How does tennis betting work? Here are some tips

Tennis is one of the most popular and widely played sports in the world. Thanks to the adrenaline and excitement of the matches, millions of people follow the exploits of the racquet champions and bet on their favorites. In tennis, there are so many players who have distinguished themselves and written its history: we are talking about real champions, the best tennis players in the world (such as Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, and Roger Federer), who still serve as role models for the young promising stars of the sport.

Tennis is a sport which sometimes seems complex, especially if you’re not super familiar with it, but if you watch closely and possibly even bet on some matches, you can greatly improve your knowledge in the sports betting world. Uncertain? Don’t worry! You can easily run through a few predictions for the upcoming matches before you place a wager, giving yourself just that little extra edge when it comes to the somewhat enigmatic world of betting.

Without further ado, let’s explore some top tennis secrets and find out how to place the best bets on the sport. Let’s go! It will be fun!

Tennis Rules Guide

First thing’s first. In tennis, you have two players facing each other on opposite sides of a net; they use a racket to hit the ball (being careful not to smash it over their opponent’s head!), and catapult it into their opponent’s half of the court. Simple, right?

The goal? Well, there aren’t any prizes if you guess: score more points than your opponent so you can win individual games, sets, and finally the match. When a player hits the ball, it has got to strike the ground in the opponent’s court for the shot to be considered valid. How do they get points? It’s pretty simple: by prompting the opponent to make a mistake, such as causing him to hit the net or miss the court, or by sending the ball past the opponent so that it bounces more than once. Remember, making faces to distract him is not allowed!

Do you know how the point system works in tennis?

Does the point system in tennis seem complicated at first glance? Don’t worry, because it becomes much simpler when you understand how it works! You will see that you will then say “WOW! It was really simple at the end!” Basically, players strive to win a match: the first tennis player to win in six games wins a set, while the first to win two or three sets wins the entire match (depending on the length of the match).

The point system awarded is: 15, 30, 40, game. If you serve at the beginning of a game and get a point, the score rises to 15-0. If the opponent wins the next point, the score then becomes 15-15. The scoring continues in this way until one of the two players wins the game (by getting four points). To win, however, remember that one of the two players must have at least a two-point lead!

The first player to win six games is awarded the set victory. As with game points, however, a set must be won with a two-game lead. Thus, if the score is 5-5, a player can win the set with 7-5. However, to prevent sets from going on too long, if the set score rises to 6-6, a tie-break occurs and the first tennis player to score seven points wins the set. Again, the player must win by two points, so the tiebreaker is potentially unlimited…. This would be the classic example of “WOW! What a match!”

Most tennis matches include best-of-three sets; the winner of the match is the first player to win two. However, the rules of Grand Slam events and other major tournaments have men’s matches being best-of-five sets.

The tennis betting world

There are different types of bets in tennis. First up (and yes, this won’t surprise you), you’ve got the chance to bet who’s going to win–something a lot of people opt for. Basically you wager on whoever you think is going to ace a particular tournament, such as Wimbledon or the U.S. Open. Alternatively, why not bet on the winner of a match? And since there is no such thing as a tie in this sport, you simply bet on which player will be the victor.

In a tennis match, you can also bet on individual games and sets. Did you know that? It includes three to five sets, each of which includes at least six games. One type of bet on sets and games is over and under bets. In this case, you bet, for example, on the number of games in a given set. Suppose you bet your money on “over 9.5” games in the third set: if at least 10 games are played in that set, you win the bet! Not too complicated, right?

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