Novak Djokovic has confirmed that he is going to Melbourne for a shot at his 21st Grand Slam title, but — much to the chagrin of the lockdown-battered citizens of Melbourne — he is using the backdoor entrance.
The residents of Melbourne are exhausted. They have endured the most stringent, lengthiest series of COVID lockdowns of any city in the entire world. No weddings, no funerals. No in-restaurant dining, or school for children for 6 rounds of “don’t leave your house”.
And now, with cases on the rise, Novak Djokovic has just announced with delight that he is on his way to Melbourne — with a medical exemption to bypass the vaccine requirement necessary to enter Australia.
Yep. The same Novak Djokovic who has repeatedly touted “freedom of choice” in regards to the vaccine for most of the pandemic. The same one who rather famously held a series of charity tennis matches across the Balkan peninsula during the first wave of the pandemic that ultimately became a super-spreader event.
Is it a legitimate claim? I have no idea. Djokovic himself is not forthcoming with the details of his vaccination/health status. And as Australian Open chief Craig Tiley has pointed out, the exemption that Djokovic received can be applied for by anyone wishing to enter the state of Victoria. Clearly whatever doctor-certified condition he has qualifies him for it.
The fact that it was bestowed on the top tennis player in the world ahead of his most successful major, who also happens to have taken a fairly vocal stance against vaccine mandates for ATP players, may just be coincidence. It’s not possible to debate the merit of the exemption, since we know hardly any details about it.
But this much I DO know: the decision is such a blatant act of disrespect to the citizens of Melbourne, it would not surprise me if there were literal demonstrations outside the venue in response. It’s as though the panel is saying “Sorry, Tilda. We know you want to attend your grandmother’s funeral, but you have to think about the greater good. What if you spread COVID while you’re there? How selfish ARE you? What’s that? You want to know why the hell we’re letting a TENNIS PLAYER with no proof of vaccination into the state to play a bloody game? That’s important business, young lady. And none of your concern.”
They’re going to boo him. They’re going to heckle him. They may, in fact, shun him in ways we can only imagine. None of this will be a surprise and every last bit of it will have been earned. Every cheer on a double-fault, every angry sign, every last cat-call. Because he isn’t going to Australia to perform a vital duty; he isn’t twisting himself into a pretzel to get into the country because that’s where he lives and he’s been trying to get home for the past two years. He is a dude who hits a ball for a living.
It doesn’t matter how valid his medical exemption is. It could be the most valid reason in the entire world. What matters is that it is completely unnecessary. He does NOT need to be there. He doesn’t. He doesn’t have to work to pay his rent or put food on the table. He isn’t an essential worker; he isn’t saving lives.
What matters is that the city’s residents have been bludgeoned with restrictions under the Greater Good banner. They were ARRESTED for leaving their homes at one point. All for the greater good.
And now this? Pardon me, but what about the greater good? It’s bullshit. I’m incensed.
I knew this trash article would be from none other than the wokiest Cheryl. Another reminder to look at the author first
Jesus. Almost scary how you articulated my thoughts exactly.
Cheryl is bullshit
***comment deleted***
His desperate desire to be adored is going to take a battering in Melbourne. It’s going to be delightful to watch.
Thoughtful and great post. Thank you.
But he thrives in this environment
he loves getting booed. It spurs him even more
And frankly he exploited the loophole but frankly the blame does not rest on him ,it’s the organizers and committee for granting it to him
Exactly blame is not on him.
For sure the organizers must take the blame for the very inequitable rules and seemingly intentional loopholes. But it is Djokovic who needs to take responsibility for not getting vaccinated if he is able to be vaccinated … or if he has a truly good reason for not doing what everyone else had to do (including thousands of Australians with serious illnesses who are far too unwell to play tennis yet managed to get the jab), he should be humble and as transparent as possible with the Australian people about why he deserves an exemption. I guess we’ll see if he does this when he arrives because he’ll certainly be asked a lot.
This is a global crisis so it’s much more than just a matter of Djokovic bending a few rules to suit himself. His actions have a big impact beyond himself — and he’s already being hailed as a hero by some for “winning one” for the anti-vaxxers. That may (or may not) be what he wants but he does have to take responsibility for that ultimately. Whether that makes a difference in how he plays … probably not. He’s very skilled at tuning out the crowd and as you say, turning dislike into fuel. But it’s another story off the court, where he is likely to get very mixed reactions from the public and media — more so than he is used to.
Thank God he is not vaccinated.
The organizers made up the rules. He abided by them and gets to play. Why is this his fault? All the guys who have made millions don’t need to be there according to your logic. So why aren’t you beating them up too? I get you’re mad, I just don’t think you are mad at the right people.
not really
Of course, there is a different policy for the general public and elite sportspeople where there is a lot of money involved. Whether Djokovic is vaccinated or unvaccinated has no bearing on society or additional risk, so it makes sense to overcome a technical issue and ensure he plays.
The media will use this as a build-up to the main event and so there is something to talk about during the tournament. It’s the same general public that takes the bait every time, that talks about it over barbecues like their opinion means something.
Managing public health and promoting economic growth are mutual objectives and what you just witnessed is consistent with those objectives.
Move along, enjoy the tennis.
Move along, hahaha. This is only just beginning. The tournament hasn’t even started yet, cases are really starting to soar in Australia, tests are coming for the AO, Djokovic and other player press conferences are coming and this will continue to be a major conversation throughout.
Absolutely agree with Cheryl. I knew this will happen. Money talks as usual. Every spectator that will come into the stadium must be vaccinated according to the so-called rules. So all the VACCINATED spectators will come to the Australian open to watch UNVACCINATED Djokovic play tennis. The hypocrisy is astonishing.
Jamie murray (Andy Murray’s brother) said if it was him and he asked for a medical exemption, they would never give it to him no matter how valid. Basically that Djokovic was given it bc he is world number 1, it’s his most successful slam and of course money answereth all things.
Djokovic will thrive on the controversy, hatred and possible boos that will come his way and use all that to go and win the Australian open again like he always does. But that is not the point. This is based on principle, either you give rules and stick by it or you don’t give the rules at all. Giving preferential treatment to some wealthy elite players is an unforgivable insult to the many Australians and players that have suffered from this Covid and vaccine mandate.
Let’s call a spade a spade, Djokovic does not have any medical reason to not be vaccinated, he just refuses to be vaccinated bc he is against vaccines, period. It’s just obvious he’ll come up wit some so-called reason with his doctor to bypass the rules AS HE ALWAYS DOES. He’s the fittest guy on tour, rarely gets injured and can play for 6hrs on the court. Please, let them not insult our intelligence here.
The most important thing here as Cheryl vividly pointed out is that the medical exemption (valid or not) is completely unnecessary bc he is not an essential worker, he’s not saving lives or doing anything of utmost importance to humanity. There are jobs in Australia where all the workers were ordered to be vaccinated with no medical exemptions tolerated, and the workers-including the very reluctant ones-got vaccinated or else they were fired or had to quit. Here you have, Djokovic being given preferential treatment and him exploiting it to the highest as expected. Let’s not forget that Djokovic playing at the Australian open unvaccinated is a serious health risk to everyone there. The hypocrisy is just despicable.
Although I do agree with the fact that his medical exemption to not get vaccinated is probably BS, what we’re doing is that we’re making assumptions and then writing articles and comments about it as if it is the truth.
Again, I genuinely believe that Djokovic just didn’t want to get vaccinated, not that he has a medical condition that allows this exemption, but these are just my beliefs. I have absolutely 0 knowledge about his medical condition and therefor I really shouldn’t be writing comments about how awful it is for him to be granted the exemption.
If the exemption is valid, then he has every right to apply for it and Melbourne should (probably) accept it, no matter how “unnecessary” his job might be.
“Let’s not forget that Djokovic playing at the Australian open unvaccinated is a serious health risk to everyone there. ”
That is completely untrue. How indoctrinated and without any common sense you have to be to believe in this.
Why doesnt It matter if his medical exemption is valid?
Of course It does.
As of this writing, not one word of any of this can be found at ausopen.com or atptour.com. Disappointing. Surprising?
Thanks for the essay, Cheryl. The plot is sickening, as the old line goes. Literally in this case. I enjoy drama but… well, I feel for the folks in Oz land. It seems that our super spreader GOAT isn’t quite home free yet. He’ll be asked to produce documents upon entering the country and they must give reasons. From what I’ve read the only really valid reason is a severe allergy to ingredients in the vaccines. There are other medical conditions but none that a healthy young athlete could possibly have.
Beyond this farce I have an uneasy feeling there’s going to be a sh*tstorm around the AO. The omicron variant is wildly contagious even if you’re vaxxed. A huge tennis tournament is a really bad idea imho.
I agree with you Ramara. The first Grand Slam should be held elsewhere.
Sweden could be a good choice.
So is he going to be kicked out!?

The furore over all this is huge.
If nothing else, the tone and manner in which Novax has communicated throughout all this has been utterly insensitive and cringeworthy.
Time and again we have heard how unfair it is that he isn’t loved and appreciated like Fedal. Well we are seeing up close and personal the enormous gulf in class and integrity between him and Fedal. And Andy for that matter; I especially enjoyed Andy’s witty tweet about getting his 3rd microchip injected into him.
Anyone else see the hilarious interview with Demon and co? Excellent!
They need to come clean and reveal reason for the exemption otherwise it could be serious
Laver has said he has to come clean or things are likely to get ugly.
Oops! Obviously amu is me amy…
amu sounds remarkably like emu which seems fitting for the moment and geography…
In fact Novax is behaving remarkably like one ie having his head in the sand..
All he has to do is reveal the reasons for the exemption.
Interesting new rule on bathroom breaks.Three minutes.I wonder is Novax exempt from that as well?
I’m sure his doctors are providing the necessary documentation to show he needs longer..

Meanwhile, there’s this: https://sports.yahoo.com/novak-djokovic-reportedly-denied-entry-to-australia-due-to-issues-with-visa-vaccine-exemption-162231804.html
Incredible. This is not over yet, not by a long shot.
Novak Djokovic’s entry into Australia rejected after exemption papers queried
Apparently Novax’s visa has been cancelled and he’s been told to leave the country.
His lawyers are appealing the decision.
Incredible if true…
Apparently he hasn’t been able to demonstrate sufficient evidence for the exemption.
Multiple sources are now reporting he’s been told to leave the country. Looks like it’s true.
Going off topic here, unbelivable how Moutet lost this …Ill never back him again
So…spend 12 hours on a plane. Spend 8 in the airport including 3 in a cell. Get told to leave tomorrow…
Tiley should resign.
From what i read the exemption might not be the reason ,its his visa.
His visa?!!!!! How could that be? It’s not his first time participating in this tourney!!! How could he even bungle that?!!
Apparently the visa wasnt correct this time for someone with an exemption. So there was a connection it would be too big a coincidence otherwise.
But to be fair there were others with exemptions who were allowed in and no one questioned their integrity or asked them to disclose the reason for exemption .
Exemptions to play tennis?!
In any event, anyone who is not willing to take the vaccine, save for medical reasons, should not be allowed to participate in the tournament, FULL STOP!! If that’s the rule no one should be allowed to circumvent it!! All these exemptions just only complicate things and human beings r good at creating complications but suck at remedying them!! Novak should not be allowed to participate given his stance and it should have been made very clear from the get go!!! But truth be told, I won’t miss him!!
Any country/tournament that requires vaccine for tournament participation, should not be allowed to continue hosting that tournament, FULL STOP!!
Um, do we know that they didn’t disclose the reasons for their exemptions? There’s speculation that Djokovic’s exemption was based on his having tested positive for covid within the last 6 months – you can’t get vaccinated within 6 months of having covid, apparently. Anyhoo, apparently there was some doubt about his “exemption” (gee, why would that be? could there possibly be doubt about the word of Serbian doctors?). His visa problem was that the team member who did the paperwork requested the wrong visa, since the one Djoker has requires a vaccination, not an exemption. Red tape. Or the bureaucracy screwing around. The Djokovic “exemption” did not sit well with the Aussie public and elected officials aren’t happy about that. Pick your poison.
Anyway, Djoker has hired an Aussie lawyer to appeal his case. In case you’re worried I read that he’ll be allowed to isolate in a hotel, not his holding room pending a decision. And yes, he’ll have his cell phone to entertain himself.
Who are these “others?”
Y on earth did Novak allow himself to get into this pickle? He should have gotten confirmation about entry long before getting on plane!! I mean this really should have NEVER happened . Already he has attracted so much controversy with this Covid/vaccination, him and his team should have ensured the all clear before packing his bags! This is really a sad state of affairs and completely unavoidable. His legacy is really taking a bashing as this is his second slam where he has been banned from playing, all self inflicted causes. Sigh! So what does this decision mean for the rest of the grand slams this year as far Novak is concerned? He is now not eligible to play at the rest of the slams?!
I believe France has said athletes must be vaccinated to compete in French events. No such mandates have been made in the US and the UK, but both countries do officially require vaccination for entrance by foreign nationals. Last year there was an exemption for athletes in the US but that exemption has since been revoked. There are also very limited medical exemptions and it’s possible to fly in unvaccinated on a diplomatic visa, but it seems iffy if he’d be able to attend the US Open without some political jockeying. (Plus it’s nearly impossible to do anything in NYC without vaccination proof although he can just stay in a rental) It would be far easier to take a vaccine that hundreds of millions of people, including top athletes in every sport, have taken without incident.