Non-tennis forum

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13 Comments on Non-tennis forum

  1. BTW I heard from an impeccable source that the Federer video on Amazon Prime is superb. It’s free if you already have Prime as I do..Am definitely going to watch it..
    Makes me feel nostalgic as hell for the days of the big 3/ big 4. We’ll never see an era to compare imo.

    • Was someone else but Gill has great taste so am sure he gave it a puff. Am looking forward to watching but know it will also make me sad..

  2. Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime says smug lying corrupt tosser Starker. God I detest him and his cronies!! We deserve better.

    • Late last night, I heard the BBC report that the Labor Party will win! And like Snap, is Sunak out? Is this true? Then it’s a good time to live in the UK. I wish this country would have lost that War of Independence and remained like Canada!

      Or, the indigenous tribes and people in America would have beaten the cowboys, and that Manifest Destiny was such BS. Oops

      • Yes there will definitely be a Labour government tomorrow it’s just a question of how big the majority is.
        But people are voting the Tories OUT with great enthusiasm rather than voting with enthusiasm for Labour because Starker isn’t popular and isn’t giving people the hope and policies they need.
        So tomorrow will be great to see the back of the Tories but won’t be great to see smug liar Starker grinning away.

        • I’m not counting my chickens, I remember what happened to Kinnock.
          I would vote for a sewer rat if it meant the obliteration of the Tories though, TBH, not much difference except rats are more intelligent.
          One good thing Amy, most of the Labour cabinet will have come from a state school background, not frigging privilege and Eton. Brigit Phillipson, shadow education, grew up on a council estate. This has to be good news for kids.

          • Obviously it’s fabulous if Tories on way out Margot and we get people from ordinary backgrounds. I just really resent Starker as you know and was extremely annoyed by his comments re Brexit yesterday which seem to me very stupid as much as anything.
            Hope he runs off with a go go dancer to Honolulu so we get Rayner instead.
            You are right that we shouldn’t be complacent…

      • Brits voted Brexit, the biggest act of self-harm ever inflicted on us. It will take years and years to recover, if we ever do. Yes, if the Tories get obliterated I will be very happy, but it’s a long, long road ahead.

    • I guess I got happy for you folks too soon again. That is what most politicians do: lie and more lies. Brexit did seem stupid. Why put distance between your allies? I can’t follow along anymore—lots of shooting oneself in the foot.

  3. Just seen Matt Frei nearly explode with rage while interviewing someone saying Biden is the tops and should be the Dem candidate. Can’t say I blame him and shouted insults at the tv.
    Absolutely criminal irresponsibility by the useless Dem leadership. Their smug dumb complacency and absolutely ossified relationship with power and their own status makes me want to throw up.
    If you actively enable fascism then you too are a part of a system bringing it into being and you should be absolutely condemned by history.

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