah I saw that and whooped with joy!!
Stone is a loathsome criminal toerag like his partner in crime Manafort. It is absolutely shocking that they weren’t jailed long ago along with money laundering for the mob and Russians blatant out in the open felon Donny the Moron ( do you suppose Donny the Moron is his mob nickname?!)
I think orange Shitler’s real nickname is whatever ‘useful idiot’ is in Russian. I have and appointment to make this morning but I really want to watch Roger Stone proclaiming how wrong this is and how unfair, ect. on TV.
Hahahahah…. @realDonaldTrump is in a twitter frenzy about Roger Stone. He’s proclaiming how innocent Stone is and what a good man he is and on and on. Of course this is a witch hunt – Mueller is a disgrace! LOL
Mueller is definitely getting too close for comfort. They are starting to put the pieces together and make the case that Trump is none other than a paid shill working for Putin. It’s just so obvious! I also think Putin has something on Trump.
Omg, NNY- I PRAY that you are right!!! I just don’t know how those of us with even a shred of dignity will be able to get through the next 2 to (it hurts to even type it) 6 more years with this absolute scum of the Earth as the face of our country… Whatever his morals and policies may be, there is just no denying anymore that he is just a truly horrible human being. He is seriously he antithesis of what humans should strive to be. It’s pathetic how many people are willing to accept such a horrible person because they might save a few bucks on their taxes for a couple years, or whatever stupid reasons they have. NOTHING could possibly be worth THIS.
I have said this before: No progressive should want Trump to be impeached as long as Pence is his replacement. By all means let’s hope the Mueller investigation continues to hamper and distract Trump politically, but I don’t want to see him removed from office -however satisfying that might be.
Seriously! You don’t half pontificate Joe. ” no progressive should want trump impeached… ” listen to your language! You are always doing it.I don’t like people telling me how I should think and feel thank you.
Well, that language is just a manner of speaking. What I mean, obviously, is that Pence would be worse than Trump, from a progressive point of view. Why? Whereas Trump is a narcissistic buffoon whose sole concern is himself, Pence is a true believer with a scary agenda. I can’t think of a single issue on which Pence wouldn’t be worse.
Of course I don’t want Trump anywhere near the nuclear button. However, it must be said that so far, he has not started any major new war, has at least threatened to pull out of Syria, and has (unwittingly, no doubt) reduced tension with North Korea significantly. Whatever connections he has to Putin have at least reduced tensions in that direction as well. The consequences of his foreign policy have not been horrifically bad, whatever his intentions.
I am the last person who would call for impeachment lightly. I lived through Nixon and Watergate. The Republican senators went to Nixon and told him flat out that he would be convicted in the Senate is he was impeached in the House. He had no choice but to resign.
The impeachment of Bill Clinton was a joke and politically motivated. He was impeached by the House but not convicted in the Senate. So if Trump is impeached by the House, that goes not mean he will be convicted in the Senate. He could remain in office. Impeachment does not mean that Pence will become President. So we need to understand the process.
But the greatest danger without question, is Trump. This maniac is threatening to shut down the government again or call for a national emergency to circumvent the House to get funds for his dumbass wall. That would be unconstitutional and it would go to the courts.
We cannot have a president who will continue to hold Americans hostage without getting paid do he can get money for a wall that we don’t need. This is a man who is clearly mentally ill, yet holds the nuclear codes.
There is no one more dangerous to this country than a man who betrayed his country to get money from Russia and have them interfere with our electoral system to get him elected president.
Joe- I hear what you are saying. You are right that Pence is more conservative than Trump is some regards, as he is a hardcore Fundamentalist Christian. But as I stated above, I couldn’t care less about policy at this point. It’s strictly about doing what is right, and not having a completely amoral, mean-spirited, painfully insecure piece of trash as the face of this country. As a left-leaning person, I have lived through plenty of Republican Presidency’s, and this is an entirely different issue. I fundamentally disagreed on just about every issue with someone like Bush Jr.- that’s normal. I see Trump as the absolute epitome of everything this country does NOT stand for. I will never understand how someone who so blatantly cares about himself only could convince anyone that he is any sort of “populist”. He is literally the POLAR OPPOSITE of everything he claims to stand for. It’s unbelievable. This goes so far beyond any sort of politics- it is 100% about a complete lack of common decency and respect for your fellow people. As much as the thought of Mike Pence as the President makes me want to vomit, I would rather have him in a heartbeat if it meant that this complete shitshow would be over.
I, personally, do not want him to be impeached! I want him to LOSE an election. I want to see him admit that he lost, and that we definitively don’t want him (even though the fact that the minority of voters voted for him the first time).
Thanks, Kevin. I understand, of course, and can see your point. Trump is in a class of his own in terms of being a human low-life. Absolutely, the best thing would be for him to lose an election. (He already did, of course, but for the stupid system known as the electoral college.)
But as much as appearances matter, so do consequences. Pence is an openly bigoted fundamentalist Christian. He would try to set gay rights back by decades. He would be far more of a war-mongerer, imo, than Trump, who is if anything a kind of isolationist. And he would pursue many other domestic policies that would chip away at the separation of church and state. I just think he would be worse, overall, than Trump, partly because he seems to be very disciplined and committed to the horrible things he believes in. By comparison, an amoral buffoon may not be so bad.
RIP British democracy! As we hurtle towards no deal it is difficult to think of any time in modern history when our parliament with a small number of honourable exceptions has been so gutless, spineless and catastrophically inept. We are in Orwellian country having stepped through the looking glass and dealing now in language which is merely a species of gibberish and nonsense prattling on endlessly about the second world war ( which apparently we won all by ourselves) which is a custom-made metaphor for every new nonsense and absurdity we embrace. Let’s set up the East India Company again shall we!force the Chinese to buy our opium!
We are beyond stupid and entering the world of twitler. Indeed American dark money is already in the system waiting to rip our public services to shreds.
Sending love and hugs to nny and rc.Horrible and predictable what that utter jerk is doing. Solidarity with all Americans here…Kevin and Joe…and anyone else I have forgotten as unsure of their nationality.
PS things here in GB are grotesque as well…
I have not been in here lately, so I did not see your comment. It is getting unbearable to live with this monstrosity as president. I keep thinking it’s a nightmare and I will wake up.
We have to win in 2020, unless the Orange Menace gets impeached and winds up in jail. The Southern District of New York is setting their sights on Trump and his family. He cannot escape state charges. This may be the way they get him in the end. We know now that Trump has been running a criminal enterprise under the guise of a real estate company. It is time for him to be held accountable for his crimes. Whoever succeeds him as president he a going to have a Godawful mess to clean up. Trump us bankrupting this country while he lines his pockets.
If there are any New Zealanders here, and especially those from Christchurch, I want to extend my condolences to you and to all the innocent victims of yesterday’s horrific massacre. I also want to extend the same condolences to all Muslims on this site and especially to Mira.
Awww….Thank u so much joe!….Really really appreciate it!
U’re one of the few peoples here who always have a sympathy for us muslims…Coming from a nice non muslim like u joe…God!…u have no idea how much it moved me…Thank u once again joe!
Oh!…I also read that the attacker is a Trump fan & got inspired by Candace Owen to do that massacre…
I wonder what’s on their mind (that millions of peoples who voted Trump)when they knew about this?They ‘helped’ borne this monster…Will they even feel guilty?
You’re welcome, Mira. No doubt: Trump has been a disaster for everyone, but especially all non-Anglos: Muslism, Jews, blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians. White supremacists love him.
Oh btw…Good luck to Rog & u & all Fedfans for their showdown tomorrow joe!….As a Rafan,i hope Rafa will win…but will be happy too if Rog win…with Rafa’s knee is in bad shape…i think we all know what the result would be…but…we never know!….maybe ‘magic’ will happen tomorrow!!…Good day to u joe!
The walking carbuncle has just arrived on British soil so I just wanted to post a cordial f**k off to the intelligence free zone. Same to his co-grifter Melania.
Plenty of fascists in Britain now for him to hob nob with so he should be happy.
Is it any coincidence that Britain and America have both seen such a catastrophic moral and political collapse? I don’t think so.
Good to see the great UK approval ratings that Twitler is always boasting about projected onto the Tower of London against Obama’s current approval rating:
Trump 21%
Obama 72%
Well the Tower of London is a suitable place to highlight the abject failures of traitors.
Yes Elizabeth Warren is good Bernie is still great. But I imagine NNY might have a different viewpoint. Democrats are not together on whom would win and why again.
But I shall not vote for anyone other than the Dem nominee. It will be hard because I have no faith in anyone not strong on healthcare reform, tax increase for the wealthy, gun reform, drastic measures to reduce fossil fuels/ save the planet. I don’t believe in a second coming of the messiah, so that’s not an option to me nor can I afford a shuttle to mars. I want my planet earth!!
Bernie is very divisive Elizabeth. A lot of Dems don’t like him partly because he isn’t a Dem! And he is unpopular with the Dems most loyal voting base. Also there is a lot of antipathy towards the Bernie Bros who are seen as misogynist.
I am writing this from the perspective of a Brit but I follow American politics pretty intensively.
I think Twitler would rather fight Bernie than Warren as he can use the socialist card.
I think Warren is an amazing candidate and I would love her to get the nomination. I really hope that twerp Biden doesn’t get it.
Just my 2 cents….
Oh you do make good points. But the divisiveness is splitting the Dems. Many of us demand more social changes than middle ground Dems offer. We don’t need another Obama at this point. The world needs the US to be a strong healthy democracy. We will not get there without taking care of our elderly, homeless, and continuing to destroy the planet for oil and fossil fuels. The US and UK need to free themselves of the corruption and see clearly again. We need each other. We do have to protect ourselves against Nationalism and greedy Capitalists. We don’t want foreign countries meddling in our elections to save Trump or whomever the idiot is that seeks to rewrite the constitution so that we have an authoritarian dictator in charge.
But forget about my idealism and dreamy love of democracy and justice for all. I will settle for whomever the Dems nominate. Anything but give this one another term or make him leader of America for life.
So don’t you see Warren doing that?! She has plenty of progressive policies committed to redistribution of wealth and break up of monopolies as well as being strong on health care..she isn’t a centrist!
She is good, through and through. I am not confused and you are not confused. We know what we need. Bernie is the original on taking back what we’ve lost. We should have had him last time. Of course, he’s going to take a lot of dissing from all sides. I still love him.
But I love Elizabeth Warren also. I guess even Joe Biden or someone similarly questionably a corporate and Wall Street crony will do. But not a crazy devotee of himself, so corrupt he believes his own lies. We have to rid ourselves of TRump and that is what all Democrats understand. I can give up my idealism to get rid of that hideous creep.
My biggest worry is that
a. The elections will be rigged. Not just through foreign interference and corrupt Zuckerberg Facebook policies &tc. but through manipulation of the electronic voting counts. No forensics were properly done for the last election! Am sure you know Moscow Mitch has a dubious relationship with manufacturers of the machines and we know the Russians tried to hack them before.
b. I worry Twitler won’t concede and will try and incite violence and false conspiracy theories. He can try and cash in his cheques with the Supreme Court where his rapist will pay up.
Also voter suppression. Without voter suppression they wouldn’t have won last time!
yes, yes, yes. All of it worries me. And we just have to see if we prevail before more injustices are enforced and freedoms are lost. Sometimes I can see nothing less than all out war, Trump for life — Just what our real haters and enemies want to drive us to….complete chaos and the end. Like Rome, expected to indulge, live for ourselves to the end and fall. Because the bible tells us this is how it goes. It is the way Mike Pence and Lindsey Graham and millions of other idiots want it.
Amy, it’s best for me not to get worked up about it. I can only do what I can. Vote and join in the Trump resistance at every chance I get.
Sorry darling, we won’t talk about it if it is too much for you! Hell I spend enormous amounts of time worrying about America and I am British!
Just want you and nny to know that you have my love and support…
We’ll talk tennis for now..and I love the painting elephant…
I think it is good if we are strong together though…
Yes Amy, tired as I get, I never forget about you over there on the great Island. I want what you want. Are you going to have another general election on Brexit? I though I heard something about it. That would be huge!
We wait another year for a general election and then we know how corrupt it is set up with the electoral college but I’m being told to not to lose heart – get out a vote. So I’m set to vote again in Boise in December trying get a new Mayer for this red state city. We need a mayor willing to address the high cost of public transportation, the food insecurity, the hopelessness and need for affordable housing. And not sell off all our public lands for profit. We need out trails and habitat preserved.
For the first time in the history of the City of Boise, Idaho, we voted in a Female and she happens to be a Democrat. All hope is not lost!
I happened to check in here and read your political discussion. I have very strong feelings about what it will take to defeat the Orange Menace. The divisions in the Democratic Party could prove fatal. We have to focus on getting Trump out! The most important thing!
You both will probably not agree with me, so I hesitate to state where I am at. We won in 2018 by putting up solid moderate candidates in places where Trump won in 2016. We stuck to bread and butter issues. The general electorate is not as liberal as the Democratic base. The simple fact is that this race will be decided in about six swing states. Polls are showing it competitive with Trump right now. The Democratic Party cannot move too far to the left. I am just keeping it real. We can fight about policies after we get the presidency and the Senate.
I am supporting Biden. We know that Trump does not want to face him because he has Guiliani running all over the world to get dirt on him. His own polls will show that Biden can beat him. He will never come out and say it, but he is going to a lot of trouble to get dirt on Biden. Sorry but I don’t think Warren can win because she has moved too far to the left.
I think Biden is the one to beat Trump. Coverage has been crappy with our cable news here. But he has the support of African Americans and can win in the crucial swing states. Bernie is a Socialist and will never win. The whole focus has to be on getting Trump out if we want to save this country. We can not afford the kind of divisiveness we had in 2016. All hands on deck. United. We also need to get control of the Senate. I being pragmatic, although I do genuinely like Biden. He will restore sanity and had experience in international affairs and can reassure our allies. There will be a lot of work to do to repair the mess that Trump has made. But he is far too dangerous. He has to go.
I will do what I can in Florida, but this is a corrupt state. It will be a battle to win Florida. I am already very stressed about the 2020 election. Everything is at stake. Democrats must unite around the nominee. None of the nonsense we had with Hillary and people voting for third party candidates or not voting at all. No one will get the nomination without support from African Americans.
What can anyone expect from morons like you idiots? pure stupidity, when you are full of hate and consume too much fake news this the result.
Anyways Congrats to everyone in UK what an amazing election victory this is what democracy looks like can’t wait for 2020 in the USA it would be a big win.
Just calling out to fellow “tennisgranders worldwide:”
I hope you and your loved ones are alive and well and personally untouched by Covid-19, our current plague.
Particularly thinking of NNY, Margot, Amy, Alison, Mira Andi, Hawkie, Ricky but generally having all here in mind. (Too many to name)
Also hoping we win the battle sooner than later and can get back to enjoying things like watching tennis and playing a weekly bracket challenge. Love to all.
Hey hey hey amy!…Yeah!…Alhamdulillah!…i’m good amy!…Hehe….thanks for asking!
Hope u’re very ok too amy!…but i heard..situation not that good over there huh?U take good care of yorself when/if u go out k?
Things are pretty terrible here mira as our government is utterly incompetent! It’s scary and I try to be careful. Am writing in haste so will try and write more tomorrow…
Glad you are ok mira!
Hi Elizabeth, lovely to see you! Am very worried about nny as she is one of our older tenngranders and has asthma. I have left numerous posts on other threads for her hoping she might see them.
Very good to see you here darling! Stay strong!
PS if I have to hear one single word more from that murdering lying psychopathic orange piece of garbage I will go insane! Very worried about the election.
PSS finally we have a real leader of the opposition who is capable of winning an election. He is Keir Starmer a heavyweight ex human rights lawyer. I signed up for his leadership campaign. After years of the useless Jezza this is a profound relief!
The Government might be totally incompetent to handle the crisis, but Im not sure Labour wouldnt be even worse( with or without different leader ! Cant disagree about the other one across the pond.
Anyweay, nice to hear from RC. To the day we will be able to see real tennis again!
Nny and Rc sending you tons of love and thinking of you both.
Lock him up!
He is a murderous sadistic sociopath who should have been in jail a long time ago.
I posted on the regular forum, but wanted to come here to let everyone know that I am okay. I have health problems that put me at high risk and am at an age where I am very vulnerable. My doctors made sure to let me know to stay at home during the lockdown and avoid crowds and wash my hands and use hand sanitizer, the whole deal. At least now I can go to the hairdresser.
Trump is getting worse by the day. It truly frightens me. This man is a monstrosity. What he did to those protestors so that he could walk over to that church and hold a bible upside down like a moron, was beneath contempt. He is dividing the country at a time when thousands of people are dying every day. It breaks my heart.
Trump fired this guy in the DOJ because he was investigating Trump and his cronies. Along with the crooked Attorney General Barr, they are getting rid of anyone who tries to get at the truth. It is imperative that we get this criminal out of the White House! His rhetoric has caused a resurgence of far right wing groups like the boogaloo boys to create mayhem. They are a far right wing group that wants to overthrow the government and start a second civil war. It’s not the left wing groups like antifa that are trying to start trouble. It is the lunatic fringe far right that is trying to create violence.
I weep for the state of my country. I hope we cam hang on until the election, people have to vote like their lives depend on it!
Missing tennis, missing forum chatter, missing RAFA!
I’ll happily settle for VOTE HIM OUT! (then lock him up!)
Why does chicken Donald Trump cross the road? So he can stand in front of a church and wave “a bible”! He can’t even think of anything to say! For this he has to use rubber bullets and tear gas on peaceful protesters exercising their right to assemble?
Just thought I’d post on here in these extraordinary times. I do hope dear Andy Mira, Elizabeth, NNY, Amy. Alison and others, too many to mention, are safe and as sane as possible. And Ricky and Cheryl, if she’s here too of course.
Thought I’d also tell you that Ed died earlier in the year, not Covid related, she’d got very frail. I know she had a soft spot for Hawkeye, but don’t see any sign of him on here.
Amy: completely agree with you about the state of the UK. I voted for Starmer as he seems honest, intelligent and has integrity. I stark contrast to you know who….Take care, keep a candle burning in these dark, dark times.
Margot! Lovely to see you darling!
So sad about Ed.
Am obsessed with politics. Will write here again about my absolute f#cking fury at the corruption going on in this country. Cummings is destroying everything.
I volunteered for Starmer and am a big fan but he is having to do way too much by himself. Dear Jezza left the party in a dreadful state which complicates his every move.
Please stay so we can talk Margot! Nny, Rc, Mira and Alison will all be overjoyed if you post here and lots of people here like Andy.
We have to look to set up a grass roots organisation to save our democracy. Things are spiralling out of control very fast and BBC and so on aren’t reporting what is really going on.BBC have been useless and supine for years..
Hey hey hey M!…. Woohoo!… U’re here!!..Missed u!.. Hehe.. Hope u will come more often!…so we can talk tennis till we vomit!…hehe..
Ermm… Thank u for letting us know bout Ed M… Even tho I’m not close with her.. But, she’s Rafan.. therefore she’s family.. and definitely will miss her & her post too…
Sending my huge love to u M, RC,Alison,amy, Nny, Ramara & all Rafans from across the pond!…
Hope u guys will keep strong in this tough moments!
Love to you and your family, Mira Andi. Hope you are well.
I’m hanging in taking my anxiety day by day. Counting the days until Trump finally gets voted out! It’s a priority. That man is dangerous. If he had his way he would be dictator for life. Scary times.
Hey RC!… Miss u like crazy!.. Really missed our daily chats too…
How r u? R u ok? Would love to know what’s happening in your life… but also understand your circumstances… U keep hang in there ok? U can do it babe!
Bout Trump… My God!… I can’t believe THE ALMIGHTY USA has this President as their leader!I also can’t remember USA’s image fallen this low..all bcoz of him.. I feel so angry when he’s downplaying & undermining everything’s that related to Covid…even after almost 200k lives lost so far…
Makes me more angry when he refused to take responsibilty for what he did.. Instead have the audacity to blaming others when he’s the one who sits in the office & in charge of everything’s…
RC… How come Trump is being allowed to do this to your country? Rasism, violence, killing people by authorities spreading like wildfires & his supporters free to do what they wants? It’s as if USA has no law & integrity now..
I hope Biden & Kamala will win.. Maybe they will treat US citizens much better than Trump… Let’s hope..
I don’t know how ordinary working people like myself could be attracted to him. It’s just mind-boggling that people see him as a Christian or an honest man.
He has wealthy, powerful enablers in high positions and probably has dossiers of dirt on every one of them as they do on him – so the crooks hang together and come out swinging in defense of each other – he’s the Boss over them. Others, smarter than me, believe he’s like a cult leader – a charismatic Hitler type. I do worry that he will definitely have his own official roaming army like Hitler’s Gestapo if reelected.
Pardon my foul language but we truly are fucked if we can’t get him voted out this time!
Nice to connect again Amy, Andy M and Ramara.
I’ll keep in touch on here.
Not sure when tennis will be back to “normal.” The USOpen will be very strange for sure.
I am so glad to see you here! But I am devastated by the loss of Ed. We go way back, as you know. I wondered where she was. She has not been posting much. I am so sad.
I am really stressed out about what is happening in the U.S. it just tears me apart! Trump is a maniac who is out of control. People are dying every day and all he does is golf and tweet! Now he is sending in storm troopers to attack protesters in Portland. I never thought I would live to see the day that a president would do something like this. I also think it is a dress rehearsal for the election. He is going to lose and when he does, he will create chaos and havoc. What a monster he is! Just pure evil!
I hope that everyone is well. Amy, Elizabeth, Alison, Mira Andi and all tenngranders. Also Ricky and Cheryl.
Hi nny. I am thinking of both you and Elizabeth and I am extremely worried about both of you.
What is going on now with the orange psycho is fascism pure and simple. And I agree that it will only get worse.
Whatever the polls say we know the election will be rigged and my biggest fear is the electronic voting machines where the voter tallies can be changed remotely. This has happened before ffs! so I really really struggle with the anodyne comments from Pelosi about not taking action on various fronts, including against that vicious crook Barr, and saying people should vote them out in November. This is just fairy tale stuff given what is going on. Weeks ago large numbers of top lawyers, including Republican s, said Barr should be impeached. Yet Pelosi obstructs all calls to action. Why didn’t they insist that paper ballots be given the green light as a quid pro quo.for the GOP slush fund bailouts for their friends and donors? I know you like Pelosi but I honestly feel like shouting when I hear her responses.
I am really really scared of what is going on.( I know a lot about it as I read a lot of American commentators).
Even if the orange psycho loses he will try and unleash all kinds of hell.
Thinking about you and Elizabeth and sending you both love xxx
PS the moms of Portland standing there being attacked every night fill.me with pride and hope and we have to try and hold on to these inspiring images and try and do whatever we can. Any positive action, however small, counts in the fight against darkness. However bad things are, and they are very very bad, we have to believe we can fight and overcome them.
Nny, just seen more incredibly inspiring footage from Portland. A grandfather with a turbo charged lawn blower to counteract the tear gas; lines of veterans;so many inspiring brave wonderful people. They deserve so much better from the
Dem leadership.
So proud of the protesters in my former hometown, Amy.
Wish I was on the streets with them.
Idaho is uselessly Trumplican. But I will vote.
I could not be prouder of those Moms in Portland! God bless them! Of course it would take women to do it!
I am just sick about what is happening in my country. To see it come to this is just truly heartbreaking. Trump has blood on his hands for the deaths of too many Americans. Now finally people camp see what an utter fraud he is. This monster cannot handle a serious health crisis because he has failed at everything in his life.
The governor in Florida is a stupid Trump clone who has also created a disaster here. The moron wants to open up schools. So now he and Tru,p are all about killing children and teachers. A lot of people are going to die needlessly because of a governor who is flat out incompetent,
I don’t think that impeaching anyone at this point will be feasible. Impeaching Trump sure didn’t work. It only emboldened him. If course the Republicans in the senate will have to answer for going along with Trump.
We have to be ready for tricks, voter suppression and anything Trump can think of to screw up this election. It is going to be bad.
It’s true that I like Nancy Pelosi because she has managed to handle Trump. Nobody in politics is perfect. I know that. But she has tried to be tough and do the right thing. Maybe she should have done more. I am just trying to stay sane through all this and hope the nightmare of neo-fascism in this country can be defeated.
Good to hear from you NNY and glad you’re OK.
Here in UK we have our very own Trump Mark 2, but he’s just the puppet, the bloke pulling his strings is the real daemon.
Dreadful things seem to be happening in the US regarding state troops and martial law.
Stay safe.
It’s Cummings and Gove working in tandem isn’t it Margot? As they did before. They’re both deeply dangerous and deeply sinister.
Although Johnson himself is a revolting amoral chancer. God knows why people are fooled by him and his Etonian schtick. I understand why people were fooled by his tv incarnation, as with the orange psycho, but the minute they started to speak as they really were it was obvious how loathsome and dangerous they both were.
Thanks RC. Here in the UK, the Covid thing is now second wave Boris has just addressed the nation. But like many people I’m a bit blasé about the whole thing,just glad there’s tennis to enjoy..
Hello ladies, good to see you all, and welcome Margot, hope your all safe and well, i just want to send this clip, as i think we could all do with a laugh, its not very long , but its still very funny https://youtu.be/HQkSMJFJu4g enjoy
Same Margot, darling – so good to know you are still here. Mostly depressed and angry. Not at all comfortable with the state of the planet and present leadership.
Hey hey hey Nny!… How r u over there Nny? I’m so sorry for what happen in your state k? Yeah! DeSantis really is Trump clone… I wonder how he feels when Trump insulted those dead heroes? I bet, He didn’t feel angry at all!..Well.. I’m not surprised!
Hey! I am hanging in there amidst this pandemic and the chaos created by the Orange Menace!
I would love to know what DeSantis thinks of what Trump said about our dead heroes. Coming from a pathetic coward, that shows who he really is! I am so ashamed of that monster!
Lovely to “see” you alive, well and Kicking, Elizabeth.
Stay that way.
Keep sane, keep safe everyone and “Keep The Red Flag Flying” Amy.
Didnt know which thread to put this on, just wanted to say hi to Elizabeth, and NNY, hope you are okay in these trying times, HUGs and STAY SAFE my friends XX
RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Inspirational woman.
Can someone please shove Moscow Mitch and the rest of the death cult/ crime gang in jail and throw away the key!
Nny and Elizabeth,
Am very very worried about the situation with the Supreme Court. Can the Dems stop them installing a tame fascist before the election?
# Moscow Mitch is a cynical amoral crook who should be in jail.
I have been mourning the loss of our beloved Notorious RBG. I know she tried to hang on until we got a new president. What a great lady! Moscow Mitch is acting before this woman has even been buried! He is a monster. They screwed Obama over in nit letting him appoint a Justice to replace Scalia. Now they are doing it while voting has already started.
From what I have heard on the news, we need four Republican senators to join the Democrats to block this nomination. So far we have two -Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. We need two more.
We are all worried about the situation with the Supreme Court. The Affordabje Care Act is under attack from Trump. The Supreme Court will decide if it is unconstitutional. Then there is Roe v Wade. Trump will appoint some conservative have to tilt the balance to the right.
There are Republicans up for re-election and how they vote could determine control of the Senate. Mitt Romney and Cory Gardner are two to keep an eye on.
RBG’s dying wish was that she not be replaced until the next president is elected. But I fear that it won’t happen.
I am sick about what is happening in this country.
Nny, isn’t it likely that Romney will vote with the Dems? Getting the fourth senatorwill presumably be very very difficult.
Impeachment hearings take precedence over judicial appointments so the Dems could impeach that revolting thug Barr?! Even Conservative legal commentators say he deserves to be impeached. He is an Opus Dei fascist.
I really feel for you and Elizabeth having to go through this nightmare. I think of you both often. Sending love to you both!
Have just seen that Romney has caved to pressure! Pathetic and not for the first time!
Yes, Romney caved. The only recourse would be to try to impeach Barr. I can’t see them going after the Orange Menacr again. So it will do is delay the inevitable.
Listening to the Republicans lie like two-faced morons, makes me sick. This is going up tilt the court to the right. I just hope that the stupid idiots who sat out the 2016 election or voted for third party candidates, are satisfied. I will never forgive the Progressives for wallowing in self-pity and selfishness. Young people in this country don’t vote in large numbers. Elections have consequences.
RBG had one dying wish – to have her replacement picked by the new president. But the Republicans are spitting on her in death.
District Attorney Cyrus Vance in New York say that they are looking at bank fraud with Trump. They are still litigating the release of Trump’s tax returns in the appeals court. Vance is trying to make the case for getting them. They already subpoenaed records from Deutsche Bank. So they now know what their are looking for. The tax returns will help prove the bank fraud and also tax fraud. So he has revealed what they are going after. We need to get the Orange Menace out of office so they can finally prosecute him.
I am very upset about what is going on in this country. Barr should end up in jail for his crimes. Meanwhile, the criminal Orange Menace is killing more people with his rallies. He pretends as though the virus is gone while we are now over 200,000 dead.
I hope that I can survive this and people come out en masse to throw the bastard out. Also the miserable piece of crap Moscow Mitch.
At least your Prime Minister is implementing another lockdown. Here Trump and the Republicans are letting people die.
I don’t sleep well at night. It has broken my heart to see what this monstrosity has done to my country.
The love and support here has been a great help. Thank you so much.
Nny, you do have my love and support! I know the situation is terrible and there is no point in pretending otherwise.
Just as an aside, Johnson and his henchmen Cummings and Gove are engaging in terrifying levels of corruption and kleptocracy siphoning off billions to dodgy companies while attacking all the institutions -most frighteningly judicial review. The situation here is very grave and we have no written constitution and no mid terms. We also have a nut case group of brexiteer leavers who are radicalized to the point of madness who support Johnson in the same way that there is a group.who idolize Trump with many similarities between the 2, especially with regard to nastiness, stupidity and gullibility. So I sleep badly as well!
I don’t think.it’s a coincidence that the Anglosphere has gone insane at the same time.
I have been thinking a lot about you and Elizabeth and wondering, if the orange moron steals the election, if you have thought of moving to Canada? I know that practically speaking this is very very difficult but it may become very dangerous to stay in America. I think that if we can’t vote the current criminal cabal out here I will probably try and go abroad to Europe.
Stay strong darling! We have to try and do what we can now but having a plan to get out if things get very bad is prudent – if one is able to leave that is. I know that financially it’s very very difficult.
Love for now darling
So happy Trump caught the virus!!! I don’t mean to say I wish him dead, cough, cough. It’s just pure happiness because he called it a hoax and did squat to provide PPE when and where it was needed and he had the stinking hubris to bad-mouth Dr. Fauci! And a bunch of other reasons I can’t go into because take forever and I hate him and his sycophantic Trumplicans and those gun-toting cultist “bad boys” he likes to rile up at his speeches. How the heck can anybody…..believe a word he says and not understand that he is anti-democracy. The wanna-be dictator…
end of rant. !@$%^^&*((O%^(%TTYYKL I swear!
One good piece of news today.
Louise Gluck won the Nobel prize for literature. She is one of my 2 favourite modern poets.
Anne Carson was also on the shortlist and would also have been a deserved winner. She is a genius! She is also a fave..just not quite as much as Gluck..
Great to see amazing women poets who are both intellectual power houses getting the recognition they deserve..!
Yes indeed Elizabeth!
I don’t wish the orange psycho a speedy recovery. Quite the reverse. Hope he takes his fellow fascists including creep of the century Pence with him.
Just a couple of lines for Nny and Elizabeth saying hello darlings and thinking of you loads during these crucial and almost unbearably stressful weeks…
Lots of love
Ps I really can’t stand Gilead handmaid Amy tonofrubbish Barrett. Does she ask for her husband’s permission before she brushes her teeth?! Yuk! All the GOP, orange psycho supporting women look the same..ie made out of plastic, mostly with died blonde hair and utterly venal at the centre..
BTW what the help is going on with Feinstein hugging that loathsome reptile Graham and saying the confirmation hearings have been great when they have been a farce? I don’t know anything about her, being English, but I have seen other hearings when I thought she was absolutely terrible.
The Dems shouldn’t have people like that representing them.
No, I don’t consider her a Democrat anymore. She’s completely made of the same reptilian skin as her transformed highness miss Linda Graham aka that senator Lindsey, from South Carolina.
I don’t even consider Biden a Democrat but I’ll vote I did. Sad choices again but God SAVE the planet, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!!
How are you, and nny, doing Elizabeth?
I am so exhausted in the lead up to the election that I can’t imagine how the 2 of you are feeling…and there is this sense of lurking horror and dread that we know the orange psycho will be trying to steal it by manipulating the vote tallies. I really worry about the electronic machines where the tallies can be altered remotely.
I have been in tears watching people stand in line for 6/7 hours waiting to vote and thinking of the evil, evil people who are trying to take their votes away.
I really really hope Biden and his team have a plan to put in place for polling day and afterwards to counteract attempts at theft. I am pleased, in this regard, that Kamala is VP pick as she is very strong and tough with a lawyer’s background…
I was actually a total nervous wreck and basket case going into the election last time after that fraud Comey broke the Hatch Act. If he hadn’t done that, despite everything, Hillary would almost certainly have won. Trying not to make myself practically ill with worry like last time but boy is it difficult. As I said, I can’t imagine how awful it must be for both of you.
Lots of love, Nny and Elizabeth and thinking of you!
Last week I decided to go vote on person. I did not bother to ask my doctors. I knew what I had to do. I had my mask, my hand sanitizer and waited in line. It was about an hour from the time I got there. It felt so good to see my ballot scanned. Done! Florida is very important. I survived and am glad that I did it.
I am a nervous wreck. I freak out when I watch cable news. I am afraid of what Trump and the Republicans will do to steal this election. They are so dirty and vile.
Trump is killing people with these rallies. The other night after the rally ended his campaign did not have buses to take the people back to their cars. Some of them wound up in the hospital due to exposure to the cold. Then he had a rally in Tampa, Florida and the heat caused about a dozen people to be taken to the hospital.
The virus is coming back strong here, not that we ever got it under control. The next few months are supposed to be the worst of it with the virus. In Florida the governor has cut back on testing. A lot of people are going to die needlessly because the Orange Menace is in denial about the virus.
Biden IS a Democrat! Just because Bernie Sanders didn’t get the nomination, does not mean that Biden is not a Democrat. He was Vice President for eight years with Obama and they brought the economy back and gave us Affordable healthcare. He is a good and decent man who has had more than his share of tragedy in his life. To see him have to suffer attacks on his only living son, made me sick. It is horrendous. But the threat we face from the Orange Menace is greater than any differences we may have. Young people can no longer sit out elections and then blame baby boomers for the state of the country. It is time to take responsibility and step up and be counted.
Biden was the best candidate to beat Trump. Sometimes you don’t always get the one you want, but that’s the way it is. Saving our democracy from a madman like Trump is the priority.
I won’t have a decent night’s sleep until I know the winner. I just pray that we can surmount the voter suppression, the dirty tricks, the lies, intimidation and threats. The future of the country depends on it.
Butting in, in case Amy is too busy to read the forum. Joe Biden was chosen by the blacks, sort of. He kind of inherited the black vote from being Obama’s veep. I just hope he surrounds himself with good people and actually *listens* to them. At least he’s not Trump so we have that much going for us!
Cheers. Agree. Negative vote, “not Trump” but whatever it takes.
Advantage of Biden is that orange psycho can’t use him in culture wars and rile up right wingers in way he obviously could with either Bernie or Warren. I really wanted Warren to get the nomination but a left of centre woman probably can’t get elected or only narrowly thus leading to attempts to steal the election. Of course they are going to try and steal it anyway but more difficult with greater margin of victory.
Misogyny a big problem in America..
Elizabeth, turns out Feinstein ‘s husband and Epstein were in business together. Who would have thought it?! excuse sarcasm!
Her behaviour on the committee was absolutely appalling and begs the question as to what the hell.she was doing there in the first place?!
She should be stood down. But the Dems shouldn’t have had her there fronting their efforts. Some of the old guard need to go.
Darling AM are you not doing the challenge, or are you now “Big Al?”
Good to see Elizabeth back there.
Hope you are OK. I am full of rage and despair, not a good look.
Hey hey hey M!…There u r!… Tried to find u & RC in Paris..but u guys turned up in Cologne & Antwerp it seems!..hahaha! ..i’ll meet u guys in Vienna next k?…btw,missed u both very much!…
To Nny & RC…go kick Trump’s a$$ very hard on 3rd ok?
Hey back M!…What do u mean we jinxed each other in Vienna M?About Novak & Thiem being in the final?And with Thiem win?…If so!…Oh yeahhh!!…hehehe…
Other members picks r very interesting too!…backhandpass picked Rublev over Thiem(the defending champ)…and dear RC picked Tsitsi over Novak & Thiem…It’s all possible!…Let’s see who’s going to bite the trophy come sunday!..Good luck to all Bracketeers!!
I nearly picked Thiem but went with Djoko.Rublev tough one for Thiem.
We could have done with a Master’s,the fields good enough!
Mira Andi,
As I said in my post above, I already kicked Trump’s ass in early voting! I braved the virus to vote in person. The lines were crazy.
We will know the result in Florida because get they count mail in ballots before Election Day. They have a very good operation, so we will know that night. Not the same for other states. There is concern about Republicans out voting Democrats in Miami-Dade county. We need Palm Beach county, Broward county and Miami-Dade to run up big enough totals to offset the northern part of the state. So that is concerning. I have been hearing that the Republicans gig to the Latinos there with this business of Biden being a Socialist. Republicans find a way to depress turnout or mess with people to screw up the voting.
Amy is right about Biden. Bernie or Warren would hsve been destroyed by Trump. Biden is not a woman. Misogyny is a problem in America, still unfortunately. Trump’s attacks against Biden are not working. He has been disgusting and revolting about Kamala Harris. Ugh!
Biden will have very good people around him if he wins. He will need them, because Trump is going to leave him a godawful mess! The Progressives will have a seat at the table. It is going to take a lot of hard work to restore this country.
Four years ago I heard that there was no difference between Trump and Hillary. Well we know that nothing could be further from the truth! Losing the 2016 election cost us the Supreme Court. This right wing Barrett woman is going to do a lot of damage.
I hope that I survive this. The stress is killing me.
I was teasing Andy M!
I’ve noticed I often have the same winners as you, but not in these two! You must know something about Norrie I don’t. And indeed Harris.
Yes I saw it! Good on Marcus Rashford for all this hey?!
Btw Margot, I expect you know already, but gonna mention it in case you don’t: jolyon Maugham of the Good Law Project has been at the forefront of fighting appalling gov corruption especially regarding procurement of ppe. If you don’t know, his Twitter feed gives details. But it makes one absolutely incandescent with rage so don’t read if you want to have a good day. This country is an out and out kleptocracy under Johnson, Cummings and Gove.
This is why they are going against judicial review to try and shut down attempts at scrutiny.
Take Back Control!! Ha f%%king ha!
But seriously, Maugham needs our support. I do and would be fantastic to pass it on to others to get them to help.
As I said, you probably know already so apologies if going over ground you know in advance..
We are as one! I already send a small monthly donation to Good Law.
Only the law stands between us and these “scum” and they try to undermine it at every opportunity.
Rage and despair
I thought you would know!
Then I expect you have heard the new dreadful revelations by Maugham and also read Monbiot’s latest in the Graun?
I honestly feel like I am being electrocuted with rage when I read about this brazen looting of the state. Sometimes I have to force myself not to read it.
There is no way they are going to let us have a fair election with this corruption and theft going on.
As for Jezza, I just wish he would shut up and go away. He and his mates are responsible for getting us in this appalling situation. He should have recognised he was going to be annihilated electorally ( he was constantly around – 44 in the polls as leader)and let someone ie Starmer take over. Starmer could have won against that scarcely sentient pork pie Johnson, or at least left us with another hung parliament.
I agree with you. Corbyn should’ve kept his gob shut. His reaction was like one of those emails you fire off and then wish you hadn’t! A measured response even, but he gave Starmer no alternative. Despair again, is the LP going to spend the next decade tearing itself to pieces.
And as for Len McLusky! He’s a dinosaur and belongs to another age.
Feeling majorly pissed off about Jezza today. Apparently he was forewarned so it looks like he did it deliberately. All the takes about saintly Jezza and neoliberal Starmer fill me with utter despair.
Jezza left him with a terrible situation with no clout in the commons and having to recalibrate the political map. What is he supposed to do? I am not happy about a number of things but I have no sympathy for Jezza and his ridiculous vanity.
I can’t stand loathsome Len! Just when Labour were ahead in the polls..
Maybe all this is what Jezza and Len want.
Also. The fact that nearly the entire Jewish community in this country were afraid of Labour winning power with many talking of leaving is an appalling indictment. Many good people who hated Johnson and Brexit couldn’t vote Labour because of this. What does it say about a segment of the Left that they still don’t get this and won’t recognise the horror of it? Because it makes me wonder if, quite frankly, they are unconsciously anti-Semitic without knowing it. The conspiratorial, belief in their own purity come what may, mindset of part of the Left is a massive turn off.
Delightfully opinionated as usual Amy! You’re entitled of course. I might even agree with some of it .
I really worry about what the attempt to give 5G infrastructure worth billions to Karl evil as s%#t Rove is about. The Pentagon oppose it yet here they are trying to hand it over to Rivada so Rove makes a fortune. What is it going to be payment for in terms of Rove’s main area of expertise: election rigging and getting Dem officials arrested?
The fact that so many of these criminals like Rove get to do what they want really begs a question about the utter lack of accountability for GOP thugs. If Biden wins they have to take these crooks down.
Hey hey hey amy!…Thank u so much for your support!…Really really appreciate it!..
Tho for me it was in 2018 & 2019..2 very tough year…but got paid off amazingly recently when Rafa won his 20 slams..and 2 days later,my daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!…so,double delight for me!..Alhamdulillah!
So happy for you darling!
Hope more good things are in store for you..
And yes, Rafa winning #20 was very sweet given the opponent and the circumstances! More please Rafa!
Hehehe…thank u amy!..
Yeah!…Rafa win over Novak was sooo satisfying!..like his win at USO 2013 when Novak also at his peak…
The good thing is,from now on Rafa can play without much pressure bcoz he’s already leveled with Roger…unlike Novak who aimed to break another record next year & chase R & R duo…so…AO 2021 will be very interesting!
Oh no! Thiem lost?? ..Urgh!!.. Then Backhandpass has a chance to topped the group!… Very interesting week indeed M!.. Heheh
Mira Andi and Amy many thanks lovely ladies, lets all hope for a better year next year, damn virus has alot to answer for, Rafa has really cheered me up though, congrats on your little addition to the family Mira Andi , hugs to you all, Elizabeth and NNY too XX
It’s almost over, NNY. We have done what we can. I am not happy though nor will I rest easy until some time in the future. Love to you, Nny. Very depressing to live in Idaho – a big mistake in my life that I must live with.
Did you see the video of the Trump supporters trying to run the Biden-Harris bus off the road?
There is a lot of voter intimidation and voter suppression going on. Last night on cable news they showed pictures of boxes and boxes of ballots at a post office that were just laying there! They are trying to get people to get them to a superintendent. A judge had been notified and is involved. This is in Miami-Dade county. This is why there was no way I was going to mail in my ballot. I was determined to stand in line and brave the virus. I am hearing some disturbing things about turnout in Miami-Dade county not being very good for the Democrats. That the Republicans are out voting the Democrats. We must have huge turnout in the three big counties of Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade. Biden and Harris and Obama are practically living here in the last days of the election. If we take Florida, then Trump has no path to victory.
I am not sleeping well at all. I am a wreck. I want the Orange Menace out so he can face prosecution by the Southern District of New York.
I thought Florida was bad after living for decades in California and being born in New York, but I can see that Idaho would be worse!
You hang in there and I will, too!
Dumb liberal slut, baby killer, spreading their diseases everywhere they go from New York to California etc.
California and New York are failed states because of dumb democrats like you but idiots like you never learn now they abortionist is in Florida spreading her disease get the fuck out of Florida bitch .
Would love to taste your tears after the election and read your excuses brain dead moron.
And as for the other idiot(Jalep,ratcliff, elizabeth) or whatever you stupid name is the only depressing thing about Idaho are retards like you, you can easily move please move if you need some money just let me know bitch and we can work something out I’m dead
That’s enough for today , I love you two my bitches!
Amazing! Trump is a foul mouthed misogynist and look……
Dump Trump!
Everything crossed. All my good wishes and hopes going with you.
Haha is pretty obviously Stanley no?
These posts are so offensive they should be removed and Haha/ Stanley banned.
Whoo!!…Haha is reeeeally like Trump twin!…Like M said,foul mouthed,likes to insult people,racist,likes to bragging bout himself…. hope he will lose tomorrow!
I did it! I voted for *NOT tRump* aka Biden-Harris!
It went great. I was worried about waiting to election day, but I did not trust the Post Office to mail-in vote and my husband had a problem last week and had to spend a couple days in hospital which killed early voting for us. So election day to vote. I’m an 81 yo arthritic, my husband is 83 with a bad foot problem but we put my walker in the car, along with a wheel chair for him if he needed it and drove off to the voting place, a middle school. I feared long lines but it went great! Didn’t seem all that crowded and as we pulled up they asked if we’d like to do curbside voting!! Curbside voting! Amazing. I live in North Carolina, not the most progressive place but very cool, curbside voting. It took maybe 5 to 10 minutes with a nice middle aged lady helping us by filling out a form, going in to cast our ballots and verifying that they’d been accepted. Our votes will COUNT!
North Carolina is in play, being kind of a purple state, but our ballots WILL COUNT and I hope we VOTE HIM OUT!
Well done Ramara!
Let’s turn NC blue!
Love to nny and Elizabeth..am thinking of you both and, given how tense I feel sitting in England, God knows how you feel..must be intolerable..
Today is the day the orange psycho goes down to hell where he belongs and which is a reflection of his true nature..
# Let the word orange reclaim its dignity..
Yes of course it is mira! Everyone loathes him but he insists on posting here. He should have been banned long ago. All he does is insult people while boasting about his non existent assets. It’s easy to spot him as he has no sense of humour despite the laugh emojis and a vocabulary of around 5 words.
@Amy still thinking about me I have a crush , please get a life bitch, I would say get boyfriend or husband but no decent man would be with a foolish slut like you except to use you bitch.
Only beta male/simp won’t see how dumb, disgusting and foolish you are.
Hey hey hey amy!…I am actually very excited to know the result amy!…Really really hope Biden will win(and i think he will insyaallah!)..Yeah!…Trump can cheat & do every tricks in the world..but if it’s not meant for him to win…he won’t win!…Let’s wait the result with positivity in us k?
Don’t be nervous amy!
Mira have you seen the posts by haha aka Stanley above? They really are revolting. Do you agree that haha is Stanley? They sound exactly the same..
Ramara I hope your husband is fully recovered now..
Hello Ramara you are that old wow my respect to you and I hope you and your husband stay safe and healthy take care dear.
I’m actually a sweet guy I don’t show a lot of my sweetness online when dealing with morons I guess it’s a weakness my nickname is actually “Sweet” I’m in my late 20s and a black man who supports Trump I hate to say black man because I don’t find my identity in the color of my skin because we are all created by a loving God male and female and the color of our skin is irrelevant.
I speak a lot of truth and troll a little bit just having a little fun with my BITCHES .
It’s sad you voted against Trump but that’s ok dear I respect your vote and decision, there are too many patriots in the USA who love their country men and women of all skin color who support and voted for Trump and in a little while he will remain President of the USA .
Loved your story! Good for you! I hope your hubby is okay. I did not even bother to check with my doctors about voting in person. I just did it! I knew that this was one time when I had to do it in person. With my bone-on-bone knees and bad back a d risking exposure to the virus, I did it. It took an hour with waiting on line and then voting. They key me sit down because I could not stand on my worn out knees. I went during early voting.
North Carolina is definitely in play! It’s a dead heat. I don’t feel that optimistic about Florida because of what I am hearing out of Miami-Dade county. Cubans seem to be supporting Trump by a big margin. We will know about Florida ear,y because they count their mail in ballots before Election Day. Georgia is also very close.
I heard disturbing news about the post office not being able to deliver mail in ballots. Trump had his postmaster general mess with the post office and throw out the big sorters. The Republicans are trying to have 127,000 ballots discarded in Texas. People were allowed to do drive-thru voting because of the virus. The Texas courts have allowed them to be counted! God bless the courts!
The incident with the Trump supporters trying to run a Biden-Harris bus off the road in Texas, is being investigated by the FBI. I hope Trump rots in hell for what he is doing. Never in my life did I think a president would lie about the voting process.
I am exhausted from lack of sleep. I did read online that the Biden campaign has a group of the best lawyers in the country to fight off whatever Trump tries to pull. They have worked on any and all scenarios that they may try. So they are ready.
Everything is on the line. This is it. A judge has ordered the USPS inspectors to sweep facilities by 3 pm for unsent ballots.
My ladies we might have some serious disagreements but that doesn’t mean I hate you ladies I actually like you and want the best for you all but they sad truth is that some of you are too deep in deception .
By the way my name is Stan and if you would like to chat here is my email sweetstan0070@gmail.com
See what a Trump supporter says on here? It’s the same garbage that Trump spews out! Brimming with misogyny! Hates women like Trump, uses vulgar insults and filth instead of trying to make a rational point!
Like finds like! Slobbering, pathetic bile! Just like the Orange Menace! Oh and dumb as a box of rocks! LOL!
Just ignore the troll, dear. I never read any of his posts once I realize what he is, no matter what he calls himself.
Thanks for the support and best of luck to us tonight! Worst case we’ll have four more years of political comedy to look forward to. Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah are my faves, but others come out with some good stuff too. It all gets posted on YouTube. I learned that the best thing about Trump is that he’s a coward! Never dreamed that I’d actually find that a good thing but it’s at least kept the country out of war for the past four years. That’s a good thing, right? Of course people are dying as if there IS a war, and the economy is trashed. My refrigerator died and I learned they aren’t making new ones. The factories are all shut down, the store had no floor stock left and the orders were backed up at least until December and no guarantee those wouldn’t be delayed. We were lucky to find one in a store in a nearby small town that fits our kitchen.
Sorry couldn’t post my name Stanley because my comments weren’t going through so changed it.
You ladies are free to wish death on everyone you disagree with condemn them, attack them and say disgusting things about them, spew your foolish ideas and your comments stay but when I criticize your stupidity and expose it my comments gets deleted and I’m blocked amazing.
Anyways I never hide my identity except if I’m blocked like I explained, I never cared for the site anyways and rarely visited sometimes months sometimes weeks, I only come for my ladies when I miss you guys.
It’s alright mira! All.the experts are calling it for Biden now.
As for the orange fascist, the reason the votes are being counted now is because you wouldn’t let them be counted before! God preserve us from these fascists.
Also, Biden is going to win the popular vote by a large margin. The electoral college has to be abolished. It’s a relic from slavery and deeply regressive.
It was the state legislatures who said that mail in votes could not be counted until Election Day. So they set up this nightmare. I have had very little sleep, about four hours. I was up until about 3:00 am. Then I woke up early and turned on the tv.
Biden is winning as they finally count the votes. Trump is such a criminal! He said to stop the voting! He meant to say stop the counting! Sorry you psycho narcissist lying piece of human garbage! This is still a democracy. As Biden said, it’s the voters who decide! Trump knew about the uncounted ballots. That’s why he tried to claim victory. He knows if they count all the votes then he will lose!
Of course Biden is winning the popular vote. The electoral college really needs to be abolished.
Nny, hello darling!
Have been thinking of you loads.
It looks like Biden is winning the electoral college now but my God why haven’t the Dems abolished it before? America is subject to minority rule at every level with the Senate over representation of the GOP an absolute farce.
If it was done by popular vote we would never have had Bush, Iraq, orange sh7t and so on.
Thinking of you as I am sure you are nervously exhausted..
Nny, how is your immediate neighbourhood regarding support for the orange psycho? I see that poor Elizabeth has to put up with a lot of support for him on her street.
I am very lucky because the whole extended area I live in is 90% for Labour, liberals and greens
90% remain and pro Europe
90% hates Johnson and the orange psycho.
Makes life a lot easier…
I love your spunk! And how darn smart you are! My neighborhood is okay. There are a lot of Democrats in Palm Beach county. It’s strange after living in L.A. for over 30 years. Being born in New York, I am used to being in a liberal environment. Florida is quite different, but I imagine that Idaho is worse. My sympathies to Elizabeth during this difficult time.
It is hard to abolish the electoral college. It is so archaic. I think it would mean an amendment to the Constitution, which is an onerous process. But it really should be gone. Straight popular vote.
Someone is woefully behind on the counting of votes! Biden will win and be our next president! Amazing how a simple thing like counting ALL the votes really works!
The lead in Pennsylvania is now about 400,000. Down from about 600,000. Why? Well you know it’s all about counting ALL the ballots! Democracy! A foreign concept to the rotten Orange Menace! He knows if they count ALL the votes then he will lose and we can send his sorry ass packing!
Hehehe…yeah amy!…i just woke up at 3:30am & immediately checked the result…and WHOOO!!….not only Rafa won but Biden also winning Wisconsin & runaway with 248 electoral college!…and leading in Michigan & Nevada too!!…Yeehaaa!!…Nny,RC,Ramara must be thinking to do a happy dance now!..
Ohh yeah amy & Nny!…if Biden win those 2 states,that means he’s already win 271 & secured White House right?
Yes! Hang in because Georgia is in play! Biden is closing in after being down last night 104,000 votes. It is like 30,000 votes now. And they are still counting! Republicans did not see this coming!
Also Biden is closing the gap in PA. We will get more vote counts from Arizona tonight.
When it happens, if I am not crying too much I will be here for a group hug!
I am feeling the emotion welling up in me. I am thinking about what they did in getting rid of the big sorters in the post office to mess up the mail delivery. The Republicans going to court to try to get them to throw out votes or not count mail in ballots. All of the intimidation, the lies every day, the system is rigged and on and on.
Yet they are counting the votes! They tried to stop them in Michigan today. They tried to keep the people out. But the police came and they kept on counting! So I am starting to feel all this emotion as I see what is happening.
Loved your election day story, Ramara. Bravo, and best of health to you and your husband.
Biden edging slowly, so slowly, towards victory. Of course POTUS will use any means to deny Democracy.
Virtual hugs and support to NNY, Elizabeth and Ramara and all Democrats on here.
Amy: one in the eye for our very own mini-Trump if Joe wins. Tee hee.
This waiting is beyond intolerable. Can’t watch and am binge watching cookery programme s on the Food Channel. I like Barefoot Contessa!
Please let it be over soon so we can dump the orange fascist.
Love to you and nny Elizabeth..!
If it is beyond intolerable for me it must be hell on earth for the 2 of you..
Stay strong my darlings!!
#F&&k the orange psycho and the electoral college and rule by the minority..!
Thanks for your words of support. This is excruciating! Biden is now only 14,000 votes and 3/10 of a point being in Georgia. If he gets Georgia, it’s over. He is now barely 2 points behind in PA. A little over 100,000 votes. There are hundreds of thousands of ballots still to be counted. It looks like Biden will win in PA.
They just need to finish counting the damn votes! Meanwhile the Orange Menace is initiating lawsuits against every state! Psycho! He knows he is losing. Last night there were protesters at the election center in Maricopa county in Arizona. It was very disturbing.
The counting is going on! Democracy rules!
Wow! Biden is 2/10 of a percentage point behind, 13540 votes! He is closing in on Georgia!
So does he just need Pennsylvania and Nevada with the rest jam?
His numbers are good in both states right??
Nny, I really really feel for you and Elizabeth. This is so excruciating.
I have read about the threats and protests. It’s as we expected. He is an utter s&&t and a fascist and many Americans are good with that. I pray to God this is over soon.
Are the GOP going to stand by him or ditch him? Many of them loathe him.
Stay strong darling!!
Ralston reports are saying there is no path they can see left for the orange psycho in Nevada..
Margot: the fact that Johnson and his party are desperate for the orange fascist to win says everything about who and what they are. Plus they are aligned with openly fascist and Nazi parties across Europe. Anyone who supports them is buying into this alignment whether they like it or not.
Actually I have to stop myself laughing a lot whenever I see them openly panicking about Biden winning.
# Make Britain as ridiculous and craven as possible…
You’re welcome darling!
Am here for you and nny 24/7!
Ps I honestly think stepping away from things is often good!
Ie walks in the country and learning how to make Koulibiac..
Beauty solves a lot of things..
I see the Democrats haven’t made gains in the senate so, even if Biden wins, policies aren’t going to change, although of course the tone of your political life will change. I also read lack of support for Democrats in the senate is because they’ve been labelled “socialist.” In UK your Democrats would be the equivalent of our Tories, and as far from socialists as we are from the moon. The right in your country has high jacked the agenda as in ours TBH. What’s to be done to wrestle back the lost political ground?
If Biden wins PA. Then it’s over. 20 electoral votes and Biden only needs 17. Biden won’t need anything else if he gets PA. They said that Trump leads Biden by 114,000 votes with 550,000 votes to be counted. Georgia could almost seal the deal. 16 electoral votes. He would need one more electoral vote. The Republicans did not see this coming with Georgia.
Biden could do it with Arizona and Nevada. A total of 17 electoral votes. I think Nevada is going to take some time. They are going at a snail’s pace.
Now they are saying we may get the results from PA. tonight.
Trump can try to sue whoever he wants. It won’t work! They said he is not facing the fact that he could lose! Well too bad! It’s going to happen!
The experts are saying he should win Pennsylvania and that they are going to call it tonight!
God I hope so.
Jon Ralston said he should win Nevada.
Best would be if he wins all 4 states so the orange psycho has to give up!
Please! Please! Please!
I just found these cool moon emojis so had to use them. Let the planet finally get to fight back…!
Hang tough, everyone. CNN is saying it’ll be another day before we know the results. And then, of course, Trump will challenge, although no one seems to think he has a prayer. He will make noise but we’ll be able to think of him as the ghost in our attic. Unpleasant, noisy and scary but powerless.
Trump is going to be a ghost, a bad memory, a pathetic creature who is weak, insecure and desperate! He needs to hold onto the presidency so that he can avoid prosecution for his crimes. But it’s not going to happen!
It sounds like Nevada is going to take a while. They said Saturday! The trend is obvious. Biden is gaining ground by the minute.
Everything crossed darlings. I’m so tense and anxious too, Can’t bear the hatred POTUS is stirring up. In contrast Biden is so calm and measured.
Hey gals, you’ve got some crazy voting system in your country.
Ours is too BTW, very undemocratic.
Biden is a politician, thank heaven. Trump is just a demagogue. I guess a lot of uneducated, older, scared white Americans are what brought him to power, (well, together with some way too rich older, greedy white Americans). Ironically, the problem isn’t that they think “They” are different – they think “They’re” the same.
On a happier note, Rafa just beat PCB after dropping the first set! Vamos!!
These state maps are killing me: In Nevada, there are maybe 3 or 4 counties that vote Democrat: https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54831124 One area includes Clark Co. and Las Vegas and the other part is northwest (Reno, Tahoe region) bordering Ca.
Oregon is even more frustrating for the Trumplicans. The Blue part is the Portland metro area and down along the Willamette Valley ending at Eugene. All the rest is rabid Trumpist wilderness.
Washington, the same thing: West of the Cascade mountains is Liberal/progressive and the eastern portion is a wasteland Trump heads.
Idaho is uselessly Red in every corner except a tiny bit of Ada County where I live. My vote to get unseat dinosaur idiot multi-millionaire republican, Robert Risch, was for nothing. But I will vote progressive, for climate change, to protect people (Black Lives Matter) and cut fossil fuel consumption, and regulate environmental ruin, and for science abiding representatives as long as I breathe.
Trump came on tv and started to talk about the votes he got were legal and all the other votes that they are counting are illegal! CNN and MSNBC cut him off. It’s about time! Censor the piece of filthy garbage.
I actually think he is certifiably insane. I have been feeling this way for a while. His niece Mary Trump said that if your psychologically sick it only gets worse over time. I think he has lost touch with reality. This is a madman.
Never in my life did I think I would hear an American President talk like this.
I don’t know if you all in Europe are getting the broadcast. I know it’s late over there.
He is going to burn down the country because he will lose.
Georgia is now down to 3,000 votes. One tenth of one percentage point. Biden is knocking on the door. In PA. It’s down to 75,000 votes. They say it’s only a matter of time until Biden pulls ahead.
This is why I say pray for us. This lunatic is going to wreak havoc on this country. If he truly believes what he said tonight, then he needs to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.
Thanks for the info. I don’t know if Trump is insane. I do know he’s completely amoral with the social maturity of a backward 2 year old! And like a 2 year old he’s given to tantrums, by all reports. He’s lived all his life with one guiding principle: what Donald wants, he gets, one way or the other. The next couple of months are not going to be pretty. This must be the first time in his life that people have stood up and said “NO!” to him. The very idea must be totally novel to him. The president has a lot of power. I just hope there’s sufficient safeguards in place…
I think that Trump is extremely unstable. Maybe insane is too much. But there is something seriously wrong with him. I have described him as a 74 year old infant! So your comment about having the social maturity if a backward 2 year old, is spot on.
It’s unnerving to see an older man having hissy fits and temper tantrums. This is the first time he has had anyone say – NO – to him.
Dear God, I am watching tv and there an alleged plot to attack the PA convention center in Philadelphia where they are counting votes. They arrested a group of people who had a weapon. They came from out of state. The police arrested them.
It’s starting already. I am afraid that Trump will try to do something. He will not accept the result. Trump lose? Perish the thought!
Georgia is now down about 1700 votes. Biden could get the lead any time now. PA. Is just a waiting game. It’s 22,000 and there are more than enough ballots
out there for Biden to take the lead.
There is something else I was hesitant to talk about here. But there were some Republicans who talked about the PA. State legislature assigning other electors to vote for Trump. They said there is a law prohibiting them from doing this. I also heard on tv that a Biden’s campaign is ready for this. Lawyers are supposed to go down there to deal with this. He has a team of the best lawyers in the country. They have been preparing for all sorts of scenarios.
I don’t even know what to say and I am scared as hell that this wanna-be dictator and certified cry-baby will get his way and force his way into being dictator…no more democracy. I voted in person in Idaho for Joe Biden. But more and more I feel the need to move back to Portland, Oregon, or Seattle, Washington for protection. Like Ramara, I am living on hope that sufficient safeguards are in place to protect the vote and get this criminal out of the White House. The people have spoken.
Elizabeth, I have been one of the doom sayers before the election because I have been reading the scholars of fascism for years who all.said he would do exactly what he is doing now with the help of the fascist GOP.
But reading around, the larger view seems to be that he is going down. It serves their purpose to create a fascist stab in the back mythology but that is for later ie 2024 rather than now.
They have called Pennsylvania so let’s celebrate the bastard being kicked out!
I loved Anderson Cooper calling him an obese turtle flailing on his back. Very unfair to turtles mind you! They are beautiful creatures..
Ps sounds like a good idea to move to a dem area though…
Stay strong darling!
Biden should end up winning but Penn, Ga and a few other states are just too darn close! It may be weeks before we actually know for sure, what with recounts, challenges and dirty tricks by Trump & his thralls.
I won’t rest easy until Biden is sworn in on inauguration day.
Stay strong, all.
Another nervous night with not enough sleep. Thank God that Biden pulled ahead. Recounts or challenges or lawsuits will not work because courts are loathe to overturn elections. So the person leading is the one in the position of strength. Biden is leading in all the remaining states is very important. The courts are going to have to save us from Trump.
The Senate is not lost either. Two runoff elections in Georgia in January will determine who controls the senate. None of the candidates got I over 50%.
I am very worried about potential violence instigated bu the Orange Menace. There are already scattered reports in the vicinities of the election centers where the counting continues.
One bright light for democracy is that the Republicans could not stop the counting! Power to the people! They have voted Trump out of office and that SOB is going to leave if we have to drag him out.
Trump will not concede. He will blow this country up because it’s all about him.
Are you exhausted nny? I am! Have overdosed on adrenaline….
Just wanted to mention the remarkable amazing Stacey Abrams. She registered over 800 000 votes in Georgia!
Biden should put her I his cabinet. Hell, get her over here to help us.. She is a truly inspiring figure. I wish the great John Lewis was still here to see this..
Trump is driven primarily by a base, pathological fear of being a ‘loser’. However unless he somehow turns Pennsylvania, Georgia AND one of AZ/NV around, he’s going down. The legal analysts assess his challenges as being basically worthless, which isn’t really a surprise since he’s not been able to produce any evidence of fraud or improper conduct.
Oh you read my mind! I am so tired that I forgot to mention my girl Stacy Abrams. She is the heroine in Georgia!. She is the one who took her defeat for governor two years ago and decided to work to change things.
I absolutely agree with you about Stacy deserving a cabinet post! She has earned it.,I wanted her for Vice President but thought she might not have the necessary experience. I live her! You don’t miss out on anything!
Mark Kelly. The Astronaut whose wife was shot a few years ago.
Nny, if anything explodes the nonsense phrase that all politicians are the same it is the comparison between Abrams and Lewis on one side and Gingrich and McConnell on the other. The GOP had people of stature such as McCain once. Not any more. They are a fascist party. The same is pretty much the same here where all the Tories of stature were expelled or left. They are supporting the orange psycho and are profoundly anti-democratic like the GOP. They want to take this country to the same place of hell.
Just want to give a shout out again to Anderson Cooper calling the orange psycho an obese turtle flailing around on his back..
As I said before, it’s very unfair to turtles
Sorry, can’t stop with the turtle emoji..!
I was at the hairdresser, so I am late replying to you. John Lewis has been one of my personal heroes. It is true that there were decent Republicans like McCain. But now they are spineless sycophants. Standing by while Trump says terrible things about our election system.
Is Johnson a Tory? I still think that while your country has its problems, the situation is much more dangerous here. With the guns in this country there is always a risk of violence. Trump likes to instigate and inflame. He plays dirty and Biden is playing by the rules.
Trump represents a Neo-fascist movement that is incredibly dangerous. He needs to go.
Nny and Elizabeth, I have been very very worried about this getting to the Supreme Court. Laurence Tribe has been saying that some rerun of Bush vs Gore isn’t going to happen. That was a Black Swan event with no precedent for the situation now.
Am starting to relax because the Supreme Court was the only way they could steal this..
EEEEK! They’re still counting. However, looks as if Biden is slowly, slowly, getting there. Stay strong people.
Fingers crossed about the senate NNY because without it of course the tone of your government will change, hooray, but implementing policies will be hard.
I was very upset that we did not win control of the senate out right. There are the usual recriminations, like with Jamie Harrison going after Lindsay Graham. It was critical to get control of the senate so that we can get something done!l
The good news is the run offs in Georgia. If we can win both of them, then we have control if the senate.
Last night we heard about an alleged plot against the Philadelphia election center. It was QAnon. They came from out of state and someone tipped off the police. They found an automatic rifle in their car. The D.A. of Philadelphia talked about how they got them. Thank goodness! The Supreme Court will not stop the counting of votes!
All of the legal papers from the Trump team have been thrown out by the courts!
Thank you so much for that article! It said exactly what I have been thinking! Karma is a bitch! Trump is getting what he deserves for being such a cruel, evil monster! And I love it!
According to the AP election map, Arizona has finally been called for Biden! Leaves him just 6 electoral votes short with good leads in Ga, Nev and Penn. Unsure how soon any of those will be called though.
Honestly I’ve never been all that interested in politics, although I did follow Watergate closely. We’d just made a family trip (Hubby, self and four kids in elem school) to DC. It was my first time there and I’d been really impressed with the grand history, the Capitol, White House, the wonderful monuments, museums, mall. It was like Nixon had tracked mud all over that beautiful place! But Trump is even worse. Much worse!
I have been involved in politics quite a bit in my life. I was campaigning for Bobby Kennedy in the 1968 Democratic primary. When he was assassinated he took a piece of me with him. I was young and idealistic.
I thought Nixon was the devil. I grew up on stories from my parents about him, I knew about how he called his opponent in a Congressional race the Pink Lady, in other words a Communist. My father talked to me one night and tried to explain Senator Joseph McCarthy’s witch-hunt for Communists. I must have been maybe 5 or 6. Too young to understand. But as I got older I did understand what that terrible time was all about. So my parents planted the seeds for my political involvement,
I cried the day Nixon was elected in 1968. I knew when Bobby was assassinated that it opened the door for him. Watergate showed us the worst of Nixon. But there is a difference between him and Trump. After those infamous tapes came out, the smoking gun that showed Nixon’s guilt, the Republican senators led by Barry Goldwater, went to see Nixon. They told him that he would be convicted in the Senate. If he was impeached, then the votes were there to convict him in the Senate. A lot different from now! Nixon resigned. He saw the handwriting on the wall. President Ford pardoned him and it cost him the 1976 election.
But Trump is a whole other thing entirely. Nixon was bad in so many ways. But he was not as purely evil, amoral and unprincipled as Trump. I have never seen anything as bad as Trump. He wants to be a dictator and is basically leading a Neo-fascist movement.
Our democracy has been endangered. This was a critical election. Now I truly hope they they will prosecute Trump for his crimes abd put this wretched excuse for a human being in jail.
Apparently Murdoch has definitely turned on the orange psycho. That means it’s over.
The Dems have a long history of not going after GOP crimes and criminals. If they let the Trump crime family and associates off there will be widespread fury everywhere.
They have to start holding GOP crooks morally politically and legally accountable.
In fact liberals and the Left have to stop bringing knives to a gunfight and learn to change the messaging and fight fire with fire on a while range of issues.
Not letting fascists and anti-democrats call you a far left menace when you are proposing reasonable change has to be central to this. How about financing their own news channel for a start as well as bringing back the fairness doctrine in broadcasting. And they have to shut down the hate memes and garbage on social media.
Mary Trump was on our best TV channel-4. OMG she was so scary about Uncle Donald. Said he wont go quietly and we should look out for MASSIVE, toddler, temper tantrums!
Going to hide under the duvet till February and, as we’ll probably be heading for our 3rd lock down round about then, why it’ll be the best place to be!
Thank GOD the dems did not take full control. Biden has been in politics for 47 years and what has he done so far?! Even as the VP for 8 years what did he do? He gets so easily side tracked now due to his age as well. He is going to be back seat driving while the even worse person Kamala Harris calls the shots. Pray for this country, and pray Biden does not get involved in foreign wars that do not involve us AGAIN! And by the way I am not a republican, I am a conservative. I do not approve or like Trump’s personality or social media antics, but with politics you can’t mix personality. HE has DONE a LOT for this country.
Also proves why almost half the country voted or him still. Even if Biden wins which we all know he will, Trump was still very close and well supported by A LOT of Americans. Even though the far left and main stream media tried to portray other wise.
Trump is a wannabe dictator. He is a coward without any moral decency. He has cheated and lie throughout his life. There is nothing good about anything he has done for this country. His own niece knows what he is. A dangerously unstable sociopath who will win at all costs, destroy anyone in his way and tear apart this country. His inability to deal with the virus has caused thousands of unnecessary deaths. He lied about the virus and encouraged his supporters to vote so that he could win. He lied about mail in ballots. He is a clear and present danger to democracy.
Biden is leading by over 4 million votes. If the Republican state legislatures had not enacted laws to forbid counting of mail in votes before Election Day, this would have been over already. It was NOT close! The Republicans tried to stop the counting but the courts would not let them.
An American president who would go on tv and say that mail in votes were illegal and only his votes counted, is a demagogue and a would be dictator.
Trump will now be prosecuted for his crimes and go to jail where he belongs. It’s past time for him to pay for his illegal acts.
Too many Americans are ignorant and from watching the garbage and propaganda on FOX news. The difference between Trump and Hitler is that Hitler never showed his hand. He never let it be known what he was going to do. With Trump the moron, he has shouted it from the roof tops. That’s why Biden had a group of the best lawyers in the country to be ready for what he was threatening to do. Trump is stupid. Hitler was insane but he was smart and savvy.
Getting rid of Trump will preserve our democracy. He should rot in hell for what he has done, but I will settle for prison.
Hehehehe….big hug to u back amy!…and to RC too!…Where r u RC??
This victory is for u guys!…
Nny,u can sleep peacefully tonite!…and dreamin of lying on a beach somewhere!…cigar on one hand,wine on the other…and a slave wiping your mouth bcoz of drippin wine….err wait a minute!..why the slave face looks exactly like Trump??Weird!..Thee he he he….
Love it! I will have the best dreams tonight! I had to cry it out and let go of all the emotion. It’s been a long wait
The crowds are celebrating in New York, Atlanta and Washington D.C.
A beautiful sight on a beautiful day!
Nny!…I feel for u Nny!..I have never in my life to be interested in US politics like this one!…but the hateful character of Trump makes me wake up in middle of the nite & check the result every single minutes in the last 4 days Nny!…hehehe…God!…what a relief!…
Hopefully Biden/Harris will bring normalcy back to US Nny!…Esp the handling of Covid!..They both came at a very crucial time in US Nny!…When the death toll & cases at the highest & the winter is just around the corner..I am very sure there is no one that feeling happier atm except Dr Fauci!…They & all the scientists will work together to counter the covid threat like a very responsible adult should..
Much much congrats to all Americans who make this possible!
Hooray! :):)
Huge hugs to NNY, Elizabeth, Ramara and all Democrats on here and to all fellow sufferers/symathisers on here especially Amy and Andy M. xxxxxxxxxx
Hahaha yes!!
Overcome with mirth at the thought of Johnson, Gove and Cummings sitting there in dejected disbelief…
I see Keir tweeted his support for Biden within one second!!
The 2 of them will be forging their alliance and shutting the fat blond tosser out…
Your prime minister has sent his message of congratulations to our new president! Maybe now you guys will get a break in your government! Maybe it’s catching!
It’s a very cool message from Johnson nny! The 2 don’t like each other and Biden called him the mini-Trump. Johnson said some insulting and racist things about Obama and other members of his party have been insulting Biden and depicting him as an IRA sympathizer and communist!
Johnson and his party aren’t a Conservative party any more – they are an English Nationalist Party with all the ugliness attached to that. The only way this country can recover is to get rid of them. But Biden winning will really help!!
Tommy Vietor, former Obama spokesman, tweets in response to Johnson ‘s message:
“This shapeshifting creep weighs in. We will never forget your racist comments about Obama and slavish devotion to Trump but neat Instagram graphic.”
Think that sums up how people around Obama, including Biden, feel about Johnson. Shame on anyone in this country who supports this corrupt staggeringly dishonest racist creep.You’re on the wrong side of history.
Wow Amy! That’s telling mini Trump how it is! Hope he can now bring himself to actually negotiate with the EU.
They will be forced to do a deal with Europe now Margot!
To think that if the orange psycho had won they would have embraced No Deal and pretty much destroyed our economy and the NHS.
They really are evil. And I never normally use words like evil.
But hahahaha! God this is a good moment. Think of how they have trashed Ireland as well and now with Biden being Irish they have to change their tune. So many delicious ironies to gloat over..!!
I know that Johnson is kind of a Trump
Clone. The thing that your government has that we don’t, is the vote of no confidence in Parliament. I remember with your previous Prime Minister, Theresa. I don’ remember her name. But she survived. I know from studying history that our founding fathers wanted stability in government. But it is at times like these, with a madman like Trump, that we need it. Unfortunately, the Republicans have supported him even through impeachment. That did not happen with Nixon. When those tapes came out, Nixon was finished. Barry Goldwater led a group of Senate Republicans who went to Nixon and told him they would vote to convict him once he was impeached in the House. Nixon had vowed never to resign, but they was it. He resigned. But the Republicans today will not do that. Which is all kinds of wrong.
I hope that you get rid of that idiot! We need to start a trend and get the assholes out of office.
Meanwhile, Trump is tweeting that he won the election. In caps no less!
Aww fantastic news ladies, im really happy for you all , nothing more to add , Jo Biden behaved with class and dignity all the way through this election, unlike the other guy with all his conspiracy theroies, LOVE and HUGS to you all XX
Thanks so much! It took a while to really sunk in. I had to cry it out. So many sleepless nights and worrying. I felt like a weight had come off me.
Today it’s great to see everyone out celebrating. The joy is palpable. People are dancing and laughing. They aren’t showing Trump’s poisonous tweets. So it’s all love and joy and happiness. We haven’t had a lot to be happy about this year.
I wonder if Putin has sent a congratulatory message to Biden!
Thanks, everyone! So happy our national nightmare is ending! I’m sure Trump will have to be carried out of the White House, kicking and screaming, possibly in a straightjacket, but OUT, OUT, OUT he WILL GO!
“Uncle” Joe Biden has been perfect through this whole thing. Calm, quiet, relaxed, looking to unify the country. Good luck to him! He’ll need it. The Dems lost seats in the House and while they may yet get a majority in the Senate it’s going to be a narrow one. But I really hope he can get something done about medical care for everyone (that’s NOT a socialist issue, it’s a human issue!), CORONAVIRUS and the environment.
I salute you again for a brilliant post! Just to let you know, I do think that the men in the white coats will have to come and take Trump put in a straitjacket! For real! That man is living in his own reality. He still thinks he won!
You are right that it’s not all good news for the Dems. They did lose seats. James Carville, who managed Bill Clinton’s campaign, said that the House Dems kind of got away from their message in 2018 that worked so well. I was worried that the riots with the looting and the burning and defacing statues and this nonsense of defunding the police, could cost the Dems. They need to get back to the bread and butter issues.
We need those two seats in Georgia. Stacy Abrams deserves a Medal of Honor for her work in Georgia.
Yes, she does! But there are so many heroes. I was just reading a thread about the Navaho Nation. They turned out in force to vote Trump OUT and turned Arizona BLUE! Some of them rode on horseback for miles to get to their polling place! So many heroes out there.
I love what happened this week !! Trump gets hiscomeuppance, and completely overshadows the Paris Masters which was never my favourite tournament .
I still wouldnt compare Boris to Trump though.
Why not? They are both racist liars who traffic in hate. And stop calling him Boris like he’s some cuddly character. Johnson is a killer.
I don’t think your views about the virus which you said you are blase about and the Tories who you obviously support bear much examination.
In fact I don’t think you are interested in facts at all and are on board the insane fantasy fact free island of Brexshit. You go swallow that toxic masculinity BS if you want but count me out. That’s what all these movements are about in the end. If only women voted there would have been no Trump, no Brexit, no far right movements in Hungary and Poland.
I don’t have the same strong views as you,obviously. I could vote either way ,depending on the policy. As for blasee,I think a lot of people are just getting on with life while still observing the precautions.
I wondered where Elizabeth is. We were going to have a champagne celebration drink!
They said that Paris had church chimes and London had fireworks! I hope this can help to get Britain’s government back to normal! Get rid of the Trump clone!
I saw the Paris footage nny!
It’s like the whole world is celebrating the end of a war. The scenes in America are the kind you see when a country is liberated or a tyrant overthrown.
Which is true really isn’t it?
Can they remove him before January? He does so much harm and the scenes of his supporters gathering with AK rifles are terrifying. No doubt he will carry on holding his fascist rallies..
It is like when a country is liberated. To see so many people dancing in the streets, makes you realize how oppressive it was. The sheer joy was just beautiful to see!
Unfortunately, they can’t get him out before January. This is the one worry that I have. Privately I have been worried that Trump would stage a coup. That is why I was so stressed out. Now I am less worried about it, but still nervous. Trump is capable of anything. He has other things to worry about. The Southern District of New York is investigating him. Now that he is no longer president, he has no immunity. They will go after him. They subpoenaed bank records from Deutsche bank and they said they are looking into bank fraud.They should get his tax records, too. They think there has been a lot of criminal activity in his businesses. There is suspicion of money laundering with Russian oligarchs backed by Putin. Deutsche bank has been fined millions for illegal activity.
While Trump is fiddling around going after baseless legal claims of fraud in the election, people are coming for him. And he knows it.
I have not been able to follow what is happening in Britain. But I am now following your discussions with Margot. I hope you can get rid of Johnson. Now it’s your turn!
Margot, Another poll putting Labour 4 points ahead, this time from the pollster who got the last election exactly right.
Particularly impressive as the Corbynista hard-core won’t be supporting Labour now..
Also Keir has been way ahead of Johnson on leadership ratings and best pm and many experts say this is actually the best indicator for future elections.
Yeah Gove is especially loathsome.The obvious worry is that Johnson is becoming a big liability and they replace him with Gove who is arguably more dangerous and is Murdoch’s man.
Or maybe it will be Sunak? His approval ratings are off the charts so very difficult to fight.
In his own words he admitted that he and the Democratic Party has put together the most extensive voter fraud in American politics.
Uncle Joe is a moronic retard, Joe is the projected winner not the official winner until he gets the delegation and is inaugurated will he be president for now Trump is still president.
This would likely end up in the Supreme Court and a fair and just justice will prevail against voter fraud.
In his own words he admitted that he and the Democratic Party has put together the most extensive voter fraud in American politics.
Uncle Joe is a moronic retard, Joe is the projected winner not the official winner until he gets the delegation and is inaugurated will he be president for now Trump is still president.
This would likely end up in the Supreme Court and a fair and just justice will prevail against voter fraud.
It’s sad isn’t it. People who live in their own delusional world. They just make things up, rather than facing reality. Yet these looneys had no trouble believing that a Trump won when he barely squeaked by with victories in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania in 2016. It’s like they have this selective reality. Trump didn’t win the popular vote. Not in either election.
Trump is going from the a White House to the big house. They can now prosecute this criminal. He is not going to be suing anyone. He will be trying to keep his sorry ass out of jail! LOL!
NativeNewYorker well said my friend, i dont pretend to know that much about politics, but i do know and care about the world we live in, and the America population, has been through some tough times these past few years, so we can only hope for a better future for us all,by the way dont waste your time with that troll, ignore him and hopefully he will go away, stay safe, LOVE and HUGS XX….
HaHa just like you whos shown yours, thats all i will say, i wont waste anymore time on a loser , who comes here to personally attack anybody that disagrees with him, the disgusting name calling, and the way you speak about women, shows just what a nasty piece of work you really are ….
Lol Alison, are ALL Republicans sore losers, do you think? The crazy thing about soon-to-be-ex POTUS is that he was threatening to challenge the election result, before the election had taken place! So I’m guessing,even if he’d won, he’d have had his lawyers on the case anyway. Or perhaps not.
Yes! Republicans really are All sore losers! I found myself thinking that very thing as I watched some of them on tv. They really can’t take it! Too bad!
It is true that the Orange Menace was threatening to challenge the election results before the election took place! The only result he would accept was if he won! Yikes!
What I can’t get over is the comments from some of the a Trump supporters. They are shocked, shocked that we are counting ballots days after the election! Where were they in 2018 when it took days to find out just how big the win was for House Democrats. They ended up winning 40 seats, but only days after the election. Yet now they are freaking out because they are counting votes after the election. Especially since the Republican controlled state legislatures in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania made it a law that mail in ballots could not be counted before Election Day! Duh!
These people seem to prefer to live in their own reality, rather than look at things as they are.
Hey Al!…Thanks for the link!…heh heh….yeah!…John Cleese is really funny!…
His face is familiar to me bcoz my kids so crazy in watching Pink Panther 2..so i get to ‘meet’ him in my everydays life too!
Thank you so much fir that! I needed a good laugh! Brits have this brilliant wit that just gets right to the great of it!
I have had two nights of blissful sleep! Finally! Even though things with Trumpy are getting uglier. The lunatic wants to have rallies sending his message that the election was stolen. Way to infect more people as the virus has raged out of control here. While Trump was golfing over the weekend, people were dying.
Thank you for the laugh again! As far as ETA, we got a lot of wind and rain but I did not lose power. This was a tropical storm and it did big reach hurricane status. So we had some wild weather, but it’s all good.
Sorry, autocorrect garbled what I said. This storm is not reach hurricane status! It’s all good!
I’m glad everything is ok at your place Nny!…
Thing is: when the orange psycho goes he and his family,especially Kushner, will be leaving stuffed full of classified information and intelligence. Which they can pass on to America’s enemies. What is going to be done about this? We all know they have no morals and scruples.
One of my worries has been that Trump and company has been passing along classified information and intelligence all along. They don’t give a damn about this country. Trump loves to throw around the word treason. Someone should tell the ignoramus the real meaning of the word. I think if anyone is guilty of it, it’s him and his worthless son-in-law Kushner. I still think there is a connection between Trump and Putin. He has been too cozy with him. Believing Putin over his own intelligence people?
Well I have now apologised twice Al!
It’s been a very emotional and stressful period of time so there is a context within which I lost it.
As I have already said, and it’s genuine, I feel bad about doing so.
I didn’t know you live in Northern Ireland. I don’t know much about the political parties in Northern Ireland so so you’re safe from any comments on my part!
Yes am sure! Inveterate tribal religious groupings are very difficult to understand..
Not so much religious more political tribal difference.
I thought you were English,Amy but you’re clearly not a LittleEnglander otherwise you’d be supporting Brexit and Johnson.Not that I know much about any of this…
Really haven’t been following tennis. Wasn’t surprised he lost to Zverev as I have bad memories of him at wtf standing way back to receive as if on clay.
Didn’t want him to play Paris and wtf tbh.
I did think Zverev would be a problem. If he got past Rublev.
Rafa might have coped with a cold RG but it’s still clay.Indoor low bouncing just not his surface .
Agree. Think Rafa really lacks confidence on the surface and goes into his shell.
He can play on it! Ie he was fab when he beat Stefanos at the wtf last year. But he is very hit and miss partly due to lack of conviction.
Do you think we should all call the White House voter fraud hotline with tales of wrongdoing?
How about: we have seen giraffes voting! Or aliens arriving from outer space with maps given to them by Satanic Dems! Am sure they need some promising leads to look into..!
I just read that the orange psycho has sacked Esper, the defence chief, and Mitch McConnell is backing his garbage voter fraud claims.
Feeling anxious again…
They’re not trying to stage a frigging coup are they?
McConnell is evil through and through…
Have you guys been following The Four Season Total Landscaping (site of Rudy Giuliani’s last speech for the Trump campaign) stories? Too funny for words! As Ricky would say “You cannot make this stuff up!”
Yeah Ramara!…I read about it!…Makes more funnier when the landscaping company took advantage of the event by promoting their product “hoodies $50,t shirt $25 & stickers that say “make America rake again” & “lawn & order”!…thee he he…
I don’t understand tho why that location?Some said it was intentional..
Clerk to boss “Sir, the, err, someone claiming to be from the White House is on the phone. They want to book our parking lot for a speech by some guy named Giuliani? It’s a prank, right?”
“Who cares? Just be sure you get the money from them first! It’s our slow season anyway.”
I read about that mess with Gulliani. As if he can’t look any more ridiculous! I heard that the Trump campaign is trying to get donations for their legal challenges! Hah! Of course the Orange Menace would never use his own money! But when he owes personally guaranteed loans of between 300 and 400 million dollars.
I heard about this. Considering that Trump owes $300 to 400 million in personally guaranteed loans that come due in the next few years, I assume this is how he will pay them. He never misses a trick!
Before the election I read an article online about an investigation into Trump using taxpayer dollars for his business. I got so upset that I had to stop reading it. It was one of the newspapers that did the investigation.
He is such a criminal! God only knows what else he is up to! He is putting people loyal to him in the Pentagon. I am starting to get nervous. Before the election there was talk that the states where the Republicans control the legislature might decide to put electors loyal to Trump in place instead of the rightful ones.
I am starting to think that Trump may be crazy enough to try a coup. This is a scary time. He will not accept the fact that he lost the election.
OMG! Is Pompeo mad? Do Republicans care nothing about their country? Do they actually want civil war?
Thinking about you NNY, Elizabeth, Ramara and all. Hoping your constitution is strong enough to withstand this assault.Not unexpected as Trump threatened this, so hope the Democrats were well prepared.
I’d say yes, Pompeo was always mad. That’s why he’s a good Trumplican. AG Barr may be the maddest of them all.
Thanks for caring, Margot. I was near to hopeful over the weekend. Now I’m scared again, even more scared. People around me don’t seem worried at all. All is well in Trumplican hell, I guess. It was my hope that we would not get an authoritarian government. But the real threat to a peaceful transition for Biden’s presidency is unsettling and something I have never experienced. Feels like we are being threatened with civil war if the psycho crybaby does not get his way.
Then there is the obscene mismanagement of COVID in places like El Paso, Texas, and other cities and states where no one cares or has the resources to even deal with the dead packed into supposedly refrigerated trucks.
Life has stopped making sense again. There’s nothing to do but wait. It is quiet outside but it has a feeling of calm before a storm.
When America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold, as they say. Seems appropriate but I dare not think what we will catch when ex Potus sneezes! Yikes!
Hide underneath your duvet and wait for the hurricane to pass. x
This is the song I was playing starting Saturday. I am trying to remain calm and remember the joy and sheer happiness of that day.
But these people Trump has put in the Pentagon are bad dudes. Pompey should be put in jail! The Republicans have gone off the deep end. To have the Secretary of State say what he dud, is an insult to the millions who voted for Biden, he is a total buffoon.
I hate to say what I think is going to happen, but I do not see Trump leaving willingly. They will have to forcefully get him out. I think losing this election has made an already unstable man go over the edge. I think he has lost touch with reality and is insane.
I don’t see it the way you do. Of course I am worried about what the Orange Menace will do in the days he has left. But nothing should take away from the great victory we had in this election. The celebrations on Saturday were just extraordinary. Nightingale can take that away from us. The people spoke loud and clear.
I do not underestimate the damage Trump can do before he leaves. But we will survive. The church bells ringing in Europe. The fireworks in London. People around the world took joy in this election victory. The mayor of Paris said – welcome back America! That should give us strength during the difficult two months ahead of us.
Trump told us beforehand. He said that he would not accept the result if he lost. He said that mail in ballots were fraudulent. So this is not surprising. Scary and unpleasant, but to be expected.
Trump will be gone. Biden will be our next president. This election was a triumph over messing up the post office, voter suppression, intimidation, lies and a raging pandemic. We should not lose sight of that.
I don’t see it the way you do. Nothing can take away the great victory in this election. Trump told us what was going to happen. He said that he would not accept any result that had him losing. He kept trashing mail in ballots. Lied every single time he opened his mouth, had super spreader rallies to make sure his people came out on Election Day and probably got a lot of them sick and some died.
We knew it was going to be bad once he lost. But I want to focus on the joy all over the world. The mayor of Paris tweeting – welcome back America! Fireworks in London. Church bells chiming in Europe! They all have our back!
I want to remember the day there was dancing in the streets in cities across America. The pure joy and exultation on people’s faces. We did it! In spite of Trump messing with the postal service to try and delay the mail in ballots. in spite of the intimidation, the attempts at voter suppression, trying to run the Biden-Harris bus off the road. All of it! But we triumphed over all of it and we should not lose sight of that.
Trump will make it hard until his time is up. But we should remember that this piece of human filth has an appointment with the Southern District of New York. Now they can go after him. No more immunity for the Orange Menace. So we have to hang on, knowing the world is behind us and Biden is fighting hard to stay on track. Better day’s are coming.
I am worried, but not despairing. We should all hang on to hope because after four years of pure hell, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I wrote a really long post yesterday but it did not come up for some reason. I wanted to say that I see things differently. We won a great election victory, triumphing over many obstacles that Trump threw in our path. Messing up the post office so the mail in ballots would not get there in time. The lies about mail in ballots being fraudulent. The voter suppression tactics. The governor of Texas limited drop off boxes for ballots to one per county! Intimidation tactics like trying to run a Biden-Harris bus off the road. Trump holding super spreader rallies to get his people out to vote, ignoring the danger of exposing them to the virus.
But we did it in the end. That should not get lost. We knew Trump would not accept the results of the election if he lost. He said it over and over again. We knew there could be mayhem in the two months until he is gone.
While I am concerned and worried about what the Orange Menace will do, I still have faith because of this great victory. The whole would rejoiced with us. Trump may make it hard on the country until he goes, which he will. But we should be proud of how Americans stood up to the challenge. There is reason to be hopeful.
Please accept my apologies for being a tired old cynic. I have been so depressed and angry the past four years and I thought it would never end. I’m still in a bit of disbelief that Trump will get away with outright crimes, get off easy, and will re-emerge in some form in 2024. There are just so many who believe his lies and think him wonderful. So it’s a total loss of faith in the whole lot of fellow Americans who voted for him. Knowingly or ignorantly they voted for autocracy and a complete idiot!
There is reason to be hopeful – but the fight is still on with so many of us of a mind to see Trump as a good idea. This fact makes me doubtful about remaining focused and nation to fighting COVID and focused on how bad the Climate Crisis is. I voted for Biden, I did! And it’s probably the best we could do at this time. I’m not celebrating quite yet, though. Also, I won’t vent my angst here if it drags people down. I’ll stay on the subject of tennis as I am right now. And not listen to the political news because it does vex me. I never want to hear or see Trump the center of attention again! What an awful four years! ….and it lingers.
In no way was I trying to tell you not to have your feelings. You are entitled to that. I am also discouraged by all the people who voted for a wannabe dictator, I am extremely disturbed by the ignorance of people who seem willing to give up the precious freedoms and liberties we have in this country. It is very concerning. So I share some of your concern.
As far as Trump, I do not think he will get away with his crimes. He can pardon himself, but not state charges. He is being investigated by the Southern District of New York. There are a number of investigations. They will get his tax records. Bank fraud, possible money laundering and tax fraud are at issue. I know that he got away without being impeached or convicted fir what he has done in office. But he is still facing a wired of problems. He is deeply in debt with 300 to 400 million in loans coming due. As far as running in 2024. he can’t do that if he is in prison. The Southern District of New York has a great track record of convicting criminals. Trump is a stone cold criminal. He has gotten away with a lot, but now he will not have the protection of immunity from prosecution now that he is no longer president.
I know that Biden was not your personal choice. He was my choice from the start. I felt that he was the one who could defeat Trump and that was priority number 1. He is a decent man. I believe he will work hard to deal with COVID. Unfortunately, he cannot start right now. So many more Americans will die needlessly as Trump goes golfing while this virus spreads. And that is a real tragedy. It breaks my heart. You may not get all the change that you wants but Biden will sign executive orders on day one to reenter the Paris Accord, roll back much of Trump’s deregulations. He will act quickly to start repairing the damage. We won’t have a madman wannabe dictator in office anymore. We did beat back the greatest challenge to democracy in the history of our country.
I am not pretending it will be all roses and sunshine. It will be a long hard road to repair the damage Trump has done. But at least we have a chance to tackle the climate crisis and the virus. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
You should come here and vent all you want. That’s what this topic thread is for. I am not upset with your angst! I respect you. Always know that. You have a lot to say and are an important voice.
My concern is the Democrats losing seats in the House. Also, the inability to gain the four seats needed to win the Senate. Now we have to try to win two seats in the runoff in Georgia. We did not win state legislatures. These are not good signs. The Dems have to get their act together to stay in power.
I think many of us are scarred by four years of Trump hell. It’s something that I never thought I would ever see in this country. My father told me so much about the Nazis after his experience in WWII. He understood that they were cowards at heart. He was with the soldiers who liberated concentration camps at Dachau and Bergen Belsen. He had to take pictures of the atrocities for the Nuremberg trials. He interrogated Nazis. I know that what he saw changed him as a person. But he realized who Hitler and the Nazis were. He would have seen right through Trump.
Elizabeth my dear, you dont have to apologize for anything, you are amongst friends that are here to support you , and we all support each other, i know i cant be over the pond with you, but im here for a chat and a sympathetic ear, and please dont ever see that as a weakness, as your one of the strongest ladies i know , as NNY says stay true yourself , and what you believe, love and hugs XX
Yeah!…I’m here too RC!…Always will!…Don’t think too much RC!..It will eat u slowly from the inside…Just live with hope & positivity that everythings will be beautiful again tomorrow…coz the chance is always there!…
Miss u & love u RC!
I wrote a really long reply, but it did not post. I can’t rewrite it all again, but I just wanted to say that I think you are entitled to feel whatever you feel. Feelings aren’t right or wrong, they just are. I share many of your concerns. It is extremely disturbing to see so many Americans vote for a wannabe dictator who will take away their freedoms and liberties. Ignorance is a terrible thing. He already politicized the DOJ with the help of Attorney General Barr. He was on his way.
All I was trying to say is that we should not forget that the majority of people in this country voted to repudiate Trump, with all the challenges and obstacles he threw at us. My concern was that If one person cheats, then the other person is at a disadvantage. Trump never plays by the rules. So Biden had an even tougher task, I know you wanted Sanders or Warren,. But I felt that Biden could beat Trump. So did a Trump, hence his effort to get the Ukrainian prime minister to dig up dirt on him.
We now have a chance to reverse a lot of what Trump did. We will have a normal person as president. Not a maniac. We saved ourselves from an autocrat. There is hope, but also more work to be done.
You get to speak your truth here! Always! You don’t drag anyone down! I just tried to give another perspective. You are such an important voice here! Never forget that!
Well one of my earlier posts managed to appear. It is the first response to your latest post, at 2:35 pm. I write another one as you can see.
This is an emotional time. I do believe that the Orange Menace will leave in the end. He is doing all he can to make it hard for a Biden, but he can’t stop him. He is just a loser now. His life will not be pleasant as he fights off civil lawsuits from two women who have accused him of assault and rape, investigations by the Southern District of New York into criminal activity in his business to the 300 to 400 million in loans he has to pay in the next few years. He will need to spend a lot of money on lawyers. He can’t run for office again if he’s in jail.
He is a face, a fraud, a con man. The majority of Americans saw it. They fired him! Good riddance!
You keep on keeping on! If we can survive until January 20, I think there are better days ahead. There is an old saying that it is always darkest before the dawn.
@Nativenewyorker: I don’t think anything will change personally in your life what ever happens with the presidency. So stop thinking too much about it.
Nothing like some unsolicited mansplaining!!
Nny is a highly intelligent independent and thoughtful woman who doesn’t need offensive patronising comments from strangers. Or is Anthony haha/Stanley in one of his many thrilling guises?
Thanks! I just saw that comment. Quite condescending. Of course it affects our lives! The idea of re-electing an autocrat who will turn this country into a dictatorship? There is nothing more important than to fight back for freedom and liberty! Thank goodness the people realized it and came out in record numbers to vote!
There was violence at the rally with Trump supporters in Washington D.C. yesterday. Trump was driving around to encourage the crowd! This is where things could get ugly. It’s what the Orange Menace wants.
Before the crazy sick lunatic leaves office, he will manage to cause the deaths of many more Americans as he ignores the raging virus. He will cause tumult and chaos until this miserable piece of garbage finally leaves.
I found it very condescending nny!
I must say until that fat psycopathic tosser actually goes I can’t relax.
I knew that he and the GOP would do this but it’s still nauseating.
The one good thing I see in this is that hopefully Biden and the Dems realise they have to press for legal action against the entire Trump crime family and associates plus McConnell and the GOP.
That’s my hope but whether they have the balls to do so is a different matter. I mean, the GOP are absolutely institutionally corrupt and antidemocratic and they have to take them down along with the crime consortium.
I don’t think anyone can relax until that piece of human garbage goes! I agree that it is sickening to see what the GOO is doing, even if it’s not a surprise.
Biden will have to clean out the DOJ. I would love to see whoever he appoints as Attorney General go after Barr. Biden said he would leave it up to the Attorney General. The whole Trump family is nothing but grifters. I am grateful that we have a court system that was able to throw out all of Trump’s pathetic challenges to the vote.
Trump cannot pardon himself on any state charges that may come out of the current investigations they are conducting in the Southern District of New York, I sincerely hope they get him for running essentially a criminal enterprise.
I saw your PM Boris Johnson in the House of Commons this past week. He is trying to act all chummy with our incoming president. I must say that I love to watch your Parliament debate. It’s so different from our debates in the Senate.
Nny I just read that Lindsey sycophant in chief Graham tried to pressure the Republican in charge in Georgia to throw out legally cast absentee ballots to try to give the state to the orange psycho.
Graham really is revolting beyond belief and should be nowhere near government let alone the Senate Judiciary committee.
Yes, it’s really true. How anyone like that can be in public office is pretty disgusting. I expected Trump to be an SOB about losing the election. But to see the Republicans go along with him is something else. The GOP is a shell of what it once was.
Biden said it flat out – people will die if the Trump administration refuses to cooperate in the transition. All Trump is doing is tweeting more insane lies and conspiracy theories when he isn’t golfing. This is what the people who voted for him want? Really? Shame on them!
I detest that spineless sycophant Graham nny!
But the orange psycho is the GOP’s creation. They have been on the antidemocratic route for a long time; at war with science; facts; reality itself.
As Frum said years ago, if the GOP can’t win through ideological means they won’t abandon their mindset but will abandon democracy.
Our conservative party is becoming a carbon copy of their antidemocratic corrupt playbook. It’s not a Conservative party any longer but an English Nationalist Party based on notions of the Volk and blood and soil identity. Brexit is a vehicle to make our country into something resembling America ie tribal, divided with one party openly racist antidemocratic autocratic and hate mongering. It’s all about political theology which is the deliberate antithesis of reason, science and democratic values.
What’s scary is how quickly and easily people gobble it up.
I just saw your latest comment. I am appalled by how the GOP is behaving. Lindsay Graham should be censured at the very least. Since when does a Senator from South Carolina get involved in any way with e,ectuon results in Georgia? In what universe? I don’t buy any of his lame ass attempts to explain it. Butt out!
We have never seen a transition like this. Trump is on a firing spree, when he’s not too busy tweeting the latest nonsensical conspiracy theories. He fired the guy who said our election was the most secure ever. Unfortunately, more people will die because Trump is not doing anything and will not give Biden the information he needs to be up to speed on the virus. The situation has become dire in America.
We don’t know what crazy thing Trump will do next. The Republicans are privately furious about him withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. But the wimps won’t stand up to him.
I have run out of words to say about Trump. No language that would be appropriate on this forum. He is the scum of the earth.
Nny, are there no sanctions that can be used by the Dems, who hold the House, against the orange fascist? Because this is insane.
I read that additional witnesses have said that Graham tried to steal the election in Georgia. If he did it there, how do we know he hasn’t tried elsewhere but this time people have been too scared to speak up? What Graham has done is clearly criminal and he should face criminal sanctions and go to jail.
What is most alarming is how officials and politicians abuse their powers and seem to face no penalties. It’s the same here.
I think you are as exhausted as I am because it is so relentless?! Please God let Biden take control soon. He is an eminently decent man with a good heart whether one agrees with his politics or not. Decency is in short supply right now so it needs to be cherished.
The problem is that Trump will pardon himself. As for a Graham, he should have to face charges because interfering with an election is a federal offense. It strikes me that the only ones committing illegal acts are the Republicans.
Last night I freaked out when I saw online that in Wayne County, Michigan they refused to certify the vote. That’s where the blacks voted in huge numbers. Then there was a big outcry and they ended up voting to certify the election results for Wayne County. But it’s something crazy every day. Trump wants a partial recount In Wisconsin which he will have to pay for. A full recount is about $8 million. So they are paying for a partial recount, guess where? In Democratic counties! Oh right! Because that’s where dead people vote or there is all this fraud! Please!
They had Lawrence Tribe on last night. He is an expert on constitutional issues. They keep talking about the investigations in the Southern District of New York. Trump cannot pardon himself with state charges. He cannot avoid prosecution for any charges they may bring.
What I wish they could do is use the 25th amendment. It says that if the president is unable to do his job, then the Vice President takes over. The Vice President and the cabinet have to determine that the president is not fit to do his job. But that will never happen. It’s too bad, because I think that losing the election has pushed Trump over the edge. He was already dangerously unstable. Now I think he may have crossed the line to insanity. He isn’t doing his job. All he does is tweet wacky conspiracy theories and lies. He is not doing anything about the virus.
The Republicans better watch themselves. The country is watching and so is the world. Trump lost the popular vote and the electoral college. They are not going to steal this election when it was such a resounding victory. Biden is such a decent man. It’s shame that he has to put up with the antics Of this psychotic overgrown baby.
I know who Laurence Tribe is nny. I have read articles by him several times.
Is the SDNY really to be trusted? They had a strong case against Ivanka and Don jnr for money laundering years before 2016 and they didn’t proceed. It’s Cyrus Vance in charge right? Everyone knows that Trump tower properties have been money laundering vehicles for the Russian mafia along with a host of other criminals yet they refused to take them on. So the establishment looks to have been routinely complicit in not acting while knowing what is going on.
If they can use the 25th presumably they can drag people in and hold hearings? Ie bring Barr in, among others. Make them feel the heat. I don’t know why, if they have subpoena powers they don’t use them.
It’s beyond shocking all the people in charge of registering the election getting death threats ie the guy who is a Republican in Georgia – he is the Secretary of state right? Raffensberger? At least some GOP officials haven’t cowed to this criminal mafiosi pressure.
You are in the know! I did not realize that they brought charges against the children in the past. You are also aware of the money laundering. They is what they suspect. Proving it may be another thing entirely. The Russian oligarch are backed by Putin and they are supposed to be the most corrupt group.
I thought the Southern District was supposed to be good. But Trump has managed to avoid being held accountable for a long time. His father was the same way. The whole family are basically grifters. I know that Trump’s sister had to step down from being a judge because of an investigation by The NY Times. They got records from Mary Trump. She really didn’t know what was in there, but the Times was able to put it all together. So they are all criminals.
The basic strategy of Trump now is to stir the pot with all sorts of fake stories and lies about a rigged election. Then they hope that it will get some of the Republican controlled state legislatures to put up their own electors loyal to Trump. This is what fascists and dictators do. They said it won’t happen because there are Democratic governors on those states and the law says you can’t change electors after they have been picked. It is a sign of how desperate Trump is.
The one thing I do know is that he will need a lot of money to pay all the lawyers he is going to need after he is no longer president. I am hoping they can get his tax returns, although they say tax fraud is hard to prove. He is being sued in civil cases for assault and rape by two women.
I think the issue is that the transition is like a gentleman’s agreement. It’s just something that has always been done. Except that Trump is NO gentleman! No one has ever refused to concede an election or not cooperate in the transition period.
Trump has gotten away with so much. It’s past time for it to catch up with him.
Nny, well the worrying thing is.that they (SDNY)had a strong case against Ivanka and Don jnr for money laundering but wouldn’t bring it so it looks like they covered it up. I mean, the money laundering has been going on forever with half the Russian mob living in Trump tower. I fear that because the establishment has covered up for him they will.do it again. They had a strong case before after all which would have sent Ivanka and Don jnr to jail so that wasn’t about absence of proof but covering up the evidence.
Look at how the establishment covered up the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein for so long when everyone knew about it. The media wrote puff pieces about him.
Did you know that it was Barr’s father who first gave Epstein a job in a NY school.even though Epstein wasn’t qualified? And that Barr’ s father wrote a novel with scenes involving sex slaves?!! All these criminals are so interconnected they have dirt on each other.
I must say that Dershowitz’s role in covering up for Epstein while himself being accused of child rape( as was Trump) was a foretaste of what a sycophantic s**t he was to become.
I don’t understand why the establishment would cover up for Trump. That makes no sense. Jeffrey Epstein had connections being so rich. He got a deal on his sentence for sexually abusing those young girls. It was a travesty of justice. Things have changed in the last decade or so when it comes to sexual abuse crimes.m
I did not know that Barr’s father who gave Epstein a job . Barr is a disgrace. What he has done in being Trump’s personal lawyer is outrageous. I didn’t know about Dershowitz covering up for Epstein.
All I know is that Cyrus Vance is investigating Trump. He is the one who went to court to get his tax records. Heal so said that there is criminal activity in Trump’s business. I cannot believe they would try to protect Trump in any way. He will not have immunity after losing the presidency,
Trump is now going straight to Republican legislators to get then to put in electors who will vote to certify him. In other words, a coup. This is about as bad as it gets. So far Republicans have resisted pressure from Trump. The Secretary of State in Georgia has gotten death threats. Trump is trying to have them overturn the result in Michigan. This is just unreal.
Trump is no longer fit to carry out his duties. He needs to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.
I hope that they make Trump’s life miserable! It is long overdue for him to be held accountable for his crimes.
He is out of control. Now he is inviting Republican state legislators to the White House to get them to put electors in place who are loyal to a Trump instead of the lawfully elected ones. He is trying for a coup! In broad daylight! He is dangerously close to treason.
I just saw your latest post! Between Letitia James and Cyrus Vance, Trump will have his hands full! It’s great to hear that they have indictments waiting for right after he leaves the presidency! It’s long overdue!
Just popped on here to send you all my good wishes and hopes that 2021 will be a better year for us all. Stay safe, stay sane. It was great to reconnect with my virtual tennis friends.
Some good things about 2020: 1) Trump getting dumped 2) Marcus Rashford 3) the vaccine, developed through world wide co-operation.
Probably only Amy and Alison will know about Marcus, but he is such a decent, lovely man with more kindness in his little finger than the whole of the Tory cabinet put together.
Yes. Man U. Forced Gov to fund free meals for poor kids. Grew up using food banks to survive and shamed Gov into doing two U turns. Said much more to do to fight child poverty. Hero.
Stop calling them protesters! They are useless moronic fascists.
And that loathsome pathetic criminal tub of lard incited this. They won’t send the National Guard. Wonder which fascist moron decided that.
# Nazis.
As for everyone who sneered at us when we said years ago this would happen. F&&k off. It’s always been utterly obvious what a fascistic heap of garbage he is.
I am watching this in horror. My sister called me because I was out and didn’t see any of it.
I had a bad feeling when Trump came back from Florida early. I have been worried that something was going to happen. It should have been obvious to everyone.
This is an attempted coup. I am sickened by what I am seeing.
Big hug to you dear! I have no idea why the building was not secure. I am outraged. It’s time to invoke the 25th amendment and get Trump out of there now! He is not fit to govern. How many times have we warned people on here? I knew he would do something, but I did not expect this. Why aren’t they tear gassing these thugs?
You are right about if it was BLM. I blame the Republicans for this nonsense of challenging the electoral college results. They have enabled Trump and it led to this.
The good news is that they have called the second race in Georgia for the Dems! We have the Senate! Take that, Trumpy!
I just posted something but it did not come up. I knew that Trump was up to something, but I never thought this would happen. I don’t know why the building was not secure. They should have had the National Guard there with tear gas!
If it was BLM they would have shot them. They need to invoke the 25th amendment. Trump is not fit to govern. How many times did we warn everyone here?
I have tried to answer you two times, but it did not post.
Hugs to you! It’s time to invoke the 25th amendment! Trump is not fit to govern. The lack of security was appalling.
How many times have we warned about what Trump might do? I had a bad feeling when Trump came back from Florida early. I knew he was going to pull something.
Nny, I feel for you darling!
Am busy now but will post later today..
Thinking of you and Elizabeth..( I know Elizabeth is surrounded by Trumpers where she lives so it’s hard not to worry about her…)
Xxx xxx
PS throw Cruz and Hawley out of the Senate!
I see that Keir has condemned this in the strongest possible terms and our own fascist tub of lard has said nothing.
# Birds of a feather stick together…
It should have been a great day with the Democrats winning both Senate races to get control of the Senate. But seeing what happened just made me sick to my stomach.
They need to invoke the 25th amendment now! Trump is not fit to govern. Congress stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to certify the electoral college. So the insurrection failed. But the whole world was watching.
How many times have we said here that something bad would happen? Why weren’t the police prepared? Trump was hinting about something big happening. He can do it again. He has until January 20.it’s only January 7.
There is a way to get rid of him in the constitution. Use the 25th amendment. They need to get a strait jacket and put him in a psychiatric hospital.
Nny it seems the Capitol police actually helped them. They opened the gates, they took selfies…
Are the Dems actually going to do anything? Because I read that Pelosi has told Congress to go home until after the inauguration. Sorry but this is really utterly ridiculous. Trump is going to do something even worse! They can’t just let sedition and treason pass unpunished…It’s farcical…
This passive behaviour by the Dems is pathetic..They swore an oath to uphold the constitution!
I agree with you. Trump has no remorse. That is what they said. What is to stop him from doing something else? Chuck Schumer called for Trump to be out now. The cabinet has to get together to invoke the 25th amendment. This is why we have it! Use it! He is clearly not fit to govern. What if he starts a war? He is capable of anything.
I don’t know what is up with Nancy Pelosi. We are not safe as long as this lunatic is there. They are building a wall now. So we have to be an armed camp now?
The FBI is involved and they are actively working to arrest more of these thugs. We need better protection by the police. Trump had been hinting about this. They should have been ready.
I am a nervous wreck! You could see this escalating. It should not have come as a surprise. Trump has to go now!
Shocking scenes from Capitol Hill, but is anyone surprised? Trump and the Republican senators who still refuse to acknowledge the election result, need to be removed from office now.
Take care, my US friends.
Amy: I notice our very own mini Trump hasn’t condemned POTUS. The creepy shape shifter is a disgrace.
Margot, the creepy shape shifter is a disgrace but so is much of our media who are little more than pathetic poodles. No one here should think we are in better shape than America where the institutions are far more robust. Here, as in Hungary, they are being hollowed out so that they simply don’t function.
Would really like to know, if you have a minute, what you think of where Labour are? I really don’t like the outsize influence of Claire Ainsley. Is everything to be projected at Red Wall voters many of whom have probably signed up to populism for good anyway?
Hi Amy! POTUS has made a U turn worthy of our shape shifter, must’ve been taking lessons!
As far as Starmer is concerned, really like him at first, not so much now. I know he’s got a very difficult job but he’s cosying up to the Tories far too much for me and he seems to lack fire in his belly. Heard Milliband skewering the Tories business policies and showing real passion. Like David Lammy very much, being very smart and also warm. Also Lisa Nandy. And SNP’s Ian Blackford(?) is wonderful! Attack! Attack!
Replied before and it didn’t show, so hope this doesn’t double. Also, NNY tis me, not “anon.”
Hi Amy! This will be my third try to respond to you, so third time lucky, I hope.
I’m very disappointed with Labour TBH. The job of the opposition is to oppose. They seem to have forgotten how.I know Starmer has a difficult job to do but I’d like to see some passion from him.
I see Marcus is having to take on the Government again regarding child hunger, and where id the LP?
Margot, yes I agree. But it’s noticeable that Ed is way more effective now ( one speech of his was fab) than when he was leader. Being leader of Labour is so difficult because of the media attacking them constantly that it stifles people. Also Starmer is a neophyte in political terms and lacks experience and self-confidence. The biggest problem imo is that he is far too on board with Claire Ainsley his closest advisor. I am sure you know about Ainsley? If not, I can tell you more. It’s way too focus group obsessed, positioning messaging from there into their own speeches and policy. Ie they are feeding back to them what they want,( or what they think they want from Red Wall voters especially). In an age of populism how does this work exactly?!! Far too simplistic. The Biden coalition got its victory by primarily.emphasising the danger of the opposition. And here I agree with you completely, they have to attack at the moral level.
I like Lammy and Nandy as well( and Blackford). Still think Starmer is a man of principles and integrity but lacking self-confidence and going with the wrong advice. Ainsley has no political experience. He needs someone who has.
But there is no way they can hold Labour together like this for several.more years by repelling their own core pro Europe, hate Johnson vote ( why say what they think Red Wall wants and lose Scotland!?)
Or are you so fed up you want a change in leader? He is very effective against the creepy shape shifter…
Marcus is a gem, I agree!!
Nancy Pelosi had to go to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs for assurance that Trump will not be able to access the nuclear codes. This is what it’s come to now. We have a deranged psychopath in the White House and we have to try to prevent him from more mayhem and chaos.
Twitter permanently banned Trump. One reason is that they have information about another attack planned for January 17. So they are cutting him off.
Pelosi is trying to pressure Trump
to resign or face impeachment.
Nny, the more I read the worse it becomes. Capitol police actively helping the mob while black police were trying to maintain order and were racially abused.
As for the talk of ‘healing ‘ by the GOP traitors.. It would be unbelievable if we didn’t know already how utterly cynical they are. Why aren’t all the Dems on board with removing the vile piece of sh&t? They have to before he starts a war somewhere and they have to remove Cruz, Hawley and Graham plus bring all the toady sycophants like Pompeo to account. Have all the lawyers involved disbarred.
All the old Guard of the Dems who won’t use the powers they possess to protect the American people should be replaced by people who will. I think some of them are complicit in what is going on because they have refused to use the powers they have to hold the murderous psycho and his thugs to account before.
Even if they somehow get to inauguration day I am really frightened what may happen. Can they remove the people he has put in the Pentagon who are helping this? It was obviously a co-ordinated coup.
One good thing: given Thomas’s moron wife bussed in the mob surely Thomas has to resign from the Supreme Court? That is good news!
But the amount of info the mob had on the tunnels and where the offices were mean they had a lot of inside help. The extent of the GOP involvement is breathtaking. The whole party has to be taken down. And don’t let me hear one more word about civility! This is just the coded language of the confederacy! No one should be on board with it.
Sending you and Elizabeth love
I don’t understand why you are putting this on the Dems. Put the blame where it belongs – on Trump and the Republicans! The ones in Congress who made objections to the electoral college results even after this hideous insurrection.
A lot more is coming out now. It’s beyond disturbing. How it took 90 minutes for the National Guard to arrive. How no one in the Pentagon responded. How the governor of Maryland could not get anyone to okay him sending in more National Guard.
It is obvious that this was orchestrated by Trump. He is the one who put his loyalists in the Pentagon. He made sure that no one would respond. This was orchestrated in advance. That’s why Trump left Florida early before his New Years Eve party. I had a bad feeling. But Trump is stupid and are his fanatic supporters. We were lucky this time. They are too incompetent to pull off a coup.
But let us remember that the Dems only control the House at this time. The Republicans still control the Senate and Presidency. The Dems tried to contact Pence to get him to invoke the 25th amendment. That would mean immediate removal of Trump and Pence taking over until January 20. Now they are trying to impeach him if Trump won’t resign. There is nothing else they can do. Impeachment will not get rid of Trump. The ones to blame are the Republicans who tried to help Trump overturn the election. Censure by the House and Senate is a possibility.
They can’t just throw out elected public officials. There needs to be an investigation and then they can try to hold people accountable. After Biden takes over the new Department of Justice can go after those responsible.
There may be more violence. These fascist thugs are not done. Trump is dangerously unstable. They have to try to keep
him from doing more damage.
The other night they showed video of a police officer being crushed by the mob as they tried to break into the Capitol. I was so upset that I couldn’t sleep that night. It was horrific. We have never experienced anything like this. The rioters were looking for Pence and said they would hang him. They knew where to go. Nancy Pelosi’s office is not easy to find. So who told them where to go?
There were thugs with messages on their shirts. Camp Auschwitz with a rough translation of the slogan Arbeit Macht Frei – work brings freedom. Then another short with the message – 6 million is not enough. Referencing the 6 million Jews who were killed in the Holocaust. It made me sick.
This is a crisis. I worry that Biden will not be able to enact his agenda. We have a raging pandemic. We can’t get bogged down in going after Trump. The Dept. of Justice can go after those responsible.
Once Trump is out of office he will be subjected to prosecution from many prosecutors. He will not have a minute’s peace. His children egged on these thugs and they should face charges.
Trump needs to be in jail. I don’t care who gets him. As long as they get him. This has been so awful to live through. I think I am still in shock.
I agree about Twitter allowing Trump to get away with his poisonous garbage for too long. They should have banned him a long time ago. Now they finally did it because he is inciting violence.
One man who lost an election has tried to turn everything upside down. I would like to see Trump in jail for the rest of his life. He can’t handle losing, so everyone has to suffer?
We could see this coming. We should have been ready. Hitler was smarter because he never showed his hand. No one saw it coming. But Trump always talks about what he will do. That is one thing with him. He shows his hand. So we should have been ready. Trump is too dumb to pull off a coup. His thugs were too disorganized to get it done. We were fortunate this time. But we have to be prepared now.
That was me NNY, don’t know why I came up as aon!
Things look so scary in USA. Pence now on side with the orange menace who is as belligerent as ever and justifying what he said.
Take care
Thanks for letting me know. There is another anonymous. Someone not worth addressing anymore. Anyone who could defend the Orange Menace is not worth the time. Pathetic and delusional. They cannot make an argument. All they do is attack and regurgitate the propaganda from their leader.
There is more video showing the brutality of the attacks on police officers. It is truly horrendous. They urinated and defecated in the halls of the Capitol. They showed one representative who was on the floor cleaning up the mess because he was so upset by it.
This was more organized than we thought. We know now why the National Guard was delayed. Trump would not call them up. I think it was Pence who got them to come.
It’s going to be an armed camp for the inauguration. They are rounding up these thugs and that is a good thing. But this is not over yet. Neo-fascism in America. Not a pretty sight.
The Orange Menace will not take any responsibility. No surprise. But people can see who and what he is now. Some Republicans are willing to impeach him. But there are too many who still stand behind him. I hope they can get rid of Cruz and Hawley. Cruz’s communications person quit today. The blowback has been fierce. They deserve it.
I am feeling very stressed. Nervous for the inauguration. This should be a time to celebrate, but there is talk of more attacks planned. God help us.
The governor of Maryland is on cnn talking about how he could not get authorization to send in more troops. He tried to send help. But those in charge did not respond. It is obvious that this was coordinated in advance.
We better not let down our guard. The issue is still why no one was ready knowing that Trump was tweeting about something big happening on January 6. If I could figure out that something was up, what about those in charge who are responsible to protect our Capitol?
I couldn’t watch the footage of the Capitol policeman getting crushed. I see the Arizona GOP has censured the honourable Cindy McCain…nothing said about blue lives matter now…
The GOP is the party of death. They are nihilists really..
My understanding is that Pelosi has impeachment charges ready for tomorrow. But then I heard that they might pull back so that Biden can get some things done as soon as he is inaugurated. We have to deal with the pandemic and the economy. There is going to be an investigation by the DOJ into everything to find out what happened and why. But it appears that Trump planned this and had his flunkies in the Pentagon prepared not to send in any help. I was nervous when he put his people in place in the Pentagon. People who were not qualified. So this has been planned for a while. So he went to the courts, he tried to bribe Georgia election officials and then tried to pressure Pence to throw out the electoral college results. When all that did not work, he had this insurrection as a last resort.
I would advise people not to watch the video of the police officer getting crushed as they were trying to prevent the thugs from breaking in. They did push them back. The police officer who died was a white man. He texted his family and said he was okay. But he went to the hospital and had a blood clot and a stroke and died. So there were police officers who did their job. The one who was getting crushed survived. It is indescribable to see this happen.
They are going to have a virtual army there for the inaugural. At least now they understand what they are dealing with.
I think if they impeach him again, then he can never run for public office again.
I never thought I would live to see anything like this. Neo-fascism in America.
One more thing. These thugs think they are big shots now. I heard they were celebrating online. Well the FBI is coming for them now. They will use everything to bring them down. These are the lunatic fringe. One of them even posted online that he doesn’t care if Trump remains in power. They hate the government.
Trump has to be convicted (that’s up to the Senate) as well as impeached (the House can do that) in order to keep him from running again and even still there are not enough votes in the Senate to convict him.
Many Republican politicians (hell, probably ALL of them except maybe Cruz and Halley) despise Trump but Trump still controls their party (ReTRUMPlicans) and they’re afraid of him. No one with a grain of sense believes Trump’s “malarkey” about Biden “stealing” the election but a whole lot of people don’t use logic or even common sense to make decisions. Ah well, a wise man once said that democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the rest. The price of freedom really is eternal vigilance. The former Republican party sowed the wind and now they’re reaping the whirlwind.
And yes, Trump had this planned well in advance. This is the reason for the spate of firing anyone he deemed “disloyal” to him and pardoning all his cronies. This is NOT over, not by a long sight. I’m sure there’s more to come, even after he’s finally booted from the White House.
You know, this should have been the week that we celebrated the victories for the Senate in Georgia. This was such an inspiring thing to see. African Americans turned out in record numbers in a runoff election. There was a sense that the Dems did not have much of a chance. But they came out and voted and would not be deterred. It should have been a special moment.
Then this horror came. I was beginning to think I was getting too paranoid, because I had been feeling nervous fir a while. First when Trump put in his loyalists in the Pentagon, people who were blatantly unqualified. Then when Trump abruptly left Florida before his New Years Eve party. Then his tweets about something big happening on January 6. Now they reported that both the FBI and the NYPD warned the Capitol police about people coming there. The FBI even contacted extremists and told them not to come. I could not get rid of this nagging feeling that something bad was about to happen. I wasn’t paranoid. It was my gut instinct. Trump was always going to go there.
What unnerves me the most is how the National Guard was not deployed for hours. Nobody came to help. The Pentagon did not respond. This was no coincidence.
I agree that the Republicans did not believe for one minute that Biden didn’t win or that there was fraud. I don’t even think Hawley or Cruz believed it. But they went along with the lie and they have blood on their hands.
They say that Pelosi will have impeachment charges tomorrow. Then Pence has 24 hours to invoke the 25th amendment. If not then the House can vote on impeachment. There isn’t time for a trial in the Senate to convict. I don’t see any way they get 2/3 of Senators to convict.
I don’t think this is over at all. But I also think that this was a wake up call for the FBI and other law enforcement organizations. They are going to have to be ready to meet force with force.
It is true that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. But in Tuesday’s election we found reason to hope and rejoice. We have to keep fighting and voting. Light and dark from one day to the next. Such a wonderful moment Tuesday, followed by the hideous insurrection on Wednesday.
I think I always knew it was coming. We still have to survive this madman for a little over a week. But the damage he has done and the destruction he has wrought, will still be with us.
You know, this should have been the week that we celebrated the victories for the Senate in Georgia. This was such an inspiring thing to see. African Americans turned out in record numbers in a runoff election. There was a sense that the Dems did not have much of a chance. But they came out and voted and would not be deterred. It should have been a special moment.
Then this horror came. I was beginning to think I was getting too paranoid, because I had been feeling nervous fir a while. First when Trump put in his loyalists in the Pentagon, people who were blatantly unqualified. Then when Trump abruptly left Florida before his New Years Eve party. Then his tweets about something big happening on January 6. Now they reported that both the FBI and the NYPD warned the Capitol police about people coming there. The FBI even contacted extremists and told them not to come. I could not get rid of this nagging feeling that something bad was about to happen. I wasn’t paranoid. It was my gut instinct. Trump was always going to go there.
What unnerves me the most is how the National Guard was not deployed for hours. Nobody came to help. The Pentagon did not respond. This was no coincidence.
I agree that the Republicans did not believe for one minute that Biden didn’t win or that there was fraud. I don’t even think Hawley or Cruz believed it. But they went along with the lie and they have blood on their hands.
They say that Pelosi will have impeachment charges tomorrow. Then Pence has 24 hours to invoke the 25th amendment. If not then the House can vote on impeachment. There isn’t time for a trial in the Senate to convict. I don’t see any way they get 2/3 of Senators to convict.
I don’t think this is over at all. But I also think that this was a wake up call for the FBI and other law enforcement organizations. They are going to have to be ready to meet force with force.
It is true that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. But in Tuesday’s election we found reason to hope and rejoice. We have to keep fighting and voting. Light and dark from one day to the next. Such a wonderful moment Tuesday, followed by the hideous insurrection on Wednesday.
I think I always knew it was coming. We still have to survive this madman for a little over a week. But the damage he has done and the destruction he has wrought, will still be with us.
Do you really think it is smart for the left to divide the country even more than they already have this election? What those idiots did to at the capitol was disgusting and sad. Those were extremists that need to get locked up. But the left already won like you said and Trump admitted recently finally he would do a peaceful transition now that he lost in courts. So let’s practice what the left always preaches by “de escalation” and realize there is less than 2 weeks before they are in office. And an impeachment would divide the country EVEN more being that half the nation likes Trump which was and is shown and proven over votes. Also REMBER the left was NEVER peaceful when trump won, even after he won when AMERICA voted for him. And before you jump to accusations and justification of the left and what they did this election which was disgusting especially the media, just know I am not a republican. Just speaking the truth, which STATICALLY HALF of the NATION AGREES with.
Do not dare to compare what happened after Trump won on 2016 to this! No rewriting reality here! Did we have a mob attack and break into the Capitol? Were people killed? This is what happens over and over again and it has to stop!
We have never seen this kind of violence. Why? Because no president ever tried to have a coup to overturn an election. People have to stop acting like this is just business as normal. That is the problem! Normalizing Trump’s vile and illegal behavior! This man was trying to bribe Georgia election officials to get him more votes! He tried to pressure the Vice President to refuse to certify the electoral college! Please do not insult me and others here by pretending that this is normal in any way!
The fact that so many Americans like Trump and voted for him does not in any way make what he did somehow okay! It means they were fooled by a con artist and fraud who has done this all his life. This man is a total loser. A liar, a crook, a cheat without any morality or ethics or principles. The fact that so many people support him days more about us.
Trump needs to go to jail. He has committed crimes and no one is above the law. The idea that we should just join hands now and sing kumbaya like it never happened, is unacceptable!
We were lucky this time. If we accept this, then what is to prevent it from happening again. Trump divided this country for his own political purposes. He created this chaos. He lied about the election being stolen and a fraud. What a pitiful, weak, sorry soul he is for not being able to deal with losing. That’s what adults do. They deal with setbacks or misfortune or loss. Like human beings.
Trump is pure unadulterated evil. He is also dangerously unstable. There is a policeman who is dead for no reason. There are thousands of Americans who are dead because Trump was too incompetent to handle the virus. That one man could wreak such havoc, is appalling. He is not going to get away with what he did. It’s time for him to pay for his crimes. Past time.
Or is it okay for a crowd to say – Hang Pence? To try to go after our elected officials? They already tried to kidnap and kill the governor of Michigan. They arrested them before they could do it. Yet now we should just say – oh, no big deal! Let’s move on so we don’t hurt the feelings of those who voted for him? Those people need to open their eyes and face reality! Finally!
Can’t post much as half dead with fatigue but just wanted to send you my support nny.
Very glad to see the Dems are discussing the 14th Amendment. Excellent! Take all the traitors down;it’s the only way. You can’t appease fascism. It feeds off prevarication.
Thanks for your support. You will see that I said my piece here.
I am devastated by what has happened. I did hear about the 14th amendment. We have to get rid of these pieces of garbage who were somehow elected to public office, yet put their loyalty in a president rather than the Constitution.
I have one more thing to say for the record. What about the German people who adored Hitler? What about all those who followed a man who tried to exterminate a race of people? Hitler was popular. Worshipped. Does that mean he was somehow worthwhile?
So the argument that all these people who support Trump and voted for him somehow validates him, is bullshit. People can be deluded and deceived. That is what happened in Nazi Germany. We all know how that turned out.
Now we have a Neo-fascist movement in America. We have to turn or efforts to taking it down now.
Lmao you are from New York enough said, from your ignorant comments we can all tell which side you are on. Any word about all the DAMAGE AND DEATHS caused by BLM?! Absolutely not, speaking of insults you and the left media are the true insult. Obviously you could use the excuse as being fooled back in 2016, but we they voted FOR him AGAIN because they LIKED what he did and what he was about, AMERICA AND FREEDOM! Not his dumb Twitter antics which the left loves to always bring up just like the media. You can’t mix personality with policy, that’s what is so hard for you SOFTIES TO UNDERSTAND. But HALF of this BEAUTIFUL NATION does LOVE him, and STILL LOVES HIM, remember that before you cry on your next comment about how much you hate him and justify that BULLCRAP BLM movement. Obviously Black Lives Matter, because ALL LIVES MATTER!
Deluded and deceived?! Yes they can, just look what happened this election, big LIES and BIG TECH CENSORSHIP to push the left!! Lol lies and deceive is all the dems know!! And more taxes lol and transgender bathrooms in public schools (disgusting) where kids attend, and no saying god in school, no 2nd amendment, and so many OTHER HORRIBLE NON AMERICANS THINGS!!
Trump’s Twitter ban is completely justified and probably should have happened a long time ago. The Constitution no more protects speech that incites others to violence than it does shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre. I agree that the consequences of impeaching Trump in an already divided nation need to be carefully considered, and there is a serious argument that it shouldn’t be done now. But in terms of what he did and deserves, Trump committed an act of sedition, plain and simple. He should be locked up for life, if not worse.
I agree with you. Life in prison or worse. For trying to overthrow the government. He orchestrated this from start to finish. The only thing I can say is that it is fortunate that Trump is stupid and incompetent. He is a traitor to his country. With all that he has done, this is the absolute worst.
This election was the most secure. We had record turnout even with a pandemic. It was democracy at its best. But Trump would not have it. He would not respect the result. He lost. He could not handle that. So he had to try and destroy it. A selfish, narcissistic madman finally turned to trying to engineer a coup after all his challenges to the courts failed. His efforts to bribe Georgia election officials did not work. They held their ground.
It was always going to end this way. But that dies not make it any easier to bear. He is such a total disgrace. Lock him up for good so he can never hurt this country again.
I agree on trumps social media ban as well, I was referring to big tech and media censorship such as YouTube and Facebook blocking or suspending numerous conservative accounts that go against the left. The same as why you never saw any media down talking BLM even when they were hurting innocent people at dinner but they would always down talk trump supporters. Just sad and unfair. Either way even if I disagree, I respect our nations choice with Biden going forward and hope for the Nation to become United once again and stay safe.
Trump is just another puppet i nthe system. As soon as they knew he was finished they all turned their back on him to try and save their own reputations.
JP Morgan was just fined $1B for ripping off the public over many years and then they turned up to that meeting about halting political donations as if they are socially responsible.
There’s a lot of criminal conduct in your country and you need to weed them all out so the country can move forward and so the world can move forward. Most of the world and younger gen have had enough of politicians and banks. They wont be around for much longer with all the tech bbeing developed that’s capable of replacing them.
I just saw this. It’s disturbing. To say the least. It reminds me of this saying – we have seen the enemy and the enemy is us. I don’t know that I agree with everything said about this country, but I do think that working people do not vote for their own interests. Trump doesn’t give a damn about working people. He gave the biggest tax cut to the rich. The Republicans do nothing except help big business and the rich. I think there is a lot of prejudice and fear among white working people. They are blaming minorities when they should be blaming a political party who does not help the vast majority of people.
I am just sick over this. The videos that continue to come out show that it was much worse than we knew. They interviewed police officers and their stories were horrific. At least now everyone can see who they are. No blaming Antifa now! This is all on the Trump fanatics.
We will have an inauguration with the capital looking like an armed camp. I heard that Trump is planning this big exit with a red carpet and a 21 gun salute! Right to the end, an evil fascist idiot.
Hey back Nny!…I hope nothing bad will happen next wednesday..but those extremists/fanatic Trump supporters r determined to disrupt it in any way they can!…
Trump unleashed the monster that even he failed to control atm…I read,some of his fanatics really angry at him bcoz he released a statement ‘condemned’ rioters after what happened at Capitol..they feel betrayed & some of them even wished he will rot in jail!…Whoo!!…I am really glad Trump lost the election Nny!..Hope Biden & team will do a much better job than Trump!
I’m sending NI, Elizabeth,all Democrats and sensible non Trump supporting Republicans, my hopes for a calm, peaceful and celebratory transfer of power.
Take care.
I have not been able to breathe for 4 years worrying about losing our fragile Democracy to an evil dictator, autocrat, and his hateful mobs of domestic terrorists. But it is not quite time to celebrate. Time to breathe a little easier, be alert to the remaining dangers and love each other (without naming names, I know and feel the love from those here that care for me and you know my love for you!
I was watching the ceremony honoring all who have died so far from COVID. Washington D.C. looked so beautiful in the sunset. And this old song came to me. Maybe I will love my country again. Hope lives on.
Dear RC, so lovely to hear from you again. Biden and his team have a heck of a task and I wish them well. Take care, keep the flag of hope flying.
Here in the UK we are having a terrible time with mini Trump and three more years to go. I live with despair.
The memorial last night on the National Mall was so lovely and moving. Long overdue. Now after the inauguration I can feel like I can breathe again. It is really over. The long nightmare of The Orange Menace is done. But not after the SOB tried to overthrow the election with his gang of lunatic thugs.
Rotten and evil to the very end. I hope his life is pure hell. I want him convicted in the senate, prosecuted for his crimes in the state of New York and put in prison.
It was a wonderful Inauguration Day. I feel like we can breathe again! Lovely to see three ex-presidents there looking presidential and supportive. Even lovelier NOT to see the Orange Menace there! (I despised him for not showing up but now I’m grateful he wasn’t there to spoil the day!) The fireworks that closed the ceremonies were magnificent!
RIP British democracy.
I refer of course to the fascistic policing bill.
Margot I have reached the end of the line with Starmer. I wrote an angry email to my Labour mp a few weeks ago about his failure to hold the Tories to account for their rubbish brexit deal.
But this latest heap of garbage where they were going to abstain on the policing bill and only opposed it because of the horrible events surrounding the vigil for Sarah Everard is the final straw.
Abbott wrote an article saying Starmer wasn’t interested in the human rights threat because of the Red Wall voters. I am absolutely sick to death of this pathetic pusillanimous garbage. If he doesn’t have the guts to fight for our democracy and oppose fascism he shouldn’t be leader.
I would like David Lammy to be leader. I want to see some moral fight and passion!
Absolutely furious!
I completely agree with you Amy! I wrote to Starmer pointing out the role of the opposition was to oppose and, if he pursued this policy of going after the “red wall” he would lose people like me. Got a very anodyne response from a lackey. More opposition is coming from those loony right wing Tory backbenchers. This awful bill curtailing our right to protest, no money for nurses, bloody flags everywhere and now Patel sending us back to the fifties. I hate what this country has become. I despair.
Yes I despair too Margot!
I don’t know what Labour stand for and I honestly don’t know any longer what Starmer stands for.
Don’t they think it might be a good idea to actually fight what is effectively a slow burning right wing coup which is attempting to destroy our democracy and turn us into a cross between Trump’s America and Hungary?
Why recycle the eco system set by the right wing press?how is that going to work exactly?
It’s all so utterly incompetent as well as lacking in any ethical foundation.
It’s bats++t crazy politics to adopt strategies which alienate your own core vote.
I backed Starmer for the leadership and feel very cheated and disillusioned.
I backed him too but TBH there was no-one on the final short list I thought could cut it. I voted for Jess Phillips in earlier rounds. I also like Cooper, Lammy, Lewis, Thornberry, in fact almost anyone but…..In fact the SNP bloke Beckford is one of my favourites, he’s like a rottweiler!
Margot, please God can we see the back of Starmer asap!
I honestly can’t take any more of this unutterable rubbish.
I don’t need to enumerate examples of said rubbish as there are so many.
He is an utter disaster!
He’s been such a disappointment,Amy. And now he’s showed himself up as an incompetent knee jerker.
Worse Mandelson is now running the show and his people, including the awful Jenny Chapman, are now in Starmer’s inner circle.
At least Rayner put up a heck of a fight. I look forward to see her taking it to Gove.
Problem is any attempt to get rid of Starmer will result in a hell of a bloodbath which will only benefit the Tories.
We need a progressive alliance.
He has to go Margot. He has shown himself to have absolutely no political judgement. This ridiculous defence of Chapman at all costs! Why ffs!? She is awful and utterly useless. In fact I can’t stand her.
Last night I couldn’t sleep so I concocted a fantasy that David Lammy became leader and we won the next election.
I want someone who has moral clarity and guts and can actually make a rousing speech. That plank Starmer can’t.
Agree 100% about the need For a progressive alliance. We have to get PR and reform the voting system.
I really supported Starmer!Boy was I wrong! I am amazed at how useless he has been.
Who would you like to see as leader Margot?
I can’t really see Jess Philips as leader tbh.
I just want someone who is prepared to tell the truth and take the fight to the Tories. The only people I trust to do this are Lammy and Lewis and Lewis probably isn’t electable.
I see the rest of them bleating out nonsense about Red Wall voters and embracing Brex#hit if they were to win. This pusillanimous codswallop only gives cover to the proto fascist Tories. I see Johnson is meeting his best mate Orban today and getting tips on how to destroy our democracy
I just want someone to have the guts to stand up and say this! When did Labour become so craven and cowardly…
Wont be Lewis, he’s making too many overtures to the Progressive alliance. Like Lammy very much, also like Cooper and there’s Burnham coming up on the ropes.
Ian Hislop was very good on HIGNY, scorched Cummings.Did you notice slimy Gove escaped criticism. Wonder why…
I can’t see any change of leadership till Labour lose next election. It’s all awful. I hate what this country has become, we are governed by a bunch of unprincipled liars.
I just saw a clip of Starmer saying no one from the government should resign and was hurling insults at him!
He is so weak and cowardly!
Honestly I can’t stand any more of his pathetic focus grouped BS.
I like Cooper a lot as well.
Labour are being absolutely destroyed in the polls with Starmer’s ratings in freefall. They will probably lose more seats in an election so I really can’t believe that there won’t be some kind of challenge. I suppose the right are afraid of the Corbynistas coming back.
I campaigned for Starmer and was a big believer- fool that I am – and I can’t stand the sight of him now.
You guys think you have problems? Look at the Republicans party here! Passing state legislation to suppress the vote. We have worthless trash like Matt Gaetz and that QANon nut Marjorie whatever running around spewing out vile filth.
The Republican Party is becoming neo-fascist. Taking stuff right out of the Josef Goebbels play book.
The Tories are copying them by introducing voter suppression laws here which would disenfranchise millions of people. The vast majority of these would favour Labour and the Left generally.
Democracy here is in an absolutely perilous state.
They are copying Orban’s Hungary and are neutering and destroying the institutions.
In this beautiful state, it’s not enough to have a “good” Republican governor. The majority of Trump Republicans will push the good one out and replace him with a Trump blessed man or woman. The majority of voters here demand someone to represent them, of course. We all want to elect someone who represents us. However, this is the perfect region for irrational right-wing extremists. I made the mistake of believing that over time it would get better here. As it happened, the reign of Trump made Idaho proud and blindly passionate about the worst President this country has ever seen. If not Trump, they will elect Gaetz, McCarthy, a Qanon, the abominable Ted Cruz, or anyone of Trump’s ilk.
There is no peace here in Idaho. The Republican Governor here did such a good job during the height of Covid’s worst times. He had the state under control as it needed. But by the time of Biden taking office, the Trumpsters were extremely angry, occupying the Idaho Capitol building, marching with their “stop the steal” posters, and trying to get our Governor removed for opposing Trump’s anti-mask and anti-reality messages. I really don’t want to be in this racist/Trump-loving state, but the move back to Oregon is not possible right now. The desire for having Trump or a Trumpster in the Whitehouse is alive and well in this red state.
We have to hope that Vance has the guides to lock Trump up. He is the one instigating all this. But I do agree with you about right wingers electing Gaetz, if can’t get enough evidence to put him away. Or that Marjorie QAnon lunatic. McCarthy wants to be speaker of the house.
Gaetz comes from the panhandle. I knew it the minute I heard him. Northern Florida is redneck country. I know you are up against it in Idaho. This is a very dangerous time. I never thought we would see neo-fascism in this country. But I learned a lot from my father about fascism and the Nazis. He knew everything about them. He used to talk about them all the time. He saw the final solution up close and personal when he helped liberate the concentration camps. He told me that Himmler, the head of the SS, was a chicken farmer. I didn’t understand how he could know that. But then I saw a documentary and they did say he was a chicken farmer. Josef Goebbels had a deformed leg that made him walk with a bad limp. My father said they were all misfits.
Now we seem to be seeing something similar here. People did not take Hitler seriously. It took him years to finally gain power. It did not happen overnight. They will try again to overthrow the government. The Republicans didn’t want that commission because they know that their own people were involved in it. They don’t want the whole truth to come out.
I feel for you living in Idaho. The saving grace in Florida is southern Florida. But this piece of garbage governor DeSantis is a Trump clone. He is bad news. I hope at some point you can move back to Oregon. That would be so much better.
We need to get Trump locked up. Then seem to be ready to indict him. They need to get the goods on Gaetz. That QAnon lady needs to be expelled from Congress.
I cannot believe this is really happening in this country.
Agree with you about what is happening in this country. My father was not in the army at that time and did not see and experience what your father did. Thank you for sharing. It’s why we can never forget! Although it makes me physically sick, I do watch documentaries and have read and seen plenty of pictures. It is scary to see them parading, even last night here. It’s a change for the worse. Hate is in the air since Trump lost the election.
Winning the election was only a first step in changing back to the democracy we were. These people do not care about democracy! Uhg.
If I could reach out a squeeze your hand I would, Not to worry, have been vaccinated!
I wish that I could squeeze your hand, too! And I have been vaccinated! Your state is all over cable news because of what happened with ending the mask mandate. It’s scary. I never thought I would live to see this happening in our country.
I realize now that my father wanted me to understand what happened in Germany. It was like he studied Hitler and the other top Nazis. He knew everything about them. He even read Mein Kampf. He stayed in Germany with the occupation soldiers. He helped run a prison and the Nazis were very arrogant. They refused to get out of their tents for roll call, so my father had one of his men get high powered hoses. They knocked down their tents. My father looked at me and said, then they got out. The look on his face said it all. He despised them. Then there was a time when the Nazis prisoners were singing about crossing the channel to England. Like they were going to come back after Lodi g the war. My father spoke fluent German, so he got in their faces and said – it looks like you missed the boat!
Once he left Germany he never went back. I learned a lot from him about the Nazis and fascism. To my horror, I see it starting in this country. Matt Gaetz is calling for violence. That Marjorie Greene sounds crazier and crazier. It is appalling that she is comparing wearing masks to the Jews wearing stars! She obviously forgot about Kristallnacht. The night of broken glass. When the Nazis vandalized Jewish businesses. It was a night of terror. So she left out that little tidbit. She is monstrous.
I hope that Americans recognize what is happening. It took Hitler years to gain power. People did not recognize the danger. These people who rioted on January 6, will try again.
Thank you for being there. It helps to know there are people who understand and see what is happening.
We haven’t seen you here in ages as far as I am aware! (I was off site for a short while).
I really hope you are ok..
Love, amy
No, I have not been watching because I had no way of watching last year and there is no cycling coverage this year…yet. If Tour de France is on, some network will pick it up. But it’s been a long time since the Giro and the great one-day races in the spring were broadcast. And I really miss cycling.
I do remember who Caleb Ewan is. What team does he ride for now? Is there still a mainly Australian team? I know the Dauphine is going on today but I have no way of watching it. The teams have likey all changed, most of them do trades in the off-season. I should go read Cycling News and get caught up before le Tour!
Thanks for reminding me!
For Brits:
Just to let you know that if you don’t actively withdraw your consent your NHS healthcare data will very soon become the property of extremely dodgy private firms.
I think the cut off date to opt out is June 22. I opted out yesterday.
Remember that NHS data can show very sensitive personal details.
This is one of the things Brexit was all about: surveillance capitalism.
Just reminding fellow Brits about this again.
Remember anything you have on your record to do with mental health; assault; anything..can become the property of some of the most unscrupulous people out there if you don’t opt out.
I was writing for people reading as well Margot.
It’s outrageous that the Tory sjjts are trying to get this through with no one knowing what they are doing….
PS hope Alison is ok…she hasn’t been here in a long time..
I expect you know that Palantir and mega creep Thiel have been awarded huge contracts which give them frighteningly large amounts of our sensitive data.
We have become the product.
It’s gruesome Amy. I am beyond depressed at the state of the UK and the state of the planet. Thanks to Brexit we have cast ourselves adrift in hostile seas. Just when we needed closer co-operation with our European friends. And 3 more years of Tory hell, at least.
Amy, are you saying it is worse there than it is here?
It’s very bad. All the institutions are being neutered and destroyed.
They keep threatening to shut down the BBC which means that they won’t report their lies and what is going on.
They are enacting voter suppression laws which will disenfranchise millions including myself.
Their real target right now is judicial review. If that goes we are no longer a democracy.
I could write way more about everything they are doing but I am really tired after watching Rafa!
Why do you think both Margot and I say we are in despair? It’s because we know what is going on and where this is heading….
Absolutely agree Margot.
It’s hard to sleep. In fact mostly I don’t!
As someone who is English I can only apologise to the Celts, including you,for this descent into ethno-nationalism and autocracy.
England is living in a kind of mad fantasy world about itself and its exceptionalismm which is completely at odds with reality.
I don’t wonder that the Scots long to break away.
OMG just read that tomorrow they are going to try to put through changes to limit the power of crowdfunded legal challenges. They are constantly attacking The Good Law Project and the only people who are holding them to account.
They are fascists pure and simple! No other description suffices for how vicious, corrupt and anti-democratic they are!
You give me eerie goosebumps to read that, amy. And it’s painful to think another great democracy is falling. I believe I know how it is for you and Margot and you are dear friends of the same ilk as I am. I am not sure exactly when I believed we had no democracy. Perhaps it started after 9/11. Yes, that was it. Our government and administration did not react how they should have. And they had all their “reasons” lined up in their nice row to spy on our health records and bomb nations for no good reason at all. It has been humiliating what America has done domestically and abroad. I’m crying real tears for the planet as well, call me a snowflake or whatever but it is all a real problem. I fought so hard to get rid of Trump along with millions doing the same. But the other side is still fighting – I see it every weekend on the streets.
I don’t know what to say dear Elizabeth.
I am just so tired right now.
All of this has been building up ever since the Brexit vote. As I’ve said here before Brexit was just a Trojan horse. A way for dark money and the oligarchs to buy up our democracy.
Johnson is just their patsy. He is completely amoral and corrupt. He never believed a word of the shit he spun about Brexit.
The point is that it allows them to rewrite all our domestic laws without parliamentary scrutiny. That was really what is was all about: the destruction of parliamentary scrutiny. And without that there is no democracy.
They can do what they want now.
Thanks for being such a good friend darling!
I feel for you and the horrors in America. They are horrors.
Yes, the horrors are here, too.
But it can get worse and from the small perspective available to me, it will become more horrible and more personal.
Our ways of living will run out, literally run out like the water has, as it gets hotter and hotter, and the breeze brings no relief because the wind is hotter and burns my lungs. The fire is next door, in many states, right next door, here in the West.
Elizabeth, I feel for you my dear!
Honestly it feels like it would be a good thing for you to move to a Dem state with a cooler climate.
Sorry I didn’t reply before. I have only just checked this thread.
Come visit me, Margot and Alison! Our country is sh%% but it’s a lot cooler!
Amy: So agree with you. They have an 80 majority and have taken it as permission to trash our democracy and ignore all criticism and lie, lie, lie. And never accept responsibility.
And the sight of Johnson prancing around like the fool he is, with proper world leaders and using his kid for photo opportunities, made me feel very sick and ashamed.
Margot, yes it’s all sickening.
And I only just realised with the publication of the report over Daniel Morgan how astonishingly corrupt this country has become. It’s rotten to the core absolutely everywhere.
I think all of this started in the 80s with Thatcher and Reagan. As the great Timothy Snyder said, the real winner of the Cold War was oligarchy.
He also said, and I love this phrase, that “post truth is pre fascism” . Well that is exactly where we are in this country right now.
That’s what Brexit is and was a vehicle for fantasy and unreality. An attack on language itself and a drive towards anti intellectualism which is the cornerstone of fascist movements.
Hugh Grant said recently that he thought there wasn’t going to be an election in the sense that we understand the w ord. That’s what I think too. I’ve thought so for ages now.
Margot I forgot that the Lions are about to start touring. Will you be watching?
I am mystified by some of Gats’s picks. Jonny Hill!!?? He was useless for England who seem very over-represented given their terrible performance in the 6 Nations.
Happy for Wayne Pivac though and I love watching the resurgent young French side and most especially Dupont!
You bet Amy! Something nice to take our minds somewhere else. As a Welsh person I am a huge rugby fan. I love the “resurgent French” team too. Wish I’d been born French. Especially now.
Amy: A small chink of light in Amersham! Only small, but I’ll take it!
Don’t rate Biggar or Tiuperic and loathe Farrell. Am surprised Davies isn’t going.
Margot, quite a large chunk of light given that it has never left Tory hands and the Tory vote was down 30%!
I agree about Davies. Centres are the strangest picks for me. Aki is a bosher and not much else, Harris is great in defence but not in attack, Daly is woefully out of form and keeps dropping the ball! Only Henshaw really looks like a form pick. Gats said his omission of both Davies an d Sexton was because of fears that they would break down through previous injuries. But Sexton was the form fly half when he played in the 6N and Davies is world class, a player who delivers at the highest level.
Injuries may mean he ends up going. Gats has had to call up Sinkler after Porter got injured while most people think he should have been there from the beginning.
The thought of Bigger and Farrell as the 10/ 12 axis is
not enticing to say the least!
The strangest pick for me is still Jonny chuffing Hill!
Back row is super competitive. Despite Hamish Watson having an excellent 6N am inclined to think the back 5 will be: AWJ, Itoje
Beirne, Faleteau, Curry.
Surprised you don’t rate Tips!
A friend and I had a long term joke going, whenever we saw Tip in the squad, we were sure Wales would lose!
Not as knowledgeable as you about Hill, but I’ll take your word for it!
Sexton’s form wasn’t that great in the last 6 N. was it? The previous year he was outstanding.
Love Hogg such an exciting player to watch.
I am here and ready to discuss the political situation in my country. I know what you are going to say. Get rid of the filibuster! Manchin has been a pain but we cannot afford to lose him. He crosses over and the Republicans have control of the Senate. Let’s not blame the Democrats for something they did not create. The Republican Party is becoming neo-fascist. That is the reality. Don’t blame the Democrats for the voter suppression laws being enacted by Republican state legislatures. They did it here in Florida. They are the problem. Because they know that they cannot win without trying to suppress the vote. They are taking it all straight out of the Goebbels playbook. The gaslighting and the lying and the rewriting of the January 6 insurrection.
The Dems need to face the fact that McConnell will block everything. The Republicans just want to gain control of the House and Senate in 2022. The problem and the blame is with the Republicans. They are intent on destroying democracy in this country.
I posted something about politics but it did not come up. So I have to rewrite it. I don’t think it’s fair to blame the Democrats. They are not the ones who are enacting these voter suppression laws in Republican controlled state legislatures. The filibuster is a problem. Hopefully the Dems will realize that the Republicans are not going along with any legislation. Manchin has been a pain but if he crosses over, then the Republicans will have control of the Senate. They will need to do something if they want to get anything passed, because McConnell will not go along with anything. He just wants to take over in 2022. They want the House and the Senate.
It’s not fair to blame the Dems. They are not trying to destroy democracy in this country, the Republicans are now a neo-fascist party,
RC!…Yooohooo!!…Hey!….u don’t watch Tour De france?It’s started today!
Oh wow RC!…1st day & already 2 biggest accident i’ve ever seen happened in a span of half an hour with each other!…So many riders were hurt!..And poor Chris Froome!…Just got back from long injury lay off & today was badly hurt again!…Whoo!!..U gotta c it RC!..
Did you say you are a big fan of Caleb Ewen? If you are it’s so sad for him crashing yesterday with Peto Sagan. Nothing much happened to Sagan, looked like he sat on Caleb. Caleb is out of the tour with his injuries and dang it, it did appear he had been the fastest in the sprint. A little bit sketchy that Cavendish did win the sprint that day, Everybody, of course, happy for Cav winning. But if Peto had not bumped Caleb and sat on him, Caleb would have won.
Such is cycling, always something sketchy happening. But I love cycling. It’s the time trial today and I am waiting to hear who will be in Yellow Jersey.
I LOVE Tadej Pogocar! Winner of the tour 2019, youngest winner since a century ago. Oh no…Van der Poel wins the time trial and keeps the Maillot Jaune for the 4th consecutive day, bah. Tadej Pogoca is only 8 seconds behind. Spectacular performance from the Slovenian climber and TDF winner, Tadej (Teddy), Wootza!
I admire the GC guys because they have to do it all, sprint, climb, time trial, excel in all horrible road conditions, and lead their team with laid-back panache, as Vincenzo Nibali did. One more, GC riders must look smooth on the bike. Unfortunately for Froome, he never looked smooth on his bike. He was all over the place, hahaha. But if you are a Froome fan, you are a Froome fan, regardless.
Hey hey hey RC!…Soooo sorry for missing yor post!…Urgh!!….I have no idea whatsoever that u gave me this msg!..Judging from yor words,u posted this msg while the tour on still stage 4,and now they’re gonna race on stage 13!…hehe…Sorry RC!
Yeah!…U’re right about me losing interest when Caleb was crashed out more than a week ago RC!…It killed my interest on the race immediately!..(besides,they’re clashed with tennis matches!..and i chose to watch tennis of coz!)..I felt soooo devastated when Caleb involved in an accident when he was just a few metres from the finishing line RC!…God!
It was so cruel the race sometimes!…but i don’t think it was Sagan’s fault RC…Caleb said,his tyre was touching Merlier’s when they’re on the sprint & collide with Sagan’s as well..
Hey,do u know Sagan also had to pull out from the race yesterday bcoz of his knees were in so much pain?It literally bcoz of the injury he sustained in a crash with Caleb,(his bicycle ring dig into his knee)..but he said,he accidentally bumped his hurt knee against the handlebar a couple of days ago and had to pull out…
It’s not only him who pulls out from the race RC!….so many good riders already pulled out bcoz of many reasons….besides Caleb,the touted champion this year Primoz Roglic already pulled out last week i think due to accident in stage 2 @ 3,while Van Der Poels left the race bcoz he wants to train for Olympics(mountain bike i think)..but Cavendish stole the news this year’s race is awesome RC when he is just a replacement for Sam Bennet!..I think he will win more stages in the coming race!…Will looking forward to c him!…
But,Allaphilippe is not shining much this edition right?He wore yellow jersey for a while when the race just started,but lost it to Tadej?Such a shame!…
Once again,sorry to hear about yor unfortunate 2020 RC!…I remember always wondering where u were last year RC,when u rarely/not showed up at all whether on TG or in a Bracket…
Yeah…life is like that..one time we’re being healthy & happy & enjoy life to the fullest and all of a sudden we’ve been hit by illness & other life test that make us realized that actually we’re not in fully control of our lifes anymore…U be strong over there ok RC?
I have to go swimming with my neighbor in a minute. I will definitely try to find the first stage on youtube later! That sounds like a crazy start! I will watch it. And maybe I will post it here. Bye, bye until later.
Hi Elizabeth just watched the video, sorry its taken so long to reply, I like him, but he’s not really my cup of tea, having said that I loved that video lol, and yeah I still have a crush on that Aussie guy, hope you’re safe and well my lovely
Dear Alison,
All these years I didn’t know how much I like an Irish accent, blue eyes, and a mischievous laugh. Just had to tell someone. I know you’ll understand if you still have a crush on That Australian man. Okay, this vid is 18 minutes so I stuck it over here so Margot won’t be offended. (I think she ates Hiddleston)
Wow Jason Kenny! Wow Laura Kenny! What a couple.
Have loved the Veladrome events, so fast, exciting, tactical. Aim to go to a live event next year.
Have loved the athletics, the mixed relays, the BMX kids and lots more. Have watered up with many of the winners/losers too.
Many, many issues uncomfortable remain re climate change, expense and event choice, alas.
Thoughts on a very disappointing Lions series Margot?
Don’t understand their tactics and selection at all!! How they missed players like Davies, Sexton. Passing centres like Slade, or even Ringrose who can act as second playmaker. So disappointing!!
Gats doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing any longer. Feel Wales are fortunate to have Pivac now who wants to play attacking rugby.
If only Russell could have played all 3 tests! Fed up with Bigger and Faz and their endless kicking.
Also, why do all the English players concede so many penalties?! It’s maddening.
I agree Amy, its been a very disappointing series. I just don’t understand many of Gats decisions. TBH I think he was past it the last couple of years with Wales.
Chaos in Kabul. Massive miscalculation by Biden. Saigon all over again. When will the West ever learn.
Meanwhile Johnson and Raab on holiday. Words fail.
The fate of women and girls hanging and unknown.
Joe Biden is doing an amazing job as President of USA lmao.
What a moron, his supporters and voters are one of the dense people in the world worst than biden himself at least biden knows he is senile and is not running for a 2nd term his moronic minions don’t
RIP Harry Reid.
In the summer of 2016 Reid wrote repeatedly to Comey asking him to warn the American people that Trump was colluding with Russia to steal the election. Comey did nothing. Instead he broke the Hatch Act and opened an enquiry on Hillary’s emails 2 weeks before the election.
Reid was a great American patriot and Comey is a pathetic sell out.
Seasons Greetings to you all. My 2022 wishes include better times to come for the world and, on a more local level, for Johnson to be booted into outer space, together with Raab, Gove, Truss, Sunak etc etc.
Good to see familiar faces on the challenge. Big virtual hugs all round.
Happy New year Margot!
I too am hoping to see Johnson booted into outer space..!
Did you see Crace on top form in the Graun predicting just that with Truss becoming leader? Sounds plausible to me..
On a happier note it was gr8 to see the magician Dupont get world player of the year. Looking forward to see him weave his magic for France in the 6Ns..
Happy New Year to you too Amy.
I love Crace and Hyde in the Guardian. The cartoonists are terrific too- Rowson is so dark and Bell so deliciously outrageous!
My Wi-Fi disappeared so that my reply got lost!
I was just wondering if you like Cold War Steve Margot?
I love his Hogarthian retelling of the classics starring the Tory tossers! ( he also regularly has a pop at an inert flag draped Starmer which I deeply agree with )
Please for God’s sake will Biden dump Garland. He is not a good guy. He was never a good guy and Biden should never have appointed him.
I can’t stand any more of this farce.
For those not in the know: Garland was not some liberal who Obama wanted on SCOTUS. He was a compromise candidate after Obama went to Hatch to ask for someone they might vote for. This is who McConnell came up with. His mentor is corrupt and represented Jared and Ivanka and was herself mentored by Dershowitz. Does this sound like a good guy??
Serious question: why did Biden appoint someone like this? There were loads of people he could have appointed as AG who would have indicted Trump, Stone, Bannon and Flynn who plotted a coup through the internet in plain sight.
All of this is beyond negligent and pathetic. It’s a betrayal of the tens of millions of people who voted. Above all it is a betrayal of the African Americans who gave Biden the democratic nomination.
Does anyone believe that Warren or Sanders would allow this to be going on if they had become president??
I can’t stand it.
This time I have to disagree with you. Warren or Sanders would never have been elected! And you know it! I remember too well what the Progressives in the Democratic Party did to Hillary in the 2016 election. They were as bad as the Trump supporters. All because they wanted Sanders. Well take a good look at the Supreme Court now! Do you think it would be a hard right court if Hillary was elected?
I will never forgive the Progressives because we could have won that election. It was close enough. But the Progressives were not having it. They dud not see the big picture. Only after four years of hell under Trump dud they finally wake up in 2020.
I am not thrilled with Garland. But I also think that Trump may have covered his tracks enough to make it hard to go after him.
Obama governed like a left leaning centrist. The Progressives did not love him either. He picked a candidate that he thought could get confirmed. But McConnell was never going to let him appoint anyone.
Why do you give the Republicans a pass? They have stonewalled everything that Biden wanted to do. They sit there on their asses and do nothing except spread conspiracy theories. But the Progressives always eat their own. That is one big problem I have with them. It’s not the Democrats who are the problem! It is a neo- fascist Republican Party that is enacting voter suppression laws and trying to rig the system to steal the next election. So focus on the real enemy!
Nny, please. I wrote this weeks ago.
Today is not the time to be talking about this. I am absolutely shattered today.
I don’t give the GOP a pass. I hate them.
Amy: Just listening to R4, Robinson is in Kiev and you could hear the air raid sirens. It is simply terrible, no words. Not using my words lightly either, but Putin seems deranged, his threat to the West sounded like a nuclear threat to me.
Trump with his hands on the nuclear button was scary enough but now?
Margot I cried for hours yesterday and I never cry. It’s true he is using nuclear threats but that’s all they are. He is a psycopath.
Germany, Italy and Hungary have blocked the sanctions needed. Well I expect nothing less of Orban but Italy, and above all that economic power house Germany? This is so monstrous I am shaking. Why are the German and Italian people not on the streets demonstrating? Do they know what people in the East are saying about them?? I am sure you can guess.
Thank God it is Biden not Trump.
I am shattered right now…I can’t understand how anyone can’t be.
Experts in the East say that UK sanctions are a joke and that Johnson is in thrall to the oligarchs. I expect Russia has plenty of kompromat on him from the bunga bunga parties he attended where he was apparently paralytic..
The Russian foreign ministry have warned Finland and Sweden they will face military consequences if they try and join NATO.
This is the attempted destruction of the entire post cold war order.
I actually think Putin would attack a NATO member state because he would calculate that other members will back down.
I think he’s gone completely rogue.
Nny, I read that Ukraine has a population of 300, 000 Jews. That’s a lot. And Zelensky’s father and family members were killed in the holocaust so Putin’s talk of “de-Nazification” is especially repugnant and revolting.
Putin is using the big lie. “de-Nazification is an insult. But this what evil dictators do. Like Trump with the big lie about a rigged election that he actually won.
This isn’t political and it is sort of about tennis. I watched the Masters (golf) event over the weekend. Winning it is one of if not THE biggest prizes in golf. These guys are very competitive and golf is a very stressful game. Over my life I’ve seen dozens of cartoon figures destroying their golf clubs, tossing their whole bag in the lake, going crazy. But I have never, ever seen that in a real golf tournament. Nor have I ever seen a player attack an official or a fan or his caddy. Why can’t tennis pros behave as well as golf pros?
It was a bit of a shock to hear that sort of behaviour -eg Shane Lowry cursing at his caddy – quite normal in his native Irish tongue, at minor tournaments maybe, but never at the hallowed Augusta until now.
Remember that golden haired 17 year old who took Wimbledon by storm? He just got sentence to 4 years for fraud. Will serve two. Seems farcical, silly and sad all at once.
Amy: I reckon the greased piglet will have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of Downing Street, but this is a start! Hope the Tories destroy themselves in the process.
Keep the red flag flying.
Sorry Margot I only saw this today.
I just came here to say that it’s the Ides of March. Who will wield the final knife?
God knows who we will end up with though. Pritti Nasty and the Govester would be even worse. No one would want to vote for them mind. So there is that!
It’s a good day Amy. Loving watching those horrible Tories tear themselves to pieces. Amazing they’ve just realised Johnson is an immoral, lying, dishonourable, incompetent, self-serving lump of sh*t.
Pritti Nasty is trying to deport women who have been trafficked and tortured to Rwanda.
No words for this immorality. Haven’t exactly seen KS stand up much for human rights. If Durham police want to fine him so he has to go as well that’s fine by me. He is very unpopular in the polls so I reckon we would be better off.
I wanted to tell you something and decided to do it here. Last year you had a dustup with Al. I told you to let it go, that he was okay. Well I am writing this to say I was wrong. I should have had your back and supported you. I let you down. I owe you a long overdue apology.
At least with the Ivan fans who are upfront about their hatred for Rafa and his fans. then you know who you are dealing with. But it’s the person who pretends, who is pious and supposedly here for the right reasons. Then you realize he’s no different from the ones who come here as they did last year after Rafa lost to Novak at RG, that he is just the same.
The last straw was when he posted that wretched article by the cyclists saying that Rafa got performance enhancement from numbing his foot. He wanted to actually have a discussion about it. That was when he really showed his true colors. Thank goodness the head of WADA came out and debunked this filth. But he thought it was worth talking about.
It is unfortunate that Mira Andi was thrown into the discussion here. She was used so that it could be said that she no longer comes here because of the Rafa fans. It was unfortunate. But that is her choice. No one will ever be worse than the rabid Novak fans who came here to gloat over his win at RG last year.
So from a blind, narrow minded person who thinks it’s all about Rafa, just know that I was wrong and I let you down and I am sorry.
Nny, Thanks for thinking of me! I appreciate it although the truth is that the real reason I had a dustup with Al in 2021 was because I was very unwell and wasn’t reacting normally/ couldn’t think straight. I would never normally let him affect me in that kind of way.
It’s not difficult to understand why I couldn’t say I was very unwell on a public site.
He is who he is. My personal opinion is that he posts aggressive stuff when he has been drinking..
He had annoyed and upset other people in the past which some people simply didn’t want to acknowledge. I think maybe you had just forgotten some of those incidents..? They were clear indicators of the posts you reference from him now.
Anyway, my being ill was the real reason why I lost it and said things I would never normally have said. I don’t usually say anything if he has a go at me.
Thanks again nny!
Thanks for explaining why you reacted so strongly to Al. I think it shows your honesty and forthrightness. For me the last straw was posting that stupid article by two cyclists saying that Rafa had performance enhancing benefits from numbing his foot at RG. Thank goodness the director of WADA came out publicly to state that there was no issue with Rafa numbing his foot. Period.
The garbage and fikth I have seen posted about Rafa by some rabid Novak fans is sickening. There has been an attempt to spew out propaganda about the Rafa Fahd on this site. I think overall this site is a great place to discuss tennis. The idea that we are ganging up on Novak fans is nonsense.
People are free to go to whatever site they choose. I still do not think it was necessary to bring up Mira Andi here. I enjoyed having her here. But it is her right to go wherever she feels comfortable. I have nothing negative or critical to say about her.
I disagreed with the idea that Novak has played great quality tennis. But I did not personally attack the Novak fan who said it. Being called blind and narrow minded is insulting and offensive. There is no reason to go there. So I say look at yourself first before criticizing Rafa fans. Making it personal is unnecessary.
My works does not actually revolve around Rafa. I have had health problems that required hospitalization a few months ago. Also out patient surgeries afterward. No one should assume anything about Rafa fans here. I have not talked about these health issues on this forum. I will not be more specific. But I obviously had more to deal with than making my world revolve around Rafa. Those comments were petty and mean-spirited.
This is a decent forum where Rafa fans hairnet to be in the majority. If someone can’t handle that then that’s their problem.
Finally to amy, I do think you were right about Al. I just wanted you to know that. There is this persistent need to pick at anything with Rafa fans in an effort to put us in a bad light. That is unfortunate. I should have had your back. I just needed to let you know that.
The filth I have had to read about Rafa from Novak fans. *
An attempt to sire out propaganda about Rafa fans. *
My world does not revolve around Rafa. *
Thus is a decent forum where Rafa fans happen to be in the majority. *
Nny, I am sorry you have been ill. I hope very much you are better now?
Let’s talk on the Rafa page shall we? I think it’s better to talk among Rafa fans rather than listen to this. I don’t want to post here.
I really really hope Rafa can play USO.
Amy and NNY,
There are many times I feel like a square peg stuffed into a round hole, but I enjoy watching Rafa and respect the Rafa fans here; I want to post on the WTA page mostly. And I wish to have a civil and happy relationship with the majority here who are Rafa fans.
No substantial compliments from me about Novak’s performances, just a mild congrats if he ever plays again!!
I realize Novak may not play in a GS for a long time.
Please forgive my past comments if they upset you, and I will take the utmost care, NNY. I care about you and all the Rafa fans here. It has been fun posting with many of you during Rafa’s matches,
I don’t know what happened. I thought we were both good. I have always respected you. I never cared that you were a Novak fan. It’s better to have fans of other players here.
I said you would always have my respect. If you think Novak played great, then that is your opinion. I didn’t agree but that’s okay. You can say what you like here. Go in the women’s forum. You really started it. Enjoy yourself.
I have kept quiet about my health problems. This is not the place to talk about it. But I have had more to deal with than Rafa. He is in good hands.
Maybe I overreacted to what you said. I have liked having you here and don’t want to see you leave.
Can we please just put this behind us?
Thank you, done, and behind us, NNY.
And your Health is more important than anything in the world. I had to stop following politics because it caused my anxiety and BP to soar.
Elizabeth, you carry on posting on all the threads here! You have been well liked here and will be again. We all know you have huge tennis knowledge.
Actually, although I missed the first set of the final, I thought Novak was formidable and really stepped up his level. That’s the best I’ve seen him play at a slam since RG 2021. I honestly don’t think he’s been convincing in slams since then. I found the final very difficult to watch because of NK shouting at his girlfriend. &tc.
In any event, it’s absurd that there should be fallings out between you me and nny when we all fundamentally agree on what really matters. IE we all hate fascist Trump,fascist Putrid and passionately support Ukraine.
I am going out now but will post later today…
The problem is , you may not like what I post , that doesnt mean its offensive – just simply theres a point being made that is uncomfortable for you . Its usually related to the physical nature of Rafas game .I remember that long exchange we had last year after RG and the insults were very much from you. At least you come clean here but I dont have a lot to apologise for as far as personal insults go. You may disagree .
I did post an article about painkillers but the point is while they may be legal, I just wanted to discuss the ethics of using them – when it makes the difference between winning, and not being able to play- not to mention the ethics of going through the pain barrier and the long term effect .
So as a non -Rafa fan who loves tennis I will discuss it generally focussing on other players from now on- the bias on here is too much, even a bit nauseating if Im honest.
Same here with politics. We have talked enough to kniw where we stand. Things are so bad in this country now that I had to pull back because of the stress. It was exacerbating my recovery.
It’s bad times for sure. Things I thought II would never see here.
Meanwhile, on TC, Rublev(in a bad mood) loses the first set to Nishioka, who appears to be in command of the match. And I favor Nishioka to win this and play Kyrgios in the Final tomorrow.
Listen, when AM and I communicated by private message on Twitter, I tried to talk her into coming back to tenngrand. She decided not to come back here ever. She didn’t use any names, but she did not feel free to express a critical opinion about Rafa without having you all make a dog pile attack.
And your collective over-reaction when I posted two adjectives complementing Novak’s demeanor sealed her decision not to come back.
For now, she is still doing the bracket challenge, and I’m grateful to see it.
But I have not heard any more from her on Twitter. The point here is she already read your collective attacks on my Wimbledon post about Novak, and I didn’t need to tell her about it.
Hi Elizabeth it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here, hubby had a stroke late last year, I just wanted to say how much I love reading your posts, and your enthusiasm and passion for the WTA, I love the banter between you and Andi Mira ttoo, and hope she will return too in time, its great to see you here, and to have so many strong opionated females, hope I have made sense, have great day
The site is full of people posting dodgy stuff some of which could have viruses on them. I don’t look at any of them.
Ricky will you please try and do something about this?
I have to join in here and ask Ricky to clean up the mess on this site. There was a porn link posted on the site. Other garbage posts are cluttering up the site.
Queen Elizabeth has died. RIP.
I am not a royalist but I like and respect her.
With arrogant Charles next in line then maybe this is the end of the monarchy? Hope so.
But I admire Queen Elizabeth.
I admired Queen Elizabeth very much. She lived a long life and stayed true to her promise made when she was very young. She carried herself with dignity and grace. She was a class act!
Is Ron DeSantis any improvement? I’m beginning to feel “the devil you know thing” coming on. What do you think, NNY?
I’m hoping Joe Biden does not run for re-election. I like the guy but he’s JUST TOO OLD. I’m 83, so I know something about it. Also Pelosi is amazing but she’s had enough, I think.
I haven’t been here because I was involved with the midterm election. I have been a nervous wreck! This is neo-fascism. Our country was really at great risk. I had no idea what to expect, but I was hoping for a miracle. We got one! As I stayed up in the wee hours I watched everything unfold. I almost cried with relief as the fake red wave never materialized.
DeSantis is Little Hitler. He is just a younger version of the Orange Menace. He is running Florida like a dictatorship. The Democratic party here is very weak. Blacks did not turn out. Overall turnout from the Dems was not good. We lost Miami Dade county to the Republicans! Unheard of! The Republicans have the Latinos believing that the Democrats are socialist and they left their countries because of that.
DeSantis is a piece of garbage. People are so stupid here. We have a lot of Republicans who moved down here from up north to escape taxes and regulations on Covid. They have driven up rental prices and made it a nightmare.
The country rejected what DeSantis is peddling. The idiots down here like it because he goes after the liberals. He has banned abortion, signed an anti-gay law. Also that stunt where he took immigrants from Texas and flew them up to Martha’s Vineyard. He also had people arrested who were former criminals but who paid their debt to society and were allowed to vote now.
He is as bad as Trump!
Thank God for the people who were too smart to be fooled by the Republican lies. The young people woke up and turned out. But we still need more of them. People really stood up for democracy!
Today I could breathe because the Democrats have the Senate! Finally we got Nevada! Now we need to get Georgia to have an extra seat and lose that idiot Herschel Walker! The House is going to be tough, but the Republicans don’t have it yet. I am just praying for the Dems to pull off an inside straight! No matter what, the Republicans will have a very small majority.
I am concerned about all this talk about Biden not running in 2024. Who is going to run in his place? He may be old but he’s done a damn good job. That speech about democracy being on the line was pure gold. Oh and Obama just killed it with his speeches! He made the case for the Dems. Brilliant! Maybe his finest hour.
I think Nancy has had it after what happened to her husband. But age is not necessarily a bad thing. What about Trump? Why is no one talking about how old he is? 76! And he is a criminal! Then need to induct the sob and put him in jail. The problem is that the Republican Party is too far right and will only nominate another MAGA moron! Like DeSantis!
Thanks for everything you have done nny!
I may not be American but I have been absolutely obsessed with the mid terms as well. If American democracy were to end then the consequences for the planet/ war in Ukraine and so on would be catastrophic.
I know you hate deSantis. He is just as evil as Trump but Trump is more dangerous as he controls the GOP base who are all in on fascism. Desantis has none of Trump’s media savvy and demagogic control.
Have had very little interest in tennis just deeply anxious about the mid terms. Plus the election in Brazil just before which was also incredibly important and it does look like Bolsonaro, yet another fascist, is handing over power.
Am still very anxious that a GOP controlled House will limit aid to Ukraine. It’s absolutely infuriating that the House is probably going to be lose because oflosing seats in New York of all places. Progressive s are furious with the N Y Dem establishment.
Thanks again nny!!
PS if Trump had been in power Bolsonaro would not have conceded. That’s how dangerous all this stupid election denying is. I force myself to read pro Trump accounts so I know what they are saying. They spend all their time saying the election was stolen in Brazil and that the military should stage a coup. They are all fascists. Of course they are now saying the mid terms have been stolen. The Big Lie is all they have.
Great to hear from you! I had a decent night’s sleep finally! I’m is that Trump is more dangerous than DeSantis. He will take down the party. He is a monster. I never said this here, but until recently I didn’t think it was like Nazi Germany in the 30’s. But as the election got closer, I really did feel that this was exactly like Nazi Germany in the 30’s. The rise in anti-Semitic here in the states has been especially disturbing. That is how it starts. There were these idiots dressed up in camouflage with guns watching people drop off their ballots. Then a judge had to intervene to stop it. I think it was in Arizona. But the violence, the intimidation, the threats were all scary.
Florida is a disaster. The Democratic Party has to come down here and get it organized. We need help. The lack of turnout from Dems was discouraging. DeSantis is a poor imitation of Trump. He is spewing hateful rhetoric all the time. But he can’t win nationally because the voters repudiated the Republicans.
I heard that there were fake polls being circulated showing a Republican red wave to discourage Dems from voting. There was a lot of propaganda on FOX news about a Republican wave. It was all bullshit. Lies.
I heard about Brazil. Any time we can defeat a fascist it’s good news. My father told me a lot about the Nazis. He knew so much about how they operated. I am glad he talked about it because it helped me to recognize that the Republican party was becoming fascist. He thought it could happen again in Germany. But I don’t think he ever thought it would happen here.
Hitler’s big lie was the Aryan race. The superiority of the German people and the inferiority of the Jews. There never was an Aryan race. Just like the election being stolen from Trump is a big lie. That’s how they work.
I am trying to keep up with the House races. They say the Republicans only need to win 7 seats and the Democrats need 14. So we have to win twice as many. It will be tough but that would really put a dagger in the hearts of the Republican Party. They were stupid and McCarthy trotted out the wish list if they took over the House. Impeaching Biden. How about getting rid of social security and Medicare. Cutting off aid to Ukraine. They were so dumb to do that. You never show your hand. My father always told me that when it came to surviving in corporate America. That is the big mistake Trump makes. Hitler never revealed what he planned to do. The Germans never saw it coming.
I am just hoping we can manage to hold the House.
Thanks for your thoughts! I love hearing from you!
Nny, thanks darling!
I have been so consumed by what is going on. One rather delicious outcome is that deSantis, Trump, MAGA, GOP elites and Murdoch are all now at war with each other! They will do enormous damage to each other and weaken themselves. The dream outcome would be DeSantis winning the nomination and Trump standing as an independent because that would lead to each cancelling the other. The GOP would be destroyed and the Dems would win everything. But the MAGA base will never abandon Trump so he would win the primaries. They are a cult and he is God. They are completely untethered from reality and worship lies and propaganda. DeSantis is weak sauce for them and he’s utterly hopeless away from his narrow base. I am still very very very fed up with Garland and if he won’t indict Trump he should be fired. I am not very hopeful.
I know there is still a very narrow path to victory in the House so
Are there Republicans who would vote with the Dems? Is Kinzinger still there? Any others?
amy dearest,
Hang in there! I know it’s frustrating waiting for Garland to make his move. But the DOJ is hiring some very big guns to add to the team. Experts in their area of legal expertise. They are trying to get the best of the best to take down the Orange Menace. I think they need to get their ducks in a row before they indict Trump. They have no choice. He has to be held accountable. That’s why the moron is going to run for president again. To avoid going to jail!
I would love to see Trump and DeSantis tear each other apart. Trump will burn down the party if he can’t get his way. What bothers me is the idea that DeSantis would be better than Trump. They are two sides of the same coin! He has done so many terrible things here in Florida. The good news is that his crap will not play in a national election. The insults, the bullying, the attacks on woke, the culture attacks. He went after Disney for not going along with him. Property taxes are sky high. He us banning books. If he starts burning them, then that will be exactly what happened in Nazi Germany.
If the base sticks with Trump, the Republicans will continue to lose. The voters sent a message loud and clear – don’t fuck with our democracy! To be blunt about it. The people know what the Republicans are trying to do.some of the election deniers who lost were planning a coup to throw the 2024 election in some states. We dodged a bullet.
Liz Cheney lose her seat. Kinzinger is resigning. The problem is that whatever reasonable Republicans are there will be drowned out by crazy town. Otherwise known as nut jobs, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louis Gohmert, Lauren Boeber, Matt Gaetz and of course Jim Jordan.
It will be a freak show if the Republicans get control of the House. They will have a very small majority if they get control. McCarthy is a dumbass. He is weak and can’t stand up to the far right crazies in his party.
I am keeping my eye on the Governor’s race in Arizona. Kari Lake cannot win.
*Ammon Bundy 101,837 17.2%
Independent Party (militant)
He is notorious for his active part in the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol in WA. D.C.
Paul Sand 6,714 1.1%
Libertarian Party
Chantyrose Davison 5,249 .9%
Constitution Party
It is Bad enough that Brad Little is a Trump Republican, but Ammon Bundy’s numbers are scary and belong to 2020 militants and election deniers. Add up Brad’s numbers and Ammon Bundy’s to see a low estimate of election deniers here.
As midterm elections go, it was a large midterm turnout, even topping the 2018 Fall midterm. Republicans retained their Senate Seats and House Representatives seats.
Incredibly annoying was Trump’s acolyte, Senator Mike Crapo’s fifth consecutive Senate seat win.
Margot, nny, Elizabeth please post here!!
It took me 20minutes to scroll through from the inception of the thread in 2013.
We will have to post here regularly!
Amy: One problem I had was for weeks and weeks I couldn’t post on here at at all, leave alone non tennis.
My lap top still tells me its “not secure” too.
Really Margot? Concerning. I never use my laptop to post here or use the interne t. I just use a tablet which is cheap and which won’t pick up viruses…
However, I still have software which registers unsafe sites. This one used to register as unsafe but now comes up as secure. Is that not slightly reassuring? Sometimes software registers sites as unsafe when they are ok. I don’t think it’s crazy about WordPress.
Now I can vent about bloody Tories and how they are destroying the country while enabling their pals to drain the UK dry.
Power to the people! Give key workers the pay rise they deserve. Clapping doesn’t put food on the table.
The strikes give me hope Margot. Finally people are standing up and saying no to these bloodsucking leeches who want to take our rights away. I wish people would understand how sadistic some of the Tories are and how I they actively enjoy harming people. It’s no coincidence it’s full of sadistic bullies like Braverman, Raab, Williamson, Patel.
The passivity of this country has depressed the help out of me but finally people are standing to fight back..!
Get rid of the Tories!
Bin the monarchy!
Bin the House of Lords!
Bin first past the post and introduce PR!
I really wish the Democrats could have kept control of the House. McCarthy gave in to the far right wackos to get elected speaker. It is going to be crazy town for two years with these nuts in charge.
I’m back baby!!!
Just had to scroll.through over 3k comments! Please nny and Margot and Elizabeth plus anyone else not called Stanley add your comments…!!
Hi Amy, keeping the thread open, I hope!
Did you see some techie millionaire, based in Thailand has given Johnson a million to aid his PM vamaign. Also gave 5 million to Brexit fund.
*spits with rage and disgust*
I didn’t see that Margot! I thought he was doing a deal with Sunak where he agreed not to challenge him if Sunak gives him a safe seat.
I know he’s been raking in large amounts with his big fat trotters.
Why are tech millionaires all, or mostly all, self styled libertarians who inhabit the far right?
Thinking Thiel, Musk and Sachs..among others..
Thiel has just been given another big contract for data in the NHS. Surveillance capitalism at its finest! Thiel should be nowhere near the NHS or any of our data. Many think he is in it with Musk to deliberately destroy Twitter because of its activist networks across authoritarian states. Sounds plausible!
Margot have you seen the appalling footage of Braverman confronted by a Holocaust survivor telling her her vicious language is what led to the murder of her family. Braverman refuses to apologise and treats her with contempt.
I absolutely loathe Braverman. She’s the worst of the worst and an idiot to boot.
Great historian Timothy Snyder has raised nearly 1.25 million dollars for anti drone defence for Ukraine. He is acting i n coordination with Zelensky.
If anyone can contribute or knows someone who might then the link is on Snyder’s Twitter page. I can’t post links on this device.
Long live Ukraine and Zelensky!
Amy, there is a link to open the WTA thread Ricky created on the full AO prediction thread. I will find it. And post it around this place.
Anyway, I also want to send you and all Rafa fans my heartfelt commiserations for Rafa, and I mean it sincerely. I don’t know how bad the hip injury is, and I hope it heals soon so he is ready to win RG and keep playing tennis for however many years he wants!
Greetings to Andi Mira and Alison – nice to read you guys here today.
Alison, I am not sure I thanked you for your posts to me here and there, but know that I love hearing your opinion on WTA, ATP, and most notably, How are you? How is your hubby? Is everything okay? Life is just plain harder for me, but I am adapting the best I can in 2023. The truth is, I belonged in the 20th Century! I’m not a fan of cell phones, and I hate getting old! That is how it is, but music and getting out in nature keep me alive.
I still love music from the eighties and nineties the most, and of course, a bit of Tibetan singing bowls still calms me down.
It must be hard on Rafa Fans waiting for him to return, and I miss the Rafa fans, seriously. Do you ever hear from Andi Mira?
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I saved that Miami final on DVR. It is unrealistic to think she will make a habit of winning titles this year, but I would love to see her win another Wimbledon.
Moving Back to Portland has become a reality! It will take all the energy I have, but I refuse to live out life in Idaho.
I don’t have any family but many lifetime friends in Portland. Wish me luck!
If I disappear now and then, it’s because I’m temporarily unable to post.
That’s fantastic Elizabeth!!
Really honestly you have to get out of Idaho which is full of armed far right lunatics and Trumpers! ( obviously these 2 groups intersect) I couldn’t bear living there.
Wish you tons of luck!!
I would love for Petra to win wimby but I can’t get worked up about it like I did in the past. Just too much heartbreak investing in Petra…
I really am very pleased for you Elizabeth!! I did say way back when I thought it was a good idea to get out of Idaho….
Fingers crossed…
Amy: Dominic Raab, the psychopathic bully, resigns! What a day to be alive!
One psychopathic bully down Margot but so many left!
Please let Braverman be next! She is a bona fide fascist!
I agree it’s a very good day because of the miserable jerk going…
I’m in full on vomit mode Margot!
This is so ridiculous it will alienate people further away from monarchy I hope.
Meanwhile in another glorious first for the first time ever, for absolutely no reason, I wasn’t sent my voting card so have been disenfranchised.
Orban’s Hungary and the GOP ‘s America are just around the corner with the assault on voting rights…
You don’t need a polling card, you just need to be on the electoral register, which they’ll have at your local polling station. So you can just zip down there with ID and vote the horrors out!
Hey Ricky,
I just wrote a post to Margot and amy. It disappeared. I won’t write another one. If you have it feel free to post it. I may have forgotten to add my name and email.
Now I can’t remember the topic. I was emotional, just as well they went to heaven.
It’s good news that the jury found Trump guilty of sexual abuse and defamation.
He is going to have to pay!
But his admirers are oblivious, and they would vote for him anyway.
Mira Andi/Farah Diba, I checked what time it is in your part of this blue planet. You are happy and doing well, I hope. I also hope you continue to chat here, and, of course, we get to see you in the TDF most weeks. I miss you, and you still are on my mind!
I broke my toes, yes, all but the smallest toe. That was last week, and now I wear a boot so I don’t scream in pain when I need to put weight on my foot and go to the store and do what I do. I am unsure how long I’ll need this boot, maybe a month. Thank gosh, I didn’t hurt anything else! I feel lucky
I made a playlist today, and if I can, I will post a link later.
Hey hey hey RC!…long time no chat!..it’s gud to hear from u RC!..
Sorry bout yor toes RC!..it must be hard to walk for the next few weeks..hope u will be patient & strong with this unfortunate accident k?
Hey!..u’re kicking us all in ATP so far!..hahaha!..and u’re also awesome in TDC in general too!..new year new resolution huh?..i donno what u eat RC..but u kicking butt almost every week!..hehe
It’s terrible, and I can’t do much without help. Thank God, it’s my left foot; at least I can drive my car. I need crutches, though, and I only have ski poles.
I have my check-up this coming Monday; waiting feels like forever.
Poor you! I broke a bone in my ankle a few years ago and had to wear a moon boot for weeks. Plus a crutch and I did learn to walk very quickly. People used to get out of my way, sharpish. Excellent.
As Amy will tellyou, we have the most awful bunch of racist criminals in charge here and no election till 2024. Dreadful times.
The heat is suddenly hot here, which doesn’t help. The weather was great until this week, but suddenly it jumped from the low 60s F to the mid-90s and it doesn’t cool off like it used to at night.
Margot, I can’t even think about what’s going on in politics. NNY would chastise me for giving up, but criminals are running the country. Bernie Sanders is backing Biden, and he was my last hope. There is no representation for me in Idaho. And the move to Oregon is just too expensive right now.
That was such a sweet win for Anhelina Kalinina. Last night, she was the underdog of all the Semifinalists, and I did not expect her to win over Kudermetova.
But I have to miss Rybakina and Ostapenko. My foot is due for a check-up.
Just as well that troll who hates me will have to talk to himself.
I reckon the anon that hates me is Hawkeye. He is hiding among the many guests and anons. But his writing is distinct. Hawkeye, if I am wrong, please let it all out; I have been a cowardly anon, yes, and an opportunist, as are you; of all the things you hate most, I believe it is that I’m an American. I’m sorry for being an asshole, I am known to be one, but I try to be honest and do no harm, especially now, at this time.
Please communicate with me here. I noticed with amy and Margot you are happy, but it seems I annoy you most, along with another female poster I won’t mention.
Hope to hear from you. We used to be more than civil to each other, and you used to make me laugh, and that’s rare.
Anon is not hawkeye Elizabeth!!
Please! he wouldn’t write that kind of stuff. And if he was going to attack someone it wouldn’t be you.
There was a poster called Curious George who came on here during RG last year who wrote some rude stuff who I thought was hawkeye but it wasn’t to you. The reason I thought it was hawkeye is because nny wrote to him ” cut the crap!” and he replied ” cut the cake! ” and immediately linked it to a song of the same name.
Now that is so idiosyncratic to hawkeye I was sure it was him.The witty retort and the linking to online music. He always did that!
Really honestly it isn’t him!!! You are way off base. He posts on tennis x under a moniker but I am sure it is him.won’t say what the name is.
The rude remarks were to me and nny btw…!!
Please will you stop this paranoia about hawkeye Elizabeth!
I remember you thought he had left an astonishingly rude comment to you before calling you a four letter word. No he wouldn’t do that! And if he was going to attack someone it wouldn’t be you. Much more likely to be more or nny. He never liked me very much.
So are you saying you’re an “anon?” But why? And so annoying for the rest of us, especially that stupid echo chamber nonsense.
If you aren’t, just ignore this post.
You thought I did that?
Sorry Margpt, I am not an anon.
I can’t ignore your posts; you are one person I look up to.
It’s 5 am here, and I am up because I am going to the hospital ER.
But I wanted to take down my WTA brackets; I don’t have time to finish them.
Oh, brother, Wog Boy also assumes a lot about me.
Self-importance is not my problem; the opposite fits.
Amy seems good at explaining me to myself and others, but not quite.
I don’t feel too well today. It is my crushed left foot toes, and my AC isn’t working, and the temperature will be 90F and worse this week. I am not prepared.
Sorry you feel ill Elizabeth!
Try and switch off from negative thinking. When I feel unwell I always have very negative thoughts which distort reality.
Sorry about your foot! You need to be as nice to yourself as possible if you are in pain.
But really honestly I can categorically reassure you that it is not Hawkeye trolling you. You were always one of his favourites.
It’s just anon. He has been ranting and raving about America for 18 months. He attacks Ricky constantly as,well for being American. Do you honestly think Hawkeye would come here to troll Ricky?!!
Hawkeye isn’t anti American anyway. Just anti Trump and the fascist elements of the GOP.
“Over There, do you mean Zed? There was a Wog-Boy sidekick that hated the hell out of me!”
Do you really believe that you are that important either here or on TX so the people are after you, you are delusional or on something…or both?! Don’t give yourself such importance, that’s worrying sign!
Zed, who I had privilege to meat and share (quite a) few beers with this January in Melbourne during AO cannot be my side kick nor I can be his and we are not interested in your existence unless you address us as you did now.
Zed is an Melburnian (Australian) academic, very smart, well educated, eloquent and well spoken, the only problem for you (woke leftist) is that he is conservative who thinks and acts differently from you, woke leftist people, and beats you in any conversation with arguments.
The Democrats have a Majority in the Senate. But the Republicans are a majority in the House. Speaker of the House, Republican Kevin McCarthy, is a Trump buddy. I don’t hold my breath; I cry; seriously, the man has no humanity. He is terrible. His way of fixing the deficit is cutting Social Security, and he doesn’t care about the lower classes; he is for the 1%. Trickle-down economics/Reaganomics is his solution. Senior citizens are unnecessary, especially those who didn’t plan for retirement. Cut all social programs and let them die. And about Ukraine? Why are we helping? Thank God he is in the minority on that!
Hi Elizabeth, hope your health issues are improving.
We’ve got a set of hard right wing horrors here, with an 80 seat majority in the HOC. However, their popularity is falling away, as people realise BREXIT was a lie and a disaster.
As for Ukraine, in the end you have to, “Jaw, jaw, not war, war” as Churchill said.
Hi Elizabeth, good you are improving.
“Jaw” is slang for talk. All conflicts end in one of two ways. Either one side gets pulverised into the ground and surrenders, or both sides reach a stalemate where they can’t go on and must start to negotiate, or “jaw.” I can’t see either side winning, I think at some point saturation/stalemate will be reached, hopefully before Ukraine becomes a pile of ashes, or there’s a nuclear war. Russia will never surrender or give up the dombas, I wouldn’t have thought. The West/China can’t supply weapons for ever, their ecomomies wont allow it. A settlement is, at some point inevitable, the sooner the better.
Women, children, the old, these are the casualties of war.
Why do you keep talking about ” the West ” arming Ukraine? The countries who have pushed to arm Ukraine right from the beginning are almost entirely from the East, the Baltic s and Scandinavia. The West has largely been dragged kicking and screaming to arm Ukraine with endless red lines. If they had given the weapons to Ukraine which they asked for they would already have defeated RUssia.
If you look at arms as a percentage of GDP the West is way down the list. Estonia has given the most with other countries such as Poland and Finland and recently Denmark giving large amounts. These are the countries bordering Ukraine which Russia threatens constantly with invasion and subjugation.
If Russia gets a chunk of Ukraine it will use that territory to take the whole of it. Everyone knows that. Then they will move into other countries and the situation will become mindbogglingly dangerous.
Opinion polls in Ukraine show constantly that Ukraine wants to fight. It’s not for the West to deny it its identity and agency but to support it in a just war of defence against an imperialist revanchist fascist enemy.
Zelensky can’t, in any case, give territory to Russia because he knows what Will happen if he does. It will mean more Bucha, more rape, torture, murder, eradication of culture and language and the endless kidnap and deportation of children to Russia which isvone of its central aims.
If Ukraine gave up territory in the South it wouldn’t be able to access the sea to export grain so its economy would be crippled and the global food market would be controlled by Putin with horrific consequences. Putin also wants to use access to sea routes to speed up global warming.
It’s up to Ukraine to make its own decisions and it’s absolutely clear what they want ie arms. In Europe the balance of power has moved East to East and central Europe who stand 100% with Ukraine.
Making decisions on behalf of other countries or calling them puppets of Ametica/ NATO whatever is classic imperialist and colonial thinking where the country itself, and its people are denied subjectivity and agency.
Zelensky himself has said he can’t cede territory without the agreement of his people and they are united in their desire not to do so.
If jaw = talk, he’s saying the first step is to negotiate and find a way to peace; if that doesn’t work, and the war is on, don’t give up. Keep trying to deal again. When there is a stalemate, and it’s reached the point where we are now: much has been reduced to ashes, and thousands have given their lives, including innocent human beings, mainly in Ukraine. There is not adequate housing or resources to accommodate the displaced and victimized. It’s time for war or no war. It has gone too far, but no one wants to give up. This war has gone on for too long. Ukraine cannot give up, and Putin won’t quit. It’s like the last scene in Game of Thrones. Too many atrocities have been committed in Ukraine. Putin must stop or be stopped. All I can do is cry and then go back to my hobby: tennis. I’ll sleep on it. I admire Winston Churchill. Too bad he is not here now.
Churchill didn’t believe in jaw jaw!he believed in absolutely defeating your enemy and then you impose your conditions.
He hated the policy of appeasement ie Czechoslovakia where land was traded for peace with absolutely disastrous and completely foreseeable consequences.
Many analogies with today.Churchill would have been completely on the side of arming Ukraine to drive Russia out.
Sorry Amy but that is merely supposition, you can’t possibly know what Churchill would/would not be doing. That was then, this is now.
He might not have turned a completely blind eye when Russia inaded and annexed the Crimean peninsula however. This is when this war actually started
The war started in 2014. when USA/UK financed (bilions of dollars), organised and executed overthrow of legitimate Ukrainian President, Ukraine lost its sovereignty then and there, now it’s their playground for a proxy war against Russia.
Crimea was Russian after they captured it from Turkey some 300 years ago, same as SE of Ukraine. Crimea was given to Soviet Ukraine (very important to know) in 1953 by one signature of Ukrainian raised Nikita Khrushchev as a gift to his Ukrainian wife, he is the most hated person in Russia, even more hated than Stalin. Soviet Union was in its core anti Russian, that’s why it was made at the first place after October Revolution which was organised and executed by nonRussians, peasant Russians were just a foot soldiers in destroying their own country and nation.
Ukraine never existed as a country and nation in this shape or form and never will again.
Some of you lack basic history education, MSM and YT is not right place to educate yourself.
I know about this already Elizabeth.
I told that fascist what I thought of him. See above. It’s extremely disappointing that some people have sought to kiss up to him.
I agree with you on all you say. To know what atrocities are going on and to remain loyal to Putin – it’s chilling.
Heartbreaking news to me. Makes me sick.
Agree 1000% Elizabeth. But I don’t want to talk about my feelings regarding a sacred subject with people like him around.
Please don’t engage with him. He is just a pathetic idiot with a huge inferiority complex. It’s not worth being rational with him.
You know how I feel about all this…
The only thing one can do is to do everything one can however small to help Ukraine. Ie writing to politicians and signing petitions. They desperately need planes! Because of the lack of them people are dying. Also one can lobby for confiscated Russian/ oligarch assets to be transferred to UKraine now.
This article deserves Goebbels award, which doesn’t surprise me since they were staunch allies with them during WW2 so they learned a lot from Goebbels.
One has to wonder how someone can be that brainwashed and dumb to believe that Russians would do that and let them walk free to tell the “story “?!
I was jus t going to say to mira that I was getting quite worried about Elizabeth. It’s very unlike her not to be on the site during a slam.
Can only echo Margot ‘s words…
My only siblings are a decade older than me and live in Spokane, WA. My sister called the Saturday Wimbledon was on, and I needed to drop everything and get a flight to Spokane because my brother was very sick and had a pulmonary embolism. It was serious this time, and I’m glad I went up. He is going to be okay, though he has so many health issues that I need to be able to go when I get the call. I have never been very close to my brother or sister, but at this point, that doesn’t matter; I want to be there for them. I don’t like Spokane, and we have vastly different political ideas.
Anyway, I loved the results of the ATP Wimbledon!
Carlos is loveable and fantastic.
What happened to Ons Jabeur was sad. But from out of the blue comes Martincova! Happy for her, but so sorry to see Ons be a runner-up in the final again.
I got home last night, but the first thing I did was check the TDC, lol. I feel terrible missing these weeks, but I won’t miss this weekend’s draws; they will be good!
And the weekend of August 7 is Canada already
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Good to see you back and OK, Elizabeth, and good your bro is well, at the moment at least.
Have never heard of Spokcane! No reason I should’ve of course!
Not necessarily directed at anyone in here, just thought id share this as I hadnt heard of this before.
Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is a mental health condition marked by unstable emotions, a distorted self-image and an overwhelming desire to be noticed. People with HPD often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention.
These people are so disillusioned that they will act according to their social media profile photo as well. If their photo portrays a look of ‘I’m one step ahead of everyone,’ they will end up behaving that way unknowingly, becoming a constant public annoyance.
It’s time to get your eyebrows trimmed dude. you have more than most people have on their head.
Yep, a virtual know-it-all cnt
yeah, spend another 6 months looking for another idea. What a fckn retard this cnt is. Drop on his head at birth.
Nasty people if you look closely at their mindset. They even steal all your ideas and claim it as their own. If you want to see the absolute worst in humanity, look no further.
When you constantly undermine people that are older than you and imply that they have to learn more, its extremely arrogant an disrespectful. Yep, someone people got too much praise from their father and were never taught to respect their elders unless there was repercussions.
You can tell a lot about someone that behaves this way.
…and how do you judge her bravery, by reading her posts without really knowing how messed up she might be, nor who she really is and what are her deeds?!
I’m cheering for the girls from Ukraine. Marta Kostyuk won a tough match against Andreescu earlier today, and now maybe Elina Svitolina Monfils can win this match vs. Azarenka. Come on, Elina!
I imagine you are sleeping now. Sleep well, and see you later!
Too many to lock up Amy, not enough prisons Did you read threat of prison is improving Trump’s chances? Incredible.
And Sunak looking worse than Johnson on enviromental issues
Trying again! It won’t affect his die-hard base in the GOP Margot. In fact they will cling ever closer. But it surely will affect independent voters who are the key to an election.
Think Jack Smith is a man of integrity and very smart.
As for Sunak. If you get denounced by a billionaire investor with background in mining!!for being part of a government of morons politicizing climate change what can one say?! Too true.
The humans are going to hell in a handbasket! As my dear father would say. Canada is on fire; the forests in all the western states have fires. It is hotter than Hades here. But many places in the East are having severe storms.
We will not be a democracy if that grifter Trump gets elected president somehow. He shouldn’t be allowed as a candidate! It’s ridiculous.
I haven’t watched much tennis this week, but I did see Andy Murray beat Nakashima today. Andy is not quite where he was yet, but he is playing better and better. I’d say he was not quite as fast around the court, but he found a way to take control and beat Brandon in 2 sets. Gael Monfils won his match, and I see Elina had no trouble with Kasatkina.
I hope Dan Evans can keep playing like he is through US Open! He has been on hot streaks before, but they don’t last. He needs time to recuperate after a hot streak, is what I have learned about him: an amazing athlete, Dan Evans.
Tallon Griekspoor hammered the carthorse today, amy!
Always a pleasure to see the Cart Horse lose!!
Not that I did see it..
Shall we go back to talking tennis on the WTA thread rather than here? Ricky can’t be too overjoyed…
The Devil wants absolute control and attention, and wants to take everything that is good in life away from you. He hates it because he’s got none of it and will never experience it.
Just read his relentless tweets and ask yourself, “Is that the kind of world we want to live in?” The only reason he can get away with that is because you can’t prove he’s directing the harassment at you. If you could prove it, you would be able to sue him, and the police would be knocking on his door.
I’ve already spoken to the Australian Government and Federal Police and at this stage there’s nothing they can do about it, even though they are keeping a watchful eye on things
If they find out that they’ve been going through my social media accounts and leaking information, well, that might be the end of the road for these clowns.
A sense of entitlement can be dangerous if you become so disillusioned that you think you are above the law.
Please let us know when you get a terminal disease or cancer. We will come next to your bed and lecture you about all your failings like you have done to everyone else without any consideration for how that may affect their health.
Ignorance is no excuse when youre exceptionally cunning and aware when comes you improving your own financial position.
And you’re still going you low grade scumbag. Haven’t you got a family to look after of your own? You have to spend all your time trying to make other people look bad because your own life is so fucken boring.
If I wanted a Big Brother that was 15 years my junior, I would’ve asked for one.
Stop promoting monopolies in a broken system like a naive superficial child. Your ignorant, shallow idolatry is an annoyance at best.
The only person you’re convincing or giving anxiety to is you or anyone else who is dumb enough to listen to the garbage you promote without considering the context it the underlying truth
No worries. I’ll consider 2nd and 3rd other consequences and I’ll read your mind, as well.
Anything else?
Maybe the easiest solution is to do what you did. Just set up a fund, speak with a level of conviction uncontested like I know everything and with a strong sense of entitlement, and watch the money roll in.
If you were an honest person and honest with yourself, you would’ve have said, a few things have happened the past week that makes us believe that an ETF will now likely be approved anywhere between next month and the end of the year.
You don’t say we’re looking at 12-18 months and then change it to a 1-3 months like your entitled to do that and it’s acceptable.
Many people are so stupid that they won’t even notice.
Go fuck yourself dude. Anyone outside that bubble knows its all about access to capital and 90% of the people you come across in business are crooks, so its a minefield.
I could transform this whole planet like you’ve got no idea if I had access to capital and people didn’t get in your way. Youre all a bunch of crooks in suites and no different to the worst drug dealers on the streets.
Ceasefire now!!
The moral rottenness of allowing this wholesale slaughter and forced displacement of over a million people is incredible. This is a total breakdown of Western institutions including the press cheering on ethnic cleansing, forced displacement and proto genocide.
Hamas are abhorrent and their actions revolting but this does not justify committing war crimes against a population where nearly half are children.
Absolutely sickening.
Good God! Mega crook and war criminal Netanyahu has asked Tony Blair to be a humanitarian co-ordinator in the hope that this will reduce pressure over the slaughter of civilians. Apparently they have been chatting for weeks.
What a fantastic idea to get another war criminal to do your PR for you!!
Thoughts Margot?!!
Agree 100% on all counts. Blair went from supporting an illegal invasion to Middle East Peace Negotiator! You couldn’t make it up.
Can’t look at the pictures from Gaza any more. It’s a massacre, and a massacre of the innocent.
Bet bPutin has got a hand in all this, cos look where we aren’t looking.
OMG Rishi says he will pass emergency law to say Rwanda is a safe country so he can bypass Supreme court. Such a useful way to spend his time.
What next?!! Any more countries he wants to shove on the safe or unsafe list?! Apart from being an object of endless mirth it is astonishing how ridiculous and irrelevant this country has become…
He is a massive idiot full stop. Some of his mps are in an impossible position as it’s well known they are absolutely inundated with furious emails from their constituents. They don’t really have any choice but to call for a ceasefire.
Looks like public opinion is coming out strongly in that direction everywhere including most importantly America. France and Spain have called for one thank God.
Ceasefire now!!!!
I don’t support civilians dying in this war on both sides but I support Israel .
They Palestinian people brought this on themselves, they elected and support Hamas which is an Islamic terrorists coward b@$t@rds who hide behind children and civilians.
Anyways I can right a book on this but what’s the use.
Partnering with terrorist or evil people has it’s own fruits their are consequences.
In every war civilians are a victim sad, I hope less innocent people die.
Hamas and other terrorist groups are like a cancer they must be totally destroyed or rendered ineffective if not more innocent people will die in the future.
Like I said I say again I support Israel and I hope all Hamas terrorist are destroyed and those who sympathize with terrorism I hope you wake up from your stupidity one day.
Hi Amy…As Ricky has suddenly got huffy about where to post…..:-0
The Traitors is all about lies, maniplulation and turning people against each other, remind you of anything?
Actually it’s very clever, someone smart has dreampt it up.
Hi Margot!! Will have a look on iPlayer. Do I have to start at the beginning?
Trump is his usual psychotic self. It’s Biden ‘s ludicrous despicable behaviour over Gaza which is opening the door to dictatorship. Young voters deserting him in droves. Who can blame them? The genocide Joe label is going to stick especially if he is stupid enough to get dragged into a larger conflict.
Just come here to vent my fury that Rafa is apparently acting as an ambassador for Saudi Arabia to bring tennis there.
I have never been the kind of fan who can’t criticise Rafa. I was absolutely furious with him over his long silence after the outset of the invasion of Ukraine when Andy and Fed spoke
up immediately but this is ridiculous.
Really honestly I may have had enough of him. He looks like a shallow money grubber.
It’s awful Margot!! I saw Chrissie and Martina have written a letter saying the WTA shouldn’t go to Saudi Arabia. Iga has,also opposed it. Iga seems to be the only young player speaking out against it. Think I will officially become her fan.
Andy spoke against it of course. He has more principles than most of the ATP put together.
Disgusted with Rafa.
Its ok if Ronaldo n neymar sign up for Saudi clubs n play for them but rafa can’t be ambasador ? What’s wrong being ambasador for tennis ..it’s just a sport ..it has nothing to do with human rights there..can’t mix the 2..are we saying ppl in Saudi should not play tennis ?
Entertainment n sports should never be mixed with religion or countries ..everyone should enjoy best content across the globe n everyone should be allowed to play sports .
Civilians have almost nothing to do with what govmt of a country does..can’t penalize them for no reason…
Politics is part of every aspect of our lives including sport. What do you think of black athletes who make a very powerful political statement when they “take the knee?”
The headlines are all very nauseating. I mainly follow the weather news; I switch channels the second it goes to Trump.
My plan to move to Portland fell through in November, but my moving date is now March 15. This time, the plan is solid.
It’s so satisfying to return here and read you, Margot, and amy!
Hi Elizabeth!! So are you in Spokane now?
Has anyone seen the clips of Pelosi saying pro Palestinian protesters are in the pay of Putin and should be investigated by the FBI?
Immediately after saying this she shouted at protesters outside her house that they should go back to China!
I am literally praying that genocide Joe is forced out and Bernie runs for president. There has to be someone with morals and humanity unlike Biden and Pelosi who should be chucked on the scrapheap of history.
Pelosi actually sounds like Trump making these stupid dangerous comments…
No, amy, I came to my senses about why a move to Spokane is a terrible choice. The Trumpism is worse than in Boise there and has been taken up by many of my relatives.
I don’t know if you heard the latest of what Trump is saying, but it scares the sh** out of me!
What would this country look like if it joined with Putin and dropped our NATO alliance?
I am packing everything up, and my move to Portland is now on March 3!
Most of my friends there are anti-trump, but I also know a few that will vote for Trump no matter what because they count on the $$ tax break!
Am glad you didn’t go to Spokane Elizabeth! It didn’t sound like a great idea but obviously I couldn’t say that. Really glad you are going to Portland finally.
Why do your relatives support Trump? Am interested to know. He’s a very American phenomenon and I have never been to America.
Yes I know what he’s been saying but as I said before what really worries me is how unelectable Biden has become for his own base. He shouldn’t be running. His support for flagrant war crimes and war criminals will cost him the election and be the end of American democracy and the death of the planet.
I have come to loathe much of the Dem establishment. We need Bernie to take over!
He is actively making political statement s in talking about ” the progress ” going on in the country. As such he is doing straightforward PR for MBS a man who when he took power tortured his own relatives. Who personally ordered the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi leading to the nickname Mohammed Bone Saws. Who executes large numbers of people for no reason. Who oversees the death penalty for people who are gay. Who jails and tortures women who want equality.
I just saw Rafa’s contemptible PR video. It made me want to throw up. Very many Rafa fans are angry and sickened and he is going to be hammered by the press. His reputation is going to rightly take a massive hit.
I’m with Amy, I’ve never been a blind fan, however it’s as Sanju says, he’s trying to promote tennis, I’ve thought about it, and I think Rafa is doing this with the best of intentions
Hello Alison, nice to see and read you here.!
I hope life is going well for you and your hubby.
Finally, I have saved enough money to move back to Portland! Boise is too much of a red state to stay here. My real family is not my biological one. My real family and dear friend is Wendy, who I worked with at the Cancer Center in Portland, OR. It will be a relief to live around like-minded souls in this Presidential election year
In all things political, I very much agree with Margot and amy.
Gosh I wish Rafa would just shut up. I was afraid he was going to do this. He has been hammered by the press and especially in Spain. John Carlin also said he was fooled by Rafa and he won’t have anything to do with him now. So his PR team told everyone he wasn’t doing it for the money because it wasn’t a multi million pound deal.I remember thinking well do you honestly think that’s a better look? Like you think this horrible country is so great you want to go there?
Now Rafa is saying that Saudi Arabia doesn’t need him to wash their image because the country is opening up so everyone wants to go there anyway?! Is he for real? Sports are going there because of the huge sums of money on offer.There are loads of other countries who are genuinely making changes they could go to and if you legitimately want to do good and grow the game go to poor countries who aren’t awash with oil . If you want to grow tennis go to Africa.
There are only 2 countries on the planet who execute more people than Saudi Arabia. If he doesn’t know about the human rights situation he shouldn’t be talking about progress and change everywhere which is extremEly contestable.
I have been a Rafa fan for so long that I still support him over any other player. But I don’t feel remotely the same about him at a personal level. I would prefer it if he had taken a ton of money and was open about doing so. At least that would be honest.
It is Margot. Was just out for walk and chatted with old man who said Starker and Reeves reneging on green deal and coming up with Tory austerity arguments filled him with utter despair. Thatcher said her greatest achievement was New Labour. No. By far her greatest achievement is Starmer and Reeves.
The left have to offer real alternatives to the vicious horror of neoliberalism. We need Bernie in America and something has to be done about Starmer.
People are in despair and need hope. The old man I was chatting to is well off but desperate for change.
Haha autocorrect is Starker!! He is stark ravingly useless. An empty vessel and cipher for power.
Meanwhile the world’s most moral army is besieging the last hospital in Gaza and indiscriminately bombing children and almost no one who is white is saying anything. Western values,have been exposed as,a complete and utter sham.
Starker Lol! He’s a middle manager promoted way beyond his ability! Nonetheless I am ecstatic about the by election results!
Starker he is from now on!
Yes good results but we need some actual.policies. Starker is very cold and technocratic I agree. Reckon his time in public prosecutions made him into this quasi authoritarian.
Once we win the election we need to boot him out if he won’t change.
Back to Saudi Arabia. It’s way past time that Rafa,and co stop saying Saudi Arabia is evolving and getting better. It is not. MBS has pursued policies to make it look better superficially while engaging in brutal repression which has made the country even worse.
If Rafa, Alcaraz and co can’t be bothered to do the most basic research by using a Google search engine for 5 minutes then they should just shut the %%ck up. They are doing endless PR for this violent regime and acting as useful idiots for it.
Iga doesn’t wear her Ukraine ribbon anymore. She had it on last fall when she won the WTA Final in Cancun. She wore it on her cap there. Sometimes, I pop on Twitter to post something short, but I try not to linger there because the pressure to finish my profile and stay on (message from Twitter) is omnipresent.
I have to doubt that Rafa knows anything about the Khashoggi horror or anything terrible and corrupt about MBS.
amy, I wasn’t done with describing the various people who are trumpsters. The ones who want the high-income tax bracket are not actually into Trumpism. But they don’t care about what happens to the lower classes. They made poor choices or didn’t work hard enough. George is still my friend, but he and I agreed to disagree in 2016. He is not a bad person at all, (if he likes you). If we talk, and we still do, it won’t include politics or climate change or being an advocate for Medicare for all or the poor and homeless.
He gets why I love Bernie Sanders, but as many like George cast Bernie, he is a socialist or, worse, a communist.
The problem with leaders of the Democratic Party is that most of them think like George and stamp Bernie as unelectable.
Corbyn, proper left wing Labour potential PM, didn’t do very well amongst the general British electorate either, not helped by the ultra right wing press owned by Murdoch *spit.* UK has been traduced and ravaged by 13 years of Tory rule, and still people vote for them!
Yes, it is another crime on Putin’s head. He was a brave man and loved his country. He could have moved away. He was asked why he didn’t leave. That is what Navalny said: because I love Russia.
I love many things Russian – it’s where my grandfather on my dad’s side was from, and Ukraine is where my dear grandmother was from.
I didn’t realise you had this heritage Elizabeth.
Margot I don’t think you can really compare Bernie and Corbyn although they are both on the left. Bernie is seriously impressive and I know many people here who don’t like Corbyn who admire Bernie. Bernie is a great orator and doesn’t have Corbyn ‘s toxic baggage ie appointing Putin excusing Milne and a straight up Stalinist Murray as his advisors. Plus his love of Hamas and so on.
Even Conservatives admire Bernie. Rory Stewart met him and said he was impressed by his passion and deep moral seriousness.
Oh I agree! What I am arguing is Bernie could have been elected here. Don’t think it’s true this country won’t vote someone on the left.
Dunno about America. It’s loony tunes about the left but Bernie had good polls against Trump in 2016. He won the primaries in the crucial states Clinton lost which was a warning as to what would happen. The point is that Biden is now so dead in the polls that Bernie would probably do better!
Not to worry, CIA and MI6 have another Navalny in the pipeline.
Don’t forget, Lenin was sent with 30 revolutionaries (by Germany) in the sealed train from Zurich to Russian Empire to destroy it, which he promptly did with his non Russian comrades who were in charge of Russian communist party.
Amy, the last left wing government was after the 2nd WW when Nye Bevan, a hero of mine, created the NHS. Wilson gov did lots of good reforming stuff and even Blair did good things, eg Sure Start, but since Nye nothing that looks remotely “left” to me. I feel the UK is profoundly conservative, with a small “c.” And, unless we have a revolution, that’s unlikely to change.
I would love to see a really transformational government Margot. Using the language of the New Deal in the US maybe so as to avoid words like socialism. Socialist policies are very popular! Large majorities want re- nationalisation of public services..If the Cons did this many would be thrilled.
Is the UK really that conservative? We have a divided opposition between Labour, Libs and Greens which is electorally rigged towards the Cons.
Point about Bernie is he has the passion and ability to stand up and ask for real change and win people over. Starker is just an empty suit who couldn’t convince people of anything.
The old man I was talking to the other day was very well off but absolutely heartbroken about climate change and nothing g real being done and then this stupid credit card nonsense Starker and Reeves come up with. Has no one heard of Maynard Keynes?
FDR was precisely what the country needed when we were in the Great Depression. He taxed the rich and made social reforms that many Republicans and mainstream.
Dems never wanted to see again! That’s why the likes of Nancy Pelosi feared Bernie, and in all due respect to the great John Lewis civil rights activist (RIP), these folks made sure that Bernie Sanders would not be the Dem’s Presidential nominee. They had been corrupted by money and their ties to big money. Trumpism is worse, but both parties have sucked for a long time; I was going to say since G.W. Bush Jr., but then really, what was Granpa
Bush Senior doing with his mini-war on Iraq? Reganomics, ha! What a tragic thing for a new RN (me) and hundreds of thousands like me. Reagan killed our ability to offer the financially strapped patients proper healthcare. And Unions couldn’t help us. There was no Union to join. Our hours and benefits were cut.
I have been out peacefully protesting since 1987. And getting people in Portland registered to vote in the predominantly black, at the time, NE Portland. All these people needed affordable healthcare.
Amy, now I am ready to talk about the Trumpster “unreachables,” but I have to go. But, I have to mention, it’s again much to with Religion – evangelicals that don’t care because they see Trump as FOX News paints him: sent from God, Trump is, and Jesus is coming soon, so what does it matter? There is no talking to them. They believe Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity and refuse to listen to any other news. Israel and Palestine? Don’t worry about it; there is supposed to be a Great War there, the Holy War. The Bible says so in the last book of the New Testament. Never mind what the Jews say, they will come around in time. And this is the stuff they believe and are hoping for. They don’t care what Putin does to Ukraine or Europe. They are generations removed from that, and wasn’t that FDR the socialist or communist who thought up NATO.
Oh my. Time is up, Amy. But this has been coming at me from my relations in Spokane since I can remember. It is a thing in the US. Maybe less so in NYC.
There’s more, more on anti-immigration – something mighty appealing to Trumpers who are anti-immigration.
I’ve lost my compass living here for over a decade. But I don’t forget who I love across the pond, as you folks say. My mother’s side of the family going way back are French, then British, then East Coast American. That is where I get my little bit of native American. And I hate what European Americans did to the Indians and people of color.
A week later, I changed my mind about Bernie’s good for the country in 2024. I still love him, but he isn’t the voice we need now.
What is happening in Gaza is genocide. Say it, Bernie! We are complicit! Netanyahu is on the same level as Putin. Israelis and Americans have enabled Bibi to become the Criminal he is.
The one person that would make America even worse than it is is Trump!
He will help Putin and Bibi and keep the planet in perpetual war, hooked on fossil fuels, and also support giving defense contractors vast sums of money to create weapons of more extensive, better, beautiful mass destruction. Does anyone remember how creepy and excited Trump was? It was his first year of presidency, giving the green light for bombing Afghanistan.
“The MOAB struck the epicenter of ISIS operations. The GBU-43 Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bomb, in an undated photo. There are few places where the GBU-43 Massive Ordnance Air Blast, as the bomb is officially known, can be used because of the breadth of its impact and the danger it poses to civilians.”
The New Yorker, April 14th 2017
In a Trump World, there are no regulations on fossil fuels or the methods of obtaining them; however, the fragile regions and habitats of the planet are impacted. Any regulation made as a safeguard will be deregulated for immediate
availability and profit. Genocide and atrocities are expected and accepted worldwide.
For four years, it was one nightmare after another; each day, he was in power.
For those who got the tax cuts, Trump deserved another term, or maybe Trump should keep the job until he dies and pass the crown to Barron Trump.
Completely agree Elizabeth. Would say more but have root canal pain. Seeing dentist tomorrow.
What is going on in Gaza is absolutely morally abhorrent completely shredding the findings of the ICJ and making a farce of international law. The West cm never recover from this. It’s not just Netanyahu. Israeli society is complicit in the most despicable war crimes. Not one penny more should be given to this country which is imploding morally into the abyss.
The fact that UNWRA has been defunded leaving Gaza to starve on the basis of some IDF/ Israeli clap trap with no evidence to back it up beggars belief. All because of Biden’s hysterical psychotic relationship with Israel so that the West has gone along with collective punishment of innocent people. Only Ireland, Spain, Norway and Portugal he e stood up to them and carried on funding UNWRA.
I have also never known such chilling McCarthyism in my lifer and a complete gap between a craven immoral establishment and ordinary people who are furious and in disbelief.
Time for a revolution. We can’t go on like this anymore.
I was wondering yesterday what Biden/ Kirby/ Blinken and Sullivan will say when the mass deaths begin and they push the Palestinian people into Egypt.
Guessing it’ll still be the Israel has a right to defend itself garbage. Israel isn’t defending itself and it isn’t a war with Hamas. It is collective punishment of a population where 50% are children. Israeli leaders should be in the Hague but so should America.
This is a gift to Putin and all the despots who are watching Biden destroy the international order and running their hands with glee.
Wringing hands and running around without a clue is what Biden and company do.
Still, it’s better than Trump.
amy, I know about root canal pain. Ouch!
And I should be doing many things to be ready when Wendy arrives on Friday. But I was waiting to see if Rublev would win and if you or Margot had things to say about my thinking and writing.
There is never enough time! I like to read what that Greek bald guy, Varufakis, says. Not until this morning had I heard why he stepped down from his job in Greece. Finally, I was curious enough to look him up. All I knew was he disappeared. He has been writing books! It’s a fascinating story of why he had to step down as Minister of Finance in 2015. Then I read him describe the effect that the massacre on Oct. 7 had on him. It hit me hard, too. I have not been able to put anything into words. First, I was angry that Ukraine would not ever receive what it needed from America to win its war. And everything is complicated by a more substantial feeling that Trump will win again.
I know quite a bit about Varoufakis. He is very clever and charismatic but on certain subjects he talks crap. His parties in the EU group wouldn’t straightforwardly condemn Putin after the invasion and the East European left parties split from them and had many choice words. Varoufakis talked incredible rubbish just after the invasion saying the EU and NATO should both be dissolved. These are the key organisations Putin wants gone! Varoufakis has huge resentment with the EU for good reason but it’s a bulwark against Putin. If there were no NATO Putin would take over the Baltic s and East Europe.
That’s the thing about Varoufakis. He is decadent. The East European left dislike him for good reason.
He is right about techno-feudalism though.
Poof! There goes another would-be hero. That’s why I needed to hear from you or Margot. And his story of why he had to step down is what I wanted to believe about him.
Should I read his book on techno-feudalism? Or is the term
itself enough? It feels like what’s happening.
Elon Musk comes to mind
It’s disgusting to think Muck and his lot are the ones I serve: stupid people – way too many stupid people in high places.
It’s enough to imagine a revolution!
Yes read him on techno feudalism! He is great on that! But don’t take what he says on trust.
Musk, Thiel and co are revolting.
I am not one for revolutionary rhetoric but it feels like we are at some kind of crisis point and the people have to stand up and demand their rights and that the system be changed. It only serves money and power and the psychopaths rise to the
I have observed a protest getting violent; Seattle 2003 was the biggest, and I felt angry enough to drive from Portland to join—the vote to go to war on a country that had no weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, sure enough, but I felt that war was a colossal mistake. It was enough for me to keep looking for OBL. It was a reaction to 9/11, okay. The G-Dub war in Iraq was purely Criminal. George Bush and his daddy, both wars in Iraq, were War Crimes started by hubris and greed. I never was so ashamed to be from the USA. I will not sing an anthem or raise the flag. No country is safe with the leaders we have. What can be done now but Civil War? Many of us felt it would be Civil War on January 6, 2021. Trump will be happy to make it happen.
It’s no wonder most of the world hates us. Change has to come. King Trump cannot happen! Such a good fit DJT is for Putin, Bibi, North Korea… too many fascists, to name.
I have to let it go to get ready to move to Oregon. Now, I am under the gun for wasting energy on this topic!
Ciao, tennis,
We can’t go on like this Elizabeth! I know Trump would be death to the planet and democracy but how are the Dems going to run under genocide supporting Biden? Much of the Dem base is rightly furious. They are saying in Michigan that the state is gone. That Arab Americans won’t vote for them. Similar story coming out of Georgia where the pastors say their congregation see this as apartheid which is a reminder of Jim Crow. Israel isn’t really a democracy!
Who can replace Biden and actually stand for moral values? The De m establishment is corrupt and out of touch.
Amy, I’ve just been reading in the Guardian about a woman who runs a food bank from an ice cream van, and crying. What dreadful times we live in.
And now Anderson spews racism and his words are gobbled up by racist Tory voters.
And Sunak goes, “Diddums” it’s not racist. Of course they are spreading division and hatred prior to the election. Where Trump leads..
It’s only Labour who get investigated for racism Margot! Although it should be remembered 30p Lee was formerly Labour. The bullies appear in local politics everywhere. Out systems are rigged to protect money and power and are inherently anti -democratic. I don’t see that we have any choice but to overthrow them. Wasn’t it your hero Nye Bevan who said that wealth and privilege will always attempt to overthrow democracy?Feels like we are in the end game with the planet on fire.
Yes Nye did. He also had a “burning hatred of Tories” whom he said were, “less than vermin.” What he said then is even more relevant now.
OMG how we need him.
No comments about senseless massacre of innocent civilians in Moscow, I thought these lefty woke creatures on this site treat all crimes equally, but I guess it doesn’t apply to Russians.
Margot and Amy, I am still in Boise.
The post I wrote (I was trying to keep it short) didn’t go through. I hope you both are well and will be back soon.
Hi Elizabeth So your move is delayed or cancelled? Very stressful, whatever.
Hateful times politically, locally and globally, trying to keep sane..ish! But Spring is coming and everything is growing, chirruping, flowering, buzzing! Virtual hugs.
Hello Margot!
It’s so good to see you here! I worry about you and amy in these times.
Yes, I canceled my move to Portland, which makes it twice now. I won’t attempt to go into detail, but I am making clearer decisions and feel so focused that I regret not paying the money to renew my RN license! Do not worry about me; I will be fine (unless Trump wins another term).
The bracket group is back this week. There are many in the groups that we likely won’t see again. I think I’ve said this before: the brackets are a sort of diversional therapy for me, as is following tennis.
The rent is going up, so I’ll have to find a less expensive way to keep this odd hobby. It’s strange to anyone who knows me locally, and what’s left of my family doesn’t get it. My papa is to blame, rip.
I predict that at least some of my brackets will fail. My brain was not clear or focused. Sure, winning one does help but I think I have just enough hang-up’s and I will keep trying to let it go.
It’s true about the flux everywhere. But I’m lucky I did not move in the long-time friend. At least I averted the wrong decision.
I have always admired your economy of words, Margot.
It’s after 3 pm here and 10 pm in London. My Point is: you are likely missing a solid performance from Barbora Krejcikova. She has not been in her winning mode, and she is digging deep to get a win over V.Kudermetova. It’s set 3, and
I want her to win this. I have missed Krejcikova.
Kudermetova will not go down easy. It’s a good thing that I don’t have disposable income!
Great net play from our Chech player. Barbora has fought
off break points. Kudermetova gets the break.
If Veronica holds, they will be even at 4-4 in this decider.
Come on, Barbore, fight!
I meant to say if Veronica holds it, it will be 5-4.
Kudermetova is serving for the Match now.
Kudermetova is just too good. Her serve and painting lines better were than Barbora’s level.
Congrats to the brackets picking the Russian.
Dang it. I picked Barbora to the Semi’s.
I also wonder where Muchova is. At least Vondrousova is playing Stuttgart too.
Hi Margot and Elizabeth!! I have just moved!! Am exhausted.
Somewhat ironic it is me who has moved rather than Elizabeth….
Hey hey hey girlzzz!…hope u guys r OK!..
Amy..am just moved too!..from 55 to 56..if it’s considered moved that is!
Hi mira!! So it’s your birthday ??!! Very many happy returns !! and many more to come I hope …
Hi back amy!…nah!..not exactly my birthday..a few months back actually..but older another year for sure!
Oh yeah…r u ready to let Rafa go amy?Is it for u to do this?Just curious how other Rafa fans feel about this..
I meant to say is it easy..sorry amy typo..
Please God can someone remove Biden aka Genocide Joe. The man is an inhumane vicious out of touch moron. Come on Bernie and other decent Dems kick him out!
He has zero chance of winning the election. He is completely and utterly out of touch with everything except his ego and I cannot stand one minute more of listening to him.
I have reached a point where I detest Israel. It’s a deeply sick society.
Oh and stop believing anything the Israeli Death Forces say. Their snipers deliberately target and kill children. This has been well documented by multiple organisations and British and American doctors working in the now deliberately destroyed health system. Yet another war crime.
Yeah, it’s a tragic and horrific crime against humanity; Netanyahu has lost his mind along with Putin and the other soulless criminal strongman dictators around the world.
amy, there is no one to vote for. The choice is Biden or Trump.
Trumplicans are anti-democracy. In trumplican-speak, this is a Trump Republic, and the democracy thin is over.
It’s sad to hang up on a childhood ski buddy and my first crush in 6th grade. He would not stop shouting nonsense even while I was trying to change the subject. I will never speak to him again. He’s not the fun-loving, playful companion I knew, and my memories have been ruined; I imagine his memories of me blackened, too.
Ce’est la vie. I can’t help someone who believes in
Fox News exclusively and tunes into Alex Jones on talk radio.
Bat-s**t crazy people and they are mostly like that in Spokane, WA. and around Boise, too. Where I live here in Boise, it’s a small pocket of progressives and liberals, so I stay right here for now b/c the rent is affordable, and I am used to this compared to anywhere else.
Well I thought you partly wanted to move to Portland because it’s progressive? I have moved out of a hyper lefty Remain area into one with a large blue painted conservative club
Have moved from the urban South East to a small coastal town in the SW called Dartmouth. It’s beautiful though. Today I walked up to the coastal
path via the castle and met loads of overseas tourists. Am half dead as a result of my exertions.
I try and block out the hideous view of the Conservative club.
My own view is that some people love, and I really mean love, propaganda. It answers to some deep need.
Also many are actively attracted by waste and waste products and a kind of love of anti idealism.
Hello amy!
It’s great to read you here!
The possible good news is that Rafa might have another RG in his legs.
What do you think? Have you been able to see any tennis matches in Madrid?
I find it very hard to see how Rafa can handle bo5 now Elizabeth. He struggles with matches going 3 sets so how can he go 5?
Am really bummed there is no longer Amazon coverage so I can’t watch. I will pay for RG though as it’s on Eurosport.
Apparently Med is injured along with Alcaraz and Sinner. Bit of a disaster. I really want to watch Ryba against Saba! Could be a great match.
Yes, amy, I’m with you about the Cart Horse! Go Rublev!
Come On Rubles!!
Hi Amy! Dartmouth is lovely, do hope you thrive there. I live in a right wing, small, coastal town. I have met the prospective labour candidate and he is a Starmer clone, so I’d say every chance of beating the odious Tory.
Good news from Newcastle today
Going to see “Nye” next week. He is my hero and so is Michael Sheen, win, win.
Hi Margot! Very good to see you.
Yes Dartmouth is beautiful. Yesterday I walked to the castle with its amazing views and then tried to walk the 70! steps down to lovely Sugary Cove. Don’t know if you remember it? All these wretched steps have pulled my muscles.
Soon I intend to walk the coastal path towards Stoke Fleming.
I know you revere Nye Bevan. Pity we have no one of his fierce moral calibre now and are stuck with Starker and Reeves!!
I like Michael Sheen as well.
PS I let out a wry chuckle every time I pass the huge hideous blue painted Conservative Club. Have thought of you numerous times already when I do so and I only arrived last Friday.
C’mon Amy! Take it for the team! I’ll visit and bring a cake with a file inside….
Gee thanks Margot!!! Why do I feel this dubious arrangement benefits you rather than me?
The thought of the Cons in Dartmouth waking up to a neon red Con club and having a collective fit is appealing though…
Hi Amy! It’s rather a good day, isn’t it? Go Sadiq, go Andy! And fingers crossed for Richard! May I ask, why Dartmouth? So not you.
Welcome back AM. I live at 56, I knew we were realated!
Hehehe…yeah M!..i knew we were related too coz there’s this beautiful pigeon who always came & play with my pigeon & on it’s chest there’s nametag named Clarissa!
Amy: July 4th, when we finally get shot of this dreadful shower of sh*t.
Oh happy day and Sunak in the pouring rain trying to speak above the sound of, “It can only get better.” You couldn’t make it up.
Not a good day for Rish! Has he gone slightly insane..?!
Will be fab to see back of Tories but having to watch Starker exude smug self satisfaction is not an attractive prospect.
Just marvellous to see our own government attack Karin Khan and the ICC when, for once, we get to see a basically British run institution do something honourable.
As for Biden, who is going with GOP plans to sanction the ICC.. ..this ludicrous vain little man has to stand down or Trump will win. Every time he or Blinken or Kirby open their gobs another stream of rubbish pours out alienating the Dem base.
Can Biden really not see that talking about being a bulwark of democracy against Trump and attacking the ICC are contradictory positions?
Please God will someone remove him. We want someone with a moral compass ie Bernie or one of the numerous Dems who actually possess a heart and a brain.
Biden isn’t on this planet right now. If he really cared about Trump not winning and saving democracy he would withdraw.
Biden looked older than the D-day WW2 survivors yesterday. I am serious. He should not have been elected. But what Trump is in his old age is psychotic and delusional and will end the tiny bit of Democracy lingering in the USA. Trump is way worse than whatever it is with Biden. Trump admits he is anti-democratic, and his trumplicans love it!
Biden appears to have a mask- face. It could be from PD, Alzheimer’s, dementia, or any number of old-age neurological causes; side effects from the potent medications prescribed are challenging to manage. I remember Reagan going downhill fast! He had his beloved Nancy by his side, and Joe has the support of his wife, Jill.
None of this is good. I have to focus on today and not dwell on what is coming. I know life could be worse–Palestine and Ukraine come to mind. Hopefully, Mexico has elected a young, progressive-minded female President.
Oops, by PD, I mean Parkinson’s Disease, not the other PD
Amy: I too am in despair re Biden. Doesn’t bear thinking about if Trump wins by default.
And the advance of the Right is terrifying, seems everywhere. And France too. OMG the world is very scary at the mo.
But two days to go and I want no less than the extermination of the Tories, FOR EVER!
The situation with Biden is beyond a farce Margot!! He is handing the election to Trump if he stays in the race. I read a while ago that the person keeping him in the race is Jill. Dunno if you saw the unutterably cringeworthy and frankly terrifying clip of her welcoming him on stage after the debate and talking to him as if he was a small child saying you were great!! You answered all the questions! And Biden grinning insanely and looking like he had no idea,what was going on.
Meanwhile Macron made a characteristically idiotic move by calling th e election now and letting his huge personal unpopularity be a factor ( ie people will automatically do the opposite of what he wants).
Scary scary times.
Even more frightening is the ascent of the ADF In Germany.
In Friday we will wake up to the wonderful prospect of the Tories OUT!! Shall I paint the Conservative Club red to celebrate?!!
It’s very strange being here in Dartmouth when before I lived in the urban South East in an area,which was a bastion of Remain and the left.
I wish all of my friends were as well informed as you, some are but quite a few glaze over when I rant against the Tories. Yes, Macron is an idiot and an arrogant one as well. Awfully like Sunk isn’t he. I saw them hugging and I thought, “a fine bromance.” I love France and hope they can sort it out.
Of course you must spray the “Con” club with red paint. I want to see those headlines.
I belong to “Surfers Against Sewage” and I’ve been sent a brilliant posters which says, “Vote to Save our Oceans” on one side and on the other it’s “Rivers.” That’s in my window, not sure where I’ll put the Labour one….
At the moment Balding is spoiling Wimbledon. Will that woman ever stop gushing?
What I say has to be quick because I’ll say pending issues to keep this short. Oh no.
I truly do not belong in this city in Idaho. These are not my people. Not sure where to move, and I’m an atheist, so it’s likely not doing any good, but I am praying for an answer beyond my understanding. The worst thing to do is panic. I learned about that back in 2013.
Communities do exist in many places where I would fit in and could contribute, but they aren’t in Portland, Oregon, or the Seattle area like they used to be. Mostly, I want to join with people I hoped would rise- up to be heard, like the American indigenous people, aka Indians. All states have groups of them, but certain ones are doing a lot. They don’t care who wins the election, but they do care about being represented with their ancient knowledge of this land, and I fit right to work for them. Sounds funny? Sure, but I need to get with them and the increasingly influential and powerful African Americans who are rising up about reparations. I am straight in real life, but I already support the LGTBQ communities wherever I am since HIV became a thing in the early eighties. I was in the right place in Portland, Oregon, with the proper credentials, RN and OCN, and I made the HIV patients my study. My older brother, who lived in Seattle, had tested positive. He would come down to Portland because I knew the HIV specialist, the leading HIV guy, and insisted that (John) come to see Dr. Sampson.
Okay, boil it down. I will be patient because there must be a reason that I am still alive. I can’t believe I am saying such a thing, but it is what it is, beyond my understanding. Precisely, the feeling I had that put me in the right places during the HIV crisis decades ago.
So, I wait for it.
You can laugh at me, and please do; I am laughing as I type It sounds absurd. I was overwhelmed by so much that I had to go to work early so I could meditate in my car while I cleared my head to focus. It was beyond me, and I needed help.
Since I like predicting things, I guess I will be squeezed out of this cozy little apartment because that’s been happening to others all around me for several years already. The need to move has had me paralyzed in fear. But most of my energy goes to being focused on what group I would help most or finding the place where they are gathering because I don’t want to miss out. It feels like something I’ve wanted is about to happen, regardless of who gets elected. Call it an uprising.
We shall see. Or, I will be put in a straight-jacket and taken to the State Mental Hospital.
I think change is coming Elizabeth. I just think we have reached some kind of tipping point where the incredibly destructive neoliberal consensus has forced a complete crisis of democracy. Power has to return to the people.
I am sickened by Biden and the Dem establishment which is ossified, calcified, and corrupt. We need the morals and heart of Bernie. There are good people who are Dems!!
I know moving is very very difficult. I said nothing here although I have known for over a year I had to move because I just couldn’t afford to stay on. And I was very frightened. But here I am and I am ok. The thing about crises is that we resist them because they are so frightening but they are opportunities for change also and transformation. I don’t want to pretend it’s easy though. Am not at all sure I am in the right place. If it wasn’t for Brexit I would definitely think of going abroad.
I genuinely believe you will find your right place somewhere Elizabeth. You have too big a heart not to.
As for an uprising then I hope so. Honestly I have had enough of the undemocratic duopoly in both the UK and the US where the whole system was set up to protect wealth and privilege.
Thank you for your response, amy. I wish I had Margot’s ability to condense my thoughts and words. I need practice. When I posted about politics in 2018 on Twitter, I was trusted enough to speak out and connect with like minds. But Elon Musk’s taking over has changed the landscape. I only use X now to check on certain tennis players and sometimes post something short and congratulatory.
Yes Macron is extremely arrogant with absolutely terrible judgement. The minute he called the snap election and made his speech making it a matter of his personal authority you knew it was going to backfire. Shades of Cameron with Brexit where a lot of people just voted against him.
One good thing about being here is that I am by the river and sea constantly. The damage done by water privatisation is unspeakable.
Will be ordering in some red paint!!!!
Good to see the largely fascist theocratic Supreme court has done its job and declared the orange moron above the law. Happy Days!!!
Agree about Balding who is mega irritating although fortunately I haven’t heard her hideous outbursts of purple prose about Boulter and Dr Minaur yet. They are waiting in the wings though.
Elizabeth: You wont be surprised to learn I prefer James Ellroy to James Joyce!
Amy: Hope red paint has arrived. Only day 3 and I want to throttle Balding!
But I’m sure Elizabeth and Andy Mira would visit, so we’d get to meet them at long last. And Andy could bake a cake with a nail file in it so we’d soon be free!
The nick is such a great place for us all.to meet!!
Hope we get to take the cake with us as I am definitely up for a large slice of chocolate cake..# chocaholic..
ps I do agree that Balding is beyond irritating…
Balding and Inverdale so obviously know nothing about tennis. Had to laugh at John Lloyd yesterday , he’s been fawning over Murray since he started. In fact some tennis forums used to count the number of times he mentioned him, they used to say he’s on Murraywatch.
Inverdale is the worst of the worst. I have to mute him.
Castle and Lloyd sounded like they were about 300 years old when they did their commentary for Queens…
I never sure who is worse these days red or blue. Confusing how in US the right wing are republicans. Not really into politic except the unavoidable local ones
BTW I heard from an impeccable source that the Federer video on Amazon Prime is superb. It’s free if you already have Prime as I do..Am definitely going to watch it..
Makes me feel nostalgic as hell for the days of the big 3/ big 4. We’ll never see an era to compare imo.
Late last night, I heard the BBC report that the Labor Party will win! And like Snap, is Sunak out? Is this true? Then it’s a good time to live in the UK. I wish this country would have lost that War of Independence and remained like Canada!
Or, the indigenous tribes and people in America would have beaten the cowboys, and that Manifest Destiny was such BS. Oops
Yes there will definitely be a Labour government tomorrow it’s just a question of how big the majority is.
But people are voting the Tories OUT with great enthusiasm rather than voting with enthusiasm for Labour because Starker isn’t popular and isn’t giving people the hope and policies they need.
So tomorrow will be great to see the back of the Tories but won’t be great to see smug liar Starker grinning away.
I’m not counting my chickens, I remember what happened to Kinnock.
I would vote for a sewer rat if it meant the obliteration of the Tories though, TBH, not much difference except rats are more intelligent.
One good thing Amy, most of the Labour cabinet will have come from a state school background, not frigging privilege and Eton. Brigit Phillipson, shadow education, grew up on a council estate. This has to be good news for kids.
Obviously it’s fabulous if Tories on way out Margot and we get people from ordinary backgrounds. I just really resent Starker as you know and was extremely annoyed by his comments re Brexit yesterday which seem to me very stupid as much as anything.
Hope he runs off with a go go dancer to Honolulu so we get Rayner instead.
You are right that we shouldn’t be complacent…
Brits voted Brexit, the biggest act of self-harm ever inflicted on us. It will take years and years to recover, if we ever do. Yes, if the Tories get obliterated I will be very happy, but it’s a long, long road ahead.
I guess I got happy for you folks too soon again. That is what most politicians do: lie and more lies. Brexit did seem stupid. Why put distance between your allies? I can’t follow along anymore—lots of shooting oneself in the foot.
Just seen Matt Frei nearly explode with rage while interviewing someone saying Biden is the tops and should be the Dem candidate. Can’t say I blame him and shouted insults at the tv.
Absolutely criminal irresponsibility by the useless Dem leadership. Their smug dumb complacency and absolutely ossified relationship with power and their own status makes me want to throw up.
If you actively enable fascism then you too are a part of a system bringing it into being and you should be absolutely condemned by history.
Shocking scenes from the Trump rally. But he promotes violence with his antagonistic divisive politics so not surprising really. More surprising is the fact that 10% of Americans support violence to stop Trump.
Crucial and critical time for the USA.
President D. Trump just survived an assassination attempt,this is what corrupt politicians, dishonest media have been promoting for years.
Only someone who is evil and dumb will blame him or any victim, thank God for his survival, the shooter is dead and I heard he killed someone and injured two other people.
Thank you, Big Al. Any recent playlists I made have been worked over and edited by YT bots. If they attempt to make me more mainstream, all I can say is good luck to them, lol!
It’s frustrating. I’m not a big jazz fan, but I love the Pat Metheny Group with Lyle Mays on piano. Piano is my thing; I studied the classics and played it in recitals, hence all the Bach and Rachmaninoff.
This young Polish star captured my attention before Iga Swiate did. She is a composer and creator of volumes of piano music and has broadened her gifts to include other musicians of various musical genres. I want to share this video with Bracket Troopers. Her fingering and graceful hands moving
over the keys crushes me with hope and joy. I hope you enjoy it, too. Music is life-saving to me at the moment.
Her humble “thank you” is the icing on the cake – listen and watch Buka. by Hania Rani. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=uaqesXLNX7I&si=JfR7izKIVhDqp3MZ
The last time I tried to open this thread, it would not open. But that was back when I was trying to get on the WTA page. Thank you for opening this page and for your patience.
Now the familiar anonymous and guests post your non-tennis talk here – we can talk civilly about the US Presidential elections. And I can explain why I am still in Boise. Boring topic but the move north is still on. It’s going to happen next week after the election. (My friend in Sandpoint promises) Going North is good but it’s a quick fix; at least it’s an improvement over being here in the heat of summer and firey Trump hell.
I’m free from the sizzling heat, smoke, and fires burning within the sight and smell of SW Idaho. Sandpoint, Idaho, is an improvement and fine for now. But my destination is not necessarily here; like everywhere, it’s altered.
I’m Ricky, and I created this website.
Thanks RIcky, for creating this site and this thread.
A purely unbiased and dedicated writer. Ricky previews EVERY SINGLE tournament on the ATP tour. Not only tournaments, but majority of matches in every one of those tournaments ! And on top of that, he is a great writer too !
I concur, vamosrafa. It is no small effort for Ricky to maintain and write for this site and it’s greatly appreciated. By the way, I read your introduction and I welcome a young man’s point of view. The other thing I love about sites like this is that we are from all over the world sharing a common interest.
thanks Jpacnw ! and you have been a great addition to the knowledgeable fans out here
Justice for Gary Lineker!
Bravo Ian Wright and Alan Shearer for their solidarity!
F%ck off fascist Suella. If anyone should be locked up it’s her.
Gary is right. This language is straight out of Nazi Germany.
Suggest they all deport themselves to the last century so they ca n Sieg Heil with their Nazi buddies.
Going up against the country’s most revered footballers isn’t exactly going to do the Nazis any favours…
ed251137 sometimes referred to as ednumbers, or just ed, and quite possibly the most senior female member of this forum.
Addicted Rafan. Also ardent Andy fan except if there is a conflict of interests when it is a case of may the best man win.
I was so naive about the way the internet worked when I joined up I came up with a moniker I could be sure of remembering. It was only when I saw it on the screen for the first time did I realise it gave my age away. I’m too old now to change it

But the ‘ed’ bit still fools people
Nativenewyorker sometimes referred to as NNY. I am a female member of this forum.
I am a devout Rafa fan. After Borg, the second great tennis love of my life. I grew up watching tennis, some of the greatest ever like Rod Laver, Ken Rosewall, Roy Emerson, John Newcombe, Pancho Gonzales and on into the next generation of Jimmy Connors, Bjorn Borg, John McEnroe, Ivan Lendl, Mats Wilander, Stefan Edberg and up through Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras.
I love to talk all things tennis. Anytime, anywhere.
My name is Nadline alias clayqueen. I am an undiluted Rafan and I have an Excalibur Rapid Rebuttal Unit designed to fight off any unjustified (IMO), negativity directed at Rafa.
I’m Jpacnw, which is just my first initial, followed by the abbreviation for Pacific Northwest which is where I’ve lived most of my life, although born in Southern California. I, too, am a long time tennis fan and have been watching it since Laver’s heyday. After Sampras retired and Agassi’s career was in its twilight, I started to lose some of my interest in watching and then along came Rafa. Rafa’s ascendancy also coincided with the emergence of the Tennis Channel, international streaming, endless Youtube tennis videos and numerous other mediums that have enabled me to indulge my adoration of this fine young man. I’m a sports fan in general, particularly American football, but tennis is my favorite sport and Rafa is by far and away my favorite athlete.
As you can see from my user name, I was born in New York. Brooklyn to be exact. But in 1980 I moved out to L.A. with my then husband. So I am now a Southern Californian!
I did lose interest in tennis once Fed came along and started dominating. There was no competition anymore. Those who knew me were shocked when I stopped watching. But people started telling me about a young Spanish player named Nadal. They urged me to start watching tennis again to see him play. So I did just that and tuned in to the 2007 Wimbledon. The moment I saw him play, I got the same feeling that I did when I watched Borg. It was exhilarating. I had long since given up ever finding that special favorite again. I looked at Rafa as the new, advance, modern version of Borg. I initially thought that he was older, about 24 or 25. So imagine my surprise when I realized that he had just turned 21! He had a maturity about him and a confidence that belied his years.
I watched every single match he played. That Wimbledon was tough, with rain delays forcing Rafa to play on consecutive days. But the real revelation was in the final, when I watched him go toe to toe with Fed. I had not seen anyone push Fed like that. I thought that for a good part of the final, Rafa outplayed Fed. But I would find myself shedding a few tears for him when he lost in the fifth set. Later Rafa fans would find out how Rafa broke down crying in the locker room. But Uncle Toni would not let Rafa wallow in self-pity.
I was not surprised to see Rafa come out at the 2008 Wimbledon playing some of his best grass court tennis. I knew from seeing his first few matches that he would get to the final. By this time, I was back watching tennis again so I had seen Rafa beat Fed so impressively at RG. He was going for the channel slam and I knew he was going to get it.
It’s been a wild and crazy ride ever since, but I would not trade one minute of it. My family tries to be understanding about my Rafa obsession, but they do get on me for being too emotionally involved. They don’t like seeing my stay up and do all nighters and then take Rafa’s losses so hard. When I had some health problems, that’s when they urged me to take it a bit easier. No one in my family is a tennis fan, so they don’t know anything about the sport. My father started watching tennis in the last few years of his life. But he died in February 2008 and missed Rafa’s greatest triumph.
I was so devastated by my father’s death and the only thing that seemed to help was the joy from watching Rafa. That is what helped me get over it. The joy and the passion Rafa brings to tennis is just unbelievable.
I just feel privileged to be his fan.
NNY7: I, too, feel privileged to be his fan. I was aware of Rafa early on in his career, mostly because of his victory over Roger in Miami, which was their first meeting although I didn’t see that match until much later. The first match I actually watched with Rafa was the 2004 Davis Cup match against Roddick, which Rafa won. (That entire match, by the way, is available on Youtube). Not yet being an avid Rafa fan, I naturally was rooting for Roddick and the US team. By the end of the match, I didn’t care that it was Davis Cup and not only wanted Rafa to win, but knew that he would be my favorite from then on.
I will always regret that I stopped watching tennis, because I missed the rise of Rafa. If I had seen him sooner, I would have known immediately that he was headed for greatness.
Fortunately, I have been able to watch many of his earlier matches. The tennis channel has broadcast some of them and there is youtube. I did see the 2004 Miami match with Fed. It was just thrilling to see a very young Rafa go out there without any fear of Fed and beat him. I have seen a few of his clay court matches that were prior to 2007 when I started watching. I also saw a few of his earlier RG finals. It was so obvious that he was something special.
I am going to look for that 2004 Davis Cup match with Rafa and Roddick. I am surprised that I never saw it, because at that time I was still watching tennis. I think that I stopped in 2005, so it was two years in which I did not watch any tennis.
ah, just read your post addressed to me ,NNY
thank you so much ! and the same goes for you ! you are one of the best tennis fans I have come across !!! really enjoy sharing stuff with you
NNY, wow ! you have found so much inspiration in rafa
His wins gave you support in the darkest of times ! I wish the same happens for you for the next years !
It was great to read your posts…I am always looking forward to hearing your views as you are one of the most experienced and insightful viewers here. You have watched so many eras ! Amazing
You are so kind. This is the kind of thing that I was unable to say on TT. Even before it got so bad with the trolls, I didn’t feel comfortable because I knew that there were some who didn’t like Rafa or his fans and would make fun of what I said. I have written about this on vb, where I felt safe sharing it. But now with this new thread and being around good people on a site that has good moderation, I finally felt that I could share some of these things.
It is possible to be inspired during dark times by your favorite tennis player or any sportsman. My father would have loved to see Rafa finally break through and beat Fed at the 2008 Wimbledon, getting the channel slam and the #1 ranking. He became quite the tennis fan in the last years of his life.
Without luckystar here, you have really been the person that I can chat with when it comes to analyzing the matches. You have a great deal of knowledge and insight into the technical aspects of the sport. You are also just an all around good and decent person. You can appreciate the other top players in the sport, along with being a Rafa fan. That is the quality I appreciate most from you.
NNY7: I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to watch that Davis Cup match yet, but here’s a great article that was written about it in the New York Times.
No I haven’t had the chance to see that match. What was interesting in that article, is that I did watch the Billie Jean King/Bobby Riggs match. I remember all of the hoopla leading up to that match. As I have said, I was still watching tennis at that time. I didn’t stop watching until 2005. It’s so strange that I watching that match and missed this one.
What is this? Some group therapy session where we go round introducing ourselves? Okay then, Hi, my name is @rafaisthebest, a Rafaholic who is quite happy off the wagon thank you very much. I haven’t had a sip of G&T since the US Open. Got ice on the ready, waiting for Rafa to wrap up YE#1 and then……………………….party!!!!!
Well, RITB, We can party here, should Rafa clinch the No 1 deal eventually, and we can have group therapy on other occasions. I will reveil my best caipirinha recipes, then.
Sorry, but I checked the article again and realized that they were comparing the number of people who watched the 1973 match with King and Riggs to this Davis Cup match in 2004. I thought to myself, how could they have happened at the same time?
Silly me!
NNY7: I have a lot of DVD’s of old Rafa matches which I periodically rewatch, but I don’t have a DVD of the 2004 Davis Cup match so I went ahead and watched the Youtube posting of it the other day because I hadn’t seen the entire match since watching it nearly 9 years ago. I was amused by Roddick’s pre-match comment that he didn’t like being in the role of the guy who would “kill Bambi.” (Roddick had handily beaten the 18 year old Rafa a few months before at the US Open). Little did Andy know that Bambi would become the hunter and he would become the prey. I’d also forgotten that Cliff Drysdale and Mal Washington were the commentators for the match, mostly gushing over Roddick’s “fighting spirit” and “outstanding play” even as Rafa was beating him.
RT @delpotrojuan: “I feel very grateful for being in the list with Federer, Nadal and Ferrer for the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship award.”
Djokovic is touted as being the best “loser” on Tour i.e. most gracious when he loses, so why isn’t he in the running for the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award?
^^^^^Because most people see through the ‘faux’ graciousness when he loses and judge him by the tasteless celebrations when he wins – the very antithesis of good sportsmanship.
Thankfully in recent months he has toned down the triumphalism.
Well, gracious loser doesn’t cut it, if you aren’t a gracious winner also. Especially, if you win as often as the Djoker. But, if you want to win that award, you cannot insult the spectators, not even in Serbian.
Andy Murray has been awarded the OBE. I’m sure he’d be happy with that because a Knighthood at this stage would have been out of place. I’m sure he will get it one day, but for now he doesn’t need that handle whilst he is still competing.
I’m sure he will be heartedly relieved. Imagine the locker room barracking if he’d been knighted. And how would he be introduced on court – here comes SuuurrrrrAndy Murray? And what a dilemma for those umpires who still use the courtesy title of Mister when issuing a warning. SurrAndy Murray has received a penalty for racket abuse doesn’t sound quite right
Far better it is not awarded until he retires from tennis.
Cheers nadline and COMPLETELY agree re Andy. Can see him enjoying being a knight as much as Wiggo does!

Way to go Andy
Revealed my “real” name on another site….when I started posting for the very first time.
Would never do that again, but like you said, too late to change now
I have been a tennis fan for a very loooooooooooooog time. My favourite before Rafa was McEnroe…..John, I also liked Edberg. I used to defend McEnroe to the death when he was criticized for his behaviour on court because I could see his point that he just wanted the calls to be correct. He didn’t suffer fools gladly.
Their style of play appeals to me. They all have their own individual style and no one plays like them. For grace and elegance, no one comes close to Edberg, Fed is simply not in the same room as Edberg as far as that is concerned. It’s strange that Edberg was never given that label when he was playing.
Rafa is just so watchable. His style, his passion, his intelligence on court is rivaled by no other. I have an ulterior motive for wanting Rafa to win everything; simply because I’m very happy when he wins and miserable when he doesn’t.
After the McEnroe, Edberg era, no one appealed to me. I couldn’t even be bothered to follow the tournaments religiously. Fed’s dominance was boring because till this day, I fail to see his talent shining through. He strikes me as an instinctive player who takes his chances and hopes for the best. The fact that he seemed to win too easily didn’t make him watchable, his matches just looked liked no contests and were boring.
Since I discovered Rafa, my life has revolved around tennis. I don’t know what will happen after Rafa retires. I can’t see another Rafa coming along.
I loooooove me a man who suits up well:
He does scrub up well these days.
As a mum you would burst with pride wouldn’t you.
And here is the Daily Telegraph article with a clip of the actual ceremony
RT @Mike_Dickson_DM: “Murray is already back doing swimming and work on the bike but feels it might be 4/5 weeks before starting hitting in earnest.”
I hawkeye/Conspirator of Kanada.
Watch the tennis in 40 years. Liking the Connors, young Boris, Pete, Rafealo, Milos, Popsicle, Andrew of the Murrays, Stanford (No. 1 Swiss now), sometime Gulbis even too.
Tennis weak era boring 2002-07 so sometime watch but Nadal save tennis like nadline say.
Still like watch Federer better now with better tennis after 2007 but many Roger fan too crazy GOAT troll so I start post on interwebs (tennistalk, now tennis-x) have fun with them. They not happy of me.
(shhh, is secret, GOAT not possible. Please not to tell anyone I think this.)
We have a problem. Tennisba has managed to post here posing as Hawkeye
^^^^as my old gran you said ‘You are a card……..’
That doesn’t make sense. lol.
as my old gran used to say……
lol this is fun @ good job Ricky !
I am 23 year old guy…vamosrafa/Hasan Murad (the name under which I have been previewing and recapping some matches here on the Grand Stand since the USO final to assist the brilliant writer here, Ricky Dimon ! )
My passion for tennis and eternal support/love for rafa began in 2005 when he was destroying the field in the European clay court season ! Since then, I have watched EVERY SINGLE Rafa match either live on tv or in the form of highlights/repeat broadcast..
I love writing, talking and playing tennis ! totally love it.. Ricky was kind enough to allow me to write a handful of match previews under my screen name ‘vamosrafa’ on Tennistalk and now I am looking to contribute more to the Grand Stand and the tennis community
Nothing stops me from watching rafa play , be itO level exams, A level exams, University exams, job interviews ! haha…
I love the sport in general. I also admire Andy Murray a lot ! Of course I have utmost respect for the great Roger Federer for his legacy and hiscontributions to tennis … djokovic’s inspiring rise to the top has also been very very impressive in my eyes….admire it !
It was only when you were outed on Grandstand I discovered I’ve been chatting for all these years with a guy
Usually if one gets somebody’s gender wrong that person eventually fesses up but you played your cards close to your chest. I admit I myself was slow to own up to being a woman and let people think for a long time that ‘ed’ was a bloke.
Your love and knowledge of tennis shines through in all your writing.
hahahha…always love your posts ed
and yup , I am a guy 
Ed is perhaps the most experienced viewer on the Grand Stand. Like NNY, she has seen so many eras and past greats . I think we are lucky to have posters like ed ! you add so much to the tennis community !
and thank you sooo much for the praise ! The biggest source of my knowledge is arguably you guys, please keep up all the good discussions. I am just trying to improve and learn from RIcky as well and of course enjoy what I do
P.s, for the info of others, Ed absolutely loves the commentators : Jason goodall and Robbie Koenig

Thanks for your gracious remarks.
I derive a huge amount of pleasure from exhanging views with other tennis fans and particularly enjoy the good natured banter with like-minded people who have become like friends over the years,
re: your last para
Never quite sure if Defamation of Character is libellous or slanderous when disseminated via the internet. Whatever, I will be claiming damages
Andy Murray says he will compete in the Australian Open only if he is “100% fit” following back surgery.
this is non-tennis?
Ricky, why is not the recent comments section working?
what happened?
There are no public comments available to display.
For about a day I kept getting that same RECENT COMMENTS There are …
and just now the recent comments are working fine again… perhaps you fixed it after hawkeye’s post?
Same here. It was down from yesterday pm until approx 30 mins ago.
are the recent comments working for everybody?
Working for me. I, too, had the one day deal where they weren’t working…assumed it was some sort of system glitch and that it would soon be fixed.
See the Federer thread for another site question….
Federer says Rafa is his toughest opponent ever:
^^^ how is that “non-tennis”?
Nowhere else to post it.
the Federer thread would be very realistic option….
ah, you figured that out :thumbsup:
Ricky, maybe we also need a General Tennis thread, non tournament related.
good idea
Others thoughts?
Agree. Would work in two ways. Firstly it would stop tournament threads getting cluttered with general conversations and chit chat. Secondly, much easier to keep track when interesting discussions are underway. At the moment they stop abruptly when the tournament finishes and the thread is no longer active.
I like the new layout for the Home Page.
GOAT thread?
i just lost in fantasy football by 16 one-hundreths of a point
Queue in mournful violin music…………………..
“queue” ? Thought orchestra sat in a circle….;)
I think it’s supposed to be “cue”!
Whoopsadaisy. That was a clanger ?
The perils of homophones for touch typists.
I seriously love your website.. Pleasant colors & theme.
Did you create this web site yourself? Please reply back as I’m hoping to create my
own website and would like to know where you got this from or
what the theme is called. Thanks!
Go to wordpress.com
My new WTA personal fave!!!
Must say, Djoker looks very fetching in this colour T-Shirt:
I added “Player pages” to the Social menu, so that there is a forum to discuss specific players–about stuff not related to matches.
I have separate pages for Nadal, Djokovic, Murray, Federer, and then one for “Non-Big 4” players.
Check it out – https://tenngrand.com/social/player-pages/
feedback appreciated….
also most recent 8 comments now displayed on main page
Excellent addition, Ricky! Now I can blather on about Rafa on his own page and not feel guilty………….
And love the elongated most recent comments section…………..
Each new development to date has enhanced this site.
Yes, these are all welcome additions.
The thing I find difficult is tracking back to a thread which is not active.
I usually manage to find it eventually by patiently clicking through the list of categories but it is a hit or miss process. A complete Archive page like the section on TT would solve this.
I agree with ed. This is one of the main problems I have on this site. It is a hit or miss process to try and find it.
I would love to see a Archive page like we had on TT.
Good suggestion!
^^^.Was afraid it was just I who was a bit slow on the uptake. Glad I’m not alone!
what was the archive page on TT????
Deucy: Your mention of product placement on the Nadal thread reminded me of an obvious bit of business last night. During the last changeover just before he served for the match Ferrer rummaged around in his bag, pulled out a carton of Minavit vitamin powder, shook it about, added it to his bottle of water, then carefully stood the carton on the bench beside him – all the while making sure the brand name was clearly visible.
I laughed to myself because I wondered if he had nearly forgotten to do it or whether he had bee instructed to wait until he was sure he was about to win.
I was half expecting the commentator to announce “He would NEVER have been able to win this match without MINAVIT”
Lol ed
a bit like Andy and his Rolex!
Saw the first set of that but really don’t care for JJ so didn’t see any more.
i’m blanking on what the archive page at tennistalk was….. can you be more more specific with what you want/what the archive page should be?
thanks for the feedback!
supposed to be on Non-Big 4 page
Wasn’t there an archive page on TT? Isn’t that how we found the old stuff from way back when?
ok I added an archives widget on the right side, near the bottom. If you know approximately in what month a desired article was written, it should be able to be found.
i also added a “search” menu at the top right, just above “popular recent article.”
if you search for a player, all the articles about him will pop up.
let me know if this is good or not
Ricky: Just tested it. Works like a charm. I’m good with that kind of basic search engine although others may want something more encompassing.
basic will have to work for now!
appreciate the feedback
Yes, there was a rather extensive search function, by date, words, forum, etc. If such a search function were enabled for this site, it would be subject to the limitations of the WordPress programming.
I just tested both of the additions and they work perfectly.
good to hear, thanks!
Ricky, this site is becoming better and better.
great additions to the Grandstand , Ricky…the website looks really good now
BG is obviously a very cultured man, his taste in beer (Tusker) and tennis players (Rafa) says so:
I love this site…Ricky does such a great job…and I am encouraging some of my non-rafa fans to join…it would become more interesting..
:thumbsup: thanks!
The same thing after the final. Not sure it was a wink. More of a conspiratorial grin.
thanks nt13!
Ed at Nov 12 2:21 pm: I also noticed the wink and grin after the final. Of course, now I’ve started to pay attention to every single post match handshake
Because of the handshake discussion that was started on the QF Preview Fed/Delpo Novak/Stan thread, I paid strict attention to Rafa’s handshake at the end of the match with David, since Rafa lost the match. Rafa not only looked the chair umpire square in the eye, he gave him a cute wink, which I’ve seen him do before. Hopefully my own mild OCD won’t compel me to start keeping a tally of end of match handshakes.
@ Nov 13 2.21:pm
I seem to have inserted my comment in the wrong place. It was meant to be a response to Jpa.
All Indians and cricket fans here, Are you following sachin tendulkar’s last match?? My all-time favourite !! The little master is making me emotional now, will miss his him
I hope he ends the day with a century
not the day, I mean his innings
Not following but thinking about him. He is being talked about with admiration on TV and Radio 4 morning.
Cricket will miss him so much.
Ah, Tendulkar will be missed by many.
I thought he played his last match a few days ago….
@duecy and tj600 , undoubtedly ! This makes me wonder how sad I will be when Rafa retires! I think I will be sad when federer retires…ahh, why do all good things come to an end haha..
@Ricky, he is playing his last test series . Today marked the beginning of his last career test match… Long Live Little master !
“A recent study by The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital (TOSH), which was supported by USANA, just might hold the key to help you bounce back faster. The study revealed that increased levels of vitamin D pre-workout decreased skeletal muscular weakness after an intense bout of exercise. In other words, taking vitamin D before you exercise can help you recover more quickly afterwards, making it the perfect supplement to pair with your workout.”
Happy Thanksgiving!
And a Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Ricky, and to everyone else. Many thanks to you, Ricky, for creating this website.
Happy Thanksgiving! Many thanks for creating this wonderful site where we can still gather to discuss all things tennis and more!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone else!
Dear Ricky:
I too would like to add my thanks for your unstinting efforts in creating this splendid site. In a few short months Grandstand has gone from strength to strength and is a haven for tennis addicts wanting to interact with others who share their passion.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all American chums wherever you may be.
Happy Thanksgiving to NNY and The Rickster and all our “American chums”
came across this …LOL…..Ricky’s got a great sense of humor
^^I bet you Ricky looks at Jon Stewart and thinks, “That could’ve been me…….”, instead I get to spend my life moderating wanna-be Rafa groupies!
what on God’s green Earth is favstar.fm?
lol…RITB, your own sense of humor is pretty good as well
Drumroll PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
The Rickstar and Tenngrand’s “Players react to Davis Cup and the World Tour Finals on Facebook” get an honourable mention on SI.com’s Daily Bagel:
I think Ricky’s getting too famous.Please don’t forget to wave to us plebs as you continue to climb the fame ladder, Ricky……………..
haha, every one of the Facebook chats has been mentioned in the SI Daily Bagel.
but thanks!!!
i always say this : Ricky’s style of writing and the way he manages the Grandstand have ORIGINALITY ! something NOT commonly found…
Ricky’s Facebook Chats deserve being mentioned. They’re great. And here’s a FAQ about favstar. Who knew? http://favstar.fm/help/faq
I don’t want to compliment Ricky too much on his style of writing and originality. Otherwise he is going to get delusions of grandeur!
Nelson Mandela.
very well said, RITB.
RIP Nelson Mandela. The world has lost an extraordinary human being, a true hero and a role model for us all now and those who come after us.
Nelson Mandela showed the world how to come back from true hardship and adversity, after twenty seven years in prison. He did not give in to bitterness. Rather he made the most of his freedom. He lived his life to the fullest.
This man was an inspiration to me throughout his life. A man of uncommon courage, class, grace, dignity and wisdom.
I am just thankful that there was a Nelson Mandela. Now he has gone to his rest and we are all the poorer for it.
RIP, Nelson Mandela.
With the passing of Nelson Mandela a light in the world has gone out.
Lol ed, that’s just what Cameron said! Eek!
Really? Well it’s hard to be original. Momentous moments like this tend to generate a spate of clichés.
Interesting comments from JMac on doubles: http://www.tennisworldusa.org/Tennis—John-McEnroe-says-tennis-officials-should-abandon-doubles-format-articolo15095.html
A tennis quizz! I think this is such a good idea Tenngrand should have one of its own. What say you Ricky? Posters can suggest 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes (eg, 1st prize could be the winning poster’s favourite player as wallpaper to Tenngrand for a limited time period).
Here is the Tennis Canada quizz, posters, name your scores (no cheating of course!):
fun stuff
Lest we forget…………………:
From Tennistopic, in Spanish: A chart showing who 28 “experts” think will win the 4 Grand Slams, who will end up as # 1 at the end of 2014, which Country will win Davis Cup, and which player will make a surprise entry into the top 10. You don’t need to know Spanish to read the chart. http://www.tennistopic.com/rod-laver-arena/historias/las-predicciones-de-2014/
Not a big deal for a lot of you who live closer to ATP tournaments, but I got my tickets to the Power Series tournament Feb 27th, in Portland. Agassi, Johnny Mac, Courier, and Blake are playing: 2 semis and one final, all one set apiece. I’m looking forward to it.
I don’t “do God” very often but right now I am compelled to. Please God, give Schumi a second chance. Thank you.
Wishing one and all of the great gang who hang out here
To Ricky and everyone who comes here and makes this such a great place to talk all things tennis and more, here’s wishing you all a very Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year to everyone and thanks again, Ricky, for this site you’ve created.
Happy New Year to all Grandstanders!
” What are the perks of having a media accreditation in covering tennis tournaments? Do you get free seating/tickets or whatnot? Or do you also get other perks as well? Thank you!
— Nathan, Philippines
• Perks? Where to begin?! The stock option plan. The use of the corporate jet. The on-site masseuse. The driver on call. All the instant coffee you can drink and Saltines you can eat.
Seriously. most tournaments do a fine — and appreciated — job making the working conditions as pleasant as possible. There’s usually a media seating section in the stands. (Though I wouldn’t term this a perk — it can essential to the job.) There’s usually transportation from hotels to the venue. There’s often a food allowance. Again, if you’re getting into sports media for the perks — and the thinking you’re getting the equivalent of free tickets — you’re in trouble. ”
So @nadline, did you get free nosh in Abu Dhabi? Tell all!
are the main-page articles (the recent ones at the top in the middle under the tabs) showing up for people who are not logged into wordpress? They are showing up for me only when I am logged in, but not when I am not.
let me know, thanks!
I think I must have joined up for this site through wordpress so I’m not having any problems but as i don’t know how to log out there’s no way of testing your theory.
You can’t make this up:
An Ethiopean Airlines co-pilot hi-jacked his own plane this morning and headed for Switzerland instead of Rome. He entered Swiss air space escorted by Italian fighter jets because the Swiss Airforce couldn’t be deployed as the incident occurred outside normal office hours. So, anyone intending to invade Switzerland here’s a tip: best do so outside normal office hours!
“The Swiss aviation office has set up a crisis-management group, said spokesman Urs Holderegger. Two Eurofighter aircraft of Italian origin escorted the aircraft to the airport. Swiss fighter jets weren’t deployed as the incident occurred outside normal office hours, the Swiss Air Force said.”
Now I know why Fed couldn’t be bothered to turn up for national service…..
“The incident occurred outside normal office hours…..” LOL!
RT @TerryMoran: “Local joke here: Russian arrives at airport in some country. Immigration officer says, “Occupation?” Russian responds, “No, just visiting.”
No groan, funny
Indian food for supper tonight.
Chicken Tikka Misala
Yes Chicken Tikka as well. Naan, somosas.
How did you know?
had all of that (altho naan was of the GARLIC variety) on Tuesday
You two crack me up.
Apologies to All. Please feel free to scroll….
“sensitive Federazzi soul” I love it!!! Except they are soulless (and humourless while we’re at it).
Great post just now over on TX ritb. They have the extra filters on and not letting anything in from me.
Translated Age Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
^^^ beat me to it.
Preach it nadalista. Channel your inner TA.
The moderators are the saddest trolls on here.
Vamos Rafa!!!!
Allez punchbag!!!
Hilarious! Shammon and pfft to boot.
April 15th, 2014 at 3:47 pm
Translated Age Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Problem is Ben, you get to discuss it free of redaction whereas the Rafans have to be nice or be moderated.
How many Rafans are unmoderated here?
I can only think of one.
How many non-Rafans are moderated?
pfft. end of.
(And I know you have xray eyes Benny)
^^^Too funny! They are so easy, I knew they were going to publish my post because I DARED them to. I’m done with their stupidity.
Ugly fans. No sense of humour.
^^^^the penny has finally dropped. What took so long?
Really do NOT know why u r moderated. What u write is very mild compared to some.
Very simple, Tennis-x blog is the North Korea of the tennis world. To belong, you have to tow the party-line i.e. Sean Randall’s Federazzi line.
“Male university students in North Korea are now required to get the same haircut as their leader Kim Jong-un, it is reported. “
The only way to get on as a Rafan on the dysfunctional tennis blog is to be a Happy Chic alias Alison who is prepared to join the mob sometimes and diss Rafa. Which is OK is you don’t mind selling your birthright for a pat on the back by a Fedfan.
^^Well, they can have that. I used to find their stupidity funny, now I don’t.
Tennis-X is a microcosm of the worst part of religious Federer Fandomania.
Go onto Youtube and listen to the animal like roar when Rafa lost to Soderling, Rosol, Stan and Darcis. Compare this to when Federer loses to Stakhovsky or Soderling. No comparison.
It is true venomous ugly hate. Over tennis.
LOl I’ve dared to say I love Fed’s tennis but wouldn’t ask him to tea and youknowwho had her usual nasty go at me.
deucy, the one thing you’ve got going for you is that you are a Djoray fan. Not being a Rafa fan alone entitles you free access to the club.
Lol nadline, Andy is waaaaaaayyy in front of everyone else. But the only players I really don’t like, like you, are these too tall serve bots. And yes, am including Berd in there, most unfairly I know
TBH, I still enjoy watching Fed play (just not win).
I replay his points on my PVR as much as any player.
Selective filtering at T-X…
A Tango Lad Says:
So beefy.
April 20th, 2014 at 12:06 pm
A Tango Lad Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Ben, only skeezer said Stan was a journeyman.
Please stop hounding him over it.
He admitted his mistake.
Enough already.
April 20th, 2014 at 12:08 pm
A Tango Lad Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
With Nadal unmotivated, Murray and Djokovic injured, it looks like 2006 all over again.
Hopp Roger!!!
^^I hear Sean Randall has banned any talk of possible silent bans (re Djokovic) and yet Ben Pronin single handedly kept a thread running with such innuendo and outright doping accusations against Rafa during Rafa’s extended lay-off…..
And yet they mock TT, which had a strict and consistent policy against unfounded doping allegations, and never wavered regardless of player. Are we to believe Sean Randall has discovered morality?
Too funny…
btw, I have a sneaky feeling @snowdevil might be @contador. She used to sneak in regularly over at TT, by her own admission, @contador’s that is…..
snowdevil said that he is ts38 from TT. A Roddick fan. Contador did post on tt back in the day, but got into trouble. I can’t confirm if she was banned, but after that she moved over to tennis-x. I was told her user name on TT. People who weren’t on TT back in 2009 wouldn’t even remember it.
Thanks nny. Ah yes, ts38 is fun to mess with.
Oh c’mon, ManU…….I don’t like David Moyes much but if you’re gonna sack the man, do it quickly. This drip, drip suspense is cruel to then man…………….
David Moyes has been sacked, thank you Lord! No point asking what the heck ManU were thinking when they hired him in the first place. Now, get a good Manager! This is ManU we’re talking about, not some Mickey Mouse club…………….
Anyone wondering about my new atavar: it represents my resolve to think a little more carefully before I commit my evil thoughts in writing
Am I the last person on this site to have discovered what the little symbol next to my screen name on the righthand side of the Grandstand bar is for?
What bliss.
ed251137 (at 8:21 am)
I see my avatar in the right upper corner. What do you see there?
If you have asked for notifications of replies to your comments (by clicking on the box underneath the place where you type in comments) you should have a small symbol to the left of your screen name. Click on that and ‘voila’ you can see a list of all responses together with a note of how long ago. When you click on a response it takes you to the actual point on the thread.
Yeah but then doesn’t that mean you’re going to get an e-mail every time there is a follow up comment?
These are the two boxes I can check:
Notify me of follow-up comments via email.
Notify me of new posts via email.
it has just occurred to me that possibly this system only works if you sign in with a WordPress account. Something I only did a couple of weeks ago when I wanted to change my avatar. Could explain why I’ve only just noticed the symbol in the Grandstand bar.
ed251137@April 29, 2014 at 1:53 pm
I have asked: “Notify me of follow-up comments via email.”
Is it working for you?
Hawkeye: . I originally ticked ‘Notify me about ‘new posts’ when I signed up to Tenngrand and have been getting emails ever since but ONLY when there is a new thread. Recently I opened a WordPress a/c which is when I ticked the ‘follow ups by email’ box. However I am not being inundated with an email each time somebody responds to a comment of mine but I can now see any replies by clicking in the Grandstand bar.
On WordPress, ‘a new post’ means a new article posted by the owner of the blog (= by Ricky on The Grandstand ).
If you tick ‘Notify me of follow-up comments via email’ box, you’ll get an e-mail each time somebody writes a comment (not only responses to your comment).
I’ll made you a short guide: what to do.
If you are signed in with your WordPress account, you can do this:
(See PART 2 in Reply)
Now my head is spinning.
When you’re an old dog it’s hard to learn new tricks
Think I’ll just stick with what I’m doing now. Cant cope with anymore emails dropping into my mail-box everyday.
Sorry Gussie. Forgot to thank you for the step by step tutorial.
ed (at 5:10 pm),
My pleasure.
If I press any key on my laptop I get all the responses to my posts and it takes me to the original post.
Madrid schooling Bayern in their back-yard, Rafa must be ecstatic!! No way Bayern can score 4 and win. Hope Bayern are humiliated, they fire Guardiola and ManU sign him…………..
Massacre in Munich……
C’mon Rafa, you cannot let Madrid have all the fun!!
wow…Real is killing Bayern…VAMOSSS!
vamos Barca
Barca victories make Uncle Toni happy – he is a Barca fan. But, Barca was eliminated in QFs of the UEFA Champions League. Real Madrid reached the final yesterday.
Hahaha! I knew you were not all bad, Ricky! Vamos Barca indeed………….although both my teams (ManU and Barca) are useless this season.
Ah well, there is Rafa……….
Vamos Rafa!!
and Man City
^^^Okay, changed my mind, you ARE bad! Vamos Man City?? What they got except money? *sniff*
…okay then, half good (vamos barca), half bad (vamos mancity)
Right now there’s more interest in footie than in tennis ?
Now you know why I’ve been cranky of late, of my three pillars of sports-leisure strength; ManU, Barca and Rafa, only Rafa still has a season to rescue *pleads with the tennis Gods*, the other two’s seasons are down the proverbial toilet!
That’s because everything revolves around Rafa. Rafa being a Real Madrid fan would have been watching the match last night so his fans would take an interest in it, even I watched the match cheering for Real Madrid.
“……………….even I watched the match cheering for Real Madrid. :D”
No-one’s perfect………
Just so we are clear: I watched, cheering for Rafa knowing he was happy, was not cheering for Madrid at all.
I don’t care about football one bit! I only want Rafa to be happy for his beloved team.
As resident Eeyore, I’m practising my coping techniques in advance ?
I am a casual Chelsea fan and they might meet Real Madrid in the final, I think it would mean much more to Rafa is Real Madrid won than it would mean to me if Chelsea won so I’ll be hoping for Real Madrid win
I hope my son-in-law doesn’t see this. He’d be wondering where my loyalties lie.
@nadline28, knowing Jose’s tactical nous, I think it is safe to say Chelsea will be in the final, in which case I suggest the following course of action for you: you wear a Chelsea shirt in the first half (for Jose to “park the bus” in that half) and wear a Madrid shirt in the second half, for Madrid to launch their potent counter-attacks, and win!
Good advice. I haven’t got a Chelsea shirt but I should be able to improvise. I do have a Spanish footie shirt which I might wear.
Real Madrid are chasing their 10th CL trophy or La Decima as they say in Madrid. I hope their run provides the impetus Rafa needs to snap out of his AO 2014 induced funk and realize he has time to achieve achieve his own landmarks. Madrid have waited so long for this……………
Vamos Rafa!
Naddy: I insist we see a photo of you in your supporter’s gear
If Rafa had taken up football instead of tennis Real Madrid would not need Ronaldo.but tennis would have lost big time.
Roland Garros promo
Le Grouper strikes again!
WTA locker room quakes……
The man clearly has hidden talents :-p
Why do you ignore (W) emoticons? For example
Because I’m stupid
^^^Stepanek’s appeal to some women is a mystery that will remain unsolved for me.
Unbelievable. It will be a Madrid vs Madrid final……………….
@nadline, your “little” problem is solved……………
Absolutely. Chelsea were awful yesterday.
Massacre in London…………..
You cannot make this up: The Atletico Madrid goalie, Thibaut Courtois , is on loan from……….Chelsea.
yup…that is really something, fate maybe?
I really expected Chelsea to win…well, AM deserved the win after all…they were better, they were playing with their hearts…that’s how those Spaniards are… 
Bravo for both teams!
Vamos Real Madrid!
^^me too, I had Mourinho winning this 1-0 or on penalties. AM ripped Chelsea apart. I hope this winning Madrid aura is transmitted to the new honorary citizen of Madrid (Rafael Nadal Parera).
Happy May-day Tenngranders…………
The French tradition is to present Lily-of-the-Valley to friends today. Sadly they have not flowered in my garden this year or I would send you all a sprig.
ed, you could always buy some.:D
Sending virtual Lily-of-Valley to all you here today.
A beautiful flower with a delicate fragrance. It says Spring and nuance. That tradition is a nice one.
Received mine with thanks @chloro.
Grazie mille………
Gussie: I finally fathomed out the problem with Livescoretracker. I was using an old bookmark which was the reason I couldn’t get past the Bet 365 link. After persevering for ages (including ignoring the instruction to download another plug-in) I managed to bring up the Munich tourney. Also discovered the Portugese matches are on Eurosport 2 which I can access so am now a happy bunny.
Once again, thanks for your efforts on my behalf.
Congratulations for solving your problems!
I don’t know anything about these ‘bookmark’ and ‘download another plug-in’. I have used Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, different versions of Windows and changed computers. I have never changed/adjusted any settings to watch Livescoretracker’s live stream. I found its homepage on Google and clicked. Actually, I never download software offered by websites.
I sometimes have problems I think because I have always been a MacGirll and many sites are geared more to PCs. Well that’s my excuse.
RT @normansweden: “Nice 10k morning run in the park is the best way to clear the brain”
Agree. Swear my runs addle my brains though!
James Blake’s house burns down:
On the start line for the Tunisia half-marathon………
all the best! And … respect !
@chloro, thanks a lot! Means a lot to me………..
^^^^^^I hadn’t realised you ran that seriously!
@ed251137, I do take self-flagellation seriously!
No, seriously, running is a way of life for me, always has been. Distance running, not sprints. Painful and can sometimes seem pointless but the “afters” overwhelming sense of serenity, joy and strength makes up for it all.
When Rafa said/says when he is on court playing, he has to suffer and enjoy the suffering, he articulated better than I can/could the way running makes me feel. I have always been “sporty” and there are thousands of sporty people out there but nobody, nobody, had ever articulated that feeling the way Rafa did, at least none that I knew of. That made him special to me. Not his records, his FH or whatever. I see him on court, suffering, probing, struggling to find a way and overcoming: I relate.
Yesterday it was especially difficult, not the distance (It was only 21 kms) but the conditions: 30 degrees celcius with narry a cloud for cover at the finish line, 50% humidity, brutal! I was in recovery mode all afternoon with sleeping making up the most of that so did not get to watch Rafa play, only got up late to check the score, smile and hit the sack again!
Our boy did us proud again.
Vamos Rafa!
A serious achievement just to finish in those conditions.
Now I know why you tackled Mount Kilimanjaro! My highs always came from sailing – the more dangerous the conditions the more exhilarated I became. Force 9-10 and 30 foot waves was my idea of heaven. Just surviving was an achievement.
NB: Note the past tense
And now you also know why I am a fan of gals like Cher and Tina Turner, I refuse to age gracefully! :/
Since I smashed up my pelvis in the car accident I have very poor balance: I would be a liability on a boat in anything more than a light breeze these days. I think I’m on the ‘at risk’ register at our local A&E the number of times i have fetched up there by ambulance in the past two years.
Gardening is strenuous enough @ed251137!
This post of yours @May 12, 2014 at 7:51 am made my day. The most worthwhile thing I’ve read here in a long time. (Not putting down any of the other posts, just saying this one is one of a few of its kind.)
I am currently reading the insightful, level-headed and very funny book American Shaolin and you remind me of the suffering that young american was willing to undergo training in earnest at the Shaolin temple.
I hope you are no longer in pain today.
chloro says May 14, 2014 at 5:26 pm
Thanks @chloro. Glad to hear you “got” what I was trying to say. English is not my first language so I am especially gratified that “my message” got through the first time. No, I am not in pain today, although with age, the recovery process takes longer but I know what to do to get back on my 2 pins!
I am making a note and will look for that book you are reading on Amazon.
Onwards and upwards!
Vamos Rafa!
Trust you will have enough energy left to cheer for Our Boy tonight.
Deucey prefers Roger-X.
I suppose she was the only Muzza fan here whereas she has a few allies on the dark side.
Way to go, sister!
I can understand deucey staying on tennis-x. She’s been there a long time and has good friends, people she likes. She’s not a target as a Rafa fan would be. I have to respect her choice, but I will always miss her terribly. Just a special person and it was a joy to be able to chat with her over the years on TT.
Pico got to meet Pope Francis in Rome. I love Pico’s sense of humor.
^^just admit @jpacnw, Pico’s your second favourite too……..
I’m a fan of pico de gallo (blanco).
Climate change? What climate change.
The world’s 50 most marketable sportspersons for 2014. This makes interesting reading. I will cherry pick the tennis stars:
4. Grigor Dimitrov
10. Sloane Stephens
13. Eugenie Bouchard
15. Novak Djokovic
21. Andy Murray
31. Victoria Azarenka
48. Caroline Wozniacki
um where are Fed and Rafa?
Hahaha! I deliberately kept quiet about Fedal……….
Not just Fed and Rafa not in the Top 50, Serena and Sharpie as well are missing. And who they got up there, Sloane Stephens, Bouchard and Wozniacki, wtf??
Criteria primarily based on value for money among other things where potential hasn’t already been maximized and therefore is less subject to being overvalued.
Fed and Rafa both command a high price I’m assuming and may no longer be considered “good value”.
^^Correct. But Sloane, Bouchard and Wozniacki value is not in their game, no?
I think that they represent significant upside in terms of future value for reasons not just tied to their tennis results which just goes to support their place on this list as defined.
Anna Kournikova is a prime example where actual results on a court have zero relevance.
She made $75M in the last 12 months.
“In 2011 it looked like the tennis player’s spectacular career was winding down. Suddenly, she was back on top. People With Money reports on Sunday (May 18) that Kournikova is the highest-paid tennis player in the world, pulling in an astonishing $75 million between April 2013 and April 2014, a nearly $40 million lead over her closest competition.”
Mediamass is a satirical/false info website. All of their stories are false. I wish they’d decide to actually be a funny satirical site instead of just making stuff up and calling it satire. Too many of their stories get picked up by other outlets and published on the internet. Here’s an article about them.
My bad. I should have known. Seemed a bit high.
OK, so, Anna Kournikova had career earnings of $3M but her endorsement earnings of $10M average that peaked at $12-14M. Her net worth is estimated at $50M.
^^^^^it’s a strange old world we live in………imagine what Sharipova will earn when she stops playing. It will make her total prize money look like pocket money.
I fell for it too.
RT @christophclarey: “RT @BBCSPORTNI Golf star Rory McIlroy breaks off his engagement with tennis player Caroline Wozniacki”
Oh dear………..wasn’t it early this week Rory was interviewed waxing lyrical about the magic of the day he proposed to Caroline? Sad.
“Rory McIlroy and Caroline Wozniacki have called off their engagement. The golfer decided to call of the wedding after sending out their wedding invitations this weekend.
In a statement he says: ‘There is no right way to end a relationship that has been so important to two people. The wedding invitations issued at the weekend made me realise that I wasn’t ready for all that marriage entails. I wish Caroline all the happiness she deserves and thank her for the great times we’ve had. I will not be saying anything more about our relationship in any setting.”
Is it me, or does Rory come off as a total tosser??
It’s not you, ritb. He IS a tosser. Poor girl.
Tennis-X.com (aka Ruans Closet Roger-X Blog) is down (hopefully for good).
^^Praise the Lord! Someone finally figured out how to shut Ben Pronin up……………
The dysfunctional tennis forum is BACK!
Wozniaki and McIlroy go their separate ways.
yep. shocker (sort of).
RT @Sports_Greats : “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
So true…………………
Indeed, Caroline! You are not alone, stay strong girl!!
RT @CaroWozniacki: “It’s a hard time for me right now.Thanks for all the sweet messages!Happy I support Liverpool right now because I know I’ll never walk alone”
Generally speaking there is not enough room in a relationship to house two ‘stars’ particularly if they both have outsize egos.
Real playing rubbish so far. Ronaldo has hardly featured, clearly not match fit, he should be substituted.
“………here are the 100 most obsessed-over people on the web.” (I have cherry-picked tennis players and their rank in the list, with popularity score in brackets):
18. Roger Federer (30.32)
31. Rafael Nadal (28.18)
43. Serena Williams (26.68)
61. Novak Djokovic (24.55)
72. Maria Sharapova (23.86)
89. Andy Murray (22.78)
Contrary to Fedole-X, it’s the federazzi that are most obsessed.
Totally agree with you, Mr. Wertheim. Aaghh, the effort!
It is too cold where I live, no?
Stunning photo. Is that near you?
About an hour’s drive. Yesterday we had our 1st day above 20 deg. C this year!
I’ve heard Marion Bartoli commentating and taking part in ‘talking heads’ slots. IMO she is doing a great job. What’s more she is extremely fluent with only a hint of an accent, has an impressive grasp of idiomatic English, and an infectious sense of humour. She can’t stop cracking up with laughter when she is alongside Mark Petchey.
She also flirts outrageously with all the men
Elena Baltacha passed away recently and yet her twitter account is still active. Her staff appear to be using it to handle communication for the recent charity events in her honour. Why can’t they open a new account in her Foundation’s name instead of using her account? It’s creepy.
Tignor at his best!! It’s the process, not just the result “stupid”…….
Tignor has articulated, better than I could, why I love Rafa’s game more than say, Izzy’s. With Rafa, it’s the point construction (the process) rather than the aces (point, result). In this way, Rafa’s game is very much like football (soccer, to some). Football is about the process, the build-up and if it ends up in a goal, fine. But it is also okay if there is no goal in the end, the process is satiating enough. It’s a thinking man’s (and woman’s) sport. So is Rafa’s game.
Thank you, Tiggy!
Choice quote:
“Sometimes it can be pretty great, apparently. After years of listening to soccer announcers and analysts coo over a “lovely ball” or a “brilliant run” or a “perfect cross,” I’ve begun to appreciate these aspects of the game, even when they don’t lead to a score—which is to say, 99 percent of the time. Soccer forces you to pay attention to its process, rather than just its results, because it’s almost all process, and very little result.
This is obviously a skill that can be useful in tennis. A dull match can be made interesting when you pay close attention to the players’ shot selection, their mid-match adjustments, the way they vary, or don’t vary, their service directions or return positions.
For those of us who didn’t grow up with soccer, and have struggled to comprehend and enjoy it as adults, the best lesson it offers is this: There’s more to sports than meets the eye, or the scoreboard.”
I think in every sports there is too much of process involved not just soccer. Soccer is still easier to understand and interpret.
But people hardly want to understand these processes. Too much of brainstorming for layman who just want to have some entertainment.
Who will finally be crowned the GOAT?
^^Too funny!
Meanwhile, on Le Tour, Va Va Froome crashes out! It’s Bertie’s to lose…..
Vamos AC!
Gutted both Cavendish and Froome are out.
^^Both will be missed, Cav for his character and Froome for the competition he and AC would have provided in the mountains. That’s the sport, no?
Light-hearted read (well, sort of) while we wait for………………..Toronto!
Snap! I was about to post this link and and suggest this training regime might come in useful before your next marathon
^^No way, I’m not going anywhere near that! Burning 1,000 calories in 15 minutes…….that is certifiable.
Ewww, how disgusting is this? Why can’t some people eat proper food, properly?
Vamos Argentina!!
*and the Germans will then go and win, just to spite me….*
…..I knew it……..
Chapeau BB. First Wimby and now the World Cup…………
RT @Mike_Dickson_DM: “Let’s face it, the Germans are bloody good at everything, even their haircuts have improved”
I agree Uncle T, thank goodness they are pants at tennis…………
What’s left of the TDF now?
Cavendish Out, Froome out and Contador out………….
Neil Harman resigns from the International Tennis Writers Association after admitting to plagiarism.
^^He’s not the only slime-bag in that Association.
Roll on Toronto!!
Really sad to learn of his fall from grace. What an ignominious ending to his career.
I hope he sticks around the tennis world. He did not kill anybody. He made a mistake, everybody makes mistakes. He is funny, which makes up, in spades, for his mistake. I still rate him higher than Bodo.
Here’s Rothenberg’s article about the Harman issue. The plagiarism has been extensive. Still, there’s a tone about Rothenberg’s piece that I find unsettling. I came away with the feeling that he enjoyed writing it.
^^I read it too, @jpacnw. Like you, I am not a fan of dancing on people’s graves…………..
The man’s been humiliated beyond measure, let him re-build his life. Everybody deserves a second chance imho……….
I fear he will not recover from this. According to reports The Times were aware of the plagiary accusations but turned a blind eye. Now it is out in the public arena I guess they will be forced to terminate his contract. I can’t imagine why with his talent and reputation he resorted to passing off other journalists work in this way. Silly man.
^^definitely silly, stupid, no excuses. I am sure we have all been guilty of silliness and stupidity at times in our lives. I hope he finds his way out of this self-inflicted jam………….
I have no respect for him after he tried to convince the world that there was a lack of spectators at Rafa’s (vs. Murray) match at Roland Garros.
^^Hehehe! Colour me surprised, not. Who do you have respect for Gussie, apart form Rafa, that is?
rafaisthebest ( at 9:54 am),
I have no respect for the Federazzi.
Neil Harman has probably been doing this all his life and has probably built his career on stealing from other people.
What will Murray do if he gets terminated by the Times as he is Andy’s chief organ grinder. All is not lost though as the Middle East are always ready to grab any cast off journalist from the west with both arms irrespective of whatever baggage they have. Look at Richard Keys and Andy Gray now after being given the boot because of their sexist comments on SKY Sports. They’ve probably quadrupled their earnings.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
^^To think The Times recently let go of a perfectly decent writer, Simon Barnes, they may have to get him back now…………….
I have often wondered if Neil Harman had much grasp on tennis judging by his interpretation of the value of some wins and losses. His take that Andy’s early round rolling over of his ‘opponents’ at Wimbledon 2014 being a precursor for him to take the title left me wondering if he really knew what he was talking about.
Neil was/is, a Muzza fan first and foremost and his writing reflected/reflects this…………
Harman was no different than 98% of tennis media in terms of playing up a player when his opposition (or lack thereof) simply made him look good.
However, proof showing that this plagiarism had gone on for years is simply inexcusable (and that’s just what’s been uncovered, likely much more) and the Times should let him go IMO.
^^^^^That is very funny
RITB: Altough my favourites are all out of the TdF the mountain stages have been pretty dramatic to watch. Nibaldi looks to have wrapped up the 2014 race short of a catastrophe but the other podium places are still up for grabs.
@ed251137, since Bertie crashed out I haven’t followed the TdF tbh. I’m sure Nibali is a nice kind of guy and will be a deserved winner but it assumed the feel of a procession once Bertie, Froome, Andy Schleck went out.
Only like processions when they are tennis-based…………and it’s Rafa in charge!
Too good………….
RT @jontownend1: “Just wait until the shitstorm in 2020 when people realise Dimitrov has been plagiarizing Federer’s entire game.”
Current temperature in Tunis: 37 degrees centigrade; humidity, 40%, It is…………….a challenge!
In 2 hours time I will be setting off by road, with 3 friends, to see the following “miracle”:
I leave Tunisia this coming Friday, going back home to Mauritius. No way I can leave without recording this: heat, pain be damned!
Love this picture.
I just happened to come on this thread and saw this picture! It’s one of my all-time favorites of these two great players. Love it!
I have a theory that twinge is posting on SeansFedererBlog.
^^I haven’t seen any evidence to support your theory. Unless he is severely censoring himself to comply with the SeanFedererBlog party line……………….
Hey @ed251137, are you following the Vuelta? I am following it with added gusto this year because:
1. Team MTN-Qhubeka, Africa’s first ever cycling team to participate in a grand tour is on the roster. In fact, they just led out the team time trial.
2. Bertie is there, so is Vroom-Froome.
3. It will be a welcome distraction from a Rafa-less US Open.
I haven’t so far. Thanks for the tip off. I’ll try to catch some of it but I am awash with summer guests at the moment.
The attendance at the USA/Slovakia DC tie, Querrey vs Klizan, is just pitiful. It’s not like it’s in a small city…it’s Chicago. Maybe the attendance will pick up when the Bryans play.
it’s a World Group playoffs tie
people in America don’t even know what that is
^^True, and area residents have a lot of other sporting options. Still, I saw several posts on the internet where people said that it wasn’t promoted well at all. I have no way of knowing how accurate that is and maybe it wouldn’t make a difference anyway, given the state of American men’s tennis.
it wouldn’t
Davis Cup is generally promoted quite well
Well I don’t. What is it?
who’s on first?
The weather in Chicago is awful, about 8 degrees. That probably explains it and the venue is a fair distance away from the city center. I wanted to go but common sense prevailed
this tie ain’t outdoors
People going to the venue have to brave the cold weather Mr Dimon
fair points
Blooming hell, been trying to pretend today is just another ordinary day but every website with my personal details won’t cooperate, flooding my inbox with birthday greetings!
Okay then, Happy birthday to me! Now, let’s move on…………
Ricky, you serious?
Oh Lord, I was quite happy being my morose self today but then I saw Gussie’s birthday card………cracked up.
Thank you Gussie!
Did this birthday mark the passing of a decade ?
Worse………….feels like.
I happened to see a fascinating picture:
The trust the cat must have had to lie like that in his arms…………like he knew the man had saved his life. Vey touching.
for whom would Rafa play Davis Cup?
Rafa is a resident of Balearic Islands (an autonomous region of Spain), not Catalonia (currently also an autonomous region).
[polldaddy poll=8336309]
Spain. The Balearic Islands aren’t part of the referendum. Neither is Valencia. It applies just to the Catalonia region. I hope Rafa has his PR answers ready for the inevitable questions that are to come. Ferrer, being from Valencia, will probably also be subjected to questions on the issue.
[polldaddy poll=8336307]
[polldaddy poll=8336317]
Chin, chin………..
I like the sound of this!
“Don’t Ignore the Trolls. Feed Them Until They Explode.”
I just came across a video you should all watch and came to post it here… by coincidence it is also about Trolls.
Shane Koyczan, a Canadian Spoken Word Poet, wrote a piece on trolls. It has animated with music in an amazing way. Check it out. EVERYONE should see this 5 minute video.
^^Where’s the video, @chloro?
on youtube
just search for his name and/or the word trolls.
Ok, will do…..
Finally googled the video you referenced @chloro……………sublime!
To wit, asked what he regarded as the lowest depth of misery, Proust responded, “To be separated from Mama” ( Christopher Hitchens, Hitch-22: A Memoir )
I demur. Got to be being forced to read posts/blogs from posters/writers one purports to dislike. That’s what trolls do. I say forced because why else would they put themselves through the torment?
yeah, he really nails what is a troll in that poem… worth a listen and look
best wishes for the holiday season
Explains Rafa’s intelligence, no?
“Could sudoku, drugs and a Mediterranean diet help keep our brains fit? What can the latest neuroscience research tell us?”
Potito Starace and Daniele Bracciali face possible corruption charges re match fixing.
RT @marcmaron: “Its takes a lot of energy to pretend like you don’t give a fuck. So go ahead and give a little bit of a fuck.”
The less said the better.
Don’t think I’m ready for another ManU mauling at the hands of Chelsea to be honest…..but the show goes on, no?
RT @juan_jo_sports: “When a draw feels like a victory. #MUFC”
“Internet is often used by people who have no other means of making friends.
Don’t worry. Online threats are often idle and used for intimidation. Anyone can hide behind a computer screen-if somebody anonymous is making violent threats, for example-they would’ve carried them through by now if they were going to happen. If threats get more violent after ignoring them, the ‘stalker’ is basically having a tantrum because they’re losing control over you. If they get aggressive because you disagree with them, they don’t have the intelligence to argue fairly. It never hurts to be aware, but most internet stalkers are pathetic individuals who hide behind a computer screen to feel powerful.”
………….but then again, some stalkers just wanna be friends!
Just saw this story on…………..BBC world news. Any Swiss out there who can confirm (or unconfirm) the story?
Rafa’s favorite football/soccer team FC Real Madrid defeated again FC Basel (Fed’s birth town)
The played their second group-stage match of the UEFA Champions League.
A tragic accident and a young sportsman’s life is snuffed out:
Tributes pour in for Australian batsman Phillip Hughes who passed away last night after being struck on the head with a cricket ball.
I’ve never really followed test cricket and my knowledge of the game is restricted to the days when I lolled in a deckchair watching the boyfriend of the day playing on the village green. So i was puzzled to find myself disproportionately upset by the news of the death of Phillip Hughes.
Paul Hayward’s eloquent obituary in The Daily Telegraph goes a long way to helping me understand why.
I have never watched cricket and know nothing about the game, but I was also quite upset by the death of this young man. I think when someone so young dies in this way, due to some freak accident in a sport, it just tears at your heart. A young man with his whole life ahead of him, someone who was loved and respected by all who knew him. It’s a tragedy.
David de Gea. He is Spanish.
All together now, “Ooh la la!”
Many best wishes, Martina!!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. This video cracks me up..every…single…time I watch it. Andy and Novak are hilarious.
Go Hillary! May the force be with you!
insane world
Unrelated to anything new or original about
pot kettle black bot repeat rinse lather yawn boring repeated ad nauseum pot kettle black and recurse
This made me laugh, “feet that smelled like the ‘anus of Satan'”……..that. is. deep. Pun fully intended.
Contador back in pink!
Barca or bust………….
They made U.Toni happy:
Fellow 14 Major winner Tiger Woods shot a career worst round of 85 yesterday. Maybe him and Rafa can do a group session with a shrink.
My public service contribution for the day:
^^^^ ? ? ? ? ?
Banking Scandals
Iraq War
Next……….Draw Fixing in Professional Tennis
Whoever decided to change the ATP site AND approved the new format should be strung up and left to dry.
If it ain’t broke: don’t fix it.
It could not be more opaque if you tried
Apparently they’ve done it to make the site mobile phone friendly. I think we’re stuck with it because it must have cost them an arm and a leg.
Vamos El Pistolero!
Bloody hell, didn’t know Americans knew how to play football. My word, did they show me last night. Well done USA, well played.
John Inverdale is now officially on my black list of commentators who should be banned from commentating on tennis.
He takes some beating for sustained statements of the glaringly obvious; platitudes galore; and hackneyed cliches.
Are you watching the TdeF? It makes a welcome change from fretting about Rafa’s woes.
The French hooligans lining the roadside of the mountain climbs make the RG spectators look almost civilised.
Hey @ed251137, yes am watching TdeF. To paraphrase Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now: “The horror…………the horror”. Froomie has this in the bag, no? I was hoping for a Contador fairy tale, Giro/TdeF double in the same season. Not to be, Team Sky are beasts. Who the hell taught the British bike riding anyway???
So not much a respite for me unfortunately, my favourite 2 Spanish guys are being shown the door by, in my humble opinion, lesser mortals!
**Who the hell taught the British bike riding anyway???**
I trust that is not a slur on froom, froom Froome
^^Not at all. Froome is winning, therefore he’s Kenyan in my book. He’ll be British if and when he starts losing!
A bit like Andy Murray…………
Mais oui!
Thank you Ricky!
Vamos Ricky!
Thank you Ricky!
Vamos Ricky!
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
Damn you Chris Froome!
what happened
He is winning, that’s what. Doesn’t have a chink in his armour. He’s making the rest of the peloton look like little girls. He won’t let Alberto win!
This has been the most dramatic TdeF for years.
how so? Froome is routining everyone.
Don’t mind @ed251137, Ricky. She’s a Froome groupie………..
He looks scary. Can’t see anyone challenging him for the next 2 years at least..
Poor Bertie. Ever since he got busted for taking “sweets” he’s never been the same!
Grisha’s no more:
Seems like Grigor is blaming his gf and his coach for his lack of progress.
“I wish her much happiness and success in life and in tennis. Now I’m concentrated entirely on the game and I’m sure the results will soon be seen… This is the summer of the new beginning for me.”
Meanwhile, it’s been a summer of splits for Grigor, who also parted with his coach Roger Rasheed while he fails to meet his potential as a grand slam champion.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3173342/Maria-Sharapova-split-fellow-tennis-star-boyfriend-Grigor-Dimitrov-nearly-three-years.html#ixzz3gtXAIbrX
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Next he’ll be taking credit for Misha’s relative success.
What? Thought today’s penultimate TdeF stage would be an individual TT stage, thought they’d done Alpe-d’Huez already?
….I like it though. Maybe Quintana can make one last push and rattle Froome’s cage…….
Don’t see even a podium for Bertie…………..
The Alps, quel magnifique!
Vamos Bertie!
it’s astonishingly offensive hawkeye and i really struggle to understand why ricky has allowed it.
making capital out of acts of murder and torture in an act of high self-moralisation is just beyond the pale…..never mind the offense of the juxtaposition of reports of murder in the name of islam against a christian text….
i reckon even sean randall would censor that one….
ps am really ill today (have been since early thursday so am glad you see it the same way as i do…am running a high fever so hard to trust my own reactions….)
Hmmm, Quintana looks cooked already….
Froomie doesn’t have to do anything…….
Ah well, gotta give the devil his due……….too good Froomie!
…bet he’ll snag the King of The Mountains jersey to boot. TdeF came too soon after the rigours of the Giro for Bertie obviously..
Valverde attacks!
Froome isolated…….
Agree with Jens, champion move by Valverde……….
Quintana attacks, Froome left with one domestique………
What happened! Left for 2 minutes to put the kettle on and find Quintana’s been swallowed back into the yellow jersey group!
Sky train back in control………..
Diablo rouge in the house!
my heart was in my mouth and my has BP rocketed…………I was planning to be on the Champs Elysees tomorrow but my dog has just had major surgery and can’t be left.
Nothing to worry about @ed251137. Froome’s got this in the bag. Give your pooch a hug. Tell him/her has to make up for you missing out on the CE tomorrow!
Alpe d’Huez looming…………
Lord, getting goose-bumpy now………….
Oh no, Nibali has a flat right at the foot of the climb!
Nibali’s toast………..
Hope you’re right………Richie is heroic today but if Froomie gets isolated (or worse) his margin is perilously small. Agree Nibali hasn’t got much left in the tank.
Quintana jumps!
Richie Porte on his wheel, steadies the ship, drags Froome up to Quintana..
Quintana attacks again! Giving Froome the old one-two punch…….Sky hurting, Bertie at sea……
Damn Sky swallow Quintana back into the fold…….
Richie Porte deserves his own team, will test Froomie next year..
Valverde attacks……..but for what purpose! *head scratch*
Quintana can’t get away from Sky…….
Quintana joins Valverde, small gap to Sky train………….no way Quintana can shave 2 secs off Froomie…no way.
Heart-in-mouth-stuff……..Quintana is a beast.
Nibali’s cracked……….
Quintana unhitches Valverde, distances him, hooks up to a fellow Colombian…….game on!
Only 20 seconds up Froomie’s group though…..
30 seconds……..
7kms to go…..
58 seconds……
6 kms.
58 seconds…
5.2 kms
Quintana can’t bridge this now.
Qunitana attack! Final throw of the dice surely………
33 seconds..
3.2 kms
Ryder cracks…..
24 seconds.
1.1 kms
Froome slowly reeling him in…..damn!
Valverde hangs onto Froome’s wheel like a limpet mine………..
Froome hangs on…………wins TdeF with a comfortable margin.
Well done Froome, too good! But what heart from the little Colombian!
The Frenchies salvage a little bit of pride winning this stage today.
hawkeye, why are our reasonable comments being removed while the initial garbage is left standing??
even sean randall would remove it….
I don’t know Amy. You would have to ask Ricky that question.
Do you post on Tennis X?
I hope you feel better soon Amy.
no….but maybe we should persuade vamosrafa and go over there…..
wish chloro was around as i am sure he would have something to say about all this…he hasn’t been here for ages….
thanx hawekye!! i am taking a lot of antibiotics which should kill the infection in the end…but the antibiotics themselves are very strong and make one feel awful..
I am sorry to hear that you are ill. I hope you take your medicine and rest up so that you can enjoy seeing Rafa play in Hamburg this coming week.
nny, thanks so much!! i am faithfully taking the pills and rattle like a pill box!!
i have a big problem which has just started up with my broadband and so have to go onto the openzone to get internet access….i’m not going to be able to watch rafa playing in hamburg as a result (am just too sick to go on the phone and wait hours to try and sort it out) so i really hope that you and vamosrafa can blog the matches. you can be my eye and ears!! take care…..
ps am really not expecting much from rafa to be honest…better not to raise one’s hopes until there is some clear reason to do so…..
I have to find a way to watch it! I need to check out the guide on the tennis channel to see if they are televising it. With the smaller tournaments, sometimes they don’t carry the early rounds. If not, then I may have to go for tennistv and maybe pay the $9.99 for 24 hours. I don’t like to do that, though.
I am sure that vamosrafa will be here live blogging. Reading his thoughts is almost as good as watching. Notice that I said almost!
Did you see the draw yet? His first opponent is going to be Verdasco, who’s no slouch on clay. He’s got Jerzy in his part of the draw, Cuevas I think, too. I don’t remember.
The most important thing for you is to take the antibiotics and finish them! You need to take care of your health first and foremost.
I am sending good wishes to try and cheer you up
nny, thanks so much again…let’s hope that tennis channel covers it….but they don’t seem wildly reliable!
at least we can rely on vamosrafa! as you say, his live-blogging is brilliant….. we will have to make sure he keeps his nose to the grindstone on our behalf…..!
don’t worry i will finish the course of antibiotics and get more if i need them…
thanks so much for your good wishes!
ps i haven’t really taken in the draw yet….nando is tricky first round given his confidence issues…let’s hope that he (nando) overindulged at feli’s wedding and huffs and puffs round the court….!
Good news! I checked the tennis channel program listings for tomorrow and they will be broadcasting Hamburg starting with the early rounds!
I will try to do some live blogging and hopefully vamosrafa will also be here tomorrow.
nny, thanks very much for that. good news indeed! i expect vamosrafa will be here soon as you say…let’s hope so…
i wish i didn’t feel quite so gloomy about his prospects. i just read the comments on the other thread…if people are right and he looks lacking in confidence and not able to really compete then i don’t see why he’s playing….there’s no point just going out to be beaten.
He just doesn’t look happy right now. Despite his problems, Rafa did say that he wants to qualify for the WTF at year end. He lost points when he got knocked out in Wimbledon so early. I guess he feels the need to try and get some extra points in this tournament with lesser competition. But it’s not going to help him for the North American hardcourt season.
It’s just strange that he has not said anything about the upcoming hardcourt season. Nothing about the USO.
I wish that I didn’t feel so gloomy either, but we’ve had precious little to be happy about. The look on Rafa’s face is just different these days. This has all taken quite a toll on him.
I hope that you are feeling better.
nny, no have been worse i’m afraid and had to call doctors again!! have to take things very very easy now.
whatever is going on with rafa it doesn’t look like it is suddenly going to fix itself. personally i couldn’t care less about the wtf and given that post uso is always rafa’s worst time of year even when he is playing really well as far as i am concerned he might just as well take time out and try and fix things rather than go out during the autumn and just get beaten. (that is assuming things stay the same). as you say, there is no mention of the hard court season and i feel very glum about it given that rafa has been to the final of the uso all of the last 3 times he has played and won twice!
i just wish they would make changes…..because if rafa is looking as tense and unhappy as almost everyone is saying then they have to act. i have been feeling for a while now that rafa just isn’t prepared any longer to make the decisions that an elite sportsman has to take and that he’s actually prepared to sacrifice his own career (for the moment at least) rather than rock the boat.
sorry, this is glum thinking which is influenced in part by being ill and running a fever but that’s what it feels like and has done for a while…..
ps i hope j-mac gives toni the benefit of his straight-talking at the event in august…..may not get through to him now but could later on….
ps think he has every chance of losing to nando tomorrow….(that is going by the reports of many here on the rafa thread that he looks tense and worn-down…..) ed said he looked resigned…well if so then i can’t see much changing….might get worse if anything….
I am sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling better. I hope that the doctor was able to help you. I think rest is very important.
I have to say that I feel much the same as you. It’s as though you are reading my mind with your thoughts. I really don’t care about WTF at all. But that is the only goal that Rafa has mentioned, being in the top 8 and qualifying to play in the year end tournament. Nothing about the USO at all.
I also agree that post USO has not been Rafa’s strong suit. The fall hard court season has never been kind to Rafa. So you may have a point about Rafa just taking the rest of the year off after the USO to try and work things out.
I think Rafa can lose to just about anyone these days. I have said that Verdasco is not an ideal first match opponent. He’s a former top ten player who is good on clay. Normally I would feel that Rafa’s draw is doable. Ferrer and Simon have dropped out, so that makes things easier. But I simply do not know what to expect.
He’s playing tomorrow and I will be watching, but I just can’t get too excited. Over on Vamosbrigade, they had an interesting discussion about Rafa choosing to play in Hamburg. I didn’t even realize that if you are out of the top eight, then you have to play the first match at tournaments. You no longer get a bye to the second round. So they were discussing the various scenarios in which Rafa could manage to be in the top eight for the Roger’s Cup in Montreal.
They said that if Rafa wins Hamburg and then one of the players ahead of him drops out of Montreal, he would be in the top eight there. But that’s a big “if”.
I feel bad about what’s going on with Rafa and I am not sick the way you are. Don’t worry too much about him. Just get yourself well!
nny, sorry didn’t see this earlier. am a bit too shattered to reply now….not sure that being around for rafa’s match was the greatest idea as it knocked me out…i think you are right that one should prioritise health for now….
thanx for all the great feed-back!!!
Rafa won’t be playing until Thursday, so you have an extra day to get some more rest. It sounds like you have been really, really sick. It’s true that watching Rafa can drain the emotions. But he got the win and that’s a good thing!
Just try to take care of yourself and get well. Hopefully you will be feeling better on Thursday!
Take care!
nny, thanx so much for all your support and kindness.
i am hoping to be around for rafa’s match tomorrow but am not sure i am going to be able to manage it as i felt a LOT worse after yesterday! so if i am not around you’ll know why…vesely should be ok..but this is rafa still not being rafa so who knows?!
hope to see you tomorrow…….!
I wlll be here live blogging for sure! You need to do what’s best for your health. You can always check in later to see the result without the stress of watching.
Vesely should not be a problem for Rafa. But I can’t take anything for granted these days. His draw is quite doable. If Rafa can just keep the nerves under control, then he has a good shot to win this title.
Take care of yourself!
He’s clean. Let the man enjoy his day in the sun.
What a witch-hunt
Simply sour grapes.
Just finished watching. Warmed my heart and I loved the way the team crossed the finish line.
Reckon it’s Quintana’s turn next year.
Back to tennis now…………………..
Thank you Ricky!
Vamos Ricky!
Can you guys give your predictions on the 1st round matches in hamburg? Some of you guys do seem to know a reasonable amount. Thanks anyways.
Amy: Several days since I’ve seen you posting. Do hope it’s because you haven’t got the energy right now and not because you have taken a turn for the worse.
Mother receives birthday cake topped with a figure of a BLIND girl… after autocorrect changed the word ‘blonde’ in her order when she sent it by text
Mother receives birthday cake topped with a figure of a BLIND girl… after autocorrect changed the word ‘blonde’ in her order when she sent it by text
An update from Deucey on T-X…
Margot Says:
Only trolls endlessly regurgitate the past. I got into awful trouble on there for criticising Uncle T so, in the end, it was hard work and not fun any more and I stopped posting a couple of years ago.
September 15th, 2015 at 1:34 pm
September 15, 2015 at 6:24 pm,
I guess that ‘got into awful trouble’ means that it was awful to get to know that Rafa comes from a wealthy family and his parents would have found other possibilities to train him if they had wanted someone else to be his coach.
I do not see the reason why deucey would endlessly repeat why she left tenngrand…she must be missing us really badly…
and to be honest I also did not like her comment about Uncle T…I never reacted to that comment (I think!) since I really liked her posting here and we had some fun commenting…however, why bring it up all the time (after two years!), saying that she used to post here and left due to this and that, why not just let it go…
again, she must miss the tenngrand gang…
cause we are the best!!!
I don’t go to any other site (true that I can’t be considered a regular here), first TT and now TG. Ricky is our hero
me too…
Vamos Ricky!!!
me too…
Vamos Ricky!!!
and me…
thank you Ricky
as to deucy’s comment on uncle T, she was not the only one among us to hold this view (to a larger or smaller degree)
She’s not “constantly bringing it up”.
Another poster on T-X who posted on TT/TG brought up that they used to chat and she just replied. One time..
She gets along famously on T-X and I’ve never seen her picked on or insulted there so I think she is happy she moved on overall but no doubt there are of course some posters who she misses.
ok. I would like deucey to come back….like in the good old days…
I will respond here instead of violating site rules by posting non-related content on Rafa’s page…
augusta08 says:
November 4, 2015 at 12:40 am
November 4, 2015 at 12:31 am
—May I respectfully remind you that this has nothing to do with Rafa and the following site rule:
VI. No profanity.—
May I ask where is this PROFANITY? (I don’t know profanities in the English language.)
Respectfully, taking the Lord’s name in vain is considered a profanity in the English language.
I thought English was your first language augusta08. If it is not, I am quite impressed with your grasp of it.
hawkeye63 (at 12:50 am),
I use English only to read&write on the Internet.
Wow. It’s very good. You don’t use it in verbal communications at all?
If you don’t mind my asking, what is your first language? I understand if you prefer not to answer.
hawkeye63 (1:36 am),
I prefer.
Mary says:
November 4, 2015 at 12:42 am
Was it you, hawkeye? I haven’t visited that site for a while. If you could point me in the right direction, I will look it up.
No the poster’s moniker was obviously Rafa-centric and female. I now prefer to use an objective moniker, relatively speaking, so it is not obvious from my name who is my favourite player.
augusta’s dig at me being banned from tennis-warehouse (a decidedly Federazzi site from which I am proud to have been banned) reminds me of a story.
A bunch of them went ballistic when I said in my opinion that Rafa was the GOAT. What drove them nuts was when I refused to defend my stance because GOAT was just an opinion and listing my reasons would be wasted because they’ve all been discussed ad nauseam and wouldn’t convince anybody who thought Fed was GOAT.
They hated it. A bunch threatened to report me to be banned because I refused to state my reasons. It was hilarious! To me anyways.
Could have been the reason I was banned.
I like the GOAT debate if only to plant the implication that GOAT is subjective opinion – what a difficult concept. You wouldn’t believe how many federazzi will disagree with you. They truly believe it is a fact. It’s hilarious!!!
hawkeye63 ( at 1:14 am),
I think you were banned from TW for the same reasons your posts have been moderated here…
If you think it was for annoying the respective moderators, I suspect you are right.
I don’t regret either.
hawkeye63 says: (at 1:42 am),
Probably it was.
TW, March 10, 2015: “hawkeye63 is courageously sabotaging the Nadal News thread. I don’t think it should be tolerated.”
hawkeye, I am not RITB/Nadalista. I can guess who you are on tennis-x.
Do you talk to yourself? I heard that is a sign of high intelligence!!!
nadalista has a new moniker now.
Maybe we need a rule that people should not bring up anything related to supposedly being banned on another site.
It already exists NNY!!!
II. No personal attacks.
B. Constant harassment (saying they are are an idiotic tennis fan, etc.)
Ricky has thought of pretty much everything very concisely. Must come with years of experience!
nativenewyorker7 ( at 2:05 am),
Maybe we need a rule that hawkeye63 should not bring up anything related to what others have posted on other sites, He has done it for a long time.
No need augusta08.
I was only joking. If you were offended, I am deeply sorry. I won’t do it again.
Oh, I believe that NNY was joking too!
You’d have to ask her I’m afraid. That has nothing to do with me. I can’t speak for her.
But I do hope you accept my heartfelt apology if you were offended.
this new apologetic and humble person is quite a character…
seems perfect to serve the purpose imposed by strong site rules and regulations..
I don’t deserve this kind of compliment for sure but I am doing my best to regain everybody’s trust here.
Again a very kind compliment, thank you very much.
But another point I would respectfully like to raise here is that the well written site rules are only strong as you say f they are enforced with fairness and consistency for all, no?
on this appalling day i want to say vive la france!!
i really hope that this doesn’t mean that le pen will win a shedload of votes in the forthcoming elections but am sure she will…
still in shock after seeing the news today…utterly barbaric…
Richard Gasquet was at Stade de France during explosions near it.
He is flying to London on Saturday evening and is going to practice with Rafa on Sunday at noon.
Merci beaucuop!
merci beacoup, rather. Why is it that tennis blogs never have self-edit option?
Vive la France!
when you have an editor as good as me, you don’t need one!
lol, enjoying your sense of humor, Ricky!
what did i say?
oh about the editor thing. Haha.
Yes! I agree with you about what happened in Paris. I was watching it all last night. Of course the world will join in supporting France. What a tragedy with so many lives lost. A truly horrific event.
I know that ed lives in France, but I am not sure where. I hope that she is okay.
I saw the news bulletin quite by chance just before midnight while changing channels. I knew my son-in-law was at the Stade de France for the football and that my daughter and grand-daughter were at a concert but had no idea which theatre. Neither of them had their phones switched on.
It was 2.00am before I made contact. The longest two hours of my life.
So are they OK, ed?
Thank goodness you posted! I was thinking of you and your family after watching the horror for hours.
I remember what it was like on 9/11 when I couldn’t get in touch with my family in New York for a few nerve wracking hours. I am relieved that your family is okay!
I am sure this has been a terrible experience for you. I just wasn’t sure if you lived in the city of Paris or somewhere else.
It’s a relief to hear from you!
Interesting thread, by the way. Like.
Luckystar, they are ok as ed was able to contact them at 2 am as per her post.
Lucky, sorry I can see now my last sentence didn’t make it clear. They are now with me here in Honfleur. Even though they live in a quiet area a couple of kilometres from where it happend they wanted to get away from Paris for the remainder of the weekend.
My 15 year old grand daughter is badly shaken because the Bataclan is a favourite haunt and she is trying to get news in case any of her school friends were there last night.
Targeting a club full of teenagers and young people was a particularly shocking act in a night of barbaric violence.
NNY: Thanks for your message. The horror of 9/11 was on a scale impossible to comprehend. I think we all felt at the time the world was never going to be the same again.
A horrible thing ed. So very sad.
I’m relieved that you and your family are all ok.
I think the terrorists were aiming for maximum horror so targeting a club full of teenagers and young people made perfect sense. In Pakistan, a couple of years ago they targeted school children.
Good to know you and yours are fine. Better eat at home and watch netflix movies or TV shows and sports channels.
Ricky is a great writer, excellent knowledge of tennis, terrific sense of humor but he is sometimes guilty of double standards.
Ed, so glad you and your family are OK. It’s tragic that normal people cannot go about their normal business without fear of being blown up or shot. It could happen anywhere to anyone.
ed, just to say that i am so relieved you and your family are ok.
i was wondering about you last night as i know you live in france…terrible times…
paris has evidently become a prime target now which is a grim grim thought….
the city of love and culture turned into this….
Good to know you and your family are safe, Ed.
Just a quick note to thank you all for your caring messages.
We agree again, hawkeye.
Peace RC. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot.
We both like Rafole, no?
And I love Federer’s game too.
a simple misunderstanding, hawkeye.
Yes, I love Rafole.
I just don’t follow party lines well. I’ll try not to get in your way. I like this blog.
I don’t mind being called out when it’s somewhat fair and backed up so feel free.
Not posting here to call you out, hawkeye. Think I already said this, but I’ve read you enough to know where we disagree. It’s only tennis. Not a big deal. I’m not here to try and change your opinion.
Me neither.
Democrats need to remember it too.
I’m disapponted that Obama hasn’t committed to letting in more than 10,000 refugees into the US.
Yep. Voted for Obama in 08 and 12. His heart is in the right place but it’s too hard for him to follow through.
Agreed. His hands are tied to effect the change he wants.
Aaron Rodgers’ Condemnation Of Anti-Muslim Remarks Shows Real Leadership
“For right or wrong, millions of kids across the country look up to Rodgers for his ability to throw touchdown passes and scramble in the pocket. But his decision to speak out against bigotry, especially in the wake of a tough defeat, is truly worth lauding. The thrill attached to every great play Rodgers makes as a quarterback is fleeting, whereas the impact of his words Sunday are indelible.”
Chapeau, Rodgers! The world needs more role models like him.
Omg, How perfect! ty, Hawk.
If only Ricky could predict tennis as well as Donald predicted his own future 17 years ago.
If only…
All Blogs need a music thread, imo.
What I’m watching/listening to while waiting for Nole/Berdych
Oh ratcliff, I had a suspicion and was going to even ask if you were a Radiohead fan but thought it a long shot.
(or maybe just a coinkidink)
Maybe you read a post or two of mine somewheres else on the intertubes?
Why I have absolutely no idea what you mean. Never been much into radio head.
ratcliff (at 8:45 pm),
Djoko&Berdy started to play an hour ago.
Finally just figured that out, augusta! I watch Tennis channel in the usa – usually reliable on a Thursday afternoon. ESPN has it! Nole cruising…
I was jammin’ lol…
More jammin’
Stephan Djokovic inspired looking up this artist. Love what how he makes the violin sound starting at 2:52.
amy DECEMBER 15, 2015 AT 7:32 PM
hey hawks how are you?! are you in quarantine again?
chloro and i talk loads through email but not much about tennis…
just emailed him about how frightened i am getting over the rise of trump. chloro said he read a joke that day that trump was the comments section made human….
Ah, I thought you were discussing tennis in a mature manner. Part of me thinks that Trump is intentionally trying to make the Republican Party look bad.
In 1988, Oprah Asked Donald Trump If He’d Ever Run For President. Here’s How He Replied.
He’s a caricature of himself.
Where’s hawkeye? He used to patrol ( troll??) this site 24/7. Maybe he has become amy’s E-lister? But he will be bored there. He bashes Rafa, no one is annoyed. So no fun. He praises Rafa, amy will ban him. Better Ricky than amy.
Hi Ed,
Margot described you as honourable, humourous honfleuresse!!! Wow!!!
Happy Holidays to you!!!
Ricky and all tenngranders:
Happy Holidays!!!!!
Let us hope the new year brings many smiles to us in our personal lives and also in our “tennis” lives as Rafa fans!!!!!
Merry Christmas to all here!! Happy Holidays.
It’s Christmas Eve and I just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful, happy holiday!
Same to everyone!
happy new year!
Same to you jalep!
It’s New Years Eve and I just wanted to wish everyone here a happy, healthy New Year in 2016!
Same to you
Happy New Year to everyone here!
I have a question. It seems to me when the women play, they will break each other’s game 4-5 times in a set. The men, you see a lot more tie-breaks. If there is a break, it’s one game. Why the difference?
Because men serve 140 mph
LOL! thanks!
In general, Vicky, imo, it comes down to confidence and consistency when serving. Not even close to a high level, but I have played tennis for years and related to Elena Dimentieva’s problem when she played: no weapon for a 1st serve with a painfully slow, completely vulnerable 2nd serve. For me, a big part was the ball toss too, like Ana Ivanovic’s toss, mine is all over the place. Being extremely right-handed I’m guessing doesn’t help – can’t seem to control where the toss goes no matter how much I practice, it’s embarrassing.
Agnieszka Radwanska has improved her serve – her placement, spin, etc… but she will never be a power server like Serena or Petra Kvitova. What makes Aga special is her creative shot selection – she’s a magician on court. Simona Halep and Camila Giorgi compensate for lack of a serve weapon with athleticism, although each of them are capable of serving well, it’s often a weakness on crucial points; very frustrating as a fan.
Cheers Hawkie! Happy New Year to you too.
Oh dear lord, WTA discussion is on the non-tennis forum…really?
says it all…lol…
Thanks for the info! Wasn’t sure where to put this question and stuff like this just pops into my head! I’ll try to keep it down! haha!
haha it’s fine!
maybe on “the rest” forum, but here is fine
Thank you! I am learning the game and appreciate all the input. You guys are seem like pros….just think of me as the rookie! I am positive I’ll come up with off-the-wall questions in the future!
well, SOME of us are pros!
RIP david bowie. huge chameleon talent
Yep. RIP.
RIP alan rickman. great actor.
dreadful week for creative brits….
So sad. I remember him from die hard especially. Great actor?
great shakespeare actor as well benny..
brilliant as valmont in the theatre version of les liasons dangereuses…better than malkovich hamming it up in the film..
didn’t he play valmont in the theatre version of liasons dangereuses?? think so…i never saw it but i reckon he would have done a better job than malkovich’s ham-it-up performance in the film…
oh dear sorry..wrote 2 sections saying the same thing…
Alan Rickman. RIP. Big loss to me. He will be missed but remembered.
just put on the news and seen that palin has endorsed trump. hahaha
what a marriage made in heaven…
Won’t be surprised if she’s his running mate.
Or should say…
haha hawks…
yes but is good because he would be more electable if he had someone from the middle ground….
# go hillary!!
Agreed. Nothing better for the Dems than Trump to win the nomination. Even better if Sarah is invited to the party.
Doubt that the Republicans will allow it to happen but you never know.
Vamos Bernie!!!
I like Hillary but I’m starting to think Bernie has a better chance to beat the Republicans. (Also he seems to be less “bought”.)
don’t know anything about bernie hawks…
you think he stands a better chance?
i like hillary and would love to see ‘merica have a woman president
don’t you think that the feelgood factor attached to clinton’s period in office where they ended up with a budget surplus would help?
as a brit i am not very interested in british politics but get very worked up about the us elections (for obvious reasons, as the repercussions are so much greater in terms of global politics)
i stayed up all night the fateful night bush was elected…
the republicans have a big problem to do with the hispanic vote…trump isn’t going to help with that..
just looked up bernie..his views are quite left wing by us standards…hillary is more of a centrist..
by a very strange coincidence i realise that i have met his brother who lives in england…is a green party activist..
that’s what i was thinking…they’re made for each other…
Bernie Sanders is too left-wing to win. He has zero chance of being elected. Hillary is the best person for the Democratic party.
Trump is trying to win Iowa. That’s why he got Sarah Palin to endorse him. That’s why he is going after Ted Cruz for not being born in the U.S. and also attacking him for having some supposedly shady money dealings.
hooray! trump lost in iowa!! trump lost in iowa!
go hillary!!!
hope that trump loses a fortune and then doesn’t get the nomination..
I wouldn’t get too excited….
oh so you think he’s going to get it??!
the thought of that is just too awful…
Trump is not getting the nomination.
At first, awful. And freaking unbelievable depressing. After months of the hype, I settled into it. All I feel at the moment is a mixture of apathy and amusement.
Sanders is my man but agree with Nny, it’s unlikely he’d get elected. I lost my trust in Hillary after she voted yes on the Iraq war in 2003. Both Dems and Reps, sound bad to me…except Bernie.
yes ratcliff he may be great..but he is an old-fashioned european style social democrat. america won’t go for that! so i am going for hillary because although flawed she still has good points and she can beat the republicans. i was very opposed to the iraq war as well, but some decent people made a mistake and voted for it…
i hate the donald! here in gb we find it very difficult to understand what america sees in him…
he is a demagogue and very dangerous IMO
sorry rc i see i was repeating some of what you already said…i shouldn’t post here while trying to do other things!
I am for Hillary. I am not about tilting at windmills or going on some idealistic crusade. I am being pragmatic and realistic. Sanders cannot get elected and handing the White House to the Republicans would be disastrous.
I don’t care about Hillary voting for the war in Iraq. A lot of people did because the Bush administration lied about the facts. There was tremendous pressure to respond after 9/11.
Hillary apologized and it’s old news. We have more important things to worry about now. Hillary can win.
I understand what you are saying, Nny. You are more pragmatic and a better Bracket picker! My whole life – I’m an idealist. I’m considering what you say, even before you said it. Never have voted anything but Democratic. Right now I cannot see much point.
The answer is more tennis! Get me a fiddle while Rome burns.
Dems only chance is if Trump wins the nomination. Sarah Palin as his running mate would be most awesome.
The Democrats will win regardless of who the Repubs nominate. But if it’s Trump or Cruz, then the Democrats will win in a landslide.
My “fiscally” conservative – socially liberal, Greek-American boyfriend and his friends are all Marco Rubio, for whatever reason.
You make sense, Nny.
It’s quite possible that I’ll come around – let me dream a bit longer
Gulbis-Halys 3-3 in the 1st set.
Dream on girl! You go! Stick to what you believe!
Do you happen to know when/if we are going to see any of these tennis matches?
Gulbis-Halys is on TC right now, Nny!
it’s good. Halys just saved a set point, he’s serving from behind 4-5 first set.
and another set point for Gulbis on Halys’ serve.
Every vote counts! Remember 2000! I am not trying to tell anyone what to do. Voting is sacred and personal. I am just giving my perspective. I was idealistic back in the day, but still with a strong pragmatic streak.
Nny, I know. It’s cool. Pep talk appreciated, actually.
Gulbis wins. Wishing he’d get back to early 2014 form and carry it through the season this time. Halys is a beauty.
I believe that Trump made a huge tactical mistake in trying to go for an outright victory in Iowa. It was never going to happen, but his hubris and arrogance got the better of him. He should have tried to lower expectations and talk about being happy with even a second place finish. But he said flat out that he wanted to win Iowa and through everything but the kitchen sink at Cruz. It didn’t work and now Trump looks a bit foolish.
I think this shows that Trump doesn’t have the best political instincts and that his overblown ego can get him in trouble. He is the one who raised expectations for Iowa and that was a mistake.
There were polls showing Trump leading in Iowa. They were wrong. Maybe now people will be a bit cautious before just buying into the hype. I also don’t think Trump’s lead in New Hampshire is as big as the polls would indicate.
Now Trump has to worry about Rubio. This is getting interesting and more fun to watch what happens with the Republicans. One lesson learned is that you haven’t won anything until the people vote!
It’s called democracy!
ha! trump is no fan of that – democracy i mean…
i see that donny is dealing with defeat with his usual grace and dignity.
i do like his subtle nuanced distinction between a legal steal and an illegal one. what a wordsmith.
Somehow, I am not surprised! Trying to say that Cruz stole the election in Iowa illegally! I guess reality is hard for Trump to take! He believed the stupid polls, which happened to be wrong. Now he’s having a hissy fit because he can’t face the fact that he lost!
Trump has proven that his political instincts are non-existent. He complains that everyone is saying Rubio won because he came in third. That’s because Rubio was not expected to win or even to do that well. So since he exceeded expectations, that’s essentially like a win.
Trump was expected to win, but he came in second and almost was overtaken by Rubio. He is the one who set the bar high with his expectations. He is the one who kept saying that he would win. He even said that he didn’t need to campaign anymore, because it was all a done deal.
But a funny thing happened. The people voted and Trump lost! Democracy in action!
As I said earlier, Bernie Sanders is polling better than Clinton against Republican candidates and would therefore have a better chance of defeating the Republicans.
Have a look…
Either way, according to current polling, Sanders comes out on top against any of the Republican candidates whereas Clinton trails Rubio and Cruz.
Small margins and the numbers fluctuate but it does show that Sanders is every bit as a serious contender as Clinton.
And he’s not bought by corporate America.
No. Polls for the general election don’t mean much now. This country will never elect anyone too far to the left or the right.
How about the polls leading up to iowa? Oops! Wrong! How about the polls leading up to the 2012 election? Wrong! They said it would be a nailbiter. Nope!
Hahahah I just went on second Serb blog. I randomly go on there but I like to see the top 20 under 20 lists. I saw an ATP predictions list with a bunch of bloggers including you. And a guy named Dave gertler or something predicted Mannarino beats Djoker on grass and muller wins multiple grass titles. Had to comment about that. Just outrageously good. ???
“a bunch of bloggers including you. ”
You who? Ricky?
Yes Ricky.
Why I started playing piano, aside from driving my mom crazy:
How it is supposed to go:
Why I started playing the piano, aside from getting attention from mom:
(see if this posts)
Epic Bugs.
The Rafa of squash…
So much for Trump not knowing who David Duke is….
C’mon Martina, tell us how you really feel…
Martina Navratilova @Martina 34m34 minutes ago
Trump Won Super Tuesday Because America Is Racist- well put…
Where is Hawks? Has he been naughty again and sent to stand in the corner, that or he is on holiday.
Was wondering the same, ed. It has not been a week that he’s gone missing. He was here last weekend when all of us were having difficulty with the website posting = getting that error message. It’s not the same without you, Hawstradamus ??
I have read on the Grandstand that people who want to have conversations can email to each other.
Then why didn’t YOU?
…people who WANT to…
YOU joined the conversation which means YOU wanted to.
So next time, set your own example, take your own advice and send an e-mail!
Bot and kettle. Nothing new.
Good. Then leave it.
Proposed AT 7:15 PM.
And you chose to continue to have a conversation here and not to follow your own advise for others.
Bot and kettle. Nothing new.
Very sad to wake up this morning and hear about the bombings in Belgium. I ♥ Belgium.
The horror continues. Bearing in mind the number of people at the two targets centres, it is a miracle the initial death toll was not much higher.
These are dark days for the whole world.
Yes, I turned on the tv to see the horror all over again. My heart breaks for Belgium and its people.
The world we live in. : (
RT Rafa: “Once again, a terrorist attack has left many innocent victims. My thoughts and support are with all their families.”
Was in my kitchen making coffee and heard Tennis Channel quoting our Ricky! But I didn’t get there in time to see which tweet it was…
Actually hope it was this tweet ?
Ricky Dimon @Dimonator 2h2 hours ago
I thought pro tennis had surpassed the Republican Party in reality television value, but…Cruz sex scandal? It may be competitive now.
what tweet was it
Difficult to say. RC only posted it ver batim.
I heard Mary Carillo’s voice say “Ricky Dimon”, and she was cracking up…by the time I finished what I was doing and ran to see, all I caught was the briefest glimpse of the tweet they were showing and saw your name, Ricky. Anyway – I’m curious –
It was during the Kerber/Strycova match. They will replay the broadcast tonight – have it set to record – and verify which tweet ? just joking about it being the Ted Cruz one…might have been tho
Impressive fight from Fritz the 1st set but Ferrer wore him out as usual and 2nd set was a blow out – 6-1 Ferrer.
It wasn’t on the Kerber match recording. I remember the Kerber match was coming on …but Mary Carrillo made mention of the tweet at the end of the TC live talk show, right before the match started at 9 am – which wasn’t part of my recording. I’m not hallucinating — honestly wouldn’t make this up! Rats. Wanted to have it.
Ricky, I caught her in the act, Mary Carrillo. She loved this one – on Tennis Channel ? Famous.
that makes 2 days in a row for Mary Carrillo – Showing/talking about a Ricky Dimon Tweet.
Oops, was supposed to be the Dolgo picture
Ricky Dimon @Dimonator 3h3 hours ago
Dolgopolov celebrating his win in style
Dedicated to Hawkeye and our Ben and Benny’s everywhere ?
I’ve forwarded to Benny.
He and Rafa enjoyed this. Made Rafa cry and it got his bandage all wet.
Nativenewyorker MARCH 29, 2016 AT 7:46 PM: “There is a person on this site who posts as Benny.”
Yes there is. NNY is very intelligent and makes great observations especially on tennis (unlike one poster who hasn’t made any).
However, I’m referring to another Benny, Rafa’s press agent. But you probably have never heard of him.
Just to clarify, according to hawk AT 9:01 PM, he is referring to Benny known to him as benny@insidehawkhead.
Sarah Silverman nailed it…
Sarah Silverman: Why I’m Supporting Bernie Sanders Over Hillary Clinton
Thanks, Hawk!
Hahahahahahahahahaha, Sean Randall is a laugh riot!
Martina Navratilova @Martina 2h2 hours ago
The other day my 10 year old girl asked me-“Why do some boys and men think it’s ok to say bad things about women?” The answer took some time
Not always men either.
“Sh*t Reporters Ask Tomas Berdych” for 200 Alex.
The Answer is “Don’t you? Or do you.”
DJokovic is out from Monte Carlo Open in the second round. It’s quite disappointing. Though Quarter-finals are going on. All live action you can watch on our website: http://www.sportsmirchi.com/monte-carlo-rolex-masters-live-streaming/
R.I.P. Prince. Tragically young death. What a terrible year so far for deaths of brilliant creative people…
This photo of Prince was taken at Roland Garros in 2014 during Rafa’s R4 match against Lajovic:
great find
reportedly overdose…which contradicts his healthy style of living…he was vegan…
so sad…
Yes, this was terrible news to hear yesterday. Another music genius leaving us too soon.
I wanted less talk into yesterday and just to have them play his music. That’s the best way to remember him.
As for the why of it, I am waiting for the official autopsy results. But he is still dead no matter what the cause and nothing can bring him back.
? ?
memories. RIP, sweet Prince.
goodnight sweet prince/ and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest…
weirdly apposite quote…
That was beautiful! You brought tears to my eyes. I have been listening to Prince’s music a lot since he died. That’s how I want to remember him, by what he did best.
A true genius. We will not see anyone like him again.
The most powerful and breathtaking 20 minutes I’ve spent in a long time with Godowsky – highlights of Kohls vs Thiem Munich match made me go here:
Leopold Godowsky – Polish-American pianist:
About his composition Passacaglia, which was introduced to me by my piano teacher in the 9th grade, because of my obsession with Rachmaninoff and Bach. She was attempting to teach me how to interpret and keep counter-melodies distinct while playing through all kinds of variations. (Not that I could manage Passacaglia!):
“Quite a number of Godowsky’s original works were considerably difficult to perform; the Passacaglia (which consists of 44 variations, cadenza and fugue on the opening theme of Franz Schubert’s “Unfinished” Symphony) was declared to be unplayable even by Vladimir Horowitz, who claimed it would require six hands to perform.”
a propos of nothing:
please please will all sane americans posting and reading here get out and lobby for hillary??
am not looking forward to nuclear armageddon if old fascist chops wins.
this is assuming bernie doesn’t win…as i assume he won’t now..
Bernie is done, correct
she will win
you’d better be right ricky!!
i hate trump.
I am going to be volunteering for hillary’s campaign. My only concern is Sanders going on about a contested convention. The Democratic Party has to unite to defeat Trump!
There is no other option but to pull out all the stops to make sure that fascist Trump is not elected president!
Go Hillary!
good for you nny!!
the democrats have to unite as quickly as possible and focus on fascist donny. it’s not about idealism but pragmatism. politics isn’t just about voting for who you want but keeping bad people out.
i would campaign for hillary if i could!
i hope bernie will do the decent thing and rally his supporters around hillary.
? jaco pastorius. oh ya. come on.
Chill — Kashiwa Diasuke (John Coltrane tune) ?
This Wimbledon Life Size Cutout pack contains 4 of tennis’s biggest stars: Andy Murray, Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal. Specification Lifesize – 183cm x 50cm approx…
Rafa is the best, as usual:
Djokovic is bursting out of his jacket and the trousers are too long!
Note no shirt cuffs peeping out
oh just seen this rc!! i am a huge joni mitchell fan! and love both court and spark and the hissing of summer lawns….
she wrote some amazing lyrics…
Oh, glad you liked, amy. Don’t interrupt the sorrow from the hissing of summer lawns and pretty much the whole album is what I had been revisiting this spring.
Today on a bike ride I had: I care because you do by Aphex Twins – looping ‘Alberto Balsam’. Incredible sounds for the route.
On a steady diet of Aphex Twin the last few days. And this:
Anticipation for FO final building… Mussorgsky:
I googled fedfan…
ahhh ?
whoaaa, no! ? caffeinated an jitters dis mornin’
For Amy and Alison ?
thanks rc!! genius lyrics which i know pretty much by heart along with most of the hissing of summer lawns and court and spark…
do you like blood on the tracks by bd?? more genius…..
Calling Alison Hodge ??
RC Love them Cheers
That guy you like? What’s his name? He sings, dances…does it all?
LOL ohhh Yeah the most gorgeous man on planet earth Mr Hugh Jackman, luverly ….
I was plunged into such deep depression after the Brexit result was confirmed I couldn’t even raise the energy to check the tennis results let alone take any interest in the Wimby draw
The prospects for ex-pats like myself living in France and my sister in Spain are worrying and the thought that the buffoon Boris Johnson looks set to be the next Prime Minister is cause for even greater concern.
Marina Hyde sums up the situation eloquently in The Guardian
I’m only now trying to understand Brexit fully, ed. My attention has been on the sickening political situation with it’s implications here and the lack of options – it’s futility that I feel the most if I dig deep. But I’m catching on as I read and learn more. Boris Johnson is eerily, vaguely comically your version of Donald Trump? Anyway, the news is shocking at the moment and I’m struggling to absorb what just happened and what the hell will happen next.
It does make Wimbledon seem insignificant. But I’ll take a break and try to clear the nausea I feel – try to find a cool, dark place to listen to some music and then tackle the bracket puzzles for distraction.
Heartfelt sympathy to you from Oregon. Margot is also understandably very upset.
Well done Gussie. First time I’ve laughed in two days.
The twitter cartoon managed to make me giggle for a few minutes but the thought two of the most influential nations on the world stage could conceivably be governed by Boris and Donald makes the blood run cold. Let’s hope Brexit serves as a salutary reminder to America before it’s too late.
From the Twitter world:
hahhahaha thanks, gussie.
Still laughing…ah that was good?
I share your sentiments as an American across the pond. I was quite horrified to see the result. The reckless disregard for the impact on not only the UK economy, but the global economy, was especially troubling. Sometimes one should think carefully before casting a protest vote.
The stick market tumbled mightily in the US. It’s scary and disturbing. I am also concerned about what voters were told and not told about the consequences of this vote. I don’t think the Prime Minuster should have ever given the voters this referendum. It’s too important to trust to voting emotionally. Now some people wish they could change their vote. Too late!
I really don’t like how cable news in the states is trying to draw a parallel between this vote and our presidential election. I don’t think American voters will make the same mistake if drinking the kool aid and buying the crazy from Trump.
I don’t like the guy who will be the next UK Prime Minister.
This was a colossal mistake made by people who did not take a breath and think seriously about the consequences of this vote.
NNY: My last comment was not up when you posted the above. I hope for America’s sake, and the rest of the world, the voters will come to their senses in time.
I just read a good article on CNN.com about the key differences between our presidential election and a popular referendum. I think some in cable news are comparing apples to oranges.
We have the electoral college and while many consider it antiquated, it does serve a purpose. It favors the Democratic Party and also makes sure that it’s not just about the popular vote. We are electing a president and not just voting yes or no on one issue. Real questions have been raised about trump’s fitness to be president.
While immigration is an issue that trump has used to fire up a portion of the electorate, there are other equally important issues to be considered.
I believe that Trump is the most dangerous person ever to run for president of the US. He is appealing to the basest instincts of people. He seems to be using some of the tactics of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazt propaganda minister, as well as a little of Senator Joseph McCarthy’s baiting and defaming tactics that were used in the 1950’s when he was looking for imaginary communists in our government.
I take the threat of Trump as president very seriously. But things are now coming out about his dirty business practices and unpreparedness to be president.
I hope that Americans do keep this disastrous result in the UK in mind as we proceed through our election process. We cannot afford to be manipulated and lied to by someone like Trump.
With so much gloom and despondency over Brexit the following sequence makes a welcome change to the usual scenes of football hooligans. The Irish fans, pissed as newts, are seen serenading their way around the major venues:
A message of support for the French people from Rafa:
Shock and horror at the carnage in Nice. France is feeling a less and less safe place to live in.
Have taken a break from wall to wall tennis and been watching the Tour de France. Sad to see Cavendish leave early to prepare for the OGs and Froome came close to losing the Maillot Jaune when he took a nasty fall descending a lethal downhill stretch in the pouring rain this afternoon.
Allez the Brits.
Is there no end to the carnage.
Rouen is close to where I live. You might think you would be safe in a church. But no.
It’s official. Trump is certifiably insane.
You are just finally realizing this? Imagine living through this insanity here in the states in a presidential election!
Not only is he certifiably insane, he is an ignoramus who knows nothing
B.Tomic is not the only Australian who likes to party:
tinhathawkeye has developed straw man argument to a fine art. By the way, why do you and vr insist on calling me ritb?
I feel flattered so that’s not good (for you). ritb has already been driven off. Whom are you going to hound and harass?
I have a brilliant suggestion. You can allege I am native. I will be unhappy. So that’s good ( for you). You can harass native and run her off this site. Then she can return with a new moniker. When she left NY , she called herself NNY. Recently she left LA so she can call herself LA Native. Short, perfect with a touch of the foreign! And we can all celebrate the Return of the Native!
Heard it’s your birthday – Hawkie and VR!
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”
– John Lennon
One more thing me and Rafa have in common (besides OCD according to someone here). Haha!
Thanks rc.
And one more just in case beatles didn’t do it ??
I gotta work “I’mma” into my daily vocab more.
And this — most personally from me to you, Hawkie and VR
And I hopes that covers it
Love, ratcliff
Thanks rc.
OOps how did that one get in here again? ??
supposed to be something else
And this one for Alison Hodge because Hugh Jackman ?
ok this thread seems to have moved from the rafa page….a good thing too as it didn’t belong there…
vr if you come on site do look on the rafa page as i left birthday greetings for both you and hawks there..
so just to say that i hope you both have a great birthday and that the year to come brings you all good things…
and thanks to vr and hawks for being such great posters here…seems fitting you both have the same birthday
hi amy, from a post of yours on Rafa’s page I read the big new: VR’s and Hawk’s bd’s, and couldn’t resist, thanks.
And I agree with you about VR and Hawks: both expert tennis minds and it’s a cool cosmic coincidence for them to share the same birthday! Let’s see what gives from an internet search:
Tuesday 08/23/2016
No one has ever seen a giraffe swimming. This would be a time to celebrate life on planet Earth, and you would do so if only you weren’t obsessed with work every second of the day. Even though you’ll have some additional pressure in days to come, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t find time to read about giraffes with your morning coffee.
Don’t underestimate your emotional states at the moment. The important thing to do is find balance of reason and emotion, instead of constantly choosing sides.
Strengths: Loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical
Weaknesses: Shyness, worry, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play
Virgo likes: Animals, healthy food, books, nature, cleanliness
Virgo dislikes: Rudeness, asking for help, taking center stage
The Virgo Man
Virgos are always paying attention to smallest details and their deep sense of humanity makes them one of the most careful signs of the zodiac. Their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is left to chance. Virgos are often tender but also very careful.
RC’s Translation: OCD
Virgo is an Earth sign, which prefers conservative and organized things, and those dependent on them. People born under the Virgo sign have very organized life, and even if they are very messy, their goals and dreams are put on strictly defined points in their mind.
RC’s Translation: Single-minded, stubborn, lol…
Since Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo, this sign has a well-developed sense of speech and writing, as well as all other forms of communication. Many Virgos may choose to pursue a career as a writer or journalist.
RC’s Translation: VR and Hawkstradamus ?
Virgo is often misunderstood, because of the symbolism of the name of this sign. Virgo experiences everything for the first time.
RC’s Translation: huh? ?
Virgos want to serve and please others, so they often choose to work as caregivers.?
Well actually I’m a Leo. I think same for VR?
Aug 22
ha! i did think the golden duo’s bday was on monday as was the day after cinci final last year. remember vr saying it was his birthday on that sunday ie day of the final….
You are good.
Amy, this should be VR’s and my Theme Song…
oh hahahaha hawks! brilliant!
wink wink..
nudge nudge..
how the deuce did you figure it out?!
btw while we are on this bizarre subject – who the hell is scoretracker?
scoretracker was the fedfan equivalent of a lovechild between “Mar(ITB)y” and augusta from a galaxy far, far away.
(To be compared to deucey can only be considered to be a complement – never a single nasty word from her mouth. She was a great and friendly poster like you, VR, rc and all but a couple of self-proclaimed rafan posters here.)
i know who deucey is hawks as i read tennis-x where i know she posts as margot. most posters on here refer to her as margot so it wasn’t exactly difficult to work out who she was. i agree that it is very odd to troll someone by saying they are margot…although according to mary she led a ‘lynch-mob’ of trolls on tennistalk ie you, nny, chloro!!!
apparently scoretracker was a special victim of your’s. (real loony-toons stuff…)
Yup, real bat shite crazy stuff amy.
Hawkeye knows amy is deuce. deuce brazenly pretends that hawkeye is pretending he thinks she is deuce. and she will pretend that he knows. hawkeye decides to accept new troll storyline.
So it is now hawkeye pretends that amy pretends that hawkeye pretends….so on
Hilarious! hawkeye and deuce serving up a troll FRACTAL. Only devious cunning troll brains can create designs within designs ( all evil, of course)
Two guys vr and hawkeye revved up by a deuce! Hilarious!!!
Anyone can go look in the archives for TT and see for themselves who said what. There was one person who did call out another poster for supposedly being a Murray fan pretending to be a Rafa fan. The exact same garbage that is being regurgitated and recycled here by someone posting under another user name. Oh and it wasn’t RITB! Just check it out and you will see that it’s the same nonsensical conspiracy theories thrown around here yet one more time.
Deucey/Margot never pretended to be anyone other than a Murray fan and she was the nicest poster on TT. Her posts are there in the archives for everyone to see.
It’s the person who is making all these bizarre accusations who should be under scrutiny. Why keep accusing others of pretending to be a fan of Rafa? Maybe it’s the one throwing around the accusations who is really pretending! Think about it!
Scoretracker was the most notorious troll in TT. I cannot imagine anyone defending someone who disrupted that site with epic length essays ranting and raving incoherently all the time.
oh hahahahaha i hadn’t seen this mary classic at 4.10 am…
have you seen it hawks?…
this is getting comic
Nativenewyorker (AT 4:15),
If I may ask why don’t you react when hawk and vr are spreading a nonsensical conspiracy theory that RITB (who hasn’t written on GS for months) is now writing under another user name on GS. Hawk and vr have been making these bizarre accusations for months.
amy, I only respond to Mar(itb)y’s posts when they show a fraction of creativity which is rare.
Mary and RITB’s writing style and views are identical. It is obvious who she is on Tennis-X (senorita) the odd time she posts there for the same reasons. She only stopped posting as RITB when it was pointed out that both would suddenly appear and disappear together.
She is more than aware that amy and deuce are not the same but she thinks that she is being cute by doing so to make a point.
If it didn’t bother her so much, she wouldn’t spend so much energy on it LOL. She probably feels bad about abandoning her moniker RafaIsTheBest. He still is in my mind because of what he has achieved and how he defines success.
And nny is right that deuce was bullied away by a tinfoil heavy pot and kettle social media regurgitator whose only opinions are on other posters and has never expressed a single opinion of her own on tennis.
AT 7:24 PM says: “And nny is right that deuce was bullied away …”
[augusta08 AUGUST 12, 2016 AT 9:03 AM]
She seems to make the same “significant contributions” also on other site(s).
An example of he contribution on Grandstand:
deucy APRIL 20, 2014 AT 8:38 AM says:
“…I can’t stand Uncle T. I think he is a bully…”
h ttp://tenngrand.com/2014/04/18/monte-carlo-sf-previews-and-picks-djokovic-vs-federer-wawrinka-vs-ferrer/comment-page-4/#comment-23268
I typed the same her sentence in Google Search and found this:
Margot Says:
“…Re: Uncle Toni. I think he is a bully…”
March 22nd, 2015 at 2:09 pm
h ttp://www.tennis-x.com/xblog/2015-03-21/18811.php#comment-589707
She is probably doing well in environments that are hostile towards Rafa and uncle Toni.
To add to my post AT 2:52 AM,
Vamos U.Toni!
Never mind the Virgo ???
(actually good. My sign is the most incompatible with Virgo. lol)
mine too rc…am aries so get on with other fire signs…
are there any toons about people born under leo? can’t think of any – if any exist you will know!
deucey was on tenngrand. She did not enjoy being deucey as none of her fellow Muzzfans except ed were here who was also a part time Rafa fan ( the horror of it! eek as deuce would say). So she left to return as amy.
deuce was on tennistalk and she was a 100% troll and part of the lynch mob style attacks on scoretracker.
Two guys vr and hawkeye revved up by a deuce!!!!
Imma Libra. Aries and Libra are romantically a good match ?
amy what does it matter whether I am ritb or holdserve? Both are Rafa fans. but definitely amy dear you shouldn’t be posting under false pretenses. I know you are deuce. I do not want to go into tedious detail because that is not my style. Also vulgarity and viciousness have never been there in my posts. I rely on wit.
oh amy am I giving you an inferiority complex because of my erudition? Ha ha. Poor you. You were out of your depth when I talked of fractals . It must have hurt. As for native, I never expected her to tax her brain with fractals any more than I would expect her to understand theory of relativity. But I guess she doesn’t know that she doesn’t know so embarrasses herself by making remarks like this did not make sense to me, did it make sense to others. I am sure there are plenty of things which make no sense to you native but make a lot of sense to others.
ah, fractals. I remember that.
Most likely holdserv after all then.
(Doubt RITB would remember that reference as a divergence – so massive apologies to RITB – I doubt that she would forgive me but I would still put it out there.)
No worries rc. Your heart was in the right place which is all that counts.
? this emoji should be my new Avatar.
But thanks, Hawkie.
Does the post @ 4:10 make any sense to anyone? The accusations and conspiracy theories are getting stranger every day! An overactive imagination perhaps?
But there is a familiar refrain to these accusations. Hmmm. Just check out the archives on TT and all will be revealed!
Some seem to forget that there is a past history that can be accessed. These exact same accusations about pretending to be a Rafa fan while really being a Murray fan, were posted regularly on TT.
a word to the wise. the poster 2016 who attacked me viciously for no reason in december used exactly the same language, style of expression, fake learning/erudition that are mary’s trademark. i clicked on the avatar for 2016 as i had found out by chance that if you do so you can sometimes see the information tree behind the user name. the real original name attached to 2016’s avatar was holdserve19.
so it is not supposition but fact that someone who used to post here ie holdserve19 has been posting here under a different name. does beg a number of questions no?
What do you mean by ‘2016’ avatar?
Do you mean Mary was holdserve???
Mary doesn’t write like holdserv though.
She writes like RITB (except much trollier).
there was a poster who came on with the name 2016 in december. 3 people – myself, you and nny thought that he/she was mary because he/she wrote exactly like her. i clicked on the gravatar for 2016 and it gave the name holdserve19. i told this to nny who said that holdserve had a grudge against her so that would explain a lot.
you did write that you thought 2016 was mary if you remember? and 2016 is holdserve – that’s a fact.
obviously it is hard for me to comment on a lot of this because i have only been on site since last may (approx)
maybe holdserve just mysteriously sounded like mary for those posts but it’s a big coincidence.
Well maybe there are similarities after all.
to be a bit clearer. if you click on a gravatar you can see details of the name changes and holdserve19 had ‘become’ 2016…all the details were there..
yeah I understand that for sure amy.
Leo is large hearted, noble…..
In the cyber universe, there is a 13th birth sign called Troll. That’s undoubtedly your sign.
Mary Goodman says, trolls are fearsome creatures, hunt in groups and can sense each other across several incarnations.
deuce says happy birthday to the birthday “deuce” guys! Hilarious. #credit to hawkeye
A Muzz fan registering herself as Rafa fan means her intentions were malafide ab initio. A troll citizen by birth! Eligible to be President of Troll Nation!!!
You think nny??
Now that WOULD be hilarious!!!
btw i think that 2016 ie holdserve appeared in the article which went something like 10 questions for the atp for next year – obviously that isn’t the exact title but summat like that. there were a couple of pieces by ricky in december on what was going to happen next year in the slams and rankings. she appeared in one of those as 2016.
it could of course be the case that holdserve and mary just sounded very similar at that point and are not the same person.
when i get a chance i will find the posts but am too tired now..
also hawks i have to say that i don’t think mary is ritb. i don’t see their writing style as similar and they have a different temperament – ritb has a dreadful temper but she is hotblooded and blows up which is a totally different mindset from a troll who is manipulative and systematic.
also i noticed that ritb and mary aren’t even posting on the same time-scale!
also mary has a lot of ‘tells’ in her posts. ie she tries to show off a lot that she is erudite and full of learning. that’s not ritb. also she constantly goes on about how logical she is and so on..again quite unlike ritb.
i’m not saying i am right but that’s my opinion (which could of course be wrong)
I am in agreement with Amy. I didn’t think it was RITB because she was never that hostile and intensely angry. Also, her language wasn’t as intemperate and vulgar.
I remember when Ed was on the receiving end of the accusations that she was really a Murray fan pretending to be a Rafa fan. That went on for a long time on TT. Checking the archives is helpful. Reading the comments sometimes can be very enlightening.
The truth is that no one can ever know for sure who someone is. But when a person admits that they used to post on TT, then we know that there were only so many female Rafa fans who posted on that site on a regular basis. There was no “Mary” on TT posting as a Rafa fan. It is a process of elimination.
What I do know is that this person is very mean-spirited and vindictive and makes a point of trying to put people down to build herself up. Always trying to one up others with vulgar insults.
All I know is that there was only one person who made it their business to go after another poster with the exact same accusation of being a closet Murray fan while pretending to be a Rafa fan. It’s the exact same accusation which is now being thrown at Amy, who we all know is not deucey.
Since you are all convinced I am holdserve why don’t you write an apology to ritb and get her back? vr was particularly vicious in his attacks on her.
and native how do you know amy is not deuce?? Who is this “we all” who know?
The trolls are busy trying to figure out who I am but they are picking only Rafa fans. so what difference does it make ? I am a rafa fan.
However amy is not a Rafa fan. amy is obviously lying when she says she has been on the internet for just one year. Anyone with common sense can see how unlikely it is that an old person like amy, living in UK, knowing a lot about tennis never got on the internet till last year and then suddenly starts reading every post on tenngrand and tennis-x. But I guess common sense is in short supply among trolls.
Prayers for beautiful Amatrice and Italy.
Thanks for this. I have been watching the coverage of this terrible earthquake in Italy and it’s been heartbreaking. Having living in southern California for a number of years in the past, I am well acquainted with what it’s like to live through an earthquake!
The old buildings and structures in those towns just collapsed all over the place and it’s so hard to see.
Prayers to all affected.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKgj1FNToWY ? Neil Young.
No one does fear and terror quite like this Russian. It’s when your mom uses all three of your names.
Yeehaw ?
ooh good choice rc! i really like bad moon rising!
I’m mooning. It’s september
the bad old summer is gone.
isn’t there a van morrison track which involves the moon? can’t remember what it’s called now, just that it was well good!!
Where were you 15 years ago today? 911 ??
^Hubby and i were on our way back from Yorkshire driving to Coventry, and while driving back he said i have a horrible feeling that something bad has happened, said he felt that all the way home, then we watched the sky news urgh just awfull^ ….
Being on the West Coast I was just waking up. Turned on CNN and they said a ‘small plane’ had hit the North Tower. The scene unfolding paralyzed me – but somehow got to work and got my little boy to school. It was hard to focus on anything. Most of our patients at the cancer center cancelled and we nursed sat around in shock.
nurses not nursed. sheesh. I’m trying to do too many things at once!
RC I Dont actually have kids, but its sad to think what sort of of world we bring them into these days :-(….
On a happier note we have an old lady at our care home whom was 104 yesterday ;-)…
Hope she’s in top shape, Alison ?
RC Yeah not too bad for a lady of her years, getting a little bit smaller and frailer, and doesnt remember what day it is, which is to be expected, but she does well still walks about short distances though, shes a lovely lady, and a pleasure to care for
Tignor from Sept. 10, 2011…
“But this exemplary tennis player and competitor was at his best, in his mix of emotion and perspective, when he was talking about something that had nothing to do with sports. Nadal mentioned 9/11 in his post-match remarks on court, and he was asked about it in the interview room. He said that he had been to the Trade Center four months before the attacks on a visit with his family, and that the image of the smoking towers was “fresh” for him then.
“That’s a hard day for all the people in New York tomorrow,” Nadal said, “all the people in America. But I think for all the people around the world, too, no? I am not an exception.””
reading the latest swing state polls with horror. trump is up 5 in ohio, 4 in florida…several races where the dems were up by big margins are now very tight. hillary has dropped so heavily in the polls in crucial swing states in the last fortnight that i am starting to think that the loathsome fascist is going to win.
It’s worrying, amy. Huffington Post:
more than worrying rc!!! the thought of don the con with his fat fingers on the nuclear button fills me with terror.
i don’t think hillary is the right person to be fighting against him. she has none of the charisma and oratatorial skills of barack (i love obama) or her husband.
Panic is not an option. The polls are unpredictable now and one has to take into account who is being sampled. The race may be tightening, but there are certain electoral college realities that make this a tough climb for Trump. Also, there are other polls that indicate Hillary is ahead. She has had a tough week with her illness and not disclosing it right away. But trump cannot win without Ohio. Hillary can.
There is more info coming out about trump that is very damaging. The NY attorney general is investigating his foundation donating money to the campaign of Pam Bondi in Florida. She subsequently dropped the investigation into Trump University. Newsweek also has a story about Trump’s companies and ties to foreign leaders and criminals. So there is damaging info coming out on him finally.
Obama was in Pennsylvania yesterday campaigning for Hilary and he hit trump hard with a great speech.
Hillary has had a tough week or two with the media going after her, but now trump us going to feel the heat.
The debates are coming up. Hillary has to get healthy and be ready for it.
I don’t think that any of these polls mean that trump will win. In fact, it’s better for democrats to think the race is tight so they make sure to come out and vote.
I think Hillary is going to bounce back stronger than ever and the latest revelations about trump are going to hurt him.
yeah i read all that nny. but i was reading paul krugman’s column and he was saying that he was feeling that this was deja vu as with bush and mondale and then bush and kerry. that the media is coming up with such a distorted picture that the scandals trump is mired in (and there are so many) are not sticking to him as they should.
the basket of deplorables comment was pretty disastrous. they’d been running on a better together ticket so laying into half his support fractured the whole dem conference message. maybe she made the mistake because she was ill…
After all of the nasty things that trump has said, you are trying to tell me that one comment from Hillary is going to lose her the election? That is absurd!
This double standard is getting to be out of control.
Look you can believe what you want to believe and who you want to believe. If the stuff about trump is not going to stick abd only bad stuff will stick to Hillary, then there is no hope because that would be a double standard and fundamentally unfair.
I not surprised about the tightening of the polls. The media went after Hillary for the last two weeks about anything and everything. Then she did not disclose the pneumonia. The deplorables comment was not good, but it is true that there are white supremacists supporting trump and also nights snd racists.
There is only one way that trump can win and that is by dirty tricks. If he doesn’t win Pennsylvania, then he will lose. He still has a very tough road to a win.
I am staying positive and will do what I can for the campaign.
excuse me? i didn’t say any of that. i said the media was operating on double standards and using anything it could.
What is the problem with my response to you. Are you taking offense? There is no reason to do so.
I meant to say that there are bigots and racists supporting Trump.
I have to remain positive. I also don’t think that Paul Krugnsn is the last word when it comes to the election. It’s important to keep things in perspective and not get out of control.
Trump winning us too horrible a prospect to even contemplate, especially with what us coming out about his financial dealings. This is also someone who has not released his tax returns, which has not happened in 40 years. That can only mean he has something to hide. Despite that, there are journalists who are digging and finding more damaging things and bringing them to light. I need to have faith that the American people are not going to elect someone who is dishonest and lies every time he opens his mouth.
No one said it would be easy.
Disturbing that this hasn’t been repealed.
Rep. Barbara Lee: Repeal 9/11 Authorization for Use of Force to Cancel Blank Check for Endless War
very disturbing. barbara lee is very impressive. wish there were more politicians like her.
i was very opposed to iraq rc – were you? it was incomprehensible that they didn’t give hans blick the time he was asking for…
#no WMD
Especially disturbing at the end of the video clip is Rudi Giuliani giggling about it the blank check for war still in place, “of course we do, hhehehe” Giuliani is a huge Trump supporter.
About iraq, yeah, that was BS. I marched in Portland and Seattle — what else could I do? We were being manipulated. There was no weapons of mass destruction there…tragedy and death breeding tragedy and death endlessly. no one wins. We turned into the terrorists.
guiliani, christie and co are all quislings. guiliani was at pains after 9/11 not to blame muslim citizens. now he comes up with any old racist garbage to support trump. he’s sold his soul to the devil. there should be a day of reckoning for these people and what they are trying to do.
i marched against iraq as well, although i hate demos…was so obvious that in removing saddam they were going to bring about something way way worse…public opinion in britain was firmly opposed to the war but no-one listened to us.
Here’s some encouragement amy, (sorta)…
The ‘not since 1948’ part helped me a little today.
“But the fundamental difference between two candidates usually gets baked in pretty solidly. The last time a candidate with Clinton’s consistent lead this late lost was 1948. Of course, it’s still possible for something big to change that makes Trump win. But it’s important to understand the difference between headlines like “Trump Cuts Clinton Lead In Half” and saying Trump is going to win.”
But I’m not a Hillary fan — it’s just that I prefer Hillary to Donald and far prefer the Democratic party to the Republican — because of social the platforms. I’m still bummed about Bernie not getting nominated. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren was my ticket.
I am actively working for Hillary’s campaign and the tightening of the polls did not come as a surprise. Ohio and Florida are two key swing states that will go down to the wire. That’s the way it was in 2012. I live in Florida and things are heating up with voter registration and canvassing. Hillary has inherited much of Obama’s ground game and there is a concerted effort to get out the vote in Florida. That will determine who wins those states and it will again go down to the wire as it did in 2012.
I cautioned a fellow Democrat a few weeks ago when he said that the race was over and Hillary would win in an electoral college landslide. I told him that it was premature to even go there. I said that we cannot take anything for granted.
All Trump has to do is continue to lie and divide Americans with fear. He will continue to refuse to release his tax returns. Hillary is running on the issues with real policies. Trump has smoke and mirrors.
I am proud to be volunteering for Hillary’s campaign. I saw Obama’s rally in Pennsylvania and it was wonderful to hear him give a full throated endorsement of her and also take down Trump. He also went after the media for the narrative that they have been promoting lately. He was brilliant.
If anyone wants to know what Hillary is made of, all they need to do is go watch the 11 hours of testimony she gave at the Congressional hearings last year. I was never more proud of her than I was watching her take on the republicans and come out triumphant. I never doubted that she would. She is tough and will stay in the fight.
Hillary was my choice eight years ago. After the primary I did support Obama. But now Hillary is my choice again. I am with her all the way and will work with the other great volunteers to make sure that she wins Florida.
I knew this would be a battle. But I believe that Hillary will be our next President and save us from the horror of a Trump presidency.
Kudos to you Nny!! I’m registered in Oregon. Oregon will vote Democratic because of the liberal populous counties in the Portland metro area — but my other home state, Idaho, is radically red. Well I’m not sure what the feeling is in the mostly Mormon Eastern Idaho counties. I’ve worked home health jobs in Idaho Falls/Rexburg area and can’t imagine the LDS bishops are thrilled about Trump but I think their “prophet” in Salt Lake City, Utah, is endorsing Trump. Boise is less Mormon and simply militant hate-Hillary / pro-Trump. Gad-Zukes!! To approach the subject of politics is to invite a loud Sermon about the Great Trump. Thank goodness for the electoral college! Idaho gets only 4 electoral votes
thanx for that rc. i’ve read some similar articles. but who knows!! what the fascist nut case said last night about her giving up her bodyguards so that people could take experimental pot shots at her will make him drop in the polls (you would hope!!) and also energise the people who don’t like hillary (there are a lot of those) but don’t want this maniac threatening the republic (also a lot). hillary has lost a huge amount of support among the millenials who voted in large numbers for obama and they should come back on side with comments like that and, perhaps even more importantly, the fact that bernie and elizabeth warren are going out on the stump to campaign for her. also obama and michelle will get people on board with their amazing passionate rhetoric.
At least you live in a very liberal state. It’s a big change being in Florida after relocating g from California. There is a lot of corruption in this state.
It has come out that Trump made an illegal donation to the campaign of Pam Bondi, when she was running for attorney general. Trump had to pay a fine to the IRS. Then she dropped the investigation into Trump university! What a coincidence!
I appreciated your link referencing the 1948 election. That happened before I was born, but my parents talked about it all the time. Dewey had a big lead and got complacent and Harry Truman wouldn’t quit and kept on fighting. It’s still considered one of the biggest upsets in our history. There is an iconic picture of Harry Truman holding a newspaper with the headline – Dewey Beats Truman! They were so sure about the result that they printed the paper’s edition before the results came in!
Democrats cannot be complacent or take anything for granted. I do think that the way trump handled the birther issue yesterday will fire up African Americans. Also, trump said last night that they should take away the guns from the Secret Service agents guarding Hillary. Why? Because according to Trump she hates guns and wants to get rid of them.
This is what Hillary is up against. Lies and distortions from Trump. He us sending out a dangerous message with code words and phrases, not do subtlely hinting at violence and taking the law into your own hands! Scary!
Did you see the interview Bernie Sanders gave yesterday? About how he didn’t want his children and grandchildren to live in a country with Trump as President? Go Bernie! He will be campaigning for Hillary this week!
I am working for the campaign later today. It makes me feel better to be doing something g, no matter how small!
You live in a very important battleground state, Nny! If I lived there I’d sign up to volunteer too! California has pockets of counties (thinking of around Redding and in the Sierra-Nevada foothills, like Sonora) that are pretty frightening. Sometimes I worry about California going Trump –it’s such an important state to win too; but then I remember LA and San Francisco. Washington State votes Democratic like Oregon – thanks to the dense liberal population in counties around Seattle and the Puget Sound area. Once you cross the Cascades in Oregon and Washington many counties are sparsely populated and Republican with some very Libertarian pockets – like Idaho, maybe worse. I’ve lived mostly in Portland but do traveling RN assignments in and around all four states. I’d go back to East Idaho sooner than a couple of places in the deep woods of California or Southern Oregon!
It’s interesting. Boise, Idaho is growing fast. You’d think it would be getting more diverse – but it remains as it is – Republican, Obama and Hillary hating territory, mostly white males and females. And they are sure that Donald Trump is the answer: he’s charming, he’s genius, he’s honest, successful ? and he’ll be good for the economy.
On a lighter note:
It’s a full moon in Pisces tonight.
When the Moon is in Pisces ?
Moon Pisces: We are not inclined to want to face reality while the Moon is in dreamy, impressionable Pisces. It can be a wistful, sensitive, intuitive, and compassionate time. We are especially imaginative, and our intuition reigns under this influence. Boundaries and walls come down, as Pisces energy merges and blends. It’s a time when details are overlooked and feelings defy description.
The Moon in Pisces generally favors the following activities: Imaginative undertakings, mystical or spiritual pursuits, inner development, music and drama, going on a retreat, activities involving water.
? ? ?
Robert De Niro
Nails it.
rc, you talkin’ to me?
Good ol’ Travis Bickle.
He looks a bit like nole, no?
I love Robert De Niro! But that poster on Tennis-x ruins the name Travis Bickle for me!
Yes there’s a resemblance to Nole ole.
Random 90’s song hardly ever heard anymore = still sounds good
Jake Bobsson Dillon
Asian Swing theme song
one more oughta do it.
Wow. That statement alone disproves astrology.
You have the same b-day as my Dad!
Your dad is a Libra?
Went to find this song, since it somehow got in my head. And after all these years — (the lyrics are in the comment section) and the chant is: “That’s my soul up there” right?
had no idea…not what I’ve been singing hahaha
October 15. Elena Dementieva’s bday too and the great Swiss, Carlo Janka – Two of my favorite athletes. I relate to Elena Dementieva’s serve.
Yeah, except for ‘indecisive’ I’ll admit that — I don’t really fit the Libra group.
Haha. What were you singing?
Oh and I forgot Tom Boonen! Belgian Spring Classics God of Cycling. Oct. 15.
hahahahahaha love it! My life is misheard lyrics and laughing.
“wrapped up like a douche” is seriously what I thought it was. And the Alanis Morrisette song….
Pi## my soul of pain….
And it’s nice to know it’s – That’s my soul up there instead!
LOL Hendrix, “scuse me while i kiss this guy ” ….
Music from the Goffin/Schwartzman SF Antwerp European Open
uh huh
Last one
Before the Flood (Full Album)
Podcast definitely worth a listen (as almost always with NPR’s TAL)…
599: Seriously?
OCT 21, 2016
Watching lies become the truth in this year’s election. And a few people who try to bridge the gap between the way the two sides see the facts.
Thanks for posting this. It’s intense down here in Florida. Down to the wire with intense efforts to get out the vote.
It is sheer insanity. But we have to defeat Trump and all that he represents.
Best of luck NNY!!!
OMG that NPR podcast and Salon article, worse yet, the comment section below the Salon article. Sickening. No words. ? Is this the best we can be?
Vivalidi on a lighter note – Fall. Camila Giorgi, violin. (doppelganger)
Then the last one from me today, I promise. His name I forget – his hit song(s?), I forget. But thanks to the internet, I have this song, “November” seriously. Au revoir, October…
Arrgh, “This video is not available.” And I can’t find it, Hawkie
Must be geoblocked.
This is Obama inviting his anger translator to the state dinner for reals.
? ……….
The music from Paris-Bercy, Isner/Sock match
1991 Massive Attack. From: Blue Lines (amazing album)
And Youtube recommended this one especially for me. ???? Brilliant.
University of Virginia election picks:
Deepest commiserations to Nny. It’s sickening and devastating.
can’t even articulate anything that i feel it’s so bad.
brexit was bad but this is a million times worse.
one of the worst days of my life.
i honestly don’t know how a country like america could vote in a fascist moron who is a danger to the whole world.
sorry i should have said deepest commies to all our american friends here. rc, nny, benny, anyone else i may have forgotten as i’m not sure of their nationality and of course ricky. are you going to be emigrating to canada ricky? the bbc has reported that the canada immigration site has gone down it has so many hits on it!
sorry again for not saying this before. was kind of in shock tbh…still am….
almost everyone here in europe is thinking of you all as nearly all of us hate trump…
Thanks amy. I’m still in shock. Mortified and depressed that this could happen. No words right now. Just hearing that con artist and liar speaks makes my skin crawl. Maybe it won’t be as bad as I dread but right now I do wish there was a way for me to move to Canada. Just not feeling very well at all.
terribly sorry rc. i feel the same and i am not even american. it must be hell on earth for you.
i haven’t watched one minute of the election coverage as i literally cannot watch that shit. my whole nervous system just goes into spasm.
ever since comey rigged the election that friday i have been feeling ill and very anxious. but we have to be strong and resist what is going on. it’s the only way.
love and support from me and loads of horrified brits who stand with you. xxx
How on earth we vote that guy in?
Roughly half of you all are simply bat shite crazy.
I haven’t been able to come on here to express my thoughts about this truly horrific and shameful election result. I know his dirty it was, since I was involved in working for hillary’s campaign in Florida.
We are watching a new-fascist movement that has taken over our government. I do not have polite words to express what I feeling now. This is a tragedy for this country and the worst thing I have seen in my lifetime.
Last night I thought to myself that I was grateful that my parents were not alive to see this shameful result. It wound have broken their hearts.
I hope that those abroad will pray for this country. I am thinking of the Supreme Court and what thiscoukc mean for that body.
I am ashamed of my country and those who voted for a man who spewed out such hateful rhetoric and lies. The people who voted for this despicable con artist will live to regret it when they realize that they have been conned.
I appreciate very much the words of sympathy and support from those here who live abroad. I am personally just devastated right now.
I am sorry for all the typos in my post above. I am exhausted from lack of sleep and still quite emotional. But even with the auto correct garbling, I think my feelings and emotions were very clear.
am terribly sorry nny. can’t even express what i feel i am so devestated and it is a thousand times worse for you.
comey threw this election and made america look like a banana republic.
i know that this must be awful for you but at least you can look yourself in the mirror and know you fought fascism which is what it is. it is shameful beyond belief that people aren’t calling it for what it is. so kudos to you.
thinking of you and love xxxx
Thanks so much for your kind words. I tried and so did a litchi f other people who volunteered for Hillary’s campaign. Many people understood the danger that Trump represented. He is a disgrace to humanity and for all his whining about a rigged system, with the Russians hacking into the Democratic Party and then Wikileaks dumping them the emails every day and then Comey writing that letter and then the revelation by Giuliani that they knew about it weeks in advance, it was clear that her was dirty stuff going on behind the scenes.
I am sick over it. Just heartsick. Trump was backed by these alt-right wing extremists who wanted to take over the country. Trump told people what they wanted to hear. All lies.
It’s truly a sad day. When I think of Trump threatening not to accept the outcome and not concede, it just makes me mad all over again.
As an American, I am truly disgusted and ashamed of those people who embraced a vile madman like Trump. Now the Republicans will dismantle all of the progress under Obama.
They say that we get the government that we deserve. For those who voted in anger for a lying despot, now they will reap what they have sown.
Thanks again for your wonderful words. It renews my faith in humanity.
? This is how I feel today.
just wish i could do more nny. the misogyny and violence heaped on hillary just beggars belief. the fbi was out to get her and i don’t believe that they investigated trump and his zillion criminal connections properly if at all, nor do i think they really bothered to look into his bizarre connections with putin. i don’t do conspiracy theories but i really do think that putin has many levers he can hold over him.
assange is a loathsome toad who i hate as much as trump. he’s hand in glove with putin and roger stone and company.
i mean seriously, what would you find if you hacked trump and his associates?! it would be mind-boggling in its level of corruption. there was just no level playing field.
am too shattered to write any sense but thinking of you and sending love again as i know this is awful beyond words for you to have to go through…xxxxxx
ps we have to stay strong and all fight this together.
NNY I just popped back here to say how sorry I am about this result. I know you were campaigning tirelessly for Hillary. It’s just awful. Huge hugs.
And hugs and commiserations to you too Ratcliff. Apparently the Canadian immigration site crashed with so many enquiries.
And, while I’m here, giving Amy a wave and a hug too.
“…will live to regret it when they realize that they have been conned.”
They are too dumb and ignorant to ever realize what they have done.
Yesterday was a very dark day for the whole planet.
I share your pain.
You just put it into words so well! You really get what was going on. What they did to Hillary was just sickening.
I am with you in not being a conspiracy theorist, but the connection between Trump and Putin seems pretty clear. We also ejected someone who refused to reveal his taxes. Why? Because he is hiding something! The sense is that Trump has gotten money from Putin and is beholden to him. He also wanted to hide the fact that he has not paid federal income taxes for like 18 years!
Adds he needs to be extradited to face outstanding rape charges. He is a bottom feeder! He had some petty grudge against Hillary and decided to dump all those hacked emails. God only knows what we would have found if the Republican Party had their emails hacked!
The FBI was out to get Hillary. The standing policy is not to interfere with an election be revealing information that could top the scales. It’s frightening.
As you said, the misogyny and violent rhetorical was appalling. The disrespect for women was just so offensive.
They elected someone who set up
a fake university and cheated people, who did not pay contractors for work they did on his buildings, who refused to allow black people to live in his buildings, who bankrupted casinos and left the stockholders to deal with the mess.
There are going to be serious consequences for this country.
We have survived so much in the history of this country. But I don’t know how we will survive Trump.
Again, thanks for your words of support and encouragement. It helps.
I was referencing Assange, but it came out with auto correct as Adds! So I just wanted to clarify that I was talking about Assange, who is the lowest form of humanity!
hope you are feeling a bit better today nny?? am still feeling dreadful myself i have to say and scarcely capable of constructing a sentence through lack of sleep! just hope you are finding a way in yourself through all this…am struggling myself and it’s far worse for you…
Thanks so much for your words. You speak the truth! I cannot believe that people could be that ignorant! It’s scary!
I will get through this, but right now I am quite devastated.
So sorry for you guys living in the United States. Just have to pray that this guy wont really do something moronic to lead the country into chaos.
A Sad day, Trump is a war monger ….
Im from GB, but i really feel for the Americans right now, a sad day, sorry to RC as i cant begin to imagine how yourself and the rest of the Americans on the forum must be feeling
I’m glad checks and balances exists. That way trump might be prevented from doing anything extreme. I think the way he presented himself is awful and he really is just plain awful but I don’t think and I hope that congress makes sure trump behaves from now on. I don’t know if he really believed he was gonna win and now that he did he needs to stop being a buffoon. He’s said some awful things but hopefully for the next four years he’s just kind of there and doesn’t do anything crazy which I think will be the way it goes because congress will be able to prevent that. He’ll still say some horrible things because that’s who he is but hopefully not to an extreme extent.
The problem with the idea of checks and balances, is that tge House of Representatives and the Senate are controlled by Republicans. So there is no check on Trump. I think expecting the Republicans to check Trump if he goes too far, is not realistic. Now if the Democrats controlled one or both houses of Congress, that would be different.
We will have to hope that the Democrats will be the loyal opposition and conscience. But I am especially concerned about Republicans controlling both the Presidency and Congress. That is a scary prospect to me.
This Native Newyorker is proud to say that in NY tonight they are out in the streets demonstrating against Trump! They shut down 5th Avenue and are outside Trump Tower! Also protests in Philadelphia and Oakland, Ca.
Long live democracy!
Power to the people!
Trump, can you hear the voice of the people?
This is the first time I have smiled!
From the NY Times…
America Elects a Bigot
“Also, let me be clear: Businessman Donald Trump was a bigot. Candidate Donald Trump was a bigot. Republican nominee Donald Trump was a bigot. And I can only assume that President Donald Trump will be a bigot.
It is absolutely possible that America didn’t elect him in spite of that, but because of it. Consider that for a second. Think about what that means. This is America right now: throwing its lot in with a man who named an alt-right sympathizer as his campaign chief.
How can I make sense of the fact that the president appeared in pornos?
How can I make sense of the fact that the man who will appoint the next attorney general has himself boasted of assaulting women? What will this president’s vaunted “law and order” program for “inner cities” look like in an age where minority communities are already leery of police aggression?
How do I make sense of the fact that a man who attacked a federal judge for his “Mexican heritage” will be the man who will nominate the next Supreme Court justice and scores of federal judges?
I can’t make it make sense because it doesn’t. I must sit with the absurdity of it.”
That said, it is impossible for me to fall in line behind an unrepentant bigot. It will be impossible for me to view this man participating in the pageantry and protocols of the presidency and not be reminded of how he is a demonstrated demagogue who is also a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and a bully.
That is not a person worthy of applause. That is a person who must be placed under unrelenting pressure. Power must be challenged, constantly. That begins today.”
Thanks for posting that article. Well said!
I haven’t been focusing on tennis lately. I have been too involved with the election. There will be a time when I will once again b watch tennis. But now this is more important,
I don’t know how we are going to survive a monster like Trump.
one of the things that is most shocking to me is the numbers of college educated voters who voted for trump. it’s true that the only white group who voted as a majority for clinton were college educated women but college educated men voted for him in large numbers and the totals together are just ridiculous.
people keep talking about the similarites with brexit, which are overblown imo, but one massive difference is that university educated people regardless of race, gender, class and age voted overwhelmingly against brexit. does college educated in the states mean what university educated does here??
i find it utterly incomprehensible that so many people who were well educated would vote with their eyes open for a fascist moron. what for? for tax cuts? you offset tax cuts against someone who has the nuclear codes and will destroy the enviroment, who will set off race riots and on and on….that is so mean and small and craven and nakedly greedy that i can’t get my head around it.
shame on them. they are worse than people who voted for fascism in weimar. in weimar people were in utter poverty and desperate.
also, those in weimar didn’t have the luxury of history that we have where we know the outcome of their mistakes. am sure these americans who voted for trump like to think they are the good guys still but they absolutely are not.
Yes Amy the demographic breakdown is very troubling and sickening…
talking of cnn did you see the much aired extract from the wonderful van jones talking about a white lash?? very moving and upsetting.
i really don’t know how to react to all this. a lot of people are trying to normalise it but i think it is fasicsm and that we shouldn’t do so. very very upset.
i still reckon that comey and the fbi leaks in the last week threw the result. nate silver analysed the numbers and said that if only 1 person in a 100 switched their vote to the dems they would have won in florida, wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania.
what happened in the last week was easily enough to lose 1 in a 100 dem votes probably more. especially as there were a lot of undecided voters and those broke overwhelmingly for trump ie they made their minds up at the last minute against a background of endless negative reports for hillary.
people can analyse all they want about cultural shifts or whatever but those are the bare facts. ie they would have won albeit narrowly and none of this discussion would be going on.
trump’s victory is going to entrench racist politics in the gop. but less people voted for him than either mccain or romney. it was the drop off in the dem vote that was the real factor.
and not enough is being written about how the republicans used voter suppression tactics of taking people off the register or cutting early polling sites in dem areas. in one dem area in north carolina they cut them from 27 to 1. people in poor areas had to wait 3/4 hours to vote. again, there is your missing one in a hundred which swung things.
i honestly think most of the republican party is evil.
I just read online that the Russians have now admitted that they were in contact with the Trump campaign all along! So now the truth comes out! We know now that this election was rigged with help from the Russians! Cute that it came out today!
Also, I was well aware of the voter suppression tactics used by the Repubicans to drop minorities from voting. These are Republican controlled states. They did go to court to get the thousands of black voters who were purged from the voting rolls reinstated. They did win and the judge ordered them to reinstate those voters. But the question is how many of those people were able to vote in time. It is true that they did close polling places in North Carolina. They have done it in Ohio, too.
It’s an old fascist tactic to accuse your opponent of the very thing you are doing. That is what trump did in saying that the election was rigged. Yes and the Republicans rigged it!
People were demonstrating all night long in cities like Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington and Chicago.
Hillary win the popular vote! So it’s not like Brexit at all! The electoral college is where she lost. Does anyone think fir a minute that trump would have conceded the election if he won the popular vote?
I finally believe that the FBI threw this election. Guiliani even saud that they knew about it for weeks. He said on FOX news that they had a few things up their sleeve.
You are right that this is worse than the Weimar vote. Those people were suffering with a world wide depression. What is the excuse for the morons who voted for Trump?
This is fascism in America! Now we know that we don’t t even have free elections in America. The whole idea was to rig this election with the help of the FBI.
I am also disgusted with the women who voted for Trump. College educated? Really?
The figures from Nate Silver tell the story because the truth is that the election was close. it’s not like Trump got a mandate even with the rigging,
I am so ashamed of the Americans who gave in to their worst impulses and voted for this abominable man.
Reality has set in.

Amy it was definitely decided in the last week according to the CNN exit poll.
Of voters polled who made their decision in the last week before the election, 50% voted Bigot compared to 38% for Clinton.
I’ve just become a Pistons fan…
Detroit Pistons’ Stan Van Gundy goes off on Trump: ‘Brazenly racist’
“We have just thrown a good part of our population under the bus, and I have problems with thinking that this is where we are as a country. It’s tough on (the team), we noticed it coming in. Everybody was a little quiet, and I thought, ‘Well, maybe the game the other night.’ And so we talked about that, but then Aron Baynes said, ‘I don’t think that’s why everybody’s quiet. It’s last night.’
“It’s just, we have said — and my daughters, the three of them — our society has said, ‘No, we think you should be second-class citizens. We want you to be second-class citizens. And we embrace a guy who is openly misogynistic as our leader.’ I don’t know how we get past that.
“We just elected an openly, brazen misogynist leader and we should keep our mouths shut and realize that we need to be learning maybe from the rest of the world, because we don’t got anything to teach anybody.
“It’s embarrassing. I have been ashamed of a lot of things that have happened in this country, but I can’t say I’ve ever been ashamed of our country until today. Until today. We all have to find our way to move forward, but that was — and I’m not even trying to make a political statement. To me, that’s beyond politics.
“You don’t get to come out and talk about people like that, and then lead our country and have millions of Americans embrace you. I’m having a hard time being with people. I’m going to walk into this arena tonight and realize that — especially in this state — most of these people voted for the guy. Like, (expletive), I don’t have any respect for that. I don’t.
“And then you read how he was embraced by conservative Christians. Evangelical Christians. I’m not a religious guy, but what the hell Bible are they reading? I’m dead serious. What Bible are you reading? And you’re supposed to be — it’s different. There are a lot of different groups we can be upset at. But you’re Christians. You’re supposed to be — at least you pride yourself on being the moral compass of our society. And you said, ‘Yeah, the guy can talk about women like that. I’m fine with that.’ He can disparage every ethnic group, and I’m fine with that.
“Look, I don’t get it. And I’m having a hard time taking it. I’m just glad that the people I’m with here — and I’ll include you guys, too — that I like. Because I’m going to have a hard time. I will say, one point of pride, I live in Oakland County, Michigan, and I was surprised, but Oakland County voted for Clinton. At least I can look around say, ‘We weren’t the ones putting that guy in office.’
“It’s incredible. I don’t know how you go about it, if you’re a person of color today or a Latino. Because white society just said to you, again — not like we haven’t forever — but again, and emphatically, that I don’t think you deserve equality. We don’t think you deserve respect. And the same with women. That’s what we say today, as a country. We should be ashamed for what we stand for as the United States today.
“That’s it for me. I don’t have anything to say about the game tonight.”
NNY: Just wanted to let you know have been thinking about you this past few weeks. Knew you were very active in helping with Clinton’s campaign. I remember after Brexit saying to you hoped it would serve as a lesson and America wouldn’t make the same mistake
Well they did and now America, and the rest of the world, have to live with it. Here in France there is a similar scenario looming. We are faced with the very real prospect of a National Front (i.e Fascist) President in the form of Marine le Pen who will almost certainly get an increased share of the vote because Trump has proved the establishment can be brought down. Mind you unlike the States there is no credible alternative candidate against her. She and Donald Duck will get on like a house on fire!!!!!!
#Class warfare with a vengeance.
Yeah she’s a scary one alright.
We live in ominous times.
Dearest ed,
Thanks for your words of support. I am having a very difficult time dealing with this. It’s not like I haven’t lived through a lot in my lifetime. I am not a youngster! LOL! But I honestly have never experienced anything as bad as this.
I know that I did my part to help Hillary and stop this madman from getting elected. On election night I was texting with a friend I made while working for Hillary. We were trying to comfort each other all night as it got worse and worse. Neither of us was able to go to sleep.
Talking with people helps, because I am still struggling to grasp what has happened. Also, the wonderful words of comfort and support from people in here like Amy and Hawkeye and now you has helped enormously.
I was so proud watching the people all over America demonstrating and protesting last night. Even in my former home of Los Angeles, they stopped traffic on the freeway in protest. That is what this country is all about.
We must stay strong and fight back against Trump. We have to believe that the Democrats will be a loyal opposition.
I almost lost it when Hillary made her. Her concession speech. I am proud that I worked for her and would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
I am aware of the upcoming election in France. I have been following the news in that. These are indeed scary times with right wing neo-fascist movements.
The people behind Trump are right wing extremists of the worst kind. Dangerous people with a reactionary agenda.
I fear for what may happen to this country. I am so ashamed of the ignorant people who voted for this wretched man.
The violent rhetoric, the threats and innuendo and hatespeak from Trump, has been sickening. The racism, bigotry and misogyny have all been appalling.
I am more ashamed and embarrassed than ever in my entire lifetime.
Right now on tv they are showing a protest in San Francisco by college students. I think n this is only the beginning.
Thank you so much for thinking of me! Your words mean so much.
Just to update – protests are continuing in cities tonight in Baltimore and Minneapolis!
Democracy in action!
NNY: Just don’t take any unnecessary risks – like joining in the street protests!
Well, we are not having any protests here in Florida! Don’t worry! I am not going to do anything like that!
I am just glad to see Americans excercising their freedom! It’s important!
Now it’s starting to settle in and there is the realization that we will see some changes that are not in the best interests of the people. The Supreme Court could be influenced for a generation with Trump now being able to appoint someone to replace Scalia. We have to hope that the older justices will hang in there another four years.
The consequences of this election will be far reaching.

NNY: I’ve tried to log on using my real name, but this site won’t let me so I’m trying this old nom de plume.
I just wanted to send you huge hugs and sympathy. I know how hard you worked for Hilary. This result is terrible, a sexist, homophobic, racist in the White House, it just beggars belief.
Keep strong my dear.
And hugs to Ratcliffe too, indeed all Americans who are hurting right now.
finally approved!
RIP dear Leonard Cohen ?
amazing song by an amazing lyricist. rip cohen. utter genius.
what a terrible year this is turning out to be.
why are out great artists dying when we need them most??
great soul, great spirit, talent which will live on forever…
I’ve been a passionate devotee of his music since the late 60s and never missed a live performance if it was within travelling distance..
Cohen wrote his own epitaph with his final recording ‘You want it Darker’
My older brother introduced me to his music in the late 80’s. His music and poetry resonates in me. And Cohen will always remind me of the wonderful, influential, soul, my late brother.
Leonard Cohen was a true genius. He made a difference. RIP.
Still in moderation Rick! C’mon!
Urgent message for Hawkeye
Your presence is urgently required on the another site to help to deal with a golliwog
Hawkeye please understand I’m not using the term wog in the pejorative sense!
Elina is under moderation for calling wtf an exho and pointing out a math error in an article on WTF qualifiers so no can do ATM.
I haven’t even visited that site since the Orange Bigot was elected because I didn’t want to read any ignorance on that site.
Tennis is one thing but this shit is real.
You’re one of the resistance nny.
Do what you can with your voice with all of the rest of the very good and informed people left in the US.
I wish there were more of you.
I’m still mourning my loss in faith of America being good overall.
Their government are one of the bad guys now as are the majority of their society.
Roughly 75% of Americans either voted for The Orange Facist Bigot or didn’t vote at all.
That is a crime against humanity in my opinion and I’m still in grief as are most of my family and friends.
We should keep in mind that Hillary won the popular vote. That is important. It’s not like Trump won this big mandate. He told people what they wanted to hear, played on their fears and used divide and conquer tactics.
I actually think that I will retire from politics after this debacle. I am just so disgusted over what happened. But then I heard Elizabeth Warren last night on tv and she said we have to volunteer and stay involved and fight. I just don’t know if I am up to it anymore.
I heard on tv that there are protests in Palm Beach County here in Florida. But I have no intention of going anywhere near it. No way am I getting involved in that.
Thanks for the encouragement! But things are going to be very bad in this country and there is no way to get around that.
I’m mostly retired from being shot at with rubber bullets and tear-gased. But I haven’t been involved enough. I was far too overconfident that Hillary would make it. After this depression lifts a little more I’m determined to get involved. Trump’s nominating Giuliani, Ryan, Christie, Gingrich, all kinds of scary and repulsive minds. Plus they will have both House and Senate AND they are determined to control the Supreme Court Bench. I’m not sure why Obama couldn’t push through a decent nominee — there’s been plenty of time for it. We’ll have a Supreme Court dominated by Bush and Trump nominees – lord.
Obama couldn’t push through his Supreme Court nominee because the Republucan controlled Senate and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stonewalled. They made it clear that they would not consider his nominee until after the election. Do their obstructionism paid off. There was nothing Obama could have done. That’s why the opportunity for the Democrats to get control of the Senate was considered so important. If Hillary won, then she would need a Democratic controlled Senate to approve her nominee. But neither of those things happened.
I did get involved in the campaign because I thought it was important to stop Trump and the spread of neo-fascism in this country. Now there are already disturbing reports of acts of violence and vandalism directed at minorities. White supremacist groups who have operated on the fringes are feeling emboldened by Trump’s victory.
I was going to just withdraw from any activism, but I do not want to make any decisions right now when I am still emotional and trying to process this election, I am too old to get involved in demonstrations and protests. Goodness knows I did enough of that when I was younger with the Vietnam war.
But I am listening to Michael Moore and Elizabeth Warren. They are urging people to get involved in volunteering for organizations. They mentioned Planned Parenthood. I would be willing to volunteer to help that organization. People do need to get involved in communities, especially young people.
We have to stay in the fight in whatever way possible. I think the Trump and the Republicans will do enormous damage to the progress that has been made in the last eight years.
The people who do foolishly voted for Trump and believed his lies, will soon find out that they have been played for suckers.
At this time, I just can’t get that excited about tennis. I am anxious to see Rafa back in action and look forward to the new year, but for now I am very worried for this country.

Planned Parenthood is one of the many vital social services and organizations that we risk losing. And that’s a great idea. Yes, I listen to Democracy Now with Amy Goodman. Also follow Elizabeth Warren and of course, Bernie, David Packman, Free speech TV, ect. Other passions are climate change, ending addiction to fossil fuels, no fracking, no pipeline in North Dakota – no Keystone pipeline, give us a healthcare system all of us can afford and is more accessible, humanitarian than the pritvatized greed and profit focused. There’s just a lot…I could go on and on…
There’s a strong urge in me to pack my car and drive to North Dakota for the protest there right now…
Thanks for reminding me what happened to Obama’s chance at making a Supreme Court nomination. Dang it. My initial urge was to flee the country altogether but going somewhere safe to hide and tuning out, isn’t me, Nny.
Sean Randall has a history of being pro-Trump Orange and there are too many Trump supporters there whom I don’t have anything to say to about tennis and definitely don’t want to engage them when they want to ridicule climate change. Bah, it’s not worth the time.
You can’t fix stupid rc.
Right on! We need people like you here to continue the fight!
After reading about the analysis and stats from the election results, I am actually encouraged. It is disturbing to realize that people who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012, voted for Trump in this election. it is equally disturbing that 53% of white women voted for Trump! Also, we did not get the turnout that we had in 2008 and 2012. Democrats are going to have to get off their butts when big issues are at stake in elections, including mid-term elections.
The margin of victory in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania was razor thin. One problem was the people who voted for Obama crossing over to vote for Trump and Hillary underperforming with lower turnout in those states. Trump did not do as well as Romney in 2012 in Wisconsin, but Hillary did even worse. These states should have been a lock again for Democrats. But it’s not like Trump won them by big margins. It’s like he tapped into some great majority of working class voters who gave him a mandate.
We have to remember that this was still a close election. Hillary won the popular vote! So Democrats should not panic or feel desperate or like we have to reinvent the wheel. Trump used fear and divisiveness, hatred and bigotry to win this election. He also had help from Putin and the Russians in hacking into the DNC and Podesta’s emails and then Wikileaks dumping them in October. The Trump campaign was also getting leaks and info from the NY FBI office about the emails found on Anthony Weiner’s computer. Rudy Guiliani said flat out on FOX news that they knew about it and even expected the news to come out sooner. He also said in a interview – we’ve got a few things up our sleeve!
Trump made his own rules, never revealed his taxes, lied and used every dirty tactic in the book to manage to get this victory. But those people who bought his lies will soon realize that they were conned. He will not bring back jobs. He will not make their lives better.
The Republicans successfully obstructed and refused to even hold hearings on Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court. It’s what they do. It stinks, but we have to keep the faith and stay in the fight. We can cone out of this stronger and work to take back this country.
You could get involved with a climate change organization or any other cause that you believe in. Democrats also need to work on the grass roots level to elect progressive people at the state and local level.
We can do this!
Power to the people!
” Margot, Tennis-x.
To you from Margot: she sends her commiserations and hugs
“I tried to log on to tenngrand to give NNY and yourself indeed big commiserations and hugs, but I couldn’t so have them now and please pass them onto NNY.
ooooo =hugs
The clip below shows Trump on climate change. Hoping he will flip his opinion once he becomes more informed…if he’ll listen. Meanwhile, not willing to wait and see — here’s where I’ll protest — my Pacific North Westerner, Native American, tree hugging spirit compels me to do something. Obama didn’t have the moxie to do enough; Hillary: I was banking would and could accomplish more, but that boat has sailed.
I don’t go near tennis-x, so if you could just let Margot know that I got her message from you! Tell her thanks so much! It’s much needed right now.
I think that I am okay, and then it hits me all over again. Bad news about climate change I just read online. They are saying that Trump will scrap the landmark Paris climate change deal. He’s trying to find a way to pull out of it.
God help us all.
Will do. But I only post there on the WTA threads. I can’t stand that place either!
Sometimes I feel energized and ready to fight (yesterday) other days, like today, I wake up in tears.
i really feel for you guys. my consciousness has been completely invaded by this for a long time now – so much so i can hardly work. and i am not even american so it is far worse for you.
but i also feel very angry with my fellow brits going complacently about their business and not doing anything. we should all be out on the streets standing together against fascism.
oh and tennis -x really stinks. went and had a look and the racism and misogyny on display there was just disgusting.
incredible ignorance on display.
Thanks, amy. Big virtual hugs to you. I’m in bad shape at the moment. It all hit me this weekend — and I dread, truly dread this Trump cabinet/administration – with wacko Pence for VP, full Republican majority in House and Senate…Supreme Court in their pocket. It’s a nightmare.
i know what’s going on rc. have been reading the american press obsessively for months. it’s an utter utter horror story.
was saying to a friend on friday that i actually kind of wish i was in america and able to actually do something. feel terribly impotent and shackled. he agreed and we are going to try and do things here writing to mps and so on.
big virtual hugs to you as well. you and nny have my love and support xxx
Maybe I’m feeling a little more energetic today. Watching Fed Cup helps. Karolina and Kiki giving their all out there is a nice distraction
last one this morning.
Zukes! pleas delete on of the above posts — 1000 kisses, Ricky! thanks
Sorry about that. This is what I was trying to post as my last one this morning:
it happened again. Fail! was supposed to be Hallelujah. dang it.
this one.
This is another great Leonard song
Thanks, Nadline. I looked forever for the live version of Hallelujah from 1985. and then had a hard time watching this Fed Cup thriller between Kiki and Karolina AND posting a dang link right – sorry. Ricky can you please delete 2 of those 3 links to 1000 kisses deep? Great song but not even my favorite. Like him singing it.
This Match is never going to end….well, it will be sad to see one of them, Kiki or Karolina, lose!
I haven’t mastered posting open videos here apart from the link.
It’s the final track on Cohen’s ‘Dear Heather’ album. Am using it as a tranquiliser to calm the panic attacks over what is happening around the world
I don’t know if anyone saw it, but SNL opened its show last night with Kate McKinnon singing “Hallelujah”. Then after she was done, she looked in the camera and said – “I’m not giving up and neither should you!”
What a great way to start that show after what happened!
I love your passion! We are going to have to stay strong in this country. Even as Hillary’s popular vote total continues to increase. She is now ahead by almost 2,000,000 votes!
The young people in this country are going to have to wake up and realize that they must be active and involved. Their lives will be affected the most. They cannot take legal abortion for granted. For minorities, they cannot afford to take voting rights for granted. People must be involved and get out and vote!
Women have to vote for their own interests. Young people have to stop voting for third party candidates!
Democrats are not united right now. I also have to say as a liberal, If we move too far to the left then we will cede the center to the Republicans. That is not the answer. I am a bit concerned about comments from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders about working with Trump. Do they really think that it’s going to be possible to do the truth someone like Trump who ran such a hateful campaign? He is surrounded by some lunatic right wing fringe people in his inner circle. We are seeing graffiti with swastikas in parts of the country!
Anyone who thinks we can work with someone like Trump is living in a fool’s paradise!
I really appreciate the support from people like you on the other side of the pond!
I feel good for a while and then reality hits me again. I am heartsick over this and fear for this country.
i sincerely hope that bernie and warren are not going to work with him. the gop obstructed obama at every turn and trump refused to admit his legitimacy.
you can’t work with fascists. michael moore has it right that people must fight them at every opportunity.
it is very disturbing that fascist farage has been over to see trump and that breitbart bannon has invited marine le pen over to meet them. that looks like they are aiming for a kind of international fascist alliance. no doubt allied with putin.
so we have to fight. there is way way too much normalisation of all this here and we have to do something about it.
i am very upset and know it is far worse for you and rc. hugs.xxx
I wasn’t too thrilled to see that guy Farage come to this country to meet with Trump. People like Steve Bannon are really on the very fringes of the right wing. They come up with all these conspiracy theories about the Clintons and whoever. This guy Roger Stone who was working with the Trump campaign early on, is another nutcase. Trump has done dangerous people around him in his inner circle who have an agenda.
I hope that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders temper their comments about working with Trump. There is no reason to think that he will back off of his stated agenda. The GOP certainly is not going to back off!
The people demonstrating in the streets across America are making their voices heard. They are not about trying to work with Trump.
This is a neo-Fascist movement that is spreading across countries and it has to be stopped. We know what happened in 1930’s Germany. We cannot let history repeat itself.
My father was with the American troops who liberated the concentration camps of Dachau and Bergen-Belsen. He was in counter intelligence and interrogated the Nazi prisoners of war. He learned to speak German fluently. He also photographed the atrocities in the concentration camps to be used as evidence in the Nuremberg trials. He saw fascism up close and personal and never forgot it.
My mother told my sister and I when we little never to ask our father about the war. When we were a few years older and could understand, then she told us about it. But my father never spoke about it when we were growing up.
When we were much older and adults, there were times when he would talk about what he saw, but it was very hard for him. Sometimes he would just stop and not continue. He told us as much as he could, but there were some things he just could not bring himself to talk about. It was horrific to hear the details and watch how painful it was for my father to relive it. But one time ge told me that he wanted me to remember and tell others so that it would never happen again.
My father would be devastated to see swastikas on graffiti in this country and the rise of fascism. I am grateful that he is not alive to see this.
Encouraging words from a Blue State
I could not be more proud of my former state of residence! Although originally from New York, I spent a good deal of my adult life in Los Angeles. I am not surprised at this statement. California is one of the most progressive states in this country. It is living proof the Democratic economic and social policies do work!
Bravo to California!
I needed this, because I read online that Trump is going to deport 2 to 3 million immigrants. There have been many disturbing incidents of threats and even physical violence against minorities. Racist threats texted to university students.
Trump is going to a point right winger Steve Bannon as his Chief Strategist. It’s getting worse every day.
We are going to be tested as never before in the coming days. I hope that we have the strength to meet this grave challenge.
Thoughts on what to do now:
Oregonians want to Secede
(ballot measure has been withdrawn)
And advice for actions and protests from the Seattle Times ?
“If you were surprised by the outcome of the U.S. presidential election, you might want to brace yourself for the cartwheels of change about to roll across Europe.”
The saddest thing about that link above regarding the upcoming elections in Europe and the very real possibility of right wing groups coming to power, is that America was once regarded as living proof that freedom
and democracy were still strong.
Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves.
For the record, I just wanna say anyone that voted Trump or didn’t bother to try to vote (that was eligible) is an idiot and a big part of the problem. WTF were you thinking??? Now I see how Nazi Germany happened…
Steve ‘Turn on the Hate’ Bannon, in the White House
Anyone holding out hope that Donald Trump would govern as a uniter — that the racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and nativism of his campaign were just poses to pick up votes — should think again.
In an ominous sign of what the Trump presidency will actually look like, the president-elect on Sunday appointed Stephen Bannon as his chief White House strategist and senior counselor, an enormously influential post.
Many if not most Americans had never heard of Mr. Bannon before this weekend, and for good reason: He has kept a low profile, even after taking over Mr. Trump’s campaign in August. Before that, he worked as the executive chairman of the Breitbart News Network, parent company of the far-right website Breitbart News, which under Mr. Bannon became what the Southern Poverty Law Center has called a “white ethno-nationalist propaganda mill.”
Mr. Bannon himself seems fine with that description, telling Mother Jones last summer that Breitbart was now “the platform for the alt-right,” a loosely organized group of mostly young men who believe in white supremacy; oppose immigration, feminism and multiculturalism; and delight in harassing Jews, Muslims and other vulnerable groups by spewing shocking insults on social media.
yeah, this is what will be running the most powerful country in the world…
I feel like I’m watching a really bad reality show, except it isn’t a show.
Reiner went on to call the president-elect a “moron,” singling out reporter Leslie Stahl for providing a platform to Trump while simultaneously lobbing softball questions to him.
“That man is in the White House now, and the press normalized him,” Reiner said. “They normalized him for a long, long time. And that’s a disgrace.”
Sarah SilvermanVerified account
@SarahKSilverman Sarah Silverman Retweeted Paula Pell
This is the pres elect’s senior advisor
I think that the cable tv news media has normalized Trump. They have been the classic enablers. They wanted the ratings and broadcast Trump’s maniacal ranting and raving at rallies. They did not bother to hold him to account for his many falsehoods, exaggerations and flat out lies. They did not pound away every day about his refusal to reveal his tax returns.
With the likes of Bannon as Chief Strategist, there will be nothing normal in this administration!
It’s like the lunatics are running the asylum. It’s not pretty!

The media will be largely disabled.
It’s incredible.
The US along with the rest of the world is in a very dark and dangerous place and most have no idea.
Ignorance truly is bliss. At least in the short term.
Thanks for posting Sarah Silverman, Rob Reiner, and Al Franken, Hawks. Love them.
This is one place I still go for news. http://www.democracynow.org/
And this place: https://www.freespeech.org/
Thanks for those links. I think that the print media did do a good job of digging for important information about Trump. But the cable tv news media has truly been an embarrassment.
The media better get ready to be kept in the dark. Trump is not going to give them access. There will be more attempts to limit the press by the Trump administration.
This is only the beginning. The biggest reveal is the appointment of Bannon. He is a man with repugnant views and who is dangerous. There has been a lot of outrage, but I really don’t know why anyone is surprised.
In Bernie’s words…we fight on.
Sometimes I wonder if there’s anyone I like more than Neil Young like this. Maybe something Tom Waits…
“I ham a good hegg…”
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream.
hahaha love Roberto Benigni. I gotta see the movie, i think!
Nice one, Hawkie
Was talking about the first one you posted @ 1:31
Didn’t was watch the others yet…
Watch Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock’s Election Night “SNL” Sketch
Scary times ahead, especially about “opening up” libel laws against the media…
@TheDailyShow 3m3 minutes ago
Trevor calls out the similarities between Donald Trump and the corrupt President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma. http://on.cc.com/2fE6PED
So much for draining the swamp! Trump’s administration IS the swamp!
Bernie Sanders said that Trump is already going back on his promises by getting lobbyists and insiders connected with the Koch brothers in positions of power.
I still cannot believe that people bought Trump’s lies! Putting one of the one percent in charge is simply insanity!
Whatever lies Trump told everyone, they just followed along like sheep!
It’s evident that those who supported Trump didn’t care what he said, promised, or intended to hold him to a standard of anything! He’ll do what’s best for himself…that’s Trump — because of course what’s best for himself is best for the world. He’ll appoint a cast of characters to suit his perverse and twisted needs. Can’t really expect anything else from this… guy. Expect the unexpected – he’s too thin skinned anyway. If someone close to him slips up or Trump changes his mind about something – poof! they’ll be gone – Henry the VIII style.
Hahahha…the sketch from SNL. I’m gonna go grab a xanax from the bedroom…what a night to forget!
Trevor nailed it in the CC episode….http://on.cc.com/2fE6PED
Yep. Saw that. Scary.
One of my favorites ?
And some would falsely equate THIS to an e-mail server….
One of the president-elect’s most concerning campaign suggestions could soon become a terrifying reality.
hen asked how it would differ from the forced registration of Jewish people, Trump’s response similarly came up short. “You tell me,” he repeatedly told reporters. But now, as Trump prepares to take over the White House, the president-elect is assembling a team of immigration hardliners and extremists who can—and want to—turn the billionaire’s most terrifying ideas into reality.
Even at this early stage, we are likely catching a glimpse of what life will be like under President Trump. With the president-elect already showing signs of waning interest in the job, it is safe to say that advisers like Kobach—who, according to New York, is rumored to be a top contender for attorney general—will play an expanded role in policymaking and have unrivaled influence over the executive branch. And Kobach is already putting his mind to work on proposals to keep the future president happy. Confronted with the possibility that Congress could hamper Trump’s plans for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, Kobach has devised a strategy to circumvent Capitol Hill, employing an executive order to direct funds from the Department of Homeland Security’s budget to pay for its construction. Checks and balances, after all, are no match for a good loophole.
I have nightmares of what is to come. Will the Trump administration ultimately make immigrants wear yellow stars the way they did in Nazi Germany with the Jews?
Seeing graffiti like – Heil Trump – is not reassuring!
The GOP is talking about privatizing Medicare! They will get rid of Obamacare.
Then we have Trump going out for dinner in New York the other night with video of him telling the other wealthy patrons – tax cuts, tax cuts! Music to their ears! Tax cuts for the rich!
As has been said, there is no fixing stupid! The people who voted for him so recklessly, will also bear the brunt of it. That’s what happens when you elect someone who won’t release his tax returns!
Don’t believe his tax returns would have made any difference slowing this hate train nny.
The 47% that were healthy and capable of voting and didn’t bother plus the 24% that voted Orange Hitler are too stupid to understand actual facts. They are either basically too ignorant, selfish, full of hate or all of the above.
Watch and listen to Mary Robinson former President of Ireland and High Commissioner for Human Rights’.
I heard this on the news this morning…
My favourite lines:
“I am embarrassed by the reaction of the Irish government to what has happened in America. I can’t believe the reaction from An Taoiseach and from the government.”
“I don’t use the term fascist lightly. What else would you call someone who threatens to imprison his political opponents. What else would you call somebody who threatens to not allow people of a certain political faith into their country. What would you say, or what would you call somebody who was threatening to report 10 million people.”
“I am appalled that a member of this house – a female member of this house – went on social media to congratulate this man.”
“When are we going to have the moral courage to speak in terms other than economy all the time and to realize what is happening.”
WATCH: Senator launches stinging attack at government’s reaction to ‘monster’ and ‘fascist’ Trump
Reason follow California: Sen. Kevin De Leon calls for immediate removal of Steve Bannon.
Look familiar anyone? Anyone?
Bueller? Bueller?
History never repeats,
I tell myself,
Before I go to sleep.
Comment written well before #OrangeFuhrer announced his candidacy…
“We want to believe an entire society cannot be kept in the dark about a secret so horrific.
None of this is meant to deny the collective guilt of the German people for the Holocaust. The entire German nation accepts the blame for what happened in their name, because they knowingly elected a leader who had hatred as part of his agenda and allowed themselves to swear allegiance to a single person. They accept that German persons committed these actions. But it is not something the German people by and large gave implicit and knowing consent to, rather a tacit and largely ill-informed failure to act to the contrary that allowed this evil the fertile soil in which to grow.
There are lessons here for today if we care to or dare to look. If we choose to believe it cannot happen here, that we are sophisticated enough to recognize the truth and the propaganda, we fool ourselves. We are always as close as one election cycle from electing the sorts of persons who would take actions as radically contrary to our spiritual beliefs as the full extent of the Holocaust was to the majority of Germans in their time. If we do not truly understand the propaganda machine, how it operated to keep Germans patriotic and motivated to continue a hopeless war to the bitter end, then we are putting ourselves in a position to be victimized by that exact mechanism. We believe such a unified and controlled message impossible to achieve, yet growing percentages of our populations are split into ideological camps who accept only the spoon-fed version of events: WMD, homeland security, torture, mass surveillance, some mysterious “them” who are against a monolithic “us” and if you don’t agree then you are stupid at best and a traitor most likely, a danger to society, perhaps we should re-write or laws on euthanasia… These are current day to day headlines, eerily similar to what happened in Hitler’s Germany.”
I wrote a post last week about my father’s experience during WWII. He would eventually tell me about how he and his fellow American soldiers marched to the concentration camps and how re could smell the stench of burning flesh. The Nazis knew the Allies were coming and started killing even more people. They also tried to destroy evidence of their war crimes. I will never forget the look in my father’s eyes as he spoke about it. I realized that he was looking off in the distance because he was reliving it. I have never seen a look like that in his eyes.
What he and the other soldiers saw when they liberated the concentration camps, was something that they never could have been prepared to see. Some soldiers were so outraged that they executed Nazi officers on the spot. My father did not do that.
However, there were German towns near the concentration camps and they could smell the carnage. They knew what was going on. One story my father told me was how his commanding officer had his men go to the nearest town and round up the citizens and march them to the concentration camp. They made them walk through and forced them to look at the atrocities. My father only told me this story once and it took him 40 years to tell it. I did see a documentary a few years ago and it was just as my father said .
The German people did know what was going on. Those concentration camps were not in the middle of nowhere where. There were towns nearby.
My father had to stay behind with the occupation forces for about a year. He came himself be with a deep hatred for the German people. I know that all of them did not know, but many did.
I remember another story my father told me about how they were in this village and his commanding officer went to a house and wanted to get breakfast. My father had learned to speak fluent German and he ordered this woman to make him breakfast. Then his commander was going to eat it and my father stopped him. Then he pointed his gun at the woman and told her to eat it first. he did not trust her. So he wanted to make sure that she would not poison his commander. That is he felt about the German people. He would never set foot in Germany again after he was finally sent home. Rightly or wrongly, his experiences left him with a deep contempt for the German people.
Of course, he despised Hitler and his fellow Nazis. He never forgot.
Thanks for those stories from your father nny.
I was looking for information today about what was known in Germany at the time.
I’m very concerned for the world today.
I still cannot believe what is happening in the US. Troubling and very uncertain times ahead and most with their ignorant heads in the sand.
This is something that I would not normally discuss. It’s intensely private and emotional for me. My father’s experiences in WWII really affected my life. I could see what it had done to him. How hard it was on the rare occasions when he would even talk about what he had seen.
I know that if my father was alive, what is happening in this country would have made him sick. He always worried about fascism coming back in Germany. But I don’t think he ever thought it would come here.
I am with you in being concerned for the world. This neo-fascism seems to be spreading. Each day seems to bring a new horror in this country. The rise in hate crimes and the graffiti with swastikas and racist words. It’s quite scary.
There seems to be so much fear now in this country. It’s painful to see. The election of Sessions to be the next Attorney General is sending shock waves. What a cast of characters!
I thought Bannon was the worst, but I fear there is more to come. All I know is that this country has always stood for something in this world. People should remember the words on the Statue of Liberty. Weren’t we a country who once welcomed the tired, the poor, those yearning to be free? Aren’t those the words there? So what happened?
Just when I think I might be okay, it just hits me all over again. I want to cry, but I can’t.
I appreciate your sentiments and the things you have posted, along with others. It helps to know that there are people who care and who see what is happening and are not okay with it.
Sorry rc. We began building our own wall as soon as #OrangeFuhrer was elected.
You’ll like us – Just think Hawaii will be part of Canada and other new provinces California, Cascadia, New England and Great Lakes
We want Parlimentary Democracy and Trudeau. We’ll build a wall to keep out the Orange Fuhrer. We come in peace. Oh Canada! New hockey teams…
OK we can be bought. Welcome to our apologetic shores.
Just no rust belt fly over state 1% types.
Also, no people who didn’t vote or voted #OrangeFuhrer.
Great Lakes??? I think that’s shared, no?
At least until Jan. 20th.
Great Lakes, the new name of the Canadian Province of Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois.
Maybe not all of Illinois. Chicago and and lakefront property tho. Also might need to carve up part of Minnesota, too. And Washington, and Oregon would be sliced off East of the Cascades in each case.
Kei’s mind is elswhere…not sure he can pay attention long enough to win this match.
I think most of population of Nevada (Las Vegas and Reno) wants to come along too. And on that Daily Kos blog, the there were some Coloradans making a case to come along.
Required veiwing for anyone who cares:
From Miami-Dade College. Bernie Sanders
Bernie’s Speech is in the 2nd link I posted. It’s powerful and inspiring, to say the least. Thank you, Senator Sanders.
on a lighter note: cartoon Donald and cartoon Putin
Thank you for sharing your father’s story. It’s also personal and emotional for me. Had I been in Germany in those times, I’m sure I’d have been sent to an extermination camp.
I’ve begun following this site https://theintercept.com/ now and then and followed my way from there to this link:
Though I might disagree on a couple points, the journalist has simple powerful and relevant message for these times.
Thanks for your kind words. I struggled over whether to post about my father’s experience during the war. It is intensely personal for me. I am grateful that my father was able to tell me about the atrocities that he saw and documented. I was always aware of how painful it was for him to relive those memories. I remember the time when hex was finally ready to talk about what he photographed and documented, the actual horrors that he saw. How the people were told that they would be taking a shower and they were all herded into these chambers and gassed to death. He told me im detail how they died. The Zyklon B gas that made them die an agonizing death. He would talk about it as if he still could not believe that it happened. I could see the look in his eyes, the horror as he spoke about men, women and even children herded into those chambers like animals. Then he slowly and in a very low voice, he described in detail the atrocities. I can’t recount them here. It was so horrifying to hear it and I can’t bring myself to write it down here.
After my father has told me what he saw, he looked off in the distance and just said – I’ve seen too much, in the saddest voice I ever heard. He kept repeating it over and over. Then I walked into another room and broke down and cried,
He wanted me to know so that I would remember and tell people. He did not want it to ever happen again.
I am not saying that this will happen in our country. But Trump getting elected and the rhetoric from him and those close to him is classic fascism. There is simply no getting around it.
I am trying to stay strong and ready myself fir the battles that lie ahead. This is a dark time for us. We must NOT normalize Trump and his words of hatred, bigotry and misogyny!
Your papa sounds wonderful, Nny. I’m glad he shared with you and you are sharing. thanks
just to echo what rc said nny. i read back a long way through the comments on this thread and saw you had left a post for me on the same subject. am really sorry that i haven’t read it before as i haven’t been on site for a while and only commented on the match yesterday while not reading here.
it’s immensely generous of you to let us hear these personal stories to do with your father and i am very moved by them. thanks so much!
a light in this awful darkness….xxxx
i am half english half czech. one of my czech relatives was murdered by the nazis for trying to help someone who was jewish and who was being herded up like cattle by the gestapo.
Thanks again for your wonderful words. I have been thinking about my father a lot since the election. In some ways, I feel that I should share his experiences, because that was part of his reason for deciding to share what he saw. He wanted people to never forget.
My maternal grandmother’s family had to get out of Russia before the revolution. She vine from Kiev. They were being persecuted and it was getting dangerous. She had a big family, with eight brothers and sisters. One brother decided to stay behind in Russia with his family. He was a pianist. When I was little, I remember hearing my grandmother talking about trying to find him. They didn’t know if he survived the war. Finally she did find out that he and his family were killed. It was devastating for her. My mother told me years later about what happened. It was Babi Yar, an infamous massacre of people in the Ukraine. The Nazis just rounded them up and killed them all, men, women and children. My grandmother couldn’t talk about it.
The Nazis killed 34,000 people there. They rounded them up and brought them to these ravines and shot them and then they would fall into the ravine and pile up on each other.
I tried once to watch a YouTube video of it, but I was overcome and had to stop. Somehow there was secret footage that was taken and smuggled out. It was just too much.
I am grateful that my grandparents got out of Russia before it was too late.
nny, i am pretty sure i have seen the footage from babi yar…there was an incredible documentary series here on the war a while ago and there was footage from just about everywhere. it was utterly gut-wrenching. i will never cease to be amazed at man’s inhumanity to man.
thank you so much again for sharing these memories…as i said before they are very moving and a source of strength.
#we shall overcome
thinking of you in these dark times xx
Ancestors on my mom’s side came over from England and France; were early American settlers, some of whom apparently lived with native Americans and survived traumatic times on the East Coast, moved to the wild west of Kansas, then Montana, Idaho, and Oregon. They were sailors, cooks, bartenders, shopkeepers, minors, saloon ladies, railroad workers, teachers, WW1 vets, WW2 vets who came back from the trenches “shell-shocked” and addicted (I relate most to the story about a thrill-seeking, adventurous great, great aunt from Billings, Montana). Many of them ended up in Rehab, but some (both parents) were smart enough to get college degrees, two brothers, one sister, an uncle who has a doctorate in Art History, a cousin who teaches sociology at Washington State University. All my life I’ve felt moved and connected to the stories of the Nez Perce Indians. No doubt in some part, I’m a descendant of Chief Joseph and carry DNA which instructs me to treasure and protect the planet, fight the white man’s oppression, perpetual need for war, and definitions of justice in society
Dad’s side is completely different – the stories are from the Volga river, fiddler on the roof sorts of peasants, farmers, musicians, philosophers and immigrants from Russia – Saratov Oblast. That side of the family got the heck out of Russia in hopes of a better life in the early 1900’s. They owned land, farms and settled in the Palouse country of Washington state. My favorite nephew has moved to Maui – but most of us prefer bad weather and remain in Idaho, Portland, Bend, or Seattle.
There’s a song for that. cheers
“The Part You Throw Away”
You dance real slow
You wreck it down
You walk away, then you
Turn around
What did that old blonde
Gal say?
That is the part…
You throw away
I want that beggars eyes
A winning horse
A tidy Mexican divorce
St. Mary’s prayers
Houdini’s Hands
And a Barman who always
Will you lose the flowers
Hold on to the vase
Will you wipe all those teardrops
Away from your face
I can’t help thinking
As I close the door
I have done all of this
Many times before
Well the bone must go
The wish can stay
The kiss don’t know
What the lips will say
Forget I’ve hurt you
Put stones in your bed
And remember to never
Mind instead
Well all of your letters
Burned up in the fire
Time is just memory
Mixed with Desire
That’s not the road it is
Only the map…I say
Gone just like matches
From a closed down cabaret
In a Portuguese Saloon
A fly is a circling around
The room
You’ll soon forget the
Tune that you play
‘Cause that is the part
You throw away
Oh, that is the part
You throw away
Baba Yar -So sorry you had relatives there. I’ve heard of it — maybe have seen a documentary. It’s too hard to look at those scenes. For me – they are all family. I’ve started but never made it through Schindler’s List. I could barely make it through, Life is Beautiful!
No Trump, No K-K-K, No Fascist U-S-A
No Trump, No K-K-K, No Fascist U-S-A
No Trump, No K-K-K, No Fascist U-S-A
I was watching the AMA’s last night and saw Green Day’s performance. My ears perked up when I heard those words!
Right on!
Live last night…Should be your new national anthem…
“…the subliminal mind-Trump America…”
Don’t wanna be an American idiot
Don’t want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind-f*** America
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn’t meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We’re not the ones who’re meant to follow
For that’s enough to argue
Well maybe I’m the fa**ot America
I’m not a part of a redneck agenda
Now everybody do the propaganda
And sing along to the age of paranoia
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn’t meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We’re not the ones who’re meant to follow
For that’s enough to argue
Gil Scott Heron’s words more relevant than ever.
Green Day
More from GSH. The truth will get even harder and harder to find. Know yourself, know the voice of your conscience when you hear it, and remember when to stand up. These times are NOT normal.
Thank you! Right on! We have to stand up for what we believe in! No normalizing Trump!
We have to be there for our country!
Nny, in the darkness comes Natalie Mering
cant go home
Here is Donald’s what is in Donald’s mind when advised NO, you can’t do that, it’s not constitutional or it represents a conflict of interest.
Yes and constitutional legal experts are reminding us that this is why Nixon faced impeachment and conviction and had to resign!
Trump’s comment about not wanting to prosecute Hillary Clinton also has legal scholars seeing red! It’s not within the President’s purview to decide if anyone gets prosecuted! That is up to the Department of Justice and the FBI!
Someone needs to give Trump a copy of the Constitution or maybe read it to him!
One can only hope that he will ultimately overreach and be impeached!
It gets worse every single day. There was that meeting between the msm top dogs and news anchors in which there was a prearrangement made for the meeting to be strictly off the record only. Our supposED (prime press) kissing the ring of King Trump agreeing to meet off the record – Sheesh. Okay, I calmed down and got over it. After all, I haven’t trusted mainstream media since probably late 2001, post 9/11.
But you can listen to msm and filter it through the BS meter and find certain reliable programs that are not backed by big corporations or invaded by fake news. It’s all about using your common sense with a healthy amount of skepticism. I’ve come to trust Democracy Now and more recently, the Intercept. However, nothing is forever, at any point, any of these places can get diluted or their writers thrown off by an offer that can’t be refused. Amy Goodman has been golden for decades, though. Is NPR still trustworthy? maybe in some part? When Quicken Loans and Payday outlets are backing the program I’m listening to, I listen knowing there’s a percent of truth, depending on what was left out. PBS I treat the same way. I don’t trust any of the ring-kissers that were at that off the record meeting with Trump. It just feels too much like we are headed for a one party dictatorship when all the checks and balances disappear and there’s a press corps that is owned by the Tyrant.
But I defaulted to optimism yesterday, I can still read, and revisit an old source, as in get a newspaper maybe with a higher corporate standard in journalism than TV. My plan was going to the NYT for more news, thinking they are better than NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN …NEVER considered Fox news, other than for a laugh.
Now Trump has had his meeting with the New York Times, as you probably know. Is this a joke? Why doesn’t anyone have any b**** anymore? https://theintercept.com/2016/11/23/donald-trump-makes-the-new-york-times-great-again/
PS. I do think it’s amusing how Trump has flopped on many of his campaign promises. Now if he would just go the next steps and APPOINT BERNIE SANDERS as the real president. The ultimate bait and switch…but in a good way
Did you hear that Jill Stein raised $2.5 million dollars for a recount in the three rust belt states that cost Hillary the election? They haven’t even called Michigan yet.
The last I heard Hillary was ahead by1.7 million in the popular vote! That is insane!
I think that the cable news media is an absolute disgrace! They enabled Trump, didn’t push the issue of him not releasing his tax forms, tried to normalize his bigotry and misogyny. I have given up on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC or CBS. It’ s a farce. The cable networks are owned by big corporations.
The news is so dumbed down these days that it’s more like entertainment. I do think that the print media did a much better job of trying to expose Trump’s corruption and misdeeds.
Trump will use his position as President to enrich himself snd bankrupt the country.
Yes….I’m following that count. Deja Vu – and way worse than Bush v Gore ? I’ve stopped having an appetite in the past few weeks but immersing myself in a music world much of the time for the anxiety.
Wishing you a happy and peaceful ? day.
Somehow missed the news that Bob Dylan won a Nobel Prize in October. There’s something happy! Mind boggling the extent of his poetic genius. I think his earliest work is (maybe) his best Dylan unplugged
i love bob rc. my favourite album is blood on the tracks – one of my fave albums by anyone.
love bob, joni, leonard cohen…all amazing lyricists…
Oh goody, amy! nice to read you – and to hear you like Bob. I’ve been doing music marathons – trying to calm down. All the music I’ve posted (recently) is for shoring up some positive energy to fight on.
Nina Simone…you know I had heard Sinnerman before but was not sure which artist did it. Anything pre-70’s, I have either been informed by my older siblings about or was taught by a piano teacher. I was a Leonard Cohen and Joni fan actually before being a Bob Dylan one.
And Randy Newman has been doing some rather funny stuff – new stuff since October – almost posted one.
Natalie again
The Natalie link I meant to post
Tonight was listening to old Aretha Franklin and such music — suddenly this one pops up recommended especially for me. And I aint never heard it before … holy smokin’
gosh rc that is quite spooky!…i have never downloaded any music onto the site and was thinking i would download some nina simone who i adore. the first track i thought of was sinnerman! it’s an amazing piece of music..am quite surprised you hadn’t heard it before…i know you have huge musical knowledge….
for some reason i was thinking beforehand that that track was kind of appropriate for the times we are in..don’t know why exactly but it has something to do with resistance…
Well, I’m thinking I mistook the voice for a male one. Now, had I looked the piece up online before, hahaha, it’s quite obvious her voice is female!
Since the invention of Youtube – wow, the access to classic videos like Tambourine Man and stuff even earlier! I didn’t realize how much I love really love Dylon unplugged. Like Waits, Cohen, Mitchell, his lyrics stand alone. Other music like that new artist Natalie Mering, it’s more about the sound of her voice and the arrangement than the lyrical content but she’s so young – I’ll give her time.
going to check out some of the early unplugged dylan on youtube rc. don’t know that stuff so well as i should. a week ago i came across some amazing footage of him and joan baez singing to huge crowds in 1963 in washington. wonder what that was for? would it have been about vietnam?
come on bob come out for the fascist moron’s inaugration and let the people come out on the streets in huge numbers and drown him out…
I am old enough to remember those great concerts. The Vietnam War songs and protests wound come later in the 60’s. these were all about civil rights. That movement attracted many great artists.
This all brings back wonderful memories. Dylan was a genius. I also remember the great Joan Baez. Magnificent voice! She and Bob Dylan were a couple, but had a bad breakup.
I also turn to music to help me get through tough times like this. I have done it all my life. I think we are go to be tested as never before in this country. The hate groups have cone out of the depths to spread their toxic propaganda. The alarming rise in hate crimes already is cause for real concern. They seem to be energized by the election of Trump.
I watched a documentary on cable tv last night that was about Hitler’s rise to power. There is so much more detail in these newer documentaries. It’s really unnerving to see some of the similarities between then and now. They showed how Hitler and Goebbels went after the Socialist Democratic Party which was the Communists. It was the news and the Communists who were their targets. The Nazis needed to get rid of the Communists to gain absolute power. Hitler did not have an easy time if it coming to power. But when he did, then he had the Communists killed and put in the first concentration camps.
We must normalize Trump! We must be vigilant!
Sorry, I meant to say it was the Jews and the Communists who were Hitler’s targets! Not News!
The challenges of typing on my iPhone!
ah thanks for that nny. wouldn’t it be wonderful to see dylan and others turn out for inaugration day in washington with massive crowds all singing and chanting in unison. if they had loudspeakers they could drown out the words of the odious fascist. that would really be something!
ps i left a reply for you further up the thread…
amy, I’d never heard this before….and I’m going to post this version because the lyrics are right on the screen, and it’s not in Bob’s raspy, nasally voice of the 70’s onward; also it’s not him plaintively wailing in a clear voice of what I now love from the 60’s …but I’m also going to post the 1963 version knowing you love the poetry. And remember, yes, he wrote this before Kennedy was assassinated and before the Vietnam War got ramp’d up by Lyndon Johnson. He was drawing on WW2! Made me cry, simply because he’s writing about his dreams, what?…40, 50 years in advance of where we are now. Stunning and exquisite.
This is dear to me, posting the unplugged first and I just want to take his face in my hands and kiss him.
Here’s the lyrics on screen version, sung by Jason Mraz:
Sad to have to say this but you have to be careful when searching his lyrics. There’s a lot of people that seek to twist his words and frame him (and his writing) in a very sinister light. I guess that’s not surprising, tho. And remember he did win a Nobel Peace Prize in October, barely a month ago. #jealousyiseverywhere
A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, where have you been, my darling young one?
I’ve stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
I’ve walked and I’ve crawled on six crooked highways
I’ve stepped in the middle of seven sad forests
I’ve been out in front of a dozen dead oceans
I’ve been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, and it’s a hard
And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, what did you see, my darling young one?
I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it
I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it
I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin’
I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleedin’
I saw a white ladder all covered with water
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son?
And what did you hear, my darling young one?
I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warnin’
Heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world
Heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazin’
Heard ten thousand whisperin’ and nobody listenin’
Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin’
Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter
Heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
Oh, who did you meet, my blue-eyed son?
Who did you meet, my darling young one?
I met a young child beside a dead pony
I met a white man who walked a black dog
I met a young woman whose body was burning
I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow
I met one man who was wounded in love
I met another man who was wounded with hatred
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
Oh, what’ll you do now, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, what’ll you do now, my darling young one?
I’m a-goin’ back out ’fore the rain starts a-fallin’
I’ll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest
Where the people are many and their hands are all empty
Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters
Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison
Where the executioner’s face is always well hidden
Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten
Where black is the color, where none is the number
And I’ll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it
And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it
Then I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin’
But I’ll know my song well before I start singin’
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
Copyright © 1963 by Warner Bros. Inc.; renewed 1991 by Special Rider Music
Passing this post from another blog to you. Beautiful…
Margot Says:
For jalep and NNY.
November 25th, 2016 at 1:00 pm
Oh, this made me cry! ?
Thanks so much for posting it! God bless dear Margot!
I think that I am okay and then it hits me all over again. Then the sadness and grief overwhelms me. I am just hoping that the founding fathers did their work well and there will be enough protections in place to deal with the likes of Trump. He is what they feared most.
I hope we can overcome, because it’s going to be a very hard time ahead of us.
me too ?
Trump’s lies have a purpose. They are an assault on democracy.
But the president-elect should not be underestimated. His victories in both the Republican primary and the general election were stunning upsets, and he is now set to alter the course of world history. If he does not fully understand what he is doing, his advisers certainly do.
Steve Bannon, former head of the white nationalist outlet Breitbart News, is Trump’s Karl Rove. He knows. In a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Bannon suggested that the key elements in his strategy are dissimulation and “darkness.”
“Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power,” he said. “It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”
That’s how Bannon ran the Trump campaign, and it appears to be how he’s running the transition team. Since the election, Trump has baited the press with a flurry of potential cabinet picks, instigated a bizarre fight with the cast of a Broadway musical, and concealed his true policy priorities behind a thicket of conflicting reports.
It’s working. The media’s coverage of the Trump transition is blurry and confused. Stories that should be real scandals — such as Trump’s apparent efforts to manipulate international diplomacy for personal financial gain — get lost in the shuffle.
Thanks for posting this. The media is like putty in the hands of Trump. They are not smart enough or aware enough to even realize how tget are being manipulated.
I think the Democrats have called for an investigation into Trump’s conflicts of interest. There should be enough on him to get him impeached.
I have no words. ?
This…helps a lil’ bit
Okay, and this too, of course. Timeless and constant.
Not quite time for Mozart’s
lacrimosa… yet. Maybe next week.
Random Blue Planet to Contemplate
Capitulation nation: Steve Bannon’s media rehabilitation shows the press is surrendering without a fight
Bannon is being dangerously normalized by The Boston Globe and New York Times, who call this probing journalism
On the other hand, there is an almost institutional phobia to attaching words like “racist” or “white supremacist” to a person in Bannon’s position. Do that and you might be shamed by conservatives and even liberals who want you to “empathize” with the people who voted for Trump, not all of whom, you are told, are racists. This may be true, but they were certainly willing to tolerate a heck of a lot of racism when they cast their votes.
In terms of the media’s recent profiling Bannon and seeking to understand him, this means not digging too deeply into the website he has run, in his own words, as a “platform for the alt-right” for the last few years. It means referring to Bannon’s white ethno-nationalism, reflected in Breitbart’s content, as a “dark, populist worldview.” It means digging up a cast of Bannon’s friends and loved ones to tell the reader, Why, there isn’t a racist bone in the man’s body!
This is what I was afraid of. This normalization of Bannon by the stupid and cowardly media. Trump can manipulate the media so easily. What good is a free press if it doesn’t do its job?
Trump tweets out that people should lose their citizenship for flag burning! Someone doesn’t know about the First Amendment! Maybe someone can give Trump the Cliff’s Notes version of the Constitution! That might be a start!
It’s beyond embarrassing for the President-elect to be showing his ignorance of our Constitution to the world!
Maybe Trump’s tweets are meant to distract us from the fact that, far from draining the swamp as promised, Trump is bringing in the very Wall Street criminals who took the economy over a cliff in 2008 with their reckless and illegal financial activities!
It’s like a cast of nightmarish characters! Scary!

Yep. What a mess. Trump doesn’t give a flying **** what the constitution says and has no intention of familiarizing himself with such a thing. Greed has no heart, soul, conscience or depth. And prepare yourselves to witness sucking up like never before in his billionaires club cabinet. #cronies #dopeinthefroglegsoup $$$$$
Glen Gould is #1 for me. Born in Toronto 1932. Prepare to be amazed when the adagio starts at 2:25 and you can hear him hum, as GG does
The allegro parts are nice, but nothing compares to the four minutes of heavenly adagio. A continuous loop of it works well in my case. Gould is simply the best on the piano keys when it’s Baroque. Transcribed and arranged by – J.S. Bach for harpsichord, Concerto No. 3, for keyboard solo, D minor (BVW 974). Composed by a little known Venetian, Alessandro Marcello, 1717. https://www.glenngould.com/biography/
Trump’s idea of a Treasury Secretary. President-elect Negotiator says in yo’ face stupids, you fell for it!
(too fuming to comment about the Education and HHS nominations: Betsy Vos and Tom Price, respectively)
Taking a wild guess that the Negotiator gave Mike Pence complete freedom to chose whomever he wanted on Education and HHS cabinet posts. But this Treasury pick is a Bannon/Trump Wall Street Crony, deluxe proportions. #BillionaireCabinetClub
Mnuchin: “We think by cutting corporate taxes we’ll create huge economic growth and we’ll have huge personal income, so the revenues will be offset on the other side, Mnuchin said in the interview. The changes should help increase sustained U.S. economic growth, he predicted.”
Who is “we” in the, we’ll have huge personal income? Gotta go throw-up, please.
Yes, Mnuchin is especially galling! The guy has a sordid and vile history of contributing to the disaster that caused the 2008 economic collapse! This is an in-your-face pick that lets us know exactly what to expect from Trump.
I still cannot believe that people were stupid enough not to see through this con job! The wealthiest one or two percent will now have free reign to run the country.
When they destroy the middle class once and for all, then what will this fools who bought his lies, think?
This country is going to be unrecognizable. Everything Trump promised was a total lie. He fanned the flames of discontent and got people to not it!
The other picks you mentioned are equally appalling. Everything I feared if he was elected is coming true.
The Republicans want to privatize Medicare. How is that going to sit with the people who voted for him? I don’t know what the Democrats can do now that they are in the minority.
Then there is the question of Trump divesting himself of his company to avoid a conflict of interest. Yeah, like he is really going to do it. Trump should face impeachment st some point, but I don’t think the GOP would have the guts or decency to do it!
Phew, Nny…
Not a day goes by that I don’t spend as much time as possible reading and try to interpret my daily nightmare.
Really there’s no way of knowing what Trump will do exactly but I think it’s cleat that whatever he does is going to be in his own best interest and 100% for the glorification of himself.
Did you know Trump has hired creepy Tom Delay’s lawyer for advise on conflicts of interest?!!!
And I don’t know what you think of Glenn Greenwald but this is deeply interesting about Breibart and the far-right Nationalistic, anti-Muslim movements merging with pro-Israel ones on a bit of unsurprising common ground.
Did you see the latest fiasco with Trump insulting China by taking that call from the Taiwanese leader? That didn’t take long!
Then there was Trump paying off Carrier to save done jobs with tax subsidies to the tune of about 7 million dollars! Trump throws a bone to some people and saves their jobs, while setting a dangerous precedent for companies to make demands on the government for concessions to keep some jobs in this country!
I don’t trust the far right to not be anti-Semitic. They may be going after Muslins now, but they will go after the Jews at some point.
Trump has unleashed these fascist elements and they will get louder and stronger. Any time Trump gets in trouble, he will hold a rally and get his supporters in a frenzy.
It’s called cult of personality and it’s a key to fascism. These people follow Trump and believe whatever he says without question. It’s really scary.
It’s hard watching or reading the news anymore.
RC i think i have fathomed how to do links now, thought of you guys when hearing this song ….
you tube Coldplay
Thank you darlin’
^For RC,Amy and NNY, im not so much with words so i hope this will help, at this trying time ^ ….
Thank you so much for that link! It’s not always about words. It’s about knowing that people care and are supportive.
There will be tough times ahead.

thanks for the kind thought alison. it’s very much appreciated…
just popped in here to express my joy that the green candidate won the austrian presidency and smashed the far right!! massive win in europe….apparently the far right party said that fascist farage’s support worked against them! hahaha….so pleased to see europe fight back! huge day in the fight against fascism…
Right on Amy
Alison……HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You share the same bday with Noam Chomsky too, as well as JKath…only goes to show anyone can be born on the same day
Gosh, you also share the same bday as the day Pearl Harbor was bombed – eek!
Happy Birthday song seemed so redundant and so I found an this beautiful old song for Hippy Chick from the “Blue” Album. Hope you enjoy it, and hope you have a wonderful Sagittarius 2017! Love, E.
… they paved paradise and put up a parkin’ lot
Sarah McLachlan singing Joni Mitchel ?
trump is insane. the gop is a party of craven greedy appeasers who will collectively sell their souls as long as they can privatise medicare and cut taxes for the rich. but trump’s russian connections which are almost certainly treasonous are going to bring him down. sooner or later european security agencies or their proxies are going to start leaking security info which the trump fbi and co won’t look at themselves. trump isn’t going to be able to hide when that happens. he’s not going to last 4 years.
good to see though that there are some decent republicans, albeit very few, like lindsey graham who will stand up to him.
The US Environmental Protection Agency just became the United States Anti-Environmental Protection Agency. The US EPA has been a joke for years but now it’s time to call it what it is, The Non-Environmental Protection Agency.
“Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the US Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club. “He is a climate science denier who, as attorney general for the state of Oklahoma, regularly conspired with the fossil fuel industry to attack EPA regulations. Nothing less than our children’s health is at stake.
Many thanks for the link RC, lovely song, lovely voice, refreshing to listen to someone sing, rather than shout like the majority of female singers do these days, or get swamped by big stage productions, thanks also for the birthday greetings, had a lovely quiet and relaxing chilling day, and ive been off work this week, its been lovely
Hiya, alison… really like unplugged and minimalist sounds. Glad your bday was lovely and you are enjoying time OFF!! Nice
Ronald Klain @RonaldKlain 3h3 hours ago
Donald Trump gave his Foundation’s largest donor a CABINET spot yesterday. Did you see blaring headlines? Imagine if HRC had done that??
That time Linda McMahon, incoming head of Small Business Administration, donated millions to Donald Trump’s efforts
Hahahha, President-Elect Donald J Troll continues…
Donald Trump To Choose Fast-Food CEO To Be His Labor Secretary
The man who’s helmed Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. could become the nation’s top workplace watchdog. Best of luck, Fight for $15.
so trump is attacking the union boss of the pennyslvania steelworkers now?! the same pennsylvania steelworks he defrauded by building with chinese steel no less…i thought they were issuing a federal suit against him for illegally using chinese steel? am sure they said that some time ago after eichenwald broke the story…
who would have thought 2016 would give us the totalitarian twit of twitter…
Alt-J is amazing.
RC for you Extreme, enjoy
And this
Thank-you alison
The Extreme number brings back fond memories from my big hair days! And the second link (impressive link skills, btw ?) I wasn’t familiar with the song but the voice made me look up why — he’s from Passenger with James Blunt and this one. very nice lyrics in both:
Spain is going to change the timezone.
¤¤ Spain leaves Franco in past as it seeks to move clocks back an hour.
Spain was originally in the Greenwich Mean Time zone – along with Britain and Portugal, with which it is geographically in line – but Franco shifted Spain’s clocks one hour ahead to be in line with Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany.
The People’s party of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and the smaller Ciudadanos party agreed on the reform in August. ¤¤
Read more:
Erik Satie – French composer late 1900’s, rumored to be inspired by his interest in Gnosticism and scenes from a 17th Century translation of Virgil’s Aeneid, Satie invented a new style of composition for his time, and called it Gnossienne. Here is his Gnossiennes, no. 1, 2, and 3. No. 3 is my favorite. His minimalist style and sound especially in no. 1 is recognizable to most — not sure no. 2 and 3 are. He wrote much more than Gnossienes. I’ve been in love with him a long time. Enjoy
Thankyou RC, i love that song, and what a lovely voice, and James Blunts from my area, just thought id throw that in there
Ed Sheeran has an amazing voice, and hes very big here in Britain, seems like a nice guy too, quite down to earth, and without the ego that some famous people have ….
how about this?
using a new username, email address and opened a new gravatar/wordpress account but this is ratcliff —
double checking
now this?
I am thinking of doing the same thing. I emailed Ricky and he doesn’t know why my posts are coming up in moderation. I haven’t even been posting recently.
I just changed my password. Maybe I will try a new username in WordPress.
Oh, it came up! Maybe Ricky was able to fix it!
did our gravatar/wordPress accounts expire? It seemed to happen to both of us at the same time. I begin getting paranoid lol…ruskies hacking ?? Somebody hates me…
? well I’m confused what email and username works. I think I have 3 accounts now!
I don’t know! Ricky said that there was a problem with the site and maybe when he fixed it, another problem was created.
Can your WordPress account expire? I changed my password. But I didn’t create another account yet.
This happened to me before. My posts started showing up in moderation and I emailed Ricky. I wasn’t put in moderation. So then he made a change to my user name. If you notice, now it reads “On Nativenewyorker” instead of just “Nativenewyorker”.
I don’t really know, either. Let’s see what works today…
Ah bingo
All I know is that it wasn’t easy. Finally it works and I’m not sure how much had to do with Ricky or me lol…odd that it happened to both of us at the same time. And now I’m ratcliff10 not plain ol’ ratcliff ?
Oh baby…I can post nowowowow
Tracy Chapman
RC Love her and that song, and love this one too
Yes! I love that one too, alison. And here’s her that beautiful song live in Italy….
??? ?
Beautiful RC really beautiful, love this lady, what a voice
For Andi Mira. RIP George Michael ?
Oh this song made me cry! I feel like I lost a big piece of my youth with the death of George Michael! That incredible voice! I want to just listen to his music. That is how I want to remember him. He was immensely talented. But the music will live on. He is gone from us too soon.
RIP George Michael. Thanks for the music!
Aww RC…Thank you so much!You’re AWESOME!!!
Cheers — is it Andi Mira or Mira Andi?
And here’s what I’m listening to: Alt-J
Their lyrics most of the time are to be ignored or at least not taken seriously – a bit like radiohead that way, imo. Mostly I listen to them for the sound of it – never minding their words or any possible meaning to them. #hypnoblend #musicalhigh
Something Good…(it sounds like a happy lullaby to me)
Oops ^^ is the entire album
Something Good is one track.
here’s my favorite 3:30 minutes of it so far — catchy tune
RC!Mira Andi or AndyMira,doesn’t matter..Whatever you wish for!
R.I.P George Michael such a talent, this is one of my personal favorites, post Wham songs
Never gonna dance again the way I danced with you…Epic 80’s pop slow dance
And this one ….
That’s an eve cooler video, alison!
I posted Wake Me Up Before You Go Go, first to show George Michael’s incredible vocals and also just for the sheer joy of this video. When he first started out and he was loving the moment.
I know that this song wasn’t considered more than just fluff at the time, but I always loved it. I loved the energy and the uplifting feeling. But most of all it showed that this guy had real talent and a voice for the ages.
We know that he went on to develop into a true R&B artist with a passion for his music and creativity and genius. But this was how it started and the enthusiasm is just infectious.
George Michael said that coming out as gay did not make his life easier. I have been reading about some of what he went through, the deaths of his Mother and significant other only a few years apart, that sent him spiraling into depression and drugs. The backlash when he came out and his own discomfort with fame.
I also didn’t know that he almost died of pneumonia while on tour in 2011. He had health problems, some accidents and things were tough for him.
That’s why I think it’s so appropriate to just post the youtube videos and remember the man’s music. That is the legacy that he left us.
I love this one, too!
I never saw this one. George Michael singing the great Freddie Mercury’s signature song, Somebody to Love. It takes something to be able to sing Freddie Mercury, but George Michael did for sure!
This is a worthy tribute to a dying Freddie, by a man who had the voice to do justice to this great song.
Sorry I forgot to post the link!
??? dance, dance, dance…
Thanks, Nny!
^^^ comment was meant to go underneath, Everthing She Wants link
Also love this one, with Elton John ….
Yes, another great video. I almost posted that one myself!
This really takes me back to the 80’s and the height of disco. When I could dance and look good going it!
George Michael left us too soon at only 53, but we will always have the music and the memories. I tried to follow his career throughout the years. I know he had his troubles, but his incomparable talent shines through in all these videos. I had almost forgotten just how brilliant he was as a singer. That voice! He made it look easy!
so sad. rest in peace with the angels george.
#what will survive of us is love….
Here’s my favorite song that George Micheal ever sang…..he did a great job – put his entire soul in it for reasons of his own at the time…of course Stevie Wonder did this song on a seriously great album recorded right after Nixon was impeached called, The Fullingness’ First Finale. Leave it to me to adore the darkest of pieces.
George Micheal singing, They won’t go when I go.
wow rc! haven’t heard that song before. that gave me gooseflesh – george’s voice was unbelievable in it, so raw and exposed. frigging unbelievable stuff and thank you for posting it..
actually that summed up something about this entire year. incredible.
Yes….hadn’t heard it in years but indeed it is timely.
Everything She Wants sums up the eighties…maybe the return of another time as ME as the eighties to come? who knows…
He was my guilty crush ….
^ Yes to this! I do admit that George Michael was my guilty crush, too! Along with that amazing voice, he was just a gorgeous man!
I Havent heard that song either, amazing vocals ….
The lyrics are on the screen…Stevie Wonder telling it in 1974. Dark times sure can inspire artists to create masterpieces.
rc i just listened to this!! but thanks for the kind thought. great minds think alike hey?? i have just been looking up the album you mention. must give it a listen.
why are our great artists dying this year when we most need them…? remember cohen: there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in….
thanks rc…
Yes…I worry about Chomsky, Atwood, and Bernie…may they live long.
From that now rather obscure album…I’m listening to the whole thing because I never have. I remember some songs. But I don’t remember this song I’ll post. It’s my duty to dig up and dust some of this off.
On a different note. We have to keep loving in the time of Trump
thanks loads rc. not sure i can take listening to something else which is so beautiful. i cried bucketfulls over that last song.
yes we have to keep loving when it’s hardest. that will be how we fight. that’s also how people make their greatest art.
by atwood i presume you mean margaret atwood? i read a ton of novels by her summer before last…i have the blind assassin next to me right now to reread for the 3rd time.
Oh gosh, really? Kidding me. Blind Assassin is on my bedside table lol, right now….was going to reread it because I’m too lazy to order a new book and there’s so many I want…..last time I read Blind Assassin was long enough ago that it will do exactly fine for what I want right now. But my car is frozen and covered with snow and better go see if it will start before I have to go to work tomorrow!
I read Handmaid’s Tale again last week — had to order it used. Every time I have a copy, I end up giving it away.
You probably read her trilogy — Oryx and Crake was my favorite….I’m a little twisted. I have yet to read her two most recent ones.
there’s a cohincidence rc! great novel and so detailed and precise and lyrical you can read it countless times and find new things in it. i don’t know oryx and crake so will aim to read it soon. have you read alias grace? that’s another amazing novel although very dark at the same time…..
Of course I know this one!
I think that artists give us a tremendous gift. They help us get through difficult times. I am still struggling mightily to see the light amidst the darkness right now. I do not want to become bitter and angry, because then Trump and his supporters will win.
Listening to George Michael reminded me of what is beautiful in life and what speaks to me and nourishes my soul – music! It’s been my passion ever since I can remember, I felt joy again as I took a trip down memory lane listening to his music yesterday after I heard about his death.
Stevie Wonder is a true genius who thankfully, is still with us. Love has to triumph in this world. We have to stay strong even in the face of something terrible.
amen nny. well said.
Dear Amy,
Thanks so much for your kind words, I not surprised that you would understand.
I am just trying to cope in the best way I can with the reality of everything post-election in the states. I have expressed my feelings and vented at length. But I do think it is important to keep the faith, stay true to one’s beliefs and keep love and hope alive.
think i do understand nny. i was thinking the other day of auden’s poem written at the beginning of the second world war – ‘we must love one another or die’. great poem. meant to write more but am too shattered having just spend over an hour on the dell help line. an experience which is not to be recommended. xxxxx
Oooh, BTDT Amy.
Got fed up and told them to replace my new laptop after hours of frustration.
Should have done that from the start.
Still, Dell is one of the few that actually have call in support.
kind of insane with frustration hawks. on there over an hour yesterday and over an hour today. don’t know what to do!!
does btdt mean been there done that?
the laptop is still under warranty.
Been there done that.
All else fails, ship it back for repair/replacement.
They are usually pretty fast. Probably 2 week turnaround.
Problem is that they may want to blame software (e.g. virus, malware, etc.).
Warranty only covers hardware.
i dont think they can blame me if the problem was there from day 1. i should have complained before really. don’t want to be without my computer for 2 weeks!
I had to send mine back for a refund and went with a different model.
My wireless card kept randomly disconnecting. Bad design from what I read.
one of the many problems i have is that all of a sudden it will stop working ie freeze and i will restart it and it has a red cross over the wifi signal. this is clearly nothing normally to do with my wifi and i looked it up and it says that windows 10 has this problem in that it randomly switches off wireless network adaptor. is that similar to your problem? also it keeps also jamming and when you restart coming up with the age old ‘your ac adapter is not connected’ when it is. you can’t run dellsupport to diagnose as that jams in the same place every time as well. really does my head in.
any advice gratefully received!!
Not quite. It wouldn’t lock up. Just the wireless card would lose the wifi connection which is a common problem for certain wireless cards used by Dell.
If it’s less than 6-8 weeks old, I’d send it back and insist on a refund.
ok thanks for the advice hawks. it’s later than that now so can’t ask for a refund. my own stupid fault for not complaining straightaway as the problems have been there since day 1. wish i’d talked to you sooner and acted!! SIGH. dell are driving me insane atm.
amy dec 26th 7:39 pm “actually that summed up something about this entire year. incredible.”
It was indeed an incredible year for you as Murray won Wimbledon, Olympics and WTF AND made that amazing run to the year end #1 .
I hope 2017 brings cheer to Rafa fans and makes it an incredible year for us.
I was just reading about the problem you are having and I am having the exact same problem with Wifi going out and losing the internet connection with that little red mark. It just started happening in the last week. Is it Windows 10?
Sound and music, listening or playing an instrument can be very powerful, can’t it. The pure sound of Tibetan metal bowls, undiluted with background sounds or chanting, is good medicine for me. This is what I’m talking about. To many it might drive them nuts – I don’t know. I shared this with alison on tx, eons ago.
PS I’m not Buddhist or any religion and the video isn’t what I’m going for – my eyes are closed. It’s to feel a calm from the sound of singing metal bowls.
And I keep playing Alberto Balsam, by Aphex Twin, for a reason I haven’t figured out. I don’t even especially like anything else from Aphex Twin. Just this — is useful. Maybe it’s the scissors or the dragging sound of the chair, who knows. It just works to reset my thoughts in general:
just listening to the singing sound of the metal bowls. works straightaway for me..! like the sound of emptiness…
really like it…thanks rc..
Thanks for posting that. I think anything that is soothing and promotes a sense of peace and relaxation is a good thing!
I Remember it well RC, i love the sound of tibetan singing bowls, very relaxing, and i get zoned out, and im soon off somewhere else ….
2016 sucked.
I know we have done our tribute videos to George Michael, but I was going through his songs on iTunes and found a gem of a song. I checked it out on youtube. It’s a cover of an old Isley Brothers song they did on a 1973 album.
When you find a gem like this, it makes you want to tear up all over again at the loss of such a great talent. I like George Michael’s version better than the Isley Brothers.
George Michael had an insane falsetto! Just beautiful!
Here it is – If You Were There
From me to aa the TG
Thanks, Ali Walli!
RT @robreiner: No press access,no ethics committee. Most powerful country on earth being governed by tweets of a mentally unstable liar. Goodbye Democracy
Donald Trump’s Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions has NAACP president arrested
trump already working on plans to gut the security agencies. is anyone going to stop him?!
he’s asked for lists of people who favour climate change, civil rights, women issues….what next?
#kleptocracy and kakistocray
Burning on a stake?
I Like this song, and thought it was quite appropriate under the circumstances, although i am a fan of Muse, and of dirty rockers though ;-)https://youtu.be/w8KQmps-Sog
https://youtu.be/w8KQmps-Sog sorry try again ….
Yes…spot on alison. That’s a good pick. Works well with my dystopian reading list for 2017 and what’s outside my window: talking about some ‘minor’ flooding after a 30 year historical snowstorm last week. Thank goodness I moved my car to the 6th floor of a parking garage downtown. Given a choice I’d rather shovel snow than worry about the car floating away! Congrats to me for some quick thinking.
Love that episode….Jimmy…classic ?
You know who is famous for referring to himself in the third person and tho it’s not hilarious at the moment (nothing hilarious about him being POTUS) he’s always touting himself that way.
RC OMG Please make sure you stay safe, thankfully no snow here in Norfolk although 4 inches is forecast eek, pretty mild here for the time of year, which can be a bad sign sometimes, and living by the seaside i do panic when it rains too much in case we get flooding, pleased you liked the song BTW ….
I’m okay. It’s still rough out there…right now there’s a lot of snow melting fast and the city isn’t good a snow removal or equipped to clear streets like say Buffalo, NY. But yeah we got hammered. And It was beautiful when the snow was soft and fluffy…now it’s all kinds of bad. Roofs collapsing, street level flooding, homes and buildings plumbing breaking and water damage inside buildings. It was a big deal. It’s not over …a cold front is moving in and all the piles and pools of slush are gonna turn to blocks of ICE! Again… It’s wonderful in the mountains though. Skiing hasn’t been this good in years
that’s enough
Inauguration day. Home from work and I’m not even interested in tennis. Radwanska is out, Simona is gone, Nole gone. My picks are all losing. What else? I guess this:
Thanks for posting that! It’s been in cable tv news all day!
Trump had his press guy come out to accuse the media of lying about the size of the crowd st his inauguration. Then they challenged the size of the women’s protest in D.C. today!
Someone is feeling threatened and quite out of sorts today! LOL!
In France they were demonstrating with signs that said – we hate Trump!
Glad you enjoyed it. My thoughts are with you way over there in Florida! Yesterday I watched the DC march then went out in a cold wind and icy rain – over 5,000 people, which is a great turn-out for the capital city of Red State, Idaho. I was very surprised and inspired! It’s wonderful. Today I’m nursing a sore throat and a fever but I’m much encouraged to keep fighting on. #notmypresident
Music and poetry for a Sunday evening:
I was thinking of you! It was a magical day all across the country. No violence! Great speeches at the women’s march in DC! Inspirational!
I think that sometimes good can come out if something bad. The challenge now is to keep this movement going! We have to turn it into action that combat trump’s fascist and regressive agenda. People are getting involved and finding their voices.
Trump is going after the media. This us a classic fascist tactic used to try to ” gaslight” people into believing only what the government wants them to think. It’s George Orwell’s 1984!
The media must follow get back against trump’s attacks and hold him accountable for his lies. Today they showed pictures that prove that trump’s crowd was far smaller than Ibsna’s inauguration crowd in 2012.
Think about an idiot president who has nothing better to do than argue about having a bigger crowd! This is the man who has the nuclear codes!
Also, I read today that Trump will never release his tax returns! Another lie! He. Sn’t release them because they will prove that he is getting money from the Russians.
Intelligence experts already believe that Trump had been recruited by Putin. That would make Trump a traitor on top of everything else!
Power to the people!
Yes indeed well said … We stand in solidarity on all issues and matters and will not rest. We must hold this phony deceitful POTUS and his cabinet of Wayward Wall Street billionaires accountable — and we keep moving forward stronger together
During the Goffin vs Thiem match I paused everything and closed my eyes and connected to you and all my internet sisters (plus a few select internet brothers) in strength and peace for 15 minutes listening to this powerful
? energy:
One more…I think this is my favorite on the brilliant album Solitude Standing, by Suzanne Vega ?

Barbora Strycova was playing well but…not quite keeping up with Serena.
Can’t help it…the entire album is magical
switching gears … from Hail to the Thief!
The Trump administration’s attempt to muzzle environmental messages on social media WILL FAIL!
“In the wake of the Badlands National Park Service’s Twitter account having its pro-science tweets deleted (after the Department of the Interior had ordered all Park Service social media accounts to go quiet), “rogue” Twitter accounts have begun to sprout up for the NPS, and now for EPA, USDA and NASA. It’s unclear who’s behind these accounts, but their strong defense of established climate science quickly won them a big following.
The AltUSNatParkService Twitter account (@AltNatParkSer) was launched on Tuesday, announcing that it has been “activated in time of war and censorship to ensure fact-based education.” As of Thursday morning, they have 980,000 followers — more than double the number of followers on the main National Park Service account (381,000).
The account introduced itself with defiant messages: “Mr Trump, you may have taken us down officially. But with scientific evidence & the Internet our message will get out,” and “Respect goes out to our brothers and sisters at the @BadlandsNPS. When they silence you, we will speak for you.”
That is encouraging. It is turning out to be as bad as I thought it would be with Trump. Each day brings a new horror.
This insane nonsense about that stupid wall! The Mexican president has canceled his planned visit. Way to go, Trump!
Then the lunacy about millions of illegal votes and voter fraud in the election! He’s making this up as he goes along. The man is certifiable!
But at the same time it’s terrifying… Look at this article:
Trump Will Require All EPA Science to Be Screened by Political Staffers
That actually happened here in Canada about 10 years ago under our Stephen Harper Conservative government cracking down on sharing government scientific research. Happy he’s now gone and that has been reversed.
And this ….it’s all happening on a daily basis.
Mind-boggling how fast the truth and justice is being assaulted on every front. Trump party Propaganda is at a high pitch and ramping up.
That is frightening. I don’t know what is going to happen to this country. With a fascist, narcissistic, lying President in charge, God only knows how bad it will get,
Trump wants to use torture again. He is such a monster, vile, inhumane abd a total disgrace.
Give me your hungry, your tired your poor I’ll piss on ’em
that’s what the Statue of Bigotry says
Your poor huddled masses, let’s club ’em to death
and get it over with and just dump ’em on the boulevard
Johnny’s in America
Johnny looks up at the stars
Johnny combs his hair down
And Johnny wants pussy in cars
Johnny’s in America,
uh-uh-uh uh, uh, uh-uh uh-uh-uh
Johnny’s in America
I’m afraid of Americans
I’m afraid of the world
I’m afraid I can’t help it
I’m afraid I can’t
I’m afraid of Americans
I’m afraid of the world
I’m afraid I can’t help it
I’m afraid I can’t
I’m afraid of Americans
Yeah, I’m afraid of Americans
I’m afraid of the words
I’m afraid I can’t help it
I’m afraid I can’t
I’m afraid of Americans
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American
I’ll lay down the tracks
Sandbag and hide
January has April’s showers
And two and two always makes five
It’s the devil’s way now
There is no way out
You can scream and you can shout
It is too late now
You have not been
Payin’ attention
Payin’ attention
Payin’ attention
Payin’ attention (x4)
I try to sing along
But the music’s all wrong
‘Cause I’m not
‘Cause I’m not
I swat ’em like flies but like flies the buggers keep coming back and NOT
But I’m not
All hail to the thief
All hail to the thief
Snowman melting from the inside
Falcon spirals to the ground
(This could be the biggest sky)
So bloody red, tomorrow’s clouds
A little piece of you
The little peace in me
Will die (This could be a miracle)
For this is not America
testing my old name
RT @BenFolds: Please #noDevos! Can’t we can find another billionaire who won’t gut our public schools 4 profit?@SenatorCollins @lisamurkowski @SenSchumer
Fear, fear, she’s the mother of violence
Making me tense to watch the way she breed
Fear, she’s the mother of violence
You know self-defense is all you need
It’s getting hard to breathe
It’s getting so hard to believe
To believe in anything at all
Thanks Hawkie!
you and Peter Gabriel.
Let them In…Love over hate
Haha, I almost posted that one too.
Going through a bit of a PG revisit last few days…
“They’re trying to get you crazy – get you out of your head
They feed you scraps and they feed you lies
To lower your defences, no compromise”
Thanks Hawkie…I’ve needed a morning with Peter Gabriel!
Peter Gabriel – Wallflower Lyrics
Six by six, from wall to wall
Shutters on the windows, no light at all
Damp on the floor you got damp in the bed
They’re trying to get you crazy get you out of your head
They feed you scraps and they feed you lies
To lower your defenses, no compromise
There’s nothing you can do, the day can be long
You mind is working overtime, your body’s not too strong
Hold on, hold on, hold on,
Hold on, hold on, hold on
They put you in a box so you can’t get heard
Let your spirit stay unbroken, may you not be deterred
Hold on, you have gambled with your own life
You faced the night alone
While the builders of the cages
Sleep with bullets, bars and stone
They do not see the road to freedom
That you build with flesh and bone
They take you out the light burns your eyes
To the talking room it’s not surprise
Loaded questions from clean white coats
Their eyes are all as hidden as their Hippocratic Oath
They tell you how to behave, behave as their guest
You want to resist them, you do your best
They take you to your limits, they take you beyond
For all that they are doing there’s no way to respond
Hold on, hold on
They put you in a box so you can’t get heard
Let your spirit stay unbroken, may you not be deterred
Hold on, you have gambled with your own life
You face the night alone
While the builders of the cages
Sleep with bullets, bars and stone
They do not see the road to freedom
That you build with flesh and bone
Though you may disappear, you’re not forgotten here
And I will say to you, I will do what I can do
You may disappear, you’re not forgotten here
And I will say you you, I will do what I can do
And I will do what I can do
I will do what I can do
Songwriters: GABRIEL, PETER
Wallflower lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Another great early live version of this song with just piano highlighting his voice…
Peter the Angel Gabriel
this version, hawkie
? on a less serious note:
Thank you for posting this! I saw it on SNL and have been watching it over and over when I need a good laugh!
It is much needed right now, given what is going on in this country!
Melissa was simply brilliant!
Nny, have you heard these?
No I had not heard that! It was brilliant! Good stuff! I need all the laughs I can get these days!
On a completely different topic, ahhh the latest Masterpiece on PBS

Jenna Coleman and Tom Hughes … hotter than Poldark.
Oops I posted the wrong scene. This one’s better. It’s especially nice since she’s proposing to him. You might recognize Jenna from Dr. Who, and Tom from The Game. Chemistry is everything !! lol, sorry.
Another day I wake up afraid…not too afraid to keep on keepin on, however, because there are good people fighting for the Native Americans protecting their right to clean water and in general their oppression for centuries. Seattle Council agreed to divest 3 Billion $$ from Wells Fargo Bank because Wells Fargo is financing the unlawful Dakota Pipeline. #NODAPL!
yet I’m still afraid this morning…but thanks to Hawks for posting the lyrics to this David Bowie song because now I know he’s singing about johnny’s in America and not Germans in America….lol
The song makes more sense now, is what I mean. I’ve had no reason in my life to fear Germans….but the johnny’s in America — that makes sense!
hahaha those bastards! and Pennsylvania….
and hugs!
Right back at you rc!
just another day to hail to the thief!
Great minds…
I just wanted to say that my comment the other day was too harsh. You and I do share common ground with our political views and that is more important than tenns.
I think that I just should have laughed it off and taken it all in fun. You were right this time and I have been right in the past and it’s all okay!
So I wanted you to know that I appreciate what you do in confronting those who support neo-fascism and Trump. It is important to speak out.
I regret that comment and think it was ill advised. So it’s my turn to apologize.
Hey NNY, good on you. No worries.
It was all meant in fun. Me and my buddies do that sort of thing especially when picking sporting results in jest kind of like bragging rights.
I didn’t mean to offend anyone.
My favourite was rc mocking me saying she couldn’t wait to make fun of me if/when I followed through on picking Fed.
Cheers and thanks for that!
You are more than welcome! What you described is exactly how I realized it was meant – bragging rights! I did get it and realized that I just overreacted and took it completely wrong! It’s like when rc tells me not to freak out if I do poorly in the bracket challenges! She’s got her priorities straight!
I felt that I needed to make it right. It was bothering me.
Thanks for responding so graciously!
Not at all, nny. You would (did) do the same for me.
Hawkie and Nny — we are solid
Have to admit I dropped the ball during AO Bracket time. I’m very distracted compared to other tennis seasons. Very sorry. Hawkstradamus that was nothing short of incredible — you picking Federer to win – freaking unbelievable. What a schmuck is me for razzing you.
And Nny, I hope you will continue in the bracket games…I never did check who won. But there’s always a next time
I realize Fed Cup is this coming weekend but my time isn’t focused on tennis right now. USA plays Germany in Maui…that could be interesting.
It hard standing alone rc picking a dark horse like Fatty Fed, but I managed.
hahaha He WAS fat right after or during off season; but by the time of AO…..woosh, Nike! Rail thin.
You are right! We are solid!
I don’t even want to know about the bracket challenge results! Too many upsets!
I understand that you have other things to do than update us, especially with all those upsets!
Tennis is just a game! The things happening in our country have more far reaching consequences.
One more from Hail to the Thief
Lyrics for: I Will
I will
Lay me down
In a bunker
I won’t let this happen
To my children
Meet the real-world coming
Out of your shell
With white elephants
Sitting ducks
I will
Rise up
Little baby’s eyes
Eyes, eyes, eyes
Little baby’s eyes
Eyes, eyes, eyes
Little baby’s eyes
Hi RC hope your well ,Jenna Coleman has certainly come a long way since her days in our British soap opera Emmerdale, never saw Victoria and Albert dont think we had it over here, thanks for the link though ….
Hi Ali
The chemistry between Jenna and Tom is good. Whoever cast them together certainly nailed it! And I love Rufus Sewell as Lord Melbourne. But I’ve only seen the first 3 episodes which are probably the best. Soon she’ll have 9 babies, they’ll be terrible parents and the gorgeous Albert will die young…uhg. My favorite queen of course is QE the first
I’d be very surprised if it wasn’t broadcast in GB! those Youtube clips don’t do it justice. The series link: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/shows/victoria/
And I love the old guy playing a Lord that says, he even walks like a papist.. lol
I have always been fascinated with Queen Victoria. I remember a movie called “Mrs. Brown” with Judi Dench. It showed the aftermath of the death of Prince Albert and the Queen’s struggle to move on. In that movie, this man is hired to be her helper and companion, but the people around the Queen dislike him. I don’t know how historically accurate that movie was.
I’m not familiar with that movie but by the accounts I’ve read her life after Albert’s death was difficult. The British Royals I’ve studied most are Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. And I like Anne Boleyn.
Apparently Queen Victoria and Albert were truly in love with each other and possibly it was an obsession …or more specifically Victoria put Albert first over her children and everything else in the extreme. She spent her best years balancing being Queen and the wife of a high maintenance, flashy German Prince. She also was pregnant practically the entire time while Albert was alive. And it’s written that Victoria didn’t like babies — literally thought of them as frog-like. Also the word is that Victoria and Albert were both conscious of the need to improve on their own lonely childhoods but fought too much and in general were too preoccupied to make the best parents. Perhaps if they would have stopped at 2 or 3 children that would have helped but they went on to have 9. Of course there was no contraception around or used in the day. At least one or more of their children had a blood disorder: porphyria or hemophilia, because people were still marrying a first cousins at the time. Albert died at age 42… a loss from which Victoria never recovered. In general I get the idea that Albert was the better parent…so big loss for the kids too.
Overall, from what I’ve read, Albert accomplished much while alive and credit to Victoria for all her efforts in supporting him. Sounds like it was an exhaustive effort she put into fighting to gain Albert what she felt he deserved, as in title and respect, from the realm (because the German thing) and thus she had a very difficult time adjusting to the complete emptiness in life without him. I feel bad for her — too much of her life feels like tragedy and sadness. Maybe there’s a better book on the topic!?
I don’t know if that movie was based on fact or fiction. Was there really a Mr. Brown who came into Victoria’s life to help her with the grief after Prince Albert’s death? I don’t know, but it made for a very interesting story.
I did read that Victoria and Albert were a true love match. Not one of those arranged marriages that were so commonplace. I remember reading about her having nine children! And being Queen, too! She was devastated by Albert’s death at such a young age. I also read about how Victoria wanted to have Albert named as King. But Parliament wouldn’t go it. Because he was German.
The current royal family are direct descendants of Victoria.
I am also fascinated by Queen Elizabeth I. I have read a great deal about her and watched any number of movies about her. The daughter of Anne Boleyn becoming Queen of England. It was miraculous that she survived at all. I have also been interested in Anne Boleyn.
After reading this and giving Victoria some more thought, for what it’s worth….
…I’m inclined to believe she did have an intimate relationship with the handsome servant. She was likely much too sexual in her early forties to not find comfort in that Scottish guy. And they had plenty of time at Balmoral together; plus. there was those Doctor’s notes
Anyway I feel happier about her story believing that at least as long as Brown lived, (she outlived him too), she had some relief from missing Albert. It doesn’t seem to me that she took much happiness in her children and being a mother. She liked having a man.
RC Yeah sorry my bad, we did get it here, i just never saw it, it clashed with Poldark, and after the first series i just stuck with it, shouldve watched Victoria instead in hindsight, its just hubby gets a bit peeved when i hog the TV too much, and i also love Rufus Sewell, and the chemisty and acting is amazing
Good to see you by the way, im taking an indefinete break from posting on TX, im bored rigid with it all to be honest lol ….
Billy Connelly is a comedian, but he was great in Mrs Brown NNY ….
Yes, thank you for knowing the name of that actor! I just couldn’t remember his name! I was very impressed with his performance in that movie, playing opposite the great Judi Dench.
I Like this one by Peter Gabriel, even if it quite haunting and a bit creepy https://youtu.be/3xZmlUV8muY
PG’s early stuff is what made me love him, ali. He was insane from the beginning: Games without frontiers, Solisbury Hill, Shock the Monkey
He had already started mellowing (relatively speaking) by then. Earlier days with Genesis…
Never seen that! LOL….not even sure how I feel about it!
And he ages like a fine wine. Not that I ever watched the movie or read the book, but I had the soundtrack he created for the Last Temptation of Christ on for a decade during late 80’s and 90’s and keep going back to it. It’s particularly a good meditation in these times…makes me float on over to the Middle East
One more. When I would cycle to work I’d have this on my walkman …..it was during the first Bush War in Iraq; I detested the killing and it was televised like some kind of great event. I had the first track through the the eighth on looping ?
About time. Should also add Fox News, Breitbart and the White House Press Secretary, Scary Spice(R).
Wikipedia bans Daily Mail as ‘unreliable’ source
Online encyclopaedia editors rule out publisher as a reference citing ‘reputation for poor fact checking and sensationalism’
?? The latest on President Bannon ??
White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is known to have cultivated ties with far-right parties in Europe, like the National Front in France. He also seems to have forged an alliance with Vatican hard-liners who oppose Pope Francis’ less rigid approach to church doctrine. The New York Times reported this week on Bannon’s connections at the Vatican.
Before becoming White House chief strategist, Bannon — who is Catholic — was the executive chairman of Breitbart News, which he called a “platform for the alt-right.” That’s a movement associated with white nationalism.
During a visit to Rome a few years ago, Bannon struck up a friendship with the American Cardinal Raymond Burke, a traditionalist who has emerged as one of Pope Francis’ most vocal critics.
Bannon hired Thomas Williams, an American former priest, as Breitbart’s Rome correspondent. Williams belonged to the conservative Legion of Christ, which was roiled by scandal when it was revealed its founder had been a pedophile.
Williams recently told his own story on an Italian TV talk show: In 2003, he fathered a child, but he kept it secret until he was outed by a news report. He then left the priesthood and married the child’s mother — who is the daughter of the former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, Mary Ann Glendon.
In July 2014, Bannon addressed a conference that was held inside the Vatican but was sponsored by a conservative Catholic group. Speaking via Skype, Bannon painted an almost apocalyptic vision of the state of the Western world.
“We’re at the very beginning stages of a very brutal and bloody conflict, of which, if the people in this room, the people in the church, do not bind together and really form what I feel is an aspect of the church militant, to really be able to not just stand with our beliefs, but to fight for our beliefs against this new barbarity that’s starting.”
A barbarity, Bannon added, that would completely eradicate “everything we’ve been bequeathed over the last 2,000, 2,500 years,” and which he clearly spelled out a few minutes later: “We are in an outright war against jihadist Islamic fascism. And this war is, I think, metastasizing far quicker than governments can handle it.”
This is language that Pope Francis has never used. The pope has repeatedly urged European countries to welcome migrants — who are, in the majority, Muslim — and he has championed the rights of the poor.
A year ago, Francis criticized candidate Donald Trump for wanting to build a wall along the border with Mexico, saying, “A person who thinks only about building walls … and not building bridges is not Christian.”
But that’s not Bannon’s worldview. While most Breitbart reports on the pope have been neutral, headlines about the pope when Bannon was in charge included:
“Seven Ways Pope Francis Slapped Conservatives in the United States”
“A Vatican Expert: Pope Francis a ‘Friend of Islam’ ”
“Pope Francis Slams Capitalism, Death Penalty, Immigration Law; No Real Mention of Abortion, Gay Marriage”
“Pope Francis Threatens Legacy of Pope John Paul II, Ronald Reagan”
While Breitbart and Bannon seem to be making common cause with Roman Catholics who are on the outs with this pope, these Vatican hard-liners are not very powerful.
Nevertheless, Pope Francis’ supporters inside the Vatican worry that following Trump’s election victory, the pope is a little more isolated — a lonely progressive on the global stage. They say this has emboldened his critics both within and outside the Vatican, who have become more vocal.
For example, just last week, mysterious anti-Francis posters cropped up around Rome. The photo showed the pope looking uncharacteristically very grouchy, and the unidentified author — using a Roman street dialect — accused him of acting in an authoritarian manner and showing lack of mercy, despite the fact that Francis has made “Mercy” the unofficial slogan of his papacy.
Francis has not reacted. But in a surprising move, on Sunday, he issued the very first papal blessing for the Super Bowl. It was a video message in his native Spanish — not in Italian, which he usually uses for official messages — in which he said such a sporting event “shows that it’s possible to build a culture of encounter and a world of peace.”
The Italian media labeled the message “anti-Trump.”
Peter Gabriel (with Genesis)…
Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
“Can you tell me where my country lies?”
said the unifaun to his true love’s eyes.
“It lies with me!” cried the Queen of Maybe
– for her merchandise, he traded in his prize.
“Paper late!” cried a voice in the crowd.
“Old man dies!” The note he left was signed ‘Old Father Thames’
– it seems he’s drowned;
selling england by the pound.
Ooooh! Live version with pretty good sound.
(Prog rock and Phil Collins sideburns are hilarious!)
The live version is the best. Look at Phil…hahaha the look on his face…just a baby. Thanks for finding these…
I AM Britannia!
Just going to check out and watch it again.
The news I was going to post can wait…freaking unbelievable what the world is up to. Feverish pitch regarding US APPEALS COURT VS TRUMP in SF.
hahaha I’ve never seen early Genesis live…
The raw progressive rock is a little corny sounding but …the genius is in there.
His later compositions are timeless (LTC soundtrack)….
OH…great find! Selling England by the Pound……
Breaking News –
9th Circuit Court of Appeals rules against reinstating the travel ban
Power to the Judiciary!
Long live Democracy!
Power to the People!
yes! hallelujah…
It was a fun find. I just scanned it for a couple of my old time faves.
Yeah I’d seen that article. Very sad that that’s allowed to happen in the world and no one intervenes.
I’ve met some Syrian refugees and it’s sad to see so much hate and racism.
This Podcast is required listening.
LESS THAN A MONTH into the new administration and not even a presidential bath robe can protect President Trump’s orange from becoming the new anti-black. This week on Intercepted we sit down with intrepid investigative reporter Allan Nairn, who breaks down Trump’s relationship with the CIA, the president’s murderous affection for Vladimir Putin, and the killer assembly of establishment neocons and right-wing conspiracists running the U.S. war machine. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Princeton professor and author of “From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation,” dismantles Obama’s problematic legacy, offers strategic advice for resisting Trump, and shares her scorecard on Nazi punching. The Intercept’s own distinguished alt-historian, Jon Schwarz, offers a (morbid) lesson on the origins of presidential executive orders. And singer-songwriter Kimya Dawson of The Moldy Peaches performs a powerful song about racism and the police state.
More executive orders. Maybe you’ve seen and heard it alreday but just in case; the real terrorists in America that you seldom if ever hear on corporate news.
Strange world we live in, we have enough money to start wars, yet we never use it to end world poverty ….
Yes and we supposedly have millions to throw away on some stupid wall that we don’t even need in the first place!
President Homer J. Simpson…
“The subtext was clear: Look, children — he will destroy the country. He’s blatantly siding with the bad guys: Fidel, Putin, the white supremacists or the guerrilla. Besides, he’s clearly not that smart. He’s threatening to destroy the economy, too. He clearly has no respect for democracy. For the intelligentsia. We, who work hard and know how to do business. We, who’ve researched this, thought about this, grasped this. In history, in economics, in diplomacy, in accounting. Now, learn this word. Repeat after me: fascism.”
I’ve never read the Caracaschronicle. Interesting to read his perspective.
Following the story of Dimitry Firtash…will this guy be extradited?
I’m waiting to see if it actually happens. Given the connections to Trump…I highly doubt he gets convicted of anything. More likely gets a deal from the great Negotiator and author of the Art of the Deal.
And Trump still hates Muslims…
What a wonderful story in the midst of all the chaos. Thank you dear, MA ?
I just heard an interview on cable news about Muslims raising money for the graves that were desecrated. It’s inspiring to realize that there are people who care enough to reach out and help. We need this generosity of spirit now more than ever,
Trump has stoked the fires of hatred in this country and it is no coincidence that these despicable acts have increased alarmingly in America.
It is wonderful rc and Nny…just like u and me…i’m a Muslim but i love u guys like i love my own flesh and blood…How can anyone cannot love another human being,let alone treat them like a piece of trash is beyond me..
Mira Andi,
Nice to chat with you again! I haven’t been posting that much.
It just broke my heart to see what was done to those graves! A man was interviewed because he came to see if the graves of his family members were desecrated. His family was okay, but he said that some of the graves that were trashed were veterans of WWI. He was crying and so distraught that anyone could do something like this.
Hate is a terrible thing! But when you see the worst of people, it can bring out the best in people and that gives me hope!
Sorry, meant to say WWII veterans!
Nny…Yeah,like u i’m also don’t watch much tennis lately..there’s no attraction somehow…all the big names didn’t start playing until the next monday or tuesday…and Nny..have u seen Rafa’s likely opponent that augusta posted the other day?Oh my God Nny…almost all of them are big server..Milos,Alex[oh no!not again!!],Dr Ivo,John Isner,Sam Queery,Jack sock,Nick Kyrgios[oh no again!!]DelPo…i can’t wait to see who’s rafa will get in his quarter…
Btw..Oppss!sorry..got carried away Nny…it’s supposed to be non tennis forum!he he…Nny…just in case we’re not going to chat anymore for tonite…here’s for u…in opposed to what happened,we have to keep showing our love to each other..love didn’t know what colour of our skin,what races we are or what language we spoke…
Nny!!!…I MISSED U!!!…In honesty,i cannot wait for rafa to start play because i have a reason to interact with u!Hehe…How are u btw Nny?All good?…I hope so!..
Nny..If that happen to my family’s grave..i’m also will be very upsets and sad…We cannot messing around with grave…no matter who’s they’re belong to…it’s disrespectful…but,i guess maybe that’s the main reason why it’s been desecrated in the first place…to create an uncomfortable situation…But,i believe when there’s a hate,there’s also someone out there who’s readily to fight that hate with LOVE…And usually,love always win Nny!..VAMOS!!!
Mira Andi,
Yes, I am looking forward to seeing Rafa play again! We will have lots to chat about! I don’t watch as much tennis with the smaller tournaments, unless there are players I want to see.
But I will watch Rafa anywhere, any place, any time!
I am doing well! Thanks for asking!
I will tell you that when I saw those graves destroyed, so many of them, I had tears in my eyes. I would never want anyone to do that to my relatives who have passed on.
We can like forward to seeing lots of Rafa and enjoying it!
Esperanza ?
I LOVE the NON-TENNIS page!!! The place to get to know other Tennisgrand posters
I am a little exhausted today so I will respond to your comments with much details tomorrow or next.
But just to be clear as someone who majored in a science department when I was in school, I also taught different science subjects after I graduated for a while.
I know for a fact that true science not false theories is against everything you say you support whether it is abortion( which is the murdering of an innocent baby), homosexuality, transgender etc.
All these things are against science and common sense, the are wrong, unnatural but more importantly immoral, ungodly and to be blunt some of them are pure EVIL and WICKED to the highest order.
Am not against a woman having an abortion if her life is at stake because now her life is on the line, the truth is more than 90% of abortion that takes place has nothing to do with the woman’s life being at risk.
Am also not saying that those who have committed this act’s can’t be forgiven, they can all be forgiven because GOD is merciful and would forgive anyone who humbly repents.
Llike I said am a little bit exhausted today so tomorrow or next I would talk more about it.
This is what book of Romans chapter 1 verse 16-32 has to say:
The Just Live by Faith
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,[a] for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”[b]
God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality,[c] wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving,[d] unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
Not interested Stanley….none of it. And I won’t waste my time reading your posts. Don’t expect a response to anything in your sermons. Religion and Politics …….I’m not about to discuss with you. We have nothing in common except if you have a sincere interest in tennis.
Hey Stanley…ermm..which one i’m going to say first?…Err..yeah..
1]This is also my last comment to u Stanley…i know you’re the least favourable person here[sorry about that Stanley]…and i read everything what u wrote here…and i know u don’t like/hate Islam and many other things that totally the opposite from my beloved and dear poster’s here stand for…still i choose to respond to u when u ask me a question a while ago and automatically offered a friendship branch to me…by right,i should hate or dislike u at least because of your stand especially when u hate/dislike Islam..what u wrote about Prophet Muhammad in your earlier post really really hurts me…i believe to live in peace in this world is to respect and loving each other..no matter what their stands,their religion,their race,their colour…Prophet Muhammad before he died,he already gave a multiple of advice to his followers[a sacred words,we have to abide them no matter what]…one of them was that to live in peace in this world,to respect and to love not only among us Muslims but with ALL human being in this world regardless of their religion,race,colour or principles…there’s one time when one of his neighbour died,and he’s a jew….and Prophet Muhammad attended his funeral and gave him his last respect…so,with that been said…that is why i responded to u in the first place…i choose to receive/accept your friendship brunch because to me,you’re just another human being whom i should befriended since you’re the one who say HELLO first…to make u an enemy will only make me opposed to what Prophet Muhammad told us to do…and broken a bond between human being is a very very big sin in Islam…i could ignore u but i don’t want to,not only because of my religion but because of my brought up too…i’m a very soft,gentle and very humble human being..and i can’t ignore when someone spoke to me…it’s not in my nature to do that…
To me,if someone got a different stand or principles from us and it’s normal,just take a look at us..there’s a white people,there’s black,there’s brown[like me] and we’re also love/like a different things in life…to fight about this,to me is not a solution..we’re only going to hurt each other in the end …and what next?Can we solve the real problem by fighting?I leave u to answer that Stanley…Like i said up there stanley,this is the last time we’re going to chat with each other..and i’m just going to say..NICE MEETING U STANLEY..i believe there’s a 2 side in every each of us..there’s a bad and there’s a good side..and i also believe that you’re a good brother,son,uncle,nephew,grandson,friend to your loved one..and this side that i choose to befriended…i also can’t treat u differently because who am i to judge u when i’m also got an ugliness,weakness,flaws in me…as a human being,we’re all got them…no one is perfect except GOD and to Muslims[Prophet Muhammad,he’s not make one single sin or fault in his life]..and to u maybe your jesus,right?
So,Stanley..i wish u all the best and hope you’re going to have a very successful,healthy and happy life okay?…so,Goodbye Stanley…VAMOS!!
Beautiful and wise words MA.
My respect to you. You seem like a very kind and gentle soul.
She truly is a treasure.
The Bible teaches that GOD loves the sinner but hates the sin because the wages of sin is death( separation from GOD for all eternity).
In John 3:15-21 it says: 15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21 But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”
GOD loves the THEIF but hates stealing.
GOD loves the ADULTERER but hates adultery.
GOD loves the HOMOSEXUAL but hates the unnatural, wicked perversion of homosexuality.
GOD loves that woman that have aborted her baby and that man/woman that has supported it but hates the murdering of defenceless, innocent children.
GOD loves the TRANSGENDER but hates the willful deception of transgenderism.
All this sins GOD hates and more but loves the the sinner, JESUS died for my sins and yours freely and we can receive Forgiveness, Mercy and Grace if we put our trust in him.
It is not loving to allow a person to remain stuck in sin. It is not hateful to tell a person he or she is in sin. In fact, the exact opposites are true. Sin leads to death (James 1:15), and we love the sinner by speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). We hate the sin by refusing to condone, ignore, or excuse it.
Am not your enemy, am not an intruder or a disrupter, am a friend that is willing to tell you the truth no matter what.
No one should support or practice any form of EVIL, but even when we do because no one is perfect we should recognize it for what it is and repent from it.
GOD is always willing to forgive those who come to him in humble repentance seeking for forgiveness and mercy.
RIGHT would always be RIGHT and WRONG would always be WRONG.
Men/women can put in laws or change laws but Godly morals will never change.
A thousand years from now, a billion years from now RIGHT will always be RIGHT because Godly morals transcends time.
JESUS said:
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven( Matthew 5:10-16).
Am praying for you!
Pray for yourself racist stanley. You need it more than anyone here.
But more importantly, check your medication expiry date.
I am not as generous as Mira Andi. I despise Stanley’s endless ranting and throwing the Bible in our faces. I despise him calling those of us murderers. who believe with all our hearts in a woman’s right to choose. It’s vile and beyond insulting for anyone to throw around that kind of language. Too many women have died in the past because of illegal abortions. There is NO way that this country will ever go back to those days.
Taking the words back f the Bible literally and not taking into account anything else is ignorance personified. From what I have read about Jesus, he was a man of love and generosity is spirit. Stanley’s words are not ones of love or generosity. He condemns others in the harshest of words. He speaks as though he is speaking for God, but the God I believe in is not one of hatred, fear, anger and revenge. There is no compassion in his words.
America is a nation that is ruled by the Constitution. A nation of laws. Not a nation that is ruled by religion or the Bible.
Stanley is preaching hatred and divisiveness.i cannot abide that. He keeps quoting the Bible over and over again compulsively without thinking about who Jesus really was and what he believed in.
Not everyone has to agree with or live by the Bible. I was brought up by my parents to think for myself and challenge those who presumed to know everything or speak for others.
So it is with the likes of Stanley, the ultimate hypocrite.
Well said, Nny! Thank you. You write what I cannot at the moment… I couldn’t even Know where to begin with Stanley. Less exasperated than I was yesterday tho.
Thank you. It’s something I have wanted to say for a while now. But I needed to wait until so could do do without emotion. I needed to say it calmly and also to find polite words in the English language to express it.
The accusations about abortion have offended me to tge very marrow of my being. Women have the right under the Constitution, the law of this country, to have reproductive freedom and control of their bodies.
It’s interesting that the Republicans are all about the free market and no regulations when it comes to business and finance. Laissez-faire is the order of the day. But when it comes to women’s bodies and their right to be free from interference from the state, the Republicans are not okay with that. They want to make it harder for women to get abortions, want to defund Planned Parenthood, which does so much more than just abortions when it comes to providing reproduction health services for women who might not be able to afford it.
If you have ever heard about a woman who died of an illegal abortion, you would never forget it. I had a friend years ago who told me how her mother died if an illegal abortion when she was only 12 years old. Even decades later, she broke down talking about it. That should never happen to any woman!
Thank goodness we are not a theocracy and are a nation of laws. People cannot impose their religious beliefs on others.
I waited until I could say it the way I wanted to say it.
Thank you for gettIng it!
I (DO) get it and we stand together
Conan O’BrienVerified account @ConanOBrien 27 minutes ago
Weird moment during German Chancellor Merkel’s WH visit when Steve Bannon sat at her feet and begged for stories about “the good old days.”
RIP Chuck Berry.
Aw man. Such a legend… Definitely one of my favorites of the original rock n roll guys. Now Chuck, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Johnny Cash, and all those guys are just waiting for Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis to join them at the party… R.I.P. Chuck
Yes, RIP to the one and only, the incomparable Chuck Berry.
Ronnie Wood @ronniewood
Mira Andi,
Sorry I can’t post from my laptop or my phone on facebook for weeks. Both devices need fixing. Please forgive me. You, Alison, and Okie are on my mind and I love all of you dearly. cheers, Elizabeth.
Oh,really?I thought you’re already on my list of ex friend who came into my life for 2,3 months then disappeared…i am in the middle of accepting the fact rc…although it hurts like crazy!!
Mira Andi, I’ve tried to get on Facebook and feel terrible. I can’t even access my email from this laptop. Whatever the virus is, it’s affected java script and I even have a hard time making picks for the brackets! On my phone, I can see my email but cant send.
I Love you…and miss you. Alison too. There’s 78 messages I can’t read.
Okay rc…i understand now…although u could have told me earlier..it could save a lot of heartache for me!One moment we clicked like crazy and one moment,u just disappeared without a words..as if nothing happened..i’ve never cried this much since i turned grown women!And now,i’m make a fool of myself in front of our dear posters!Stupid me!!..I better stop now..
Oh dear. Please don’t cry. I feel terrible but it takes me forever to make a post even on this website. I have to re-load and keep reloading the page…and the reloading doesn’t work on Facebook…it’s too busy a or something. I don’t know who and how both my devices went on the fritz…and I’ve had no time or $$ to get them fixed I don’t have internet on my phone right now — you need to trust me, MA. All is well between us. Okay? Gosh…you must be angry by now with me too…and alison, I imagine. It’s up to 98 messages I can’t access – I can log on but I can’t view my own messages.
I understand your situation now rc…i’m not angry with u..never that!..but hurt,yes…that’s what happen when we cared so much about someone…but u know me deep down rc,i would never hurt for long especially for someone whom i love dearly….i wish i could help u with your devices,but..yeah…
Nny….that’s okay…u don’t have to tell me anything…knowing you’re okay now already make me so so happy!..
Mira Andi,
Thanks for understanding! I don’t know that anyone needs to hear details!
I am doing well and we have some more great tennis to look forward to!
Your little message is the best thing to read! That mashed me feel much better!
You are MY angel!
I meant to say that it made me feel better!
I will read them again before I go to bed!
Nny!….I’m really really glad you’re feel better now…much more so because of my silly little messages!hehe…but,that silly messages are reflecting my feelings Nny..and u have to come here EVERYDAY to look for it okay?Because i will give u something everyday until u tell me otherwise okay?U mean so much to me Nny!…Oh yeah Nny…go to rafa’s pages..i gave u something that i’m sure will make u feel soooooooo much better!
Dearest Mira Andi,
You are so precious to me! Thanks for the good wishes! It means a lot during this difficult time.
I hope and and rc are okay now. I read the exchange and know that you too are such good friends. I have had problems with my computer and email in the past and couldn’t do anything!
I know that you are a sensitive person with a good heart. But I know that rc says what she means. You hang in there and she will get it all fixed and catch up on those emails!
If course, you are stuck with me! There’s no getting rid of me!
Hey Nny!!How u doin?Okay?..err..i mean as okay as a sick person can be?…U should take it easy on everything and get plenty of rest okay?
About rc…i miss her like crazy Nny!…At first,i didn’t know that she’s also have trouble with her email…i thought she’s only got trouble with her FB…but,u know me Nny..i’m not going to make a fuss with a small things like this…i trust her with all my being,just like i trust u…i’m just missing my friend so so much at the moment!But thank God!..i’ve got u as well Nny!…and actually,i’m pity u Nny!..coz you’re the one who have to stuck with a super crazy women like me!hehehe….Hope your soul and mind still intact after we chat Nny!hehehe…Oh,i have a special biscuits for u Nny!…http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mFk5ouuR2qw/TswRMPdlDxI/AAAAAAAAAIU/ZeKggA_4Q6c/s1600/IMG_4193.jpg
Mira Andi,
Thanks for the messages as always! You know I wasn’t posting about Rafa and Fed’s match. That was the first clue that something was wrong. I was in the hospital so I never saw it! I asked someone for the score and when I heard it, then I was glad that I didn’t see it!
I would never not be here for Rafa! I am doing better. The worst is behind me!
I guess we are both stuck with each other!
Nny…First of all..morning to u!!oh,wait…
Btw Nny…i’m really really glad you’re doing better everyday Nny!Hope u would always be safe and healthy from now on!…Oh,i don’t mind to be stuck with u Nny!Hopefully forever!hehehe…
Nny..yeah,i was wondering at that time why u haven’t posting?You’re always here,before and after the match..but,in a way i also very glad u didn’t watch that match Nny…just take a look at the score,and u know why..hopefully rafa will find a solution to Rog’s question soon…i wish very much that he will find it!
rc…laptop still make u crazy?Hey,try to download ccleaner to clean your laptop…after that try download free anti malware…you’re nothing to lose now since your laptop already affected by virus right?
Thanks MA…I appreciate your ideas. But I don’t have time to mess with it myself.
If we(you and me!) can be patient I have my eye on the solution but it will take my next two paychecks…it will be worth the wait.
Yes, this damn thing makes me crazy! But I was able to make some bad picks for my brackets
Love you dearly! So happy when you are back posting …WTA thread is a lonely place without you. I have to be up at work early tomorrow.
rc…that’s alright…do what u have to do okay?I trust u completely…i will wait patiently for u…
Downloaded this song yesterday, i think its very powerful, and has a strong message, especially with everything thats going on in the world ATM …. https://youtu.be/PVjiKRfKpPI
Hope your all well, ive had alot going on lately, so no time or desire to post much, missed you all especially RC ,Andy Mira, NNY, Amy etc ….
Miss u too Ali…u don’t post much nowadays…hope u r well and happy!
I miss you, too! Thanks for posting and lettIng us know what’s going on with you!
MA ive had alot on my mind lately, and havent been interested in following or watching tennis, something happened to me a few weeks ago when posting on FB, i couldnt believe it, and i still cant, even in my wildest imagination, i wouldnt know where to start
Ali…is it related to someone very important connected with u on FB?If so..i’m happy for u sis!
Yes we want to hear more Ali!! Something good…a positive story from facebook would be great! Did you get money?
Win a Lottery? Find a long lost relative?
BTW Did you like the song ? ….
Yep!…I like the song very much Ali!Thank u for posted it!
Love it Alison! Hey did Hugh Jackman send you a love note? maybe that’s it…
Hi RC well i made contact with my two nephews and my niece in Yorkshire on FB that i havent seen in years, also Rafa sent me a friend request which i accepted, but i sent him a message purely about tennis, so far no reply though, but thats not all of it i said i enjoyed a certain British pop stars music on FB, and he sent me a friend request and we had a long chat, he also sent me an e.mail, i kid you not
Wow…Incredible! Rafa…that’s better than Hugh Jackman isn’t it!!!
Happy for you
Nice to hear such good news. What I’d wish for you now is for him to send you tickets to see him play…sit in his player box next to Xixsca… you and Mr. Willow invited out on the Beethoven Yacht for relaxing…during Monte Carlo!
RC HA HA not yet, but he has replied to a few things ive posted about him though, but im also a huge fan of the guy that did friend me for a while, although he aint everyones cup of tea, i dont know if you ever remember me saying on TX that Nole reminded me of a certain British male solo artist, not in looks but in manerisms
How you doing BTW ? ….
I could use a love letter from Tom Hughes or a new laptop or whatever.
Other than that, I’m good. Thanks.
I Love this song i think this guy will be huge https://youtu.be/L3wKzyIN1yk
Very good lyrics and sound; voice, soul, style ?
I have nothing to new to share in return at the moment. Maybe I should be listening more, yep.
Thanks RC, from a tennis perspective that would be amazing
Is there another perspective that you have in mind? ?
RC I said i liked a certain British male solo artists music, and ended up getting way more than i bargained for
What in the world does that mean? …getting way more than I bargained for.
That’s okay leave it to my imagination
Thank you my angel! Your messages mean so much to me!
You are helping me heal and get better every day!
Awww Nny!!…My heart and my head got 10th times bigger to hear u said that!!hahaha…But,that’s my main goal…to cheer u up and automatically lift your spirit up as well…YAY!!…Oopss!Of coz to see rafa play today only add up to that,yes?
Nny..i gave u an article about Rafa on Rafa’s pages…
Nice one MA
Thanks Al!hehe…How r u sis?Based from your words,i think you’re walking on the moon at the mo!Hehe…and i don’t blame u!Very happy to see you’re happy sis!
Have a peaceful, restful sleep, dear Mira Andi ?
Thanks rc!How r u?Heard u’re sick yesterday?
Just a toothache which triggered a massive headache. Thanks for asking,
You are my angel too
even tho you continue to kick my arse in the brackets! ??
rc…hahahaha….i’m so so so so so so sorry about kicking your arse sis!I can’t help it!!..Everytime i look at your arse,i would imagine it’s TB’s arse,so i had to kick it!!Hehehe…
Ooppss!Forgot to give u this rc!
I love you too!!
This is me with a toothache!
RC i said i liked his music, and he friended me on FB, we had a private conversation, he asked me for my e.mail address and sent a lovely message to me, be still my beating heart
Thanks again for the good wishes! It’s working! I am getting better!
Thank you angel!
Hope you feel better RC
Thank you!
Thank you so much!
It’s a wonderful thing to see when I first come on here!
You’re most most most most most welcome Nny!!!LOVE U!!WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!
Meet the new boss. Worse than the old boss.
U.S. Investigating Mosul Strikes Said to Have Killed Up to 200 Civilians
Another Iraqi special forces officer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject, said that there had been a noticeable relaxing of the coalition’s rules of engagement since President Trump took office.
If confirmed, the series of airstrikes would rank among the highest civilian death tolls in an American air mission since the United States went to war in Iraq in 2003. And the reports of civilian deaths in Mosul came immediately after two recent incidents in Syria, where the coalition is also battling the Islamic State from the air, in which activists and local residents said dozens of civilians had been killed.
Taken together, the surge of reported civilian deaths raised questions about whether once-strict rules of engagement meant to minimize civilian casualties were being relaxed under the Trump administration, which has vowed to fight the Islamic State more aggressively.
Thank you my special angel for the wonderful messages again today! It just lifts my spirits to see them when I come on here!
I love cats! Beautiful!
Love you!
This delivery is especially for ToMMo!…
That’s really cool Mira Andi.
And who knows…maybe she will wear a necklace with my nickname on the next tournament. Okay a bracelet or anklet is okay too. 
Hehe…Thanks ToMMo!Hey,wears a bracelet is okay buuuuut…anklet?..nah!!We don’t want her tripped and fall on her beautiful face,do we?But,earlet,noselet are okay too!!
Oh, true…many options to avoid the accidents.
Thank you for the morning greeting!
You’re very much welcome Nny!Always!
An oldie but a goodie…
Great listen on SO many levels. An interview with a coal miner about half way in. This is a great podcast by the way.
Especially for ToMMo!..
Okay maybe It’s not what I meant, but it’s still very cool

Hey..great u liked it ToMMo!…Err..what u meant actually?I am a little slow!Hehehe..
AM If your reading, guess what lol ?
Ermm…emm…RW?Am I right Ali??
MA Hell yeah baby
Ali!!..Oh my!oh mama mia!!!
Mira Andi, Nny, Alison, Hawks — all Tenngrand friends:
Had to make a decision, a big one and there was no doubt which was the right one. There’s too many breath-taking issues going on daily and it didn’t slow. It’s impossible for me to keep up with tennis while working with the local political action team – it an all-consuming effort. Anti-war, health care, and the environment are life-long top priorities and I’ve never felt more compelled.
I love you all and Vamos Rafa too – there’s never been a more generous and humble example in sports, imo! I’ll check in now and then, please take care of yourselves – miss you — but I’ll be back.
Meanwhile, I highly recommend reading anything by Annie Jacobsen, particularly the first few chapters of The Pentagon’s Brain, and Noam Chomsky’s latest book, Requiem for the American Dream: The Ten Principles of Concentration of Wealth and Power (or any of his writings).
These are inspiring times, cheers, love, and peaceful resistance, Elizabeth.
rc…Do what u have to do,but please take care of yourself!…Love u always from a far away land!!
Oh hello,darling MA! I was just going to post this to you!
We’ll be fine…see you later, Love You!
Thank u for the vid rc and i’ll be waiting for your return!Miss u so so much!!
don’t go RC!
We’ll miss you ratcliff
Peace RC. I wish you all the best.
Hope to hear from you from time to time.
You’re missed already.
#solidarity #stayinspired #Bernie2020! #keepfighting!
Thanks for the good morning message! I know that you are someone who comes here with no agenda.
I am doing well! I know what’s important in this life. I also know what is not important.
Again thanks for your kindness and decency!
Nny My Queen!!…Hahahaha!…Swear!no agenda except to see u smile and happy even just for 2 sec!…And you’re you’re you’re welcomeeeeee Nny!!…and thank u for your genuine affection,your precious and generous gratitude[and makes me ‘fall in love’ with u more and more!!hahaha…
Right back at you!
Thank you for the good wishes! It’s making my recovery go faster!
You will always be my angel! It’s when someone is there even in the bad times that really counts!
Nny!…I will always do my best to make u feel better and happy!You’re one of the most important figure in my virtual life atm,so your happiness also very important to me….
I want to be at my best for MC and Rafa! I need to give Rafa all of my support! You and I will be live blogging as we watch him!
I am feeling a lot better now than I was for Miami! I need to be sure to conserve my energy and try not to get involved in pointless discussions that go nowhere!
I wish that I could find the words to truly let you know how much your encouragement and little messages mean to me! I have a lot to be thankful and grateful for now!
Your precious words of caring and love and. concern have helped me more than you will ever know!
Hey back My Queen!!…If u keep take care of yourself properly and rest enough as required,there is no reason for u to not be at your best when Rafa starts his campaign in MC in a weeks time Nny…Insyaallah,i’ll be here for u Nny!!Can’t wait to get crazy with u soon!!!Wooohoooo!!
Also,i’m really really glad to know that you’re feeling much better now…keep doing it okay?Oh!Rafa once again sent me a message via an old pigeon last nite…he said “Mira,keep Nny entertained by your never ending craziness…i want her to get better and better everyday,so she can enjoy watching me play at MC soon!..Remember!Doing what i told u or your backside will be at stake!I just polish my Nike footwear for just the occassion!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA!!…”There Nny!!..Man!I can’t believe Rafa was so scary at times!!!…Stupid jokes for the day Nny!!Hehehehe….
Oh,btw…don’t worry Nny…i already know how u feel…believe me i know..what u wrote all this time already makes my heart feel sooooo BIG…Honestly,what i’m doing is came from my heart…I’m not expcting some compliment or praise from u….i just want to make u happy and forget what u have been through…i know,it’s not much but to make u feel less stress and better even for a minute,it’s already worth the try for me Nny…So,VAMOS Nny!!
MA Cant help myself https://youtu.be/iy4mXZN1Zzk lol ….
And this https://youtu.be/luwAMFcc2f8
Hey Ali…yeah,both songs were very good!I used to listen to it on radio when i still younger…Thanks for the vid sis…there’s no better way to remind myself that i’m wayyyyyy older than 15 years ago by listening to this songs Al!!..hahaha…
Hi! Thanks for the daily greeting! Now you don’t have to miss me because I am here!
I don’t know how you get all these beautiful messages and sayings. I am just glad that you post them!
You are a sweet soul! I am lucky that you are here!
Hey Nny!!…Boy,how glad i am you’re here at last!Hehe…I’ve waited all day long just to say HI to u!!Anyway,how are u feeling today Nny?Hope much much better than yesterday!
And thank u for liking my pictures Nny!…To tell the truth..to search and pick the right Good Morning or anything are my favourites activity everyday Nny…i am too very fascinated with all the beautiful pic and quotes and to choose the right one for u….urgh!..it’s enjoyable to do that….oh,u just wait the recovery quotes that i’ve already picked for u for tommorow Nny!…It’s awesome!!
Oh,btw i am lucky too to have u here Nny!You’re one of the most friendly,loving,warm,nice and kind person i’ve ever met…and i’m really reallt glad that we have this chemistry betwween us Nny!Thank u for being my friend!…
You will always have me as your friend! Always! You go out of your way to show kindness and that’s not something you see a lot of on these forums.
You don’t need to even care about what happened to me, but you do! You are real and genuine and reach out to people. That is a gift!
I will never forget how you reached out to me in my time of need. I have support in my life, but it’s a lovely surprise to see it here.
I know what is important and what is not. You realize that you should notcket the little things get to you because there are much more important things in life.
So if Rafa loses a final, then I am disappointed for a bit and then I realize – it was a tennis match! Not life and death!
I am much stronger now and able to fo more things. I feel a great deal of appreciation for the little things that I used to take for granted.
Life is precious and should be cherished,
Your messages have warmed my heart!
If I go on like this, then the tears may come.
Just thank you!
Nny!…Awww,million thank u for your sweet and nice words up there!!It’s AWESOME!!…But,think nothing of it Nny…we’re friends and like i said before,u,rc,Ali and amy mean so much to me…so,what i did is nothing..it’s natural to do that when it’s borne from the deep affection/love….
Btw Nny,i’m really glad that you’re start to see the real thing about Rafa losses..That’s what i’m trying to pumped u up everytime Rafa lose..it’s not the end of the world…and what??IT’S JUST A TENNIS MATCH!!..That’s okay,if Rafa suffer another lost in the future..then we both will soothe each other okay?..
Oh..my usual wishes for u Nny!…
And a tasty chicken soup for u..
And a dessert Nny…
And,after that don’t forget to take a medication okay?
Oh Ricky!!You’re mean!!U approved my old post AFTER i posted a new one??Now,i look like an idiot for giving Nny the same pic twice??..Urgh!!!..Btw,why u took so long to approve my old post?I posted 11 hours ago!!
Nny!…Actually i already replied to your post last nite,but got moderated by Ricky due to 4 pic that i gave it to u all at once haha…but i also not sure whether Ricky will release my post or not,so i give it 2 of my pic and quotes okay?
And here’s get well chicken soup for your dinner tonight…http://bleubirdvintage.typepad.com/.a/6a00e554f1ae9388330147e2f76183970b-pi
Also Nny…Thank u thank u thank u for your precious words up there..it’s AWESOME!!!…It’s irony actually,someone used to wrote on TX that she finds my over sweet/kind personality was very irritating!In other words,she don’t like me much because of the very personality that almost make u cry in your last post!…But that’s okay as long as i can make u happy…it’s enough for me Nny…Oh btw,,how u feel today?
Oh I see what happened! I think you can only post so many links in one comment! But Ricky was so kind to approve it!
It’s okay! I saw it twice! I could never find your posts irritating at all! They are a breath of fresh air! That’s why it’s so great that Ricky lets us have this non-tennis forum!
That chicken soup looks so good! I have had a lot of help in the past few weeks. But I am doing so well that the nurse who has been coming to check on me twice a week will have her last visit this Thursday!
I told you it was working! I will see the doctor in about a week. I am sorry about not going into details here, but it just wasn’t comfortable going into medical details.
I told you that this has changed how I look at things. A tennis match is a tennis match! Not the end of the world! It’s important to appreciate the little pleasures in life. Don’t take life for granted!
Hey Nny!!..From your words,it seems that everything are very positive atm..and i hope the positivity keep coming to u in the coming weeks..millions YAY! for that..and thank God as well…
And yeah,i agree some people including u start to look at things differently after having some unforgetful event in their lives…i have my share too Nny…when i was pregnant with my last child 10 years ago,i had to do an emergency c-sec when my child was 8 months old in my womb due to the high BP that shot up to 140 that fateful day…and my child almost drowned and when Doc get her out much later,she’s already blue and the Doc said,if we’re late just a few minutes,she could be dead…as for me,i’ve also walking on a thin rope after the surgery when my BP got crazy and shot to the highest no of 190…very scary Nny!…But thank God!..i’m still here today and still crazy!hahaha…
And it’s okay for me if u not going into detail about your’s…honestly,i’m a little scared to hear your story Nny..so,it’s better if u keep a secret about that okay?
Thats lovely MA, cheered me up no end as im not feeling all that great, with a stinking cold
Hey Ali!…Thank u thank u thank u sis!…Oh!You’re not feeling well too?Oh,don’t worry sis!!..Here’s some magic potion to make you feel better toooo!!…
I was moved by your experience with giving birth to your child. We all get tested in this life. I am glad that it all turned out okay! I not the exception in having a health crisis. But I am trying to take positives out of it.
I know if I lose perspective should Rafa lose again, that you will be there to remind me that it’s not the end of the world.
I feeling so much better now!
Hey Nny!MORNING MY QUEEN!!…Wait!wait!…
There Nny!…Oh btw,thank u for your sympathy ma’am!…Yeah,u’re right…every each one of us has our own shares in this life..the difference is that,what kind of test we’ve got…easy,hard,painful,long term,short term…it’s all up to God..we just have to accept it with open heart…
Re.Rafa…Yeah Nny!…When the time comes,we get through it together okay?Insyaallah,i’ll be here for u…VAMOS RAFA AND Nny!!…Woooohoooo!!!
Thankyou MA thats very sweet of you, no pun intended
Loving the love on this page and the music …waves to everybody ?
Waves,hugs,flying kiss,French kiss,American kiss,Britain kiss and Malaysian kiss rc!!!!…And this is Malaysian Kiss look like rc!
RC Nice to see you here, i dont think Steve-O takes too kindly to posters that disagree with him, or say anything wrong about Federer, god forbid lol ….
Ah…Love you guys!
Thanks for the kiss, MA
I don’t know what to say about Tennis-x, Alison
…you are more brave than me! Haven’t read it over there but I’d think the Fed Fans should be dishing it left and right; Fed Fans have to take it too — plenty of anti-feds there, I should think.
RC I Dont post so much on the tennis forums anymore, especially that one, much prefer blogging here when i do, havent been watching as much tennis lately, had my mind on other things, spent most of my time on FB lately chatting to friends
Okay…went over and had a look. Ali, he/she is just lashing out and you were available. Whoever that guy is …seems he’s probably going on on the wrong forum with all the “Orewellian” reference.
Stay here — for tennis news. I love Ricky Dimon
RC Yeah i will, much prefer the company here anyway
Good. Love you, Ali Wali! Hope you are smiling…
Takes a lotta love…
RC Love that song, love David Gray, love that album, was listening to White Ladder this afternoon ironically
Wow.wwwwwow. Strange isn’t it?? Yesterday I heard Babylon on a radio station while in my car. Then last night I started listening to the whole album, White Ladder (what other one is there
?? )
Of course I was catching up on tennis and when I do, my bracket and internet tennis friends come to mind. So…It must be ESP with us. That happened to me with amy here some time ago and a Margaret Atwood book.
Golly, it’s all random, right? Or is it. What’s the chances of both of us tuning into a David Gray CD from 1999-2000? For me, all music is divided by pre- September 9/11 and post… post 9/11 music conjures up a happier, more innocent time in life, I think. Cheers, Alison my thoughts are with you!
shoot! meant pre 9/11 music brings a happier, more innocent time to mind — NOT POST 9/11!
ESP might be more known as “remote viewing” now? Some people have been shown to be quite good at it. Obviously not me, tho!!! I’d be a whole lot better at predicting if I was good at it!!
Okay…one more from White Ladder – Babylon. Pre 9/11. To an easier time.
let go in our hearts, let go in our heads… or maybe I’ve got the lyrics wrong again
“This is a low-flying panic attack”….gosh I’m such a Radioheadie — 2.5 decades later — I still go back to something from Thom Yorke at the end of the day ?
RC love this version of this song https://youtu.be/CzmfXgtbxEs
^ Also love the original though too https://youtu.be/bjNDLlZqes0 ^
I Only knew Adelle for singing Rolling in The Deep, didnt realize Aretha Franklin did it originally love both versions RC ….
RC Thats what we do at our camps, burn the wicker man, to bring in the new seasons, dont worry though we dont burn anybody or anything live lol
hehehe….I’d love to join you in you in your earthy rituals!
RC This is what we do, https://youtu.be/74DeoFjmA74, nobodies in their though dont worry lol ….
Way back in 2003, happily for me, Radiohead came out with Hail to the Thief.
What Wiki says about it:
The album was self-produced by the band and…. Songwriter Thom Yorke wrote many of the album’s lyrics in response to the War on Terror and the resurgence of right-wing politics in the Western part of the world at the turn of the millennium, and said that the album expresses “frustration and powerlessness and anger, and the huge gap between the people that put themselves in control and the people that allegedly voted for them”, alluding to the controversy surrounding the 2000 United States presidential election.
At 23:36 Thom says, “That’s how they get you. When people stop participating in democracy, that’s when fascism occurs; and that’s when idiots get in charge.”
Deja vu, 2017. The country is still at it! But Thom and Johnny make angst sound ethereal in this unplugged in Paris 2003 version ?
just skip to No Surprises. It’s so killer at 27:58 minutes in.
I know, I’m OTT posting the entire performance
Hail to the Thief is one of my favorite Radiohead albums, and I think is often overlooked with their prolific body of work!
Hi Kevin
Hail to the Thief has been cued up in my car for the commute to work since January. Agree with you about Hail to the Thief often overlooked and underrated. Over time maybe that will change. It feels like the most enduring of his work lately.
Moon-shaped pool only had two tracks that I revisit: Burn the Witch always makes me smile, then there’s Daydreamer, which hits eerily deep and still scares me a little when I listen and watch the video. Probably it’s starting to grow on me – that’s how it works. He’s on the same page as I am politically and possibly as freaked-out. The impact on coral reefs and so on…ice caps melting…
?…lol, this could be a tennis fanatic debate. Federer, Nole, Rafa is the best.
RC I Loved this Radiohead song, it turns out that guitar rift was an accident, and the group like it so much, that they left it in https://youtu.be/XFkzRNyygfk
Hey Alison ?
Creep was the first I’d heard of them. And back then there wasn’t youtube – so… I didn’t purchase my own CD until Kid A came out and by that time it had taken a boyfriend having them on day and night, listening to them over and over, until discovering the addiction was mine
In 1993-4…I was into a lot of music that was NOT Radiohead – it was rarely at steady at a good running and work-out tempo. When Hail to the Thief (2003) came out it grew on me fast – every track. As mentioned, the bond was about a mutual political perception at the time. I had to track back and realize how much I loved much of their earlier music too. The 2007 CD, In Rainbows, had too many teenie-bop tracks, however… enough of my favorites are mixed in that I keep it around: Weird Fishes Arpeggio, Faust Arp, Jigsaw Falling (posted that one to you a couple years ago on tennis-x) and Reckoner. I have to skip the bits connected to the soundtrack of Twilight, lol.
I’m mesmerized by this Weird Fishes piano cover. It’s a nice meditation piece – very Jungian.
Wierd Fishes Arpeggi — CD version.
I must be a teenie bopper then.
Absolutely love pretty much everything from Radiohead and Tom yorke but in rainbows is probably my fav right up there with OK Computer.
I consider Pablo Honey and The Bends to be way more pop but it’s all fantastic IMHO and way above 99% of everything else put to some form of polymer or ones and zeros.
Ahh sweet music.
Jack Black’s best role…
Lol yes. Parr of you anyway…still teenie bopper
Very groovy. Good one!
Why are you needing to be approved I wonder?
Mind you, if I was moderator, I may have moderated you for dissing In Rainbows.
I really like it because of the mix in songs, some pull you in right away and others pull you in over time.
Have you seen this?
Sorry, this one better…
Not available in my country! I hate that.
if it’s a version of Weird Fishes tho…I’ve probably seen it!
That’s a shame.
No, it’s In Rainbows “From The Basement”.
Performed live in a studio setting (with no audience).
This is a popular useful chrome browser addon that allows you to access websites blocked in your country…
Posting from a different device requires approval, of course. Soon I will add another device — I’m sure it will throw me off for awhile.
You’re probably using a slightly different e-mail address.
I had that problem once when I entered a different e-mail on a new device when I thought it was the sams.
Yes…certainly it was the email with that gravatar!
Sometimes it’s a browser problem tho….I thank-you for the helpful tip which I’ll pass along to the geek who I’ll pay to fix things. Technology has gone beyond me, it’s infinitely boring I can’t do it myself. How these devices work isn’t – I used to try to keep up…my dream is to survive off grid. Sometimes I pray for a solar flare or a EMP that sends everything back to hunter gatherer time.
“I really like it because of the mix in songs, some pull you in right away and others pull you in over time.” says Hawkstradamus.
Exactly. A year ago I heard Daydreaming…it was too creepy. Now I can’t get enough of it lol…
Poor Shawn Spicer and his latest press conference ? Spicy might not be around much longer…I’ll miss him when he goes – for his foot in mouth clangers he’s ended up being the only bright spot in the Trump adm.
I think he should stay because he represents the party accurately.
I also think he will stay. As will Bannon.
Media are being played.
This time I think Spicey really stepped in it. You can’t mess with the Holocaust. My father could have told Spicey about how the smell of burning flesh became stronger as he and the other American soldiers got closer to the concentration camp. He had to take pictures of the atrocities for the Nuremberg trials.
It’s mind boggling that Spicey or anyone for that matter, could say something that ignorant and stupid. The whole point with Hitler and the Nazis was to find a way to kill the Jews more efficiently. That’s how they came up with Zyklon B gas and the ovens. They created a way to kill people on a mass scale. The world has never seen anything like it before or since.
Sometimes I wonder what goes through the mind of someone who makes such an idiotic comment.
Hope you are feeling well, Nny!
It’s not getting any easier to stomach reality and making the adjustment is a full-time struggle. I’m going to a town hall meeting tonight with like-minded Idahoans vs right-wing con men. That’s all I can do. Keep trying.
The march in support of Science is coming up soon too, I think…that’s an important one around here! Geez…
Yes, I am feeling much better and am recovering well. Thanks for asking!
I don’t think that Spicey is the worst of the Trump administration. He just put his big foot in his mouth and made an incredibly insensitive comment about the Holocaust. At least he has apologized for it, which is more than can be said for Trump and his endless hateful, misogynistic comments. You have to be a decent human being to apologize and he doesn’t qualify.
It never gets easier watching this all play out. Now we are supposed to believe that Trump grew a conscience when he saw pictures of those dead babies gassed by Assad. So he sends some missiles and thinks he’s done something. He has no core beliefs or principles. He just does what he thinks will make him look strong or be more popular.
The worst of the Trump administration is Steve Bannon. That man is toxic with a truly hateful and bigoted agenda. He is dangerous. I would like to see him out, but I don’t think Trump will do it. The other cancer in the Trump presidency is Kushner, Trump’s moron of a son-in law. This guy is not qualified to be in the position that Trump has put him in. No experience on the world stage dealing with foreign countries and international relations. He knows how to make money, honestly or dishonestly. I don’t recall anyone voting for Kushner or Ivanka. But they are greedy and corrupt, just like Trump.
Hang in there and keep fighting the good fight! We must take back our country! People need to get out in record numbers for the midterm elections in 2018!
Thanks, you too — hang in there. I watched Trump’s press conference…he really is all over the map – there’s no telling which way he flips on any given day. And yet, even though I realize that fact about him, it was still remarkable to hear him announce that the United Nations is no longer obsolete. Because he’s in the mood and says so… LOL…remember what he said about the UN before he was elected and had so many Trump supporters (Bannon types) super excited about promising to put an end to the UN hahahaha
But his complete flip on the UN does nothing to calm my fears about him being in charge of the H-bombs and carrying around the nuclear code brief case. It is nice for the moment that he’s declared his support for our allies.
But…at the same time he makes a point of saying the Pacific Fleet is heading toward North Korea for gods sake.
He’s so shallow…we all know he is! This is a big reality TV show starring himself – his ratings are what matter the most.
Okay…I’m outta here for now!
My chrome browser is down and infected with the Zeus virus so this post will need to be approved
First I hope you are continuing to feel better and stronger! And if you are, I’m asking for your opinion (I think you are more moderate than myself). Certainly I respect your knowledge and opinion and I think we are close to being on the same page and I appreciate your viewpoints and history.
It’s this morning’s episode of Democracy Now which featured in part, Stephen Cohen, New York University; and Jonathan Steele, former Moscow correspondent for the Guardian. Have you heard this side of the Syrian chemical weapons story and if you have, what do you think and feel about this? Frankly, it terrifies me — not knowing where the truth falls on all sides — and feeling acutely aware of what is at stake. To me all parties are in part lying and also telling some truth. And I tend to in part believe the Russians at this point, having been mislead too many times by my own government! Back in 2003, I came to have no doubt in my mind that the Bush Administration was lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the need to go to war was a gross mistake on every level. But I am naturally Anti-War…in fact, any time our administration insists on regime changes around the world I have to think it’s a disaster in the making and join a march in protest. (especially since the Idaho Republicans cancelled the town hall at the last minute last night – they can’t even be bothered – ****!)
Never mind me. My earlier wishy washiness is embarrassing! I’ve spent my day off studying what started off as confusing and conflicting information on too many fronts a week ago.
I value your opinions, wisdom and advice on the matter of all things but in my mind after reading the transcripts in writing of the questions both Cohen and Steele ask be considered and their points of view – I feel clear. We are being lied to by the power players – same as usual. Follow the money. Look who benefits from the present propaganda. It’s a bi-partisan lie – there are still more progressives who are ready to face the truth but I doubt democrats in general are. Definitely Tillerson, right-wing Republicans, and the corporate class in power is the most heavily invested in perpetual war as usual. It’s why I was done with the Clintons and Obama. I’m done with the democrats other than those who can represent and speak the truth. Military technology — I’m sick of it. Was sick of hearing about drone attacks and atrocities during Obama’s admin. As if the hydrogen bombs haven’t been enough since 1950 to sink every land mass on the planet and render earth uninhabitable for tens of centuries to come.
The thing is, I was just deciding which issue was most pressing a week ago — healthcare for all, single-payer, is the answer. There’s no other option. Then there’s Jeff Sessions and his agenda – I can’t/won’t start.
This continual escalation, perpetuation of war and the profiteering of Raytheon and the other military/industrial players at the expense of humanity and the planet – it’s absurd that I was even considering falling for the same old lies. I’m solidly on the side of Lavrov and Putin when it comes specifically to the chemical attack in Syria (not that I support the Russian Oligarchy, bigots and nationalists). We are in another situation deja vu Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, Latin America, South America, Africa, Palestine…the list is long. I can’t think about Puerto Rico or the Barrier Reef without getting sick. It all makes me sick…
Rant over. Action is required. Sorry. I feel bad bringing my angst into tennisgrand.
Vamos Rafa in MC. Hoping to glimpse his best clay tennis once again.
You can talk about injustices etc because you live in the US. You should try living in those countries you have admiration for and you will realize that compared to the wrongs they do, we are much better off. But you really have to live there to understand what I am saying. You take for granted all the good things you have here. It is only when you live in Russia or Saudi Arabia or say, Syria that you will you realize the value of the things you take for granted. This reminds me of a story of a man who had one cow. Everyday he used to pray to God to give him a second cow. One day his one cow went missing. Then he prayed to God to return his cow and promised to be grateful for having one cow.
I don’t admire Putin and his repressive dictatorship. Saudi Arabia ? HA! I wouldn’t last a day there lol…
My fight here is for Democracy but not the direction it’s been going and currently is headed.
Well, I’d contend that it’s no longer a true democracy, and soon it may no longer even be that.
rc, what do you think are the immediate goals of Russia and the US for military action in Syria?
I think they are both supporting the Assad regime.
Hawkeye, I agree. They are both supporting Assad.
Trump and his inner circle will lie about it spin it any way they can through Sinclair broadcasting, which is Fox News, only bigger. There has turned up in my satellite channel list a new news program called One America, which is a glimpse of what I would call Trump TV.
Democracy Now and the Intercept is where I find daily reports of daily bombings and operations in Yemen, Iraq, and Syria. In fact this morning’s Democracy Now was interviewing Jeremy Schiller and Glen Greenwald…
We still have a democracy but it is under attack from outside (elements in Russia) and from within – the GOP.
We have to fight for our freedoms and fight resist Trump who is dangerously in love with Authoritarian regimes like I’m Egypt, Phillipines, Saudia Arabia,…in fact Trump leaked the news of our submarines position to Duarte…and admires his war on drugs…read the Intercept. It’s completely crazy.
Also the Trumpcare/tax cuts for the rich budget hopefully gets squashed in the Senate…23 million people will lose healthcare…and on and on…no more meals on wheels for the elderly…gosh I could go on…it’s unreal.
Jeremy Scahill. NOT Schiller
Jeremy Scahill is fighting the fight to get the reports made public that anti democracy elements want squashed.
Yeah, I’m on top of most of what is going on since Trump took office. And it is incredible what is happening to social programs.
With the electoral college continuing to be further abused, it is a questionable democracy and I think its 50/50 whether there will even be an election in 2018. Even if there is, I can see GOP getting in with even far less of the popular vote than 2016.
I read that InfoWars received WH press credentials yesterday.
Never thought I’d see this in my life time in North America. Naive thinking.
rc, have you watched this documentary?
Not yet, Hawks, but i wa to! I”m pretty busy.
Did you see what haopened to a Guardian reporter who was trying to ask a GOP congessman a question about the budget? Throttled and body-slammed it the ground in Bozeman, Montana.
I’m not surprised Alex Jones/Info Wars has WH press credentials.
There are attacks on our Democracy nonstop since Trump took office, day one.
All Bannon orchestrated IMO.
Yeah, I heard. Between NYT The Daily podcast and Twitter, I’m pretty up to speed as soon as anything happens. Talk about shock and awe – it’s never ending (by design).
Nny!…Hey,how r u today?Hope it muuuuuuuucccchhhhhh better than we last chat…and Nny..here’s my usual wishes 4 u..today i sent 2 pic at once because i don’t know when i can send u another..my internet was crashed in my area…and i want to wish u good luck for our Rafa as well..oh!btw..make sure u fill the Bracket okay?LOVE U FROM AFAR Nny!!!Woooohoooo!!VAMOS RAFA!!
I just saw your post today! Sorry it took me so long to see it!
Thanks again for the wonderful messages of support.
Sorry, but I did forget to fill out my bracket this time. I will have to remember for next time!
At least Rafa won his first match! That’s done good news, even if it was tougher than expected.
Nny!!Finally!!…i thought u would never ‘find’ me!Hehe…Morning!!
Oh!Hope u feel betterer today Nny…
I don’t usually come on the non-tennis forum , but I did today and found this post from you a few days ago.
Sorry I missed it! Thanks for the good morning thoughts and good wishes for my recovery!
I am doing really well now! It’s all good!
This loss hits me hard. I loved Michele Scarponi. Can’t imagine what it must be like for his wife and kids, close friends, and teammates. Everyone loved him. These tragedies happen in cycling but this man was someone you always looked for in a race because he makes the race more fun and interesting…he radiated joy and passion. Rest peacefully dear Scarpa. Gone too soon.
Is there anyone else who is as pissed off as I am with the ITF live-streaming site? This is an expensive annual subscription but gave coverage of all DC matches for 12 months. In January I received an email to say they were upgrading the site plus the usual platitudes promising improvements and offering a free trial subscription when it is launched i.e. undoubtedly the precursor to a price hike
Since then nothing. Have written to them twice asking for news – both emails have been ignored and so far the promised reimbursement of the unused subscription has not materialised.
ed251137 (AT 6:34 AM),
I have used only their 24-hour access.
When was that? I couldn’t access it for the QFs but wasn’t overly concerned as I had tickets for all three days. Right waste of money that was too
ed251137 (AT 1:50 PM)
The last time I accessed was when Rafa played.
Just available for Davis Cup though the Davis Cup web site, no?
I’m not aware of any official streaming subscription for slam tennis, is there?
In short, no. When I go to their site there is no mention of how to subscribe. I lost all my history post the power surge which burnt out my computer (and yes I have now invested in a surge protector) so cant backtrack to my original ITF account details.
re: the Slams. The ITF do not provide any coverage. I use Eurosport Player which gives total coverage of all courts with TV facilities.
Prpgress report
Have finally elicited a response from the ITF (after a very sharp message from me about their inefficiency and discourtesy) who tell me the new site is still under construction but cannot give a date when this will be. i guess the revised DC format has put a spanner in the works.
Mira Andi /Ratcliff i had a friendship request on FB this morning, from guess who ?, be still my beating heart
Hahaha…Oh no Ali!!!..I’m so jealous of u lately!!But,but who??
Mira Andi my favorite film star, my new monikor has his initials on TX, not accepted the friendship request as yet though, i havent the nerve right now
Mira Andi https://youtu.be/I3H-UH2b9PY , couldnt resist, but does this answer your question lol ….
Oh Ali!!..What are u waiting for??Accept it!!
Mira Andi lol i know, but i have to go to work soon, and i need to have a clear head, my heart wont stop racing even thinking about it lol
Oh Al!U got it bad!!Hehehe…that’s okay,go to work first and then when u come home,relax and think about it some more okay sis?
Okay Al!U take care of yourself when you’re at work k?Don’t nightdreamin’ bout certain someone u hear?It’s dangerous to do that at workplace!hahaha…be safe sis!Hugs and kisses from afar!!Wooo!
For Hawkie!!
For me.
Love this.
Testing if my updated avatar is working
Help needed. I managed to add a new photo for my avatar which appeared above once but only once. Have no idea how I got there and it has since disappeared. Can somebody tell me in baby language what I have to do!!!!!!!.
ed251137 (AT 10:18 AM),
I haven’t changed my avatar, but I think you have to Log In the WordPress.com (the same username & password you use on the Grandstand) to change your avatar:
I’ve tried that but still cant get to ‘How to change my Avatar’
|It’s doing my head in having managed to do it successfullly on May 1st
Anyway thanks for trying. I’ll email Ricky
Well, well. well. look what’s appeared. Fingers crossed it stays.
Rafa’s business partner tweeted:
Rafa’s business partner drives audience crazy in Northern Europe: “Best way to spend my birthday. Thank you, Helsinki.”
Started up to date cobweb stand out
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^What the hell is that, Ricky for goodness sake please remove the above post, this is not that kind of site, its for fans to talk tennis YUCK ^ ?
Hey Ricky!From the words up there from elisabethiv3..i take it’s a porn something??Why u let those junk appeared in this forum?I know this is non tennis forum..but is it suitable for this site?I’m sure other poster’s will agree with me…
Can’t believe it!!!And to think how quickly Ricky removed amy’s post the other day!!!
Exactly Mira Andi urgh ….
Yeah Al!…And i came here again,almost 2 hours after my last post…and that disgusting post still there…wake up Ricky!wake up!
Message for Hawkeye:
What happened to the great stats site you introduced me to years ago? It no longer seems to be working – at least I can’t access it these days.
Just saw this now ed. Not sure which site you are referring to but this one is my favourite and still very much active…
Thanks Hawkeye. Cant recall the name of the site either and as you know I lost all my data when my computer burnt out following a power surge. Will try tennis abstract.
Thom YorkeVerified account @thomyorke
would we like a say in our future? are we sick of being told to leave it to those who “know best ” ? V o T e ! https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote …
The callous, cowardly terrorist attack in the UK which killed and maimed concert goers on Monday night – many of them teeny-boppers – has left the nation in shock. You don’t need to be a parent to imagine what it is like for the parents who lost a child in the carnage or are still searching. The youngest was an 8yr girl.
Not obvious how an attack in which the attacker is fully prepared to die is “cowardly”. Callous, terrorist, evil, to be morally condemned in no uncertain terms? Absolutely.
What then should we say about the US-led attacks that have killed far more innocent civilians, and far more children, in recent months -in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and elsewhere? Many of those attacks really are cowardly, most obviously, those carried out by drones.
What does it take for us Westerners to imagine what it must be like to be the parent of one of the hundreds of those Middle-Eastern children killed just in March by US and UK bombers?
@Joe….Thank u thank u thank u for your words and sympathy for those innocent victims in the middle east that was killed like their lives not worth a cent…U don’t know how much your words have moved me..and even more so because you’re a Westerner…Thank u for being a great human being Joe!
Thanks, Mira.
The attacks you reference in your link in March however, are horrific and shouldn’t have occurred IMO and I question their intent given the current regime and Trump’s prior positive comments on Assad.
I don’t trust the Trump government motives there now. I believe he’s aligned with Russia which is supporting the Assad regime.
I hadn’t realized that you were referring to recent months so your point is taken.
I my view it is wrong to compare unlawful acts by terrorists with atrocities committed while fighting under the engagement of war.
I completely agree with ed. No comparision.
Bravo! Well said! You make an important distinction here.
Wrong how? Most of the western attacks are clearly unlawful as well (e.g. Trump’s recent missile attack). There is no legal basis for the US involved in Syria, either directly or by proxy. Being engaged in an unlawful and unjust war does not morally excuse killing thousands of innocent people, to put it mildly.
My point is simply this. Those hundreds of children killed by US/UK bombs in March in the middle east are no less innocent than that 8 year old killed in Manchester. Yet, while the latter death merits headlines around the world, cause for reflection, and so forth; the former, much more numerous deaths pass us by, their number increasing each day, their lives, as Mira puts it, not worth a cent.
What about Isis and other terrorist groups who use civilians and deliberately put them in harms way? Is that just fine and dandy with you?
No one is saying that the lives of some children are led important or less valuable. But civilians have been used by corrupt regimes and terrorist groups and put in places where they become casualties.
Please save your moral outrage because in armed conflict civilians have been tragically killed throughout history.
You want moral outrage? Think about what happened in WWII! There are too many examples of atrocities against innocent civilians to even list. Then there were the concentration camps!
War is hell! No one ever said it wasn’t!
But if you can’t make the distinction between the arbitrary targeting of civilians just for the sake of it, anywhere, any time, then you are not gettIng it at all.
Sorry, NNY, but although some civilian casualties may be due to people deliberately being put in harms way, the vast majority are not. It’s convenient to believe from a western point of view, but it’s not true, not even close.
Hawk, I made no claim to moral equivalence. Plenty of acts short of terrorism are morally wrong and worthy of condemnation, particularly when we are the perpetrators.
In Oct. 2015 the US air force bombed a MSF (Doctors Without Borders) hospital in Kunduz, killing more innocent people than were killed in Manchester. They knew the coordinates of the hospital, which was lit up. MSF called immediately to tell the US military that they were bombing the hospital; the bombing continued for over an hour.
You can draw your own conclusions about how ‘accidental’ the attack was. There are many other cases.
So what is your point, Joe? The only point you seem to be making is that the terrorist strikes are a just return for the atrocities committed by the US/UK. Also you seem to think Islamic terrorism is courageous and US strikes are cowardly. In the US, you can talk of human rights and criticize US. You should stay in a Middle East country. Let us know thereafter what are your thoughts about US.
Don’t get me wrong Joe – I disagree with a lot of what the US has done in the past, especially Iraq War for example.
You equated Manchester bombing directly targeted on civilian children to “MOST of the Western attacks” including US involvement in Syria, which are not directed at civilians.
That is a false equivalency and a gross over simplification.
Mary, my initial point was simply that as we think about the victims of the Manchester attack, we spare a thought for the many more innocent victims of US led attacks in recent months.
I said nothing about the relationship between the Manchester attack and US-led bombing in the middle east. But since you bring it up, I do think, with many others, that there is a relationship. To be absolutely clear, I think we need to carefully distinguish *explanation* -why these attacks are happening- from *justification*. To give a possible explanation for why a terrorist attack occurred is in no way to justify it, and I explicitly condemned the Manchester attack in no uncertain terms, as I do all terrorist attacks on innocent people.
At least since 9/11 the concept of “blowback” has been fairly mainstream in the west. US actions in the middle east have killed a lot of innocents and made a lot of others very angry; and they continue to do so. It is not a stretch to say that those US-led actions are a significant part (obviously not the whole part) of the explanation for some terrorist attacks on westerners.
As I said in one of my earlier posts, the sympathizers like you are taking for granted the good things that US gives them and looking at the bad things and siding with the terrorists. You really should live in the Middle East to have a proper perspective.
US is not perfect because obviously it is run by humans who have faults. But it has a system based on great principles and slowly but surely many injustices have been addressed and will continue to be addressed. What is the system that the Middle East or the terrorists have which is tending to a better world. They practice medieval beliefs and use modern tools and weapons.
Though a war is bad, it cannot be equated with terrorism. Many idealists are attracted by the cause of the terrorists but wherever the terrorists have succeeeded in seizing power, they have proved to be even more venal and corrrupt than the establishment they had overturned.
Absolutely agree, Joe. Well said.
Joe’s 10:04 pm post is what i’m referring to.
What injustices will Trump continue to address Mary?
Did I say anything about Trump?
You said continue. You must have meant 4-8 years from now which would mean that you have a broader definition of ‘continue’ than I do. My mistake.
What’s you opinion on Trump Mary? Any positives? Negatives?
You argument is disturbing in a few ways. You casually dismiss the well known practice of putting innocent civilians in places that have berm targeted for bombing. Like – no biggie! Are you kidding with that? I. Sn’t take you seriously when you are blind to selective atrocities, yet can condemn civilian killings in war. It’s the ultimate cowardice and absence of morality to ignore the practice of deliberately putting civilians in harm’s way.
You had nothing to say about WWII. Are you just ignoring the deaths of so many innocent civilians? Concentration camps? No biggie to you either?
You are making a very simplistic argument and ignoring the very real differences between acts of war and random acts of terror and violence perpetrated on innocent civilians.
What about 9/11? Was that okay because we have made mistakes asa country? Just take some planes and crash them into the twin towers and kill 3000 innocent people? Are you outraged Bout that? Or did they deserve to die in your simplistic morality?
You miss the point Joe. In the minds of the terrorists obviously they think it is payback for the wickedness of the West. What is disturbing is that you seem to agree with them and actually have admiration for their courage in blowing themselves up rather than using a drone which you apparently think is cowardly.
NNY, it’s an empirical question how many western caused civilian deaths (“collateral damage”) are due to innocent people being put in harms way. I claim that it is comparatively rare, which is the view of the major human rights organizations such as Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, and others. Even the US does not generally claim that the civilians it kills have deliberately been put in harms way, although of course it does happen sometimes.
I have been very careful not to justify any terrorist attacks, including 9/11. I condemn all such attacks.
Not sure why you bring up WWII. Nothing I said depends on anything that happened in that war.
Mary, I said nothing about terrorist attacks being courageous and don’t believe them to be. But if either type of attack is cowardly, yes, I would think it would be the one conducted from a safe distance rather than the one carried out by a person prepared to die for his cause.
Again, if “payback” is understood as part of an explanation, not a justification, then I -along with many others, including analysts who work for the US government, think that western actions in the Mideast have some role to play in explaining why terrorists target westerners.
Children and adolescents were directly and intentionally targeted in Manchester.
Innocent people were targeted in Manchester.
There have been successful movements like the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Reformation…against unjust orders but they were led by leaders with a vision of greater power for the people. What is the world order these religious terrorists want to bring to replace the “evil” systems of the “wicked” west?
I said nothing about grand visions. Obviously, I don’t support medieval minded leaders such as ISIS, but it is naïve in the extreme to think that that is why the US and its allies are fighting.
Again you are confusing terrorism with war. The point is, there is no justification whatever for terrorism which targets innocent people. The us and its allies are fighting a war for the same reason wars have been fought down the ages. For power and money. As a side benefit, wars have resulted in great improvement in technology including computers. War is a systematic and organized effort where the forces of one or more countries fight against another group. There is strategy, there is negotiation, there is a method. But in case of terrorism, it is just an act of evil. I strongly recommend rc and you go and stay in one of those countries you admire and then I would like to hear your views about how disillusioned you are with what is happening in the US.
Once you concede that wars are fought for power and money (a realistic assumption), you have nothing left to defend US-led actions. Innocent people in those middle east countries are not there to be used as means to profit, greed, or technological advances. Each of them has a life like you and I do, and it is evil to take it from them for purposes of power and money.
Even if there is a moral difference between war and terrorism, wars kill a lot more innocent people than do acts of terrorism.
Not sure why you keep telling me to go and live in the Mideast. Not everyone who lives there shares your views, even in pro-western countries such as Israel:
Particularly appalling was the mother of all bombs used on Afghanistan recently and how it’s use is glorified by the press.
Yes, and it’s hard to find any mention of whether that bomb killed innocent people and if so how many.
There may have been detailed report about civilians killed either on Democracy Now or The Intercept online.
I went looking but I only have my android. I’m waiting for my new laptop. Anyway I ran across this article you might be interested in reading.
You don’t have to share my views. I wanted you to have a better perspective.
Are you talking to me? or Joe?
You want me to have a better perspective? A better perspective, from what I’ve read of yours, is unlikely to come to me from you!
Somebody who thinks she knows everything is unlikely to benefit from anyone, not just me. They say ignorance is bliss and so you seek bliss by wallowing in your ignorance.
But for the record, I was talking to Joe.
The gratuitous advice you gave me about trolling, why don’t you take it for yourself?
Did I say anything about admiring them? NO!
But neither do I admire normalizing perpetual war. War for greed and profit is not something I support!!!
The thing is, war is normal. War is always for power and money. If the Middle East were more powerful, they would be bombing us. So we should be happy we are more powerful. You should study history and economics to understand why wars are inevitable. Do you know why the great civilizations of the past collapsed and others rose?
When Karl Marx proposed his new order, it was perfect but in practice, any system which does not account for human greed and venality is not perfect.
Oh please. As if I’m naive to history. You like to get personal and you assume much. That’s why I won’t discuss this with you.
Who got personal and assumed much? It is you. Shall I give you an example? You got personal with me and called me a troll and attacked me. You had no business to do it as you did not know about amy’s history and you were not involved. Secondly you claimed her situation on tenngrand was like yours on tennis-x. you knew you were not lakie. Did you know amy was not margot? You assumed much, my dear. But I refrained from responding to you. Now you have gone too far attacking me again. You are obviously ignorant of history. I won’t call you naive. Just ignorant.
I don’t care about any of that!!
Oh my, lol…
I am very very sorry and sympathy for the victims and their family in Manchester attack…and not only in Manchester but other places as well…i can’t imagine someone have the heart to do such a terrifying action based just on their hatred and anger…How could some people look at other people and just want to kill them?…and not to love them?I don’t understand….
Even though i’m very very mad and angry for what they did because it will give a false perception to other’s about Islam…Islam is all about peacefulness and have a great bonding between religions no matter who they are…and what they did is certainly wrong…Prophet Muhammad already stated that “If anyone[Muslims]who hurt/kill an innocent non muslim,then i will be their enemy when the Doomsday come”…And clearly this attacker’s did not think about Prophet Muhammad’s words when they did this…
But,then again..i understand their anger and frustrations that certainly were born from seeing their Arab region get destroyed one by one by US and Israel since forever…Palestine,Iraq,Lubnan,Afghanistan and the list keep on growing…in one way i want to blame both Bush[Senior and junior] for starting this fiasco because IMO,this continuos attacking and killing is born from the first moment iraq was bombed in 1990…and it just chained reaction from that moment…if only both Bush at that time not thinking with their kneecap and with $$$ in their mind…this horror would not happen today…
But,the attacker’s also to be blamed for allowing themselves to get blinded by their anger and hatred..it’s certainly solves nothing…only destruction and pain to those who involved…and sadly,we’re going to witness much more of this in the future i believe….and that is the tragedy to the human kind..*Big,big heavy and very sad sigh*
I agree with everything you’ve said MA. Scary and sad times with a very uncertain future (like no time in the past IMO) on so many levels.
Yeah hawks…It was like we’re sitting on a time bomb…always watching and alert which part of the world is going to blow next..and how many innocent people will get killed this time….and it will happen hawks…i can feel it…
Very well said, MA.@ 7:04. Thank-you
Thanks to u too rc for the amazing human being that u r!I love u!!
Thanks MA. I haven’t told you how much I appreciate reading you here lately. You are a breath of fresh air! And I love checking your picks every week on TDC.
I do what I can – on my days off I email and call congressmen and senators – have to keep at it. It’s the most important work that I can do right now as a human.
Oh really rc??woohohohoho!!…it’s good to hear from u rc!..Miss u like crazy!!
Speaking of TDC….Urgh!!…i’m bad!!hahaha….but u,always awesome rc!!…It’s not fair!..how come you’re the only one who get the chance to kick my @ss??Hahaha…i bet,this week as well!!Hehehe..
Btw..i admire u very very much rc!…Your strength and determination to make it right..even tho’ it seems the mountains hardly but u keep pushing and trying…hope u will succeed in the end rc!!
Listen rc!!..U hear that??..I LOVE U MORE!!..always take care of yourself k?
“Hardly move i should say”…
This song makes me sad, but i think it has an important message https://youtu.be/ql1EnjVYrZM
I don’t remember hearing that song before, thanks.
Hey, don’t you have a holiday coming up? Summer Solstice celebration? I can’t wait until the days start getting shorter – seriously – I’ll be celebrating that.
Do you remember this song? There are many versions but I like this one:
This all began because Joe Smith took me to task for calling the Manchester bombing a cowardly act on the part of the perpetrator implying he was brave because he was prepared to die in the process.
He and his Libyan born family originally fled from Libya to escape the Gaddafi regime and took refuge in Manchester where he attended school and university. It is hard to comprehend how he could choose to cause such havoc in the city in which he had been brought up and quite possibly cause the death of people he knew.
see link for more information: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/24/everything-know-salman-abedi-named-manchester-suicide-bomber/
I love this daily podcast from NY Times. 15-20 minute listen on my way to work in the morning.
The whole podcast is worth a listen from yesterday (everyday for that matter) but interesting take at the 6:45 mark…
I supported your sentiments and still do. This is the problem with Trump’s attempt to ban Muslims freedom entering our country. What about home grown terrorists? That’s what happened with the attack in San Bernarino.
It has almost unfathomable that this person could have perpetrated this act in his own country.
I support ed too. I have no sympathy for terrorists and can never equate terrorism with war or justify terrorism by claiming it is the result of wars waged by the west. The poor sods who blow themselves up are not courageous, just idiots who are used as drones by cynical exploiters who are at least as venal as those they claim to protest against. But I guess people like Joe and rc want to project themselves as better human beings.
We are not better, just different.
I will not ever see war as “normal”. Terrorist attacks are not normal. Trump’s budget is not normal…it is as usual, mostly to fund more war make money -billions trading and dealing in weapons.
Most humans on the planet are nothing compared to waging war, acessing fossil fuel, using every inch of real estate on the planet for exploitation,greed, power, and it’s not to proteCT freedom for the people, it’s not power to the people, it’s about keeping the Rich, Rich and endowment of a few with autocratic power.
War is not noble in this day and age.
The people who go on protesting about all the bad things without bothering to understand why they happen and what is the sustainable alternative are just disruptive.
Ed, no one can answer why this happened but very respectfully, the following element exposed in this interview might have something to do with it….
Margaret Court to be the next President of Australia (channeling her inner Trump)…
(Seriously, what does it take for Australian Open to change the name of Margaret Court Arena.)
Stupid woman ….
I just have to get this off my chest. This is going to be a rant, but there are some things that need to be addressed.
First, no country is perfect or ideal or always does the right thing. We were wrong to invade Iraq. It was an illegal war, fought under a fake pretense, i.e. the presence of WMD’s and blaming Iraq for 9/11. It is a stain on the U.S. when you remove a dictator who may have done evil things, it creates a vacuum. In that vacuum, Al Qaeda and Isis took control. It’s a mess that we created.
However, to use a misguided war as justification for the barbarism of these terrorist groups, is to go down a slippery slope. These groups behave like they did in the Middle Ages, cutting off people’s heads and making the lives of those who live under their control a living breathing nightmare.
These groups hate Western civilization. They hate civilization period. They are primitI’ve, barbaric and without any moral compass. Before we condemn the U.S., we should remember that. We have a Constitution, a republic with guaranteed freedoms that most countries can only dream about. Many take these freedoms for granted. We can work to make our country better. We can protest peacefully and vote in elections and speak our mind. Do the people living under the rule of Al Qaeda and Isis have those rights? Are they free?
The U.S. may be flawed and may have made mistakes, but where else would those of you who criticize this country want to live? You have the capacity to enact change. But all I am reading is blanket denunciations of this country. Generalizations about Obama, Clinton and our policies. Everyone is corrupt, everywhere is tainted. What country do you like? What western democracies are without flaws or mistakes in their history?
If you think for one minute that Al Qaeda and Isis are actually doing these terrorist acts in protest of what the U.S. has done, then you are giving them far more credit than they deserve. They came into existence to create violence, chaos, anarchy, fear and repression. That is their agenda and they need no justification for it.
You trash this country, yet provide no solutions or remedies. Just attack and condemn in self-righteous terms. Anyone can do that. But you don’t give constructive solutions.
We are a capitalist country. That is the foundation of our financial and economic system. We need regulations to ensure that greed does not get out of control. We are not a socialist country and never will be. We have adopted some socialist programs. But we need to make our system the best it can be with laws regulating it so that the middle class and poor do not get shafted. We need to elect people with decency and integrity to help make this country a better place to live.
Now we are facing a real threat with a fascist president who presents a serious threat. The time for active participation is now. But justifying the actions of rogue terrorist groups by gratuitously trashing this country accomplishes nothing.
Congratulations NNY on the eloquent and very articulate ‘rant’.
” We have a Constitution, a republic with guaranteed freedoms that most countries can only dream about. ”
HAD a Constitution. On paper only.
Not worth the paper it’s written on if The People don’t uphold it. Here is what the most active people (enough to keep GOP in control of the USA) believe today…
They are primitive, barbaric and without any moral compass.
And saying people are “justifying the actions of rogue terrorist groups” here is just another straw man argument.
We are on the same page on this one, Hawks
thanks for your words. The Constitution is under attack. And we fight to keep our freedoms.
The good news is that Trump’s anti-Muslim travel ban has again been struck down.
Next, the Senate needs to stop the millionaire Trumpanomic budget plan from passing.
Then we need a thorough independent investigation into Russian interfering with the election and Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. If Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice, which I believe he is…
Impeach him!
NNY: It is important to distinguish how the US treats its own citizens vs how it treats citizens of other countries. The US treats its own citizens comparatively well, it is true, much better than many other countries, though certainly not all. The US Constitution embodies ideals that I only wish the US government would live up to.
However, how the US treats citizens of other countries is a very different matter. As I said elsewhere (on the Kyrgios wears Trump t-shirt comments page), since the end of WWII the US is responsible for the deaths of far more innocent civilians of other countries than is any other country. It’s not even close (though please note, Stalin and Mao’s larger atrocities are not being compared, being committed mostly against their own citizens). In Vietnam (1960-75) and in Iraq (1991-present) alone, the US is responsible for the deaths of some 5-6 million innocent people. Think about that. Like me, you’re an American whose life extends back to that time. That is blood on our hands. And no great Constitution, no high-minded domestic ideals, no capitalist ethos, gives any of us the right to take the lives of innocent people who aren’t so lucky to be born Americans.
The US is an empire, the greatest empire the world has ever known. It has over 1000 military bases worldwide and it exercises vast control through its financial, trade, and military policy, over the lives of billions of people who have no say in how it acts. It is up to us Americans to hold the US government to account, both domestically and in its foreign policy. We should not acquiesce in its crimes, and we should do what we can to make it better. That is more difficult now than ever, to put it mildly.
Finally, what do I want? First and foremost, I would like the US to start respecting the rule of law, where that means the US Constitution, the UN Charter, the Geneva Conventions, and other relevant laws governing war. That would be a great step.
I think you should seek out your own Utopia. We cannot change the past. I get why you dismiss WWII do conveniently, since that was Hitler and the Nazis trying to sxrenubareca race of people! Talk about blood on their hands! That is what a totalitarian government looks like. No Constitution, no Bill of Rights, no free press, no freedom of speech,
I love the way you casually dismiss Stalin and Mao! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! All the better to stigmatize the U.S. Stalin was planning to go after the Jews in his country, but fortunately he died before he could do it! I but just skip right over them because they only killed their own people!
I really am baffled by your ability to block out facts that you do not wish to see. Do you think we did a good thing in defeating Hitler? Or is that no big deal that you? Liberating the concentration camps. Who cares! Then you would have seen what my father saw. I can tell you after having to take pictures and document the atrocities, my father would have had a hard time comparing that to anything, let alone what the U.S. has done. But I guess you had to be there!
Our Constitution is alive and well! Look at the federal circuit court that struck down Trump’s Muslim travel ban. Maybe you should read their decision so that you can realize what it means to have an independent judiciary!
We have freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and a free press. We have the right to vote, but unfortunately too many of our citizens prefer to vote for third party candidates or just sit it out.
If you want change, then you have to get up off your ass and do something about it! Not just whine and complain and list the bad things this country has done.
Go find your Utopia. Good luck with that!
I meant to say that Hitler was trying to exterminate a race if people! Auto correct garbled it!
NNY and Mary: Both of you seem to have missed my point about distinguishing how the US treats its own citizens from how it treats others. Can you both appreciate that it’s possible to treat both well? That’s what I (and many others) want. We don’t hate the US; we want to make it better. Don’t you?
I did not minimize WWII, Hitler’s crimes, or any of that, but and still don’t see how it’s relevant to today. I made some claims about what has happened since that time, because I want to emphasize that it’s hypocrisy to criticize others’ crimes (e.g. the Manchester bomber) but whitewash our own. You two seem to have a hard time understanding that basic principle.
Here’s today’s story confirming a recent atrocity perpetrated by the US, which it (predictably) blames on ISIS. Again, these sorts of incidents have been happening since 2003 (the 2004 assault on Mosul was horrific) -long before ISIS came into being.
Ohh, US should never have entered ww2 but let more Pearl Harbors happen because rc says wars are bad and rc is very wise and knows everything.
Au contraire, madam high horse, Mary — I am but an ignorant, uneducated peasant hahaha
Lol rc!!..hehehe..
So if you are an uneducated peasant who knows nothing, you should behave like one instead of pretending to be a know all and making a fool of yourself.
This may seem strange but I don’t feel like changing anything for you.
I never said I wanted you to change anything for me. But it does seem strange that you prefer to make a fool of yourself by pretending to be a know all.
You do like telling me I’m know all and a fool.
I’m sure you can think of more insults too. You are very brilliant at it.
Thank you! Don’t forget, you started it.
Oh sure. I started it. Whatever you say.
nny, my thoughts exactly but you expressed them much better than I could. I really feel upset with these hypocrites who are constantly finding fault with the US yet there is nowhere else in the world where they could enjoy the privileges they have and that they take for granted. It is so easy to find fault but I have faith in the concept of democracy on which this country is based. It is not perfect in practice, far from it, but the country has made progress in the last 200 years toward that ideal and will continue to do so. It is up to us to take constructive steps, not just be disruptive by condemning everyone and everything in the system as evil. It is so easy to find fault. Not so easy to find solutions.
I am surprised to read your thoughts. Unfortunately, you and I usually do not share on anything. However, I did read what you wrote previously and it did resonate with me.
I just felt like I was going to burst if I didn’t say what I felt. I had not planned to get into th S discussion again. But I had to set wake ftp my heart.
It’s a copout to say that there is no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans! Then one can say they are all no good and what Is the sense of working for change abd participating in the political process. Then people have an excuse not to vote. It’s also not true. There is a difference.
If Hillary was elected, we would not have had a Muslim travel ban. There would be no Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. We would not have the repeal of Obamacare. We would not be even talking about building some stupid wall on the border with Mexico. We would not have a potential tax break for the richest two percent in the country, we would not have a president who was threatening to lock up journalists. I could go on an on, but things would have been very different if Hillary was elected.
People need to take responsibility and get involved in the political process. I am sick and tired of those who talk about what is wrong with this country, while not lifting a finger to work for change. Get busy on the grassroots level in the states to get people elected who share your views. Do something!
How about getting out and voting in the 2018 midterm elections to get control of the House back in Democratic hands?
I just feel very strongly about it.
Too many auto correct mistakes in my last post. I did mean to say that you and I don’t usually agree on anything.
Thank you nny for voicing your thoughts. Although we think differently on many other things and have clashed several times, it looks like we share the same political views.
Yes, I criticize policies and practices that I believe are unconstitutional, protest injustices almost every weekend, Call, leave voicemails and send emails to state senators, even if the are all Republican, and it’s likely an act of futility. I do what I can and give what I can. Also I pay my taxes and I have a right to protest the trillion dollar defense spending. Also protest the arms sale to Saudi Arabia.
I do not take this country for granted….sheesh! Just the opposite. If I see the Constitution at risk from a potential dictator surrounded by racists (Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon) and con men – I have to make noise
Good for you, Ratcliff! I have done that too; even when it feels like you’re spinning your wheels, it’s important.
Long ago I was a staffer on the campaign that elected the late Paul Wellstone to the US Senate. He had been a teacher of mine and no one gave him a chance, but he won and represented Minnesota for two terms. He did a lot of good there, even though I used to argue with him about US support for Israel and other issues.
We all should do what we can.
Very good, Joe
I remember Paul Wellstone. And I was proud to campaign for Ron Wyden back in the day, when I lived in Portland. Also worked going door to door in N.E Portland to get people out to vote.
Ah, door knocking. Even though I sometimes encountered people (and dogs) I would have rather avoided, I always found it easier than calling people over the phone.
You may disagree with me if you wish, but she made my argument. No need to get do defensive. Even at my stage in life, I got involved in Hillary’s campaign. But I was involved at a young age in politics and have some strong opinions about it.
For the record, I do not support wars for profit! You don’t have a monopoly on the moral high ground here. I spoke about the Iraq war and how I felt about it and the devastation wrought by it. Do I don’t need lectures from anyone because I lived through the Vietnam war in college and protested in demonstrations in college. I remember Kent State, too.
I did not direct my comments at you, so chill out! I have heard you speak about your activism. So good for you!
I have had enough of the criticism about what this country has done in the past. We can oml change things going forward. I have worked in politics for a good particularly of my adult life. So I have not relied on talk, but have backed it up with action.
That’s where I am coming from.
I made my argument! Sorry, but too many autocorrect typos in my last post. But I think my message is clear.
I have no clue why you come after me now. None of my comments were directed at you.
Did I ever say I had the monopoly on th moral high ground?
Really, I’ve always thought the high ground was for Mary, naturally.
Oh guys!!{Nny& rc]..I love u both dearly!..but u guys sounds a little strange now..please stay calm!Take a deep breath…remember,this is just politics we’re talking about…that’s okay if we have a different view with each other okay?
Don’t worry MA.
NNY and I are actually on the same side or thereabouts politically and we definitely agree that Novak isn’t back – we need to see more.♡
Okay rc!!
And I have not been critical of Ww2. I’m sure I would have wanted to join the army for that one.
But NOT Vietnam and not perpetual war for profit and greed, not my tax money to feed this out of control military industrial monster
Very well said. The WW2 accusation was a cheap strawman attack.
I have really had my fill of your cheap and petty attacks on me. You cannot make an argument, so you reach for the convenient straw man nonsense. You are a broken record. But you say nothing that is in any way meaningful. Just self-righteous piety.
I am now done with this discussion for good. I stand by what I said.
As far as the truly despicable and vile comment about bringing WWII into this discussion, I truly have the utmost contempt and utter lack of respect for anyone who would trash the mention of WWII. I am immensely proud of my father’s sacrifice and what it took out of him, as well as all the other brave American soldiers who courageously fought to defeat Hitler and the Nazis, the ultimate evil. Memorial Day is this weekend and I salute those who died and those where fought and lived to come home. True heroes.
You said Joe dismissed WWII.
That was not what he said.
That’s a straw man argument. Which is a cheap and petty attack on Joe’s argument. You could not make an argument, so you reach for the convenient straw man nonsense.
(The rest of your reply was personally insulting.)
I have no problem with hawkeye saying bad things about US because he lives in Canada. Obviously he resents the power of the US. Not nice to be next to a powerful neighbor who could swat you like a fly.
The current US government is too busy swatting it’s 99% of its own citizens like a fly to worry too much about Canada.
No, I don’t resent its power – just when it is abused.
My grandfather fought along side with the US in WWI and my cousin fought along side with the US in Afghanistan. They fought for what they believed in representing Canada and I am proud of them for that. My cousin was killed by an IED fighting the Taliban. My aunt married a US soldier stationed in Canada during WWII (he truly was a great man who I was privileged to know) and I have American relatives in the US who I love very much (they feel the same way about where the US is headed as I do).
I love the US and the democracy it once represented. I travel there often for business and pleasure. But that doesn’t mean I blindly support everything that they do today and throughout history.
The US is Canada’s greatest trading partner by far. Although Trump is threatening to destroy NAFTA.
So you really don’t know sweet fuck all about me Mary.
Oh I don’t know anything about you. But a powerful country is usually hated by other countries because it makes them feel like vassal states.
Good on you both.
No one has a monopoly on active protest nor should they assume they are the only ones that care to take action.
(Nor should they put words in others’ mouths.)

Worth the click…
oo much bickering over a very serious matter. The subject has been thrashed to death. Time to move on, no?
excuse double post. Dont know how that happened.
My old Mac Book laptop has some treasures on it. This laptop is a relic.
Anyway I found some music that I must have been given by a cycling news Brazilian friend. It’s so beautiful. I no longer have the translation though.
oh this one is better:
When I hear anything about Trump this melody comes to soothe my mind the past week. It’s a social protest lyric — anyone know Portuguese?
Actually the first version of Sinha I posted @3:42 am, May 27,
is the most excellent, if you need something nice stuck in your mind to drown out other stuff.
Very cool indeed.
For Hawkeye – some Peter Gabriel
hahahaa oh golly…that is not the link I meant to post…shaaah sorry.
I think it was this one: Downside up
Nice find!
Thanks rc.
Thought you might like it.
This black vintage mac book laptop I’m using is full of great memories — it was so sleek when bought it new back in 2006!
In honour of the French Open and sincere hopes for La Decima!!!!
God this song. And this version.
Loved this mockumentary spoof on Jacques Cousteau. As a child, I recall his unique shows on TV.
One of my favorite, or most heard and MIS-heard Bowie Songs in Portuguese
Maybe I can learn Portuguese this way. Rebel Rebel
Seu Jorge Portuguese.
Jacques Cousteau French.
Bowie Alien.
another heart-breaker from Brazil
The more cowbells the better!
Easy, guys.. I put my pants on just like the rest of you — one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I make better tennis predictions.
I’ll it with pants on next time.
Back to the mysterious Music and Lyrics of Chico Buarque.
Much is written and translated of his music. Construction, is covered very well and I think I can get a glimpse of how spectacular the work is. He’s a bit like a Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan combined and the added Brazilian rhythms make his work even more addicting, imo – the complexity and depth is mesmerizing. It sticks with me and I can’t get enough. If there’s someone out there that know his works, I be thrilled to understand more.
Sadly, I can’t find an English translation of Sinha…a very bad French one was the closest I can find.
But I did find a better music video depicting of the roots of Sinha, I think:
Last one of Chico. This “trio” = chemistry
Glad you liked it!
Ricky, please note!!!
I think it’s time you started a thread on the social pages specifically for people to share their favourite music!
Yeah!Agree ed!!…also Ricky,don’t forget a thread concerning a food as well….sometimes i wanna give Nny and rc a virtual coffee for breakfast and i have to do it on tennis forum!!..duh!!
Great idea. A Music and Food thread… the Cafe
Luckystar i thought of this song because of you https://youtu.be/jxf66UtSZ_E
Oh thanks Alison. Nice ?!
Hillary ClintonVerified account
Hillary Clinton Retweeted Donald J. Trump
People in covfefe houses shouldn’t throw covfefe.
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
Crooked Hillary Clinton now blames everybody but herself, refuses to say she was a terrible candidate. Hits Facebook & even Dems & DNC.
Was never in doubt this would happen;
RT @MicahZenko: 59% of all acknowledged Iraq/Syria civilians killed by US-led coalition in 34-month war occurred in past 3 months…since Trump took office.
Sorry RC i have just see your post, i have a camp coming up in 3 weeks time to celebrate Summer Solstice, which im so excited about, meeting all my friends again, ive never heard that song before, but i will have to listen to it on my tablet, for some reason i the volumn is now not working on this laptop, the song i downloaded called Saltwater by Julian Lennon is quite sad, but its quite pertinent because of what we are doing to the planet sadly, cheers XX
I liked it – Saltwater, that is. Sad is me, Alison. Very sad and trying times. I don’t walk around sad but underneath, it’s hard not to be. Tennis doesn’t offer a lot of diversion lately. Too bad I’m not more of a Rafa fan, right?
Isn’t the next solstice on June 21st? That would be so much fun – camping with you and your friends. Well if the Boise River ever eases off being so close to flood stage, I’ll get out and float the river. It’s too dangerous atm.
cheers to you too, dear Alison.
RC So sorry i dont mean to bring anybody down, im looking forward to having a break to celebrate solstice, even though it will be at a slightly later date, because something happened to me earlier in the year that messed with my head, and is still doing so to a certain extent, so i really need a break, you would love it, camping really takes all the stress away for me, but we are always with friends when we camp, when you do make sure you stay safe
Been a Rafa fan is indeed quite nice at the moment RC, i will enjoy it for however long it lasts, tomorrow could be someone elses turn, although i can understand fans of other players getting irritated with the OTT euphoria ….
You or any song you post couldn’t possibly bring me down. It’s lovely to chat with you. I’m still waiting for a long-promised laptop to arrive — when it does, I’ll venture back onto facebook and say hello there to you and AM. I don’t like facebook but there are some local people that are pressing me to get on it.
No, no when I camp or float the river, I never go alone. That would be quite frightening. There are too many crazies, not to mention bears. I used to have an unpleasant, recurring dream/nightmare of being attacked/killed by a bear. But I think these days the humans are far more dangerous and desperate.
Yes, I’m genuinely happy for the Rafa fans about his La Decima and renewed otherworldly form and health. He is too lovable not to like — he gets more loveable as he ages too, imo. A re-emergence of Novak is not what I crave exactly either. I think I’d be inspired by a new GS winner in the ATP – just can’t imagine who and how they would pull it off.
Anyway, I’ve been listening to Shawn Colvin lately. Talk about sad and depressing lyrics — but I’ve always thought that sad descriptive lyrics and hypnotic melodies are the most interesting. Colvin writes about bad relationships and unfortunate break-ups very beautifully. But this one is about a disaster dream, I think… I have those too – so I relate to it and it’s haunting but somehow comforting when you hear her sing the words…well imo. LOL…
I hope all is fine, you said something messed with your head, you definitely need to take a break and relax okay.
I wish you the best, enjoy your camping.
Before I start writing, I want to make something clear am not writing these to hurt anyone, am simply trying to tell the truth as you might have noticed it’s been weeks since I came to this site or commented on this particular page but I noticed some comments here that I believe are wrong.
Love is faithful, honest, kind etc but more importantly love is truthful, I would rather have 1 friend and speak the truth than to have a billion friends and lie.
Blaming Israel or the United States of American for the rise of terrorism or for encouraging terrorism is a false statement, Islamic terrorists are EVIL people who believe in a SATANIC ideology thought by false teacher’s.
Israel is great Nation not a perfect nation and there is no country in the middle east that can be compared to them.
The freedom and religious liberty that Israel offers are broad and diverse for example as a Christian I can’t practice my faith in many muslim countries for e.g Iran, Saudi Arabia etc without losing my life or locked up in prison for life because I love JESUS CHRIST, even muslim majority countries that allow Christianity to be practiced persecute Christians daily by the thousands for their faith, the throw them in prison for blasphemy because the believe that JESUS CHRIST is Lord and Saviour.
But in Israel muslims and other religion’s are not murdered for their believes and is Israel is a Jewish State.
She offers religious liberty to all muslims, muslims can build their mosques, Christian can build churches, but this would never happen in many muslim countries.
A Jew cannot go to a muslim country and practice his/her faith without instant death, they can’t build synagogues that would never happen.
Islamic terrorism is an EVIL ideology inspired by the quran not by Israel or USA, here are some verses in the quran written by the muslim prophet muhammed-
1) quran (8:12)- I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve( Christian, Jews & other faiths). Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.
(2) quran (9:29)- Fight those who believe not in allah nor the last day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by allah and his messenger nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until the pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued. “PEOPLE OF THE BOOK” refers to Christians and Jews. According to this verse they are to be violently subjugated, with the sole justification being their religious status.
(3) quran (9:30)- And the Jews say Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say the Messiah is the son of allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before, may allah destroy them, how they are turned away.
(4) quran (9:38-39)- O ye who believe! What is the matter with you, that when ye are asked to go forth in cause of allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the hereafter. Unless you go forth, he will punish you with a grievious penalty and put others in your place.
This is a warning to those who refuse to murder Christians & Jews, that they will be punished with hell.
There are hundreds of verses like this and worse, i can’t post them all, all I ask is that you examine the things that I have posted and do your own research.
It’s important to note that this are not my words, I didn’t twist any verse they are the words of muhammed & allah.
So why did I post these, I did because people need to know the truth, when a terrorist murders an innocent person there motivation is found in the quran the words of muhammed & allah.
A few years ago a friend showed me a video of a Christian who was beheaded by an islamic terrorist he quoted some of this verses and justified his EVIL, WICKED, BARBARIC, INHUMANE actions.
But JESUS said love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Be you therefore perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
Stanley…With all due respect..if u want to find the truth about Islam,i strongly suggest u go to the nearest Mosque and find an IMAM there..i can assure u he will answer all your questions,curiosity or doubt about Islam..u can debate,argue or u can give your opinion,thought whether bad or good about Islam or Al-Quran with him…An IMAM is the person who have a deep knowledge in Islam and he’s the perfect person for u to meet…
I feel really sad because now we’re Muslim in the middle of having the Holy month of Ramadhan…i will be very grateful to u if u’re respect that stanley…in fact we have to respect other’s who have a different believe and faith than us without the need to degrade or demean them or their faith…Thank u..
Mira, I’m not sure what the proper and respectful way to say this is, but I hope that you and your family are happy and healthy this Ramadhan.
Joe…Thank u so so so much for your kind and precious words…i really really appreciate it joe…and the same goes to u and your family okay?Even though u’re maybe not celebrate something atm but i wish every happiness in the world for u and your family joe..Thank u once again!
Thanks, Mira!
You’re most welcome Joe!!
Mira, do not respond to Stanley. Let him spout his nonsense. Don’t even read what he writes.
Mary…Thank u very much for your advice…and don’t worry i’m not going to respond to Stanley anymore…as a Muslim i have a responsibility towards my religion and to show stanley a right path if he ever wants to know the truth about islam…whether he wants to do it or not..it’s up to him…but,no more words from me…and thank u once again Mary!!Really really appreciate your advice!…
From what I can tell from a tennis forum MA, you are a lovely human being and the world would be a much better place if there were more people like you.
She is the best.
Mira Andi, not sure if I wished you and your family a happy, safe and healthy Ramadhan. Like Joe, I don’t know what the proper words are to wish you well on Ramadhan but you know I deeply respect you for your faith, intelligence and your kind, thoughtful, soul. I echo what Hawk says: the world needs more Mira Andi’s. I love you dearly MA. I’m happy the Rafa came through and won La Decima. Hope you are still smiling and feeling joy.
Hawks and rc!!!…Oh God,u guys!!..U make me cry with your beautiful words u know!!U guys are mean!!Hahaha…Oh God!I can’t believe it!!..THANK U,THANK U AND THANK U for your wonderful and precious words Hawks and rc!!…I love u more rc!and u too Hawks!!
But,i don’t think i’m that ‘perfect’ guys…No!..Don’t put me too high guys..i’m only human being with an ugliness and flaws still scattered in my body…still learning how to be a better person everyday…and that’s it for life lesson for today pupils!hehehe…
Oh rc!!…Thank u so much for the wishes!!…Urgh rc!!..if you’re near me,i will hug and kiss u till u passed out!!hahaha…
Nobody is perfect. You’ve admitted what you do to cows and your couch on occasion. hahaha
But whatever you are doing — it’s helping you to remain going in the most loving direction. Please accept our love for you. And thanks…I got the hugs all the way here from Malaysia and back to you!
Hahahaha!…Funny rc!!…and i’ve accepted your love longtime ago rc!…U R AWESOME!!
Ratcliff, MA, Hawkeye, Joe Smith, NNY,ed, Mary and who else contributed his/her opinion here … thanks. We might not be all on the same page all the time, but on the whole you guys discussed questions which are more important than the Goat debate.
As to Stanley, well, it’s hard to shun someone. But there are indeed good reasons for that which go beyond the question if Trump should get impeached or not…
Littlefoot!…Welcome to non tennis!..sometimes it felt good to talk something other than tennis…sometimes we need to’get away’ from GOAT debate and as such…i wish we can talk about something light and full of joy here such as about food or football or Meryl Streep..but so far no one bring this subject up!hehehe..
And the ghost story might be interesting too!!hehe..
It’s far easier to condemn those who expose the EVIL/WICKED teachings of Islam as if the have a problem with muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different.
After I graduated from the university I taught English, economics and biology to senior students who were seeking to enter the university for almost 2yrs even though I studied industrial chemistry.
I was 22yrs old then and now am between 26-28yrs old, the reason why I give all this information is because more than 70% of my students were muslims and I loved them and I taught them everything I knew to make sure they excelled and some of them did, more than 80% of those students are in the university studying medicine, different kinds of engineering etc. I even provided finances for some of them when they needed help, even though am working in a different field now and the distance btw me & them is far, I try to stay in touch with them through social media.
My point is this just as I taught this students they also taught me a lot about islam & sharia law and I tell you, what this students had to go through especially the women would make a grown man sob like a baby, it’s mind boggling whether it’s rape or honour killing etc no one should experience this EVIL.
So when I read or hear people who know nothing about islam or who try to defend the wicked, disgusting actions of radical Islam it break’s my heart and all I can say is shame on those who call evil-good, and good-evil.
It’s important to note that not all muslims murder innocent people, some of them are peaceful and are victims of terrorism by the hands of Isis and other terrorists group’s because the reject this EVIL/WICKED teachings.
It’s also important to note that as a Christian if I reject the teachings of JESUS CHRIST am not a Christian.
And if a muslim rejects the teachings of Muhammed they are not muslims.
You can’t have it both ways you can’t condemn islamic terrorism without condemning the teachings/verses in the quran.
Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with GOD.
If you want to find out the truth about any religion go to their book and if you have questions ask a muslim, buddhist, Hindu etc.
But more importantly do your own research don’t take my word for it just do your own research diligently.
If you want to know about Christianity read their Book the BIBLE and if you have questions ask a Christian but more importantly do your research diligently.
I would encourage you to watch the videos of Brigitte Gabriel on YouTube she is a smart woman who understands Islam but more importantly read the quran.
Here are some of her videos-
(1) 1400 yrs of Islamic History in a few minutes https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=guXBTgAxhIw
(2)Brigitte Gabriel gives FANTASTIC answer to Muslim woman claiming all Muslims are portrayed badly https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry3NzkAOo3s
If you have data and time it’s worth watching there are other videos of sharing the truth.
Andi Mira i admit im not very knowledgeable when it comes to all things potical, i find it all too heavy for my understanding, but i agree with Joe Smith in hoping you and your family are all well and happy ….
Hey Al!…Yeah..actually i’m not interested to debate with anyone about this kind of thing either..for me,debating about religion is a very dangerous thing..very sensitive subject..maybe in our excitement to say what we have in mind,we hurt someone with our view…and i would rather hurt myself than hurt my dear rafans here whom i respect and adore so much…all we have to do is respect each other…what happened in this world atm is because the lack of respect and love in their heart..if they have even one tiny cell of that two factor’s in their body…trust me Al,we can solve many things…end of rant!hahaha…
Oh,btw..thank u for your thoughts and kind words Al!It touched me deeply u guys!!Urgh!!…Don’t worry Al..we’re live in peaceful and happiness here..even though not as grand as u guys hahaha..but alhamdullillah..everything’s perfect!
ooppss!..want to add one tiny thing…i should say “My dear Rafans and nice poster’s here like Joe,Kevin,Eugene,Benny and other’s”…..
I Always believe that people should be left alone to choose their own path, christian, muslim, hindu, Sheek, catholic whatever, im of pagan faith, which is very much misunderstood, like many of the religions are, people believing we sacrifice animals, children, drink chickens blood, when actually its nothing of the kind, we celebrate the changing of the seasons with rituals, and eat, drink and celebrate, and actually sing folk songs, and actually have alot of fun in doing so, i believe we should be left alone to live the way we want to, not be judged because it doesnt fit into everybodys ideal beliefs, race, colour, religion, we are all the same, end of rant ….
Agree Al!!!..You’re spot on!!
Paganism sounds right up my alley, Ali. But it does get a bad rap. I do my best imitation – it’s natural to celebrating the solstice’s and feel relief especially for me when the autumnal equinox gets close. When do you burn the wicker man? I want to do that and visit Stonehenge on a celebration someday
And shirley some of you still dance naked, no?
To VR and other’s who’s willing to listen…
That was very nice, Mira Andi. My parents had a collection on Goodwin albums, I think. He’s a prolific score writer for classic old movies.
May I request one of those singing prayers? Male or female voice
Hey rc!!..u like it??Oh great!!..So,u used to listen to his songs?I’m not familiar with his other songs..except for this album..u know,when i 6,7,8 years old..when the sunset come and we’re about to break our fasting..my late mom always turn on our battered radio and this song along with many Ron Goodwin’s from Music From An Arabian night would come out and played beautifully through the sunset…
Now,my mom was long gone…everytime i listen to this song..all of a sudden i missed my mom very much rc!!
Oh btw…one of those singing prayers?U mean like the one that i gave it to u on FB rc?
Yeah, I was looking on youtube for one — but you don’t have to post one here if you think it’s not right. I’ll be back on FB…someday…
Yeah…Arabian Nights, my late mom had albums of his music from the movies. I used to dance around the living room to it – not even sure if I was in grade school yet. Goodwin did a wide variety of music. I grew up with mostly classical music playing but my mom loved musicals too. I didn’t like all of her music tho! She’d play Gilbert and Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore a lot. Here’s my version
Oh here’s the tune I had stuck in my head growing up LOL and had a brother could sing it.
Hiya back rc!!…Hey!i just want to ask u,is it okay to post something very Islamic like that here?I mean maybe it will creates an uncomfortable feeling for some…but,u beat me to it!!hahaha…that’s okay rc!…when we’re be able to chat on FB again,i will give it to u k?
rc..your mom play Gilbert and Sullivan’s a lot?Oh poor u!!hahaha…
rc!…Do u still have both of them?
Actually, I like HMS pinafore now…it’s brilliant! the lyrics are spot on. I appreciate much that I did not about what my mom and dad were interested in and the music they played now. Both parents gone. You never know what you got until it’s gone, as they say.
Hey the brackets are open
Yeah rc!…we usually don’t appreciate much what we’ve got..until we lost them..[deep sigh]…
Hey rc…u know Sascha lost right?He’s start to dip now..Let’s see how he’s doing at wimby…somehow i feel his form will lay low for a while…i’m not going to pick him to go deep at wimby….You’re already make your pick rc?
Hey rc!…The tune is not bad at all!…This is far more interesting than counting a sheep if i can’t sleep at nite!!Hahaha…
Didn’t really like how Sascha played today. Mueller is in exceptional for on grass but Sascha didn’t try — he didn’t come out fighting after he lost the first set TB.
All I have done is watch tennis — play music — and my brackets are filled out! Except Mallorca, which I may not do. I recall now: the bracket was posted late and the there were too many changes. It was the first year for Mallorca last year – maybe it’s more organized this year but I’m having my doubts. If I was in Mallorca — well, I just be kicking it
Lots of distractions there.
RC LOL Up my alley, Ali, evidentally some have been known to dance naked, but i havent been brave enough, but on each of the sabbats we go to we do burn a wicker man, nobody and nothing is in it though, other than prayer ties with wishes and offerings for the coming season, we also have a labyrinth that we walk through, all symbolic about letting go of the old and bringing in the new, to cleanse yourself, some bang soiux drums, some play flutes, ive never been to Stonehenge but its on my bucket list to go at some point, although i did visit Avebury stones which was on a smaller scale, we also had our hand fasting around a stone circle in Oxfordshire ….
Andi Mira your welcome, i really hate prejudice, both myself and my husband have mixed ancestories in our families, and mixed cultures, i nearly blew a gasket on TX when i saw Cilic having his picture taken with a neo nazi pop star, put me right of the guy when at one time i actually did like him, after that i lost all respect for him, i had the backing of most posters im pleased to say, only 1 or 2 that didnt agree with me ….
Yeah Al!…i remembered u got slammed by poster’s on TX because of that..but credit to u Al for still stay strong even when u got kick,punch and smack down by some…i gotta admit,i’m not that strong..nowadays feel really ‘scared’ when blogging there..
I wanted to come here and say how truly sorry I am that you had to read those hateful things from Stanley. Prejudice and ignorance are indeed the bane of humanity. But I hope the loving words of those here can ease any pain or hurt you are feeling.
You reached out to me during one of the most difficult times of my life recently. I will never forget your kindness and caring words. You lifted up my spirits when I was discouraged during my recovery. Your cheerful messages were something I looked forward to every day. I had good care, but your special wishes helped me more than you will ever know. I can never repay you for what you have given me.
I hope that you are doing well in your observance of Ramadan. You are a true embodiment of what it means to be a Muslim and a human being with spirit and a warm and loving heart.
I count my blessings for having been so fortunate to meet you in this forum in cyber space.
Nny!!…Oh my God!!…Thank u so so so much for your words!!…God!U make me cry too u know!!…What is it with u guys?..torture a women like this??Hahahaha….
Nny…First of all i wanna say what i did to u when you’re in tough moment a while ago was borne from my own desire and need…when i learned that you’re sick,i want to go to your bedside sooo bad..but i can’t..so,i was thinking..if i can’t go to her,what can i do to make her feel better in this tough moment?And that’s when the idea to send those beautiful and very meaningful messages blink brightly in my head…and u know what?I even told u in one of my messages that if u want to reach out to me on personal matter just ask Ricky for my email or ask rc…she knows my email too…at that time,i was thinking,been in tough moment like that,sometimes we need to unload what we feels on the inside..sometimes we can’t do that with our closest..but we can do it easily with strangers…and i’m here for u Nny..always..whenever u need me,just ask for me okay?I mean it Nny…
About Stanley,thank u once again Nny for your support and words..u don’t know how much it mean to me…also,when i read his words…i don’t feel angry at all..none!..all i felt was that..what if my dear poster’s read them and they believe what he wrote?because it’s not true!…Islam is all about loving,respect and make nice to each other without thinking about the colours of our skin or races…and i just hope that God will shine a light in stanley’s heart one day…
Oh btw…Nny..u have no idea how happy i am to meet u,rc,Hawks and other great poster’s here..u also have no idea to be able to chat with u everyday makes my life so so happy..so happy Nny!So,thank u so so much for giving me this happiness…when i said i love u..i really really mean it Nny!SWEAR!!..hahahaha…wooohoooo!!
End of rant!hahahaha…
Thanks HE we are on the same page then for a change lol ….
Wow, non-tennis forum is such a peaceful place to read comments. It’s nice to discover also your non-tennis side guys.
Eugene!…Is that a true compliment or backhanded compliment?hahaha…just joking Eugene!..
Hi back Eugene!…I knew it!!Hahaha…You’re one of the most nicest poster’s here Eugene and i like u very much!It’s a shame u rarely came here cause i like interacting with u…Hope to see u more here Eugene!I mean it!..
You are so sweet MA. I deeply appreciate your kind words. Will definitely keep posting when time allows. I am happy to share the same opinion about you. Take care MA
Hahaha…Thank u so much for your wonderful words Eugene!…U take care too okay?..no matter in what u do…and i mean it Eugene!!
Overhead on the Twitterverse:
“Arguing with a Trump supporter is like playing checkers with a pigeon, no matter how good you are the bird shits on the board and struts around like it won anyway.”
lol, I needed that laugh. Happy you are doing some posting here again, RITB 3.0
Good to be back @ratcliff………
HAPPY FATHERS DAY, to all the lovely dads on the forum
Best thing would be to ban all religions. Religions are in fact civil and criminal law evolved to govern societies. To ensure people obeyed them, they were supposed to be laid down by God and the ruler was the representative of God. The ruler therefore wore jewels and spectacular clothes and maybe a mask too and made his public appearances amidst much pomp and grandeur to fill the people with awe and fear. Now that we have temporal laws and the ruling body derives its legitimacy from the will of the people, religions can safely be retired. But the religious leaders do not want to lose power.
We can continue to have God to be a kind of catch all to field all the questions to which we do not have the answers. So if we don’t know something, we can say, “God knows.”
mira, just came on here to comment on the finsbury park mosque attack and say that that amazing imam did you and your faith proud.
sadiq khan who is the mayor of london is also one of my favourite politicians and another who represents the best of your faith and the best of british tolerance.
hope you’re well hon….
love from me to you….
amy!!…Oh my God!..you’re here!!…Only yesterday i was thinking of u!!…I miss u so so much amy!!…How r u?Hope u r well and happy with your loved ones okay?
And thank u thank u thank u for your wonderful words amy!…As a Muslim your words and understanding and deep respect and tolerance that you’ve got in u moved me tremendously amy!…And i was right,you’re a very beautiful human being inside out amy!
About sadiq khan…Yeah,i heard a lot of good things about him amy….no wonder he was chosen by the people of London to be their Mayor..I guess,if you’re honest about what you’re doing,u will be love and like by many people no matter what their faith and believe..right amy?Anyway,thank u for coming here today amy!…I really really miss u!!….I love u much much more amy!!…
hey mira dear!!! sorry i meant to come here when rafa won and send you a massive hug and loads of kisses but i just couldn’t stand being around the troll when i was so happy.
i was live blogging with a close and dear friend of mind from this site who hardly ever posts here called chloro. maybe one day i will get the chance to introduce you to each other!
i really really admire and cherish sadiq khan who came from a poor background and fought his way up to represent the poor and disadvantaged. he is very popular in britain and i was actually hoping he would lead the labour party.
that imam is a wonderful man and brought many to tears. i guess you know of jk rowling?? the one who wrote harry potter?she was in tears today talking about his amazing strengh and humanity.
i would never ever judge anyone because of their faith mira. there are great people and bad people of every religion and creed…you, sadiq khan and that wonderful imam represent the best of islam….
big hug and kiss mira…..xxxx
Oh My God amy!!…Thank u so so much for your amazing words!..although,i don’t think i can be put on the same level with Sadiq and that wonderful imam amy…i’m only a very plain and ordinary human being…nothing special about me!..while they’re both already proved that they’re in a different league than me…in every aspect amy…Btw…thank u once again for your words amy!…YOU’RE AWESOME!!!
Oh JK rowling crying??Oh wow!!.I can’t believe it amy!!!…I have to find the news about it!!…I admire Jk a lot,because this is not the 1st time she showed how beautiful her soul’s are…she’s not afraid to let the world know how she feels about Trump too..
About chloro…amy!i would love to get to know chloro!..Please introduce me to her/him amy!!…I’m sure she/he a great human being too!…and i understand you’re reluctant to come here often amy!…I just wish mary would not be so hard on u…I hope u be patient and strong when dealing with Mary okay?There’s so many here who adores u still amy…i will always waiting for your return amy!!…
Poor amy troll must have been miserable because her hated Rafa won and worse still UT whom she called selfish and evil got recognition. Must have been the saddest day for amytroll.
What puzzles me is this troll insists on coming back here as amy after having been exposed. Totally shameless!
Mary what is this bee you have in your bonnet about Amy and her being a Rafa hater, when actually shes a Rafa fan, no disrespect but it sounds ridiculous, and your now coming across as being a bully ….
That’s ok, Alison, if telling the truth makes me a bully I am fine with it. According to the fake profile amy projected she is a fan of Rafa with Djok being her second fave. She is supposed to hate Muzz and she never made a single post about Muzz until Muzz claimed players who played more than 5 hours must be doping. Everybody here thought he meant Djok and amy was seething. Ultimately unable to control herself she made a post asking who else has played 5+ hours and answered it herself.Rafa….. That’s when I realized that she had studiously avoided posting about Muzz till then. She has made fan like posts about Delpo but never about Rafa or Djok.
I don’t have to convince you. It came as a big surprise to me I think a year after she started posting here when I realized with a shock that she was Margot. I always knew though that she was a fake because she claimed she had never been on the internet, not even followed any site till 2015. Why would a Rafa fan from London stay away from the internet during Rafa’s best years? Also why does she diligently follow tennis-x but not post there? Obviously because she is already there. So after I realized she was Margot, I verified her past posts and they bore out my suspicion. Also amy-deuce..Amadeuce… Mozart….genius….amy thought her trolling userid was sheer genius.
Anyway I won’t waste further time in trying to convince you. People are not amenable to reason so nothing will convince you unless it strikes you.
So freaking what if Amy is Deuce or Margot. I don’t think so but both are posters are ones I love talking tennis with and interacting with and they are not a dang bully like you, Mary. I love reading all of them — very good writers. Brilliant if they are all one and the same and no less readable!
How many sock puppets do you have, Mary? Should we honestly go there? I’m very certain you’ve been on Tennis-x and likely still are. Your characters are the most pesky Trolls I have ever read.
You are an equal to Von and Truth, how many? I don’t really care to know.
Also you have given me many laughs because what you come up with is unbelievable. Definitely a tortured genius, yourself; but not a nice one or a fair one. Get over yourself.
Many of us change our poster id’s. So what is your problem with it?
Your argument accusing Amy, just sounds hypocritical and silly.
I know you are very intelligent but that doesn’t mean your internet characters are loveable — they are not meant to be. Go away and comeback as a nicer character is my suggestion.
I have no problem with amy being Margot, I have a problem with her pretending to be a Rafa fan when Margot is actually a Rafa hater. amy bashed Rafa and attacked Rafa fans.
I am not von or Truth. But these accusations fit your propensity to attack viciously based on just your Assumptions.
You are free to like amy but you have no right to challenge my assertion that amy is Margot and call me names without doing your research on amy’s posts from 2015.
Do that and come back rc-troll. Otherwise shut up.
I’ll do nothing of the sort. There’s no time in my day for your kind of ‘research’.
Get a life Mary-troll. And you shutting would be great.
And I said you are an equal to Von and Truth. Did not say you are them. You sound similar.
Margot is not a Rafa hater. You are nuts.
Well I wasn’t following tx but as deuce on tennistalk she asserted that she hated Rafa. What gives you the right to keep on attacking me? How is this your business? Why do you keep poking your nose into things you know nothing about and calling me names?
As for me sounding similar to von or truth, can you produce evidence of the “sameness” other than your opinion ? Please produce similarities between them and Mary. Finding their similarities with any other poster would not be acceptable as you will then have to prove the other poster’s similarity with Mary. Simply saying x, y or z is me without any basis is typical opf you, rc-troll
Move past your torment, Mary. No one cares or is making a stink about the topic but you. and there’s no way I will give you any respect…you keep harassing me and attacking me. Since I have been posting here 90 percent of my experience reading you has been attacking someone. So you calling anyone a troll is an irony of all ironies…who can take you seriously? you have no clue what you sound like.
You are such a hypocrite, Mary-troll.
To add it is possible to actually be a fan of more than one player ….
amy profile is supposed to dislike Muzz so you have obviously got hold of the wrong of the stick. You think I am accusing her of not being a Rafa fan becaise she is a fan of Muzz? You couldn’t be more wrong.
I myself am a fan of Rafa first and Muzz second so you don’t have to enlighten me about the possibility of being a fan of more than one player. Most of the Rafa fans are fans of Muzz also.
Since you are a hippie, I presume you value justice and truth. So here are two thoughts for you to ponder over. Have you wondered about the coincidence that amy instantly made friends with Margot’s friends from tx when they came over and also she instantly made friends with deucey’s friends from this site when she first came here?. They are also her only friends.
Second thought. Don’t you think you should research amy’s posts from 2015 before having the right to dispute my assertion? If you do not have the patience to do that, go ahead and like her but do not attack me and call me names as you do not even know what amy had done based on which I have cocluded amy is Margot. In other words steer clear of this till you do your research.
I want to make it clear I do not have any problems with people using different user names or having multiple heroes/idols.I have a problem with amy because she pretended to be a Rafa fan and attacked and hounded loyal Rafans and split this site. She also spent all her time bashing Rafa.
You not only attack Amy but you attack me as well. So I’m not going to steer clear of you until you cease your complaining about her and me. Nor am I going to do the research that you hold so dearly and strongly … like an old and sour grudge.
You sound persecuted and at the same time like a prosecutor hahah…you called me a hippie – I don’t think that was a compliment coming from you lol
rc, I did not call you a hippie. The post was meant for Alison.I don’t think you value truth or justice. You operate on ASSUMPTIONS.
You wouldn’t know the difference between fact and fiction as all that matters is your ASSUMPTION.
Put a sock in it or something in it.
And you are wrong about assumptions. But I do like to speculate
a lot.
Speculation is not truth or the assumption of truth. There is a fine difference between assumption and speculation.
Oh NO. You are the Supreme KNOW it ALL. I’m a lowly know it all compared to you.
Lets have a poll on it. I’m sure you’d win.
Well at least you admitted you have no use for research and intend to attack me without any basis. You were the one who first poked her nose into the Amy affair and called me names. So that’s how you got involved but it was your initiative. I did not involve you or Alison. Both of you are poking your noses into something you know nothing about and yet you call me names. You shamelessly assert your right to harass me without doing any research. What a pathetic and vicious person you are. And actually reveling in your ignorance!
#rcTroll-Is Proud of her contempt for facts.
No I didn’t admit that I have no use for research…LOL
I have no use for the research you suggest/ order me to do!!
Hypocrite Mary
So how do you know amy is not margot or that i am similar to von or truth? No rresearch. Pathetic!
I suppose that makes you eligible to be chief troll but I do think you might have competition from amy whose specialty is viciousness. So it all boils down to what the trolls value most, Ignorance or viciousness. Though on second thoughts I think you will be the winner because you are vicious as well!
#Good luck on Election Day!
Golly, Thus saith Lord Mary Troll
You assert a RIGHT to harass me? Based on your trolling and an old sour grudge? hahahahha
Lighten up
You are famous for telling stories and putting words in posters mouths that they never said….
You assume so much…and don’t see the irony of how silly you sound!!!
You already make clear what you value most and that is holding on to an old useless SOUR grudge like it will be your last breath.
I think you will win the prize for Ms Silly Universe. Not only do you sound silly, you are silly and proud of it!
I know I do not sound silly because all I did was to request you and Alison to stay away and that if you wanted to participate, you should do your research. No sane person will call that silly. However your insistence on attacking me based only on your ignorance and flaunting your contempt for data, that my dear PROVES you are silly and pathetic.
thats enough
That’s delusional but unsurprising coming from you.
You claim proof…there is no proof only your assumption.
No all you do is attack and troll, that’s all. And sometimes think about Rafa. But here you are famous for meanness and vicious attacking under some stupid, phony, hypocritical pretext.
Guys!…It sadden me to no end to see u guys fighting like this…i love all of u..even Mary who always brutal towards amy and now rc…Can’t we just put aside our difference in opinion and start respect each other?we live in a world full of hatred…just take a look at our surrounding…there’s killing everywhere..and it’s start with something like this…u attack me and i’m attack u back…back and forth,back and forth..and then what?Somehow,somewhere,someone got to stop this….C’mon!let’s show to the people out there that we’re much different and much better from them…Mary,i’m asking u please…just let it go this amy thing…it’s just a small matter compared to other things that happen in the world atm…the loss of humanity,poverty,poor kids in the 3rd world who fight for a mouthful of foods…and here we are fighting with each other because we don’t have enough respect towards the other…It doesn’t matter whether amy is Margot or vice versa…both r great great human being and i love both of them…if we’re eager to find a negative in people..then we only can see that…but if we want to look at the positive things in people,then all we can see is the beauty and good things about them…Respect,tolerance are very very important…if we have that,then we can live happily no matter what our differences are….
hahahaha , as if that’s the last word. Really? You will NEVER stop being mean. It’s bred in the bone for a Queen of MEAN – Mary.
All I know in this ‘sffair’ is that I can’t allow you to blacken Amy or Margot. And any attempts that I read here to do do will be not go without a response in kind.
You have shown me how petty you are.
Me too rc!…although we have a different approach from each other…but that’s okay…
Oh dear ….
Mary i am a Hippy you got that right, its about the only thing you did though, BTW this is an open forum, there is no staying away posters are free to come and go as they please adding to any discussion ….
For goodness sake you lot Ricky has already said ‘that’s enough’. Go back to TX if you want to continue with your futile bickering.
good god! i left a message for mira to do iwth the finsbury park mosque and came back today to find this!
the only person initiating this and trolling people constantly is mary. if anyone should go it’s her. when i came here yesterday i read some of the wta thread and she was attacking and harassing rc for absolutely no reason.
rc, alison and mira are all class and never attack anyone.
i do know margot from talking wiht her on tourneytopia and i find the insults levelled about her from when hse was a regular poster here by mary utterly grotesque.
mira i came to leave you another message but i’ll come back another time to talk….take care…
amy!…Sorry,i’m late to arrive and give a reply to u….Yeah,since things got out of control,we better talk next time k?But,thank u thank u thank u for thinking of me and come here amy..even though u knew Mary will find a reason to insult u once again…I wish we can talk via email or something..so,it can save a lot of things…U take care of yourself too amy..in whatever u do okay?I mean it!…Much love from a far away land amy!…
Thanks Amy hope to see you here again soon, to be honest im not here much myself either, but talk about throwing a stone on a wasps nest though eh lol ….
There was a man who mistakenly fell into a pool he couldn’t swim so he was drowning, a woman saw him struggling for his life so she jumped into the pool to save his life, she wasn’t wearing a bikini or any swim wear she was fully clothed she wasn’t even planing to swim that day.
When she rescued the man out of the pool, she called for the medic and after he had received medical attention and was stable she asked him why he entered the swimming pool when he couldn’t swim, he told her that he mistakenly fell into the pool.
After he had thanked her with all of his heart for saving his life, he stood up and was about leave and she stopped him and asked him whether he wanted to learn how to swim, he said yes enthusiastically!
After weeks of training the man got better at swimming, he wasn’t a pro or a master yet but he wasn’t going to drown any day soon.
Swimming became one of this man’s favorite activities, so every weekend when his less busy he tries to swim for some few hours.
On a Sunday afternoon as he was swimming he remembered that N. Djokovic would be playing R. Nadal in the finals at Wimbledon and he wanted to see how Novak was going to destroy nadal, so he got out of the pool dried himself & wore his clothes, as he was about to leave he noticed something strange in the second pool as he got closer he saw a young woman drowning, so he jumped into the water and saved her life.
If you were there that day would you say that this man is an ignorant & a hateful person? Or would you say he is a loving person?
Would you consider his actions to be foolish or brave?
The difference between what that man did & what am doing is that what am doing is far more important.
The word of GOD(The bible) tells us that- we should not be deceived, God can’t be mocked, for whatsoever a man/woman sows that he/she would also reap it(Galatians 6:7).
A farmer reaps the same as he has sown, if he plants wheat, wheat comes up. If he plants apple seeds, during harvest time he would harvest apple fruits not a different fruit or plant.
When we believe in a lie or in a false teaching it would lead us to a bad place & destroy our lives.
But when we believe in the TRUTH it would leads us to the right path & bless our lives.
JESUS said I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the father except through me.( John 14:6)
The word of GOD would say- “For the wages of sin is death(eternal death), but the gift of God is eternal life through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.
Millions of Christians & innocent people who seek peace have lost their lives because the love JESUS CHRIST & because the have rejected the EVIL teachings of Islam. This evil Islamic terrorists are inspired to kill, behead, cut off body parts because muhammed & allah has encouraged them to do it.( quran 8:12, quran 9:5, quran 9:38-39 etc)
Some of you have said that I am ignorant, hateful & spouting nonsense.
Please I beg you to be specific, point out the ignorant, hateful & nonsense thing that I have said.
Exposing the truth about the EVIL teaching’s of islam is not an attack on a person or a hateful thing but a revelation on the danger’s & motivation of islam and it’s devout follower’s(terrorists).
When allah & muhammed commands that Christians, jews, atheist & other faiths be beheaded is that Stanley’s words or muhammed’s words?
When allah tells his follower’s to kill those who are not muslims or else he would punish them is that Stanley’s words or allah’s.(muslims who don’t practice such teaching’s are also in danger)
Have I become your enemy because I choose to tell you the truth.
I believe this website would be a blessing to anyone searching for the truth.
I learnt an important lesson in my first year in the university.
Before we conducted an experiment in the lab my professor would show us how it’s done and also show us the result he arrived at.
One day he asked us to experiment a particular substance, he gave us the materials and instruments to do this research, he also showed us the result he arrived at but what we didn’t know was that the result he gave us was false.
Some didn’t do the experiment (they were waiting for other peoples results to copy), some didn’t know how to do it.
Some of us did the experiment but came to a different conclusion, so we did the research again but still came to a result different from what we were given.
Some didn’t want to fail so the changed their results to match the professor’s, others were afraid to correct the professor you have to understand this was our first year & he(they professor) had decades of experience when it came to this topic, so they adjusted their findings to match his, everyone then submitted their experiments.
A few days later he summoned the whole class and failed everyone except for one person, I won’t tell you who he is.
Everyone was devastated, so those who got the result right the first time went to his office to submit their previous experiment but he rejected it, he told them & everyone that we should be confident in our results provided that we have extensively & carefully don’t our research.
Truth should not just be consumed it needs to be carefully reviewed and that’s why I have encouraged everyone here to do their own research, check out the things that I have said carefully and see whether the are true or false.
A WISE person hungers for the truth and checks it out because they don’t want to but deceived but a FOOL rejects the truth without even considering it and remains deceived forever.
When you love someone your faithful, kind and honest with them, you also make time for them.
I have showed you guys nothing but true love, I have tried to be honest, kind and despite my busy schedules I make time for you because I truly love you.
I have a wonderful life and I believe you have an amazing life as well.
I don’t have to do what am doing, in fact if I said nothing or if I said the opposite of what I have said some of you would appalled & thank me, but that would be dishonest and that won’t be love but hate.
Terrorism can be politically motivated, religiously motivated etc and all forms of terrorism should be condemned strongly and exposed.
It’s important to note that not all muslims murder innocent people, some of them are peaceful and are victims of terrorism by the hands of Isis and other terrorists group’s because the intentionally or unintentionally reject this EVIL/WICKED teachings of Islam.
It’s also important to note that as a Christian if I reject the teachings of JESUS CHRIST am not a Christian.
And if a muslim rejects the teachings of Muhammed they are not muslims.
You can’t have it both ways you can’t condemn islamic terrorism without condemning the teachings/verses in the quran that promote it.
A devout muslim is someone who obeys all the teachings of islam instructed by allah & muhammad and hundreds of this verses/teachings promote EVIL & TERRORISM.
As someone who has read the quran and studied teachings of islam I know without a doubt that islamic terrorism is inspired by the teachings of muhammad which you would find in the quran( muslims holy book).
This links would be helpful- (1). http://www.islam-for-dummies.com/
(2). THE 10 MOST DIABOLIC EVIL TEACHINGS IN ALL HUMAN HISTORY- http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/195861
I just want to say that I love you guys, I truly do but I love you enough to share the truth with you.
I have a lot to say but I would stop here, this might be my last comment addressing this particular topic, as the old saying goes- A WORD IS ENOUGH FOR THE WISE!
Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear, I have done the best that I can, hopefully you would come to the knowledge of the TRUTH.
Please if you would like to help us save an innocent woman( Asia Bibi) from EXECUTION please click on this link https://aclj.org/persecuted-church/defending-pakistani-christians-at-the-united-nations?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Informational&utm_content=Persecuted%20Church&sf56520323=1
At the end of the article you would see the different ways that you can help us, please do the best that you can.
GOD bless you!
stanley, there are several muslims on this site who pay particular attention to their faith right now as it is their holy month of ramadhan. out of sheer courtesy, if nothing else, it really would be great if you put a lid on all this. your ranting on here is, in any case, entirely inappropriate and unnecessary.
big wave to mira!! how are you today hon? please just ignore stanley mira. don’t even bother to read his posts – life is too short!!
amy!!…you’re my hero!!…Thank u for your sweet/kind words amy!!…Really really appreciate it…i’m fine amy,thank u for asking…but,feels like something unsettle today and i’m not happy when i’m thinking of rc,hurting somewhere…i don’t like when someone i cared hurting and in anger….same with what u have been through a while ago…but,i also understand rc need to be alone atm…i wish i could reach her via FB or email..but,she’s unavailable on both count..
Oh!….don’t worry amy!i won’t respond/read stanley’s post…it’s too ‘heavy’ and ‘colourful’ for me…Btw amy..how r u today?Okay?I’m really really glad u decide want to come here more often..even for rc’s sake…oh!…check this out amy!..
i’m fine thanks mira. just very tired as we are in the middle of a heatwave here. hottest temperatures in june in 40 years! and we brits are hopeless with the heat as we never see any sun! so i don’t sleep at night…
yeah i feel bad about rc mira and that’s why i’m here today but i think she probably just wants to be alone and of course i respect that.
oh btw mira, mary doesn’t have the power to cause me pain!!! if you don’t like or respect someone they don’t have any power over you…i just get sick with the toxicity she carries around her. i’ve actually probably got far more upset and angry about other people being bullied here. but the only person mary embarrasses and humiliates with her lies and trolling is herself. a child could see through her…
talk soon hon…..xxxx
Hey amy!!….sorry,a little bit late to reply..went to bed early last nite…yeah amy…heatwave are everywhere!I guess the earth are getting older and older and this is how they showed to us that they’re maybe in a late stage…although i hope,i manage to see my grandchildren grow up one day!hahaha…Byw..u don’t sleep at nite amy?..Oh!..i’m so sorry to hear that…it must be tough to endure this heat because u guys not used to it right?I hope,u will be patient with this condition amy…it’snot going to last…oh,and drink a lot of water amy!..i don’t want u to dehydrate in this condition k?
About Mary…that’s alright amy…i hope you’re stay strong with everything that she may throw at u okay?It’s going to be hard…but remember…hate cannot defeat love and kindness…They’re only make us stronger…C’mon amy & rc!!…U can do it!!
We are good. Thanks amy and Mira Andi. I let it go already. It was amazingly easy, thanks to you!
But it’s hard for me to stay out of it once an attack starts. I’ll try harder.
I’ve got my alarm set early to get up and watch Thursday matches. I work on Friday and have a busy day Saturday but Sunday will for picking Eastbourne brackets and whatever else there is. Halep and Novak will be playing in Eastbourne! Yay.
rc!!….YAYYYYY!!!…Oh.i’m very very happy you’re here again rc!!…And i’m also fully understand your burst of rage rc…believe me,i understand…but,if i am allowed to give u just one tiny words for inspiration?…
Just keep it cool…Acting like me…because once u gave away your control,it’s hard to get it back..don’t let other’s control us rc…don’t give them the power…keep it cool,that doesn’t mean we’re afraid rc..No!..it’s also a method to fight..but in a cool way..and certainly not with hurtful words…In the past,Mary also took a dig at me,but i took it with a laugh and just sent her a picture of a women blow her a kiss…I believe,fire if we fight with fire..it’s going to be a monster fireball…but,if we fight it with a cold water,it will turn to ash immediately rc…But of coz it’s your choice to pick which one rc….You’re a warrior…and i’m not..hehe..u may see things diffrently..other way,i will always with u rc!…No matter what the circumstances r…Love u rc!!!Wooohooo!!
Oh rc!…Can u check your email?I wrote one or 2 things there…U don’t have to reply if u don’t want to…Just read it okay?
how are you today mira?? am utterly exhausted today with lack of sleep but very happy to see rc back here…
it’s hard for me to be here because i have commitments elsewhere but i would like it if you could leave me a message on non tennis forum if mary comes back and starts hating on rc. just let me know mira please what thread it’s on and what day and that way i can see straightaway and go over and sat something….
take care mira dear….xx
amy!!…I’m fine amy!!Thank u for asking!!…U can’t sleep amy?Because of a heat?I’m sorry to hear that but amy,i read that heatwave is going to end soon..so,u can sleep much better after this k?
About rc and Mary….U got it Boss!!…I’ll try my best to be rc’s bodyguard…
Btw…so happy you’re here amy!!..even for a while!Hehehe….Hugs and kisses from me amy!!..Try to sleep better tonite okay?
I would like to ask you a question, please be honest with me, when you get this.
Do you think that I hate you?
Hey Stanley…to answer your question…ermm…no!…i don’t think u hate me…and i don’t hate u either…HATE is an alien word in my life stanley…in fact i don’t have an ability to hate anyone…i don’t know how…but,i do think that you’re misunderstood about Islam…and i mean it when i ask u to find an Imam,to answer any question about Islam…He’s the right person for u to meet Stanley…
And i’m not going to discuss anything about Islam or any religion here Stanley…even though this is a forum that we’re free to talk about anything other than tennis,but as i said before…every each one of us should respect the other’s believe and faith…tolerance,respect,understanding and a little bit love in our heart are very very important Stanley…especially when the world that we live in atm are slowly dying…suffocating by the lack of humanity and those ingredients that i already stated up there…
Oh!btw Stanley…all Muslims in the world is going to celebrate Eidul Fitr Al Mubarak in 3 days time..and even though u don’t celebrate it,i just want to wish u every happiness in the world,always healthy and always success in everything u do okay?
You might not believe me when I say that I truly, truly you love you that is with a Godly love.
I want to say that no one loves you in this site they way that I do, but I don’t want to get into an argument.
It was really hard for me to share the things that I shared in my previous comments, plzzz believe me I knew what the consequence might be, but I felt that if I didn’t I would be deceiving you & others.
Whether you choose to believe me or not that’s your prerogative, my hope is that our friendship or whatever is left of it would not be completely destroyed.
You and I have not spoken directly for a long time and I hope it doesn’t last for long, do you remember when I said to you ” that I would love to know you better ” believe me I still want to and I hope that our disagreements do not annihilate that.
I shared the truth with you & with others because I love you guys, I still do & I will always love you no matter what.
Will miss the first week of W this year, as Mr Willow and i are going on a small road trip, although i am looking forward to it, and i really need the break with everything thats happened to me this year, i will really miss chats with RC and AM and many of the other posters here ….
Hey Al!!…hey..i know it’s about Summer Solstice right?..but you’re also can do a 2+1 as well since you’ve just celebrate your wedding anniversary…I hope you’re going to enjoy your trip with hubby to the fullest Al!…Luckily for me,i won’t miss Wimby as i have already at home that time[THANK U GOD!!]…but,i will miss blogging with my dear poster’s here for the next 4,5 days..and will miss TDL as well!!…Urgh!!..stress!!
Miss you too MA already…Is it an end of Ramadhan holy days? You won’t be in the TDC? What?
Okay…have fun love to your family and you of course know I love you. My email is all going to my old computer, which is dead. Hope to recover it soon!
Will be happy when you all get back safe and sound.
rc!!…yeah,Ramadhan will end on saturday and on sunday,we will celebrate Eidul Fitr and there’ll be an eatig fiesta too,with a lottt of delicious food..including a soft bread dipped in chicken curry!!…That’s why i suddenly have the urge to send u a pack of ready made chicken curry rc…i felt very guilty for enjoying this food but u can’t…and u love it too…don’t worry rc!..Insyaallah i will try send u one in the fall kay?
U can’t access your email rc?That means u still not read the email that i sent to u earlier?That’s okay rc!…Read it when u can okay?It’s not important but i would love for u to read it..because u maybe will get an inspiration from it…
Btw thank u for your precious words rc…i’m going to miss u like crazy!..and Nny too!!…Hey rc!!
AM Yeah summer solstice, and a belated celebration of our wedding anniversary, i also need a break from the stress of work and other things and people, i will seeing you blogging while your not here, but i look forward to catching up with you soon, ill miss RC, Amy and NNY too
I hope you have a wonderful time!
Get rest, recharge and relax!
Hey back Al!…If u have the time,please upload on FB your activity on your Summer Solstice,if there is a so called ‘Naked Dance’ more the better!Especially if the dancer’s is u!!….Ohohohohohohohohoho!!!…
Taking a week off too Mira Andi? Will you be back for Wimbledon? oh dear I’m all confused because I can’t check my email or get on FB.
Have fun (I’m jealous), Alison! I want to go too…
Yeah rc baby!!…i’m so stressed you’re keep kicking my lovely @ss in TDL,and i’m sulking now and want to go faraway to heal this wound!…Hahahahahahahaha!!….just joking rc!!…
We’re Muslims all around the world is about to celebrate Eidul Fitr Al Mubarak on sunday…so,tomorrow i wanna go back home for a week..and can’t access internet for 4 or 5 days…can’t participate in TDL for Eastbourne and of coz can’t blogging here…urgh!!stress!!…there’s no internet at my mother in laws house…sooooo boring!!..so,there’s going to be a lotttt of staring contest between me and a cow i’m sure!…they stare at me and i stared back at them…i kick their @sses for staring at me and they will kick mine for kicking their’s!…Sooooo boring!..but i will be home as soon as wimby start rc!!…Thank u God for that!…I will miss blogging with u and Nny and amy that’s for sure…
LOLOLOl…coughing and laughing. I’d love to see you in a staring contest with a cow….hahahahahaahaa ah Mira Andi….
I grew up with farm animals around — not cows but horses and goats…I love goats. Bunnies, pet birds, cats, dogs a donkey…Actually I love animals I just don’t want them in the house with me!!
Will you be here in time for Wimby Bracket? anyway…please try to relax and stay safe. mmmwah! Insyallah…of course.
Hheheheheh…Thank u baby!Thank u once again for your wonderful words!!…Yeah..insyaallah,i’ll be home on saturday nite and i will pick my Bracket straight away…U pray for my safety on the road k?There’ll be a lot of cars..just imagine almost 1 million cars were about to enter my state in 3 days time!urgh!..Tomorrow,i predict i will be on the road for 11 or 12 hours straight…urgh!!Stress!!
Btw,i lurveeee animal as well and don’t want them in my house but they’re get in anyway!!..I don’t know why rc!…Thank God it’s only a cat!..I guess they’re also can’t resist my charm too like u and Nny and amy!!…hehehehe…Aaaaooooo!!!…
David Beckham watching tennis at Queens ….
AM LOL Yeah i will if im brave enough
Thanks NNY will do
RC I would actually love you to come too
Yeah Al!!..Bring rc too!..And u guys can dance naked together!!…Hehehehehehawhawhaw!!
AM i know what your going through, we have some muslims next door to us, peace, love and blessings sent to you
Awwww!..Thank u so much Al!!…Peace,love and big hugging sent to u too sis!
So much for MAGA.
Why Is the U.S. Killing So Many Civilians in Syria and Iraq?
Two weeks ago, the American military finally acknowledged what nongovernmental monitoring groups had claimed for months: The United States-led coalition fighting the Islamic State since August 2014 has been killing Iraqi and Syrian civilians at astounding rates in the four months since President Trump assumed office.
Also risking war with Russia by shooting down Syrian planes. We should all hope that Russia doesn’t make good on its pledge to target American planes in Syria.
“Why Is the U.S. Killing So Many Civilians in Syria and Iraq?”…………and Yemen?
Could be Trump’s attempt at being Jeffersonesque? “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” …..??
Honestly, can Trump tell the difference between patriots, tyrants and civilians? I doubt very much.
MAGA? Who the hell knows? Putin, maybe……….
Speaking of which, I don’t know Putin personally but tell you what, he is one bloke I don’t wanna meet in a dark alley………..
Please it’s not too late to help us save an innocent woman( Asia Bibi) from EXECUTION please click on this link https://aclj.org/persecuted-church/defending-pakistani-christians-at-the-united-nations?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Informational&utm_content=Persecuted%20Church&sf56520323=1
At the end of the article you would see the different ways that you can help us, please do the best that you can.
GOD bless you!
The new York times is FAKE NEWS!
The always twist the truth and feed to those who are consumed by STUPIDITY!
If you do your research instead of consuming garbage, you would know that President Donald J. Trump has done more for the Syrian people in a short time that barrack obama did in years.
Under barrack obama’s watch hundreds of thousands of people died at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists and bashir al-assad( president of Syria).
I won’t take the time to explain further even though I have a lot to say on this issue, I believe it would make no difference to those whose judgments are blinded by HATE & IGNORANCE example ( HAWKTARD).
Creepy misogynist racist bigoted stanley.
Please help us save this innocent woman( Asia Bibi), plzzz do they best you can okay.
This is a matter of life & death.
Here it is, Stanley (and others who appreciate a good song that swings another way):
Great song. Love George Michael. thanks Joe!
Yes, I miss George Michael more than words can say. Great song. What s voice and what a message!
Enrique Iglesias (who is one of Rafa’s business partners) thanks Atlanta for the love:
I remembered that the owner of this site is from Atlanta.
RC Also love George Michael, this is one of my favorite duets https://youtu.be/nt1M0H120D0?t=20
Sorry ill try again dont know what happened there https://youtu.be/3V726_HShyY
Hi Alison! What music did you post? I can’t play that video — it’s not working on this outdated browser.
Hey Mira Andi! I miss you and hope your having a good time in the boonies with no internet
My computer could be here as soon as tomorrow. Special delivery from Mr. Ratcliff.
In celebration of the event, I have this work of art playing — sorry, I know I’ve posted it before, (deep somewhere in the non-tennis pages somewhere), because Thom Yorke’s lyrics are addictive and pleasantly distracting:
Not familiar with than song RC, although i think this laptop has seen better days as the volumn isnt working, saw Radiohead at Glastonbury festival last weekend, and they were brilliant ….
You SAW Eadiohead!!!! OMG – I’m glad to hear they still put on a good show! The song I posted is from In Rainbows — Jigsaw falling into place.
RC it was a duet with George Michael and Mary.J.Blige as song called AS, i believe its a cover version of an old Stevie Wonder song ….
Mary Blige and GM — I know it! Nice! I can listen to it on youtube with this ancient macbook
RC saw them, but only on TV they were at Glastonbury last weekend, there was some really amazing acts there, i would love to go one year ….
Oh okay, I’ll calm down. I thought you meant you went to a live concert. dang!
RC Nah unfortunatly not, chance would be a fine thing ….
This one:
Thanks for posting it! There was nothing George Michael couldn’t sing! Even covering the great Stevie Wonder!
He and Mary J. Blige were magic together.
RC Yep thats the one, i love how their voices compliment each others
Yes they VERY good together —- better than when she’s with with U2 or Sting, imo.
Here’s one thinking about our Mira Andi
Aik!Me rc?Why?
Mira Andi,
What? Oh, o sorry. I thought it was beautiful. With all that’s going on — tells a story with the prayer. Acceptance. But I apologize if it depressed you. I’m so sorry, MA. My taste is rather dark, I admit. I won’t post music to you again. All my radiohead music, even much of the classical music I love most is dark. Post some other that you like, okay? That way I understand. Thanks, MA.
rc!!…What??Hey hey hey!wait!wait!wait!wait!….please,please..don’t apologize yet sweetie!listen to me first..u know, i can’t access internet at all when i was in my mother in laws house..there’s a stupid people who steal a main cable and sell it for drugs..
And i can posted a few comments when i was in my sister’s house..but the connection also very poor..for the same reason..but i can’t see the video at all rc…just manage to read and write a comments,that’s all…that’s why i’m asking u a question up there..in hope u can explain to me the connection what was in the video and me…it’s nothing to do with your taste in music sweetie!..no!…i’m very honoured and will always happy to accept anything from u rc!…u knew that!…so,keep posting a link to me okay?Even it’s about your beloved goat!…i lurvveeee to watch it!!
rc!…i feel sooo guilty for making u so defensive in your comment…i’m so sorry!I didn’t meant to rc!..U know me..i’m always enthusiastic about everything!!…Sorry once again rc!
rc!!….Now,i have the opportunity to see the video!….and it’s AWESOME!!…and after i googled what is all about.i suddenly have the urge to cry so bad rc!…i wanna cry because God made u,amy,Hawks,Nny, Sting and many more people out there a very rare breed with pure heart and a very beautiful soul…u guys treat us with equality despite been born and raised in a country that have everything,can do anything they want to..and i’m so touched that u guys still not ‘contaminated’ by it…Thank u so so much for being a great human being guys!…I’m honoured to be your friend…
Btw rc…this is the 2nd time i heard a song that was related to Arab culture in it…have u already hear this rc?
I love this song so much when it first released in 2000..
Oh Okay, Mira Andi. Thank you for explaining how you feel. We are good – I was only stressing if I had posted something that upset you.
Yes Sting’s 2000 album was beautiful. Desert Rose – I played it all the time! Almost posted that one to you! I love you!
rc…U would never ever upset me in any way…even if u do,i will forgive u in a blink of an eye…i love u more rc!!
Good evening, MA! Looks like I need to see if I can help AMY get into Tourneytopia. But wanted to post this song – for it’s lyrics — to you first.
Another favorite song from “Brand New Day”
A Thousand Years:
rc!!…Another great song from Sting!…and great lyrics too!!…Thank u mucho for give this song rc!!…It’s awesome!
“On and on the mysteries unwind themselves
Eternities still unsaid
Till u love me”…
Woohohohoho!….I love u rc!!
This two songs are amazing, i hope watch it or download it-
1) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8mh4aHKcBgQ&itct=CA0QpDAYAiITCKOPkoT26NQCFTYffgodmpsCXzIHcmVsYXRlZEjbv-7mqMa5quUB&client=mv-google&gl=US&hl=en#watch_actions
If you have a youtube app on your phone/tablet you can download it directly but if you don’t use this site
just copy the URL and paste it.
I hope you enjoy it.
Cnn( CORRUPT/clinton news network) are a complete joke, calling them FAKE news is an understatement, this people are sick.
Three cnn employees(FAKE journalists) including the executive editor in charge of a new ivestigative unit have resigned amid the network’s VERRRRRRY FAKE news scandal in which it was forced to retract a hit piece on President Donald Trump and his associates.
Sources- (1) http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/06/26/three-employees-resign-from-cnn-amid-very-fake-news-scandal/
(2) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/06/26/three-journalists-quit-cnn-in-fallout-from-retracted-russia-story.html
Even dishonest media outlets like the new york times, washington post, msnbc, nbc, huffington post etc reported on it, all this networks and more are FAKE news & the are extremely deceptive in their reporting.
An undercover video was released by project veritas exposing cnn’s deception and lies this is part 1-
Article- http://projectveritas.com/2017/06/27/american-pravda-cnn-part-1-russia-narrative-is-all-about-ratings/
The title of the video is American Pravda: CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative “bullsh*t”
Video- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jdP8TiKY8dE&itct=CBcQpDAYACITCKba2brL6tQCFUnvfgodDUUPWFITcHJvamVjdCB2ZXJpdGFzIGNubg%3D%3D&hl=en&gl=US&client=mv-google
This is part 2-
Article- http://projectveritas.com/2017/06/28/van-jones-russia-is-nothing-burger-american-pravda-cnn-part-ii/
The title of the video is – Van Jones: Russia is “Nothing burger”– American Pravda: CNN Part 2
Video- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l2G360HrSAs&itct=CBAQpDAYACITCPnO457M6tQCFcrqfgodFfgASjIGcmVsbWZ1SNHj45Tiif_pjQE%3D&client=mv-google&hl=en&gl=US
Part 3-
Article- http://projectveritas.com/2017/06/30/american-pravda-part-3-cnn-selectively-edits-hates-trump-and-think-voters-are-stupid/
The title of the video is- CNN Producer: Voters “Stupid as Sh*t”– American Pravda: CNN Part 3
Please if you didn’t watch the 1st and 2nd videos plzzz don’t miss this one it packs lots of informations that exposes this CORRUPT news network.
I will post more if more is released showing how dishonest the liberal mainstream media are.
There might be someone that stumbles upon the non-tennis forum here and will read that TRUMP PROPAGANDA BS you are posting. But most of us won’t. We like freedom of the press and value journalists that speak TRUTH to POWER.
Trump is attempting to set up his own private media that is very that is modeled after what’s fed to the public in any oppressive dictatorship and is edited to only make himself look good. In other words — Trumps own FAKE NEWS.
I fight tooth and claw against Trump approved, run, and owned media and the further descent into autocratic controls with Trump’s propaganda!
Now I will return to ignoring you.
Thanks for saying it! This is the first step on the road to dictatorship. Trump is trying to establish a state owned snd run propaganda machine just like the Nazis had. That was one of the first things they did in securing power. Get control of all media and feed the people propaganda. Goebbels was in charge as propaganda minister. They were able to control the people by controlling what information they got.
The hallmark of freedom is a vital and free press. Trump seems to think that he should be immune from criticism. The truth is that he is a thin-skinned bully. He can’t take criticism, as Harry Truman so famously said, if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen! Let Trump resign and go back to his fake real estate business where he can continue to lie,cheat and steal.
Reading Stanley’s fake news is disturbing. Why anyone would want to willingly fly give up the precious freedoms we have in this country, I have no idea. But it’s sad and shocking.
We are not going to allow Trump this become a fascist dictator! We need to support our freedom of the press!
From, Hail to the Thief, Radiohead.
Where I end and you begin:
Cor blimey, Bertie having a nightmare start to Le Tour………..Froome to take it, barring crashes…..
It was a terrible Stage 1 time trial in the rain! Poor Valverde! How horrible to him and I feel sorry for movistar and Quintana.
Didn’t watch it today yet…
Contador – still my all-time favorite cyclist but I never have expectations anymore. I’ll always LOVE CONTADOR!
I’ m a Contador groupie too! Shame he’s lost his edge but I still tune in just to watch him in the mountains. He can’t hang with the likes of Quintana and Froome anymore but he still has a great tactical brain. I expect a vintage Contador move somewhere in the Pyrenees or along a windy flat.
Fingers crossed we see Vintage Contador and picks the right move. I don’t know much about his team this year, tho. In fact I’ve not been following this year- since I have no way of watching most races. At least NBC showed the Tour of Calif uhg…Dauphine, yay. And now the network is covering TDF. Stage 2 was a borefest. More rain, crashes. Kittel sprint win. Bah. I wait for the Mountains.
I’m annoyed with Sky because their team is so freaking Superior.
Tomorrow isn’t entirely flat – it’s hills. Hope to see Sagan, Phil Gil, and GVA contesting the stage.
RITB 3.0
Sunday, stage 9 should be good. The first truly brutal day – perhaps the hardest of the TdF!
Well, the last week is a different level of brutal because, it’s the LAST week
Although team Sky is so dominant that it sucks the joy out of TdF in general. I always hope for an adventurous young rider like Lilian Calmejean of France to climb away to a solo victory!
Warren Barguil Ag2r is a cutie and he’s got a slim lead on the peloton going up Mont du Chat. I’d like it if he and Bargiul could stay ahead. Cheering for Ag2r
Contador is still in the race but in pain after the uphill crash with Quintana. I think Nairo fell over on him. Dang it. Froome and his supernatural gills going for it all on his own. Bummer. Somebody stop him!
The descent after the top of Mont du Chat has taken poor little Richie post out of the race — looks like he’s in a neck brace already. So there’s another major rival for Froome out.
Porte, not post.
Romain Bardet is a demon descender and caught his teammate, Warren Barguil, but unlike Elbows Froome is not a dangerous descender.
allez Romain Bardet and Ag2r.
They may as well stop the race and give Froomie the jersey! Who’s gonna challenge him now? All he has to do is stay upright and he’s got it.
What a Tour!
Froome is a horrible descender he’s all over the road with his elbows out and doesn’t hesitate to block someone or swerve off his line to prevent them from passing. He thinks he’s good like Salvodelli or Nibali but he’s a hazard. Romain Bardet is a true descender like Salvodelli was.
But it’s tough, Romain has 3 km to go and it’s on the flats…i’m afraid Froome and co will catch him. Dang it! I can’t stand the Sky train. And Jakob Fuglesang is a big engine on the flats. Although I wouldn’t mind Jakob’s teammate Fabio Aru can out-sprint Froome.
Actually, RITB, it was a good sprint finish. Froome cannot out-sprint Aru, or Barguil, or especially Rigoberto Uran. But it was Bargiul and Romain Bardet who animated the race today. The French can celebrate – sort of…
Although I don’t know how anyone will take the jersey from Froome and stop Sky. Even without Geraint Thomas Sky has bought themselves the TDF wins with their team being so strong.
about 30 minutes commercial free climbing, descending and sprinting made the stage watchable. But poor Thomas and especially Porte, casualties on the day.
Had switched my allegiance to Nairo Quintana now that Bertie’s clearly toast but even Nairo is out of contention now……
Damn Sky………
grrrr….damn Sky.
GC situation right now
1°) Christopher Froome
2°) Fabio Aru (+18″)
3°) Romain Bardet (+51″)
4°) Rigoberto Uran (+55″)
5°) Jakob Fuglsang (+01’37”)
6°) Daniel Martin (+01’44”)
7°) Simon Yates (+02’02”)
8°) Nairo Quintana (+02’13”)
9°) Mikel Landa (+03’06”)
10°) George Bennett (+03’53”)
Contador distanced, Porte out.
If someone stumbles upon what i have said i hope that they carefully & honestly seek out the TRUTH because when they do they would find out the TRUTH and the TRUTH would set them free from deception, in fact i encourage everyone & anyone who wants to know the TRUTH to search carefully for it because they would find it.
You said you like freedom of the press and value journalists that speak truth to power, you truly are a funny woman, i can’t stop laughing.
Here we have a dishonest network cnn( CORRUPT/clinton news network) telling lies and you are defending them that’s a shame!
Cnn( CORRUPT/clinton news network) is not speaking the truth 2 power but lying, the are FAKE news and other networks i listed in my previous comments and more, there are some good networks that do their best to be fair and balanced they are not perfect but they do their best to report the truth and i applaud them because we need them now more than ever.
Freedom of the press- The president of USA Donald J. Trump has given the media more access than what most of his predecessors have, including dishonest mainstream media.
You my lady do not know what you are talking about and i encourage you to careful examine what you watch and read b4 spout ur nonsense!
It’s easy to say that someone is lying without providing evidence for it, i have provided multiple evidences, were are yours?
Oh horse feathers and BS, you are the fool.
No way would take a word you say on politics, history, philosophy, Ethics or religion seriously!. The only posts I might once in awhile read are your tennis only posts. ahahahhahaha
Stanley is parroting the Trump propaganda just as he is supposed to do. No thinking for himself or questioning the endless lies that Trump has been caught in too many yet mes to count.
Trump is a man without any moral compass or principles or core beliefs. The only thing he believes in is himself. He is a weak, insecure bully who relies on thuggish intimidation tactics to try and get his way.
The use of the phrase – “Clinton news” – is a dead giveaway to the true agenda. Because the Clintons have nothing to do with CNN. But like the blind, unquestioning foot soldier that he is, Stanley just repeats the garbage that he is being fed by Trump and company. No ability to critically think or evaluate the credibility or trustworthiness of any thing Trump says.
It is more important now than ever before got all Americans to support the real media and make sure that they continue to unmask Trump for the fake, lying fraud that he is.
Sorry, it should read – Trump has been caught in too many lies to count. *
Thanks for telling Stanley. I don’t have the patience nor can I abide a Trump Troll for a second: a brainwashed, deluded and willfully ignorant about the history of Trump, the art of the Deal, Millions in unpaid taxes, he is a Con man and a famous pathological liar and philanderer, amongst many other things…also — the only freedom of the press he allows it that which is parroted by YES-Sir, sycophant followers.
You are the blind one who doesn’t respect freedom of the press. Where do you get the idea that you have a monopoly on the truth? Who died and made you God?
You don’t get to tell the rest of us what the truth is! Just like lying Trump, who wouldn’t know the truth if it stood up and hit him in the face!
Your arrogance is quite appalling. You follow Trump with this fervor and unquestioning loyalty that is frightening. You don’t even acknowledge his lies. He lies all the time. He lies every time he opens his mouth. We know that hecus trying to co-opt the free press so that he can control the media. That’s the first order of business for any tyrannical government. We have to stand up and fight back!
You do not value or appreciate the freedoms that our soldiers have fought and died for. You want to throw them away because you have gone on the Trump bandwagon. Anything he says to you is gospel. Unlike news organizations, who have the integrity to admit when they make honest mistakes. Trump doubles down on his lies. That makes h dishonest, unprincipled and amoral.
You need to stop defending someone who has showed that he has no loyalty to his own country! He is buddying up to a thug and a murderer in Putin. He has killed those who oppose him. He has hacked our election system for his own nefarious purposes. It is outrageous to see Trump cozying up with a dictator!
Open your eyes and wake up!
My post @ 3:30 pm is addressed to Stanley to try and get him to come back to reality!
Even cnn( CORRUPT/clinton news network) had to admit on air, online and also in person that their stories were false because their lies were debunked by honest & professional journalist, they have shamefully apologized to President Donald J. Trump’s adviser( Anthony Scaramucci) because the were caught in their deception, they haven’t apologized to everyone that they hurt with their lies.
Three of their employees have resigned and more in the future, because dishonesty should have no place in journalism i.e. Cnn is fake news.
Cnn’s brian stelter who hosts reliable sources( unreliable sources) has also admitted that the network( cnn) he works for did put out fake news.
Haris the head of the cnn investigative unit has resigned( scapegoat) because of fake news.
If you( ratcliff) can disprove what i have i said( which you can’t, because the are true) both now & in my previous comments point it out and i promise i would apologize for it.
Instead of blabbing your nonsense that are inaccurate and false, why don’t you carefully examine the evidence b4 you rush and type your baloneys.
Saying not my president is foolishness & it won’t change a thing, Donald J. Trump is the 45th president of the United States of America whether you like it or not period.
And if you say he is not your president then you are not an American, your judgement is blinded by HATE! and DECEPTION and i feel sorry 4 u, i mean it because deception is powerful & destructive don’t let it ruin your life.
Sources- (1) http://www.breitbart.co m/big-journalism /2017/06/26/three- employees-resign- from-cnn-amid-very- fake-news-scandal/
(2) http://www.foxnews.co m/politics/2017/06 /26/three-journalists- quit-cnn-in-fallout- from-retracted-russia- story.html
You said you were ignoring me, what do i care that’s your business, i don’t play those childish games.
By the way if you are trying to ignore me SUCK AT IT and need some lessons.
I just want you to know that i won’t ignore you that’s not how i roll becos i care about you and like you as a friend even though you might not consider me as your friend that’s okay, am a BIG BOY!
I do not agree with President Donald J. Trump on everything he say’s or does but this i know, he is a GOOD man who loves his country(USA) and wants 2 make it great( economically, domestically, security wise, foreign etc).
I like you as friend and i reeeeallly mean it and if you want to engage in honest, sincere & cordial dialogue am your guy but if you don’t that’s fine.
I hope you enjoy the tournament( wimbledon) 2morrow and i wish you the best with your picks.
I would be very careful about accusing anyone who says that Trump is not their president, as not being an American. Dissent is what this country was founded on. In fact, our Founding Fathers were considered to be traitors to King George III of England. Whyvid it that the pathetic followers of Trump forget the revolution that created this great country? We rebelled against the tyranny of the King of England and fought and won our freedom,
Just as we will triumph over the tyranny and demagoguery of Trump. He will be impeached for his crimes and then this country can recover and from this nightmare and have someone as president who is not a national and international embarrassment.
Thanks again, Nny,
Well said!!! thank you, thankyou 100%. Get him out of the Whitehouse!!!
You are more than welcome! I take great offense when someone crosses a line and starts in with that garbage about not be big a real American! I have NO patience for that because it’s exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. The people had to swear absolute allegiance to Hitler. They had to buy his book, Mein Kampf. It was required reading while other great literature books were burned.
That is NOT going to happen in America! Not while I have breath in my body!
You keep on standing up and speaking your piece and I will have your back all the way. You are being a true American in the most heartfelt and real way. You have every right to refuse to acknowledge this monstrosity as someone not fit to be president!
Even our closest allies have recoiled in disgust over Trump’s divisive rhetoric. He has shamed this country in front of the world.
The chickens will come home to roost. They will get him in the end. All of his crimes will catch up with him.
Keep on speaking your truth, just as the Founding Fathers did a few hundred years ago. If they had lost the war, then they could have been tried for treason by the English. We have to remember how this country was formed. Out of rebellion over oppression.
We must keep on fighting for our freedoms and for our rights. In due time if all goes as it should, this evil man will have to answer for all that he has done.
Ahahahhahaha are the words of unteachable LIBTARDS when presented with the fact/truth.
Keep riding the waves STUPIDITY and IGNORANCE, i will just sit back and watch you in anguish because like you.
My lady were are your evidences, don’t just spout rubbish and call it fact.
I would be very careful to accuse someone for a crime he did not commit.
More than 60 million patriotic Americans voted for him, he won 29 states out 50 states, he won 306 electoral college more than 270 needed to become president, his party(republican party) has the majority in the house of representative, the majority in the senate,there are 33 republican governors in USA there is a reason for that the true American people have rejected your foolish, perverted and immoral ideologies.
He would be impeached for his crimes, what crimes?
You are an embarrassment to the human race.
You are quick to insult someone who wants to fix the broken system’s in the USA, reduce unnecessary regulations that hurt business, reduce unemployment(which his already doing) especially for american’s who want to work and make this country better & great,
Can’t imaging anyone has never heard this masterpiece but just in case — Kid A – Radiohead’s fourth album released in 2000.
Been listening to it all afternoon
RC, you and I share a lot of the same tastes in music it seems. I love Kid A, almost as much as OK computer. I would say the same as you said about Kid A, as about this incredible performance by Martha Argerich:
Yes Joe, we do! I love this Rach concerto. Nice. Gorgeous version, too
happy to listen to it. We definitely have similar tastes in music and politics. And tennis – we like talking about tennis.
More Rachman – just piano
Yes, talking about tennis, too! No two people can agree on everything, can they? And this is a gorgeous piece…love it!
Ratcliff & nativenewyorker,
i overreacted a while ago, am sorry! I shouldn’t have used some of the words i used.
I am not the only one who said things that were rude, you guys did the same but my apology is not dependent on yours, so i just want 2 say one more time am sorry!
Am not sorry for speaking the truth or my views politically etc but for my poor choice of words.
I will always speak the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH no matter what, because the opposite would be inhumane.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump held his final campaign rally at 1am on election day November 8th, 2016 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
At the end of his final speech candidate Trump said this –
Just imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people, under one God, saluting one American flag. I’m asking you to dream big because with your vote we are just hours away from the change you’ve been waiting for your entire life. So to every parent who dreams for their child and to every child who dreams for their future I say these words to you tonight. I am with you. I will fight for you and I will win for you. I promise.
To all Americans tonight in all of our cities and in all of our towns, I pledge to you one more time. Together we will make American wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America safe again and we will make America great again!
President Trump started off as aggressive as any President ever in working for the American people as he promised. Now as President Trump has surpassed his 100 days in office, here are some of his accomplishments and his resulting impact on the economy and world affairs in this very short period of time:
The US Stock Markets are at record highs and millions of Americans are benefitting in their retirement savings accounts.
* The DOW daily closing stock market average rose more than 15% since the election on November 8th. (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332 – on March 1st the DOW closed at 21,115).
* Since the Inauguration on January 20th the DOW rose 6.5%. (It was at 19,827 at January 20th and reached 21,115 on March 1st.)
* The DOW took just 66 days to climb from 19,000 to above 21,000, the fastest 2,000 point run ever. The DOW closed above 19,000 for the first time on November 22nd and closed above 21,000 on March 1st.
* The DOW closed above 20,000 on January 25th and the March 1st rally matched the fastest-ever 1,000point increase in the DOW at 24 days.
* The US Stock Market gained $2 trillionin wealth since Trump was elected!
* The S&P 500 broke $20 Trillionfor the first time in its history.
* In the history of the DOW, going back to January 1901, the DOW record for most continuous closing high trading days was set in January of 1987 when Ronald Reagan was President. The DOW set closing highs an amazing 12 times in a row that month. On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
President Trump decreased the US Debt in his first 100 days by $100 Billion. (President Obama increased the US debt in his first 100 days by more than $560 Billion.)
The US Manufacturing Index soared to a 33 year high in this period which were the best numbers since 1983 under President Reagan.
President Trump added 298,000 jobs in his first month alone (after President Obama said jobs were not coming back!).
Housing sales are red-hot. In 2011, houses for sale were on the market an average 84 days. This year, it’s just 45 days.
NATO announced Allied spending is up $10 Billion because of President Trump.
After being nominated by President Trump, Constitutionalist Judge Neil Gorsuch was confirmed and sworn in as Supreme Court Justice in early April, praise GOD for that.
The President has signed more than 60 executive orders, memoranda and proclamations as of July 3rd, including:
* Notifying Congress of a strike on Syria after it was reported that the country used gas on its citizens.
* Dismantling Obama’s climate change initiatives.
* Travel bans for individuals from a select number of countries embroiled in terrorist atrocities.
* Enforcing regulatory reform.
* Protecting Law enforcement.
* Mandating for every new regulation to eliminate two.
* Defeating ISIS.
* Rebuilding the military.
* Cutting funding for sanctuary cities.
* Approving pipelines.
* Reducing regulations on manufacturers.
* Placing a hiring freeze on federal employees.
* Exiting the US from the TPP.
In addition to all this, the President has met with many foreign leaders from across the globe including Xi from China, Abe from Japan, etc.
The President also pointed out numerous times that the MSM (Main Stream Media or FAKE news) reports only on a made up Russia conspiracy story and ignores these accomplishments. These actions are making the majority of Americans aware of the tremendous bias in the media in the US and abroad. This too is another major Trump accomplishment.
Winning, Winning, Winning!
God bless the president of the USA Donald J. Trump!
There are so many accomplishments the President of the United States of America Donald Trump has accomplished, i can’t post them all the are just too many but a little research would reveal them.
It’s also important to note that he has also made some mistakes as well, but my prayer and yours should be that he has a successful presidency, i pray that GOD(JESUS) gives him the strength and wisdom to help make America Great Again!
In JESUS name Amen!
I love this song, if you have data plzzzzz download it or listen to it.
It was sang by Grace Larson brumley, she is a great singer.
Published on Oct 26, 2010
Radiohead – “Where I End And You Begin. (The Sky Is Falling In.)”
Live on From The Basement, 2008. Lyrics/transcript:
There’s a gap in between
There’s a gap where we meet
Where I end and you begin
And I’m sorry for us
The dinosaurs roam the earth
The sky turns green
Where I end and you begin
(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, get to heaven!)
I am up in the clouds
I am up in the clouds
And I can’t and I can’t come down
I can watch but not take part
Where I end and where you start
Where you, you left me alone
You left me alone
X will now mark the place
Like the parting of the waves
Like a house falling into the sea
Into the sea
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
There’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
And there’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
There’ll be no more lies
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
– Shall we do that again then?
– Do you really need to?
– I’m joking.
checking new pc
Oh!!!…U got new pc rc???..Wooooohooooooo!!!….Thank u Mr Ratcliff!!!!…I’ve got to ask MissjanMiraElizabeth give him a slobbery kiss!!
hahahha Oh yes. He’ll be so pleased to get a big slobbery kiss from her
Still have lots of work to do transferring personal stuff from both my old computers. And, the speakers for listening to music are terrible — I’m spoiled and must upgrade. Anyway, it’s virus free and super clean and fast!
YAY!!!!….rc!…i can’t wait for u to ‘come’ to my house via FB!!….i will ready with a red carpet on my doorstep for Your Majesty!…woohooo!!
rc!!…I would suggest for u to transfer only the most important thing and u will use it often..things that not very important but u love it as well just download it into the pendrive or hard disk and save it there..that way your new laptop will not get heavy with all that stuff…
Nny!….Yeah,i’ve noticed Hawks and Mary ‘disappeared’ from TG when i came back from holiday…i like and respect hawks very much..and Mary too..even tho i will admit i don’t like her keep repeating about amy thingy..but i respect her tennis opinion very much..both of them are very smart people..hope they are both well and happy no matter where they are…and will come back here as soon as they’re ready..
P/S…Hawks,after u’ve done thinking..u come back here u hear?Otherwise i have to send my cow to search for u!!..and she won’t greet u with Hello![coz she can’t speak,duh!]..but she will give u a slobbery kiss!!…U don’t want that,do u?..she with a bad mouth hygiene i mean…
MA….you said it!! It’s time for Hawkie to comeback! Mary too, but about her — what you said – leave that whole grudge thingy out of it.
MA, Mr. Ratcliff has been here visiting me….don’t ask (long story for FB). Trying to get him to go float the river with me tomorrow.
Are you enjoying the tennis? How are you? I miss you when you don’t post! And hey you and your beautiful cow are kicking my ass!!
I love you. Elizabeth, jalep, Lisabet Lamb, David Goffin —all my sock puppets love you!!�?�
I don’t want anyone here who is going to expouse conspiracy theories and nonsense about someone posing as two people! I am sick and tired of reading it! This has nothing to do with reality or tennis!
I am all for people coming here to talk about tennis and just leaving the paranoia out of it!
rc!….sorry late to reply to your msg…not feel very well the last 3,4 days…Hope everything’s okay with your personal lives…and hope Mr RC still alive and kicking after u dragged him into the river for your so called ‘Float’…as if u can’t ‘float’ with him in your bath tub at home!!Hehehe…
Thank-you sweet MA!. Left you a note on WTA page too. I’m gonna try and see if I can get on FB this week but today I’m on pain meds — so a little sleepy. Probably tomorrow tho. I’m taking the week off work. hehehe….
Listening to music helps — and trying to keep my right arm elevated and it’s not easy to type…but it’s improving everyday.
Rachmaninoff for a bruised and battered arm
rc!!…U make me wanna go to your side so bad and taking care of u very badly atm!…U have to be careful u know!…If you’re sick,who’s going to take care of u??I wish we live nearby,so i can take care of u when you’re in needs like this…Now,the mother instinct in me feels so worry bout u….Yeah,hurry posted that injured arm on FB,so i can see it and lecture u even more!Urgh!!
Opps that link didn’t link. Trying a different one. the elegie link doesn’t work.
The adagio in the 2nd movement is heavenly when played by Glenn Gould. Very good for healing an arm or a big fat foot blister like Marin Cilic had:
Yeah rc!!….And try listen to this one too!Hopefully when u listen to this song,u will get up and dance!and forgot the pain in your arm!…
Oooh lala, I can dance with one arm lol
Yep!!..I can see u doing that in my mind now rc!
ratcliff, breakdancing with one arm is pretty cool, don’t you think? lol. I hope you recover soon.
eugene!..That is exactly the image that i have atm!lol!!
funny no? :)))
Err…eugene!..i’m scared to admit that…even though rc’s arm is injured..but her foot is still strong..and she still capable of kicking my @ss u naw!Brrr…i better get out of here!!
I think having a good laugh, listening to music she likes is very healing and can definitely help.
Hehehehe…yeah eugene!You’re absolutely right!!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Ratcliff
Happy birthday to you
How old are you now?
How old are you now?
How old are you Ratclifffffffffff?( Am really singing as am writing)
How old are you now?( Please answer the question).
Happy birthday to you! I mean it.
Take care, birthday girl and i hope you recover.
Don’t finish the cake, keep some 4 me, okay?
It’s not my birthday! Not even close.
She sent me a get well soon wishes!
Andy anyway I don’t reveal my age on blogs and social media. Thank you very much, I’m a very private, low profile, person.
rc!!…My daily doses of love and care!…
hehehehe, I’m off the pain meds and can bend my arm at the elbow — the bruises are hideous but they turn all sorts of weird colors before the disappear. Doctor that checked me said about a week and I’d be on my river float again!!! Also back to work probably Monday. So I didn’t miss too much.
How are you doing?
Wish you were here!! We do float the river together
Oh!Thank u God!…Now,i’m not so worry rc!!…Still hurt?…Oh!about float the river..it’s sounds fun rc!!…Oh u have no idea how many times i’m fantasizing bout us can be together and do crazy things rc!!Hahaha….i think the Earth will tilt on it axis if we do meet one day rc!!That’s how crazy we are!!Hahaha…
Oh!….Squirrel asked me to tell u that he also wishing u a very speedy recovery and get plenty of rest…Wokay?
Thanks MA and thanks Squirrel.
Hehehe….You’re welcome rc!!…Btw..r u alright this morning rc?Still hurt hah?That’s alright…close your eyes…i will kiss your pain away…There!…
rc!…Have u seen this?
What a message! Thanks sweetie. No I haven’t heard this. Gave me chills – what a voice , wow.
Hehehe!….I knew you’re going to like it!..Guess what??Me too!!Woohoo!!…Hey j!…i want to share one more video…not sure whether you’re already seen this but…this one gave an impact to me because i’ve lost my mom because of a cancer about 5 years ago…tho’…the difference is that i’m not try to ‘fix’ my mom…
Oppss!!Heh heh!…Sorry j!…I guess u have to click on the link given to see the video…heh heh..
Fix you is a great song. Thanks! Now I have to hear the whole song….lol
Sorry about your mum. Come here and let me give you a hug!!. ? xxoo
rc!…u didn’t watch the video?
Yes I did watch the video. I’m sorry I’ll have to try it again. I was too distracted by Fix You lyrics that I may have missed something in the dance. My ears are bigger than my eyes!! hahahaha I’ll watch it again, darling.
No way Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin can compare to the otherworldly soul of Thom Yorke….just my opinion, being a radiohead groupie.
rc!!…Yeah!!!Your ears certainly is bigger than your eyes!!Hahahahaha!!….I was more fascinated with the all ‘sappy’ things that we can find in that routine…the message,the dance itself,the heartache to see how Travis and other’s wants to do their best for the loved ones..and Fix u song is an element which blended so beautifully with all that stuff…
I’m not a fan of Coldplay myself or their music..or Thom Yorke,so i don’t know the difference between them both…but i respect your opinion very very much rc….
Oh!..one more thing!..I’m very very glad your feet is smaller than your ears rc!…otherwise i maybe don’t have an @ss years ago due to the constant kicking u gave me in the Bracket!!Hahahahahahahahehehehehehehawhawhawhaw!!!
You think I’m a long eared bunny? hahahahaha
my feet are definitely bigger than my ears – but that’s all I will say on the subject of body parts!! cough, cough…..hhehhehehe
No, I don’t think I appreciate modern dance like you do. Sort of a weak area of mine, I admit. Not that I don’t entirely like it, though or could be persuaded to like it.
I don’t like Coldplay — you can say whatever you want about them! But Radiohead?! lol, how shocking you don’t like Thom Yorke
and his genius band, Radiohead!
One or two more things. 1) I hope you life is good for you today and I love you – always on my mind, AM. 2) Hope you filled out the Nanching bracket and I hope you enjoy kicking my @SS all week.
On my way home….see ya soon …stopping in Malayasia for some chicken curry ( I wish, wish)
rc my baby!!…Hehehe…i miss u so so so so so much!!…and it lead me to read our old conversation on FB and i miss u even more!!Hahaha…oh,i’m a lost cause!!..oh!how’s your arm baby?Better now?…me?..Alhamdullillah..be able to wake up and inhale an air for another day…what more could we ask rc except THANK U GOD FOR THIS PRECIOUS GIFT!
Oh!…i still not fill the Nanching Bracket..at first i don’t want to[the field seems not that interesting]…but,i’ll do it for u rc!!…
Hey..i already calculated in my mind[very seriously] about my plan to send u ready made chicken curry that we talked about a while ago…but,i still need to discuss a few things with u on FB…i just wait for u to activate your ac and i will tell u what i have on my mind…
Btw….Hahaha..i will try to ‘love’ Radiohead rc!!….Sorry!…before i met u..Radiohead is a stranger to me..so,it will need time to develope the love and like their music rc!….Sorry okay?
rc!!….Here’s my daily doses of love and care for u today…
P/S….rc!…If Ryan can’t make u feel better today,i don’t know who can!!Lol!!
Lol. ..
Thanks. Always thinking of you too. Mr Rat talked me into spending the rest of the week at his place. I’m being spoiled here– and made arrangements to be back next week
no worries okay.
Hey, I’m watching the world championships competition going on in Budapest and the most beautiful divers are from Malaysia..not sure if they’ll win first place because the Chinese. Yes , the 27 yr old Beauty from Malaysia wins…look her up MA – she’s very cool.
I’ll check scores and post on Wta page. My picks for the week I see still suck!
Hey rc!!…so,you’re going to spend at Mr Rat’s place?Hehehehe….THAT is a very good news indeedy!!Hehehe…But…but..but…i’m still worried tho,..u know..we can’t know bout this hyperactive people…they even can make an enemy with a sinki pipe!…So,i hope u will take care of your other injuryless anatomy really really careful when you’re there k?
Bout diver from Malaysia?U mean Jun Hoong Cheong?…Hehehe..i have to go and read bout her…i didn’t even know she won rc!!Hehehe…Good for her!Btw rc…u know the biggest news that happened to me yesterday?Oh my God!!I still can’t believe it!!….It turned out that Squirrel is my fellow countryman rc!!!Wooohoooo!!…Hahaha…I’ve got the biggest shock in my life when i browsed his FB and there!…Not only that..but his family only lives just 40,45 minutes from my home!!…God is Almighty rc!!…I met him on TX of all places!!Hehehe….
I’m still didn’t check thoroughly about anyone’s pick,i have to check it now!…Your picks still suck?Oh!that’s alright sweetie!…i’m sure as soon as you regain your full fitness and healthy…you will once again can make a strong pick…sometimes, our mind can be distracted by the event that happened around us…To me,you’re still The Queen Of The Picker’s rc!!…Woohooo!….Love u!!!!
rc!…My daily doses of care and love for today…
I don’t understand one person gets all the love none for me, that’s not fair.
Oh yeah rc!…Your Darling M send u the warmest and…and…lovingest hug to u…u hear rc?
Am not feeling fine, i think am sick.
Oh!Why stanley?
Lack of love 4rm someone i care about.
Chester Bennington.the singer of Linkin Park has died last nite…and since i loved his song “In The End” so much…i wanna share with u guys here…
Suicide is the most selfish and one of the most wicked thing a human being can do.
No matter the problems we face( and some of us go through mountains of it), no matter how hard things might be, suicide should never ever be an option.
The storms of life don’t last forever, the never will, weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
They love for our loved ones should be more powerful and greater than the problems/depressions that leads to this kinds of actions.
I know his family & friends will miss him dearly, my best and my prayer’s to them.
Agree stanley!…But,sometimes as a human being,we can’t help from made a mistake…sometimes the mistakes that we made can be altered..and sometimes not…sometimes the path that we choose may lead us to a junction that will take us to a dead end and we can’t find a way back…But,for some who’s still been given a breath to breathe this wonderful air that God give to us…please,don’t lose hope…it might be rain today..but,it’s not going to last..the sunshine will peek from the dark cloud at the end…Stay Strong!
MA, hello sweetheart!
Thanks for posting that song from Linkin Park. .. it’s sad. RIP Chester Bennington.
Please don’t worry about me…I’m quite spoiled here. Hope and pray
you are quite well. It so nice to read your kind and wise thoughts. I love you!
I always feel incredibly sad to hear about an artist committing suicide.we know that great talent can also come with a very sensitive soul. But my heart breaks to see this extraordinarily gifted man leave us this way and far too soon.
Life is a precious gift. I cannot imagine gettIng to such a dark place that one would take their own life. There must have been despair and a lot of pain. My thoughts are with his family and band members. They will struggle to deal with this loss.
It’s terrible that someone who could inspire us with his musical gift, could not find peace and happiness for himself in this life.
Nny!!…First of all..how r u Milady??Health is okay?Everything is perfect?…and I miss u too!…
Yeah!Agree with u Nny!…it’s always sad when we hear that someone gave up that easily in this life…there’s always a solution to every problem…the key is be patient…don’t give up too soon…Keep on fighting…
I am fine! All is good!
I am devastated when anyone takes their own life. It’s a terrible waste. Those who are left behind suffer greatly. They mourn the death of a loved one, but are left to ask – why?
I will not sit in judgment on someone who was suffering and in great pain. One would like to think that theee is always hope, even in life’s darkest moments. But sometimes the darkness is so deep and overwhelming that one cannot see the light or rays of hope.
I am just sad that a talented musician could not find his way out of the darkness. Life is always worth living.
Hey back Nny!…Yeah,once again very agree with u..we lost so many great talent in music and act due to the lost of hope in life…i wish we will not hear this kind of news again this year..
Btw…i’m happy to know that everything is okay in your life now Nny!…But one thing we lack atm Nny…RAFA!!…Urgh!I can’t wait to see his action in canada Nny!…Hope he can go deep,and will gain a lot of confidence from that…tho’ come USO,once again we rafans will nervously monitor his progress…but Master’s first!!…C’mon Rafa!!Woohoo!!
Hello Nny,
It’s extremely sad. And I don’t know what Bennington suffered – probably a lot of painful depression along with what I remember reading: that he fought addiction/ had a rough upbringing. I haven’t made a study of the band. Only bought their first album, Hybrid Theory, years ago. Their first album meant a lot to me at the time. I’m very sorry Chester felt he had to go. I’ve lost friend(s) and one family member to suicide — seen how deep the struggle can be, up close and personal. Cannot call what I’ve seen of it selfish, but I hear people use that word in connection to suicide a lot. Maybe in certain cases but not when it’s a lifelong struggle with mental health disease — it’s not selfish in the cases I know personally.
One of my Linkin Park favorites…
I didn’t know that Chester battled depression and drug addiction and a rough childhood. He had his demons. That explains a lot.
I know the band, but was not that familiar with their music. I guess it was just too much for him.
I am sorry that you lost people to suicide. I can’t imagine how painful that must have been.
I think it’s wrong to sit in judgment on anyone who commits suicide. Depression and drug addiction can take someone to a very dark place. I grieve for the loss of a life. But we can’t know their suffering.
When I saw the news online, it just made me sad. Creative people can sometimes also suffer a lot.
It’s a tragedy. But hopefully it can remind us that life is worth living, that life is precious. One would wish anyone contemplating suicide would reach out, but so many times they keep it inside.
At least you helped me to know some of what this man was going through. I really feel for those close to him.
Thanks for your kindness, Nny.
You have such a good way with words. Really appreciate you!
rc!!….You’re not posting yesterday!…and i’m miss u like crazyyyyyyyyyy!!!….Hehehe…you’re welcome babe!…And yeah!..After i know you’re with Mr rc..i admit i am less worry bout u baby!…
Hey!…Take a look at the next page..you’re missing something that i posted 2 days ago for u…Oh!…I LOVE U…..MOREEEEEEEEEEE!!!WOOOHOOO!!
I’m running out the door (still at George’s) but I will post later when there’s time. I don’t agree that suicide is always a selfish act. It’s much more complex than that. Take each case individually — it’s more often deep hopelessness and the decision taken after years and years of suffering. Anyway, the Bach adagio – is straight from God, every note, imo. It will all be sorted – it’s not ours to judge. For Chester and Linkin Park:
rc!!…Yeah,i agree with u too…but,i don’t want to dwell much on it…don’t even want to judge why they took this path…it’s not our’s to judge actually…when i said i agree with stanley up there..i meant i was agreeing with almost everything he said except for the 1st line in his post…everybody have their reason for doing it…for us the outsiders who don’t know a thing what’s going on in their life shouldn’t be too quick to make a judgement..we’re not the one who’s suffered after all…
Btw rc!!…running out the door???Oh God!!….”Please,please,please take care of my beloved rc and her nose and her injured arm…it seems she still didn’t learn from her clumsiness”…
Btw rc!!…Oh God!!…the music is sooooooooo soothing!!…i almost fell off of my chair!…Thank u for posting it rc!!
The Bible views suicide as equal to murder, which is what it is—self-murder. God is the only one who is to decide when and how a person should die. We should say with the psalmist, “My times are in your hands” ( Psalm 31:15).
God is the giver of life. He gives, and He takes away ( Job 1:21). Suicide, the taking of one’s own life, is ungodly because it rejects God’s gift of life. No man or woman should presume to take God’s authority upon themselves to end his or her own life.
Some people in Scripture felt deep despair in life. Solomon, in his pursuit of pleasure, reached the point where he “hated life” ( Ecclesiastes 2:17). Elijah was fearful and depressed and yearned for death ( 1 Kings 19:4). Jonah was so angry at God that he wished to die ( Jonah 4:8, if you read the whole story you would see that jonah was wrong and GOD was merciful). Even the apostle Paul and his missionary companions at one point “were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself” ( 2 Corinthians 1:8).
However, none of these men committed suicide. Solomon learned to “fear(respect) God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” ( Ecclesiastes 12:13). Elijah was comforted by an angel, allowed to rest, and given a new commission. Jonah received admonition and rebuke from God. Paul learned that, although the pressure he faced was beyond his ability to endure, the Lord can bear all things: “This happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead” ( 2 Corinthians 1:9).
So, according to the Bible, suicide is a sin. It is not the “greatest” sin—it is no worse than other evils. However, suicide definitely has a deep and lasting impact on those left behind. The painful scars left by a suicide do not heal easily. May God grant His grace to each one who is facing trials today ( Psalm 67:1). And may each of us take hope in the promise, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” ( Romans 10:13).
Parents are or should be role models to their child or children, they actions of a parent whether they are present or absent have a huge impact on their child’s or children’s life.
Am not married and i don’t have a child, hopefully one day i will meet my one and only true love, who knows she could be here.
When that day comes i will love my kids with ALL of my heart( and am not saying C. Bennington did not love his children) but one of the worse things that i could do to them is to abandon them or end my life, that’s selfish and wicked.
Children need their parents especially in the days we are living in, i can write a lot on this subject but am a little busy and i don’t want to rush this sensitive & serious topic.
Is everyone sleeping?
No, I think you just make people uncomfortable with the religious stuff, Stanley. I have nothing against religion, but you should keep in mind that not everyone subscribes to the same religion as you. Obviously it’s a free country and this is the non-tennis forum, so post all the Bible stuff you want. Just don’t be surprised if some people don’t really know how to respond to it if they aren’t religious/Christian…
Point out the uncomfortable, should i abandon my faith in Jesus Christ to please you?
Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with GOD( JESUS CHRIST).
Most people think that it is a religion but true Christianity is GOD’s grace & mercy extended to sinners( like you, me & the entire world), all we have to do is receive it by faith i.e puting our trust in JESUS CHRIST.
GOD’s word( the bible) would say For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son( JESUS CHRIST died on the cross for the sin of the world), that whoever( it doesn’t matter who they are or what they have done, GOD is merciful) believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Kevin am a young man and i have spent most of my life outside the will of GOD, i know what it’s like not believe in God or have no faith but i also know the JOY, the MERCY and the GRACE of GOD that surpasses all understanding when you put your trust in JESUS, you become a new creation, every chain is broken.
I won’t trade what i have in jESUS for anything this world has to offer, my faith in JESUS CHRIST my LORD & my SAVIOUR is greater and more precious than all.
I would sincerely ask you to put your trust in JESUS, HE can forgive you and wash your sins as white as snow, you can have the assurance that when your time comes( we will die one day, me, you & all) you will spend eternity with a HOLY, JUST and MERCIFUL GOD.
In response to your previous post, when did I say that you should not say things about God or Jesus? I was just letting you why some people might not respond to it, since you asked if everyone was asleep. I specifically said post all you want on the non-tennis forum about spiritual matters, just don’t be surprised if some people don’t know how to engage in that conversation. So please don’t act like I said you should stop posting spiritual/religious things in order to “please me”…
I was raised and confirmed Catholic, Stanley. I am not an Athiest. I am not anti-religion or anti-spirituality. I actually consider myself to be on some sort of spiritual journey through life. What I am, at this point in my life, is Agnostic, meaning that I just don’t know whether there is a God or not. I am the type of person who really needs tangible evidence of things to throw my faith behind it. While I am just not sure if there is a God, I am absolutely 100% open to the possibility that there IS a God. While I don’t believe any human who claims to “know” there is a God, I also do not believe any person who claims to “know” that there is NOT a God. In fact, deep down, I would love for there to be some sort of all-knowing, all-loving deity, or dieties. However, I just have yet to see any tangible evidence that there is or isn’t a God, so I have to remain Agnostic until I experience some sort of evidence of the existence/non-existence of a God or Gods.
I understand that there are many people in the world who are able to have faith in something they have never seen, and I have much respect for those people. I have much respect for your faith, Stanley. Sometimes I even feel jealous of people like you who are able to have faith in something so deeply. Another aspect of religion/spirituality that is very difficult for me to grasp is the fact that there are many hundreds of different religions and theories of what God is, and all of them think that their version of God is the true real one and that all the others are wrong and crazy… So if only one can be right, how do we ever know which one is right?
So that’s where I stand in terms of my own beliefs. Just know that I totally respect your beliefs. I was originally just trying to answer your question of why people maybe weren’t responding to your bible post. That is all.
I guess my issue is that people are of different faiths and we are all entitled to believe in our faith. There are those who are agnostic and don’t believe in God.
For the record, I am Jewish. We do not recognize Jesus Christ. We also do not believe in Hell. I do believe in God.
I gave no problem with anyone talking about their faith. But proselytizing is something else. To try to impose one’s faith on others or presume that their faith is the only one, is when it becomes a problem for me.
There is no one religious faith in this world. When I read quotes from the Bible and comments referring to Jesus Christ as the only God or the Bible being the gospel, then I have a problem.
There is no one faith. There are many faiths and they all deserve to be respected.
Condemning anyone who commits suicide as evil or wicked, is wrong. That kind of judgmental attitude is just offensive to me. Nobody thinks suicide is a good idea. Life is precious. But for those who cannot find peace or relief and are sufferIng and can’t find a way out, they should not be condemned. Spirituality should be about compassion and forgiveness.
I am not going to get into anti-semitism. That’s another discussion. In the movie “Inherit the Wind”, Spencer Tracy plays Clarence Darrow and at one point in the Scopes trial he says – the Bible is a book, it’s s good book, but it’s not the only book.
I think that sums up my feelings.
You write like a nice person and i will love to talk to you more, you sound like me a few years ago and i understand some of the questions you have.
When i said “is everyone sleeping” i was just asking because i wanted to chat with someone, i couldn’t sleep and all my friends in the real world lol! were all asleep, please don’t misunderstand.
I lived my life without GOD for a long time and i know what that’s like, my faith in JESUS CHRIST is more real to me than the very stars that i see in the night, it’s more precious than everything i own, including my life.
Kevin salvation is not just an important subject, it’s the most important revelation because it deals with the eternal destination of a human being.
I was planning on writing more but i will stop here for now cos am exhausted, i didn’t sleep well yesterday and i woke up early today, i was with some friends and they have depleted all my energy.
I promise to post a comment related to this subject either on sunday, monday or on tuesday, i believe it might answer some of your questions and direct you towards the right path.
Agnosticism is an interesting concept, Kevin. As far as I know, it’s only applied to the case of belief in God. Otherwise, we generally default to the position that if there isn’t good evidence to believe something, we don’t believe it.
I don’t believe in God for the same reason I don’t believe there’s a purple elephant in my living room: I don’t have any good evidence to believe there is.
Do I *know* there’s no God? Well, no. Does that make me an agnostic? Well, am I agnostic about the purple elephant in my living room? I don’t think so. I think I just don’t believe there is one. And I think we should adopt the same attitude in both cases.
Joe Smith-
I am not sure what the technical definition of Agnosticism is, although I do hear people use the term in relation to other things. I certainly do from time to time! I agree with you that when it comes to whether or not there is a purple elephant in my room, I am definitely not agnostic about that because I can see that there is not an elephant in my room. Since “god” is generally believed to be something we cannot see, I therefore cannot prove that it’s NOT there. Most people who believe in god don’t claim to have ever seen a physical entity of some sort with their eyes. They are going on blind faith. That’s the part I struggle with… Now, if someone asked me if I believed that their was an INVISIBLE purple elephant in my room, I would be inclined to say no. But if we are being absolutely technical here, then obviously no one can prove for 100% sure that there is not an invisible elephant in the room haha. That’s where I’m not sure how the technicalities of this stuff work, like if I’m only 99.9999 percent sure that there’s not an invisible elephant in the room, does that make me agnostic about the invisible elephant in the room? As it pertains to god, I know that there are varying levels of agnosticism, generally referred to as “weak” or “strong” agnosticism. If I am not mistaken, a “strong” agnostic believes that it is not possible to ever know if there is a god, whereas a “weak” agnostic does not know if there is a god but is open to the possibility of being able to eventually know… I could very well have the two mixed around. Please feel free to correct me, somebody!
Yeah, Kevin, you’re right that we do use ‘agnostic’ in other contexts. But I wonder whether we do about matters of fact. I can’t think of any good examples off-hand.
At any rate, whether or not we can see God, I think we can begin to appreciate just how unusual “belief” in God is by considering comparable cases. Suppose I insisted that there is a purple elephant in my room; indeed, that it is THE PURPLE ELEPHANT which is God. Whether or not I claimed to be able to *see* him with my eyes, I claimed that I knew he was there, and that I had a special relationship with him, indeed, the most important relationship in my life.
What would you say? Well, if you didn’t think I was just pulling your leg, you would probably ask me *how* I knew TPE was there, *why* I believed it existed and was God, and so on. And, if I couldn’t answer in any way that appealed to one of our five senses, I imagine you’d begin to wonder about my sanity.
For an athiest like me, when people say they believe in God, my reaction is kind of like yours (and I imagine most others) to the purple elephant example. If belief in God is really a *belief* (rather than, e.g., a hope or a wish), then it’s not like any other belief I’m familiar with, one based on evidence that everyone else can access, at least in principle.
There’s a whole field of study around this, known as the psychology of religion. I’m no expert, but it’s a fascinating question why so many people believe in
a god of some sort. Maybe it’s really because God exists, but it’s much more likely that the answer has to do with widely shared human needs and other aspects of human psychology.
Being a Pagan i dont believe in god anyway, only that when you go you go onto the next level, i dont believe for one minute that anybody that goes down the suicide root does it lightly, and i dont think people should judge people that do take their own lives, nobody knows what emotional inner demons and turmoil a person is probably going through, debt, depression, loss of a loved one etc, all very well for people to play god and say things get better, but they dont always , im not saying its wrong or right, but sometimes people cant see a way out ….
Suicide is not the answer to whatever problems etc we face in life, it should never be an option.
There are those who steal, prostitute, kidnap etc because of poverty but that does not mean their actions are okay the are wrong, i can name many examples but i think you get my point.
Our problems should not lead us to make catastrophic decisions,especially suicide.
The problems we face in life does not give us the justification to do that which is bad/evil.
I don’t want to get personal but i know what it’s like to face giagnatic mountains/problems, you don’t know what to do, where to start, it feels like the world is against you, life just becomes bitter, bitter & bitter and you want to throw in the towel, but i thank GOD that i met a friend that sticks closer than a brother his name is JESUS CHRIST, i thank GOD for his LOVE and strength in my time of need.
If we trust him(JESUS), he will walk with us and lead us through every trial and tribulation, he will move those mountains that are immovable and break those chains that are unbreakable by man, JESUS loves us and he died for our sins, when we trust him we receive the gift of GOD which is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
I know that mental illness can lead to suicide and i sympathize with those who go through this and i hope that they get the help they need, GOD knows our heart and is JUST & MERCIFUL.
I also know that some drugs( both legal & illegal) have some side or nagative effects that lead to suicidal thoughts/tendecies, depression etc, some were banned a few years ago and you should ask a or your doctor for advice b4 you take any drug.
You should also do some research to learn more, i also read in an article that chester bennington had a problem with drugs, alcohol etc.
I liked one of their songs “Numb/Encore” a few years ago, i haven’t listened to it in yrs, he was a good vocalist.
I wish his family the best!
A Psalm of David.
1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside still waters.
3 He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.( PSALMS 23)
To change to a more cheerful subject have just been watching Chris Froome powering his way to his fourth TdeF title (barring a catastrophe on the Champs Elysee) tomorrow.
The above is for RITB who I know is a fellow TDF fan.
Am compiling my comments and i will post them when am done, it could be today, tomorrow or next but i promise to post them before the week runs out.
I believe this videos will answer some of your questions when you watch them please let me know what you think.
1) Evolution vs GOD movie
2) The atheist delusion movie (2016) HD
living waters uploaded this videos and the have other videos/teachings that will help, if you have data and time it is worth watching, i encourage you and others to watch it or download it.
https://answersingenesis.org is another good site that has many resources that will help you.
They also have hundreds of videos and articles that have answers to many questions, this is there youtube channel-
Creation today ministry.
http://www.proofthatgodexists.org/ is an intresting website, it gives you access depending on what you click on, it has lots of resources.
http://www.sonlifetv.com/ SBN(sonlife broadcasting network) is a network that i respect a lot, they preach the word of GOD with love and with guidance of the Holy Spirit.
This is another video by creation today ministries that i think would be of help, this is the season 5 episode 2-
You can download it or watch it directly.
This song has been a blessing to me for years and i believe you will enjoy it and it will bless your heart.
“Wonderful Merciful Savior”
Wonderful, merciful Savior
Precious Redeemer and friend
Who would have thought that a lamb could
Rescue the souls of men
Oh, You rescue the souls of men
Counselor, Comforter, Keeper
Spirit we long to embrace
You offer hope when our hearts have
Hopelessly lost the way
Oh, we hopelessly lost the way
You are the one that we praise
You are the one we adore
You give the healing and grace
Our hearts always hunger for
Oh, our hearts always hunger for
Almighty, infinite Father
Faithfully loving Your own
Here in our weakness You find us
Falling before Your throne
Oh, we’re falling before Your throne
You are the one that we praise
You are the one we adore
You give the healing and grace
Our hearts always hunger for
Oh, our hearts always hunger for.
In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest
drought and storm
What heights of love,
what depths of peace
When fears are stilled,
when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ Alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
‘Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave he rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
In Christ alone I place my trust
And find my glory in the power
of the cross
In every victory let it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope
In Christ alone I place my trust
And find my glory in the power
of the cross
In every victory let it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope
In Christ alone
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His Hand
’til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.
This song is the cry of my heart and the testimony of what JESUS CHRIST has done for me, my faith in JESUS CHRIST is not a blind faith.
CHRIST washed my sins away, saved my soul and made me whole.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.
Thank you JESUS, thank you LORD!
All I gotta say about America with Trump and the GOP running things:
It’s become so obvious now that Trump is determined to try to stop this investigation. His actions are evidence of consciousness of guilt. He already made some threats if Mueller should look into his finances. He has refused to reveal his tax returns. The only reason not to do so is because he has something to hide.
The whole Trump family are liars. Dishonest crooks! It’s a disgrace what this thuggish and boorish man is doing to this country.
His efforts to get Sessions to resign so that he can appoint another AG to stop the investigation, is pathetic. No loyalty to anyone! No class, no principles!
Trump is acting like a man with a lot to hide. Mueller needs to get to the bottom of this so that we can impeach Trump and clean out the dirty mess he has created.
100% agree.
It’s ******–up. It’s all wrong — how much longer can this go on? Couldn’t find the longer original version of this but this…in a loop is what I hear.
Ratcliff you are a bad bad girl, I like the beat of the song(black swan) you posted, I don’t like some of the words he used, you should post more.
Hawkie, I miss your voice here, darling. Hope you are okay.
Now, after shaking off a bad reality, escaping to Weird Fishes and somewhere happier, like David Goffin did in second and third set tie breakers — first match in Gstaad vs Radu Albot
Weird Fishes – Arpeggi
In the deepest ocean
The bottom of the sea
Your eyes
They turn me
Why should I stay here?
Why should I stay?
I’d be crazy not to follow
Follow where you lead
Your eyes
They turn me
Turn me on to phantoms
I follow to the edge of the earth
And fall off
Everybody leaves
If they get the chance
And this is my chance
I get eaten by the worms
Weird fishes
Get towed by the worms
Weird fishes
Weird fishes
Weird fishes
I’ll hit the bottom
Hit the bottom and escape
I’ll hit the bottom
Hit the bottom and escape
Piano only is stunning. But the right hand little pinky has to strong enough to SING it!
An atheist is one that is sure in an absolute sense that no God exists. They do not arrive at their conclusion from evidence (which is not on their side) but from a hope. Which often relates to not wanting to be responsible to a greater authority because they do not like what the authority has to say about them and how they need to live. An agnostic is one who accepts the fact that he has not (yet) found proof of God. A dishonest agnostic says, “I don’t know and I don’t want to know.” An honest agnostic says, “I don’t know but I want to know.” One cannot be an “atheist” if they are being honest with their pursuit of the facts and science.
Atheists do not use the mind or logic to arrive at their conclusion, they use didactic reasoning that eliminates certain facts and evidence to stack the deck in their favor to satisfy their own ego’s pride of being right?
What they do is like someone building a two story house and after the first story they stop building to state there is no second story. They purposely forfeit there pursuit of where facts lead because it will change their conclusion. They are willing to believe the record of history in nearly everything else except when it supports the Bible; then they ignore it, unwilling to continue their pursuit of knowledge of the “Holy One. This proves the sinful condition of man and his severed relationship to his maker.
If you ask most christians, true christians who have been born again or you ask me why i believe in God or why do i trust in JESUS CHRIST, my first answer won’t point you to creation even though creation testifies that there is creator but i will point you to what my Lord & my Saviour Jesus Christ has done for me and for billions(in the past and in the present) who have put their trust in Him.
I was once bound by sin and i called upon the lord and his Amazing Grace & Love not only washed my sins or saved my soul but He gave me victory over those things that defeated me.
The word of God(The bible) would say- Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he/she is a new creation old things have passed away, behold all things have become new(2 corinthians 5:17).
My faith in God is not a blind faith, i have heard, i have seen and i have experienced the wonderful works of God in my life and all i can say is Hallelujah.
Glory to GOD!
Well, Stanley, you’ve got me wrong as an atheist on several counts.
First, I’m not “sure in an absolute sense that no God exists.” As I said, I don’t think there’s a God for the same reason that I don’t think there’s a purple elephant in my living room: I don’t think the evidence supports either one. But I recognize that I could be wrong -about both things. Do you recognize the possibility that there is no God?
Second, I have sometimes wished/hoped that there is a just and merciful God. I just don’t see any evidence that there is one, and lots of evidence that there’s isn’t (e.g. millions dying every year from poverty that is basically preventable, the Holocaust, Bambi dying painfully in a forest fire before humans existed, etc.). As far as I can tell, if God exists, s/he doesn’t care much about human or animal suffering.
Third, to repeat: my atheism is definitely based on what I think is the best evidence, logic, etc. I accept that your religious belief is based on what you think is the best evidence too, though obviously I think you’re wrong. So we disagree; that’s ok.
I’ve known a lot of born again Christians in my life, some before and after they became born-again. They’ve all said the same thing to me: you’re too arrogant to believe. I find that offensive. I’d urge you not to make the same mistake, and to treat atheists with the respect they deserve (and that they should show to you).
There is a just and a Merciful God, my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ can change your life, all the questions you have or asked have answers, the all have answers.
I spent a lot of time posting all this comments, i have answered some of your questions and i might post some comments correcting or answering others, this is not a promise, i think i have done my best, all i can do is point you to the truth and to the One who can save your soul, whether you choose to believe in it or believe him that’s your prerogative, we are without an excuse.
The videos that i posted touched on many important subjects that i didn’t comment on i encourage you to watch them or download it, you won’t be wasting your time or data.
Especially this one-
don’t mind the title it conntains informations that are important.
I love you with a Godly love, i won’t be doing this if i didn’t, i know how you feel, i know where you are cos i have been there myself.
I think you have done your best, Stanley. Good for you.
I can’t say I love you, but I wish you all the best on your wagers!
I missed this comment you made “They’ve all said the same thing to me: you’re too arrogant to believe”.
I apologize, but i plead with you to continue to seek the truth sincerely.
JESUS said “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
When you seek the truth with an honest and sincere heart you will find him(Jesus), he is not playing hide & seek he has revealed himself.
I hope to call you a child of Almighty God & my brother in the future.
I truly wish you the best, take care.
Creation is a part of God’s general revelation, it affirms certain facts about God. Nature testifies to God’s existence. Paul wrote to the church at Rome.
What may be known of God is manifest in them for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse ( Romans 1:19, 20).
The vastness of the universe gives testimony to God as Creator. The psalmist wrote.
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them ( Psalm 8:3, 4).
Nature Is Not Identical With God, it is important to realize that nature is not identical with God. When God reveals Himself through the physical world it means that he communicates things about Himself that humans would not otherwise know.
There are two main passages in Scripture that emphasize God’s general revelation in creation- Psalm 19:1-6 and Romans 1:18-21.
Psalm 19:1-6
The first six verses of Psalm 19 testify to the revelation of God through His creation:
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat ( Psalm 19:1-6).
The following truths are found in these verses.
1. God’s Glory Is Being Proclaimed
The heavens are a declaration to the fact of God’s glory. It is a sign to the entire human race that God does exist.
2. The Testimony Is Constant
This revelation about God’s power and majesty is constant, occurring “day after day” and “night after night.” Humans are constantly reminded of God’s existence.
3. This Revelation Is Nonverbal
This revelation about God does not consist of words-it is nonverbal revelation. The heavens, therefore, offer a silent continual testimony to God.
4. It Is Worldwide In Scope
The scope of this testimony is worldwide. All people, everywhere, have access to this form of God’s revelation. There are no geographic barriers.
5. There Is No Language Barrier
Since this is a non-verbal form of communication there is no language barrier. All people, in every language, are able to comprehend this form of God revealing Himself.
6. The Sun Gives Constant Testimony
The shining of the sun in the sky gives testimony to the existence and care of God. Like the sun, the existence of God is obvious to all. Nothing can hide from the sun; no one can hide from God.
The truths about God are there for all to see.
Romans 1:18-21
A second passage that speaks of God’s revelation through nature is Romans 1:18-21. Paul wrote.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of humanity who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that humans are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened ( Romans 1:18-21).
The following important truths about God’s general revelation can be learned from this passage.
1. The Testimony About God Is Clear
God has left a witness of Himself for everyone. No one has any excuse.
2. Conclusions Can Be Drawn About God And His Existence
Because of the clear testimony about God from nature, conclusions can and should be drawn about God’s existence.
3. The Testimony Is Constantly Witnessed By Everyone
As Psalm 19 affirms, this testimony is constantly being witnessed since the time God created the world.
4. General Revelation Holds People Accountable
Because of the witness of nature, people are held accountable to God for the knowledge that God has revealed to them.
5. This Type Of Revelation Is Limited In What It Can Do
Revelation from nature, or creation, is limited in what it tells us. Only certain aspects about God’s invisible qualities or nature are revealed. Specifically, “His eternal power and divine nature.”
From these two passages it is clear that everyone is aware of the existence of God through the testimony in creation.
Nature Is Limited As A Source Of Truth
Nature can give us only a partial perception of God. From nature we can discover the wisdom and power of God. However nature is limited as a source of truth about God. Human beings are only able to infer certain things about God from nature because there are no explicit statements about him.
The Bible testifies that “nature” or “creation” gives clear testimony to God’s existence. Everyone, everywhere, has this testimony. Natural revelation is more than sufficient to make humanity responsible and to show them they are “without excuse.” Consequently humans should attempt to find out who this Creator is and what He requires of them. Unfortunately, many people have corrupted the revelation of God in nature and have chosen to worship and serve the creation rather than the Creator. Instead of worshipping the Creator, they have turned creation into a god. For this, God has pronounced judgment upon them.
If you would like to know what Jesus Christ has done for you and you want to receive the gift of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ, then i believe this article would help you.
The bible is not just a book it is the word of Almight GOD.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man/woman of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work( 2 Timothy 3:16-17).
40 authors wrote the Bible over a period of 1,500 years. These Bible writers wrote as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Moses was the first person to write portions of Scripture while John, the disciple of Jesus, was the last. Other people who wrote the Bible include: David, Daniel, Peter, Paul, Jonah, Isaiah, Solomon, David etc.
Those who wrote the Bible lived at different times, some separated by hundreds of years. In many cases they were complete strangers to one another. Some Bible writers were businessmen or traders; others were shepherds, fishermen, soldiers, physicians, preachers, kings—human beings from all walks of life. They served under different governments and lived within contrasting cultures and systems of philosophy.
But here is the wonder of it all: When the 66 books of the Bible with their 1,189 chapters made up of 31,173 verses are brought together(KJV), we find perfect harmony in the message they convey. The Bible is not simply an anthology; there is a unity which binds the whole together.”
The Bible writers gave God’s messages by voice and pen while they lived, and when they died, their writings lived after them. These prophetic messages were then gathered together, under God’s leading, in the book we call the Bible.
Here are some of many reasons why i believe the the bible is the word of God.
First, I believe the Bible is the Word of God because of its scientific accuracy.The Truth of the Word of God tells us that God “hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7). How did Job know that the earth hung in space before the age of modern astronomy and space travel? The Holy Spirit told him. The scientists of Isaiah’s day didn’t know the topography of the earth, but Isaiah said, “It is [God] that sitteth upon the circle of the earth” (Isaiah 40:22). The word for “circle” here means a globe or sphere. How did Isaiah know that God sat(figuratively) upon the circle of the earth? By divine inspiration.
Secondly, the Bible is affirmed through historical accuracy. The true story about the handwriting on the wall that is found in the fifth chapter of Daniel? Belshazzar hosted a feast with a thousand of his lords and ladies. Suddenly, a gruesome hand appeared out of nowhere and began to write on a wall. The king was disturbed and asked for someone to interpret the writing. Daniel was found and gave the interpretation. After the interpretation, Then commanded Belshazzar, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, and put a chain of gold about his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom.” (Daniel 5:29). Basing their opinion on Babylonian records, the historians claim this never happened. According to the records, the last king of Babylon was not Belshazzar, but a man named Nabonidas. And so, they said, the Bible is in error. There wasn’t a record of a king named Belshazzar. Well, the spades of archeologists continued to do their work. In 1853, an inscription was found on a cornerstone of a temple built by Nabonidas, to the god Ur, which read: “May I, Nabonidas, king of Babylon, not sin against thee. And may reverence for thee dwell in the heart of Belshazzar, my first-born favorite son.” From other inscriptions, it was learned that Belshazzar and Nabonidas were co-regents. Nabonidas traveled while Belshazzar stayed home to run the kingdom. Now that we know that Belshazzar and Nabonidas were co-regents, it makes sense that Belshazzar would say that Daniel would be the third ruler. What a marvelous nugget of truth tucked away in the Word of God!
Third, from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible reads as one book.And there is incredible unity to the Bible. The Bible is one book, and yet it is made up of 66 books, was written by at least 40 different authors over a period of about 1500-1600 years, in 13 different countries and on three different continents. It was written in at least three different languages by people in all professions. The Bible forms one beautiful temple of truth that does not contradict itself theologically, morally, ethically, doctrinally, scientifically, historically, or in any other way.
Fourth, did you know the Bible is the only book in the world that has accurate prophecy?When you read the prophecies of the Bible, you simply have to stand back in awe. There are over 300 precise prophecies that deal with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament that are fulfilled in the New Testament. To say that these are fulfilled by chance is an astronomical impossibility.
Finally, the Bible is not a book of the month, but the Book of the ages.First Peter 1:25 says: “But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the Word which by the gospel is preached unto you.” No book has ever had as much opposition as the Bible. Men have laughed at it, scorned it, burned it, ridiculed it, and made laws against it. But the Word of God has survived. And it is applicable today as much as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow.
It’s so majestically deep that scholars could swim and never touch the bottom. Yet so wonderfully shallow that a little child could come and get a drink of water without fear of drowning. That is God’s precious, holy Word. The Word of God. Know it. Believe it. It is True.
There are some videos that i posted in my previous comments on page 28(this current page) the discussed some important sujects that i didn’t touch on, i encourage you to watch it or download it if you haven’t.
You won’t be wasting your time or data if you do.
Is this forum reserved for religious comments?
it’s reserved for anything “non tennis”
Certainly NOT! It’s supposed to be for anything non-tennis and to get to know the great each other
What inspired your moniker, Luverly-gubberly? Post whatever is on your mind, LG.
One could be forgiven for wondering if this is for religious comments! With Stanley spamming the non-tennis forum and proselytizing about Christianity, it’s overkill.
lol — none of us that I know here are going to become converts. Huge waste of time trying.
I’d say that politics take up most of the discussion on this page, but religion and god-talk has been brought in a little bit lately… It tends to be mostly Stanley sharing his ultra-conservative, Evangelical Christian right-wing views, and almost everyone else disagreeing with him. So in fairness to Stanley, it’s hasn’t been the best forum for conservative and/or Christian-right supporters… At least there is a separate non-tennis page so that this type of stuff doesn’t bleed into tennis-talk!
So many wars have been caused by religon, why cant people just let each other make their own choises, and choose their own personal beliefs, without judging each other ? ….
One thing I’ll say about belief in God is that it has inspired a lot of great music. Here’s one; just try not to dance:
Another, in a very different vein, sometimes called the greatest musical work ever written:
And finally, my personal favourite; maybe the closest thing to God an atheist can hope to find:
RC: Moniker inspired by an old family joke…equally used positively and negatively…must change it I think.
Cheers to U too.
One could be forgiven for wondering if you know the difference between telling the truth and spamming, all i have done is tell the truth in love and with facts, if you choose to believe it wonderful, if you reject it that’s your prerogative.
The word of God and the word that i have spoken will be a witness unto you, God’s word(the bible) would say “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man/woman sows, he or she will reap in return”(Galatians 6:7).
You might not believe this but i like you and i have read so many of your comments were you defend and support that which is wrong, immoral & ungodly, you criticize that which is right, Holy & Godly, is not just hypocritical it’s EVIL.
The prophet jeremiah said about God & His Word- But if I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot(Jeremiah 20:9).
I would rather die than be silent about what God has done for me and for the world, i know who i was and i know who i am today and i thank God for everything, The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness( lamentations 3:22-23).
True Christianity is not a religion but a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST, there is this song that i like it’s an old song called closet religion and it sings- “I don’t have a closet religion
I can’t hide the God I serve
I got to let the world know
Where ever I go
I got to praise and serve the Lord
Oooh serve the Lord.
If you would like to listen & watch this song here it is-
His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones, i cannot hold it in.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning,
new every morning:
great is your faithfulness, O Lord,
great is your faithfulness!
As someone who is Jewish, I don’t believe in much of what you say regarding religion. My beliefs are quite different from yours.
You don’t get to decide what is evil or wicked. That is your opinion. You are mischaracterizing what I say. Not surprising, though.
You don’t have the exclusive right to spirituality, right and wrong and morality.
As Spencer Tracy said playing the great defense lawyer Clarence Darrow in the movie “Inherit the Wind”, the Bible is a book, it’s a good book but it’s not the only book. He was defending a school teacher who was put on trial for teaching Darwin’s theory of the evolution of man instead of the Bible’s version of creation.
Your compulsive literal quoting from the Bible, reminds me that we must continue to guard against blind faith. I don’t want to go back to a time and a place where one could be put in trial for trying to educate children.
Mira are you awake?
Of coz i’m awake Stanley!…It’s only 9:20 am in my country!…What’s up Bro?
Wow! 9:20 am, I can’t sleep it’s late here.
Mira i have missed you! I heard WTA will launched a livestreaming service on the 31st of july, you can watch all the matches and highlights it costs 75 thousand dollars a year and 10 thousand dollars a month.
Would you pay for it?
Don’t mind me it costs 75 dollars a year and 10 dollars a month.
Have you had breakfast? If you have, what did you eat?
By the way how is your cow? Send my greetings to her/him okay!
Oh!…i’ve already eat breakfast Stanley!..thank u for asking!…and i ate a curry puff…this is a curry puff looks like stanley…
Oh!…My cow is fine Stanley…and she send her Hello! to u Stanley!…and this is my cow looks like….
Is she beautiful stanley??Hehehehe….
I value money and i like WTA but i won’t pay for it, there are some channels that show some WTA matches and highlights, the are enough for me.
The curry puff looks tantalizing.
Your cow is beautiful but i don’t think she likes me, she keeps shaking her head, she might bite me.
Mira are you married?
Yes i am Stanley…with 1 husband and 4 kids…
Yeah Stanley…i love tennis too especially men’s tennis but…i won’t pay just to watch tennis…not even for The Great Rafa Nadal…i’ve already content with what my TV have to offered so far…
About my cow…don’t mind her Stanley!…she’s always like that!…don’t know why??
I don’t know what’s wrong with me my heart is beginning to hurt, my eyes is teary, my head is confused.
I think i will sleep now, hopefully when i wake up this will be a dream.
Good night Mira.
Good nite Stanley!…Have a sweet dream k?
How can i have a sweet dream?
Hey back Stanley!…Can’t sleep?Oh!….sorry to hear that Stanley!..But hey!…try to eat your strawberry ice cream..maybe it will work!…
Bout new WTA service..yeah!ToMMo told us on WTA section..and i also read about it on TX…but,i guess i have to passed it…10 dollars maybe not much for u Stanley..but for me,it is much..and i prefer to spend that money on my kids education..or at least pocket money….
I can’t buy a strawberry ice cream at this time even if i can it will keep me awake, sugar makes me go gaga, so i have it just 2 or 3 times a month.
Are you not going to ask me why my heart, eyes and head are hurting?
Are you watching J. Socks match?
All those weeks of calling and emailing (I write to republicans and senators and representatives from my state but maybe more importantly the protesting and signing petitions every week to stop repeal and replace – save Medacaid expand medicare, don’t de-fund planned parenthood, resist, resist, resist
paid off!-
The Gop bill to cup millions of disabled and needy people off medicaid failed. Our fight for universal healthcare for all must continue! But for now, anyway, WE WON! John McCain, and two other republican Senators voted no! Our voices were heard
That’s just one battle put to rest for now. There’s many more to come.
I woke up in the wee hours of the morining to see that the GOP lost out on trying to repeal Obamacare! Yay!!!!
All of the people who fought back and resisted and protested, are heroes!
Power to the people!
What a wonderful moment and great example of democracy!
Now all we need to do is get that corrupt monster impeached so that we can protect our freedoms!
There are so many errors in what you have said not grammatical errors but factual errors.
Christians are the most persecuted people in the world there heads are beheaded DAILY for there faith, they are raped DAILY for there faith, they are burnt alive DAILY for there faith and all manner of EVIL are done to them DAILY for there love for Jesus Christ, more than 90,000 christians were murdered for their faith in JESUS CHRIST in 2016.
They are persecuted for there faith and believes both in the USA and around the world, in schools, in the work place etc everywhere they go laws are passed against them and their believes(which are moral & right), they are penalized and in most cases forced to support or practice that which is wrong & EVIL, more than 500 million christians were prevented from practicing their faith in 2016.
All i have done is tell you the truth in love and with facts you can say it’s spamming, you can call my faith blind but my faith is more real to me than you are, it’s more precious than Gold or silver, it’s more satisfying than the sweetest beverage or the most delicious meal.
David would say ” o taste and see and you would know that the LORD is good, blessed is the man/woman who trusts in him(GOD)” (psalm 34: 8).
Jesus said “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that i will give him/her will never be thirsty again.
The water that i will give him or her will become in him or her a well of water springing up to eternal life.”( John 4:13-14)
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the Power of GOD for salvation to everyone who believes, for in it the Righteousness & Love of Gpd is revealed.
God has dedicated a day in which he would judge the world(humanity) in righteousness and on that day justice will be served.
The word of God (the bible) would say- Beloved do not overlook this one fact, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward all, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
I don’t decide what is wicked or evil, God has and His decision is Holy, Just, Righteous & final, my faith is not blind, the bible is not just a book or a good book it is the word of Almighty God.
I can’t say most of my friends are jews, but some are and i know others in casual way, i have read some of the writings of jews and i know most of what the believe in.
When you say you are jewish, what do you mean?
Please am serious, plzzz explain?
I going to make one final response to uiuba d then that’s it. If you have to ask what it means to be Jewish, that tells me all I need to know
I don’t know where you get the gall to lecture me on what Christians have gone through. Talk about persecution! How about the Holocaust? You know, where Hitler implemented his final solution! The extermination of the Jews!
So don’t you dare lecture me about persecution! The world has never seen anything like it before or since. Estimates es of six million Jews killed!
My father got to see it up close and personal. He has to take photographs of the atrocities and interrogate Nazi prisoners of war. It was something he never forgot. Decades later when I was an adult, he told me about what he saw.
I am fed up with you ramming your faith down my throat and everyone else’s!
I have nothing more to say to you about religion or anything else!
Stanley, every Religion has people who have been persecuted, including Christians. However, saying they are the “most persecuted people in the world” is absolutely ludacris…
RC I Have alot of admiration for you, your tough and your not scared of fighting and standing up for what you believe in, that takes alot of guts these days
Thanks Alison! You are right I’m not afraid to write to Anyone and give them an earful! Thank goodness there are millions doing the same — fighting to keep our rights’ and doing all we can to keep this a democracy with all it’s checks and balances in place. The executive branch is trying to change things to get his way and get away with lies, lies, lies and undermine the constitution.
It’s so important for people to stand up and make their voices heard now! So much is at stake!
Trump is trying to make the DOJ his personal arm of government. He is threatening the separation of powers that is the foundation of our government.
Trump is trying to destroy our democracy. He is using fear and hatred to divide the people. If he tries to get rid of Sessions so that he can appoint a yes person to then impeachment proceedings must begin!
But I think that the Democrats will have to win back control of the House before it will happen. Trump is getting nervous because Mueller is getting too close. If he starts looking into Trump’s tax returns and finances, then it’s game over! And Trump knows it!
We need to get this corrupt, lying, dangerous man out of the White House!
I meant to say that if Trump fires Sessions so that he can appoint a “yes” man to get rid of Mueller, then we must start impeachment proceedings!
Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice in firing Comey to stop the FBI investigation. He is threatening to continue to fire those who are investigating him. It’s getting too close for comfort with Trump.
Trump’s actions can only be interpreted as those of someone who is guilty, knows it and is trying desperately to keep the truth from coming out!
This country deserves better than a man who is a traitor to this country!
Im only grateful i dont actually live in America, its bad enough having Teresa bloody May as Prime minister here in Britain, and shes a Thatcher clone ….
NNY I sympathise with what the Jews went through in WW2, my hubbies ancestors are Jewish, and i also have multi cultures in my family, religion and prejudice has caused more wars and conflict than you or i have had hot dinners, i just wish people would choose their own path or religion, and just let others do the same, without percequiting others that dont share the same beliefs ….
The persecution of the Jews started with the death of Jesus Christ. They were blamed for it. Through the centuries they were persecuted endlessly and it took a long tine for the Pope to correct the record. It’s a terrible story. But it’s my heritage.
One of the more extraordinary stories about my father, was when he was in basic training in the Deep South. That was a whole other kind of prejudice and anti-semitism. There was one night when some other redneck soldiers got drunk and roudy. They started going off about how the Jews killed Christ. Then they said let’s go kill some Jews. My father heard them in his barracks and called out to them. He said – hey, I’m Jewish. Come here! So they went after him. When they got to him. My father was sitting up. When they looked down my father was pointing his gun at them! He said – you want to kill me? They got out of there and didn’t bother him again. That was my Daddy! He didn’t back down or take any crap.
I am going to just not talk about religion anymore here. I think people should allow others to be spiritual in any way they wish.
I will stick to politics, which can still be just as intense. You are fortunate to not live in this country right now. Trump is taking us backwards in so many ways and he is such an embarrassment. Also a very dangerous man who has zero understanding of the Constitution. He is taking us diwn the road to a Constitutional crisis. Our freedoms are at stake. We have to continue to protest in any way possible. We stopped the repeal of Obamacare and now we have to make sure that this man is held accountable for his crimes and illegal acts. He needs to be impeached.
Whatever you have in England is nowhere near a bad as Trump!
“Whatever you have in England is nowhere near a bad as Trump!”
Oh my god, save us! He shouldn’t be the POTUS. What an embarrassment! He’s truly #not my president!!!!
rc!!…U remember this??
Woooohoooo!!….Pink is AWESOME!!!
Hi Mira Andi!
Yes pink in a yoga swing swirling around is awesome – it looks like fun. Well, I re-injured my arm last week end and now it’s in a cast and I can’t work for a month. Now I really did myself in. I’m on pain meds again, at home and it’s hard to type!
I’m sorry to be gone so long! I’m okay. It’s just had run out of vacation pay and it will be a tight month. What’s new, hey?! How are YOU…
Fortunately I got the ATP Montreal bracket done but forgot completely about getting WTA one for Toronto — actually I thought I had done it but well I must have been out of it. Andyway, I’m watching tennis and SO FREAKING Happy that my Aga won her first to matches….in STYLE, too!
I’ll go see what’s happening on our brackets and post on the WTA page. Happy to talk to you! You’ve been kicking my poor tired arse! lol
rc!!….At last!!…i thought i wanna order US Marshall,FBI,CIA,Ranger etc to search for u,u know!!…U scared the h@#$ out of me when u didn’t participate in WTA Bracket rc!!….Urgh!!…Now,i’m very very veryyyyyy relieved to see your precious name here…Btw..Miss u!!..hehe..
Hey,..sorry to hear about your arm k?Really really sorry!!…but,how that happen again rc??U fell?..Oh!how i wish i could be there to take care of u rc!!…or help u in any way….be patient okay?And please please take care of yourself carefully…Why don’t u go to Mr rc’s place once again?I will not this worry!..
About Bracket…i am worry about u more than thinking about Brackets atm rc…But…so happy,u come here again..that’s for sure!
lol….you always make me smile MA. I probably will go back to mr. RC’s — but – it will be when it stops throbbing, like closer to to US Open time.
So danging myself for not getting a WTA bracket this week — But I was considering picking Wozzie…now I hope she loses to Aga next round. Also thought I had Venus going deep and Ostapenko —but she lost to Lepchenko ackkk! I’m trying to pay attention — but I’m lulu brains on pain meds atm.
I am honestly fed up, tired of waking up every damn day, logging onto my favourite newspaper and being confronted, no, ASSAULTED, by yet another Trump drama front page headline. Day after day……….
Fed up!
Can someone please create a special paper just for Trump news? So they can park all the Trump drama in there? And leave the normal papers to cover normal news, for us normal people to read? I just want to wake up to normal disasters, please God! Not this…………..thing.
Trump this, Trump that, Trump, Trump, Trump……………begone with ya!
The UN is in New York for crying out loud, a stone’s throw away, can’t they send Peace-Keepers to the White House or something? That’s what they do the world over, no?
Lord have mercy………..
yes….lawd have mercy. What an liar and con-man we have – and I thought 8 years of G-Dub was agony. I’d be happy to have him back compared to Trump……uhhhhhhgggggggg it’s terrible.
A lot of things were said by some of you a few days ago some were said out of maybe ignorance or willful ignorance, some were deceptive, hypocritical, wicked & false.
True Christianity is not a religion but a personal relationship with God, when I said Christians are they most persecuted people in the world I wasn’t implying that others do not suffer persecution, I was simply saying that Christians are the most persecuted and most times, if not all the time they are persecuted by EVIL men & women who have rejected the TRUTH and believed in a lie.
Kevin, you called that statement “ludacris”(ludicrous), it’s a shame because we live in a digital age and there has been no time in history were one can learn at the speed of light than now, when you search for the truth in the right place diligently, honestly & carefully you will find it.
Both religious and secular studies/findings have concluded and reported that Christianity is the most persecuted faith and this persecution didn’t start yesterday it started thousands of years ago & it’s still going on today, it’s not getting better but worse cos the hearts of evil men/women are only getting Colder.
When I say this, am not glad about it, this doesn’t bring joy to my heart , it breaks my heart and they hearts of true Christians knowing that tens of millions( of our brothers & sisters) have lost their lives in the past & tens of thousands( sometimes hundreds of thousands) are losing their lives yearly because they love & serve the Living God, they refuse to stop sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ(The words of eternal life) and they also refuse to renounce their faith even in the face of death.
Silence in the face of EVIL is itself EVIL, God will not hold us guitless, not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.
You(Kevin) are not staying silent, you are attacking the truth by making stupid statements and that’s wicked & sad.
I guarantee you, if you search for the truth honestly you will find it.
1) Report: Christianity Most Persecuted Religion Worldwide.
2) Christians most persecuted group in the world as vicious attacks grow.
3) Easter 2017, Christians ‘Most Persecuted Group in the World’
4) ‘Worst Year Yet’: The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Hardest to Be a Christian
5) Study: Christians Most Persecuted Religious Group in the World
7) ’70 million Christians’ martyred for their faith since Jesus walked the earth
8) Christians are the world’s most persecuted religious group, according to studies
If I post more than two links my comments will not go through, the are other links I didn’t post you can check them out.
The number of Christians martyred in 2016 is likely more than 90,000, however, because studies were not able to include data from China and India two countries with large Christian populations, but with “underground” churches, so the numbers of persecuted and martyred Christians are hard to come by, much persecution takes place on a daily basis that never makes news.
Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat.
You said “The persecution of the Jews started with the death of Jesus Christ”.
Nothing could be further from the truth than that DECEPTIVE statement, you suppress the truth in unrighteousness and you twist the facts to match your views, it’s not just deceptive, it’s blasphemous( whether you know this or not, what you are saying is that the word of God or God himself is lying).
What you are saying & doing is worse and it’s not different from those who deny or water down the holocaust http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/194186 (there is a video in this article it’s 3 and half minutes long)
You don’t have to be a student of history to know that before & after the death of Jesus Christ( Jesus also rose from the dead), he and his disciples & followers both Jews & gentiles were persecuted vigorously in the most inhumane manner by some jews, the romans and some gentiles who rejected the truth and worshipped the creation I instead of the creator, who is blessed forever.
The religious leaders of Israel at his(Jesus) time hated him and they demanded that he be crucified, the roman leaders & soldiers nailed him to a cross but the truth is this, despite their wicked hearts Jesus Christ laid down his life as a sacrifice for the sin of the world, he did not come to defend his life but to lay it down for the world.
Jesus would say “No one takes my life from me, but I lay it down willingly! I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment I have received from my Father ( John 10:18).
The Holy Spirit would reveal to the prophet Isaiah and he would say in Isaiah 53:6-12
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
I don’t think I will be exaggerating if I said that Christians have done more for Israel or the Jewish people than they(Christians) have received.
The prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu recognized the persecution that Christians face all over the world and he condemned the genocide of Christians in the middle east and around the world.
He(Netanyahu) said to the Christians in the USA & Africa “Israel and the Jewish people have no better friends in the world than Christians” he said there is none like them.
He also made this promise in Nazareth ” I promise you, we will support you and we will act harshly against anyone who will harass you”.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel who I disagree with on some topics declared that Christianity or Christians are the most persecuted people in the world, some other leaders recognize this and are speaking out against this Evil.
PM Netanyahu’s Speech at Christians United for Israel
Netanyahu to Christians We have no better friend
Merkel: Christians Are the Most Persecuted
There are many Christian organization that do wonderful works in Israel and around the world, their works are recognized in Israel and around the world and they( Christian organization) have been given awards of gratitude and appreciation for their amazing love.
Here are some of the Christian organizations supported by hundreds of ministries and by tens of millions of Christians-
CUFI(Christians united for Israel), C4Israel.org International Christian embassy Jerusalem, CBN(Christian broadcasting network), operation exodus USA, Bridges of peace, CFI( Christian friends of Israel) etc.
This Christian organizations didn’t start yesterday the have been around for decades the provide care packages to those in need in Israel, the provide protective gear to Israeli soldiers, the have built new homes for destitute holocaust survivors, the assist families who have lost loved ones on terror attacks, they have helped thousands of jews return to Israel who were fleeing persecution in the middle east, Europe etc, this Christian ministries/organizations have helped Israel disabled veterans & children with special needs in Israel, they also fight against the BDS(Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement that seeks to cripple Israel’s economy and end the international support for Israel this movement is funded and supported by people, organizations & countries that hate Israel and the Jewish people.
This ministries/organizations do more than I can write in Israel & around the world, some Christians even lose their lives in the process of doing this.
While they do all of this and more that I didn’t mention, more importantly most of them share the good news or the gospel of Jesus Christ which has the power to save a sinner.
8 For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man/woman should boast.(Ephesians 2:8-9)
26 For you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For as many of you as have been baptized( this does not speak of water baptizing but the born again experience in Christ) into Christ have put on Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if you be Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.(Galatians 3:26-29)
Adolf hitler and the nazi army murdered more than 10 million people, this demonic man and his foolish armies systematically murdered an estimated 6 million Jews.
He(A. Hitler) said “the jews are undoubtedly a race but not human, they cannot be human in the sense of being an image of God.
Adolf Hitler hated the word of God(The Bible) & HIS commandments, he called the 10 commandments ” the curse of mount Sinai” he hated the word of God that exposed his demonic heart.
Adolf Hitler hated Christianity, he and the nazi army murdered many Christians, children with down syndrome etc, he called Christianity a disease and once said the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was Christianity, adding that it was an invention of the Jews.
He murdered & imprisoned Godly pastors and replaced them with his false teachers, he also replaced the cross with his own swastika, he tried to destroy the word of God(The Bible) by burning millions of bibles, he rewrote the ten commandments that God gave to Moses and printed hundreds of thousands of false teachings in other to twist the word of God.
What he(Adolf Hitler) didn’t know was that he was dealing with the word of God & God’s word endures forever.
According to God’s word people like A. Hitler would face the righteous judgment of God for all eternity.
When I point out that an action or a view is wrong some of you say that I am judging and that I shouldn’t judge.
When someone makes a righteous judgment is that wrong? That’s a rhetorical question, because without righteous judgment we can’t live.
We all make judgements the moment we get out of bed, some of us hundreds, some thousands in a day.
Jesus would say when you judge, judge righteously!( John 7:24), he condemned hypocritical judgments for example- A bank robber telling someone who picks pocket, not to steal.
Jesus would say “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s/sister’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother/sister, Let me remove the speck from your eye, and look a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s/sister’s eye.
On one hand you condemn Adolf Hitler and his reprobate armies and they deserve to be condemned, they are facing God’s Holy judgment and will face it for all eternity because they were not just worse than wild animals but they were doing the works of their father(satan).
On the other you(Nativenewyorker) & others support & defend organizations like planned parenthood and others like them that have murdered HUNDREDS(100’s) of millions of innocent babies in womb all over this world and they are still murdering this precious, defenceless little ones as I am writing right now.
More than 300 babies are murdered in the womb everyday in Canada and more than 58 million babies have been murdered in the USA since Roe V wade.
There is a HOLOCAUST taking place in the USA, Canada and around the world, it is sanctioned by the government, supported by millions of people in the name of “healthcare” or “woman’s right” and just as Adolf Hitler didn’t consider his enemies human, most of this people who support the murdering of innocent defenceless children do not consider this babies to have life in them.
Planned parenthood and other satanic inspired organizations like them do not just stop at murdering this babies, the also sell their body parts for money.
This is what Jesus said to those who hurt little children whether they are in the womb or not they are God’s creation(he is the giver of life) he said “it would be better for him/her to have a great millstone fastened around his or her neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea than to hurt one of these little ones.(Matthew 18:6, Luke 17:2)
Nativenewyorker you said you are Jewish and you believe in God but you defend & support those who break his commandments, the sixth(6th) commandment- ” you shall not murder ”
Here are some of the sins that GOD hates not all but some, In Proverbs 6:16-17 this is what it say’s-
16 These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
Did you notice the one I put in capital letters
In the book of Psalm 51:17 it say’s- The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
God is rich in mercy & grace willing to forgive anyone who sincerely seeks him for forgiveness.
God said in Isaiah 1:18- though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
For those who have had an abortion, remember that the sin of abortion is no less forgivable than any other sin. Through faith in Christ, all sins can be forgiven (John 3:16; Romans 8:1; Colossians 1:14). A woman who has had an abortion, a man who has encouraged an abortion, or even a doctor who has performed one can all be forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ.
Am not against a woman having an abortion if her life is at stake because now her life is on the line, the truth is more than 90% of abortion that takes place has nothing to do with the woman’s life being at risk.
Am also not saying that those who have committed this act’s can’t be forgiven, they can all be forgiven because GOD is merciful and would forgive anyone who humbly repents.
An undercover journalist found out and reported some of the Evil works of this demonic organization(planned parenthood)
If you want to find out more SEARCH FOR CENTRE FOR MEDICAL PROGRESS IN YOUTUBE you will find dozens of videos showing the evil works of planned parenthood. I encourage anyone who wants to know the truth about this evil organization called planned parenthood to search for centre for medical progress in YouTube the undercover investigator DAVID DALEIDEN exposed how planned parenthood murders innocent children & sells their body parts.
This organization is so evil that the are willing to murder innocent, defenceless, precious children created in the image of Almighty GOD because of money.
The undercover investigator David daleiden was arrested for exposing the wicked actions of planned parenthood, think about that he was arrested, but those who murdered innocent children & sold their body parts were not arrested, they were not even fired from their jobs.
But thank GOD all charges against him(David daleiden) has been dismissed in Texas but he still has an ongoing case in California, 14 of 15 felony charges have been dismissed.
While you search for centre for medical progress on YouTube also search for 180 it’s a video produced by a Jew who became a Christian.
David daleiden also conducted interviews with different media organizations like fox news, cnn and other networks as well, you can watch his interviews on YouTube.
This is the YouTube page of Center For Medical Progress-
Abby Johnson was interviewed by Tucker Carlson a few months ago.
Abby Johnson worked at planned parenthood in Bryan, Texas as a clinic director for 8yrs she resigned after watching an abortion on ultrasound.
She said that in September 2009, she was called in to assist in an ultrasound-guided abortion at 13 weeks gestation. She said she was disconcerted to see how similar the ultrasound image looked to her own daughter’s. Johnson, who previously believed fetuses could not feel anything while being aborted, says she saw the fetus squirming and twisting to avoid the vacuum tube used for the abortion.
“For the briefest moment,” she wrote in her memoir, Unplanned, “the baby looked as if it were being wrung like a dishcloth, twirled and squeezed. And then it crumpled and began disappearing into the cannula before my eyes. The last thing I saw was the tiny, perfectly formed backbone sucked into the tube, and then it was gone.”
Johnson continued working at the clinic for 9 more days, but soon met with Shawn Carney, leader of the local anti-abortion group Coalition for Life, with whom she was well-acquainted after his years of activism against Planned Parenthood. She told him she could no longer continue assisting women in getting abortions. She resigned on October 6, 2009.
Johnson said after her resignation that her bosses had pressured her to increase profits by performing more and more abortions at the clinic.Johnson estimated the clinic profited $350 on every abortion.
The interview is just 4 minutes long is one of many interviews she done. I hope you watch or download it.
Abby Johnson’s Testimony from “Changing Sides”
Former Planned Parenthood Leader Abby Johnson on Life Unplanned –
The Holy Spirit would lead the prophet Isaiah to say “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight”(Isaiah 5:20-21).
RIGHT would always be RIGHT and WRONG would always be WRONG.
Men/women can put in laws or change laws but Godly morals will never change.
A thousand years from now, a billion years from now RIGHT will always be RIGHT because Godly morals transcends time.
This video 180
Talks about the Holocaust, planned parenthood and so many important topics, they main producer of this video is a Jew who has put his trust in Jesus Christ.
He( Ray Comfort) has written many books(more than 70), he has written about his faith(Christianity), Adolf Hitler & other important subjects.
The video is called 180 because it changed the hearts of many, both those who were interviewed and those who watched it, it’s 33 minutes long and I believe it will bless you.
John Rosenstern is someone I respect a lot his Jewish and his parents survived the Holocaust, they were living in Germany before the came to USA.
John and his mother became Christians by putting their trust in Jesus Christ, his father later gave his life to Christ a couple of years before he died.
John Rosenstern is a successful businessman but more importantly he is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, he shares the word of God in prisons in the USA, churches & around the world.
His son Josh Rosenstern & daughter are Christians who I admire their faith in God.
John & Josh host a program called INSIGHT it airs on SBN(Sonlife broadcasting network) it’s a program filled with smart discussions & truths, it’s very interesting.
You can download the app(SBN) in the Apple store or on Google play.
There are other programs on SBN that are amazing but here are some of John’s articles-
I know that I have written a lot, so I will stop here for now, I love you guys and I know you might not appreciate that statement but I do.
Love is not the unconditional acceptance of what is immoral or wrong, love is kind, patient, faithful, truthful etc.
I have been busy with some work for a number of days now & I might be busy next week, hopefully I won’t be to busy to come here.
When I was less busy I wrote down one or more comments a day but I didn’t want to post them cos one without the other won’t be complete.
If you ignore or reject everything that I have said, then please listen to this- God is a merciful God and when we come to him in humble repentance seeking for forgiveness & mercy he won’t cast us away.
When we put our trust in Christ Jesus & what he has done for us on the cross we receive the gift of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Jesus would say “I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through me(John 14:6).
Glory to God!
Stanley, you say this:
“When I point out that an action or a view is wrong some of you say that I am judging and that I shouldn’t judge.
When someone makes a righteous judgment is that wrong?”
I wouldn’t say that it is wrong to make a “righteous” judgment, if by that you simply mean a “correct” or “true” judgment. But I suspect that you mean something different by “righteous” from what I do, something that merely assumes what I would deny (e.g. that the Bible is the word of God, by definition the truth, etc.)
I realize that you are primarily interested in converting others to Christianity because you sincerely want to save their souls. However, if you are actually interested in *engaging* with others (at least, me), then you have to convince me that you are open to the possibility that your world-view is completely wrong. (I am open to mine being wrong, but you would have to convince me, and you’ve got a long ways to go).
So I’ll ask you again: do you recognize the possiblity that you’re completely wrong about the things you post here: that Jesus Christ is not the son of God, indeed, that there is no God? If you answer: “No, I do not recognize that possibility,” then to me your mind is closed and I cannot have a rational conversation about these topics with you. (I suspect that many others feel the same, which is why you get so little response to all of your posts).
If, however, you can honestly answer: “Yes, I recognize that all my beliefs about God and Jesus (and Israel and Planned Parenthood and many other things) *could* be wrong, then you show me that you have an open mind and I will discuss any of these things with you, if you wish.
Will post soon.
You need help. Seriously! I don’t need to read your pious, self-serving revisionist history! It galls me to see you daring to lie anecrrwrote the origins of anti-semitism! My people were cast out for centuries and wandered from country to country to find a home. It is absolutely correct that the Jews were blamed god the death of Christ! You even accused Jews of participating in the death of Jesus, along with others. So you are perpetuating this falsehood that has plagued my people for centuries. I am only sorry that my father is not still here to set you straight! Also my grandparents who had to leave Russia because of being persecuted. My great-grandfather on my father’s side was killed by the Russians in a pogrom. My grandparents had already emigrated to America and found out about his death. My grandfather wanted to go back and avenge his death, but with a wife and eight children he realized that he needed to stay in America.
I despise your ignorance and blatant disregard for historical facts. I am proud to be Jewish, proud of my people and their journey and survival. When my father’s fellow soldiers wanted to kill Jews because they killed Christ, my father recognized them for the anti-Semitic bigots that they were. That’s why he confronted them with his gun and dared them to kill him! He knew to stand up to prejudice and he had the courage and guts to fight for himself. He never backed down and never allowed anyone to attack him for being Jewish. Hitler and the Nazis may have killed over six million Jews, but we are still here and thriving! We have Israel. We have triumphed against extermination. We will never give up and stand proud and strong.
Your alternative facts and propaganda will never prevail.
I am done interacting with you.
Try hard not to read what Stanley posts here. Scroll, scroll, scroll….I know I post too much music when I’m binge on it. I’ve tried to cut back. I don’t want to be as annoying as Stanley and his preaching. It’s over the top. As if we haven’t all heard it before and rejected it long, long, ago.
Rafa looked AWESOME today!
It hits me where I live. I really have tried to ignore him. I know what he’s about. But I dislike the distortions and misrepresentations when it comes to my people.
It’s just too bad that this spamming has to go on here.,
Thanks for the words of wisdom!
Oh and yes, Rafa really did look great!
rc!…Hey..if u bored while at home,i’ve got something to make u laugh!…You’re going to love it!!…
That was so cool and on many levels interesting — I watched it last night and will likely watch it again. I was laughing and crying. Do the Hong Kongians really look down on Koreans? That girl is a beautiful Gangsta hero
can we evacuate Guam, leave the orange moron there and invite Kim to nuke him?!
just a passing fancy..
Great idea! I am with you! That might just solve the problem’! Because the orange moron is the problem! This is what I was afraid of the most when he got elected – that there would be an international crisis and the orange moron would run off at the mouth and take us to the brink! Listening to him is enough to scare anyone! Daring North Korea, a regime that wanted to provoke him and give them an excuse to attack. They have been testing him and he just puts his foot in his big mouth. I cannot tell you how mortified I am watching this madman ramble on likens crazy man. He is so obviously unfit to be president’ it’s like a reality show to him.
He may bring the world to the brink of a nuclear war. I wish we had your system in the UK, where parliament can have a vote of no confidence and then there is new leadership. We need to get Trump out now. We can’t wait for impeachment!
Nny, yes it’s true that under the British system he would unquestionably face a vote of no confidence and would almost certainly be voted out of office. like you the thing that has always frightened me most about him is the nuclear aspect.
but hey just think of how his orange face will go with his orange jumpsuit when they put him in gaol where he belongs!!!
thinking of you…
For Mira Andi
An oldie but goodie!
Takes me back to this…
hawkie…I miis you too, the missing you song is for you as well from me EBTG
However I can’t play the link you posted — this browser won’t let me so…
which Morrissey song is it?
maybe this one?
maybe someday the US will bomb you….
His lyrics from the gods.
Try this one rc (miss you too)…
Hawks!…Hey Bro!…The Bruno Mars song also for u k?…Hey!when u wanna come back here Hawks?I need your brotherly protection…rc is mean!…she’s always kick my a@# in the Bracket!…Kick her a@# back Hawks!..on my behalf!!
rc!!…I like this song very much rc!!….and lyrics too!!…hehe….and i MISS U VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!…Thank u thank u thank u for giving me this beautiful song rc!..Love u more!!
Hey!…check this out babe!!..
Ahhhhhh, you are back. But I wish you could tell me what scared you.I know some things about scared. Lovely song, Lovely voice of Bruno Mars.
Hey back rc!…i bet you’re in front of your TV now,’salivating’ over Sascha right?Urgh!…women!!…hehe..
Btw…as much as i want to tell u but this is hardly a place to talk about it rc…next time when we have an opportunity k?
ok, I absolutely understand. I need to try to go on FB.
Hey you are right I’m eating ice cream and watching Sascha.
What to you mean Urgh…women!!??????
Oh that’s right. I think you are winning the Montreal Bracket — you are good! very clever.
rc!…duh!!..every women adores Sascha now!…u,M,me,Nny…u again,M again,me again,Nny again…and the list go on rc!
Hey!wait a minute!…i think you’re wrong rc!…Big Al still has a big chance to overtake me if Sascha win today rc…and he’s picked Rog to win while i picked Rafa to win…and there goes my Bracket again rc!!…urgh!…
Btw…eating ice cream??Hahahaha…woohoo!!..i’m right!…You’re salivating indeed!!..hehehehe…
hahahaha you me, M, Nny, u me, M, Nny…
Yeah Handsome got the first set, barely…the Canuck kid is scary good at 18. Makes me think my ice cream will come back up if I get any more nervous LOL
I think sascha will win today rc!…judging from his body language…
About Shapo…yeah..he is scary rc!…but,let’s see whether he can be scary too outside of Canada…that remains to be seen..
Btw…u think our boy crazy rc when he choose to still play in Cincy next week?If so he will play 3 straight weeks right?Isn’t that overplayed rc??And it’s very interesting to see everyone’s choices how far they will pick him next week…and oh!…you’re also still has a chance to win if sascha have the gut to defeat Rog this time rc…
oh gosh Mira darling, I don’t know who to pick and there’s only a couple hours left to pick. Plus that I’m not all together mentally. My sleep cycle is all messed up.
But I’m going to work on it now! any hints you have I’d be happy to hear …. on the WTA forum, okay? Or maybe you are about to go to sleep. Well I don’t expect to pick Sascha or Fed to win. Maybe Rafa!
Disgusting scenes in Charlottesville.
Trump voters this is on you.
Yes I am watching the coverage on tv. It breaks my heart to see this horrific scene. The right of white supremacist groups and right wing fringe groups with their hate-filled rhetoric, is a sad thing to see.
You are right. This is all on Trump. This is what happens when you preach hatred and bigotry and divide people.
Trump has blood on his hands for this.
I meant to say – the RISE of white supremacist groups! *
So do the ignorant people who voted for Trump!
Nny and he is now threatening Venezuela!! He is longing to kill people… that’s the clear and obvious truth…
thinking of you..
And this one too rc!…
Lovely lyrics, Mira. I remember that song…..whatever happened to Hanson? They all grown up now…lost all the beautiful hair? Got a beer gut….lol……
So, it looks like the man with unfettered access to the world’s biggest stockpile of nuclear weapons, Donald Trump, owes his presidency to Vladimir Putin and home-grown Nazis. And it’s Kim Jong whatsits we should all be afraid of??
Knock me down with a feather…….
You nailed it, RITB – The entire absurdity in a nutshell.
What we are seeing is truly devastating for some us @ratcliff. I know for sure am not alone in this but I truly held the USA in high esteem and what we are seeing now is not only confusing but honestly terrifying. Some of us are involved in pushing for democratic and economic reforms in our countries and have benefitted a great deal from the moral support afforded us by the USA. We have always used the USA as a model for what we should strive towards. Not anymore. A word from the American Ambassador carried a lot of weight and we used this as leverage over our despots but now……………it’s a mess. Nobody hears from the American Ambassador anymore, understandably.
I personally feel let down. It’s like being in a long-term relationship only to discover your significant other is a rotten cheat. Aaaagh!
Again, you are spot on, RITB.
It hurts, it hurts deeply to feel separated from our allies. But forces are at work in the Whitehouse which are setting us up to be divided and conquered. And I fear what’s happening across the country and that it truly is the POTUS himself taking 3 days to condemn the KKK, White Nationalists, Neo Nazi’s and as a group what is now known collectively the alt right. Attempts are being made to normalize this movement and Trump has given them the green light. For a sitting POTUS to behave in the face of it, (the Neo-Nazi terror attack in Charlottesville), behave like he’s being forced to condemn them and gives them a wink and a nod while reading the teleprompter, it’s sickening. There is nothing to embrace in monuments to slavery and the civil war – but hate runs deep through generations in the confederate mentality and grudge that lost the civil war lives on. It’s never gone away. With Trump in the Whitehouse, and I no longer can blame Steve Bannon, Steven Miller, that really scary guy “Gorka”. Trump is infatuated with the alt righ himself or he would fire them! If this alt right movement wasn’t what he wanted they would be gone from his cabinet!! He’s too selfish not to want them. They make up the base of his supporters – he loves them no matter what, ghastly as it is to see.
All this just makes America weaker. Policies that underpin our democracy are being rewritten – team Trump is doing all it can without the house and Senate. All we have worked for over decades from healthcare to climate change to civil rights’ and supporting out allies, it is all being eroded while the media (rightly focuses on domestic alt right terror and Korea). He will do anything to remain in control, including start a war with North Korea to keep himself relevant stop the FBI criminal investigation into him. As that criminal investigation of Trump gets closer to the money trail, the mob-style corruption, lying, money-laundering, years of tax evasion, in sum, as the criminal activity of the Trump family and close associates, comes into light, he will do ANYTHING to stop it. Creating huge chaos one way or another is what the Trump train is speeding toward.
Godspeed our dogged free-press, the New York times, MSNBC and others that refuse to be intimidated and are true patriots of democracy. I’m a nobody but I can’t sit back — I have to speak out and get out to resist any way I can. Which seems impossible and dangerous in Idaho.
The GOP is dividing, Trump support is eroding. But it’s happening slowly. The majority party has too much greed and immorality – But I have to look for the the bright spots – those with a conscience have to be coming around or trying to to continue to run the country will not happen – Congress and Senate have to keep working but Trump makes it hard to focus with the criminal investigation into his ties to Russia and collusion in his election and threats being launched back and forth about bombing Guam, of all things…it’s a real threat too. Trump has done his part to escalate the situation with his fire and fury rhetoric.
It’s daunting. I feel betrayed. We’re sliding backwards and at a time we need to be united, we are as domestically divided as I’ve ever known and felt in this country. This is what enemies of America and of democracy have wanted. I don’t know if there is a way to stop the division — the hate from within. And if we can’t do something, well, others in the world will happily step in, in time.
Meanwhile…all I can do seems small, I’m not that smart but with help of others and our heads together, determined, we keep connected and organize. And it really is grassroots in Southern Idaho. But like Heather Heyer – we have to try. We have to keep calling and bugging our representatives and state senators and letting our voices be heard! And much of the time want to scream!!!!
Keep at it @ratcliff and Godspeed! Some of us want the “American idea” to succeed, to be honest with you: for our own selfish reasons.
I have a feeling you will be okay…………..Inshallah!
RIP heather heyer heroine and fighter against racism..
as for that lousy rotten s*** in the white nationalist house go rot in hell where you belong you pathetic full of garbage f***er
Indeed amy, RIP brave young woman. And in case there are people here that don’t know who Heather Heyer is:
rc!…This song i dedicated especially for u…When u go to marches gathering,remember me with this song k?
Nny,Hawks and amy are welcome to hear this song too!
Thanks, Mira Andi! it’s a perfect song. You make me cry but also give me strength and lift my spirit. I love you — you really do make a difference from thousands of miles away – I feel your love and strength.
RC!…I’m glad u liked this song!..I can’t do much from this distance…all i can do is give u my love and encouragement in anything u do…i feel our connection so strongly…so,keep believin’ that my spirit and love will always be with u k?Always take care of yourself when u go somewhere babe!…Promise me!
And this one too rc!!
Thanks Mira Andi — you help and encouragement gives me energy!
Yay!!….But….but…i’m worried now rc!…what’s going to happen to my backside today with the energy that you’ve got??Is it still there at the end of the day??Especially i picked this Fabbiano to win Cincy!!….and Tipsa to semi..and who is this Ramanathan??hah??..Urgh!!…i’m doomed!!…Be gentle with me rc!!
Mira! I looked for you yesterday on site but couldn’t find you
..sorry I didn’t get back to you on Sunday… I had a friend come round…
I just wanted to say that yes it is hard for me to come here often but if you need me I will try to do so..
In any case am still sending you love aand support…
Still on my phone which I hate posting on..!!!!
Hey amy!!…Miss u mucho!!!…oh!that’s alright amy!!…..that’s okay if u can’t come here more often…i understand you’re busy amy!…i can feel your love and support even from this distance..and i’m very happy everytime u come here…but,it’s not fair of me to demand something like that amy…u come when u have free time and not busy k?Me and rc and Nny will always welcome u with an open heart and love..okay?Love u!!
I just want you to know that if you need me mira I will come here more often… I should probably be around Thursday morning British time so if you can be there then we can have a good talk and plenty of laughs!! But don’t put yourself out if that’s not good for you mira!!! Sending you a hug and kiss
Yay!!!….I will wait for u then amy!…hey…don’t forget to do a Tourneytopia again okay?We love to have u there amy!…
Btw amy!…i can’t wait to see rafa vs Muller…maybe he will be inspired by his new title as a No 1 and will beat Muller…Insyaallah!…
Hey…how r u amy?Okay?…and Thank u thank u thank u for your hugs and kisses…It feels AWESOME!!Woohoo!!
Mira I just left you a post which disappeared and I had to write my post to nny twice as well! So am trying to be quick! I will have several hours free on Thursday!
Okay amy!!….i’ll wait for u on Thursday that’s for sure….
People from USA…how and when can impeachment proceedings start ? this is more for my info. The President of the worlds most powerful democracy and the country whom everyone looked upto cannot be making a fool of itself day in and day out and its people cant do anything about it ?
What exactly do you mean rc when you say he owes it to putin n home grown nazis. I have heard about this but how can an outsider fix a countrys elections ? Does America have electronic voting or paper ballet voting ? If electronic yes it can be maybe if the machines are programmed to transfer votes but isn’t there a separate office in usa independent of the government to oversee elections ? And Hillary still won the popular vote so real smart fixing was done to fix only swing states ? Someone please tell me..curious to know…
The Republican Party controls both houses of Congress. They have the majority. If it was up to the Democratic Party, there would be impeachment articles already put up for a vote.
The only way I can see impeachment going forward is if the Democrats take control of the House in the 2018 mid-term elections.
There is a special prosecutor who is investigating Trump and his associates. Unfortunately it takes time to make a case for high crimes and misdemeanors, which is the standard stated in the Constitution.
It took a long time to get Nixon in the 1970’s. So it is not a speedy process. The founding fathers of this country wanted stability. They did not want the parliamentary system in Britain. In that case, there can be a vote of no confidence that would effectively dissolve the government. We don’t have that.
Also, we are dealing with a man who is a criminal, who has lied and cheated and built his business by ripping off people. He created a phony university that bilked people out of their life savings. He has gotten away with this all his life. His father was a racist who was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Trump refused to allow African Americans to live in his buildings, which got him sued by the federal government.
This is a man with no scruples, morals or principles. I can totally see him selling out his country to get Russia to help him win the election. It’s all about him getting what he wants.
He is trying to create a fascist government and dismantle our freedoms and liberties. On top of all of that, I think he is certifiably insane.
I just don’t know if this countr can be saved once we get him out. But if the Republicans had the integrity and guts and decency, then they would impeach him now.
Thank-you Nny!
And during elections he had made tall claims threatening to take Hillary to jail…no follow-up on that ? Aren’t his own party men not revolting against him ? It’s finally a party system not about a person. He is just the face.
No, the Republicans are not revolting against him. That’s the problem. They are afraid of angering his voters. Trump will exploit fear and hatred to divide this country. That is why we have a rise in hate crimes now. That is why the white supremacist groups are out there fomenting riots and disruption and violence.
Trump has already given intelligence to the Russians. He sold out to them for their help in manipulating the election. He colluded with s foreign government to get elected.
Not only is he evil, he is a traitor to his country. I don’t think we can take much more of this.
My heart breaks for the young woman who was killed in that protest. She was fighting for what she believed in. Hatred killed her. Intolerance and bigotry. Trump has been encouraging the lunatic fringe of racists and bigots for a while now. This is the sad result.
The reason Trump had fought do hard to not release his income tax returns, is because he is hiding something. I believe he was paid off by the Russians. He got money from them in exchange for selling out his country.
It’s not about fixing the voting. It was about hacking emails and info from the DNC and releasing it to take down Hillary Clinton. Why would the Russians only hack the Democratic National Committee? Why not the Republicans? Because they were colluding with Trump to influence the election.
Trump is dirty. There is nothing this man would not do for a buck. There is a reason why David Duke, a former Grabd Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, is supporting Trump. He knows a racist bigot when he sees one.
To answer your questions sanju, it is quite simple but it is not by directly hacking voting machines and changing votes.
It is by systematically bribing/blackmailing politicians, hacking computers to glean information (overblown e-mail scandal), creating false “news” stores on facebook, creating false accounts on social media to spread propaganda with a focus on key swing states to sway the vote by just a few percentage points required as that is all that it takes in a nation roughly split 50/50.
“In testimony before the Senate, Clapper described an unprecedented Russian effort to interfere in the U.S. electoral process. The operation involved hacking Democrats’ e-mails, publicizing the stolen contents through WikiLeaks, and manipulating social media to spread “fake news” and pro-Trump messages.”
And the GOP is free to impeach at any time but they won’t because there is no short-term perceived benefit for them to do so. It is a deeply flawed system. Remember, after all is said and done, including the recent event in Virginia, just 60% of Americans disapprove of Trump’s performance which is a sad statement. If/when the dust settles if/when there is another so-called election, it is not difficult to believe that this 60% couldn’t fall sufficiently for him to be reelected.
It is much more than just Trump and the GOP. It is a systemic problem within the country as a whole and it seriously impacts us all globally.
The world is controlled for all intents and purposes by sociopaths and the 1% billionaires.
Hitler. Trump.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, as Peter Townshend penned.
I have been thinking for a while now that we need to start protesting against the actors who are calling the shots behind the scenes ie murdoch who owns fox and
many right wing newspapers globally and the mercers who bankrolled trump and bannon and with Cambridge analytica had a big role in brexit.
It really is time that this small number of people with huge power and influence are brought into the spotlight and made to feel the heat…
Also happy to see you posting more, amy.
Alan Smithee
happy you are posting more! You make it very clear.
Right on! Great song from The Who, perfect for this time!
Won’t Get Fooled Again!!!!
Thanks Alan and NNY for taking pains to answer. Hope America becomes great again and in the right way.
Thank you for caring enough about our country to ask your questions! They are good ones!
I am just saying embarrassed and feel bad for America’s allies. They must feel so lost and abandoned because of Trump and his wretched rhetoric and hatespeak. He was s a disgrace and it is a shame that he can’t be arrested and locked up now for his crimes. But our Founding Father’s wanted stability in government. They never could have foreseen Americans being stupid enough to elect an evil monster like Trump. He will continue to die the seeds of hate and division in this country because it helps him.
Our system of government has survived for over two centuries, but it is being tested now as it has never been tested before. I hope that Mueller will get the evidence against Trump to get him impeached and kicked out. I just hope it will not be too late.
I was thinking of you a lot on Sunday nny and thinking that like me you were probably very upset and angry about Charlottesville
I hope you are okay… am thinking about you..
I am sick over what happened in Charlottesville. I cried last night listening to that girl’s mother. It broke my heart. I don’t know why good people have to die. This young woman Heather really cared passionately about decency and civil rights and freedom. Yet she was killed by blind bigotry and hatred. We have lost someone who wanted to do good and we are poorer for it.
These are tough times and I am trying to stay hopeful and strong. But I truly despise what that orange monster has done to this country. He spews out bile and filth and venom. He is really the scum of the earth.
Nny I knew you would be very upset. I am as well but it’s far harder for you.
My anger over all this frightens me sometimes
It’s not just the orange moron it’s the GOP and fox and the right wing hate jockeys which created the conditions within which this absurd ludicrous figure could come to power.
Ryan and Mcconnell have zero morals..
I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you..
If anyone on here is from the Charlottesville area of Virginia, I hope that you and your kin are ok. We will overcome the hatred and bigotry that continues to plague this country.
Mira how are you today hon? Hope you are feeling better than a few days ago?
talk soon xxx
Hey amy!!…yay!!..u came!!..and thanks for your wonderful wishes amy!…yeah,i’m feeling a bit better than 3 days ago…thank u for your thoughts..i hope you’re okay too amy!…hey! this is for u…
Thanks darling… Glad you are better… But I’ve been herefor zillions of hours and I have to go soon!!!
Did you watch Rafa last night??
amy!!…oh!…wanna go already?That’s okay…please come again amy!..can’t get enough chatting with u…Oh yeah!..i didn’t watch Rafa much this morning…a little bit busy!..u know,as a Madam President…there’s always something to do!hehe…
rc!!…Specially made and delivered with love!
Thanks AM! I am mending. I to maybe get cast off…not sure but I sure want it off and I’m not taking pain meds and the arm looks a better color.
hehehe…You’re welcome rc!!..oh btw…very very glad to hear about your arm rc!…but u better take care very carefully after the cast is off k?
Nny!…This is for u….Hope you’re healthy and happy always…Vamos Rafa!!Woohoo!!
Thank you so much!
This song has a very powerful message https://youtu.be/PVjiKRfKpPI with everything thats going on in the world at the moment ….
The Telegraph 33 minutes ago: “A white van ploughed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona’s historic Las Ramblas district”
The Telegraph 22 minutes ago: ”Barcelona terror attack:
– Reports of a live hostage incident
– Suspect driver fled on foot
– One confirmed dead ”
Those attackers are discusting creatures !!!
The Telegraph 35 minutes ago: ” #Barcelona terror attack: Death toll 12, 80 people hospitalised”
Those attackers are discusting, discusting, discusting creatures !!!
RN Fans: “Rafael Nadal, Garbiñe Muguruza and the tennis world pay tribute to Barcelona terror attack victims.
On Thursday afternoon, a van rammed into a crowd of people in Barcelona, killing 13 people and injuring at least 100, CNN reported. It’s the worst attack on Spanish soil since the 2004 Madrid bombings.”
Sigh, so many terrorists attacks all over the world! We just don’t know what next! It’s really upsetting!
Yeah agree with everybody here, wherever will it all end ?, so sad
I saw footage of the carnage on cable tv news last night and it was sickening. Women and children were there.
I don’t know when this insanity will end. People just living their lives and trying to enjoy doing normal things and then this. My heart breaks for those who were killed and injured and their families. My thoughts are with them.
Mira Andi,
My computer alarmed me! When I was on FB there was a loud noise and I got the alert that I had to call a number and pay money or all my data would be stolen. So I’m just scared but I’ll try going back but it’s scary — this is exactly what happened to my old computer when I was on FB before. Sad,
Oh really rc???Oh no!!….We’ve just connected on FB!!….Why this happening to u babe??Urgh!!…hey!…try to open another account…at the same time don’t shut the old one…there’s plenty of precious and memorable conversation between us in there…But,better bring your laptop to the expert first…try to delete that virus[if they can] and ask them to put anti Ransomware….if all not working,i guess we have to just connect here which is unsatisfying..if u know what i mean??
Yes, indeed we can’t be ourselves totally here — Not FAIR!! I miss FB already. So I’ll figure it out. Have to take it somewhere and get it checked. Why me? Why do I always collect a ransomware? That’s what I’ll ask the experts.
Yeah rc!!…To be able to chat/discuss tennis and acting /talking crazy with u on there was awesome feelings rc!!….i’m very very sad we can’t do that anymore…What’s more,i wanna be with u in a happy and bad times[if u know what i meant??]…But i’m not going to lose hope…i’ll be waiting for u k??Miss u there already!!!
Don’t lose hope — I will figure it out and we can continue our laughing attacks!! I love you MA! Must chat with my MA!
Yeah rc!!….I knew my stupidity will come handy someday!!!hehehehhawhawhaw!!….oh God rc!…I love u so much too!…urgh!..i’ve already plan in my mind to get crazy with u at USO!…I hope things will be okay at that time!…Please God!…Please help my rc!!
It’s a scam! Shut it down! It happened to me about a month ago! An alarm on my computer telling me to call a number my computer would be disabled. I made the mistake of calling them. Once you let them access your computer then they will put in a virus and try to steal your information. I got fooled by them. Then they demand money to fix the problem that they created. A friend told me to call my bank and they knew immediately that it was a scam. I gave those people my bank card number. The fraud department at my bank blocked access to my online banking. They said that these hackers will gain access to your financial info and they can get your money.
I had to call the Geek squad which services my computer to clean it out. Then the bank allowed me to have access to my online banking. They had me change my username and password. Then they had to block my bank card. I had to get a new one. Then you have to change the payment info everywhere. It was a mess!
I hope you did not call them! This is a well known hacking scam!
I’m sorry it happened to you! This is the 3rd time in 3 years — the first time was 2014 the most sophisticated ransom — And FBI page appeared with my picture on it and it said I was going to be arrested for pornography if I didn’t call them so I called like what?– they even had accessed my camera and took a picture of me sitting at my computer. It totally wrecked a Dell computer.
Now it seems the same as the one that screwed up my last computer but it’s completely low level ransomware compared to the 2014 one. It sounds like the same one you had. I called them and I knew right away I shouldn’t have. I shut it down. They didn’t get my info. But it was recent – early this year when I set up a FB account to chat with Mira and Alison.
So as I said this is my 3rd time — exactly like the last one — it occurred when I was on FB. But I dare not use the computer too much maybe it has something to do with my FB account – or not. Perhaps just coincidental that it alarmed both times while on facebook. I don’t want to ruin my computer. I don’t bank online or buy stuff online because of that 2014 virus. I am paranoid!!!
RC!!…I am so sorry u had to go through that horrible stuff!!…This so shocking for me!…God!…the horrible things bad people would do for money!!…Now,i know why you’re so reluctant to use FB or email…Just be strong!and be patient k?…
Nny!…I’m sorry to hear that it happened to u too!Hope everything’s okay now..
Thanks Mira for understanding. I really am traumatized by FB. So I need to find out if it’s somehow connected to an alias account like I have…I don’t know.
No problem babe!!…U never tell me the real reason why you’re so phobia about FB or email…i would understand it long ago if u telling me the truth…but,that’s okay!don’t worry..i knew u would do anything to stay connected with me & Al on FB…Besides…people usually can’t resist me after they taste my stupidity and idiocy’s!!..hehehehehawhawhaw!!…I love u babe!!
I wasn’t hiding information from you Mira, I just didn’t explain it very well before. Sorry. But I’m tempted to go on there right now — though I think it’s not a good idea. I miss our chats!
Hey that’s okay rc!…It’s certainly helping a great deal now i know what’s the real problem is…Tho” like u said it’s not fair coz we’re just clicked together and suddenly all the good things has to stop…But,that’s okay…if u want me…u just find me k?I’ll always here and on FB k?
Okay. But this is a temporary situation. I WILL Get my computer to a shop and maybe they and help. Be patient, okay?
Yeah rc!!…I will be patient and calm and at the same time practicing to kick your a#$ on WTA and you will kick mine on ATP!!hehehe…We’re two of a kind!!
Some piano jazz ? because vintage David Ferrer. I remember sitting 4 hours watching him practice at Indian Wells. He wore out both Rafa and someone I can’t remember now that practiced with him after Rafa left
It’s a great song rc!!…thanks for posting it!!….
Now,my turn to give u a song …If u love piano…then i loved this sound rc!..
i think Al would love all the pictures in this vid….It’s more to her taste me thinks…
Thank you darling, MA. I know that song from Zamfir — an old Andean pan flute artist. But more from the soundtrack of Kill Bill. A little bit goes a long ways with me, Mira Andi.
I’m listening last night and this morning to this Greek style jazz ensemble feat. Stavros Lantsias.
Hehehehe….Okay Boss!!…
Btw…once again great music rc!!…Loved it!!
Hello….my sweet.
How do you feel about trumpet music?
I’ve got some cool trumpet and ensemble jazz for Ibrahim Maalouf
Something to get you feet going.
This is calmer. No trumpet but I love how what he writes
Trumpet music??Oh bring it on baby!!…Urgh!..It’s awesome rc!!..Thank u for sharing this song with us!!
And after reading news, Some Charlie Chaplin feels right
Yeah rc!!….it sure feels right indeedy!!hehehe…
Very Nice, Alan Smithee
RC!!…U brought your laptop to the store to fix it?That’s why u didn’t come here the last 2 days?I hope everythings r okay over there rc!..Miss u!!
Nope, Mira Andi. I didn’t take the laptop in yet!
Just left you a message on FB. Is everything okay there with you? Hope your energy has returned.
Hey rc!!,,,Yeah,i’ve already answered u on FB…and yeah i’m better than a week or so ago rc tho my body still adjusting i guess…Hey,u have fun with your little vacation?…When i was a kid,i also very fortunate to see a full eclipse a couple of times…It was awesome right?Make us realized,no matter how powerful we thought we are but in the end we can’t even match the God’s power….God is Almighty!…Allahuakbar!
And Froome’s gonna win the Vuelta….
*Sips tea*
Joe smith i said i will respond to your comment soon but i couldn’t cos i was busy with a lot of things like work, sports and a very good friend of mine is getting married soon, so my days have been filled with joy & exhaustion.
This is the comment you posted-
“Stanley, you say this:
“When I point out that an action or a view is wrong some of you say that I am judging and that I shouldn’t judge.
When someone makes a righteous judgment is that wrong?”
I wouldn’t say that it is wrong to make a “righteous” judgment, if by that you simply mean a “correct” or “true” judgment. But I suspect that you mean something different by “righteous” from what I do, something that merely assumes what I would deny (e.g. that the Bible is the word of God, by definition the truth, etc.)
I realize that you are primarily interested in converting others to Christianity because you sincerely want to save their souls. However, if you are actually interested in *engaging* with others (at least, me), then you have to convince me that you are open to the possibility that your world-view is completely wrong. (I am open to mine being wrong, but you would have to convince me, and you’ve got a long ways to go).
So I’ll ask you again: do you recognize the possiblity that you’re completely wrong about the things you post here: that Jesus Christ is not the son of God, indeed, that there is no God? If you answer: “No, I do not recognize that possibility,” then to me your mind is closed and I cannot have a rational conversation about these topics with you. (I suspect that many others feel the same, which is why you get so little response to all of your posts).
If, however, you can honestly answer: “Yes, I recognize that all my beliefs about God and Jesus (and Israel and Planned Parenthood and many other things) *could* be wrong, then you show me that you have an open mind and I will discuss any of these things with you, if you wish”
God’s judgements are Holy and Righteous and it doesn’t matter what you think or i think, what you say or i say it won’t change a thing.
God’s Word and Righteous judgements would remain the same Holy and Just.
Joe smith you said “I realize that you are primarily interested in converting others to Christianity because you sincerely want to save their souls.”
That statement is not accurate, it is God who draws the sinner who has recognized that without the mercy of God there is no hope for them and all these is done through the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment(John 16:7-11)
Sin is the truth about man/woman, righteousness is the truth about God, judgment is the inevitable combination of these two truths.
The conviction of the Holy Spirit does not leave the sinner hopeless(guilty without redemption) but the Holy Spirit reveals to that sinner that while they have sinned against The Holy God, He has not left them without a way to obtain mercy and grace.
Jesus said I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No one comes to The Father except through Me(John 14:6).
For we have all sinned and have fallen short of God’s Glory and God’s Righteousness can only be received by trusting in Jesus Christ(Romans 3:22-23).
For the wages of sin is death(not physical death but spiritual death which simply means separation from God For eternity in hell) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ(Romans 6:23).
As a christian some of my primary interest is to be thankful, faithful, worship and draw close to The One(Jesus Christ) who saved my soul and made me whole.
When i can or When am given the opportunity am also interested in sharing the Amazing Love & sacrifice of Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world.
Not to do so won’t just be ungrateful but wicked.
As God He(Jesus) became man in other to die for the sin of the world(my sins, yours & the entire world), this gift of love is the greatest gift of all and it can only be received by the sinner putting their trust in Jesus Christ and His scarificial/finished work on the cross(death, burial & resurrection).
Like every gift one has the opportunity to reject it or receive it, Jesus said “Behold, i stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him/her and dine with him/her and he/she with me(Revelation 3:20).
This simply means we all have a choice to make, to reject or to receive God’s gift of salvation, He(Jesus) is standing and knocking at the door of your heart and the hearts of others as well, whether you open or close your heart it’s your prerogative but it’s my hope and prayer that you and so many more will sincerely seek God for His mercy, grace and put your trust in Jesus.
I cannot and no one can convert anyone to christianity, it’s the decision of the individual who hears/receives the voice i.e the gospel of Jesus Christ and it is God who draws that sincere sinner who is truly seeking for forgiveness and mercy.
Neither can i save a man or a woman’s soul, i can only point you and others to The Truth & The Saviour and His name is Jesus Christ.
His the only one who can save a persons soul and He has made a way for all.
It’s important that i add this- simply believing in the existence of God doesn’t save anyone, it is faith/trust in Jesus Christ & his sacrifice that saves.
The word of God(The Bible) points out that satan believes in God and trembles(james 2:19) but his faith is a DEAD faith which simply acknowledges the existence of God, this kind of faith doesn’t lead to salvation because it’s not Godly or real.
True faith is not a mental assent, true faith is anchored in Jesus Christ.
The word of God also points out that those who deny God’s word(The Bible) but more importantly those who reject Jesus Christ as Saviour will reap what the sow.
In Galatians 6:7 it say’s “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man/woman sows that he/she will also reap.
It’s an agricultural terminology that is used to show that the decision we make for or against Jesus Christ have eternal consequences.
In the book of Psalm 14:1 it say’s “The fool has said in his/her heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.”
That’s not name calling but a description of the moral and intellectual position of the unbeliever.
The hebrew word translated fool is “NABAL” is more moral than intellectual.
Jesus said “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than light, because their works were evil.
For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.
But whoever does the Truth comes to the light, that his/her deeds may be clearly seen that they have been done in God(John 3:19-21).”
God has not sent anyone to hell, people go there by there own volition i.e by rejecting the Truth.
The word of God is clear that God is not willing that any should perish or go to hell, but that all should come to repentance.
God has made a way for all to be saved, it’s a free gift that no one can earn, you only receive it by trusting in Jesus.
Ephesians 2:8-9 teaches that it is by God’s grace we are saved through faith and not by ourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
The scribes, the pharisees, the self-righteous hypocrites were puzzled and critical of Jesus for his friendly relationships with sinners, He not only loved them(sinners not their sins) but He shared the truth with them and finally He died for their sins.
They complained to his disciples about His relationship with sinners but Jesus answered and said to them “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
Jesus’s answer was both simple and profound. Jesus is the physician of the soul, and it makes sense for Him to be with those who are sick with sin.
Of course His critics were sick with sin also, but they refused to see themselves that way. They thought other people were sick with sin, not themselves.
There are many possible reasons why a sick person might refuse the services of a doctor.
1) Perhaps you don’t know that you are sick.
2) Perhaps you know you are sick, but you think you will get better on your own – you don’t know that you need to go the doctor.
3) Perhaps you know you are sick, and know you need a doctor, but do not know there is a doctor to help you.
4) Perhaps you know you are sick, and know you need a doctor, and know there is a doctor, but do not know the doctor can help you.
5) Perhaps you know you are sick, and know you need a doctor, and know there is a doctor, and know the doctor can help you, but do not know the doctor wants to help you.
6) Perhaps you know you are sick, and know you need a doctor, and know there is a doctor, and know the doctor can help you, and know the doctor wants to help you, but you know what the doctor will tell you to do and you just don’t want to do it.
Jesus is the perfect doctor to heal us of our sin.
He is always available.
He always makes a perfect diagnosis.
He provides a complete cure.
He even pays the bill.
Glory to God!
Joe smith you also said this “However, if you are actually interested in *engaging* with others (at least, me), then you have to convince me that you are open to the possibility that your world-view is completely wrong. (I am open to mine being wrong, but you would have to convince me, and you’ve got a long ways to go).
So I’ll ask you again: do you recognize the possiblity that you’re completely wrong about the things you post here: that Jesus Christ is not the son of God, indeed, that there is no God? If you answer: “No, I do not recognize that possibility,” then to me your mind is closed and I cannot have a rational conversation about these topics with you. (I suspect that many others feel the same, which is why you get so little response to all of your posts).
If, however, you can honestly answer: “Yes, I recognize that all my beliefs about God and Jesus (and Israel and Planned Parenthood and many other things) *could* be wrong, then you show me that you have an open mind and I will discuss any of these things with you, if you wish.”
Joe smith,
Am a man and am not open to the ideal that am a woman, my skin is light brown am a black man but am not open to the ideal that am white, my name is stanley and no one can convince me that my name is ratcliff.
By the way why is there a rat on a cliff? Please don’t jump but if you do i promise i will catch you, my sweeeeeet ratcliff am only joking don’t mind me OK, i love you & your name.
My faith & trust in Jesus Christ is not a game and it’s not negotiable because i can’t deny The Truth or the wonderful works that God has done in my life.
Am not a perfect person but i know who i was & how i lived before i put my trust in Christ, His been so good to me- Merciful, Gracious, Faithful and so much more.
The difference between you and i is that my Faith is anchored on a rock(figuratively speaking) that’s unshakeable and that rock is Jesus.
I know that when my time comes(death) i will dwell in the presence of the lord for all eternity.
Even before Jesus saved me, i knew that there was a God, i knew that creation did not pop out but testifies that there is a Creator and the laws of logic, the laws that govern the universe are not there by accident but for a reason.
Our body is also a testimony that there is a Creator whether you are a man or a woman.
I majored in the science department when i was in school and after i graduated from the university i taught different science subjects for a while(just to be clear am between the ages of 26-28 and i wasn’t a good teacher, i was OK), after that i worked with the united nations on a major project(i don’t have a favourable opinion of the UN but that would be a discussion for another day).
Having learned, studied & taught, when you examine the human body or any other body(you don’t have to be a scientist to do so, we live in a digital age and you can access vital info easily) the organs, the cells, DNA etc and their functions, it is amazing when you carefully study them even though according to God’s word we are living in an imperfect world, you can still see the blueprints of The Creator.
I have experienced and am still experiencing the amazing grace of God.
How can i deny Him?
How can i deny His Goodness and Mercies?
How can i be open to the possibility that everything He has done for me is wrong?
If i even entertain that thought that would be insanity, not denying The Truth does not make me close-minded but open, open to The Truth, open to sanity, open to rationality, thankful, honest, grateful to God etc.
This would never happen but it would be far easier for me to be open to the idea that am a woman(and am not), that am white, that my name is ratcliff than for me to deny who Jesus is and what He has done.
My believe in God is not a hope or a wish, i believe in God because i know with all of my heart that He exists, His Merciful, Kind, HOLY, Just and so much more than words can express, i would rather deny my own existence than deny His and both are not possible.
God will not withhold salvation from the one who calls upon Him truly seeking for forgiveness, mercy & grace but the only requirement is trusting in Jesus Christ as Lord & Saviour.
I took the time to write multiple comments answering many questions in page 28, i also provided many links/resources, videos that i believe will be of help.
If you have the time & data the are worth reading, watching and you will find more answers than questions in them.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek( this simply means the gospel of christ is for all).
For in it is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written. The just shall live by faith.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men/women, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it to them.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful ; but became futile in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator , who is blessed for ever. Amen.
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient ;
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Romans 1:16-32
I close with this, Jesus is The way, The Truth and The Life. No one can receive eternal life except through him.
You lose nothing but gain everything when you trust in Jesus, God gives us His beauty for our ashes, His righteousness for our unrighteousness when we trust in Christ Jesus.
John 14:6, Isaiah 61:3, Romans 5:8, Romans 3:22, Romans 4:3-8 etc
Stanley, you say this:
“God’s judgements are Holy and Righteous and it doesn’t matter what you think or i think, what you say or i say it won’t change a thing.”
I would agree with the statement if you insert an important word:
*Whether* there is a God and *whether* God’s judgements are Holy and Righteous, it doesn’t matter what you think or i think, what you say or i say it won’t change a thing.
That is true. God’ existence (or non-existence) is one thing; our believing that God exists (or not) is another. That’s part of what it means to say that anyone (like you) who believes that God exists could be wrong, and that anyone (like me) who doesn’t believe that God exists could be wrong.
One of us is right about God’s existence and one is wrong (given some other assumptions on which I think we agree). That’s the minimum that we both have to agree upon in order to have a fruitful discussion and debate about God’s existence. However, you seem to be unable to admit that you might be wrong, so I’m afraid I cannot continue the discussion.
However, I genuinely hope that your beliefs about God continue to serve you well in life.
There are so many things wrong with your comment but i have corrected you so many times and i know it’s enough.
I did not start this conversation with you to argue or to debate and i made that clear in my initial comments.
God/Truth is undisputable/undebatable because Truth does not change and can’t be refuted, debating or arguing about what is true/right is absurd and i have made that clear before.
Truth does not change because of unbelieve, Truth can’t be refuted with irrefutable facts, it can be denied, it can be rejected but when it’s rejected/denied it’s not done with factual reasons.
I don’t owe anything and i started this conversation with you out of Godly love and what you do with it is your Prerogative, your life, your decision not mine.
There is time to plant and time to harvest and at the end we all reap what we have sowed, but remember this, the choices we make in this life whether we trust in Jesus or reject Him as lord & Saviour have eternal results.
The word of God puts it this way “For the wages of sin is death(this is not a physical death or the nonexistence of the unbeliever) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ(Romans 6:23).
What that means is that you can be forgiven of all your sins & you can have eternal life when you put your trust in Christ, the opposite of this is also true because this is a gift it’s not by force we all have a choice.
When we stand before THE HOLY and MERCIFUL GOD there is no excuse(Romans 1:19) and there is no factual evidence that can refute the Truth today.
In John 14:6 Jesus said ” I am The Way, The Truth and The life. No one comes to the father except through me”.
No one can receive eternal life or have their sins forgiven except through Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the Truth!
Well, Stanley, if there are so many things wrong with my statement, you should be able to say which ones. I would urge you to use fewer words, more precisely.
You’re right that you don’t owe me anything, and I don’t doubt that you write what you do out of a kind of love. However, if you wish to persuade me that you speak the truth you will get nowhere quoting scripture at me. I actually know a fair bit of it, but don’t think it has the significance that you think it has. That’s in large part what we disagree about.
I think the Bible is a book written by human beings like any other. Like many books it has some very valuable and uplifting messages. It also has some passages that are anything but that.
No one and no book has a monopoly on the truth. When you claim to know the truth about God without giving reasons -and quoting scripture does not count as giving reasons- you simply beg the question against someone (like me) who disagrees with you.
“Do not give what is HOLY to dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces(Matthew 7:6).
This is a figurative statement but a true statement made by Jesus Christ, Jesus is not saying that dogs or pigs are evil or bad.
Jesus is using dogs and pigs as representative of those who would ridicule, reject, and blaspheme the gospel once it is presented to them.
David said in Psalms 23:1-6
“The Lord is my Shepherd; i shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil; for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely God’s Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and i will dwell in the house of The Lord forever.
Glory to God!
David or others are not saying that they are a sheep, it is a figurative statement that contains precious jewels that is inspired by the Holy Spirit.
It’s not wise to expose the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have no other purpose than to trample it and return to their own ungodly ways/beliefs.
Repeatedly sharing the gospel with someone who continues to scoff at the word of God with foolish comments, ridicules Jesus Christ is like casting pearls before swine.
Throw a pearl to a swine and he will resent it, as if you threw a stone at him, Truth will be called a lie, God’s word & Godly wisdom will be treated just like swines treat precious things.
Jesus is not saying that we(christians) shouldn’t share the wonderful works of God or the gospel of everlasting life.
Jesus was in the midst of sinners, He loved them, ate with them, laughed with them but more importantly He loved them enough to share the Truth with them, died for their sins & the sin of the world.
All i can do is share the Truth with you and i have done that countlessly, i am not responsible for the choices you make when you hear it.
Pigs don’t appreciate pearls and some people don’t appreciate what Jesus Christ has done for them.
What do you lose? Nothing.
What do you gain? Everything.
God’s Beauty for your ashes.
God’s Righteousness for your unrighteousness.
God’s Grace & Mercy for your sins.
There’s no sense in preaching/sharing/explaining the value of pearls to swine.
“As a dog returns to it’s own vomit, so a FOOL repeats his folly”(Proverbs 26:11).
Again & again, round & round, over & over gain constantly repeating false/foolish statements.
God’s word & Godly counsel are Holy and a pearl that must not be cast before swine, they are ordinance of God, they are precious, a precious jewel as an earring of Gold and an ornament of fine gold, so is the wise reprover(Proverbs 25:12) and a wise reproof is like an excellent oil(Psalm 141:5) it is a tree of life(Proverbs 3:18) it’s living waters that spring up into everlasting life(John 4:13-14), and once it is sincerely received/thirsted all other thirsts are quenched, no more garbage, no more false/stupid/foolish/wicked ideologies and practice, just Godly Truths.
This might be my last comment to you concerning this subject for obvious reasons & reasons mentioned here, it breaks my heart because in a way you remind me of who i used to be and i have shared a lot with you, answered many of your questions & others as well out of Godly love.
I still have so much more to share but all i can do now is pray for you & others and hopefully sooner you will not only know but receive, experience & share the mercy, grace & wonderful works of God with others just like you or different from you because God is no respecter of persons, no matter who they are, what they have done(Glory to God), male or female, black or white, rich or poor, old or young, no matter how deep in sin they are, Jesus can reach them where they are, all it takes is humble repentance & sincerely trusting in Jesus Christ as your Lord & saviour.
Glory be to God.
A few comments, Stanley.
First, I do not trample the gospel. Rather, I analyse it, question it. That is something very different.
Second, and related, I am not ridiculing Christ. Again, I am asking questions about him; again, something very different.
Finally, I can assure you that I have thought about these questions a lot. You presume that my comments are false and foolish, but you give no reasons for thinking so, only scripture the value (and truth) of which is precisely what is in question.
Very funny!
Having questions is different than trampling and i have answered most of your questions that i think are sincere, some of your statements/comments are ridicules and are not worth the time because the are irrational and sometimes ungodly.
Please don’t misunderstand me, i don’t hate you, i hate deception whether it’s done ignorantly or wilfully.
When truth is attacked and a lie is believed it doesn’t just destroy the life/soul of the deceiver it wrecks they lives of others who believe in a lie,
jesus answered many questions and performed many supernatural works for a reason but his detractors always had one more question, the seeked after one more sign, when one question is answered they ignore the answer and ask another, when one Godly miracle is performed they ignore it or mock it and seek after another, they were not after truth and they were never satisfied when a question was answered.
This is what Jesus said to them “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah”(Matthew 12:39, verse 40-42 explains further).
Asking questions is not bad, asking multiple questions is good but doing it deceptively or in an ungodly manner is wrong.
How can you answer a question on quantum physics, when they one asking the question doesn’t believe that 1 plus 1 equals 2.
Jesus said “for everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened”(Matthew 7:8).
This is page 30, the current page is 31 please post your comments there.
So, Mayweather beats Mcgregor! The loser will still get by far the biggest pay cheque of his career lol
The HEROISM in Texas is Admirable and Inspiring.
I know that this GREAT state and it’s AMAZING people will fully recover.
If anyone lives in Texas or has family members there i hope you & they are fine!
RC, MA, NNY , Amy if your reading, im going away soon for Autumn equinox, love you all and ill miss chatting to you while im gone, take care and ill speak to you all soon, love you ladies XX
Hey Al!…Welcome back!!…How’s camp?Hope there is no naked dance around the fire still!!..hehehe…
Happy Labor Day everyone??
See you soon Alison….have fun!
Happy Labor Day, Benny G (your Fedman won)
Me, I’m just listening to piano music and it’s Thom Yorke again.
The Pure Gospel of Keith Jarrett ?
Another great album, RC! Especially love the first track.
Btw, you’ve changed your avatar again. What happened to Zverev? I think the picture of you is nicer anyway (:
Oh thank-you Joe! but…the picture is the great Champion (glamour shot), Petra Kvitova…she is lovely and she knocked out everyone’s pick, Garbine Muguruza. But it was quite glorious, very much in the same way Delpo’s win was. Hope you had a pleasant Labor Day Weekend. Cheers
Wow, I didn’t really think the picture was of you, but I never recognized Kvitova. I’ve always thought she was very pretty, but I’ve never seen her glammed up like that. And she did very well in knocking off Muguruza. Hope you had a good weekend too, RC. Keep sending the choice musical selections!
Vamos Delpo
Actually this was the version of Caprichio arabe, I was looking for by Franciso Tarrega, por tremendo Delp-oh.
Trying that link again, dang it. It’s my favorite Caprichio arabe
from: Motor Cycle Diaries soundtrack with Delp-oh in mind and I think Mira Andi will like the pan flute part
Love you MA, wherever you are.
Yo My Queen RC!!…hehe..thank u thank u thank u for dedicated the pan flute part to me…but…as much as i want to hear it…i still cant!…U see,2 weeks ago,i tried to update my laptop’s driver[it’s very old,it said]…but,stupid me..before it’s done,i accidentally shut my laptop and halted the process..and after that,i can’t hear a thang from it!Urgh!!…I still can’t figure it out how to fix this…I will listen to it as soon as i can recover the sound devices k?But thank u once again for remember the ol’ me from Mars k?Love u more rc!!Wooohooo!!
My morning African proverb for today:
“Anger and madness are brothers.”
Thank-you, RITB. I like it, it rings true.
Pleasure @ratcliff. Enjoy your day.
Nny!…How r u Milady?I heard ‘Irma’ will/already visited u…R u okay?R u in the path of angry Irma?Be safe okay?Thinking of u from thousands miles away!
I am very nervous about the hurricane. I don’t know what to expect because this will be my first hurricane. I am hoping that maybe we won’t get a direct hit.
my parents already fled! Drove from Florida to Georgia last night.
Oh that’s good news, Ricky.
Irma looks nasty.
Nny!…U still stay there?Is it safe to stay?Please go somewhere safe if needed okay?Please take care of yourself Nny!..I’m worried about u!!
Ricky!…I’m glad to hear your parents already far away from Irma..Hope they stay safe no matter where they are…
Nny are you ok?? The BBC news is saying the storm may not hit florida.. I sincerely hope not.. Sending you a big hug xxx
Hi Mira no naked dancing, at least not from me lol, but a great weekend seeing old friends and making some new ones, its like coming home again, its just over too quickly sadly, anyway came back and Rafas still in with a shot, glad to see my friends here too Ratcliff, NNY, Amy etc , hope your all well, its good to be back, im feeling happy and refreshed, and ready to enjoy the remaining tennis
Hey Alison and mira!!
Hope you both had a good time while you were away and good to see you back!!
Hope you are feeling even better than before mira??
Look forward to talking with you both soon!! xxx
Hey back Al!!…I’m very glad to hear u & Cliff enjoyed yourself on your own ‘MTO’s'[hahaha!…just teasin’ u Al!]…Err!…still no naked dancing??hahaha!…aww!!…i can’t wait the day u will do that Al!…
Oh yeah!…Our Rafa still alive & kicking at USO AL…But..but..if he lost tonight,i will blame u for coming back too soon Al!!..hehehe…
Hey amy!!…Very glad to ‘see’ u here amy!!…Hope you’re okay & happy too!…Bout me…yeah!…i’m better than before amy!..thanks for asking k?READY FOR RAFA AMY???C’mon!…let’s VAMOSING together!!..Woohoo!!
I am hoping to be there for Rafa’s match mira…but I can’t actually watch it as my computer isn’t working again and so I have to rely on live scores on my phone!! Aargh!! So you and nny will have to tell me what is going on!! Feeling very very nervous about tonight although rc has assured me Rafa will win!she is the world’s greatest expert on rublev and his tortured facial expressions! but I am horribly nervous nonetheless..
Vamos Rafa!!!
Amy!…rc said Rafa will win?Ohohohoho!…yeah!..me too trust rc with my whole life amy!…but,nonetheless if Rafa lost i will not hesitate to kick her a@# amy!!..hahaha…
Oh!…I hope i can be use to u later amy!…not sure i’ll be able to watch rafa…he maybe start at 2;30 or 3 am my time…urgh!…actually i have had the opportunity to see his 1st match so far…other’s..not very lucky!But,i’m sure Nny will give her update every single minute amy!..U can rely on her k?Sorry,cant help u tonight amy!!…Big big hugs from the land of darkness[atm k?] just for u amy!!
Don’t worry if you can’t be there mira!! I will be thinking of you and vamossing loud enough for the 2 of us!! I may have to emit a barage of obscenities as well though!! I do hope rc is trustworthy where her beloved war and peace prince Andrei is concerned!! Big hugs mira!!
Hahahaha, there was absolutely no need to worry about that poor skinny qualifier, Rublev.
You can both come kick my ass if I’m wrong! But I just stopped by TG to say hello and say I’m off to work. Will see you all later ?
Please stay safe !!! let us know…..
Take care rc! See you soon hon!!
Mira ill dissapear with my tail between my legs for a while lol ….
Hey Al!!..No need to disappear sis!!…rafa do just fine atm!!…Hehe..you’re safe!!hahaha…
This is so cool. I have it adjusted to show the jet stream and winds aloft and what high pressure areas and low pressure areas might be directing the hurricanes – actually there’s three spots: one in the Gulf of Mexico (Katia), then, Irma, the big one — then Jose a smaller tropical depression or not well formed hurricane following Irma
The jet stream across the US is dipping so low into the gulf states that I can’t imagine Irma not being torn apart by the jet stream as it tries to go north west. Surely it will be broken up and floated on out to the Atlantic and mixed in with activity and blocked by high pressure in the North Atlantic
lol, that’s my amateur forecast. I’ll check back on it later ?
God rc!!….U should be working as a weather women presenter somewhere with this knowledge!..All i know about weather is…Okay!no need to take a shower much today coz it’s already cold!lol!!..
Did you see it? You can play with the map to see …..and play with all the controls? I don’t know much about it. But I can fin the high pressure and low pressure areas and go up to where the jetstream is. And I have not idea but that little hurricane did huge damamge to Barbados and the British Virgin Islands but I think by the time it gets to Florida it won’t be that organized…..fingers crossed for Nny!
From your lips to God’s ears!
Right, Nny!
I’m praying that Irma is going to weaken as it goes by Hispanola, Cuba, and will be in such disarray and downgraded by the time it gets to Maimi-land that what’s left of it is taken out and away from the East Coast.
We, here in Idaho, want you SAFE and relaxed
Irma has been least slowed down to moving west at 9 miles an hour. It’s being hung up and having trouble organizing itself along the North coast of Cuba.
The weather channel has been wrong about the Irma’s track ever since Irma got to N. Cuba. Really I don’t think they know when, how, or where it turns north. Irma is hanging on to features of N. Cuba and while it does, there will be eye-wall problems. Maneuvering off the N. Coast of Cuba is not something that Irma is in a hurry to do. I think it won’t make the turn North until weakening eye-wall (eye wall is not regrouping like it did after it left Hispanola) gets further West along the North coast, where it could be likely drawn into the warm, shallow gulf water. The outer bands are expanding outward in all directions but that doesn’t mean it’s a more powerful hurricane as far as wind speeds go. The outer bands are can be dangerous but nothing like the Catagory 5 Irma was when it hit Barbuda and St. Maartins. And the farther North and West Irma goes it will also meet with drier winds aloft –not good news for Irma.
As long as Irma creeps West the less potent the hurricane will be. I don’t know how they think it will move East at all. There’s very warm, shallow waters in the Gulf of Mexico, that could energize as it goes North but hugging tight to West Florida’s coast?? I don’t see it right now.
It might make landfall more near Tallahassee !!
My amateur map is in agreement with winds speeds, low pressures, sea temperatures, wave heights, how much precipitable water, there is, ect.
I’ve been keeping an eye on the pressure location of the EYE since yesterday…It has barely moved or changed. And that’s not what Irma was doing before it got to Cuba
I hope I’m right about Irma and the damaging part stays away from you.
Also hope you are dry and comfortable for Rafa’s match tomorrow!
Yep!..i sa it rc!!…It’s very interesting!!…I want to show to my kids & let them explore…Thank u for sharing this with us rc!!
Oh good one! If they are interested in science and the forces of nature around the planet ….it’s good. I loved studying weather and earthquakes when I was a kid.
rc, thank you for this. Very useful. I am attracted to weather and climate since I was a child. Actually back then I was dreaming about becoming a meteorologist
Federer and Delpo are about to start playing
Are you watching? Good Morning MA?
Keys won! Key will next play and beat Coco. Keys to the final!!
Good Evening to u My Queen!!..
A special Good Evening wishes to a veryyyyy special person!Heehaaw!…
Of cozzzzzzzz i’m watching rc!!…and yeahhhhh!!..Maddy won!!….Coco will have her hands full..no doubt rc!!…Yeahhhh!…Maddy to the final & win it!!
Nny I am feeling really quite worried about you with irma on the horizon..am hoping it may miss you but sending you a big hug anyway xxxx
There are so many things wrong with your comment but i have corrected you so many times and i know it’s enough.
I did not start this conversation with you to argue or to debate and i made that clear in my initial comments.
God/Truth is undisputable/undebatable because Truth does not change and can’t be refuted, debating or arguing about what is true/right is absurd and i have made that clear before.
Truth does not change because of unbelieve, Truth can’t be refuted with irrefutable facts, it can be denied, it can be rejected but when it’s rejected/denied it’s not done with factual reasons.
I don’t owe anything and i started this conversation with you out of Godly love and what you do with it is your Prerogative, your life, your decision not mine.
There is time to plant and time to harvest and at the end we all reap what we have sowed, but remember this, the choices we make in this life whether we trust in Jesus or reject Him as lord & Saviour have eternal results.
The word of God puts it this way “For the wages of sin is death(this is not a physical death or the nonexistence of the unbeliever) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ(Romans 6:23).
What that means is that you can be forgiven of all your sins & you can have eternal life when you put your trust in Christ, the opposite of this is also true because this is a gift it’s not by force we all have a choice.
When we stand before THE HOLY and MERCIFUL GOD there is no excuse(Romans 1:19) and there is no factual evidence that can refute the Truth today.
In John 14:6 Jesus said ” I am The Way, The Truth and The life. No one comes to the father except through me”.
No one can receive eternal life or have their sins forgiven except through Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the Truth!
Nny!….Hope everything is okay with u & your loved ones over there…If u have an opportunity,please let us know how’re u doing atm k?We’re all worried sick bout u!…Millions of thoughts with u from a far away land Nny!
Yeah Mira,
I’m very worried about Nny. I think I remember her saying she wasn’t too far from where they have the Delray tournament. Gosh…even though the hurricane’s eye-wall path was on the West coast of Florida, opposite Delray, there literally is no where to escape some kind of danger and damages — wow thankfully it’s not the Catagory 5 it was for several days — Irma’s trek across N. Cuba damaged it to the point it couldn’t recover it’s double eye-wall, still it was a Cat 4 when it hit the Florida Keys but the monster Irma is so big, even as it unwinds down to a Cat 3, it covers a larger and larger area and the hazards are even more numerous.
As it moves north drier air and wind sheer will degrade it but it’s taking too much time for it to clear away.
Yeah, I’d really like to hear she’s okay about now!! Nny!
Oh God rc!!….This Irma is really HUGE!!….I’m shaken just to think of it consequences!…Want to know about Nny so bad!!….Really really wish she & her family r okay!!…
“Do not give what is HOLY to dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces(Matthew 7:6).
This is a figurative statement but a true statement made by Jesus Christ, Jesus is not saying that dogs or pigs are evil.
Jesus is using dogs and pigs as representative of those who would ridicule, reject, and blaspheme the gospel once it is presented to them.
David said in Psalms 23:1-6
“The Lord is my Shepherd; i shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil; for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely God’s Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and i will dwell in the house of The Lord forever.
Glory to God!
David or others are not saying that they are a sheep, it is a figurative statement that contains precious jewels that is inspired by the Holy Spirit.
It’s not wise to expose the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have no other purpose than to trample it and return to their own ungodly ways/beliefs.
Repeatedly sharing the gospel with someone who continues to scoff at the word of God with foolish comments, ridicules Jesus Christ is like casting pearls before swine.
Throw a pearl to a swine and he will resent it, as if you threw a stone at him, Truth will be called a lie, God’s word & Godly wisdom will be treated just like swines treat precious things.
Jesus is not saying that we(christians) shouldn’t share the wonderful works of God or the gospel of everlasting life.
Jesus was in the midst of sinners, He loved them, ate with them, laughed with them but more importantly He loved them enough to share the Truth with them, died for their sins & the sin of the world.
All i can do is share the Truth with you and i have done that countlessly, i am not responsible for the choices you make when you hear it.
Pigs don’t appreciate pearls and some people don’t appreciate what Jesus Christ has done for them.
What do you lose? Nothing.
What do you gain? Everything.
God’s Beauty for your ashes.
God’s Righteousness for your unrighteousness.
God’s Grace & Mercy for your sins.
There’s no sense in preaching/sharing/explaining the value of pearls to swine.
“As a dog returns to it’s own vomit, so a FOOL repeats his folly”(Proverbs 26:11).
Again & again, round & round, over & over gain constantly repeating false/foolish statements.
God’s word & Godly counsel are Holy and a pearl that must not be cast before swine, they are ordinance of God, they are precious, a precious jewel as an earring of Gold and an ornament of fine gold, so is the wise reprover(Proverbs 25:12) and a wise reproof is like an excellent oil(Psalm 141:5) it is a tree of life(Proverbs 3:18) it’s living waters that spring up into everlasting life(John 4:13-14), and once it is sincerely received/thirsted all other thirsts are quenched, no more garbage, no more false/stupid/foolish/wicked ideologies and practice, just Godly Truths.
This might be my last comment to you concerning this subject for obvious reasons & reasons mentioned here, it breaks my heart because in a way you remind me of who i used to be and i have shared a lot with you, answered many of your questions & others as well out of Godly love.
I still have so much more to share but all i can do now is pray for you & others and hopefully sooner you will not only know but receive, experience & share the mercy, grace & wonderful works of God with others just like you or different from you because God is no respecter of persons, no matter who they are, what they have done(Glory to God), male or female, black or white, rich or poor, old or young, no matter how deep in sin they are, Jesus can reach them where they are, all it takes is humble repentance & sincerely trusting in Jesus Christ as your Lord & saviour.
Glory be to God.
Waves to RC hope your well
waving back to you, Alison. I’m perfectly okay but there’s isn’t a huge hurricane covering my state!!
Hope you are well, too!
Im fine RC, worried about all my friends on here if they are near those areas ….
I don’t know anyone but NNY that lives in Florida. But it’s bad there…
We don’t have hurricanes in Idaho! Some winters we get blizzards and the forest fires have made the air very smokey this summer. We could use some rain.
Rafa and Anderson match is going to start, are you watching?
This is unbelievable!!
RC sorry my friend, i did reply to that post of yours on the Nadal /Anderson match, but i dont think i actually hit the submit button lol, anyway did watch the match, and im super happy, cheers me dears, wasnt ignoring you
rc!…I heard about 4 mil houses were destroyed in Florida..is it true?Oh my God!….I wish we could reach Nny..and know what her condition atm…
Mira hon try not to worry too much!! I am pretty sure that nny lives in the palm beach area which is on the east coast.. The really serious damage occurred where the hurricane hit on the west coast…
How are you mira?!
amy!!…You’re here!!…describe your happiness from 1-10 now Rafa won his sweet 16th amy!…How r u btw amy?I cannot pretend that i am not worried about Nny amy…i know Irma mostly destroyed the west coast first but with ‘her’ magnitude,i think the east coast also received a fair share of it…
RC said the same thing amy…If not,why Nny was so quiet before,while & after Rafa’s match??She never did that before..she always blogging while Rafa is playing…I know maybe the power was out & maybe she can’t charge her phone…I don’t know…I just hope she’s safe & unhurt…that’s all amy!!
Doesnt Serena also not stay in Florida?
I am ecstatic about Rafa’s win mira!!please try not to worry about nny too much.. There are power shortages all over florida including in palm beach and that is probably why she wasn’t here
She told me where she lived in a private email while we were discussing the election! I think she said palm beach or in that area and I looked it up online and the damage there isn’t severe.
Please try not to worry mira!! Am sure nny will be back with us soon!!
Mira I am concerned that you are worrying too much and so not being able to fully enjoy Rafa’s win!! Please let that go for the moment and be reassured by what I have said! Also I know you weren’t feeling great not that long ago so please take care of yourself and get loads of sleep and so on!!
Official orders from amy!! Ok??!
amy!…I’m so sorry..i didn’t mean to dampened your mood about Rafa’s win…sorry to fellow Rafans as well..i didn’t think!..sorry guys!!
And amy…thank u for your words k?I really appreciate it…Oh!i forgot u & Nny connected by emails before!!…That means she’s okay??Oh Thank God!!I can’t wait to hear from Nny herself…
Sanju!…I really hope you are right!Hope she’s coming here soon,so we can know that she’s okay…
Mira there’s nothing to apologise for! I am just a bit worried about you that’s all! I haven’t emailed nny or heard from her in the last few days but I really do think she is ok!I was thinking of emailing her yesterday but I doubt there is any power still..
TBH mira I also noticed that in the couple of days before she went offline both me and you had left her posts to do with the hurricane which she hadn’t replied to even though she had been posting on those threads which made me think that maybe she didn’t want to talk about it for some reason and I didn’t want to invade her privacy!!
I looked up the area she lives in online and it’s not badly damaged so she should be back with us soon..
amy!…Don’t worry about me okay?I’m totally O.K.A.Y!…But thank u thank u thank u for your concern amy!!…It’s really touching deep inside my heart knowing someone cares that much about me!!hehe…
Bout Nny…Yeah!…u maybe right about invaded her privacy amy!…and i also noticed that she didn’t respond to our question about her latest condition at that time…that’s okay…she maybe didn’t noticed our comments and she used to say that she rarely came to Non tennis…and what’s more…i had to do everything i could to reach her here since i don’t have her email…i will feel very unsettled if i didn;t do what i did..u know..tried to reach her here repeatedly even tho that’ll look like i’m some kind of maniac..coz caring about someone whom i barely knew..just connecting here on virtual world…but,like i said amy..i had to do it…now,i feel relieved after i did my responsibility as a friend even tho still worried bout her but relief…yes!definitely amy!!
And…it’s not just me amy!…RC is worried like crazy too!!hahaha…so,i’m not the only one!!…we’re both pathetic!!hehehe…But thank u for your thoughts amy!!..really really appreciate it!!….LOVE U!!!!
Mira you do what you want! Go with your heart! But I did feel that she didn’t want to talk about things in the last couple of days or so before going offline..she didn’t answer a post from me while she was on site at the same time as me and I noticed she didn’t answer a similar post from you on the wta page even though she answered one only a couple of posts down so she must have seen it! So I started to think she didn’t want to talk about the whole thing which is fair enough!
I do worry about her mira.. that’s normal.. but I don’t want you to get things out of perspective.. I know you have had problems and I want you to sleep well and take good care of yourself!! Sometimes you have to put yourself first you know..
Love you and rc and nny…!!
Hey amy!!…i totally understand what you’re saying amy!…and i really really respect & appreciate your input on this matter…don’t worry,i won’t say anything regarding Nny anymore..like i said up there..i’ve done my job as a friend..and that’s it..no more burden on my shoulder about this matter…thank u once again amy!!…
Hey…rc got your email…can i have your permission to ask from her your email?I want to ask u about something amy…But if u reluctant to connect with me on personal level…that’s okay,i understand …Once again thank u for your advice amy!!…I definitely will listen to u on this…
I just saw the news that Miami is relatively not affected. I think she lives in Miami. She is not posting as there is no power in Florida. Also supposedly millions have been evacuated from Florida, so I am sure she is okay.
The impact on Cuba, Carribean is far more grave.
Today the United States of America remembers the innocent lives who lost their precious lives on 9/11 and the brave men & women who risked their lives in order to save innocent lives.
May God bless this brave Heroes!
May God bless the United States Of America!
USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
If NNY gets a scratch on her body, i am going to deal with her, i mean it.
You better be fine my friend, i miss U! You might not believe it but i do miss U.
Comeback so that we can fight lol!!!
Rafans need to stop hacking this site, just because R. Federer is the best doesn’t mean you have the right to hack this website, delete Lovely articles & comments about Roger Federer or claim that R. Nadal won the 2017 US OPEN.
Everyone knows that Rafito didn’t win the 2017 US OPEN, so please stop hacking our site.
I posted in the wrong page.
Stanley, have you lost your mind – or do I actually detect a considerable amount of subtle irony and self-mockery in your comnent about hackers?
That said, Ricky’s site has indeed been targeted by hackers lately who managed to substitute the homepage of “The Grandstand” with manga style figures who voiced some vaguely political comments on the Near East situation. Very annoying. But they didn’t strike me as Federer haters.
I am not even going to dignify that comment with a counter cos that statement is preposterous.
You have no sense of humor!
R. Nadal won the 2017 US OPEN, no article or comment was deleted(i am not completely sure), i was simply joking.
You don’t have to laugh or reply just mind your own….
Stanley, how is my comment preposterous?? I definitely considered the possibility that you were joking, and I’m glad you did in this instance.
But after reading a lot your comments I have to say that it’s often very hard to say whether you’re serious or joking and said so expressively. But my irony detector which is in general working just fine, doesn’t work well as far as your comments are concerned.
Maybe, you should joke more often
Sorry! And Thanks!
Are you a Rafan?
Cos i love R. Nadal too, it’s just that….lol!
Congrats! He is really balling and someone needs to stop him b4 he sets the house on fire.
I am sorry about b4 OK.
It’s okay, and I’m sorry that I even considered you might be serious.
That said, “The Grandstand” has actually been hacked a couple of days ago, but not by Roger haters.
I know it was hacked a few days ago but i was struggling to access this site a few hours ago, i think it was hacked again or maybe my network.
I don’t think it’s my network cos i was doing some work online and had no problem.
Yes, I also have problems to access this site. A few hours ago I tried three different browsers without getting a connection. I also have a lot of trouble with my comments. Half of them get lost, and I can’t initiate an original comment. I can only post by using the “reply” button.
This site is definitely experiencing some difficulties atm.
Amy, Mira Andi, rc and all others who expressed their concern –
I am fine! I read your comments and was so frustrated that I could not respond! I was very touched by your support. It meant a lot.
You should all know that only the biggest hurricane ever could keep me away from live blogging with you during the USO final! The power went out about fifteen minutes before Rafa’s match. I was broken hearted not to see it. But I followed the score online as I tried to conserve my cell phone battery. My happiness was tempered by the ferocity of Hurricane Irma. Power was out until early Tuesday morning. It was pretty awful with the heat and humidity. We also had problems with loss of cell phone service. But when the power came in, the cable and internet did not.
I finally called my sister in New York abs asked her to email Ricky and let him know that I was okay.
Today the cable and internet came back on and I am finally able to post. I know that it was bad, but that the west coast took the worst of it. Also the Keys and Caribbean countries.
I just wanted to express my thanks to you for thinking of me. I am over the moon about Rafa’s great victory! So happy for humans so proud. I hope to see some YouTube video of the match if I can.
Congratulations Rafa on your 16th slam win! You deserve it!
I feel privileged to be a part of this tennis community.
Love to you all!
Nny, I apologize for taking your email from the Tourneytopia page and emailing you without permission but I was so worried about you last Sunday — I was following ALL kinds of reports, not just the hurricane but what time the power might have gone out for you, ect. And just before USO Rafa match I was afraid you were in the dark!! Afraid you’d be suffering all kinds of horrors too. So relieved to hear from you!
So glad you didn’t get the hurricane ocean surge and ferocity of that the keys got! I fell bad especially for the US and Virgin Islands, Barbuda…Cuba, Puerto Rico.
But Vamos Rafa is the good news, right?!
I thought it was Amy who emailed me! Because she had my email. Under the circumstances, it’s fine! It was very frightening. I have never been in a hurricane. I knew from watching tv that the west coast would get the worst of it. But i also knew that it was so big that we would still get hit. I thought the world was coming to an end.
It was the longest day and a half of my life. By Monday afternoon one of my neighbors wanted me to go to the hospital because she was worried about me dealing with the heat. I also have asthma. But we opened up all the windows and there was a breeze.
I woke up early Tuesday morning because I was cold and then I woke wide up and realized the power was on! I started yelling and ran over to the neighbor and they helped me close the windows. It must have been on for a few hours because it had gotten cooler. That was the best moment! But no cable or internet. There was a big service outage.
I thought maybe Ricky might post and let you all know I was okay. As bad as it was, we were lucky. I finally got to see the damage on the west coast. I feel for them. But I also feel like I aged five years.
I want to see pictures of Rafa winning the USO. I couldn’t really celebrate. I saw everyone’s comments. I also read you guys trying to figure out where I live in Florida. Amy got it right. Palm Beach County. Lots of downed trees and damaged and twisted signs, debris everywhere and massive power outages. No traffic lights. Stores running on generators.
But for us the worst is over!
Thanks for caring !
I’m just relieved that you survived it. There were tornadoes all over the east coast that Sunday night and Monday. I’m not as expressive as AM but I love you too! Don’t want anything bad to happen to you. And that was a close call! If Irma had not busted up going along the Cuban coast, the eye-wall was predicted to hit Miami and the East Coast. Phew…thank God. I can’t imagine riding out a Cat 3 or 4 hurricane, let alone a Cat 5 like hit US Virgin Islands.
The tornado watches scared the day lights out of me. I was watching the local ABC channel and they showed the towns and streets where the tornado could hit. It was like 5 or 10 minutes from where I live! I think I couldn’t breathe until the tornado watches passed.
No one could totally escape this hurricane. I knew the east coast caughtva break as the path of the hurricane shifted to the west. But I would not wish that on anyone.
I think we all feel lucky and grateful in this part of Florida. We were very fortunate.
Oh and you are eloquent in your own way! I feel exhausted and kind of drained, but happy that life is getting back to normal. Others are not so fortunate.
Nny!!….YAYYY!!!…I’m so glad you’re okay!!…YES!! RAFA WIN!!!WOOOHOOO!!…And all the sweeter coz now i know you’re fine Nny!!…I even felt really guilty for woohoo’ed & overjoyed the other day knowing that you’re in trouble over there Nny….But YAYYY once again for EVERYTHING….Welcome back Nny!!
My sweetie! Yes I am okay! I made it! Still here! Belated celebrating if Rafa’s win! Just so happy for him! It’s wonderful! What a year!
I missed being with all of you! But I was here in spirit. It is a great feeling!
Love you!
Nny!!….YAYYYY!!It’s so grrrreeeaaattttt to hear from u again!!….hahahaha…Thank God!!…Yeah!!I missed chatting with u too Nny!!..and i got TONS of articles for u to read!!hehehe….I miss u Nny!!
Hey,when we could not reach u here & we’re so worried about u,i asked rc to sent u an email coz she have your email..and i dont..and she so afraid to send u one just in case u will get mad at her and i said..that’s okay rc!..Nny will not get mad at u[she didn’t know that u will kick her a@# & not mine if you’re get mad!hehe..don’t tell her k?]…this is urgent & we just wanna know her situation that’s all!…and thank u for not get angry with rc Nny!….Even if you’re angry,i’m willing to get some of it coz we did it out of concern & love Nny…that’s all…Hope this is the first & last time u got through that horrible experience Nny!….LOVE U TOO Nny!!Wooohooo!!….RAFA’S 16th?????Ohohohohohohoho!!….This is a present aka a cure pill for all your pain & uncomfortable situations that u have to endure Nny!!…VAMOS RAFA!!…Woohooo!!
Oh dear NNY, I’m glad that you’re safe and sound! We’re all worried about you! I’m sure Rafa’s sweet sixteenth slam would at least bring some happiness to you amidst all the unfortunate natural disasters. Take care!
Thanks so much for your kind words! It’s great to be back here posting! The worst is over and things are getting back to normal. There were some scary moments, but I survived my first hurricane!
Even though I couldn’t see the final, knowing that Rafa did it brought some happiness and joy at the very worst time of the hurricane.
Thanks again for the support!
Nny!…Here’s the articles that i promised okay??
Thanks so much for your kind words! It’s great to be back here posting! The worst is over and things are getting back to normal. There were some scary moments, but I survived my first hurricane!
Even though I couldn’t see the final, knowing that Rafa did it brought some happiness and joy at the very worst time of the hurricane.
Thanks again for the support!
Thanks for that! Love it! I read the other one, too!
Vamos Rafa!
This too Nny!…http://www.tennisworldusa.org/tennis/videos/Rafael_Nadal/47344/rafael-nadal-top-10-best-us-open-points-2017/
I am glad you are back and safe!
I was the first person to read your 1st comment yesterday and i had so much to say, there were words of joy in mind & on my lips but my hands were paralyzed when i saw the word “Others” lol! I am a jealous guy and i know i will regret posting this comment in a few minutes but that’s OK, i can change my name if i can’t withstand the shame lol!
I have never experienced a hurricane b4 but i thought i experienced one while reading your comments, it was so vivid i started imagining things, you are a good writer and you make stories come alive in this case a real experience not just a story.
You went through a lot and i am overjoyed you are safe & healthy, don’t worry about the material things that were or might have been lost or damaged your life and healthy is more precious.
I am glad you are back and i wish you good health and prosperity!
Q1: i hope you didn’t get a scratch on your body?
Q2: Are you ready to rumble lol!?
Take care,
Others lol!
I just saw your little messages! Thanks so much! You always try to bring cheer into my day!
Hey back Nny!!…How r u today??Still tired?That’s okay!…take a rest as much as u can…or watch Rafa win USO or any other tournament…I know only Rafa can bring u joy & happiness and forget all the things that just happened k?I can’t do much from a thousands miles away Nny..just a good thought for u and hoping that you will get up from this stronger than ever!!
That message made me cry. Because I am being tested. I love what those words said and will cherish them.

Hey back Nny!!….Yeah!…we don’t know whether we are strong or not until we’ve been tested by nature,right?And this is the 2nd time that u’ve been tested in a span of months….Big big applaud to u for being a very very amazing,brave & strong human being after u passed that test brilliantly Nny!!…Yes!!…Vamos Nny!!
Praying for the Earthquake victims in Mexico City and for those displaced, homeless, and in need in the Caribbean and Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.
Hope they all will be patient & strong with this big test for them rc…
What happened to this site? I have been trying to get on for days!
the host server was down
Oh Phew, you are alive and well, Ricky!! I kept checking your twitter and sent messages from FB LOL….What a relief you didn’t drown in a hurricane!
I thought we were going to have to send out a search party for you!
Glad the site is up and running again!

YES! i’ve tried at least 1000 times lol. Almost emailed Ricky!!
I thought it was just me but I guess the website crashed for everyone lol. Btw Ricky since this is non tennis page and u cover other sports, what are your thoughts on the Melo trade? This has gotta be one of the craziest, if not the craziest, NBA offseasons of all time.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!……YAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!…..TG IS BAAAACCCKKKK!!!!Take that Ricky!!….Hope you’re going deaf a little bit for made us suffered all week long!!….I never thought i’m this happy to see u Ricky!!….Ooppss!…..I mean TG!!..hehehe….Now,the suffering is over….Back to tennis!!….Wooooooohooooo!!….Btw..miss all the poster’s here & read your comments guys!!….And especially BIG BIG MISS to rc,Nny & amy!…..Hope u guys r okay…especially Nny….HELLO THERE NNY!!!…..MISS U!!
I missed the site and chatting with everyone!
But I especially missed your little messages with all the wonderful words and positivity!
The gang is back! Great to see you and everyone else!

YAAAYYYY NNy!!….So so glad to be able to chat with u again!!Wooooohooooo!!….I’m also very very happy i could ‘pump’ u up with my little messages Nny….I don’t know any other way how to help u in your time of distress like this except with words…i think beautiful words and it’s meaning in that messages can describe my feelings much better than my own words…I’m glad u liked it Nny!!…
Nny!…How r u today Milady??Hope everything is back to normal again in your life Nny!…Here’s some wishes for u Milady!!..
My angel! You always find the right message!

I thought Tennisgrand won’t rebound and remain offline.I missed reading posts of my fellow rafans
To change the subject – are any of you following the Boris Becker fiasco?
The guy is certifiably bonkers. He’s just signed up for the reality TV show ‘I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’ for a £50,000 fee. Only problem he’s in debt to the tune £54 million so it will be a mere drop in the ocean of his ever mounting debts.
Oh dear :-/
£50k is an insult. He must be really desperate. Do they not pay some people as much as £250k?
Alison, it’s £500k.
The Sun
BANKRUPT Boris Becker is set to join I’m A Celebrity.
The ex-Wimbledon champ hopes a £500,000 jungle pay day will help him to avoid financial ruin.
When typing the fee BB would get I didn’t spot I’d dropped a nought
£500.000 isn’t going to save him from financial ruin though !!
Stanley, you say this:
“Having questions is different than trampling and i have answered most of your questions that i think are sincere, some of your statements/comments are ridicules and are not worth the time because the are irrational and sometimes ungodly.”
Let’s try to focus the discussion so that we can make some progress. Here are a few questions I invite you to answer, as concisely as you can.
1. What does it mean to say that what I say is “ungodly”? (You already know I don’t ‘believe in God, so I assume you’re saying something more than that).
2. Please provide one instance of where I have ridiculed God, Christ, your faith, or anything like that. Just one instance, directly quoting what I have said; that’s all I ask.
3. Please provide one instance where I have said or asked something that you believe is insincere. Again, direct quotation, please.
Joe i just saw your comment/questions, to be honest with you, i don’t have time for this because i am busy and there is no motivation to answer it because even if i answer it, it will make no difference.
The word of God( The Bible) say’s In the book of Psalm 14:1 “The fool has said in his/her heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.”
i explained a little bit of what that verse means here- https://tenngrand.com/non-tennis-forum/comment-page-30/#comment-278943
Your unbelieve doesn’t hinder the existence of God, in a way it kind of proves His existence.
I will answer your 3 questions when i have the time not because the are worth answering because it is a waste of time, the fact that you are asking me this kind of questions is a little bit silly because i have already answered lots of your questions and i have also exposed the foolishness in some of them.
You have asked me lots of questions and at one point i thought you were being sincere in your questions.
I haven’t counted this but i think i have posted more than 50 comments answering your questions and providing resources to back them in other to help U, this comments are not short comments but long and the are carefully crafted because i want you to get all the informations you need, sometimes i have to study and search carefully so that i don’t mislead you or others.
I have done my best 4 U Joe Smith and i am not sure i will do it again, the rest is up to you.
I have my own questions but sometimes i don’t ask them because your questions and comments tell me what to expect.
I don’t hate you, if i did i won’t have done or be doing what i am doing, it is Godly love for you and others that have motivated me to do what i have done, but there comes a time when it’s enough and i am almost there or there.
My prayer is that one day you will know the truth and i know the truth will set you free.
Stanley, you are most welcome to ask me any question about this topic. Of course, you have to care enough about what I believe to do it. Please do not presume anything in this regard (other than what I have already said explicitly, of course).
Joe Smith, can you give me some good reasons why i should answer your questions.
What’s the point?
What do i get? Lol!
I have answered tons of questions you have asked me and what has been the result?
I have all the answers to all your questions but if i am going to give an honest, accurate answer, i need to read some of your previous comments and to me that’s a waste of time.
Give me some good reasons to answer your questions and i will answer them when i have the time, i will be busy this week but if your reasons are good i will make time to respond.
Sorry, Stanley, in my previous comment I invited you to *ask* me any questions if you had them, rather than answer ones I had previously asked.
As to “what you get” by answering my questions, I guess that’s up to you.
My view, which I hope others also have at least some of the time, is that respectful debate and disagreement is healthy and valuable in its own right. I like to know why others I disagree with think as they do, and I’d like to think they feel the same toward me.
I’ll repeat just one question I have asked above, because I’m genuinely curious as to what your answer is:
What does it mean to say that what I say is “ungodly”? (You already know I don’t ‘believe in God, so I assume you’re saying something more than that).
Joe smith, your reasons are not good enough but i will answer your questions when i have the time.
After i have answered them this is it, i won’t answer any of your questions related to this topic because i have answered tons of questions you have asked but you are not seeking 4 answers.
The word of God( The Bible) teaches that as merciful, gracious, longsuffering as GOD is, there comes a time when He gives up on Reprobate’s, FOOLS who have intentionally blinded themselves with deception, perversion, sin etc.
They can’t even see the truth that is b4 their eyes on a daily basis, GOD is patient and doesn’t give up on people easily, man/woman might be impatient but God is kind and faithful to the end, we see the outward appearances but GOD sees the heart.
It is far easier to pull someone down that to pull someone up.
If someone doesn’t believe in gravity on earth and they jump 4rm a building or from a high place, will there unbelieve help or protect them?
I will answer your questions when i have the time but it is depressing to go back pages ago and read some of the nonsense posted there,
I am sorry, but none of what you have just said helps me to understand what “ungodly” means.
I can assure you that I am genuinely looking for an answer to this question.
Can’t u read?
I said i will answer your questions when i have the time.
Your questions are not a priority.
No worries, Stanley, whenever you get the time. I’m sure you’re a very busy man.
Personally i believe the world would be a better place, if we just all left each other alone, let each other choose their own religious beliefs, and their own sexual preferances, without passing judgement, we all came into the world with nothing, and we will all leave with nothing, its why i became a Pagan, we respect each other, and dont pass judgement, while also treading lightly on the earth, not taking any more than we need, my posts are very basic, and im not the most knowledgeable i will admit, but just thought id throw this out there, as long as you dont hurt each other, or bother anyone else, whats it matter what religion, or sexual preferance you have, PEACE XX
There is right and there is wrong.
There is good and there is evil.
God gave us….
Something came up, i will complete this comment later.
Mira i don’t hate you, i love U with a Godly love and if you misunderstand my comments or heart, then i am disappointed.
There is right & there is wrong.
I am a little busy, later.
Very agree Al!!
For any Hindus on this forum Happy Diwali XX
Especially to Stanley…
First of all Stanley,i want to say how sad & disappointed i am because clearly you’re a very smart man…but at the same time lack of respect towards other’s and their religion or belief…In this respect,i believe we have a very different views from each other Stanley…I don’t have a problem loving other people’s who have different religion & faith like Nny or RC or Hawks or Alison…I’m not as judgmental as u Stanley..
Many moons ago,i already asked u to go find an Imam or Muslim Scholar if u want to know or debate about Islam…coz from your words it seems there’s so many things that u still didn’t know about Islam…Even tho i am a Muslim but i think i am not that arrogant to claim i have enough knowledge to debate with u about Islam..especially here..a tennis site?The only person who can assuage your hunger about Islam is an Imam or Muslim Scholar..These guys studied Islam & Al Quran all their lives Stanley! They’re the only one who can answer all your questions,believe me!…I’m not smart enough to answer a very wise guy like u Stanley…I’m no match for u…So,please go find them okay?
About your insults towards Prophet Muhammad..as much as i am saddened & disappointed by your lack of respect towards him, Muslims & Islam in general… i’m not going to get mad at u or hurl an angry words towards u either Stanley…we’re Muslims already used to this kind of thing…U’re just one of the ‘Salman Rushdie’ or ‘Charlie Hebdo’ who let their unfair judgement clouded their wise mind…Hey!guess what Stanley??There’s plenty of the famous Non Muslim out there who still respect Prophet Muhammad for his Faith in Allah,In Islam,his low profile attitude,his love towards his follower’s and many other things that u can find in Mahatma Gandhi’s Biography about prophet Muhammad…
Other Non Muslims who write with deep respect about Him also Anne Marie Schimmel,Karen Amstrong,Deepak Chopra and the most phenomenal write up is from Michael H Hart who described Prophet Muhammad is THE MOST INFLUENTIAL SINGLE FIGURE IN HUMAN HISTORY….So…with those famous people’s with their amazing words about Prophet Muhammad…i don’t think i care much about your words here Stanley…I wish u a very happiness in the world Stanley…Have a very healthy physical & mind too…Have a good day okay??
Have you read the quran?
Mira Andi great post, just wanted to add, i have friends of all cultures and religious beliefs, we have Muslims next door whom are great mates of our, i have catholic friends, Atheist friends, Jeahovas witness friends, mormon friends, gay friends, etc etc, but we all get on with each other and respect each other ….
Hey Al!…Thank u very much for your understanding sis!…Bu then, u are one of the great people that i am very fortunate to have met in this life…Thank u also for your friendship Al!…It means so much to me….
And yeah…i am like u too Al…have many friends with different religions & belief…and the key is…none other than respect what they did..respect their belief and respect their opinion…The result??Amazing! & superb friendship!!…That’s all that matter’s…
Stanley there is more than one definition of whats right and whats wrong ….
No there Isn’t, especially on moral issues.
Truth is absolute & universal, people can call good-evil and evil-good but at the end they will reap what the have sowed.
I will continue this later, i am doing something important.
Yes there is Stanley, whats wrong and whats right morally is a matter of ones own perception, life isnt black or white, there are many grey areas too ….
Are you saying that there are no absolutes?
That Truth or morals are relative?
Sometimes yes ….
Give me an example or examples of a moral principle that can be right & wrong?
I also have friends who believe differently but there is right & wrong.
There are things that are ungodly & wicked and there things that are Godly & good.
There absolutes and without them we can’t live, there are laws of logic, science etc that govern the universe and without them this universe can’t function.
This laws didn’t just appear from nowhere, a Creator established them and if study a little, you will appreciate the wonderful works of God, even though we are not living in a perfect world, there is so much to be thankful for.
God is Holy & Just
and His moral laws are good and profitable to all.
I have so much to say but my work is piling up, i need to go, i will respond to any reasonable comment when i have the time.
For Stanley, theres a powerful message here in this song https://youtu.be/t0imaSCnSuA
I will listen to it later.
Hey Mira Andi—
A couple changes: the computer cord to my new computer caught fire, so I will not be on Facebook until I get back from Portland. Yes, flying to Portland for the next few days and won’t be back until late Sunday.
The good news. I can use my phone for picking brackets but I can’t use my phone for FB.
Spending the next 4 days at Mr Ratcliff’s. Love you and miss you. ..will get back to you later from my computer on FB next week when I have a new electrical cord! Xxxooo
Okay RC…enjoy your time at Mr Ratcliff’s okay?Be safe…
Hi RC i hope your well, have a nice time in Portland, just tuned in here after a long absence, some things i just cant let go, take care XX
Stanley, this is what I’ve been trying to engage you on, but all you do is quote scripture to me. Instead, I want you to use your brain, to think for yourself, to provide reasons for what you believe. To Alison, you say:
“There [are] absolutes and without them we can’t live, there are laws of logic, science etc that govern the universe and without them this universe can’t function.
This laws didn’t just appear from nowhere, a Creator established them and if study a little, you will appreciate the wonderful works of God, even though we are not living in a perfect world, there is so much to be thankful for.”
I think there are moral absolutes as well; they are out there to be discovered, just like the laws of nature. But I don’t believe a Creator established any laws, scientific or moral, because I don’t believe in a Creator, in God. Can you understand that? Can you understand that it is possible to believe in moral absolutes without God? I can assure you that it is possible.
Here is the most important point, Stanley, and it applies to most of the non-tennis things you say on this site:
A claim isn’t made true or right by the fact that *you* say it is. It isn’t made true or right by the fact that the *Bible* says it is, either. (Claims aren’t made true or right by the fact that the Koran, or the Torah, or any holy book says so, either).
Truths that are important and not trivial are to be *discovered* not *proclaimed* by you or anyone else. And the only way to discover anything, to learn anything, is to use our reason. It is something we do together; that is how science has progressed. You don’t get to tell me (or anyone) what is morally right, and I don’t get to tell you (or anyone). If we can discover anything interesting, it is something we do together, through rational discussion.
Let’s take a concrete example. You think that homosexuality is morally wrong. I totally disagree, along, it seems, with many people on this site. Here’s one reason why I think the way I do (there are others): In general, consenting adults should be free to do what they want as long as it doesn’t harm others. It follows that consenting adults should be able to have any kind of sex with each other that they want as long as it doesn’t harm others.
Note what happens if you deny the general point. You open yourself up to those who would criticize things you like to do that harm no one (except perhaps yourself). Take your gambling as an example. Suppose someone says to you: “Stanley, gambling is a vice. It shows a weakness of character, wastes money that could be better spent elsewhere, and in general is a waste of your talents. Therefore, it’s wrong for you to gamble.”
I think you are well within your rights to say, in effect: eff-off! It’s no one else’s business what you do with your own hard-earned money, as long as you aren’t harming others, neglecting your children, etc. And that response follows from the general principle above, which also allows consenting adults to have sex with each other.
Ok, I’ve said more than enough. But I hope you can begin to get the point.
Joe, you are blind and you can’t see the truth that is before your eyes.
How do you know a Creator didn’t establish the laws that govern the universe?
Who established them?
Who created this world?
How did life begin?
Morality is not relative, you are crazy to compare someone investing in sports and Homosexuality that is just stupid, the more i discuss with you, the more foolish your comments are.
Homosexuality is unnatural & ungodly.
And it doesn’t matter whether you believe in God or disbelief it doesn’t change a thing.
I have had a hectic day, i have been busy working all day and i am not done.
I will try to post a comment or link when i am less busy tomorrow, next or whenever i can, i believe it would be helpful.
There are so much you don’t understand and i have tried to help you, i have answered lots of questions and posted uncountable comments but you are not seeking for truth, when i answer one question, you ignore the answer and ask another, i can answer all questions but no matter the answer it won’t be enough, it is exhausting to take your time and answer many questions but the same stupidity is repeated over & over again.
I am wasting my time with you and i will encourage you to go back and read some of my answers to your questions.
I answered many questions, posted many links & videos, did you watch them?
Now we are getting somewhere, Stanley. You ask:
“How do you know a Creator didn’t establish the laws that govern the universe?”
Answer: I don’t know that a Creator didn’t establish such laws. Nor do I know whether anyone created the world, or how life began, or why there is something rather than nothing.
And guess what? Neither do you, and neither does anyone else. You may think you know such things, but you’re just making stuff up, like everyone else who claims to know such things.
There is a lot we would all like to know but don’t. In my opinion, humility is the proper attitude to take with respect to a lot of these questions -humility in the recognition of how little we understand about ourselves and our place in the universe.
As I said before, all we have is our rational capacities, our reason. We do the best we can to discover and understand the truth, but without any guarantees that we will succeed.
You say: homosexuality is unnatural and ungodly. I”ve already said I don’t know what “ungodly” means, so let’s stick with “unnatural.” Can we give some meaning to it, which will do the work you want it to do? Perhaps it means something like: not in accord with the proper function of sex, namely, procreation. Or: statistically very unusual or improbable. And things like that are morally wrong.
The problem is, neither of those meanings of “unnatural” is likely to help you. There are all kinds of sexual activity, including heterosexual activity, which doesn’t lead to procreation. Is it all unnatural and therefore immoral?
Likewise with the statistical definition. You’re an African-American, tennis-loving, Trump supporter. You can’t get much more unnatural than that -if we’re talking unnatural in the statistical sense.
Perhaps you have another sense of “unnatural” in mind. What, exactly, is it about the unnaturalness of homosexuality that makes it wrong? Give me a reason to agree with you, not a bit of scripture.
Joe, i don’t hate you but you are a morally depraved person, your comments are filthy with perversions.
You say, you don’t know who established the laws that govern the universe or whether there is a creator etc.
How can you say you know nothing and still claim to KNOW that i & others don’t know anything.
Your comments are self-contradictory.
This is some of the reasons why i stopped answering some of your questions because you don’t care about what is true, you are just wasting my time with baseless comments.
You say you don’t know what ungodly & unnatural is lol! Yes you do but you twist the meaning so that it can fit your perversion.
You came to me and i initially thought you were sincere about your questions so i did my best for you and i tried to point you towards the right path.
The word of God( The Bible) say’s In the book of Psalm 14:1 & other verses “The fool has said in his/her heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.”
it is foolish to think that nothing made everything, that there is no creator, life is unique & precious and it is impossible for anything other than God to produce life.
Creation is a testimony that there is a creator and i believe in God because of his mercy, love etc that i received and still receiving through trusting in Jesus Christ.
One of my eye is closed and the other open, i am not saying all that i need to say because i am exhausted.
Joe, i know that God exist and i know that Jesus is the creator, he has done so much for me that i cannot explain through speech.
You can know this saviour if you want to, you can have your sins forgiven, you can receive mercy & grace through Jesus Christ.
I don’t think i can continue this conversation again, i might add 2 or 3 comments because i need to tell you something.
Joe, you will find answers to your questions if you search 4 it sincerely & carefully but not this way.
stanley’s intelligence excels only when he’s too busy to reply while he plays with his…. while he plays alone.
As Andy says….
Thanks Joe Smith you can argue and put your point across much better and more intelligently than i can ever hope to do ….
What is intelligent about those comments, he is contradicting himself over & over again.
Seeking for answers but Ignoring the truth, twisting Morality 4 perversion.
Stanley i dont really care, theres nothing in my posts that ive said that i dont stand by, i will say what ive always said, Sheeks, Hindus, Muslims, Catholics, COE, Mormons, Muslims, Pagans, straight, gay, Jew, Black, whatever, we all came into the world with nothing, and we will all leave the world with nothing, so why cant we all just be happy and let each other be happy, and let us all live our lives, the way we choose, and im sure the world would be a better place, rather than spreading hatred and judging each other about whats considered right and wrong ?
Being black or white is not a moral issue, sin is against God’s nature & commandments.
They one who created us, created us for a reason/purpose and that’s not to live our lives in sin & immorality.
The wages of sin is eternal death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Alison, God gave us a free will and true liberty should lead to responsibility not perversion.
If we all decided what is right & wrong then everything is permissible, all form of wickedness & evil can be justified.
There is right & wrong, good & evil, there is a right way & wrong way and Jesus is THE RIGHT WAY.
Alison you are one of the people i like in this site, i like everyone, if you want to live your life your way and not according to God’s plan & purpose for you, guess what “You can” but at the end you must be ready to receive the fruits of your labor.
God’s will for you is good & you can know His plan & purpose for you by trusting in Jesus Christ, you can also reject His will for you, it is your choice, i hope & pray u make the right choice.
The decisions we make for or against God’s will for us has eternal consequences, heaven or hell, eternal life or eternal separation from God in hell.
Everyone that is in hell is not there because God put them there, they are there because the put themselves there, they rejected God’s way, His gift of salvation which is Jesus Christ.
I will talk to you later and i will be praying for you.
stanley will be reincarnated as a dog turd (at which point he will experience a strong moment of deja vu).
I Dont believe in heaven or hell, i believe we just go on to the next level is all, however i will find out for sure when it happens, if i go to hell at least ill be where its warm, as my flat and the British weather means its im always frozen, regarding hell we are already in hell now, how much worse could it be ?
Alison take care.
I Always do take care, i actually lead an amazing life, with a great group of friends, that i have all over the place, where nobody judges each other, or apologizes for anything, and we are all happy with ouselves, and our lives ….
Alison gets it…
The only post-Beatles song by a Beatle that is as good as anything the Beatles ever did.
Not quite.
Nearly forty years on It still brings a lump to the throat when I hear Lennon singing that song.
As Leonard Cohen said ‘music forms the emotional background to our lives’.
Hawkeye many thanks, i do get it, and i love that song, like Ed says even after all these years ….
Well, Stanley, mixed in with your gratuitous and slightly hilarious insults, you have asked a genuinely interesting questions. Your words:
“You say, you don’t know who established the laws that govern the universe or whether there is a creator etc.
How can you say you know nothing and still claim to KNOW that i & others don’t know anything.
Your comments are self-contradictory.”
That is a very good question. Although it rests on a false presupposition (I never claimed to *know* that you and others don’t know anything about whether God exists, etc.), I can see how you might have thought I claimed that, and why you think what I said is self-contradictory.
Let’s distinguish *knowing* some claim from *having good evidence for* that claim. Then I can say both
1. I don’t *know* that God doesn’t exist; and yet
2. There is no good evidence that God exists, so it is rational to believe that there is no God.
Remember my comparison between God and purple elephants in my living room. In both cases (I claim), it’s rational to believe there isn’t one, because there is no good evidence that there is one. It’s possible I’m wrong, but it’s always possible that I (or anyone) could be wrong about anything.
Now, you will presumably say that there *is* good evidence that God exists; furthermore, that you have seen such evidence. Ok, go ahead, show it to me. Again, don’t quote scripture; give me a reason that I can see and understand.
You say: Joe Smith refuses to see the truth that is right in front of him. I say: if it was that easy, I would have seen it a long time ago. I’m no dummy. You seem to think I actively resist believing in God, but you’re wrong. There have been many times in my life that I wished I believed in God (I know many atheists who say the same thing). The reason I don’t believe isn’t because I don’t *want* to believe; it’s because I don’t think there is good *evidence* to believe. Can you understand that?
You say:
“Joe, i know that God exist and i know that Jesus is the creator, he has done so much for me that i cannot explain through speech.”
I don’t doubt the effect that a belief in JC as your personal savior has had on your life. But that doesn’t show that God exists. You can read and hear testimony from lots of people, of all different religions, about how their beliefs/relationships with God, whatever, have had a positive effect on their life. Listen to movie stars like Tom Cruise or John Travolta talk about what Scientology has done for them. It proves nothing. I’m sure if the average straight guy could convince himself that he looks like George Clooney, he would do better with the ladies. That doesn’t show that he looks like George Clooney.
Let me repeat: your saying that God exists doesn’t make it so. The Bible saying what it says (some of which is wise, some of which is stupid) doesn’t make it so. All of these claims are up for dispute. If you want to convince others that you are correct, you have to give *rational* arguments. Your efforts thus far leave much to be desired.
Thanks Joe Smith, its pretty simple for me Stanley, i just think people should be left alone, to lead their lives the way they choose, as long as they are not hurting anyone, thats all ….
I think that’s a very good and easy-to-live-by way of putting it, Alison. If everyone did that it would be a much better world.
RC has put this song up which i like it has a good message https://youtu.be/7Gx1Pv02w3Q Stanley you need to listen ….
^ Listen to this too Stanley the words are very deep https://youtu.be/t0imaSCnSuA ^
I love this cover – a favourite singer of mine singing one of my all time favourite songs
I am agnostic but music and art are the foundation of all beliefs
Joe this is your comment-
Answer: I don’t know that a Creator didn’t establish such laws. Nor do I know whether anyone created the world, or how life began, or why there is something rather than nothing.
And guess what? Neither do you, and neither does anyone else. You may think you know such things, but you’re just making stuff up, like everyone else who claims to know such things.
I have answered dozens of your questions with answers that can’t be refuted with facts, I will encourage you to go read them again there are important messages in all of them.
I once said this- it is not wise to answer a question on quantum physics, if they one asking the question does not believe 1+1=2.
I have helped you and by the grace of God I have pointed
u in the right direction, whichever way you go is your prerogative.
Jesus Christ died for the sin of the world and we receive God’s free gift of salvation by trusting in Jesus Christ.
Without God’s grace & mercy no one can make it, His amazing grace is available for you and for all if you sincerely repent & trust in Him.
God is long-suffering toward us, not willing that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to repentance(2 Peter 3:9).
God will not force any to believe or trust in Him and neither will I, He gave us a freewill and true faith in Jesus Christ is not forced but freely given, we don’t lose anything( except for our sins, our blindness, unrighteous ways etc) by trusting in Jesus we again everything.
In Matthew 16:26 Jesus asked a rhetorical question, He said “What will it profit a man/woman if he/she gains the whole world and loses his/her own soul?
Or what will a man/woman give in exchange for his/her soul?”
Jesus preached more about hell than heaven and there is a reason why He did that, love is the reason, when you love someone, you will tell them the truth and warn them of any danger ahead, doing the opposite is pure hatred.
We will either spend eternity in heaven or hell and God has made a way for you, me & all, it is a free gift, it costs nothing.
This is it for me, i have spent a lot of time answering your questions, providing resources that will help you, I have done more than a enough.
I give God the glory and I thank Him for the opportunity He has given me.
A scientist told some children that there is no God because science has proved that anything you can’t see or touch does not exist. One of the children asked him how he knows God doesn’t exist and the scientist said he’s used his common sense pointing to his head.
Child: Can you see your sense?
Scientist: No
Child: Can you touch your sense?
Scientist: No
Child: Science has proved that anything you cannot see or touch does not exist, so you have no sense.
The scientist was lost for words.
Nice one Nadline
Nice it makes a lot of sense and I get your point, but there are some things we can’t see with our eyes that do exist.
We are saying the same thing, I rushed your comment.
Nadline: I take your point, and science hasn’t proved any such thing, of course.
But notice what happens when we abandon evidence, when we abandon reason, as a standard for what one should believe, for what is true. Then, it seems, anyone is permitted to believe anything.
In one sense that’s no problem, of course. But what if (as we hardly need to imagine), some people believe that women are inferior to men; blacks to whites; gays to straight people, and so forth. And they try to act on these beliefs, to make society to conform to them. When you ask them why, they reply: because that’s what my God teaches.
You ask them: where is your God? What reasons does He have for teaching these things, which seem wrong, which are so offensive to common sense? They say: “We just know they are true, and if you can’t see it, that’s your problem, you’re not trying hard enough. We know that women should be barefoot and pregnant; blacks should be slaves; and gay people should be killed. That’s what God teaches.”
I don’t know about you, but the only way I know how to answer such people and such claims is by using my common sense, my reason, which is basically the method of science.
Again, science can’t answer everything, nor can it illuminate many questions that interest us (think of how much more one learns about human nature from great literature, music, or film as compared to a psychology textbook). But we need its methods as a way to rationally criticize bigotry, prejudice, and hatred of all kinds.
Thanks Joe Smith
And thanks for the song Ed , really loved it
Perhaps relevant, but worth many laughs in any case:
Hawkeye can i ask a question, are you t4t on Tennis-X ?
I’ve been hawkeye, a tango lad (anagram for ___), Roger That, elina (“you guys!”) and too many others to mention lol!!!
Hawkeye sorry im no wiser ….
For some weird reason every so often my screen name appears as ed251137man. Can anyone explain how or why this happens. And better still how I can stop it. I’ve been to my profile page and everything is correct there.
Yeah ed!…On here your name appeared normal…but on Daily picks…there’s a word man behind your name…Strange!
Your the man! Let it be.
I know without a doubt that the souls of those who lost their lives in Texas are in heaven and they will be there forever.
May God bless their families, they injured and those who helped.
Hey rc…Where r u?Hope everything’s alright in your part of the world…I’m worried…Please say something,so i know you’re okay over there…Miss u!
Mira Andi me too, shes not even posted on FB for ages either hmm ….
Oh!…U too Al??Oh God!…I thought i’m the only one who’s in the dark like this…I regret now not to ask for her closest friend’s email or get in touch via FB with her…U know Al?I’ve already sent her a snail mail a couple of days ago..but the mail will only arrive in 2 weeks!Urgh!!….I guess we have to be patient like she went AWOL last January?U remember?
In more depressing news, close US-ally Saudi Arabia has enforced a total blockade of ports in Yemen, which human rights organizations agree will make the cholera epidemic in Yemen -already the worst in history- even worse. At present, over 1 million people are suffering from cholera in Yemen.
Saudi Arabia’s illegal and immoral attack on Yemen’s civilian population, which has killed thousands of children since it began in 2014, has targeted homes, schools, hospitals, petrol stations, and open markets. It is carried out with US-supplied military aircraft and weapons, including cluster bombs, and in many cases with the direct assistance of US military personnel.
As we think of the 26 innocent victims of a madman in that Texas church, let’s spare a thought for the thousands of innocent Yemeni children killed by US-supplied weapons in US-approved attacks over the last few years.
Thanks for thoughts Joe!….As a fellow Muslim,i really feel ashamed of Saudi Arabia’s involvement once again in this conflict…in 1999,they’re the one who let’s George Bush Sr to launched an attack to Iraq & help destroyed one entire nation for the sake of more money?Revenge?Anger?
IMO..all Arab countries are brother’s & sister’s…if something happen that they’re not feel right,they should sit around the table & discuss how to end the conflict…they’re all wealthy…there’s nothing they can’t achieve if they want it…But,sadly it’s not happen that way….
I wanna share this wonderful song with my wonderful friends here…RC,Joe,Hawks,Eugene,Nny & other’s[who care to listen]…I know this songs especially for the Grenfell Tower’s victim..but the lyrics also suitable for the situations that we facing nowadays in this world lately…
I love this song and the message is Christmasy

The singer is amazing and she is a Godly woman, I hope you enjoy it.
Merry Christmas and a Happy,Happy New Year, love you all.
I also posted this a few weeks ago
Happy christmas and new year to all TG posters this is one of my favorite ever christmas songs https://youtu.be/j9jbdgZidu8 enjoy ….
AndiMira beautiful song with my heart throb pop star at the begining lol, i love this song too Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush https://youtu.be/VjEq-r2agqc
Hey Al!…Great song by Peter Gabriel…great lyrics too!….Thanks Al!!…And Bing & Bowie are awesome too…Thanks Hawk…
Wanna wish u guys a happy holiday and hope u will enjoy it to the fullest….
Thanks for the Bing and Bowie song Hawkeye, really loved the chemistry between those two legends
A different version of the song I posted, you will enjoy it.
This one is amazing-
Have a great holiday season Alison and apologies if I offended you in any way throughout the year. Best!
Where is my own apology?
I’m sorry that you’re such a dick stanley.
But it doesn’t make sense.
Try again.
Merry Christmas Ali, love you, take care.
Suck coal.
Thanks Hawkeye, but you didnt offend me at all, just a difference of opinion at times, be a boring old world if we agreed on everything, actually i do enjoy reading your posts, Merry christmas Hawkeye, and happy new year, looking forward to the new tennis season
Peace Alison!
Thankyou Stanley, you too ….
You love me too?

Don’t mind me, take care Ali.
Just visited my neighbor’s house for Christmas Eve. I love all the depictions of the blue-eyed Aryan Christ and the Virgin Mary. Because Semitic peasants in the Middle East really looked like that.
Happy Kwanzaa stanley!
I am a black man but it’s Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
Also wanna wish a very special happy holidays to rc wherever u r…Hope u will come here soon rc…Life r not the same without u friend…
Merry Christmas for everyone,have a great and magical holliday!

God bless you,your family and your friends
Merry Christmas 2 U as well, have great day and a happy New Year.
Yeah Happy Christmas and New Year RC, miss you girl
If Jesus came back today, his main concern would be the shitty way we treat poor people & immigrants, not whether we say “Merry Christmas.”
Kyrgios was right.
Hey hey hey!!…It’s 31st Dec already in my kingdom!…So,i would like to wish u guys a Happy New Year to ALL my amazing friends here especially my dear beloved friends RC,Nny,Amy,Alison,Hawks,Lucky,Joe,Eugene,Big Al,ToMMo,Gaviria & many more!…Sorry for the names that i missed…Hope we will have another chance to wish each other Happy New Year next year..Insyaallah!
Anyone into cryptocurrencies here?
I’m posting this here on the non-tennis threat because it has only marginally to do with tennis. How do you think the media and Sandgren handled the bruhaha re: Tennys’ (now erased) tweets? I became aware of this only a few hours ago. While I somewhat sympathize with Sandgren who is still young and has never before been exposed to public scrutiny, I was nevertheless disgusted by quite a few of his tweets, which are of course still in the public domain. I was especially appalled by his homophobic slurs and him comparing Hitler in a positive way to Karl Marx. Young people need to learn that you can never completely erase what you have put out on a public platform like twitter or facebook. I’m inclined to accept the deleting of all these tweets as way of distancing himself from these opinions. But he could’ve done a much better job than just blaming the media for putting him in a box. He could’ve specifically addressed some of his most hair raising tweets and said “Look, I was young and changed my mind”. Or he could’ve said:”Listen, you might not like my opinions, but I’m entitled to my point of view. It’s a free country”. Just deleting everything and then attacking the media has the whiff of getting the controversial stuff out of the way, because maybe he doesn’t want to lose potential sponsors. As it is, I highly doubt that Nike will call Tennys anytime soon or that he will receive many wild cards.
That said, he had a terrific run at the AO, and I wish him all the best for his further career. If he stays healthy he certanly has what it takes to stay in the top 100 or maybe even in the top 50.
I should add that of course athlets are entitled to privately believe or support whatever they want. It has nothing to do with their performance. But if you distribute your opinions on a public platform it isn’t private anymore, and it is legit to discuss it openly. Otherwise, why put it out on Twitter in the first place?
I will soon re-post my comments elsewhere because understandably most aren’t all that interested in Tennys’ dubious tweets right now. But I think it’s a matter of interest, because it throws a light on which athlets we are inclined to support and why. Sandgren’s run at the AO is entirely admireable and he earned his success the hard way. Players like him are the backbone of modern pro tennis. Success didn’t come easily and he had to work the unglamorous challenger scene for years without reaping the rewards. And tennis’ journeymen are totally underpaid IMO. I admire his stamina. But his opinions voiced in his now deleted tweets are a deal breaker for me. I could never root for him. To be perfectly clear: It’s not because he’s a Trump supporter (I think Trump is dangerous, but I have many American friends who voted for him – although many regret it now) or because he dislikes Serena Williams (I’m not exactly a fan ,and many tennis fans don’t like her for various non-racist reasons). It’s also not because Tennys followed a very dubious bunch of public figures. I also try to keep up with figures and opinions which I don’t share because I think it’s important to stay informed. But Tennys was a so-called multiplicator when he re-tweeted their dubious opinions. That’s much more than just following. He also expressed via Twitter many of his own opinions. And some of them are hair raising, ludicrous and plain disgusting. Deleting them and blaming the big bad media isn’t good enough for me. He’s of course entitled to his opinions but if he voices them publicly he also has to face the consequences. He’s also entitled to change his mind about certain things. He’s still young after all. We all have things in our past we aren’t exactly proud of. But none of his more recent tweets hint at a genuine change of heart. Deleting everything has the very bad taste of opportunism. It’s more likely that he wants to keep the cake and eat it, too – meaning: he probably hoped that by clearing his Twitter account he could make himself more palatable for future sponsors.
I will be following the development of this story with interest. That doesn’t mean I will root for Tennys anytime soon.
Where’s NNY? Does anyone know? Is she okay? And what happened to the other non-forum page? Did Ricky delete it? (it wouldn’t surprise me!)
Thanks for your love and wishes when I was gone. This weekend I will figure out how to get on FB — I promise! All I will say here is that I’ve missed everyone and missed tennis lots…happy to reconnect and I hope many of you got to watch this match last weekend:
POJD!!!! can’t wait for Acapulco and Indian Wells….
Hey rc. nny has been posting along with most regulars like lucky and andy mira. Even vr posted a bit recently.
With Rafa out and just minor tournaments, a few like nny taking a break is all I think.
You going to post more often now?
Thanks for the reply Hawks…I wasn’t even able to watch AO or keep up while I was gone.
But yes….posting WTA mostly for me….probably done making daily picks but I’m really looking forward to Indian wells. I’m still a tennis addict at heart
and of course I’m still all OCD on bracket games as usual lol….
Is anyone else here loving the winter olympics??
Love the skiing and the luge. And the Japanese guy who won the figure skating was amazing. And the North Korean cheerleaders, of course.
Plus, I’m from Minnesota, so can’t help watching a bit of the curling.
Hi Joe! Yes, I remember that you are from Minnesota. And I’m from mostly Idaho and Oregon. But curling isn’t as big a deal here as where you are – I know it takes skill! Not that I can’t help but laugh at all the sweeping — strange sport. I love all the alpine and Nordic skiing, biathlon, snowboarding, luge, skeleton and think that Japanese skater is just magical the way he made it look so easy while all others are falling down, which makes me cringe and cover my eyes. It looks awkward, lonely and painful to be a singles figure skater!
Hi RC,
Yes, curling is just about the weirdest sport out there. I’ve actually played it, and it is much harder than it looks, as you can imagine. But I think your laughter is pretty much the norm amongst those who’ve never seen it before.
I love watching the snowboarding too. I grew up skiing, but there were no snowboards back then. When I gave it a try for the first time, about 15 years ago, I literally couldn’t stand up for more than a few seconds. I tried for a couple hours, and then gave up and put my skis back on! But I wish I could do it, because it looks like such fun.
I’ve been watching – and sleeping through – a LOT of Winter Olympics. Got a bit of a crush on Aksel Lund Svendal. Alas, he’s pretty much at the end of his career. Was fascinated to discover there’s a very good (as in bronze medal!) Spanish male figure skater. I didn’t know Spain had ANY winter olympians. Also a Nigerian women’s bobsled team, to go with the Jamaican women’s bobsled team. For some weird reason I actually like biathlon. Curling, no, not so much! It’s a mixed bag, but so is summer olympics for me.
Oh yes Svindal, Ramara
The attacking Vikings are killing it in every event.
I liked that snowboarder girl from the Czech Republic who came outta nowhere and won the gold in Super G over the Austrian and Lindsey Vonn, too
Ice Hockey and curling can put me to sleep.
That Spanish skater was awesome too. I was simply mesmerized by the otherworldly performance of the Japanese guy. I completely missed the Sochi Olympics, so I’d never seen him before.
Watching Delpo right now – but I better check if the Alpine events are on. I follow World Cup winter skiing so I know many of the skiiers, male and female. Mikeala Schiffrin skiing Slalom is awesome and I’ve followed Marcel Hirscher, Ted Ligitey, Alexis Pinterault. Once every four years I get to marvel at the Dutch distance and speed skaters
Ramara AT 2:00 AM,
I think, I have posted this picture of Rafa & Javier Fernández, a Spanish figure skater, who is a two-time World champion (2015 & 2016) and a six-time European champion (2013 – 2018):
Great pic, thanks! Javier seems to be a great guy, too. Does a lot of work with children and is well liked by other skaters. There was an amusing bit when the segment they did on him said that Spanish kids were “supposed” to play soccer and tennis – and showed a pic of 5 soccer players and – you guessed it – Rafa!
ALS is the man
Just gotta say: US curling team which took home gold for the first time is from my hometown, Duluth, MN:
For those who want something that won’t bring them down…
In a better world, this would have like a billion views.
A few days ago Billy Graham died at the age of 99, this humble disciple of Jesus Christ was used by God to bring the good news of Jesus Christ which has the power to save anyone’s soul who puts their trust in Jesus Christ.
Billy Graham once said “Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God”
He truly has changed addresses, not just from earth to heaven but by only the grace of God from hell to heaven because through Jesus Christ all his sins were washed away because God is merciful, gracious, faithful and so much more.
When we ask God to forgive us of our sins, make Christ Jesus the Lord and Savior of our lives, God will forgive us, change our lives and make us his own.
They wages of our sins is death(eternal separation from God) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ(Romans 6:23).
If you ask God to forgive you of all your sins, He will, if you sincerely put your trust in Jesus Christ you will never look back in regret and for all eternity joy, gratitude etc will overflow in your heart.
As long as people are happy, following their own paths, and they dont hurt or interfere with anybody else, we should all just leave each other alone to get on with our own lives ….
Alison, one of the most powerful and popular verse in the word of God is John 3:16- “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that WHOEVER BELIEVES in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
That verse summaries the good news of Jesus Christ.
God gave us a freewill and He hasn’t and will not force anyone to trust in Him or believe in Him.
No one is forcing you to put your trust in Jesus Christ, I hope you do because Jesus died for your sins even before you existed He made a way for you and for the whole world to be saved, forgiven and made whole.
God’s gift of salvation is a gift, it can only be received by sincerely trusting in Christ Jesus completely, it can also be rejected as well.
I capitalized the word “WHOEVER BELIEVES” because the gospel of Christ is for all, the rich/the poor, the old/the young, male/female etc it’s for all sinners.
Sincere trust in God and true love for God can’t be forced, it has to come from the heart, from the heart of the sinner who has seen the depravity of their sins and the mercy and Amazing grace of God.
God doesn’t just love, He is love.
Jesus has made a way for all and whatever decision you make it is your prerogative, I hope you see the goodness/love of God which leads to repentance because the choices we make in Christ Jesus have eternal consequences.
God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance(2 Peter 3:9).
Stanley im not christian im Pagan, and i dont believe in heaven or hell, i believe we just all go onto the next vibrational level when we die, i just believe as i said above that we should all be left alone to choose our own religion and follow our own path, as long as we dont hurt or interfere with anyone else ….
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50 years ago today, the US Army massacred over 500 civilians in the Vietnamese village of My Lai. Over 200 were children; 50 were aged 3 or younger.
The My Lai massacre was not an anomaly: an investigator later found that there was “roughly one My Lai per month” during the Vietnam war (what the Vietnamese sensibly call the “American War”), which was a small fraction of the total number of innocents killed by American aerial bombing in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
Today let us remember those victims and the many more civilians who have been killed in subsequent wars – in Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East- at the hands of the American empire.
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Bit of a slow time, so I thought I’d share some great artists with a Minnesota connection. First, Judy Garland (born Grand Rapids), maybe the greatest triple threat of the 20th century. Two selections here, one from the beginning and other the end of her tragically short career:
Next, Bob Dylan (born Duluth):
Finally, Prince (born Minneapolis):
To Nny…It’s been a year since that unforgetable day a year ago right Nny?So,i came here & want to wish u another year of free from illness/sickness..and hope u live happily ever after with your loved ones…
Sincerely…MA,from far away land…
Oh!..Lolzzz!…forgot to give u this special effect[to my post up there] Nny…
Thank you so much for that! You are so sweet to remember! I am also looking forward to a healthy year!
I am glad that you are still here! I also hope that Rafa is healthy for the rest of the year.,

Hey hey hey My brave & strong warrior from Florida!!hehehe….How r u Milady??Okay?Hope everything is beautiful & wonderful for u Nny!…
You’re very much welcome Nny!…I came to Non tennis a while ago..and baamm!..it hit me that it’s already a year that incident happened!Wow!…i feel like it’s only 1 month ago!…
It also hit me…that i… missed u!Hahaha..And yeah!…let’s hope together that injury will leave Rafa for good..at least for this year..
Yes, time flies, especially as you get older!
At least we are still here to talk all things tennis! I really want to see Rafa back on court again, healthy and ready to go. I have missed him a lot!
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P/S…Sorry a month late to give u this!!Hehe..
Miss u & love u RC!!…Always!
For all of you fervently hoping that Trump will be impeached, maybe careful what you wish for. His replacement may well be worse…
For me, she will always be the first voice of love, soul, joy, truth and power. Will never forget you, Aretha Franklin. And when I was very young and had yet to fall in love or put on make-up, in her sweet song she gave a girl hope.
She passed away this morning in her town of Detroit, Michigan
Aretha, Queen of Dreams.
Ohe more. For the sheer joy of listening to her in my car all those times! God I love you AF! We are almost home, baby!
Try that one again/ maybe
I was in my early teens when I first heard Aretha Franklin. I was so lucky to grow up with great singers like her and Motown. What a time! There will never be anyone like her again. One of a kind. A voice for the ages. I am just sitting back and enjoying all of her songs over and over again.
RIP Aretha! You were the masterpiece, the original.
Amen nny and rc!
Her voice and music are ageless and timeless.
She will speak to the human heart for generations into the future.
I first saw the news on the BBC with them showing Aretha singing at the inauguration of Obama and his shedding tears years later at her singing “You make me feel like a natural woman”. That damn well made me cry as well…when America actually had a real human being as President, admired by the whole world, not the inhumane racist moron who is there now.
If you haven’t done so already, google search “idiot” and select images.
The Britneys, Christinas, Riahannas, wouldnt be fit to lace RFs shoes, all big stage productions, and crotch flashing, refreshing to hear a singer these days days where its all about the voice, and the voice only, no auto tuning and synthasisers so boring, just a voice stripped bare , R.I.P Aretha you will be sorely missed
Even Ricky gets suspended. Must have been talking about rigged draws…
Great to see those evil scumbags Manafort and Cohen going down!
Now lock up the Scumbag in Chief!
Lock him up!
Oh and lock up those crooks Ivanka and Jared as well!
Very sorry to lose a decent Senator, John McCain. My favorite memory of him will be when he voted NO (with the Dems) to repeal and replace Obama care summer 2017. Rip, Senator John McCain.
He was at least ONE Republican Senator that stood against the bully in the Whitehouse and would not be bought, or bribed. And it makes me love and appreciate Senator McCain even more knowing he asked Barrack Obama to speak at his funeral. McCain also made sure the orange baby in a diaper currently posing as POTUS knew he was not welcome to attend.
Sad to see so many “friends” of McCain, like Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, reduced to a puppet of the orange POTUS – disgusting Trump Republicans. They should all be investigated for fraud, high crimes, and misdemeanors and made to resign. All of the Trump Republicans be gone!! Uhg…the greedy, gutless, lot of them make me sick.
#ImpeachTrump #nevermyPOTUS!
I should have come here sooner to express how grateful I am to Senator McCain for his service, his honor and integrity, dignity and being a true patriot.
If you know you are dying, I cannot think of a better thing to do than to make your vote count. McCain did that when he voted down the repeal of Obamacare. He helped so many people. He made a statement loud and clear.
His life had sacrifice and meaning. He lived his principles. He showed up that miserable, greedy, soulless clown in the White House for the fake he truly is.
John McCain left us a powerful message about working together United by a desire to be the best we can be, to make our country the best it can be.
Thank you Senator McCain. RIP.
The Queen of Soul singing another song I love
“This is code red. The biggest threat to the integrity of our democracy today is in the Oval Office.” Tom Friedman
Yeah I read that piece when it came out.
And the GOP goose stepping in line…
#i believe her.
The gop is full of evil unscrupulous hypocrites.
FDT and KOtheGOP
Brett Kavanaugh is a pathetically smug smirking tosser!(unfortunately I don’t have a vomit emoji)
Anyone else like Kamala Harris??!
I do!
Kamala Harris is sharp and fearless.
Kirstan Gillibrand is too.
Elizabeth Warren is the hardest working of all of them. I feel for her health – she’s literally wearing herself to the bone, campaigning in every race where a democrat is up against a trumpian.
Claire McCaskill deserves kudos and support for her bravery despite voting NO on Kavanaugh – she’s in danger of losing her Senate seat in Missouri for speaking out against Kavanaugh.
I donate to all the above candidates and more of them – but I’m spread thin and wish I could do more. It feels hopeless but I do it.
My email inbox gets filled with of requests.
Governor of California, old Jerry Brown is one of the voices I love against Trump.
Brett is doing a great job at showing us how thoroughly weak and dislikeable he is…
Doesn’t all this wailing and crying plus bizarre sniffling make Brett a massive snowflake??!
Where are all my fellow trump hating friends??
Be nice to join in with some snowflake insane sniffing weasel descriptions of kavanaugh and the gop…he is an exact image of how rotten and corrupt they are afterall..
I just have to say that the whole fiasco with the hearing with Kavanaugh, made me literally sick to my stomach! Shameful! Now the Supreme Court will have a conservative majority for the foreseeable future.

Nny, amy, MA, anyone interested:
Have not been watching/following tennis. I putting every minute into phone banking, helping Paulette Jordan (Democrat) running for Idaho Governor doing various stuff. Extremely pissed off about the Kavanaugh nomination– terribly disgusting and sickening. Finally watched a replay of Nole winning Shanghai and filled out the weekly brackets.
But my stomach turns when I wake up and often throughout the day that our country is under the Trump dictatorship. He would like to kill all dissenters – I’m sure he doesn’t give a dang about freedom of press. Each word that falls from those Trump Republicans, like Lindsey Graham, someone I used to kind of like for his work with John McCain, those slimy politicians are all tied to Russian money — all team Putin. I’m just livid that Trump is still not impeached and knowing the Trump party is taking control of every branch of the government.
All I can say is:
Nny and rc
I am terrified as to what will happen if the gop keep hold of the legislature.at the moment it is just an arm of the white nationalist house. The courts were the only check and balance left and now they are corrupted. It’s up to the people now but these elections aren’t going to be fair and I am just waiting for that shit assange to drop some hacked emails.But I still believe the people will prevail in the end.
Love you!!!
Ps all of this is coming our way post brexshit I am sure.
Is there a more corrupt political party anywhere in the democracies than the republicans? I exclude small fringe parties like the adf in Germany.
The GOP doesn’t stand for anything except the apparatus of power. It’s a party which is actively assaulting democracy and wants to turn America into an autocratic one party state.
Just terrifying and sickening…
All I know is that Trump Loyalists in the GOP act like they all have financial and political ties to Russia – they owe Russians oligarchs for helping them get elected and remain elected. Many of them seem completely impotent when it comes to speaking truth to power; speaking out against the assaults of the Trump regime on our Democracy. Like that coward, Democrat senator from West Virginia who voted yes on Kavanaugh – also Susan Collins, from Maine – yes on Kavanope. Kavanope is straight up a Trump pawn. My question is: are all the Supreme Court Justices Trump pawns now. I would think that RBG isn’t one but I don’t know.
How this ends, amy? All I know is that we are in the thick of it and there are liberals and progressives with money and power fighting on our side. But will it be enough? My little voice and contributions are so minor. It does feel hopeless – and if the midterm elections don’t put a dent in tipping the balance back to democrats, I don’t know how much more I can take. Every time I see the hairy grotesque face of John Bolton, I remember how much he wants a war with Iran. And we’d need the Saudi’s for help with that. And it’s terrifying. Makes Nixon and Watergate, even Bush’s lies look like peanuts. No one of the GOP Trump loyalists gives a shit about doing the right thing for justice, democracy, or the country. They just want more money to keep their seats in power and continue on like the world is going to hell anyway, so why not get on the Trump train.
Thank you amy.
This reality has been straight out of a Dystopian novel for since the day he was elected. But I don’t think most Trump rally cultists identify with such warnings in from history or in literature. And the core of his cult followers don’t care that Trump is basically a mob boss, con man – who never paid taxes, has no morals, raised by KKK parents, ect — so many people think that his blatantly racist, sexist, criminal behavior is COOL. LOL stupid people.
He’s under the thumb of Saudi money. He doesn’t really care that a Saudi citizen, writing for the Washington Post was killed at the Saudi Embassy. He’ll defend him – so what – the guy was writing bad stuff, lies about human rights’ violations ongoing in the Kingdom. Asked about Putin killing Russian dissenters abroad – he said he believes it but it’s their business – like it’s okay! Out and out doesn’t care. He encourages his cult followers at his cult rallies to fight Trump protesters and he’ll bail them out of jail. He incites hate and doesn’t have any interest in democracy.
Anyway, hope everyone is holding up. Feel terrible about the poor people that are suffering in the hurricane hit parts — that goes for Puerto Rico, too. Puerto Rico was absolutely devastated and still doesn’t have adequate help over a year later and Trump could give a shit. So anything he has to say in Florida – I don’t want to hear him speak his hypocrisy. The morning after Michael hit Mexico Beach, Fla. – Trump was his helicopter to attend a Trumpain cult rally in Pennsylvania.
Can’t stand the sight of that man.
Rc i just wrote you a long reply which has disappeared. These disappearing posts are very annoying! Will try again…
Rc i wrote you a long reply which has disappeared, then a short one which has disappeared so I will try another time. These disappearing posts are very annoying!
Rc i really feel for you and nny! I felt physically sick for the few days he was on British soil..I do realise what an utter nightmare it is for you.
I agree with everything you say…I read about America every day so I do know what is going on but the visceral sensation of being in America and living through it must be appalling.
Lots of love
Ps I am involved in a lot of anti trump politics here and we do know what you are going through…solidarity!!! I feel it is very important we try and fight together at a transnational level.
My country has a president who now stands with the most vile and corrupt dictators in the world. We don’t have Trump’s tax records, but they would most probably show that he is getting money from the Saudis and Putin. Trump had no moral compass. It’s all about money. He is not going to rock the boat with the Saudis with money at stake. He could care less about this Washington reporter. He is a monster. Now he is quoting this absurd nonsense about “rogue killers”! That comes straight from the propaganda from the Saudis. Then Trump stupidly says they are strongly denying bring involved in the murder of this man. What does he expect them to do – admit it? Trump is not only a moron, but s dumb ass!
We have to take over the House. The Senate is looking like a bridge too far and it was always going to be the tougher challenge. But the Democrats need a base of power in the government. Then they can start going after a Trump with hearings and get out all the ugly dirt on him.
Watching this country be destroyed by a piece of shit like Trump, breaks my heart. He belongs in prison.
My heart is broken over and over on what feels like a daily basis.
Wish I could hug you
And this is my Birthday — I’m just going to take the day off and cry right now – clean my house.
Happy birthday darling rc!!

You have to stay strong! I and others here are fighting really hard for you!
We will win if we believe strongly enough!!
I just saw your post. Happy Birthday! I need a hug! At least there are people here who are trying to fight the destruction of this country. These are dark times.
Rc i just had 3 posts disappear! Probably this will too!

they aren’t disappearing. they are going into moderation.
Why??!! I wrote several posts yesterday which were only about tennis and they have all disappeared. There was nothing remotely contentious in any of them.
no. you aren’t in moderation. I accidentally hit the spam link instead of the reply link on one of your posts and now the site thinks you are spam. I’ll try to fix it.
Thanks Ricky! I spent a lot of time writing them yesterday…
they are up now
Ricky i just wrote a very long post which has disappeared! Do you have it?
it’s there
Help disappearing posts!!

Rc and nny this is for both of you..
Try to Praise the Mutilated World
Try to praise the mutilated world.
Remember June’s long days,
and wild strawberries, drops of rose wine.
The nettles that methodically overgrow
the abandoned homesteads of exiles.
You must praise the mutilated world.
You watched the stylish yachts and ships;
one of them had a long trip ahead of it,
while salty oblivion awaited others.
You’ve seen the refugees going nowhere,
you’ve heard the executioners sing joyfully.
You should praise the mutilated world.
Remember the moments when we were together
in a white room and the curtain fluttered.
Return in thought to the concert where music flared.
You gathered acorns in the park in autumn,
and leaves eddied over the earth’s scars.
Praise the mutilated world
and the grey feather a thrush lost,
and the gentle light that strays and vanishes
and returns.
Thank-you sweet amy. I won’t give up. And it helps to find friends that share similar hopes.
I don’t go on facebook. It’s too time-consuming. But I set up this twitter account originally to share with fellow Djokovic fans. But it turned out to be quite different – it’s for anyone who is a resister, is appalled by Trump and would like to connect this movement. The account is in the name of my son I lost 10 years ago. It’s now strictly a political account.
After midterms I may set up an account in my real name for tennis and social connecting.
Thanks rc! I have never had a Facebook or Twitter account because I have always been suspicious of social media.
Will be lovely to read you though…
Darling I am a bit worried about trolls following the link you gave…don’t want you to be harassed..is it wise to leave it do you think??
Rc i am having so many problems posting i am giving up today!
Hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday!
I will try again tomorrow..
Thank you. That brought tears to my eyes. It’s been so hard to watch the country I live being destroyed by a maniacal crook, a compulsive liar, a fraud, a fake, a criminal and a con man.
Trump is the scum of the earth. He is like an abomination of a human being.
The country that I LOVE!
Ricky is there some reason why my posts keep showing up late? I replied to Rc a while ago and the post isn’t there..
Happy Birthday rc! (as happy as you can make it anyways)
Trump is but a symptom of a much more systemic problem when today just one in two Americans disapprove of Trump’s performance according to Gallup.
RC….Margot asked me to give u this….
Ok that worked!
However my reply to Rc from yesterday seems to have disappeared into the tenngrand gulag archipelago!
I have never had either a Twitter or Facebook account rc! Have always been very very suspicious of Facebook…But I read your account today and yesterday..so thanks hon…I hope you don’t get harassed by trolls and creeps leaving the link here..!
But I know you are a very strong person so am sure you can deal with them…
Obviously i meant this to appear above…at least it didn’t disappear..
Already wished RC a Happy birthday yet my post dissapeared, hope you have a lovely day my friend XX
Horrified by the events in Brazil and that a revolting fascist jerk like Bolsonaro is going to be elected president. He will destroy democracy in the country, jail and kill his opponents and as he is funded by big mining corporations will lay waste to the Amazon.
Needless to say I am sure twitler will love him…
Appalled by the attack on a synagogue by a white supremacist but not surprised. on a daily basis twitler and the gop traffic in antisemitism including the ludicrous Nazi accusations against Soros which have no basis in reality. As for anyone who votes for this vile party and supports this vile man this is what you are: a bunch of stupid gullible vicious fascists.
Love to nny and Rc on the eve of the midterms!
#Dump twitler and the GOP
It’s probably not necessary on this forum, but for the good of the country and the world I urge all Americans who oppose Trump and the Republicans to get out and vote tomorrow. If you are overseas, contact Democrats Abroad; you may still be able to vote. Fingers crossed…
Yeah, Im not American but vote him out.
Cant think of a good thing to say about him .
He’s even a Nadal fan , apparently…
Yeah Joe & amy!….I also very interested to know the outcome of the election tomorrow…Trump hate Islam & Muslim…so,i hope “Blue Wave” of Democrats will win!….
Orange Hitler is a symptom that shouldn’t be confused with the problem that after two years of bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, hate and fascism, only just 1 in 2 Americans disapprove of his performance according to Gallup.
All trump supporters can go f@&k themselves.
Every American should read this article. (Warning: it is very difficult to get through). As the author Nick Kristof says, our tax dollars are going to starve children by the thousands. Trump has made it worse, but this war started under Obama. Because of Khashoggi’s murder, there is a real opportunity to stop the merciless Saudi bombing of Yemen. Even Republicans are talking about cutting off arms sales.
Write to your representative, donate to aid organizations, and do what you can to spread the word.
Hello everybody1
So I went completely OCD after my birthday on helping #resistance turn the house Blue. Which we did! And then I kept on twitter politics and calling for impeachment with fellow resisters non-stop until this disasterous #TrumpGovtShutdown has truly mangled so many government workers lives. I’m exhausted waiting for Mueller to bring forth what he’s got on Trump and get the MF nightmare over!
Suddenly I just turned it all off. And I can’t take it right now. I hate Trump and the GOP so much and that won’t stop until they are gone. I’ve been obsessing with liberals like myself on twitter.
So I turned off the madness and let myself watch AO for the past week. I didn’t get into the brackets but I miss being my Normal bracket loving, tennis addict self. All week-end I’m watching tennis and catching up. Didn’t even go to the women’s march today. This AO is GREAT! GREAT matches on both sides Male and Female coming up tonight! Woot ! Love and hugs to everybody �
Happy New Year RC lovely to see you
Thank you Alison! Happy New Year to you, too
Honestly, I still feel like I’m living in a nightmare. And 2019 better be the year we get the Orange baby out of the Oval Office!
There is political turmoil in the UK, too, sorry to see. The world is falling apart – I hate waking up every day knowing that a treasonous criminal moron is still dividing us destroying world alliances. All about money and himself. I just can’t understand how he has a following
RC I can completely empathise with you my dear, ive said it before and can only repeat its bad enough living here in GB with Skeletors grandmother Teresa May, will be glad to get into April with the Brexit referendum over and done with, thank goodness i dont live in America, stay safe honey its a wicked world out there xx
Here’s my favorite newly elected, congresswoman, Millennial — speaking truth to power in NYC. She and many other women and me elected in Nov. 2018 give me hope.
‘men; not me hahaha sorry.
RC lol i knew what you meant, seriously though whatever helps hun xx
I had to come on here to stand up for my hero – Nancy D’Allesandro Pelosi! Again Speaker if the House who is kicking Trump’s sorry butt right now! You go, Madame Speaker!
As an older woman, I just want to stand up and shout as I watch Nancy Pelosi taking it to Trump with his stupid, moronic wall! The Orange Menace thought he could have a little hissy fit when he didn’t get that he wanted, but Nancy has been putting him in his place! When she came out and said he should not have his State of the Union speech because of the shutdown and security concerns, I was cheering so hard I lost my voice! That’s how you deal with scum like Trump!
I was disappointed with some of the newly elected Democrats in the House who said they did not want Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. But she is showing how it’s done! She is not backing down to Trump and he has no idea how to handle it!
With time and experience maybe Ocasio-Cortez will become another Nancy Pelosi. But she has a lot to learn. The young women who have been elected to the House need to learn about legislating and their jobs and earn their place.
I am part of a generation of baby boomer women who had to endure being paid less for equal work, not having protection for pregnancy leave, no sexual harassment laws. We had to put up with a lot of crap. But it made us tough and we worked for change for the generations to come.
I am just so proud that a 78 year old woman, who is a mother and grandmother and climbed up the hard way, is showing what she is made of!
Take it to that lying piece of trash Trump and make his life miserable until we can get him out! I pray that those suffering during this ungodly shutdown, will find strength and courage and know that better days are ahead for all of us!
Hello Nny!
Respect: completely with you about House Majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Very proud of her.
AOC was being pressured to join the group that was opposing Nancy but she towed the line and agreed with Pelosi for Speaker in the vote, as did her friend, newly elected Rashida Tlaib.
I’m not pushing for AOC to shoot the moon running for leadership in the House yet. She is not experienced enough but I do love listening to her speak and she’s just what her NYC district need right now.
Also very proud we at least got the House back but we also need to run out the GOP corrupt Senators – speaking of Sen.Maj.Leader McConnell and the entire lot of those corrupt Trumplican Senators.
I’m with you, Nny. And I’ll support the Dem nominee whoever that may be. We simply all have to stick together and vote blue to save our democracy. Impeach Trump and Pence for conspiring with Putin and wealthy Oligarchs to meddle and mess with our elections – and then soon we can all say, President Nancy Pelosi! That’s my dream – while this nightmare continues.
Cheers, Nny. Hope you are doing well, despite living our daily pain – the criminals in the White House.
Petra Kvitova and Amanda Anisimova match starting now
Thank you so much for getting where I was coming from! So good to see you here and know you are fighting the good fight. I know that Ocasio-Cortez did stick with Nancy Pelosi. She has a lot of potential. But for me I have just been so proud of Pelosi for standing up and sticking it to Trump! I was very unhappy with some of the Democrats who wanted to go against Pelosi. We need her experience and toughness now.
Your girl will make her mark. She is the future and there are other women who got elected along with her who will do very well. I am glad to see women making their mark. It means that we fought hard and it was worth it, so that the next generations would have it better.
I love your passion! I hade not been following tennis while the midterm elections were happening. I was very caught up in it. I knew we had to get the House. It did my heart good to see the great wins for the Democrats.
I was terribly disappointed with Florida. We came so close to getting our first African-American governor. They don’t like to count votes in Florida. This is a corrupt state that is.controlled by the Republicans. I was especially upset to see Rick Scott beat Bill Nelson for the senate seat. That man is a corrupt criminal and has no business in public life. I also was disappointed with Georgia. The South is still racist and voter suppression is a huge problem.
My heart is breaking for those affected by Trump’s shutdown. No president in our history would ever do this to the American people. He is rotten and evil and a disgrace. The Democrats have to stand strong and not give in to this fascist criminal.
You really made me smile today! Thanks!

Oh I’m happy if I can make you smile. It feels good to smile and laugh and I go long time without it myself. When will this ever end?
Hello dear Amy! Hope you are well.
Hi darling rc! Good to see you back!
Feeling rubbish tbh!! Will write more tomorrow!
Hoping for a rafole final btw
The NYT times has published a very important piece by Michelle Alexander today, which focuses on progressives’ reluctance to criticize Israel’s occupation of Palestine. I hope everyone who counts herself as a liberal or progressive reads it.
Seriously Joe what are you talking about?? I am British and the Corbyn led left is appallingly anti-Semitic. If you were a Martian arriving for the First time on earth and you listened to the corbynista radical left you would be given to believe that the Israeli – Palestinian conflict was the only one preoccupying our attention while Myanmar, Syria, the Congo and so on simply did not exist. To see snippets of the Labour party conference is to be overwhelmed by wild emoting over Palestine and the waving of Palestinian flags( flag waving is against party rules). One woman got up and gave a speech which was so nakedly anti-Semitic it might have come out of Mein Kampf! The hysterical emoting over Palestine by the Corbyn left is vomit worthy and though I have voted Labour all my life I really don’t know if I can vote for such an anti-Semitic rabble. And I am not Jewish btw but I absolutely loathe anti-Semitism. Remember that many people in Nazi Germany didn’t view themselves as anti-Semitic!
God bless you for standing up against anti-semitism. I did not read the link because I suspected that it was anti-Semitic crap. But you know about the group behind this and debunked this forcefully.
I have spoken about how my father Had to father evidence for the Nuremberg trials. He was with the American soldiers who liberated the concentration camps. What he sawsrsyed with him the rest of his life. Only when I was grown and older did he ever talk about it. I remember how he struggled as he told me how they gassed women and children as they told them they were going to the shower. How they died an agonizing death from Zyklon B gas. He still had trouble talking about it decades later. He got to see what was left after the gassing. He saw it all.
I am disgusted with anyone who would dare to post this garbage. Anti-semitism is slice and well in the states, especially when we have a monstrous bigot like Trump.
You are a good soul!

God bless you for standing up against anti-semitism! I avoided reading this link because I had a sense that it was anti-Semitic crap. But you are in a position to know who is behind this in your country.
My father saw the horrors of the Holocaust up close and personal as he was with the American soldiers who liberated the concentration camps. When I was older he was able to tell me what he saw, but it was incredibly painful for him.
I thank you for fighting the good fight against the bigots and anti-semites who are still around. Joe Smith should be ashamed, but people like that seem to have no shame.
Thanks nny!! I thought you might like to know that after hearing the appallingly anti-Semitic speech given by the woman at the party conference I looked her up online, found her email and wrote to her telling her exactly what I thought of her. Jewish people in Britain are very frightened of a future under Corbyn and that absolutely sickens me. I really laid into that anti-Semitic woman in no uncertain terms. If more people actually spoke out and acted then maybe these things would change! Some people really damn well need to check their privilege!
Yes I count myself as a liberal and a progressive, also an agnostic. This article is good information on a sometimes confusing subject imo, by Rabbi Jill Jacobs.
PS nny and rc, you may have the moronic idiot twitler and the GOP but at least you have real opposition. We have disaster capitalism fighting disaster socialism and both are rabidly anti EU.
Jill Jacobs makes the same obvious point: criticism of Israel’s occupation is not anti-semitic in itself. The question we be should focusing on is whether that criticism is accurate, not insulting the character of people who make the criticism. The issues prominently include the one highlighted in Jacob’s piece: the plight of those living in Gaza, the world’s largest open air prison.
Liberal Jews should read the work of Normal Finkelstein, the son of Holocaust survivors. In his first book (“Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict”), he quotes his mother, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto as well as the Nazi death camps: “What crime did the Palestinians commit except to be born in Palestine?” He goes on to comment: “The great offense of the Palestinians is tha they refused to commit auto-dispossession: they balked at ‘clearing out’ for the Jews.”
Did you actually read the article, Amy and Ratcliff, or did you avoid it like NNY? One of the author’s main (and obvious) points is that criticism of Israel’s occupation is not anti-Semitic per se.
I should also call out the courageous Minnesota women in Congress, mentioned in the article, including Betty McCollum, who is trying to end US financial support for Israel’s shameful juvenile military detention system.
Yes, I did read your article, Joe. I just needed another one to help me understand if I’m being anti-semitic if I feel for the plight of the Palestines. I don’t feel anti-semitic. I’m just trying to sort it out. I am pro Israel but I don’t think Netanyahu is helping – I used to like him off and on and now I’ve come to not trust him. I understand how Israelis can feel frightened – they are surrounded by people who won’t accept their existence as a nation.
And I don’t understand the liberal connection to being antisemitic that Amy is talking about. Although I know I’m not on board with Louis Farrakhan – crazy man. He thinks white Jews or Ashkenazi Jews are Satanic – something like that. I’m pretty certain I’ve got Ashkenazi Jewish DNA from my father’s side of the family. There are extreme humans in all forms and colors with weird beliefs. Basically I as for humanitarian aid for who need it and I do include Palestinians in that but I can also see where living in a place like Isreal would be frightening. I’d want a bomb cellar. Maybe Farrakhan doesn’t mind Sephardic Jews? Generally, the same color as Greeks, Turks, Egyptians. It’s all very racist. Diversity makes us better – nationalism sucks. We should all have one purpose and that is love and caring for each other. It’s not right to want to build a border wall, for instance. Those people from Central American countries seeking a safer and better life — I’d take thousands of them and throw out the Trump Crime Family to make room! The world our planet our places to live is threatened by a climate crisis these greedy fools won’t even acknowledge. Many of them like Trump just don’t care and others of the GOP think there will be a “rapture” or Jesus will come and save them.
I have not read much on what Jeremy Corbyn but he sounds whacked like Farrakhan.
Ratcliff, I’m not sure why you feel like you need to read another article to understand if you’re being antisemitic. You seem like an intelligent and decent person. I’d be surprised if you have a racist or antisemitic bone in your body. Again, criticism of Israel’s policies is not itself antisemitic, however much some people try to slur others in that way.
Antisemitism is real of course but its worst effects are long in the past. Today, certainly in the US, anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, and homophobic attitudes are far more prevalent and destructive than antisemitism.
You mention Louis Farrakhan, who has pretty much zero to do with the Israeli occupation. Why focus on him? Why not focus on what Israel’s leaders say about, e.g. the Palestinians in Gaza. They talk of the need to “mow the grass” periodically, a blatantly racist slogan (human beings are grass?) which in practice means testing out the latest American weaponry on a defenceless people who are literally living under siege in an open air prison.
According to my brother (who sent away one of those DNA samples to be tested), I have a decent percentage of Ashkenazi blood as well. I don’t see how any of that matters in the 21st century. If you care about humanity, it should be obvious that a Jewish child is worth no more than a Palestinian child, or a Syrian child, or an Iranian child. Jewish children have suffered horribly in the past, but today their suffering is nothing compared to Palestinian children. That should be obvious to anyone who cares to look and learn. Liberal and progressives think of themselves as those kind of people, which is why Alexander’s piece is so valuable to read.
I haven’t been to this page in a very long time it feels like a thousand years has past.
I just read 2 or 3 comments in this page I won’t read the rest, honestly some of the comments i read are just too funny, complete nonsense.
Whether it’s about politics in the USA or Israel.
It just saddens me that they are people who are just blinded by stupidity and almost everything they say is just complete nonsense.
In the past I tried to reply to every comment in hope that I can convince or change the mind of someone who is just deceived or who supports pure evil.
I did all that in past out of true love and I was sincere, I didn’t want someone believing in an obvious lie.
Back then I barely new you guys and we haven’t discussed some of this topics or views before or in-depth so i had to say something, I had to aleast try because being silent when someone believes a lie or practices evil is not true love.
True love always speaks the truth no matter what, don’t misunderstand me I am not a know it all there are many things I don’t know, I am a student in this life, always willing to learn new things and I listen as well but there is right and wrong, truth and lies etc
I don’t give my ears to lies especially lies that are obviously false and I hate when people justify evil or call that which is good=evil and evil=good.
Some do it intentional to deceive others some simply do it because they are deceived.
Bottom line is this, please open your hearts don’t harden it by suppressing the truth, open yours ears and always check what is factual and what’s not, don’t let hatred consume, hate will always blind you from seeing what is right.
I sincerely wish you guys the very best and I hope one day maybe not today but someday you would appreciate all I have said to you in the past or now.
Take care!
I read those comments in the previous page, page 35.
Joe you don’t know history, the history of Israel, you are obviously deceived and I can’t help you.
The facts don’t line up with the nonsense you believe.
If you really want to know the truth then you have to seek it yourself and believe me you will find it if sincerely search for it but I have a feeling you won’t seek for the truth or real facts.
Stupidity is a bliss
and I sincerely feel sorry for you
I honestly do.
Why is it hard for foolish people to learn?
Don’t mind me my old friend please seek for the truth and I promise you, you will find, believe me what you believe about Israel is a lie, you have been indoctrinated with lies.
Take care and I hope you find the truth, the real truth.
Joe, no i didn ‘t read it. But you don’t address any of the points i make above where criticism of Israel by the Corbyn left is used as a vehicle for the kind of rabid visceral antisemitism which has existed for centuries. Plus I point out that they are utterly obsessed with Israel while shamefully neglecting Syria, Myanmar, the Congo and so on. All of this refutes your starting point.
PS there are countless articles like the one you mention above written in Britain I don’t need to read another! it’s hardly a revolutionary argument!
Don’t know why this came at the bottom of the thread!
There is very little if anything published like this in mainstream papers in the United States. One can read much more trenchant criticism in Israel itself, notably, Gideon Levy in Haaretz.
I was the one who posted first, so I might reasonably expect you (or others) to engage with the issue I raised, regarding the injustice of Israel’s occupation of Palestine.
Wrote you a post Jo.
It’s on the previous page.
I am an American and concerned, first and foremost, with what the United States does and supports. I posted an article by Nicholas Kristof a few weeks ago, about US support for Saudi Arabia’s merciless assault on Yemen, which is undoubtedly worse, morally speaking, than what Israel has done in Palestine.
Nevertheless, there is something uniquely problematic about Israel in this day and age. It practices a modern form of apartheid (which is what Jimmy Carter called it years ago), as is recognized by virtually the whole world, with very few exceptions. Notably, these include (apart from Jewish Israelis themselves), the United States. The latter’s financial and military support makes Israel’s racist occupation possible. Britain, not so much. It is very much a junior partner, as has been the case since 1945.
You make me sick! Literally! You know nothing about my people! You know nothing about how Jews have suffered for two thousand years. I have read the history of my people and know their suffering. Israel is surrounded by Arab countries! They have fought hard to survive! God knows the Jews need a country of their own! Six million had to due in WW II and out of that horror, the nation of Israel was born. They are surrounded by enemies.
Recently in this country, Jews worshipping were massacred by someone who kept shouting that he had to kill the Jews! So where does it stop?
I could say more, but am so utterly disgusted by you posting this link and trying to shamelessly stoke the fires of hatred and anti-semitism, that I cannot find polite words in the English language to express it.
Six million had to DIE! *
Honest question, NNY: Why do you say I know nothing about Jewish people or history? Because I posted something that you don’t like?
Rc i feel for the plight of the Palestinians as I am sure does nny! There is nothing antisemitic in that!
There is no liberal connection to antisemitism here because Corbyn and his ilk despise liberalism!
Bibi is a corrupt disgrace imo with his support for Trump, Bolsonaro, Orban with his posters of Soros.
American Jews overwhelmingly vote Democrat just as British Jews have overwhelmingly until now voted Labour.
Got to go to bed now as about to drop dead!
Vamos Rafa for tonight!
Well said, amy. Thanks.
Yeah I saw that and whooped with joy!!
Stone is a loathsome criminal toerag like his partner in crime Manafort. It is absolutely shocking that they weren’t jailed long ago along with money laundering for the mob and Russians blatant out in the open felon Donny the Moron ( do you suppose Donny the Moron is his mob nickname?!)
I think orange Shitler’s real nickname is whatever ‘useful idiot’ is in Russian. I have and appointment to make this morning but I really want to watch Roger Stone proclaiming how wrong this is and how unfair, ect. on TV.
Yes but Donny the Moron sounds like a mob nickname! Can imagine a character in Scarface called that..
I glad that you feel the sane way I do about Roger Stone! It’s about time that sleaze was arrested! Way overdue! This guy is just the absolute worst!
Stone needs to go away for a good long time!
Hahahahah…. @realDonaldTrump is in a twitter frenzy about Roger Stone. He’s proclaiming how innocent Stone is and what a good man he is and on and on. Of course this is a witch hunt – Mueller is a disgrace! LOL
Hahaha! Mueller is getting too close to him!
Mueller is definitely getting too close for comfort. They are starting to put the pieces together and make the case that Trump is none other than a paid shill working for Putin. It’s just so obvious! I also think Putin has something on Trump.
Omg, NNY- I PRAY that you are right!!! I just don’t know how those of us with even a shred of dignity will be able to get through the next 2 to (it hurts to even type it) 6 more years with this absolute scum of the Earth as the face of our country… Whatever his morals and policies may be, there is just no denying anymore that he is just a truly horrible human being. He is seriously he antithesis of what humans should strive to be. It’s pathetic how many people are willing to accept such a horrible person because they might save a few bucks on their taxes for a couple years, or whatever stupid reasons they have. NOTHING could possibly be worth THIS.
God brexshit has made us look like a nation of idiots! Unbelievable how stupid we have become..
I have said this before: No progressive should want Trump to be impeached as long as Pence is his replacement. By all means let’s hope the Mueller investigation continues to hamper and distract Trump politically, but I don’t want to see him removed from office -however satisfying that might be.
Seriously! You don’t half pontificate Joe. ” no progressive should want trump impeached… ” listen to your language! You are always doing it.I don’t like people telling me how I should think and feel thank you.
A sadistic maniac with nukes is an existential threat of the highest order in case you hadn’t noticed!
Well, that language is just a manner of speaking. What I mean, obviously, is that Pence would be worse than Trump, from a progressive point of view. Why? Whereas Trump is a narcissistic buffoon whose sole concern is himself, Pence is a true believer with a scary agenda. I can’t think of a single issue on which Pence wouldn’t be worse.
Of course I don’t want Trump anywhere near the nuclear button. However, it must be said that so far, he has not started any major new war, has at least threatened to pull out of Syria, and has (unwittingly, no doubt) reduced tension with North Korea significantly. Whatever connections he has to Putin have at least reduced tensions in that direction as well. The consequences of his foreign policy have not been horrifically bad, whatever his intentions.
I am the last person who would call for impeachment lightly. I lived through Nixon and Watergate. The Republican senators went to Nixon and told him flat out that he would be convicted in the Senate is he was impeached in the House. He had no choice but to resign.
The impeachment of Bill Clinton was a joke and politically motivated. He was impeached by the House but not convicted in the Senate. So if Trump is impeached by the House, that goes not mean he will be convicted in the Senate. He could remain in office. Impeachment does not mean that Pence will become President. So we need to understand the process.
But the greatest danger without question, is Trump. This maniac is threatening to shut down the government again or call for a national emergency to circumvent the House to get funds for his dumbass wall. That would be unconstitutional and it would go to the courts.
We cannot have a president who will continue to hold Americans hostage without getting paid do he can get money for a wall that we don’t need. This is a man who is clearly mentally ill, yet holds the nuclear codes.
There is no one more dangerous to this country than a man who betrayed his country to get money from Russia and have them interfere with our electoral system to get him elected president.
Joe- I hear what you are saying. You are right that Pence is more conservative than Trump is some regards, as he is a hardcore Fundamentalist Christian. But as I stated above, I couldn’t care less about policy at this point. It’s strictly about doing what is right, and not having a completely amoral, mean-spirited, painfully insecure piece of trash as the face of this country. As a left-leaning person, I have lived through plenty of Republican Presidency’s, and this is an entirely different issue. I fundamentally disagreed on just about every issue with someone like Bush Jr.- that’s normal. I see Trump as the absolute epitome of everything this country does NOT stand for. I will never understand how someone who so blatantly cares about himself only could convince anyone that he is any sort of “populist”. He is literally the POLAR OPPOSITE of everything he claims to stand for. It’s unbelievable. This goes so far beyond any sort of politics- it is 100% about a complete lack of common decency and respect for your fellow people. As much as the thought of Mike Pence as the President makes me want to vomit, I would rather have him in a heartbeat if it meant that this complete shitshow would be over.
I, personally, do not want him to be impeached! I want him to LOSE an election. I want to see him admit that he lost, and that we definitively don’t want him (even though the fact that the minority of voters voted for him the first time).
Thanks, Kevin. I understand, of course, and can see your point. Trump is in a class of his own in terms of being a human low-life. Absolutely, the best thing would be for him to lose an election. (He already did, of course, but for the stupid system known as the electoral college.)
But as much as appearances matter, so do consequences. Pence is an openly bigoted fundamentalist Christian. He would try to set gay rights back by decades. He would be far more of a war-mongerer, imo, than Trump, who is if anything a kind of isolationist. And he would pursue many other domestic policies that would chip away at the separation of church and state. I just think he would be worse, overall, than Trump, partly because he seems to be very disciplined and committed to the horrible things he believes in. By comparison, an amoral buffoon may not be so bad.
RIP British democracy! As we hurtle towards no deal it is difficult to think of any time in modern history when our parliament with a small number of honourable exceptions has been so gutless, spineless and catastrophically inept. We are in Orwellian country having stepped through the looking glass and dealing now in language which is merely a species of gibberish and nonsense prattling on endlessly about the second world war ( which apparently we won all by ourselves) which is a custom-made metaphor for every new nonsense and absurdity we embrace. Let’s set up the East India Company again shall we!force the Chinese to buy our opium!
We are beyond stupid and entering the world of twitler. Indeed American dark money is already in the system waiting to rip our public services to shreds.
Sending love and hugs to nny and rc.Horrible and predictable what that utter jerk is doing. Solidarity with all Americans here…Kevin and Joe…and anyone else I have forgotten as unsure of their nationality.
PS things here in GB are grotesque as well…
I have not been in here lately, so I did not see your comment. It is getting unbearable to live with this monstrosity as president. I keep thinking it’s a nightmare and I will wake up.
We have to win in 2020, unless the Orange Menace gets impeached and winds up in jail. The Southern District of New York is setting their sights on Trump and his family. He cannot escape state charges. This may be the way they get him in the end. We know now that Trump has been running a criminal enterprise under the guise of a real estate company. It is time for him to be held accountable for his crimes. Whoever succeeds him as president he a going to have a Godawful mess to clean up. Trump us bankrupting this country while he lines his pockets.
To RC who i’m sure will love this…
Err…will love the song i meant…not the dude himself…
MiraAndi thanks for sharing that song, i love the Native Americans , and their way of life xx
Hey Al!….Haaa!…of coz that song dedicated especially 4 u too!hehe…
Miss u Al…
MiraAndi thanks honey appreciate that
^ And miss you too ^
If there are any New Zealanders here, and especially those from Christchurch, I want to extend my condolences to you and to all the innocent victims of yesterday’s horrific massacre. I also want to extend the same condolences to all Muslims on this site and especially to Mira.
Awww….Thank u so much joe!….Really really appreciate it!
U’re one of the few peoples here who always have a sympathy for us muslims…Coming from a nice non muslim like u joe…God!…u have no idea how much it moved me…Thank u once again joe!
Oh!…I also read that the attacker is a Trump fan & got inspired by Candace Owen to do that massacre…
I wonder what’s on their mind (that millions of peoples who voted Trump)when they knew about this?They ‘helped’ borne this monster…Will they even feel guilty?
You’re welcome, Mira. No doubt: Trump has been a disaster for everyone, but especially all non-Anglos: Muslism, Jews, blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians. White supremacists love him.
Yeah joe!….Very true!…
Oh btw…Good luck to Rog & u & all Fedfans for their showdown tomorrow joe!….As a Rafan,i hope Rafa will win…but will be happy too if Rog win…with Rafa’s knee is in bad shape…i think we all know what the result would be…but…we never know!….maybe ‘magic’ will happen tomorrow!!…Good day to u joe!
Thanks Mira and Joe
U’re very much welcome Big Al!…Hope u will enjoy Fed & the match today k?
Huge pity it never happened, but cant wait for the final against Thiem
Tiger the GOAT of golf?? I don’t particularly like him, but surely one of the best comebacks in sport
Nicklaus! But impressive comeback by Tiger for sure.
No collusion no obstruction

, useless morons.
The walking carbuncle has just arrived on British soil so I just wanted to post a cordial f**k off to the intelligence free zone. Same to his co-grifter Melania.
Plenty of fascists in Britain now for him to hob nob with so he should be happy.
Is it any coincidence that Britain and America have both seen such a catastrophic moral and political collapse? I don’t think so.
Good to see the great UK approval ratings that Twitler is always boasting about projected onto the Tower of London against Obama’s current approval rating:
Trump 21%
Obama 72%
Well the Tower of London is a suitable place to highlight the abject failures of traitors.
PS am describing a literal image/event which is going on here! You won’t see that one on Fox.
Anyone watching the Open?
I was there the other day. Beautiful course.
Shane Lowry wins!! Amazing , first Open in Ireland since the Fifties won by an Irishman.
That was a great win for Ireland! Shane Lowry.
Elizabeth Warren for 2020! I love her! Wish we had a decent politician to vote for!
Yes Elizabeth Warren is good Bernie is still great. But I imagine NNY might have a different viewpoint. Democrats are not together on whom would win and why again.
But I shall not vote for anyone other than the Dem nominee. It will be hard because I have no faith in anyone not strong on healthcare reform, tax increase for the wealthy, gun reform, drastic measures to reduce fossil fuels/ save the planet. I don’t believe in a second coming of the messiah, so that’s not an option to me nor can I afford a shuttle to mars. I want my planet earth!!
Bernie is very divisive Elizabeth. A lot of Dems don’t like him partly because he isn’t a Dem! And he is unpopular with the Dems most loyal voting base. Also there is a lot of antipathy towards the Bernie Bros who are seen as misogynist.
I am writing this from the perspective of a Brit but I follow American politics pretty intensively.
I think Twitler would rather fight Bernie than Warren as he can use the socialist card.
I think Warren is an amazing candidate and I would love her to get the nomination. I really hope that twerp Biden doesn’t get it.
Just my 2 cents….
Oh you do make good points. But the divisiveness is splitting the Dems. Many of us demand more social changes than middle ground Dems offer. We don’t need another Obama at this point. The world needs the US to be a strong healthy democracy. We will not get there without taking care of our elderly, homeless, and continuing to destroy the planet for oil and fossil fuels. The US and UK need to free themselves of the corruption and see clearly again. We need each other. We do have to protect ourselves against Nationalism and greedy Capitalists. We don’t want foreign countries meddling in our elections to save Trump or whomever the idiot is that seeks to rewrite the constitution so that we have an authoritarian dictator in charge.
But forget about my idealism and dreamy love of democracy and justice for all. I will settle for whomever the Dems nominate. Anything but give this one another term or make him leader of America for life.
Amy, On a happier note:
So don’t you see Warren doing that?! She has plenty of progressive policies committed to redistribution of wealth and break up of monopolies as well as being strong on health care..she isn’t a centrist!
She is good, through and through. I am not confused and you are not confused. We know what we need. Bernie is the original on taking back what we’ve lost. We should have had him last time. Of course, he’s going to take a lot of dissing from all sides. I still love him.
But I love Elizabeth Warren also. I guess even Joe Biden or someone similarly questionably a corporate and Wall Street crony will do. But not a crazy devotee of himself, so corrupt he believes his own lies. We have to rid ourselves of TRump and that is what all Democrats understand. I can give up my idealism to get rid of that hideous creep.
My biggest worry is that
a. The elections will be rigged. Not just through foreign interference and corrupt Zuckerberg Facebook policies &tc. but through manipulation of the electronic voting counts. No forensics were properly done for the last election! Am sure you know Moscow Mitch has a dubious relationship with manufacturers of the machines and we know the Russians tried to hack them before.
b. I worry Twitler won’t concede and will try and incite violence and false conspiracy theories. He can try and cash in his cheques with the Supreme Court where his rapist will pay up.
Also voter suppression. Without voter suppression they wouldn’t have won last time!
yes, yes, yes. All of it worries me. And we just have to see if we prevail before more injustices are enforced and freedoms are lost. Sometimes I can see nothing less than all out war, Trump for life — Just what our real haters and enemies want to drive us to….complete chaos and the end. Like Rome, expected to indulge, live for ourselves to the end and fall. Because the bible tells us this is how it goes. It is the way Mike Pence and Lindsey Graham and millions of other idiots want it.
Amy, it’s best for me not to get worked up about it. I can only do what I can. Vote and join in the Trump resistance at every chance I get.
Sorry darling, we won’t talk about it if it is too much for you! Hell I spend enormous amounts of time worrying about America and I am British!
Just want you and nny to know that you have my love and support…
We’ll talk tennis for now..and I love the painting elephant…
I think it is good if we are strong together though…
Yes Amy, tired as I get, I never forget about you over there on the great Island. I want what you want. Are you going to have another general election on Brexit? I though I heard something about it. That would be huge!
We wait another year for a general election and then we know how corrupt it is set up with the electoral college but I’m being told to not to lose heart – get out a vote. So I’m set to vote again in Boise in December trying get a new Mayer for this red state city. We need a mayor willing to address the high cost of public transportation, the food insecurity, the hopelessness and need for affordable housing. And not sell off all our public lands for profit. We need out trails and habitat preserved.
For the first time in the history of the City of Boise, Idaho, we voted in a Female and she happens to be a Democrat. All hope is not lost!
Elizabeth and Amy,
I happened to check in here and read your political discussion. I have very strong feelings about what it will take to defeat the Orange Menace. The divisions in the Democratic Party could prove fatal. We have to focus on getting Trump out! The most important thing!
You both will probably not agree with me, so I hesitate to state where I am at. We won in 2018 by putting up solid moderate candidates in places where Trump won in 2016. We stuck to bread and butter issues. The general electorate is not as liberal as the Democratic base. The simple fact is that this race will be decided in about six swing states. Polls are showing it competitive with Trump right now. The Democratic Party cannot move too far to the left. I am just keeping it real. We can fight about policies after we get the presidency and the Senate.
I am supporting Biden. We know that Trump does not want to face him because he has Guiliani running all over the world to get dirt on him. His own polls will show that Biden can beat him. He will never come out and say it, but he is going to a lot of trouble to get dirt on Biden. Sorry but I don’t think Warren can win because she has moved too far to the left.
I think Biden is the one to beat Trump. Coverage has been crappy with our cable news here. But he has the support of African Americans and can win in the crucial swing states. Bernie is a Socialist and will never win. The whole focus has to be on getting Trump out if we want to save this country. We can not afford the kind of divisiveness we had in 2016. All hands on deck. United. We also need to get control of the Senate. I being pragmatic, although I do genuinely like Biden. He will restore sanity and had experience in international affairs and can reassure our allies. There will be a lot of work to do to repair the mess that Trump has made. But he is far too dangerous. He has to go.
I will do what I can in Florida, but this is a corrupt state. It will be a battle to win Florida. I am already very stressed about the 2020 election. Everything is at stake. Democrats must unite around the nominee. None of the nonsense we had with Hillary and people voting for third party candidates or not voting at all. No one will get the nomination without support from African Americans.
We have to get it right.
What can anyone expect from morons like you idiots?
pure stupidity, when you are full of hate and consume too much fake news this the result.
Anyways Congrats to everyone in UK what an amazing election victory this is what democracy looks like

can’t wait for 2020 in the USA it would be a big win.
Take care Wankers
Breaking news, such a sad day for sport, Kobe Bryant has been killed in a helecopter crash
Just calling out to fellow “tennisgranders worldwide:”
I hope you and your loved ones are alive and well and personally untouched by Covid-19, our current plague.
Particularly thinking of NNY, Margot, Amy, Alison, Mira Andi, Hawkie, Ricky but generally having all here in mind. (Too many to name)
Also hoping we win the battle sooner than later and can get back to enjoying things like watching tennis and playing a weekly bracket challenge. Love to all.
Thanks for the good wishes!
One of the Too Many
Hey RC!…Hope u’re very okay too(in every sense of the words).. wherever u r…
Thinking bout u too of coz…and thanks for the good wishes too!
Yeah!…Hope all our tenngranders r doing ok…stay safe guys!
Hi mira!
Are you ok dear?
Hey hey hey amy!…Yeah!…Alhamdulillah!…i’m good amy!…Hehe….thanks for asking!

Hope u’re very ok too amy!…but i heard..situation not that good over there huh?U take good care of yorself when/if u go out k?
Things are pretty terrible here mira as our government is utterly incompetent! It’s scary and I try to be careful. Am writing in haste so will try and write more tomorrow…

Glad you are ok mira!
Hi Elizabeth, lovely to see you! Am very worried about nny as she is one of our older tenngranders and has asthma. I have left numerous posts on other threads for her hoping she might see them.
Very good to see you here darling! Stay strong!
PS if I have to hear one single word more from that murdering lying psychopathic orange piece of garbage I will go insane! Very worried about the election.
PSS finally we have a real leader of the opposition who is capable of winning an election. He is Keir Starmer a heavyweight ex human rights lawyer. I signed up for his leadership campaign. After years of the useless Jezza this is a profound relief!
The Government might be totally incompetent to handle the crisis, but Im not sure Labour wouldnt be even worse( with or without different leader ! Cant disagree about the other one across the pond.
Anyweay, nice to hear from RC. To the day we will be able to see real tennis again!
Nny and Rc sending you tons of love and thinking of you both.
Lock him up!
He is a murderous sadistic sociopath who should have been in jail a long time ago.
Couldn’t agree more Amy ,love and hugs to all posters ,stay safe ….
I am very worried about nny and Rc Alison. I wish there was something we could do…
Me too Amy, I just hope they both safe , which goes for everyone here,stay safe Amy ….
You too Alison! I really hope nny and Rc come here so we can see they are ok..
Take care hon xxx
I posted on the regular forum, but wanted to come here to let everyone know that I am okay. I have health problems that put me at high risk and am at an age where I am very vulnerable. My doctors made sure to let me know to stay at home during the lockdown and avoid crowds and wash my hands and use hand sanitizer, the whole deal. At least now I can go to the hairdresser.
Trump is getting worse by the day. It truly frightens me. This man is a monstrosity. What he did to those protestors so that he could walk over to that church and hold a bible upside down like a moron, was beneath contempt. He is dividing the country at a time when thousands of people are dying every day. It breaks my heart.
Trump fired this guy in the DOJ because he was investigating Trump and his cronies. Along with the crooked Attorney General Barr, they are getting rid of anyone who tries to get at the truth. It is imperative that we get this criminal out of the White House! His rhetoric has caused a resurgence of far right wing groups like the boogaloo boys to create mayhem. They are a far right wing group that wants to overthrow the government and start a second civil war. It’s not the left wing groups like antifa that are trying to start trouble. It is the lunatic fringe far right that is trying to create violence.
I weep for the state of my country. I hope we cam hang on until the election, people have to vote like their lives depend on it!
Really missing tennis, we would all be watching the FO,and Rafas opportunity of joining Federer on 20 GS, and more history been made grrr ….
I Know it was yesterday but just wanted to say a belated “HAPPY 34th BIRTHDAY” to Mr Rafael Nadal, hope you have an amazing time
Hi all,
Missing tennis, missing forum chatter, missing RAFA!
I’ll happily settle for VOTE HIM OUT! (then lock him up!)
Why does chicken Donald Trump cross the road? So he can stand in front of a church and wave “a bible”! He can’t even think of anything to say! For this he has to use rubber bullets and tear gas on peaceful protesters exercising their right to assemble?
Just thought I’d post on here in these extraordinary times. I do hope dear Andy Mira, Elizabeth, NNY, Amy. Alison and others, too many to mention, are safe and as sane as possible. And Ricky and Cheryl, if she’s here too of course.
Thought I’d also tell you that Ed died earlier in the year, not Covid related, she’d got very frail. I know she had a soft spot for Hawkeye, but don’t see any sign of him on here.
Amy: completely agree with you about the state of the UK. I voted for Starmer as he seems honest, intelligent and has integrity. I stark contrast to you know who….Take care, keep a candle burning in these dark, dark times.
Margot! Lovely to see you darling!
So sad about Ed.
Am obsessed with politics. Will write here again about my absolute f#cking fury at the corruption going on in this country. Cummings is destroying everything.
I volunteered for Starmer and am a big fan but he is having to do way too much by himself. Dear Jezza left the party in a dreadful state which complicates his every move.
Please stay so we can talk Margot! Nny, Rc, Mira and Alison will all be overjoyed if you post here and lots of people here like Andy.
We have to look to set up a grass roots organisation to save our democracy. Things are spiralling out of control very fast and BBC and so on aren’t reporting what is really going on.BBC have been useless and supine for years..
So sorry to hear about Ed, but thanks for letting us know. That’s the worst of the internet – people just disappear from time to time.
Hey hey hey M!…. Woohoo!… U’re here!!..Missed u!.. Hehe.. Hope u will come more often!…so we can talk tennis till we vomit!…hehe..
Ermm… Thank u for letting us know bout Ed M… Even tho I’m not close with her.. But, she’s Rafan.. therefore she’s family.. and definitely will miss her & her post too…
Sending my huge love to u M, RC,Alison,amy, Nny, Ramara & all Rafans from across the pond!…

Hope u guys will keep strong in this tough moments!
Love to you and your family, Mira Andi. Hope you are well.
I’m hanging in taking my anxiety day by day. Counting the days until Trump finally gets voted out! It’s a priority. That man is dangerous. If he had his way he would be dictator for life. Scary times.
Hey RC!… Miss u like crazy!.. Really missed our daily chats too…
How r u? R u ok? Would love to know what’s happening in your life… but also understand your circumstances… U keep hang in there ok? U can do it babe!
Bout Trump… My God!… I can’t believe THE ALMIGHTY USA has this President as their leader!I also can’t remember USA’s image fallen this low..all bcoz of him.. I feel so angry when he’s downplaying & undermining everything’s that related to Covid…even after almost 200k lives lost so far…
Makes me more angry when he refused to take responsibilty for what he did.. Instead have the audacity to blaming others when he’s the one who sits in the office & in charge of everything’s…
RC… How come Trump is being allowed to do this to your country? Rasism, violence, killing people by authorities spreading like wildfires & his supporters free to do what they wants? It’s as if USA has no law & integrity now..
I hope Biden & Kamala will win.. Maybe they will treat US citizens much better than Trump… Let’s hope..
I don’t know how ordinary working people like myself could be attracted to him. It’s just mind-boggling that people see him as a Christian or an honest man.
He has wealthy, powerful enablers in high positions and probably has dossiers of dirt on every one of them as they do on him – so the crooks hang together and come out swinging in defense of each other – he’s the Boss over them. Others, smarter than me, believe he’s like a cult leader – a charismatic Hitler type. I do worry that he will definitely have his own official roaming army like Hitler’s Gestapo if reelected.
Pardon my foul language but we truly are fucked if we can’t get him voted out this time!
Angry and distressed, E.
hey guys. Miss the games
Nice to connect again Amy, Andy M and Ramara.
I’ll keep in touch on here.
Not sure when tennis will be back to “normal.” The USOpen will be very strange for sure.
I am so glad to see you here! But I am devastated by the loss of Ed. We go way back, as you know. I wondered where she was. She has not been posting much. I am so sad.
I am really stressed out about what is happening in the U.S. it just tears me apart! Trump is a maniac who is out of control. People are dying every day and all he does is golf and tweet! Now he is sending in storm troopers to attack protesters in Portland. I never thought I would live to see the day that a president would do something like this. I also think it is a dress rehearsal for the election. He is going to lose and when he does, he will create chaos and havoc. What a monster he is! Just pure evil!
I hope that everyone is well. Amy, Elizabeth, Alison, Mira Andi and all tenngranders. Also Ricky and Cheryl.
Pray for us in the states. We need it.
Hi nny. I am thinking of both you and Elizabeth and I am extremely worried about both of you.
What is going on now with the orange psycho is fascism pure and simple. And I agree that it will only get worse.
Whatever the polls say we know the election will be rigged and my biggest fear is the electronic voting machines where the voter tallies can be changed remotely. This has happened before ffs! so I really really struggle with the anodyne comments from Pelosi about not taking action on various fronts, including against that vicious crook Barr, and saying people should vote them out in November. This is just fairy tale stuff given what is going on. Weeks ago large numbers of top lawyers, including Republican s, said Barr should be impeached. Yet Pelosi obstructs all calls to action. Why didn’t they insist that paper ballots be given the green light as a quid pro quo.for the GOP slush fund bailouts for their friends and donors? I know you like Pelosi but I honestly feel like shouting when I hear her responses.
I am really really scared of what is going on.( I know a lot about it as I read a lot of American commentators).
Even if the orange psycho loses he will try and unleash all kinds of hell.
Thinking about you and Elizabeth and sending you both love xxx
PS the moms of Portland standing there being attacked every night fill.me with pride and hope and we have to try and hold on to these inspiring images and try and do whatever we can. Any positive action, however small, counts in the fight against darkness. However bad things are, and they are very very bad, we have to believe we can fight and overcome them.
Nny, just seen more incredibly inspiring footage from Portland. A grandfather with a turbo charged lawn blower to counteract the tear gas; lines of veterans;so many inspiring brave wonderful people. They deserve so much better from the
Dem leadership.
So proud of the protesters in my former hometown, Amy.
Wish I was on the streets with them.
Idaho is uselessly Trumplican. But I will vote.
I could not be prouder of those Moms in Portland! God bless them! Of course it would take women to do it!
I am just sick about what is happening in my country. To see it come to this is just truly heartbreaking. Trump has blood on his hands for the deaths of too many Americans. Now finally people camp see what an utter fraud he is. This monster cannot handle a serious health crisis because he has failed at everything in his life.
The governor in Florida is a stupid Trump clone who has also created a disaster here. The moron wants to open up schools. So now he and Tru,p are all about killing children and teachers. A lot of people are going to die needlessly because of a governor who is flat out incompetent,
I don’t think that impeaching anyone at this point will be feasible. Impeaching Trump sure didn’t work. It only emboldened him. If course the Republicans in the senate will have to answer for going along with Trump.
We have to be ready for tricks, voter suppression and anything Trump can think of to screw up this election. It is going to be bad.
It’s true that I like Nancy Pelosi because she has managed to handle Trump. Nobody in politics is perfect. I know that. But she has tried to be tough and do the right thing. Maybe she should have done more. I am just trying to stay sane through all this and hope the nightmare of neo-fascism in this country can be defeated.
Dark days here indeed.
Good to hear from you NNY and glad you’re OK.
Here in UK we have our very own Trump Mark 2, but he’s just the puppet, the bloke pulling his strings is the real daemon.
Dreadful things seem to be happening in the US regarding state troops and martial law.
Stay safe.
It’s Cummings and Gove working in tandem isn’t it Margot? As they did before. They’re both deeply dangerous and deeply sinister.
Although Johnson himself is a revolting amoral chancer. God knows why people are fooled by him and his Etonian schtick. I understand why people were fooled by his tv incarnation, as with the orange psycho, but the minute they started to speak as they really were it was obvious how loathsome and dangerous they both were.
Have just seen that Cummings and Johnson are speeding up plans to attack judicial review. Hungary here we come!
Good to read all of you here:
Big Al
Comforting to know you all are alive and breathing.
The world will ever get back to what I perceived as “normal” after 2020.
Thanks RC. Here in the UK, the Covid thing is now second wave Boris has just addressed the nation. But like many people I’m a bit blasé about the whole thing,just glad there’s tennis to enjoy..
Hello ladies, good to see you all, and welcome Margot, hope your all safe and well, i just want to send this clip, as i think we could all do with a laugh, its not very long , but its still very funny https://youtu.be/HQkSMJFJu4g enjoy
Hi Alison, depressed and angry, but safe and well too!
Margot! Not anon!
Same Margot, darling – so good to know you are still here. Mostly depressed and angry. Not at all comfortable with the state of the planet and present leadership.
Hey hey hey Nny!… How r u over there Nny? I’m so sorry for what happen in your state k? Yeah! DeSantis really is Trump clone… I wonder how he feels when Trump insulted those dead heroes? I bet, He didn’t feel angry at all!..Well.. I’m not surprised!
Mira Andi,
Hey! I am hanging in there amidst this pandemic and the chaos created by the Orange Menace!
I would love to know what DeSantis thinks of what Trump said about our dead heroes. Coming from a pathetic coward, that shows who he really is! I am so ashamed of that monster!
Lovely to “see” you alive, well and Kicking, Elizabeth.
Stay that way.
Keep sane, keep safe everyone and “Keep The Red Flag Flying” Amy.
Just discovered Jordan Klepper thanks to You tube.
Hilarious and terrifying in equal measure.
Didnt know which thread to put this on, just wanted to say hi to Elizabeth, and NNY, hope you are okay in these trying times, HUGs and STAY SAFE my friends XX
Lovely to “see” you alive, well and Kicking, Elizabeth.
Stay that way.
Keep sane, keep safe everyone and “Keep The Red Flag Flying” Amy.
RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Inspirational woman.
Can someone please shove Moscow Mitch and the rest of the death cult/ crime gang in jail and throw away the key!
Nny and Elizabeth,
Am very very worried about the situation with the Supreme Court. Can the Dems stop them installing a tame fascist before the election?
# Moscow Mitch is a cynical amoral crook who should be in jail.
I have been mourning the loss of our beloved Notorious RBG. I know she tried to hang on until we got a new president. What a great lady! Moscow Mitch is acting before this woman has even been buried! He is a monster. They screwed Obama over in nit letting him appoint a Justice to replace Scalia. Now they are doing it while voting has already started.
From what I have heard on the news, we need four Republican senators to join the Democrats to block this nomination. So far we have two -Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. We need two more.
We are all worried about the situation with the Supreme Court. The Affordabje Care Act is under attack from Trump. The Supreme Court will decide if it is unconstitutional. Then there is Roe v Wade. Trump will appoint some conservative have to tilt the balance to the right.
There are Republicans up for re-election and how they vote could determine control of the Senate. Mitt Romney and Cory Gardner are two to keep an eye on.
RBG’s dying wish was that she not be replaced until the next president is elected. But I fear that it won’t happen.
I am sick about what is happening in this country.
RIP Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Nny, isn’t it likely that Romney will vote with the Dems? Getting the fourth senatorwill presumably be very very difficult.
Impeachment hearings take precedence over judicial appointments so the Dems could impeach that revolting thug Barr?! Even Conservative legal commentators say he deserves to be impeached. He is an Opus Dei fascist.
I really feel for you and Elizabeth having to go through this nightmare. I think of you both often. Sending love to you both!
Have just seen that Romney has caved to pressure! Pathetic and not for the first time!

Yes, Romney caved. The only recourse would be to try to impeach Barr. I can’t see them going after the Orange Menacr again. So it will do is delay the inevitable.
Listening to the Republicans lie like two-faced morons, makes me sick. This is going up tilt the court to the right. I just hope that the stupid idiots who sat out the 2016 election or voted for third party candidates, are satisfied. I will never forgive the Progressives for wallowing in self-pity and selfishness. Young people in this country don’t vote in large numbers. Elections have consequences.
RBG had one dying wish – to have her replacement picked by the new president. But the Republicans are spitting on her in death.
District Attorney Cyrus Vance in New York say that they are looking at bank fraud with Trump. They are still litigating the release of Trump’s tax returns in the appeals court. Vance is trying to make the case for getting them. They already subpoenaed records from Deutsche Bank. So they now know what their are looking for. The tax returns will help prove the bank fraud and also tax fraud. So he has revealed what they are going after. We need to get the Orange Menace out of office so they can finally prosecute him.
I am very upset about what is going on in this country. Barr should end up in jail for his crimes. Meanwhile, the criminal Orange Menace is killing more people with his rallies. He pretends as though the virus is gone while we are now over 200,000 dead.
I hope that I can survive this and people come out en masse to throw the bastard out. Also the miserable piece of crap Moscow Mitch.
At least your Prime Minister is implementing another lockdown. Here Trump and the Republicans are letting people die.
I don’t sleep well at night. It has broken my heart to see what this monstrosity has done to my country.
The love and support here has been a great help. Thank you so much.
Nny, you do have my love and support! I know the situation is terrible and there is no point in pretending otherwise.
Just as an aside, Johnson and his henchmen Cummings and Gove are engaging in terrifying levels of corruption and kleptocracy siphoning off billions to dodgy companies while attacking all the institutions -most frighteningly judicial review. The situation here is very grave and we have no written constitution and no mid terms. We also have a nut case group of brexiteer leavers who are radicalized to the point of madness who support Johnson in the same way that there is a group.who idolize Trump with many similarities between the 2, especially with regard to nastiness, stupidity and gullibility. So I sleep badly as well!
I don’t think.it’s a coincidence that the Anglosphere has gone insane at the same time.
I have been thinking a lot about you and Elizabeth and wondering, if the orange moron steals the election, if you have thought of moving to Canada? I know that practically speaking this is very very difficult but it may become very dangerous to stay in America. I think that if we can’t vote the current criminal cabal out here I will probably try and go abroad to Europe.
Stay strong darling! We have to try and do what we can now but having a plan to get out if things get very bad is prudent – if one is able to leave that is. I know that financially it’s very very difficult.
Love for now darling
So happy Trump caught the virus!!! I don’t mean to say I wish him dead, cough, cough. It’s just pure happiness because he called it a hoax and did squat to provide PPE when and where it was needed and he had the stinking hubris to bad-mouth Dr. Fauci! And a bunch of other reasons I can’t go into because take forever and I hate him and his sycophantic Trumplicans and those gun-toting cultist “bad boys” he likes to rile up at his speeches. How the heck can anybody…..believe a word he says and not understand that he is anti-democracy. The wanna-be dictator…
end of rant. !@$%^^&*((O%^(%TTYYKL I swear!
One good piece of news today.
Louise Gluck won the Nobel prize for literature. She is one of my 2 favourite modern poets.
Anne Carson was also on the shortlist and would also have been a deserved winner. She is a genius! She is also a fave..just not quite as much as Gluck..
Great to see amazing women poets who are both intellectual power houses getting the recognition they deserve..!
Yes indeed Elizabeth!
I don’t wish the orange psycho a speedy recovery. Quite the reverse. Hope he takes his fellow fascists including creep of the century Pence with him.
This should have appeared above in reply to Elizabeth. Don’t know why it didn’t!
Just a couple of lines for Nny and Elizabeth saying hello darlings and thinking of you loads during these crucial and almost unbearably stressful weeks…
Lots of love
Ps I really can’t stand Gilead handmaid Amy tonofrubbish Barrett. Does she ask for her husband’s permission before she brushes her teeth?! Yuk! All the GOP, orange psycho supporting women look the same..ie made out of plastic, mostly with died blonde hair and utterly venal at the centre..
That’s such a well-written and hilariously true post, Amy!! Gosh, I love you!!
BTW what the help is going on with Feinstein hugging that loathsome reptile Graham and saying the confirmation hearings have been great when they have been a farce? I don’t know anything about her, being English, but I have seen other hearings when I thought she was absolutely terrible.
The Dems shouldn’t have people like that representing them.
Sigh. What the hell..not help..
No, I don’t consider her a Democrat anymore. She’s completely made of the same reptilian skin as her transformed highness miss Linda Graham aka that senator Lindsey, from South Carolina.
I don’t even consider Biden a Democrat but I’ll vote I did. Sad choices again but God SAVE the planet, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!!
How are you, and nny, doing Elizabeth?
I am so exhausted in the lead up to the election that I can’t imagine how the 2 of you are feeling…and there is this sense of lurking horror and dread that we know the orange psycho will be trying to steal it by manipulating the vote tallies. I really worry about the electronic machines where the tallies can be altered remotely.
I have been in tears watching people stand in line for 6/7 hours waiting to vote and thinking of the evil, evil people who are trying to take their votes away.
I really really hope Biden and his team have a plan to put in place for polling day and afterwards to counteract attempts at theft. I am pleased, in this regard, that Kamala is VP pick as she is very strong and tough with a lawyer’s background…
I was actually a total nervous wreck and basket case going into the election last time after that fraud Comey broke the Hatch Act. If he hadn’t done that, despite everything, Hillary would almost certainly have won. Trying not to make myself practically ill with worry like last time but boy is it difficult. As I said, I can’t imagine how awful it must be for both of you.
Lots of love, Nny and Elizabeth and thinking of you!
Last week I decided to go vote on person. I did not bother to ask my doctors. I knew what I had to do. I had my mask, my hand sanitizer and waited in line. It was about an hour from the time I got there. It felt so good to see my ballot scanned. Done! Florida is very important. I survived and am glad that I did it.
I am a nervous wreck. I freak out when I watch cable news. I am afraid of what Trump and the Republicans will do to steal this election. They are so dirty and vile.
Trump is killing people with these rallies. The other night after the rally ended his campaign did not have buses to take the people back to their cars. Some of them wound up in the hospital due to exposure to the cold. Then he had a rally in Tampa, Florida and the heat caused about a dozen people to be taken to the hospital.
The virus is coming back strong here, not that we ever got it under control. The next few months are supposed to be the worst of it with the virus. In Florida the governor has cut back on testing. A lot of people are going to die needlessly because the Orange Menace is in denial about the virus.
Biden IS a Democrat! Just because Bernie Sanders didn’t get the nomination, does not mean that Biden is not a Democrat. He was Vice President for eight years with Obama and they brought the economy back and gave us Affordable healthcare. He is a good and decent man who has had more than his share of tragedy in his life. To see him have to suffer attacks on his only living son, made me sick. It is horrendous. But the threat we face from the Orange Menace is greater than any differences we may have. Young people can no longer sit out elections and then blame baby boomers for the state of the country. It is time to take responsibility and step up and be counted.
Biden was the best candidate to beat Trump. Sometimes you don’t always get the one you want, but that’s the way it is. Saving our democracy from a madman like Trump is the priority.
I won’t have a decent night’s sleep until I know the winner. I just pray that we can surmount the voter suppression, the dirty tricks, the lies, intimidation and threats. The future of the country depends on it.
Holding my breath. Eyes shut! Everything crossed. Wish Biden had more pzzazz, why was he chosen? You know?
Butting in, in case Amy is too busy to read the forum. Joe Biden was chosen by the blacks, sort of. He kind of inherited the black vote from being Obama’s veep. I just hope he surrounds himself with good people and actually *listens* to them. At least he’s not Trump so we have that much going for us!
Cheers. Agree. Negative vote, “not Trump” but whatever it takes.
Advantage of Biden is that orange psycho can’t use him in culture wars and rile up right wingers in way he obviously could with either Bernie or Warren. I really wanted Warren to get the nomination but a left of centre woman probably can’t get elected or only narrowly thus leading to attempts to steal the election. Of course they are going to try and steal it anyway but more difficult with greater margin of victory.
Misogyny a big problem in America..
Elizabeth, turns out Feinstein ‘s husband and Epstein were in business together. Who would have thought it?!
excuse sarcasm!
Her behaviour on the committee was absolutely appalling and begs the question as to what the hell.she was doing there in the first place?!
She should be stood down. But the Dems shouldn’t have had her there fronting their efforts. Some of the old guard need to go.
Darling AM are you not doing the challenge, or are you now “Big Al?”
Good to see Elizabeth back there.
Hope you are OK. I am full of rage and despair, not a good look.
Hey hey hey M!…There u r!… Tried to find u & RC in Paris..but u guys turned up in Cologne & Antwerp it seems!..hahaha! ..i’ll meet u guys in Vienna next k?…btw,missed u both very much!…
To Nny & RC…go kick Trump’s a$$ very hard on 3rd ok?
Lovely to “see” you darling. To Vienna then! Big virtual hugs.
AAAAAAHHHHH! We’ve jinxed each other in Vienna! No scrumptious pastries for us.
Hey back M!…What do u mean we jinxed each other in Vienna M?About Novak & Thiem being in the final?And with Thiem win?…If so!…Oh yeahhh!!…hehehe…
Other members picks r very interesting too!…backhandpass picked Rublev over Thiem(the defending champ)…and dear RC picked Tsitsi over Novak & Thiem…It’s all possible!…Let’s see who’s going to bite the trophy come sunday!..Good luck to all Bracketeers!!
Much hugs to u too M!
I nearly picked Thiem but went with Djoko.Rublev tough one for Thiem.
We could have done with a Master’s,the fields good enough!
Mira Andi,
As I said in my post above, I already kicked Trump’s ass in early voting! I braved the virus to vote in person. The lines were crazy.
We will know the result in Florida because get they count mail in ballots before Election Day. They have a very good operation, so we will know that night. Not the same for other states. There is concern about Republicans out voting Democrats in Miami-Dade county. We need Palm Beach county, Broward county and Miami-Dade to run up big enough totals to offset the northern part of the state. So that is concerning. I have been hearing that the Republicans gig to the Latinos there with this business of Biden being a Socialist. Republicans find a way to depress turnout or mess with people to screw up the voting.
Amy is right about Biden. Bernie or Warren would hsve been destroyed by Trump. Biden is not a woman. Misogyny is a problem in America, still unfortunately. Trump’s attacks against Biden are not working. He has been disgusting and revolting about Kamala Harris. Ugh!
Biden will have very good people around him if he wins. He will need them, because Trump is going to leave him a godawful mess! The Progressives will have a seat at the table. It is going to take a lot of hard work to restore this country.
Four years ago I heard that there was no difference between Trump and Hillary. Well we know that nothing could be further from the truth! Losing the 2016 election cost us the Supreme Court. This right wing Barrett woman is going to do a lot of damage.
I hope that I survive this. The stress is killing me.
Hey hey hey Nny!… Yeah!… I’ m glad u’re already kicked Trump’s a$$ Nny!.. Hey!.. Check this out!… I am pretty sure this will make u laugh crazily Nny!
Mira Andi,
Thanks! Best laugh I have had today! Throw him in the trash! Exactly where he belongs!
My sister told me that people waiting in line to vote were chanting – vote him out, vote him out! Way to go!
I am praying every night that the long nightmare will end in Election Day!
Only one of me
I was teasing Andy M!
I’ve noticed I often have the same winners as you, but not in these two! You must know something about Norrie I don’t. And indeed Harris.
Are you Backhandpass,Margot?
I’m Welsh witch. Oh dear Norrie…;)
Paire and Kecmanovic the top seeds but no faith in Paire and not much in Kec- hence the wild picks
Paire is a nut job! But tennis needs a few colourful characters. Wouldn’t put my house on him, however!
Not at the moment !He’s been all over the place since his meltdown.Great player when he’s on
Amy: have you seen you Tory slogan: Starve a kid, Save a quid? Good eh?
3 posts this morning, far too much time on my hands, I blame the clocks!
Yes I saw it! Good on Marcus Rashford for all this hey?!
Btw Margot, I expect you know already, but gonna mention it in case you don’t: jolyon Maugham of the Good Law Project has been at the forefront of fighting appalling gov corruption especially regarding procurement of ppe. If you don’t know, his Twitter feed gives details. But it makes one absolutely incandescent with rage so don’t read if you want to have a good day. This country is an out and out kleptocracy under Johnson, Cummings and Gove.
This is why they are going against judicial review to try and shut down attempts at scrutiny.
Take Back Control!! Ha f%%king ha!
But seriously, Maugham needs our support. I do and would be fantastic to pass it on to others to get them to help.
As I said, you probably know already so apologies if going over ground you know in advance..
We are as one! I already send a small monthly donation to Good Law.
Only the law stands between us and these “scum” and they try to undermine it at every opportunity.
Rage and despair
I thought you would know!
Then I expect you have heard the new dreadful revelations by Maugham and also read Monbiot’s latest in the Graun?
I honestly feel like I am being electrocuted with rage when I read about this brazen looting of the state. Sometimes I have to force myself not to read it.
There is no way they are going to let us have a fair election with this corruption and theft going on.
As for Jezza, I just wish he would shut up and go away. He and his mates are responsible for getting us in this appalling situation. He should have recognised he was going to be annihilated electorally ( he was constantly around – 44 in the polls as leader)and let someone ie Starmer take over. Starmer could have won against that scarcely sentient pork pie Johnson, or at least left us with another hung parliament.
I agree with you. Corbyn should’ve kept his gob shut. His reaction was like one of those emails you fire off and then wish you hadn’t! A measured response even, but he gave Starmer no alternative. Despair again, is the LP going to spend the next decade tearing itself to pieces.
And as for Len McLusky! He’s a dinosaur and belongs to another age.
Feeling majorly pissed off about Jezza today. Apparently he was forewarned so it looks like he did it deliberately. All the takes about saintly Jezza and neoliberal Starmer fill me with utter despair.

Jezza left him with a terrible situation with no clout in the commons and having to recalibrate the political map. What is he supposed to do? I am not happy about a number of things but I have no sympathy for Jezza and his ridiculous vanity.
I can’t stand loathsome Len! Just when Labour were ahead in the polls..
Maybe all this is what Jezza and Len want.
Also. The fact that nearly the entire Jewish community in this country were afraid of Labour winning power with many talking of leaving is an appalling indictment. Many good people who hated Johnson and Brexit couldn’t vote Labour because of this. What does it say about a segment of the Left that they still don’t get this and won’t recognise the horror of it? Because it makes me wonder if, quite frankly, they are unconsciously anti-Semitic without knowing it. The conspiratorial, belief in their own purity come what may, mindset of part of the Left is a massive turn off.
Delightfully opinionated as usual Amy! You’re entitled of course. I might even agree with some of it .
I really worry about what the attempt to give 5G infrastructure worth billions to Karl evil as s%#t Rove is about. The Pentagon oppose it yet here they are trying to hand it over to Rivada so Rove makes a fortune. What is it going to be payment for in terms of Rove’s main area of expertise: election rigging and getting Dem officials arrested?
The fact that so many of these criminals like Rove get to do what they want really begs a question about the utter lack of accountability for GOP thugs. If Biden wins they have to take these crooks down.
Hey back Al!…Sorry to hear bout your rough year…i’ve just had it myself so i know how tough it is…u keep hangin’ there k?
Hugs from a faraway land!
Alison and mira,
Sorry to hear you have both had a tough year!
Sending love…
Hey hey hey amy!…Thank u so much for your support!…Really really appreciate it!..
Tho for me it was in 2018 & 2019..2 very tough year…but got paid off amazingly recently when Rafa won his 20 slams..and 2 days later,my daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!…so,double delight for me!..Alhamdulillah!
So happy for you darling!

Hope more good things are in store for you..
And yes, Rafa winning #20 was very sweet given the opponent and the circumstances! More please Rafa!
Hehehe…thank u amy!..
Yeah!…Rafa win over Novak was sooo satisfying!..like his win at USO 2013 when Novak also at his peak…
The good thing is,from now on Rafa can play without much pressure bcoz he’s already leveled with Roger…unlike Novak who aimed to break another record next year & chase R & R duo…so…AO 2021 will be very interesting!
Congrats for both Grand MA!
Hehehe…Thank u so much Ramara!

Darling AM. Some lovely good news! Congrats. xxxxxxxxxxx
Hehehe… Thanks so much M!… Deeply appreciated!

However….I knew we’d jinx Darling Dom
Oh no! Thiem lost?? ..Urgh!!.. Then Backhandpass has a chance to topped the group!… Very interesting week indeed M!.. Heheh
Mira Andi and Amy many thanks lovely ladies, lets all hope for a better year next year, damn virus has alot to answer for, Rafa has really cheered me up though, congrats on your little addition to the family Mira Andi , hugs to you all, Elizabeth and NNY too XX
Awww!.. thank u so much Al!…hugs to u back!
*Waves* to Alison!
Margot:-) ….
Lorenzo did it. And he is so pure and cute — attempting to speak in English.Bravo Sonego!
Oh, god, poor Novak – shakes head.
TRUMP 2020 bitchesssss
TRUMP 2020 bitchessssss
Florida you say
Now you can go Fxxx yourself brainle$$ wanker
You can go fuck yourself first!
Trump loser! Get a life!

It’s almost over, NNY. We have done what we can. I am not happy though nor will I rest easy until some time in the future. Love to you, Nny. Very depressing to live in Idaho – a big mistake in my life that I must live with.
Did you see the video of the Trump supporters trying to run the Biden-Harris bus off the road?
There is a lot of voter intimidation and voter suppression going on. Last night on cable news they showed pictures of boxes and boxes of ballots at a post office that were just laying there! They are trying to get people to get them to a superintendent. A judge had been notified and is involved. This is in Miami-Dade county. This is why there was no way I was going to mail in my ballot. I was determined to stand in line and brave the virus. I am hearing some disturbing things about turnout in Miami-Dade county not being very good for the Democrats. That the Republicans are out voting the Democrats. We must have huge turnout in the three big counties of Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade. Biden and Harris and Obama are practically living here in the last days of the election. If we take Florida, then Trump has no path to victory.
I am not sleeping well at all. I am a wreck. I want the Orange Menace out so he can face prosecution by the Southern District of New York.
I thought Florida was bad after living for decades in California and being born in New York, but I can see that Idaho would be worse!
You hang in there and I will, too!

Dumb liberal slut, baby killer, spreading their diseases everywhere they go from New York to California etc.
California and New York are failed states because of dumb democrats like you but idiots like you never learn now they abortionist is in Florida spreading her disease get the fuck out of Florida bitch

Would love to taste your tears after the election and read your excuses brain dead moron.
And as for the other idiot(Jalep,ratcliff, elizabeth) or whatever you stupid name is the only depressing thing about Idaho are retards like you, you can easily move please move if you need some money just let me know bitch and we can work something out

I’m dead 
That’s enough for today
, I love you two 
my bitches!
Amazing! Trump is a foul mouthed misogynist and look……
Dump Trump!
Everything crossed. All my good wishes and hopes going with you.
Haha is pretty obviously Stanley no?
These posts are so offensive they should be removed and Haha/ Stanley banned.
Whoo!!…Haha is reeeeally like Trump twin!…Like M said,foul mouthed,likes to insult people,racist,likes to bragging bout himself…. hope he will lose tomorrow!
I did it! I voted for *NOT tRump* aka Biden-Harris!
It went great. I was worried about waiting to election day, but I did not trust the Post Office to mail-in vote and my husband had a problem last week and had to spend a couple days in hospital which killed early voting for us. So election day to vote. I’m an 81 yo arthritic, my husband is 83 with a bad foot problem but we put my walker in the car, along with a wheel chair for him if he needed it and drove off to the voting place, a middle school. I feared long lines but it went great! Didn’t seem all that crowded and as we pulled up they asked if we’d like to do curbside voting!! Curbside voting! Amazing. I live in North Carolina, not the most progressive place but very cool, curbside voting. It took maybe 5 to 10 minutes with a nice middle aged lady helping us by filling out a form, going in to cast our ballots and verifying that they’d been accepted. Our votes will COUNT!
North Carolina is in play, being kind of a purple state, but our ballots WILL COUNT and I hope we VOTE HIM OUT!
Well done Ramara!
Let’s turn NC blue!
Love to nny and Elizabeth..am thinking of you both and, given how tense I feel sitting in England, God knows how you feel..must be intolerable..
Today is the day the orange psycho goes down to hell where he belongs and which is a reflection of his true nature..
# Let the word orange reclaim its dignity..
Yesss!!…Woohoo!!….Well done Ramara!! & hubby…and Nny & RC!!..U guys r AWESOME!!
Hey back amy!…Yeah!…i’ve seen haha/Stanley post alright!…Well…heh heh…it definitely is stanley amy!
Yes of course it is mira! Everyone loathes him but he insists on posting here. He should have been banned long ago. All he does is insult people while boasting about his non existent assets. It’s easy to spot him as he has no sense of humour despite the laugh emojis and a vocabulary of around 5 words.
@Amy still thinking about me
I have a crush
, please get a life bitch, I would say get boyfriend or husband but no decent man would be with a foolish slut like you except to use you bitch.
Only beta male/simp won’t see how dumb, disgusting and foolish you are.
Ohh…big yoohoo to amy!

Hello darling!
Am feeling nervous because they will cheat and try and steal it..
How are you feeling?
Hey hey hey amy!…I am actually very excited to know the result amy!…Really really hope Biden will win(and i think he will insyaallah!)..Yeah!…Trump can cheat & do every tricks in the world..but if it’s not meant for him to win…he won’t win!…Let’s wait the result with positivity in us k?
Don’t be nervous amy!
Mira have you seen the posts by haha aka Stanley above? They really are revolting. Do you agree that haha is Stanley? They sound exactly the same..
Ramara I hope your husband is fully recovered now..
Hello Ramara you are that old wow my respect to you and I hope you and your husband stay safe and healthy take care dear.
I’m actually a sweet guy

I don’t show a lot of my sweetness online when dealing with morons I guess it’s a weakness my nickname is actually “Sweet” I’m in my late 20s and a black man who supports Trump I hate to say black man because I don’t find my identity in the color of my skin because we are all created by a loving God male and female and the color of our skin is irrelevant.
I speak a lot of truth and troll a little bit
just having a little fun with my BITCHES
It’s sad you voted against Trump but that’s ok dear I respect your vote and decision, there are too many patriots in the USA who love their country men and women of all skin color who support and voted for Trump and in a little while he will remain President of the USA
God bless USA!!!
Loved your story! Good for you! I hope your hubby is okay. I did not even bother to check with my doctors about voting in person. I just did it! I knew that this was one time when I had to do it in person. With my bone-on-bone knees and bad back a d risking exposure to the virus, I did it. It took an hour with waiting on line and then voting. They key me sit down because I could not stand on my worn out knees. I went during early voting.
North Carolina is definitely in play! It’s a dead heat. I don’t feel that optimistic about Florida because of what I am hearing out of Miami-Dade county. Cubans seem to be supporting Trump by a big margin. We will know about Florida ear,y because they count their mail in ballots before Election Day. Georgia is also very close.
I heard disturbing news about the post office not being able to deliver mail in ballots. Trump had his postmaster general mess with the post office and throw out the big sorters. The Republicans are trying to have 127,000 ballots discarded in Texas. People were allowed to do drive-thru voting because of the virus. The Texas courts have allowed them to be counted! God bless the courts!
The incident with the Trump supporters trying to run a Biden-Harris bus off the road in Texas, is being investigated by the FBI. I hope Trump rots in hell for what he is doing. Never in my life did I think a president would lie about the voting process.
I am exhausted from lack of sleep. I did read online that the Biden campaign has a group of the best lawyers in the country to fight off whatever Trump tries to pull. They have worked on any and all scenarios that they may try. So they are ready.
Everything is on the line. This is it. A judge has ordered the USPS inspectors to sweep facilities by 3 pm for unsent ballots.
Pray for us.
Nny,Brava darling!!
Mira and I are both thinking of you and Elizabeth…
My ladies
we might have some serious disagreements but that doesn’t mean I hate you ladies I actually like you and want the best for you all but they sad truth is that some of you are too deep in deception
By the way my name is Stan
and if you would like to chat here is my email
See what a Trump supporter says on here? It’s the same garbage that Trump spews out! Brimming with misogyny! Hates women like Trump, uses vulgar insults and filth instead of trying to make a rational point!
Like finds like! Slobbering, pathetic bile! Just like the Orange Menace! Oh and dumb as a box of rocks! LOL!
Just ignore the troll, dear. I never read any of his posts once I realize what he is, no matter what he calls himself.
Thanks for the support and best of luck to us tonight! Worst case we’ll have four more years of political comedy to look forward to. Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah are my faves, but others come out with some good stuff too. It all gets posted on YouTube. I learned that the best thing about Trump is that he’s a coward! Never dreamed that I’d actually find that a good thing but it’s at least kept the country out of war for the past four years. That’s a good thing, right? Of course people are dying as if there IS a war, and the economy is trashed. My refrigerator died and I learned they aren’t making new ones. The factories are all shut down, the store had no floor stock left and the orders were backed up at least until December and no guarantee those wouldn’t be delayed. We were lucky to find one in a store in a nearby small town that fits our kitchen.
Sorry couldn’t post my name Stanley because my comments weren’t going through
so changed it.
You ladies are free to wish death on everyone you disagree with condemn them, attack them and say disgusting things about them, spew your foolish ideas and your comments stay but when I criticize your stupidity and expose it my comments gets deleted and I’m blocked
Anyways I never hide my identity except if I’m blocked like I explained, I never cared for the site anyways and rarely visited sometimes months sometimes weeks, I only come for my ladies
when I miss you guys.

Trump just won Florida
Damn!! *%$#@*%$%#$!
It’s alright mira! All.the experts are calling it for Biden now.
As for the orange fascist, the reason the votes are being counted now is because you wouldn’t let them be counted before! God preserve us from these fascists.
Also, Biden is going to win the popular vote by a large margin. The electoral college has to be abolished. It’s a relic from slavery and deeply regressive.
It was the state legislatures who said that mail in votes could not be counted until Election Day. So they set up this nightmare. I have had very little sleep, about four hours. I was up until about 3:00 am. Then I woke up early and turned on the tv.
Biden is winning as they finally count the votes. Trump is such a criminal! He said to stop the voting! He meant to say stop the counting! Sorry you psycho narcissist lying piece of human garbage! This is still a democracy. As Biden said, it’s the voters who decide! Trump knew about the uncounted ballots. That’s why he tried to claim victory. He knows if they count all the votes then he will lose!
Of course Biden is winning the popular vote. The electoral college really needs to be abolished.
This has been a very stressful 24 hours.
Nny, hello darling!
Have been thinking of you loads.
It looks like Biden is winning the electoral college now but my God why haven’t the Dems abolished it before? America is subject to minority rule at every level with the Senate over representation of the GOP an absolute farce.
If it was done by popular vote we would never have had Bush, Iraq, orange sh7t and so on.
Thinking of you as I am sure you are nervously exhausted..
Nny, how is your immediate neighbourhood regarding support for the orange psycho? I see that poor Elizabeth has to put up with a lot of support for him on her street.
I am very lucky because the whole extended area I live in is 90% for Labour, liberals and greens
90% remain and pro Europe
90% hates Johnson and the orange psycho.
Makes life a lot easier…
amy dearest,
I love your spunk! And how darn smart you are! My neighborhood is okay. There are a lot of Democrats in Palm Beach county. It’s strange after living in L.A. for over 30 years. Being born in New York, I am used to being in a liberal environment. Florida is quite different, but I imagine that Idaho is worse. My sympathies to Elizabeth during this difficult time.
It is hard to abolish the electoral college. It is so archaic. I think it would mean an amendment to the Constitution, which is an onerous process. But it really should be gone. Straight popular vote.
Thanks for all the support!
Take care NNY and Elizabeth too. POTUS is beyond despicable, stoking hatred and division and claiming some results are fake.
Stay strong my dears.
Someone is woefully behind on the counting of votes! Biden will win and be our next president! Amazing how a simple thing like counting ALL the votes really works!
The lead in Pennsylvania is now about 400,000. Down from about 600,000. Why? Well you know it’s all about counting ALL the ballots! Democracy! A foreign concept to the rotten Orange Menace! He knows if they count ALL the votes then he will lose and we can send his sorry ass packing!

Thanks for the support.
I had a bad night. Hardly any sleep. But democracy is a wonderful process when it works, as we are seeing with the counting of the votes.
Trump is a monstrosity. I want to se pe him out and fully prosecuted for his crimes.
Hehehe…yeah amy!…i just woke up at 3:30am & immediately checked the result…and WHOOO!!….not only Rafa won but Biden also winning Wisconsin & runaway with 248 electoral college!…and leading in Michigan & Nevada too!!…Yeehaaa!!…Nny,RC,Ramara must be thinking to do a happy dance now!..
Ohh yeah amy & Nny!…if Biden win those 2 states,that means he’s already win 271 & secured White House right?
270 is the Magic Number!
Still keeping fingers and toes crossed. So thankful for kind friends like you, MA!
Hehehe… Thank u for u’re kind words as well Ramara!
And now i just look at the result.. It’s 264???WOOOOHOOO!!! YEAAHHHHH!!… Get ready for a HUGEEEE group hugs gals!!!
Yes! Hang in because Georgia is in play! Biden is closing in after being down last night 104,000 votes. It is like 30,000 votes now. And they are still counting! Republicans did not see this coming!
Also Biden is closing the gap in PA. We will get more vote counts from Arizona tonight.
When it happens, if I am not crying too much I will be here for a group hug!

I am feeling the emotion welling up in me. I am thinking about what they did in getting rid of the big sorters in the post office to mess up the mail delivery. The Republicans going to court to try to get them to throw out votes or not count mail in ballots. All of the intimidation, the lies every day, the system is rigged and on and on.
Yet they are counting the votes! They tried to stop them in Michigan today. They tried to keep the people out. But the police came and they kept on counting! So I am starting to feel all this emotion as I see what is happening.
I have a fancy bottle of Champagne chilling – just in case, we make it, Nny.
You and I are going to have a drink of celebration when this is over!
I need for this horror to be over. This evil monster makes me sick to my stomach with his lies and instigating violence.
Oh and don’t let the Trump bastards get you down in Idaho!

Lol, all the remaining states Trump is leading by a lot except one and he doesn’t need to win them all
just half of them will do.
Example in Pennsylvania he is up almost 700k votes etc
Trump 2020 bitchesssss
Pennsylvania will go to Biden, Stanley, as will all the remaining states except North Carolina and maybe Georgia.
If there is any justice in the world, Donald Trump will soon be making a move from the white house to the big house.
Let us pray.
Georgia is definitely in play. He is closing in there.
Amen to the Orange Menace moving from the White House to the big house. They are coming for him in the Southern District of New York.
Praying, praying, praying! Let this nightmare finally be over!

Biden is going to win Georgia.
Vamos Georgia!
Loved your election day story, Ramara. Bravo, and best of health to you and your husband.
Biden edging slowly, so slowly, towards victory. Of course POTUS will use any means to deny Democracy.
Virtual hugs and support to NNY, Elizabeth and Ramara and all Democrats on here.
Amy: one in the eye for our very own mini-Trump if Joe wins. Tee hee.
Thank you all for the updates folks. Still in nervous hell here.
Your kind words and virtual hugs are keeping eying the high ledges, Margot. love to you.
Meant to say…keeping me from staring at high ledges.
This waiting is beyond intolerable. Can’t watch and am binge watching cookery programme s on the Food Channel. I like Barefoot Contessa!
Please let it be over soon so we can dump the orange fascist.
Love to you and nny Elizabeth..!
If it is beyond intolerable for me it must be hell on earth for the 2 of you..
Stay strong my darlings!!
#F&&k the orange psycho and the electoral college and rule by the minority..!
Thanks for your words of support. This is excruciating! Biden is now only 14,000 votes and 3/10 of a point being in Georgia. If he gets Georgia, it’s over. He is now barely 2 points behind in PA. A little over 100,000 votes. There are hundreds of thousands of ballots still to be counted. It looks like Biden will win in PA.
They just need to finish counting the damn votes! Meanwhile the Orange Menace is initiating lawsuits against every state! Psycho! He knows he is losing. Last night there were protesters at the election center in Maricopa county in Arizona. It was very disturbing.
The counting is going on! Democracy rules!
Wow! Biden is 2/10 of a percentage point behind, 13540 votes! He is closing in on Georgia!
So does he just need Pennsylvania and Nevada with the rest jam?
His numbers are good in both states right??
Nny, I really really feel for you and Elizabeth. This is so excruciating.
I have read about the threats and protests. It’s as we expected. He is an utter s&&t and a fascist and many Americans are good with that. I pray to God this is over soon.
Are the GOP going to stand by him or ditch him? Many of them loathe him.
Stay strong darling!!
Ralston reports are saying there is no path they can see left for the orange psycho in Nevada..
Margot: the fact that Johnson and his party are desperate for the orange fascist to win says everything about who and what they are. Plus they are aligned with openly fascist and Nazi parties across Europe. Anyone who supports them is buying into this alignment whether they like it or not.
Actually I have to stop myself laughing a lot whenever I see them openly panicking about Biden winning.
# Make Britain as ridiculous and craven as possible…
amy, I love reading your posts
thank you.
You’re welcome darling!

Am here for you and nny 24/7!
Ps I honestly think stepping away from things is often good!
Ie walks in the country and learning how to make Koulibiac..
Beauty solves a lot of things..
I see the Democrats haven’t made gains in the senate so, even if Biden wins, policies aren’t going to change, although of course the tone of your political life will change. I also read lack of support for Democrats in the senate is because they’ve been labelled “socialist.” In UK your Democrats would be the equivalent of our Tories, and as far from socialists as we are from the moon. The right in your country has high jacked the agenda as in ours TBH. What’s to be done to wrestle back the lost political ground?
If Biden wins PA. Then it’s over. 20 electoral votes and Biden only needs 17. Biden won’t need anything else if he gets PA. They said that Trump leads Biden by 114,000 votes with 550,000 votes to be counted. Georgia could almost seal the deal. 16 electoral votes. He would need one more electoral vote. The Republicans did not see this coming with Georgia.
Biden could do it with Arizona and Nevada. A total of 17 electoral votes. I think Nevada is going to take some time. They are going at a snail’s pace.
Now they are saying we may get the results from PA. tonight.
Trump can try to sue whoever he wants. It won’t work! They said he is not facing the fact that he could lose! Well too bad! It’s going to happen!
Viva democracy!
Viva Biden!

The experts are saying he should win Pennsylvania and that they are going to call it tonight!

God I hope so.
Jon Ralston said he should win Nevada.
Best would be if he wins all 4 states so the orange psycho has to give up!
Please! Please! Please!
I just found these cool moon emojis so had to use them. Let the planet finally get to fight back…!
Hang tough, everyone. CNN is saying it’ll be another day before we know the results. And then, of course, Trump will challenge, although no one seems to think he has a prayer. He will make noise but we’ll be able to think of him as the ghost in our attic. Unpleasant, noisy and scary but powerless.
Ghost emojis! Much too cute for that ridiculous tub of lard but you get the picture…
Trump is going to be a ghost, a bad memory, a pathetic creature who is weak, insecure and desperate! He needs to hold onto the presidency so that he can avoid prosecution for his crimes. But it’s not going to happen!
It sounds like Nevada is going to take a while. They said Saturday! The trend is obvious. Biden is gaining ground by the minute.
Everything crossed darlings. I’m so tense and anxious too, Can’t bear the hatred POTUS is stirring up. In contrast Biden is so calm and measured.
Hey gals, you’ve got some crazy voting system in your country.
Ours is too BTW, very undemocratic.
Biden is a politician, thank heaven. Trump is just a demagogue. I guess a lot of uneducated, older, scared white Americans are what brought him to power, (well, together with some way too rich older, greedy white Americans). Ironically, the problem isn’t that they think “They” are different – they think “They’re” the same.
On a happier note, Rafa just beat PCB after dropping the first set! Vamos!!
These state maps are killing me: In Nevada, there are maybe 3 or 4 counties that vote Democrat: https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54831124 One area includes Clark Co. and Las Vegas and the other part is northwest (Reno, Tahoe region) bordering Ca.
Oregon is even more frustrating for the Trumplicans. The Blue part is the Portland metro area and down along the Willamette Valley ending at Eugene. All the rest is rabid Trumpist wilderness.
Washington, the same thing: West of the Cascade mountains is Liberal/progressive and the eastern portion is a wasteland Trump heads.
Idaho is uselessly Red in every corner except a tiny bit of Ada County where I live. My vote to get unseat dinosaur idiot multi-millionaire republican, Robert Risch, was for nothing. But I will vote progressive, for climate change, to protect people (Black Lives Matter) and cut fossil fuel consumption, and regulate environmental ruin, and for science abiding representatives as long as I breathe.
Hi All,
Trump came on tv and started to talk about the votes he got were legal and all the other votes that they are counting are illegal! CNN and MSNBC cut him off. It’s about time! Censor the piece of filthy garbage.
I actually think he is certifiably insane. I have been feeling this way for a while. His niece Mary Trump said that if your psychologically sick it only gets worse over time. I think he has lost touch with reality. This is a madman.
Never in my life did I think I would hear an American President talk like this.
I don’t know if you all in Europe are getting the broadcast. I know it’s late over there.
He is going to burn down the country because he will lose.
Georgia is now down to 3,000 votes. One tenth of one percentage point. Biden is knocking on the door. In PA. It’s down to 75,000 votes. They say it’s only a matter of time until Biden pulls ahead.
This is why I say pray for us. This lunatic is going to wreak havoc on this country. If he truly believes what he said tonight, then he needs to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.
Thanks for the info. I don’t know if Trump is insane. I do know he’s completely amoral with the social maturity of a backward 2 year old! And like a 2 year old he’s given to tantrums, by all reports. He’s lived all his life with one guiding principle: what Donald wants, he gets, one way or the other. The next couple of months are not going to be pretty. This must be the first time in his life that people have stood up and said “NO!” to him. The very idea must be totally novel to him. The president has a lot of power. I just hope there’s sufficient safeguards in place…
I think that Trump is extremely unstable. Maybe insane is too much. But there is something seriously wrong with him. I have described him as a 74 year old infant! So your comment about having the social maturity if a backward 2 year old, is spot on.
It’s unnerving to see an older man having hissy fits and temper tantrums. This is the first time he has had anyone say – NO – to him.
Dear God, I am watching tv and there an alleged plot to attack the PA convention center in Philadelphia where they are counting votes. They arrested a group of people who had a weapon. They came from out of state. The police arrested them.
It’s starting already. I am afraid that Trump will try to do something. He will not accept the result. Trump lose? Perish the thought!
Georgia is now down about 1700 votes. Biden could get the lead any time now. PA. Is just a waiting game. It’s 22,000 and there are more than enough ballots
out there for Biden to take the lead.
There is something else I was hesitant to talk about here. But there were some Republicans who talked about the PA. State legislature assigning other electors to vote for Trump. They said there is a law prohibiting them from doing this. I also heard on tv that a Biden’s campaign is ready for this. Lawyers are supposed to go down there to deal with this. He has a team of the best lawyers in the country. They have been preparing for all sorts of scenarios.
I don’t even know what to say and I am scared as hell that this wanna-be dictator and certified cry-baby will get his way and force his way into being dictator…no more democracy. I voted in person in Idaho for Joe Biden. But more and more I feel the need to move back to Portland, Oregon, or Seattle, Washington for protection. Like Ramara, I am living on hope that sufficient safeguards are in place to protect the vote and get this criminal out of the White House. The people have spoken.
Elizabeth, I have been one of the doom sayers before the election because I have been reading the scholars of fascism for years who all.said he would do exactly what he is doing now with the help of the fascist GOP.

flailing on his back. Very unfair to turtles 
mind you! They are beautiful creatures..

But reading around, the larger view seems to be that he is going down. It serves their purpose to create a fascist stab in the back mythology but that is for later ie 2024 rather than now.
They have called Pennsylvania so let’s celebrate the bastard being kicked out!
I loved Anderson Cooper calling him an obese turtle
Ps sounds like a good idea to move to a dem area though…
Stay strong darling!
Biden should end up winning but Penn, Ga and a few other states are just too darn close! It may be weeks before we actually know for sure, what with recounts, challenges and dirty tricks by Trump & his thralls.
I won’t rest easy until Biden is sworn in on inauguration day.
Stay strong, all.
Another nervous night with not enough sleep. Thank God that Biden pulled ahead. Recounts or challenges or lawsuits will not work because courts are loathe to overturn elections. So the person leading is the one in the position of strength. Biden is leading in all the remaining states is very important. The courts are going to have to save us from Trump.
The Senate is not lost either. Two runoff elections in Georgia in January will determine who controls the senate. None of the candidates got I over 50%.
I am very worried about potential violence instigated bu the Orange Menace. There are already scattered reports in the vicinities of the election centers where the counting continues.
One bright light for democracy is that the Republicans could not stop the counting! Power to the people! They have voted Trump out of office and that SOB is going to leave if we have to drag him out.
Trump will not concede. He will blow this country up because it’s all about him.
Are you exhausted nny? I am! Have overdosed on adrenaline….
Just wanted to mention the remarkable amazing Stacey Abrams. She registered over 800 000 votes in Georgia!
Biden should put her I his cabinet. Hell, get her over here to help us.. She is a truly inspiring figure. I wish the great John Lewis was still here to see this..
Trump is driven primarily by a base, pathological fear of being a ‘loser’. However unless he somehow turns Pennsylvania, Georgia AND one of AZ/NV around, he’s going down. The legal analysts assess his challenges as being basically worthless, which isn’t really a surprise since he’s not been able to produce any evidence of fraud or improper conduct.
Oh you read my mind! I am so tired that I forgot to mention my girl Stacy Abrams. She is the heroine in Georgia!. She is the one who took her defeat for governor two years ago and decided to work to change things.
I absolutely agree with you about Stacy deserving a cabinet post! She has earned it.,I wanted her for Vice President but thought she might not have the necessary experience. I live her! You don’t miss out on anything!
We just won the senate seat in Arizona! Yippee!!!!
Who is the new senator?
Mark Kelly. The Astronaut whose wife was shot a few years ago.
Nny, if anything explodes the nonsense phrase that all politicians are the same it is the comparison between Abrams and Lewis on one side and Gingrich and McConnell on the other. The GOP had people of stature such as McCain once. Not any more. They are a fascist party. The same is pretty much the same here where all the Tories of stature were expelled or left. They are supporting the orange psycho and are profoundly anti-democratic like the GOP. They want to take this country to the same place of hell.
Just want to give a shout out again to Anderson Cooper calling the orange psycho an obese turtle
flailing around on his back..

As I said before, it’s very unfair to turtles
Sorry, can’t stop with the turtle
amy dearest,
I was at the hairdresser, so I am late replying to you. John Lewis has been one of my personal heroes. It is true that there were decent Republicans like McCain. But now they are spineless sycophants. Standing by while Trump says terrible things about our election system.
Is Johnson a Tory? I still think that while your country has its problems, the situation is much more dangerous here. With the guns in this country there is always a risk of violence. Trump likes to instigate and inflame. He plays dirty and Biden is playing by the rules.
Trump represents a Neo-fascist movement that is incredibly dangerous. He needs to go.
Nny and Elizabeth, I have been very very worried about this getting to the Supreme Court. Laurence Tribe has been saying that some rerun of Bush vs Gore isn’t going to happen. That was a Black Swan event with no precedent for the situation now.

Am starting to relax because the Supreme Court was the only way they could steal this..
EEEEK! They’re still counting. However, looks as if Biden is slowly, slowly, getting there. Stay strong people.
Fingers crossed about the senate NNY because without it of course the tone of your government will change, hooray, but implementing policies will be hard.
I was very upset that we did not win control of the senate out right. There are the usual recriminations, like with Jamie Harrison going after Lindsay Graham. It was critical to get control of the senate so that we can get something done!l
The good news is the run offs in Georgia. If we can win both of them, then we have control if the senate.
Last night we heard about an alleged plot against the Philadelphia election center. It was QAnon. They came from out of state and someone tipped off the police. They found an automatic rifle in their car. The D.A. of Philadelphia talked about how they got them. Thank goodness! The Supreme Court will not stop the counting of votes!
All of the legal papers from the Trump team have been thrown out by the courts!
I wish they could finally call it for Biden.
Nny…What Trump facing right now is karma…
Thank you so much for that article! It said exactly what I have been thinking! Karma is a bitch! Trump is getting what he deserves for being such a cruel, evil monster! And I love it!

According to the AP election map, Arizona has finally been called for Biden! Leaves him just 6 electoral votes short with good leads in Ga, Nev and Penn. Unsure how soon any of those will be called though.
Honestly I’ve never been all that interested in politics, although I did follow Watergate closely. We’d just made a family trip (Hubby, self and four kids in elem school) to DC. It was my first time there and I’d been really impressed with the grand history, the Capitol, White House, the wonderful monuments, museums, mall. It was like Nixon had tracked mud all over that beautiful place! But Trump is even worse. Much worse!
I have been involved in politics quite a bit in my life. I was campaigning for Bobby Kennedy in the 1968 Democratic primary. When he was assassinated he took a piece of me with him. I was young and idealistic.
I thought Nixon was the devil. I grew up on stories from my parents about him, I knew about how he called his opponent in a Congressional race the Pink Lady, in other words a Communist. My father talked to me one night and tried to explain Senator Joseph McCarthy’s witch-hunt for Communists. I must have been maybe 5 or 6. Too young to understand. But as I got older I did understand what that terrible time was all about. So my parents planted the seeds for my political involvement,
I cried the day Nixon was elected in 1968. I knew when Bobby was assassinated that it opened the door for him. Watergate showed us the worst of Nixon. But there is a difference between him and Trump. After those infamous tapes came out, the smoking gun that showed Nixon’s guilt, the Republican senators led by Barry Goldwater, went to see Nixon. They told him that he would be convicted in the Senate. If he was impeached, then the votes were there to convict him in the Senate. A lot different from now! Nixon resigned. He saw the handwriting on the wall. President Ford pardoned him and it cost him the 1976 election.
But Trump is a whole other thing entirely. Nixon was bad in so many ways. But he was not as purely evil, amoral and unprincipled as Trump. I have never seen anything as bad as Trump. He wants to be a dictator and is basically leading a Neo-fascist movement.
Our democracy has been endangered. This was a critical election. Now I truly hope they they will prosecute Trump for his crimes abd put this wretched excuse for a human being in jail.
Apparently Murdoch has definitely turned on the orange psycho. That means it’s over.
The Dems have a long history of not going after GOP crimes and criminals. If they let the Trump crime family and associates off there will be widespread fury everywhere.
They have to start holding GOP crooks morally politically and legally accountable.
In fact liberals and the Left have to stop bringing knives to a gunfight and learn to change the messaging and fight fire with fire on a while range of issues.
Not letting fascists and anti-democrats call you a far left menace when you are proposing reasonable change has to be central to this. How about financing their own news channel for a start as well as bringing back the fairness doctrine in broadcasting. And they have to shut down the hate memes and garbage on social media.
Mary Trump was on our best TV channel-4. OMG she was so scary about Uncle Donald. Said he wont go quietly and we should look out for MASSIVE, toddler, temper tantrums!
Going to hide under the duvet till February and, as we’ll probably be heading for our 3rd lock down round about then, why it’ll be the best place to be!
Thank GOD the dems did not take full control. Biden has been in politics for 47 years and what has he done so far?! Even as the VP for 8 years what did he do? He gets so easily side tracked now due to his age as well. He is going to be back seat driving while the even worse person Kamala Harris calls the shots. Pray for this country, and pray Biden does not get involved in foreign wars that do not involve us AGAIN! And by the way I am not a republican, I am a conservative. I do not approve or like Trump’s personality or social media antics, but with politics you can’t mix personality. HE has DONE a LOT for this country.
Also proves why almost half the country voted or him still. Even if Biden wins which we all know he will, Trump was still very close and well supported by A LOT of Americans. Even though the far left and main stream media tried to portray other wise.
***For him.
Trump is a wannabe dictator. He is a coward without any moral decency. He has cheated and lie throughout his life. There is nothing good about anything he has done for this country. His own niece knows what he is. A dangerously unstable sociopath who will win at all costs, destroy anyone in his way and tear apart this country. His inability to deal with the virus has caused thousands of unnecessary deaths. He lied about the virus and encouraged his supporters to vote so that he could win. He lied about mail in ballots. He is a clear and present danger to democracy.
Biden is leading by over 4 million votes. If the Republican state legislatures had not enacted laws to forbid counting of mail in votes before Election Day, this would have been over already. It was NOT close! The Republicans tried to stop the counting but the courts would not let them.
An American president who would go on tv and say that mail in votes were illegal and only his votes counted, is a demagogue and a would be dictator.
Trump will now be prosecuted for his crimes and go to jail where he belongs. It’s past time for him to pay for his illegal acts.
Too many Americans are ignorant and from watching the garbage and propaganda on FOX news. The difference between Trump and Hitler is that Hitler never showed his hand. He never let it be known what he was going to do. With Trump the moron, he has shouted it from the roof tops. That’s why Biden had a group of the best lawyers in the country to be ready for what he was threatening to do. Trump is stupid. Hitler was insane but he was smart and savvy.
Getting rid of Trump will preserve our democracy. He should rot in hell for what he has done, but I will settle for prison.
Everybody !
Biden won! It’s over! It’s really over!
Now I am crying and can’t stop!
My sister in New York says they are honking their horns and screaming!
We did it!
Biden won Pennsylvania!
Thank God! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah nny!!
Huge hug!
Sorry I have to get my composure! I need a few minutes!
I can’t stop crying! I can barely type!
Oh God! My sister says they are going crazy in New York!
Pack your bags Trump! Get out of our White House!
What a day darling nny!!!

Another huge hug!
To think, we have spent 4 years suffering and waiting!
So glad we happened to be in site together when this happened nny!
Elizabeth should be with us!
Thank you for the support! I am overcome with emotion! I am shaking!
It’s not a dream! We are free of this horrible madman! Finally!
I can breathe!

Xxx nny!!

so happy we are here together!
Trump is done! HE LOST! The nightmare is over!
We did it!

HEY!….Where u’re going Mr Trump??
Gals!…Let’s hug!!!!
Big hug mira!!

Hehehehe….big hug to u back amy!…and to RC too!…Where r u RC??
This victory is for u guys!…
Nny,u can sleep peacefully tonite!…and dreamin of lying on a beach somewhere!…cigar on one hand,wine on the other…and a slave wiping your mouth bcoz of drippin wine….err wait a minute!..why the slave face looks exactly like Trump??Weird!..Thee he he he….
Love it! I will have the best dreams tonight! I had to cry it out and let go of all the emotion. It’s been a long wait
The crowds are celebrating in New York, Atlanta and Washington D.C.
A beautiful sight on a beautiful day!

Nny!…I feel for u Nny!..I have never in my life to be interested in US politics like this one!…but the hateful character of Trump makes me wake up in middle of the nite & check the result every single minutes in the last 4 days Nny!…hehehe…God!…what a relief!…
Hopefully Biden/Harris will bring normalcy back to US Nny!…Esp the handling of Covid!..They both came at a very crucial time in US Nny!…When the death toll & cases at the highest & the winter is just around the corner..I am very sure there is no one that feeling happier atm except Dr Fauci!…They & all the scientists will work together to counter the covid threat like a very responsible adult should..
Much much congrats to all Americans who make this possible!
Huge hugs to NNY, Elizabeth, Ramara and all Democrats on here and to all fellow sufferers/symathisers on here especially Amy and Andy M. xxxxxxxxxx
Huge hugs Margot!

This is a big big day for us as well. This may mean we can save our democracy and boot the thugs out! Bad news for Johnson hahaha!!
Really bad news for our very own mini Trump, Amy. And don’t forget the wee troll on here must be sooooooo sad.
Hahaha yes!!

Overcome with mirth at the thought of Johnson, Gove and Cummings sitting there in dejected disbelief…
I see Keir tweeted his support for Biden within one second!!
The 2 of them will be forging their alliance and shutting the fat blond tosser out…
You’re Fired!!

Your prime minister has sent his message of congratulations to our new president! Maybe now you guys will get a break in your government! Maybe it’s catching!
Did anyone call Putin?

It’s a very cool message from Johnson nny! The 2 don’t like each other and Biden called him the mini-Trump. Johnson said some insulting and racist things about Obama and other members of his party have been insulting Biden and depicting him as an IRA sympathizer and communist!
Johnson and his party aren’t a Conservative party any more – they are an English Nationalist Party with all the ugliness attached to that. The only way this country can recover is to get rid of them. But Biden winning will really help!!
Tommy Vietor, former Obama spokesman, tweets in response to Johnson ‘s message:
“This shapeshifting creep weighs in. We will never forget your racist comments about Obama and slavish devotion to Trump but neat Instagram graphic.”
Think that sums up how people around Obama, including Biden, feel about Johnson. Shame on anyone in this country who supports this corrupt staggeringly dishonest racist creep.You’re on the wrong side of history.
Wow Amy! That’s telling mini Trump how it is! Hope he can now bring himself to actually negotiate with the EU.
They will be forced to do a deal with Europe now Margot!

To think that if the orange psycho had won they would have embraced No Deal and pretty much destroyed our economy and the NHS.
They really are evil. And I never normally use words like evil.
But hahahaha! God this is a good moment. Think of how they have trashed Ireland as well and now with Biden being Irish they have to change their tune. So many delicious ironies to gloat over..!!
I know that Johnson is kind of a Trump
Clone. The thing that your government has that we don’t, is the vote of no confidence in Parliament. I remember with your previous Prime Minister, Theresa. I don’ remember her name. But she survived. I know from studying history that our founding fathers wanted stability in government. But it is at times like these, with a madman like Trump, that we need it. Unfortunately, the Republicans have supported him even through impeachment. That did not happen with Nixon. When those tapes came out, Nixon was finished. Barry Goldwater led a group of Senate Republicans who went to Nixon and told him they would vote to convict him once he was impeached in the House. Nixon had vowed never to resign, but they was it. He resigned. But the Republicans today will not do that. Which is all kinds of wrong.
I hope that you get rid of that idiot! We need to start a trend and get the assholes out of office.
Meanwhile, Trump is tweeting that he won the election. In caps no less!
Aww fantastic news ladies, im really happy for you all , nothing more to add , Jo Biden behaved with class and dignity all the way through this election, unlike the other guy with all his conspiracy theroies, LOVE and HUGS to you all XX
Thanks so much! It took a while to really sunk in. I had to cry it out. So many sleepless nights and worrying. I felt like a weight had come off me.
Today it’s great to see everyone out celebrating. The joy is palpable. People are dancing and laughing. They aren’t showing Trump’s poisonous tweets. So it’s all love and joy and happiness. We haven’t had a lot to be happy about this year.
I wonder if Putin has sent a congratulatory message to Biden!
Thanks, everyone! So happy our national nightmare is ending! I’m sure Trump will have to be carried out of the White House, kicking and screaming, possibly in a straightjacket, but OUT, OUT, OUT he WILL GO!
“Uncle” Joe Biden has been perfect through this whole thing. Calm, quiet, relaxed, looking to unify the country. Good luck to him! He’ll need it. The Dems lost seats in the House and while they may yet get a majority in the Senate it’s going to be a narrow one. But I really hope he can get something done about medical care for everyone (that’s NOT a socialist issue, it’s a human issue!), CORONAVIRUS and the environment.
I salute you again for a brilliant post! Just to let you know, I do think that the men in the white coats will have to come and take Trump put in a straitjacket! For real! That man is living in his own reality. He still thinks he won!
You are right that it’s not all good news for the Dems. They did lose seats. James Carville, who managed Bill Clinton’s campaign, said that the House Dems kind of got away from their message in 2018 that worked so well. I was worried that the riots with the looting and the burning and defacing statues and this nonsense of defunding the police, could cost the Dems. They need to get back to the bread and butter issues.
We need those two seats in Georgia. Stacy Abrams deserves a Medal of Honor for her work in Georgia.
Yes, she does! But there are so many heroes. I was just reading a thread about the Navaho Nation. They turned out in force to vote Trump OUT and turned Arizona BLUE! Some of them rode on horseback for miles to get to their polling place! So many heroes out there.
I love what happened this week !! Trump gets hiscomeuppance, and completely overshadows the Paris Masters which was never my favourite tournament .
I still wouldnt compare Boris to Trump though.
Why not? They are both racist liars who traffic in hate. And stop calling him Boris like he’s some cuddly character. Johnson is a killer.
I don’t think your views about the virus which you said you are blase about and the Tories who you obviously support bear much examination.
In fact I don’t think you are interested in facts at all and are on board the insane fantasy fact free island of Brexshit. You go swallow that toxic masculinity BS if you want but count me out. That’s what all these movements are about in the end. If only women voted there would have been no Trump, no Brexit, no far right movements in Hungary and Poland.
I don’t have the same strong views as you,obviously. I could vote either way ,depending on the policy. As for blasee,I think a lot of people are just getting on with life while still observing the precautions.
I didn’t realise Boris Johnson was such a tyrant ! But I’m a bit more distant from it ,we can only vote for our local parties.
Who are your local parties?
Sorry for my tone earlier Al. Was over the top.
Thanks for the apology. I wont ask for your views on NI politics but voting has been about orange/green as long as I can remember
Sorry, I was trying to post a picture.
London had fireworks. Paris had church bells ringing. Thank you! The world is celebrating!
Where is Putin? He lost his buddy!
Trump will not concede. That‘s a surprise! NOT! They said the Secret Service will escort him out!
How are you today nny?
Feeling happy?
London had fireworks and Paris had church bells ringing. Thank you!

love to see it!
I am on cloud nine!
nny, Oh good!
I am very very happy for you!
I hope Elizabeth is ok, she hasn’t been on site for quite a while..
I wondered where Elizabeth is. We were going to have a champagne celebration drink!
They said that Paris had church chimes and London had fireworks! I hope this can help to get Britain’s government back to normal! Get rid of the Trump clone!
I saw the Paris footage nny!
It’s like the whole world is celebrating the end of a war. The scenes in America are the kind you see when a country is liberated or a tyrant overthrown.
Which is true really isn’t it?
Can they remove him before January? He does so much harm and the scenes of his supporters gathering with AK rifles are terrifying. No doubt he will carry on holding his fascist rallies..
It is like when a country is liberated. To see so many people dancing in the streets, makes you realize how oppressive it was. The sheer joy was just beautiful to see!
Unfortunately, they can’t get him out before January. This is the one worry that I have. Privately I have been worried that Trump would stage a coup. That is why I was so stressed out. Now I am less worried about it, but still nervous. Trump is capable of anything. He has other things to worry about. The Southern District of New York is investigating him. Now that he is no longer president, he has no immunity. They will go after him. They subpoenaed bank records from Deutsche bank and they said they are looking into bank fraud.They should get his tax records, too. They think there has been a lot of criminal activity in his businesses. There is suspicion of money laundering with Russian oligarchs backed by Putin. Deutsche bank has been fined millions for illegal activity.
While Trump is fiddling around going after baseless legal claims of fraud in the election, people are coming for him. And he knows it.
I have not been able to follow what is happening in Britain. But I am now following your discussions with Margot. I hope you can get rid of Johnson. Now it’s your turn!
Margot, Another poll putting Labour 4 points ahead, this time from the pollster who got the last election exactly right.
Particularly impressive as the Corbynista hard-core won’t be supporting Labour now..
Also Keir has been way ahead of Johnson on leadership ratings and best pm and many experts say this is actually the best indicator for future elections.
Some reasons to be cheerful Amy
Johnson is everything you said, but I hate the whole Government anyway. Probably Gove the most.
Yeah Gove is especially loathsome.The obvious worry is that Johnson is becoming a big liability and they replace him with Gove who is arguably more dangerous and is Murdoch’s man.
Or maybe it will be Sunak? His approval ratings are off the charts so very difficult to fight.
One of the symptoms of dementia is to sometimes inadvertently tell the truth when you don’t want to
In his own words
he admitted that he and the Democratic Party has put together the most extensive voter fraud in American politics.
Uncle Joe is a moronic retard, Joe is the projected winner not the official winner until he gets the delegation and is inaugurated will he be president for now Trump is still president.
This would likely end up in the Supreme Court and a fair and just justice will prevail against voter fraud.
One of the symptoms of dementia is to sometimes inadvertently tell the truth when you don’t want to
In his own words
he admitted that he and the Democratic Party has put together the most extensive voter fraud in American politics.
Uncle Joe is a moronic retard, Joe is the projected winner not the official winner until he gets the delegation and is inaugurated will he be president for now Trump is still president.
This would likely end up in the Supreme Court and a fair and just justice will prevail against voter fraud.
What total and utter BS, the man lost , end of , get over it ….
@Alison you have spoken as a true ignorant thot keep it up
It’s sad isn’t it. People who live in their own delusional world. They just make things up, rather than facing reality. Yet these looneys had no trouble believing that a Trump won when he barely squeaked by with victories in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania in 2016. It’s like they have this selective reality. Trump didn’t win the popular vote. Not in either election.
Trump is going from the a White House to the big house. They can now prosecute this criminal. He is not going to be suing anyone. He will be trying to keep his sorry ass out of jail! LOL!

NativeNewYorker well said my friend, i dont pretend to know that much about politics, but i do know and care about the world we live in, and the America population, has been through some tough times these past few years, so we can only hope for a better future for us all,by the way dont waste your time with that troll, ignore him and hopefully he will go away, stay safe, LOVE and HUGS XX….
HaHa just like you whos shown yours, thats all i will say, i wont waste anymore time on a loser , who comes here to personally attack anybody that disagrees with him, the disgusting name calling, and the way you speak about women, shows just what a nasty piece of work you really are ….
Lol Alison, are ALL Republicans sore losers, do you think? The crazy thing about soon-to-be-ex POTUS is that he was threatening to challenge the election result, before the election had taken place! So I’m guessing,even if he’d won, he’d have had his lawyers on the case anyway. Or perhaps not.
Yes! Republicans really are All sore losers! I found myself thinking that very thing as I watched some of them on tv. They really can’t take it! Too bad!
It is true that the Orange Menace was threatening to challenge the election results before the election took place! The only result he would accept was if he won! Yikes!
What I can’t get over is the comments from some of the a Trump supporters. They are shocked, shocked that we are counting ballots days after the election! Where were they in 2018 when it took days to find out just how big the win was for House Democrats. They ended up winning 40 seats, but only days after the election. Yet now they are freaking out because they are counting votes after the election. Especially since the Republican controlled state legislatures in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania made it a law that mail in ballots could not be counted before Election Day! Duh!
These people seem to prefer to live in their own reality, rather than look at things as they are.
Well said Alison!
Haha/ Stanley is beyond pathetic..
NNY , Amy, Elizabeth, Mira Andi, Margot , this is so funny https://youtu.be/2UueGetlwpw ….
Hey Al!…Thanks for the link!…heh heh….yeah!…John Cleese is really funny!…
His face is familiar to me bcoz my kids so crazy in watching Pink Panther 2..so i get to ‘meet’ him in my everydays life too!
Alison dearest,
Thank you so much fir that! I needed a good laugh! Brits have this brilliant wit that just gets right to the great of it!
I have had two nights of blissful sleep! Finally! Even though things with Trumpy are getting uglier. The lunatic wants to have rallies sending his message that the election was stolen. Way to infect more people as the virus has raged out of control here. While Trump was golfing over the weekend, people were dying.
Nny!…To amuse u more…
Ohhh..one more thing Nny…Eta already landing in Florida right?R u okay over there?
Thank you for the laugh again! As far as ETA, we got a lot of wind and rain but I did not lose power. This was a tropical storm and it did big reach hurricane status. So we had some wild weather, but it’s all good.
Sorry, autocorrect garbled what I said. This storm is not reach hurricane status! It’s all good!
I’m glad everything is ok at your place Nny!…
Thing is: when the orange psycho goes he and his family,especially Kushner, will be leaving stuffed full of classified information and intelligence. Which they can pass on to America’s enemies. What is going to be done about this? We all know they have no morals and scruples.
One of my worries has been that Trump and company has been passing along classified information and intelligence all along. They don’t give a damn about this country. Trump loves to throw around the word treason. Someone should tell the ignoramus the real meaning of the word. I think if anyone is guilty of it, it’s him and his worthless son-in-law Kushner. I still think there is a connection between Trump and Putin. He has been too cozy with him. Believing Putin over his own intelligence people?
Al, I just want to reiterate my apology from yesterday. I really was out of line and I feel badly about it..
It was one below the belt,but at least you’ve the decency to apologise.I respect that.
Well I have now apologised twice Al!
It’s been a very emotional and stressful period of time so there is a context within which I lost it.
As I have already said, and it’s genuine, I feel bad about doing so.
I didn’t know you live in Northern Ireland. I don’t know much about the political parties in Northern Ireland so so you’re safe from any comments on my part!
Ok thats three apologies I accept all of them

NI politics -maybe better not going there but even when you live here it’s hard to understand
Yes am sure! Inveterate tribal religious groupings are very difficult to understand..
Not so much religious more political tribal difference.
I thought you were English,Amy but you’re clearly not a LittleEnglander otherwise you’d be supporting Brexit and Johnson.Not that I know much about any of this…
And I won’t comment on Rafa’s loss as its disappointing enough…
Really haven’t been following tennis. Wasn’t surprised he lost to Zverev as I have bad memories of him at wtf standing way back to receive as if on clay.
Didn’t want him to play Paris and wtf tbh.
I did think Zverev would be a problem. If he got past Rublev.
Rafa might have coped with a cold RG but it’s still clay.Indoor low bouncing just not his surface .
Agree. Think Rafa really lacks confidence on the surface and goes into his shell.
He can play on it! Ie he was fab when he beat Stefanos at the wtf last year. But he is very hit and miss partly due to lack of conviction.
Do you think we should all call the White House voter fraud hotline with tales of wrongdoing?
How about: we have seen giraffes voting! Or aliens arriving from outer space with maps given to them by Satanic Dems! Am sure they need some promising leads to look into..!
What about obituaries from dead people who voted? That is what Trump is up to now. The man really may be finally losing what sanity he has left!
I guess losing was just too much for the fat man!
Margot lol absolutely :-)….
Mira Andi if you like John Cleese ,this is from the comedy Faulty Towers enjoy https://youtu.be/tcliR8kAbzc :- D
Thanks Al!
Amy lol rack that post

I just read that the orange psycho has sacked Esper, the defence chief, and Mitch McConnell is backing his garbage voter fraud claims.
Feeling anxious again…
They’re not trying to stage a frigging coup are they?
McConnell is evil through and through…
Have you guys been following The Four Season Total Landscaping (site of Rudy Giuliani’s last speech for the Trump campaign) stories? Too funny for words! As Ricky would say “You cannot make this stuff up!”
Yeah Ramara!…I read about it!…Makes more funnier when the landscaping company took advantage of the event by promoting their product “hoodies $50,t shirt $25 & stickers that say “make America rake again” & “lawn & order”!…thee he he…
I don’t understand tho why that location?Some said it was intentional..
It’s one of those eternal mysteries…
Clerk to boss “Sir, the, err, someone claiming to be from the White House is on the phone. They want to book our parking lot for a speech by some guy named Giuliani? It’s a prank, right?”
“Who cares? Just be sure you get the money from them first! It’s our slow season anyway.”
“You’re the boss.”
I read about that mess with Gulliani. As if he can’t look any more ridiculous! I heard that the Trump campaign is trying to get donations for their legal challenges! Hah! Of course the Orange Menace would never use his own money! But when he owes personally guaranteed loans of between 300 and 400 million dollars.
Nny…about donations for their legal challenges,i found this interesting article..
I heard about this. Considering that Trump owes $300 to 400 million in personally guaranteed loans that come due in the next few years, I assume this is how he will pay them. He never misses a trick!
Before the election I read an article online about an investigation into Trump using taxpayer dollars for his business. I got so upset that I had to stop reading it. It was one of the newspapers that did the investigation.
He is such a criminal! God only knows what else he is up to! He is putting people loyal to him in the Pentagon. I am starting to get nervous. Before the election there was talk that the states where the Republicans control the legislature might decide to put electors loyal to Trump in place instead of the rightful ones.
I am starting to think that Trump may be crazy enough to try a coup. This is a scary time. He will not accept the fact that he lost the election.
OMG! Is Pompeo mad? Do Republicans care nothing about their country? Do they actually want civil war?
Thinking about you NNY, Elizabeth, Ramara and all. Hoping your constitution is strong enough to withstand this assault.Not unexpected as Trump threatened this, so hope the Democrats were well prepared.
I’d say yes, Pompeo was always mad. That’s why he’s a good Trumplican. AG Barr may be the maddest of them all.
Thanks for caring, Margot. I was near to hopeful over the weekend. Now I’m scared again, even more scared. People around me don’t seem worried at all. All is well in Trumplican hell, I guess. It was my hope that we would not get an authoritarian government. But the real threat to a peaceful transition for Biden’s presidency is unsettling and something I have never experienced. Feels like we are being threatened with civil war if the psycho crybaby does not get his way.
Then there is the obscene mismanagement of COVID in places like El Paso, Texas, and other cities and states where no one cares or has the resources to even deal with the dead packed into supposedly refrigerated trucks.
Life has stopped making sense again. There’s nothing to do but wait. It is quiet outside but it has a feeling of calm before a storm.
When America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold, as they say. Seems appropriate but I dare not think what we will catch when ex Potus sneezes! Yikes!
Hide underneath your duvet and wait for the hurricane to pass. x
This is the song I was playing starting Saturday. I am trying to remain calm and remember the joy and sheer happiness of that day.
But these people Trump has put in the Pentagon are bad dudes. Pompey should be put in jail! The Republicans have gone off the deep end. To have the Secretary of State say what he dud, is an insult to the millions who voted for Biden, he is a total buffoon.
I hate to say what I think is going to happen, but I do not see Trump leaving willingly. They will have to forcefully get him out. I think losing this election has made an already unstable man go over the edge. I think he has lost touch with reality and is insane.
The whole world is watching. And it ain’t pretty.
I don’t see it the way you do. Of course I am worried about what the Orange Menace will do in the days he has left. But nothing should take away from the great victory we had in this election. The celebrations on Saturday were just extraordinary. Nightingale can take that away from us. The people spoke loud and clear.
I do not underestimate the damage Trump can do before he leaves. But we will survive. The church bells ringing in Europe. The fireworks in London. People around the world took joy in this election victory. The mayor of Paris said – welcome back America! That should give us strength during the difficult two months ahead of us.
Trump told us beforehand. He said that he would not accept the result if he lost. He said that mail in ballots were fraudulent. So this is not surprising. Scary and unpleasant, but to be expected.
Trump will be gone. Biden will be our next president. This election was a triumph over messing up the post office, voter suppression, intimidation, lies and a raging pandemic. We should not lose sight of that.

I don’t see it the way you do. Nothing can take away the great victory in this election. Trump told us what was going to happen. He said that he would not accept any result that had him losing. He kept trashing mail in ballots. Lied every single time he opened his mouth, had super spreader rallies to make sure his people came out on Election Day and probably got a lot of them sick and some died.
We knew it was going to be bad once he lost. But I want to focus on the joy all over the world. The mayor of Paris tweeting – welcome back America! Fireworks in London. Church bells chiming in Europe! They all have our back!
I want to remember the day there was dancing in the streets in cities across America. The pure joy and exultation on people’s faces. We did it! In spite of Trump messing with the postal service to try and delay the mail in ballots. in spite of the intimidation, the attempts at voter suppression, trying to run the Biden-Harris bus off the road. All of it! But we triumphed over all of it and we should not lose sight of that.
Trump will make it hard until his time is up. But we should remember that this piece of human filth has an appointment with the Southern District of New York. Now they can go after him. No more immunity for the Orange Menace. So we have to hang on, knowing the world is behind us and Biden is fighting hard to stay on track. Better day’s are coming.
I am worried, but not despairing. We should all hang on to hope because after four years of pure hell, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I wrote a really long post yesterday but it did not come up for some reason. I wanted to say that I see things differently. We won a great election victory, triumphing over many obstacles that Trump threw in our path. Messing up the post office so the mail in ballots would not get there in time. The lies about mail in ballots being fraudulent. The voter suppression tactics. The governor of Texas limited drop off boxes for ballots to one per county! Intimidation tactics like trying to run a Biden-Harris bus off the road. Trump holding super spreader rallies to get his people out to vote, ignoring the danger of exposing them to the virus.
But we did it in the end. That should not get lost. We knew Trump would not accept the results of the election if he lost. He said it over and over again. We knew there could be mayhem in the two months until he is gone.
While I am concerned and worried about what the Orange Menace will do, I still have faith because of this great victory. The whole would rejoiced with us. Trump may make it hard on the country until he goes, which he will. But we should be proud of how Americans stood up to the challenge. There is reason to be hopeful.
Please accept my apologies for being a tired old cynic. I have been so depressed and angry the past four years and I thought it would never end. I’m still in a bit of disbelief that Trump will get away with outright crimes, get off easy, and will re-emerge in some form in 2024. There are just so many who believe his lies and think him wonderful. So it’s a total loss of faith in the whole lot of fellow Americans who voted for him. Knowingly or ignorantly they voted for autocracy and a complete idiot!
There is reason to be hopeful – but the fight is still on with so many of us of a mind to see Trump as a good idea. This fact makes me doubtful about remaining focused and nation to fighting COVID and focused on how bad the Climate Crisis is. I voted for Biden, I did! And it’s probably the best we could do at this time. I’m not celebrating quite yet, though. Also, I won’t vent my angst here if it drags people down. I’ll stay on the subject of tennis as I am right now. And not listen to the political news because it does vex me. I never want to hear or see Trump the center of attention again! What an awful four years! ….and it lingers.
In no way was I trying to tell you not to have your feelings. You are entitled to that. I am also discouraged by all the people who voted for a wannabe dictator, I am extremely disturbed by the ignorance of people who seem willing to give up the precious freedoms and liberties we have in this country. It is very concerning. So I share some of your concern.
As far as Trump, I do not think he will get away with his crimes. He can pardon himself, but not state charges. He is being investigated by the Southern District of New York. There are a number of investigations. They will get his tax records. Bank fraud, possible money laundering and tax fraud are at issue. I know that he got away without being impeached or convicted fir what he has done in office. But he is still facing a wired of problems. He is deeply in debt with 300 to 400 million in loans coming due. As far as running in 2024. he can’t do that if he is in prison. The Southern District of New York has a great track record of convicting criminals. Trump is a stone cold criminal. He has gotten away with a lot, but now he will not have the protection of immunity from prosecution now that he is no longer president.
I know that Biden was not your personal choice. He was my choice from the start. I felt that he was the one who could defeat Trump and that was priority number 1. He is a decent man. I believe he will work hard to deal with COVID. Unfortunately, he cannot start right now. So many more Americans will die needlessly as Trump goes golfing while this virus spreads. And that is a real tragedy. It breaks my heart. You may not get all the change that you wants but Biden will sign executive orders on day one to reenter the Paris Accord, roll back much of Trump’s deregulations. He will act quickly to start repairing the damage. We won’t have a madman wannabe dictator in office anymore. We did beat back the greatest challenge to democracy in the history of our country.
I am not pretending it will be all roses and sunshine. It will be a long hard road to repair the damage Trump has done. But at least we have a chance to tackle the climate crisis and the virus. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
You should come here and vent all you want. That’s what this topic thread is for. I am not upset with your angst! I respect you. Always know that. You have a lot to say and are an important voice.
My concern is the Democrats losing seats in the House. Also, the inability to gain the four seats needed to win the Senate. Now we have to try to win two seats in the runoff in Georgia. We did not win state legislatures. These are not good signs. The Dems have to get their act together to stay in power.
I think many of us are scarred by four years of Trump hell. It’s something that I never thought I would ever see in this country. My father told me so much about the Nazis after his experience in WWII. He understood that they were cowards at heart. He was with the soldiers who liberated concentration camps at Dachau and Bergen Belsen. He had to take pictures of the atrocities for the Nuremberg trials. He interrogated Nazis. I know that what he saw changed him as a person. But he realized who Hitler and the Nazis were. He would have seen right through Trump.
Stay true to who you are and what you believe!

Elizabeth my dear, you dont have to apologize for anything, you are amongst friends that are here to support you , and we all support each other, i know i cant be over the pond with you, but im here for a chat and a sympathetic ear, and please dont ever see that as a weakness, as your one of the strongest ladies i know , as NNY says stay true yourself , and what you believe, love and hugs XX
Yeah!…I’m here too RC!…Always will!…Don’t think too much RC!..It will eat u slowly from the inside…Just live with hope & positivity that everythings will be beautiful again tomorrow…coz the chance is always there!…
Miss u & love u RC!
I wrote a really long reply, but it did not post. I can’t rewrite it all again, but I just wanted to say that I think you are entitled to feel whatever you feel. Feelings aren’t right or wrong, they just are. I share many of your concerns. It is extremely disturbing to see so many Americans vote for a wannabe dictator who will take away their freedoms and liberties. Ignorance is a terrible thing. He already politicized the DOJ with the help of Attorney General Barr. He was on his way.
All I was trying to say is that we should not forget that the majority of people in this country voted to repudiate Trump, with all the challenges and obstacles he threw at us. My concern was that If one person cheats, then the other person is at a disadvantage. Trump never plays by the rules. So Biden had an even tougher task, I know you wanted Sanders or Warren,. But I felt that Biden could beat Trump. So did a Trump, hence his effort to get the Ukrainian prime minister to dig up dirt on him.
We now have a chance to reverse a lot of what Trump did. We will have a normal person as president. Not a maniac. We saved ourselves from an autocrat. There is hope, but also more work to be done.
You get to speak your truth here! Always! You don’t drag anyone down! I just tried to give another perspective. You are such an important voice here! Never forget that!

Well one of my earlier posts managed to appear. It is the first response to your latest post, at 2:35 pm. I write another one as you can see.
This is an emotional time. I do believe that the Orange Menace will leave in the end. He is doing all he can to make it hard for a Biden, but he can’t stop him. He is just a loser now. His life will not be pleasant as he fights off civil lawsuits from two women who have accused him of assault and rape, investigations by the Southern District of New York into criminal activity in his business to the 300 to 400 million in loans he has to pay in the next few years. He will need to spend a lot of money on lawyers. He can’t run for office again if he’s in jail.
He is a face, a fraud, a con man. The majority of Americans saw it. They fired him! Good riddance!
You keep on keeping on! If we can survive until January 20, I think there are better days ahead. There is an old saying that it is always darkest before the dawn.
You are a special person with a good heart.
@Nativenewyorker: I don’t think anything will change personally in your life what ever happens with the presidency. So stop thinking too much about it.
Nothing like some unsolicited mansplaining!!
Nny is a highly intelligent independent and thoughtful woman who doesn’t need offensive patronising comments from strangers. Or is Anthony haha/Stanley in one of his many thrilling guises?
Thanks! I just saw that comment. Quite condescending. Of course it affects our lives! The idea of re-electing an autocrat who will turn this country into a dictatorship? There is nothing more important than to fight back for freedom and liberty! Thank goodness the people realized it and came out in record numbers to vote!
There was violence at the rally with Trump supporters in Washington D.C. yesterday. Trump was driving around to encourage the crowd! This is where things could get ugly. It’s what the Orange Menace wants.
Before the crazy sick lunatic leaves office, he will manage to cause the deaths of many more Americans as he ignores the raging virus. He will cause tumult and chaos until this miserable piece of garbage finally leaves.
It’s going to be a tough two months.
I found it very condescending nny!
I must say until that fat psycopathic tosser actually goes I can’t relax.
I knew that he and the GOP would do this but it’s still nauseating.
The one good thing I see in this is that hopefully Biden and the Dems realise they have to press for legal action against the entire Trump crime family and associates plus McConnell and the GOP.
That’s my hope but whether they have the balls to do so is a different matter. I mean, the GOP are absolutely institutionally corrupt and antidemocratic and they have to take them down along with the crime consortium.
I don’t think anyone can relax until that piece of human garbage goes! I agree that it is sickening to see what the GOO is doing, even if it’s not a surprise.
Biden will have to clean out the DOJ. I would love to see whoever he appoints as Attorney General go after Barr. Biden said he would leave it up to the Attorney General. The whole Trump family is nothing but grifters. I am grateful that we have a court system that was able to throw out all of Trump’s pathetic challenges to the vote.
Trump cannot pardon himself on any state charges that may come out of the current investigations they are conducting in the Southern District of New York, I sincerely hope they get him for running essentially a criminal enterprise.
I saw your PM Boris Johnson in the House of Commons this past week. He is trying to act all chummy with our incoming president. I must say that I love to watch your Parliament debate. It’s so different from our debates in the Senate.
Nny I just read that Lindsey sycophant in chief Graham tried to pressure the Republican in charge in Georgia to throw out legally cast absentee ballots to try to give the state to the orange psycho.
Graham really is revolting beyond belief and should be nowhere near government let alone the Senate Judiciary committee.
Bossy much? Get A Life.
Yes, it’s really true. How anyone like that can be in public office is pretty disgusting. I expected Trump to be an SOB about losing the election. But to see the Republicans go along with him is something else. The GOP is a shell of what it once was.
Biden said it flat out – people will die if the Trump administration refuses to cooperate in the transition. All Trump is doing is tweeting more insane lies and conspiracy theories when he isn’t golfing. This is what the people who voted for him want? Really? Shame on them!
I detest that spineless sycophant Graham nny!
But the orange psycho is the GOP’s creation. They have been on the antidemocratic route for a long time; at war with science; facts; reality itself.
As Frum said years ago, if the GOP can’t win through ideological means they won’t abandon their mindset but will abandon democracy.
Our conservative party is becoming a carbon copy of their antidemocratic corrupt playbook. It’s not a Conservative party any longer but an English Nationalist Party based on notions of the Volk and blood and soil identity. Brexit is a vehicle to make our country into something resembling America ie tribal, divided with one party openly racist antidemocratic autocratic and hate mongering. It’s all about political theology which is the deliberate antithesis of reason, science and democratic values.
What’s scary is how quickly and easily people gobble it up.
I just saw your latest comment. I am appalled by how the GOP is behaving. Lindsay Graham should be censured at the very least. Since when does a Senator from South Carolina get involved in any way with e,ectuon results in Georgia? In what universe? I don’t buy any of his lame ass attempts to explain it. Butt out!
We have never seen a transition like this. Trump is on a firing spree, when he’s not too busy tweeting the latest nonsensical conspiracy theories. He fired the guy who said our election was the most secure ever. Unfortunately, more people will die because Trump is not doing anything and will not give Biden the information he needs to be up to speed on the virus. The situation has become dire in America.
We don’t know what crazy thing Trump will do next. The Republicans are privately furious about him withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. But the wimps won’t stand up to him.
I have run out of words to say about Trump. No language that would be appropriate on this forum. He is the scum of the earth.
Nny, are there no sanctions that can be used by the Dems, who hold the House, against the orange fascist? Because this is insane.
I read that additional witnesses have said that Graham tried to steal the election in Georgia. If he did it there, how do we know he hasn’t tried elsewhere but this time people have been too scared to speak up? What Graham has done is clearly criminal and he should face criminal sanctions and go to jail.
What is most alarming is how officials and politicians abuse their powers and seem to face no penalties. It’s the same here.
I think you are as exhausted as I am because it is so relentless?! Please God let Biden take control soon. He is an eminently decent man with a good heart whether one agrees with his politics or not. Decency is in short supply right now so it needs to be cherished.
The problem is that Trump will pardon himself. As for a Graham, he should have to face charges because interfering with an election is a federal offense. It strikes me that the only ones committing illegal acts are the Republicans.
Last night I freaked out when I saw online that in Wayne County, Michigan they refused to certify the vote. That’s where the blacks voted in huge numbers. Then there was a big outcry and they ended up voting to certify the election results for Wayne County. But it’s something crazy every day. Trump wants a partial recount In Wisconsin which he will have to pay for. A full recount is about $8 million. So they are paying for a partial recount, guess where? In Democratic counties! Oh right! Because that’s where dead people vote or there is all this fraud! Please!
They had Lawrence Tribe on last night. He is an expert on constitutional issues. They keep talking about the investigations in the Southern District of New York. Trump cannot pardon himself with state charges. He cannot avoid prosecution for any charges they may bring.
What I wish they could do is use the 25th amendment. It says that if the president is unable to do his job, then the Vice President takes over. The Vice President and the cabinet have to determine that the president is not fit to do his job. But that will never happen. It’s too bad, because I think that losing the election has pushed Trump over the edge. He was already dangerously unstable. Now I think he may have crossed the line to insanity. He isn’t doing his job. All he does is tweet wacky conspiracy theories and lies. He is not doing anything about the virus.
The Republicans better watch themselves. The country is watching and so is the world. Trump lost the popular vote and the electoral college. They are not going to steal this election when it was such a resounding victory. Biden is such a decent man. It’s shame that he has to put up with the antics Of this psychotic overgrown baby.
I know who Laurence Tribe is nny. I have read articles by him several times.
Is the SDNY really to be trusted? They had a strong case against Ivanka and Don jnr for money laundering years before 2016 and they didn’t proceed. It’s Cyrus Vance in charge right? Everyone knows that Trump tower properties have been money laundering vehicles for the Russian mafia along with a host of other criminals yet they refused to take them on. So the establishment looks to have been routinely complicit in not acting while knowing what is going on.
If they can use the 25th presumably they can drag people in and hold hearings? Ie bring Barr in, among others. Make them feel the heat. I don’t know why, if they have subpoena powers they don’t use them.
It’s beyond shocking all the people in charge of registering the election getting death threats ie the guy who is a Republican in Georgia – he is the Secretary of state right? Raffensberger? At least some GOP officials haven’t cowed to this criminal mafiosi pressure.
You are in the know! I did not realize that they brought charges against the children in the past. You are also aware of the money laundering. They is what they suspect. Proving it may be another thing entirely. The Russian oligarch are backed by Putin and they are supposed to be the most corrupt group.
I thought the Southern District was supposed to be good. But Trump has managed to avoid being held accountable for a long time. His father was the same way. The whole family are basically grifters. I know that Trump’s sister had to step down from being a judge because of an investigation by The NY Times. They got records from Mary Trump. She really didn’t know what was in there, but the Times was able to put it all together. So they are all criminals.
The basic strategy of Trump now is to stir the pot with all sorts of fake stories and lies about a rigged election. Then they hope that it will get some of the Republican controlled state legislatures to put up their own electors loyal to Trump. This is what fascists and dictators do. They said it won’t happen because there are Democratic governors on those states and the law says you can’t change electors after they have been picked. It is a sign of how desperate Trump is.
The one thing I do know is that he will need a lot of money to pay all the lawyers he is going to need after he is no longer president. I am hoping they can get his tax returns, although they say tax fraud is hard to prove. He is being sued in civil cases for assault and rape by two women.
I think the issue is that the transition is like a gentleman’s agreement. It’s just something that has always been done. Except that Trump is NO gentleman! No one has ever refused to concede an election or not cooperate in the transition period.
Trump has gotten away with so much. It’s past time for it to catch up with him.
Nny, well the worrying thing is.that they (SDNY)had a strong case against Ivanka and Don jnr for money laundering but wouldn’t bring it so it looks like they covered it up. I mean, the money laundering has been going on forever with half the Russian mob living in Trump tower. I fear that because the establishment has covered up for him they will.do it again. They had a strong case before after all which would have sent Ivanka and Don jnr to jail so that wasn’t about absence of proof but covering up the evidence.
Look at how the establishment covered up the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein for so long when everyone knew about it. The media wrote puff pieces about him.
Did you know that it was Barr’s father who first gave Epstein a job in a NY school.even though Epstein wasn’t qualified? And that Barr’ s father wrote a novel with scenes involving sex slaves?!! All these criminals are so interconnected they have dirt on each other.
I must say that Dershowitz’s role in covering up for Epstein while himself being accused of child rape( as was Trump) was a foretaste of what a sycophantic s**t he was to become.
I don’t understand why the establishment would cover up for Trump. That makes no sense. Jeffrey Epstein had connections being so rich. He got a deal on his sentence for sexually abusing those young girls. It was a travesty of justice. Things have changed in the last decade or so when it comes to sexual abuse crimes.m
I did not know that Barr’s father who gave Epstein a job . Barr is a disgrace. What he has done in being Trump’s personal lawyer is outrageous. I didn’t know about Dershowitz covering up for Epstein.
All I know is that Cyrus Vance is investigating Trump. He is the one who went to court to get his tax records. Heal so said that there is criminal activity in Trump’s business. I cannot believe they would try to protect Trump in any way. He will not have immunity after losing the presidency,
Trump is now going straight to Republican legislators to get then to put in electors who will vote to certify him. In other words, a coup. This is about as bad as it gets. So far Republicans have resisted pressure from Trump. The Secretary of State in Georgia has gotten death threats. Trump is trying to have them overturn the result in Michigan. This is just unreal.
Trump is no longer fit to carry out his duties. He needs to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.
Nny…Scared??If they did nothing wrong then there’s nothing to worry/whine about right?
Methinks. Ivanka doth protest too much!
I hope that they make Trump’s life miserable! It is long overdue for him to be held accountable for his crimes.
He is out of control. Now he is inviting Republican state legislators to the White House to get them to put electors in place who are loyal to a Trump instead of the lawfully elected ones. He is trying for a coup! In broad daylight! He is dangerously close to treason.

I just read that NY Attorney General Letitia James has 67 indictments on Trump ready to be unsealed on January 21st.
I just saw your latest post! Between Letitia James and Cyrus Vance, Trump will have his hands full! It’s great to hear that they have indictments waiting for right after he leaves the presidency! It’s long overdue!
Go get him!
RIP John le Carre.
Great novelist and wonderful human being…
Just popped on here to send you all my good wishes and hopes that 2021 will be a better year for us all. Stay safe, stay sane. It was great to reconnect with my virtual tennis friends.
Some good things about 2020: 1) Trump getting dumped 2) Marcus Rashford 3) the vaccine, developed through world wide co-operation.
Probably only Amy and Alison will know about Marcus, but he is such a decent, lovely man with more kindness in his little finger than the whole of the Tory cabinet put together.
isn’t he a soccer player?
Yes. Man U. Forced Gov to fund free meals for poor kids. Grew up using food banks to survive and shamed Gov into doing two U turns. Said much more to do to fight child poverty. Hero.
Happy New Year, to all the lovely posters at TG, hope your all keeping safe and well
Lock him up! Now! This fascism is beyond revolting…
Jail is too good for him..
Stop calling them protesters! They are useless moronic fascists.
And that loathsome pathetic criminal tub of lard incited this. They won’t send the National Guard. Wonder which fascist moron decided that.
# Nazis.
As for everyone who sneered at us when we said years ago this would happen. F&&k off. It’s always been utterly obvious what a fascistic heap of garbage he is.
I am watching this in horror. My sister called me because I was out and didn’t see any of it.
I had a bad feeling when Trump came back from Florida early. I have been worried that something was going to happen. It should have been obvious to everyone.
This is an attempted coup. I am sickened by what I am seeing.
Nny big hug darling!
Watching with absolute fury!
Why is the building not secure? This was predictable..
Imagine if this was BLM. The police would have shot them dead.
Big hug to you dear! I have no idea why the building was not secure. I am outraged. It’s time to invoke the 25th amendment and get Trump out of there now! He is not fit to govern. How many times have we warned people on here? I knew he would do something, but I did not expect this. Why aren’t they tear gassing these thugs?
You are right about if it was BLM. I blame the Republicans for this nonsense of challenging the electoral college results. They have enabled Trump and it led to this.
The good news is that they have called the second race in Georgia for the Dems! We have the Senate! Take that, Trumpy!
I just posted something but it did not come up. I knew that Trump was up to something, but I never thought this would happen. I don’t know why the building was not secure. They should have had the National Guard there with tear gas!
If it was BLM they would have shot them. They need to invoke the 25th amendment. Trump is not fit to govern. How many times did we warn everyone here?
I have tried to answer you two times, but it did not post.
Hugs to you! It’s time to invoke the 25th amendment! Trump is not fit to govern. The lack of security was appalling.
How many times have we warned about what Trump might do? I had a bad feeling when Trump came back from Florida early. I knew he was going to pull something.
What a terrible day!
Nny, I feel for you darling!
Am busy now but will post later today..
Thinking of you and Elizabeth..( I know Elizabeth is surrounded by Trumpers where she lives so it’s hard not to worry about her…)
Xxx xxx
PS throw Cruz and Hawley out of the Senate!
I see that Keir has condemned this in the strongest possible terms and our own fascist tub of lard has said nothing.
# Birds of a feather stick together…
Going to bed now.
Sending hugs and love to nny and Elizabeth..
Thinking of you both my darlings..
Nny,RC,..much congrats for democrats winning senate runoffs!…u guys waiting this moment for 4 years!…Happy time!!
As for Trump & …can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen to him!….ESP after this attempted coup!
It should have been a great day with the Democrats winning both Senate races to get control of the Senate. But seeing what happened just made me sick to my stomach.
They need to invoke the 25th amendment now! Trump is not fit to govern. Congress stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to certify the electoral college. So the insurrection failed. But the whole world was watching.
How many times have we said here that something bad would happen? Why weren’t the police prepared? Trump was hinting about something big happening. He can do it again. He has until January 20.it’s only January 7.
There is a way to get rid of him in the constitution. Use the 25th amendment. They need to get a strait jacket and put him in a psychiatric hospital.
Nny it seems the Capitol police actually helped them. They opened the gates, they took selfies…
Are the Dems actually going to do anything? Because I read that Pelosi has told Congress to go home until after the inauguration. Sorry but this is really utterly ridiculous. Trump is going to do something even worse! They can’t just let sedition and treason pass unpunished…It’s farcical…
This passive behaviour by the Dems is pathetic..They swore an oath to uphold the constitution!
I agree with you. Trump has no remorse. That is what they said. What is to stop him from doing something else? Chuck Schumer called for Trump to be out now. The cabinet has to get together to invoke the 25th amendment. This is why we have it! Use it! He is clearly not fit to govern. What if he starts a war? He is capable of anything.
I don’t know what is up with Nancy Pelosi. We are not safe as long as this lunatic is there. They are building a wall now. So we have to be an armed camp now?
The FBI is involved and they are actively working to arrest more of these thugs. We need better protection by the police. Trump had been hinting about this. They should have been ready.
I am a nervous wreck! You could see this escalating. It should not have come as a surprise. Trump has to go now!
Shocking scenes from Capitol Hill, but is anyone surprised? Trump and the Republican senators who still refuse to acknowledge the election result, need to be removed from office now.
Take care, my US friends.
Amy: I notice our very own mini Trump hasn’t condemned POTUS. The creepy shape shifter is a disgrace.
Margot, the creepy shape shifter is a disgrace but so is much of our media who are little more than pathetic poodles. No one here should think we are in better shape than America where the institutions are far more robust. Here, as in Hungary, they are being hollowed out so that they simply don’t function.
Would really like to know, if you have a minute, what you think of where Labour are? I really don’t like the outsize influence of Claire Ainsley. Is everything to be projected at Red Wall voters many of whom have probably signed up to populism for good anyway?
Hi Amy! POTUS has made a U turn worthy of our shape shifter, must’ve been taking lessons!
As far as Starmer is concerned, really like him at first, not so much now. I know he’s got a very difficult job but he’s cosying up to the Tories far too much for me and he seems to lack fire in his belly. Heard Milliband skewering the Tories business policies and showing real passion. Like David Lammy very much, being very smart and also warm. Also Lisa Nandy. And SNP’s Ian Blackford(?) is wonderful! Attack! Attack!
Replied before and it didn’t show, so hope this doesn’t double. Also, NNY tis me, not “anon.”
Hi Amy! This will be my third try to respond to you, so third time lucky, I hope.
I’m very disappointed with Labour TBH. The job of the opposition is to oppose. They seem to have forgotten how.I know Starmer has a difficult job to do but I’d like to see some passion from him.
I see Marcus is having to take on the Government again regarding child hunger, and where id the LP?
Margot, yes I agree. But it’s noticeable that Ed is way more effective now ( one speech of his was fab) than when he was leader. Being leader of Labour is so difficult because of the media attacking them constantly that it stifles people. Also Starmer is a neophyte in political terms and lacks experience and self-confidence. The biggest problem imo is that he is far too on board with Claire Ainsley his closest advisor. I am sure you know about Ainsley? If not, I can tell you more. It’s way too focus group obsessed, positioning messaging from there into their own speeches and policy. Ie they are feeding back to them what they want,( or what they think they want from Red Wall voters especially). In an age of populism how does this work exactly?!!
Far too simplistic. The Biden coalition got its victory by primarily.emphasising the danger of the opposition. And here I agree with you completely, they have to attack at the moral level.
I like Lammy and Nandy as well( and Blackford). Still think Starmer is a man of principles and integrity but lacking self-confidence and going with the wrong advice. Ainsley has no political experience. He needs someone who has.
But there is no way they can hold Labour together like this for several.more years by repelling their own core pro Europe, hate Johnson vote ( why say what they think Red Wall wants and lose Scotland!?)
Or are you so fed up you want a change in leader? He is very effective against the creepy shape shifter…
Marcus is a gem, I agree!!
Nancy Pelosi had to go to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs for assurance that Trump will not be able to access the nuclear codes. This is what it’s come to now. We have a deranged psychopath in the White House and we have to try to prevent him from more mayhem and chaos.
Twitter permanently banned Trump. One reason is that they have information about another attack planned for January 17. So they are cutting him off.
Pelosi is trying to pressure Trump
to resign or face impeachment.
I hope we can just get through the next 12 days.
Nny, the more I read the worse it becomes. Capitol police actively helping the mob while black police were trying to maintain order and were racially abused.
As for the talk of ‘healing ‘ by the GOP traitors.. It would be unbelievable if we didn’t know already how utterly cynical they are. Why aren’t all the Dems on board with removing the vile piece of sh&t? They have to before he starts a war somewhere and they have to remove Cruz, Hawley and Graham plus bring all the toady sycophants like Pompeo to account. Have all the lawyers involved disbarred.
All the old Guard of the Dems who won’t use the powers they possess to protect the American people should be replaced by people who will. I think some of them are complicit in what is going on because they have refused to use the powers they have to hold the murderous psycho and his thugs to account before.
Even if they somehow get to inauguration day I am really frightened what may happen. Can they remove the people he has put in the Pentagon who are helping this? It was obviously a co-ordinated coup.
One good thing: given Thomas’s moron wife bussed in the mob surely Thomas has to resign from the Supreme Court? That is good news!
But the amount of info the mob had on the tunnels and where the offices were mean they had a lot of inside help. The extent of the GOP involvement is breathtaking. The whole party has to be taken down. And don’t let me hear one more word about civility! This is just the coded language of the confederacy! No one should be on board with it.
Sending you and Elizabeth love
I don’t understand why you are putting this on the Dems. Put the blame where it belongs – on Trump and the Republicans! The ones in Congress who made objections to the electoral college results even after this hideous insurrection.
A lot more is coming out now. It’s beyond disturbing. How it took 90 minutes for the National Guard to arrive. How no one in the Pentagon responded. How the governor of Maryland could not get anyone to okay him sending in more National Guard.
It is obvious that this was orchestrated by Trump. He is the one who put his loyalists in the Pentagon. He made sure that no one would respond. This was orchestrated in advance. That’s why Trump left Florida early before his New Years Eve party. I had a bad feeling. But Trump is stupid and are his fanatic supporters. We were lucky this time. They are too incompetent to pull off a coup.
But let us remember that the Dems only control the House at this time. The Republicans still control the Senate and Presidency. The Dems tried to contact Pence to get him to invoke the 25th amendment. That would mean immediate removal of Trump and Pence taking over until January 20. Now they are trying to impeach him if Trump won’t resign. There is nothing else they can do. Impeachment will not get rid of Trump. The ones to blame are the Republicans who tried to help Trump overturn the election. Censure by the House and Senate is a possibility.
They can’t just throw out elected public officials. There needs to be an investigation and then they can try to hold people accountable. After Biden takes over the new Department of Justice can go after those responsible.
There may be more violence. These fascist thugs are not done. Trump is dangerously unstable. They have to try to keep
him from doing more damage.
The other night they showed video of a police officer being crushed by the mob as they tried to break into the Capitol. I was so upset that I couldn’t sleep that night. It was horrific. We have never experienced anything like this. The rioters were looking for Pence and said they would hang him. They knew where to go. Nancy Pelosi’s office is not easy to find. So who told them where to go?
There were thugs with messages on their shirts. Camp Auschwitz with a rough translation of the slogan Arbeit Macht Frei – work brings freedom. Then another short with the message – 6 million is not enough. Referencing the 6 million Jews who were killed in the Holocaust. It made me sick.
This is a crisis. I worry that Biden will not be able to enact his agenda. We have a raging pandemic. We can’t get bogged down in going after Trump. The Dept. of Justice can go after those responsible.
Once Trump is out of office he will be subjected to prosecution from many prosecutors. He will not have a minute’s peace. His children egged on these thugs and they should face charges.
Trump needs to be in jail. I don’t care who gets him. As long as they get him. This has been so awful to live through. I think I am still in shock.
NNY: Twitter has allowed Trump free rein for years with his poison, lies and hatred. Really shocking.
I agree about Twitter allowing Trump to get away with his poisonous garbage for too long. They should have banned him a long time ago. Now they finally did it because he is inciting violence.
One man who lost an election has tried to turn everything upside down. I would like to see Trump in jail for the rest of his life. He can’t handle losing, so everyone has to suffer?
We could see this coming. We should have been ready. Hitler was smarter because he never showed his hand. No one saw it coming. But Trump always talks about what he will do. That is one thing with him. He shows his hand. So we should have been ready. Trump is too dumb to pull off a coup. His thugs were too disorganized to get it done. We were fortunate this time. But we have to be prepared now.
That was me NNY, don’t know why I came up as aon!
Things look so scary in USA. Pence now on side with the orange menace who is as belligerent as ever and justifying what he said.
Take care
Thanks for letting me know. There is another anonymous. Someone not worth addressing anymore. Anyone who could defend the Orange Menace is not worth the time. Pathetic and delusional. They cannot make an argument. All they do is attack and regurgitate the propaganda from their leader.
There is more video showing the brutality of the attacks on police officers. It is truly horrendous. They urinated and defecated in the halls of the Capitol. They showed one representative who was on the floor cleaning up the mess because he was so upset by it.
This was more organized than we thought. We know now why the National Guard was delayed. Trump would not call them up. I think it was Pence who got them to come.
It’s going to be an armed camp for the inauguration. They are rounding up these thugs and that is a good thing. But this is not over yet. Neo-fascism in America. Not a pretty sight.
The Orange Menace will not take any responsibility. No surprise. But people can see who and what he is now. Some Republicans are willing to impeach him. But there are too many who still stand behind him. I hope they can get rid of Cruz and Hawley. Cruz’s communications person quit today. The blowback has been fierce. They deserve it.
I am feeling very stressed. Nervous for the inauguration. This should be a time to celebrate, but there is talk of more attacks planned. God help us.
The governor of Maryland is on cnn talking about how he could not get authorization to send in more troops. He tried to send help. But those in charge did not respond. It is obvious that this was coordinated in advance.
We better not let down our guard. The issue is still why no one was ready knowing that Trump was tweeting about something big happening on January 6. If I could figure out that something was up, what about those in charge who are responsible to protect our Capitol?
So are they going to impeach tomorrow nny? They have to try…
I couldn’t watch the footage of the Capitol policeman getting crushed. I see the Arizona GOP has censured the honourable Cindy McCain…nothing said about blue lives matter now…
The GOP is the party of death. They are nihilists really..
My understanding is that Pelosi has impeachment charges ready for tomorrow. But then I heard that they might pull back so that Biden can get some things done as soon as he is inaugurated. We have to deal with the pandemic and the economy. There is going to be an investigation by the DOJ into everything to find out what happened and why. But it appears that Trump planned this and had his flunkies in the Pentagon prepared not to send in any help. I was nervous when he put his people in place in the Pentagon. People who were not qualified. So this has been planned for a while. So he went to the courts, he tried to bribe Georgia election officials and then tried to pressure Pence to throw out the electoral college results. When all that did not work, he had this insurrection as a last resort.
I would advise people not to watch the video of the police officer getting crushed as they were trying to prevent the thugs from breaking in. They did push them back. The police officer who died was a white man. He texted his family and said he was okay. But he went to the hospital and had a blood clot and a stroke and died. So there were police officers who did their job. The one who was getting crushed survived. It is indescribable to see this happen.
They are going to have a virtual army there for the inaugural. At least now they understand what they are dealing with.
I think if they impeach him again, then he can never run for public office again.
I never thought I would live to see anything like this. Neo-fascism in America.
One more thing. These thugs think they are big shots now. I heard they were celebrating online. Well the FBI is coming for them now. They will use everything to bring them down. These are the lunatic fringe. One of them even posted online that he doesn’t care if Trump remains in power. They hate the government.
Trump has to be convicted (that’s up to the Senate) as well as impeached (the House can do that) in order to keep him from running again and even still there are not enough votes in the Senate to convict him.
Many Republican politicians (hell, probably ALL of them except maybe Cruz and Halley) despise Trump but Trump still controls their party (ReTRUMPlicans) and they’re afraid of him. No one with a grain of sense believes Trump’s “malarkey” about Biden “stealing” the election but a whole lot of people don’t use logic or even common sense to make decisions. Ah well, a wise man once said that democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the rest. The price of freedom really is eternal vigilance. The former Republican party sowed the wind and now they’re reaping the whirlwind.
And yes, Trump had this planned well in advance. This is the reason for the spate of firing anyone he deemed “disloyal” to him and pardoning all his cronies. This is NOT over, not by a long sight. I’m sure there’s more to come, even after he’s finally booted from the White House.
You know, this should have been the week that we celebrated the victories for the Senate in Georgia. This was such an inspiring thing to see. African Americans turned out in record numbers in a runoff election. There was a sense that the Dems did not have much of a chance. But they came out and voted and would not be deterred. It should have been a special moment.
Then this horror came. I was beginning to think I was getting too paranoid, because I had been feeling nervous fir a while. First when Trump put in his loyalists in the Pentagon, people who were blatantly unqualified. Then when Trump abruptly left Florida before his New Years Eve party. Then his tweets about something big happening on January 6. Now they reported that both the FBI and the NYPD warned the Capitol police about people coming there. The FBI even contacted extremists and told them not to come. I could not get rid of this nagging feeling that something bad was about to happen. I wasn’t paranoid. It was my gut instinct. Trump was always going to go there.
What unnerves me the most is how the National Guard was not deployed for hours. Nobody came to help. The Pentagon did not respond. This was no coincidence.
I agree that the Republicans did not believe for one minute that Biden didn’t win or that there was fraud. I don’t even think Hawley or Cruz believed it. But they went along with the lie and they have blood on their hands.
They say that Pelosi will have impeachment charges tomorrow. Then Pence has 24 hours to invoke the 25th amendment. If not then the House can vote on impeachment. There isn’t time for a trial in the Senate to convict. I don’t see any way they get 2/3 of Senators to convict.
I don’t think this is over at all. But I also think that this was a wake up call for the FBI and other law enforcement organizations. They are going to have to be ready to meet force with force.
It is true that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. But in Tuesday’s election we found reason to hope and rejoice. We have to keep fighting and voting. Light and dark from one day to the next. Such a wonderful moment Tuesday, followed by the hideous insurrection on Wednesday.
I think I always knew it was coming. We still have to survive this madman for a little over a week. But the damage he has done and the destruction he has wrought, will still be with us.
You know, this should have been the week that we celebrated the victories for the Senate in Georgia. This was such an inspiring thing to see. African Americans turned out in record numbers in a runoff election. There was a sense that the Dems did not have much of a chance. But they came out and voted and would not be deterred. It should have been a special moment.
Then this horror came. I was beginning to think I was getting too paranoid, because I had been feeling nervous fir a while. First when Trump put in his loyalists in the Pentagon, people who were blatantly unqualified. Then when Trump abruptly left Florida before his New Years Eve party. Then his tweets about something big happening on January 6. Now they reported that both the FBI and the NYPD warned the Capitol police about people coming there. The FBI even contacted extremists and told them not to come. I could not get rid of this nagging feeling that something bad was about to happen. I wasn’t paranoid. It was my gut instinct. Trump was always going to go there.
What unnerves me the most is how the National Guard was not deployed for hours. Nobody came to help. The Pentagon did not respond. This was no coincidence.
I agree that the Republicans did not believe for one minute that Biden didn’t win or that there was fraud. I don’t even think Hawley or Cruz believed it. But they went along with the lie and they have blood on their hands.
They say that Pelosi will have impeachment charges tomorrow. Then Pence has 24 hours to invoke the 25th amendment. If not then the House can vote on impeachment. There isn’t time for a trial in the Senate to convict. I don’t see any way they get 2/3 of Senators to convict.
I don’t think this is over at all. But I also think that this was a wake up call for the FBI and other law enforcement organizations. They are going to have to be ready to meet force with force.
It is true that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. But in Tuesday’s election we found reason to hope and rejoice. We have to keep fighting and voting. Light and dark from one day to the next. Such a wonderful moment Tuesday, followed by the hideous insurrection on Wednesday.
I think I always knew it was coming. We still have to survive this madman for a little over a week. But the damage he has done and the destruction he has wrought, will still be with us.
Sorry, I just saw that I double posted. My mistake.
Do you really think it is smart for the left to divide the country even more than they already have this election? What those idiots did to at the capitol was disgusting and sad. Those were extremists that need to get locked up. But the left already won like you said and Trump admitted recently finally he would do a peaceful transition now that he lost in courts. So let’s practice what the left always preaches by “de escalation” and realize there is less than 2 weeks before they are in office. And an impeachment would divide the country EVEN more being that half the nation likes Trump which was and is shown and proven over votes. Also REMBER the left was NEVER peaceful when trump won, even after he won when AMERICA voted for him. And before you jump to accusations and justification of the left and what they did this election which was disgusting especially the media, just know I am not a republican. Just speaking the truth, which STATICALLY HALF of the NATION AGREES with.
Do not dare to compare what happened after Trump won on 2016 to this! No rewriting reality here! Did we have a mob attack and break into the Capitol? Were people killed? This is what happens over and over again and it has to stop!
We have never seen this kind of violence. Why? Because no president ever tried to have a coup to overturn an election. People have to stop acting like this is just business as normal. That is the problem! Normalizing Trump’s vile and illegal behavior! This man was trying to bribe Georgia election officials to get him more votes! He tried to pressure the Vice President to refuse to certify the electoral college! Please do not insult me and others here by pretending that this is normal in any way!
The fact that so many Americans like Trump and voted for him does not in any way make what he did somehow okay! It means they were fooled by a con artist and fraud who has done this all his life. This man is a total loser. A liar, a crook, a cheat without any morality or ethics or principles. The fact that so many people support him days more about us.
Trump needs to go to jail. He has committed crimes and no one is above the law. The idea that we should just join hands now and sing kumbaya like it never happened, is unacceptable!
We were lucky this time. If we accept this, then what is to prevent it from happening again. Trump divided this country for his own political purposes. He created this chaos. He lied about the election being stolen and a fraud. What a pitiful, weak, sorry soul he is for not being able to deal with losing. That’s what adults do. They deal with setbacks or misfortune or loss. Like human beings.
Trump is pure unadulterated evil. He is also dangerously unstable. There is a policeman who is dead for no reason. There are thousands of Americans who are dead because Trump was too incompetent to handle the virus. That one man could wreak such havoc, is appalling. He is not going to get away with what he did. It’s time for him to pay for his crimes. Past time.
Or is it okay for a crowd to say – Hang Pence? To try to go after our elected officials? They already tried to kidnap and kill the governor of Michigan. They arrested them before they could do it. Yet now we should just say – oh, no big deal! Let’s move on so we don’t hurt the feelings of those who voted for him? Those people need to open their eyes and face reality! Finally!
Can’t post much as half dead with fatigue but just wanted to send you my support nny.
Very glad to see the Dems are discussing the 14th Amendment. Excellent! Take all the traitors down;it’s the only way. You can’t appease fascism. It feeds off prevarication.
Thanks for your support. You will see that I said my piece here.
I am devastated by what has happened. I did hear about the 14th amendment. We have to get rid of these pieces of garbage who were somehow elected to public office, yet put their loyalty in a president rather than the Constitution.
I have one more thing to say for the record. What about the German people who adored Hitler? What about all those who followed a man who tried to exterminate a race of people? Hitler was popular. Worshipped. Does that mean he was somehow worthwhile?
So the argument that all these people who support Trump and voted for him somehow validates him, is bullshit. People can be deluded and deceived. That is what happened in Nazi Germany. We all know how that turned out.
Now we have a Neo-fascist movement in America. We have to turn or efforts to taking it down now.
Lmao you are from New York enough said, from your ignorant comments we can all tell which side you are on. Any word about all the DAMAGE AND DEATHS caused by BLM?! Absolutely not, speaking of insults you and the left media are the true insult. Obviously you could use the excuse as being fooled back in 2016, but we they voted FOR him AGAIN because they LIKED what he did and what he was about, AMERICA AND FREEDOM! Not his dumb Twitter antics which the left loves to always bring up just like the media. You can’t mix personality with policy, that’s what is so hard for you SOFTIES TO UNDERSTAND. But HALF of this BEAUTIFUL NATION does LOVE him, and STILL LOVES HIM, remember that before you cry on your next comment about how much you hate him and justify that BULLCRAP BLM movement. Obviously Black Lives Matter, because ALL LIVES MATTER!
Hope the dems don’t flud the nation with homeless and their ridiculous laws like they already have California and New York.
Deluded and deceived?! Yes they can, just look what happened this election, big LIES and BIG TECH CENSORSHIP to push the left!! Lol lies and deceive is all the dems know!! And more taxes lol and transgender bathrooms in public schools (disgusting) where kids attend, and no saying god in school, no 2nd amendment, and so many OTHER HORRIBLE NON AMERICANS THINGS!!
Trump’s Twitter ban is completely justified and probably should have happened a long time ago. The Constitution no more protects speech that incites others to violence than it does shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre. I agree that the consequences of impeaching Trump in an already divided nation need to be carefully considered, and there is a serious argument that it shouldn’t be done now. But in terms of what he did and deserves, Trump committed an act of sedition, plain and simple. He should be locked up for life, if not worse.
Joe Smith,
I agree with you. Life in prison or worse. For trying to overthrow the government. He orchestrated this from start to finish. The only thing I can say is that it is fortunate that Trump is stupid and incompetent. He is a traitor to his country. With all that he has done, this is the absolute worst.
This election was the most secure. We had record turnout even with a pandemic. It was democracy at its best. But Trump would not have it. He would not respect the result. He lost. He could not handle that. So he had to try and destroy it. A selfish, narcissistic madman finally turned to trying to engineer a coup after all his challenges to the courts failed. His efforts to bribe Georgia election officials did not work. They held their ground.
It was always going to end this way. But that dies not make it any easier to bear. He is such a total disgrace. Lock him up for good so he can never hurt this country again.
Non American***
I agree on trumps social media ban as well, I was referring to big tech and media censorship such as YouTube and Facebook blocking or suspending numerous conservative accounts that go against the left. The same as why you never saw any media down talking BLM even when they were hurting innocent people at dinner but they would always down talk trump supporters. Just sad and unfair. Either way even if I disagree, I respect our nations choice with Biden going forward and hope for the Nation to become United once again and stay safe.
Your financial institutions are the problem. Fix that and nearly all your problems will be resolved.
Trump is just another puppet i nthe system. As soon as they knew he was finished they all turned their back on him to try and save their own reputations.
JP Morgan was just fined $1B for ripping off the public over many years and then they turned up to that meeting about halting political donations as if they are socially responsible.
There’s a lot of criminal conduct in your country and you need to weed them all out so the country can move forward and so the world can move forward. Most of the world and younger gen have had enough of politicians and banks. They wont be around for much longer with all the tech bbeing developed that’s capable of replacing them.
Nny!…I donno whether u already read this or not,but I think it’s a very interesting article…
I just saw this. It’s disturbing. To say the least. It reminds me of this saying – we have seen the enemy and the enemy is us. I don’t know that I agree with everything said about this country, but I do think that working people do not vote for their own interests. Trump doesn’t give a damn about working people. He gave the biggest tax cut to the rich. The Republicans do nothing except help big business and the rich. I think there is a lot of prejudice and fear among white working people. They are blaming minorities when they should be blaming a political party who does not help the vast majority of people.
I am just sick over this. The videos that continue to come out show that it was much worse than we knew. They interviewed police officers and their stories were horrific. At least now everyone can see who they are. No blaming Antifa now! This is all on the Trump fanatics.
We will have an inauguration with the capital looking like an armed camp. I heard that Trump is planning this big exit with a red carpet and a 21 gun salute! Right to the end, an evil fascist idiot.
Hey back Nny!…I hope nothing bad will happen next wednesday..but those extremists/fanatic Trump supporters r determined to disrupt it in any way they can!…
Trump unleashed the monster that even he failed to control atm…I read,some of his fanatics really angry at him bcoz he released a statement ‘condemned’ rioters after what happened at Capitol..they feel betrayed & some of them even wished he will rot in jail!…Whoo!!…I am really glad Trump lost the election Nny!..Hope Biden & team will do a much better job than Trump!
I’m sending NI, Elizabeth,all Democrats and sensible non Trump supporting Republicans, my hopes for a calm, peaceful and celebratory transfer of power.
Take care.
Dear Margot and dear long-time tennis friends,
I have not been able to breathe for 4 years worrying about losing our fragile Democracy to an evil dictator, autocrat, and his hateful mobs of domestic terrorists. But it is not quite time to celebrate. Time to breathe a little easier, be alert to the remaining dangers and love each other (without naming names, I know and feel the love from those here that care for me and you know my love for you!
I was watching the ceremony honoring all who have died so far from COVID. Washington D.C. looked so beautiful in the sunset. And this old song came to me. Maybe I will love my country again. Hope lives on.
Dear RC, so lovely to hear from you again. Biden and his team have a heck of a task and I wish them well. Take care, keep the flag of hope flying.
Here in the UK we are having a terrible time with mini Trump and three more years to go. I live with despair.

Orange Menace a vindictive, ignorant creep till the very end.
The memorial last night on the National Mall was so lovely and moving. Long overdue. Now after the inauguration I can feel like I can breathe again. It is really over. The long nightmare of The Orange Menace is done. But not after the SOB tried to overthrow the election with his gang of lunatic thugs.
Rotten and evil to the very end. I hope his life is pure hell. I want him convicted in the senate, prosecuted for his crimes in the state of New York and put in prison.
Good riddance!
It was a wonderful Inauguration Day. I feel like we can breathe again! Lovely to see three ex-presidents there looking presidential and supportive.
Even lovelier NOT to see the Orange Menace there! (I despised him for not showing up but now I’m grateful he wasn’t there to spoil the day!) The fireworks that closed the ceremonies were magnificent!
Good luck, Joe and Kamala! You’ll need it.
RIP British democracy.
I refer of course to the fascistic policing bill.
Margot I have reached the end of the line with Starmer. I wrote an angry email to my Labour mp a few weeks ago about his failure to hold the Tories to account for their rubbish brexit deal.
But this latest heap of garbage where they were going to abstain on the policing bill and only opposed it because of the horrible events surrounding the vigil for Sarah Everard is the final straw.
Abbott wrote an article saying Starmer wasn’t interested in the human rights threat because of the Red Wall voters. I am absolutely sick to death of this pathetic pusillanimous garbage. If he doesn’t have the guts to fight for our democracy and oppose fascism he shouldn’t be leader.
I would like David Lammy to be leader. I want to see some moral fight and passion!
Absolutely furious!
I completely agree with you Amy! I wrote to Starmer pointing out the role of the opposition was to oppose and, if he pursued this policy of going after the “red wall” he would lose people like me. Got a very anodyne response from a lackey. More opposition is coming from those loony right wing Tory backbenchers. This awful bill curtailing our right to protest, no money for nurses, bloody flags everywhere and now Patel sending us back to the fifties. I hate what this country has become. I despair.
Yes I despair too Margot!

I don’t know what Labour stand for and I honestly don’t know any longer what Starmer stands for.
Don’t they think it might be a good idea to actually fight what is effectively a slow burning right wing coup which is attempting to destroy our democracy and turn us into a cross between Trump’s America and Hungary?
Why recycle the eco system set by the right wing press?how is that going to work exactly?
It’s all so utterly incompetent as well as lacking in any ethical foundation.
It’s bats++t crazy politics to adopt strategies which alienate your own core vote.
I backed Starmer for the leadership and feel very cheated and disillusioned.
I backed him too but TBH there was no-one on the final short list I thought could cut it. I voted for Jess Phillips in earlier rounds. I also like Cooper, Lammy, Lewis, Thornberry, in fact almost anyone but…..In fact the SNP bloke Beckford is one of my favourites, he’s like a rottweiler!
RIP Adam Zagajewski.

Great poet and human being.
I urge anyone who hasn’t read it, to read Try to praise the Mutilated World. A really great poem.
Finally some good news!

Stacey Abrams has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize.
Amazing woman!
Margot, please God can we see the back of Starmer asap!

I honestly can’t take any more of this unutterable rubbish.
I don’t need to enumerate examples of said rubbish as there are so many.
He is an utter disaster!
He’s been such a disappointment,Amy. And now he’s showed himself up as an incompetent knee jerker.
Worse Mandelson is now running the show and his people, including the awful Jenny Chapman, are now in Starmer’s inner circle.
At least Rayner put up a heck of a fight. I look forward to see her taking it to Gove.
Problem is any attempt to get rid of Starmer will result in a hell of a bloodbath which will only benefit the Tories.
We need a progressive alliance.
He has to go Margot. He has shown himself to have absolutely no political judgement. This ridiculous defence of Chapman at all costs! Why ffs!? She is awful and utterly useless. In fact I can’t stand her.
Last night I couldn’t sleep so I concocted a fantasy that David Lammy became leader and we won the next election.
I want someone who has moral clarity and guts and can actually make a rousing speech. That plank Starmer can’t.
Agree 100% about the need For a progressive alliance. We have to get PR and reform the voting system.
I really supported Starmer!Boy was I wrong! I am amazed at how useless he has been.
Who would you like to see as leader Margot?
I can’t really see Jess Philips as leader tbh.
I just want someone who is prepared to tell the truth and take the fight to the Tories. The only people I trust to do this are Lammy and Lewis and Lewis probably isn’t electable.
I see the rest of them bleating out nonsense about Red Wall voters and embracing Brex#hit if they were to win. This pusillanimous codswallop only gives cover to the proto fascist Tories. I see Johnson is meeting his best mate Orban today and getting tips on how to destroy our democracy
I just want someone to have the guts to stand up and say this! When did Labour become so craven and cowardly…
Wont be Lewis, he’s making too many overtures to the Progressive alliance. Like Lammy very much, also like Cooper and there’s Burnham coming up on the ropes.
Ian Hislop was very good on HIGNY, scorched Cummings.Did you notice slimy Gove escaped criticism. Wonder why…
I can’t see any change of leadership till Labour lose next election. It’s all awful. I hate what this country has become, we are governed by a bunch of unprincipled liars.
I just saw a clip of Starmer saying no one from the government should resign and was hurling insults at him!
He is so weak and cowardly!
Honestly I can’t stand any more of his pathetic focus grouped BS.
I like Cooper a lot as well.
Labour are being absolutely destroyed in the polls with Starmer’s ratings in freefall. They will probably lose more seats in an election so I really can’t believe that there won’t be some kind of challenge. I suppose the right are afraid of the Corbynistas coming back.
I campaigned for Starmer and was a big believer- fool that I am – and I can’t stand the sight of him now.
You guys think you have problems? Look at the Republicans party here! Passing state legislation to suppress the vote. We have worthless trash like Matt Gaetz and that QANon nut Marjorie whatever running around spewing out vile filth.
The Republican Party is becoming neo-fascist. Taking stuff right out of the Josef Goebbels play book.
The Tories are copying them by introducing voter suppression laws here which would disenfranchise millions of people. The vast majority of these would favour Labour and the Left generally.
Democracy here is in an absolutely perilous state.
They are copying Orban’s Hungary and are neutering and destroying the institutions.
In this beautiful state, it’s not enough to have a “good” Republican governor. The majority of Trump Republicans will push the good one out and replace him with a Trump blessed man or woman. The majority of voters here demand someone to represent them, of course. We all want to elect someone who represents us. However, this is the perfect region for irrational right-wing extremists. I made the mistake of believing that over time it would get better here. As it happened, the reign of Trump made Idaho proud and blindly passionate about the worst President this country has ever seen. If not Trump, they will elect Gaetz, McCarthy, a Qanon, the abominable Ted Cruz, or anyone of Trump’s ilk.
There is no peace here in Idaho. The Republican Governor here did such a good job during the height of Covid’s worst times. He had the state under control as it needed. But by the time of Biden taking office, the Trumpsters were extremely angry, occupying the Idaho Capitol building, marching with their “stop the steal” posters, and trying to get our Governor removed for opposing Trump’s anti-mask and anti-reality messages. I really don’t want to be in this racist/Trump-loving state, but the move back to Oregon is not possible right now. The desire for having Trump or a Trumpster in the Whitehouse is alive and well in this red state.
We have to hope that Vance has the guides to lock Trump up. He is the one instigating all this. But I do agree with you about right wingers electing Gaetz, if can’t get enough evidence to put him away. Or that Marjorie QAnon lunatic. McCarthy wants to be speaker of the house.
Gaetz comes from the panhandle. I knew it the minute I heard him. Northern Florida is redneck country. I know you are up against it in Idaho. This is a very dangerous time. I never thought we would see neo-fascism in this country. But I learned a lot from my father about fascism and the Nazis. He knew everything about them. He used to talk about them all the time. He saw the final solution up close and personal when he helped liberate the concentration camps. He told me that Himmler, the head of the SS, was a chicken farmer. I didn’t understand how he could know that. But then I saw a documentary and they did say he was a chicken farmer. Josef Goebbels had a deformed leg that made him walk with a bad limp. My father said they were all misfits.
Now we seem to be seeing something similar here. People did not take Hitler seriously. It took him years to finally gain power. It did not happen overnight. They will try again to overthrow the government. The Republicans didn’t want that commission because they know that their own people were involved in it. They don’t want the whole truth to come out.
I feel for you living in Idaho. The saving grace in Florida is southern Florida. But this piece of garbage governor DeSantis is a Trump clone. He is bad news. I hope at some point you can move back to Oregon. That would be so much better.
We need to get Trump locked up. Then seem to be ready to indict him. They need to get the goods on Gaetz. That QAnon lady needs to be expelled from Congress.
I cannot believe this is really happening in this country.
Agree with you about what is happening in this country. My father was not in the army at that time and did not see and experience what your father did. Thank you for sharing. It’s why we can never forget! Although it makes me physically sick, I do watch documentaries and have read and seen plenty of pictures. It is scary to see them parading, even last night here. It’s a change for the worse. Hate is in the air since Trump lost the election.
Winning the election was only a first step in changing back to the democracy we were. These people do not care about democracy! Uhg.
If I could reach out a squeeze your hand I would, Not to worry, have been vaccinated!
I wish that I could squeeze your hand, too! And I have been vaccinated! Your state is all over cable news because of what happened with ending the mask mandate. It’s scary. I never thought I would live to see this happening in our country.
I realize now that my father wanted me to understand what happened in Germany. It was like he studied Hitler and the other top Nazis. He knew everything about them. He even read Mein Kampf. He stayed in Germany with the occupation soldiers. He helped run a prison and the Nazis were very arrogant. They refused to get out of their tents for roll call, so my father had one of his men get high powered hoses. They knocked down their tents. My father looked at me and said, then they got out. The look on his face said it all. He despised them. Then there was a time when the Nazis prisoners were singing about crossing the channel to England. Like they were going to come back after Lodi g the war. My father spoke fluent German, so he got in their faces and said – it looks like you missed the boat!
Once he left Germany he never went back. I learned a lot from him about the Nazis and fascism. To my horror, I see it starting in this country. Matt Gaetz is calling for violence. That Marjorie Greene sounds crazier and crazier. It is appalling that she is comparing wearing masks to the Jews wearing stars! She obviously forgot about Kristallnacht. The night of broken glass. When the Nazis vandalized Jewish businesses. It was a night of terror. So she left out that little tidbit. She is monstrous.
I hope that Americans recognize what is happening. It took Hitler years to gain power. People did not recognize the danger. These people who rioted on January 6, will try again.
Thank you for being there. It helps to know there are people who understand and see what is happening.

We haven’t seen you here in ages as far as I am aware! (I was off site for a short while).
I really hope you are ok..
Love, amy
Hey RC!…Do u still follow cycling nowadays? And were u watching Giro past weeks?
As for me,when Caleb Ewan dropped out from the race,there goes my interest in Giro too!..
I’m a huge fan of pocket rocket RC!
Can’t wait for the Tour de France!
No, I have not been watching because I had no way of watching last year and there is no cycling coverage this year…yet. If Tour de France is on, some network will pick it up. But it’s been a long time since the Giro and the great one-day races in the spring were broadcast. And I really miss cycling.
I do remember who Caleb Ewan is. What team does he ride for now? Is there still a mainly Australian team? I know the Dauphine is going on today but I have no way of watching it. The teams have likey all changed, most of them do trades in the off-season. I should go read Cycling News and get caught up before le Tour!
Thanks for reminding me!
For Brits:
Just to let you know that if you don’t actively withdraw your consent your NHS healthcare data will very soon become the property of extremely dodgy private firms.
I think the cut off date to opt out is June 22. I opted out yesterday.
Remember that NHS data can show very sensitive personal details.
This is one of the things Brexit was all about: surveillance capitalism.
Just reminding fellow Brits about this again.
Remember anything you have on your record to do with mental health; assault; anything..can become the property of some of the most unscrupulous people out there if you don’t opt out.
Cheers Amy, will check it out Not many Brits on here are there. Big Al, the absent Alison and ?
I was writing for people reading as well Margot.
It’s outrageous that the Tory sjjts are trying to get this through with no one knowing what they are doing….
PS hope Alison is ok…she hasn’t been here in a long time..
I expect you know that Palantir and mega creep Thiel have been awarded huge contracts which give them frighteningly large amounts of our sensitive data.
We have become the product.
It’s gruesome Amy. I am beyond depressed at the state of the UK and the state of the planet. Thanks to Brexit we have cast ourselves adrift in hostile seas. Just when we needed closer co-operation with our European friends. And 3 more years of Tory hell, at least.
Amy, are you saying it is worse there than it is here?
It’s very bad. All the institutions are being neutered and destroyed.
They keep threatening to shut down the BBC which means that they won’t report their lies and what is going on.
They are enacting voter suppression laws which will disenfranchise millions including myself.
Their real target right now is judicial review. If that goes we are no longer a democracy.
I could write way more about everything they are doing but I am really tired after watching Rafa!
Why do you think both Margot and I say we are in despair? It’s because we know what is going on and where this is heading….
Absolutely agree Margot.
It’s hard to sleep. In fact mostly I don’t!
As someone who is English I can only apologise to the Celts, including you,for this descent into ethno-nationalism and autocracy.
England is living in a kind of mad fantasy world about itself and its exceptionalismm which is completely at odds with reality.
I don’t wonder that the Scots long to break away.
OMG just read that tomorrow they are going to try to put through changes to limit the power of crowdfunded legal challenges. They are constantly attacking The Good Law Project and the only people who are holding them to account.
They are fascists pure and simple! No other description suffices for how vicious, corrupt and anti-democratic they are!
You give me eerie goosebumps to read that, amy. And it’s painful to think another great democracy is falling. I believe I know how it is for you and Margot and you are dear friends of the same ilk as I am. I am not sure exactly when I believed we had no democracy. Perhaps it started after 9/11. Yes, that was it. Our government and administration did not react how they should have. And they had all their “reasons” lined up in their nice row to spy on our health records and bomb nations for no good reason at all. It has been humiliating what America has done domestically and abroad. I’m crying real tears for the planet as well, call me a snowflake or whatever but it is all a real problem. I fought so hard to get rid of Trump along with millions doing the same. But the other side is still fighting – I see it every weekend on the streets.
I don’t know what to say dear Elizabeth.
I am just so tired right now.
All of this has been building up ever since the Brexit vote. As I’ve said here before Brexit was just a Trojan horse. A way for dark money and the oligarchs to buy up our democracy.
Johnson is just their patsy. He is completely amoral and corrupt. He never believed a word of the shit he spun about Brexit.
The point is that it allows them to rewrite all our domestic laws without parliamentary scrutiny. That was really what is was all about: the destruction of parliamentary scrutiny. And without that there is no democracy.
They can do what they want now.
Thanks for being such a good friend darling!
I feel for you and the horrors in America. They are horrors.
Yes, the horrors are here, too.
But it can get worse and from the small perspective available to me, it will become more horrible and more personal.
Our ways of living will run out, literally run out like the water has, as it gets hotter and hotter, and the breeze brings no relief because the wind is hotter and burns my lungs. The fire is next door, in many states, right next door, here in the West.

Elizabeth, I feel for you my dear!
Honestly it feels like it would be a good thing for you to move to a Dem state with a cooler climate.
Sorry I didn’t reply before. I have only just checked this thread.
Come visit me, Margot and Alison! Our country is sh%% but it’s a lot cooler!
Amy: So agree with you. They have an 80 majority and have taken it as permission to trash our democracy and ignore all criticism and lie, lie, lie. And never accept responsibility.
And the sight of Johnson prancing around like the fool he is, with proper world leaders and using his kid for photo opportunities, made me feel very sick and ashamed.
Margot, yes it’s all sickening.
And I only just realised with the publication of the report over Daniel Morgan how astonishingly corrupt this country has become. It’s rotten to the core absolutely everywhere.
I think all of this started in the 80s with Thatcher and Reagan. As the great Timothy Snyder said, the real winner of the Cold War was oligarchy.
He also said, and I love this phrase, that “post truth is pre fascism” . Well that is exactly where we are in this country right now.
That’s what Brexit is and was a vehicle for fantasy and unreality. An attack on language itself and a drive towards anti intellectualism which is the cornerstone of fascist movements.
Hugh Grant said recently that he thought there wasn’t going to be an election in the sense that we understand the w ord. That’s what I think too. I’ve thought so for ages now.
Margot I forgot that the Lions are about to start touring. Will you be watching?
I am mystified by some of Gats’s picks. Jonny Hill!!?? He was useless for England who seem very over-represented given their terrible performance in the 6 Nations.
Happy for Wayne Pivac though and I love watching the resurgent young French side and most especially Dupont!
We could discuss the Lions tour here when it starts!
You bet Amy! Something nice to take our minds somewhere else. As a Welsh person I am a huge rugby fan. I love the “resurgent French” team too. Wish I’d been born French. Especially now.
Amy: A small chink of light in Amersham! Only small, but I’ll take it!
Don’t rate Biggar or Tiuperic and loathe Farrell. Am surprised Davies isn’t going.
Margot, quite a large chunk of light given that it has never left Tory hands and the Tory vote was down 30%!

I agree about Davies. Centres are the strangest picks for me. Aki is a bosher and not much else, Harris is great in defence but not in attack, Daly is woefully out of form and keeps dropping the ball! Only Henshaw really looks like a form pick. Gats said his omission of both Davies an d Sexton was because of fears that they would break down through previous injuries. But Sexton was the form fly half when he played in the 6N and Davies is world class, a player who delivers at the highest level.
Injuries may mean he ends up going. Gats has had to call up Sinkler after Porter got injured while most people think he should have been there from the beginning.
The thought of Bigger and Farrell as the 10/ 12 axis is
not enticing to say the least!
The strangest pick for me is still Jonny chuffing Hill!
Back row is super competitive. Despite Hamish Watson having an excellent 6N am inclined to think the back 5 will be: AWJ, Itoje
Beirne, Faleteau, Curry.
Surprised you don’t rate Tips!
A friend and I had a long term joke going, whenever we saw Tip in the squad, we were sure Wales would lose!
Not as knowledgeable as you about Hill, but I’ll take your word for it!
Sexton’s form wasn’t that great in the last 6 N. was it? The previous year he was outstanding.
Love Hogg such an exciting player to watch.
I am here and ready to discuss the political situation in my country. I know what you are going to say. Get rid of the filibuster! Manchin has been a pain but we cannot afford to lose him. He crosses over and the Republicans have control of the Senate. Let’s not blame the Democrats for something they did not create. The Republican Party is becoming neo-fascist. That is the reality. Don’t blame the Democrats for the voter suppression laws being enacted by Republican state legislatures. They did it here in Florida. They are the problem. Because they know that they cannot win without trying to suppress the vote. They are taking it all straight out of the Goebbels playbook. The gaslighting and the lying and the rewriting of the January 6 insurrection.
The Dems need to face the fact that McConnell will block everything. The Republicans just want to gain control of the House and Senate in 2022. The problem and the blame is with the Republicans. They are intent on destroying democracy in this country.
I posted something about politics but it did not come up. So I have to rewrite it. I don’t think it’s fair to blame the Democrats. They are not the ones who are enacting these voter suppression laws in Republican controlled state legislatures. The filibuster is a problem. Hopefully the Dems will realize that the Republicans are not going along with any legislation. Manchin has been a pain but if he crosses over, then the Republicans will have control of the Senate. They will need to do something if they want to get anything passed, because McConnell will not go along with anything. He just wants to take over in 2022. They want the House and the Senate.
It’s not fair to blame the Dems. They are not trying to destroy democracy in this country, the Republicans are now a neo-fascist party,
Nny, am really tired again so will try and reply tomorrow…
RC!…Yooohooo!!…Hey!….u don’t watch Tour De france?It’s started today!
Oh wow RC!…1st day & already 2 biggest accident i’ve ever seen happened in a span of half an hour with each other!…So many riders were hurt!..And poor Chris Froome!…Just got back from long injury lay off & today was badly hurt again!…Whoo!!..U gotta c it RC!..
Did you say you are a big fan of Caleb Ewen? If you are it’s so sad for him crashing yesterday with Peto Sagan. Nothing much happened to Sagan, looked like he sat on Caleb. Caleb is out of the tour with his injuries and dang it, it did appear he had been the fastest in the sprint. A little bit sketchy that Cavendish did win the sprint that day, Everybody, of course, happy for Cav winning. But if Peto had not bumped Caleb and sat on him, Caleb would have won.
Such is cycling, always something sketchy happening. But I love cycling. It’s the time trial today and I am waiting to hear who will be in Yellow Jersey.
I LOVE Tadej Pogocar! Winner of the tour 2019, youngest winner since a century ago. Oh no…Van der Poel wins the time trial and keeps the Maillot Jaune for the 4th consecutive day, bah. Tadej Pogoca is only 8 seconds behind. Spectacular performance from the Slovenian climber and TDF winner, Tadej (Teddy),

I admire the GC guys because they have to do it all, sprint, climb, time trial, excel in all horrible road conditions, and lead their team with laid-back panache, as Vincenzo Nibali did. One more, GC riders must look smooth on the bike. Unfortunately for Froome, he never looked smooth on his bike. He was all over the place, hahaha. But if you are a Froome fan, you are a Froome fan, regardless.
edit: Egan Bernal won TDF 2019
2020 seems like a ghost year to me. Tadej Pogacar won last year – in 2020.
It hurts to think about 2020. I have most of 2020 blocked out as too terrible a year to even remember, but the TDF was a small bright spot.
Hey hey hey RC!…Soooo sorry for missing yor post!…Urgh!!….I have no idea whatsoever that u gave me this msg!..Judging from yor words,u posted this msg while the tour on still stage 4,and now they’re gonna race on stage 13!…hehe…Sorry RC!
Yeah!…U’re right about me losing interest when Caleb was crashed out more than a week ago RC!…It killed my interest on the race immediately!..
(besides,they’re clashed with tennis matches!..and i chose to watch tennis of coz!
)..I felt soooo devastated when Caleb involved in an accident when he was just a few metres from the finishing line RC!…God!
It was so cruel the race sometimes!…but i don’t think it was Sagan’s fault RC…Caleb said,his tyre was touching Merlier’s when they’re on the sprint & collide with Sagan’s as well..
Hey,do u know Sagan also had to pull out from the race yesterday bcoz of his knees were in so much pain?It literally bcoz of the injury he sustained in a crash with Caleb,(his bicycle ring dig into his knee)..but he said,he accidentally bumped his hurt knee against the handlebar a couple of days ago and had to pull out…
It’s not only him who pulls out from the race RC!….so many good riders already pulled out bcoz of many reasons….besides Caleb,the touted champion this year Primoz Roglic already pulled out last week i think due to accident in stage 2 @ 3,while Van Der Poels left the race bcoz he wants to train for Olympics(mountain bike i think)..but Cavendish stole the news this year’s race is awesome RC when he is just a replacement for Sam Bennet!..I think he will win more stages in the coming race!…Will looking forward to c him!…
But,Allaphilippe is not shining much this edition right?He wore yellow jersey for a while when the race just started,but lost it to Tadej?Such a shame!…
Once again,sorry to hear about yor unfortunate 2020 RC!…I remember always wondering where u were last year RC,when u rarely/not showed up at all whether on TG or in a Bracket…
Yeah…life is like that..one time we’re being healthy & happy & enjoy life to the fullest and all of a sudden we’ve been hit by illness & other life test that make us realized that actually we’re not in fully control of our lifes anymore…U be strong over there ok RC?
I have to go swimming with my neighbor in a minute. I will definitely try to find the first stage on youtube later! That sounds like a crazy start! I will watch it. And maybe I will post it here. Bye, bye until later.

Amy: Sleezeball Hopeless Hancock gone! Result! Only 300 to go! But, eek, eek, does that mean Dom The Despicable could be right?
Hi Elizabeth just watched the video, sorry its taken so long to reply, I like him, but he’s not really my cup of tea, having said that I loved that video lol, and yeah I still have a crush on that Aussie guy, hope you’re safe and well my lovely
This is best thing, by far, that I have read on the new players’ union that Djokovic and others are trying to start. It makes sense of why reform is urgently needed: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/29/magazine/tennis-players-association.html?action=click&module=Editors%20Picks&pgtype=Homepage
Dear Alison,
All these years I didn’t know how much I like an Irish accent, blue eyes, and a mischievous laugh. Just had to tell someone. I know you’ll understand if you still have a crush on That Australian man. Okay, this vid is 18 minutes so I stuck it over here so Margot won’t be offended. (I think she ates Hiddleston)
Oops, I posted the short version. Well, you’ll get the idea.
Wow Jason Kenny! Wow Laura Kenny! What a couple.
Have loved the Veladrome events, so fast, exciting, tactical. Aim to go to a live event next year.
Have loved the athletics, the mixed relays, the BMX kids and lots more. Have watered up with many of the winners/losers too.
Many, many issues uncomfortable remain re climate change, expense and event choice, alas.
Thoughts on a very disappointing Lions series Margot?
Don’t understand their tactics and selection at all!! How they missed players like Davies, Sexton. Passing centres like Slade, or even Ringrose who can act as second playmaker. So disappointing!!
Gats doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing any longer. Feel Wales are fortunate to have Pivac now who wants to play attacking rugby.
If only Russell could have played all 3 tests! Fed up with Bigger and Faz and their endless kicking.
Also, why do all the English players concede so many penalties?! It’s maddening.
I agree Amy, its been a very disappointing series. I just don’t understand many of Gats decisions. TBH I think he was past it the last couple of years with Wales.
Chaos in Kabul. Massive miscalculation by Biden. Saigon all over again. When will the West ever learn.
Meanwhile Johnson and Raab on holiday. Words fail.
The fate of women and girls hanging and unknown.
Joe Biden is doing an amazing job

as President of USA lmao.
What a moron, his supporters and voters are one of the dense people in the world worst than biden himself at least biden knows he is senile and is not running for a 2nd term his moronic minions don’t
To Nny..if u’re interested in reading this article…
RIP Harry Reid.
In the summer of 2016 Reid wrote repeatedly to Comey asking him to warn the American people that Trump was colluding with Russia to steal the election. Comey did nothing. Instead he broke the Hatch Act and opened an enquiry on Hillary’s emails 2 weeks before the election.
Reid was a great American patriot and Comey is a pathetic sell out.
Seasons Greetings to you all. My 2022 wishes include better times to come for the world and, on a more local level, for Johnson to be booted into outer space, together with Raab, Gove, Truss, Sunak etc etc.
Good to see familiar faces on the challenge. Big virtual hugs all round.
Happy New year Margot!
I too am hoping to see Johnson booted into outer space..!
Did you see Crace on top form in the Graun predicting just that with Truss becoming leader? Sounds plausible to me..
On a happier note it was gr8 to see the magician Dupont get world player of the year. Looking forward to see him weave his magic for France in the 6Ns..
Happy New Year to you too Amy.
I love Crace and Hyde in the Guardian. The cartoonists are terrific too- Rowson is so dark and Bell so deliciously outrageous!
My Wi-Fi disappeared so that my reply got lost!
I was just wondering if you like Cold War Steve Margot?
I love his Hogarthian retelling of the classics starring the Tory tossers! ( he also regularly has a pop at an inert flag draped Starmer which I deeply agree with
Please for God’s sake will Biden dump Garland. He is not a good guy. He was never a good guy and Biden should never have appointed him.
I can’t stand any more of this farce.
For those not in the know: Garland was not some liberal who Obama wanted on SCOTUS. He was a compromise candidate after Obama went to Hatch to ask for someone they might vote for. This is who McConnell came up with. His mentor is corrupt and represented Jared and Ivanka and was herself mentored by Dershowitz. Does this sound like a good guy??
Serious question: why did Biden appoint someone like this? There were loads of people he could have appointed as AG who would have indicted Trump, Stone, Bannon and Flynn who plotted a coup through the internet in plain sight.
All of this is beyond negligent and pathetic. It’s a betrayal of the tens of millions of people who voted. Above all it is a betrayal of the African Americans who gave Biden the democratic nomination.
Does anyone believe that Warren or Sanders would allow this to be going on if they had become president??
I can’t stand it.
This time I have to disagree with you. Warren or Sanders would never have been elected! And you know it! I remember too well what the Progressives in the Democratic Party did to Hillary in the 2016 election. They were as bad as the Trump supporters. All because they wanted Sanders. Well take a good look at the Supreme Court now! Do you think it would be a hard right court if Hillary was elected?
I will never forgive the Progressives because we could have won that election. It was close enough. But the Progressives were not having it. They dud not see the big picture. Only after four years of hell under Trump dud they finally wake up in 2020.
I am not thrilled with Garland. But I also think that Trump may have covered his tracks enough to make it hard to go after him.
Obama governed like a left leaning centrist. The Progressives did not love him either. He picked a candidate that he thought could get confirmed. But McConnell was never going to let him appoint anyone.
Why do you give the Republicans a pass? They have stonewalled everything that Biden wanted to do. They sit there on their asses and do nothing except spread conspiracy theories. But the Progressives always eat their own. That is one big problem I have with them. It’s not the Democrats who are the problem! It is a neo- fascist Republican Party that is enacting voter suppression laws and trying to rig the system to steal the next election. So focus on the real enemy!
Nny, please. I wrote this weeks ago.
Today is not the time to be talking about this. I am absolutely shattered today.
I don’t give the GOP a pass. I hate them.
Then we can leave it for another day.
I am also shattered. Watching the coverage breaks my heart. Seeing these people suffering for no reason.
I knew Putin was an evil monster and a killer. But even he has surpassed my worst expectations with this.
Amy: Just listening to R4, Robinson is in Kiev and you could hear the air raid sirens. It is simply terrible, no words. Not using my words lightly either, but Putin seems deranged, his threat to the West sounded like a nuclear threat to me.
Trump with his hands on the nuclear button was scary enough but now?
Margot I cried for hours yesterday and I never cry. It’s true he is using nuclear threats but that’s all they are. He is a psycopath.
Germany, Italy and Hungary have blocked the sanctions needed. Well I expect nothing less of Orban but Italy, and above all that economic power house Germany? This is so monstrous I am shaking. Why are the German and Italian people not on the streets demonstrating? Do they know what people in the East are saying about them?? I am sure you can guess.
Thank God it is Biden not Trump.
I am shattered right now…I can’t understand how anyone can’t be.
Experts in the East say that UK sanctions are a joke and that Johnson is in thrall to the oligarchs. I expect Russia has plenty of kompromat on him from the bunga bunga parties he attended where he was apparently paralytic..
The Russian foreign ministry have warned Finland and Sweden they will face military consequences if they try and join NATO.
This is the attempted destruction of the entire post cold war order.
I actually think Putin would attack a NATO member state because he would calculate that other members will back down.
I think he’s gone completely rogue.
Nny, I read that Ukraine has a population of 300, 000 Jews. That’s a lot. And Zelensky’s father and family members were killed in the holocaust so Putin’s talk of “de-Nazification” is especially repugnant and revolting.
Putin is using the big lie. “de-Nazification is an insult. But this what evil dictators do. Like Trump with the big lie about a rigged election that he actually won.
I guess you’ve never seen the movie “Wag the Dog”.
This isn’t political and it is sort of about tennis. I watched the Masters (golf) event over the weekend. Winning it is one of if not THE biggest prizes in golf. These guys are very competitive and golf is a very stressful game. Over my life I’ve seen dozens of cartoon figures destroying their golf clubs, tossing their whole bag in the lake, going crazy. But I have never, ever seen that in a real golf tournament. Nor have I ever seen a player attack an official or a fan or his caddy. Why can’t tennis pros behave as well as golf pros?
It was a bit of a shock to hear that sort of behaviour -eg Shane Lowry cursing at his caddy – quite normal in his native Irish tongue, at minor tournaments maybe, but never at the hallowed Augusta until now.
Remember that golden haired 17 year old who took Wimbledon by storm? He just got sentence to 4 years for fraud. Will serve two. Seems farcical, silly and sad all at once.
Amy: I reckon the greased piglet will have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of Downing Street, but this is a start! Hope the Tories destroy themselves in the process.
Keep the red flag flying.
Sorry Margot I only saw this today.
I just came here to say that it’s the Ides of March. Who will wield the final knife?
God knows who we will end up with though. Pritti Nasty and the Govester would be even worse. No one would want to vote for them mind. So there is that!
It’s a good day Amy. Loving watching those horrible Tories tear themselves to pieces. Amazing they’ve just realised Johnson is an immoral, lying, dishonourable, incompetent, self-serving lump of sh*t.
Pritti Nasty is trying to deport women who have been trafficked and tortured to Rwanda.
No words for this immorality. Haven’t exactly seen KS stand up much for human rights. If Durham police want to fine him so he has to go as well that’s fine by me. He is very unpopular in the polls so I reckon we would be better off.
I wanted to tell you something and decided to do it here. Last year you had a dustup with Al. I told you to let it go, that he was okay. Well I am writing this to say I was wrong. I should have had your back and supported you. I let you down. I owe you a long overdue apology.
At least with the Ivan fans who are upfront about their hatred for Rafa and his fans. then you know who you are dealing with. But it’s the person who pretends, who is pious and supposedly here for the right reasons. Then you realize he’s no different from the ones who come here as they did last year after Rafa lost to Novak at RG, that he is just the same.
The last straw was when he posted that wretched article by the cyclists saying that Rafa got performance enhancement from numbing his foot. He wanted to actually have a discussion about it. That was when he really showed his true colors. Thank goodness the head of WADA came out and debunked this filth. But he thought it was worth talking about.
It is unfortunate that Mira Andi was thrown into the discussion here. She was used so that it could be said that she no longer comes here because of the Rafa fans. It was unfortunate. But that is her choice. No one will ever be worse than the rabid Novak fans who came here to gloat over his win at RG last year.
So from a blind, narrow minded person who thinks it’s all about Rafa, just know that I was wrong and I let you down and I am sorry.
At least with the Novak fans*
Nny, Thanks for thinking of me! I appreciate it although the truth is that the real reason I had a dustup with Al in 2021 was because I was very unwell and wasn’t reacting normally/ couldn’t think straight. I would never normally let him affect me in that kind of way.

It’s not difficult to understand why I couldn’t say I was very unwell on a public site.
He is who he is. My personal opinion is that he posts aggressive stuff when he has been drinking..
He had annoyed and upset other people in the past which some people simply didn’t want to acknowledge. I think maybe you had just forgotten some of those incidents..? They were clear indicators of the posts you reference from him now.
Anyway, my being ill was the real reason why I lost it and said things I would never normally have said. I don’t usually say anything if he has a go at me.
Thanks again nny!
Thanks for explaining why you reacted so strongly to Al. I think it shows your honesty and forthrightness. For me the last straw was posting that stupid article by two cyclists saying that Rafa had performance enhancing benefits from numbing his foot at RG. Thank goodness the director of WADA came out publicly to state that there was no issue with Rafa numbing his foot. Period.
The garbage and fikth I have seen posted about Rafa by some rabid Novak fans is sickening. There has been an attempt to spew out propaganda about the Rafa Fahd on this site. I think overall this site is a great place to discuss tennis. The idea that we are ganging up on Novak fans is nonsense.
People are free to go to whatever site they choose. I still do not think it was necessary to bring up Mira Andi here. I enjoyed having her here. But it is her right to go wherever she feels comfortable. I have nothing negative or critical to say about her.
I disagreed with the idea that Novak has played great quality tennis. But I did not personally attack the Novak fan who said it. Being called blind and narrow minded is insulting and offensive. There is no reason to go there. So I say look at yourself first before criticizing Rafa fans. Making it personal is unnecessary.
My works does not actually revolve around Rafa. I have had health problems that required hospitalization a few months ago. Also out patient surgeries afterward. No one should assume anything about Rafa fans here. I have not talked about these health issues on this forum. I will not be more specific. But I obviously had more to deal with than making my world revolve around Rafa. Those comments were petty and mean-spirited.
This is a decent forum where Rafa fans hairnet to be in the majority. If someone can’t handle that then that’s their problem.
Finally to amy, I do think you were right about Al. I just wanted you to know that. There is this persistent need to pick at anything with Rafa fans in an effort to put us in a bad light. That is unfortunate. I should have had your back. I just needed to let you know that.

Autocorrect strikes again.
The filth I have had to read about Rafa from Novak fans. *
An attempt to sire out propaganda about Rafa fans. *
My world does not revolve around Rafa. *
Thus is a decent forum where Rafa fans happen to be in the majority. *
Nny, I am sorry you have been ill. I hope very much you are better now?

Let’s talk on the Rafa page shall we? I think it’s better to talk among Rafa fans rather than listen to this. I don’t want to post here.
I really really hope Rafa can play USO.
Amy and NNY,
There are many times I feel like a square peg stuffed into a round hole, but I enjoy watching Rafa and respect the Rafa fans here; I want to post on the WTA page mostly. And I wish to have a civil and happy relationship with the majority here who are Rafa fans.
No substantial compliments from me about Novak’s performances, just a mild congrats if he ever plays again!!
I realize Novak may not play in a GS for a long time.
Please forgive my past comments if they upset you, and I will take the utmost care, NNY. I care about you and all the Rafa fans here. It has been fun posting with many of you during Rafa’s matches,
I don’t know what happened. I thought we were both good. I have always respected you. I never cared that you were a Novak fan. It’s better to have fans of other players here.
I said you would always have my respect. If you think Novak played great, then that is your opinion. I didn’t agree but that’s okay. You can say what you like here. Go in the women’s forum. You really started it. Enjoy yourself.
I have kept quiet about my health problems. This is not the place to talk about it. But I have had more to deal with than Rafa. He is in good hands.
Maybe I overreacted to what you said. I have liked having you here and don’t want to see you leave.
Can we please just put this behind us?
Thank you, done, and behind us, NNY.
And your Health is more important than anything in the world. I had to stop following politics because it caused my anxiety and BP to soar.
Elizabeth, you carry on posting on all the threads here! You have been well liked here and will be again. We all know you have huge tennis knowledge.
Actually, although I missed the first set of the final, I thought Novak was formidable and really stepped up his level. That’s the best I’ve seen him play at a slam since RG 2021. I honestly don’t think he’s been convincing in slams since then. I found the final very difficult to watch because of NK shouting at his girlfriend. &tc.
In any event, it’s absurd that there should be fallings out between you me and nny when we all fundamentally agree on what really matters. IE we all hate fascist Trump,fascist Putrid and passionately support Ukraine.
I am going out now but will post later today…
The problem is , you may not like what I post , that doesnt mean its offensive – just simply theres a point being made that is uncomfortable for you . Its usually related to the physical nature of Rafas game .I remember that long exchange we had last year after RG and the insults were very much from you. At least you come clean here but I dont have a lot to apologise for as far as personal insults go. You may disagree .
I did post an article about painkillers but the point is while they may be legal, I just wanted to discuss the ethics of using them – when it makes the difference between winning, and not being able to play- not to mention the ethics of going through the pain barrier and the long term effect .
So as a non -Rafa fan who loves tennis I will discuss it generally focussing on other players from now on- the bias on here is too much, even a bit nauseating if Im honest.
That was to Amy at 10.09
Same here with politics. We have talked enough to kniw where we stand. Things are so bad in this country now that I had to pull back because of the stress. It was exacerbating my recovery.
It’s bad times for sure. Things I thought II would never see here.
Here is to hoping for better days.

Cheers, NNY; hoping for better days

Meanwhile, on TC, Rublev(in a bad mood) loses the first set to Nishioka, who appears to be in command of the match. And I favor Nishioka to win this and play Kyrgios in the Final tomorrow.
Listen, when AM and I communicated by private message on Twitter, I tried to talk her into coming back to tenngrand. She decided not to come back here ever. She didn’t use any names, but she did not feel free to express a critical opinion about Rafa without having you all make a dog pile attack.
And your collective over-reaction when I posted two adjectives complementing Novak’s demeanor sealed her decision not to come back.
For now, she is still doing the bracket challenge, and I’m grateful to see it.
But I have not heard any more from her on Twitter. The point here is she already read your collective attacks on my Wimbledon post about Novak, and I didn’t need to tell her about it.
Carry on.
Fabulous Lionesses! Fabulous Chloe Kelly. An image for our time, strong, powerful and unafraid. Inspiring women and girls everywhere.
Awesome Margot
And the hockey! Whoop! Whoop!
Sorry about your hubby, hope he’s getting better. Take care.
Hi Elizabeth it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here, hubby had a stroke late last year, I just wanted to say how much I love reading your posts, and your enthusiasm and passion for the WTA, I love the banter between you and Andi Mira ttoo, and hope she will return too in time, its great to see you here, and to have so many strong opionated females, hope I have made sense, have great day
Ricky why are you letting people post porn links urrrgh
The site is full of people posting dodgy stuff some of which could have viruses on them. I don’t look at any of them.
Ricky will you please try and do something about this?
I have to join in here and ask Ricky to clean up the mess on this site. There was a porn link posted on the site. Other garbage posts are cluttering up the site.
They could have viruses.
C’mon Rick! Sort it out!
I guess he’s really busy during the slams.
It’s really wonderful to be the target of Russian scammers. Not.
Queen Elizabeth has died. RIP.
I am not a royalist but I like and respect her.
With arrogant Charles next in line then maybe this is the end of the monarchy? Hope so.
But I admire Queen Elizabeth.
I admired Queen Elizabeth very much. She lived a long life and stayed true to her promise made when she was very young. She carried herself with dignity and grace. She was a class act!
RIP dearest Queen Elizabeth.
How I agree with you on both counts!
I respected the queen and her lifelong devotion to duty. But enough is enough.
RIP, Queen Elizabeth 2.
Agree with NNY and
Margot – Enough is enough.
PS HELLO Alison!
LOVE and all the best to you. I might try posting on TX again Because this blog site is such a pain to get on!!!
Gen Z!!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
F#ck Trump and the fascist GOP.
Is Ron DeSantis any improvement? I’m beginning to feel “the devil you know thing” coming on. What do you think, NNY?
I’m hoping Joe Biden does not run for re-election. I like the guy but he’s JUST TOO OLD. I’m 83, so I know something about it. Also Pelosi is amazing but she’s had enough, I think.
I haven’t been here because I was involved with the midterm election. I have been a nervous wreck! This is neo-fascism. Our country was really at great risk. I had no idea what to expect, but I was hoping for a miracle. We got one! As I stayed up in the wee hours I watched everything unfold. I almost cried with relief as the fake red wave never materialized.
DeSantis is Little Hitler. He is just a younger version of the Orange Menace. He is running Florida like a dictatorship. The Democratic party here is very weak. Blacks did not turn out. Overall turnout from the Dems was not good. We lost Miami Dade county to the Republicans! Unheard of! The Republicans have the Latinos believing that the Democrats are socialist and they left their countries because of that.
DeSantis is a piece of garbage. People are so stupid here. We have a lot of Republicans who moved down here from up north to escape taxes and regulations on Covid. They have driven up rental prices and made it a nightmare.
The country rejected what DeSantis is peddling. The idiots down here like it because he goes after the liberals. He has banned abortion, signed an anti-gay law. Also that stunt where he took immigrants from Texas and flew them up to Martha’s Vineyard. He also had people arrested who were former criminals but who paid their debt to society and were allowed to vote now.
He is as bad as Trump!
Thank God for the people who were too smart to be fooled by the Republican lies. The young people woke up and turned out. But we still need more of them. People really stood up for democracy!
Today I could breathe because the Democrats have the Senate! Finally we got Nevada! Now we need to get Georgia to have an extra seat and lose that idiot Herschel Walker! The House is going to be tough, but the Republicans don’t have it yet. I am just praying for the Dems to pull off an inside straight! No matter what, the Republicans will have a very small majority.
I am concerned about all this talk about Biden not running in 2024. Who is going to run in his place? He may be old but he’s done a damn good job. That speech about democracy being on the line was pure gold. Oh and Obama just killed it with his speeches! He made the case for the Dems. Brilliant! Maybe his finest hour.
I think Nancy has had it after what happened to her husband. But age is not necessarily a bad thing. What about Trump? Why is no one talking about how old he is? 76! And he is a criminal! Then need to induct the sob and put him in jail. The problem is that the Republican Party is too far right and will only nominate another MAGA moron! Like DeSantis!
Oh autocorrect!
They need to INDICT the sob!
Let’s not forget the women of this country who made their voices heard! Don’t tell us what to do with our bodies!
Thanks for everything you have done nny!
I may not be American but I have been absolutely obsessed with the mid terms as well. If American democracy were to end then the consequences for the planet/ war in Ukraine and so on would be catastrophic.
I know you hate deSantis. He is just as evil as Trump but Trump is more dangerous as he controls the GOP base who are all in on fascism. Desantis has none of Trump’s media savvy and demagogic control.
Have had very little interest in tennis just deeply anxious about the mid terms. Plus the election in Brazil just before which was also incredibly important and it does look like Bolsonaro, yet another fascist, is handing over power.
Am still very anxious that a GOP controlled House will limit aid to Ukraine. It’s absolutely infuriating that the House is probably going to be lose because oflosing seats in New York of all places. Progressive s are furious with the N Y Dem establishment.
Thanks again nny!!
PS if Trump had been in power Bolsonaro would not have conceded. That’s how dangerous all this stupid election denying is. I force myself to read pro Trump accounts so I know what they are saying. They spend all their time saying the election was stolen in Brazil and that the military should stage a coup. They are all fascists. Of course they are now saying the mid terms have been stolen. The Big Lie is all they have.
Great to hear from you! I had a decent night’s sleep finally! I’m is that Trump is more dangerous than DeSantis. He will take down the party. He is a monster. I never said this here, but until recently I didn’t think it was like Nazi Germany in the 30’s. But as the election got closer, I really did feel that this was exactly like Nazi Germany in the 30’s. The rise in anti-Semitic here in the states has been especially disturbing. That is how it starts. There were these idiots dressed up in camouflage with guns watching people drop off their ballots. Then a judge had to intervene to stop it. I think it was in Arizona. But the violence, the intimidation, the threats were all scary.
Florida is a disaster. The Democratic Party has to come down here and get it organized. We need help. The lack of turnout from Dems was discouraging. DeSantis is a poor imitation of Trump. He is spewing hateful rhetoric all the time. But he can’t win nationally because the voters repudiated the Republicans.
I heard that there were fake polls being circulated showing a Republican red wave to discourage Dems from voting. There was a lot of propaganda on FOX news about a Republican wave. It was all bullshit. Lies.
I heard about Brazil. Any time we can defeat a fascist it’s good news. My father told me a lot about the Nazis. He knew so much about how they operated. I am glad he talked about it because it helped me to recognize that the Republican party was becoming fascist. He thought it could happen again in Germany. But I don’t think he ever thought it would happen here.
Hitler’s big lie was the Aryan race. The superiority of the German people and the inferiority of the Jews. There never was an Aryan race. Just like the election being stolen from Trump is a big lie. That’s how they work.
I am trying to keep up with the House races. They say the Republicans only need to win 7 seats and the Democrats need 14. So we have to win twice as many. It will be tough but that would really put a dagger in the hearts of the Republican Party. They were stupid and McCarthy trotted out the wish list if they took over the House. Impeaching Biden. How about getting rid of social security and Medicare. Cutting off aid to Ukraine. They were so dumb to do that. You never show your hand. My father always told me that when it came to surviving in corporate America. That is the big mistake Trump makes. Hitler never revealed what he planned to do. The Germans never saw it coming.
I am just hoping we can manage to hold the House.
Thanks for your thoughts! I love hearing from you!
Nny, thanks darling!

I have been so consumed by what is going on. One rather delicious outcome is that deSantis, Trump, MAGA, GOP elites and Murdoch are all now at war with each other! They will do enormous damage to each other and weaken themselves. The dream outcome would be DeSantis winning the nomination and Trump standing as an independent because that would lead to each cancelling the other. The GOP would be destroyed and the Dems would win everything. But the MAGA base will never abandon Trump so he would win the primaries. They are a cult and he is God. They are completely untethered from reality and worship lies and propaganda. DeSantis is weak sauce for them and he’s utterly hopeless away from his narrow base. I am still very very very fed up with Garland and if he won’t indict Trump he should be fired. I am not very hopeful.
I know there is still a very narrow path to victory in the House so
Are there Republicans who would vote with the Dems? Is Kinzinger still there? Any others?
amy dearest,
Hang in there! I know it’s frustrating waiting for Garland to make his move. But the DOJ is hiring some very big guns to add to the team. Experts in their area of legal expertise. They are trying to get the best of the best to take down the Orange Menace. I think they need to get their ducks in a row before they indict Trump. They have no choice. He has to be held accountable. That’s why the moron is going to run for president again. To avoid going to jail!
I would love to see Trump and DeSantis tear each other apart. Trump will burn down the party if he can’t get his way. What bothers me is the idea that DeSantis would be better than Trump. They are two sides of the same coin! He has done so many terrible things here in Florida. The good news is that his crap will not play in a national election. The insults, the bullying, the attacks on woke, the culture attacks. He went after Disney for not going along with him. Property taxes are sky high. He us banning books. If he starts burning them, then that will be exactly what happened in Nazi Germany.
If the base sticks with Trump, the Republicans will continue to lose. The voters sent a message loud and clear – don’t fuck with our democracy! To be blunt about it. The people know what the Republicans are trying to do.some of the election deniers who lost were planning a coup to throw the 2024 election in some states. We dodged a bullet.
Liz Cheney lose her seat. Kinzinger is resigning. The problem is that whatever reasonable Republicans are there will be drowned out by crazy town. Otherwise known as nut jobs, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louis Gohmert, Lauren Boeber, Matt Gaetz and of course Jim Jordan.
It will be a freak show if the Republicans get control of the House. They will have a very small majority if they get control. McCarthy is a dumbass. He is weak and can’t stand up to the far right crazies in his party.
I am keeping my eye on the Governor’s race in Arizona. Kari Lake cannot win.
Red State Idaho election results for Governor
Brad Little 358,585 60.5%
Republican Party
Stephen Heidt 120,158 20.3%
Democratic Party
*Ammon Bundy 101,837 17.2%
Independent Party (militant)
He is notorious for his active part in the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol in WA. D.C.
Paul Sand 6,714 1.1%
Libertarian Party
Chantyrose Davison 5,249 .9%
Constitution Party
It is Bad enough that Brad Little is a Trump Republican, but Ammon Bundy’s numbers are scary and belong to 2020 militants and election deniers. Add up Brad’s numbers and Ammon Bundy’s to see a low estimate of election deniers here.
As midterm elections go, it was a large midterm turnout, even topping the 2018 Fall midterm. Republicans retained their Senate Seats and House Representatives seats.
Incredibly annoying was Trump’s acolyte, Senator Mike Crapo’s fifth consecutive Senate seat win.
Why do I stay here?
Finally! It took me forever to scroll through non tennis forum from 2013!!
But this is the end so hopefully we can post here.
F7ck Trump and Putin.
Margot, nny, Elizabeth please post here!!
It took me 20minutes to scroll through from the inception of the thread in 2013.
We will have to post here regularly!
Amy: One problem I had was for weeks and weeks I couldn’t post on here at at all, leave alone non tennis.
My lap top still tells me its “not secure” too.
Really Margot? Concerning. I never use my laptop to post here or use the interne t. I just use a tablet which is cheap and which won’t pick up viruses…
However, I still have software which registers unsafe sites. This one used to register as unsafe but now comes up as secure. Is that not slightly reassuring? Sometimes software registers sites as unsafe when they are ok. I don’t think it’s crazy about WordPress.
Now I can vent about bloody Tories and how they are destroying the country while enabling their pals to drain the UK dry.
Power to the people! Give key workers the pay rise they deserve. Clapping doesn’t put food on the table.
The strikes give me hope Margot. Finally people are standing up and saying no to these bloodsucking leeches who want to take our rights away. I wish people would understand how sadistic some of the Tories are and how I they actively enjoy harming people. It’s no coincidence it’s full of sadistic bullies like Braverman, Raab, Williamson, Patel.
The passivity of this country has depressed the help out of me but finally people are standing to fight back..!
Get rid of the Tories!
Bin the monarchy!
Bin the House of Lords!
Bin first past the post and introduce PR!
depressed the hell out of me!!
So we are back in business! Thank goodness!
Great work to get us up and rolling again!
I really wish the Democrats could have kept control of the House. McCarthy gave in to the far right wackos to get elected speaker. It is going to be crazy town for two years with these nuts in charge.
I’m back baby!!!

Just had to scroll.through over 3k comments! Please nny and Margot and Elizabeth plus anyone else not called Stanley add your comments…!!
Leaving a nothing post here so it will come up in the comments list and people can link to it.
Elizabeth, I ‘m sorry but I can’t open the WTA page. I have tried several times today and it’s not accessible.
We really ought to have one!!
Hi Amy, keeping the thread open, I hope!
Did you see some techie millionaire, based in Thailand has given Johnson a million to aid his PM vamaign. Also gave 5 million to Brexit fund.
*spits with rage and disgust*
I didn’t see that Margot! I thought he was doing a deal with Sunak where he agreed not to challenge him if Sunak gives him a safe seat.
I know he’s been raking in large amounts with his big fat trotters.
Why are tech millionaires all, or mostly all, self styled libertarians who inhabit the far right?
Thinking Thiel, Musk and Sachs..among others..
Thiel has just been given another big contract for data in the NHS. Surveillance capitalism at its finest! Thiel should be nowhere near the NHS or any of our data. Many think he is in it with Musk to deliberately destroy Twitter because of its activist networks across authoritarian states. Sounds plausible!
I am just posting again here to keep the link on this forum open.
Will.do this on and off.
Margot have you seen the appalling footage of Braverman confronted by a Holocaust survivor telling her her vicious language is what led to the murder of her family. Braverman refuses to apologise and treats her with contempt.
I absolutely loathe Braverman. She’s the worst of the worst and an idiot to boot.
She is loathesome. Sacked/resigned/re-appointed. Sunak is too weak to get rid of her.
Here you go nny!!
Repeating the link!
I am repeating the link!
Speaking of repeating the link, the new WTA page will need to repeat the link if Ricky does not add it to the drop-down menu.
Great historian Timothy Snyder has raised nearly 1.25 million dollars for anti drone defence for Ukraine. He is acting i n coordination with Zelensky.
If anyone can contribute or knows someone who might then the link is on Snyder’s Twitter page. I can’t post links on this device.
Long live Ukraine and Zelensky!
Amy, there is a link to open the WTA thread Ricky created on the full AO prediction thread. I will find it. And post it around this place.
Anyway, I also want to send you and all Rafa fans my heartfelt commiserations for Rafa, and I mean it sincerely. I don’t know how bad the hip injury is, and I hope it heals soon so he is ready to win RG and keep playing tennis for however many years he wants!
Greetings to Andi Mira and Alison – nice to read you guys here today.
Here is the link to Ricky’s WTA thread!
The above link is a better one to get to all Ricky’s WTA writings.
Alison, I am not sure I thanked you for your posts to me here and there, but know that I love hearing your opinion on WTA, ATP, and most notably, How are you? How is your hubby? Is everything okay? Life is just plain harder for me, but I am adapting the best I can in 2023. The truth is, I belonged in the 20th Century! I’m not a fan of cell phones, and I hate getting old! That is how it is, but music and getting out in nature keep me alive.
I still love music from the eighties and nineties the most, and of course, a bit of Tibetan singing bowls still calms me down.
It must be hard on Rafa Fans waiting for him to return, and I miss the Rafa fans, seriously. Do you ever hear from Andi Mira?
Are we back in business with the non-tennis forum?
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To Amy: for the joy of Petra Kvitova making the Miami Final 2023
Thanks Elizabeth! What a great night it turned out to be with both Petra and Jannik winning!

I saved that Miami final on DVR. It is unrealistic to think she will make a habit of winning titles this year, but I would love to see her win another Wimbledon.
Moving Back to Portland has become a reality! It will take all the energy I have, but I refuse to live out life in Idaho.
I don’t have any family but many lifetime friends in Portland. Wish me luck!
If I disappear now and then, it’s because I’m temporarily unable to post.
That’s fantastic Elizabeth!!

Really honestly you have to get out of Idaho which is full of armed far right lunatics and Trumpers! ( obviously these 2 groups intersect) I couldn’t bear living there.
Wish you tons of luck!!
I would love for Petra to win wimby but I can’t get worked up about it like I did in the past. Just too much heartbreak investing in Petra…
I really am very pleased for you Elizabeth!! I did say way back when I thought it was a good idea to get out of Idaho….
Fingers crossed…
Amy: Dominic Raab, the psychopathic bully, resigns! What a day to be alive!
One psychopathic bully down Margot but so many left!
Please let Braverman be next! She is a bona fide fascist!
I agree it’s a very good day because of the miserable jerk going…
Braverman is evil
Amy: Got your bunting/flags/quiche/curtsey ready? Ready to swear an oath of loyalty to Big Ears and Randy Pandy?
I’m in full on vomit mode Margot!

This is so ridiculous it will alienate people further away from monarchy I hope.
Meanwhile in another glorious first for the first time ever, for absolutely no reason, I wasn’t sent my voting card so have been disenfranchised.
Orban’s Hungary and the GOP ‘s America are just around the corner with the assault on voting rights…
You don’t need a polling card, you just need to be on the electoral register, which they’ll have at your local polling station. So you can just zip down there with ID and vote the horrors out!
Have just been reading about people turned away from the polls even though they brought photo id…Many turned away who don’t have it…
Hey Ricky,
I just wrote a post to Margot and amy. It disappeared. I won’t write another one. If you have it feel free to post it. I may have forgotten to add my name and email.
Another message disappeared.
It is mysterious or straightforward.
I swear I had put my name and email on them.
Now I can’t remember the topic. I was emotional, just as well they went to heaven.
It’s good news that the jury found Trump guilty of sexual abuse and defamation.
He is going to have to pay!
But his admirers are oblivious, and they would vote for him anyway.
For now, I am happy. It’s a brief feeling.
Mira Andi/Farah Diba, I checked what time it is in your part of this blue planet. You are happy and doing well, I hope. I also hope you continue to chat here, and, of course, we get to see you in the TDF most weeks. I miss you, and you still are on my mind!
I broke my toes, yes, all but the smallest toe. That was last week, and now I wear a boot so I don’t scream in pain when I need to put weight on my foot and go to the store and do what I do. I am unsure how long I’ll need this boot, maybe a month. Thank gosh, I didn’t hurt anything else! I feel lucky
I made a playlist today, and if I can, I will post a link later.

Hey hey hey RC!…long time no chat!
..it’s gud to hear from u RC!..
Sorry bout yor toes RC!..it must be hard to walk for the next few weeks..hope u will be patient & strong with this unfortunate accident k?
Hey!..u’re kicking us all in ATP so far!..hahaha!..and u’re also awesome in TDC in general too!..new year new resolution huh?..i donno what u eat RC..but u kicking butt almost every week!..hehe
Ohh..miss u too RC!..how time flies!
*Waves to AM* Good to “see” you girl!:) x
Hey hey hey M!…gud to ‘c’ u too!
..hope u’re ok & happy with yor clarissa!wherever u both r!
It’s terrible, and I can’t do much without help. Thank God, it’s my left foot; at least I can drive my car. I need crutches, though, and I only have ski poles.
I have my check-up this coming Monday; waiting feels like forever.
Poor you! I broke a bone in my ankle a few years ago and had to wear a moon boot for weeks. Plus a crutch and I did learn to walk very quickly. People used to get out of my way, sharpish. Excellent.
As Amy will tellyou, we have the most awful bunch of racist criminals in charge here and no election till 2024. Dreadful times.
The heat is suddenly hot here, which doesn’t help. The weather was great until this week, but suddenly it jumped from the low 60s F to the mid-90s and it doesn’t cool off like it used to at night.
Margot, I can’t even think about what’s going on in politics. NNY would chastise me for giving up, but criminals are running the country. Bernie Sanders is backing Biden, and he was my last hope. There is no representation for me in Idaho. And the move to Oregon is just too expensive right now.
That was such a sweet win for Anhelina Kalinina. Last night, she was the underdog of all the Semifinalists, and I did not expect her to win over Kudermetova.
But I have to miss Rybakina and Ostapenko. My foot is due for a check-up.
Just as well that troll who hates me will have to talk to himself.
I reckon the anon that hates me is Hawkeye. He is hiding among the many guests and anons. But his writing is distinct. Hawkeye, if I am wrong, please let it all out; I have been a cowardly anon, yes, and an opportunist, as are you; of all the things you hate most, I believe it is that I’m an American. I’m sorry for being an asshole, I am known to be one, but I try to be honest and do no harm, especially now, at this time.
Please communicate with me here. I noticed with amy and Margot you are happy, but it seems I annoy you most, along with another female poster I won’t mention.
Hope to hear from you. We used to be more than civil to each other, and you used to make me laugh, and that’s rare.
Anon is not hawkeye Elizabeth!!
Please! he wouldn’t write that kind of stuff. And if he was going to attack someone it wouldn’t be you.
There was a poster called Curious George who came on here during RG last year who wrote some rude stuff who I thought was hawkeye but it wasn’t to you. The reason I thought it was hawkeye is because nny wrote to him ” cut the crap!” and he replied ” cut the cake! ” and immediately linked it to a song of the same name.
Now that is so idiosyncratic to hawkeye I was sure it was him.The witty retort and the linking to online music. He always did that!
Really honestly it isn’t him!!! You are way off base. He posts on tennis x under a moniker but I am sure it is him.won’t say what the name is.
The rude remarks were to me and nny btw…!!
Please will you stop this paranoia about hawkeye Elizabeth!
I remember you thought he had left an astonishingly rude comment to you before calling you a four letter word. No he wouldn’t do that! And if he was going to attack someone it wouldn’t be you. Much more likely to be more or nny. He never liked me very much.
Hawkeye was a very witty poster, I seem to remember, not rude at all.
I like to link to music. I almost came right back with “Being Boring” by the Pet Shop Boys. I want Hawk-eye to come back.
Okay, I will try not to think anons are Hawk-eye. Sorry, amy.
So are you saying you’re an “anon?” But why? And so annoying for the rest of us, especially that stupid echo chamber nonsense.
If you aren’t, just ignore this post.
You thought I did that?
Sorry Margpt, I am not an anon.
I can’t ignore your posts; you are one person I look up to.
It’s 5 am here, and I am up because I am going to the hospital ER.
But I wanted to take down my WTA brackets; I don’t have time to finish them.
Oh, brother, Wog Boy also assumes a lot about me.
Self-importance is not my problem; the opposite fits.
Amy seems good at explaining me to myself and others, but not quite.
For Wogboy
Well, you did write, “I have been a cowardly anon, yes…” so?
Me or nny I meant..!
Who I was thinking about was Nny.
Over There, do you mean Zed? There was a Wog-Boy sidekick that hated the hell out of me!
I don’t feel too well today. It is my crushed left foot toes, and my AC isn’t working, and the temperature will be 90F and worse this week. I am not prepared.
Sorry you feel ill Elizabeth!
Try and switch off from negative thinking. When I feel unwell I always have very negative thoughts which distort reality.
Sorry about your foot! You need to be as nice to yourself as possible if you are in pain.
But really honestly I can categorically reassure you that it is not Hawkeye trolling you. You were always one of his favourites.
It’s just anon. He has been ranting and raving about America for 18 months. He attacks Ricky constantly as,well for being American. Do you honestly think Hawkeye would come here to troll Ricky?!!
Hawkeye isn’t anti American anyway. Just anti Trump and the fascist elements of the GOP.
No Elizabeth it’s not Zed!!
I can’t out Hawkeye here because tennis Xers read here.
“Over There, do you mean Zed? There was a Wog-Boy sidekick that hated the hell out of me!”
Do you really believe that you are that important either here or on TX so the people are after you, you are delusional or on something…or both?! Don’t give yourself such importance, that’s worrying sign!
Zed, who I had privilege to meat and share (quite a) few beers with this January in Melbourne during AO cannot be my side kick nor I can be his and we are not interested in your existence unless you address us as you did now.
Zed is an Melburnian (Australian) academic, very smart, well educated, eloquent and well spoken, the only problem for you (woke leftist) is that he is conservative who thinks and acts differently from you, woke leftist people, and beats you in any conversation with arguments.
It is meet, not meat.
The Democrats have a Majority in the Senate. But the Republicans are a majority in the House. Speaker of the House, Republican Kevin McCarthy, is a Trump buddy. I don’t hold my breath; I cry; seriously, the man has no humanity. He is terrible. His way of fixing the deficit is cutting Social Security, and he doesn’t care about the lower classes; he is for the 1%. Trickle-down economics/Reaganomics is his solution. Senior citizens are unnecessary, especially those who didn’t plan for retirement. Cut all social programs and let them die. And about Ukraine? Why are we helping? Thank God he is in the minority on that!
Hi Elizabeth, hope your health issues are improving.
We’ve got a set of hard right wing horrors here, with an 80 seat majority in the HOC. However, their popularity is falling away, as people realise BREXIT was a lie and a disaster.
As for Ukraine, in the end you have to, “Jaw, jaw, not war, war” as Churchill said.
It’s improving. Thanks, Margot.
I will still be in the boot for at least six more weeks and counting.
What did Churchill mean by that?
Evangelical Christians are standing by their darling Trump. Gosh, almighty, can’t they detect that he is a liar by now?
Hi Elizabeth, good you are improving.
“Jaw” is slang for talk. All conflicts end in one of two ways. Either one side gets pulverised into the ground and surrenders, or both sides reach a stalemate where they can’t go on and must start to negotiate, or “jaw.” I can’t see either side winning, I think at some point saturation/stalemate will be reached, hopefully before Ukraine becomes a pile of ashes, or there’s a nuclear war. Russia will never surrender or give up the dombas, I wouldn’t have thought. The West/China can’t supply weapons for ever, their ecomomies wont allow it. A settlement is, at some point inevitable, the sooner the better.
Women, children, the old, these are the casualties of war.
Why do you keep talking about ” the West ” arming Ukraine? The countries who have pushed to arm Ukraine right from the beginning are almost entirely from the East, the Baltic s and Scandinavia. The West has largely been dragged kicking and screaming to arm Ukraine with endless red lines. If they had given the weapons to Ukraine which they asked for they would already have defeated RUssia.
If you look at arms as a percentage of GDP the West is way down the list. Estonia has given the most with other countries such as Poland and Finland and recently Denmark giving large amounts. These are the countries bordering Ukraine which Russia threatens constantly with invasion and subjugation.
If Russia gets a chunk of Ukraine it will use that territory to take the whole of it. Everyone knows that. Then they will move into other countries and the situation will become mindbogglingly dangerous.
Opinion polls in Ukraine show constantly that Ukraine wants to fight. It’s not for the West to deny it its identity and agency but to support it in a just war of defence against an imperialist revanchist fascist enemy.
Zelensky can’t, in any case, give territory to Russia because he knows what Will happen if he does. It will mean more Bucha, more rape, torture, murder, eradication of culture and language and the endless kidnap and deportation of children to Russia which isvone of its central aims.
If Ukraine gave up territory in the South it wouldn’t be able to access the sea to export grain so its economy would be crippled and the global food market would be controlled by Putin with horrific consequences. Putin also wants to use access to sea routes to speed up global warming.
It’s up to Ukraine to make its own decisions and it’s absolutely clear what they want ie arms. In Europe the balance of power has moved East to East and central Europe who stand 100% with Ukraine.
Making decisions on behalf of other countries or calling them puppets of Ametica/ NATO whatever is classic imperialist and colonial thinking where the country itself, and its people are denied subjectivity and agency.
Zelensky himself has said he can’t cede territory without the agreement of his people and they are united in their desire not to do so.
The logic of your position is that eventually Ukraine is reduced to ashes
If jaw = talk, he’s saying the first step is to negotiate and find a way to peace; if that doesn’t work, and the war is on, don’t give up. Keep trying to deal again. When there is a stalemate, and it’s reached the point where we are now: much has been reduced to ashes, and thousands have given their lives, including innocent human beings, mainly in Ukraine. There is not adequate housing or resources to accommodate the displaced and victimized. It’s time for war or no war. It has gone too far, but no one wants to give up. This war has gone on for too long. Ukraine cannot give up, and Putin won’t quit. It’s like the last scene in Game of Thrones. Too many atrocities have been committed in Ukraine. Putin must stop or be stopped. All I can do is cry and then go back to my hobby: tennis. I’ll sleep on it. I admire Winston Churchill. Too bad he is not here now.
Churchill didn’t believe in jaw jaw!he believed in absolutely defeating your enemy and then you impose your conditions.
He hated the policy of appeasement ie Czechoslovakia where land was traded for peace with absolutely disastrous and completely foreseeable consequences.
Many analogies with today.Churchill would have been completely on the side of arming Ukraine to drive Russia out.
Sorry Amy but that is merely supposition, you can’t possibly know what Churchill would/would not be doing. That was then, this is now.
He might not have turned a completely blind eye when Russia inaded and annexed the Crimean peninsula however. This is when this war actually started
The war started in 2014. when USA/UK financed (bilions of dollars), organised and executed overthrow of legitimate Ukrainian President, Ukraine lost its sovereignty then and there, now it’s their playground for a proxy war against Russia.
Crimea was Russian after they captured it from Turkey some 300 years ago, same as SE of Ukraine. Crimea was given to Soviet Ukraine (very important to know) in 1953 by one signature of Ukrainian raised Nikita Khrushchev as a gift to his Ukrainian wife, he is the most hated person in Russia, even more hated than Stalin. Soviet Union was in its core anti Russian, that’s why it was made at the first place after October Revolution which was organised and executed by nonRussians, peasant Russians were just a foot soldiers in destroying their own country and nation.
Ukraine never existed as a country and nation in this shape or form and never will again.
Some of you lack basic history education, MSM and YT is not right place to educate yourself.
You are a complete and utter moron.
No intelligent person should bother to engage with you.
Go f#ck yourself.
Agnes Obel, Fuel to the Fire
Here it is; about Putin’s Ukrainian genocide
Dire Straights-Brothers in Arms
I know about this already Elizabeth.
I told that fascist what I thought of him. See above. It’s extremely disappointing that some people have sought to kiss up to him.
I agree with you on all you say. To know what atrocities are going on and to remain loyal to Putin – it’s chilling.

Heartbreaking news to me. Makes me sick.
Agree 1000% Elizabeth. But I don’t want to talk about my feelings regarding a sacred subject with people like him around.
Please don’t engage with him. He is just a pathetic idiot with a huge inferiority complex. It’s not worth being rational with him.
You know how I feel about all this…
The only thing one can do is to do everything one can however small to help Ukraine. Ie writing to politicians and signing petitions. They desperately need planes! Because of the lack of them people are dying. Also one can lobby for confiscated Russian/ oligarch assets to be transferred to UKraine now.
This article deserves Goebbels award, which doesn’t surprise me since they were staunch allies with them during WW2 so they learned a lot from Goebbels.
One has to wonder how someone can be that brainwashed and dumb to believe that Russians would do that and let them walk free to tell the “story “?!
I will never be desensitized to the horror going on around the world and particularly right now in Ukraine. But music like this helps us feel it. We all need to feel it. And stand in solidarity with Ukraine.
That link is too long!
I had no idea it would come out like that. Listen to Bridge Over Troubled Water sung
by Art Garfunkle.
Elizabeth: I see you have not entered the TDC. Hope you are OK.
I was jus t going to say to mira that I was getting quite worried about Elizabeth. It’s very unlike her not to be on the site during a slam.
Can only echo Margot ‘s words…
I’m Back!
My only siblings are a decade older than me and live in Spokane, WA. My sister called the Saturday Wimbledon was on, and I needed to drop everything and get a flight to Spokane because my brother was very sick and had a pulmonary embolism. It was serious this time, and I’m glad I went up. He is going to be okay, though he has so many health issues that I need to be able to go when I get the call. I have never been very close to my brother or sister, but at this point, that doesn’t matter; I want to be there for them. I don’t like Spokane, and we have vastly different political ideas.
Anyway, I loved the results of the ATP Wimbledon!
Carlos is loveable and fantastic.
What happened to Ons Jabeur was sad. But from out of the blue comes Martincova! Happy for her, but so sorry to see Ons be a runner-up in the final again.
I got home last night, but the first thing I did was check the TDC, lol. I feel terrible missing these weeks, but I won’t miss this weekend’s draws; they will be good!
And the weekend of August 7 is Canada already
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Good to see you back and OK, Elizabeth, and good your bro is well, at the moment at least.
Have never heard of Spokcane! No reason I should’ve of course!
Haaa!!…there u r RC!..M,amy & Alison very worried bout u!..somehow i knew u will come here when u’re able to do so!..tennis always unite us all!
Sorry to hear bout yor brother RC!..and glad he is ok now..
Not necessarily directed at anyone in here, just thought id share this as I hadnt heard of this before.
Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is a mental health condition marked by unstable emotions, a distorted self-image and an overwhelming desire to be noticed. People with HPD often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention.
Damn yeah, Ive heard about this – apparently a lot of people suffer from it without realizing it and is lethal when combined with a twitter account.
Yep, When someone ignores his own family and cant stop harassing other people and the public, you know its time to see a psychiatrist.
These people are so disillusioned that they will act according to their social media profile photo as well. If their photo portrays a look of ‘I’m one step ahead of everyone,’ they will end up behaving that way unknowingly, becoming a constant public annoyance.
It’s time to get your eyebrows trimmed dude. you have more than most people have on their head.
Yep, a virtual know-it-all cnt
yeah, spend another 6 months looking for another idea. What a fckn retard this cnt is. Drop on his head at birth.
Nasty people if you look closely at their mindset. They even steal all your ideas and claim it as their own. If you want to see the absolute worst in humanity, look no further.
Yep, trying extremely hard to be a leader and doing good for humanity doesn’t hide what you really are.
It might convince the impressionable masses, but I’m pretty sure most reasonably intelligent people can see through the BS.
When you constantly undermine people that are older than you and imply that they have to learn more, its extremely arrogant an disrespectful. Yep, someone people got too much praise from their father and were never taught to respect their elders unless there was repercussions.
You can tell a lot about someone that behaves this way.
Agree with all the above great to see Elizabeth back, one of the bravest women I know, hugs xx
Thanks, Alison! It’s nice to read you here, but all these anons and what the heck are they going on about?
Always focus on your family – you never know when they might be gone forever.
“one of the bravest women I know”
…and how many brave women do you really know?!
…and how do you judge her bravery, by reading her posts without really knowing how messed up she might be, nor who she really is and what are her deeds?!
Silly woman!
Hi Elizabeth I have no idea, what a load of nonsense
I’m cheering for the girls from Ukraine. Marta Kostyuk won a tough match against Andreescu earlier today, and now maybe Elina Svitolina Monfils can win this match vs. Azarenka. Come on, Elina!
I imagine you are sleeping now. Sleep well, and see you later!
Lock him up! ( and throw away the key!)
Finally the loathsome f&cker is facing justice…
Too many to lock up Amy, not enough prisons
Did you read threat of prison is improving Trump’s chances? Incredible.
And Sunak looking worse than Johnson on enviromental issues
My reply to you just disappeared Margot! Will try again later…
Trying again! It won’t affect his die-hard base in the GOP Margot. In fact they will cling ever closer. But it surely will affect independent voters who are the key to an election.
Think Jack Smith is a man of integrity and very smart.
As for Sunak. If you get denounced by a billionaire investor with background in mining!!for being part of a government of morons politicizing climate change what can one say?! Too true.
Hi Elizabeth enjoy your tennis, whatever shit that’s going on in the world, rest assured we will always have that
Yes, Alison,
The humans are going to hell in a handbasket! As my dear father would say. Canada is on fire; the forests in all the western states have fires. It is hotter than Hades here. But many places in the East are having severe storms.
We will not be a democracy if that grifter Trump gets elected president somehow. He shouldn’t be allowed as a candidate! It’s ridiculous.
I haven’t watched much tennis this week, but I did see Andy Murray beat Nakashima today. Andy is not quite where he was yet, but he is playing better and better. I’d say he was not quite as fast around the court, but he found a way to take control and beat Brandon in 2 sets. Gael Monfils won his match, and I see Elina had no trouble with Kasatkina.
I hope Dan Evans can keep playing like he is through US Open! He has been on hot streaks before, but they don’t last. He needs time to recuperate after a hot streak, is what I have learned about him: an amazing athlete, Dan Evans.
Tallon Griekspoor hammered the carthorse today, amy!
Always a pleasure to see the Cart Horse lose!!
Not that I did see it..
Shall we go back to talking tennis on the WTA thread rather than here? Ricky can’t be too overjoyed…
The great Talons picked the horse and cart up and dropped them in a field.
It made a dull final in Wa, DC, into a possibly an exciting one.
The Devil is a master at character assassination and persuasion/temptation. All you can do is hope that others aren’t that naive to fall for it.
The Devil wants absolute control and attention, and wants to take everything that is good in life away from you. He hates it because he’s got none of it and will never experience it.
The Devil hates people living a life that he’s not a part of.
He goes after your weakness. Be careful what you play with.
Be careful you’re not naive and “sympathizer” to what is ultimately evil, no matter how well they try to dress it up.
Just read his relentless tweets and ask yourself, “Is that the kind of world we want to live in?” The only reason he can get away with that is because you can’t prove he’s directing the harassment at you. If you could prove it, you would be able to sue him, and the police would be knocking on his door.
I’ve already spoken to the Australian Government and Federal Police and at this stage there’s nothing they can do about it, even though they are keeping a watchful eye on things
If they find out that they’ve been going through my social media accounts and leaking information, well, that might be the end of the road for these clowns.
A sense of entitlement can be dangerous if you become so disillusioned that you think you are above the law.
The offended telling you you should never get offended.
The authorian doing what he says you’re not allowed to do.
Youre hypocrites that make it up as you go.
You might have $ but you’re low class people.
At which step in the 5-step process did you fail with your son?
It gets very warm at this time of the year, so always consider this before placing judgement on others.
You’d be an expert on “root causes” by now wouldn’t you? Think about it and don’t blame others for your own mess.
Which one is that – the one that’s sitting on $4B worth of Bitcoin or $250B worth of stocks?
Or the one that made $20B simply by chatting with mates on CNBC during the tech boom?
Maybe you should have envy and worry about them, not people that live week by week in social security benefits.
In other words, your big mouth has already done enough damage.
Please let us know when you get a terminal disease or cancer. We will come next to your bed and lecture you about all your failings like you have done to everyone else without any consideration for how that may affect their health.
Ignorance is no excuse when youre exceptionally cunning and aware when comes you improving your own financial position.
You have no idea how pox your world is.
Youre an absolute tosser of the highest order.
We will never be friends, I can tell you that right now, because you would have to change your existence
If you dont like it, dont read it. No one asked you to stalk my social activities. No one asked you to hang around either.
The solution is always very simple – if you don’t like it FO.
FFS Get a room.
It’s a big world out there with 8 billion other people. Never force anything because there is plenty you will get along with without even trying.
And you’re still going you low grade scumbag. Haven’t you got a family to look after of your own? You have to spend all your time trying to make other people look bad because your own life is so fucken boring.
If I wanted a Big Brother that was 15 years my junior, I would’ve asked for one.
Stop promoting monopolies in a broken system like a naive superficial child. Your ignorant, shallow idolatry is an annoyance at best.
The only person you’re convincing or giving anxiety to is you or anyone else who is dumb enough to listen to the garbage you promote without considering the context it the underlying truth
No worries. I’ll consider 2nd and 3rd other consequences and I’ll read your mind, as well.
Anything else?
Maybe the easiest solution is to do what you did. Just set up a fund, speak with a level of conviction uncontested like I know everything and with a strong sense of entitlement, and watch the money roll in.
First order consequences: I have to get out of bed and go to this interview on CNBC
2nd Order consequences: Everyone perceives me as having all the answers and can manage a fund better then anyone else
3rd order consequences: All the money in the US flows into my funds.
You people are masters at making excuses for a broken system.
Last week you said it was 12-18 months away and within a few days, it will be approved in the next month or before the end of the year.
You’re the authority, so we’ll just go along with whatever you impose on everyone, yeah.
If you tell us it’s another 5 years next week, then that’s what it is, you’re the authority.
If you were an honest person and honest with yourself, you would’ve have said, a few things have happened the past week that makes us believe that an ETF will now likely be approved anywhere between next month and the end of the year.
You don’t say we’re looking at 12-18 months and then change it to a 1-3 months like your entitled to do that and it’s acceptable.
Many people are so stupid that they won’t even notice.
You’re just another brainwashed ape serving yourself that justifies it on a belief system.
Do you reckon it’s time for you people to grow up?
Go fuck yourself dude. Anyone outside that bubble knows its all about access to capital and 90% of the people you come across in business are crooks, so its a minefield.
I could transform this whole planet like you’ve got no idea if I had access to capital and people didn’t get in your way. Youre all a bunch of crooks in suites and no different to the worst drug dealers on the streets.
There is so much wrong with you people I dont even know how to rationalise it.
Its like a bad dream
Go find an angel, ask friends and family and you can all enjoy the spoils of success or fail together.
Build an MVP first, validste your idea and then after 1-2 years you can start working on a full protype and maybe you can add product
You’re toxic and life destroying and that’s all you’ll be.
Youve got almost zero goodwill.
Give away 10-20% of your company to an angel, build a MVP. What a low life thing to say.
Italians build Colosseums but I’ll build an MVP and validate it in the market first.
What a low life, what soul destroying people you are. You and your little game you play, so you can remain in control of everything.
But you fund all your projects and ventures for geopolitical reasons and exclude everyone else – you must be proud
Ceasefire now!!
The moral rottenness of allowing this wholesale slaughter and forced displacement of over a million people is incredible. This is a total breakdown of Western institutions including the press cheering on ethnic cleansing, forced displacement and proto genocide.
Hamas are abhorrent and their actions revolting but this does not justify committing war crimes against a population where nearly half are children.
Absolutely sickening.
Good God! Mega crook and war criminal Netanyahu has asked Tony Blair to be a humanitarian co-ordinator in the hope that this will reduce pressure over the slaughter of civilians. Apparently they have been chatting for weeks.

What a fantastic idea to get another war criminal to do your PR for you!!
Thoughts Margot?!!
Agree 100% on all counts. Blair went from supporting an illegal invasion to Middle East Peace Negotiator! You couldn’t make it up.
Can’t look at the pictures from Gaza any more. It’s a massacre, and a massacre of the innocent.
Bet bPutin has got a hand in all this, cos look where we aren’t looking.
Agree about Putrid. Major pals with Iran afterall..
Good to see that vile piece of work, Braverman, leave, but that idiot Cameron back, WTF? Sure are scraping the barrel now.
OMG Rishi says he will pass emergency law to say Rwanda is a safe country so he can bypass Supreme court. Such a useful way to spend his time.
What next?!! Any more countries he wants to shove on the safe or unsafe list?! Apart from being an object of endless mirth it is astonishing how ridiculous and irrelevant this country has become…
Starmer has been a massive idiot in not allowing a free vote, and has lost really good women from the front bemch.
He is a massive idiot full stop. Some of his mps are in an impossible position as it’s well known they are absolutely inundated with furious emails from their constituents. They don’t really have any choice but to call for a ceasefire.
Looks like public opinion is coming out strongly in that direction everywhere including most importantly America. France and Spain have called for one thank God.
Ceasefire now!!!!
I don’t support civilians dying in this war on both sides but I support Israel
They Palestinian people brought this on themselves, they elected and support Hamas which is an Islamic terrorists coward b@$t@rds who hide behind children and civilians.
Anyways I can right a book on this but what’s the use.
Partnering with terrorist or evil people has it’s own fruits their are consequences.
In every war civilians are a victim sad, I hope less innocent people die.
Hamas and other terrorist groups are like a cancer they must be totally destroyed or rendered ineffective if not more innocent people will die in the future.
Like I said I say again I support Israel

and I hope all Hamas terrorist are destroyed and those who sympathize with terrorism I hope you wake up from your stupidity one day.
Hi Amy…As Ricky has suddenly got huffy about where to post…..:-0
The Traitors is all about lies, maniplulation and turning people against each other, remind you of anything?
Actually it’s very clever, someone smart has dreampt it up.
Hi Margot!! Will have a look on iPlayer. Do I have to start at the beginning?
Trump is his usual psychotic self. It’s Biden ‘s ludicrous despicable behaviour over Gaza which is opening the door to dictatorship. Young voters deserting him in droves. Who can blame them? The genocide Joe label is going to stick especially if he is stupid enough to get dragged into a larger conflict.
Yes, you need to start at the beginning, there’s also a first series, this is the second.
Just come here to vent my fury that Rafa is apparently acting as an ambassador for Saudi Arabia to bring tennis there.
I have never been the kind of fan who can’t criticise Rafa. I was absolutely furious with him over his long silence after the outset of the invasion of Ukraine when Andy and Fed spoke
up immediately but this is ridiculous.
Really honestly I may have had enough of him. He looks like a shallow money grubber.
Oh Amy, that’s sad!
It’s awful Margot!! I saw Chrissie and Martina have written a letter saying the WTA shouldn’t go to Saudi Arabia. Iga has,also opposed it. Iga seems to be the only young player speaking out against it. Think I will officially become her fan.
Andy spoke against it of course. He has more principles than most of the ATP put together.
Disgusted with Rafa.
Its ok if Ronaldo n neymar sign up for Saudi clubs n play for them but rafa can’t be ambasador ? What’s wrong being ambasador for tennis ..it’s just a sport ..it has nothing to do with human rights there..can’t mix the 2..are we saying ppl in Saudi should not play tennis ?
Entertainment n sports should never be mixed with religion or countries ..everyone should enjoy best content across the globe n everyone should be allowed to play sports .
Civilians have almost nothing to do with what govmt of a country does..can’t penalize them for no reason…
Politics is part of every aspect of our lives including sport. What do you think of black athletes who make a very powerful political statement when they “take the knee?”
The headlines are all very nauseating. I mainly follow the weather news; I switch channels the second it goes to Trump.
My plan to move to Portland fell through in November, but my moving date is now March 15. This time, the plan is solid.
It’s so satisfying to return here and read you, Margot, and amy!
Good morning!
Nice to “see” you.
Hi Elizabeth!!
So are you in Spokane now?
Has anyone seen the clips of Pelosi saying pro Palestinian protesters are in the pay of Putin and should be investigated by the FBI?
Immediately after saying this she shouted at protesters outside her house that they should go back to China!
I am literally praying that genocide Joe is forced out and Bernie runs for president. There has to be someone with morals and humanity unlike Biden and Pelosi who should be chucked on the scrapheap of history.
Pelosi actually sounds like Trump making these stupid dangerous comments…
No, amy, I came to my senses about why a move to Spokane is a terrible choice. The Trumpism is worse than in Boise there and has been taken up by many of my relatives.
I don’t know if you heard the latest of what Trump is saying, but it scares the sh** out of me!
What would this country look like if it joined with Putin and dropped our NATO alliance?
I am packing everything up, and my move to Portland is now on March 3!
Most of my friends there are anti-trump, but I also know a few that will vote for Trump no matter what because they count on the $$ tax break!
Am glad you didn’t go to Spokane Elizabeth! It didn’t sound like a great idea but obviously I couldn’t say that. Really glad you are going to Portland finally.
Why do your relatives support Trump? Am interested to know. He’s a very American phenomenon and I have never been to America.
Yes I know what he’s been saying but as I said before what really worries me is how unelectable Biden has become for his own base. He shouldn’t be running. His support for flagrant war crimes and war criminals will cost him the election and be the end of American democracy and the death of the planet.
I have come to loathe much of the Dem establishment. We need Bernie to take over!
He is actively making political statement s in talking about ” the progress ” going on in the country. As such he is doing straightforward PR for MBS a man who when he took power tortured his own relatives. Who personally ordered the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi leading to the nickname Mohammed Bone Saws. Who executes large numbers of people for no reason. Who oversees the death penalty for people who are gay. Who jails and tortures women who want equality.
I just saw Rafa’s contemptible PR video. It made me want to throw up. Very many Rafa fans are angry and sickened and he is going to be hammered by the press. His reputation is going to rightly take a massive hit.
I’m with Amy, I’ve never been a blind fan, however it’s as Sanju says, he’s trying to promote tennis, I’ve thought about it, and I think Rafa is doing this with the best of intentions
Hello Alison, nice to see and read you here.!
I hope life is going well for you and your hubby.
Finally, I have saved enough money to move back to Portland! Boise is too much of a red state to stay here. My real family is not my biological one. My real family and dear friend is Wendy, who I worked with at the Cancer Center in Portland, OR. It will be a relief to live around like-minded souls in this Presidential election year
In all things political, I very much agree with Margot and amy.
Gosh I wish Rafa would just shut up. I was afraid he was going to do this. He has been hammered by the press and especially in Spain. John Carlin also said he was fooled by Rafa and he won’t have anything to do with him now. So his PR team told everyone he wasn’t doing it for the money because it wasn’t a multi million pound deal.I remember thinking well do you honestly think that’s a better look? Like you think this horrible country is so great you want to go there?
Is he for real? Sports are going there because of the huge sums of money on offer.There are loads of other countries who are genuinely making changes they could go to and if you legitimately want to do good and grow the game go to poor countries who aren’t awash with oil 
. If you want to grow tennis go to Africa.
Now Rafa is saying that Saudi Arabia doesn’t need him to wash their image because the country is opening up so everyone wants to go there anyway?!
There are only 2 countries on the planet who execute more people than Saudi Arabia. If he doesn’t know about the human rights situation he shouldn’t be talking about progress and change everywhere which is extremEly contestable.
I have been a Rafa fan for so long that I still support him over any other player. But I don’t feel remotely the same about him at a personal level. I would prefer it if he had taken a ton of money and was open about doing so. At least that would be honest.
It’s not just about human rights it’s also about climate change as Saudi Arabia is committed to keeping the world hooked on oil.
Amy/Elizabeth: The rise of the Right everywhere is terrifying.
It is Margot. Was just out for walk and chatted with old man who said Starker and Reeves reneging on green deal and coming up with Tory austerity arguments filled him with utter despair. Thatcher said her greatest achievement was New Labour. No. By far her greatest achievement is Starmer and Reeves.
The left have to offer real alternatives to the vicious horror of neoliberalism. We need Bernie in America and something has to be done about Starmer.
People are in despair and need hope. The old man I was chatting to is well off but desperate for change.
Haha autocorrect is Starker!! He is stark ravingly useless. An empty vessel and cipher for power.
Meanwhile the world’s most moral army is besieging the last hospital in Gaza and indiscriminately bombing children and almost no one who is white is saying anything. Western values,have been exposed as,a complete and utter sham.
Starker Lol! He’s a middle manager promoted way beyond his ability! Nonetheless I am ecstatic about the by election results!
Starker he is from now on!
Yes good results but we need some actual.policies. Starker is very cold and technocratic I agree. Reckon his time in public prosecutions made him into this quasi authoritarian.
Once we win the election we need to boot him out if he won’t change.
Back to Saudi Arabia. It’s way past time that Rafa,and co stop saying Saudi Arabia is evolving and getting better. It is not. MBS has pursued policies to make it look better superficially while engaging in brutal repression which has made the country even worse.
If Rafa, Alcaraz and co can’t be bothered to do the most basic research by using a Google search engine for 5 minutes then they should just shut the %%ck up. They are doing endless PR for this violent regime and acting as useful idiots for it.
Iga doesn’t wear her Ukraine ribbon anymore. She had it on last fall when she won the WTA Final in Cancun. She wore it on her cap there. Sometimes, I pop on Twitter to post something short, but I try not to linger there because the pressure to finish my profile and stay on (message from Twitter) is omnipresent.
I have to doubt that Rafa knows anything about the Khashoggi horror or anything terrible and corrupt about MBS.
amy, I wasn’t done with describing the various people who are trumpsters. The ones who want the high-income tax bracket are not actually into Trumpism. But they don’t care about what happens to the lower classes. They made poor choices or didn’t work hard enough. George is still my friend, but he and I agreed to disagree in 2016. He is not a bad person at all, (if he likes you). If we talk, and we still do, it won’t include politics or climate change or being an advocate for Medicare for all or the poor and homeless.
He gets why I love Bernie Sanders, but as many like George cast Bernie, he is a socialist or, worse, a communist.
The problem with leaders of the Democratic Party is that most of them think like George and stamp Bernie as unelectable.
Corbyn, proper left wing Labour potential PM, didn’t do very well amongst the general British electorate either, not helped by the ultra right wing press owned by Murdoch *spit.* UK has been traduced and ravaged by 13 years of Tory rule, and still people vote for them!
Okay, my last post disappeared.
Now the shocking, heartbreaking death of Navalny.
Yes, it is another crime on Putin’s head. He was a brave man and loved his country. He could have moved away. He was asked why he didn’t leave. That is what Navalny said: because I love Russia.
I love many things Russian – it’s where my grandfather on my dad’s side was from, and Ukraine is where my dear grandmother was from.
I didn’t realise you had this heritage Elizabeth.
Margot I don’t think you can really compare Bernie and Corbyn although they are both on the left. Bernie is seriously impressive and I know many people here who don’t like Corbyn who admire Bernie. Bernie is a great orator and doesn’t have Corbyn ‘s toxic baggage ie appointing Putin excusing Milne and a straight up Stalinist Murray as his advisors. Plus his love of Hamas and so on.
Even Conservatives admire Bernie. Rory Stewart met him and said he was impressed by his passion and deep moral seriousness.
I agree, just they are both on the left. Corbyn was an idiot!
Oh I agree! What I am arguing is Bernie could have been elected here. Don’t think it’s true this country won’t vote someone on the left.
Dunno about America. It’s loony tunes about the left but Bernie had good polls against Trump in 2016. He won the primaries in the crucial states Clinton lost which was a warning as to what would happen. The point is that Biden is now so dead in the polls that Bernie would probably do better!
Not to worry, CIA and MI6 have another Navalny in the pipeline.
Don’t forget, Lenin was sent with 30 revolutionaries (by Germany) in the sealed train from Zurich to Russian Empire to destroy it, which he promptly did with his non Russian comrades who were in charge of Russian communist party.
Amy, the last left wing government was after the 2nd WW when Nye Bevan, a hero of mine, created the NHS. Wilson gov did lots of good reforming stuff and even Blair did good things, eg Sure Start, but since Nye nothing that looks remotely “left” to me. I feel the UK is profoundly conservative, with a small “c.” And, unless we have a revolution, that’s unlikely to change.
I would love to see a really transformational government Margot. Using the language of the New Deal in the US maybe so as to avoid words like socialism. Socialist policies are very popular! Large majorities want re- nationalisation of public services..If the Cons did this many would be thrilled.
Is the UK really that conservative? We have a divided opposition between Labour, Libs and Greens which is electorally rigged towards the Cons.
Point about Bernie is he has the passion and ability to stand up and ask for real change and win people over. Starker is just an empty suit who couldn’t convince people of anything.
The old man I was talking to the other day was very well off but absolutely heartbroken about climate change and nothing g real being done and then this stupid credit card nonsense Starker and Reeves come up with. Has no one heard of Maynard Keynes?
FDR was precisely what the country needed when we were in the Great Depression. He taxed the rich and made social reforms that many Republicans and mainstream.
Dems never wanted to see again! That’s why the likes of Nancy Pelosi feared Bernie, and in all due respect to the great John Lewis civil rights activist (RIP), these folks made sure that Bernie Sanders would not be the Dem’s Presidential nominee. They had been corrupted by money and their ties to big money. Trumpism is worse, but both parties have sucked for a long time; I was going to say since G.W. Bush Jr., but then really, what was Granpa
Bush Senior doing with his mini-war on Iraq? Reganomics, ha! What a tragic thing for a new RN (me) and hundreds of thousands like me. Reagan killed our ability to offer the financially strapped patients proper healthcare. And Unions couldn’t help us. There was no Union to join. Our hours and benefits were cut.
I have been out peacefully protesting since 1987. And getting people in Portland registered to vote in the predominantly black, at the time, NE Portland. All these people needed affordable healthcare.
Amy, now I am ready to talk about the Trumpster “unreachables,” but I have to go. But, I have to mention, it’s again much to with Religion – evangelicals that don’t care because they see Trump as FOX News paints him: sent from God, Trump is, and Jesus is coming soon, so what does it matter? There is no talking to them. They believe Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity and refuse to listen to any other news. Israel and Palestine? Don’t worry about it; there is supposed to be a Great War there, the Holy War. The Bible says so in the last book of the New Testament. Never mind what the Jews say, they will come around in time. And this is the stuff they believe and are hoping for. They don’t care what Putin does to Ukraine or Europe. They are generations removed from that, and wasn’t that FDR the socialist or communist who thought up NATO.
Oh my. Time is up, Amy. But this has been coming at me from my relations in Spokane since I can remember. It is a thing in the US. Maybe less so in NYC.
There’s more, more on anti-immigration – something mighty appealing to Trumpers who are anti-immigration.
I’ve lost my compass living here for over a decade. But I don’t forget who I love across the pond, as you folks say. My mother’s side of the family going way back are French, then British, then East Coast American. That is where I get my little bit of native American. And I hate what European Americans did to the Indians and people of color.
Bernie Saunders is still full of energy and articulate. His mind is sharp. This is the man who we need as President right now.
A week later, I changed my mind about Bernie’s good for the country in 2024. I still love him, but he isn’t the voice we need now.
What is happening in Gaza is genocide. Say it, Bernie! We are complicit! Netanyahu is on the same level as Putin. Israelis and Americans have enabled Bibi to become the Criminal he is.
The one person that would make America even worse than it is is Trump!
He will help Putin and Bibi and keep the planet in perpetual war, hooked on fossil fuels, and also support giving defense contractors vast sums of money to create weapons of more extensive, better, beautiful mass destruction. Does anyone remember how creepy and excited Trump was? It was his first year of presidency, giving the green light for bombing Afghanistan.
“The MOAB struck the epicenter of ISIS operations. The GBU-43 Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bomb, in an undated photo. There are few places where the GBU-43 Massive Ordnance Air Blast, as the bomb is officially known, can be used because of the breadth of its impact and the danger it poses to civilians.”
The New Yorker, April 14th 2017
In a Trump World, there are no regulations on fossil fuels or the methods of obtaining them; however, the fragile regions and habitats of the planet are impacted. Any regulation made as a safeguard will be deregulated for immediate
availability and profit. Genocide and atrocities are expected and accepted worldwide.
For four years, it was one nightmare after another; each day, he was in power.
For those who got the tax cuts, Trump deserved another term, or maybe Trump should keep the job until he dies and pass the crown to Barron Trump.
Completely agree Elizabeth. Would say more but have root canal pain. Seeing dentist tomorrow.
What is going on in Gaza is absolutely morally abhorrent completely shredding the findings of the ICJ and making a farce of international law. The West cm never recover from this. It’s not just Netanyahu. Israeli society is complicit in the most despicable war crimes. Not one penny more should be given to this country which is imploding morally into the abyss.
The fact that UNWRA has been defunded leaving Gaza to starve on the basis of some IDF/ Israeli clap trap with no evidence to back it up beggars belief. All because of Biden’s hysterical psychotic relationship with Israel so that the West has gone along with collective punishment of innocent people. Only Ireland, Spain, Norway and Portugal he e stood up to them and carried on funding UNWRA.
I have also never known such chilling McCarthyism in my lifer and a complete gap between a craven immoral establishment and ordinary people who are furious and in disbelief.
Time for a revolution. We can’t go on like this anymore.
I was wondering yesterday what Biden/ Kirby/ Blinken and Sullivan will say when the mass deaths begin and they push the Palestinian people into Egypt.
Guessing it’ll still be the Israel has a right to defend itself garbage. Israel isn’t defending itself and it isn’t a war with Hamas. It is collective punishment of a population where 50% are children. Israeli leaders should be in the Hague but so should America.
This is a gift to Putin and all the despots who are watching Biden destroy the international order and running their hands with glee.
rubbing not running.
Wringing hands and running around without a clue is what Biden and company do.
Still, it’s better than Trump.
amy, I know about root canal pain. Ouch!
And I should be doing many things to be ready when Wendy arrives on Friday. But I was waiting to see if Rublev would win and if you or Margot had things to say about my thinking and writing.
There is never enough time! I like to read what that Greek bald guy, Varufakis, says. Not until this morning had I heard why he stepped down from his job in Greece. Finally, I was curious enough to look him up. All I knew was he disappeared. He has been writing books! It’s a fascinating story of why he had to step down as Minister of Finance in 2015. Then I read him describe the effect that the massacre on Oct. 7 had on him. It hit me hard, too. I have not been able to put anything into words. First, I was angry that Ukraine would not ever receive what it needed from America to win its war. And everything is complicated by a more substantial feeling that Trump will win again.
It starts with a messy revolution.
I know quite a bit about Varoufakis. He is very clever and charismatic but on certain subjects he talks crap. His parties in the EU group wouldn’t straightforwardly condemn Putin after the invasion and the East European left parties split from them and had many choice words. Varoufakis talked incredible rubbish just after the invasion saying the EU and NATO should both be dissolved. These are the key organisations Putin wants gone! Varoufakis has huge resentment with the EU for good reason but it’s a bulwark against Putin. If there were no NATO Putin would take over the Baltic s and East Europe.
That’s the thing about Varoufakis. He is decadent. The East European left dislike him for good reason.
He is right about techno-feudalism though.
Poof! There goes another would-be hero. That’s why I needed to hear from you or Margot. And his story of why he had to step down is what I wanted to believe about him.
Should I read his book on techno-feudalism? Or is the term
itself enough? It feels like what’s happening.
Elon Musk comes to mind
It’s disgusting to think Muck and his lot are the ones I serve: stupid people – way too many stupid people in high places.
It’s enough to imagine a revolution!
Yes read him on techno feudalism! He is great on that! But don’t take what he says on trust.
Musk, Thiel and co are revolting.
I am not one for revolutionary rhetoric but it feels like we are at some kind of crisis point and the people have to stand up and demand their rights and that the system be changed. It only serves money and power and the psychopaths rise to the
I have observed a protest getting violent; Seattle 2003 was the biggest, and I felt angry enough to drive from Portland to join—the vote to go to war on a country that had no weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, sure enough, but I felt that war was a colossal mistake. It was enough for me to keep looking for OBL. It was a reaction to 9/11, okay. The G-Dub war in Iraq was purely Criminal. George Bush and his daddy, both wars in Iraq, were War Crimes started by hubris and greed. I never was so ashamed to be from the USA. I will not sing an anthem or raise the flag. No country is safe with the leaders we have. What can be done now but Civil War? Many of us felt it would be Civil War on January 6, 2021. Trump will be happy to make it happen.
It’s no wonder most of the world hates us. Change has to come. King Trump cannot happen! Such a good fit DJT is for Putin, Bibi, North Korea… too many fascists, to name.
I have to let it go to get ready to move to Oregon. Now, I am under the gun for wasting energy on this topic!
Ciao, tennis,
We can’t go on like this Elizabeth! I know Trump would be death to the planet and democracy but how are the Dems going to run under genocide supporting Biden? Much of the Dem base is rightly furious. They are saying in Michigan that the state is gone. That Arab Americans won’t vote for them. Similar story coming out of Georgia where the pastors say their congregation see this as apartheid which is a reminder of Jim Crow. Israel isn’t really a democracy!
Who can replace Biden and actually stand for moral values? The De m establishment is corrupt and out of touch.
Amy, I’ve just been reading in the Guardian about a woman who runs a food bank from an ice cream van, and crying. What dreadful times we live in.
And now Anderson spews racism and his words are gobbled up by racist Tory voters.
And Sunak goes, “Diddums” it’s not racist. Of course they are spreading division and hatred prior to the election. Where Trump leads..
It’s only Labour who get investigated for racism Margot! Although it should be remembered 30p Lee was formerly Labour. The bullies appear in local politics everywhere. Out systems are rigged to protect money and power and are inherently anti -democratic. I don’t see that we have any choice but to overthrow them. Wasn’t it your hero Nye Bevan who said that wealth and privilege will always attempt to overthrow democracy?Feels like we are in the end game with the planet on fire.
Yes Nye did. He also had a “burning hatred of Tories” whom he said were, “less than vermin.” What he said then is even more relevant now.
OMG how we need him.
A welcome kick in the backside for Starmer, but Galloway!
Elizabeth: selling weapons is BIG, Big business.
No comments about senseless massacre of innocent civilians in Moscow, I thought these lefty woke creatures on this site treat all crimes equally, but I guess it doesn’t apply to Russians.
Maybe Victoria Nuland can tell us more?
Margot and Amy, I am still in Boise.
I hope you both are well and will be back soon.
The post I wrote (I was trying to keep it short) didn’t go through.
Hi Elizabeth
So your move is delayed or cancelled? Very stressful, whatever.
Hateful times politically, locally and globally, trying to keep sane..ish! But Spring is coming and everything is growing, chirruping, flowering, buzzing! Virtual hugs.
Hello Margot!
It’s so good to see you here! I worry about you and amy in these times.
Yes, I canceled my move to Portland, which makes it twice now. I won’t attempt to go into detail, but I am making clearer decisions and feel so focused that I regret not paying the money to renew my RN license! Do not worry about me; I will be fine (unless Trump wins another term).
The bracket group is back this week. There are many in the groups that we likely won’t see again. I think I’ve said this before: the brackets are a sort of diversional therapy for me, as is following tennis.
The rent is going up, so I’ll have to find a less expensive way to keep this odd hobby. It’s strange to anyone who knows me locally, and what’s left of my family doesn’t get it. My papa is to blame, rip.
I predict that at least some of my brackets will fail. My brain was not clear or focused. Sure, winning one does help but I think I have just enough hang-up’s and I will keep trying to let it go.
Good to hear you are OK. There’s so much flux everywhere it’s difficult to predict anything in the brackets as well as life!
It’s true about the flux everywhere. But I’m lucky I did not move in the long-time friend. At least I averted the wrong decision.
I have always admired your economy of words, Margot.
It’s after 3 pm here and 10 pm in London. My Point is: you are likely missing a solid performance from Barbora Krejcikova. She has not been in her winning mode, and she is digging deep to get a win over V.Kudermetova. It’s set 3, and
I want her to win this. I have missed Krejcikova.
Kudermetova will not go down easy. It’s a good thing that I don’t have disposable income!
Great net play from our Chech player. Barbora has fought
off break points. Kudermetova gets the break.
If Veronica holds, they will be even at 4-4 in this decider.
Come on, Barbore, fight!
I meant to say if Veronica holds it, it will be 5-4.
Kudermetova is serving for the Match now.
Kudermetova is just too good. Her serve and painting lines better were than Barbora’s level.
Congrats to the brackets picking the Russian.
Dang it. I picked Barbora to the Semi’s.
I also wonder where Muchova is. At least Vondrousova is playing Stuttgart too.
Hi Margot and Elizabeth!! I have just moved!! Am exhausted.
Somewhat ironic it is me who has moved rather than Elizabeth….
Hey hey hey girlzzz!…hope u guys r OK!..
Amy..am just moved too!..from 55 to 56..if it’s considered moved that is!
Hi mira!!
So it’s your birthday 
??!! Very many happy returns !!
and many more to come I hope …
Hi back amy!…nah!..not exactly my birthday..a few months back actually..but older another year for sure!
Oh yeah…r u ready to let Rafa go amy?Is it for u to do this?Just curious how other Rafa fans feel about this..
I meant to say is it easy..sorry amy typo..
Please God can someone remove Biden aka Genocide Joe. The man is an inhumane vicious out of touch moron. Come on Bernie and other decent Dems kick him out!
He has zero chance of winning the election. He is completely and utterly out of touch with everything except his ego and I cannot stand one minute more of listening to him.
I have reached a point where I detest Israel. It’s a deeply sick society.
Oh and stop believing anything the Israeli Death Forces say. Their snipers deliberately target and kill children. This has been well documented by multiple organisations and British and American doctors working in the now deliberately destroyed health system. Yet another war crime.
Yeah, it’s a tragic and horrific crime against humanity; Netanyahu has lost his mind along with Putin and the other soulless criminal strongman dictators around the world.
amy, there is no one to vote for. The choice is Biden or Trump.
Trumplicans are anti-democracy. In trumplican-speak, this is a Trump Republic, and the democracy thin is over.
It’s sad to hang up on a childhood ski buddy and my first crush in 6th grade. He would not stop shouting nonsense even while I was trying to change the subject. I will never speak to him again. He’s not the fun-loving, playful companion I knew, and my memories have been ruined; I imagine his memories of me blackened, too.
Ce’est la vie. I can’t help someone who believes in
Fox News exclusively and tunes into Alex Jones on talk radio.
Bat-s**t crazy people and they are mostly like that in Spokane, WA. and around Boise, too. Where I live here in Boise, it’s a small pocket of progressives and liberals, so I stay right here for now b/c the rent is affordable, and I am used to this compared to anywhere else.
Well I thought you partly wanted to move to Portland because it’s progressive? I have moved out of a hyper lefty Remain area into one with a large blue painted conservative club

Have moved from the urban South East to a small coastal town in the SW called Dartmouth. It’s beautiful though. Today I walked up to the coastal
path via the castle and met loads of overseas tourists. Am half dead as a result of my exertions.
I try and block out the hideous view of the Conservative club.
My own view is that some people love, and I really mean love, propaganda. It answers to some deep need.
Also many are actively attracted by waste and waste products and a kind of love of anti idealism.
Hello amy!
It’s great to read you here!
The possible good news is that Rafa might have another RG in his legs.
What do you think? Have you been able to see any tennis matches in Madrid?
I find it very hard to see how Rafa can handle bo5 now Elizabeth. He struggles with matches going 3 sets so how can he go 5?
Am really bummed there is no longer Amazon coverage so I can’t watch. I will pay for RG though as it’s on Eurosport.
Apparently Med is injured along with Alcaraz and Sinner. Bit of a disaster. I really want to watch Ryba against Saba! Could be a great match.
I really hope Rubles beats the Cart Horse!!!
Wouldn’t it be awful if he wins the title?!!
Yes, amy, I’m with you about the Cart Horse! Go Rublev!
Come On Rubles!!
Hi Amy! Dartmouth is lovely, do hope you thrive there. I live in a right wing, small, coastal town. I have met the prospective labour candidate and he is a Starmer clone, so I’d say every chance of beating the odious Tory.
Good news from Newcastle today
Going to see “Nye” next week. He is my hero and so is Michael Sheen, win, win.
Hi Margot! Very good to see you.

Yes Dartmouth is beautiful. Yesterday I walked to the castle with its amazing views and then tried to walk the 70! steps down to lovely Sugary Cove. Don’t know if you remember it? All these wretched steps have pulled my muscles.
Soon I intend to walk the coastal path towards Stoke Fleming.
I know you revere Nye Bevan. Pity we have no one of his fierce moral calibre now and are stuck with Starker and Reeves!!
I like Michael Sheen as well.
PS I let out a wry chuckle every time I pass the huge hideous blue painted Conservative Club. Have thought of you numerous times already when I do so and I only arrived last Friday.
How about painting it red, in the dead of night?
It’s a thought!!
Be great when I am nicked by plod and get my mugshot plastered over the local new sites…
C’mon Amy! Take it for the team! I’ll visit and bring a cake with a file inside….
Gee thanks Margot!!!
Why do I feel this dubious arrangement benefits you rather than me?
The thought of the Cons in Dartmouth waking up to a neon red Con club and having a collective fit is appealing though…
Hi Amy! It’s rather a good day, isn’t it? Go Sadiq, go Andy! And fingers crossed for Richard! May I ask, why Dartmouth? So not you.
Welcome back AM. I live at 56, I knew we were realated!
Hehehe…yeah M!..i knew we were related too coz there’s this beautiful pigeon who always came & play with my pigeon & on it’s chest there’s nametag named Clarissa!
Btw…hi M!..nice to ‘c’ u too!
Amy: July 4th, when we finally get shot of this dreadful shower of sh*t.
Oh happy day and Sunak in the pouring rain trying to speak above the sound of, “It can only get better.” You couldn’t make it up.
Not a good day for Rish! Has he gone slightly insane..?!
Will be fab to see back of Tories but having to watch Starker exude smug self satisfaction is not an attractive prospect.
Just marvellous to see our own government attack Karin Khan and the ICC when, for once, we get to see a basically British run institution do something honourable.
..this ludicrous vain little man has to stand down or Trump will win. Every time he or Blinken or Kirby open their gobs another stream of rubbish pours out alienating the Dem base.
As for Biden, who is going with GOP plans to sanction the ICC..
Can Biden really not see that talking about being a bulwark of democracy against Trump and attacking the ICC are contradictory positions?
Please God will someone remove him. We want someone with a moral compass ie Bernie or one of the numerous Dems who actually possess a heart and a brain.
Unfortunately Amy, American presidential hopefuls either need to be super rich, or able to raise vast sums like Obama. Narrows the field considerably.
Biden isn’t on this planet right now. If he really cared about Trump not winning and saving democracy he would withdraw.
Biden looked older than the D-day WW2 survivors yesterday. I am serious. He should not have been elected. But what Trump is in his old age is psychotic and delusional and will end the tiny bit of Democracy lingering in the USA. Trump is way worse than whatever it is with Biden. Trump admits he is anti-democratic, and his trumplicans love it!
Biden appears to have a mask- face. It could be from PD, Alzheimer’s, dementia, or any number of old-age neurological causes; side effects from the potent medications prescribed are challenging to manage. I remember Reagan going downhill fast! He had his beloved Nancy by his side, and Joe has the support of his wife, Jill.
None of this is good. I have to focus on today and not dwell on what is coming. I know life could be worse–Palestine and Ukraine come to mind. Hopefully, Mexico has elected a young, progressive-minded female President.
Oops, by PD, I mean Parkinson’s Disease, not the other PD
Reminds me of a song on a Dire Straits Album. My favorite Dire Straits album is Brothers in Arms. Every cut is great!
Oh, Dear, not that one ^; this song is the best and most relevant now.
Brothers in Arms
Amy: I too am in despair re Biden. Doesn’t bear thinking about if Trump wins by default.
And the advance of the Right is terrifying, seems everywhere. And France too. OMG the world is very scary at the mo.
But two days to go and I want no less than the extermination of the Tories, FOR EVER!
The situation with Biden is beyond a farce Margot!! He is handing the election to Trump if he stays in the race. I read a while ago that the person keeping him in the race is Jill. Dunno if you saw the unutterably cringeworthy and frankly terrifying clip of her welcoming him on stage after the debate and talking to him as if he was a small child saying you were great!! You answered all the questions! And Biden grinning insanely and looking like he had no idea,what was going on.

Meanwhile Macron made a characteristically idiotic move by calling th e election now and letting his huge personal unpopularity be a factor ( ie people will automatically do the opposite of what he wants).
Scary scary times.
Even more frightening is the ascent of the ADF In Germany.
In Friday we will wake up to the wonderful prospect of the Tories OUT!! Shall I paint the Conservative Club red to celebrate?!!
It’s very strange being here in Dartmouth when before I lived in the urban South East in an area,which was a bastion of Remain and the left.
I wish all of my friends were as well informed as you, some are but quite a few glaze over when I rant against the Tories. Yes, Macron is an idiot and an arrogant one as well. Awfully like Sunk isn’t he. I saw them hugging and I thought, “a fine bromance.” I love France and hope they can sort it out.
Of course you must spray the “Con” club with red paint. I want to see those headlines.
I belong to “Surfers Against Sewage” and I’ve been sent a brilliant posters which says, “Vote to Save our Oceans” on one side and on the other it’s “Rivers.” That’s in my window, not sure where I’ll put the Labour one….
At the moment Balding is spoiling Wimbledon. Will that woman ever stop gushing?
What I say has to be quick because I’ll say pending issues to keep this short. Oh no.
I truly do not belong in this city in Idaho. These are not my people. Not sure where to move, and I’m an atheist, so it’s likely not doing any good, but I am praying for an answer beyond my understanding. The worst thing to do is panic. I learned about that back in 2013.
Communities do exist in many places where I would fit in and could contribute, but they aren’t in Portland, Oregon, or the Seattle area like they used to be. Mostly, I want to join with people I hoped would rise- up to be heard, like the American indigenous people, aka Indians. All states have groups of them, but certain ones are doing a lot. They don’t care who wins the election, but they do care about being represented with their ancient knowledge of this land, and I fit right to work for them. Sounds funny? Sure, but I need to get with them and the increasingly influential and powerful African Americans who are rising up about reparations. I am straight in real life, but I already support the LGTBQ communities wherever I am since HIV became a thing in the early eighties. I was in the right place in Portland, Oregon, with the proper credentials, RN and OCN, and I made the HIV patients my study. My older brother, who lived in Seattle, had tested positive. He would come down to Portland because I knew the HIV specialist, the leading HIV guy, and insisted that (John) come to see Dr. Sampson.
Okay, boil it down. I will be patient because there must be a reason that I am still alive. I can’t believe I am saying such a thing, but it is what it is, beyond my understanding. Precisely, the feeling I had that put me in the right places during the HIV crisis decades ago.
So, I wait for it.
You can laugh at me, and please do; I am laughing as I type
It sounds absurd. I was overwhelmed by so much that I had to go to work early so I could meditate in my car while I cleared my head to focus. It was beyond me, and I needed help.
Since I like predicting things, I guess I will be squeezed out of this cozy little apartment because that’s been happening to others all around me for several years already. The need to move has had me paralyzed in fear. But most of my energy goes to being focused on what group I would help most or finding the place where they are gathering because I don’t want to miss out. It feels like something I’ve wanted is about to happen, regardless of who gets elected. Call it an uprising.
We shall see. Or, I will be put in a straight-jacket and taken to the State Mental Hospital.
I think change is coming Elizabeth. I just think we have reached some kind of tipping point where the incredibly destructive neoliberal consensus has forced a complete crisis of democracy. Power has to return to the people.
I am sickened by Biden and the Dem establishment which is ossified, calcified, and corrupt. We need the morals and heart of Bernie. There are good people who are Dems!!
I know moving is very very difficult. I said nothing here although I have known for over a year I had to move because I just couldn’t afford to stay on. And I was very frightened. But here I am and I am ok. The thing about crises is that we resist them because they are so frightening but they are opportunities for change also and transformation. I don’t want to pretend it’s easy though. Am not at all sure I am in the right place. If it wasn’t for Brexit I would definitely think of going abroad.
I genuinely believe you will find your right place somewhere Elizabeth. You have too big a heart not to.
As for an uprising then I hope so. Honestly I have had enough of the undemocratic duopoly in both the UK and the US where the whole system was set up to protect wealth and privilege.
Thank you for your response, amy. I wish I had Margot’s ability to condense my thoughts and words. I need practice. When I posted about politics in 2018 on Twitter, I was trusted enough to speak out and connect with like minds. But Elon Musk’s taking over has changed the landscape. I only use X now to check on certain tennis players and sometimes post something short and congratulatory.
Yes Macron is extremely arrogant with absolutely terrible judgement. The minute he called the snap election and made his speech making it a matter of his personal authority you knew it was going to backfire. Shades of Cameron with Brexit where a lot of people just voted against him.
One good thing about being here is that I am by the river and sea constantly. The damage done by water privatisation is unspeakable.
Will be ordering in some red paint!!!!
Good to see the largely fascist theocratic Supreme court has done its job and declared the orange moron above the law. Happy Days!!!
Agree about Balding who is mega irritating although fortunately I haven’t heard her hideous outbursts of purple prose about Boulter and Dr Minaur yet. They are waiting in the wings though.
Elizabeth: You wont be surprised to learn I prefer James Ellroy to James Joyce!
Amy: Hope red paint has arrived. Only day 3 and I want to throttle Balding!
Red paint ready to GO Margot!! Please don’t throttle Balding or we will both be in the nick…
But I’m sure Elizabeth and Andy Mira would visit, so we’d get to meet them at long last. And Andy could bake a cake with a nail file in it so we’d soon be free!
The nick is such a great place for us all.to meet!!
Hope we get to take the cake with us as I am definitely up for a large slice of chocolate cake..# chocaholic..
ps I do agree that Balding is beyond irritating…
Hangin there miladys!…Bionic Mira is coming!…yeehaaa!!
We’re relying to get us out! C’mon!
Balding and Inverdale so obviously know nothing about tennis. Had to laugh at John Lloyd yesterday , he’s been fawning over Murray since he started. In fact some tennis forums used to count the number of times he mentioned him, they used to say he’s on Murraywatch.
Inverdale is the worst of the worst. I have to mute him.
Castle and Lloyd sounded like they were about 300 years old when they did their commentary for Queens…
I never sure who is worse these days red or blue. Confusing how in US the right wing are republicans. Not really into politic except the unavoidable local ones
Surely the party who actively supports the Orange Moron is the worst?!! Am sure you don’t like him..
The Dems are rubbish though..
He’s hard to like. But as u say Biden and co are rubbish.
BTW I heard from an impeccable source that the Federer video on Amazon Prime is superb. It’s free if you already have Prime as I do..Am definitely going to watch it..
Makes me feel nostalgic as hell for the days of the big 3/ big 4. We’ll never see an era to compare imo.
I think it was Gill Gross that source.
Was someone else but Gill has great taste so am sure he gave it a puff. Am looking forward to watching but know it will also make me sad..
Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime says smug lying corrupt tosser Starker. God I detest him and his cronies!! We deserve better.
Late last night, I heard the BBC report that the Labor Party will win! And like Snap, is Sunak out? Is this true? Then it’s a good time to live in the UK. I wish this country would have lost that War of Independence and remained like Canada!
Or, the indigenous tribes and people in America would have beaten the cowboys, and that Manifest Destiny was such BS. Oops
Yes there will definitely be a Labour government tomorrow it’s just a question of how big the majority is.
But people are voting the Tories OUT with great enthusiasm rather than voting with enthusiasm for Labour because Starker isn’t popular and isn’t giving people the hope and policies they need.
So tomorrow will be great to see the back of the Tories but won’t be great to see smug liar Starker grinning away.
I’m not counting my chickens, I remember what happened to Kinnock.
I would vote for a sewer rat if it meant the obliteration of the Tories though, TBH, not much difference except rats are more intelligent.
One good thing Amy, most of the Labour cabinet will have come from a state school background, not frigging privilege and Eton. Brigit Phillipson, shadow education, grew up on a council estate. This has to be good news for kids.
Obviously it’s fabulous if Tories on way out Margot and we get people from ordinary backgrounds. I just really resent Starker as you know and was extremely annoyed by his comments re Brexit yesterday which seem to me very stupid as much as anything.
Hope he runs off with a go go dancer to Honolulu so we get Rayner instead.
You are right that we shouldn’t be complacent…
Brits voted Brexit, the biggest act of self-harm ever inflicted on us. It will take years and years to recover, if we ever do. Yes, if the Tories get obliterated I will be very happy, but it’s a long, long road ahead.
I guess I got happy for you folks too soon again. That is what most politicians do: lie and more lies. Brexit did seem stupid. Why put distance between your allies? I can’t follow along anymore—lots of shooting oneself in the foot.
Just seen Matt Frei nearly explode with rage while interviewing someone saying Biden is the tops and should be the Dem candidate. Can’t say I blame him and shouted insults at the tv.
Absolutely criminal irresponsibility by the useless Dem leadership. Their smug dumb complacency and absolutely ossified relationship with power and their own status makes me want to throw up.
If you actively enable fascism then you too are a part of a system bringing it into being and you should be absolutely condemned by history.
Wow exit polls are saying 400+ for Labour! Yay! But 15 for Reform which is awful news and 131 Tory MPs. WTF?
Not the wipeout I’d hoped for, but I’ll take it.
Shocking scenes from the Trump rally. But he promotes violence with his antagonistic divisive politics so not surprising really. More surprising is the fact that 10% of Americans support violence to stop Trump.
Crucial and critical time for the USA.
President D. Trump just survived an assassination attempt,this is what corrupt politicians, dishonest media have been promoting for years.
Only someone who is evil and dumb will blame him or any victim, thank God for his survival, the shooter is dead and I heard he killed someone and injured two other people.
“If you come at the king you better not miss”
Music to pick my weekly TDC brackets to (Monastir already done), but waiting for the Guadalajara one to open.
Not all are my choices. I have to get used to YT bots in my YouTube channel, guarding the underage to make it public, I guess.
just listened briefly,I like the 15/9/24 one with its eighties. Kim Carnes etc.
Thank you, Big Al. Any recent playlists I made have been worked over and edited by YT bots. If they attempt to make me more mainstream, all I can say is good luck to them, lol!
It’s frustrating. I’m not a big jazz fan, but I love the Pat Metheny Group with Lyle Mays on piano. Piano is my thing; I studied the classics and played it in recitals, hence all the Bach and Rachmaninoff.
Big Al,
My mom did have Betty Davis Eyes (long eyelashes and jet black hair)
Could not ger on the WTA page to post!
This young Polish star captured my attention before Iga Swiate did. She is a composer and creator of volumes of piano music and has broadened her gifts to include other musicians of various musical genres. I want to share this video with Bracket Troopers. Her fingering and graceful hands moving
over the keys crushes me with hope and joy. I hope you enjoy it, too. Music is life-saving to me at the moment.
Her humble “thank you” is the icing on the cake – listen and watch Buka. by Hania Rani.
In 9/2022, she went to Kyiv, Ukraine, with her music to perform and raise donations. More info.
The last time I tried to open this thread, it would not open. But that was back when I was trying to get on the WTA page. Thank you for opening this page and for your patience.
Now the familiar anonymous and guests post your non-tennis talk here – we can talk civilly about the US Presidential elections. And I can explain why I am still in Boise. Boring topic but the move north is still on. It’s going to happen next week after the election. (My friend in Sandpoint promises) Going North is good but it’s a quick fix; at least it’s an improvement over being here in the heat of summer and firey Trump hell.
I’m free from the sizzling heat, smoke, and fires burning within the sight and smell of SW Idaho. Sandpoint, Idaho, is an improvement and fine for now. But my destination is not necessarily here; like everywhere, it’s altered.
I’ll keep dreaming.